THE DAILY BEE OMAHA MONDAY , OCTOBER 23 PERFECTING THE POOL in IroncM Agreement Finally Settles the Disputes Be tween the Railroads , The Union Pacific Gets 61 Per Oont , the Burlington 30 , nnd the Santa Fo 10. History of the Differences Ke- fjnrdiug Extensioue and Percentages in Past Meetings. Tlio Rio GrAnde Buoonir .a..Fnotor- Dtnrcr Tribune. After laborious sessions that occu pied the better portion of , two days and nights , the general inatiiyura of the pool railroad lines ncljoimml lait night , having como to a final aottlo- mont of nil difficulties nnd diflotonucfl , and prepared their now pool ugroo- inont in detail , The Uiacusaiona of the meetings wore concealed , tho.jjon tlomon liuialin | { that everything wnn harmonious , but Si is evident fro.-e the protracted mooting * that oomo tingled propositions must have been brought up. At at any rate the four of a prob able cut in rates botn'uen Colorado and the east ia now dispelled for nuotfcer year. The pool is reconstructed and now contains iho Don v < jr fc Rio Gratuto as a factor. t THC CAUHK OH rue TUOUDLK. i It mil bo remembered that a poof ! .agreement has boon pending fof'j .months ; that the general jnanagura at .one time were l-.opolcsoly at sua and1 apparently irrocoucitablo , that the .questions of difference woce referred to the prcsidcnta of the four great roads ; that they in tarn failed to ibridgo the trouble , nnd rtinmudud the matter bitck to the general mauagort , with orders that they must couv > to u compromise and agreement. All this tinio , t was impossible to definitely .ascot'-tim the cause of the dioayroo jnont , , but the presumption ivns that it was OH ing , on thoono hand , to the opposition to the claim for peicontago made by the Burlington , and on the other , .to the demand of the Union Pacific poole that the Burlington bo not extended in Colorado or itito thulr territory. At the mooting of the managero in Chicago about twomonths ago , and before the pool disputes wcrosubinittod to tin prisidontu , the managers of threa Colorado roads ot- fectcd a pooling arrangement , but when the agreement had been dnnrn up the Union Pacific manager refused to sign it , on the ground that it did not provide that the Burlington ihoold build no mora extensions into the Union PaciSs territory west of Dsayer. Ttic Bsrlingtcn people cm- pbktieilly rifa ttl to enier into any iath sa krraagfimtnt Mid farther ne- gotiitlorit vrfe broktn cff , The coa- tttnl feitr iis.t t TOT in Colorado r te earns mil tlw be reraembmd KIKIAKE. Zsuvrit IIOUEUE tb.u.t thiire Trtt mit- ujijiriiliuiiniou rugurdlng the domwid of the "Dili un 'Fuoiticpimple that the Bnr- Jhittm ( ; nhnulcl , huM Jio nuiru -went of Duuvur. ThoiHirliiicttm JI jilu ijuHovud ihut "thu TJuiim \TttlltulUtu iivvaiuuuli , -jJl.idcf for'lnu yoaruthu town of , ihu old "tripartite tlfjruoniunt" litifwuou thu TJmtm pu- oilic , Jltohtuun , Tujitiku ifc Bantu Fe Duimir & KioiCrrwiifle raUwwye , { 'UK Tiaun Puoitic pluced its clturo Hint erch a tdauiie nltould be in serted luio iLe otw agreement , for the reason that the old one provided that the roads chould keep out of each other's territory. The Union Pacific people subsequently * claimed in the light of a partial excuse , thut it wnu not their intention tint the Burling ton should agree not to build any now lines into the Union Pacific territory ' ritory during the term of the now agreement , which was only for one year. year.THE THE QUESTION Ol1 I'EUOKNTACIK. It appears that the Burlington pr > o- plo had no intention of building be yond Denver just at present , but they did not propose to accede to any terms that soundud like dictation , or any agreement that would prevent them from doini ; anything they chose with reference to uxtonsions. The Union Pacific folks thun receded from the position they had taken , and stated that they would not insist upon the Burlington management making such A pledge. ' . 'b.i ' . uunUy tlio rcnort leaked out Uuit'tlio object of the Union Pdc'lioin ' refusing to sign the now pooling agree. mont after it had boon drawn up was not because the Burlinittou would not pledge itself to keep out of the Union Pacific territory west of Denver , but because it wanted a rearrangement of the percentages originally agreed upon. The Union Pacific company thought it had allowed thu Burlington and Atchi- eon , Topeka & Santa Fo larger per centages of the business than it should have done , and the only way in which they could force a roamngmnont , without laying themselves open to censure , was by bringing up the mat ter bout tl > .o Burlington extensions in Colorado. JLb nit : POOL Now STAND * . 'Ona of the percentages claimed to bo more that ) the road was entitled to was the 00 per ( 'cut , ot the Pueh1 JJuaitU'ii firtoltid Iho BinU FJ. T "laiter people maintained heir a * , however , and the Union I'acilio conference just closed coucer m tli claim. The remaining DO pr .cd tl the Pueblo business is cqur t 00 , , | . < between the Burlington a jjy dividi Pacific. On thu bush1 jathu Unit Santa Fo from Donve1 ttaA over tl over the Burlington . . ftnd the troll cific from Pueblo , 1 and Union P. a proportionate p .no IlioGrando gu the disUuco bo < dr cent , per milo fi between whic > weoii the two citie pool lino. t it will have the on llio Grand The jnotivo of tl the third .a management in layii questlo1 rail , which has BO often boi the pr jed , now becomca clear. 1 Den * xl arrangouienU now made tl en' ter and Now Orleans Is hopeless t1 jwod under , as a possible feeder f arough eastern business. Of tl general Colorado buslneu to Denver , the Union Paci will receive 51 per cent. , the Burling ton 30 per cent , and the Santa Fo ! ' . per cent. This is the division made at the re cent mooting in Omaha. There re mains nothing mnro to bo done but the adoption nnd engrossing of the rules governing the distribution of the business , when one of the strong est railroads poola ever known in this country will bo complete. Yesterday the btiis wai also laid for a pool between the Denver it llio Grande and the South Park , The nmnngcra hnd a meeting , came to a perfect nnd ! harmonious understanding nnd drafted the agreements , but owing to the Intanecs of the hour lust night tvhen Iho latter had been prepared for rignnttaes it was impossible to rocal" the oOiciixIa interested No inform * lion could ho obtained as to the per < ccntngcs a d division of business , bu it in naid that the terms are fair an ailisfactory to both roado. This poi will probably bo nmdo when Mr. Clar ! of the Union Pacific rnturnn to th ity. IIu in accompanying Manage Knnbull mi u western inspection. Man ngur 1'ottor of the Burling will rcturt to Chicago this morning. Mnn.gci ( Whuohsr , of tlio "nntu F < - , is atill in the city , but will piob&bly turn t Topeka on to-diiy'fl'Thundorhult. " AlTiENXlON ! Cnll for 11 Worklnnmon nnd Fnrmora' ' County Convontton. The woikingmon nnd farmers o ; Douglas county , who nro in accord with the principles enunciated by the stitto Anti-monopoly convention hold at Hastings , September 27th , 1882 , are hereby invited to elect delegates ia convention that will nominate a legislative ticket for .Couglaa county , consisting of two members of the aen- ate nnd eight members .of the house of representatives , also ono county com missioner and such precinct officers as may ba designated by the.county com aiissioners in their uloctkm proclnma tian. tian.U'lio U'lio ratio of coprosontatLzn shall bo 68 { olio ITS : Every olcmour1 ; of trade .nnd each element of comuon labor nlu-11 bu rep * resented by five delegates Where rncchcnics or lubocers have no organi ; sation , they may o gani/.it for tk'ts pur- > oao , a < for instance , blacksmiths , cir- icntoro , inachiiiialp , tinsmiths , unelt- iig worLn laborers , .ojc. Every pro- : inct outside of the city of Omaha ihall bo entitled to five dolo. atca to ID ohosen by the farmed It is rec- intmeuicd that the meetings to select lelcRatcn in the city by uiy labor or- [ anizition or t-loinoiit ehaU bo held ipon a call Issued throe ciajvt previous Iirnuch TIIK OuiirA But' . Buch call hall state the tmo und plcco of mcot- ng , aud hiuno of orgAinV.itiou or labor lenient. In thu country precincts ho meetings shall bo lud ! in purau- uco of a notice printed or written , onspicuously posted in at least three lubiic places within the precinct for t least ono wpck. Thczo meetings ehtvli bo held vUhin wo treeks from thij dati > . Only delegates elected in pursuance o these recommendations and having roper credentials , will bu admitted to eat in the convention. No proxies rill be allowed , but altcnntoe may bo lecied to take tha phcc : of dekgitcs bat m&y bs abcnt Dua notice will ba given to the del- it DO elected u to the time and i of holding tbo convention , and will be made for A grand Utuin jnwutitig to rs-tify t liouti bn tbe ntmS < veiUD * " 3ter the luuruutiun IUB ndjoumod. By order if ine oomouttee. BoKiccr. Cbairmiii. Complaiot Cnrdtl- B. Tttrctr , Kocliatter , N. Y. , writes : "I re betn forovrr a yew subject to erlim border of the kidney * , and often unnbh ) attend Uba tDO ; I procured your Hun * OCK l'j\.r > o\i DJTTEILS , and wax relieved be- ire hall n Ixittle was used. I intend to mtimio , as 1 feel confident thuc they will ntlrely euro mo. " I'rlco SI 00. THE MINDEN MURDERERS. 'hoy Are Still ut Lnr o With Slltfht ProBpsctB of Capture. There is but littlu that is new in re- ard to the pursuit of thu Mindun nurdorara They ave being pursued > y half u dozen pomes , ouo of which u led by Adjutant General Alexander ) n Friday mornii ) | ; Oonoral Aloxar jor clographod to the governor nt ljeHora hat ho was loiving for the Eouth with \ largo body of well armed men , and loped to intercept the murderers , but' ' md no information as to their whcr . * Shorifl Ensign of Lincoln rer Iio following telegram Friday : xrived INUIANOLA , Ootr I have just.received tl < jbet 20. loto from Bheritr Wo' ' .0 following Lbileno : The murdu' , ourn , dated Voods stele two bora .ors of Shurill ionics about four i js and left thoii jyndon mills , in F .allos northwest ol Vednosday nig ) ufnas county , Nob. , rero last seer , t , October 18th , and lortheast of t about twenty mtloa iappa and the divide between the fternoon Beaver creeks , Thursdaj 10 trove about IJ o'clock , supposed tc V'W I\UK \ southwest. S \ \ . II. olot" Ay the governor received i * ' * ( ' .am ftom a constable at Lunora n' < ng that two muu , brothers of tin jniorora , had been arrested at thai ' j | o , { chargt-il with stealing horses. At midnight , the governor rcceivei dinpntoh from Aluxauder date < ullAlo Park ( old Bulldlo Qnp ) , i iuiou on the Oiiitral Branch of th U. P. , nour thu northern linn of Gavi count ) , ICitiuje , and itbuut15 mile west of south from Iionora. llu 1m le.irm d thit : thu real names of th nnuili rurn were Mart Siuiinutman an Dick Hiinont , but hud learned notli in ; : rrlubio its to their uhuroabouts , u It louU iiow ns thoiih ; tha men ha ntucenUil in renchinn the moro in : ts Bsttltd portions of Ivansas and ha or madu good their escape. Govornc 5 St. John , of Kaueas , telegraphed Goi urnor Xancu that the inun wore see lie to cross 'ho north fork of the Soli uion at 2 o'clock Friday , but this evidently a mistake. lie Hertford' * Aola Pliospunto a B frosblnic Drlub. or Du. A. L. HALL , Fairhaven , 1 lie Y. , says : "It forma an excellent su' or stituto for lemon juice , and will fun fie ish refreshing drink for the sick. " GREATEST OF ALL A Cliaiioe to Invest in .First Kortgago Bonds On the Jasper Walls , Pearly Gates and Golden Streate , Of the New Jcraanlem. In presenting our work to your muny readers wo wish to opcak of the foundation of the Mission and its ob ject , what it has done , what it is do ing , what it wnnti to do. To many of yourrcaJorna history of the founda tion nnd work of the Mission is unnec essary for they have watchodils mo\o- monts , prayed for it , worked for it , contributed toward its nupport , and have considered it a factor for gaud in our city. To othois , who have but re cently taken up their residence in our fast growing city Mid who are willing to "do all tiny can , " we wiah to pre sent a history of the FOUNDATION' OT TUB MISSION AND JTS OIIJKCT. The Mission was founded in Octo ber , 1875 , just so'ven years ago , under the name of the "Christian Workers' Association , " its object being , instated in the constitution , "to advance the interests of the Christ inn religion by active Christian work. " Wo will now briefly give a synopsis of WHAT rr HAS DOXC. Its constitutional object is ono that is as "broad us the sea , " and admits of any kind of work that will "ad- vance the interests of the Christian religion. ' The mission started in a very humble manner , its first work being a Sabbath school for news boys and bootblacks , then an Industrial aclvool was started whnro littla girls wuro gathered together and taught to sow. After moving from "pillar to post" for Botnntimu , on thu 15th day > f July , 18GO , wo wcrj enabled to move into our present building on 1'enth sttaot , which was bought and laid for. For Boven years Sabbath and In- lustml ecltoflls have been carried on ionstantly. Words of counsel and incouragemont , now hopoo , now ispirations , and now duairos have been liven the children , Food , clothing , iliouo , and ninny other ncceEjnrica of ifo have boon given ti > aull'ering onea. . 'ionica , dinners , uocialeD ( , etc. , have ) eon ( { ivun for the wUwyfo pf the cholai'6 , Let ui eeo WHAT IT is The reports of the various nonts will npoak for thcmolvo9 , INUfSTKIAL SCHOor , . Total attotidanco for last quarter , ,172 ; avenigo uttcndanco of toachcrr , ; ; number of garments made , 170. MJM.V. . \V. AlAiisii , Sec'y. SADJJATII SCHOOL. Totu\ number attendance for last uartor , 1,350 ; average daily attend- nco , 104 ; total collections , $23 01. 0 , K. REYNOLDS. TREASOKEH'S Wo will state tint many of our has been received from that ourcd. About § 100 of this amount vas used in ropairn upon our build- * md some of the funds were elief work aad in tl- " i ohool. Our trc nr . I .at ronorta totnl , , - „ snkl ! A. C. KENNEDV , Treasurer. UEL1EP DEPARTMENT. Wo will lot the report of our B- ntondent of this dopartmo rardino , speak for itself ; UKl'OUT 01' THE The report of iho ho niliof departir . .aporlntondont of ) ily Mission fc , < nt of the Omnlm ollows : v > eli\st quarter ia as Wo hav > oys an'5 J tilvovi Vo 'fifteen ' children , if noS" ' < . 'lotht > g and four pair * ' 'V"'or * * * & n " " "liber of half- uttmL ? " " tur&K thnt lhov ln'Bllt ' dUtnll * xMMWh acliool. Wohavonlso * todjnnumbor < of hata and bon nets , ' Ta oureral families putsido the | lcl , ( 1 wo liavo given clothing , and to „ j \itKW woman who was sick and it'.iout friends , wo have given medicine - cine und ether help. Have visited U3 'amiliui and have in somu cases re- .iovod . pressing wants with the Mission's united means. Wo BOO every day the great need in Omaha of a temporary homo nnd some means of giving a little tempo rary help to bridge over n dark gulf far BOUIO poor helpless women and children. There are many circum stances in this city which make a tem porary homo a necessity. Sickness , Joath , inability to obtain em ployment , nnd the ono great I calamity that overshadows all ether the desertion of father and husband of Ms family. Such a case came under our notica last week A man who had lived happily witht his family for eight years said to his wife that his | business called him to aomo other city and that ho would have to sell out nd go there. Ho sold all they had , pocketed the money and loft her with two children ( one a babe only ono month old ) to battle with the cold and storm of a Nebraska winter. Wo are thiinkinl the Miaaion wan able to insist this hulplecs wouiau a litt'.o. Wo have hulprd her to iurnish u room and given her littln tirl ; shoes. Wo hope she will now got along nicely , In another rad case , where the father and mother ha\o been sick tlio Muring , wu gave all the Mis sion omld allord , then wo called upon the county coiniuiaaionera and they them tnino uuiatanco. Several dollars have been collected for them , It requires n great deal when families have to be carried for montho. TJtoit eldest boy is now sick with fever. 1 fear medical aid has como too lato. 1 visited him this morning and found him very low. Think of it , n farailj ot live without a nickel and the hus baud sick. Another c&aa , a poor widow , who foi yearn lias made a comfortable- living b ; washing , was last winter taken dowi with iniUutatory rheumatism. Shi had to upend all her little savings for medicine and doctor bills. She was pennilcso , helpless , and threatened with Being turned out by horlandloid. When I saw her she said she did not know how many nights she had laid nwaka wishing the Lord would let her dip. Slid has not a relative in this ountry "I could make such a good living , " she oaid , "were it not for these stiff hands and feet. Oh , do help mo to get better. " , I got a physician and medicine for her , n few groceries and sotno coal. Wo are hopuful that she may recover her health. I could mention other cases , bub this ia sufficient for the public to have an idea of the work the mission ia doing , There are many noble hearted per sons in this city who would bo glad to respond to the call of chaiity , but those poor Buffering ones don't como under their notice. Wo need n placa whuro the prosperous nnd p.wr mny meet together , and tha lornier l j blespod by giving mm vliu inltcr by receiving. MlSS E. SYLVtSTEK , SPC. Miis , J. B. .IAUOINI : , Snpt. "Now lot us hear the conclusion o the whole matter. " WHAT TUB MISHO.V WANTS TO DO. It han been our nim for a long time pant to doviin ways and moans t < > make this mission moro complete , moro useful , more practical. Wo do- Biro to eaUbliah in connection with the mifteion u HOME rOU TUB FRIENDLESS. To secure a building and furnioh it as a temporary homo f r the poor and friiiiidlbss in cases of sudden emergency and distress. In order to do thii wo will ncud a numborof earn- oat workers. Wo will need the continued support of the press and these who have as sisted uu in the past. Wo will need the help of all benevolent nooplo. Our plans will bo published soon , in the meantime will you not consider this matter carefully , remembering that "inasmuch as ye have done it unto ono of the least of thcso my brothorn , yo'havo done it unto mo. " "Hear ye ono anothTrs burden ? , tt Is more bleated lo glvo than to receive. ' A. G. CHAULTON , Secretary. Fortunes or Jfnrioprs and Mo- . ThoiiNnnds of dollars can bo saved by unitiR proper judgment In taking care of tlio health of yourself and family. If you mo blllouR , have Hallow complexion , poor appetite , low nnd depressed epirit ? , and jencrally debilitated , do not delay a mo ment , but go at once ; and procure a bottle - tlo of those wonderful Klectric Bitters , which never fail to cure , and that for the trifling sum of fifty cents. [ Tribune. Sold bvO. F. Goodman. Army Orders. First Lieutenant E D. Thomas , ikh calvary , A. A. Q.M. , will sell to 3rovot Major General 0. O. Howi rd , J. S. A. ono corrol horn , the pro- > crty of the government , for which ho a responsible , nt nctuil cost if known. The leave of aboCQca for fif ! s3n ci ,0 ranted First Lieutenant WiiifttW P. lull , 11. Q. BI. 5th cavalry , by para- raph 1 , _ special orders No. 108 , cur- ont aeries , from these headquarters , i extended four days. The following ia published for t B iformation and guidance of all r.n ornod : lot Extract from an cnH ISS338 ' Tho' " ip' < - - - - , - " , npgCMital afniy regulations to rf > . ! bus-i iityloand oharactot but retleeto the experience of thb past liundrad yearly which inj that ttt every military postv * the United States the troopa uhould ba assembled under rms cornplctB- leMt once each day , oavmg a aiaccoti-Httry with the com- nnn'aing officer fthothor in the morr - ' "troop" onavouing "retreat"- and nti : Extract from decision roti'.mcd by direction of the honorable , the secre tary of war : "It appeals to him'that action en accordance with the views of the general - oral would obviate tha objections tf Sunday parades profited in ytnK communication , " Gallery-practise will bo resumed thin winter. Dating the months of.I aim- ary , February and Mnrch , each troop and company will fire twice ft week. Firing during January will bo at 50 toot , standing. During February at 5 foot , kneeling. During March at .00 feet , lying. Firing at greater range * than 50 feet may bo conducted lut doora near thu quarters. Should ircumstanco not permit , however , of using a greater Tango than 50 fcot , Bring may bo in February kneeling , uid in March lying rt that diatancu. To secuto uniformity praoticu at all distances will bo at a target 8x12 inches , with bulln-eyo 1 o-JG inclvea iu diameter , v/hich ia the size of the ord- ntncu paper target. Monthly records of best firing , on brm 30 c , giving distance and poai- ion , will be sent direct to Dapartment Headquarters. It is expected that this cautso of gallery practice will bo the moans of thorough grounding troops in the pro per positions and necessary theoretical instruction ; and thus bo a saving of time when the spring practice begins. Its importance in the instruction of recruits c n not bo ovurfti'natod. The attention of post commt .s called to the concluding paragraph of general orders No. 32 , department "leadquartors , 1881 , which will also ; overn gallery practice. Buolclin'o Armca tialvo. The UKUT SALVK In the world for Gnt , Hrnheii , Sores , Ulcow , llbeiim , fe- v v Scree , Tetter , ChM'P * HmxK Cnil Ijialns , Corns , aud nil nklu etuptiunu , ncl | jositivey ) curefl .ile ! . Itin guaranteed to idve B5tlaf ctfon t n-v oey retundeJ. I'rlco , & ceula per tt , ft THE CITJ/ STEAM makes a speci.dty of Collars & Cuffs , AT THE BATK OF Three Gents Each , Work solicited from all over the flountry The charges and return intf" ? " l R fl ° - - ratea counmuy the -package. large club * or acuclea. _ . . . n. * * * WT T AND Delioious Bever. age. "THE OU1' THAT CUEERS , ' "BUT NOT INEBRIATES " OUIJ DIN'NKH 1'AUTY has finished the l.vt bottle of "HUN PUNOn. " "Then , my dear , ilon't forgot to remind mo to orrtrr n freih supply to-morrow. " "THK HUH PUNCir'ls prepared * ole. iviiyMcmw. o. H. GIIAVKS & SON . lioston. It is nmdo of the lie t imported brandy rmd Siuta Cruz rii'n , united with the j ill co of fresli lemons , and tlm _ finest white siiRar , and i < ronlly n delicious , a pure , and a reliable article , tbtit _ hnH % nrt , with the most corJinl upprcciation of all who tried it. Sfe Hut you ct the Rnuino with the facMmlle of " 011KSTKR If. GltAVKSSr S 'NS" on the capsule over the cork of cacli bottle. Sold by Grocera nnd IWiuo Merchant everywhere. TrAde Mipplici at Maunfacturer'n prices by M , A. McN'nninrn ; fnmilic supplied by A. H. Gladstone , Oinaka Keb GOLD ROPE. Thclntrlnslc merit anil superior nuMlty of our Oolil Hope Tobacco has Induced other m.innlac- Hirers to put upon tlio market ooJn similar to rur brenu In natuo and stjlo which tro oCTcroil mil < old lor lets moiry ( hun the Konulue Gold Itopo. Wo caution the t ado and consumer to see that our nurno and trade mark nro upon each lump. The only ccnulno and original Gold Kopp Tobacco It manufacture d by THE WILSON & McNALLY TOBACCO - BACCO COMPANY. MORGAN PAKE MILITARY AOADEM ? A Christian Fnmlly School ( or Bjys Prepares lor CollcRO , Scientific School or Elulnosa. Rood to Copt , BD , N. KIBK TALOOrT. Principal , Uorrjar ark , Cook Co. III. 8m Ujeptpaia , uec BUIlDOCn. < LOOD BITTEllS. .1 you arc adllctod with Billouancsa , U30 nUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS II you are prostrated with sick Headache , take BOUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ( your Dowels MO disordered , rcgulato them with BUHBOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If wiir Blood Is mpuro , purify It with ' c Indigestion , you v ill lindun antidote In BUUUOCK BtOOl ) BITTEM. If you ire troubled with Spring Comj l5ifif > er adicate them with BUUDOCK BLOOD l&'fERS. If your Ll er Ia torpid , regtor-j It to bfrJthy action with BUKCodk'BllfriD BITTERS U your Liver la affected , ydu vrlll find a sure re- etoratl\ Iu BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any epecioe ot Rumor or Pimple , fall not to take I1UU130CK BLOOD BITTERS. If you hat o any syir.jrttms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Seres , a curatlvo rcra'jdy will bo found lii TiUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS For Impacting uCrcngth and \lUllty to the BJ 8- tern , nothlng'Sia equal 11URDOCIC BLOOD BITTERS. For Ncrvwi'snd Ocntral Debility , tone up the tVStcui with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. TYrT , ei.oo oei Bottle ; Tila Dottloi 10 Oti MILBUEN , & Co , , Props , BtIETAI.Q. JJ. TT. Sol J al wboleaalo by Ish tt Mcllahon and C. F. Goodman. | e 7 eod-rae ful n I > " " ' . ' ' . nut ert. , \\MUOIH f il ? ) ! * ( I llflll'TI' * JOU * .Ui ) 'r s t. v. > U fun i. " ' f Kilie Ubl'Aii. rtial rit i * r ui o < rn , ou nlll UL l(3 Hop Pltter * fi may a vout llfp. ll ha * ( tun The Great Lnglish Remedy iSc\er. tMi t cuie N'enoua Debility. VI- Ul Exhaustion , KruU- iloiig , Seminal Weak' ncaam.UOSTIJAN HOOD , and r.ll the \ U taect oj ) outh' lul ( olticii ami | 'C It tO | j ( icrnu inently Ml wi-akculnij , llnrolunttry looses am ii < r&ln > uiwu the gjs .t.i'r i r * - . . . - . . . . , ' " ' " . thMncvHable re , , , - flmlt ol thcff'enlnrao Kcva , which „ ate 30 dtutruetlui to ruli.d and V-oJj nnd make llfo uiUvablc , oltcii lendlnx to Infant- and death It utrenijthciia Iho NcivraBrain iy ( rncmor. t Blood , Muclc , PIseatUe tnd Hcpro duttixv lr.i:3 : , It restore : ) 10 all the oruaun fonetli-ns their foriuerljor and % ltilltm I.IIILlife cheerful nnd fnJojJiWe. I'l'.ce , S'i i iiotllu , ci four times tt quantity ilO. South ; ciiiretK" , vocuru from obii'n Hon. to cnyaddrced ou receipt ot price. No. C. 0 , D. eont. exctp oa receipt of $1 i coarantee , Lettcru n queetlnK anawvn ) ruuat lucloto aUrap , ' Pills Dr. Mintie'u Daudolion ro U ) b st and chcaptDt < lipcpsU and billlou euro la Uio uiatkct. Said by all druzgUU. Trie CO cenU. DK Mitrm'a KIDMT RUIKDT , KIPBITICDU , Corel (11 kind of Kidney and bladder complaint * pononhei , gleet and Icuwrrhca. For sale by a ! dkUfirliU : * 1 a battle. BKQLISU UEDIOAli INSTITUTE. 71S OHv St. , St. LouU , Mo. F. GOODMAN. WHOLESALE MILLINERY & NOTIONS Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER , { ° $ &tig $ * l { " * ' M MtflB' I OBBRPELDER & CO. US'- I t . The * Oldest , Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARS. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our'EJegantNew Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES A Large Stock always on Hand. PERFECTION HEATING AND BAKING , U only attained by naiug Stoves and Ranges. WITH WISE GAUZE OVEB DOORS , For sale by mriliTRBGERS&SQNS lull-mill ? V a BOOK-KEEPING , BUSINESS FORMS , BANKING , COMMERCIAL LAW , POLITICAL ECONOMY , " PENMANSHIP , 4 COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC , ENGLISH LANGUAGES Tnught by gentlemen of business experience and broad Rcholarahip at the WYMAN 'GORflMEKGIAL ' COLLEGE A now institution based on the highest standard 'of oxcnllence. Day and and evening aocsiono are now ia successful operation. For circulars or special infoitnatloa apply to or address A. . L , WYMAN. fKENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE K Oil COL. L. T. FOSTER. Youngitown , Ohio , May 10 , 1830 I Du. B. J. KXNBALI , * Co , I had n very valiu do IlambletonUn colt thv Iprlrnd very highly 30 had a large bono ppain en onn joint and a ' small one on the ether \\lilcli made hlirnory lame ; I had him under the charge 01 two voter- nary uncoua which ( ailed to euro him. 1 was mo day reading tlio dvertUemtMit c ( Kendall's Ipavln Cure In the Chicago ExprcuaI determined * toncetotry It and Rot ourcruzg'sts ' hero fo and for It , acd they ordered three bottles ; 1 tool ill and I thought I would gl\o It r. thorough .rial , I used It according to dtrcctloni nnd the outtli day tl e colt co < aed to bo lame uid tht unrs ha\o dlaapncared. I used bii' ono bottle md the colt'a liuibn are a ) ( reo ot lump * and as imooth as any horeu In the Btato Ho l > entire- y cured. The euro wa so remarkable thatl uimo lett o ot my nelKliliora liiuo the remain Ing two bottles wfao are now using It. Very respectfully , L. T. FOSTEH Bend lei Illustrated circular Khlng positive irool. Price tl. All Drugglats have It or can get tt lor you. Dr. D. J. Kendall ft Co ! , Pro prietor * , Enoeburgb Fulls , Vt. BOLD BY ALL , DRUGGISTS d.wly DOCTOR WHITTIEE , 617 St. Charlei 8tIST. LOOTS , Mo A HEQULAtt ORADUATE ol two midlcal coll'KeahaB bccu longer caacd In the t cat' menf oj UIIHOMU , MERVOUd. SKIN AND BLOOD Disease ! than any other phidcian I' ' ) St. LouU M city piperj thow aud all old resident' know , Consultation atotHcu or by null , ( roe and tnUtoil. A friendly talk or hi * opinion co > U nothing. When It la inconvenient to Is t tl.e city for treatment , medicine can be i-nt by mill or cxpr" r\ery where. Curable uexiurauteed ; wi.cro doubt uxitt * It it frank- y ttattd. or wr.t . Nervous j > n tratianjr ) < rt > Ulty , Mental and 1'hybical Weukm'sa , Jtercurial and othej' aifectiona of Throat , ti&o and lloiien , uiHJ InipuntieH nnd IJUi > & 1'uiiouing. Skiu Aifectiiius , Olf Hirftt mid Ulcere , pHiiuefitH to Marr.wo , Kheuniatiiin , 1'ilui Special Htleiiflou to carfc from ' oyor-workeilliraiii { JUIUilOALOASEH rcceive | > ociajatt.5i5iin , iJiseasos arising from Iniprtrlenee. Kxcenaea , Tn'lulvrencet EUROPEAN HOTEL , The moat contrail r located hotel in the city , U301U8 i&c. 31.00 , Jl 00 and tJ.OO pv-r day. I1r t Cluu KcsUurint coancctecl wltn the hottl. .HURST. - . Prop. Corner Fourth and Locuit BtrecU. 80 ? . 3C.OXTXEI HVCO. THK IN TIlK WEST I General Agents for the Finest , and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured , Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacture and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices , A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Chickering , Knabe , Voso & Son's Pi anos , and other makes , Also Ciough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. ron. CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , And all Polutt Eait andOouth-Eaot. TUKLIUECOMI'IUHES Nearly 1,1)00 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Track II connection ! nre made In UNION DhPOTO. hag a Natlonnl Hepntatton as belnit the' real Through CAP Line , and Ia universally ouceded to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Hall- road In the world ( or all classes of travel. Try It and you will find traveling a Inxury- Instead of adlscomfort. _ Through Tickets via rhls Celebrated Line for ealo at all offices la the West , ealoAll Information about Rates o Fare , Slee _ . Car Accommodations , TIme Tablet , &c. , will be. cheerfully given by apphlnlnv to T. J. POTTER , U Vlce-Hrua't & Gen. JIau .irorChi 20. PERCIVAL LOWELL , Gen. Paucrwer Agt. Chicago , W. J. DAVENPORT , Gen. Agent , Uonncll Blufli. II. I' . DUEL.L , 'ilckot A ( mnJO-cd Iy WESTERN 0 SPE011T , Proprietor. Iil2 ; Harnoy sit. - Oiarlia , Noli. MANUFACTUIIEK3 OP Galvanize CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIALS , Tin , Iron aud Slate Hoofing , Specht's Patent Jlotalio Skylight. . Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am the general agent for the aboro line of goods. IRON FKNOINQ , Oreitlngs , Beluttradec , V r ndatJOfflct tnt Bank RklllnKa , Wlndovnd Cellar. Guards ; alto ' "UAL AGKN