Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1882, Image 1

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Another Chapter of Danoihowor's '
Travels in the Northern
The Cabinet Informally Don-
eider Promotions in
the Army.
A Political Assessments Oaso
Ooneiderod by the Su
preme Court.
The FlaintilTii Lawyer Badly Uaod
Up by the Judges.
A General Variety of Items.
Special dispatch to Tim lira.
WASHINGTON , October 24. The
cabinet mueting to-day was mainly
dovoUd to the consideration of army
affairs and depirtmonta. Sucrutiriua
Folger and Toiler wore nbcont. Fro *
motions in the army consequent up
on the retirement of Major General
McDowell _ were considered. The
prcsldon * . did not designate the oQloors
selected for promotions , and it ia un
derstood the matter will remain in
obey an co till after hia return from
Now York.
It was reported to the mooting that
Judiciary square had boon selected as
a site for the now pension oflico.
The railway ollloo of the interior
department ascertained that , after nil
indebtedness was settled , the amount
di'o the government from the Central
Pacific railroad company was over
$70,000 Application made to the
company on the 20th Inst. for pay
ment was ruiponded to on the 23d
with the full amount.
The report of the surgeon-general of
the army show * that among thojrhito
troops the totil number of ciaos'af all
kinds takrtn nn the sick list the past
year waa 31 880 , being at the rate of
1,070 per 1UUU of mean strength ;
among the colored troops , 4,009 , or
1,810 per 1,000 of mean strength.
Taero were 2 1C deaths among white
troops , 25 among the colored and 9
among the Indian troops.
Lieutenant Djnentiovor , before thii.
Jeannette board of inquiry , continued
his narrative of the rotro-t across the
ica after the sinking of the Jean-
notto. In answer to questions - witness
ness Bud : "My opinion and judg
ment at the timu of leaving the ship
was that too much was carried , both
of provisions and clothing. I thought
at the time it was best to reduce
everything to a minimum of weight ,
to carry sixty days' provisions and
etrike dee south as rapidly as possible
fonf < Asiatic coast watec"
\vu i iae
have noted , were all other prepara
tions adequate and sufficient !
Answer No , each boat ohould have
been .provided . in anticipation of the
eeparatlon In the way of a compass ,
oertent , almanac aud logarithm tic
tablea. The articles wore in the Jeannette -
netto , and in October , 1870 , a box
was pr.-parel for each boat to contain
a full set of everything that might fan
required for their narigition. This
was don , with a Hat of thu articles
-specified by the captain. The ooxos
and b < at compasses were stowed > n the
atarb ard chart room ready for im-
meftate use. I don't knowthat the
.arkoles were intentionally l-'t on the
8lp ( on the afternoon ofuno 12th ,
x881. The prismatic coopasses were
always kept hanging in/he chart room
ready for immediate a e , and were
taken on that day. > djourned ,
Just before thJ regular cabinet
meeting today ihe new Swiss minio-
tor , Brazilian mUister and Japanese
minister were formally presented to
the prendont bythe secretary of atato
and tbJ nsual formalitieffollowed.
M Carl is' No. 0 , tfiginal petition
. _ _ . . corpus , wacalledjin the
States supreaO court at 23Q
tb's afternoon. Th/conrt room waa
niarly deserted , ow K to the uncer-
tiintyas to the /imo when the case
vould bo reached Kt-Aseiatanfc At
torney General Bflith , of counsel for
petitioner , open/1 the argument with
& brief recital o/tho / facts upon which
the petition f/ habeas corpus was
- baaed. Gan/l Ourtia , employe
or tbe ii-/eury department in
the custom' house at Now York ,
is now unlof oing imprisonment by
virtue of the judgment of the United
States circuit court for the southern
district of Now York , rendered upon
bis oonv/ction / under advices charging
him , as an employe of the United
States , with having received money
lor political purposes from other em-
ployea of the government , contrary to
the statute of 167C. A wr t- , . " * " ! M
1.ur wwlievo him
i * ' 1.
_ corpun . . - . this imprisonment and bring
his casa before this court for roviow.
Smith began hie argument by asaort-
ing that the court below had no juris
diction in the caw for the reason that
Curtlsat the tiraoof the alleged offense ,
was not an "executive ofticer" of the
government wi'hin the meaning of
the statute. He waa an expert of
T/hoao opecial and technical knowledge
the government availed itself in cer
tain cluaes of custom caaoa. An expert -
port in the custom house it not an
"executive ollicer"
of the United
States. This being so , ho not amonia-
bio to the atatute under which he was
Indicted , and the court below had no
right to try him. If a person indicted
DO not such person as the lav describes
then the law haa no jurisdiction ,
"Whether the man is an "executive
officer" or not Li a jurisdlctional ques
At this point Smith waa stopped by
the chief justice who asked , MJe not
that a question for the jury ? "
Smith contandcd it was also a ques
tion for this cnurt.
Ohlof Justice "Is it not a ques
tion ol fact ? " .
Smith "It is , but it is a question
upon which the jurisdiction of the
court below depends , and is therefore
a question for your honor. "
Uhief justice "Da I understand
yon to bo of thn opinion thnt this court
on habeas corpus proceedings can as
certain whether General Curtis WHS or
WAS not nn cxccu ivo tdicer ; that we
can go through the record and look
intn the testimony for that purpose ! "
Smith said such WAS his belief.
The chief justice naked no further
questions , but smiled in a way which
seemed to indicate ho took a different
view of the province of the United
States supreme court in such a caao.
Smith continued to maintain this
court waa aupromo judge of both hw
and facts , but ho brought upon him
self such Croof embarrassing questions
from all parts of the bench , partjcu-
lurly from the chief justice , Justices
Fidld , llarlan and Gray , Hint ha
abandoned this branch of his
argument. Smith next _ took
up the question of the constitutional
ity of the Uwj "it is not , " ha said , "n
statue to prevent the .levy of political
assessments. It is a law againet vol
untary contribution , for political pur
poses , and it is nothing else. " In
closing ho said political and roligous
liberty are put by the constitution up
on an equal piano. Ono right , undtr
any plautiblo pretext whatsoever to
restrain the freodoti of notion of a
federal employes ue to political affairs ,
necessarily implies a like power of
control over religious con
duct. No republican giv-
eminent , state or national , has any
right , under color of regular official
conduct or otherwise , to make such
exactions of ita officers as shall deny
him the right or deprive him of an
opportunity to oxerciao the ordinary
privileges of an elector and of ft citi
zen It is an insult to thq under
standing to say that the giving of a
few dollars , more or loss , in support
of political or religloui ideas in which
one believes , or permitting the use of
a hall for their propagation , has any
tendency to corrupt thj public aorvico
or impair the illhionoy of a public
servant. Yet this is the action which
this statute prohibits , and if in this
particular void , it is void in tote ,
Smith'cloaed after speaking about an
Solicitor General Phillip j epoko for
half at hftur in reply. Ho said :
' 'The pivotal question in the caao wau
the constitutionality of the state.
Can the court say it in legally absurd
i. o. unconstitutional for the legisla
ture to declare no employe of the gov
ernment shall become a trustee hold
ing money tor political purposes. It
seems buyond controversy that the
federal legialaturo can make provision
to eucuru to the United States full
and uadistractod attention of all who ,
accept office uuder them To some
general extent this can bo done by
any government. Such provisions
urd plainly necessary and prop
er for the execution of federjl
powers . expressly granted bo
IK * u" Kr.T-V j-L "
ncsjntsrlly lucuiun' to ell govt'in-
monts as such. If it bo competent
for the legislature to regulate sach
matter at all , then the mode and meas
ure of such regulation are within
their -exclusive discretion. It they
c&n prohibit a federal officer from giv ,
ing one-half his time to some other
public duty , they can prohibit at least
employment of such sort. If they
can prohibit all employment , they can
also select for such prohibition anyone
ono , leaving others for future consid
eration. So also they may limit such
prohibition in the first instance-or per
manently to ono claaa of o flic are. It
will not bo denied that ono
who receives money for public
purposes thereby a becomes a trustee
in behalf of aomo public purpose. If
the legislature can say a person hav
ing employment under the govern
ment shall not hold office or be a pub
lic trustee in any atite , or county , or
town , as I suppose , cannot bo de 'w >
why may it not do so whorf n ° b ° n-
oficiary is a person or assistant en
gaged in some othorspublic business ,
even although voluntary , or indeed ,
Bomo private business. "
Justice Field romarked.congroaa had
forbidden the secretary of the treasury
to be concerned or interested in trade
or commerce , and had also forbidden
ita own numbers to practice in the
court of claims.
Solicitor General Phillips said ho
waa ready to admit the government
could not do anything that rould in
terfere with a inan'a personal rights.
Ojngrosa , for extuiple , would have no
right to eay tint federal ofiiae holders
should oat only two meals a day. It
would , however , have a right to pro
hibit an officer of the United States
from becoming guardian or executor ,
or trustee of any sort. Thoq iwtionu
whether.tho secretary of the treasury
shall bo permitted to own a sea vessel ,
or whether a treasury clerk shall tr < 3o
in the fund * of the out * , or
whether an officer of the United
States , . J(3fmr ( business with
a fc ufc , shall be at the same time
-tjont of such bank , are questions for
congress to pass upon , just as much
as but no more than the other ques
tion , whether an officer of the United
States ( nay act as trustee , holding
money for political purposes
Court closed at the close of the
solicitor general's argumont. Smith
will reply to-morrow to the solicitor
general and probab'y argument will bo
made in behalf of the government by
Everett P. Wheeler , as representative
of the Civil Service Ileforra associa
At the instance of thu department
of justice warrants were issued for the
arrest of Frederick II. Fall , Ito em-
ptoyo of the department ; Arthur
I'ayno and Thomas H. Fuote ; go-
betweens in the attempt to bribe
Juror Brown , and Frederick 0 Shaw ,
ono of the original panel in the star
route trial , charged with corruptly op.
preaching Juryman Donlphan. Fall
and Payno'are said to have loft town.
Foote resides in Newark , N , J. , and
up to a late hour last , nfght Shaw's
arrest was not reported.
Tlio Extra Session of the British
Parliament Opens Up
Lively ,
and Ireland Divide the
Attention of the Mem-
Tightening the Rules of the
Commons the First Busi
ness on Hand.
The Imprisonment of Qruy to
bo Investigated by a
lltn Volaminoa * Corrcupondonoo of
ArablSoUftil by thn BrttUh.
A Vast Amount of General Newa.
Special Uljpatch-a to TiiKllii.
LONDON , October 23. Parliament
rnaseombled to day. Previous to the
assemblage of the commons , the ad
vanced Irish members hold a meeting.
They were chit fly occupied , iu arrang
ing thu petitions referring to the im
prisonment of E. Dffyor Gray. Lord
aiajor DAWDOII , ot. Dublin , has
ono hundred petitions to
proiont in the commons.
The Irish parliamentary party , after
a conference , have decided to insist
that inquiry bo made upon the ques
tion of Gray's imprisonment , with a
view of restricting the judge's action
in the matter , Mr. Powers will , in
addition to this , runpoti diecussion on
the prrsont workings of the land act.
Lord Randolph Churchill , in opening
the business of parliament to-day ,
moved an immediate adjournment as
a fitting protest ugalnst the unconsti
tutional methods pursued in aaaum-
blit'g that body.
Gladstone cited the precedent
of 1820 , wluin the _ house ad
journed in July and reastoin-
Died in August , and transacted busi-
UPEB of various kinds. Thus , ho said ,
Lord Randolph Ohurchill'a assertion
was entirely destroynd , smashed , pul
verized. [ Oheors and laughter ]
Northcoto commented on Uhurc-
hih'd notion. Ho asked Gladstone
whether he would udhoro to his fin an
cul view of the situation or make a
statement in reference to the war in
Alter remarks by Hircourt , the
homo Bc-cretary , and Wolff , conserva
tive , the houto divided on the motion
of Lord Ranpolph Churchill , and it
was defeated 2CO to H2. Gladstone
then ftare Hotico that they would give
a vote of thanks on Thursday to the
British army in Egypt. GladetJUQ
atat-ed , in wizard to the first rule of
- , Jqrel . Ku < -liLuu"vJTi tl'l : *
here 'no TJ umin prdpouiV aud would
oiftr ; as aTsecond ruto that motions for
adjournment could only be made by
leave after questions. ,
When the quectlons were finished
and orders of the day commenced , a
-otion for granting leave should bo
jjut forthwith on more than forty
members supporting it by rising in
their places. Gladstone gwo notice
of a further addition to the rules , ac
cording to which motions to bring in
bills and bills that , have passed in
committee shall not be at/ejected / to
the rule precluding any opposed busi
ness being taken after 3LS:30 : a. m.
This will in a great measure frustrate
the obstructive blocking of bills.
Gladstone then moved a reaoJnt'on
giving precedence to the * " 'oa ° * Pro *
cudure whenever not da a.
Northcoto pressed regret at the
decision " ( < tno government to adhere
ta aoturo.
Walter Hirttolot , conservative , do-
clerod that ho would oppose cloture
by all forma of the house , and he
called upon the opposition to do the
Ashmoad B'irtlott , conservative ,
made a similar declaration.
The house divided and Gladstone's
motion for precedence was carried
98 to 47 ,
Glad atone called attention to the
committal of E Dwycr Gray ; Ho
said ho waa glad to see Gray present
in the houso. Precedents , Gladstone
affirmed , were completely in favor of
the appointment of a committee in
Gray'a caio , and ho moved the ap
pointment of such committee. The
government , he announced , contem
plated submitting early next session a
measure dealing with committals for
Parnoll aaked Gladstone to enlarge
thu scope of the inquiry to bo made
by the committee proposed in Gray'a
OASO , else the time occupied by tti
committee in ita deliberations weald
bo wasted. Ho contended that the
question to consider waa a modifica
tion of th'e powers of judges.
Lewis , member for Londonderry ,
moderate conservative , endorsed Par-
noli'a views.
Henry James , attorney general , explained -
plained the motion for appointment
of a committee was a matter of
privilege , and the houeo could not go
beyond the case that bad raised tno
point of privilege.
Gladstone's motion wai agreed to.
Northcoto inquired when papers in
relation to E/ypt would bo presented ;
what the government's intentions were
in regard to the policy to be pursued
towards that country , and whither it
was proposed , as rumored , to charge
to JS ypt a largo portion of the cost of
the late war thoru
Gladstone said that the papers would
ba presented p > once. In regard to
tht ir policy ( ho government were less
fettered now than they wore six
month * ago , but they would bold out no
expectation of laying do n , a definite
scheme for the approval off the house
during the limited time at ita dis
posal , The declarations of the gov
ernment , ho iald , must be very re
served , but if the opposition wished to
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E. L. McPONALP & CO. , St. Joseph , Mo.
attack their policy the government
would arrange to bring f9rwaru an
issue. Other matters could bo dis
missed after the rules had boon din-
po3od of. Glidatono said Ho did not
know it would bo necessary , to ask for
more money this year. (
Wilfred LAWBOII , radical , gave
notice ho would oppoao a vote oi
thanks to the army iirEjypt.
In tin ) lords Granville gavQ notice
that on Thursday next ho Wp'uld move
a vote of thanks to the cntunundors ,
pllioera and men of the British
in Egypt. He will then mov
the house adjourn until Now *
Salisbury acquiesced , i.i > * ' proposal
of Granville. Thp ujo 4llon' nd'
journed until Tl-a day , whffu' Shs-
trnry will ask ft questiqji wRaiding the
E < yptiaopolicy of ' ho Roornmenfc
after the vote of than a to Jtho aimy
has been passed
was Betted iUs 'BatarHfBg and tfopOiii
with Sir EdmtrdftCalttj British consul-
general. If includes yotaminotts cor
respondence with.CoHStantinople , and
minutes of Secret sittings of the Bar-
ondi cabinet. * , /L. . '
BERLIN , October 24 , Further re
ports regarding eloctiona for ) direct
okotors , members of the < Moi , dhow
the extreme right and iccossioniat
liberals are not gainers -J-the extent
of nine and fir. * oatB respectively.
The nntiocAi liberals lost ten seats.
The election of Stoeeker in West
phalia i pears assured. The govern-
moiit , is making every ondoavorto pre
vent an alliance 6i conservatives * ith
the clerical party and tiT-ct a fusion ot |
free conservatives and modoratir
national liberals. The bundusrath
has decided to prolonR.tho minor state
of siege in Hamburg"for.a year.
DPBLIN , October 21'Cho trial of
the murderers of the Joyce family
near Cong begins about'tho fourth of
November. The attorney-general
has decided to try the prisoners in
batches of two at a time. Justice
Barry will preside. .
CAIRO , October 24 The , evidence
agaiuit Arabi Pasna ! / said to
ba yory strong. His/correspond-
ouco with the so-tan is highly
compromieing. It/is thought the
entire proceeding * against the rob *
els awaiting trio/ may bo stopped by
a decree of exXu ai 'nst ' tbo ringload-
era and amn/aty to the others. There
is much aniicty in the interior among
the Europeans , owing to the r -
appointment of snvoral of Arabi's ofQ-
cere ox Kovornmout missions. Arabi
saya vents prove to him the folly of
ho > ( ng in any further national move-
pent or truatiog the sultan , ' The
happiness of K ypt makes necessary
the virtual government of the country
by the English.
Oiiito , October 24 Tbe corres
pondence of Arabi Pasha was seized ,
but delivered to his counsel by his
Ron , A servant had concealed the
The khedive sent a telegraphic dis
patch to the sultan , congratulating
him on the occasion of the festival of
Bairatn , begging a continuance of the
sultan's favor and protection and ox-
preasing unalterable devotion and
NhTANTiNoj-LB , October 24. The
sultan gave audience to General Wal
lace , American minister , to-day , and
invited him to the palace again Fri
day. General Wallace has contented
to postpone his departure fur S/ria ,
TONIH , Ootobur 25 The bey of
Tunis is very ill , Thorn is little
hopes of his recovery.
PANAMA , October 24 The schoon
er Barta was sunk elF San Yicato by
the British ntoamor Chiloo. Several
lives wore lost.
Hr , THOUAH , Oatobor 17 , ' Two
sharp shocks of earthquade were felt
* i t
lat four o'clock the nftorncou of the
CAPS HAYII , October 9. Throe
slight shocks of raiUiqu.iko were felt
huto thu paat week.
ANTIOUA , Oo'obor 9 At ,8 , 'olock
on the inornimj of the - ; > a D arP
oarthqnitko shock was f ' 1' '
LONDON , , P tobor 24 - The gale
' 1' ' ' * vttBt amount of
Ihrp 'jiuut the country. Many dis-
gf fCts were fl mclecl. Shipping along
the coast nuffd'od Bovoroly. A steam *
er waa sunk in the channel by col-
liiini. Nine persons were drowned
al Sheernesa. The gale has not been
eq'iall d in thirty yearn.
MADRID. October 24. An nfliciol
deipatoti from Manila , dated the 21st
intt. , states a typhondestroyed all the
Wijodon and thatched housoH , and
carried away the iron and tiled roofs
of others. Sixty thousand families
are homeless. The barracks , heeL -
L * * * * i L ' . . , < * _ fj ? PfctfcAi , , _ _
PARIS , 'October 24 , Tbe cabinet
to-day * . resolro'd to proiecuto the
poakeratfho anarchist meeting in
Byonvko said ho wasiuito ready
to murder President Grovy. Since
( no explosion of bombs in Lyons , sim
ilar explosions occurred in Montpelier
and Lille.
LONDON , October 24. A destruct
ive hurricane ia raging in this city to
day. The damage will bo very ercat.
CALCUTTA , October 21 The ameer
of Afghanistan has appointed his son
to , the governorship of Herat , dismiss
' ing the former governor , Abdull
'Kuan. As a consequence of .this
change conaidorablo excitement pro-
vaili and eorious disturbances are
threatened. The inhaoitants of the
vicinity of ,0abul have revolted and
killed th r Rovornor.
X T TUB 1'llOriIET.
CAIRO , October 21 The Egyptian
government dially doniea the false
prophet had ariWharo in the defeat of
the Egyptian trbops during the late
war. The anthnrltios attribute the
defeat to other causes.
ALEXANDRIA , October 24. II Is un
officially stated that the Egygtian gov ,
orument is about to abandon the
prosecution of Arabi. It ia charged
that this action is duo to the oxproasod
wishes of the authorities at Con tanti-
nople.A .
KDIMIUUO , Octohor 24 Sontar ,
whose is on * trial for mealing the
body of Kir ] of Crawford and Bal
Ciirrosw.ia bjgun ycatorojny. IIo waa
found guilty and aontopood to live
years of poiul servitude.
ROMK , October 24. Archbishop
Oroko will bo summoned hero during
the course of the winter to confer
with the Pope in regard to the state
of Ireland. .
THE I'JKi : AT HT , I'
Sr. PKTEUSIIOKO , October 24. The
fire in the timber yards on the river
Nova was gob under control. The
damage is estimated at 200OuO roubles ,
OAIKO , October 24. It i\ \ stated
that the capital of Kordofan hai boon
besieged for forty days , Its wpturo
is exp acted , An attack on Khirtown
will follow ,
PAKIM , October B4. All the , an
archists arrested a few days since iiwo
boon released on tlior own recojuiz-
anoe ,
IX > NDON , October 24. A wind aid
sleet storm which visited London
early this morning ia still raging , and
meagre dispatches report 'snow and
hail storms in various parts of Eng
land. In several loyalties streams
have overflowed their Lanka. Telegraphic -
graphic communication ( a no seriously
interfered with that no ettirnqto of the
damage can yet bo given\ \
Immense Practice In Cjmaha , Neb. ,
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Eye & Ear , Throat & Lungs , Catarrh , Kidney
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Has dlacovcrod the greatest euro In the world for weiknpis of the bock and limb.
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eases of too , throat , noeo or akin , alfccttonn of the liver , lungs , stomach or bowels
thopo ton iblo disorders , arising from nolitaiy habita ot youth and secret practice *
more fatal to the victim than the soups of Syrens to the marines of Ulysses , blighting
their most rndlcut hoios ; or anticipnlI HB. rendering marriage imp iBsiblo.
Thoeo that ' are Buffering from the ovii practices , which deutroy their mental and
phyeicnl syste'm , causing
The symptoms of which ore a dull , dUti-cnasd mind , which unfits them for performing
their business and eoolnl duto'maken ! happy marriagon imno 8iblecUatre8acB the action
of the heart , criming flmlieH of boat , depression of apirita , ovii forebodiogg , cow.
. . . . .
droanm " ' ' " ' ' " '
ardlco , fears , , " " " ' ' - - - - - - " - -
In the back and lilps , . . _ jF-.j , . . .u . . , r u > t-umimujr uuu U VB
preference to be alone , feeling M tired in the morning aa wbonretlrhw. seminal weak-
neaa , lost manhood , will to buno deposit In the urine , nervounnoss , trembling , confualni ol
thought , tratery and weak eyoa , dyspepsia , conntlpatlon , paleness , pain and weaknea
in the limbs , etc. , should conanlt mo Immediately anil bo restored to perfect health.
Who have become victims of nolltury vice , tbat dreadful and deatrnotlve habit which
annually nweops to nn untimely grave thousands of young men of exalted talent and
brilliant intellect who might otherwise entrance listening sonatora with tbe thnnders of
their eloquence cr.wakeu to oxtacytho living lyre , may call with confidence ,
Married persons or young men contemplating marriage beware of physical weak
ness. Losa of procreottve power , impotency or any other dlaquaUfioatlon speodirj
relieved. Ho who place * himself under tbe core of Dr. FMiblatt may religiously coo.
fide in hia a gentl-mnn , and confidentlyrely upon hl < akill au a physician ,
Immediately cnrod and full vigor restored. Thin distressing affection , which reoden
life a burden and marriage impossible , ia the penalty p ld by the victim for improper
indulgence. Young people are npt to commit oxceraei from not being aware of the
dreadful coneeqnencoa tbat may onauo. Now who that understands tbla rnbject will
deny that procreation U lost BO ner bv these folllnz Into Improper bablta than by tfaa
prudent , lioildes beln ? deprived of tbe pleasures of healthy offapringD , the moat eerionr
and destructive symptom * ot both mind and body uiiie. The system becomes deranged -
ranged tbe physical and mental powers weaken. Lost procreative powers , narvoui
Irritability , ( iyjipopsln , palpitation of the heart , Indigoatlon , coiiatltutkutal debility ,
wostlti of the frame , cough , cnnxumptlon and death
I'ereona ruined in health by unlearned pretenders who keep them trifling mouth
after month , taking poisonous end Injnrioii" compounds cbuuld apply Immediately ,
graduate of nno of the most eminent oollegua in thu United States , boa effected name ot
tbo most astonishing curw that were ever known. M ny ttimhled with ringing in tbe
can and bead when askep. great noivoiiKnosa , bolag alarmed at ccitaln aoundu , with
immedlntoJy frequent blushlngB , , attended nomotiuierf with doraiigement of tbe mind , were cured
Take Particular Notice.
uutHkW JL &VJ. UAW U-&UX XWbJiUU .
Jr , V , fcddrobses all lho o who have Injured theumelveu by Improper Indulgence
and military habits which ruin both mind and body , unlittlng them for buainesa , study ,
society or marriage. Thcuo are uomo of the nod , nielancboly effects produced thn
earhabita ) of youth , viz. Wonkncaa of tbe back and limbo , pans In tbe bead bjr and
dimntB < t of aluht , loax of wiucular powers , palpitation of the heart , dyapepsla , nerroo *
Irritability , derangement of dlgeetive functiona , debility , consumption , etc.
Entrance on Fifth Street , DM AXolnef , Iowa.
CONSULTATION FllKE. Charges moderate end within the re ich of all who need
Scientific ) Mudlcal Treatment , Thotse who realde at a distance nut ] cannot call will
, ro-
oulve prompt attention through tbo mall
by oltuply sending their symptoms with podtam
Addroas Ixiolx Box 68 Do MolnM Iowa.
Is only attained by tuiug
Stoves and Ranges.
For tale by .
- . . . . . . .
' > IA/VMM . .
1'h U.Macon , Ga. M.v t xtA. .t/uKwioa oriaing
( from
SOLD BY ALL DKUGGKTS | luipru-Jence , Kxcenaea , Indukencea
, "
* " ' -