Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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Be Nebraska Rational Bank
Of Onmfe * , Nob.
3 > ft d up Capital , - . . . $ ; > 50.0OO
8. 1U JOHNSON , Vrcrftluit.of St.ilo. Johiwon
C .
A. . TOUKAUy. . Vli-u I'mMint , of C. , II. & Q.
11. K. , IU > ton.
W. V. J10KSK , f W. V. Mono * Co.
BOIIN 8. COU1NS. of fl , II. & J. S. Collins.
J , M. WOUUVOUT1I , Carnsellor : Attorniiy t
L. 8. UKEDof I ) > ron Uwd .V Co.
H. W. YATK8 , Cr Merlato Co'likr of the rirst
Na'lonal Tank of Oniahi , ami ranncttal with
tha acUvo numiKcmont of tHt lUnk ir.nre | | 9
orfi.nlz.iUon In 1S63.
Or-uua f : r Ui lne a Af'tll 27 , I'S-J , wltli She
larKO t capital o ! nny bnnl ; In Nebraska.
CoU ciio.vBr\-olvctpciilatUtitlonr.ntlehi .
j-eiljwe _ tcbt .tab'o hero or tUowhctr.
iJttTHTMt A lowed on tlmo deposits upin ( MOP
Ms tcjinsaiid upon reourt < iof tmnktbhil bank-
I'CRMON KiniANox , Qtncriunont Kend , nuil
Coutity and Cl y icctKltles Inuslit and soli ) .
It Is nrepircHl t d > a gpntral hanging uuslnuis
in-all It ? U'taili. ano In the ttiatcivnolcu < toci >
ra v.tll ui the most llbcrivljpollcy cormptcnt
with Hafu lunkln
Bpocial nisUt.htjTil | ( liiiK.
Naw Yor.K , October 21 ,
Money : Ur > per cent. , cloctuR at . "i
per cent.
1'nuio Mercantile Paper tgs ! ( per cuut ,
Sterling Kiwhnngo Bankers' bills ,
$1.81 J [ demand , 34.80.
Governments were irregular.
Sluro upoculation opened yeoerally
strong , pricen in the tna'n botng iftl ( per
oent. hither than at j esterday'H close. Al
ter tlio opening there was a tinall fractional
declinoia the general list , followed by an
advance of J@1J per cent- Daring tha
nltoruoou the market continued dull. In
the ear'y part the list fell off 141 ( [ per toast.
From thoa to the close there was very lib-
tlo busings , the bhango being only frac
tional. The market near the c\oee \ ad
vanced J@2 jxsr cent but closed dull and
irregular , Imt in the main JCt'Hl per cent ,
higher U.u ; < ycstoiday V close.
Vritvrtta } . 'CO'tity.
S's 102
O'B 101 * lOlc
4Vs Utnixinu US J
4'n ll'J j
Pacifio C' of 1893 UXl * 129
AQUUIH jQzpre.-t ! lo-p
Allc bcny Central 2J/
Alton fc i'crre Haute 4U -11 }
do pfd. . . . 81J 0
American Ii\pro&s 'J4j t)4 )
Burl. , Ced..r 15 iplds If North. 8u 80
Cun da Southern 67 07
Col. , Gn. & Ind. Centre.10fJ ! ? llifl
Central T cillo ' 'U ' ) ' , SOJ
do 1st pfd. . . i)7
di 2d pfd. . . 20 ? ,
Chicsco if Alton llOt 141 j
do pfd U2 112
Chi. , Burl. A ; Quincy l l { 131 fi
Chi. , St. L. & ACW Orleans. . 80 80
- Gin. , Smd. it Cleveland > 0
Cleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 83
Delaware & lludaon canal , . . , H2f
Del. , LrJMli. & Western aiy
Denver & Kio Grande ! )2f 52 i
Erie 41 -llj
do pfd SO 80
East Toanciseo 1091 10'J j
dn preferred ll&J
3ott V/aj ue Ac Uhica o 138 1 88
lianuibul C fat. .loocph 43 88K !
do pfd..77 78
Harlem 200 200
Houston & Texas Central .78
Illinois Central US 118
Ind. , liloiun. As Western 41J
KaUHKi : ti Tevaa .ilj
Lake i > iu & Western S'A
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .113
Loulsviilo & Nashville 004
Louir.v. , t < ew Alo. & Uhicago 67
Marietta ft Cincinnati 1st pfd 15
oio do 2d pfd C
Meujpbiafc Charleston 48i
Minucapolia & tit. LjuU .V
ilo pfd. 714
Missouri PaclBo 1051
Mobilu&Onfo lie
Hanhattr.n Beach 121
Moiri A ± . nex 52
Niwhvillo & CtiattanooRa 73 }
New Jeuaey Central ( i ]
Norfolk U Weatvrn
do psaferred
Northern Pacific 441 -1-1 &
do pld tSajJ J)2g )
Nortlivottorn Wfi ( 14. " > j
do pfd 103 103 |
Noiv YorU Ct-itral ISZfi
Ohio Central , 104
Ohio & Jit ; ncrtipm iS : J8
Ou pfd 00 ! lj
Ontario & Western 1271
Pacitia Hail tB.i'
Panama 10 ?
Lr Cle\eaud ! llii 3411
Uoclc I3aj IIBJ.
St. IjouisiiCau IVwn
do pfd. . . . f.7
do lat ptd 111)
St. Paul & M Jwivukco . I oyj 10'JS
do pfd. . . 12U 1 5j
St. Paul ; llitiu. & aiuuitobrt iriUj. IfiBJ
St. Paul & Omaha . 8j 48
do pfd . 107 107
Texa & t'aoUo ! . ! W4
Union Pacific . 100J
United Hiates Ltxpr-'fw . 05
* " ' itt , Bt , L. it Pacific. . . . H1J 32
'io pfd. 5'J/ ,
Wells , ] i"arto & Co. Hxprewi.lSO
Western Unloc Telegraph. . . 8 \
Caribou , : . W
Central Ariz-oat , , , . , . i
jKiceltior . . . . . . 1
iHomeftake . 17
OUttle Pitteburg . 1
.Ontario . U7
cQuiduilver . 8j
, da pfd , . . . . 41
Jlabinmm . . 1
flllverClifl . S
.Bonth Pacific . 13
Sutro 4
Kic. Interest. | JJr.
l CVatobci | to Tun lib .
October 21.Vi .it Valrtiu-
. nuil I\VCP : > egulivr ,'&iU'lo for
Octol er ; eSffedHJ } for Noieiiitior ; ! i c fur
the.vwu ; 1 0. } ior M y ; No. i ! red winter -
ter , 07ej Xe. 2 dprinU3c ftr i-ash.
Oi > rn /nettled au-i "esanHv luworj
71 ? forcaar. and October ; u9 ( oOW , , for
Novonaber : fi3for the yeir ; fi'ju for
January ; 65 $ , o tor 31uy ; rej-tCed , 70o.
Oats Dul" " . w .ak and lower ; 31Jo for
cath ; : tl'irn : < fur Oc5 ibor ; fl ifJ tor November -
vember ; 3i,5jl ; rtne year ; S3jj Mr Miy.
Fux rf el i/imaud authd Kcd priuev
hive advMiced ; nierchai.tjblo 1:1 store ,
1 21.
Timothy Firm ; jiriine , 1 07 ; ch-ice ,
1 70 ® I 75 j common to good , 1 f,0@l 00
Butter -Stronger ; creamtry , 2h ; ic ( ! ;
dairy , ECteaO : .
KgRd Fwriy active and a bhade hi Uer ;
I'jrk Uiuettled and lower ; 2J 25ii23 ( f/J
for cash ; 23 25 for October ; 19 B7i@l9 U )
l2roJ5Vnl"llr ! ! ft'-'OS'l'y5 ' for tbo year ;
18 80@J8 82i lor January And I'cbruarv.
Lird Active , hut lower ; 1270@l'J7.'i
/or cfisb and October ; 11 674@11 i)0 ) for
; , -i-- : ' ,1'liV ' * H 20 for the 3ear ;
11 2JXfij ] 1 22J for and February.
> \ hi ky .Steady and uodianKe i at I IP ,
r < f KW YOHK , Uc'obpi 21 Wheat Ouencd
Kff-I ? higher and firm , but afterwards lo t
the mivatirq and do'lined SSlr , closing
dull aud heavy ; No _ sprinc , i.oniiu < t1itn. ;
CTftt'H ' red , 7 < VAl _ 11 ; "teJtner No. 2 red ,
1 Oi"i(5l ( 07.J ; No. 2 ir > J , 1 lOl l 10 .
Corn -Uttobfr , l@i-'c | ! , liipihcr ; liter
inontliHrlii > el dull an1eak ; tiueraded ,
8Jtgf.Sc ; No. 2. tuc.
( Jats Firndv held ; : ui\ed western , ISij :
1' . fR - I're TweHPtu , detnind f.iir and
tnaiket Urn2"28s. } .
I'onKiiiniuw ; int n , 24 00 ,
Turd-Wcv't : prune ete.itn , 11 CO.
91 , I.OVIfl.
ST. Lot-in , October 21. WhcU honor
11 flow ; Nc.2 red ! M8MJc for cash ; 91 ?
Me ( Niivi-mbei ; ' . 'GJCnOOSs fnr Do
ccinbGrj < iliT.'ISj3 ( for.laiiuiry : c'lo ing at
iti idj tiiiuestNo. ,1 red , 91 ' .ll&c ; No. I ,
Co n Kxilcd ad hlehcr catly , but
cWfdwrak nud Inwvr : OS Cilo for ciflij
CJo f > i Oct .l-er . ; Olij : for Nu\em' cr ; O.'lc
for tha year ; iiOc for .Tanuarv ; Tilk lor
Maj ; salei ns hiRh a 09 > , c for Uctoln-r ;
GJo for Novetu' cr ; OJo for the year : r > 9 j
fur .liinu > ry ; 5. for Mny.
OHs Loiv t ; 'tllf IU'c for cash ; 32Jo
for Novrmbtr ; : .23 < : for the yoai ; 33o lor
U ) o rinu .n 1 "lowat 574 < igf > 7Jo bid ,
Barlej Steady ; sample l"l , C
Turk I lull mid low r ; 23 M ) .
Mlt.\\ArKrr , October 21. Wheat
Stu.nh . it dicliiiNo. ; . 2 , U.'ite ; October ,
O. c ; November , U0j ( ; December , S'7 ' jo bid ;
the j ear , itjc ; i\o. a , 81c.
_ _ Corn IrreKular ; No. 2 , 7Bo ; rejected ,
' OAta-C nlot and lower ; No. 2 , Sic ;
white , ItS.c. .
Kjf- Firmer nt lilj.
U.uleyDnllnud irregular ; 78cbid.
Toi.r u , October 21 . Wheat Wt-ak ; N- <
1 ! r > i1 , cali. Octoh4t and Novoiuhor , 1 01.
CoinC y ; No. 2 , cash , 7t > \ ' - .
O.xts Ouitt ; No. 2 , ca b , htfd at Ma.
KANSAS CITY , O-tober 21. Wheat -
Lower and weak ; No. 2 red , M ) } ; Or
cash and October ; 80o for November ; tlOjc
tor Do-cember ; 7Ki@79 c for the > ear.
Corn ( inlet and Rtrnuirtr ; fi4o for cn b ;
J7a for October ; 4Gc for No\embei ; ' ! 0c
For December.
Oats Slow ; 29Jo for October and No-
COUKOIL ULUFFH , October S3. The
Council Bluff-i markets carefully ravined
Lo date are OH follows :
Flour Coldon Sheaf. 3 00 ; Kaunas City
winter wheat , 275@3 25Miuneiotn ) winter
wheat , 300ra4 00.
\Vhoat JNo. 2 , 75o ; No 3. \ } > rejected ,
Corn No. 2 , fiOi
Hye No 2 , 15c.
Jicrlc-y Nouo.
Eggs Scarce ; sailing to packorn at 20c.
Corn Aloal 1 GO for white ; ycUow. 1 00 ;
com ch p. 2J O'J per ton ; corn nnd oats
chop , 20 00 per ton.
FllUiTSApjiles , 2 00.
Broom Cora D Oc. , 7 OU0 00.
Wood 5KirOOU. ( )
Wool ir2S.
Uuttov Oeamurj' , 30c ; in r. lle , wiup.
tied , 20c ; rollu tiut wrapped , i2c ! ; uuxcd
colorn , 10@12ic.
Oniunp ( Oo per htuhel.
! iiv Chickens 2 f)03 00 par do/'tv.
Potr.toes 30c pur I iirliel.
Gbbage3 2.jlOcpor ( ! doi.
Tuvnips 30c uer buchcl.
Sweet Corn 7o per dozen.
L1VF STOCK.Cattlo - Jxtra , 800 ®
3 6d Veal Calvcs-5 f-0@p 00. Hosd ;
7 00@7 25. ShponRn. . _
Bpecltl DlejuUhcj to Tun Dun.
CHICAQO , October 21. 7h Drovers'
Journal reports &n follows :
Hnja Supply , including stale stock ,
: r , COO ; no market ; demand nominal ; a
large number left ; common to good
mixed , 6 80(6(7 ( ( 75 ; heavy , 7 50@8 15 ;
lighG 7K7 60 ; skinn. 4 00@G 2.1 ! ,
Cattle-JJxpottP , 59.1@ G5 ; good to
choice Bhipping , 6 10@j 75 ; common to
f ir. ( ( @ 90 , rather strons ; butchers'
240@400 ; stockers und feeders 3 30 ® 4 40 ;
nge , firm ; Toxana , 3l lg ) { oOAinerican ; ,
20gj5 2.3.
Sheep Fairly nctive ; firm for good ;
common to f ir , 300@3SO ; mediuto to
Kit' ' d , 3 7f > @ 4 00 ; choice to extra , 125
i o.
ST. lioais , October 21. Cattle -Supply
light and poor in quality , uonsiMini : of
imtcbciV Htutf , whuh fold at 2 ECffiS 60
for mixed lots ; S 50@4 00 for 'good
enri. ; 300360 for o uimon Texbii ;
15 , t fiO for good to choice ; native ship-
iiK steers , 4 s5a5 ( 00.
Sheep-Scarce ; only locil trade ; 3 00@
4 01for mictons ; tto kcrs-225@3 CO
11 ORB - .Sjow ; Vnrkors , G 50@7 57 ;
mixed piiiuf , 7 00@7 33 ; butchern' toex-
trj , 72Vi 7 7J.
XANHAii lOirV.
KAKH.UI Cm' , October 31 , The Live
Stock ludisator repo ts :
Cattit K rm and fa'rly active ; Texaj
steuri3 W ± } \ 01) ) ; Blinkers and feedoin ,
aioi 5 ; imtivo cow , 2 ec 3ii : ,
II > ; , " < Lov/er , v/eak uuil alow , ranging
> t G 10d-7 ( > 'r , with the bulk of waltM at
7 O.l@7 2J.
at 3 OOftC ) rA ) fur mut-
i'KAb'FIC. '
cUl DiiiAtttkri to Tin : Dr .
uifMO , October 21. Hoceipti aud
ipuioutK of tft. ir and grain for tlm patt
24 ii'jurt ) nave < srii iw fultoup ;
Klour > jll . 100 * ' 28 0(0
i.ii'.bftM- . 'Ill OW .t2,000
Corn- " . . . . 115,000 U 1,000
Oats " . .U,0 < H1 98,000
Rye " . 12.00J 27,000
Barley- " . 01.000 32,000
NKW YOHK , < ietber 21. IJct.ilpta and
ijiuiuiU ot llun and frc in for the past
J4 Uouni have i > vixas foliowti ;
ReceijiU Hhp'tri ,
Klonr lihln . , . .
WheatIjuehtJH . lOrt.Otfl 162,000
Corn " . 50000 20.0UO
Oatd " . 10,000 ' . (70
KANSAS Cn > . ftctober 21. llweipta
md t-hipuiuitH of % KJn Sir thu fast 21
toiirH ! u\ni \ bucMi nu ( < ilivti :
Rec'U. fl'iip'ttf.
U'iioal , , J.twl.tU . 33,000 H.OOO
Corn " . S , ( 0 .JJ.IJOO
i.n K hToti : .
Cau'.Mu , October 'J ! . P ceiptH and
liinninCi [ of livi < stock for tha putl 2t
lours lii.vii IMJCH in follows ;
Jo'tb. .
Outa ! . "j.COO
Sr. I mji , Ostober 21 , Jtoccipts witf
sLIpmsnU of lira -tuck if the pait H
iuur laui IjvCii M iuiiow ;
Jo , . . 5'jO 100
Shf ' | i . SO ( 500
JC.TIJAH CiTT , Optiibcr 2l.Ittcoipl8
and ( .Lipuipiitrf ot live stock for the patt 24
luur * I'.ave been U4 tuU w. ;
Jteo'tj. KL/pm'tf ,
Ho . 1,700
Cuttle . 1,100
Sheep . . 160 _
Wtoloaulo Prices.
en of Tnc OMAHA l ! r , I
y KveuicK , October 21 , |
Tne wliolerislo trade of tha rlty iu
low for tha ptiat > \t ; k iia < bt > en only
inoJerate. Jobbcr.i in dry good' , clothinc ; ,
boots and shoe , h t and cap < and mil
llncry complain of the warm weather hav
ing a retarding Influence on trade. Value *
remain remirlubly steady and all are an
tidpUlnc ; incroaacd activity ai eon as tha
weather changes.
Groceries are moving liberally and price *
as a rule arc Rteviy , though wo note a de-
cllno on sugar * and c.nmo.1 g imii" during
the week.
The commfitiKni InHneMi is reported as
actitc , both on local and nhippicg acci'tmt ,
D iiv produ ts are ic\rco and in de
mand , choice butter celling on arrival as
high BI 30 cent < , Chsete i mnving more
ficcly and firm at riuotalioni ,
J'gBJ TO fQTCO and ( lvanclas ; ; Mild toil -
il y < vt 2i cents.
Whiter tipples ara Aiilvlrii ; freely atd
nieetltij with rcidy laleat § 3 00@3 60.
Poathes are in f . Ir supply ; demand
light , and felling at SI OJ per crate of four
baskets ,
Concord grape ) are in Hrfht supply ; do-
maud fair , and tolling at Sl.OO ® ! 25 ptr
ba ket of " 0 p MI mis. C.itawbi grapes in
5 Ib. boxes are selllug at 60 cents per box ,
Lemons are in good supply ; dcniuid
very light , and nellin ; ? at 5 .60@ViK ) per
Oranges arc tn limited supply nnd hell-
iog at § 10.00 per bbl.
Riuiuanos are otill in the nnrket ; dc.
mand light , ind fisllingat s2.f)0 ) ® I 10 per
Potatoes are coming iu freely , and from
3D@40 cents pur buthol is being paid fur
Urge lots ,
Onions are in hrgo supply ; denrkml'ight '
and selhng at 30@50 cents per bu > bel.
The mirkct is abundantly supplied with
ojfctow - > ud colerjami prices decliuing.
Cut moats of all kiuda MM scarce , Hint
bacon ntul dry tail arc higher ; an odvnin >
of fully 1 j H HUtt lined.
Flour movement is moderato at qunt.t-
lions' , while bran aud chopped feed is
sarcc and in demand.
Beau * , iu bulk , sailing in car lota on
track at § 11.60 , and sacked at 612 50.
Tim local groin market continues to 1m-
proto slowly and prices Blightly advanced
since our last review , corn , however , being
the moht , decided , nhowiug an advance of
5 cent ? .
The only changes reported in the market
to-day ore as follows :
Wheat No. 2 declined Ic ; No. 3 do-
cllned io.
Barley No. if advaneod c ; No. 3 declined -
clined Ic.
Ityo advanced Ic.
Butter advanced 2S3s.
Eggs advanced lie.
Select oyfttori declined 8c.
Uoccl .
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 78a ; cash Nr.
3 GSc ; rejootcd , 4Gio.
HAllLKY. Caeli No. 2 , 73c ; No , 8 ,
42 j.
j.OTK Cash , 40c
2 , 5r.u.
STRJJMy PHIcnS-Com , tiO < o tn ,
Produce and Provision *
POTATOiS S0@-10c per bushel.
ONIONS-oOfe50o per bushel.
BUTTER Choica country , .5g33.- .
KG OS2Sc ,
HONEY California , perlb , 21.
APPt'KS Per barrel. S3 00@3 50 ,
OYS trfiita-S loot , 40o p r can.
GRAPES California , $2 00@2 25.
LKMONS-ei 60@5 00 per box.
BEA.Nfe Imported German 2 70 per
Grocers' List.
( Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( rTield's ) ,
per case , 2 76 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per oaf o ,
A 75 , Ivobhters , 1 fb per dozen ,
1 80. Tomatoes , 2 Ib 2 05 ; do S Ib per
coati , 00 ; Corn , 2 in ( Mountain )
per , 3 03 ; soaked corn , 1 03 ; do
2 16 ( Yarmouth ) , per ease , 3 00 ,
string beun , per cane , 2 10 ; Lima beans
per ciwB , 1 70. Succotash per osja. 1 80 ;
Pass , common , per case , 1 50 ; peas , choice.
per 086,2 70. Blackberries , 2 It ) , percano ,
210 ; Htiawberrii-H , 2 ID , per case , 260 ,
nwpberrfoi , 2 Ib , per case , 8 50. Dim-
ponu , 2 ID , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
pcara per cane , 2 GO. Whortleberries
per ease.Ii ? . ' ! , Egg plmns,2 Ib porcine,1' ! )0 ) ;
Green fat'es,2 ; Ib nor cape , 2 DO ; do choice , "
tbper case 4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
4 OO&rt 76. Peaches , 2 In per COBO. 3 00 ;
do 8 Ib , cane , 4 OOfe 1 50 ; do , ( pie ) . 3 Ib , per
c ina.240 : do pie , C It , per dozen. 2 3D.
FLi jUli prices , Jack Frost
St. Louis winter ) ! J3 00 per 100 Ibs. ; Topeka -
peka Patent KaUba , S3 85 ; Minnolmha
liun'u uup-rlative , 370 bran
; , per ton-
81J 00 ; chopped feed. 628.00.
SUGARS-Powciered , lOJc ; Cut loaf ,
10' , ; Granulated , mo ; Coiimetioiier's A. .
! 'S ' s SUnduixt Kxriu ( \ 8/c ; Kxtra C.
* ! ; uiBciium yellow , 8c ; d. rk yellov/ ,
7c. ( !
SVRUP-Standard Com. , 45C , liblw. ;
Stand.ird do , 44 gallon ke H. ? 2,25 ; Stan-
daid do , } gallon kenH , 82.00 ,
iMKATis HHinH , ] 6 ( bieakfast bacon ,
non- ; clear ride Incou ; dry colt bacon ,
ir.ic ; rhoulduri' , ll c ; tlerca lard , ld |
itOPL Bisal , 4 mch ana luiycr , lOc ;
li inch. lie.
FISH No 1 mackerel , half brl , fi 75 ;
No. 1 mickerel , kiln. 100 ; family mack
erel , half brlp , 4 75 ; fumily m.ickerel , kits ,
8"io ; JSo 1 white fMi , half brio , 0 00 ; No. 1
white fish , kit * , O.K , ; family white fish ,
half brie , 4 50 ; family white h > b , kit * , fcOo ;
uitdium ttialed herrinp , )0c ) ; sulcd bonelena
.S. .I'epper , 20 ; Alliplcs , 20c ;
, .iJc ; Nutmeits , 8J 00 ; COMIW , 2lc ;
. . . 8100.
liYK American , It JI'j Greenwich , 3 40 ;
. /fhtem , a'S } North Star , a 00 : LowU-
lye. 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 276.
l lvJiD-rlobblnK priceB , Chot > feed ,
81.50 psr 1 lbn.s chop corn , # l..JO ; bran.
70o | > cr 100 Hrt ,
eVl'AUOH.r'eurJtic ; Hilvw Glow
7o j Corn. 74t.
OOJ'KJi t : . l o , fair , llo ; Itlo , good
12s ; | it.iotK/-holce , 124ol j ; Old gov't
Java ; # i\i ( < > jfZ Mocha. fc84c ; Arbnciilo'n ,
clIIlSKSV-i'nll U ( wi KUai Part
Jfclm , lu4i
Tb/iS .Uiifi uwfiiui , mil , .14(4155 ( ;
i , " -1 ' j0' /'PWial , 4"d ! , 40&(5o ( ;
' -
5 Wjjrr ; Ywins Hyson , wood , KflQ
iOc ; choic-j , Wt l 00 ; Ja .a Nnt Lef ;
(60 ( ; Japan , choice , 007Cc ; : Uulonif , Koi-d ,
I3@ < 0 ; Oolomf , cU.oe , 40.Vi ; Bouohoni ;
< o < id S5ffi.lCc ) ; choi-re. H fClGe.
1 1-f- ; tli. . iuu&pi.tlU , 2 'JO. 4i'aV Ko t
1 , ! J 60 ; l' , V.K ( .bonrdn J fc'f. Us jblu
Or-wttlSJO ; WoUl/ts&etH , ! fWI
f.fclAD KM. ,1 ( R.
VINKGAJt-J'uvu jppla t tr. ! , lua :
, -nri ) , iptlo , lie ; Prjjw unro M.r.lo , Ifin ,
MLT. iJny Jia-4- . jj r ijM. i 5 ; Asn-
MO , la KM i * , . ) Vj ; iibU d&iry 00 , It , . 3 60
HOMIN V New , * s ( . 'J ' pur bul.
tiipuuTj , 42 i'.5 > Dt
cli1 * , fi 8r ; JCeg * > > lo ,
. * itiV .Suvon lait-erlal , 345 ;
K.'tJs , , A b'j ; Klffcr'r hUiid-rt ! , 3 76-
Kirk * viiits Iti - ian , 3 25 : iiirk't ,
, .
(100 ( c.-/c. ) . ; KirU's ifiBgnolia , 4 35
i'OTAf } ! PearwylvaWa vns , 4 doz. .
la raae , S 30 ; BalbiAt'j Ball , 2 dor. In case !
1 'M ; Anchor Ball 2 < te in caia , 1 AO.
VJKL1fjL'Kl ) Jl d cloiar , choice
now , 0 tW i > er biuhcl ; mammoUi .
tiw , 87 00 ; whitu diver , now , 914 00 ;
si alftt rinvflr , now , 312 W ) ; nWke , uaw ,
} WOO. Troiothy , good , usw , ? 3 00 ,
blua grann , extra clean , $1 M ; blue graw ,
clean , ? 1 1 * > \ prchiwd ITOM f2 fiO ; req tup ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mlwourl ,
SOt ; milletGorman , 8100 to $135 ;
Hungarian 80o
HKDOBSKKD-Oiwgo orange , 1 to f ?
bmhel * , $ . > 00 ; owgo orange , 10 mishcls or
over , 51 W ; honey locust , per Ib , , 2 > cjjtt
100 Ibs. , 25 00.
PEANUTS Roaitod , choice , ml 'icn-
nessoe , lOoper lb ; fanoy while , 10 > o pcrlb ;
rav white Virginia raw , W : , ' it i M ,
12HcNliW riCKI.KS Medium , In bfiml * ,
7fiD ; do in half Mil * , 4 2'ieniaUii ; , < n hilt ,
95) ) do , in half bbln. 5 2'ij short. , in
bhl , 11 53 : do , iu balf bbl * , G SB
GANUL1W UHTCJ , 40 lb , I1 * , If'Jr ; < ,
UxJ ; V < st > < W lb ! . , 10 or. , Cs , Ifx-
ltl'11' ' Louisiana prime to choice ' \lfi
7Jo : inir. ( # 7c ; I'ntnia , 7 < 5.
MAT. liKS rcr CMtitie , Cfic ; ti ui t ,
, np , iW 10 ; sniwrp , Cft'.Cf , C-5 40.
Dry Qoodi.
BUOWN COrrONS-Atlatitlo A , 8Jr ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Bo ; Boott
li-K , 8ic ; Buckeye LL. 1.1 , 7cj C ! : ot \ \ \
Vic ; ChiltcBftiico A , filcj Uroat Falls L\
ic ; llooaicr , GC ; HotieH Width , aic. In-
itfau Html A , Jej Indian SUndard A ,
P3c ; Indian Orcli.ini d. w. , fijcf Law rente
LL , 7c ; Myotio Hivcr , 74c : Pequot A , Rjjc ;
Shawmut LIi , 7c ; Utica 0 , BJc : Wat ' 1119-
ctt B , 74c ; do A , Sjc ; do B 48 , 12io ; Wai-
cot IBB. 8)io. )
1.1 ; 7ic ; AlllKator S.I , So ; Argyl 47Jcj
Atlantlo LL , OJo ; Badpcr Stale X4 , 7c ;
BcnninEton 0 4-4 , BJcj Buckcyo S. 4-1 , % o
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. fijcj Iwiconia 0
89 , 8Jo ; Lehleh E 4-J , 9io ; Ix.uvliilc 4. ) ,
lOc ; I'epnoieil N 30 , 7c ; do 0 : t3 , 71c : io U
30 , 7ic ; do K SO , 8io ; Pooaaiet 0 4-1 , 7Jc ;
Waiiiauttn4. > 18o
gin L 1.4,9icBlackstonoAA ; lu.perial ? c ;
do do half bleached 4.4 , Oo ; Cabot 4-4,8 ;
Fldellly4.4 , OlcjFruit of thoLoom.lO ; do
CAn.brlo4.4,18cdoWatorTwiBt,10icGreat ( ;
KallaQ , lOJc ; Indian Head Khrunk 4-1 , 12c :
Lonsdale , lOc ; do cambric 87 , 12'c ; Now
York Mills. 12ic ; Pemiot A,10c ; Poppetol
N G Twills , 12io ; Pocahontaa , fljcj
Pooamet 4-4 , 80 ; Utica , lie ; Wamcutta
O X X , 12lc.
LIUOKS Colored ) Albany K brown.
5c ; do 0 , drab , U.M tic XA. atriue and
plaids , lUio ; do XXX brown and drab ,
brown , cxtri heavy , IHcj Indiana A
brown ISpouonset A brown. 16c
TlCltlAUa Arnoskeag A O A 32
IPc ; do XX blue 32 , 18io ; Arvowar.ra ,
Ojc ; Claremont B B , Hiio : Concntoga ex
tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , lljo Lewiston A
0 , 16c ; Minuohahn 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super
extra 4. J. 28o ; Pearl Uiver 82. lGo ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shotucket S
10c ; do S3 12o ; Yeoman's blue 29 , Do
DUNIMS. Amoakoak , blue mid brouii
ICJc ; Andovcr DD blue , lojc ; ArlingX
blue Scotch , ISJc ; Coneord OOO , blue aw
brown , 121c ; do AAA , do do 18J ; do XXto
do do 14 0 llaymakcr'a bluu and brown ,
0c ; MyHtic River DD stripe , IGJc ; Pcnrl
River , blue and brown , lOo ; Uucwivillo ,
blue nnd brown. 1 tjc.
CAMBRICS Itarannl , 5ic ; KiUlyaton-j
lining. 24 ii\ch doubln face , Bio Garner A
glazed , 5Jc ; Manhattan clove fitiinh. o a
Newport do Gc ; do glazed , 52 J Pe iuot do
5o : liockwood kid finish Oo ,
COnSHT JEAICS Atnorr , 80 ; Andron
uoggin sattcon 8Jo ; Clareudcu , CjcConcH ;
o 'ija satteons , 71c ; Hallowal , Eo ; Inidi
Orchard 7ic ; NarriganBOttimprovedc
Pflpperill eattnnn 94c ; KoclrjKJrt , 7Jc ,
PRINTS -Aliens , Oic ; American , GJc ;
Arnold , 7c ; Benvick , 4i'u ; Coclisco , 7c ;
Conoatntjo. OJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jcj Dnnncl' ,
< > i@7o ; Ertdyttoue , 7c ; Gl-mwKtai- ,
Ilannony. Cicj Knickerbocker \ ; Mor
ri 'KiD. 7c ; ttyatis , file ; Spraruea , 'io ' ;
Southbridgo , pc ; do. Ginghams "osl'irl -
boruj 5c ; Oriental Cic ,
G1NGUAMS Ani" keag , ll5i. ! ; Amo .
fceng dit'as 9i A.rgyle , 10 jc ; Atlantis ,
ic , Cumberland , 7Jo ; Highland , 71c ;
Kenilworth , 8ic ; I'lun kott , lOJo ; SUB
our , 8c
COTTONADES Abborvillo l. Jc
Agate , We ; American , lie ; Artisian , 20o ;
Cairo D and T , ftic ; Clarion D and T ,
I74c ; Deocau Co.fltripenDnndT , IGc ; Keystone -
stone , 13Jo ; Nantucket , 19c ; Nonpareil ,
IGo ; Ocean D and T , ISJo ; Itoyal , lf > 4 1
SUMOX , 12c ; Tioga , 12c ; Wachuaett bhirt-
in < { jbecks , 12ic ; do ; Nankin , IS c ; York.
plMu N.inkin , VJ o ; doch kcv-itripsn nnn
fancy , 12ta ; do. 8 oz , 20c ,
SHEETINGS AndroBCOgzin 10-t.274c !
do 0-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Ooutinenlal C
42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 27 * ; New
York millaOa , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 68 , 22Jcj
Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 10-4 , 2Sic ; do
7-4 , Iflc ; do 49 , IGc ; Pepperell 2C , 29c ;
do 07 , 21c ; do 67 , 18c' Utica 88 , 35c ; do
8 , 22io ; do 48 , 17o
Csara ! nd Tobnccot.
OIGAK8. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut ,
825.00 ; Mixed , 5f35.00 ; Seed Havana ,
U50.00 ; CloarHavana , 876.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Kiile ,
21 Ib , COo ; Our Ilopo , first quality , G2c ;
Slr.r , poupdHI / Ib , hultflGOc ; Hornu Shoe ,
IioundB , 21 Ib , butts , C8c ; Gilt Kdf0 ,
pounde , 24 Ib , butts , 00 ; Army and Navy ,
pounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , Me ; Ix > ril.
lard's Climr.z , noundn , bOc ,
FINK OUT In imila. Hard to Koat'
75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 60o ,
Favorite , 05c ; Jlocky Mountain , GOcj
Fancy , G5c ; Daily , nOc. In tin foil
Catliuu O. S. , C Ib boxen , per Ib 63c ; Lori-
illnrd'ii Titjer. BOc ; Diimoni ! Crown , GOo ,
SMOKING All /-rc-dea / Common , STiio
33c , Granul&ted Uli ckwello Durham , 10
o/.olc ; Dukes Dnrliani , 115 07. , < 10c ; Se-kl of
Worth Oarolinti , 10 or. , 4o ; Baal of Nobrat-
ka , 16 oz , S&u ; Lone Jack , i OK , linen bua ;
per Ib , 1.35 ; AJarbnrcs' PucU 2 ox , tin
oil , Ma ; Dos T all GBc.
Ptlnta Oil * end VAt'nUtict
OII S 110' carbou , per
13cj 1'50 headlight , per j-illon ,
141c ; 176' headlight , per gallon. 21c ,
liium-d , raw , per gallon , i7 ; lliwefld , boilo'l ,
per cullen , ElSe ; opeini , W. B. , per gallon-
1 05 ; fwh , W. B , , per gallon , COc ; neatufcnt ,
extra , per ( fftllou , 7ec ; No. 1 , Ofio ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , HOc ; Hummer , IHc ,
Koiduu luiicbino. No. 1 , per ( ; illan , ? ,5c ; No.
2 , 30 ; t'perin , Bijnal , per gallon , 80c ; tor-
pontine , per Kullon , OOe ; inpthn , 74" , pur
gallon V > : ' < . 17c
lA 'ittt V/htoIoad ! , Umiihu
1 * . J . .1. ad , St. LouiB , pure , Bn ! { ;
1 to 5 lh cawi , 20o
Frencit zmr , jo eu xcal , 12c ; French
rwl fcal , lie ; French zinc , in vamlah
20c : French zincc , in oil v.nt , lf o ; Ilav/
and bunit umber , 1 1U canu 12c ; raw am !
burnt Hieuna , IKc : v udyko brown , g
refined lainpbhxk , 12c ; coach black , l c ;
l"oiy b\Mk \ , lOc ; drop black , Jficj Prnwian
blue , 5-Oc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chr\-mo
grnen , L. 1\I. fe D , , lie ; blind and shutter
, L , M. & D. , llicj Puria Kroon. 18c ;
Indian red , 15c : Venetian red. 'Jc ; luncan
dtt , 22v ; American Verwlliud , I , a P. , 18cj
c.bromo yellow , L , , M. , 0. & D O , , Ittci
ycllfiw ouhtv , Ocolflen ; othre , 11 ; patcni
Jryer , f c ; I'l-iilning oottira ; Ifcht ak , Jwrk
ia , walaulhcnum" Md iwr. 15u
Or , "Mnt *
V/liltu load , (5cj ( Jfrcm-h sine. 10o ; 1'urJa
ig ijc ; whiting nll'lem , IJc ;
K conn , He ; Jiiinilii.ct ; Ciermr.n-
town , HCJ liUjblack , oritKiary , life ; Pruju
uiun blue , Nia ; ultri > niari e , Itli. . v.ndyko
brown , fee ; tmltei I. < rt , 4 ; imVior , ra./
4oskjr.ii'i , bunt t -i ; icinn , raw , lu
Pant , jtifftt wuyiie , „ ; i'w.H groin com'
-Ou cliruuo . / . ' -VJo chroso
- ; KUDU , / - ) ]
, ; rt < ! ii K , , lite ; ronoilUou , JJi'K. 70c ; v r
million , America , ISc ; Iiidiau red. lOj
j.w * pir.l : , l u ; venon.n ruar , Cookocm'tf
v.ic : souounn red Am. , l , u1 Irad , 7i ! j
dkoineyellotv , conuine , 30o braaui ya !
low , K , , l'o ; oolifo , n.chel'o : io ; oahro
Kroneh. Ju ; ochre , Autoiio&n , lie ;
V/iuUra mi' . r.\l. 4 ; lrhl H brown. ' . 4o ;
dpauiah brot/n , 240 ; 'linec'd miu rnl Sc ,
VAUNIKJIIiO W .rrdl * p-r K.tllor .
Fumiture , extra , < l JO ; furniture , No , 1 ,
81 ; coach , extra , f ) 40 ; each , Nu , 1 ,
81 20 ; Jfamar , extia , 1 'if ; wan , 70eaB. ;
Irfialtum , extra , K5e ; ohoUno $3 50 ; bard
oil Hniati , 151 HO
J'APMl .Straw paper , lie ; rag paper ,
kjdry goorla paper , < ic ; inauda paper , 10s ;
lurwii pRvjr. | 80
t-MAvy Hrdw rp Lilt
Iron , rr.'w , 3 40 ; plow tteel , ipotial
caat , 7c ; crusilitc,8c ; special or ( Jermanfioj
cai.t VH > \ do , 15(2 L'U wat'ou eixiken , net ,
2 KlcfH IJOj hulw , p f net , 1 ft ; felfoM , sawed
dry , 1 40 ; tonguw , such , 7l Wo ; txlejs
each , 76o ; quar nula , jer Ib , 7@Uc >
w h .r . per Ib. jiflSo ? ( ; met * , per Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , 612c ; mnlicitble , So ;
iron wedge * , ffa ; crowbftra , Co ; hnrrow
tooth , 4cj horsfohoss , par ItfR , B 00 } spring
stool , 7fftc ( ; Uurdcn s horseshoes , 5 f > 0j
Burd ( u'a muleahocft , G 60 ,
SHOT. Shot , iJJ.86 ; Buck shot , t-2.10
OrientM Powder , korfu , 80.40 ; Jo , , hoi
kcgn , lf.X4Sj do , , quarter lings , 91.88 ; BUit
Ing , toco. WSfii Fuse , tier 100 feet 50c.
BAUJEI ) WIKK In cir loU,8 30 pet
100 ; in lew than cor lota. 8 M tx-r 100.
NAlLS-Uat" ! , 10 to GOf , 4 GO ,
Oak sole , SSc to 42s ; hemlotk noIe , 2o to
P5cj hemlock kip , SOa to 100 ; runner ,
OSo to SOo ; hemlock calf , 85o to 1 20 ; IHUU-
lock upper , 2Jc ! to 20c ; oak ui'per , 2 < e ;
alligator , t 00 to G M ; calf kid , 82iJV ( > oi
GreWn kid , 2 M to 3 76 ; o < k kip , Uo to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 'JO to 1 SU ) Kronen kip
110 to 1 fir. ; Fionch c'llf , t 2fi to 2 00 ; run-
eott * . 5 CO to 7 50 ; liulntp. 0 00 to 10 50-
topping * , 0IX ) to 10 50 ; li , L. Morocco , SOc
to3oo ' : < > el ic 0 , D. Morocco,35o ; elnion ;
'aw ' t..Too.
HAHNKSS-No I tar oak , 42c ; No 2
do , SOo ; No. 1 Ohio o'k , 38c ; No , 2 do ,
Me ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37e ; No. do.Slc
Horiet end Mulci.
The market IB brisk and all gindcB are
nplllng well at i "light advance In p ices.
The domaud for com ! hnwes oxceedg the
supply eouslderaoly. L'ricoa range as ful-
Iowa :
1'lne slnnlc drhora. 5J1BD. to 300 , > Extra
draft hornos. M7' > . toli'2"i. ; Common dmit
her .0f. 3100. to 150. ; Extia fann hones ,
M10 , to 1' . ! ' ) . ; Coiuuion vo go. ) . ! farm her os
ifyO. to U100. ) Extrn plugr , $00. to 7B.J
Common tiluan , 920. to $40.
MULES. 15 to 16J hands ( extra ) , ? 1W.
to 150. ; 14 } to 15 hatuln , 9100. to 110. ;
It to Hi Inuda , 976. to 100. | 14 to 14
hands , ( k > 0. to 76.LI
LI uor .
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 3 per wine
R.iUon ; extra California. Bpirlti , 187 proof ,
1 30 per proof h'allon ; triple roiluod npiriU
187 proof , 128 per proof qnllou ; ro-dlBtllhxl
\rktBklc3 , 1 00@1 50 ; fine bloudcd , 1 CO ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourboua , 200@700 ; Km-
tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00
BlliVNDIES-lmportcd , C3 001 00 ;
domestic 1 404 00.
GINS Imporlsd , 4 C0@6 Ot ) } domsatlo ,
uotoo. :
UUMS ImnoHoil , 4 BO@C 00 ; New
KnRland. 2 00 ( 4 OOrjJomoatio , 1 fiO8 50
1 7C@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per C BO ,
2ROO3 > OjAuurlua , ease , 12'X ) ©
10 00.
OLAUETS er cane , 4 B0@16 00
WINES Kb no wine , per caao , 0 00 ®
20 00 ; Oatavba , per case , 4 00@7 IX ) .
Wo ( { uoto liunbor , latn and shingles on :
cara at Omaha nt the following pricoH ;
under , 922 00 ; IS ft. , 823 50.
TIMUKK8 10 ft. and under , $22 00.
TIMBKK AND JOIST 18 ft. , ? V'i : 5) ) ;
C f t . ? L'A til ) , 2S ft. , $20 50 } 24 ft. , 820 CO.
I'ENCINCr No. 1 , 4 and 0 in , , 821 00 ;
No. 2 , S22 dO.
SHEETING No , 1 (2nd ( cnutnou
boardi ) * 21 03 ; No. 2 , * 18 03.
STOCK BOARDS , 12-in. D , lUtf 00 ;
IMu. 0 , § 35 00 ; 12-iu. B. 830 00.
LIMK 1'or barrel , fl ! Wj bulk pcrnns-
40. ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa tUastor.
bbl , S2 50. Hair per bu , I Jo. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , 83 50. Straw board , 03 50.
COAL Cumberland blaokauilth , (12 ;
Slorrin Hun Blocsburg , $12 ; Whitobroa'it '
lump , 8" > 50 ; Whitcbrcnst nut. ? , r 50 ; Iowa
lump , C. ' ' r.O ; Iowa nut ? . " > r,0 ; Rock Spring ,
j ; Anthraoito. all eir.ej t)10 50.
DRU 5 > AND OHKM1CM 1 5 - luid
itilioliu , iOo ; Acid , Tartario , GOc ; Baluam
Llopabij , t.or Ib , 70c ; Bark , Saasafrae , per
; b , t4c ; Calomel , per lb76c ; Cinchonldta ,
JUT ox , $1 15 ; Chloroform , pur Ib , 1 CO ;
Dover's powders , nor Ib , Cl 40 ; iSpdotr
salts , per Ib. 3ic ; Glycerine , pure , po Hi.
S3c ; Load , Acetnto , ppr Ib , 22o
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per s-al , 1 IS
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 5100 ; Oil ;
Olive , per pal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origiimin , 60 <
Opium , er. 00 ; Quinine P. & W. & R. & S. ,
our oz , ? 2 30 ; PotasuJum. Iodide , per It
Si 90 ; Balncin , per oz , < 10c ; Sulphatu o
Morphiuo , [ > or os1 , ? 3 83 ; Sulpnur flour
per Ib , Io ; Strvuhniuo. ner os , Cl 3 , ' ,
Hlda fur a , Etc.
HIDKS tiroen butoher'c hide , Gffi7i"
cured 8c ; hides , fjroou salt , part curoJ 7jo
hides , 74c ; dry llint , uound. 13oMc ( ) ; dry
calf and kip , 12@14c ; dry salt hlduBBouncf ,
10@llc ; Rroon calf. wt. 8 to 16 H > B. . 11 12 : ;
green calf , wt , uiidor 8 Ibs , per skin , 60oi
ifroon pelts , 60@31 25 ; green Iamb skin * ,
{ SI 26160 ; damaged hides , two-third rate ,
cut Ecorea and ouo grub , claBuod two.
tLlrda ratoliraudcd } hidoe 10 per oout. off
Coon flkiun , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2. 'Mo ; No. 1
70. ; No. 4 , lOo , Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 3
30c ; No. 3 , 15n ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , ,
GOn ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b5oj
fiBc ; nhort ( .tripo , 40r ; narrow ottlp o
bioi.tlelrlpn.10o , ' rallow 7 < : .
SALT n > u monuy anil nnlur t > alt direct from
iB.werlilp | irninptlj by rail at tli
prlcuio all ivmtcru polniH
How ChildronHBd'Tnii. "
On amimincr ilaj , thi'j ut > uf to piny ,
llaun lliu ro l to IH-.icon Jonm1 pnn'ire ,
DIcU c Imliod tlio trie , Vlo lookoil HOiiy ( ;
Tlio hoiimuvrihpi'iit In futi'iiiil l
That nl 'lit,1lic ( ! jou iKHttrnjclkd
Yen , tlio ( uini ) ' 1 > KK nnil \ ktorla ;
Tlio giiK | uuro of tha Krti'ii niilu ) | kind ,
lut iUlcll | > cun-il ) iy C HTOIIU
Absolutely Pure.
Thpi pnwitur ntivorarle . A ninrvHi u
puiity , btrciigth and v/boloomrmiie
Mi/r i cuunuiloi ) than the ordinary UlatU ,
. uiil ujiinut. bo t > i Id Incornpotl'ioii v/Ith the
luulliUidu ut lov Icfet , tfhort \\olht.alju |
or phiiephal < p 't.drr ' * . HeM i nly In can
llov.u , BAKINO 1'owufu Co ,
Wall St. , Nnw Yorlc
Ihoio dueliltc tuimtu muuu ; OL
nri 'i ! ! auO 1111 Hum lutci.tiniutilii
jL\i \ yralu , | > rovUiaiauJ dto iiM > oouIa
tio'is , i in u 1.1 by opur-'li'J uu oui
l > Un. FrumMiy 1. | * ii , oil.npvt
WIIPA'P . nunt ( ilte.oil llllOltllMl dot-410,00
IYH .XJ fj | liOC ) > CMtt l > tomi ( mJ lwll
reili oU ui.J jula to | nve tou
I A aiiiouu intgtoijcvor * ! HIUOH tbeorl *
rtJJ iu..l Invvauacnt , atill losing tbc
or i1' ; ' ' Ifuj.tuiunt tuakmi ; money
or pi > able on demand Kii | nUo
crpri/x/'o rj ilrculira anil ttatemoutu ot lu d
nn.i\j\a y-gsli/ , „ , VV H nt ro4 | > on ltU
&KOiita , > \tllrioit | oiufcjis anil
C&Eflfl iut'oJuto thu plan liberal corn-
VElllJlJ lulsdionu taiil , Aildroiu
: ulllJ a ti MKUKIAUIU-O
ralmlou JLorct'ftntK ' , J lor Can
o , HI ,
_ [ CoHtmuc < lfnnn Fourth 1'tHjc ]
bio , and now nil wo must ask ia that
tlioro shall bo n reduction of the
tnriir. That I believe nine tenth
of the American people will nak
nnd domain ! . That la a plank put in
tlio republican plaUoun m I860 ntul
1370 autai.intiaily n tarifl'rovcliuo in-
cuttntnlly protection. That ia what
wo am asking to day , but what wo uio
not getting , Wo want to do this in
aonio other way than putting it iti n
platform to bu hoodwinked. [ Ap
plausi ] Tlmy arc very eolilom cir-
rud and iluy won't bo unless people
got hitlund tlioni very alrong with that
httlo b.illot. It ia no gooJ having
high Bounding roioltttlotia ntul plat-
fount if wo do do not. carry thorn out.
Wo send our wheat nnrt corn into
Liverpool , And it ROCS to compete with
nil tlii ? wi rkl. It uaod to bo n'fnver-
ito tiling to talk about pauper labor nt
Eurono , manufacturing thingtt at
lionui , etc. , anil the. ) you would tnako
a niarkut for j our grntn I toll you if
the only market lor grain wna the
uum working in niaunfactotioa upon
AinuricAii null wo would bo very much
roalriotud in our grain businoeo. To
day the price of grain ia fixed at
Liverpool , and you nro feeding the
pauper labor of Europe with your
wheat , and I any it ia n good dual to
ask that wo ahull not get thu bondit
of their cheap goods , which they
would give ua in return ,
Tlio aonntor diacusocd the tnrill'
question at length nnd showed the
tvila and iniquities ot the syalom ; nlao
pointed out how thu taritt commission
tnul originated. This cominiaaion was
worth about ns much na the bug com-
mmaion , which waa composed of n
Bciuntilic body of mini , ono of whom
aolvod the important problem that
irrnaahoppors did not lly nt night.
[ f-iHUghtur ] But tlioro waa n fellow
who came along nnd told the commia-
uiuii thnt. the grasshopper did fly nt
night , nnd when pressed na to how ho
know that ho anid ho mndo n kite ,
omoarod it over with tar , und lot it
hang out at night und in the morning
it wna covorttl with grasshoppers.
[ Loud laughter , ] That in the impor
Hint business thin commission was
The largo newspapers of Omaha nnd
Lincoln , great towns , [ laughter ]
the email onoa bohnvtd uottcr-hnd
been denouncing uvuryonu thnt did
not think na they thought they should.
They brayed vocifrtroualy tiboul
grnngorH with hay satda in their hair ,
nud applied all aorta of epithets. The
L'ncoln Journal allowed great fond
ness for thu senators calling him not
numoa , Mich na "blnthorakito , "
"crank , " A' : . , and they aaid railronda
are privuto property , nnd you cannot
regulate the rutnn they nil all charge ,
nero than you can thu price of graiu
l > ut now these Siuuo p.ipora and oniturd
aay , bocauao they dnro not nay any-
Jung else , "Oh , yea , thla right ha-
onga to the nooplo. " Whut condo -
do cimdmg pornoaa they nro. Thia
vin aaid at Fremont in n spocoh
undo the other night by ono who I
suppose bolonga body nnd soul to the
nulrotcle. The fact ia yuu pnoplo can
do thia and they know it. Ic is vary
str.ingo thia BUJdon convention. Paul
wna converted very suddenly , but wo
all know ho waa n pious sort of n man.
I don't know that thcao men have na
much piety UB Paul had ( laughter )
When they Raw the coming storm , they
suddenly ujcamo convinced that after
till the people had oomo rights in a re
public. Theeo railroad mon vroro
ulwaya tolling you you can't roach
theao things by legislation. Well , I
don't know where all the knowledge
como Inmi that thoao men have got.
Gould waa brought up na n tanner ,
curtninly no disgrace. No driubt ho
wus a good tanner und ho hna kjpt on
tanning ever ninco only ho has been
tanning the hides of the American
people , ina'oad of UIOBO of the bovine
race. [ Laughter. ] Where did hi ,
learn no much abour nunomli '
VVherodid Vandcibilt lu.irn .in m u li'
Now , there ia nothing very ii ( iuiio
about this whulu burti'ic.A . man
builda n road which i- . > . ' § 10,000 n
mile nnd itsnucB ittocK .1 $10,000 u
mile. You tin orotund tiicii that that
inin who runs tint railroad haa made
? : n,000Vlioii hi- takes ton per cent
for the coat of that mil' * you know
ho is taking forty per cunt on thu
original cist of the ru.ul 1'hut ia U
whole of it. Now , how to r i'l > t t.
Youcumot reach it by IcvnUition.
You know thnt for two si-nates our
friend Turner fought , na I . .id , to ro-
ducj the patBengci rates tr.m tour to
three cento. Thoru wua n tie upon
that voto. Our lioulcnant governor
guvo hia cistinu vole ngaii K ; it und it
nan buntcn. Now T BOU thia latter-
day aniiit [ bu htci ] tmid the other
day in making hia speech at Fremont ,
The puoplo have the right if they
cheese to do it , nnd I think they will
do it UK coon an you get the right
poop'.o ' thuro , At that , Boenion , or acs *
BIOII before , a bill was introduced to
have the railroad committees ap
pointed by the body of the houoe , and
not by the lieutenant governor. The
rnilrond corporations control the gov
ernor , nnd they have always dom
inated in n electing olllcors they could
uau. It wua importnnt that they
should IIDVO the lieutenant governor
appoint that rnilrond committee , and
they carried thuir point. The result
waa thnt both the senate and house
passed resolutions tci the ofl'eot that it
was not proper , not auitablo to inter
fere with railroads by legislation.
Now thrnit inrn cuinu nut and aniiiao
> oii hy ii > liiiij | y u you can Icyhlatn
on thi ) nutation. 1
tell you theao KUUIO people want to
get v/horo they cun hold thu people
by the thront. Now thia is the living
quoaUon. Wo wnnt to correct threu
ubuscH of the ropubHuiu party. Wo
do not w Hit to in u lo uny raid on rail-
roauu r.iiTm.'i-o thaiioii nmnufacturiire ,
wo helit'vn in thunj but wo wnnt. jnn-
tice. Wo buhovo most railroada dc
make this - ; uutry Lud nnd blossom ,
wo could not bo hcio to the oxtunt we
uro without railroads , hut wo want
thtta under Kgislativo control. They
turn round and cay , utter awindliuj
the people , a Ttvei.d said "What em
yougottg to do about it. " Tweed
found out whr.t the puoplo wuro goinij
to do about it. ho died in a folou'a
Jlr. Ynlontino in bin spot ch at Fre
mont , mndo an ulluiion to the fact
that I had referred to hia record ,
which I had a right to do. Ho de
voted the balance of the ovonliik' to
defending hut vote on the river und
harbor bill , and upon the taritl'
coiniuiaBion and atnr route service.
Very proper he should. If Mr. Valentino
tine holiurtd in the tariff comtnlasion
and llto river and harbor bill nvd
voted for it , I did not , [ Loud laughter -
tor ] Mr. Valentino behoved in the
star route business. I was not in con
gress nt that time , NowJtliero | wag
my nction , I alluded to this thing.
Wo got $150,000,000 moro than we
wan ted in the treasury , you know ,
You IIAVO no idea lionunoney ihcau
men bcenmo to got money out of the
treasury. So generous with other
pccplo'o money , nnd they could not
rest till they saw aomo ot the money
voted nwny on slnr louto ncrvico or
the tivnr and liarbor bill. They could
nol Icavo this in the pbokota of the
peoplo. Thf.y don't like to reduce
tlio tariff. They dm't like to put
blocl down to 815 a ton nnd
take elF something on manufac
tured goods. No , they don't like
thnt It ia a horrible thought. It is
the interim ! revenue tax which
troubles tliiMti , They want plontvof to-
bncc'jnnd chnap whiskyLuuhtcrjYon [
will lind every high protective tariff
moro in sympathy with the man who
taken u chow or drink of whisky. They
don't give any thought to the man
who has to pay two or tlireo times as
much an ho should for blanket a. Oh ,
notha , nun that chows and drinks ia
entitled to the highoat consideration.
Thoao nro the issues that nro going to
bo agitated nnd settled through the
ballot box. Your only way to effect a
tcmcdy for these evils is by getting
the right man to represent you , Thia
ia the only ( foattvo way to do this.
The senator then gave a
description of the fraad _
committed in loosing the school
lands. Ho nluo spoke nt length on
the pt luting contract uwihdlo. Only
The Omaha Herald nnd Lincoln Jour
nal put in bids. The contract was for
1,000 assoauor's books , for which they
both naked 1,500 , aud Auditor Wai-
Helm out it down nnd mndo it $3,000.
Thoao books were probably worth 40
or 50 cents a pieuo , so that $3,000
wna paid for what the books could
have boon purchased at retail for ? 500
Air. Gibson , of The Herald , however ,
for conacianco sake refunded some of
the money , but Qoro was so stooped
in iniquity that the aonalor supposed
hia was entirely gouo. The senator
then referred to n portion of his speech
delivered atr Fremont , and which ha&
already appeared in Tun BUR ,
In concluding , the senator urged
upon his constUuoma that they could
speak their Bontunontn nt the billet
box. They could vote for the mui
whom they thought oxproaaed thair
fimtimenta , without fear of iuvini ;
their heads cut off. The rapubiiiun
party , to bo true to ita principles in
tlio future aa In the pnat : iud it would
not only live bocauao of ita tradltione
in the pnnt , but becauao of ita fidelity
in thu present. Lot them all be true
citizQiia ot this great republic , whoae
principle Hliould bu to protect the in-
teronts of All ug.iluat the encroach
ments and tyranny of the low , [ Ljutl
arid prolonged cheering ]
Hon. M K Turner , biiinj , ' cnllmni-
anlically called for , rose and made a
bnuf but pithy address. Wo regret
that want of space prevents our giv-
inc a report of this speech.
In the evening , by special rtquest ,
of tome of the iiilluontial ci'iz us of
Teknmah , Senator C H. Vau Wyok
and Hon. M. K. Turner again ad-
drencod the peonlo nf Tokamah aud
the Burroundiug country. A rather
larger nudionco than tlmt in the alter-
noon were preaont. and ir < iat > en-
tliuniasm wao manifested , It in im
possible , for want of space , to give u
report of the apcochea delivered in thu
ovoniiig , but they may appear at a
later date.
If you nro sick Uop B'ttors will
surely aid Nnturo i" ranking you wall
when nil olao fnila.
If you are oofctivn or dyspeptic , or
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If you nro wnating away ) with any
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If you nro nil1'with that- terrible
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If you uro a frequenter or resi
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If you have rough , pimple or sal
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In short they euro nil discuses o (
Lho stomuch , Bowolo , Blood , Liver ,
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Five Hundred dollars will bo paid for
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That poor , badriddon , invalid wifu ,
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The "Hawthorn Centbnnlul Kit.
colaior lloof Paint , " was patented May
24th , 1881 , and otters patent num
ber 241 , 803. Any person found or
known to tamper with the nmuu.
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eon haa any authority whatever to Mil
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HOORiiJUUUodgoStroat ,
aug 7-uie Oni OxiAUi ,