Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
_ _
Monday Morning , Oct. 23. _
* / omltt , . . . . - to cent- pit week.
/iUll . tlOM per Year.
i.ta\co : No. 7 Penrl Street , Near
rf.U. OR1FCI.V , M D net.
1. W. T1LTON , City Edltor.1
MlisOxl"M12NT10JNS. .
J. Mucllcr'fl Palace Wusic.Hnll.
Dr. Mncrae Is inskins KWO Cue Improvements -
provements in his residence.
Mck ItoberU * Humbly Dntnpty com-
parjy ta to appear hero ou the Soth.
John KiUgeralrl is tlio happy papa of
a ten pound hoy. All me doing well ,
The new meat market of Shull it. Mul
len , 79'J South Main street , Riicrantce bent
of meata nnd prompt attention ,
A fine assortment of Boots nnd Shoos ,
gulHclent to supply the demands of all , at
George lilaxlm'a onth Main ttroct.
Cheap Itailroad tickets to nil potato ,
Uiwhnell , fivedoors north ol postofllce , eclls
them. Entrance , Main or 1'earl nlrccli.
Nick Baclius now Bceksto have Chas ,
Arnd arrested on the charge of having oht
talned $43 north of board under false pre
There WM a disgraceful row on Broad
way last evening , In which Oco. Gorelacher
and Carey , the base ball umpire , were the
principal ( stars ) . *
Another social novelty is .promised ,
BapthU having arranged for a pumpkin
social at the residence ol II. K. Seaman ,
next Thursday ovcnlntr.
Permits to wed were Saturday given
to Fredericks. Ohilda and I [ olcn Sarr , also
toJ. W. llhatonand Elizabeth C. Denton -
ton , all ol this county.
Ono of the city papers , in speaking of
the burglary cases , says Hall and his
partner * in crime wont "Scott" free. It
strikes the ordinary man that they went
1'ralney free.
Among those who have fipccinl Invita-
tioni to call upon Jud o Aylesworth this
morning are : Alkcn , drunk ; J. D. Sec-
more , for using profane language , und A.
Thomson for being drunk.
Joseph Uoss , the upper Kroadivay
cooper , desires to purchase fiO.OOO hoop
polci He also wishes to employ ten extra
coopers. Write to or inquire at his cooper
Joeeph Kcltcr makes the Finest Suits
in the latent styles , at the lowest poasib'o
prices. Ills merchant tailoring establish
ment U at 810 Upper Broadway , Council
Coylr , the man who has Jem locked
up hero for being drunk , was allowed lih
freedom yesterday , that ho might go to
Omaha , word having been received that
the tellow who robbed him them had been
Ono of the most attractive chow win.
( btt'S now drawing thu attention of passersby -
by is that at Mueller' * palace music hall ,
Miss Mary Jackson arrange : ! the display.
and it certainly Is a very creditable ono.
- Chief of Police U. II. Field announces
himself as a candidate for Justlro ol the
peace , without waiting for the republican
convention , vr any other convention to
nominate him.
About thirty members of the V. C. A ,
intended to go to Omaha to attend the
meeting there last evening , but owing to
Dome misunderstanding about railway nr-
rangemcnU wore left.
J. Mueller Is doing splendid with his
toy and small musical instruments this
scaion. Or.lera coming In from country
dealers thick and fast. ( Nothing like dealing
with a reliable home.
The receipts at the block yards Satur
day were 00 CUB , and the shipment. ) ! M
cars , there being 3'J cam over the 0 , M. &
St. P. , 10 over the 0. B. & Q. , ana -10 cars
ote'rtho 0 , & N. W. road.
There were a largo number who at
tended Bliss' millinery opening Saturday
evening. The display was certainly one
of tbo finest ever seen wuHt of Chicago ,
there being a wonderful nhowlnu In variety
and quantity , aud if the ladies are not
now posted by actual vision as to what Is
the prettiest and latest , it is surely net
' fault.
John Allison , the young man who line
been locked up'in jail here to recover from
the effects of a big spree at Sioux City ,
faiU to recover , and is evidently BO iuiano
ta to necessitate treatment at tlio nsylum.
He claims to bo from Pennsylvania , um
communications have been cent tu
Lla friends , informing -them of his taii
The gentlemen having thu tnauugc.
ment of the K , of P. celebration are unitIng -
Ing in their efforts to make It a good suc
cess. On Thursday next will be the granii
parade. Members will ba in attendance
from all over the eUto. Two hundred hat a
made arrangements to come Irom Duvcti-
port alone. The committee request nur
citizens , especially business men , to do-
orateon that day.
Two colored boys , Jim Johnson am
Kil. Henry were arrested for malicious
mischief In breaking some candy jt , am
raising a general trouble in Burke'd fetaud
The boys were put iu jail , but noon ills
covered a hole in the floor , and Ihrougl
that crawled into the cellar , and fron
there skipped out doors , aud played in the
streets , hurryiug back at times. Yes
Unlay they were transferred to the count }
jail to await tbelr examination before Jus
tice Fralney thin moriiiug.
The man Uoss , who ( quodlcd on the
tlireo others concerned with him in the
burglarizing of Wheeler' * tloro house , was
iu the superior court. Seeing that the
, . three others had been discharged by Justice -
tice Fralney , the prosecution sent word to
court to dismiss the cats against Koaa ,
though Iloaa had confessed hlumlf guilty ,
Judge Aylesworth concluded not to do BO ,
however , aud ou t charge of larceny cent
Kota to jail for twenty days , with the
promise to attend to the charge of burglary
At the expiration of that time.
As another evidence that Juatlco
Fralney's release of Hall on the charge ol
burglary does not meet with eujuiutincnt ,
new warrant has Icen taken out for
Hull' * arr < 5it , aud the olllcera are nft i
him. It Js doubtful wl ether he will stay
about tere to face It , If the child of Inno
cence and tlm jjtiitelen jou"R m n which
Home try to tiiake him out , he has nothing
to fear from a full investigation of theo
firt , and In fact should demand thtm fur
liH own pake. He probably won't I e heard
from , tlii-ugh ,
A young girl named Williams was
I rought here lust evctintt from Fremont ,
Nob. , where , In a row with nrmthor girl of
fat life , the received tcveral R'.abfl with a
knlfo. Her injtuitu ate > cry fcrloui. The
gfrl who did the cutting ii from Omaha and
was Induced by IhU girl to po to Fremont
with her fevcral weeks ign. The row
started in a fast housn in I'rimuut , and the
andlitdy told tta girls to go in the yard
and light it out. Iti doing HI the Williams
girl received the wounds which may remit
n death ,
The officer * could learn something
about their own trvle by the prisoners in
the Jill. A short time a o n fellow wai
arrested , wan nearohed nt the police sta
tion anil no money found on him , and was
searched again by the jiiler , butuo morjey
found. After getting Inside the other
prisoners wont through him , and it did not
take them five minutes to ascertain tint ho
had $10 hidden In his stocking , Sumo of
them are used to going through men , and
they know about where men hide their
money ,
flio prisoners in the jail while reading
TnK BE ? , tbo other Jay , came across the
revc'ation of Uorsoy's provioHi record ,
and , of course , read it aloud for hit benefit ,
He was completely taken aback , not think
ing that anyone hero know of his dark
deeds , llo denied that ho was the man ,
but the prisoners innlalcd on his showing
up the place where ho was shot iu n saloon
row , nnd ho had to do It. The scar | on-
firmed TIIK BKK'.H report , and Uortoy woj
obliged to own up.
The tottering walls of Bishop's opera
house , which recently burned out in
Hcd Oak , gave way on Wednesday even
ing of taut week , uidor the influcnco of a
strong wind , nnd fell over on Hollor'H dry
goods store , crushing it in , and burying be
neath it six person * , all of whom escaped
with their lives , but.with Kovora injuries.
Holler has begun suit agiinst Bishop for
$10,000 damages , NcBl.-ct in removing
tbo walls amounts to criminal carelcmiei
on the part of the latter. Macedonia Tri
bune ,
W , F. Sapp , Jr. , aud his mother arrived
liomo Saturday.
A. P. Cramerva ? In the city Saturday ,
and mot friends on every hand.
Jny C , Cole .bus gene to Jacksonville ,
Ills , , to complete his bushiest course.
K. W. Wood , of Kansas City , arrived
n the city Saturday , on a brief visit to his
F. Goo e , the hippy Plattsmouth hotel
man , was shaking hands with friends hero
ShorilT Guittar has gene to St. Louis
after his family , who have been visiting
'ricutlH and relatives there ,
Engineer Frnnk .Falkcnhurg , of the C.
b N. W , , rejoices now on the arrival of a
ninu pound heir , a boy , too.
Mr. Davis , the enthusiastic insurance
nan at Missouri Yalloy , was among
Saturday' ) ) rcoot welcome callers at THE
Albert Hcmhclmer , Otto Willner , II.
Baxter , and M. F , Shaw , of Glcnwood ,
wore taking in Council Bluffs yesterday
and wore among the guests at the Ogden ,
By tbo unthinking , Burdock has been
considered a wood , aud its luxuriant
growth , unpleasant cincll , etc. , has ren
dered it , to UIOBO "not knowing its vir-
MOI , " n nuisance , and yet the root 1ms
long been acknowledged by savants as most
invaluable as n diuretic , aperient and
embody all its good qualities. Price $1 ,
The Union Pacifies Sulfor Another
Defeat at the Hauda of the Coun
cil Blulfd Nino.
There wfia much interest felt in
Saturday afternoon's game between
the Union PaoiQca nnd Council lilulFi ,
it being the closing giuuo of the aoasun
for the Bluffs , nnd thuro being u fool
ing provnlunt Unit the contesting clubs
wore BO oloaoly matched Unit an
exciting gumo would result from
their meeting. There wore but
seven itmingj played , the Intunofu if
thu hour pruvuntmg the finish. The
game otood 12 to 4 in fiwor of the
homo nine , making the ROvontocnth
victory for thorn this nounon , with
only two dofu.itn to ofliot the qlory.
In mnking Huch n victorious record for
the Bimson , the Ouuncil BluIIj ninu
has mot onmo of tlui atronqoat nnd
boat cluba in tlio country nnd hnvo
ahown auch akill In nlny that the citi-
zona are juotified in fooling proud of
HID club uud its record.
COUNCIL UI.UITB. AII. n. in rn to A. K.
noach , us I a 0 0 0 3 2
Kuchuc , lib I II 4J ' . ' 1 0 0
Mack , p -1 -
Merrill , 3b ' . .1 2 I 1 0 U 0
O'Day.lf 4 2- ' . ' 3000
Fethcrttouo , c. f t 0 I 1 0 0 0
Hugau , Ib I a 0 0 la 0 0
Struck , c ! J 1 21 1 0
Smith , r.f -1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 3012 7 9 21 10 1
, UNIOM 1'Acinw AH , iu ID. TII. i-o.A. K.
Wllllgrod , 1. f 1 000310
1'unkhouser , U r. f.,3 000300
Suced , ss. . . , 3
Trofllej-,0 3 2 34510
Handle , 3d b ! l
Whitney , p 3 0 0 0 0 fi 1
Holland , lit b 3 000700
Funkhouser , M. c. f.,3 000100
Rockwell , 2d b J
Total L'8 4 1 5 21 13 1
Council Bluffs..0 5 0 0 2 3 1--12
Union Pncilics..O 1 0 U 0 'J f - 4
HnHiralletl-Unloti Pacific * , 03 ; Conn-
Strlkai'caliodUnion Pacifies , 37 ; Council -
cil Bluffs , 37.
wnT1il > * " " ' 7j Strock- *
, , ' -
Wild pitching , 2 ,
Kameil runs None.
Time of game2 house and 15 minutes.
Umpire J , Ullluin ,
If ,
If Adam had had a game of "Fifteen"
maced in his hand at an early period of
hit 1'xl.tence , the whole oour * ot bletory
might have been materially altered for the
better , and if billloueness , indigestion , nick
headache or dyspepsia were unknown
SHUNT BLOI > SOU would not be needed
Prlco CO cents , trial bottles 10 cents. 7
Senator Allison Revlowa a Culmly
und Clearly , Dut Has Ltttlo to Sny
in Ancloraon'a Fnvor.
In accordance with the announce
ment made Unito-J Bratca Senator
Wm. B. Allison , of Dubuque , ad-
dropsod the people hero Saturday
availing at Dohany'a hall. The
jurenilu j and by its mutic gathered a
crovtd in front of the Pacific house ,
and by moving along up Broadway ,
tanking frequent stops to gather more
recruits , succeeded in drawing a com
pany of the youthful und the curious ,
which added to those who wanted to
hoar Senator Allison , made a largo
enough audience to fill the central
part of the house , and to scatter ft few
in the gallery ,
Hon. W. F. Sapp introduced in a
happy manner the noKblo speaker ,
and for short two hum the senator
addressed the gathering. llafpecjh
consisted of a clear , dispassionate
review of the record of the republican
party , and by comparison pcintin ?
out wherein the democratic party had
erred , tie closed this review by urg
ing all voters to stand by this party ,
which had done so well by the nation
In the past.
There was little now or startling in
the npocch , it being able , summariz
ing and reshowing of the strong points
in the record of the republican party.
There was uo attempt at any funny
business , no campaign stories or morn
chicken feed. Dignified , cautious and
mattor-of fact , with no dash or special
local application , it proved to moat of
the audience rather uninteresting , and
there was little of the applause and
enthusiasm which is supposed to mark
a campaign speech ,
Senator Allison very wisely re
frained from saying much about Major
Anderson. Ho gave him credit tor
having boon a toldier , and the only
appeal to voters to support him was
tint the republican party should be
About the only enthusiastic feature
of the evening was caused by the
indiopoaition of the chairman , who
had been ill and broken of his reat to
ouch an extent that he wi\o hardly able
to bo present at all , but ho sat there ,
alone and lonesome enough , until
tired nature could not resist its sweet
restorer , balmy oleop , any longer and
with folded arms , head loaned back
and eyes close , ho slept tno sleep of
the innocent. Along toward the lat
ter pavt of his speech , Senator Allison
took occasion to refer to him in lofei-
on co oomo facts in the civil aurvico re
form , and turning partly about re
marked , "as will bo vouched for by
my worthy friend hero who , by the
way , acorns to bo asleep. " The crowd
caught it and there was such cheering
and laughter as to urouoo the tired
chairman , whose blushing face and
bewildered look only heightened the
motrimont. The incident served to
rouse up the sleepy auditors also , and
for the rest of th6 evening Senator
Allison kept Micir attention aomewhat
better. '
The apathy felt by republicans was
well shown Saturday evening. Many
feeling ashamed of having such a man
as iVndorson as the alleged standard
bearer , would not oven go to hear BO
'veil known n man as Sunutor Allison ,
and there seamed no heart , no en
thusiasm , in making any. sort of an
attempt to get up a republican meet
The Knights To-Night.
It is desired that every Knight of
Pythias in the city shall bo at Castle
hall at 7 o'clock this evening , and that
every ono having a uniform , or oven a
part of n uniform , shall bring it.
This is in accordance with the action
of the committee , which mot yester
day , ana the meeting is a most im
portant ono , as it is necessary to com
plete arrangements for the grand
lodge. It has been decided to have
as many of the knights in this city n
possible appear in the pirado next
Thuraday , mounted and uniformed ,
and it hi estimated that at least ono
hundred will do so. The tidings from
abroad indicate that thuro will bo
fully one thousand uniformed knights
in the parade. Omaha promises ono
hundrtd and fifty , Davenport sent
word t prepare for two hundred and
fifty from there. Missouri Vail'/ ,
Glunwood and other pluses will bo
represented proportionately. In or
der that all these visiting knights may
bo rightly received and cared for , it ia
necessary that the resident knights
and their friends ohould bestir themselves -
solves actively , und in their doings all
publiC'Bpiritcd citizens will gladly as
sist in every possible way , that Coun
cil Bin Ufa may maintain its reputation
for hospitality and enterprise.
Mrs. Irt Mullinllaml , Albany , N. V. .
writes : "For years I have sulfurcd
from oft-recurrltiy bilious hoidachcf , con-
Htipatlon , ilynpepsiti , ami complaints pecu
liar to my * cx , Since using jour I'UIIDOCK
BLOOD IJimus I am entirely relieved. "
_ _
Republican Township Convention , us
The republicans of Ktino towaahip
will meet in IURUM convention at the
couit IIOUBO in Council Blulls , on Tues
day evening , October 21 , 1882 , at 7:30 :
p. m. , for the purpose of placing in
nomination one candidate for town
ship clerk , ono candidate for township
trustee , three candidates for justice of
the peace , and throe candidates for
constable , to bo voted for at the ensu
ing election ,
By order of the republican township
central committee ,
OUAS M. HAUL , Chairman.
The Prisoner Points Caught Trying
to Saw His Way Out of Juil.
Aa many will remember , a few
weeks ago a desperate attempt at jail
breaking won made here , but only ono
escaped , a young man named Ed
Points , who was up for burglary ,
After a few days' hunt ho was recap-
tured. Of late he has acted suspic
iously , and Jailor Schuntz has boon
on the watch , thinking that ho was
up to some deviltry. Saturday after
noon ho caught him at work with a
saw , trying to cut a hole by which to
crawl out to liberty. A close oxamin
ailon of the cell showed that he had
bsan at work for sonio titno on mi old
tpot , tlirotifeh which , several year *
n o , seven or . iclit ' printouts escapok.
This jot had 'been patched up by
riveting a piece of iron over in. Points
hnd been at v rk at these rivutt , try
ing to cut oil' tlio hc'P'lrt , but , pome of
th m being itocl , had given up the
task and turned hia attention to ono
corner of the cell , where ho was nt
work when caught. The o&w wai
such nn } g commonly lined for nucli
purpose * , it lining n little strip cf
dtcol , which had been aot in a wooden
lirottaorly Condolence
lioeolutioru adopted by Fidelity
council No. 151' , Royal Arcanum ;
WHEUKAH , Divine Providoncn lias
ecen lit to call from the homo of our
beloved brother , J. 11. Arthur , his
little eon Elixrrr ; therefore bo it
Itcsohetl , Tlmt wo , the niotnbore of
this council in eeonion assem
bled , extend to our brother and hio
family In their 1,111'cHnn ' , our heartfelt
Ittrolveil , That a copy of those reso
lutions bo presented to our brother
and also published in the daily papers
of the city.
F. II. Onuun ,
The Tribune of Macedonia , a rep-
publican paper which has thus far kept
ailcnt on the congressional contest ,
not oven hoisting a ticket , now comco
out in a lengthy editorial sarcastically
claiming that. Anderson should bo el
ected for the following reasons.
First Because ho served in the
Second Because ho > ; ave the notor
iou9 pogtoflico bond.
Third Because ho got a divorce
and now smiles on other ladies.
Fourth Because ho used to got
bewilly drunk , but hnd reformed.
Fifth Because ho induced a woman
to ucll him ' her properly , lo-iving hei1
childron'out in the cold.
Sixth 'Bcuauto he drew his pay
twice in the army.
Seventh Because ho invited Pussy
to diecuoa with him , and the latter
Eighth Because ho has no barrel.
Ninth Because there are a number
o' leading republicans who oppose him.
Such is the summary of the doubt
ful editorial , which opens under the
caption of "Ileasomi why Anderson
should not bo elected , " and closes with
urging that "tho gallant major" bo
given not lees than 2,000 majority.
The editor is apparently tired of sit
ting on the fence , and is now trying
to walk it , without falling off.
A resident of Gleiiwood , who has
been a staunch republican , and whenever
never before voted the democratic
ticket , in a private letter to a friend
in this city , under the date of ihe
20th says , "Pusoy'a canso" is march
ing bravely on. There is ono town
ship in this county where there is not
one Anderson vote. Many republicans
who have never voted anything but
the straight ticket are wavering , and
by November next will probably vote ,
according to the dictates of their own
consciences , and conscience very sel
dom dictates jn favor of Andonon.
The fact is the republicans are begin
ning to tremble for Mills county , and
are sending down soms of their big
guna to hold the ground. "
It is announced with a hurrah from
the Anderson olacqucrs that a man
named Ohaso , who has boon editing a
democratic paper in Caaa county , has
concluded not to support Pusoy any
longer. lie claima that ho has juat
learned that Pnocy is the railroad
candidate , ard Anderson is an anti-
railroad man. In the letter by which
ho seeks to gain some notoriety , he
fails to specify a oinglo detail of the
wonderful facts ho hita just discov
ered , and ho discloses a cignifiCMit
fact that ho has "severed his connec
tion with the paper which ho lisa been
editing. " Ho debs not say that ho
has done co willingly , and it may bo
that his severance was compulsory ,
and that in revenge he tries to put
the paper in the hole. The Nonpareil
intimates that Anderson's railway
pool barrel is the cause of Ohaso's
ilop , for it heads its editorials on the
Buoject , ' 'The Bar'l Campaign Begun , "
"Puaoy Deserted. "
"We are prepared to otnto that the out-
coins trains on both the Koclc Inland and
Burlington roads will bo held at Carson
until the close of tlio meeting , for the ac
commodation of oil wno attend front ail
l > oiuta alonK cither line. " Nonpariel.
Aha ! the trains will be hold for the
accommodation of the public will they ?
Are railroads in the habit of holding
their trains to accommodate the people
ple ? Never. Will thcao traina be
hbld to accommodate the people o ;
Anderson , who speaks there ? Ander
son , by a largo majority. Why ? Be
cause while ho has ostensibly been the
servant of the people as railroad com-
miesiouer , ho really hae been thu tool
of the railroads , and they must pay
him , Are railroads generally grate.
full Well , they don't slop over with
gratitude , but if this man Anderson
was of uao to them as railroad comrnis-
sionor ho can be of still greater aervico
to them aa congressman , Walnut
Men who give thousand dollar bonds
that they will deal out poatofiicea in
return for a vote in the nominating
convention , and who become legatees
ol weak > mlndod old ladies whom they
have had in their clutches as attor
neys for several years , thereby de
priving the children of their rightful
inheritance , must ba possessed of very
bald C3ii8cionct8 ! indeed. [ Qlonwood
MRS , fl. J , HILTOJS , M , D. ,
! 222 Broadvruv CoanoiJlBlnCTs.
t. 0 1DMU.NDSOS , . t. BHCCUBT. i.W. BTRKIT ,
I'realdent. Vlco-J'rca't. Cashier.
Of Council BlniT * .
Orj niM ! under the Uwu ol the SUto oi Iowa
. aid up capital t 76,000
Authorized captul „ . . . , , , 200.000
Interest paid on tliua deposits. Drain lieuctl
on the principal cities ol the United btatoa and
Europe. Spoclil atteutloo i.FH n to collettloni
and correspondence with | > rou > } > t returai.
J. D.Edaiundton. U. L. 6bug rt , J. T.Httt ,
W.JV. W ll c L jTw.UoSler , , I. A. MlUr
A. W. Street.
i irtvertlncrceuta , cue 61
test , Found , To tc&u , For Sale , To Kent.
W nt , Boarding , r-to. , nil ! be Inserted In tbl
column at Iho o < r rat * ef TEN CENTS Pn
LINK for the ( Its' InsorJlon f.tul FIVE CENT"
Ptn LINK for Mcb cu ! wqucnt ! tiBrilori
tvo tuiv BTtl-wmonfii at our office. No. 7
"VAT"VTil : ) T o pool pirl * hnnieilla clj . Hn-
> y 'I" ' " t 1 > . < \ e , S. Jl ln St ,
WANTiiAt : om-c , four ! .ithcr . Krquiro
ntthc Men.lmrt < Heitaiirant , torncr of
Itrondwuj nnd Iliniroll Jtrcct , nf r. , t. Stomtcr.
A cook nt the Western houjo on
WANTED Proidttixy nt cnco.
WAMTr ! ) A l ; Vcr , o eonJ nnn. ftio < "lin
iimlcrs nmln hli hmlncx. Iminlra of Gill
M. Ho' ) . 103 ic.i WAJ , onncll UluHs.
W ASTRO A peed girl cin flml airotxl iitico
t 705 , ccr. nth a\e. , and7th St. MM. A.
B. octlC-6t
WANTED Afrooil bovahrmt IKor Ifl jears
of 'BO n' Sto'nhllbcr' furnlturn factory.
ANTED A situation M 1 > rcad and ciko
bafcer. Kr.rtilroat | H > Eo31co.
WAXTV.D A trltl for Rcncrnl hou o ork In
amiialUmnlh , enquire H. C. Iko clll'o. '
WANTCB- buildings to mm o. Wo inako
nrpccl ltnf inoxl K house * ) and safest
Addrcsi W. 1' . AjlcswoUB , bo < c 879 , Conndl
UlulT * , la.
TTkTANTKD-Evctybodj lu Council BluCe h
TT to tal.o Tux lltr , SIO cents per week , ao
llvcrcd by carriers. OOlcc , JIo 7 1'tarl Street
near Bro.vlM c.y.
WANTKD To buy 100 tons broom corn
For pirtlctilara address Council DluDi
Dioom FMtorv , ( 'ouncll BluHB. Iowa. 068-29tf
For Solo nnd. P.ont
111011 UK.VT FtirnMiol rooms to rent , with
Jj board , nt 'M Jljnstor ttrect. Day board per neck. ocutlT-H
TJ\0 < 1 HUNT A dcs lablo ollico on flrat floor.
A.II.U AYN'fi i : CO. , Xo. a4 Pearl itrcct.
EOlt HUNT Atry ploiaiut newly built
hoit9' , Frnnkllnst. Te niroMonable. A.
II. MAY.Nb CO. , No. 21 I'url street.
I.IOK SAllb IIUA'ltllUl fUSlUCUCW JOtll , WO
! j o ch ; notblnftown , nnd gJjKrrronth only ,
TjlOilHUNT-A Iurnishe.1 housa with thrja
J ; loams cellar and clstero. near Broadway.
No , 29 , N Eighth Btrcct
. Great tucccis. fall and Bee
now accessories and Rpcdmcns of pictures
tKm In the reliable gelatine brcuitda protc - > ,
Rt the KxcolH'or ' Unllsiv 10 Main street.
. \v. L. PATTOH Physician nnd Oiullst.
Ctn cuio any eiso of xorocyc' ; . U It only
n matter o ( time , and can cuio pincrally m
from thrco tc five vicoLlt make : ! no illllcr-
once how Icn0' Will straighten crora
eyes , operate nnd remove Ptyrejimu.i , etc. , and
lnert artificial oycj. ! Special attention to ro-
moveinc tttdeuoruio npS-tl
Council bluffs'
Business Directory ,
Art Gallery.
Excelsior photograph fc'a'lcrj , South Main St.
Instantaneous pri itis * .
C. GEISE , Upper Kroadway.
Bottling Works.
B. HAGG & CO. , Il-ist Plcrco St.
Oakery ,
P. AYERS , 017 S. Main St.
Bathing Houses.
. K. J. HAUDING , M. D. , Broadway and
Glenn n\c.
DH. STUOLRY , Bethcsda Bathing House ,
Books and Stationery.
II. E. SEAMAN , Middle Broadway.
OFFICER & PUSEY , corner Broadway and 5th
CITIZENS' BANK , fith street.
Broom Factory.
MAYNE& CO. , axemio A , nnd Cth St.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TEMPLETON k LAMB , 232 Broadway.
111. . LEVIN , 308 Broadwaj.
X. UOEKHOFF. 531 Main St.
A. H. MAYNK & CO. , 31 Pearl St.
J. MOSS , CIS East Broadway.
SINTOJf k WEST , II Pearl St.
Dry Coeds
HAUKNESS , OllCUTT & CO. , Broaduay and
4th tired.
Eggs Shipper.
0. r. CHAWFOHI ) , S19 Main St.
Furniture Manufactory.
_ E. R.STEINHILBnR _ , cor. 7th a\o arid 12th St.
Furnllure Store.
C. A. BEEI1E & CO. , 207 and 209 Broadttay.
Groceries nnd Provisions.
OLLIVEIl & GRAHAM , Cth street. Goods
sold at eastern pticus nnd guaranteed.
Harness and Saddlery.
CHAS. WALTf.K & 11110. , Middle Broa.lway . ,
CHAS. 11EKMAN.3.-H Middle Broadway.
Hair Goods.
MRS. I ) . A. BENEDICT. 3.17 West Broadway ,
MRS. J. J. GOOD , S ) 5th street.
Livery Stables ,
A. COMPTOX , 21(0 ( llrcailunr.
W , O. HOLLAND , 7UO ( South Mali , St.
II. IIEECUOFT , opj ) . I' . 0.
OGDEN HOUSE. Upiwr Broadway.
KIEL'3 HOTEL , 501 and 5U7 Mtflii street.
Meat Market.
K. W. TICKNOR , KW Ilroadnay.
J. J , IIMSS , 3-'S Droaduav. Coma and exam.
Ino ( orsoiirsoK.
MRS. J. E METCALF , 518 Broadnay.
Marble and Granite Works.
CONNOR .t GUANELLA , 117 Broadway.
Merchant TAIIors.
JAS. FHANEY , 372 Broadwaj.
CHAb. RICE , lc\ol'a bulldln , ' , , Sth and Main
JOS IIE1TEU , 310 Broadway
Real Estate and Abstract.
KIMBALL i CHAMP , opposite tourt houso.
J. W. SQUIRE A , CO. . corner Pearl and l te. .
SMITH &IMCCUEK , 40I Broadu-ay.
Stores and Tinware.
II. D. AMY & CO. , 500 South Main street.
Shirt Factory ,
F. I' , FORD , corner BluH and Willow St.
MORGAN , KELLEll & CO. , 310 and 317 Broad ,
way ,
1) . M. CONNELL , 17 North Main St.
Tw cut Jlour year * experience In practical
Office 106 Upper Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
is * . ssssfc < * &
Broatey , and Punrfili Street ,
Oouueil Bluffs , Iowa
Headquarters For the Cele
IM :
Weber Pianos
, TJ
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and .Retail.
Address ,
X3JU ( ? / " % ,
a E3 I
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
8Q3& ? STlf §
fflBff and fffflnw Sreets , OouncO Eluffs.
Orders filled In any partcf the cily. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
We make the following a specialty :
/GTMnil / ordem and correspondence promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory
S. E. Oor. 7th Avc. and 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA
" " " " "
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalic cases.
Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
Our Mr. Morgan has Ferved as undertaker for forty venra and thoroughly understands
hia business. WAU13ROOMS , aiG AND 337 BUOADW'AY. Upbohterinif in
nlllts bumehedi promptly attended to ; also cariet-laying and lambrequins. Telegraphic -
graphic and mail orders filled without delay.
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Beer and rraltln any qtron'ltjlto ' suit purchasers. Ucor { 8.00 per barrel. Private families sap-
piled lth cniall ) < ci.M at Sl.UO each , maercil ) rcoot charge to any part ottho city.
Wholesale Dealer In nnd SOLE AGKNT FOK Joseph Schlitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
" "
iaa taiaA
No , 711 Broadway , Council BlufFti , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited
City orders to families and dcalerx delivered free.
O. A. BEEBE & CO. , ! l
Wholesale and Ittitall Dealers In
jjji'oa. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Merchant Tailor
Always keeps on hand the finest assortment ofmattrUUorBentlcmcu'a wear. Satisfaction guaranteed
Millinery , Droaamalilner , Etc. Cutting ana Fitting a Specialty ,
No. 543 Dro&Jwdv , Oppoiito HoTcre Iloutc.
Laces , Embroideries , and Lndies Undcr\vcar.
JUnJV-orchlefs , booo of M Klnil > , thrcud , plni , needles , etc. We bopo the halei nil ) c ll
and see our stock of coods.
Merchant laiSor.
( Late Cutter for Metcalf B . J
Devol's New Building , Main Street.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Suits to order $18 and upwards.
( Successors to J , P. & J. K. Cassady. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
Wohaxotheoniyconiplcleitttof tbitroctbookifo all city loti nd l&ndi In rottaw.tUml
county. Titles examined and obitractj lurr Uhtd on wort r otlce. Money to lean cu cit > tad Urm
property , thort and long time , la ( umi to tult the borrower , Kcal ctt bought cd sold , CSce
kt the old btaai oppoiltc co ut hnuno-