t I THE DAILY BEE OJVLAKA EKtDAY , OCTOBER 27 A MODEL HURRAH. The Valentino Mooting at Grand Je'nnd Painted by a Master Hand. Fnneronl GAtherlnc find Feeble Attempt to Explain. Correspondence of THE ULE. GRAND ISLAND , October 25. For some week or tori days previous to lasl Saturday the good people of this vicinity had their attention called to largo posters containing the announcement - . mont that there would bo n grand republican publican rally at this place Saturday , October 21 , the chief attraction of which would bo that much abused but very good individual who so lately has boon converted to the belief that the dear farmers aud workingmen are really the only classes who have any rights and need any legislation , namely - ly , as "tho boys" would say , "Oar Val , " the great champion of the down-trodden , over taxed and op pressed p'eoplo , Our heavy Rims , in a political way , were very buty spread * Ing the good news to the community at large and the farmer * ) in particular , telling thorn to bo auro and turn out , M the anti monops would receive fluch n drubbing at the hands of a prominent member of Special order No. 220 as would ef fectually lay them on the shelf for all time to como. The aforementioned heavy guns made claborato prepara tions to receive the conquering hero in a style befitting ono wno occupies such a prominent position of trust and confidence in the minds of the U , P. management. The band wagon was trotted out nnd the U. P. band boys . took their acato preparatory to ntart- ing for the depot. At about ono o'clock a special train arrived , from which alighted the Went Point states man , followed by llio Valentine Glee club. The line of march waa headed by the band , followed by the farmm' friend , accompanied by Gcorgo H , ! Thnmmel ( who , by the way , iu the U. P. attorney at thia place ) , arid : number of other politicians. After pawing through several of our princi pal streets they drew up at the pmllion ! eroded for the occaciou and unloaded bag and baggage. But , much to thuir chagrin nnd disappointment , the poo- pit ) , for rcaeonn bcit known to tlum- selven , neglected to put in their np- T pcarancd and bo convinced by the mighty logio of this "posoy girdon" farmer. They were not the joliiest crowd in existence the rest of the afternoon and the big fizzle cast a gloom over the proceedings which ( m their mind * ) was to have been a nun a glorious victory sort of a triumphal march , you know. In the ovoninqlieldorkrantx hall was comfortably filled by people anxious to satisfy their curiosity and hear the awoot Bongstoro of the wild , wild west. Mr. Dawcs made the opening speech , and it teemed to bo the general opin ion that if ho had boon allowed to occupy the floor a longer time ho would have done as much good for the cause as Valentino did it injury , which IB oaying a good deal , lie apoko in a straightforward , manly way , and did not degrade himself by low , per > sonal attacks or by 'a sanctimonious rehearsal of every good deed done in his life , either in private or pub'io , but took up political issues and htm- died them in a fair and open manner. Mr. Wiltse , the chairman of the mooting ( who also has a fat thing at the hanas of the U. P. management ) next introduced , with a very pretty little story about the most clubbed apple tree bearing the best fruit , itc. , the gentleman who occupied such a prominent position in the United States cavalry that Secretary Stanton saw flt to give hia name mention in a special order. As ho stopped to the front and commenced to speak his ! little peace ho reminded your oorros- pendant of tbo little boy who had boon disobeying hid pnront and when caught ia thu a < rt tried to oxplnin lib conauct by laying ho wanted lo bo jrood and meant to do right and if ho had been naughty ho didn't think ho deserved a spanking , 'cauao all the other boya had boon just as bad as as ho was , IIo actually had the check and unblushing effrontery to say that his vote on the harbor and river steal was east after careful research and ex amination ; that ho then and now con ; sidered it the proper thing to do , und that his reason for voting for it wan ) that ho considered it in opposition to ) the gigantic monopolies of the coun try and u aovero check upon them , ; But ho was very careful not to men : tion that some , and , in fact , n largo number , of the stream * on which thousands of dollar * Are to bo epont nro not respectable frog-ponds , lie Explained his very unsavory record iu the star route cases by stating that the man. on the frontier has as good a right to a frequent mail o the man in New York or Chicago , hut failed to ; notice the fact that ono on account of business mutt have rapid transit for his communications in order to carry it on , and that the man on the border of civilization has no moro use for a daily mail than ho has , for the Wall street quotations , Bo was very anxious to draw thu at tention of his audience to his record for the last lour years And no more. He refrained from mentioning hia previous record with studied care. : No doubi ho would have plead youth and Ignorance if ssk.d about it and claim ho was misled by older and as he thought wiser men. lie brggcd for votes in the most pitiful manner , but vie think lie will fltid it without effect when the votoa como to ha counted , Ho was followed by Judge Musou who made a speech which for tbo number of rrutal , degraded and indecent remarks is equalled by fov end excelled by nono. No true en- [ tleman would bo guilty of carrying a 'political debate into the depths of slime aud personal ubuso which ho did , and ho was heartily condemned and censured by all present regardless of party. lie could aay nothing too [ hareh or indecent about Senator Van Wyck. Bat he also was very care ful not to call to the atten tion of his hearora to his own conduct in 1872 when ho L tumped this state in company with J , Sterling Morton. It was as tonishing how forgetful aonw of these would-be lUteuien were of their own records when abusing some ono else The Glee club , which accompanie the outfit , got off some songs whic Val no doubt thought were very cute but they will aoun.1 rather flat aftc election , as did the songs of nome o the old campaigners when it was th fashion for every speaker to bo ao cooipanicd by a Glee club , I rometn bor ono which , before election , WA connidorod a very neat thing , but th parties who sune in it comowhat resembled sombled the Valentino outfit ; the , worn good on thn brag , but the ; couldn't poll the votes , It sUrted ai follows : 'At ' Llmlcnwo.iil llio fox h lio'ed , And the conns nil laugh to lunr it told : With n hit. 1m , h > , want n nominee Is .fniuei K IVilt , of Tennessee. " It'a alt right boys ; have your gooi time , for you will all feel bad enough after election , nnd if you don't lauih { now you won't have n ohnnce for some time. The lion. J' . P. Ingalla of Iowa speaks hern on next Thurs day in behalf of the anti-monopoly movement , and wo opine that ho will not havu the mortification of facing empty licnohon ; and there will bn no powerful monopoly with ita hired at- torneyo or npeuul train to give the inciUiiif , ' n booot either. Our city is making many imprjvo inento , and men of cnturpriso nnd buiincis forun'nht nro investing in brick blocka And building lota to quite an extent Wo have ft largo improve ment in thb fllupo of n big flouring mill , which clalma it OAII UEO up the unliro wheat crop of this vicinity. It looks na though wo were ' .o have a irosporous and subatnntial city , but ho uverago Grand Islander will never jo oatuficil until wo reccivo what be * ougo to ua , and which , on account of iur peculiar location , wo nro going to mvo , namely , the Oipitol building. MOKE ANOK. Branford. PA- Thoj. It'itclmn , Urndford , Pn. , writco : 'I cncloH ) mimey for SntiNO DI.OSHOM , in ald I would K it cured tne. Aly dye pep- In linn vaaishcc ) , with oil itn lymiitouiii. ilnny tlmnic ; I hall never be without It n llio liousc. ' Price , CO cents ; trial hot- ICP , 10 centt. _ _ . Notlor. The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex clsior Roof Paint , " was patented May lth , 1881 , and ottcre patent num- cr 241. 80a Any pcuon found ol novai to tamper with the mann acltiro of snid paint will bo paniali d to the full extent of JCTT. No pir- on has any authority whatever to sell occipta. ILuvTiiouN & BKO. , Lancanter Pn END JNOr 'ho : Mlndou Murdorcrs Still nt Largo with Purouorn Afcnr Thorn. The latent in rcgnd to the Minden iurdoroi'4 in thp.t they are still nt ugo with Gen. Alexander and a p.tr- y in cloau pursuit in nor thorn K'in- as. The aherilF of Trcgo counly , Kansas , passud through Lincoln on Vodneadoy , having in charge two ac- ompliooii of the murderers , who are lao charged with horse stealing , and rill bo piosocutcd under that nnd the ther charge. Dick Belmont , the leader of the ang , is from California , but has pent tbo last five yuara in Kinsas , 1 lubraska and Colorado. The sheriff ran fearful that the prisoners might Q tnkun from him and lynched , upon rriving at his destination. William Stadleman writes to The jincoln Journal from Orleans under ate of Tuesday , that a man living fty-fivo miles southwest of the North Solomon , reporting that four brothers ave been hying in a very peculiar ray about twenty milca from Lonoua , [ ansaa , and ono of them much ro- ambles thn man who killed Jack Voods. The men have boon living in Delusion , and their houau is a regular artificntion in a spaiaoly settled coun- y. They have considerable stock round their plnco , nnd it is believed hey are ono of the murderer's party. ho men loft homo about two weeks go nnd hove not yet returned. The ournal , however , takes no stock in ilr. Stadlomau'a story. Alexander tendu mi account of his iiuvcinotita , but The Uoiivcif Tnbuun ma tlv. > follpwing in relation to hi * ar- ival thuro : Secretary of State Alexander , of STobrasko , arrived in the oily yestor lay to post the nuthorilkn hero on llio Minden murderers nnd horao thiovef. Dick Belmont and Mart Golomanuliiia . Matt Zimmerman. The exploits of heao two men uro well known , ua they liavo been reported in Denver by toi- gruph. They had long boon auspast- d of horao-thieviiiK , and fruah depu tations committed in Ilitcbcuck couu- y , Nifbrnski' , cauaett the resident * lioro to make a midnigl't raid. They mine upon the tire ueu as they were mining off some thirty horses , A unning Gght onauod , and Sheriff kVooda , Udputy Shorill' Collins and V , K Kelly were killed In the melee ind Belmont and Ximmenuan escaped inharmod. Tire men who had been miployod by the robbora were arrest- d and are hold , Whan the killing of the ofHoials bo- jamo known posses of men were organ- zed and n chase ensued. The thieves ind murderers kept ahead of their pursuers , however , although the latter vuro oomotimea only a few hours be 3 hind , The two fugitives struck duo south , and went over the line into Kansas. They rode with but very little real. When their horses ahocrod signi of giving out , they atolo fresh > IIOK , und thus lost but little time. Arrivini ; in central Kiiifcas they turned tlioit nourso westward , and on Mon- iky > / ro reported neur the Colorado line , xvhera they had stolen fresh and oJiitinuod thn run , Sic.-utary Alexander was ono of the puvsj.-ra und upon learning of the ihnuu > i | taken by the thiuvca con- dudcd t'ley ' were hoadinq for Denver. IIo thurt'foro jumped train andcttmn ncro , intending to head them olT and ilaee the oflioura on their guard , At die ra i : ili0 two ra n were uulni : they nrcra duo in Donvur 1 ycatordiy or lest night , Mr , Alexander IB ado a i thor 3U-h ( search of the city , but could not ind thoin , so that it ia not probable : hat they have come hero , He do- it oarted for Lincoln on last ovoning'u Lturlinaton & Missouri train. Mr. Alexander is an old Coloraloan , ind met many f Honda her ? . I ] a was member of the old First 0-jlorado it lavalry volunteers. IIo enjoy i rough iding , aud took great ploasuni in hia eng chase through Nebra.ka and J aniu , STATE JO . .TINGS. A yonnc man nftmed L ster lind li ! leg broken ht Beatrice on the 23d by h kick from a bone. 1) . & M. ftgento ara hnyl' c thi tfcht of way between Beatrice and Tecuiniwri , and grading will be commenced by November Heed , the le Witt wife murderer , IIM hctn Indicted for murder in the fitot de gree , and t o cne cunllntiod till spring tt he his attorneys time to procure eii § ence of lii.i Insanity , T.m Hurley , the hone thief nrrc 'a 1 a Ultio 'Springs , could not lie convicted on Ing to IHCK of evidence. Hut ui he tried to eno < pc from jail at llantrlce l > y ttnrtlng n fire In It , they e.tlt d him fu ; livn > ear < i In the pen. Near Klftirg City , on tlio llth , Chw Doik , ned 1C , c.iiiRUt nfnt In the ntlnui In dlotnnuntlnij from mule , and in trying to get It looro Beared the nnlmal , which ranaway nnd dragged the boy n long di * tance , kicking him nt almost cvoiy | umi The boy wai badly Injured , but will re cater. A ro-jponsible party will buy a bank ing business or open a new bank in n good live town , Interested parties address 1 * . O. drawer No. 01 , Omaha , Nob. 1C Ot Barber shop nnd bath rooms for ate , Shop invoices at nearly ono housand dollarii. U ill sell for f 800 ; > irt on titno , Rrnoon for selling : Wish to go to Colorado for my wife's icnlth. F. J. MotlKMiY , i ! ) a. * Atlantic , la. Tito Railrouda nnd the Cattle Bay nia- pccinl Dtppatch to Tun HKK. CinoAau , October 20. A local pi- ) r aays there ii contidornblo il ! > f ul- ng in nnd around the stock y.irda ) wiug to the uxutenco of a pool wliioli \baorb3 very ncnr nil the western cat- lo. The pool , it la nlntcd on good authority , is fonucd of Nelaon Morris nd L. Doud & Co. , of Chicago , and II. Moyere , of NenYork. . Every day uno or two bujoru rcproaentiug the ombination , or avndicato as it is call- d nt the yards , accuru pretty nearly 11 the wcE'rn cattle. Uat0idors nrunting a lolul cr.nuot bo accommoda- cd even at an incroaBod price. The ombination ia nhipping nil purchaaoa o very few pt-oplo , mostly in Now Tork and Philadelphia. Outnidora ny ho notion vf the ? ' " ( ? is ma"ifct y detrimental to tollcra , a by an nrrangompnt with .rlnin cotnuiia&ion men they nre buy- wf at their * ov'n pticcc , und by ruventing competition are injuring ho seller. Outsiders at the ynrda lame the commiauion men more than tioy dp the mcmborHof the ayndicato , or without the ntftintanco o ! the ormer the latter could not buy up nil liey wish to nfc the expenao of the cllora and to the oxcluaion of the igher biddcra and to the gonoinl inparagemont of thu trade. Thia a.i been put MO forcibly to the com- iiHaion men that u kick on their p it a looked for. Whi'n they have ccoivid u load , no mnttur how inti- nato thu fricnct or how good n cuato- nor wantn i ; wcntorn beef or BO to fill rdora , they dp.ro not uell him oven no , ns they uay if they do the eyndi- ito will not take the rest. Ono of 11 : alleged syndicate , on being quca- oncd concerning the above , denies 10 whole story and saye , "When 10 railro.ida treated us a little nero decently , why wo were able to ay something were hero for our utlo , but so long an the railroad inrko can awallow about all of our rolitn wo certainly cannot afford to ay the old-timo pticco for cattle wo hip. I toll you Finlc'a pool ia nt the ottom of it all. Farm era and p ro ue ra everywhere nro made to suffer eciUBO of this gigantic monopoly , and U that I have to say ia that ao long a the law of the land pormita this ooliug ayatcm , juat ao long will the car commercial public bu made to ulljr. Tlio FirjUt la Now Yorli. jicclal rjiipatch to TIIK UIIK : NKW YOIIK , October 20. Thu re- ublican couuty convention mot last itht ; nnd after a long aession endorsed 11 thu nomineoa of thu citizens' com- nittoo except Win , A Butler forcuuu- y oomniiHioiior. Atler a lonu nnd arnrat li ht John J. O'Brien wna ominntod for that ollico Titoanti - volly-Tammany county convention ndorsed the citiVna' tjol { t , Shorniau SpeocUlfylin ; . Special Dispatch to The Uce. Lc\VKNwoinn , Kas. , Octobar 20 I'ho weather -Aus line ycatordny nnd .ho shooting of the iirat day of the irmy nib match wns good. Generate Sherman and Shuridnn were present ind were greatly plowed , (5v norp.l Sherman uddrecacd the school of ap plication. luillctuioiitn Special illepatLh to Tun UKK. NKW YOHK , Ooobsr 20. The grand jury yesterday found indictments against three policemen for violation uf the election laws , intimidating vot- pra and frauds. One repeater was alee indicted and a number who registered fdlffply. Indictmonta were found nr > nn8t W. D. 0. Rawson , telegraph operator , and'Gjorgo Hjcd , conductor of. the New Haven train , charging them with the responsibility for the late Harlem tunnel disaster , Fatal Firework * | > ocl U IUiatch ) to TilK JliK. PHILADELPHIA , Octobar 25. An accident at the itro works exhibition in the park last night resulted from the bursting of the iron stats in a largo mortnr before they were shot from it. Thus' far aovon people have ilicd from the eflVcti of the injuries and out ) died from heart diaenaotstipor induced by unnatunl excitement at thu time \Vnlt XVUtiu.ui 111. ipcibl DU ) > atch to Ttn UKK. OAMHEN , N. J , , October 20 Walt Whitman io ao ooriously ill from Uright'a diaraao that few hopea of hia recovery are entertained , Daulel 1'Uuk , of Brooklyn , Tioga rouuty , 1'a. , described It thug ; "I rode thiity lulloa for a bottle of TiiOMAb" Ki'LEO- ruio OIL , which alfectid the vvndtrful ure of a rtvoXci/ limb tu ttx Applications ; proved worth more than gold to mo. " 3LAVEN'S YOSBMITK COLOGNE Undo froir tbo wild ( lowers of the MH FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEN la the moat fragrant ot perfum t Manufactured by H. B. Slavon , San Francisco. For sale in Omaha by W , , Whltohouae aud Kennaia Bros. , fcOo , QUI iK TIME. Oourtshlp , VJbirriageond Doeer tion iiH Three Days , All tlio Uoault of a MAU Gottlug Drunlca d Then Sober. Spoc'al to Cincinnati Cotnmeichl. NKW YonK , October 23. A woman of common appearance , thirty years old , who gave her natno ns Mra. May Shibloy , went to police hoadquartori to-day ivndmado i&quirien for her hiu band , Henry Frederick Shiblcy She aays that aho was married to him on Friday cvotiinq last , and thnt he dia appeared on Saturday. IIo had boot acquainted with her only two day a previous to their marriage. In reply to questions , oho said that her hus bind waa a farmer , of Noffoll , Tov. . * and thnt ho waa a nr.iivo of E inland , andwaathirtv jnrjulu. . She horse i wan horn in Jdbkdon , Miss , but she liud lived 111 thin city soyora years , Qupoorting horaolf by link- tig wox fbwcrs. llor natno bo fnro her marriage rrci Mo > Evans , On Wednesday evotiing oho met Shiblcy iu the Atlantic Garden in the Bowory. lie had arrived from Iowa only a few houru proviouu to the meeting and ho was much under the ir lluencn of liquor. Two men , \ho appeared to bj acquaintance' , were with him. He introduced' himaelf to her in the garden uud treated her to Ir.gcr beer. When they had talked together aoino timn , ho said that he had come to Now York to meet a dia ler who would arrive from Europe on n steamship of the White Star Linn. Women were appreciated in Iowa , he ndded , beoauao they were so acarce. He had n largo f-rm at Newell , and was well off financially. "I never loved a woman before , " ho auid , "bull really love you. I will give you § ' 10 n month und pay your traveling expenses if you will go to Iowa and be my housekeeper. " The woman said that oho accepted his oflor , and they wont to the rooms of Mrs. M. D. Wilson , on the top floor of the tenement house , at G ! ) James Mrs'nt. Shibloy know Mm , Wilson , nnd oho provided a room for the wo- num. Ho drank heavily that night , and was drunk on Thursday , when ho proposed that the Evans woman should bo his wife instead of hia house keeper. They wont to the National Theater , in the Bowery , in the evening - ing , and aat in u box. Shibloy scattered silver coin among the boys in the gallery and produced ochooncro of bser for the orchestra. Ho was atill vorydrunk on Friday , but ho wont with the woman to the Mia- sion Ohapol of the Five Pointa of In dustry nt 8 p , m , whore they were married by thu llav. S. .7. Ferguson , Mrn. Wilaou and her huabatid being witnessea of the ceremony. Shibloy said that an undo in England had died , leaving him about 200,000. Ho gave to hia bride , tor safe kcop- iiur , a largo roll of bank notes , of which four were of the denomination' of $1,000 each. * When Shiblcy awoke from a pro found aloep , on Saturday morning , ho appeared to be moro sober than at any time in their acquaintance. Ho took his roll of bank notes , saying that ho wished to get one of the § 1,000 bills changed. The marriage certificate and a wedding ling which he had given to hia bride , ho took also , 'i'ho carti'if\cato \ lacked u date , nnd the ring had co inscription. Ho promised to return both to her to gether , with money enough to buy a wedding outfit. His wife did not see him again. It was her belief to rt ly that thieves had murdered him. Mra. Wilson and the police thought that Shibloy had repented of his mar riage and had fled from tlio city. There was no information about him on the police records. When Shibloy reached the city on Wodnea- d y ho registered nt the Cosmopolitan hotel. It was said at the hotel to-day t int ho wae not there. The two men who were hia companions at the hotel , hul gonnatrny. The record of Slab- loy'r marriago.io filed in the bureau of Vital eristics. His wife said that she would romfiittt No CO Jnmoa street fjr the present , in Ihu hupo of hia ro- tu.n It was possible , aha thought , he might ho wandering ubout th'n city intoxicated. The lli-v. Mf Furgu son stated that ho notice ! that Shibloy trap under the i&iluonco tiMiquor on Friday evening after the' marriage ceremony Ind been performed. METHOPOLIT'AN HOTEL , OMAHA - HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best the mtuJrot allurds , The traveling publio claim they get bolter accommodations and moro general satisfaction here than at any other house. In Omaha. Rate , $2 per day. ang21tfm Attontloo , KulKUtal All brothers wishing to go to Coun cil Bluffy Thuredty morning , October 20 , to attend the IOWA Grand Lodge session nnd parade will meet at their Oaatlp lull , ut 7 o'clock a. m , Hound trip tickets , 00 cents. By order of the committee' . En. Wmiu , Secretary. JJcddlns's J'.ussin | iJMve In the lioiiko niul use Koddins'u lltisslim Suln ! thntabla. . TIT it. Tbo Great Jtinglish Never Mill ta cuie KonouiUctilUt ) . VI- tul txhaustlon , Ktnl > - Hcmlnil WmX- \ HOO'D. and all the jl tU ttfcctd of youth jrul foil i on and uxco- iin. ; It n'.0n per ma uciitly all uralenln 'in uluiitr.ry IOJBI e and line ujwn the cjj j M , tUetiieltat > Io ro- * * * * ' ' ' * iT iJ 'r " ' * a > l > f7W < ut of thcia enliirac- tlci * . hlch we eo Joitrantlvo to rnltid ami Vody and ruaVo llfo mlwrable , oltcn leadluj to Insani ty and dcatlL It treni'thoiu tbo Ketiw.Hnhi , ( mciu } ( IJlooa , Musvk , Pl.'WtUo audHerro- dui.ttxoUn us. It restore * tall the orwule funitlcju their fonuor lxa * an" vitality , inv Hup llfu cheerful and onlojoUo. rrlce.jaa > oUId , or four time * thfl qu nlty $10. bent by im.rv-JJ. vtxtua from oMvr\atlou.'to ! auv adilrtja , on receipt ot prico. No. 0. O. D. eant , uxcept ou rocelnt of * 1 aj a 1-uarantoe , Uters rt rui tlnK aniwcri tuujt Inclose fctamp , Dr , Mintle's Dandelion 3illa r.re tbt boat and chcapcal djiepsla ; and bllllotu euro In the rnuktl. SoU l > y " druguljta. Prlcn (0 ccuU. , D MWTII'I KiKNiT BBHor , KwawjcpYi Oaronrll kludof Kldnoy nd bladder coruplalnte. Ifouorrhoa , plcut and leucovrhoa. Tor tali by all _ INSTITUTK. . , St. LouU , lio. 100,000 TIMKEN-SPRINC VEHICLhS MOW IN USE. us ml others for oa > y riding , etylo nd durability , They nro for tmlo hy nil Lending Car { ago Builders and Dealers throughout ho country. iPJJINGS , GEARS & BODIES For ml b Henry Timken , 1'atcnltt. ' mtiulldcr ol Fine c'atrlai ; ' B , . oncraces , - - r cco. itoesBS a co , K L , Sommers & Go's CELEBRATED BISCUITS , OAKES , JUMBLES AND NOVELTIES Wholesale Manufacturing 1ND DEALERS IN Fruits , Nats and Cigars- . Ill S 14th St. OMHfl , - - WEtiTJbLKJN 0. SPEOHT , . - Proprietor. 1212 Barney 8t. Omrlia , Neb , MANUFACTURERS OP ( Mvanizei CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , P1NIALS , Tin , Iron aud Slate Eoofing , Spcoht's Patent Motalio Skylight. Patent Adjusted Rntchot Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am thi ) general agent for the above line of goods. IKON VEKOINIi. Q-nillnjtk , U Iuiirnd , Vc"cndu , , OTlnit BanV Railing Window and O'.ll f Ouardis ; Kite JVMRU.A.V. f.UWV UOOUS ! n Hot Weather Mix with Fine Ice. n Cold Weather Mix with Hot Water. Add Lemonade ( when Convenient ) to the TaHte. The 'HUIJlUS'Ca"H of superior qualltv.and \vlthiuarkcdpopularfa\or as a healthful < nd ] > alatablo ilflnk. It li preparitl Millie-feat care from tlic best mv torlali nud will bu lound an iijrccahlo addition to tbo choice thins i of the table \\tlth undonla- lily cnla'ifothopluxburcs of life aid encomuj-o itoo'l fcllonDtilp anil nooJ riaturo If rightly en- Joj od. Families , Club' . Hotels , Excursions , Picnics and Yachting Parties Pro nounce Hub Punch Unrivalled. Tho"JIUCrUNCU"l siM bya'l Icadlujjfam lly giouta anil nlno merchants. Trade tiippltitl at MaMtfactuicr'a prices ly M. A. McNttmara , Omaha. Families uipplicil ly A II. aiadatone. OmnJui. Ntl. Mra J. O. Roberteoa , i'ltteinire. Pa. , writes : "I was bUtf trlnpf f rom general debility , nant of up * potltc , constipation , etc. , eo tlmtl Ite was a bur- CD ; alter uslnic Ilurdock lllooj Hitters I felt bet- tr than for jean. 1 cannot praUe } our Illtton co much , " R.aibbs. of flultnlo. K. y. , v\rlU : "Your lurilock Diet > Hitters , In chronic diseases of the ilood. llvtr ftiiJ klilncja , hate boon equally marked with tmcccas. 1 ! m e tisod them in ) e lf with boat risults , for torpidity ol tha liter , and In : MCO | n friend of mlnu tuCfcrln ; lictatiopay , liu effect wag mart clout. " llruro Turner , Jloehejtcr , N. Y. , urltr * ' 1 na\c bocn tubjcct to mrloiu dUortler of the kldncje. nd unable to attend to bulnu ; llurJock lilood llttiTJ rultuvni mo bcforu luilt a bottlu as used feel fonQdciit that they ill entirely cure mo , " . Aaenlth Ho.ll , llin-lmmpton , N. Y. , nrltoc : 'I uullcrecl wilh & dull pain through my clt uiif and shoulder. Ixist tny spirits , appetlta nd color , and could \\ltlidlilictiuy keep up all ay. Took } our llurdork Wood liittcru as di rected , Mid line felt no ] lu glum tirtt week af. cr tiBlnt ; them. " Mr. Koah IJatt * . Klmtra. N , y. . writes : "About out ) tars ajo I Ind an tttaU , cf WHouif over , and \cr fully recovered , My dl.'et'hn orpins ete neuLtnul , and I vrouljli coinplctcly pron- rated for dajB , After inlnjf two bottlui ol jour Burdock I'.Iood ISlttcrv dim inprouincnt V.M BO Uihle that 1 vjasftiUT.hlu'rt. Icaiinow , thoaah Ijcaraofaso , da a fair uiJ ua nab'a ( ! % ) ' work , C. RKcket Hoblnson , propclt'tor of The CauSa , Toronto , Oit , writrt : "Kor oirs ! ureatly fror t oft rucurrin , ' headache. 1 used \ our llnmock IllooJ I'.Itttrd with happiest O3ufn ] , uiiJ 1 now luid ui < K\t \ In better nudtb hau f or J uari past. " Mo. WtlUeo , HuHalo , N. V , * writes ; ' -Jhais used Durdock J'.locxi lllttcm for ncncui and bll- i\ i iwla < Jii , and nui ri--cmmitJ it la anyone c i'j K tt ' 'uru for bUIloiuuuSj. ' lira. Ira MultaoHuid , Albany , K. Y , ni'.ttr ; 'For nexcnU y.arn I l.a\e tuflcied ficm eft u cur- rlni ; billloua hcadl.'hos , dyspciwla , and com- > UinU [ Hioullar to uiy tei. falnceolvg jour lurdock UloodllltteralamentlKlf relieved. ' ' Price , l.oo poi Bottle ; Trla Bottle * 10 OU FOSTER HILBUEN.&Oo Props , . , , , BUFFALO. N. Y. Bold at wholwJc by I b k McUabon and 0. T , Ooodaiaa. J 97 * od-mi 'A. M. OLARK , Painter&PaperHanger SIGN WRITER & DECORATOR. WHOLESALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER ! Window Shades- and Curtains , JOIINIOES CURTAIN POLKS AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brushes ! 107 Sonth 14th Street OMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA BOOK-KEEPING , BUSINESS FORMS , BANKING COMMERCIAL LAW , PENMANSHIP , POLITICAL ECONOMY , COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC , ENGLISH LANGUAGES Taught by gentlemen of business oxroriottcn and broad scholarship at the B H" II nOait A now institution based on the highest standard "of excellence. Day and and evening ecnsiona ate now in successful operation. For citcul.Miior npccinl information apply to ornddrosa A. \S7YMAN , , PERFECTION HEATING "AMD BAKING , ia only attained by using Stoves and Eanges. WITH .WIRE GAUZE OVER BOOKS , . For sale by/ / MILTON BOGERS& SONS ' * * - ] ull-m& lr The Oldest Wholesale afcd Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL- VBE WARS. CLOCKS , Rich- and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and ail descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call 'and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO , i OF SHOW OASES A. Large Stock always on Hand. HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. UAUK 11Y BIOHAttDSO.NBOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , : Embody now 1882 Impr ementg. Her , practical ten um ; Cost loss to kaep In older ; Una lend fnal ; will Rlvu moro boat and a larger volume of pore nlr thin any furnace made. Sold byriEUCKYIf BRADFORD , Omana. Neb _ _ _ _ _ | yj.l m $500 REVVARD. The al > OMi n-\\-aril 111 IH > paid to any | H.rsou ho " 111 producu a 1'alnt that will i < jual thu Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , for prrstnln ' Shindig Tin .ind Cra tl Itoofu. Wiirrantcd to lie 1'iru and \\utor 1'roof. All orders proniptlx ntti'iidal to. Chi.i ] > tr and bet ter tluu an } otln r palut no Inft \ - . STKW\UT& hTii'IIiSSl.\ : : . So' . ' I'ronrUtuM , Omaha lloiucuaulm , Nib. UKe'BBKNOBS. ! Olllccr & 1'itaoy , Ur.Kko , Dr. I'luncj , Fuller' Council II uBi , Iowa. lout UTAB/-I KOJ duuur WCO flf'i has THI5 imp AH , Nab MAKUFAOTURBRO OF Ooru Plumora , Hrrrowe.Fftrm Rollora autty Eay Kakoa , BUCRO& V/lndr , Wo are pripiud to do work and manufag' nrlutrfor other lattice. Addrnfial orlcr * NEbl.AHKA UANHrACTUlINO CO BULBS s : And all otnor for Pall rUDt'ng Large t a.s ort- ment rcr tbou n in Chlcteo- Illustrated CataUguo free , tiend for It. Hiram Sibley & Co. , SEEDMEN , WOm Raodolpb St. , - - - - Chicago , III THE LEADING IN Till ! KnSTI General Agents tor tlio Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. > ur prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID .stock ot Steinway Chickering , Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smitb American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us 'before pur chasing THE STEAM makes a specialty of Collars & Cuffs- , AT THE KATE OF Three Gents Each. ! AVork Bollcited from nil over the country. The chargeR and return postage intint no | company the packngo. Special rntoa to I large clnba or wjencies. WILK1KR &KVANS. EUROPEAN HOTEL , Tliamnatraiitmll' locitfcl hotel In the city. Rooms 76c , 81.00 , $1.60 and ( Z 00 pTila > . First ClaiM KciUiiraut conuocttd wltb the botd. . -HURGT. - - Corner Kouitu and Locubi Btrecti1. KSTADLISIIKI ) 165S. SIDE Sl'IUNO ATTACIIMENT-KO EU. * A. J. SJMPSON LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY HJ3 ttiJ 1111 UoJn Strut , aui ; 7-mo Cm _ OMAHA , Nun ? FAST TIKEBI Ia Kiln ; 1U.I Uku t o UMcap & j era Train * lea > o Omana 8:40 : p. m. and 7:10 : * . m Frr lull Information call on II. P. DEUKL , Ticko Acent , llth aud Farnam etv. , J. BKLL , U. 1' K-Ulwoy Dvpot , oral JAUVXT.CLAHK , Uuier MOEQAN PAEK MILITARY ACADEMY A CbrUtlaa family School for Boyi. Prepare - lor College , Scientific School or Ilualneu. ben to Capt , ED , N. KIRK TALCOrr. Principal , ! Uorrgar ajk , Cock Co. 111. atalotae.