THE DAILY BEE OMAHA WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 25 ON THEIR HEELS. The Minden Murderers in Close Quarters , Their Companions at Hasting Go to Kansas To-Day. The news frtm the outlaws ro coivod at the executive chamber , in Lincoln , yesterday morning from Don Alexander , was moro encouragingthan it has been since the murderers lof Minden , and it looks now M though they might be overtaken. The tclo gram is dated from Wa Koonoy , t small town in Trogot county , Kansas , north of which place the Murderers stoic a pair of horses and continued their flight southwest , making for the Indian Territory. The telegram states that every available man and horse in Wa Koonoy was in pursuit of the mur derers , who had thus far eluded the vigilance of fifty men who had boon after thorn for four days and nights. The State Journal says : "If the murderers were not captured kit night they must now bo in NOBS county , which is quito well settled , The fact of their stealing horses from the sot' tiers has enlisted many men in the chase who would otherwise remained at homo. Then again , the people in thnt section ot the state nro of the opinion that fabulous rowardsamount- ing to thousands of dollars , are offered for their capture , dead or alive. " "It was reported that when the pur suing party left Wa Koony there wai not a horse that could travel loft In the town. an < t that General Alexander was anablo to procure a fresh animal. The General remained In Wa Koony last night , and our poaplo may not bo our- prised to learn to-day that" the men have been captured ; at all < mrals , ho will telegraph the result of tho\xpo- Dillon to-day. " „ "Tho two mon arrested at Hauling * as accomplices of the mnrdoros , and who loft Miaden a fovv days before the murder , will bo .taken to Kansas to-day , to answer the charge of horse stealing. The extradition papers for their removal from Nebraska to Kan sas , wore issued by Governor Nance yesterday. " "It will bo remembered that they accompanied the murderers from Hitchcock county to Minden , and as sisted in driving the twonty-throo head of stolen horses to that placo. They claim that they loaruod for the first time at Minden that the ponies were stolen , and immediately loft the jpon who claimed to bo the ownora of Yhfcfclock ; but the finding of the photo graph of the four men in the pocketbook - book of ono of the murderers , would indicate that they are boon compan ions and all in the natno line of busi- 11003. Barker .uliop and bath rooms foi vsal * . Shop invoices at nearly ono lUwusand dollars. Will sell for $800 ; part on time. , Reason for aolUp'g ; Wish to RO to Colorado for my ifo'a health. F. J. MoHui RY , 23-31 * Atlantic , la. T. M. O. A. Closing Session of the Nebraska Bttvto Convention Fine Audience at the Opera flouee. la due Monday avoninRV Liana , vra "unintentionally failed to make men tion of the very interesting closing session of the Nebraska Y. H. 0. A. convention , the proceedings of which wo have given at oomo length in former issues. The Sabbath day was sent by dele gates and visitors at the various churches and at gospel services , and at evening all centered at the opera houpo in union service with five of our loading churches. Too singing was led by a male choir of thirty voices and interspersed. Mr. Harry Saylos uaug a solo and a male quartette gave two selections. Mr. llobt. Woidon- sail acted as chairman of the mooting , and after scripture reading by llev 'Mr. Savidge , Rov. W. J. Harsha led In prayer , asking divine blessing upon the meeting and the work of the acno- elation. Mr. E. D. Ingersoll wan introduced , and spoke of the marvelous growth o the association in Great Britain , atu of its introduction to America , and its widespread influence and usefulness He ulao mentioned the fact that thoru wore ever sixty buildings , modern ii \ rv areiuteoturo ana conveniently iir ranged1 , our nod and used exclusively by the young Men's Christian ussooia tlon for iu work. The importance , o the work for young men , and thonooc of it Omaha wus apparent to every ono. ono.Dr. . Loiscnring made a statement o the Omaha association's work , am spoke of its now quartern at Fourteenth toonth and Farnam , and gave an ur gent invitation to every ono to visit the rooms. Mr. Weldonsall , for fourteen years in the employ of the Internationa committee , than spoke of the adapta bility of the Y. M. 0. A. for reaching influencing and bonofittin yaunj men. It is "a work of young mon fo 'young mun , " and the grandest of al institutions for union Christian work Ho naked the co-operaticm ol uvory ono who wanted to see young moi benefited , Following Mr. W.'a i d dross Harry Saylus sang "Where Is My Wandering Boy To-nighll After \ tor a closing hymn , "To the kVork , ' Dr. Stolliug pronounced the Ipnodio tlon. tlon.Tho The audience was estimated t from two'vo ' to fourteen hundred bf ou best citizens. Barber shop and bath roe is fo sale. Shop invoices at noarlj on thousand dollars. Will sell for $800 part on time. Reason for saline Wish to go to Colorado for my wife health. F. J , MoIlENBY , 10 31 * Atlantic , la. Eeal Estate Tranefora. The following deeds wore filed io record in the county clerk's office Oo tobor 23cl and 24th. Reported fo TUB BEK by GooW. . Amos , real estate - tate dealer : S. E. Rogers end wife to W. S. Robertson , w d , lot 9 , block 3 , Rog ers' addition ; $500. F. B. Narno to J. 0. Slurgiss , w d , lot 13 , block 2 , Post Place ; $275. F. Boamon and wife to F. Wilson w d , lot 2 , block 4 , Florence ; $25. Martin King to 0. Bursoll , W. D. lot' C , Rodick's second addition $550.Heirs Heirs of J. Schull to W. 0. Mo Allistor , W. D. , part of lot 7. . block 7) ) Schull's ' second addition , $325 A. R. Honning , W. D. , lot 9 , block 4 , improvement association addition. $000. OH THE RACK. Those Who Tread in the Hard Path of the Transgressor , Peppercorn's Narrow Escape Police Oourfc General Criminal Items , If ttio dispatches from Blair are to bo relied on Etnil Peppercorn , who was taken up on the afternoon train Monday , in charge of Sheriff Gross , canio near stretching hemp. The ofllcor and bin prisoner were oxpcctod at Calhoun , and a largo crowd , prin cipally Germans , assembled at the depot , and considerable feeling against Peppercorn was shown. The latter Feared lynching , and urged the sheriff bo take him up by way of Missouri Valley , thus avoiding Calhoun , claimIng - Ing his lifo was endangered if ho wont by that place , Gross would not : onsont to that round-about route. Just as the train reached Dalhonn , Popperkorn took refuge in a private compartment of the car , re maining until the train started on , but IK demonstrations were made at Gal- houx The train was stopped at Blair before rcviliing'tho ' depot , and Gross i\nd hio pruonor took a abort cut for the jail. A Ia 0 crowd assembled at the depot and a N h was made for the jail on finding UK Popporkorn hod been taken off the trff . 4. portion of the crowd overtook IntK qni J10 Wfta rushed into the jail ua fast f v noBfliblo pala as a ghost and trambiK with ( ear. His case will bo bronght\ fore the grand jury next month' , x POLICl ! CODIII. In Judge Bonoko'a court there was a fair docket yesterday. Throu plain drunks were run in. Two wore lined $10 and costs each and the other sent i up for five days at the county jail to sober up. A , Travis tin'd Annie Morrison were arrested { or disturbing the peace , and their hearing postponed till afternoon. Ohns. Itasmusson was arrested for kper Ang his saloon open uftnr 12 O'clock midnight. His hearing is not or the 31st inst , Mollie Kornan beat a woman amod Dora most unmercifully londay night , and but ? for 10 timely interference of pflioorn would have killed hpr. Mollie was nested , but as her victim is not able o get out of bed , the case will not omo up for a few days. COOOKED GAJIE. Jos. 8. Smiley is in jail on tfv hargo of soiling mdrtgagod goods Choimorlgago Vr lcn on tlio 20th if July , and about the 1st of Septem- > or the goods were disposed of and Smiley absconded. Mr. A. B. Tut- on , the mortgagee , not seeing either roods or money , put the case in the lands of officers , who subsequently ound a portion of them in the hands if Abram and Lewis , the second-hand dealers. As they denied the identity f the property , Smiley was traced to toarnoy and , there arrested and irought back to Omaha. This oiTonso s a sorlous ono in the eyes of the law , md is punishable by a fine not exceed- ng $1,000 , and imprisonment in the lonitontiary not exceeding ton yoaro. Liquid Gold Daniel Plauk , of Brooklyn , Tioga county , Pa , , describe * It thus ; "I ratio thirty miles for a bottle of THOMAS' EOLKO- rnio OIL , which affected the wowlerful euro of a crooked limb in ilx applications ; t proved wortb more than gold to mo. " SLAVEN'S YOSEMITE COLOGNE Made fronr the wild flowers of the riu FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEN It is the most fragrant Ot perfum t Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , San Francisco , For sale in Omaha by W. J , Whltohouso and Kounaia Bros. , & Oo. A responsible party will buy u banking - ing businoBs or open a now bank in a good live town. Interested parties address P. 0. drawer No. G-l , Omaha , Nob. 16 6t JL TJELICA.TK tJNDERTAKlJKJ A Btono Removed Frdm the Bladder of a Small Child. Wo learned incidentally yesterday that a remarkable surgical oporaMon hud boon performed upon the child o Edward F. Lee , aged two years and a half , for stone in the bl&d- dor or calculus. The otouo was removed three weeks ago and measured four inches around the largest diameter and three iuuhes on the smallest , The child was sick from its birth and it is supposed the nucleus was deposited at birth. The child has auilbrud from birth , and in the last mouths has aull'erod untold agonies , The operation of removing the stone was a very delicate ono and from the extreme youth of the pa tient it was doubtful If it would sur vive , but since the operation , now some three weeks gene by , it has rested easy and la certain of recovery. The operation was performed by Dr. Neville , assisted by Dri. Peck , Tildou , Darrow , John D. Peabody , Lanyon and others. We congratu late the gentlemen upon the success ful performance of the operation. Thit Is the only thing of the kind known to the history of Omaha surgery , and is the only stone kno ira to have been successfully removed in this city. It is a very unusual thing in this local ity. GOULD COMING. Another Railroad Potentate en route to Omaha , The 0. , B. & Q. to be Pushed Through to Salt Lake. Following closely on the heels of Vnndorbilt , Jay Gould Is said to bo now on his way to Omaha. Ho ar rived in Chicago yesterday with Co ! A. L. llopkins , first vice president o the Wabaah system , and will spent about ton daja in the west , inspect the principal lines of thai road , Among other points ho will visit ate Omaha , Kansas City and St , Louis. If reports are to be relied Upon both Yanderbilt and Gould have been ox- u-psslng their opinions of matters and things of late moro freely than usual , The Wall Street News quotes Vanderbilt - bilt as declaring to an mtitnato friend that ho was a bull upon Lake Shore , Michigan Control and Canada South ern , but particularly the two lattor. Do said they would not bo affected so much by the Nickel-Plato as the Like Shore , but ho considered the latter to bo good for six per cent anytay. In regard to the reported extension of the Chicago & Northwestern to Ogden , ho aald that ho decided not to undortakp it , as it would only bring the road into conflict with the Chica go , Burlington & Quincy , in which ho is also largely interested. Ho has de cided , after mature deliberation , and looking ever the ground carefully , that it would bo bettor for the Iowa roads to join hands with the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , and push the extension of the latter , which now reaches Denver , on to Salt Lake City and Ogdon. The cost to the Rock Island , Burlington & Quincy , and Chicago S Northwestern would bo comparatively light , and the entente cordlalo now existing between the companies would not bo dis turbed. It had been deemed better to do Una than to make any deal with the Denver & Rio Grande , because the circuitous route of the latter ia narrow gauge , and faulty construction generally , would render any attempt to utilize the property inconvenient and hazardous. What the Iowa roada need in a joint line to connect with the Central Pacific at Ogden , and capitalized at cost instead of four or five times that figure. Gould was also in a talkative mood * .o a reporter. In abort , ho believed > rentorn Union and Missouri Pacific andtKqjo oiiier atochs would soon soil higher , t jja talk was very bearish on Deliver , Louisville & Nashville and Union Pa fCi | Gould En t nto. peclal Dispatch to Tim BIB CHICAGO , October 24. _ ' Id not arrive huio yesterday as' _ _ nocted. Ho wont direct from Glove- and to St , Louis. Ho will sponc overal days in St , Louie , and will give a personal inspection to the 1m- > roved terminal facilities being pro- idod at that point , no will visit Omaha , and ride for the first time ivor the Missouri Pacific extension rpm Loavenworth to Omaha. Ho will visit Chicago on hia return trlp.l Before leaving Now York Gould stated to a.reporter , with a amil , that ho had received an invitation to ; o.eaat from Chicago ever the "Nick- , oPlate" road. _ - 'J A apodal correspondent tolegrapha ; hat one of the first- things Mrs. Liang try did this forenoon upon roach' ' ng the hotel was to send cable mea sages announcing her arrival. There were two and were addressed o her husband and the Prince ot Wales respectively. To the latter icroonago aho said : "Arrived eafoly. My duty to your royal highness. " To ior husband Mrs. Lingtry oaid : "Ar rived safely. I await anxiously a let ter from my dear husband , " JAMES U. GRIDLEY. Death of a Well Known Citizen o Omaha. A dispatch was yesterday < solved by Mr. F. P. Gridloy , King- ng the aad tidinge of the deati ot hia father , Mr. Jaraoa U. Grtfloy , Sr. , which occurred at 11 p. p. Monday , October 23d , at Garrotevillo , Ohio , whoroho has been far aomo months past. No particulars were given , ex cept that the services would bo held on Wednesday at 1 p. m. , and the re mains afterward bo deposited in the vault at Cleveland. Mr. Gridley was well known in this oity , having boon engaged in the stock business , and his name having frequently quontly come before ( ho citizens 01 Douglas county for oflidos to which ho was nominated by the republican party. Ha was born in Man HUB , Onondaga ccunty , N. Y. , August 2nd , 1820 , and was oonac/uontly ] ever sixty-two years of ago at the time of hia death. After leaving hia native tivo place , Mr. 'Gridley wont to Hiram , Portage county , O. , and thence to Cleveland , where ho hold t position as steward of the Unltec States Marino hospital from 18GO to 18GJ , under Lincoln's administration. ilo came to Omaha in 1800. The deceased - ceased loaves several children , two ol whom , F. P. Gridley and J , N. Grid ley , are holding prominent positions in the poitoflice in this city , Imperial Olab. A meeting was hold at H. W , With noil's ; csidoncu Monday at which the reorganization of the Imperial Olub fas effected , aa follows ; L. | l. Korty President , K./Hanoy / Treasurer. G/W. / Dickinson Secretary. Executive Committee R. W , With nolK A. llospo , Jr. , J. 0. Wilkinson , H.JH. Browning , Alex Mackenzie. The invitations will bo istuod at owe and the books closed as teen aa thf limited membership la completed , Bradford , PA. The . Fitchan.Bradford . , Pa. , * tltea : " montyt lor SPUING "I enclose BLOSSOU M J .aid I would Hit cured me. My dyipep- IR. has vaniilFa , wltli all iU tvmptotna. Many thunki/I dull never be without it Inthehouw. ' ' Trice , 60 cents ; trUlbot- tlea , 10 ceoU. \ OOOIDBNTAL JOITINQ8. DAKOTA. Fargo Is taking stem to establish a pub lic library. D Mr urd antelope are abnndant in the Deadwood market. Deadwood has been dlvcded Into four election precinct ) . MJatneatown hug set Its mark for a > new hotel to cest $100,000. A telephone line from Deadwood to Caster is Leing agitated. Brave Bear's commutation expires No vember 13th , and be will have to hung. The mica deposits of the Black Hills are inexhaustible and of the finest qua ity , A largo colony of PenntylvnnUi will locate on Knife liver , in Morton county , next spring. Jamestown has authorized the construe. tlon of public cisterns as a precaution in cine of fire , The Fargo Republican has been pro. sented with two cottonwood yearlings from a neighboring timber claim that have grown seven and one-half feet within the year. Judge Culls , a Grand Forks justice of the peace and real estate broker , is under a cloud canted by expending money that iid not be eng to him fines collected In its oflicial capacity , etc. Thomas Johnton , n laborer of James- own , while attempting to crawl under a freight train at tt , t city , on the 15th , wag run over and crushed to pieces , T. II. Webb , of Btown county , raised a turnip which mtu-mcd thirty-coven inches In circumference and wclphod sixteen pounds , the seed for which was sown Juno IGth. IGth.A A Huron county hunterklllcd forty-four ducks in five eliots * nd n Huron county farmer raised at the rate of 500 bushels of potatoes to the acre : but the Huron county liar Burpasneth all thtsc. The Minneapolis millers say that the new wheat from the line of the Northern Pacific Is marvelous in quality , most of It weighing sixty-two pounds fifty-eight being the standard for No. 1. A Grand Forks telegram , of October 15th , aoys the center pier of the draw bridge has been settling and inclining for ward some time , and to-day It was found impossible to open tbo draw. It Is be- Hevcd if forced open the bridgewould fall. The steamer Alsop has been waiting twelve hours to pass , and notified the railroad company it would sue for fifteen dollars an hour damages for delay. COLORADO. Denver had a snow storm on the 17th. Sohall'a book store at Golden were bur glarized of $100 worth of gold pen ? , watch charms , etc. , on the night of the IGth. James Long alias Jim Flynn was sen tenced at the last term of court in JLmrl- mer county , to ten years imprisonment for the mudf\/ Joe Blount , in that county lost MaitJ. On the JUpi , John Farley came to his death from falling from the roof of the Times restaurant , In South Pueblo , while intoxicated. Farley was an old San Juan prospector. The Denver Street Car company Js con sidering the tcasabilityof doing away with horse power altogether in propelling its cars , and may run them by the new pat ent steam cars now so successfully used in Now Orleans. Tha comparative level grades of the streets would make these earn a success , WYOMING. Five children were born in Laramlo on the 14tb. S. H. Kennedy has presented a fine flag on to the city bf'Laramie. Sdv , buildings costing over 825,000 nave oeei.rcctccf jn Evanston this season. Solh Sharpiu. , has been nominated for sheriff of Laramie .ounty by the republi cans. The company of English capitalists who have just established a mommovh slaught ering establishment at Sherman are doing a very largo business shipping dressed beel to the eastern markets. At San Dance , ? tt the 8th. B. Fr nk Oornlah , a criminal return from Iowo. choked Mrs. Carless to deatn j then Utraged her person. He was takbu v > Tadwood'to ' escape the lynhers , and wm ' .tried . aVCheyenne" . MONTANA. Slnco the 25th of August last 350 car loads of cattle bavo been shipped east trom Billlng . Glendivo has a coal mine four miles from town , and coal of good quality Is do- Uverediu the city at S-1.50 per ton. A nun named Stein , who was stealing a ride othn Utah & Northern freight train , un Wf the car and the wheel passed over hi ) left f ( crushing it from the knee down. > * . . - . - . - - tracklayer of ii.-i.v-ii. r m r the Northern Pacific , v/ho died nt Bill ings recently , is the man who otmrin tended tbo laying of all the Union Paclu. track. F < > ur thousand dollars of the appropria tion made for army Improvements will bo used In constructing water works at Fort Missoula. A icservoir will bo constructed on the bill , and pipes will bo laU to the various buildings of the post. Gen , Brisban writes to a Bozeman friend that it la his intention to erect a $10,000 res'denco ' upon the Pease and Bowcn ranches lately bought by him to stock them with dairy cattle , and to place the entire tract under cultivation and improve' ' ment. ment.Half Half the silver half dollars circulated In Montana are alleged to be counterfeits ma < Ie by Chinese. They are describe J of exactly the weight of the genuine one ? , and only obo-thlrty-second part of an inch larger in diameter. Th y contain only sixteen cen i worth of silver , which Is aU on tbo surface. Hot ) Bitters Ae the Purest unil Beit Bitter * Ever Mndo. They are compound trom Hops , Malt , Buchu , Muidruko and Dindeliou , the oldcsi , beat , and most valuable medicines it , the world and contain all the best an most curative - ativo properties of all other kmu'dies , being thn greatest Blood > urifier , Livur Regulator and Lifo and liealth Restoring Agent on earth. Novjia. ease or ill-health can possibly long or. 1st where those Bittera are used , so varied and perfect are their opera tions. They give near lifo and vigor to the aged and infirm. To all whoso employment - ploymont CIUBO irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs , or wbc ( require - quire an Apotizer , Tonic and uild StimuIentrJop | Bitters are invalnaVlo being highly curative , tonio and stimu lating , without intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are , what the disease or ail ment is , use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are alok , but if you only feel bad or miserable , use Hop Bittora at once. It may aavo your lifo. Hundreds - drods have been saved by BO doing. Five hundred dollars will bo paid fora case they will not euro or help. Do not auffer or lot your friends suffer , but use and urge them to uio Hop Bittora. Remember , Hop Bittora is no vile , druggednostrum , but the Purest and made the "In- Best Medicine ever ; - vaiid'a Friend and Hope , " and no person or family should be without them. Try the Bittera to-day. * in-ovuti" BLACK Ftrty ysars trial w " th best HVCJ ctcdicit * U ILL TBUE FELLOWS Worthily point to the "HUB PUNCH" Ai n Article of pitch rare an < J exceeding merit ( leacnc a plaoo on every dlileboard , A Social Glnn * of Hub Punch Is A most welcome accessor } ' of friendly Intercourse rcculbrly acceptable nt parties. Uncork , an Us ready. Punches breitcd at request are fa behind It In flat or. Gifted oralora nctcr dls lose tic real nourrouhence their eloquence flows ) cllc o me , U comes , after dinner or lunch , From a flowlnif bowl of OIUVES' HUH PU.SOI1 The name and tltlo-"IIUB PUNCH" l adop- cdMatrdo mark All unauthorlicd wo of his tndo mark hill bo promptly prosecuted. O , U. dttAVES&SO.VS , KOSTO.V , MASS. Sold by Grocers and Wlno Merchants everywhere. Trade supplied at Mnnnfocturcr'a prices iy M , A , McN"nn.r.ra ; families supplied by A. II , Gladstone , Omnhn Neb | FAST TIME ! In colng Bur t ! ie the GMcagoMortliwest- ern Trains ICMTO Omaha 8:40 : p. m. and 7:40 . ml for full Information call on H. P. DEUEL , Tlcko Agent , 14th nil Fartiam st * . , J. BKLL , U. P , Railway Depot , oral JAUK3T.CLARK , Conor Mrs J. O. Robertson , Pltfourif , Px , writes : "I was Buffering from general debility , want of ap petite , constl | > atlon , etc. , so thatl lie WM a bur- len ; after using Burdock Blood Uittcrs 1 felt but- cr than for years. I cannot pralao your lilttiro 00 much , " It.Olbbs. of Buflalo , N. T. , vrltca : "Vour iurrtock Bloc Uittcrs , In chronic diseases ol the blood , lUer H.-.J IddnuMt , ha\o been signally marked with sueceaa. Inivc used them myioff with beet rcsulta , for torpidity of the liver , a/id In aso of a friend of mine Bufferinj from dropsy , ho effect was marvelous , " Bruce Turner , Kocheeter , N. Y.iwrltcs : ' ! have been lubject to serious disorder of the kidneys , md unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blood Jitters relieved me before half a bottle was used feel confident that thor will entirely cure me , " Asenlth Hall , Blnghampton , N. 7. , writes : "I suffered with a dull pain through my lelt lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite and color , and could with difficulty keep up all day. Took your Burdock Blood Bitters aa di rected , and have felt DO pain since flret week at- ter using them. " .JKf Noab. Bates Elmlra , N. Y tos : "About never fully recofcred. " "My , vcro weakened , and I would bo completely pros- irated for days. After using1 two bottles of your Burdock Blood Bitters thel mprovcmont was so visible that I was astonished. I can now. though 01 years of age , do a fair and reasonable day's work. 0. Blacket Robinson , proprietor ot The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont , , writes : "Forycars I Buffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I used your Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest rcsulti , and I now flnd Dwelt In better health than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo. N. Y , writes : ' -I have used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous and bll- QUB i ado hcs , and can recommend It to anyone equ K a cure for bllilousncss. ' Mrs. Ira Mullncllan l , Albany , N. Y , writes : 'For several y irs I have euBeied ficm cft-iecur ring blllloua hcoduhcu , dyspepsia , and com < ilaluta peculiar to my sex. blnco using jour iiurdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. " 'rice , SI.OQ per Bottle ; Trla Bottle * 10 OU ? OSmiIILBUMI&OolI.Topa , . , BOTT A.0 , H. Y. wholasal ° by Ith * The Great Jmglish Eemedy : Korcr falls to cuie Nervous Dolilllty. Vi tal Exhaustion , Kmls- loi.B , Seminal Woak- ncfKie , LOaT MAN HOOD , and all the at 11 effects of youth ful follies and execs- | rtoa. U etopg pernu licntly all weakening , involuntary losataand [ drains upon the eya- | tcm , the Inevitable re- 'aultcf ' these ovilprac- llces , which nro so dcstruoilve to mind and body and make life miserable , often leading to Insatil- y and death. It strengthens the Ncrvos.Urain , memoryf Blood , Mueclcs , Dlgoitlve and Hepro- luctlvo Orirtma , U restores to all the organic uuctlcna their former vigor and vitality , ma- ilug life che.irful and enjoyable. Price , J3 a hotlle , or four times the quantity 810. Sent by oxproua. secure from obndrvatlon , to any address. on receipt of price. No. C. U. I ) , eont , except on receipt of SI as a guarantee. Letters ra posting answers must Inclose sUnip , Dr. Mintio'b Dandelion Pills re tb best and cheapest dyspepsia and billloiu urola tbomukci. SoVl by all druggists. 1'rlce COcenU. Da MnmnVi KrvsiT RIKIDT , NRRimo . Qurc 111 kind of Kidney and bladder complaints , ruiorrhea , gleet and leucorrhea. For ealo by all dtuktlsto : 41 a bottle. ENQLlflH MEDICAL INSTITUTK. nSOHvoHt. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. JanlJ-lr lira.r'aluor hi vnrk , tu rvl .UnvuKntsar.A ui Hci | Oitttri. u Hop Q Jrwnr } otnt ! ni l . . „ .li > H Irom fcl. Ii 'iicxrtioii or dipflim i ! tlon | II Touanni -IriV ul ilufln. Jld or I E ouxir.iuiri-rlnp f-C' llntt oa ' 'tt1 t ! .tu , nij ou Hop ] ] Rlttori , .Ttaofirt ion fci'l' ' . li ; fron TJI imu yen * Bktctnj 1 ronu u ( K ! u ii i prti K o ( hai nilK mv or tilwunt nitkout tut > . < > . Uy * tlmn'y i > : ' Her O I. O IU ui b4O ) & ' ' t und lrrttl < i ( t * 1 tfomucA , > totrcl > . lluuil , HOP Idrunkennetc blscuro t < it rwn ntl o' optvn , You will tie ' eurvdtfiouuie Hop Bitter * NEVER It ) t may HOIblltHU , avsoilt FAIL ! vu llftF. It hat ron siived nun , kMtM-.X \ dredit WHOLESALE MILLINERY & NOTIONS Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. { " o'SU tt1"8 I OBSRFELDER & CO. The Oldest Wholesale and THE LEADING Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here IN TnK WEST I General Agents for the find all novelties in SILVER Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low aa uhe Latest Most Artistic any Eastern Manufacturer , , and Dealer. and Choicest SelecMons in Pianos and Organs sold PRECIOUS STOKES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Chickering , ces as is compatible with Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes. and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren , - , Store Tower Building Sterling , Imperial , Smith , , American Organs , &c. Do corner llth and Farnham not fail to before see us pur Streets. chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , HOW GASES A Large Stock always on Hand. BOOK-KEEPING , BUSINESS FORMS , BANKING * COMMERCIAL LAW , iCTK1 PENMANSHIP , POLITICAL ECONOMY , , ct ? VQVSCOMMEROIAL ARITHMETIC , ENGLISH LANGUAGES Taught by gentlemen of business experience ) and broad scholarship at the > A now institution based on the highest standard "of excellence , Day and and evening sessions are now in uuccossfnl operation. lor circulara or special information apply to or address A. L. LEADING WESTERN HOTEL HOTELS , PROPRIETORS TOWIfF ARLINQTON. J. O. MclNTIRE. Lincoln , Net , WEATHERLY HOUSE , JA. a. WEftTHERLY , Manning , Iowa. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. O. REYNOLDS , ' Coon Rapids , Iowa. 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. S. 8TELLINIU8 Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL : JOHN HANNAN , StromiburK No HALL HOUSE , A.'W. HALL Loulivllla OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL KOTE _ J. Q. MEAD , ] Nellgh , Nab. GRAND CENTRAL . ' 8EYMOUR , Nebraska City , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , "P. L. THORP , Weeping WterNa COMMERCIAL HOUSE A , 0. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Nab END'S HOTEL , E. w L. 0-rnHFV END ! - V. Olirlndo eremotit , , tow tea' * EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HAOKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atkinson , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUBB , Guide Recd , N . SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & BECKER , Oretton , I * . HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO. OALPH , Exlra , IB. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , ! , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl A. LL1AM8 , Harlan la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CyMMINQO , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L AVERY , QUnton , MERCHANTS HOI EL G. W , BURK. iKBurllncton Jur > tflon , u COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Bfinchard , la. ' PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Ohonnndoah , In , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb DAQNELL HOUSE , CHAS. DAQNELL , Colle&e Springe , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Maivern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , Id COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F.8TEARN8 , OdebolL la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , > sceola , Neb. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Oirk , N b. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QBEEN. De'cford la , ARLINQTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , Marjivllle Ho NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Ntb WINSLOW HOUSE Q. McOARTY , Beward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. D. JONES , Auroar Neo. OROZIER HOUSE o. R. cnoz'Err , Sidney , Neb , AVOCA EATING HOUSE . W. . D. ii. nv v rxnuuw. \ Avoca la . CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTICK. Red Oak1 FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , \ Lewis , la. WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKERGrliWold. . la. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la LU8K HOUSE. J A. LU8K , 'Logan , la. DOW CUY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , DowClta'la JAGGER HOUSE. JAGGRR& SO "i , Oenlion , la , HAUMON TAMA OITY. IA. . ITarmti & Keales , Prop , HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURHAOES IN THE WORLD. MAUE DY MOHAKPSON.BOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , Embody noxv 1882 Imprnvements. Hot. prnotionl < urt > ; Cost loss to keep In ider ; Ueelosx fuoll will gi\u moro neat nil a larger voluiiio ol pure air tniu uy urnace mrvlo. Sold byl'll'.UCKY & nUAUFORDOininaHeb $500 REWARD. The abm o row Jnl will bo paid to any person who will produce , a 1'alnt that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , or prcecrring Shingles. Tin and Gravel Koof * . Warranted to bo Fire anJ Water I'rool. All ordem proini > tly attended to. Cheaper and Let- er than any other paint now In uso. BTBWAUT B : STEI'IIENSON. Sol * Vroprietors , Ouiaha House , Ouiaha , Neb. Officer & Poser , .Dr.Klco. Dr , Finnoy , Fulki' OouncU * _ _ A Blufc. UA _ i Oaulu Io a : < VTaA * . Benins Awarded , ° ! he Story of tiie A handeomo lltile pamAct. . Miner kuU' gel cent with numoroni ra ranjgr , will ba .GIVEN AWAY Io ny kaalt poroon ctlllug lor it , at any branch 01 cnb-offlce cf The Ulnger Uattulactartng Comp - p uy , or will be Bent by mall , post paid , la anr person living ct a dlotanca tron our offlcei Tile Singer Manufacturing Oo , , Principal Office , 31 Union Sqnara NEW YORK i OHM Ot 1JOX1 DCCAMr W , H , DKUIIII , Sec , _ THE NEBRASKA MAMMGTURIM CO Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Plantoru , Hrrrov/a.Parm Rollers Bulliy Hay RrUtoa , T - work and inanulacl urlugfor other partlM CO Lincoln. Hyaolntb * BULBS Tallpc , Graonie * . Andall other tor F ll Planting. Urge t assortment - ment ever hewn in Chicago- Illustrated CaUlogue Iree. Send ( or it. Hiram Sibley & Co. , Baodolph St , . v Chicago , J11J f '