m y- fl v THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWELFTH YEAR iB. THURSDAY M ( , INING , OOl'OBER20 .1 110 .If Eeimrofl & Dormann Will brgin their Brand nnlo of Booti and Shoes this day nod continue fur two weeks. Look at Our Prices. For Five Dollars you can buy a pair oi the celebrated Hartford Boots The aotun-1 valno of these boots It EIGHT DOLLARS. And , roraomboi wo challenge tno world to produce better bjota foe the mme money. Wo arc Instruotod by the .Manufac- turer to Warrant Every Pair to bo euporior to any eVeV brought tc thia marked 9 WE HAVE ALSO REDUCED Men'a PJtna Kip Knots , § 2.60 , wortb 350. Mon'a Patna KID Boots , § 2.00 , wortl $250 Boys' Bnotu , $ L 6) , worth $2 60. Youths' B nits , 1 21) , worth $1 75. Grain. Lirthm Hoot , extra long leg , S460 , worth § 550. VealO-ilf UJIHS , gi 5 % worth S5.50. Veal Calf Boots We hava but a lew Pair Left. Original Priou $3 00. Wo will closf thoiu out at $1.50. Wo hnvo iilso a small tot of Womon'i Shot'p , worth S2 00. wa will cloao out at ONE DOLLAR. Remember - member we havubut few pair left. A fiao lot of 'Ladie's Shoes $2.00 worth $2 50. Misses' Shoes , $1.00 , worth $1.60. 35o to SUOO. A FULL LINE OF RUBBER BOOTS AUD SHOES , or Men , Lidiei , 0. ildren , Bojt Girls , E.c. A complete stock of SLIPPERS of every d ascription. HEIMROD & DORMAHN , Grocers AND Liquor Dealers , CALIFORNIA PEACHES , CALIF ) RNIA OHERUIK CALIFORNIA. APRICOTS , CALIFORNIA PLU&K CALIFORNIA PEARS , CALIFORNIA SUGARS. Heimrodfe Doimani FOR FLAVORING EXTRACT * ROYAL BAKING POWDKI OLD GOV. JAVA COFFEE , COS PA RICA COFFEI GOLDEN RIO COFFEE , Heimroi & Dormann CELEBRATED SOaUYLERSNOWFLKEFLOU ; WARRANTED. HEIMROD & DORMANH , FRESH COUNTRY BUTTER , FRESH COUNTRY ERG5 FRE3H COUNTRYVEGETABLEJ HEIMROD & DORMANN , HEIMROD & DORMANH , ( Snooessora to Fred , Lingo. ) S. W. Cor. 13th and Jaofoon Sti THE NATIONAL CAPITA ! , Danenliower Continues Wagging His Narrative Before tbe Naval Board , A. Pew Important Points Frorr the ApsoaamoDt Cr.se iu the Supreme Court. The Pension Bureau Reveraoe Its Rule Oouoeraing Pi oof of Death. The Attoraer-Gonnrnl Bnilly En- with Explanation * nnd Contruillotlons * A. Largo Variety of Qonoral News CAPITAL MO 1E3. pocbJ Dlxpatchos to Till HEX. IMlMllTANT TO rHNf-IONEim. WAbUiNoroN , October 25. Acting S < > creUiy of the Interior Jojlyn ren dered a decision of the utmost im- lortauco to a larjo oU a of applicauts or pensions. Ic holdi in e QVct that oven years abaenco mny bo taken ae > roof presumptive of a soldier's death , , nd such proof ahull warrant the ssuo of n petition to hi * family ii other r.q.uromeulj have boon com- ) lied witn. This decision is a direct ayorsal of the pracucn hitherto pre- Vii'ont ' in the pension bureau. Posi * ivo proof of a soldier'n death was re [ uirtd , which in many cases it wae inpossible to produce. AUTIltm PAYNE , or whom warrants were issued in onnectiou with the attempt to bribe furor Brown , of the star route jury , was arrested and arraigned in the po- ice court thu mommy. Btil waa fixed at S2.00J. Tno government in- ends to have a full hearing in the lolico court of all circumstances in ho case , so the public may judge ol , ho merits of the prosecution. It ie bjliuved dtf jndints will wave OXAUI- nation when ailled for hearing and ot the caao go directly to the grand ury. AMOM ? TUG ICKBERC3. Lieutenant Dttienho er continued liu account of travels of the Jeannuttt crow before the baard of enqiiry to day. TraVfling improvtd some about July 4.b , and ab > u * . two miles were made tint day. July G.ti , there was a great movement of ice and trav eling became very bad , On tne 13th , iho captain announced ho had made twenty-seven miles the put week , iiiist thirteen the previoua one July 10h , land bore south to southwest - west and uur course was directed to it On that day Collins kilted a sea which furnished a gonl m al for the emiro party Julj 28 Ii. 7 p ni. , thi weather cleared and Iaudvvr < i8 plainly visible , We shifud to jm immensi lee and ad\aned" \ l'miles towan land and oamoed at llpr m , At 2 p m xof the 29 h a mountain -sodden ) ; apptarbiTiowaSog-ore tltafog Tm party pushed for Bhorpad-alter .twi . tours' work got the sleds and boat upon some flu pieces of. ice inside thi outer line of uruuuded ice and campo1 for supper. This was at the foot o the island , tha land being too stee to afford a camping p'aca , A bout 7 p m. that day the capiain with all hand hoisted the American ensign and tot ! possession in the name of thopresirien of the Uiiited S tut03 , calling it IJdii nott island , and ordered Onip to give the par'y all the hbart they wished on American soil Next day panics were sent out t shoot biros. Lvrgo numbers wor obtuincd and distributed umoat ; th tents. July Slit , Dunbar aud ia Indians were sent out to explore th southeastern island. Dlvino service were also held. D-inbar est-iblUhod otirn , August b , on the southeat foco of the island. At this time th weather was foggy and raw , and c msidera.ble number of the part were sick with diorrhoa from eatin birds Up to this time the does ha been allowed one pound of pemmica each per day. Oathisduy twelve c them were crippled and of no furthe use. They were shot and buried i the water. August C h , boats wor launched and we started on our tri from Bricnett island. Court adjjurr ed until to-morrow. PJUTICAL A-BKSSMCNT.1. Hearing ot Hr uuients in the politi cil jmeBBmont ciso wis continued i the United Stntim supreme court thi ufteriioon. Mirtin Ii. Smith , o ojuneol for petitioner , replied atsnm length to the argument of the uolici tor general , and was to day , as yeatei day , repeatedly interrupted by quee tions from the bench. Iu his argu ment ho enid , "The law for protec tion of an enrollinc ; cilicer protect him only in the discharge of liu dutj It makes dUtinction between his oQi cial and h 6 private life. If hn get into trouble over a game of cards h is not under protection ot Iho law. " Justice Miller " That it trne. Th Itw protects an enrolling cflicar enl while in the dUclmrge of his duty but a cleik in nno of the department Is always on ( , ffiji l duty as far ai hi need of protection ii concerned , H need it as much at one time a another , Oppression may be oxei cised upon him out in the street t we'll as when ho is in his ofiio. " Smith "fiuf , yonr honor , the U says he srull not give of his metns fc political purpo f se , von when he desire to give aud is auxijus to give , Thi is not protection " Justioj Miller The law doen nt ssy ho shall not give , hat that hoehn not give to another oilioor of the o ernuiont Ho can five to anybod olto if he chooBPg. I am not partici laily a civil tervice reformer , but n all know how these voluntary contr buttons are made. The object of th statute evidently was to protect subordinate from the exactions of hi iuperior , by making it a misdemeanc for the former to give the latter an money for political purposes , Thi WAS undotib odly the policy of con grcai. The eUestou | ! is whether it WR competent for congress to adopt tha lolicy aud nnaot law , nnd onfoica it. . Smith It is n singular way to pro- , cct a subntdiimtp , to punish him foi ; iviti7 | , oven when the act is volun ary , and lot his suoorior ( to niipini- shed , oven when ho exacts pa j ment , In coiiohiMon Smith said ho could only rottorato his conu3tion that con- trcsi ; nnd no right to re gulato tlio con luot of K ivormnent employes outside : , ho sphere of the lattet'snflio al duties. The solicitor general explained wh > 10 had laid struts , in his argument , uuon receiving rather than givinii uonoy for politictl purposes , and closed with the following woruV. "I ma ur uing this caeo in accordance ? with Hid distinction nude by _ _ thu statute bdtnrten ( riving and receiving. Gontral Curtis w s receiver and trustee , and whether cotigrcts had u right to prohibit his giving money for > > > litical purposes or not , it certainly lad a right to prohibit his receiv ing it , " Everett P. Wheeler , as representa tive of the Civil S.'tvico Rut or m ueso ciatioi ) , has submitted it brief for the government , in which the constltu- ionnlity of the statute ii maintained upon somewhat broader ground than hat taken by the cnlioitor genera ) , and in which un attou p % is made io how that the practice of political an- essment is not only illegal , but is in * urious to thu public norvico , upprosaivo to gpve'rnmont cm jl'jycs and demoralizing to all who lave anything to do with it. 'Habitual aBesBinen r , " Wheeler ayn , "shmild bo forbidden as protoo- ion to tffiod holders themselves from a most diotracting nnnoyancp. In most oircu'ars ' , indeed , contributions are carefully called voluntary , and hey are usunlly so ope ken of ; but as a matter of Ihct they are not volun- ary. They are radically diffarent rom contributions for social or politi. cal purposes , which are re ly ! volun- ary. Thoio contributions for politi cal purposes nro jolicitod by those it ) uthorit ] , or by those who an1 ikely to have spocidl influence with the appointing power in pir- icular. Tne nmouiit wanted it ( signaled and it is spuken of as nmething which is "duo" As a muter of fact , such assessments Hinount to a sp cioi of extortion They are paid under dureea , very ifion at ureat personal Baonfiue , and under ii.fluency ot fear of losing theii > 'aco ' and means of livelihood through uocecs of the party out eif power oi h rough diamUdul by the parly in > ewer , as a * means of punishment or not having paid them. The Htnount of contributions thumealvu orms , morever , a cjmp'ote answe > i to the uuppoaitinn that t hey . .are vol untary and proper. The aAso&smtintt n the y ar of each pria deutial eleo- ion amount toG per c.'rrtof the otlioe loldera' salary. A great majouty ol hose ansesitd are perrons whose sal nrits do not excotd ? 2,000 per an nnm Prudent perwns with such in comes do not give away 6 per cent o their salaries fqr any one purposi whatsoever , except under prossnre either real or fancied. Thi effects of political asscssmon upon the publio. are not 10ts im purUnt lhau-'ithJiBe u ! > a"thf omoe holders themselves , and auoh eQjcti alone uff.trd sufficient reason for pro hibir.ion of the practice , and the mon ey which is raised becomes inovitabl ; a source of corruption. It cannot b positively stated how much money i raised by means of these assessments From the most trustworthy source o information to which accass can b obtained , however , it may bo posi lively assorted at least 100,0011 ar annually raised reipoctivoly by th republican congressional commit tee and by the republic srnte committee of Now Yor The exict anount is known to ver- few persons and no regular account are kept of rocupls or of expend turoa. What accounts are kept ai not audited and the expenditures ai in the hands of one or two poreor * ? ho are raaponsiblo to nobody. Th disbursement of these sums may b entirely proper , but experience hi hewn that such irresponsible expend tures are a direct , fruitful and tnoi insidious source of corruption. Tfc most aerious indirect effjct of th system is ita influuaoo upo the uharuoter and conduct of polittci p irties. In the eyes of the party oi of power the whole body of ejHiioi and employa of the national govert mtut conrtituto n mercenary fore which draws money from the natiom treasury and spends it tor thopurpoe dduriving them of the honor an emoluments of office and an opportv nity of pulling their prtnc plea of administration into o [ oration. The result is to intrc ducu into ovury political contet elements which ro wholly foreign t it. Thu rancor of such contests i increased , the canfidonou of a larg number of citizens in h meat and ui pmieati edmiiiistralioii of lawn rogt lutina eloctiona in greatly dimiiiishe and a disposition to dispute the dc elered rdault of suoh oluotions eitht by resort t < > immediate violence or t legal contests is consequently grostl increased , " TUB OAlUNKTANtl P.IUTJ03. The statement to iho HiVct tha poli ical alfairs iu New York an Pennsylvania and other states In been a subject for dieoussion at oat met meetings is authoritatively dcme by the president and members of th cabinet , who furthermore specific ill say that wlillo the usual ctblnot incol it gi have been hold for the consido1 tion of public business , no roferenc whatever to pililioul mitters has bjo made at any inuoting , and nadispatct on whatever , cipher ur otherwiic , hav baon sent from the white homo toth chairman of the state committee i New York , or to anyone else , on nc Illicit subjects , there or elsewhere. The president's visit to Now York no is for the purpose of attending to th packing of his private papers , book and other articles preparatory to thei removal to Washington. i. B iiULLErr , al one time supervising architect ( the treasury building , whoso Conner tion with that department will bo n Merchants , arid Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned and Occupied by R.L M'DONALD& WHOLESALE DRY GOODS , Notions and Furnishing Goods , AT ST. , IMIO. , The Brightest Lighted , Boat Appaini d Jobbing House in Amorio * , containing the truest Stock of Dry Goods and Notioni west of the Mississippi. Solo miuiufasturora of the oolabratod McDonald's Overalls , Duck , Denim and Cottonade Pants , CYCLONE ULSTERS , LINED SUITS AND CHEVIOT SHIRTS , In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market Western Merchants can more than save their expenses-a visit to this Mammoth stock be fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write1 for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac tion guaranteed , Remember .t R. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO. memborod since 1877 , formally ten- duied his resignation a few days ago at superintendent of construction lor mblio buildings at Ht Louis , Ci IO BO , Sew York , Philadelphia and Gincin- lati. This action is regarded M n Koliminary ati'p in assertion of la claimer : or compensation from 1877 to the date of his formal resignation , THE OUHMITTEB ON WAYS AND MEANS of the house ( if representative * meet n th a city the 29 n of November to assign to sub-committees all -subject * laving reference to the tariff It is expected by that time the tariff com- uiiation will have submitted a partial report. ' ' PKIOU T3 TUB LATE 'V AR government invested $153,000 d n trust funds in coupons ot the o , Cnattanooua & St. LJUIB compiny. During the WAI the Kovemmeut took possession uf the road , and im ounso j'lonco thereof the amount duf in coupoEB WM never pjtli Sail oKaiost thu company vrai entji.td. * , h proposition for .a j cqfapronji'o . war made by the compsiDj ci5t . Jur/goxi yoorjuoo th < consideration and will probably reac a dooiaion before Saturday. IDE ArtOENEV QENEKAI. says the atatoment that the cabino diocuosed the unsavory complexion o attaohoa of the department of justice and concluded charges should b made , ia not true , not one word of it Ho said Richard Dovins is a man o integrity and rotpaotabtlity , and his been transferred to on honorable nn < responsible position in the post offioi department , a post of equal trust tini conGdonce to that held by bin heroUfjro. No laborers were re moved yesterday , but two messenger were diamieeud for cauto. 0.io o these places was filled by promotion o a laborer who was in the dupartmon for some time ; the other vuctncy wa filled by B young colored man , residen of thia district , rtoommeuded b ; Frederic' * Duuglas. The etatemunt i falBU that any person from Pennoyl vanin vraa aolocted to fill any of thos vacancies. TUK 110AKD OF OrFIOEBU , corps of engineers , has boon orderot to aaeomblo at Cincinnati to oxarnin and report on the work of improve ment completed , in progress and pro posed for th Kentucky river , rCIIILIU U I ) It DIN (1 SITKH. The surgeona general of the arm ; and navy report to Secretary L'ncoln rucommonduig a plot of five aires ii the aouihwust corner of Uot Spring mountain as a tito for the propose * army and navy hospital , for the con atruQtion of which $800,000 wp.a ap uropriatod at the last Bastion of con gro s. The comtnUsion to ( elect a eito fo public buildings in Louidvilln repartee in favor of the Industrial Kipositioi property , Fourth avunuo mid Ohest nut Btretits. Too second asiistant poslmaate gaueral ii now Bonding out an adver tiaemont inviting pronnsuls for et route service upon 2 'Wit ! routes in II linois , Iowa , Miohgm ai.d Wisoon ain , and CIO miicellaneoui route foittored throughout the Unitci States , Tba Walking Match Score- Bpoclol Dltp&tch to Tus ISB. ! NKW VOUK , Ootnber 25. H zac 343 , Uu'ihojUia , Ri nUU41 , Fitz Rora'dim , Norem < io330 , Ii rt 32B Herty 30 ! ) , Vint L'85 I'anohot with drawn witb score ot 250 milos. Option Trading in St. Louts. Bpocud Dispatch to Tut OKI. BT. Louis , October 25 The propc sition to amend the rules govurnin option trading , which hat bean bafor the BlerohaQta' Eichango for two ci three weeks past , was voted on to-da and defeated , the vote standing 51 for and 550 against. The amend moats rcquiroi a two-thirds vote t carry them. The present rules pr vent the running of corners. Th amendments would have made auoh thing not only posiible , but their oj ponents nay , quite probable. ANDERSON Of IQWiV. j Ula MoulhDkceti Tnlkmir to Empty Bout hue nc Stanton. SpecUl Dispatch to Tun Hr.n. STINTON , In. , Octobir 25. Hon. 7i T Fisher and Lawyer Bn thole- mow addressed an audience of twenty- fire here this ovonicg in behalf of Major Anderson , the majority leaving before the speaker hud finished , The utiop'o , farmers in particular , do nit enthuse over Major Anderson's rail way record and the $ lCOO bond business. .Alatkmn Newi. Special DiapMcQ to I'll * Uir. SAN FR\NOISOJ , Oitnber 25. A Port Townseud diop'itjh ea > s the lit earner Idaho arrived from Alaska. Rich placer mines were discovered enD D mglas Island. A party of prospect ors arrived at lunsan from Yukon river. Th y report a mild climate an < ] peed , digtriugi. The revenue cutter Co'win"arrivijd at BttkaOctober , 13 .tr 'yO-aa'eitondod cruise in the. Arctic At K.diak the Ian companyv reporter a successful season. At St. Lvwranci bay over a hundred decomposed bodiei of unlive * were found. 'I ho survivort paid the mortality was caused bj starvation. At North Head thi L'arnod Indians f.und the body o Master Putnam on the ice with a re volver by his side and the skeleton o : a dog and a broken sledge near. Tha P. nu Celebration- f.oclal Dlrp&tch to Tfco Boo. PuiLADtuPiiiA , October 25. Thi fair weather contributed to mttk "Trades Diy , " as to day is styled ii the group of bi-cuntonuittlTotes , n gal OlCialOIl. Croud atrobt , between Oolumbii avenue and Cnristian street , a dis tuuco of over two miles , was occupier to-night by 150,000 people anxious t < view the night tableaux presented b ; the Bi centennial Tableau associa tion , and half as many more wen packed along bo'h sides of Chestnut Market and Broad streets. M tat o the dwellings and other buildings wen brilliantly illuminated and handhomol ; decorated. It was nearly midnigh when the procession wound up at thi Academy of Music ai d the' panic ! pants entered that edifice to take thei parts in the Penn tableaux arranger fur the exhibition with u grand cole oration given under the nur pices o the Tdblnau association. Tnuro wai a preliminary concert this evening bj Welsh singers , who are present ii great force from two or three neigh billing ojuntio' , but the mmical fes tival proper wi 1 take place to inorrov morning and a concert of united Ger in in singers in the afternoon , Women and Temporauoo. Spoci&l DUpttcb to TUB c LooimLLE , 0tober25 The nintl annual coiivention of the Woman' ) National Christian Tumoeranco Unioi assembled at the First Ohristiat church this morning with a largr nudionce present , Robbing the Dead. Bpeclal Dlipatch to Till Uir. OWEN 8o0wi ) , Oc-ober 25 A. part ; who returned from /iiroli for th bodies of the Ada victims report th pockets of all dead bodies robbud o valuables , and in some instances evei the shoes W TJ taken oil * Indians ii the vicinity have been spending mono ; very freely of late , The Oniflild Bait. Special Dlspiuh to Tus lint , COLUMUUS , 0. , October 25. Th last legislature appropriated $10,00 to plaso a bust ot Oarfuld in Iho ol hall of the house of representatives a Washington. The commission to ex amine designs met to-day and inspect pd models by Preston Powers c Rome , Nochaus & llabisso of 'Cincin nati , Carpenter of Diyton , Bailey Washington , MaoDonald ot Now YorV and other artists , were consulted , bi no selection will bo anuocnced ti Mrs. GrGeld is oonnulted as to he choice. DR. FISHBLATT , OF THE DES MOINES MEDICAL DISPENSARY , ON ACCOUNT OF HIS Immense Practice In Omaha , Neb. , WILL MAKE HIS NEXT VISIT ON Tuesday , Fov. 7th , 1882 , AND WILL REMAIN THREE DAYS AT THE TOIW WHERE HE CAN BE CONSULTED ON THE Eye & Ear , Throat & Lungs , Catarrh , Kidneys AND Bladder and Female Diseases as Well as All Chronic and Nervous Diseases. HM discovered the greatest cure In the world for wcxknpsa of tha bock nd lunbcL Involuntary discharge' , Impotenoy , noneral deb II y , uervousnesi , kngour , confusion of Ideas , palpitation < if the heart , timidity , trembling , dimness of Bight or giddiness , tils , easoa of the he d. throat , nose or akin , affections of the liver , lungs , stumach or bowel * thcro ten Ihle disorders , arising from solitaiy habits ot youth ami secret wractlce * > more fatal to the victim tlian the SOURS of Syrens to the marines of Ulysses , blighting their moat rndlent hoi on or anticlpatl us , rendering marriage Imp eslblo. These that are suffering from the evil practices , which destroy their mental andr physical oystcm , causing NERVOUS DEBILITY , The symptoms of wlilch are a dul-dtatre68td mind , which unfit * them for performing ; their business and r-oclal clutie , imikeH hnppy marriage * impossible , dint reason the action of the heart , cruxlng flu-litH of heat , deproMtlun i f spirits , evil forebodings , cow ardice , foirn , aroaiun , rontleHS nlghU , rilr.rlnesn , forg'tfulnrRn , unnatural dioolmrgeB , pain In the back nod hips , h rt breathing , melancholy , tire oai-ily of i ompany and have preference ? to bo alnuo. feeling tut tired in the morning aa whenretirin/ . seminal weak * DESK , lost miuihnod , white bane deposit In the mine , uervoainons , tremblingconfusl m of thought , watery nnd wcukryon , dyspopdla. constipation , palenctui. pain and wealcneat In the limbs , oto. , should consult me Innnndlutotv nnil bo lostored to perfect health. YOUNG MEN Who have become victims of nolltry vluet , trial dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave tnouinndx of young men of exalted talt-nt and brilliant Intellect who might i tbttrwino cntr nee listening senators with the thunders ot their eloqucuco cr waken to extucy the lllntt Ivro. tnuy call witb confidence , MARRIAGE. Married pontons or young men contemplating marriage beware of physical weak * neej. Loss f procreattve jxiwer , luixitenoy [ ur any other disqualification speedily relieved. Ho wlm placox himself under the euro of Ur. Klnhhuttt ma ; religiously con lido in bla honor AS a gentlninn , nnd nddpn'lv relv iimm I > I < skill tut n physldun. ORGANAL WEAKNESS Immediately cured and lull vigor ie > tored. This1 dlatremiug affection , which renders life a burden and marriage lnip < < i > sililo , in thn penalty paid by the victim for improper Induhtouce. Young people are apt to commit exofrsea from not being waie of thi dreadful consequences that may ousuo. Now who that understands thfc u'Jcct ' will deny that procreation Is Icwt o nor bv those falllnu into lrnproin r habits than by tha prudent. Re idea beinc deprived of the uloaaurea of healthy uffsprlogt , the most eoriooi and deatruclivo syniptomu ot both mind and body ; jino. The system liecomea do * ranged tha phyxljol and mental powers weaken. Lost procreutlve pnwera , n rvooa Irritability. riyBjHipBl i , palpitation of the hoirt , IndiKeotlon , constitutional debility , wasting of the frame , coniib , nm iirntlon | and death A CURE WARRANTED. Persona nilnetl In litolth by unlearned nrrteudtm who keep them trifling month after mouth , taking iioUouous nrl Injurious coinpouni's i-hould apply immediately , DR. FISHBLATT , graduate of nno of the most eiiiinrut o leKca in the United States , has effected some ol tha motit OHtnuUhlng curm that wrro ever known. Mi ny tr uhle < l with rmRlng In the ouru and head when unit ep , great iioi voiuneae , lieing alarmed at ce tuln sounds , with frequent bltuhlug * , attended soiiibtlme4 with derangement ol tha mind , were cured Immediately. Take Particular Notice. Dr. Y , aildrestres all tliouo ho have injured themselves by Improper indnlgenctj and solitary huhlta which ruin Ixith mind and body , untUtlnR the M for Imslne , study , society or marriage. Those ro BOIIIO of the sail , melancholy tffecU produce 1 hy the early habits of youth , viz. WeiUnow of the back and limb- , pain * in the bead and dlumes * of tiithr , loss of mn'oulur powers , pa'pltatlon ' of the heart , dyipepsla , oervuui irritability , derangement of digestive functions , debility , consuin | > Uaa , etc. PRIVATE OFFICES , CLAPP'S BLOCK , 5TH & V/4MT § TS Entrnnoo on Filth btrcet , Dea ASoiocs , low u\ \ CONSULTATION KHKI5. Chargea moderate and within r he re riM | ll who need Solentlfiu Murilcal Tnatuieiit , Tlioie who leulde at a distance uud c . .iikttll ) , will re * ctlve prompt attention through the n ail by xiinpiy sending their ey mptwlvij th postage Addret * Look Box 08 Dei Moluei , lowtu T PERFEOTiON HEATING1 AND BAKIHC , la only attained by CHARTER OAK * Stoves 'and Ranges. \ WITH WIRE GAUZE ( TO DOQttS , For sale by , OTVT ATT ft.