Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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Be Nebraska National Bank
Of Omaha , Neb.
Paid up Capital , - - . . 82GO.OOO
8. n. JOHNSON , President , of St lo , JohiuonS
A. E. TOUZALIN , Vlco President , ol 0. , a & Q.
IU H. , Boston.
ff. V. HOUSE , of W. V. Mors & Co.
OHK 8. COLLINS , of O , II. A J. 8. Collins.
M. WOOLWORTH , Copzutllor 6 Altorncy-at-
L. 8. REED , of Byron Reed & Co.
H. W. YATE8 , Cashier , lalo Owhlor of th First
Nation * ) Bank of Omaha , anil connected with
the active management of Bank since \ ,
orffanUatlon ln'1863.
OrnxKD hi biulnen April 27 , 1632 , with Ibo
largo t caplul ol any bank In Ntbr , sk * .
COUKCTIOXS reoelre special attention and char *
KM Ijwo t obtilcab'o htro or iltunhote.
INTKHKHT a'lowcdon time deposits upon favor-
Abb terms and upon : couot of bank ) abd tank *
Foams * ExnUKai , Oorernment Bond * , and
Contty and Cl y tecurltlea bought and noli
It la - roparnl 1 1 d ) a goDoral tanking liuf lne a
la all IU deUlli , tnd In the treatment of cu-toiu-
era will pursua the moat liberaljpollcy consistent
with fttfu banking >
Special Dispatch to THE Kr.r.
NKW YOIIK , October 24.
Money 1@B per crnt. , closing nt 4 per
Prime Mercantile Taper C@8 per cent.
Sterling Exchange Stead ) ; lUiil-ciV
bill ) , S4.814 ; demand , $4.85 ?
Governments J per cent higher for x
tend.d 5 > , J pur cent for 3'n. other lesucu
Stiaro speculation opened generally
weak and prices showed a decline from
yesterday's close of J@j per cent the lat
ter on Cleveland , Culumbur , Cincinnati &
IndUnapoll ) . Soon a further decline ot i
@j per cent was recorded , in which Wa-
ba h prefeircd and New Jersey Central
were the principal fo tuns. About 11 a
m. there was a rally of J@l per cnt , led
by Noihville it Chattaaoga nnd Wabath
{ inferred and common. A fall of J@J wer
cent followed the | iattor Mutual Union.
Subsequently the tune of the market be
came Biroi'g , and between 1 and 2 p. m. an
advance ot .j@2 per cent took place , New
York , Chicago & St. Louis prtfened , Wn.
bash and Tuxaa Pucltic lid-Now Jmey
and Denver & lliu Graudo Lcini ; the most
popular in the upward turn. After tin's
piicss under tha lead of Wabash preftrrid
fell off J@l per cent , but iinmuhately af
terward becume Btron ? , anil m final deal
ing ! sold up i@li per tent -Erie pie-
ferrtd , Michigan Central nni Wab.whprf-
feriei ) , beiug the meat conspicuous in
the advance , 'ihe market closedetrcn .
Yesterday. Tol& " .
3'a 10'4 102JJ
6'g lUlg 1013
4i'a Coupons 113 Ii3
4's H'Ji'
. Pacific G's of 1895 12'J
Central Pacific firsta 114 | 114 i
Erie seconds "J'J.t JW
Lehigh ic Wllkeabarre 101 103
Louisiana consols tGOJ COjj
Missouri li'a U2J lllj
St. Joseph lx < H8
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .110 JlO'Ji
TennenaeoG'a 47 48
do new 47 48
Texan & Pacific land grants. . GOJ GUI
do K. U. div. . . . blj blj
Union Pacific 1st mortgaio..ll6 116J
do land K rants. . . 110 * llu
do sinking fund. . 117i 118
Virginia 6'a. . . . . . 34 S4
do consolBua 57i ol
do deterred f--1 Jl'-'J '
Adams Express 13.1 133
Allegheny Central 23J f HJ
Altou & i'erro Haute 41 43
do pfd. . . . 80 BJ
American Expresa U3 90
Burl. , Cedar Itftpida & North. 81) ) 80
Canada Southern CGjj C7.i
Col. , O.n. to. lud. Central. . . . 10U 11
Central Pac.llj ! O'
CbeaapoaKoS Ohio 25
do 1st pfd. . . 35.
d > . 2d uld. . . 'Mi 'JiiJ
Chicago & Alton 141 * 14lj
i do pfd 112 11
Chi. , Burl. & Quiuey 1HI 13IJ
Chi. , St. li. & Aew Orleans. . 78 7- >
Cin. . S iid. & Cleveland. . . . J-VJ t i
Cleve. , UoL & Cincinnati. . . . 83 83 |
UeUwaro & iiudsou camU..113 l V
Del. , Lick. & Weateru 30 : .7g
Denver & lllo Grande t > G &
Ene 41J 4.
do pfd 85 80J
East 'ituueshea 1U'J > Wvj
dn preferred 116 $ 115)
Fort Wayne & Chicago 138 1B8 tc it..Jouojh 4S 43
do pfd. . . 78J 7'JJ
Harlem 200 200
Houston & Texas Cuntrul. . . . 80J 81
Illinois Central 118J H8J
Ind. , Ulouin. 4 : Western 41 4u
* Kansim ( S. Texas 3U 3vj
. . . Laku Erie & NVtBtern 34 33 *
if Lake Shore & Mlcbluan So. . , 11 Itf 112J
! JLoulsvllle It Nashviile ( )5j 55g
i IiouUv. , Now Alb. & Ohicago 07 7oj
' Marietta li Cincinnati Ibt ptri ID 10J
. do do 'il pfd fi 6
? . . MetupUis & ChctrleUon 4HJ 48J
' " 'V Michigan Central 101'i ' lO s
Minueaixlis & ht. Ljuis * .l 3iJ
do pfd. 71 72
Missouri Pacific 10IJ U5J
Mobile icOhto M ) 110
Manhattan Beach 124 121
MoirU & Kutex 01 52
i , Nauhville & Chattanooga 7i'A 12\
ft- New Jereey Central 5GJ fiuj
47' - Norfolk & NYeatwi
y - . do preferred
tt " , Northern Pacific 44k 45
. ' . , do pfd U2g 043
I Northwestern 141 l r > t
do pfd 1011 103 }
New York Central 13'i lia :
Ohio Central lOf 1C\
Ohio b Mississippi & 7g Wide
do pfd O'J 'J.I
I Ontario & Western 127 12U
Pacific Mail H8J 3t > (
Panama , . . . . 'fl 21\
Pforia , Decatur & Evunsv. , . 14 I lys.
Plttsburg a. Clovclsnd UiOjj 139
IteaJin ; ; . , 10 } 1U1J
Kock fBlaml 132 ISIf
Bt. Louis & San 1'mn. . . . . . . . 37 } 38
do pfd. . . . 5J Fi7A
r do 1st ptd 00 'JJ
Bt. Paul& MJwaukc.6 U'J ) 110J
do pfd.125 1V5 <
Bt , Paul , ' MIuu. U Manitoba 150 15H
t > St , Paul & Omaha 47 481
T do pfd 10U 107J
Texas fc I'aclfio 401 42
Union Pacific ICMij 107
United States Exprren 03 CO
Wabuh , St. L. i * Pacific. . . . > 0 32
do pfd. Mif l\1\ \ \
Wells , Forgo & Co. Express.130 128
WjBBtern Union Telegraph. . . 80 ? 872
Caribou , . , 1
Central Arizona , .
ExoeUor. . . . , , , l" 1
Homestake 17 17
Little Pittsbnrg 1 1
Ontario 30 3ti
Quicksilver 61 8
do pfd. . . . 41 41 :
Robinson 1 1
BUverOllff J
South Pftclfio 13 1
'Offetea. fKx. Interest. JA ked. | , Kx.
jpmlal DltpatehM to Tim HUB.
CHIOAOO , October 24. Flour Slowly
and firm ! common to choice , Kim'n ? , 3 CD
@ 4 50j < ! < > mtiion to f.tnoy , 4 00@G OJ ; u l
ent . f.50o7 V5
Wheat Sten-Iy : 'ogukr OIJOlOlJj for
Octolwrj 9 : > i l : ) | o for Novemlier ;
OIJ(39IJlo ( for th year ; 101 ? for May ;
No 2 ( jbicsRo uprin , : , ! ) ll@9)ia ) for uashi
ie < t nine M regulir.
Corn - StciHy ; liSj for October ; f7g < gGSo
for Novembers GljfaGI ? ) for the yoarj
63ge for Januftryj fil j fur May.
Oats Steady : 31 ( "rf'.T)0 for ouch : 3IJo
for Oct ber } , " 3J5 lor .Nuvcmher ;
for the ytwj WJiffiS IQ for May.
KyeL iwei ; tiiijo.
U rley Lov > flr84c. ;
Flux dee.i We k r ; 1 21
Pork Unaett'eil ! 2i50@2300 for cash
and OctoWr : 10 82J@I98. hirN v mbcrj
18 8Ji@18 85 for tlio v.-nr ; 18 77i@l8 80
for .linm-m ; 18 S2J@1885 fur Feutuary ;
18 7i@H > 00 fur Mi.y.
Lin-Quler , but ttondy ; 11 0 * 11 70
for oit-h uud Octol r } U 42 } mil 45 for
Noventbtr ; II liVo.ll 17 * lor the -\rnn
U 124@1. 15 for .Tanuaryj 11 15@11 17J
for Kohiuiirjj II 30 for ftlay.
Hiciu Iii fair dtinmd ; nho'ilitrrx ,
10 50 ; Hhcrt nlw , 14 W ) ; ntiort ciletr , i5 2V
Jinttsr IMghoi ; tliuiooto fincy nroain-
crv. 30@Sflc ; Rood in chole dairy , 28@3io.
Eim Weak- ; 23 24c.
Whisky Firms 1 10.
Freight Kattn on corn to Bulfilo , 2Js
1 if red
CALL UoAiU ) Wheat Fjrmcr , but uot
qnntntily liljjhcr.
Corn Acilvc , rirm nnd h'pWr ' } 09i@
j for OT < II ; t'Jo fur Ootobar ; GSji for Wo-
vembcrs GIJ tor the ye. rj fi4J@55 for
Oati IrroRu'ars 3 * > o for cnah : 3 ( 0 for
Oetnbcr ; 33o for Noveaiberj 32j3JJ ! for
the jfiir ; 3 o for Mny.
-Liwcn222'ifor Octobers 1975
for Novtmbct ; 18 70 for the year ; 18G3
lor January and Fohru ry ; 1892J for liny.
Lard Lower ; 1175 for October ; 11 37i@
1110 for Noveuibar ; 1110 for the year ;
11 07i for Jamury ; 11 30 for May.
Niw "YonK.Ooiobcr 2e Flour M nrket
dull ; super ttate we < Mn,3 2 > @ -l 00 ; choii-e
tn Rood fxtrrt , 4 00@4 50 ; good to tholco ,
4 GCi7 CO ; white Wrnteru extra , G 25@7 50 ;
HaRtern Ohio , 4 00@7 00 ; St. Louia , 4 00i ( $
7 50 ; Minncnota. G 75@8 05.
Wheat Opened heavy and l@Jo lower ,
but subsequently became stronger and recovered -
covered mott of tha decline , closing firm ;
N'o. 2 lairing nomin il ; uuprnded red , 82J@
1151 ; No. 3 r-d. 1 flGJ © ! 07 } ; steamer No.
2 rad. 107il07J ; No. awl , 109 ®
109.J for c rti < 'catO' " . 110@1 11 dcllv.
ereil ; Nn 1 red , 1154 ; mixed wiutt'r ,
1 OGJ@l 07 ; uniiraried white , 83c@l 14 ;
No. 1 white , 18,000 bu. sold nt 110J@
1 llic ; No. 2 rod for October , 90,000 bu.
sold utl09i@109i ; closing ut lO'.ljj ; defer
for November , (3 ( ,000 bu. RnKl. 11 09i@
1 O'JJ ; closing nt 1 09 § ; tin for December ,
5"G.uoObu. Hold at 1 11S1 ( II } . clo.iiu ht
1 Hi ; do for January. 330,100 bu uoiit at
112(2)112J ( ) , cKsiiii ; nt 1 12 ? ; do for 1 < \1 > .
nmry , 101,000 bu. sold at 113i@lll ,
eluding nt 111 ,
jrn Oen-jd l@"o l > wer nnd unfct-
tied , but nf er.var < U reovered 'SHc of t io
( ieclino clo-ing H e-nly ; uiiisr.iHed , 85@87c ;
No , 2 , SG ® iu ol' Valor , > -7ic delivir d ;
No 2 fi r October , Sfi87r ( , cluiim > at SCt \ ;
do for Nnvtfin er. 79@ Oo , closing nt > 0) ;
do for December , 7 J ai7lc , cliMin ut 7-'l c ;
do for January , CHSGlc.clotinj ; at 0'c : ' ;
do for Fohruary , GJJo.
Outs g@ic lower ; mixed weHpm , " ! ( &
42s ; wbitu nealern , 42@48ic.
Kay In fair demand ; 03.
E in Frcili western , douiand fir f ud
inatkot fiim ; 2S28 3.
Pork Str.ingtr ; now mesa , 23 50.
Beef Market dull and unchanged.
Cut Me > < tE Dull and nominal.
Lard Dull and nnminil ; 12 G0@12 75.
Butter Firm ; 15@3G3.
Cheese Qitot , b'ut firm for fine ; west
ern flat , G@l2c.
S . Louis , October 24. Flour Steady ;
common to choice aprini ? Whe t ,
3 nO5 50 ; common to iancv M'nne ota.
4 00@G 00 ; Minnesota natent , G 50(2,7 ( V5 ;
wint > r wheat , 4 50@ " > CO ; low grades 2 CO.
VYhett Opened ami nnd lower , but ad-
vine d nnd cloo1 better than yesterday ;
No. 2 nd fill , 9 g@ 3i'c for cash and O : -
tober ; 93 } @ 4ij for November ; 9SJ@ Ga
forthn yem ; 9i > 4 i97Jo for May ; No. 3 icd
fall 90 < - 90Jc ; No. 4 r d fall , 8lc.
Co n Ixtver , nnl unsettltd ; c'o-ed ' nt
the out 'de t > guro ; G7Jc for c.u-h nnd Oc-
; .her ; GOJ ® Clio for November ; 53 § < 5) )
5tj < ; for tbH yeai ; Clio for January ; 5UJ
@SUgc for May.
O.aa Market eoxrr ; : ! l@31 o for
cash ; 32afor November and December ;
3 } @ 3io for the year.
lltoAlirkot dull ; Wi bid.
Barley Mm kot steady ; sample lots , G' >
@ 90a.
Whisky-Steady ; 118.
Pork Dull unit l..wer ; 23 CO.
Lurd- Dull und nominal.
Bulk Meats DaU and nominal.
Bacon Dull and uomlonl ,
932'i f''f ' O.tober ; 'Jlo for the year ; 978
(5,97 ( } i ior J-muiiy.
0 rn Kwler ; Gljo for Nnvcmber ; Mfy
> ! & ) for the year ; < J9jj > for January ; CJOj
for May ,
Oas-DulI ; 31 3 for the year.
KANSAS Cur , October 21. Wheat
Weak ; No. 2 red. 7Pi9l'for oft-hj
7iofor ) Ojtiben 79Jc for November ; 79Jo
for December ; N < i. 3 red , 74io for cash.
Corn Dull ; 5lcbid for cash ; 4J3 bid
'or November ; 40s bid for December and
; ba year.
Oats Lowar ; 23o for October.
Itutter-Staadv ; 22@23o.
15iiJ-Qalet ; 18@19o. .
COUNCIL Btu/jfa , October 23. The
"ouncil Bluffi niarkflts carefully revised
, odatn nro OH follows :
Flour Golden Sheaf. 3 00 ; Kansas City
winter wheat , 275@3 25MIuncsota ; winter
wheat , S 00@4 03.
Wheat ; No. 2 , 75e ; No 3. LG5o ; rejected ,
Corn No. 2 , 50o.
Oats-No.2 , 30c.
Kye No , 2 , 45o.
Barley None.
Egijs Scarce ; selling to packers at 20o
Corn Meal 1 GO for white ; yellow , 1 GO ;
corn ch p , 2i 00 per ton ; corn nnd oats
chop. 23 00 per ton.
FRUITS-Apples , 200.
Broom Corn 3u,9o. (
Hay Loose , 7 00J9 { ! 00. '
Wood 5 00@B 00.
Wool 1S@25.
Butter Creamery , 30o ; In rollc , wrap ,
nel , 20c ; rolls not wrapped , 22u ; wiied
COlOlH , 10@12&0. &
Onloiu lOo per bushel ,
Mve ChicVeuii 2 60Ifl3 ( 00 per ilnrrn ,
Potatoei ? .0o per fiu.hel.
Cibbagcs 2."ilsl0c ( jior doz ,
Turnips KOo per huxhel ,
SweH Corn 7o per dozen ,
LIVE STO 'K. Cattla-Extr * , a 09@
350 Ve < l Clves-5 M ) ® " 00. UOKS
7 00@7 25. Sbaaii fin.
* *
DtipatcbtM to Tin B i.
CIUOAOO , Oclober 2J. Th Drovera
Journal r inrtu aw follows ;
lloird Pries * I'Oj lower than Monday ;
tnurket eteidier at the decline ; n f ilr o'ear- '
ance wa < mide ; mixed packln/ 00@G 90 ;
heavy , G75@ ? 50 ; light , G C0@7 05 ; skips ,
4 OOQ i > H ) ,
CattleFniily active and values firm ;
good to choice Hhiuptng , 5 15@G 03 ; com.
inon to fir , 4 00@5 00 ; mixed butcher * ' In
feeders , steady at d 85fol ) 35 ; Texaua , 3 70
@i CO ; Americana , 4 20@5 20.
Sheep Demand weak and 15@25c lower -
er ; supply poor in quality ; common to
ir. 300@350 ; nipdlum to Rood , 3 G5@
f 00 ; thoice to extra , 4 10 ® I 50.
ST. Louis , October 21. Cattle De
mand wm jood : nnd bu ) era were plenty ,
but the ( upily was PO scant little could bo
done ; eood butcher cr.uics nnd n.tlvc
fthipulng ateer * of 1COO lo 130 pounds
are in cpecial demand the latter for
slaughtering hero on eastern Hccouut , but
them were few uffeilnc * of this character ;
good Texas tteeis of i > 00 nounds nnd up
wards are prompt solo At 4 00@4 3'1 ' ; light
er ones r < inpo from 3 25@3 75 ; mixed lots
of listeners' nlufT , in fnlr kllllne mdrr ,
ran e from 3 25dl4 00 ; atockcr-s 2 75@3 25 ;
fetdors , 350@4 2 , " .
Sheep -Good to beat native mutton * ,
Koarce and utrong nt 3 50 ® t 2,1 ; common ,
3 0033 40 ; Texana. 2 7ft ® I 0. ) .
Hogs Maiket dull mid firm , fcarooly
more than nominal ; Yorkers 0 2"HG ( 50 ;
.kin , G 357 00 ; butchers' , G 75.3 7 2. " > .
KANSAS CITT , October 24. The Live
Stock Indicator ropoits :
Cattle S ow nul 'unchanged ; Texas
ulcer * , R40@3 9J ; and feeder * ,
300W400 ; cow- , 280@340.
Hogs Lower nnd weak , ranging from
G ODa ( G 75.
Shceo Nominally unchanged ; 3 00 ®
Special Dispatches to Tun flux.
NKW YonK , October 21. Coffee -Dull ;
Rio cargoen quotoci nt 7J qilO .
Sugar Qul't , but linn ; fnlr to good
relinlng qiutfil ut 78 74 <
-Quiet Luj steady ; New Or-
ie Quiet , Lut steady : Domestic , 5 ®
GJo ,
Petroleum Dull and nominal ; United ,
92Jj ; crude. 7i@7Ic ; refined , 7J@8j.
Tallow Qul'-t hut at udy ; 88S ( ! V ' .
TurpeutLu Quiet Lut stenn > ; r > ti@5f Jc.
Special Dispatch to Tux UKI ,
BOSTOK , October 24. The demand for
wool has been moderate , but prices show
no change.
Ftuo wooU are sti'l held with conaidern-
bio Crmupfl * : Ohio nnd Pennsylvania X ,
4142e ; XX , 4i@43o ; XX nnd above ,
44 ( < t'44ic ; Michigan X , 3Ug4Jc ( ; but busl-
IICFH has been light.
No. 1 flotce 43@Gc. ) Combing
anu deUine in steady demand ; 4l@4Gc for
tine Michigan and Ohio delaine ; 4G@50o
for fine and No. 1 combing.
Unwnahcd fleeces nro steady nnd con
tinue in demand ; 2535c for fine and me
dium , including choice selections ; 18@24c
for coarse and low.
California wool is dull nnd the sales
limited , na it is generally held nt prices
above ibo views of buycrc.
1'a lad wools nro In fiir demand ; 45@50c
for choice e as turn and Muiiio impure , uud
23@l2c for commi n to gaud.
F rdigu u'cKil has been ( mtet mid busi-
neps unimportant.
Specltl Dispatches tn TIIK ISim.
CHIOACJO , October 21 Receipts and
BhipmeotH of flour nnd ; ; rjiu for tlio past
21 iiuurs luivo beer an fpjlu e :
Kecoints. Ship'ts.
Flo\ir bblo . 28 000 1 8 01 0
Wheat IjUhheh . ILM OCO 11 ft , 000
Corn " . 11,000 107,000
O.itn " . 15J,000 74,000
liyr " . 13 UO ) 11,000
'inney- " . 01.000 42,000
NEW YORK , October 21 Kucciptt r.tid
Oiipaieutu of flour und grain for the pattt
24 lioura have heen as followu :
lleceipts Shp'tx.
Flour -bbls . 30,000 4,100
Wheat bushels . 258,700 111,515
Corn " . 45,000 400
Oats " . 40,000 22d
ST. Louts , October -lleceipts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
21 Lours have been us follows :
Receipts. Sblp'U
Flour bbls . 7000 15,000
Wheat buahbis . 109,000 33,008
Corn " . 11,000 5500
Oats - " . 28,000 23,000
Rye " . 4,000 .
Barley- " . 14,000 .
KANSAS CITY , October 21. Keceipts
Mid shipments of grain the past 24
liours have been aa follows :
Keo'ts. Shio'ts.
Wheat , bushels . 49,000 22,000
Corn " . 7,000 3,0.0
CHICAGO , October 21. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 21
liours hive been I\H folio ws :
Reo'ts. Shipm'ts.
Hogn . IGnO ) 3,30
Cattle . G.OUO 3,0 0
Sheep . 4,000 1.20J
ST. Louis , October 24. Receipts nnd
nlnpinents cf live etoclc for the past 24
liours have been as follows :
lleo'ts. Shipm'ts
flogs . 1,70) . . . .
Cattle . 1.403 50
Sheep . l,70i ) SCO
KA.NHAH CITY ; October 21. Koceipts
nnd ithipmenU of live stock for the pant 2-1
lioura have been as follows ;
Uoo'U. Shipm'ts.
Flogs . C.2H )
Cattle . 1,700
tiheop . . . . .
"Wholesale Prices.
Ounce oir TIIK OMAHA Bur , \
Monday Evening , October 2 . f
The only changes reported In the market
to-day are as follows ;
Wheat , No , 2 declined lie ; No. 3 declined -
clined l.s.
Barley , No. 2 declined lc ; do No. 3 advanced -
vanced lc ,
Kye declined ic.
Corn declined 2c ,
Eggs advanced 2o. /
Select oysters declined So.
California grapee advanced 25c per box
Local Qraln Ueannfft.
WHEAT.-Cash No. 3 , 70Jcj cwh Nu.
3 , GJc ( ; rejected , 4Gio.
B.UiLE Y.-Oash No. 2 , 72oj No , 3 ,
KYE. Cash , 450.
OOHN. No. a , o3j.
Produce and Provision ! , t
POTATOKS-30@40c per bushel.
ONIONB-30@50c per bushwl.
BUTTER Onolce country , .5S833
IloNBY Callfor-ita. per Ih , 21.
AIM'L-IiS Per rmrre . $3 Oa@3 CO.
UYSilillS-Slect , 45/
OKAIMJa-C ! iiornift. 8 2 ( a)2 ) f 0
MiMONS-9i 60@5 00 per liox.
HEANS lmportod Uenuuo 2 70 per
ba < hol.
Grocers' Llat.
/t.9A , NKD uuUL S-07 terB , Ib
( Held'a ) , iwr caie , 51 OOj do 1 tb ( Field's ) ,
par case , 2 76 ; ao 2 Ih ( 'Jtandard ) , per case ,
a 7o , Lobstera , 1 Ib per dozen
1 80. Tomatoes , 2 Ib 2 05 ; do 8 Ib per
case , 300 ; Corn. 2 Ib ( Mountain )
nor case , 3 OD ; soaked com , 193 ; do
i Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cano , 3 CO ;
tnug beans , per cane , 2 10 ; Lima beaus
par case , 1 70. B'jccotash per case. 1 80 ;
Peas , common , per case , 1 CO ; peas , choice ,
per ca e,2 70. Blackberries , 21b , per ca e ,
210 ; Btrawl > erriei. , 2 Ib , per casa , 2 50 ,
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 60 , Dam.
eons , 2 tb , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
pears per case , 200. Whortleberries
per case , 275. Egg plums,2 Ib percwse.v IK ) :
Green gagos,2 toper case , 2 UOj do choice , 1
tb i > er case 1 60. Pine Applea , 2 Ib. per ciwe
I 0Xa5 ( 75. Peaches , tb p'er ciie ! 30o' ;
do 3lb. case , 4 00@i 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 lt > , par
cabe.2 33 : do pie. 6 Ib , per dozeu. a 30.
EL-JUU Jobbing price , Jack Frost
St. Louis winter ) 53.90 per 100 lb .j To.
Patent Kanf , S3 85 ; MInnehnhn
RolA Pntont. $3.70 ; Shuwneo l''ancy
winter , $3.10 ; Englc , XXXX winter ,
$3.00 ; Trfnmph aprinp , best , $2.80 } Chrl ,
tian's gupsrlativc , S 70 ; bran , per ton-
$14.00 ; chopped feed , ? 28.00.
SUU/Uia-Powilcrort , lOJc ; Cut loaf ,
lOJj OrnnnUtoiJ , 9Jc ; Uomectloner'a A.
9Sj ! Standard Kitra 0. 8fo ; Eitrn C ,
8 | i ; medium yellow , 8c ; lUrk yellow ,
7c.SYIIUP ( (
SYIIUP SUndnrd Com. , 45c , bbln. ;
Standard do , 4J gallon kpgs , $2.25 ; Stnn-
dartl do , 4 gallon keif ; * , $2,00.
MEATS liftoff , IGc ; breakfast bacon ,
none ; clear aide bioon ; dry aalt bnoon ,
IBJcs ahouldcm , lljc ; tierce lord , 13 .
KUPK Simli ft Inch and larger , lOcj
11 Inch. lie.
FISH No 1 mackerel , half brl , G 75 ;
No. 1 m ckcrel. kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel , hnlf brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits ,
85c ) No. 1 white flan , half brla , 6 00 ; No. 1
white fish , kt ! , 9."c ; family white fi ' . ,
half brl % 4 60 ; family white ti.h , klto , 80e ;
medium Healed lierrlnp , 40c ; select bouelesA
cod , PJo.
SPICES. Pepper , 20 : Allspice , 20c ;
Oloves , S3c ; Nulmeiw , il 00 ; Casum , 24c ;
Mace 81 00.
LYE American , 3 3' ; Groenwlch , S 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; Nortfc Star , 2 05 ; Lewis'
lyo. 4GOJowolllyo,276. ;
FEKD-JobblujT. prices , Chop feed ,
$1.50 per 100 Iba. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran ,
70o per 100 Ibd.
8TAKOU. Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Glow
j ; Corn Starch , HJoi EcelcIorQloss ,
7o ; Com , 7Jo.
UOKKH R. HIo , lair , lie ; Rio. good
12o ; | * liiDtochoico : , 12 to 13j ; Old gov't
Jn > ; 2t > ljlH5j2 ( Mocha , 28io ; Arbucklo's ,
OHKES3 Vnll Cream , ISiej Part
klm. 10J ) .
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ;
ii-U , u | iiu. UUU1VI , wv/v l < ; w , WU.Ull l , * , tltnj
JS@40 ; Oolong , cho.oo , 40@GSs Souchong ,
{ ood. SSroMOo ! choice. 85@45c.
WOODEN W AUK 1'wo houp pailf ,
I 95 ; three hoop palls , 3 20. Tub , Nn ,
1 , 9 50j Pisnoer wtahboards , 1 85 Double
Or wn 2 90 ; Well bucket * , 350.
LEAD Bar , $11 .
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGc :
pnro apple , 13c : PruwiuB uuro anule , IGo.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 Co ; Ann-
ton. In eao kc , 3 CO ; bbls dairy 60 , 69 , 3 60
HOMINY Now , SI CO per bbl.
SODA Dwlfiht'a tb papers , 2 85 ; Do
end do , 82 80 ; Church's , SJ 85 ; Keg aoda
SOAPS Klrk'a Savnn Imperial , 3 45 ;
Kirk's ttatinit , a CO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ;
Kirk's whlto Russian , 525 : Kirk's
Eutoca , 315 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 35
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 dos. ,
In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case ,
190 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 60.
FIELD SEED Rod clover , choice
new , Sti 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new , $700 ; whlto clover , new. 81400 ;
il alfn clover , now , 912 50 ; alslko , now ,
$1300. Timothy , good , now , $3 00 ,
blue griuia , extra clean , Sl'CO ; blue era us ,
clean , $125 ; orchard grass $3 50 : red top ,
choice , 1 OS ; millet , common or Missouri ,
80c ; millet , German , 8100 to 91 V5 ;
Hungarian SOo
HEDnESEED-Osage orange , 1 to 5
bushels , 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over , $4 CO ; honey locust , per Ib , , 2 > c ; VEI
100 Ibs. . 825 00.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod Ten-
nossi'e , 10s per Ib ; fanay white , lOJc psrlb ;
ra v white "Virginia raw , lOc ; ros ted ,
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrclo ,
$753 ; do in half bbls , 4 21 ; smalls , in bblii ,
0'ij do , In halfbbls , 525 ; cherktns , In
bills. 11 50 ; do , in half bble , G 85.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs. Ji P , 15Jc ; BP ,
ICci : be sen 40 Iba. , 10 oz. , Gs , 15o.
UICE Lonl'iftnn prime to choice , TJ ©
7Jc : jiur. hi7c ( ; Patina , 7c.
MATCHES 1'cr ciiutiie , Hoc ; round ,
maca , 88 10 ; u < | uurn , cases , f5 40.
Dry Good * .
BKOWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 8Jc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott
FF , 8Jc i ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
71cl ; Chittenango A , ( lie ; Ureat Falla E ,
8c , ; Hooslor ] , 6Jc ; Honest Width , 8Jo , In-
dinn Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A ,
Sjjc ; Indian Orchard d , w. , S c ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; MyBtio River , 7Jc : Pequot A , 8jo ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utlca C , Die ; Wachua-
ott B , 7Jc ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12Jo ; Wnl-
cott BB. 8c.
4-4 : 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Atlantic LL , ( Jic ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bonningtoa C 4-4 , G-jc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , OJcc
Indian Orchard AA 0-8 , S c ; Laconia O
39 , 8Jc ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , 9c ; Lonsdalo 4-4.
lOc : Popperen N SO , 7o ; do O 32 , 71c ; do It
80 , 7-Jc ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Pocassct 0 1-4 , 7Jo ;
Wamsutta 4-4 13o
fHu L 4-4,9Jc ; BlackstoneAA 8Jc ;
do do half bleached 4-4iic ; Cabot 4-4,8j ;
Fidellty4-4 , DJcjVntit of the Loom , 10 ; do
can.brio4-l,13cdoWatorTwl8t,10icGreat ; ;
FallsQ.lOicIndian ; Ueadshrunk 1-1 , 12c :
Lons'iale. lOc ; do cambric ! ! 7 , 12Jc ; New
York Mills. 12Jc ; Pequot A,10c ; Pepperel
N G Twillfl , 12ic ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , ! ) Jc ;
Pocaaaiit 4-J , 81c ; Utlca , lie ; Wanuntta
LioOKS Colored ) Albany 15 brown.
8c ; do 0 , drab , lie ; do XA etripoa and
plaids , 12 0 ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , V c ; Ailington fancy ,
I'Jcj Bninswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Rivei
brown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A
brown iSoVeuonset A brown. 15o
T1UKUNUOvuioskeag A C A 82
19e ; do XX blue 32 , 18 jc ; A'rrowanct ,
9Jc ; Claremont li B , 15ic : Conontoga ex
tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , 11 io Lowiatou .i
30 , 15o ; Minnehaha 4-4 , 20c.Omega ; super
extra 4.1. 28c ; Pearl River 32 , lOJc ; Put-
nnni XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetuckot S
lOJc : do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o
DENIMS. Amodkeak , blueond bronu
ICJc ; Andover DD blue , 15io ; ArliugX
blue Scotch , ISic ; Ooncnrd OOO , blue a w
brown , ISJc : do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXto
do do Lite illayinaker'a blue uud blown.
94c ; Mystic River DD Htripo , llijo ; P ftrl
River , blue and brown , Itic ; Uucasvlllo ,
blue uiid brown , 1 < ir.
OAMBKIC3 lUrnard , 6Jo ; Eddystono
lining. 21 inch double face , HJc ; Uarn r A
KlaxB'l. 'i'1" Manhattan glove finish , 6jo
Nc * * i" ' i rt } do k'lnied , 6Jc ) Pequot deCo
Co : 1/H ii/l kid finish tic.
CO.i . - < f'-T ' .rfJANS Amory , 80 ; Andrea
coggln H.itteen 8Se ; Clarendco , DJojCoiiea
o'ga BattconD , 7c ; Uallowel , Be ; Iudl
Orchard 7ic ; Narr > gani > ettImprove > io
lmiperlll satt en Din ; Rockport , 7Jo.
PRINTS - Aliens , Oio ; American , Oioj
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick. 4o ; Cocheco , 7c ;
Qmeitna. ( 6 0 ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell ,
OJ < 5)7c ) ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gbuceater , tic ;
Harmony , CJo ; Kmckorbocker , Oic ; Mer
rl no D. 7c ; Mystic , file ; Bprwueu , 60 ;
Sonthbrldge , Gc ; do , Ginghams , 7" ! Marl ,
bore , Me : Oriental Oio ,
aiNGHAMS Am'wkeag , 12Jc ; Ainoa.
kewg droKs 9 } | Arjryle , lOic ; Atlantic ,
9c ; Cumberland , 7&o ; Highland , 7ic ;
Kcnilwortb , 8c { Plun kett , lOJo ; Sun
Oix , Kc
COTTONADKS Abbervllle 13c
A ate.Wo ; Amorloan , Ho ; Artlalan , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , njc ; Clarion 1) and T ,
17io ! Deocau Co.htripn DandT , IRc ; Key-
t < jue , 13Jc ; Nnntuckot , 1'Jc ; Nonp.'iri'il ,
IGo ; Ocean D and T , 13jo : Royal. 10J i
Siwaex , 12o ; Tioga. I2ic ; Wachuwtt ahirt-
ln checks. 12c ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York ,
plah. Nankin. 12tc ; do , checlu , etripou auJ
fancy. 12c : do , 8 oz , 20c.
SHEKT1NGS Androscogeln 10-4,27jc !
do 0-4 , 2lc ; do 8-J , 22c ; ContinoiUiJ C
42 , lie ; Fruit of tha I oem 10-4. 27i ; Now
York mills 98 , 35c ; do 78 , 80c ; do 58 , 22ic ;
Pembroke 10-1 , 25c ; Pequot 10-4 , 28ic ; do
7-4 , l o ; do 49 , ICc : Pepperell 36 , 2lo ! ;
do B7 , 21o ; do 57 , I8o > Uliou 08 , 3Sc ; do
8 , 22iodo48,17o ;
Olc r ncl Tob ccc/a.
CIGARS. ScedJ , ilC.OO ; Connecticut ,
(25.00 ; Mixed , 5.00 ; Be&d Uiwann ,
$50.00 ; Clearllavana , 75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG Golden Rule ,
24 Ib , We ; Our Kopo , first quality , C2c ;
Star , pound * , 24 Ib , butUi.GOcj Horte Bbor ,
pounds , 24 Ib , butte. 68c ; Gilt Edge ,
pounds , IA Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy ,
pounds. G6c ; Bullion , pouncU , 69c ; Lori ) .
lard's Climax , ix > uudB. GOo.
FINE OUT-In paIU.-H rd to Beat !
76c ; Golden Thread , 70o : Fountain , 80c ,
Favorite , 65cj Ilocky Mountain , 60c |
Fancy , 65c ) D Uy , Wc.-In tin foil-
Cntllns O. 8. , B Ib Ixwon , per Ib GSc | Lori-
Illftni's Tiger , GOc ; DUmond Orown , GGo.
SMOKING All crnden Common , 25 to
83c , Granulated Black-well * Durham , 16
oz 61c ; Dukes Durham , 1G OE , 4Gc ; Seal of
North Carolina , 1G o * . 46 ; Seal of Nobras.
kft , 10 oz , 3Sc ; lionoilnck. 4 or , llnon bivgn
pet Ib , $1.35 ; Mnrbures' Pock 2 oz , tin
oil , fcte ; DOR Tnil 66c.
Paint * OH * nd VarnlihCkt.
OILS 110 * carbon , fet gallon ;
13c ; 160 * hcvlllght , i > cr g llon ,
U.Jo ; 17tV headlight , | > er gnlton , 22o.
linnpod. raw , j > cr pnllon , > ? } Unseed , boilo'l ,
l > or gallon , GOc ; l rd , winter str'il , per ital ,
Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 8oc ; No. 2 , 75o ; cnitor ,
XXX. ) K > r gallon , 1 20 ; No. 3,116 ; iweet ,
per gallon , 85ci spetni , W. B. , per gallon *
1 G3 ; fmh , W. 11. , per gallon , GOo ; noaUfoot ,
extra , IHT gallon , 7bc ; No , 1 , G5c ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; mitnmcr , 15c ,
KoUIou mncbinri. No. 1 , ) x > r gallon , 35c ; No.
2 , 30 : iporin , Klgnnl , j > r gallon , 80c : lur-
pcntino , t > cr gallon , 05j ; nnpthA , 74 , per
gallon , 18c ; 04,17o
I'AINTS IN Oil * White lend , Omaha
P. P. . 0c ; white lend , St. Louis , pure , Gj < i ;
Mnnallles green , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20a
French zinc , giwn seal , 12o > French ilno ,
rtnl Koal , He ; French , In vnnilsh nn < t ,
20c : French zlncc , In oil nest , 15c ; Rnw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12o ; raw nnd
burnt Siontin , 13os Vandyke brown , * g
rofiMod Inmpblitck. 12c ; coach black , lc ;
l"ory black , IGc ; drop black , ICe ; I'msnlati
blue , SOo ; ultrnniMino blue , 18c ; chr\-ino
green , L. M. k D. , He ; blind nnd shutter
ircon , L. M. & 1) . , IGc ; 1'aria green. 18c ;
ndlnti rod , 16c : Venetian red. 9c ; Tuecnp
di > , 22c ; Amcricnn Vennlliod , I , A P. , 18c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ocliro , 16 ; patent
dryer , PC ; Draining colors : light oak , dark
oni , wnlnut. bcitnut nnd ash 15c.
Dry ° ttlnt
Whlto load , GJc ; Kronen ilno , lOej Pftrls
whUcing 2c ; whiting rildcrr , IJo ;
v > lilting com'l , l o ; lamiiblnek ( icrmnn.
town. I4c ; Iniipblncb , ordinary , lOc ; Prim ,
sian blue , 65c ; ultranmrinc , 18c ; vaudykt
brown , 8c ; umbar , burnt , 4j ; umber , raw
taslcunn ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o
PnrU green genuine , 2.5c ; Paris green com1
20o ; chroino green , N. Y.1 20o ; chroin
grt < on K. , I'-'o ; vonnilliou , Eng , , 70c ; ver
million , America , 18c ; Indiau rod. lOo
roue pink , lie ; 'Venetian rend , Cooknon's
Jci Venetian rod Am. , Igo ; re j load , 7c ;
chroma yellow , genuine , 20o hromo vol.
low , K. , 12o ; ochre , rochelle 8c ; ochre
French , 2ic ; ochre , American , 2o ;
Winters mineral. 2Jc ; lohigb brown. 2Jo :
Spanish brown. 24o ; Prince's mineral He ,
VARNISHES-Bnrrols per pillon ;
Furniture , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
$1 ; coach , extra , $1 40 ; onch , No. 1 ,
$1 20 ; , extra , $1 76 ; ntian , 70cM- ;
phaltum , oxtr.k , 85c ; shollna 83 CO ; hard
oil finish. $1 SO.
Heavy Hardware Lltt.
Iron , rntea , $340 ; plow stool , special
coot , 7c ; rruchio,8c ! ; special urGcrmnnUc ;
cant tool do. 1C@2U wagon spokes , not ,
225@S 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; folloos , Rawed
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; rules ,
each * , 75c ; nnuaro nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rlvetfl , per Ib , Ho ;
coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 8c ;
iron wodi'oa , Gc ; crowbaro , Go ; harrow
tooth , 4o ; horsoahoos , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel , 7@8c ; Burdon'x horscshoos , C r,0 :
Burden's tnulcahoox , G CO.
SHOT. Shot , ? 1.8."i ; Buck shot , S2.10
Oriental Powder , kogn , $15.40 : do. , hnl
kegs , 33.48 : do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blant
UK , trees , $3 35 : Fuse , liar 100 foot COo.
BAUBED WIRE In car lots,8 30 per
100 ; in lew than car lot . 8 55 unr 10J.
NAILS-Ratcs. 10 to COtf , 4 GO ,
Oak solo , 38c to 42c ; hemlock RO'.O , ! 8o to
B5c ; hemlock kip , bOo to" 100 ; runner ,
G5a to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; hem
lock upper , 23o to 2tic ; oal : upper , 21o ;
alligator. 4 00 to D 50 ; calf kid , i2@35cj !
Grcisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to
100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip
110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rits-
Hctts , 0 GO .o 7'50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50
toppinga , 9 ( H ) lo 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOc
to 35c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; simou ;
UARNESS-No 1 tar oak , 42c ; No 2
do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio o'k , 33c ; No. 2 do ,
35c ; No. IMilwauoo 37c ; No. do , Sic
Horeei and Muiei.
The market is brisk and all gr&don are
tiolllng well nt a slight advance in p ices.
The demand for good homes exceeds the
supply consideraoly. Prices range as fol
lows :
Finoalnglo drhcra , 8160. to SOO. ; Extra
draft horses , 8176. to 225. ; Common drni't
hornoi ? , 8100. to ICO. ; Extra farm hones ,
8110. to 125. ; Common u > goad farm horsea
$90. to $100 , ; Extra plugii , 800. to 75 , ;
Common plugs , $20. to % 'IO.
MULES. 15 to 15i hands ( oxtrn ) , $125.
to ICO. ; 14 } to 15 hands , $100. to 140. ;
14 to 14i hinds , $75. to 100. ; 131 to 14
bands , 600. to 75.LI
LI uom.
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 331 per wine
gallon ; extra California splritx , 187 proof ,
1 30 per proof gallon ; tripio relined upirits
187 proof , 128 per proof gallon ; ro-dintlllcd
sttiikio ) , 100@1 5'J ' ; flue blonUod , I 60 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbon * , 200@7 00 : Kfn-
tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 L0@7 00.
BRilNDIES-lmportod , ? 8 00@1GOO ;
domestic 1 ! 0@4 00.
GINS Irrportod , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic ,
RUMS Imported. 4 60fgO 00 ; Now
iiKlaud. 2 OOrtfil OOttioincitie. 1 MH28 60
l 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per owe ,
2HOO@3J OjAmsrlSJU , case , 12'JO ' ©
1600 ,
OLARKT3eroaae. . 4 50@lfi 00
WINES Rh m > wine , per CIIHO , 0 00 ®
20 00 ; Oatavba , per case , 4 00g7 00 ,
Wo quote lumber , latn and shingles oni
earn at Omaha at the following prluae ;
under , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , $23 50.
TIMUKIW 10 ft. anil under , 822 00.
TIMHHRAND JOIBT-18 ft. , 823 51 ;
1C ft S2j CO , 22 ft. , 820 50 ; 21 ft. , $2i ( 60.
1 ! EN 01 M No. 1 , 4 ac-1 0 In , , 824 00 ;
No. 2. $22 (10. (
B1IJ3KTING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boardb ) t2l03 ; No. 2. CIS 00.
STOCK UOARDS , 12-in. D , $2500 ;
IMu. O , 535 00 ; 12-in. B. 840 00.
LIMK Per barrel , 81 35 ; hulk perous-
40 ( ; Cement , bbl , { 2 25 Iowa plaster ,
bbl , 82 60. Hair per Ira , 4 Jo , Tarred
felt 100 Ibs. 3 CO. Straw board , S3 50.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 12 ;
Morrin Run Blossburg , 812 ; Whltobroant
lump , G5 CO ; WbJtobrewt nut. K CO ; Iowa
lump , 85 50 ; Iowa uut ( ! > CO ; Rock Sprln ; ; ,
$8 ; Anthracite , all aizea 810 50 ,
Drue *
Carbolic , fXto ; Acid , Tartarlc , TXtoj Balsam
Copabln , porlb , 70c ; Baric , Sassafras , nor
Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 7Cc ; Cluchonldio ,
per oz , 8116 ; Chlorofona , per Ib , 100 ;
Dover's powder * , nor Ib , 81 40 ; Epnou :
< altn , per Ib. Slo ; Glyceriue , puro. pe Ib ,
33a ; I/aaJ , Acatate , pur Ib , 'i'lo
Oil , Caitor , No. 1 , pur gal , 1 15
Oil Caitor , No. 8 , per gal. 0100 ; Oil ;
Ollva , per ial. 31 50 ; Oil , Origauum , 60 ,
Opium , W D' > ; Oirinlue P. It W. & R. ft S. ,
per oz , 5'30 ; PoUnsIuui , lodlile , per II
(51 ( 90 ; Bftlacm , per ot , iOsi Sulphnte o
Mornhtnc , far > , M3 85 ; Bulpnur Hour
per lu , lei StrvchnUjy , oz , ill 35.
Jlorlno unwa * ! , light , 1410o ; heavy.c ,
QlvilTic ; meillnin unwajhed , light , ISSiO
washe-i , cliolc' , 82c ; fair , SOo ; t b-dlu t
and w. , 2do ; burry , Uackand cottod wool ;
Hldel run. Etc.
[ ) KS ' .ireuii butcber'a hide , Ofe7iJ
8Jo ; hides , green silt , port cured 7ic
hides , 74e ; dry Hint , eouud. 13@14cj dry
calf aud kip , l'2@14c ; dry salt hidessound ,
lO llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Its. . 11@1215
1'reou calf , wt , under 8 Ibti , pet ekln , Clio )
tcreeu liolta , 6CS1 25 ; gre u lamb Hklnu ,
? 1 V5 ! ( < 5160 : d&magod hides , two-third rate ,
cut ncorou and ono grub , claused two.
tLlnts rate , ) brandeii hides 10 per eent , ) H
Coon skint , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2 , 80o ; No. 1
20. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. 2
SOo ; No. 3,16o ; No. 4 , Co. Fox , ,
GOo ; No. 2 , 25c. Bkunk , No. 1 , M5o |
G5o ; short strliie , 40n ; narrow stripto
brc J stripe. tOc. Tftllow 7c.
O ft I T B vo money * ncl order salt direct from
U/\L I luwe thlp promptly by roll kt tli
latpcoslblocMtiprlcoto all wontera polati
1m TYLEll HALT CO. , B < iutw Olty.Ulch
3cUI ( IXipntrlm to Tim Dim.
Sr I/t'ix , Ojtohor 21 Jay Oonld trod
partv 1-ft ntnoon for Oinahn vU the M
tour ! I'ftclfic.
Toiio.v.o. October J-l. 'lho Rillorn
tmlun u'ivftncwl the vrtfrcs through the
cnnnl t $ . ' .50 | > er cUy.
NRW YORKOctolor2Chri llnoNll -
son Rtrlvo I on the ftcatimhlp Onlllft thh
noinlng and WAB welcomed by numerous
IileniU ,
nt Wutk-
pitch to Tim Hit.
SAM FHANCIKCJ , Ootobor 24. List
night the uflloor engaged in WAtohing
tlio China steamer Arabia At the inuii
dock , ( ATT n boixt run nlongtida niu )
receive pnoknRon from the uhlp. On
Jlscovory of the boat the odlccr opened
Tire And at tha aucond shot ono of the
boatmen dropped hia our crying ho
nras shot. Ilia comradop , on the np <
iiroioh of the custom honso bout ,
thronr the pioknitca ovtrbnnrd nnd i .i-
cnpod in the darkncsB. The i > Acknga
WITO reoovrrod and wan found o con
tain opium and ailka to the Tnluo ol
ncnrly 540,000. No trace of the
amugg cra hits yet buun obUinod.
Thn TT. P. ntidllin Credit Alobiller.
vcl\l Dlnpatcli to Till Dux.
Nr.w Y < UK , Ootobor 24. Tn it unit
of the Union Pacilio railroad com
inny nRAinat tlio Orodit Mobilior i.f
Amoricii , bognn in the aupronio court ,
3jtobor 2 , judgment by dofnnlt WHO
, ukon n nltiae them to dny forl 299- ,
,105. The plaintitn claim to bo AA
iKiioo of Tnomaa 0. Dnrant and
othcra , tnntcoa , under \vhnt ia known
the O ikon Amos contract with tin
Union PrtciHo railroad company foi
construction of that lino. Tlio nnntint
elaiinod by thoao truatora tn tui ( hie
from the Orodit Mobiliur is 8035 550
which , with interest from Novumlx'i
2 , 1807 , cosU And ditburaomonta ,
Foot up the total of the judgment.
No answer urns tiled.
The Gnolnt Gold-
Special Dispatch to Tin Bit.
NKW York , Ojtobor 24. The will
of Joan Buchanan Opolot , filed for
[ > robiitc , after diapoaing of a large
imount of real estate , nho bcqunatha
tnhornoico , .loan Buchanan Gerry ,
§ 300,000 ; to her crout nlcop , Almy
G jolot G.vlatin ! , $100,000 ; to her roat
niece , Jean 13uohnnan Gnllatin , § 100- ,
} 00 ; to liar great nophuw , Goorgu
Goolot , § 100,000 ; to her creatnophow
Peter Goolot Gurry , $100,000j to her
Tnithful aortrnntti Atnolia Smith and
William Woode , § 1,000 t-ach.
Thn Colobratlou-
Hpoclnl l.fiatcli | lo The lice.
Piiii.ADiaiMiu , Ootobi'r 24 The
landing tiny was colobr.xtod with great
ccrumony und onthiuiajm. The city
wii8 crovrdt-d. Public and private
build inga in nil parta L the city vrcre
illuminated to-nitrlit. Ono hundred
thousand people vrltnoascd Iho pyro-
tt'chnio diapluy in Etst pntk to-uijjlit.
The boat houses of the Sohuylkill
navy were prottlly illumitmtod with
Ol'.uioio lanterno and ether lighta
Colored bengolaa kept burnini ; ut tin
wutor'ti edge gave the Scliuylkill u
beautiful iipponranco. The Growork *
were olaborato. Sire. D vid Ooakloy ,
Forty-socond and Woodstock ntroots ,
was instantly killed and live ether por-
BOIIB injured by the explosion of a
bomb. MCF. Eva McOarroy , 035 Gold
street , had both logs fractured , by the
explosion of a mortar.
Dorothy L Miller , aged 7 , residing
n't 1023 PopUr street , was injured and
will dio. Joseph Conn , 1247 North
Sixteenth street , and Thomas Harrison
risen , park guard , were also injured ,
floury Burden , ugod 29 , of Atlantic
City , had hia left shoulder nearly
torn off and will dio. Ilia wife , 24
years of ngn , was wounded in tin *
breast and arm. Albert Sellers , 35
tra old , 2411 Meredith ntroot , Jia'l
lia arm amputated nnd will dio. W.
ivo , aged 25 , hud hia leg injured and
was taken homo.
The Grout Alcab.
Special Phpucli cu Tin : UKR :
ATLANTIO , Gi. , Ojtob r21. A. II.
Sti'phoim , governor uliuit , ruiichod
hia city to-ntuht ; in a npnuul car from
Jrawfordavillo , ncsninpanied by a num-
jor of prominent citizjnii. lie was
net nt the depot by an immoiisu
crowd. Much untliuiiiaim wna mini-
'eatud. 'J.'ho governor waa driven to
, lie cxcoutivo inaiiKion in a carriage
drawn by four white hoiHua. Ifu will
to inaugurtod in a few d\ys.
A Ripl t Jjf iiohod.
Special DlipaUli to Tim HKK.
GKANII FoiiKi , D. T. Ootobar 21.
Ohnrlea Thurbur , the negro who outraged -
raged Mra. Durbank and u Norwegian
5'irl , near Niirton , D. T. yosterdny ,
was taken from jail to-day by n mob
two thousand strong , and lynched lute
thin afternoon. A small party this
norning endeavored to tuko him from
the city jiul/but was dissuaded. This
tfturnoou Thnrber waa tranef erred to
, ho custody of the sheriff , and placed
n the county j il ; the mob immed-
ally took out the ahorrilF and chief of
Kilice. Other oIlicdM fought the mob
vith clube , and fought hard , but were
m-rpowored. A largo number of the
neb wan badly hurt hy clubs. After
an hour'a tight 'I'hurber wan dragged
out and lynched. _
Mr * Ijnngtrjr'n Appoavunoo-
Special Dispatch to Till 111 *
NKW YOIIK , Ootobor 24 , The Turf
lub thuiilro was crowded to-night ,
at the sale of aoata tor the first ap-
) oaranci3 of Mra , Lnigkry. Hot H waa
Hold to Ohailis Wyndlmm , of the
fatnoua bi'auty'o troupo. for f 320. E ,
G and H brought $50 , 810 and ? ! )
ach Sjvim ( irat ohoioo seats were
j.mulit for ? 17fr > 0 < itnh. Othor.1 elder
or from gl DO to § 14,00 , according to
A Vaoanor in Hivyurd-
Upuclal DU | Ui ) to Tins HKK.
IJosTox. October 21. Dr , Oliver
Wendell II ilmea roeignod the P r
man profcsjorahip of anatomy in the
medic il acliool of TUvard U tivoraity ,
The retirement of Dr. Holmes vvho
liaa held the position for thirty- live
yrara , ia indunod by a dc&iro to give
bttontion horoaftur racro psrliouluily
to literary pursuits ,
T i Plauno nt Paiiuacola.
HH.'clil | UUimtih to Till U .
PKN8 ooi < i , Ootobor 24 Fifty-one
cases of yellow fever and five deaths
were reported. Total to date , 2,058
cases , 108 deaths. The cool wave ,
which Has tailed several days , ia pass.
ing off without giving as the coveted
frost. Dnmands of want aud woo for
relief increase- the sickness ia pro-
longed. The fever hna trosnod Llttlo
Htyou , two miles from th/o city. A
viiit to-day of the board o ! health to
the neighborhood and sumo hims of
the city revealed many accnoi of mls-
ftry Aitd aniroriiiR combined alinoat indo -
do cribnblo , Trtrbel ) , eon of the mayor
And collector , died to-day , Torboll
himself is Tory ill.
NntrYorh Pnlttlcn.
9p ll WcjxiUh to Tin Km.
KW YORK , October 24. Ropub-
licnii loaders to night roaolv < d not to
Adopt the Campbell mayoralty tick t.
put in nomination by the citizen's com
Congrcaii mrti nominittiona : O.ianty
domocrney , Sixth dintrict , S. B. Cox ;
Trtmnmny , Eight dis'ric1 , John _ J.
Adamc ; Irvinff hnll , Eirfht district ,
Name : TAininany , S xth district , S. 8.
Cox ; Tnmmany , Kcveiith district ,
Orlando U , Potter j county democracy ,
IJIovonth district , name : T , mumny ,
Siivonth district , \Vm Dor heimor ;
Irving hall , Fifth diatrut , Nicholas
Mailer. ,
The "Flaw thorn Gontonnial Er-
aclnior Roof Paint , " waa pittontod May
24th , 1881 , And ottora patent num
ber 241 , 803. Any person founder
known to tamper "with the mana-
facturo of aaid paint will bo puniah-
od to the full oxtotit of law. No pcr-
ton has any authority whatever to soil
receipts. HAWTHORN & Duo. ,
Lixncnntnr Va
la a I'oMtlvo Cnro '
For nil tlio c 1'olnful ComplnlnU nml Wwitnense *
o common to our belt female population.
A llfillcluc for Inrcntcilby a Woman.
Prepared lif a Woman.
rr&lnl 9r < lltal plwoirry Slat * tat I > n of HUtory.
tJTIt rovlrei the drooplns eplrltJ , Invigorates nnil
.irmonlbij the onpmla f unclloiu , Hires elasticity on J
flrmncinto thn step , restore * the naturaljustro toth *
ei < , amlpluitnontliop'ilachnek < > f womui the ( ml )
ot Ufa's uprlnii ami rorly numiucr tluio. <
D7 PhyslcIins Usn It and Proscribe It Frccty-'CO
Itrcraorca foJntncd" , n.itul.'ncy , destroys nJIcraTtng
for dtlnmlunt , and rcllovtw \ ukuesa ot tlio Htoinach.
That feeling ot bearing down , cauitn ! ; | inln , wclgM
anil backache , la nl > ray pcrraincntljr cared by It l u e ,
FortliocuroorKMniiy Complaint * of cither o
tUU Compound l > uniurpaucd.
wli ; eradicate every Ti-alK" < > r liiimors Innii tl.t
Ulocxl , and irlvo tonu iuid Ktrenctli to tha e ) U'm > ol
man woman or child. lnni t uu bavlii IU
Both the Compound and Wood Turincr ara preporwj
atSUandasWvetcnt Arcnuo , Lynn , Umu. 1'rlcoql
cither , $ U Bis bottles for 83. Sent by mall In the ( arm
of pills , or ot lozenges , on receipt of price , | 1 per bra
for cither , lira , rinkliam freely answers all letters o
Inquiry. Kncloso 3 t. stamp. Bend Tor pamphkt.
Kn funlly KhonM 1 > O without I.YniA. E.
UVEa 1'II.US. Tlicy care constipation ,
ad torpidity ot the UTor. cents per box.
nIlIriiKsI t 'OT 0) / * V
Are acknowledged to bu the
boat by nil who have put thorn
to a practical test ,
Piercy & Bradforfl ,
Thoea doalrlngr to mtba money on
small and medium Inveetmeuti In
20 grain , prorUlous an.l * toclfiipocul '
tlouH , oiu d i BO by oiwratliij en our
pUn , FramMty 1 , Ii31totli0 present -
WHKAT sent data , on liivenm < n a ol JIO.W
to il 000 , cash proflU huvo been
rvillzod and pall to 1'iventors
aiuoun Ingtosetoril tlmuo theorlg.
S59 Iiul Inveutinent , atlll Irutvln the
or nmliivg \ \ tmeit uaktni ; money
or jiiyabU'on dcomul KipUnalo-
iTOOKS ry clruuUnaud rUtcmonU ot ( und
wsei'tlrui We w nt re-pauslblo
amentavlio wll r- port on cropi and
Int educe tliu pUn li boral ccm-
' ' '
KI EVI'MI'ISC } & ui/aiAMiu-ui !
mission LuroiaatJ : , i lnr Ooo
Cblcaia , Ml ,
Woman Suffrage
Ex. Gov , John W , Hoyt ,
\Vl 1 ipealt upu Ine cufrancUlioiuciit t ( women
Thursday , JOotober 26bb , 7:45
ADMISSION , . . tfKKli.
ReeeTved Seats , 25o ;
NoBtaUioU alter 7:45. None rcftuvod after &
o'clock , oJ'i-St