Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1882, Image 1

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Irish Landlords Straining Their
Wits to Divide tlio Com
mon Enemy ,
Anonymous Scribblers Secure
Unmerited Attention Prom
t/he Leaders.
Davitt aud .McCarthy Vigor
ously Defend the
Glmlttono to Invtutignte the Im-
prlnonmont of E.Uwyor
Bpanjeii Politics and Epypttun
P | > oclal Dispatched to TIIK Bur.
Couic , October 22. The local com-
mlttoa of the Mansion houau ruliof
fund Btates that vhon P.irnoll comes
to C.irk , ho will summon n meeting of
his constituents for the purpose of
forming branch of the National
league. It is uUo announced it is-
intended to merge thu roliuf comtuit-
tee into the National lengur. A incn -
ber protosta u aina. the "oommittoo
morning itself into n movement with
which he did not agree. "
LONDON , October 22. An anony
mous communication appeared in The
Irish Times last wouk , in which it wuo
asserted by the wtiter , who pretended
to base his conclusion on examination
of the financial statements of the
Lidiea Lind League aa they appeared
in the Dublin papers , and comparison
with Ejun'a statement to tlio late
national conference , there was an un-
dtroatimato. by Egan of the receipts
for the aoiiorul fund of the ler.guo
of . 25,030 , and an over estimate of
Icqicnuato expenditure by the
Lidius' Land Laoguo of 71,264 ,
which were unaccounted for. Justin
McCarthy and Michael Davitt , trus
tees of the Lind League fund , and
McCarthy Jr. , asting us his
father's secretary , hna been in
torviowcd. They declare from
J personal knowledge the allegations
are utturly unfounded aud a rehash
of the charges circulating among the
landlord party ever since the lua uo
organized. All three gentlemen point
to the faov that the nom do plume ,
"Ono Who Knowa , " by which the
communication is signed , ia ono naod
by Arnold Forster in a pamphlet on
the Lind Laaguo , whichliko this ono ,
was first sent to those organs in Ire
land favorable to landlordism. Dv
Y vitt , besides scouting the charges as
false , entered into an explanation with
regard to certain paragraphs of the
communication. In regard to tbo ac
cusation in the letter that Egan , though
_ t M-yftfredit 'or relieff tn.r. * % crtea
Uuougn tfio Ijiaies'Xi'iud Liiguo , diu
not give any account of the mono ;
received through it ; Divitt explain
this was simply because Egan didn"
receive anything from that sourca
that every sixpence collected by thu
ladio.-i was expanded by tlio ladies
they , moreover , sines March last
have drawn Upon Egan for 50,000
The Ladies' League 13 ut proaont preparing
paring a balance sheet entirety independent
pendent of Egan , which will demon
atrato thcao facts. With rofcrenca tu
the drafts of the Ladies' League on
Egan , DAviM states when Parnoll me
him on his liberation they hat
a conversation , in which Pir
neil spokp of Hit ) Ladies
Laaguo being Eomowhat profuse
in expendiluru. In regard to the
charge in the iotter that Ptirnoll hac
atatod that the exponseB of the organ
izition never oxcoidod 150 weekly
neither McCarthy nor Davitt renum
bercd any auch ca by Parnell
Divitt declares that at the time of the
greatest activity of the league , wha
with printing and the * widesprea'
county orgAtnzationn , the expenses
must have boon doubled at all poiritH
He siya the publication of the letter
in The Iriah Times has made no rtir
in Ireland , and ho u'rat hoard of it to
day. The Iris'j Times makca no mention
tion of thw matter in a loading odi
LONDON , October 22. The Diily
News undorstando tliat Gladstone , oi
the ' reassembling of parliament , wil
mo'vo tlmt a select committwbo r.p
pointed to inquire into tha circnm-
. Btancea under which E. Div-yor Gnty
was imprisoned ,
OL11) OH IT.
DUJILIV , October 2i. The Con-
naught Telegraph saye ; Wo are glad
E in has rcaigned control of tbo
money bags , and it is to bo hoped now
that the lea ui ) will BOO the necessity
of keeping the troiaury on Iriuh soii
iu the futuro.
fcPAR'ISIl I'OLlTIO.'i. .
MAniun , October flThe Impat
cial jiub'ia'ietf'ttrr ' Jnterviow v/ith Hal-
i erun : Ho declared ho would , never
renounce republican principles , but
would bo favorably disposed townr.'a
a cabinet formed by Boirano , nhould
Serrano aucooed in re-establishing the
constitution of 18i ( . JIo added that
Gorilla did not aqroo with him intheao
lir.TUllNKI ) VltTOlta.
LONOJK Octobar 22.--Tho
, - - march
of the First Lifo Guards ( returned
from Egypt ) from the docks to Uydo
park barracks was nn occasion of
great demonstration on the part of the
OAIKO , October 22. Hroadley aud
Napier vlailed Arabi Pasha today ,
Arab ! expresses confidence in the da-
citiona of the British government , It
la slated that ho IIBS been ill treated
and twice spat on , but einco October
10th has bnon well treated , owing to
the intervention of the Uritieh conaul.
LONDON , October 22. In South
and \Vcst Yotkahiro 21IU2
hive given nolico of n sttiko if wages
nro not increased ,
' rnr.scn SUSPKOTS
PARIS , Ojt ) ber 22 Thirty persons
wore arrested in Parin , Lyons and St.
Etienne , on tuipicion of connection
with the riots in Montioau LJS mines.
LONDON , Ojtobor 22. Many mem
bers of the ( salvation army were in
jured , some very aorioualy by the
falling of the Ibor at Uanluy.
LONDON , October 21. The Official
G.uetto gives notice tlmt vcssols ar
riving at Italian ports from Florida
and Tuxnn will bo considered OB in
fected with yellow fever and will bo
quarantined ,
UNaATisrAcrouY nnroHT.
CAIRO , October 21. The etato of
the natives is moot unsatisfactory. A
thin superstratum of fear overlies
them. There is n deep hatred ol
the Christians.
GKSKVA , October 21. Ninot ,
Arabi's European advisor , declares ho
received no rewards for his services ,
and ho cm provo that the evacuation
of Alexandria , and the defense of the
country were ordered by the miciatory
and sanctioned by the khedivo.
PARIS , October 21. Incandiary
placards against landlords were cr.ton-
alvoly posted last night in the poorer
quarters of the city.
KoNiasiiBitci , October 21. There
has boon a tremendous dujlino in the
prices of Kuesian grain owing to the
competition of America.
Irlsbrnon Uklrmlehln ? For Ono of
T > : elr "Funda. "
SjHxlal : DUiuteli to Tim RRK.
NKW Yoitn , October 22 Subscrib
ers to the HUiriniahincr fund mot again
to-day. The procoedirgi began with
reading an article in Tne Irish N.ition
in reference to the "Bulmont fund. "
Joseph Oromior suggoatod If the word
' 'Bdlmont" were taken out and "dkir
miahing" eubaiituted , the eatno article
would apply to the ekirmishing fund.
Rjfiironce was made to a telegram
snut Sir Evelyn Harcourt , for which
@ 1L7 was charged. Ic was stated only
§ 12 hid baon paid for the dispatch.
Miiny letters were renuived from reai
dents of Wilkeftbirro , Ssranton
nnd other cities of Pennsylvania rt t
ing the iiccuaitiono niado by Luke
Chrk at previous nuotiugJ were
in the main correct. The question oi
the trustees" report WAS conaidcred. 11
was suggested that as theao trustees
were receivers of o'.hor funds , it was
likely they would bring fjrward thu
amounts of thaeo ether f anda to show
the good iinanoial standing rocontlj
made. Captain Spoirman auggestti
that only two classes of people hac
subscribed to the skirmishing funds
"foola who had given their nionoy'am
crauks who wished to know what had
" 1 S tllJTltlfrJtl. . JK . Ifr- . lru.l , A
nt the next in'outiuy to eieot perinaneu
oflL-ora. Reynolds , of Now Haven
ro furred to as a gont'eman of gooi
financial standing and "a trustee who
had a reputation to lose , " is to be
naked to be present at the next meet
ing and give a detailed account of h's
truatooahip of the skirmishing fund.
i i
Another Walking Match-
Specltil Dlspfttch to TIIK BKK.
INKW YOKK , October 22. The six
day go-as-you-please pedestrian race
ft r the chatnpioribh p of the world anc
? lGOO , in atakos , of which the winner
gotd 70 pjr cent , occjud man 20 per
cent , and third man 10 per cent , began
gan to-night ut 12 o'clock in Madison
Sq i.iro Garden , before a gr ° at crone
ot people. The starters were Chnrlos
Uiwoll , Gooran Ilizal , Pat J. Fitz
Gerald , John Hu'hoa , Fljb Vint , Goo
D. Noromac , Frank Hart , Daniel J
Harty and fho UafWo Post m-xn , P.
J Hancock , ll nlan , the oarsman ,
RIoycr , short runner , find < > .
15niC9 , of The Turf , Field ant
Firm , uro the judges , am
Hamilton JJujby is reforeo. N (
contestant will receive any portion ol
tuo gate mouoy unlosa ha B3orcs 525
miles ; If any ono man complotoa 52t
or more ho will receive all the gate
nionoy leaa cxijeneo ; if two complete
the riisUucB the winner takes two-
thirds of the gate money , the ni'cont
nnn ono third ; if three or more muko
C25 miles , the winner takes 50 j
cant , the othtr.i ia proportion to thuir
iiumbor nnd position cf finish. Al
etart elf Hatt took the load followed
cloeoly by llu , hcu. The ft rat lap made
by Hurt in 40 dVcond , HughosBecDtid.
I'tto iirut milo was made by Hart in
0 minutes 10 aecondc ; Hughen
soooiid , Rowoll third , Fi'zgerald '
fourth. 11j well and Fitzgerald traveled
together c'.oeo. ' At 1 o'clock the Hcn'
showed Ilazol , Hurt and HuBh w'
each covered eij.'ht u.ilca and live
l.ipt ; Ilowoll Hglit miles , two Jape ;
Hart oignt miJea , three laps , Noro-
mac eight milns , two laps ; Fitzgerald
eight inilo. , three Japs. The best
record for the ssmo time was made by
Gwirgo Lit tlo wood , nina miles nnd
185 jards.
Arrivul ot filrs.
Special DUpatth to TIIK llu
NEW Yonic , October 22 , The steam-
mip AriKuia , bearing the "Jersey
L-illy , " Mw. Laugtry , is signalled.
ono cannot nrrivo in the dock until
Physicians sty it combines all the
Uosidcrata of every ferruginous tonic
proaonbod by p very enhool of modi-
emu. l > rowii'a Iron Hittera.
, , , Su tnlalnK Pnrnoll.
Spochl D'spatth to Tun ll .
, October 82. The Land
Lsaguo adopted resolutions donounc-
ng the allegations of fraud against
'arnell and associates in The Irish
Persons recovering from wasting
diseases , such an malaria , fevers , etc
will bo greatly benefittod by the ueo
of Brown's Iron Bitter , a true tonic.
Celebrating tlio Bi-Goiiteimial
Landing of William Penn ,
Interesting and Impressive
Ceremonies ufc Chester nud
A Toorn Wrlttonby Whlltlor Sixty
Yonr * AJJO Prodnooil
nml Rrnil
Together With an Eloquent better
From the Qurtkor PooU
A Friendly Cololmllon.
Spoclikt iHipaUhcs to TIIK HKK.
CHKSTKII , PA. , October 22. A
largo gathering of the Society of
Friends osaoniblod in the meeting
houao in Una city this afternoon to
oominomnrnto thu landing of William
Penn in thin place 200 yearn ngo.
John M. Broomall , of Medina , Ohio ,
opened the exorcises with nn eulogy
on Penn. A lottur fsom John 0.
Whittier was rend , in which the poet
snya : "It is well that the Frionda
should commemorate the landing of
the founder of Pennsylvania and the
great founder of thri'r faith on the
pleasant shores of Chester 200 yours
ngo. An event so picturoEquo in
its surroundings nad circumstance * ) ,
so important in its results and in-
lluonccs , ia a subject worthy of n
poet's pen or pointer's pencil. 1
should bo glad it it wore poeuiblo for
mo to put into fitting metrical form
the thoughts and emotions whioh it
awakens , but the Vurdon of yoatn
begins to rout heavily upon me ; I
chrink from thu bllbrt of handling
such a themo. The memory of Wil
liam Penn in secure in its grand out *
lines and unsullied purity. Ho stands
and will foruvor eland with sages ,
statesmen , philanthropists , of whom
the world ot their day was not worthy.
Ho lived and thought centuries in ad-
vjuico of his contemporaries , and
slowly but auroly generations since
liavo baon approaching the moral
and political standard which he
oot upon the shorci of Delaware.
Looking over oomo old papers recently
I found some versos wntton by me
when a boy of Iti , no.irly sixty years
ago. Of courau the ciroumatancea
under which they were penned ulono
entitle them to notice , but I venture
to send them as the only responsu tu
thy request which I can make ,
"I am truly thy friund ,
"JOHN G. WiirrriRB. "
The tyrant on hU gilded throne ,
The wirtiar la lib battle drcif ,
The holier triumph ne'er have known
Of justice aud of rfghteouaneaa.
Founder of Peun'ylvanin , thou
lid t feel it when thy worda of peace
3mcoth > d the stern chieltaln'u swarthy
brow ,
And bade the dreadful war dance coise ,
Oi Silmylklll'd banks no for times frowned ,
Tne peaceful cot alnno wa8there ; _ .
J o \tr iry ftp * 7-5 n' tfrjn' " * * J-T , ' " l '
No doith'ghot Bwep' the L'clawaie.
In manners rne k. in precept ; mild ,
Thou aud thy Friend i serenely taught
Tim Bav < > to huntsman , tierce and wild ,
To raise to heaven his crriut ; thought.
II w unlike the bloody band
That unrelenting Coitot 'cd
To I'rincely Montezunin's land ,
And ruin around hia pathway shed.
With hearts that knew not how to spare
Disdaining milder means to try ;
Tne crimson nwotd alone was there
The Indiau'd choice to yield or die.
But then , meek Pennsylvania' * sire.
Unarmed , alone , from teirorfrfe ,
T ni ht by the heathen council tird
The lessons of ty.
Founder of Pennsylvania state.
Not on chcbloidwet rolls o ( fume ,
lint with the wine , the good , the yrdat ,
The world hall placa thy uaintjd name ,
Other poama were road An ad
droH3 was also mudo by Alfred H.
Lno , presHout of the Pennsylvania
Pceca Bocioly.
Sorvicoa in all the churches iu the
city were in keeping with the occa
sion. To-inornw the bi-contonnuil of
the landing of Penn will bj fittingly
AT rniiMUKM'iiiA.
PniLAUcM'jiiA , October 22. Tin
culubratiun of the 200th anniveieary
of the founding of Pennsylvania by
William Penn wai opened to-day with
roliyious services in the ohurchui oi
ull Uenuiniiintions. To-morrow after
noon 10,000 Germans will aosonibln in
front of Independence ) hall to ahtif
appropriate eon go. At midnight too
istato liouso buJl will nnnoicco | tlio
landing day. Propanxtioii for the
observation have bcorT mudo on an
aliiborali ) soalo > - rt'edncsday , trade * '
day , will Jy tf'von ' over to a parade of
the j.dfialrics of the city and atato ,
JM tlfu evening there will bo a street
ropres si nation of sjonta in the lifo
and career of Penn , A ro coption at
the Academy of Music closes the oero-
monies. Thursday iu Knights Templar
day ; Friday , military day ; 7,000 Tump-
ars and 20,000 troops nro expected to
latado. Regattas , chorus singing ,
nradnof bicycles , unveiling of atatuca ,
etc. , malio up the other exorcizes.
Memorial Serving
BjwcUl Dispatch toTim HIK ,
NEW YoitK , Ojtobor 22. liatweeii
; wo aud thrro thousand ladies and
; eiitlomen gathered thia afternoon in
[ rvin ? hall , in rosnoneo to thn invita
tion of Garibaldi Lodge of Frao nw )
Accepted Maeona , to asaiht nt the
edge' ) , in the services in mumory of
heir late lamented
brother and com
patriot , Garibaldi. Tlio services were
concluded in Italian ,
I'lneno nt I'ouinoolu.
poclal DUjiatch to Tils ltt.t.
PENBAOOLA , Fla. , October 22 ,
Wty-Uo new cases of fovcr reported
o-day , ono death. 1 ho distress is not
diminishing , but increases with the du-
ation of the epidemic. Qaarantino
will continue for seine time. Kxpon-
itures for relief are very heavy , Con-
ributious , with some local exception ? ,
ro very email , causing much uneuni-
neaa to the board of health ,
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited
to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
The Brightest Lighted , IJoat Appointuil .lobbing flouso iu Amnrio.t , cnntnlnitiir the
nrjjoat Stock of Dry Goods and Notions woit of tlio I'li.uiusippi. Solo nnuufajturcrn
of the celebrated
McDonald's Overalls , Duck , Denim and OoWoaade Paats ,
In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market
Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or Write
for samples. Ths most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac
tion guaranteed , Remember
E. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO.
Hon. M , E , Turner Gives the Mo
nopolies a Tolling Blow.
Senator Van Wyok Delights a
Large Audience.
Homo and Foreign Nown of tlio
Isutcli | to Tnr. Bnr.
Bum , Nob. , Cslobor 21 , 1882.
The [ republicans of Blair and vicin
ity held a mealing in Qormania hall
hat evening. A largo and enthusiastic
RUtiioiicu was in attendance , and ovary-
thing passed off harmoniously , lion.
Lorenzo Orounoo presided at the open
ing of the mooting v Ji a few remarks
upon the issues of the diy. Ho in
troduced Hon. ML K- Tumor , the ro-
< > inr n3jub\icn if lliX * - ' -tvertr--
. _
u few minutes > /jn the trano-
portntion problem , touchiui ; par
ticularly upon the relation of
the railroad companies to our bunt-
ness and on politics thawing from the
evidence adduced befoic tha extra BCD-
aion of the k'fjicluturo how our high
est cfliciuls arc tampered ( ritb and in-
hlienced. Inetancea of discrimination
wort referred to ? nrl tfi < ? ayntoni of
fiivuriiism sr common with rnilroau
com pan ICH donouncpd. Reference
was made to the dccbions ot the BU-
promo court coucriuug the location
of unp.itontod Innds , and the
effort made by Senator Van
Wyck to compel hnd grant roads
to take out patents. Air , Turner m\id
that Gilistra of the [ jovermnont were
the paid a yon la of the psoplo and
should aorco tbum and record their
will , and not work for moro pnvato
interest. Ho climmcndr.d tlio upscch
< if tlmt congroidmun who oaid tlnvr a
bill under conBidcr.iKon proposed to
anil proparty of the United Stati'ii for
§ 2,000 when ho wau rcndy to draw hii
ciiock for it fcr § 300,000. Uipreby
thwurLiiif ; the bL < \ \ and iiluu ed hiiil-
self if uloctud f u net , in n Hue spirit.
Jlr. Tiirner'e'yeiiiRtlis'WJro ' well do-
live cd and londiy ypillaudcd. Senator -
tor Yun Wjck vi Tthun introduced by
Mr. Cn/unao oiifl fur an huiw nnd a
tlin nuiliunco v/illi ono
of tlio finest dtsrltynf wit , niadoru
and eatcasin it has boon our
to ) tri in u lortft while ,
ills umituriy pr-iontitioi : of tlio atoal
nnd lumber tiiuuopoliaU in con-
i/ruBU , wlio have boon dohu. ;
nil Injy pnlil to ntavo
tlfticUon upon tlio tarj/rquculion / wna
well reobivi'd by the audi&uco , fie
iho a olu on t'o | ' river and Imtbor
jill , tlio loaning , ( jf Lo'auol Jandu and
the printing oontract frauds , It is
rap jesiblu tu do i pooch jualico ox-
oopt by tsivinfi .vjrbAtim report which
ny bo publiahijd noicafccr ,
' " " '
pr *
The Murdoroni Mnllnys.1
DljpnU'b U ) Till Ilr.r ,
NEW YOHK , Oftobcr 22. Edward
" \Villiata Pratt- and John
3ourivon , alleged cktiiailerb / of
\Valtei" llalley , jyuro arraigned iu the
Market police court ymlorday morn. ,
ing before u largn crowd , Malloy , in I
company with tha notorious Blanche
Douglas , alias .Nollio Muxwoll , ap
joarud in cour . and madn nflidavit
, o an attempt t blackmail. jJlatichu
Douglaa made jsthteincut that the
utters from Ma li y wire taken from
lor trunk by ( $ Miloy , aomotiinea her
over. The ca 10 waa net for Jioaiing
rhurdday. It jattracting great at-
cntion in nyilicd caurt c'rcleu of Nov/
York end Now Iliiven ,
, ll ntU of Noted Men.
l Di | > utcli lo fiyi ! Dm.
Kuoumeu , October 22 , E. pu.
hino Smith , nt ihfToront tirnoi editor
f the Buffalo O mmorcial-Advertifior ,
tocheatcr Don crat aud Albiny
Svunini * Journu and recently chief
offlcor'ftr U
aw Japaucao KOVOHI-
lent , died here ] at night.
Joseph Medbtrry , ono of the origin ,
tors andifuat di Julor of the Western
f V
Union T ilivrnph company , died yen-
Urday nftoruoou.
Dtntli of Llcutonant Hnnonolc.
ikicli toTlltllHK
SAN FKANIMKUO , October 21. Lieu-
tenant' B. F. liansaok , Second in
fantry , U. S. A. , nephew of General
Hancock , died yesterday.
Dtepittlioj ta Tin 1I. > 1 ,
Winuteg cMfbrntod the opening of the
ut ctrccl railrnd' ! inJ niece sfol lightiiiR
of tlio whole nf Main tttiect by electricity
H.itiinny ! night
Nil et , f rabi P nha'a lluropoan atlvjncr ,
clod ir.'H lie lorclved no rownid for lii < Her-
viccH , nnd ho cnu i > r 'Vu tlut the ovacuiUi'ii
of Aluxaii'triamiil tlio dofenua nf tlui i m-
try weto ordered by the ralnltlry ! > * sanc
tioned by tlio Ithedlvc.
Jolm Uoxoy , odltor of The Ii'sh Nation ,
wus arrottod in Now Vork Sfttnnlny , nn
ohargo of llbol on AnijUBt Uolmotit. Tlio
Nutiou , SoiJtember aO , iogoJ ! that ccrtulu
m-iiey ontrusto I to IWmont in 18155 on
l.olmll of the Fuilan uignulzitlon had been
Goovjli *
te ilit-d tlio inturcontcU a nuto
from Oao. W. Kiillo to Jilri' . Ssoville , con-
lontH ol which were very Improper , and
hid fieim her mother IcUa three mon whom
fiho h id no ri lit Iu kU , and had heard of
niuny uthers elio bud kissul.
One hundred nml lilty ot tbo foremost
tHi/ena < i ISow York nnd Brooklyn enter-
tnhiwt Henry luur/o ! nt n Immniot on
Sa nnlny ulfjlit. AUtrnon S. Snllivuii
prei-iiloil. Henry Ward liecclior Bat ut the
.ri ht f the Hticsr , wlio iimde n Bpcoch in
Y'irUicr enunciation of hU well known
, , , . , , -icipIo. ] 5eoclier responded for the
rllicer uf the orinv , in
hh r > iiirl 1 elevuu new Ntationx havu
lii-oti Mliloil AUI. " H' ' ienriH | nro
fn tlio cotton nnu twbnco . Krowlng rcKiorm
of t10 ! country nml r n * " ' fiivl"K r" '
liigi ti cattlurnUoMu' T x jinuinut the
) . , roach of norther * ha bioii Iniiroveil. |
KxpeiliuontH have boon m < d.u. % " " Ul , °
view of increasing the value of i ho { r"'f "
bullfltlni hi' the c. . < Ulnn if a weatlior
chr.rt. At the i > n'icitUlnn ' of thow ln.l.e
citiiil in tha cultlrAtion of wheat nml o. le [
graiiH iu th nurtbtvoht , It li coutoinplnUu
to cstnbliflh uneivlco blinll , r In tb..t nuw
J'l o , oration for tha brnoQt of the cotton
in'oreHtf , which will oab'.b ' thin dSiC tu
pn'-lish in journntu of the nnrthwci < .t'tlio
dully rninfall nml tompcrbturo , nt ile'tsr-
niined from n largo umber of ulut
uil tu the guvrrnmvnt , wlitcli
tl o Usual tcirlcA woik , jj JCJH tbun Sl'iO-
(00 ner year. The cost ( f aalariuM alone
of thoHvjia iminbt'rnf riviliuno'crlirt would
amount to mnro than G 0,000.
Mit'lW'V Cimi'ii ' and 1'jiliick O'Oon-
nail , hod r.iimrj in Auburn , Mo. , liavo
1'WU ' barno it pin 'go ' aitaiirt o-icli other
Thuy wtio both cii [ 'llir'd on llmtom'n now
fn t iry , the wiilla of whLli li.ivo bsen rm
uij fi'J ' foot. .Satiin'nmornliu Iho men
went to work an muni , but fomethliiff nc-
onrred to niUHO the old ( .nimoHity , am
qulcttor tha'i ' thought the two iitun clo t'i
in'y i ombat on tbo dl/iy u'lce of the
third Htnry wall * , Thoi titiijle ; wus licri-c ,
but i-hort , Jiefoio they cuulu I o tcp .r.tled
both men lost their hahnce , nu'l ' , clnnind
in ench other'n cmlirace , thry pltchtd
over the wall , ttrlklu ; ; on the /ioim / I bu
low wllli ft leaiful thud TJidr f'Jlv > Y
\yorkmcn immediately Imnlened boloiv ,
b-it 10 no av.ll. Tlio men were man-jlei.
corpse * . What makes the cIioinnKtuncoj
peculiarly rad h that Jxith men leava
Urge faiulllfn drpend tut 111.011 them for
niipport , CUmiuiikmiH a ven children ,
A tcrriblo ncri ] cnl to u c dmose of work.
! DK MICH btildiiKli'h' t' ' > the North AduniH
frelgtit yard , oeourrel Kiturduy inunilnp ,
in which tv.'inty-nevdi were Injured ,
fe\oral fttally. About .SO a. in. Kiui. ;
noiir 'harl i t'tHfi and l iroman ilHcph
li.isteley loft the North Adiiin depot on
nn enyluo on the DetrUM Statu road ,
punlini a vabuo o loat'n 1 with thirty men
if Ing to work at dilirront. platw mar
Xoar ami Oharlemout. I'artf'din ' the car
included the trctii n caiij : , Joljii Hyan ,
foremai j u gii > n of innnon" , ifului ( ) . .Mad
den foremin ; thu ntMio-cutterr , 1'cter Jhr-
ry forjn.Bti ; track-laycrM , Thomas liuliiii
fun Hum ; nml uirpenter * ; J. J. IVclfham ,
foreman. The inuinu and ua'iuni.o ' ttarle I
fi > r the tunnel , ami liad > ; . ne about hjf |
way through \\hcn the LM'IOI ' ne , which WPR
in the front , colddod viith the Tioy nnd
litwtoa kiiyltie. Tha cabou o wna n l eil
IromjtH trnekw r.n-1 canied to the cow
catcher of tl o engine df thn U.'crfml 1 , The
front of the englno WM biiia-hcil In , nml
steam nnd hot water Hew m'o tlm c , boow ,
The men not lu.rt in the o 1 inlou were
burned badly , and but taw o capod with
out Injury. Nona ot the men uoillii haiu
been rerioudly Inut but fur tha i > | ii. hion
of UIB b illur of the IJirlinlil ( I0luu.
Tlnuti doLtum arrived nt the tcono and
made RII oKuiutoatlon cfthe men ml' rod ,
ICiijht m-n nro fatadv hurt aud thirty ,
three injured , all ucaldad , many with cut * ,
i and broken bones ,
Immense Practice In Omaha , Neb. ,
c\ \
'JlW p K&.ISU U 0 USAA *
Eye & Ear , Throat & Lungs , Catart , Kidneys
Bladder and Female Diseases as Well as All
Chronic and Nervous Diseases.
Haa ( HrcovcrcJ llio prcntcut euro In the world for woikncsn of the back nnd limbs.
Involuntary dincharge9 , nnpotency , general deb li'y , norvousnena , lungour , confusion of
iclean , ] ialpltatlon uf the honrt , timidity , troinbllng , diniiitiRH of Bight or giiidlncM , dla-
CIUI08 of tlio heul , throat , HOBO or nkln , affectlona of Iho liver , lungn , Htomnch or bowels
these toniblo rihonlerK , arising from solitrny hnblta ot youth ami ficcrot practice *
moro fatal to the victim tiinn the xongu of Byruim to thn nmrinoa of UlyaKCB , blightiofl ;
their must n.diont ho ) ca or nuticlpati nt. rcmlerlng marringo Imp /mible.
These that nro HulTerlng from tlio ovn prnclicoi- , which doctioy their mental and
phnlcnl BVBtem , causing
The nyinptomi of which nro rlul , illntriMed ! , which unfiti them for pciforming
their1 buslneMH ami nocial iliilio , uiaLen hnpjiy marrbgoH Impo-imbloUatreeHea the action
uf the heart , criming tin IKK uf bent , depression of spiritx , evil forebodings , cow.
nrdlco , , uroaniB , raitlt-pn nihip ; , illzzlnoin , forgtlfnlneiw , unnatural disclmrges , paba
In the back and hipn , tb.irt brcathlnor , melancholy , tire onxily of ( ompnnyand have
protorcnuc to bo uloiii' . reolin ( ; ni tired in the morning : IH whenrotlrln. . nominal weak-
lies' , lost mau hood , wiiltu bono deposit In the urine , ncrvounnos'j.troinbilnx , contusbu ol
th"iihl | , watery nml oak t-yoi , dyBpopiia , coimtliiatlon , palencan. pain nnd weakness
in tha llinb , oto , , fho-ild cnusnlt mo Immrdi-itnlv nml bo restored to perfect health.
Wlio have become victims of sollttry vice , that drcwlful nnd destructive Inblt which
nnnnnlly nwccpH to nn nutlniDly grave tnou-ianilt of young men uf exalted talent nud
brilliant Intclloet who might ithervvino entr nco Hutenlng BountorH with the thunder * of
their elonucnca ci waktu to cxtacytliu lIvIiiKlyro. may call with confidence ,
Married porooni or young men conlcmlatlng | uinrrlago beware of phyctcr.l weak
ness. J'OH > of ,1'tocrcatlvo power , impotenoy or unv oilier ilbqiialtfioation iweedlly
loileved. " " w'l ° l'acM himself under the care of Dr. Flahblatu may religiously ooa-
fidu In liiit h' 'li ? ftS P Kent' ' ' Hinn , nnd cnnfiili nil v rely ninm hl < flkill aw n phyeichu.
Immediately cured1 and full * /igM lOi red , 'J'hlu distrtHilng alfectlou , which renders
llfo ft burden nnd marriage imiioi < nihlo , fa fit penalty i > nld by the victim for Improper
indnlconce. Young pcoplo nio apt to commit except from not being awnie of the
n'rrndfnl comcqueiioeH tlmt may uiuua. Now h& that underutaiuU thiiubject will
( | L jy tlmt procruition ii hut BO nor bv tluno faJlins into Itnpropjr hnbltu than by tha
, , r , , tmt. Bo-Itloibeliv. ' depiivedof tlo iileasuronof healthy ulfupringH , the mojt serious
and' -leslrnclivo HymptoiiH ot both mind and body .xiao. The djatem becomcH do-
riiiL. 1 tliu phyci al nnd ra ntnl poweni weaken , Jio t proeroativo powcru , n rvptu
IrriUbil'-V " , "JHjieinU , imlpltr.tlon uf the hoirt , fndlgostion , constitutional debility ,
the Ir ; i.o , r > - igh ,'Lion and death
crMitM tahied In health by null arm.t pretcmlera who keep them tritllng month
after uiontb ti , t ' ' 1 l"J' > ' "n0u ' " " 1 Injiinnupomi niml8 thould apply immediately.
' "im < "lifttdy <
mvo Particular Notice.
iv , , , , n , 'in ' hainjniod thembolves by improper Indulgence
„ „ . - ' . i MBd9J iii i v < il > wind mid body , unfitting them for hiwine < 8 , atudy ,
am Hohtaryliablwwhlcbrnln * .
of tl8 ( Bad , mclanoholv UTectt prodncoiby tlio
! ' „ i ? " ir."u7UKO'u . " , ; ' , " > N * of the back and llnibpalna In the head and
early liubltH of yu.ith , viz. Vfo nt - s.s palpitation of the heart , dynwiwto , nervous
. to.
P/iKi" / " n1Ult 8l 8rula Rntl wlthlnthereiohof all who need
.tUNhLHrAI I'HhK , CharKfB | . will .
IOIsI mo. ye at a .liHauca aud cannot call , re.
, ' . , ' , iiu , i.ii-ijiiiifii ,1 , through t"lont' the < hoiU.w mail ! ' ° ? " ' ' VBendlng their ynnilonw with \ > ytise >
Audrotu Jboch Boz 08 DOB v wn
A. ft * CLARK ,
inflow Shades anil ( Jurtaik V
Paints , Oils & ruslies/\
107 SootlilUth Sitr ot !
. . . NEBRASKA. .