I THE DAILY BEE OMAA THURSDAY , OCTOBER 26 BALL'S ' CORSES isvory Coriot la wfttrnntcd fctiOi- factory to IW wenrer Incrcrr yay , or the money will bo refunded by tae person from Tthom ! t wtvs boughs. Tb enlr Oomjt 8tffrU ± $ rmcnsbr .BO t ( extra heitrr ) e.OO. 1.BO Pr * r li. ( wintll ) * a.OO. t > T l * l" KtUII I r ler CI1IOA.GO COKSJJT CO. , Chlcatco , ni. AND Deioious [ Bever. age. "THE CUP THAT CHEERS , " "BUT NOT INEBRIATES. " I OUB DINNKIl PA11TY has finished tbo la t bottle of "HUB PUNCH. " "Then , my dear , ilon't forgot to remind me to onlor r. fresh wmplv to-lrlorrow. " "TUB HUH PUNOlf'lH propirodsoln- ly by.Morwrrf. O. H. GHAVB3 & SON. Boton. . It in inado of the boit lin | > ortcd brandy nnd Santa Cms rum , united with ( the juice uf fresh lcmonn. and the finest white sugar , and li really n delicious , a pnre , and a rcllablo article , that has mot with the most corJIal apprccbtlun uf all n ho ti led it. See thit you tot the Ronuino with the fftc imilo of "OIIKSTKH II. GIIAVKS& HI "NS" " on tbo cAninlo over the oorlc of each 'bcllle. Tbft < niJBl'UKOH" 11 MM bj'all leading fam- , i- | . Vratit tui'ptwlnt Maiwfiifturcr' * pricci y M A. Aldfaiwira Omaha. FamUia tupplicd iy A , J ! . Qlathtonc , Omnha , AV4. 100,000 TIMKEH-SPRfNQ VEHICLES MOW USE. They iraipa- all other I for cssy rldlnjf. ttj\e \ od durability , They nro for sale by oil Loading Car iago Builders nnd Dealers throughoul hu country. BPBINGS , GBABS & BODIES For sal b Henry Timken , Futon t inlUallder ot Kino Orrlwcn , IMin .d , Liu , , L. Bommers & Go's BI80UITS , OAKES , JUMBLES AWD NOVELTIES * ffliolosalo Manufacturing MFECTIOU ND DEALERS IN Fruits , Mats and Cigars 3 14th St. w jfen I 0 SPEOliT , - . Proprietor. l4l2Haruoy8t. Omrha , Neb. UANUFAOTUltKRa OF ilvaflizefl Iron , r CORNICES , DOHMEU WINDOW * } , F1NIAL3 , Tin , Irou nnd Slnto Roofing , Sp5oht'a I'af nt Jfotalio Skylight , Patent Adjusted llatohot Bar and Bracket Bhclving , I am thn general ugont for the above line of goods. IKON VKNUING. tlnea , Balu lrmd4i. Voiandae.Oni. ) anl Utnlr HaMluKt , Window and O ll r , AJiN fteninn Rewarded OB , 5lio ! Story of the Sowlnu Maolilne , A ktndnome mile paaphltfi , tlae' nd tel trnt tilth numeiooj eucr Tlutr , lll < be AWAY to uv kaolt pcnoo tilllDy ( ot It , si u > y branch 01 tab-ottct ot The iloiror VltauUctunnz Com pur , o > will bs toot V mall , poll paid , le Mr CIMQU Mvlu it dUUuco from oar afflcti fhn Singer MannfaoturinK Do , , Prfncln/U Ofaoe , 34 Union Sqatre NKW YORK The Daily Bee. Thursday Morninp , Oct. TO. Wnnthor Keport. ( iho following observation are taken at thf n-inio moment of tlmo at all the otatlons WAB DBPABTMFKT , U. S. vie * , OMAHA , Oct. 23 , 1882. ( liinp.m. f ITlTIOTf. H & Oenrcr. , , . SO 12 n N Light Fair Cheyenne 3(1 ( OJ' 4 H Vroh Fair 3002 47 .Si t.uht Phttfl to 13 ft ) ! tl I k Mny 30 03 Ci Frwh Funk ton. . 80 08 61 Oi Jlolfirs 0 P4 67 Btl'k 29 HI KW I' it. t'ftul 23 91 ' 0 feW llr K ri iidy 0 (15 ( > v Ilrl4k Kir feWMV ! > W FreMi Fa'r Bltmarck. . 30 13 MV L'ght Clear Dufard . in vv Hear Cuit r. . 30 10 vvME r'rcsh Cloudy 1001 ME l.liht W OH N IUr r 6 feet 10 Inches nbore low w ter mark ftt Ot h , 2 ( cell Inches Y nkton. Ulnlratrpl ' f : t 2 Inched t Ht 1'jul , I0 ( ct 2 InchoJ t BtrMoll , 4 feet II lnhei t Li Crone nd 8 ( cot C Incho * at Dalmqur. LOOATj S. K > ir ban been elected n member of the 0 naha Glco club. The inter-city telephone line which is being Imllt from Oinnlu to FremorU has reached 1'llihorn City , Iwonty-ono miles out , llcrervfl touts for Nick Hobcrte' Humpty Dumpty engagement at Boyd'n Friday and Saturday , will go on Hale this morning. The company alto give a matin to Saturday , The Omaha Temnstcrii Union will bold a BpccUl meeting at Tivoli hall Friday night October 27th 1882 ; a full meeting in called for as important business will bo transacted , lly order of 8 , M , Scruggs , protldcnt. The regular weekly mooting of tbo W. 3. T , 17. will bo held in the parlors of the Uptlst church , on Thursday afternoon , October 20 , at 3 o'clock. All members are equestcd to bo present. Call of tbo nee- rotary. The funeral of the late PlattSaundera , whoie death occurred tovcrnl days ago ook place Tuesday , bin daughter , Mrs Vilcox , having arrived from S.mgls City , ) . T , , thu tnmo day. The funeral was vary largely attendd. Interment taking placu at Prospect hill. The Omaha Qlco club , at its meeting Tuesday evening , decided tgrentM ix Mey r'a muuln hall for its future mcoting placo. This hall in ano of the moat beautiful In he olty , is well located ou the street car ino , and is ono uf tbo moat popular meat- ng places in tbo city. The jury in tbe Hollander arson rase , cturned a verdict of guilty. This in the celebrated Turner hall Imnlncsi and I be convicted is the third for arson siuce Dia- rict Attorney Burnlmm wont into his of- ico. He has worked hard and deserves peat credit for the admirable manner In which ho presented the caso. Two pUIn. drunks and ono dhtnrber of ho peace comprlccd Tuesday night's nrrcats jy the police. They were dirposod of in ho uautl mrxncer. James G. Smiley , ar * routed for selling mortgaged property was sent to j UJn default of § 800 hall to await an examination on Monday next. . OU thofilOth Inat. Ko'v. J. W. Harris joined in the holy' bonds of'matrimony , Mr. John II. Loomlr , of this city , to Miss Delia Patterson , of L&vinla , Mich. Mr. Loomls Is the wall kncwn chemist in the employ of O. F. Goodman , the celebrated Omaha druggist. They are n happy pair , and have permanently located on Twelfth utreot , between Oassanl California streets Attention Knights The officers and members of Omaha Lodge No. 2G , K. ol P. , are hereby requested to bo at their Caitlo hall , in full uniform , on Thursday , the 2 Ith Inat. , at 7 o'clock n. in. sharp , to participate in the excursion to Oouucll Bluffs , ( Grand Lodge mcoting of Iowa. ) By order of the C. 0. Herman Kuude , K. K. & S. ' The case of ( ho State vs. 1'llntwcl" " , Maxwell and McDonald , for highway rob- bely , was taken up in the district court yesterday. In the prosecution Mr , liurbham i * ably anlstod by his son Horace ace Buruhain , who attained bin filth birth. \\\y anniversary to-day and made his firet appearance before n jury. The Ilcsa Kngllsh Opera company , which appear. ) in tbo beautiful opern , "Chlmoj of Normandy , " t Boyd's opera house Monday night , has five prlma don. nas Corrington , Miller , Klsuer , Lulghton and St. Quiiiton. The latter U nn Kpglinh Inly , who made her lirnt appearance iu America tlid eoiaou. The eaatorii press are hljjli In lioro prulde , The prlrclpal male alnk'ora are tbo I'eakq , Alfred Wllkle , Marl : Smith , Gco. Appfeby , Arthur Tain , and H , KJones , Thulr chorus numbom thirly.fira trained Hlngurs , In regard t ) the delay In iamiU g the state fair diploma , concerning which I'm : ItKii a few ditys since publUhed a coininu- ulcatlon , Maj. D. H. Wheeler , the ( secre tary , cilled at the olllce yesterday and in formed us that thedoouiuents | were all m do out immediately after the fair. 1'tes ident Molutyre had not been In town since to > ! gn ( hem , but arrived Tuetday nlnlit nnd clcnod all this moruliifi ; . They will all he sent out to-day. Mr , Chaa. A. Foster , formetly of Denver , lias unheil in Omah to take the position of cashier at the Intel. Hu is a lirat-chur ) hotel man , a I orft-ct gontleuiun , and comes with peaonalrecommoudtttons of the hijhoit character. THK 1)LE takes ploasurn In iutroduciug him to thu gener. oui public of this city and btato , und con gratulates tha Mlllurd upon the valuable aiquisltion It has made. Mr. Jay Gould did not airho here yesterday us expected. He went direct From Cleveland to St. Louii. He will spend several daj s in St. Lout ; , and will jiva personal iuapection to the improved terminal facllitlxs being provided for lib roads at that point. He w 111 vi It Omaha and ride for the first time over tbe MU- touri Pacific's extenilon from Leaven- worth to Omaha. He will visit Chicago on hi * return trip , Obioigo Tribune. Tbe fint crand masquerade ball of the1 eason will take plaoe to-ulght at Central tall under the mantgement of Harry I tint of M x Meyer A Co , , who U n boil manager uf social affairs. He is ably'as - itte as wilt be eetn by the follJwlogllit if flaor manager * : llSrryHnni , * John 3nrry , Herman Bnblltz , F. M , Snow , Alfi Arneman and M , A. Berd. It will be one of the pleasaUKst of bartlei. jTliktU" $1.00 , to be had at the' door of Harry Hant. Horsford' * Acid Pho pTiivto IN OONHTIPATION. DB. J. Nt R6BINSON , Mddina , O. | says : "I have used it in a case of indigestion and constipation , with ; > od results. In nervous prostration its retults are happy. " SLAVEN'S YOSEMIl'B COLOGNE Moda frorr the ywild flo urs of thoU U FAMED YOSEJItfE VALLEN [ t is the most fragrant ol porfum t Manufactured by II. B , Slavon , San FranciRco. For Halo in Omaha byV. . J , Whitohouso and Konnato Bros. , & Co. A roaponsiblo party will buy a bank- ng businoBs or opvn a new bank in n jood live town. Intorcstod parties iddross P. O. draft or No. 04. ( iniaha. Neb. .10 Gi BUilNESS BEGINS. The First Dirt Thrown on the DOUR- las Street Paving. Ouo of the moat important events -hat baa over taken place in the bis- ory of Omaha was the work which ) egan on Djuglan etroot yesterday > otwoon Fifteenth and Sixteenth , whore the firat ditt was thrown for paving that very important thorough- 'are. 'are.Abont Abont 30 meu wore put to work at ; his npot and n largo additional num.- ) or at the company'a ynrd , near Eighth and Jackson street , in the bottoms. There the manhinory is icing put up and a house is to bo constructed , which will occupy nov oral days , The big steam roller , for oundation and top , has arrived. It noiqhs fifteen tons. The work is superintended by Mr. John Grant , who is hero in person , asslotod by Mr. El ward Lynch as 'oroman , the latter having a lifo long experience- such business. The grading has progressed actively and with good weather they will try to got in u few blocks before winter Dots in. About two blocks will * bo graded at a time and , with favorable weather , about 1,000 yards , half n block , per day CUM bo completed when the force is filled , as about 100 men will bo put on. All the laborers are hired in Omaha and it will give employment to a great many who are now in need offoik. . With good weather Doug las street could bo paved in two months tinio. The pavement is fit [ or use on the morning following itn completion and hence our citizens will BOOH have n chance to judge for them' ' eolvos aa to the value of asphalt. Free of Cost , By calling at Schroter & Becht'a drug itoro , you canget a sample bottle of Dr. Bosanko'u Uouth and Lung Syrup which will relieve the most odstinato Cough or 3old , and show you what the regular 60 cent size will do. When troubled with Asthma , Bronchitis , Dry , Hacking Cough , Pains in the Chest , and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs , try a sample bottle of this medicine. Barber shop and bath rooms for sale. Shop invoices at roarly ono thousand dollars. Will soil for $800 ; part on time. Reason' for selling : Wish to go to Colorado for my wife a health. F. J. MoBENRY , 23 31 * Atlantic , la. Barber shop and bath rooms for salo. Shop invoices at nearly ono thousand dollars. Will sell for 800 ; pirt on time. Reason for soiling : Wish to go to Colorado for my wifers health. K. J. MoHENKY , 19 3- Atlantic , la. Tbo Coronor'n Inquest Yesterday. The inquest on the remains of the man whojros killed by a B. & M ym d engine Tuesday night took ploco at 9 o'clock yesterday , the /ollowiiu ; jury being impaiinollod by the coroner : General C. B. Frederick , foreman ; Daniel Sullivan , Lagan Stewart , Dan iel P. Anj-oll , E. A. McOluro and Henry Siert. It was ascertained by translation of the letters found on the person of deceased that ho was Gustav Frederick Ilapp , and the address on a slip of paper found in bis memorandum book , " Christ Itapp , Wright's Grove , Chicago , " is supposed to bo that of hu brother The letters wore from n friend in Aus tria , butgavano clue to his business or pluco of residence. Tha only mo ney found on his person wai one penny. Tno two boys who saw the affair testified that they were not over thir ty foot away from him. lie was walk ing toward the Touth struct depot and the engine was pushing the cars in the oamo direction. They hallooed at him twice , but ho paid no attention to the warning , and waa run dorm and in stantly killed. Thu jury found a verdict of ncci dental death and ozhonoratod the rail way employes from all blamo. The bagQtigomaster of the U. P. is trying to trace up the baggage called for by the chock No. 1,201 , which is not now at any baggage room in this city and which will probably throw some light on the unfortunate man's identi ty. Coroner Jacobs has telegraphed to the Chicago address , and in the ab sence of any instructions will hold the funeral to-day. Bradford. P - Thos. Fltclmu , Bradford , Pa , , writes : " 1 tiiolral money forSl'ltl.NQ BLOSSOSI , a * I eald I would if It cured inn. My dynpep. hia bus \amuhnl , with all IU > iuptouu. Many tbaiiKi ; I rhall never be without it in Iho liouue. ' Price , 0 cents ; trial bottles tles , 10 cent * . Notice- The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex- celeior Roof Paint , " was patented May 24th , 1881 , and otters patent num ber 241 , 803. Any person found or known to tamper with the manu facture of said paint will bo punish ed to the full extent of law. No per son has ady authority whatever to sell receipts. UAWTUOKN & Duo. , Lancaster P "Buchuptuba. " Quick , complete cure , all annoying Kidney , Bladder , and Urinary Dis eases. Druggists. $1 , JOTTINGS. „ The ri/ferton / university ban forty-lwo itndentM- Plum fPMik" had a very rmccestful Cath- Olio IMffefc week. There Jrt considerable diptheria In the Vicinity ItVlatUinouth. NorthpVn'lIM four saloons , which "blow li C2.0CO to tha reboot fund. Over VjOOOKcad of c tth are bclnr f4t- tentd In h ImtuidUte vicinity cf Table Hock. Henry' tToyt , of Clarksville , recently killed it fljck of t-eeie at one shot , Size of fljok not it'ted. Tha clttzens of Wentervtlle r ffer to 1 nlld K o urt home free "f cost to Cutter cjunty If the county sent is located theie. TlTe Lincoln Episcopal church hM been robbed twice wi hln A short time , the mis * nlonary 'boxes' being cleaned out both times , ' , The members r > f Walla Walla lodire , I. O , O , F , , if North I'latte. nre'cnted v 1- usbla watch chart 1 to Kev , P. 0 , John- fen , who has been transferred to Grand Island. A prairie fire nn Wood river latt week UHtroyod , far M. Harlan thirty tons of h ys Perry Woodc , thirty tone , and Titibltts , fortv tons. Six miles of the val ley was bumtd over. Wo are Informed that the fire got twiy from partita at James'.sheep rsnihenn Kim creek , who were attempting to bum a llro guard while the wind tft > 4 blowing very strong , Plum Creek Pioneer. Quito uncn'Ulon was created at Tnble Rock on the 19.h , by the arrival of O. S. Mcrritt , nn ttrrney fmm h'.iirbury , and Deputy Sh rII ( Gould , < f JtlTerson county , who procee If d to arrest the two Decker boyx , charged with running tff mortgaged prop'rty. To Bivo'roiih'e ' lh liojs > et tied the matter. Their mother , ' howovet , was Indignant und tworo uuta wnrrnut for tbo attorney and deputy lor Illegiby ar resting her * on , claiming thty had nn warrant. The two pleaded guilty and paid fines in orrler to get away on the evening train. The Decker boys there upon reimbursed them , and the affair ended happily. Liquid Gold Daniel PUnk , of Brooklyn , Tioga county , P . , describes it thn : "I rorto thirty , miles for a bottle bf THOMAS' ECLEC- THIO OH , which affected the wonderful euro of a crooked limb m six applications ; It proved worth more than gold to mo. " Army Orders. Sufficient cause having boon shown or his inability to pay his own ex penses , under provisions of army regulations paragraph 205 , the qaar terraastcr'a department will fcrnish transportation from Omaha , Nob. , to .Fort . McKinney , Wyo. , to Private John SvoHoda , company 1C , Ninth infantry , a furloughed soldier without moans to rejoin his station. The company commander will bo notified by the quartermaster furnish ing the transportation , of the cost thereof , to the end that it may be charged against the soldier's pay ou the next muster rolls. Companies D and F , Ninth infan try , now at Fort Ruaaoll , U. T. , will ha placed en route for Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo. , where they will take post. Captain Henry S. Torrill , assistant surgeon , having rcportod at those headquarters , in compliance with par agraph 2 , special orders No. 228 , cur rent series , adjutant general's cilice , is assigned to duty at Fort Omaha , Neb , Leave of absence for ono month , with permission to apply at head quarters military division of' ' the Mis- pouri , for an extension of one month , to take effect November 1st , 1882 , is granted acting assistant surgeon J. J. Marsion , U. 8. army , Acting /Wstarlt surgeon M. A. RobBrfrjrlat Inrt Omaha , Neb. , is * elWoJ v9 i l" * P t. nd. will toport to thif commanding officer Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo. , for duty thereat. Buoklm's .arnica Halve. The BIST SALVV in the world for Cnts , Bruises , Sores , TJlcorr , bait llhoum , Fe ver Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chil blains , Corno , and nil skin eruptions , and positively curoi piUs , It is guaranteed to give satlufaotfon t CCA aey refunded , Price , 25 cents per ex , if or snlu by 0 , V , Goodman MBTKOPOLITAN 'HOTEL , OMAHA - HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the boat the market affords. The traveling public claim tliojCgot bettor accomniodntiona and more general satisfaction here than at any other house In Omaha. Rate , $2 per day. aug21tfm Attention , Knights ! All brothers wishing to go to Ooun oil Bluffy Thurfdiy morning , October 20 , to attend the Iowa Grand Lodge aenaion and parade will meet at their Oiiatlp hall , nt 7 o'clock a. in. Round trip tickote , 50 cents By order of the committee. Eu. WITTIO , 1 Secretary. USE KedHlii 'n RuMin ( Snlve in the houuo and use Kertdiug't ! JvUMlun Salve in thobtahlo. Ti-yit. IA : HE GREAT CURE roii IMI-E-U-BI-A-T-J-S-M Aa It la for all the painful diseases of the KIDNEYS , LIVCR AND DOWELS. ItelaaiuoiUxiyitomol'thoiicrla poUoo Uut catuea Uia dreadful enfikiriae which only the victim * orhoumUsn can realUo THOUSANDS OF OASES of the \vont fBnna of thta terrtblo dl aae h v l tt quickly relieved , tlmo PERFECTLY CURED. < ( 0 Prrcanteeent byre ll , . WKLMl , UlCllAltDSON & ( XHurlln < rtonYt Samuel C. Davis & Go , , DRY GO'ODS JOBBERS IMPORTERS , Washington Ave. and 'Fifth ST. LOUIS MO. I BEMIS' Real Offices 15th and Douglas . Streets. No. 307. Beiullful ifaldenca lot on Sherman Btroet , neat h ad o ( St. Mary' * a\onuo$2 700. No,3U. full lot on lOthttrcot , ncarPopnlo- ton's , 1850. No. BIB. FuUacrocnBurtstroot.no r Convent of Sacred Hear ! 81,200. No. 317. Fulllot on California , near tUt Btroet , 1 , 00. No. 313. Two lota on Senard , no r jfcandcre iticetilJJO. ' No. 31u. Two lota on Charles , near Slanders street , 81,600. ho. 320. Ila I acre on Cumlog street , nwr Dutton - ton , 475. No. 321. Slxboautlul rcelJonco lots , flno view , on Mt. Flcaaint avenue , near Ilauscom FarK , { 4.GOO. No. S22. One-half acre on C&lKornIa etrcct.noar Ctelghton Co lego $1,600. No. 323. Twoloieon Marcy street , near 13th street , ? 6CO'l. No. 32U. TAO lota on Dodge , DOAr QroTO etrcct , Smith's addttl n. J > o. 3S > . four aero blofk In West Omaha. ? 2000. Choice 4 aero block In Smith's addition at went end of Knriiitu street will glvo any length ol time required at 7 per cent Interest. Also a aploiidltl 10 acre Mock In Smith's addi tion en same liberal terms ai tno foregnlnV. No. 8)5 , Hilt lot onlzird near 20th street , 9700.No No 304 , Lot on ICth street near Paul , $1X00. No 302 , Lot 20x230 foot on 15th street , nes > Nliltolsii & 'M No 209 , Ouo quarter acre on Hurt street , ncu Button J600. No 207 , Tno lota on Dlcnilo near Irene tit root , 6260 and300cacu. No 200 , Two luU on Cuorslu near M'chlgui ' street , 81200. No20Q , Twcho choice re ldenco lote on Ufimll ton ttrcct In Shlnn'a addition , flue and elghtl.t. 3',0 to * 600 each. No 294 , Beautiful ball lot ou St. Mar ) 's av enue , 30x180 leet , near Blahop Clukeon'a atid 20th street , $1600. No 202 , Two choice lota on Park avenue , 60x 160 each , on street railway , $300 each. No 29tSlx lots In MUlard & Caldwell'a addition on Sherman Avenue near Poppletou'0 , f 300 to SI6 i coca No 286 , Four ilota on DecVur and Irene streets , near Baunderg street , $ 7" to $460 each No 1&2 , Lot on 10th near Paul street , 1760. No 281 , Lot 6x180 feetneaSt.llnry'fl avenue , and 20th street , 1600. No 279 , Lot on Decatur near Irene street , 1325 No 278 , Fuur lota on Coldwell , near Saunden street , 600 each. No 276 , Loton Clinton street , near shot toner , No 275 , Four lots on McLellan street , near Blonde , lUei 'i uJdiUon , 92i eich. I No 274. Three lott near race cours * ; moke ottcro. No 288. Beautiful corner acre lot on California street , opposite ind adjoining Sacred Ilcart Con vent grounds , 91000. No 20o , Lot on Mason , near 16th street , $1.860 100 lots In "Credit Foncler"and "Grand View * additions , just south-east of U. P and B. A M. i allroad i cpota , ranging from $160 toSlOOOeaci and on cosy terms. Beautiful Kesldence Lots at a bargain very handy to shops t25 to (260 cub , 6 per cent down and 6 per cent per month. Call and get plat and full partlculan. No 260 , FUJ ! corner lot on Jones , Near 16tb street. $3,000. No 263 , 'i wo lota on Center street , near Cum- Ing street , $900 for both or f600 each. No 2MJ , Lot on Seward , near King street , SCO. SCO.No 219 , ITall lot on Dodge , near llth street , * ? ,10U. No 217 , Four beautiful residence lots near Crclgliton College ( or will separate ) 73,000. No 24G , Two lots on Center , nuir Cumlng street , 626 and 8400 each. No 2461 , Ljtonldabo , near Cumlnc street J525 t\o 246 , Beautiful corner acre lot on Curulug. near Button street , near new Convent of Sacred Ucart , 81.COO. No. 244 , Lot on Farnam , near IStb etreet , fJ,760. No 241 , Lot on Farnam , near 6tb street , 91,000. No. 239 , corner lot on Burl , near 22d'ttrcct 9 ,800. No. 233 , 120x132 feet J Ilarney , near 24th , street , ( will cut It up ) $2,400. No. 234 , Lot on bouglaa street , near 26th , 81.000. No. 227 , Two lots on Decatur , near Irene tWect , $200 each. rtO223. Lot liSby 441 feet on Bhernanave nueieth sticct ) . lia Grace , (4,000 , Kill divide. No220. . Lot 23xua foct ou Dodge , near IStb btroct ; niika an iffer. No 217 , Lot on 23rd uuarCIarK , $600. No 21 , Loton Hamilton near lilng , { S03. No 200 , Lot on 18th street , near Nlcholar ( MO. MO.No 207 , Tno lotion 16th , near Pacific street , Koioi , Beautiful renllcnca lot on DlvUIoa etrcct , near Cumlng , JOO No 10JJ Lut on 16th street , neat Fierce , ecoo. ecoo.No 199 } , Lots on Sauudsra street , near Sow ar J $600. No l\Ul \ , Two lota on 17th street , near whltt cad works , 21,050. N IMj ; One full block ton lots , near the barracks , g400. No 191 , I/ot ou 1-arkcr , street , near Irene 9300. 9300.No 183' Two lota on Csu , near 21it street ( gilt edge ) . ( f ,000. No 180 , Lot on Pier near Seward , ( tiCO. No 170Lot on Pacific utroet , near 14th ; make offer , No 166 , Six lota on Farnam , near 21th street . . , u No 103 , Full block on 25th itrrect , new race ccutre , and three lota In QUos addition , near caundcrs and Uaaams streets , (2,000. No 12(1 ( , lot on 18tB etrea , iienr vihlU cod wor.s , 6625. No 122 , 132x132 feet (2 ( loti , on IBth street , uwr roppUton'a. 1 1,600. No 110 , Tlilrtylialf acre lota In MUlard & Cal- dvtull s udilltlona on Shurmau aveuue , > prlu and Harttoga BtreoU , near the end of grcon street car track , jBOO to $1,600 each , No 89 , Lot on Chicago near 22d ttioel , l.SOO No E8 , Lot on Caldn ell street , near Saunderi , No 75 , C6x8S feet on Pacific , near 6th street 13.000. No CO , Eighteen lota na 2Iat 2J , 23d and daucden utrteu , near Grace and.tiaundors stree bridge , &GO each , No 6 , One-fourth block ( IBOxlSfi feet ) , cwr the Content of Poor Claire , on Hamilton street mar tbo end of the red street car trw k. $1,0(0 No 1 , Lot on Ilarney , neir 16th , > , COO. Lot * In Harbach'a 1st and 2d additions , also lota In Parker's , Shinn'fl , Neleou's , licdlck's , Qlie's , Lake's , and all the other additions at any prices and terms. BEMIS Real Estate Agency , 15th ana L OUICB Btreete , tnfUeofJron , rerun llarkandl'hesphom- a palatable form , i only preparation oftr that \eUt not blacken t trrthto tluiracttrltUc .other iron preparation . " " InniJ practice of iBmrt ( n tnedicin * . 1 hn lonnd noUitii to ( rlra lh rnnlu that 11 GKNTI.hMKNt - * . In ei of Nrrrorn 1-rortr.tlon. Kjm l Vi > * * y * . Djtpff f , andlnpm , rrmhw. . In 'banAiimadeome wondorlal . OMM thai hi l hfd eonrtiUonof Iboblood Ihb r * rl ( rrm/ hw. m > * earn. baffltxl dotns f oar mo * emln il nhjneUM h T r Wed to Uxi rre t und ltK-ornp r bl f"n'di. ' prnten U In nr.ff.renM to anr l n pnpatatlon nvxl In fatt , mh a cnrnp ? " " ) ! " UalUnTrn'.ii.lluiM ToMip Ij jh IFB , HOHKUT HAnlUKI J < , B ATM. . St. IxmU. Ma , Nor. ftXh. 1SSI if el color to the Wood f rm ralhtalthful tone to Mknn 13 applicable to General ffbilitv , TJoml of Appe tite , rrottratlhn nf rtlal fotrerit at'iUtnpotencf.t MANUFACTURED DY THE DR. HAKTEK. MEDICINE CO , . 213 N. MAIN ST. , ST. LOO ) WHOLESALE Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. { 1308rJMdAfi11EungUl ? a Uff29Ume I OBERFELDEft & CO. Broooh Loading Shot Buns , from S5 to 81Q. Double Broo oh Loading Shot Bans , SIB from to S75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Buns , from SB to § 25 , Fishing T ioklo , Base Balls and all-Kinds of Fanoy Boofls , Full Stook of Show Oases Always on Hani } , Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a first-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for * Price List and Samples. A. M. OLARK , | | Painter&Paperlanger SIGN WHITER & DECORATOR. WHOLESALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER ! Window Shades1 and Curtains , CORNICES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Faints , Oils & Brushes. 107 South 114th Street ! OMAHA. - . . NEBRASKA BOOK-KEEPING , BUSINESS FORMS , BANKING1 COMMERCIAL LAW , "PENMANSHIP , POLITICAL ECONOMY. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC , ENGLISH LANGUAGES Taught by gentlemen of business experience ) and broad scholarship at the COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , A norinutitution based on the hlghout standard * o excollonoe. Day and and evening aosaions are now hi successful operation. For circuit or special Information apply to or address A. L WFMAN. HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. MADE UY BIOHARDSORBOYNTON & 00 CHICA'GO , IALS , Embody now 1882 Imt'riveracnts. Mor. prncticol lea ur < m ; Cost loss to keep In uidor ; UbOloBD fuoll will no more heal and a larger volume ol pure air than any furnace made Sold by PIKUCKY k BHADVOUD.Omana.Neb $500 REWARD. The abate regard III 1 < paid to any person who will produce a Taint that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , ( or preserving ShlnclM , Tin'and OmelKoofa. Warranted to be Fire and Water 1'root. All ordun promptly attended to. Cheaper and bet tor thau any other paint now In IHO. 8TEWAUT& bTKPHENSON. Bole Proprietor * , Omaha I louse , Omaha , Neb. RKFISRUNOES. Officer & Pusey , Dr.Ulcc , Dr. 1'lnncy , Fuller1 Council II uffa , Ion a. UBK office , Omaha Net , Lddrnt. McoPri * ' ! W. U ties. ml Tfjin , THE NRBBASKA HMDIlOTlMft CO Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Plnntero , HrrrowB.Fann Bollore Mullcy Bay liaHob , Cucnet. Klovutlcs \VloatnlUe , die We are prsptred to d6 Job uortc and icaaul c' urlpor ( other paitlei. Addrea < al orierd NKSKiHKA UANUyACTUaiNO CO I luroln. K < > Hyaolntb * BULBS Tnllpi , Crooote < > And oil other fr F ll PJant'nz. Lare t assort' ment ever thouo In Chloitro. Illustrated CaUl-guo free. Send for It Hiram Sibley & . Co. , SEEDMEN , 500-209 Randolph St. , Chicago , III THE CITY STEAM LAOTDRY makes a specialty of Collars & Cuffs , AT THE BATE OP Three Cents Each. Work solicited from all over the country. The charges and return postage must ac. company the package , Special rates to large clubs or agencies. a24.tt me WILKIN8 & EVANB. EUROPEAN HOTEL , The moat centrally located hotel In the city. Hooina 76c , $1.00 , 31. TO anil 2 OOpvrday. First dun Restaurant connected witn the hotel. .HURST. - - Prop. Corner fourth and Locust dtroeta. nato. ESTAULISHED 1868 , BIDESPRIHO ATTACHUENT-NOT PATKNT ED. A. J. SIMPSON LEADING CAEEIAGE FACTORY nm and Mil Dodge Btrcot , ang 7-mo 6m OMAUA , NEB. . FAST TIME ! la gdcc Eut t\Ve th Trains lea\e Oniatia 8:40 : p. m. and 7:10 : a. ml For milIntormatloncall oa H.P. DKUKLTlckej Aifi'nt , Klh and Farnam et * . , J. BELL , U. I1 ] Hallway Depot , or t JAMEST. CLARK , Oenor Avnt DR. F. SGHERER , Physician and Surgeon , CHRONIC DISKASES A SPECIALTY. Uodldnw fornUhed at office. Office | N. W. corner IStb and Farnam i , | oter Uerchanl t National Bank , OmahaKtb.