Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee
Wednesday Morning , Oct. 25.
- - - - 20 cents per re k
Office : No. 7 Pcmrl Street , Near
Broad war *
M. O , GRIFFIN , Mincer.
n. W. TltVTON. Olty Editor. !
J. Mueller' * Palace MustoJIall.
One i > l ln drunk named C meronrria
glrcn the regulation dose yesterday In po
lice court.
The now meat market ofIShul ! [ & Mullen -
len , 709 South Main strict , guerantoo best
of meats and prompt attention.
A fine assortment of Hoots nnd Shoos ,
sufficient to supply Jtho demands of all , at
George Blnxim'a south Main ctrect ,
Permit * to wed were yesterday given
Ttforman McMullin nnd Mary E. Bamford ,
of Washington townchlp ; nlso Malt
ChrlstUne m nnd Ida M. Jjaricn , uf Coun
cil Bluffs.
Arrangements nro made by which durIng -
Ing the cMlon f the grand ledge the pub
lic library will be open from 8 o'clock In
the morning uatil 9 o'clock at nijht. (
Chiap ltdlroftd tickets to all points ,
Buibntll , fivedoora north of po tolfico , nclls
them. 3'ntrauco , Main or 1'oarl streets.
Joseph Itow , the upper Broadway
cooper , desires to purchase 00,000 hoop
polca lie also wishes to employ torToxtra
coopers. Write to or inquire at ills cooper
' Ueio Robinion , charged with using
' 4 * ' 0V80no laoSuaB ° toward Mmo. Lo Flour ,
. of dug out lam ? , was yontord y di-charged ,
the mtdtrai not appearing against him.
JlollIoJWallaco and her swarthy board-
era were yesterday arraigned for being
Boiled doves. The landlady was fined
$29.10 and th other $14.10 ach.
The boys band of the St. Francis ]
parish will play each night during the
CitSolIc fair at Dohany opera houso. The
Fair commences the middle of the month.
From present indications it will bo a grand
Strangers whlln in the city should not
fail to visit H. E. Seaman's Paper , Books ,
Stationery , Art and Toy establishment ,
whore they will bo made welcome ,
Loren Peterson was arrested yester
day for assault upon Hans Hanson , but
the evidence allowed that Hanson waTTh
1'eterson'ii house nnd roftxioJ to leave ,
whereupnn the latter throw him out. Po-
ternon was accordingly discharged ,
Joseph Reitcr makes the Iflnost Suits
in the latent ntylos , at Iho linvest ponsiblo
prices. His merchant tailoring extablii
ment Is nt 310 Upper Broadway , Uounci
The old reliable insurance company ,
Phrrnix of Hartford , has lately placed
their business for representation in the
agency of Odell&Day. { Jflko in Board
of Trade rooms of this city.
Ono moro cell , or , moro properly
called , hole , has boon added to the city
oalabooso. A portion of the police headquarters -
> > , quarters has been partitioned oif , with no
window or ventilation except ft little ( ran
som over the door , and that is to bo made
tight S3 as to let no air in and very little
light. The old calabooio can hardly be
made any more dismal or dirty.
The Chautaunua club , formed mainly
of the young ptople of the Methodist
chnrdc , hold its second meeting Monday
' evening , at the icldence of Rev. Mr. Arm
strong , the pastor. There were twenty ,
five present , nnd the club promises to grow
In numbers as well as intellectually.
In the police court yesterday some of
the numerous disorderly cases were dis
posed of , George Gerspaoher , John
Smith , Al Wiednor , and Lea Forman
pleaded guilty and were fined $9.10 each ,
including costs , Several of those who were
engaged in Sunday's rumpuses have bad
their caica tot for Monday next.
Major V. D. Clark la about to leave for
the east.
Jndge A. V. Larimer , started yeiterday
for Chicago.
F. O. Armstrong , of i'ekin , 111. , Is in
the city visiting his cousin , T. O.ICavin ,
J. 8. Bard , of Chicago , representing
Mandel Bros. , was looking after the bun-
HMI men hero yesterday ,
- , H. W. Dodd. , editor of The Knights'
Sword and Helmet , Fort MadUon , Is in
the city , and1 will remain during the meet
ing of the Grand Lodre , Knij'hti of
H. M. Hart , of St. Paul , assistant gen.
eral agent of the { Mutual Life Insurance
company , of New York , was in the city
yesterday , interviewing bis agent , Mr. F.
Ilober , and looking over the field with in
-eagle eye for business.
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Yalkenburg ,
Mr. nd Mrs. H. W. Dodd , J. It. Tewkn-
bury , Jonathan Wilds , Theo. Ernst , and
Win. P. Btaub , all of Fort Madison , Iowa ,
arrived yesterday and an stopping at the
Ogden house ,
R v. Henry Colman , D. D. , of Mil.
ii waukee , one of the most prominent
MethodliU in Wisconsin , was in the city
yesterday , and took a view of Falnnount
Park and other features of interest about
, the Bluifi , and then went across the river
to look at Omaha.
Star Comedy Opera Company
The above named organization ,
numbering nonio thirty people , will
hold forth at Dohany'a opera house
November 0 and 10 , Since the com-
pany'a firet appearance in Philadel'
phla there have been added three
more prima donnas to the already
largo number of lady principals , and
it is eald to comprise the finest and
most proficient teen in any theater ,
The lovers of opera in this city are
to be congratulated on the vieit of
thu company. There is none in the
whole range of Knglish opera which
in bettor calculated to give more gen-
ral latiifaction ,
The Nnines of tbo Officers nnd Repre
sentatives of tbo Qrnua LiOdge.
To-day the annual session of the
Iraiicl Lodge of lorn , Knights of
'ythtss , opens in this city , at Oastlo
mil. The visiting knights will arrive
his morning , and on to-day's trains ,
only n few having ranched here yoator-
lay. To-day will bo given over to
ho reception of the knights and the
nooting of the lodge. The street
Kirado. , nnd the public doings will
n rk o-morrotv'a proununmo. The
( ( lowing is the roll of the orticera nnd
lelegttoa :
1 * . ( ! , 0. , JulItH Pappe. Marehalltown.
O.C , K. H. Hlbben , Manhalltown.
O. V. O. . .1 , S. Hart , Clinton.
( } . P. , W. lr. Larawaway , O Ion wood.
( } . Al. of K. , W. G. Mercer Burling.
O , K. of R. ft a. , H. D. W lk r , Mt.
: 'k'HRant ,
G , M , at Arms , Henry Wheeler , Du-
O. I. G , J. A. Vincent , Independence.
O O. G. , Jacob Dahlmnn , FalrfieM.
Jtapreiontntives to .Supremo Lodzo
Inhn VanVnlkenbiirg , Ft. Madison ; John
\V. Green , Davenport.
G rank -La Drown nnd J. A. M. Collins ,
tlnnilng Star , No. 8 , Kookuk.
Cliarlen Weitz and S. I ) . , loncs , Myrtle ,
Co. 0 , Den Moines.
John Cameron nnd John GrinJakcr ,
) finion , No. 10 , Uavonport.
W. A. Toney , Frlendnhip , No. 11 , Bur-
K. K. Goodwin , Wapcllo , No. 12 , Ot-
T.'R. Galbrath , Columbia , No. 13 , Sioux
II J. Abbott and John R. Stngg , St.
Vlbinn , No. 17 , Council BlulTs.
J. R. Towkbury nnd Jonathan Wilde ,
Gem ( Jity , No. 21. Fort Mudison.
O. M. Fulton , Liberty , No. 22 , Colum-
mi Junction.
47. O. Hull , Choriton , No. 25 , Charlton.
Tim O. Walker , UaUntho , No. 20 ,
ilooin field.
S , W. Cooper , Jackson , No. 28 , Milton.
G. G. H. Gardner nnd W. A. Park ,
Canltol City. No. 29 , Des Molnen.
Wm. M. Young , Troy , No. 31 , Albia.
K. II. Oiloll nnd W. K VmiRhau , Coun-
ell Uluffji , No.10 , Council Blnffi.
33.V , Duncan nnd A. 13. 1'cck , Apollo -
> ollo , No.11 , Dubuque.
Th. Krnest , Humboldt , No , 42 , Fort
W. 11. ParsonsGlonwood , No. ' 13 , ( Hen-
A. J , Santco , Lafayette , No , 44 , Clin-
-on ,
O. L. Root , Ivanhoo , No. 45. Clinton.
Seth Newman , Crescent , No. 10 , Indo-
15. P. Stedman , Fidelity , No. 47 , Vln-
J. W. Hampton , Lotus , No. 48 , Win-
Lymnn H. Thorn , Gnnsotled , No. 49 ,
John Lind , Goethe , No , HI , Council
Bluff , , .
Charlon Btrgrausen , Concordla , No , fi2
Council BlufN.
K. 13. Hughes , Delta , No. 53. Newton.
W. O. JOvans , Jupiter , No. fil , Bcllvue.
13. P. Thompson , St. Elmo , No. 55 ,
State Centre.
1 W. A. Grier , Kvergrcon , No. CC.KIdora ,
A. A. Wbipplo , Emerson , No. 57 , Emer-
oon.B. . McCoy nud J. C. Williann. No. 58 ,
JIIH. IJ Roiior , Lincoln , No , 59 , Stuart
G. H. Rlghtmyre , I'oerlcBB , No. GO , Ma
S. L. Dalley , Humeston , No. 01 , Hu
Albert HeadGnrfield , No. (32 ( , Tclferson
O. U. Clark , Df Sola , No. 03 , Vail.
A. J , Baker , Contervlllc. No. 04 , Ceu
Chus. W. McGovorn , Anchor , No. GG
Missouri Valley.
Lyon C. Hatton , Hercules , No. G7 , Giis
weld ,
Jno. 0. Leper , les Moines , No. G8 , Eas
Des Moinea ,
J. B Dakln , Cerro Gordo , No. 70 , Ma
sou City.
8 , P. Ayres , Knoxvlllo , No. 72 , Knox
vllle.E. 0 , Pike , Central , No. 73. Boone.
Henry Eifert , Herdman , No. 74 , Ws >
C. H. Stunman and J. H. Pickler , Wyo
ming , No. 70 , Muscatlne ,
lion. G. It. Struble , Mariam , No. 78
H. G. Palmer , Julius , No. 71 , Wha
W. H. Steele , Loeur de Loon , No. 80
W. R. Graham , Rod Cedar , No. 83 , Cedar
dar Falls.
W. Wadell. Slovens , No. 81 , Nichols.
J. D. Wood. Voaixjr , No. 85.
G. 1' . Hopkins , Summit , No. 8li.
At the Stock Yards.
The following wore the receipts nt Hi
Union stock yards yesterday :
29 carp , Evans & M.
39 can , M R Davis.
11 cars , Matthews & Co.
110 cars , Wyoming Cattle Co.
21 cars , Rand & ootman.
4 cars , T Bros & Co ,
10 can , J fr Ford.
10 car ? , M R Davis.
The shipments wore :
2 care , J Low to Brown , Price & Co
Chicago , by O , M & St P.
28 card , Evans & M to themselves , Ch
cage , by O. M i St P.
U cars , Homur & S to Farmer , Richarc
son & Co by 0 , B & Q.
3 cars , Homer & S to Brown.IPrlce & Co
Chicago , by 0 , B & Q.
15 cars. Marsh & Cooper to JM Robert
& Co , Uhlcairo , by C B & Q. |
15 earn , Richard fc , Lane to Palmer
PrlceS Co. by O , B&Q.
ID elm , M R Davis to Brown , Price S
Co , Chicago , by O& N W.
Total receipts ISO cArs , and total ship
meats 78 cars ,
Trunafora of Titles.
The following transfers of real ea
tate are reported for TUB BEK , ai
taken from the county records by J
W , Squire & Co. , abstractors o ! titles
real estate and loan agents , Oounci
Bluffs :
0. L. Spiouso to M. Churchill , par
of sw qr. of sw. qr. I ) , 77,38 , 8130.
0 E. Adolf to E. S. Adolf , lots L
and G , in 0 , StuUnmn'a first , $1.
E M. Wood to E. R. Adolf , lots C
nnd 0 , in 0 , Blutsiuan'a first , $1.00
W. Gordon to J. H. Lowman , B. hf ,
of nw. qr 9 , 70 , 39 , $2,400. ,
L. R. Eaaox to D. Jaminson , lot a
in Eubank'a second , $1,200.
S , J , Spielberg to J. Kilpack , nw.
of ne. 1C , 7710 , ? 398 45.
H. Bchiterli to M. Oasoy , lot 0 , in
12 , Beer's sub. , 875.
II. 0'N.ell to J. S. O'Neil , part ne
of nw , 12 , 70 , 40 ; also lot 3 , in 1
Arnold's add. , nnd 14 in 1 , Avocn '
N. P. Dodge to Maria Hanna , lot
20. in 11 , BiddlftBub. , city , § 300.
J. Boiler to P. Wieso , w , hf nw
qr. , IS , 70 , 38 , $1,600.
Palpitation of the Heart
J.M. Might , Syracuse , N , Y , , writes
'When ' I first commenced using your Bun
DOCK BLOOD Uirm I was troubled witl
fluttering and palpitation of the heart. 1
f lt weak and languid , with a numbness o
the llmb ; since uslntr , my heart ha < < no
trpmbled we and the numbing sensation h
( all gone. " Price , 81.00.
omo of the Experiences Which a
Poor Hey Passed Through nt
the County House ,
The attention of n number of citi-
ens on Upper Broadway htu been
rawu to the case of n young man
amed John Wilson , who is sick in
> ody nnd scanty in purse. Young
Vilaon is only eighteen years of ngp ,
nd is n painter by trade. Ho has of
ate been quite ill , and being without
rionda or money , norno of those
< noingtho facts about him , secured
hoattondanco of the city physican ,
) r , Bollingorwho prescribed lor him.
lounp ; Wilson had notovon a room ,
\\t \ resting place being M rndo cot in
ho rear part of A paint
hop , Atido from the barrenoss
f the place , and lack of comforts for
sick man , there wan the constant
) nint btuoll aggravating his ailment
onstnntly. Some of the citizens in
hat vicinity finally had him removed
o the county poor house to bo cared
or , nnd thither ho wont last Thuro-
"ay. On Monday ho returned , nnd
is story of the treatment ho there
occivod is eucli as ohou/d / bo invest- !
atcd by the authorities , for if true a
ofortnution in needed there. No one
nn look p.t the boy , ' hollow-cyod , palo
nd trembling , without seeing thnt hia
ickneca is no nlmtn. A portion of the
itnu hu is able to shuilla about on his
cot , but in evidently unfit for any
work , and in in need of care
nd medical treatment. Bo tells
n a very ' houest sort of n way
hat ho had rather die in the streets
Imn bo used BO like n dog ns ha waa
Instead of being given any modi-
ino or being shown any care , he says
10 MOB told that he was not sick at all ,
nd waa by thrcuta made to got out
if bed and work , doing chorea and
ivon chopping wood. This is the
oason ho assigns for having made his
ray as best he could back to town ,
lis very appearance , aa ho crawls out
if hit barren lodging place , and gets
old food to sustain Jife , is enough to
ixcito sympathy from utmost a atone ,
lo is without relatives here but
mn a brothiir in Denver and
x , oistor in Chicago , but ho says
hey nro not able to help him. Hia
athor lives in Portugal , and ho has
written him for help , but it is a loi'g
distance from here there and back and
n the meantime ho has no means to
iclp him. He lived in Manaachusotts
for two years , and came hero about
BIX months ogo. For the past three
or four months ho bus only been able
to work n portion of the time , hia
strength failing , nnd ague and other
ailments keeping him confined to his
bed about half the timo. Then ) are
several hero who vouch for the fact
that the boy is industrious and seem
ingly honest and straightforward , and
they readily believe hia atory of his
treatment at the county houso. Ar
rangements nro now being made to
got him into moro comfortable quar
ters , and to provide for him moro lib'
orally. With n little care now it is
thought he can upcodily bo restored to
ouiVicient health and strength to en
able him to do some light form oi
work , if ho can find such to do. Ho
sooma intelligent nnd willing to work
but here among comparative strangori
the boy sick and penniless , has a ban
Moro universally recommended
than any proprietary medicine made
A euro and reliable tonic , Brown's
Iran Bitters.
A Norry Woman Defends Her Home
stood with o , Kovolvor , and
Holds a Gantr ofMon
at Day.
Yesterday a construction gang on
the B. & Al. road wore busy laying a
switch in the southern part of the
city , and in attempting to lay the
track across the corner of a residence
lot , there found an obstacle in the
way , in the form of a woman , namei
lira. Olaughessy , who lived there , nm
not only claimed the place as ho
homo , but armed with n revolver pro
posed to maintain complete possession
In vain the railroad men claimed tha
they had the right of way , and tha
the law was on their side. There
she stood , and gave them dis
tinctly to understand that the
first man who crossed the line woulc
bo n fit subject for Coroner Faul
Chief Field was sent for in hoi
haste to suppress her , but on learning
the state of thinga advised the rail
road authorities to make complaint
against her and got a warrant , if they
had the right of way , as they
claimed. They drew off and laic
their track oUewhoro , but ran il
across the rear of the lot on which
stands the Center street school house ,
cutting off about fifteen foot of th (
lot. Whether they have the riqht 01
way there or not is n question , but in
any event it damages the school prop
erty to a great extent , nnd if the
track is to bo used much the noiao ,
smoke , danger from accidents , etc ,
will render it almost unfit for schoo
A fortune may be spent In using Inef
fectual medicines , when by applying
THOMAS' KcLKcnuo OIL a ipeody and
economical cure can be effected. In cues
of rheumatism , lame back , bodily ailments ,
or pains of-every description , it affords
instant relief
Sherman on Intentional Errors.
From Tlio Los Anectoa ( Cal. ) Herald ,
A gentleman of this city recently
wrote to General Sherman asking if il
is a fact that General Slonoman failed
to sustain the honor of the Union
army nt Maoon. Ho received the fol
lowing reply :
Of course It is not the fact. But ,
if I undertook to correct errors made
purposely to deceive , I would have to
leave this world by the first train.
Sept. 28 , 1882.
Miraullo Dlotu.
"Your Sl'iu.NO BLObbOU is a success. I
certainly think its effects are wonderful
all the dyipentlo symptoms I complalnei
of hate vanished ; my wife Is also enthuii
astio in praise of it ; she won disfigured by
blotches and pimples on her face , and hai
a continuous headache. She is all djh
now and all unsightly eruptions have gone
1 ou may refer any doubting parties to me
"Elk Street , Buffalo , "
The MEVSB Convention of Republicans.
The republican township convention
w&s called to order by Mr. 0. M.
larlo. On motion , J. W. Baird was
chosen chairman , nnd Mr. A. J. Hatt
secretary. On motion , the convention
proceeded to the nomination of three
candidates for justice of the pence , It
wns nmendod to proceed to elect ono
at n time , and the amendment was
carried. On motion , the chair wns
nstructod to appoint two tellers and
o lot no ono but republicans vote.
! . J , Holmes nnd T. A. Kirklnnd
wore appointed tellers. On motion ,
.ho ballot was declared a formal ono
nstaad of informal. On motion , the
persons receiving the highest number
if votes bo doclaiod the nominees.
The following gentlemen were
placed in nomination : II. II.'Fields ,
44 ; 11.11. Soalcy , C3 ; E. J. Abbott ,
38j 0. E. Giimoro , 27 ; J. 0. Rode-
> cck , 3 ,
On motion the chair was instructed
0 appoint three moro teller * . Colonel
Daily , John Lindt and Flickingor
were unpointed. R. H. Sraloy re
ceived C3 votes. On motion the
lommation waa maJo unanimous.
Second formnl ballot : U. H. Field ,
95 ; E. J. Abbott , 119 ; 0. E. Gilmore ,
.0 ; J. 0 , Rodebock , 5. On motion
ho nomination of E. J. Abbott was
made unanimous.
Third formal ballot U. H.
Fields , 101 ; 0. E. Giimoro ,
)5 ) ; J. 0. Rodibcck , B. Col. Dailoy
noved to elect Mr. H. H. Fields by
cclaniatioii , bub wns declared out of
order on a point raised by Ool. Bapp.
Ifr. Fields * nomination w a made
On motion the persona rcceivingtho
three hitjhcst number of votoa for oon-
table were to bo declared elected ,
The following worn placed in nom-
nation : Captain Hayes , 3i ( ; John
Motcalf , Oil W. MoFndden , 73 ; ROB-
oiiernnB , 82 ; Olatterbuck , 85 ; D , Mat-
, 24 ; John Fpx , 109. Messrs John
Hotcalf , John Fcx and Olattorbuck
wore declared the nominees of the
Nomination for township clerk : Mr.
W. G. Talliudor received 14 , nud 0.
S. Clark , The Nonpareil scribe , 120 ,
wan declared the nominee af the con
vention unanimouoly elected.
Nomination tor township trustee :
Mr. Wm. Campbell waa , on motion ,
elected unanimously for township
trustee. Adjourned sine die.
Boston VH. Chlcngo Shopping.
Nera 1'crrj's lioston Letter In I'rot Idcnco Ntor.
I waa not a littla mnuaed to henr an
observing feminine tourist from Ohi
cngo apeac of -Boston peculiarity
which she called "the shopping b
rage. " She faid that in no city had
shu ever aoun anything like it ; that in
every homo-car that uho had entered
for the fortnight that she had been in
Boston , nearly every woman had ia
her hands n leather bag or basket
crammed with email ( shopping * pack-
agon. I asked her what the Chicago
wcmen did when shopping , and was
informed that they didn't carry their
own package : , but had them sent !
"Suppose you jzo about to several
places ? " I enquired , "and buy a paper
of pins hure , and u piece of braid at
another place , and "
"Oh , but we buy everything at ono
place , from an India shawl down tc
our boots and shoes and needleo ant
pins and ribbons , " I was at once in
When I told this to a born and broc
Boston woman , she sniffed her little ,
straight. Beacon street nose at the
usual critical Boston angle , and re
marked , "Our shops nro notTorioty
stores. " Wheu in turn I basely repeated
peatod 'hia to little Chicago with a
good an imitation of the Boston man
ner as I could give , I was mot by th
fiat rcsponso , "That's a * good way out
of it ; little Boston would bo miserable
without an OXCQBO for carrying n shop
ping bag ! " This is only a email spark
of the fiery feud that used to break out
on occasions when Boston nnd the West
used to meet but to equabblo. Of late
years not only has the west como to
thoroughly appreciate this city of the
east , but the east has grown in a cer
tain kind ot appreciation for the west.
1 say n certain kind , for Ido ( not think
that the east Boston , at any rate
completely recognizes the cultivation
that exists in the great western cities
amongst individuals , if not so much
in general society. Ouo ia constantly
hearing here such romarka sa , "Well ,
that is western1 applied to some en
tirely psrsonal peculiarity of thu in
dividual. Perhaps it is of dross , per
haps of manners , that this criticism io
made , but it is no moro applicable to
the west generally than to any other
section of the country.
Sniivan & Fitzgerald ,
Orookery , Glassware ,
Also agents lor the following llm ot
Steamship Companies :
Cururd , Anchor , Gulon , American , nd BU > .
Steuual'tp Companies.
X > 3EC k. X * V S
For i lo ou tha Hojil Bank of Ireland ud B nl
ol Ireland , Dublin , Thot wko Intend to send (01
( rleuds to aov part ol Kurops will find It to theh
nteie t to call on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
843 Broadway. Council Bluffs
Trtcntj-lour jcars experience In practical
G ) liatolo ; , ' y.
Office 106 Upper Broadway ,
Council Bluffs Iowa.
i , D , rDMU.suaoN , i. L. SUPOAKT , i. w. BIRUBT ,
1'rwldent. Vice-1'rca'u Cashier.
Of Council Bluffs.
Organized under the U\\s ol the State ol Iowa
Paid up capital . | TB.oCO
AuthorUoJ capital. . . . , , . . . . . . 00,000
Interest paid on time deposit * . Drafts Issued
ou the principal cities ol the United Staid and
turopc. Special attention given to collections
and co ro jiondenc with prompt return * ,
J-p.Edmund on , E.L.Bhuwrt , J , T.
W.tW. Wallace , J. w. Rodler , I. A.
A. W , Street Jvldtl
NOTICE. SpccUl ad rtlcemcntc , cue M
Lost , 1'ound , To IAVJ , for Ba1 , To Rout ,
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In lhl
column at the ow rate ol TKN CENT3 PER
.tNK for the flrtt Insertion and FIVE OKNTB
'KR LINK for each subsequent Insertion ,
/cave fttlv erticcment ) at our ofllca , No. 7
Pearl Street , ncir Itrnadway.
) A barn about flrc minutes walk of
Broadway Kmjulrc Unit offlcj.
Two food fflrlj Immedlvcly. En.
WANTKD K. 0. Hou e , S. Main St.
At once , four lalli'r1) . Kr quire
WANTED Mcrthiu t Ile tftumnt , corner of
Broadway mid Ilancrolt street , of F. J , Stcm'er.
A cook at the Western house on
WANTED Rroidnay at once.
WASTED A b kor , ( rood m n. rno who
linden ands hl buslne < i > . Irqnlre of Dill
1. Hall , 103 * roajw y , lonncll BiuB
WANTED A pnod trlrl c n flirt * gcoi phco
nt 705 , cor. ( ! th ate. , nnd 7th Si. Wn. A
n. Wnlkcr. octlO-Et
A piO'l ' bov about 15 or Id } eai *
WANTED , a * Melnhllber'a furnlluro factory.
A situation s Wad and c ko
WANTED Erqiilre at HFK office
A pirl for cencral hou cwork In
n sirmll fimily , enquire II. 0. Bee cHko. '
\ \ ! ANTKi ; GlO buildings to mo\o. We make
YV nvpuclilty of moil K houses and safes' '
Addrera W , 1' , AjIcsHOrtu , bux 870. Conncll
UnlTs. la.
Everybody In Council BluOg lo
to take Tun UK , 20 cents per week , ue
Ivorocl by carriers. Offlco , No 7 I'earl Street
near Broaqway.
To buy 100 Was broom com
For particulars address Council Bluff *
Broom Factory , Council Brails , lena , 658-2911
For Sale and Rout
"ITHJIl UENT KuriiMicd rooms to rent , with
Jj board , at 730 M } nstcr street. Day board
9J.5) per week. ocutl7-lt
jlOll RENT A dcs rable ottica on Ilrit floor.
A. It , 41 AYNIi & CO. , No. 34 1'carl ttr.jet.
T710H RENT Atr > - p'oisiut ' uowlv built
C hoiis- , Franklin Bt. To rm rcasutuble. A.
11. MAYNh & CO. , No. SI Vtarl street.
I.MJu aALb Ueu'itilul rueldcnco tots , fflO
1 } each ! nothing down , nnd Klpcrrrontki only ,
A furnished house with thm
1011119 cellar and cistern , near Broadway.
No. 20 , N Eighth street.
CJTILli AHEAD Great success. Cell and see
O new accessories and specimens of pictures
takenbt the reliab'c ' gelatine brointdo proccts ,
at the Excelsior Gallery JO iMaln street.
W. L. 1'ATTON 1'bjstclan and Oculist.
DIL cure any caeo of Bcro eycn. It Is only
n matter of time , and can cure generally in
from three tc Qvo necks It makes no differ
ence how long diseased. Will straighten crow
eyes , operate and remove PtyrepiniflF , etc. , ant
Insert artificial eyes. Special attention to re-
morcInK tadoworma opS-tl
Council bluffs'
Business Directory ,
Art Gallery.
Excelsior photograph ga'lery , South Main St
Instantaneous process.
0. QEISE , Upper Broadway.
Bottling Works ,
n. HAGO & CO. , East Tierce St.
P. AYEUS , 517 S. Main St.
Bathing Houses.
MI13. E. J. HARDING , H. D. , Broadway am
Glenn ac. .
Dlt , STUDLEY , Bctlicsda Bathing House
Books and Stationery.
II. E. SEAMAN , Middle Broadway.
OFFICER & PUSEY , corner Broadway and 6th
CITIZENS' BANK , Bthetreet.
Broom Factory.
MAYNE& CO. , avenue A , nnd CthSt.
Olgar Manufacturers.
TEMPLETON fc LAMB , 232 Broadway.
F. H. LEVIN , 308 Broadway.
L. BOEKHOFF. 031 Main St.
A. II. MAYNE & CO. , 34 Pearl St.
Cooper. >
J. KOSS , G15 East Broadway.
„ SINTON & WIST , 14 Pearl St.
Dry Qoods
HAUKNESS , OUCUXT & CO. , Broadway an
4Hi titrett.
Eggs Shipper.
0. F. CRAWFORD , 619 Main St.
Furniture Manufactory.
E. It. STE1X11ILUCR. cor. 7th aieandlgthSt
Furniture Store.
C. A. BEEBK & CO. , 207 and 209 Broadway.
Groceries and Provlslans.
SUUVAN & . FITZGERALD. 313 Uroadway.
OLLIVER & GRAHAM , 6th street. Goodi
sold at eastern prices and ; iiarantml.
Harness and Saddlery.
CIIAS. WALTER A. Il'llO. , Middle Broadway
C1IAS. BEKMAN,33I Middle Broadway.
Hair Qoods.
MRS. D. A. IinXKDICT. 337 West Bioadwny
MILS. J. J. C001 > , L-J 6thstreet.
Livery Stables ,
A. COMITO.V , U.TO Broadway.
W. C. HOLLAND , 700 Soutli Mali. St.
II. BEKCROFT , opp. P. O.
OfiDEN HOL'SK. Upper Broadway.
KIKL'S HOTEL , 601 ami DU7 Main ttrvi't.
Meat Market ,
K. W. TICKNOR , ran Broadway.
J. J , 1H.ISS , 328 Broadua ) , Como and exam
liie for \oursilf. '
MRS. J , K. MKTOALF , US Broadway.
Marble and Granite Works ,
CO.V.NOR & GUANELLA , 117 Broadway.
Merchant Tailors.
JAS. FRANEY , 372 Uroadway.
CIIAS , RICE , Dc\ol' buildlnif , Bth and Main
JOS 11K1TKH , 310 Broadway
Real Estate and Abstract ,
K1MBALL & CHAMP , opposite court house.
J. W. bQL'IRE i , CO. , corner Puarl and 1ste. .
SMITH & | MtCUEN , 401 Broadway.
Stoves and Tinware.
R. D. AMY & CO. , COO South Main street.
Shirt Factory ,
F. F , FORD , comer Hlutt and Willow St.
MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , 310 and 317 Broad
nay.D , M. CONNELt , 17 North Main St.
MRS , fl , J , HILTON , M , D , ,
Broadwav CouaolllBlnKs.
Broadway , and Fourth Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Jr Headquarters For the Cele
Weber Pianos ,
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
Address ,
Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2,00
Bluff and f illow Sreets , Oonncil Bluffs.
Order * filled In any part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
It *
E .
We make the c '
following a specialty :
larfclnil orders and correspondence promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory
S. E. Cor. 7th Avo. and 12th Strapt. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalio casee. '
Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
Our Mr. Morgan has served aa undertaker for forty years nnd thorouchly understands
his business. WAREROOMS , MO AND 357 BROADWAY. UpLuterin ? la
all its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying nnd lambrequins. Tole-
graphlo and mail orders filled without delay.
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Be r and real tin any quan'ltj'to ' suit purchasers. Beer (8.00 per barrel. Frit ate famLleg imp.
pllfldUtli small U'gi at il.CO eac' " , uelnoreJ froeot charge to any part ot the cityT
Wholesale Dealer in and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited
City orders to families and dealers delivered free.
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and Uetall Dealers In
Hos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Merchant Tailor
AlHaysfcejau on hand the flneat assortment olraaterUltorgentlemen'g wear.
Millinery , Dressmaking , Btc. 0uttms ana Fitting a Spedlolty.
No. 643 Brotdvtar , Opposite Revere House.
Laces , Embroideries , and Ladies Underwear.
Uandkerchlel * , hose ot all Kinds , thread , pint , needlea , etc. We hopa the Udlej will call >
and see our stock ol iroods.
Merchant Tailor.
( Late Cutter for Metcalf B . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Street.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Suits to order S18 and upwards.
( Successors to J. F. te J. N. Cauadjr.-
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers ,
We hat el he only complete &etol abstract books to all city lot * and lauds in Fottawtttaml
county. Titles examined and abstracts ( urrkhtd on short notice. Money to loan on city and farre
property , short and Ion ; time , In sums to suit the borrower. Itcal esti bought and told. Office -
at the old eUui opposite co ut bonne-