Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1882, Image 2

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    II nt'f t.M * * -
Mr , ,
A Day of Feasting and Prayer
for Past BlGss.ngs Proclaimed
ly ) the President ,
The Entire ciovernment Hur
ries to New York to At
tend the Funeral.
, A Few Mora Facts Fished Up
From the Star Route
1 The Work of tha Ordnance
Bureau ; Our < east and
Inland Defences.
A Decision of Vnnt Importation to
Settler * on Rallraucl Iinnd < -
Special 1M patch to TIIR BEE.
TUB niEjiDKNT'a TttANKsniviNo rnoc-
WASHINGTON , October 2 ( ! . The following -
P P lowing Tutmkfgiving proclumntion hue
boun isauad by the president :
T10.S' .
In conformity with the custom , the sou-
eral observance of which In justly belt la
honor by thU people , I , Onost'r A. Ar *
thur , pieddent of the United Stages , do
hereby Bet npart Thursday , the 30th day of
November tn xf , us n day of public thanks-
givtmr * Too blesaloRH demanding our
prntitucb nrtt numerous and varied. For
the i > mca nnd amity which subsist between
ttm republic nnd all tbe nations of the
world ; f > r freml.nn from internal discord
nnd violence ; f ir iu Teasing friendship he-
twtcn diifuienc section < iF the Inncl ; for
liberty , jiibt'ee and constitutional govern
ment ; for devotion of our people to our
free institutions anil their cheerful obedi
ence to mild JIIWB ; for the constantly in-
creahi htteaiittiof the republic while ex.
tending hs piivllegcs to felloe man who
cotno to u ; for improved mennnof inter
nal and increased /nullities
of iuterccmrsn with other imtiout ; for the prevailing hoAlfi of ths year ; for
the prosperity of nil our iudusliies ,
liberal return fjr mechanic.- ) ' toil , af
fording market for abundant har
vests of husiiandmcn ; f < > r the prescrvdiion
of n : > tiUv > l fni''h and cre-tit ; for wise nud
generous provisions to illect the intellect
ual and moral education of i ur youth ; for
the influence up in cot science of restrain-
in ; ; nnd ennoblm < lo'ijion , nnd for jojs of
home -for these , and f r many other
blessinju , wo should give thinks. There
fore I recouimenit t at the day above des
ignated be observed throughout tbo coun
try as ad y of uiilonul t.nankseivinfj and
prayer , and .hit the people , ceasing from
their daily Inborn und meotlu ? in accord
ance with their Htiveral forma of worship ,
draw near to the throne of Almighty God ,
offering t > Him praise and gra itude for
the manifold need which He hat vouchsafed -
safed to u = , and praying that Hit bles inss
and iii rcie * may continue. Ar.d I do
further recommend that the day thus ap
pointed be mada a special occasion for
deeds * of hinrtueea and charity to the suffer
ing nnd neeJv , so tint all who dwell with
in the Lotd may rejoice and be glad in
thii Beaeon o national thanksgiving.
In witness whereof I hive hereunto set
my band and caused t e of the United
States to be nifixedi
Djne at thu city oi Washington this
2Bth day of October , in the year of our
Xoilfone thousand tight hundred and
eighty-two , and < > f the independence of
the United btated , one hundred and
WVCUtlu CllKSTKIl A. AhTIltm.
By the prpj'dent
Secretary of State.
Simchl Dispntcli to Tim BKE
WASHINGTON , October 20. The
president ban appointed Wm. 8. Smith
of Now York , Edward Kmgsloy of
MascaohnnottB , and Dwinht 1C. Tripp
of Rhode Inland , a , commission to ex
amine and report upon "DO miles of
road constructed by the Atlantic &
Pacifia railway company in Indian
territory and Arizona.
The proaidont , accompanied by Sec
retary Frolinghuyaon and Secretary
Lincoln left this afternoon for Now
Yorl , .
SicrfMry FrolinKh.uyoi.-a will ra-
av , ; y several days longer. The
expects in remain in Now
York until the 10th of November ,
whan ho will return and resume hta
roahlMioo nl the Soldiers' homo till
repairs in the white honso are com
Thu bureau of engraving and print
ing has boon directed topreparo jilatcs
for printing gold ocrtiflc tea of do-
nominatipni of $20 , $50 and SlOO ,
which will bear the oncravcd fiigaa-
turc of the treasurer and regiator of
the United States and bo iuaued from
the treasury in the aarna maUncr as
legal tender iiotea.
General S. V. Bennett , chief ot
ordnance , U , S. A , , in a rnport for
the year ended Jane 30th , 1882 , gives
the fiscal resources of the year , § 2- ,
733.U22 ; expenditures , 81,009,270. A
chapter is devoted to the subject of
armament of fortiGcations , in whisli
General Bunnntt says ; With the very
pressing need for sna coast armament
constantly before us. it ehould suem
oxpadiont to take advantage of our
own roaouroea to help provide for our
wania. It will dou lleeaha practicable
for us to produce guns of moderate
power , even from cast iron , provided
cast iron ba suitably strengthened
with steel hoops , or hotter , with hoopa
on exterior and steel tubes on the in
terior. General Bannott alco says it
la beliovad that with proper encour-
ageniont fluid guns can be made here
without the necessity of going abroad
for steel.
| JUeo.imiutnJation is madu for the
tmtntdiatu publication of tha results
of testa of iron and steel , and other
materials for industrial purposes pro
posed by congress , In the chapter on
militia , the chief of ordnance s'ays ;
"Oar standing army is a small one.
For the defense of thn country our
main dependence is our militia , It
/ should , thesofore , be kept in
W tbe best condition posbible
for actual service. Volunteer organ
izations in every state and territory
should bo encouraged and every off or
made to prot.ioto their efficiency it
drill nnd discipline , nnd lunka them
ckillful in the nso of their nrms. I
is the best way , nnd the only wny ti
render them buro and safe rolitviico oi
the breaking out of war , and bofaro i
little campaigning has inured thorn t (
the hard oorvice nnd disciplined then
Into old soldiers.
Frntik II. Fall charged with nt-
tempting to corrupt a star routi
juror , anrrpndcred himself to-day.
Special Counsel Wo Is , representing
the government , and lliddlo & Davis ,
coutiBul for Falls , met in the police
cDurt ( bii afternoon , \o nrr ngo the
nmoiint of bail. Wells demanded a
bond amounting to $50,000 , which
defendant refused to furnish , nnd de
cided to appeal to ' dgo Snoll to
have the amount reduced , Pnyno's
case will come up for hearing Tucs
day. No day is set for hearing in
Falls' case.
Judg ) Stool accepted a bond of
$2,500 nnd Fall wan retained , to ap
pear biforo the police court from duy
to day , or whenever requested to do
The department of justice to-day
made public the first part of the re
port of special counsel , II. II. Wolla ,
appointed to aid in the trial of certain
criminal ofiunaoa alleged to have been
committed in the progress of the re-
cunt trial of the otar route cases BO
cjllud. Wolh aaya : The ntlidavits
show , if they uro to bo believed , that
membcra of the jury were offered
bribes in money for their votes , which
thny listened to nnd considered with
the persons thus attempting to do-
biuch them , and these solicitations ,
it is alleged , proceeded as well from
agents of the government as from
agents of persona on tml ; but I as
sume it can make no difference whose
agents made the disgraceful proposa1 ? ,
nnd that condign punishment uhcmld
Fall upon all guilty parties.
The case ot Juror Edwin A.
Doniphau is first considered ,
[ t appeara before tbo jury was sworn
ono Frederick E Shaw , member of
, ho regular panel , aaid to Duniphan
ie would like to got "on this caoe , "
ind having bctm peremptorily olul-
onged by Merrick foe the United
S rates , ho abused Morrick. From the
iffidavit of James Leonard it appears
mmodiatoly after Shaw had toatilidd
.hat ho waa an impartial juror and had
30011 rejected , ho said , "Oh , well ,
damn it , they will never convict them
anyhow. If I was on there
[ would hang out until hell
iroza over before they should
bo convicted. " At another time later
10 said he "would do anythinij in the
world to aavo Doraoy. " Shiw said to
Domphan , "Look here , I'vo got a
damned good thing for you , and I
will make a little mysolftao. I have
got money in my pocket to give you
i you will favor S. W. Doraoy. I
[ lave two or three hundred dollars I
can give you now and will make it a
thousand within ton days. "
Juror Wm. K. Brown makes aQi
lavit ho was approached on the part
of the government and off rid $2,600.
"Tho man , " aaya Brown , "was a
member of my lodge. I believe he
did not know what he waa doing.
His nnmo was Arthur Payne ( colored )
He brought mo an agreement. Ho
must have thought I was a damned
fool , I said , who sent you to me I
would like to ECU the man. Ho aaid
his name was Fall , As eoon as ho
said that I was confident they did not
intend to give mo any money but just
to see what I would say. I drove
him away. Ho said he wan to i to
convict Brady and Dorsey , any of
them It was my opinion ho was
putting up a job on me.
When Brown road the agreement
ho was to oign ho said to Payne , "I
am going according to the 'evidence.
Full is a damned rascal , and you can
both go to hell. "
\Vojla sa > a it is apparent from the
whole history of the alleged attumpt
upon Brown's virtue , it was not done
with the knowledge , in bahalf or in
the interest of the prosecution ; that
its guilty authors were neither agents
nor acted with the knowledge or ap
proval of any officer of the department
of justioa , and it was a carefully pre
pared conspiracy against the adminis
tration of justice. The prosecution
of Fall , Ptiyno , Thomas and Foote
and others not named , is recommend
ed for attempting to corrupt Brown.
The originals of the aflidavits pub
lished by Col , Ingersoll uro asked to
iuauro Rucce sful prosecution ,
In the Jtannetto board of inquiry
to-day Lieutcmant D-inonhower told
the story of the wanderings and perils
and sufferings of the men in the jour
ney from Bennett Island , August 0 ,
till September 12 , when thu party
left Stjmeonovflln Island in their boata
for a voyage ucross the open water ,
as it was believed that but little more
ice would bo encountered. The story
lias in effect boun told before in the
reports of Danonhnv/er and Melville
and the diary of Dt'Long.
consequent upon thd retirement of
Major Gaueral Irvin oloDowcll , were
announced by the president to-day , as
follows : Brigadier General John
Pope , to bo rntjor gunural , and
Colonel Roland S MaoICotizio , Fourth
cavalry , to be brigadier general , both
promotions to takt effect from to-dt\y.
The treasury department decides
that Chinese laborers residing in the
United States at the date of the con
firmation of the treaty of 1880 , have a
risjht to return at pleasure , and if they
left the country before the act of 1882
cannot be required to produce the
certificate prescribed by that statute.
The comptroller of the currency has
declared a dividend of five per cent in
favor of the National Banking Asso
ciation of New Orleans , making In all
sixty per cent.
The secretary of the interior haa
made a decision in the case of Winzoll
vs. the St. Paul , Minneapolis & Man
itoba railway company , construing the
third section of the act of April 21 ,
1870 , which declared valid the homo
stoAil and prc-ointion entries witliit
the limits of ex .roJ r.-ulroai grant ?
that may have been made at n tlnu
subsequent to the expiration cf the
cranls. The secretary holda that the
language tucd in the net : "at any time
subsequent to the expiration of snch
grant1' refers to dates nnmed in the
various granting acts to railroads na
the dates which roads njiould bo com
pleted nnd not to the time when
by legislative or judicial notion for
feiture might bo declared. Uu nho
holds that settlement and filing cin-
atitutes an entry within the moaning
of the act as wuli as under the gen
eral practice of thu Innd department ;
ns Wenzoll made hi * settlement nnd
Tiling in nccordanco with the preemption
tion law , his entry should cornu within
the confirmatory provisions of the
Dr. GcoreoM. Baird , of Now York ,
one of ( ho Biqnpra of the petition tor
stay of proceedings in Guitcau'a case ,
which was presented ttio piondont
Juno last , shortly before the prisoner
was hanged , has written n letter n lot-
: or to Attorney General Browster , in
which ho says the attorney general's
opinion in reply to the petition for
Stay of proceedings , contains two
very important misstatomeut of facts.
by Natives-
Special Dlapatth to Tui Dm.
Nnw BEDFORD , Mass. , October 2d
A letter received in this city from
Captain Crapp , of the lost echooncr
Surprise , of this port , at Basket island ,
tear Junta Arena , gives particulars of
ho lost , nnd who Bays the boat's crow
that ho hf cat the island was subse
quently massacred by Iho natives ,
ith tbo exception of a Portugucsuo
> oy. Ho uho aaya the boat's crow
) olonging to the British bark Hose-
teath , which foundered at aca , con
taining the innto nnd four men , were
alee murdered by the natives , except-
ng the mate , who was afterward res-
uud by some friendly Indians and
end to Valparaiso , whore he arrived ,
? ho third boat's crow have alco boon
nnaaacrcd by by natives at this point.
A Manager in Trouble-
pedal Uitpuch to TIIK UKS.
CHICAGO , October 20 Charles E.
jccke , the San Francisco theatre man-
ier , who was chnjgjdby Charles Mc
Donnell of the National printing com *
> any with being a fugitive from jus-
ice and an embezzler , wan disconrgcd
> y Justice Bray ton yesterday for wunt
) f prosecution. The court oeemo to
lave buon used as n debt collecting
goncy. No doubt Locke has made
oed to McConnell the sum which ho
was charged with embezzling , nnd in
oturn McDonnell agreed to drop the
Sale of the Nltltol Pluto Kond
pcclal Dispatch to TIIR BBK.
CLEVELAND , October 2G. A tolt-
; ratn from Now York to-day to local
irokera report the sale of n control-
ing interest iu the Nickel Plato rail
way to Vautorbilt . at seventeen for
ommon stock and thirty-seven for
referred. Officials of the road at
londquartora hero disclaim any know-
edge of the sales. A. prominent of-
icor of another road who is in Van-
terbilt'a confidence , was asked what
ie knew abont it. He evasively rc-
I'iod ' ho-wac not In a ponition to nay
anything about it at present , The re-
) ort is believed here ,
A Dirty Crowd.
Special Dispatch to TUB Bun.
NEW YORK , October 26. In the ex
amination of Edward Hanloy , Thomas
Gpuivan and William Platt , charged
with attempting to blackmail Walter
Vfulley on letters written to Blanche
Douglas , the latter testified she had
ived with Hanley as his wife , and had
buon intimate with a largo number of
uen. She had borne the names of
Blanche Donglas , Annie II in en nnd
Annie Maxwell , the latter name given
ler by Walter Malley. Her true
nnmo is Annie Zimmerman. Ono
light recently , in a boor saloon , Han-
oy told her he had taken her lottera ,
and intended getting money on them
When ho refused to give them back
o her , she broke three beer glasses
tis head. She lived , she said , on
nonoy sent her by Malloy , some $30
> er week.
Rospottnbln Gambling.
f pedal Dispatch to Til it linn
CAIGACJO , October 20. The decision
upon the question of the legality of
marginal dealings on the board of
rado was rendered in the Appellate
: ourt to-day. A commission firm
jrought ouit nguinst a customer for
narginal dill jroncca on a deal in grain.
L'ho lower court rendered judgment
or the amount claimed. The Appol-
ate court holds that the purchase of
grain for future delivery , whore it is
ivldont thatthoro is no intention to
actually deliver the grain , but to nol
le the diifjronco in price in money ,
comes within the law against gam-
) ling and the aggrieved party haa no
jround for aotion. _ _
An Aued Fool's Flight.
Bpcclal Dlapatih to Tur. Hi-.x.
MILWAUKEE , October 20 , John
Iciaer , formerly cf the tirm of Oar-
) eles , Iloisor & Co. , trunk manufiu-
urcra , disappeared with $25,000 ,
caving MB family destitute. Holder
withdrew from the firm in September
ast , realized all the money he oould
and decamped. Charges of criminal
ntimacy with a girl who worked as
dressmaker in Hoirer'a family are cur-
ont , Members of the firmtclalm that
iu took none of the firm's money , but
decamped finding that ho had got him
self into trouble. Ileiuoris ( Kf years
old , and the wife ho left behind him
is 05 years.
Reducing the Amount of WhUky ,
Bpoclal Dispatch to Tim BEX.
CHICAGO , October 20. The .West-
ern Distillers' association met hero
to-day and decided , in view of the low
price of high wines , to still further re-
iuce the production ten per cent.
This puts distilleries to running at
thirty per cent , of full oupaclty. Res
olutions were passed calling on the
government to take means to aupnrero
the alleged production of large
amounts of illicit whisky by manu
facturers of white wine vinegar.
Merchan and Dealers ihroughout the Entire West are invited
to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
The Brightest Lighted , Best Appoint id Jobbing lluiir.o in America , containing the
argost Stock of Dry Goods and Notion a west of the Miafias'ippi. Solo manufacturers
of the celebrated
McDonald's Overalls , Buck , Denim and Cottonade Paats ,
In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market
Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines.of samples , visit
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfaction - .
tion guaranteed , Remember
E. L. McPQNALJD & CO. , St. Joseph , Mot V
Gladstone Sits Town on His Op
ponents mill -Masterly
Thud , ,
A Vote of Thanks to the Army
Pasoed by an Ovnwhelm
ing Majority.
The Gorman Bleotiona Consid
erable of a Surprise to
All Parties.
Biemarck Finds Little in the
Change to Oomforb Hia
Old Age , .
The Palmer Bgyptilin Expedi
tion Murdered pythe
Tbo { Jamlnfj Trial oi ArnTjJ and.
Hia Followers General For
eign News.
Special Ulapatchea to Tim UBI.
LONDON , October 26. The com
mons was crowded this afternoon.
Oilko Eiiid no convention had boon
concluded with Egypt for charging the
cost of the unity of occupation on the
Sgyptians , The Soudan and upper
Egypt are undoubtedly dij'urbod , but
newspaper reports are exaggerated.
3rcat Britain haa not been consulted
n regard to the appointment of Baker
Cusha , but the government did not
object to .the appointment.
Gladstone eaiu the government now
md under consultation the impurtant
questions of freedom of navigation of
; ho Suez cinul in time of war , and
lest method of securing the people of
[ Sjypt control of inaturs ot legisla
tion and expenditure in their nation
ind extinction of nlavcry. It was in-
imated that the house would be in-
brined iu duo timu of thu result of
ho ijovernmcnt'u dchbawtions on
Special to the Wcirt-ru Asaoctntod
Fresh- Sir Wilfred Liwson , liberal
membsr from Oarllelu , opposed any
vote of thanks to the t.fiicoru und men
omposin the army in I' ypt , : ia ho
iad pit on notion ho would , Uo
hen moved the previous question
upon the proposition that the war was
in unjustifiable ono and a vote of
hunks V7u an act of homage to the
mlitary spirit , which brought num.
jurleaj ovilo into the woild. Division
vas oillod for on the motion of Glad
stone , and the motion v.'aa votpd
down 354 to 17 , tl-o latter campris-
ng four EnrjlisJi radicals and
hirtoen Irish members. Malloy ,
ionic rule member from Kings coun-
y , Ireland , next moved to leave out
, ho words "supprrseicmof militwyro-
iellic.1 , " Upon divuion the vote on
, his proposition stood , against 230 ,
'or 25 , the affirmative being four
English radicals and twenty-one Irish
numbers. The vote of thanks then
Debate upon precedence for rules
of procedure was resumed , lUikers
iioved 0.1 an amendment that clotura
bo confined to the speaker und chair
man of the ways and means commit ,
tec , and that the casual chairman bo
excluded from the exercise of it.
Gladstone accepted this amendment
and the house agreed without division
Lo the proposition ,
BKIILIN , October 20 Special cable
to the Western Associated Press ; The
results of ttio secondary elections to
the landtag , which occurred to-day ,
resulted n follows : There were
elected 417 Prussian legislators ; of
Llicae 128 were conservatives , 150 free
ccinnorvutivutt , 87 center , 05 national
liberals. 10 aecefl'.ioiiintB , ; jc progrei-
aintp , 17 Pules , " D.iuea and 3
purticularintB. Dr. Stern , democratic
nrojjrcssist , nnd Jato editor of The
Frankfort Gazette , and Herr Flinch ,
progressist , a inauufno uror , wore
returned for Frnnkfurt. Among the
U'pulito eluctud tire Miuiutern Putt-
Icammer , llrtrcn , Jloibuch , Luzins ,
K-imtko and Bottiohcr.
The electiouti for the moat part pass
ed oil quietly. Damonatr.ilionB of the
anti-Juwish faction at Berlin , which
; it ono time threatened to serioutly
involve thu pcaoj , soon subsided.
There ia great disappointment omung
liberals that the ( result in
Berlin haa not been as they hopud
and wedio'.cd. All the progressist
caudidfttcu in Berlin liavo defeated the
congervativcn by lar o inajoritiof ,
The nowspapora , which urn in sympa
thy with or lenders of the liberal
party , have been greatly rniolod in
their pstimnto. They had expected
material gains here and throughout
the kingdom.
LONDON , October 20 Special Ca
ble to Western AaiOcintcd Press : The
Times Berlin dispatch ntatco that the
chief champioim of the progressists
cause , Yurchoir , Lowe , Straastnan ,
Richter and Ilurines arn returned by
sweeping miijotitics , Verchow re
ceived 852 votes. Barling , court
chupluin , only rocoivrd 1D3 in the
same district. Count Yon Molt-
kor rioaivcd only 11. This
great proi > rv ainta triumph is
largely due to the Jew vote.
Hebrews to n man voted on the rad
ical nido. lluturna from Iho country ,
however , tell qutlo a diHermit tale.
The conservatives will must in the
langtag a greater force than betoro
( Will ) .
Berlin f peeialo to The Diily News
siy the luU-bt accounts and aurrccted
roriews HIOW thut the conservatives
win oigvitoen seato in the langtag nnd
the national liberals and ptogreiuiun-
ista Io6u the Name number , ,
The Stnndurd'a Berlin epocinl eays :
Not for twenty five ycaw have the
coiifiorvativo party appeared with eudi
ISUUJUBS at tht ) li.ial pulls. Tt is ex-
pcctod that the united clerical-con *
Hwrv.ilivo purty v/ill muat r at lenst
220 votes. I'nnco Uiemarok will not ,
however , recutvo much benefit from
the chaio ) ; in Iho political complexion
of the ligitlntivo bady , since the old
uonaei'v.itivoa object to some pirls of
hia policy an nlr-jngly and porsulently
na the clonein ! do to oihor pirtB
Among the iiurpriscn in to night'rt returns -
turns iu the election of thu Guclph
senator , lloltenhoil' , at Hanover ,
uidinat the imti ) iml liberal candidate.
This waa a surprise to both aides.
BKUI.IN , October 2(5. ( The nowapa-
[ > crs of Germany comment with ap
proval upon the blut > book correep'ju-
ience which was lir < st made p ibho yta-
torday. They uspeoinlly oxpreta grat-
iliuiiiou of Pritico Uiaiiiiitck'a refuuul
to give a mandata in favor of the sup
port of England nnd Franco in the
Egyptian matter. They regard that
refusal as a witp sU > pi notwithstand
ing the fact that it induord the French
g'jvormnont to abstain from active co
operation with England in its cam
paign in E.ypt. { Bismarck's moral
support , which ho plainly evinced u
willingnesH to afford , was nil that
could reasonably bo demanded by
England or by tbo situation. The pa
pers concur in the view.
SUEZ , October 20. Special to the
Western Associated Pruts : Professor
Palmer , during tiio expedition into
the country whore Oaptnin Gill and
Lieutenant 0. Ilarrington wore last
soon some distance nothwest of thin
place , discovered their bodies in stale
decomposition , The Bedouins in
that section are very hostile and those
who are compromised by this last clis *
covery are loudly threatening to begin
an attack upon Oolonel Wamm'i
party which iu searching for the miss
Ing ,
A telegram received from Suez bj
he British admirallty anys the news
nought to thut point by thu piuiy
uourolnng for thu mianing Btiliah ot-
itiurs , that in Wudy Uabaly , a point
lortheast from SULK , remnants of
their baggage wcru luutid , together
wilh Buvural lotleru which si'rvid to
ully identify them , A Bedouin was
ulao captured who had upan his per
son an English tobiiccj pouch. This
waa immediately ua having
belonged to 11 trringtun , uno of thu
nneauig. The native uccuuuU-d for
having it in his posevutiun by saying
it waa given to him by Chief Ali MUD-
iod , who , hu t aid , hud immljrod Pal-
mut'a entire ixpuditton party and dia-
.cibutod thu pui-Joiiul ulTiots among
.ho natives.
OAIUO , October 20. It ia believed
L'roloasor Palmer and party were led
to the edge of n prt-cipico nnd offered
the nltunmtivo ot throwing themselves
river or being ohot. It ia supposed
Professor Palmer leaped ovur nnd
Captain Gill and Lieutenant Clur-
rington cho < to thu other alturnntive
and were put to death ,
OAmoJOatobor2fl , AbdollalPrtsha ,
Ali Fohiuy Pasha and Abdul Pasha
corroborate the reports of ill treat
ment of rebel prisoners. Six of them
were bciton with slipporu and spat
upon. Arabi Pasha dchvorod to Broad-
ley , his ojuiitol , a statement of va
rious indignities inflicted upon him
Broadloy instituted proaoudingangaiiiBt
, ho chief notora , 'n tneao outrugdr.
TUB VALHI : riioriuiT.
The council of imnidturH dtcidtd to
Instruct the governor o ! Siiuilun to
bold out at Khartoum mnil tenistanco
arrived. It ulatud the lube prophet
reached Kardafan. It is decided to
enlist ns many black troops ns possible
For service agninst tbo false prophet.
Ismail Paalu Evoub will be placed at
the head of th > so forces with Stone
Pasha second in command ,
OAIUO , October 20 Spt-cial to the
Westurn Aesoointed I'rchs ; Iiiv.limbd
very positively liuro that the Egyp
tian ministry are afraid of the revela
tions which will bu made during the
deviiloptnent of thu defence of Arabi
Pashn , und that consequently they
intend to drop the trial of thut robc.l.
The importance of the ( locuinontu in
the hnndii of Ar.ibi'n counsel have
bcon greatly ixaggcrotod , according
to their version. They say thoic
papani do not in nny degree , directly
< 'i" indirectly , ufFeat any miniator of
the Hultun or inumlicr ni the existing
ministry o } E < ypt. The khedive lus ,
rtccording to the previnui unnounoe
'uenruinnoitiL ) > d 01)0 ) lliurs of ArahiV
Forces. Besides this ho 1ms ordered
to l > o degraded in the ranks about
tmtlvo otlicN , and aoino fifty will bo
tried for high IroHcon ,
HjHxilal 1)1.patch to Tim llr.K. '
LONDON , October 20 Prof. Tyn-
lil unveiled thu atatuo of Thomas
Jarlylo on the TliamcH ombankmunt
at Onelsoa to day , At thu conclusion
of u long address , Prof , Tyndnl ex-
grossed the wish that a memorial
"hould ho ruiacd in the same place to
Ililph Waldo Emerson , the loftiest ,
purest and most penetrating spirit
that over ahone in American litera
ture and the lifelong friend of Oarlylu.
At Nowmurkot the ( loughton meet
ing race for free handicap WAH won by
Amalfl , Sachem nscond , Gohoimneta
PKSTH , October 20 , Special to
Western Associated prccs ; The meas
ures which have bcun taken in har
mony with the system of national de
fense are already approved by the
delegations. Thu purpose of these
measures are to place the army upon
n footing und in condition to bo bet
ter prepared for war , The paciGoa-
tion of Bosnia and Herzegovinia hae
not bnen entirely effected ,
BBLQIUUE , October 20. Specia
to Westont Associated press ; The po
lice hnvo madu n discovery that tor-
pudocs have boon placed in the Dan
ube1 , nnd that they wcro intended to
blow up the steamer upon which
King Milan was to come to this city
from Runntchuk. The discovery
cnuara much excitement as it indi-
cxtcs a deeper aigniGcacco to the ro-
ciMit nltumpt on the Icin. 'a life than
mere personal lute which the would
bu assassin gave as his only motive.
LONBON , October 2(5 ( A scandal
which is creating n great sqniinliun in
sporting circles has it thu't Sterling
Urawford , uecond husbtnd of the
Dowager Duohoas Montroac , has been
ropi'ntudly Acratuhing horsua on the
morning ot important rncoo. The
duchess is blamed ns aha haa complete
control of the stud. At Newmar
ket races to-day she appeared
in the saddling paddock and waa
hooted at , jeered nnd Insulted
by the crowd. The St. James Ga-
zitte , in mentioning tko matter say a :
The upshot of the whole business IB
not unlikely to bo the sale pt Craw
ford's horses. It ia much to bo de
plored that Crawford should bo sub J
jected to such humiliation at the close
of hia long and until recently honored ' rj
connection with the turf.
HpeclilOibba tjWcatorn Asiccoted 1'iou :
Lotto > N , Ootobor'20. At Nagasaki
the expectation is entertained that the
difficulty between Franco nnd China
will result from entrance into Annam
of troops , both Fronoh republic nnd
Chinese umpire. It ia regarded as
ery nearly impossible to prevent a
: rdlim'pn between thuse rival armies.
The king of Corpa ha publio'y thanked
hu emperor of China far valuable aid
n suppressing the rebellion in Coroa
xnd restoring order in his dominion.
The authorities at Canton have oxp-
cutod piratci who were captured in
3hinoso watoro nnd promiscuously
ojndemnod to death.
LONDON , October 20 During the
j , lo Tuesday a Yarmouth mtmok was
est and the crew of six drowned. An
other smack with n crow of ton is ru-
lorUd lost.
VIKNNA , October 20. Spociil cable
o Western Associated Prosa ; Eirth-
luako nhooks were felt yesterday iu
tiio northern section of Balkan ponin-
auhi , and with great oovcrity atPJoboi
n Bosnia.
Baron Da Iloutern will succeed
I3uncu as lluusian minister of iinmicu.
HOHK , October 20Oablo to West
ern Absociitod Press : The govern-
nent uxpcoU that nil thn result of thu
nicotians there will bo returned 400
ninUterial members , 20 republicans ,
38 independents.
CoNHTANiiNOi'LK , Ojtober 20. The
sultuii bus ordered that three commis-
stoim bo instituted. The first ono u
.o examine the budget of revenue ex
penditures , the second to take cog-
lizanco of the adniinistratiou of pub-
10 work and commerce und agricul
ture , while the third will have chargn
of the administration of justice ,
The prosecution committee exam
ined Ah Bey llushdi , who , during the
bombardment Alexandria , com
manded the guard at Lw courts , lie
atates that hu waa ordered by Sulei
man and Daoud Pasha to fire the
building , but ho followed Arabi to
Kafr El-Drrar without executing the
order , lie was taken before Arabi ,
who asked him whether ho obeyed the
order , Hushdi replied "Yes" through
fear. Arabi thereupon exclaimed : '
"Thank Gcd , we have annihilated the
greater party of Christians and their
principal buildings. " This evidence
thus far , however , is not supported ,
LYONS , October 20. Special to
the Western Associated Press : Nu
merous arreata of architects have been
etfroted , The bourse ia strongly and
constantly guarded in consequence of
throats which have reached the ears
' [ GYmd'nued on Fourth Page , ]