THE DAILY BEE : SATURDAY OCTOBER 21 Fhe Daily Bee. OMAHA. Baturdnv iV'orninr Oct. S1. "Won tli r ( i'ho follow intf uWrv itlun are taken a thf Mme n\om nt nf tltnont all the station aimed. ) WAR DEPAKTMFNI , U H. SIGNAL Sin.1 vice , OMAHA. Oct. 20 , 18H2. ( IMSp.m. i I f- Denver. [ ' 0 0 ! ( Chtyeune | 0 Iu C2 h rat C2X to h ' .Ir' n o X - Onikr * Til 5 in 1.1 ? 11 r * If Tuition 3d > l t C Im 1 Urty Dec tto f > r u 14 1 n I ht 1 or W 4 < \ Fr > t loir Bt 4HI IVr h I'l r ill 2 , i N'K Uglit I .r Jin th ud . II 113 I t.'i Ittt k Vincent . . ' Si NW fri-h Umr MJ ( ) I < ) iV I'toli lotr Duford . . . 1 II fit * "louiljr Cuftir . . U III fitSi W iLlxht Dmdwned. U I'J Si NK I'lmll I Jlear Bllei6lf < ( frinrhiNnc low vttor m rk ftl Oiikhk , i Ift 1 u.clim t Yunktnn. Mlnlvl | pi C toot 0 luchut nt In Cri" < , , nJ 7 ( cot 4 Inciiui > l LOO & Li IJIC VITJBS. In tliu pili-O court jentcuhy Ilicro wa 0110 one nf dUlnrbincj nf tlio pcaio nml on ( > f ( t'eiii ' ( inn k. linth puld tlulr fine. A vniy line i rtr.tlt of our gnDil looV- in ; ? county tri ! urur , hits lieon ( minted In oil | iy the well kmiwu nrtlnt , Gvu. K , Timmc. Tne work of chin.IUB the channel of North O nh crauk i < noi rly cinnplott-d and the w tor W.M turiial iuto the out-ull yesterday. Capt. Mnr h l < paving tin rticctcnr trnclt on 15 h str-ut tAjtig MJo of lioid'n opera lions ? , wi ! ch h it becu the terror of diivers fur MI liiuu , L rge nod ulcKant line ( if Pattern lint and BiiinetH j ist upmial at the leading millinery c.UlilIihiiimitt , Atkiuson k Co. Crclghton UUick. n-nk thlevt-a robbed County Com inissiontr Uwxel of u fifty dollar wllvcr watch niid SH ncmh WoJncHilny night. 3'Ij-cry room ot hh hnujo was \ lulled nnd 32 ktulin fiomonc i.f lilimon' . The Mu-nnurchnr bus dcctJed to Imvo to cuneldor UIB n nic-llug nexi Sanday < iuestlim rf Kccuptii u thu invitation to ut- tend the Conr : Um < e ccirntr stone liyln on the iiuth. They will no doubt accept , A Bji-ci.'il c ich iittathed to Uia in- umiiiK U. I1 , trniu Thumday carried fi'J Jlonnoii iiiiiialiiiiarlui' , nil but ten of uliuin go to Kuropo tovln couvurta fur the church. The ten go to various States of the Uniun , On the first Monday In November nil tbo reul u > Ute in Douglai county upon which th'j tixos of 1881 remains unpaid , will bo olferoil for public sale at the olfico f the county tifuairur. If Hold a penalty of twenty pi r cent ott'chei ) theioto. Mlsn K , K. IVpiiletoti will road in tbo opera luusoon WoJuouhy ovcninf next , Octobirliokh , fortbu benolit of "Trinity Catheilralbulldini ; fund , " alocturo belono * lag to her Ku lluh lojturo inurao of lu t winter. Subject : "I'luy of Julius CU4iir , ' Intor'perseJ witb roadiogB. Tbo verbatim debate on wumtn suf frage between Mi& > Su'an U. Anthony and Mr. E. Koaowater con bo had at this office. Single coplon 5c , or $3 per 100. This report in complete and bos the apj proyal of txith debaters , It Is rumored that wo are to have a Hparrlug match or lurd glove tight la the cltybtforo hug. 'i ho matter , It iasuldis botng talked up nmoug the tpoitirg men and ring fanners. liotUr details will fol low. Mr. Mlko Gilflln , furemnn for Con tractor Colllun , of the Ortgon thort line , la in on a lay nff , Ho met with nnuccUcnt rereral dayH UK i whlln Irindllt'K a bar ( if mill oid Irou , by which the two Brut joints of the two middle rhmcm of his tiRbt hand were BO Injured that It U feared umpiita tion will bo no.-oenary. Carr K ud U was taken back to U > o iwnltontliiry Ihuredayby Marnlml Angtll , who ictuimd jcitirday. It npp aw that some objection WUB made to the piit- oner being bold In citHtody by Warden Nebo and tbero wa < n htut clvcn ; tbat < fll- cial tbat a writ of habeas corpus \vou'd bo obtained bh rtly , iu conseiicnco ( of which Kendall WIM trantferrtd to the tustody of JMarrhal Angoll and taken btino. The participants In th * Odd Ifollov. * cxcurt Ion to the grand lodge ut Freui nt , the 1'Jih in t , , deebe by thU mHbod to convoy to Mr. Charles StibbltiM , general ticket Hgeut , uml Mr , Joseph Hull , ticket ngeotU. 1 . H H. , also Con uctor lllakely nud l uglneer T. l.lvlugtt. n , tin Ir thanks and appiocla-lou for courtonUs rxtmdcd them , uud tbo geuonut tioatnunt and kind comlderutlon ice ivod nt tbn hands of three \eral Kentltnien. I'-intst Stulit , Y. M , G h , Coininlltee , Omuhi , 1 y u little oioitlnn inlght BUO. veed In iududng a mninilacturer of ngrl- cultural Imp'einents to locate horf , He bos been proivlliK hrou bthu wettneck. ing n place for the s le of his f not to rent U | OD , but at lust aceouuU htd not sue. deeded. A little peuumlon when be proieuti the matter to our cltlio ua li : no doubt will do shortly , will eturo ji luanufaotoiy that will be i f benefit to out city. We B.I e not at liberty to * i > e k mart jiarlloularly at pretent , % ; The ( * efgkti ) < m of4 Odd Tellows from Omalio wrie highly entertained at Kuc bouredur ng their utay iu Fremont. Mint boat Kno did verj thing to make It pleat smt for the \LItors. In the eveuiDg hi fine dining room wan cleared of the tablei atdnll weiocoidlally Invited to dance TbeOmaht delegation unite in thuiUIn ; the jovial lnudloid for b's attention , ant hope our fiitula when \iitinf J-'rcmu&l will ghehlran call. / dl patch wu recehod at police head ijuaitera here Thursday morning to arreal two runaway boya from Chicago , one ol them earned Will C , McCoy , ton of an ullicial of the C. & K. W , road , the boy. aupixwed to be on their way went U grow up with the county. The lada got nc further than the Transfer , where the oiii < cetr , who had al < o been notified , detained them until the arrival of McOoy , Sr. Mar- thai Angell ban oUo been notified lliat two runaw6 > s fiom Weeplnu Water ore uaut- d , The sale of dime literature this auui- jner iniibt have been unuoually Urge , Y. M. C. A. The Second lay of the StUi Convinlion in This City , I ho New OflloirB and tbo Rs ports Protn Vurioua DIB- tricte. The state conventiim of the Y. M C. A. met according to announcemcn nt 10 o'clock jostciday and organ z ii * ith the secretary in the chair DDuvinu waa elected secretary pro tein , A list of delegates WHS called whlol khowid a good attendance. Thu cnmimttuu on credentials re purled and their report HUB acciotnl B D. Fitehia was then chosen chair min , Verbal rt ports wire then received from vanoUM quarters. VViepiim Wntoi rupurted i)2 ) menibetit , The utatciatiun in in a stall * of suspended uniniBtion , but atepa an ) bring liken fir tniru nc- tivn work. The general tu-cretary , Mr. Howfcr , reported for Omiilu considerable pie . /ires Thu library is accumulating No meitingfl have been held for young men only. They hold tong service on Sittunlty evening , u workuth' meeting on Sunday morning , prujeraud praise meeting Htindty iiftrrnoDii , and regular prayer meetings very Thurs day ovoning. Brothel Inuor ell , mil- eecrutury of thu international cmnmisMon , urged that moitingo beheld hold especially tor joung men. Brother Niclmla reported active work In thu Inst two months nnd uoud prospects for ilio future in the railroad branch in Oinnha. They held a Sun- duy afternoon 'gospel eervicu with an nverago attendance of thirteen , mostly f railroad moil. Thorn are 800 or moiu men in thu city or running in. Brother Alexander fiom the llaot- ingi uesoculion , and it ln.d been in iperation for onu year. The active membership is 'M and associate H ) , kuditory 10. Gospel mtetingsaro held jn Monday evening with an average ittondanco of 20 , A reading room la jpon nil thu time with u good library. Brother Alnrnh reported for Lincoln. Chey have song service every bntur- lay ovennu' and gospel meetings on junday atternuon. Jiro. Ouchram repotted from Donno College UBJOciation aolivu inember- hip , Eory school day joung IHOII'H iiuyor meeting twenty minutes before I o'clock. ll.ivo occasional public nisaionaiy meetings and an address laoh year us n p.trt of the college loinmoiiceiiient. On Sabbath aftirnoon i meeting for both sixes. The meet- ngs are very spiritual , and the attend- nco is increasing , It was moved und carried that tlio ullowing nuiiied ( juiitJeineii bo invittd o sit with us as corresponding mum- lors : Ooxhead , general pccrotury ruil- oud Y. M. O A. of Kdiisad City ; lenry F. Siyles , socretury of the ) esMoineu nsaociation ; J. W. liansul , r. , secretary of thu St. Joseph asso- iation. The following business committee ras uppointtd ny the uresiiiunt : J. \Vigton , Hastings , E. G. Oochran , ) w no College ; George T. liowstr , ) ui aha. It was moved by Brother Wiedcn- all that Brother Ooxhead'a paper , 'Tlio executive socretur > " bo taken p immediately aflor dinner , at half , ast two , Carried. The morning uession then adjourn- d. AJTIIINOON SESSION. At 2 p. m. devotional oxercisca roro hold , lid by J. H. Hansel , Jr. At 2:30 : the president to k the chair nd called the meeting to order. It waa moved by Ji.-othar VVidonsull hat the business cnmmittop , aided by JroUior Uimebangh , bo nmpowered to nvito the churches of the city to unite n a union mooting Sabbath evening ) urriod , The president thnn road the follow- ng names as mombera 01 the rospec- ivo committfcB : On Resolutions Dr .7. 0 , Denise , liuuhn ; G K. Hitchcock , university , [ /mcoln , E. L. Ware. Devotional-E P. Churchill , Wocp- ing Water ; A. G. Oharltati. Credentials Win. Flemming , Ohos. Ooator. The chair then introduced Brother Ooxhoad , who read a paper on the ix- ucutivo eccrotary , ho then became the subject of voluntary intorogationa from members of the convention , The questions and answers were very rdifying , aa was nlso the oxpcnencoof Brother Coxhead in Kansas City , as ho gave it to us. Time being up allotted to this sub ject it was txtendtd ton minutes by vote of the convention. 1 ho moat of thia time WHS rpent in diecuosinp the question "How can wo convii co them of the need of anncculivoaecrotarj ? " The prevailing opinion waa that this mi st bo accomplished by individual work and by judicious circulation of proper literature. At 11:30 : Urn. Wcidonsall took the Ibor and read a paper on thorough urganmtion. A discussion followed on the subject in which the point was well brought nut that there should bo a definite organization , and each member should have sumo special work assigned him. A paper was next road by W. F. BieclufT , the general secretary at Springfield , Ilia. , on the subjo t of ' 'Boy's Work , " the discussion tollow ln brought out much wholoaomo talk on the subject of Mission Sunday Schools and it was generally conceded that the energies of Y. M. 0 , A 'woikers ought not to bo o-nfmod to Sunday Schools The convention then adjourned until evening , l.N TUB KVEMNQ , after a soim K v. Mr. Cochran offered prayer. Mr. Wiedonsall then consid ered the first of the four.fold work of a Christian in the physical part of it. Ho made some good points from hia standpoint and dosciibod what the Y , M. 0 , A. of the country waa doing towards developing the better part of uian'a phj steal natuw , throughout tbo country. Sometimes Mr , Wiodensall'a languai > o rose to the oloquout and ho showed a powerful command of words on this , las favorite theme. Mr. Ooxhoad , of Kansas Oity , and late of Chicago , next spoke on the social aspect of the Y. M. 0. A. work. He alluded to the various classes reached iu this work , many of whom could nuver be reached by the church nnd proclaimed that it wat especially adapted to the young man Heitpokoof the entertainments got ten up from time to time by the Y M. C , A. , which were a legitimate put of the work of the association Ho made a Mrotig argument for the s < ci. l p < tt or the Y. M 0 A work After a King nnrl n nrajer by Dr L is Hiring , Harry F Sijltn , guiieral nee rotnry o ( Iowa and delegate from Dr Monies , waa introduced. Ho apuki on the intellectual part of the worK o the association. Ills remarks ort very forcible and were listened to will wnut attontioni Follown g them was a prayer b ; John McOxgUH and then John W Hansel , Jr. , Bocrn'nry of the St , Jo seph , Mo. , u < C'ntioii ' npoko upon the ppiritual bearing of the T. M. 0 , A wotk. The writer perhaps paid mart attention to thia address and waa more fully impressed by it , from the fac that ho know Mr. Ilintol when he WAR n wee boy , and 'cola a pardonnbli pridt ) to-day in seeing him occupy the. exal'1-d position ho dies ii the Y M , C. A. Mr. Ilnnetl uriaiuc in favor of meetings for young inn exclusively , whcru they could talk without ( > mb rrAssment. Ho also spoke of Bible meetings for the ntudi of the word , and waa more In f wor o short tnlkn , flliort prajora and filior hyninn than of anything long drawn out. Ilia idea was to got everybudy interested in aomu way , nnd ho sug gested tliat in rnattern of doubt it wua well to go to God in all thingn. Brother Douglas waa then called oul and i-poko in reuard to the general Rlato work , lie g < wo a hirtory of the work in Chicago and other places. The report of I ho business committee - too WHS then received and the follow ing prounumno for to-day proclaimed * IIOUMN'O. ! ) :00 : D 'votional e xcorciaos. OiliO Rjort | of atatu executive committee , especially regarding ttato wfirk. 10:15 : College work , conducted by Professor D ividson. 10:15 : - FumnctB , and now to man- ngo them : Cunduattd by J. W. llui- sul , Jr. 1115 ; Asiincittion literati re : Con ducted by J. 1) . Ingeraoll. AJTKUNOON. -Devotional : exerciaea. 2 30 Asaocmiiona in the small townHOonductcd : by George Ilotnor. IJ.tO Pre rending roome : Con- due d b ? Harry Styles. 3I0 ! Bible alndy and prayer : Oon- junted by J S Mjern. I5-15 : Singing in our mcotinga. 4tO : MifcellHiieous work. Harry Saylca , the awee't aingpr , : hon aung n solo , followed by H qiar- otte , and the benediction waa pro- lounct'd. THOaOUGHLYTHEAmiCiL , ilose Bjtin e in Led Astry at Boyd'd Her Excellent Company. AttraotloiiH To-Nlcht Note * Iu Genozal. Last evening RJSO Eytingo opened lor cngai oraont at B > yd'a iu "Lid latray , " and scored , aa usual a do idud BUoocsB. The audience waa [ uito lar o and select , and received the > lay with unuauul onthusiaam and in- eroat to the end. Her company ia a rory capable ono , and evidenced more ; cnuine merit for atrong nnd effective rork than any tbat have ao far fav- ired Uf. "Ltd Astray" will always remain mo of our atrontgeat emotional crea- ions , or < l m tbo hand of Rose Eytingo .nd . a uoL.d aupport wo BUO the differ nice between the trathy melodrama of 0 day and that which la hotter. It was not until the fourth act that tliaa Eytinga was aoen at her beat , al- hough her preparation for the opera kt the close of the third act , won a lieco ( if quiet indignation and anger hat was very Gniahed. Her require- ueuts acorn perfectly adequate fur the tortrayale of atrong emotional parts , itid the abandon in which she iooaoa iLTsolf whilp dopictinc her mom som > er sconcti , is altraye'vory ifftctive and licoly drawn to the climax. In the assumption of Countess Ar- nando aho naa inado a reputation that inly her talents donervo. Mr. Liwronco , oa the Count , acted iia part in a very gentlemanly man 1 or , and pictured the way many wives ire treated by their too it different lu&bands quiet nature. Mr. George Morto , as Do Lesparro , prciontod the villian , if such his part may bo called. IIo gives his part a fascination that ia rarely seen in a : haraotor that is -vorldly , weak and Full of temptation , He was particular ly good in the acono where the court licara his devotion for his wife. His manner is thoroughly unconventional , yet vicorous. 0 F. Montana's baron was kindly recoivttd by tbo audience , nnd his stuttering quito catching. He madu hia diameter quito eccentric and per feet. Major O'llara , in the hands of Mr. Herbert waa very good in action , movement and speech. His indiffer ence and cunning were very marked. Hia confederate , Miaa Kate French , didn't show her intrigue as strongly as she might , but the taato she dia- plajcdin dressing was quito sufficient to tempt the court. Mits Mary liryer played the Dowa ger very acceptably , but would appear to better advantage in a youngc-r part Mist Ktiowtton's'Muthildo was quito vivacious and pretty. Wo must also allude to Mr , boring's Hector , which wai excellent. This afternoon "Princess of Paris" will bo given \\ith Mias Eytingo in the title role. This "Oliver Twist " evening , with the star as "Nancy Sykcs , " a charac ter quilo ordinal with herself , and moro particularly characteristic than any one in her repert > ry. | TJ10110U011LV EMOTIONAL. Ooyd's ushora are competent as to civility. What has become of the Olulk club ) Pat , O'Uawes would make a good eccentric comedian. The " Comrades" will "Jolly bo pro- souted at the Standt thoa'.ro to-inor- row night. Mollvillo and Francis , of the acad emy , go to Chicago Monday. The Hollywood folks will remain another week. Let's see , Who HUB It wo heard wns writing a play for Barney Shan not ? Whnt a pleasure it is becoming to si behind ono of those small bonnets am see the entire stage. Colonel Temple starts for Wiohita Kiniaa , to-morrow night , where hi ' Union Spy" will bo pat in prtpira tion. tion.Qus Qus Frohman , of the Union Squir company , is tr > ing to got hold ( it thi Boyd and a few of our best thcatjn for n western circuit , Charles U , ITaystcnd , the genii "advanca" for the Kytingo company took a few of the tickets at the dee lost night , Ho leaves this morninj for Denver , where the company wit next , nppear. "I xavo a ticket to a rather frequon patron some time ago , " ronmrku fack Nugent , "and ho has novr bought one since' ' That's the way i goes. A deadhead once a dcadhoac forever. lie way Mnneior l oyd conduct ! hia largo audiences is commendable Wo rofur particularly to those frci crowds that xsserablod at the womai suiTrago mpotinga. Ho Is poifi'ctlj justiQablo in allowing no ono to etaiu up or crowd the isles. Thuro is oucl a thing as getting lee ninny in UK opera house and a downfall the ro suit. THE OHAND The Pleaaant Ainur of the Irleh-Amor Icuti Unnd. The third grand ball of the Irish American band at Masonic hill Thurn day ovoningwas a grand success Thotc who attended the two former partiet fjivon by thin aisociation will rumom ber them with pleasure , but tho3owli ( wcro present at all of thorn say that of Thursday night surpassed in ovurj particular the former occasions. The programme waa very neatly arranged with now and popular dances , ar.d was printed upon im- [ ) ortod cards for the occasion , very neat and taatofnl. Thuro wai a largo attendance nt the Ml nnd merriment ruled the hours until morning. Everybody enjojtd thrir full of lull , and when the uarty id j turned , moro than ono fair imi Jon s'ghed as aho thought the ball of the trull-American baud cumo only once i year. Wo are pleased to kin-w Jiat the till.iir wus also a success iaanciully. ART RECEPTION. Mra. Vernon Wlllanl'a Lecture in the Puxton Purlers. Thursday Mra. Vernon Willard ? ave a highly instructive and exhaust- vo lecture 011 woman's relationship o nrt , ociuncu und literature , in the > legnnt parlori of the P.ixton hotul > oforo n nmull but highly apprecitttivo ludionco In the course of her tec- uro she said it had been stated that rlr. lloaow.Uur hid undo soinj very odulicato obaorvation during the oint debate on woman's rights. Those The enter the gladiatorial arena must > xpoct to take up arms in self defense. n the Iccturor'a opinion Mr. Roao- rater made no remarks whatever that my woman could take exception to. 3o had simply defined a point. The iction of these ladies reminded her elm m anecdote which the celebrated Dr Tohnson used to relate. At a dinner where the doctor was iresont it happened that some remark raa made which was a little off color Duo lady immediately arose and left ho room , when the doctor observed in lis blunt way "tho only immodest woman has left. " The woman suffragists themselves irhon they entered the arena advised is to take elf our kid gloves and vol- 'ots and como down to business , yet ho noticed that Miss Anthony > reached this doctrine in a honiton joint collar and splendid silk dross , vhilo her friends who sat beside her vero attired in rich velvets and were ightoon buttoned kid gloves. Sin ouldn't see the connistoncy between heir preaching and practice. Mrs. Willard s lecture embraced a rariety of subjects. Bho gave some 'cry graphic and life 1 ko word pic urea of manners and cust ins in Surope , over which she seems to have ravrled considerably. She gave omo exquisite descriptions of classic cones she had witnessed during her ravels. She also touched upon an- iont and modern literature , and omowhat criticised Occr Wild's eithetio teachings. She drew com- Jarisona between the charming mau lers of the Europeans and our shoddy mtocraoy. Want of spice precludes > ur giving this highly refined and in- tructivo lecture a full report , which t well deterves. Mrs. WilUrd was listened to with narked attention , and it was evident hat the audience were very much do- luhtud with the aubj ot and the way Mrs. Willard handled it. A responsible party will buy a bank- ng business or open a now bank in a good live town. Interested parties address P. O drawer No. 64 , Omaha , Neb , IU G ; METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMAHA - HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best the market affords. The traveling public claim they got hotter accommodations md moro general satisfaction here ban at any other house in Omaha. Ratn , $2 per day , aug21tfm Double Presentation. The Union Pacillc hoys had a pleas ant time atChujenno the other day iu a friendly visit to the residence of T. A. Davies , the retiring master me- ohanio of the road at that place. They went armed with a handsome gold wtuch , with chain and locket attached , with which they attacked Mr. Divies. Mr. K lly , well known in this city , in johalf of the employes of the Union Pacific , made a neat little speech of jresontation , whYch was responded to n an appropriate manner by Mr. D-ivies. Immediately after the form alities were over Mr. Roberts , of the J. P , came forward and handed to ur. McGuire , foreman of the round louse at Cheyeuno , a similar token of regard. Altogether the boys had a ploaiant time and one long to be re membered in the metropolis of Wy oming. A1TENXIOM Call Tor a Worklngmon and Fnrmora County Convention , The woikingmen and farmers o Douglas county , who are in accor with the principles enunciated by Hi state anti-monopoly convention hel at Hastings , September 27 .h , 1882 are hereby invited to olcit delegate ti n convention that will nominate legislative ticket for Douglas county consisting of two members of the sun ute and eight members of thohouio o representatives , also ono county com miesioner and such precinct ufticers a may lJ designated by the county com tnissioncrs in their election proclatna tion , The ratio of representation shall b as follows : Every element of trade nnd cue element of common labor shall bn rup toaented by five delegates Wher mechanics or laborers have no orguin zttion , they may organize for this pur poee , as for instance , blacksmith ? , car puntern , machiniatr , tuiaiiii'li" , smelt ing works laborer ? , etc Every precinct cinct outside of the city of Omuh shall bo entitled to five delegates t ( bo chosen by the farmers It is rcc ommcndcd that the meetings to selec delegates in the city by any labor or ganmtion or element shall bo held upon A call issued thruo days prcviou throuah TDK OMUIA UKK. Such cal shall atato the time and place of meet ing , and name of organizttion or laboi element. In the country prccinclf the meetings shall ho held in purau anco of a notice printed or written conspicuously posted in at least threi public places within the premct foi at least ono week. These meetings nhall bo held withii two weeks from this duti > . Only delegates elected in pursuance to these recommendations and having proper on djntials , will bo admitted tu Bi'iUa in the convontion. No proxies u ill bo allowed , but alternates may be elected to take the places of deleg'iteB that may bo absent. Duo notice will bo given to the del egates so elected as to the time am pl.ica of holding the convention , and arrangements mil bo made for ngranc mass meeting to ratify the nomina tions on the same evening after the convention has udjournud. By order of the committon. JOHN ROSICKY , Chairman. MtTHl ER WILL OUT. And Every Mau Who lioolts In- uocunt Is Ivov So. On the 20th of last month a nlan named Dennis E an was arrested , charged with stealing n watch from the kitchen of the Can Bold house , the watch being the property of John Gillospiu , ono of the cooks. Upon being taken before Judge Beneke , looked and acted so innocenl that he completely deceived the officers , and aa no watch was found and there was no evidence againat the prisoner , ho was discharged , and suspicion rested on a young follow wha was in the kitchen at the same time and soon after absconded. List week Dennis Egan was ar roatid for intox cation and went to jail. Deputy Marshal Doty in some way obtained information that he had a watch concealed on his person , and upon searching him found the ticker , which was identified by the owner The hearing in th ? cano was set for this afternoon , and E aii will un doubtedly go up for grand larceny. It seems that he had carried the watch all the time" , and had eluded detection until whisky gave him away. POLITICAL , pomrs. Tailors' Mooting. A mooting of journeymen tailors lor the purpose of electing five delegates to the workingmen's ' and farmer's convention will bo hold at Turner Hall Monday evening , October 23 , at B o'clock. UOHl'.UIAX ME11TI.VO. A mooting of Bohemians will beheld held at Kspar's Hall Tuesday even ing , October 24 , for the purpose of electing ( ivo delocates to the working- men's and farmer's convontion. gUBLTINU WOHKS. The night shift of smelting works laborers will meet at Kajpar's hall on Tuesday afternoon , October 24 , and the day shift in the evening of the same duy , for the purpose of electing two deli g lies from pach shift and one in common in all lire to the woik- and f irmera' convontion. SLAVEN'S YOSEMITE COLOGNE Mode froir tlio wild flowers of th KAK FAMBD YOSEMITE VALLEY , it is the most fraprant ot perfumes. Manufactured by H. B , Slsvon , San Francisco , For sale in Omaha by W. J , Whitohouso and Kounaia Bros. , ifcCo. _ _ THE ACADEMY. A. Qnln Night With the Children and the OJdor Onee. The Academy presented its usual attractions last evening , but little has been said of them lately. The Holly wood cdildren have been giving a really interesting entertainment. There are four of these little folks and their per formances are really remarkable Their dances are far ahead of any thing over presented on an Omaha board. The four c mo out together , and dnnco awhile together , then in twos , and finally little Dick does the cutest business alone. Their costumes ire elegant , and alone this neat little farcily makes an elegant show which would take anywhere. Added to thia , however , are other 'ood attractions at the academy. Miss I2va Lester in her songs and dances md in her champion jigs and reels Is without a peer on the western side of ho Missouri , She Is not old in the jrofosslon but has "caught on" in a nest excellent manner , Mias Hattlo Wevoott did well hut ironing in her favorite songs. She is n fine singer , with a voice of good cninpnss and which with proper train ing would plnco her in the front rust ( it vuca'isls. Tommy Adams aa the Utippy ( 'h Minis imnience. Tnoro who im\f ii the older dajs sien Porter do "hi.1 or similar busincrr , and who snuro bj 'bun , ohould roe Adama in the act which ho bat undo almost now Mr Vdntns is almost as natural in thi character ns if he had bsen born to it , td in the a'tcr piece of ' 'Tho Dwcor Led Astray , " h was eaij and i atur-1 Mr. A-latin is a comedian of mi mm merits , and will yet mnko n hiuhn mark than ho has , although his preseni is not very lo * . Miis Annie Rtymond nnd Mis < Ollio Sutler , Ilio serin c < nuc Miit-tri1 made a hippy hit last ntahl , nnd wil appoitrugtin to-nluht. Tim old fic'i will remain on the bonrda for th rrusnnt , ( X'-t-pt that Mi'lvil'o ' an Francis may ducontinuo after a shor timo. O I.OAN MOKbY / > IM.I i ' i u' ' 4 on unite TJ 1 \j t V.IT ! ) . r > n n < Vi ( < rinliheV O.NKV 10 LA > er ihatlel innft M curlt > . A. I ) TiiUnn , No. 11MB , front room , up-ftalrn 435-tf I.OAA AI S V'ol oeuHB In suuw.o * * * .60 < - up * rJB , for 8 to & } eirs , on Bra -cU > s cllj uri funu jiroi.orty , BIMIB Rttt Kr-j" kill lo < T. 15th nd pnuclm nt.x . TO \N-11io Aorthw-etorn Jin MONEV ( lnuran iCriiii ] nyf \ prcftrd | t III KO i'l ' flrot tHsi'oat.svxnnd on Bititf.iclor iU'or f * niti'cnrity at ton't. ' cnriint iati > i lulcrcn' anil wlt. , < .U' ciinu I ) l"h A ( ply 10 O f. DAV1M , S coal Aficnt , No. 1305 Fik-iia'n fctioet , sit ami notl-4 * Umaha. < N'pb. HELP WAMCD i luiclloUly , four t-xpoilcicix mi n to phop wood nnd e'ear land Hn v & Illl1 , HJj hatnlnn. Kttcc . hl''J2l ' ANTCD O rdy r1 for uciitrixl h > i > o ork W 1) ) L ihrinio , ntHuj Criiigliton 111 ikc. itc , Uiho < t o t. ebj-2J ) A drii'nui kcrw n ' * aUo otrli WANTfl Wil U N on B other lift d aj' ly llninlr ft MrLciu i a\cnnort attei.t , l-twc > n i th mid 1,1' , a u h ' ! . ! < . 8 021 c olc atlCIl Wib loSt vvy 1.1. i , nuii * sir : M WAV Ir.ii A atom lo > toti'i'ca.uo hois a rn 1 w rk In h'orj Apply tt S 1. c r. ' 8 h mil Dcd c. flOO-21 ANTKD t.lrl fi r dinh * ro m o k nt211 inrth llhuri t. " - ' \\'A Tl I > Two in | nf rcora gliU at Mail" A. VV Illcckmu 'd roiUuiant , Dagu ( tru , t"t irthnnd 5Ji HSi'Ot \ \ ; AS1Etaofdi. . .ka' H \ \ . tor. lli.rnej& > V 11th. WogfK , ? l 00 p r uetUtVOJJ FF1PKI1OVWANT1.U 0 Sfj'-iO Tlio liraditieet Co. WASTt.0 ( Jrtupitei t ttlrl for 'i cr I hou < ork Apjil coiOjg.uh tt.h : nct , it ' .in am uud IJ WAVTKD Help nt the employment ofllce 217 N. ICthttrcct , up-9tltd. vtf \T5/ANTKD-C3iupL'eat elrl. Apptj to lM ( V * .tlih elicoc , oppoalto Cro..ntcn WANTED A pena ( .Irl for genir-il lieu o > ncrir.iU h nituiat Ma ot oicit etto't , tuo blockB nuriho S : . M rjV aviimu. SI 6 tt W AM'KU A gi I to do i.chtr..l housework tend refprenC'8 O od uaicoa p Id Ad- P. C. arablo.Koarn.oy , Wob. ( W9-t ( aiTUAUCNS VVANJLl/ A VIED Fmploymontbv a ymi ! ? Iran it W nrlvain family. U. Aljunwtiicr , lllh a ro-t nrarFarii&m K eli ) WANTii > One Kood cam atwtr. Steady \ \ or ) work and good pay , ( references required. Apply at 218 N. ICth street , up stairs , room C. \I7" ANTED At the National Hotel at I coin Vf Ono No. 1 female co b nanto Uc t o nr ges Will bpaid. . _ 129-tf \ A / AJM t iil > 6w pnvj vau.ts , aiunn and I.CB VY pool" to clean with danltary Vault ai.d Sink Cleaner , the beet In use. A. Kvanu k Co. oMorcn IMfl Dndire ntrcet , Onuh MlCELLANEOOS WArtTB ITfANTKn-Il frrj November Is * , a go'd > > Ii u-f for the lnt r , 4 tji 0 1 In k fnru U ' . iluio- S to n lar v ro mn. luqut o DM 8 i tit CthMnet. M3-2I WANTKUluouiR and Hosrd 1 private family wlllln > lo takcono or two Ixnrd ra , will 8 im tht-Ir mUircas to the W ) wan COM. ere U Collide , a udcnt etuKIUL' lioirJ nr rooms will DO eferred to them. A. \VYMAN. . 610-U HFMT HOUBEB AND I / > NO. 10H UKST A furn' > h < y ] House , 9.J01 Lodge. F fUMi t mil n NI i lf < t ( rent rro riT' oruufurnlsh 0 , chuip. i\o. C0 > ttitli ISfli ttect. t34 SI H NI'- i.twly nii'sh d h > 91 01 Me - FOll , in Q ii ic lochtlon bctrtion Sh r- n nn avi'Euo and Uih utrto'p. Oo id co lar well , CK cm an all m < l rn Imp o'onenii * . F r - c .mfartablo hnmo , 6 mlnutco' Wilt from . I' , hhop' . Ono hlovk ( rim ut ccj r r. \\ll' re .t ihvap. Inu ire or yiunlHoa or ol Jamci h an- n. n. S'J6-23f I7IOK ni'.ST I'liriilihoaroom N. li. comer 9'h I ; And .Iwkkon 2 , > t . KKM'-Ona Uigo lurnlbbod room til r.lOU u h Oth trte' . frSf 8 t HtNT he luliu ; at p oient ccnplid FOK hnVf bUiu 1 nlo/i .Uraph | Lomiuny , r era I'.atnam and Itth it ccto : Applv to Bro . , ( J..soiree. fc77tf K ltWl A u > en room h mic l h t ur Ft Hall brrn , ISO | .erm nth. Oon\e t ttrtol H' . lnrj' no Awply t linker nroi > , Cat of- ce. 87 tf , OP.HI -AluuKnil tto m9and fc { frriw faml to . IMIU ro 121 1 thic LO fet , el\uon li h nnd l t , fll 2 Ui.ST : \ ( jlta ml furnished room. Call FOll 7J N. 17ht. with rrf ruiix b7,1 tf , .iOU K .NT - lloiuo u th Born roomn uill and P lUtorn li.iiulv , tuo blocksfr m Omaha Foun On 6outh ITth st Inmilro at lUnry Drunin 65.1 tf nOK HUH ! A hindsotne tno a'ory rfbldicr ; . L'nrj tnj wllli clout * ruli t'onlbar .toiiind > oodronf8 tie W I md l > rte il.Urn , In- u rolmmi < dlatily on proinl is , nor bnest mr. f ZSt auu unrt ttrett. b53 tt [ 70H IIKNT I'lirnltln d room with boanl and a L1 few Ublo b > xirilir atlTt6lodK . KVi'JI UFNr Hurtint furnliiheil room sul al > lo EfH two ( , ' "iilc"icn , 1U19 fkruam. 2i-Jlt rjUdl UE T Hf use , lx rooiru. furnished , In. U qauonti ) , lljdos tUlcj , 11 lllaro hotel. < 1IB T A bnardlrc home , a > . IMT * III F0 , bctAitn D uflu abd lied e. Ii quire t cor.if 1'Jibar.d lOUlrw. Bll-tl r OU HENTOtflcca In Jucih" h ocl cor. 15th I1 and C | ItoJ a\cnue , JOHN O. JAG JI'.S , 'I'OU ' HUNT FuruUhcd cttta-o urooin iS213 u California t. MM. v. C.lUil. 7wi tf "T OH UE T-CotUeo rt sir litice room a'l J convi-nK'nccs nd f nc loc tion by a.T. Ptcr- n Age-t iftth and Dcu _ < la.jSt. _ T 4 tf 7-OR KE'-T A tilco n w cottaire on la\tm < oit } trtet , ncir 21th strict. Inquire at bdholtu Fri k oi V HUJU Kf.JiT A uiixli lutujiUiu loom at lift Caviktriet. 7VJH hKM llue iwlilcuo In good louktion. J All coin colencca lor water , new , 12 room * . , opposite ixMti-lllce. 082-tf 710R IUNT T o new dwelling and two othei . dwelling ! In dudrablo locUJty. by UcKoon o.UUDouglMjtreit. 817-tl P'OR KENT NI ely fjtnVh.'d rot nv , ot e Jnct 1 i orth of Dodjo on ISli , M K > . 'OR KNT A c tt R.i of n c room" . Iniul'a 1 at Northwo < t corner 1Mb a d i LI J .o - inil UlNr ar o Ifntomi vi Klc re. L1 Mt'f luttlhed. ilJiDot'ge t 88-10 OH ' F.NT To nlcth f tn shnil i } t re at d b ft'ci , If dtte . pl - " < - mete to- 'hiMiml men liq'lr ( W > t orlb 17 h B I. ftfl G _ , " OR HENT I'urnl'hcd house , N. W. corne I I ' 18th atid Clark St. 77frU lK f-NT I iTr ( oiHca rocmir hill store , 1 20 ' arnhtm et ctt. 77-U fjiU ) < K 'Nl T n rooms fjrhlihol tor L h u < eVirpn | ? < Uj natir fin n o floor. U fi\"t'it 11.icx , loiner 8th nnd Hnwtid itrra s. 791 tt HF.ST iltuvttd tn Idahon'rctt with tJVMl 1 ritldtttw , * hft dvi e dnillln ; boil'a contal Ing 11 crwinn wllh < ar p clo eta H II s'tnlinf ' ! varlmintK and mr.'H hos-'iuct.t cclhr. A Ikr i jdr mid pjrJenw 'h pUnly nt fruit and two Utui cistern , AII lyit 707-f lllt'KM Vv" BAKAn. / - UhST A utm1 In Unlcomtjo hlock , nn- J/0- h * trcot , near l > tieni it. Ht . I > . nitc 11 o. fiort-lf t * rpB'1IOIHRS KOH HKM m ll anil'Uriia A _ fuur tij elt\on rootn o ctij onn or two mw HKMH , A.cnt , Je 3-tt If th nd r ' R ; T-Fnrnl llOl rooini 17'7 ( a FilOtt 1 cMi't. 17ihaml 18j. . IWMf joh UrHl oroc-rj ( tonc > r , ItHhtes I. anlCupltottnue Apply on prrmi fl. As yrnpn < n l L . OK TKAKK DPO peirlatvr , u ifnt ; wnliii. < cry Ldit'eniui trui t ' | ull. Apply tu t ) nnu Ciiniilnxhrt u , hoiso nhosr , ejr. tlo o iiMl ItliliH riti " . Fit -tO | f. OK S VLB Fl tuo f rccu : > ttcc < Hnil flilii'c ' J ? cor. 10.hanJ llth. N J bMlllt. Il U TO't S I,1' He \ ecnth at d nul'a- Hi blu for Un I ymo ( jUAlit.YOu ah 'tick jatdi ) 8-0'VO * OH < AI.t-rRcnni : ) hind : ) l > rltcr (40. IIKIL&AUKS , irOIIriitni , SALF A ueroi htidilotc , tul ahlofor FOR r uince , ihutp oar abrint & Cole , 130r Fnrnameticit. 35 TO S U.K Hotiic nnd lot nnuth IZth St , In- FOll lorncr Oth and .lukson. 881-21 * ? \ . POH S\L-STtk ! co.ufa . n of BUt\F.SS * , ( lroiiit , Has tap , loita unUrrc , atd Qtir8 nre. \\ill I ml u i'lOJ Vor ( ur'hcr ( attuiil r < npj.1to W O. Injl r. Siin nntci dent "llrnl'-t ni' . " a unrMligQ l tB unl Furniture Ul. - F" ORS\LE-Finibrlk residence. In tin clan 1 o flon , at $3JW , choiu UcC UO" . l OpplKj I'n .H co I70H8ALE Wo offer forsa'c our Flour and I J cd llnsl csi , c rner of 15th mid Dmcnp rt streets , with all IKturcs , t ami , waon , it . Itowons tor railing wuaro Rolng i to another buslntss. Ajjood ln > c.t. 18 tf CHARLTON DUOS. I7\OUS \ \ UICIlTuic&nd lot , N . co-nir 13th C B rcJLicil Capl.ol atvnue. Immfru on pro- in's a. I0l tm BICYCM : FOll SALK-Or trade for smillet dire , 51 inch Har\anl. InquireC.'JI. Woodman - man , Omtln. 75I-tf li"V f UALV-l'ariii lnitn\t | oTe u g < xl 1 ? Hat , comprls i ; ; 8'tut. ul lie Utt 1 r J-ctiras- Ki nt pilcis ratu i K f-on 811 to i2t | caero. . J va y terirs A so s i\cral i atgili nln ll ' Ittidr. S id to' d tcrp Ion Cintunn'hilesir.bli ) landd for colnnks , Iu , ocd IcciiLh. O. II. IULI.OU , 700-1' ) Vn on Uicc' . , oini'ha. bt.r.lioiso cJ po 1113 on K'ouiid 4J icars , ? B 63. M.I aituo l-o t Offce. L'l'K a li"BrCM LAT fii b7Tc r i r dlthns ol Milt n Holers' houoc , Js. W. corner 13th and tavuriworth B.rcctn. 3 9-tt F I OR SALE-Oood building , Call at " ' -Iks office. 446-tf Pl'OPEIlTY FOR t < ALB-At k SPLENDID , ono Urea brick hou'.o , and ono larie frame house , with full lot on Cass near 15th "trcft. Flno chinco for Invftment , rent for 870 per month. Call fa ; ( all particulars , on BKU1S 809 tt Agent. Itth rd Douglas ste. _ I. DEAUTIFUL LOTS eoiltO feet each In O Hanucom Place on street car line. Beet lots In whole addition on very cat.v t rmo and at gnat bargain Uiis' a ent , 16tb and DcascUs _ _ " OOTEL FOK SALK. The "Arlington nouT LJ. Pint class ; all ( urnUhod he only hoto n tonn. The cheapest property In the state. Has rJI tbo travolln ; ; men. Will bo Bold cheap on terms to euit. Enquire of E. Pulle , proprietor , Arllnj.'ton , WannlriRton county \ob. WB tl FOR BALE Ur will fich go for OninU * pro perty , an Improved BOO OB nt l.imldlciu - nc eUtlcu on U. 1K , R. M. DUNHAM , Ul ! ? trnh m fit. , Oman * . 720 Cm I MISCEIX AN Etr . . A red and b'a k c mf I balr shawL FOU.VD .Irqillicoj Nat * Kounjat J. II , A ( Bhaiiu'j licrystah'o ( IK21 _ OS r A bunch of IILJ f < r which 81 rard J l 1 h p"lil f-t Hto rlli-o. > OJtf ( HI A Iifcbt ii ri c w from cottier nand L Howard. Liberal io > t&rd will he paid for ro- uiu of B mo. 834 m-t man AK. JMT Ilouwa d Car t Tlainir t < Te I' I chcr. \ooidir8 at Repnb.lan ntl , U Ii an Da igU' . _ 21-tf 10V [ Oil IT MVY CONCBUN-t doilro Ia hiiu licwa toe yUin.t n aw n rep rtod hat 1 made B'tUmeum dcr iator t ) ibonttuo ofJtr" . A JobiiBou. Iihtor u ly t Vathiamotb- D i 1 1 absolut ly aei y I over uttrre I or cir- ul ted any > land rtui < nportu aid know of no ( ted reason for so do Dg . J UO NKu. Am p-rson mating tuch rep ria Ii ire f or ill cpr-BC-jted. W. JOII.NHO olii l t 'HO FAKMF.K8 The hi ? ' uot ca-h prhn paid L ror Uju , Dar e > and Corn at Kteh'n Vinegar VoiLi , JoneaettNt , betuojiiO h a J 10th , Ota - : _ _ _ _ 806 daw-tt ho rurnlturu ot the Uiel payliiji hbtul Iu Iowa. Kent rois Audruoa Dolrh " Uac rcgor , Bee offlco , Jmahs. flcb. _ 100-tt HAQISTKU OP PALHYSTKUV AND OOHDl riONALlMT , iOS Tenth atrcct , hof.vcun l'ttna > ndIarn T. Will , * ltb the aid n } iru'Mltt : jilrili , obt lu foriny onoigUnce tl ihn pat : kad , and on certain condition ! In tliu fin Koclt ind She.mtrU to irdor. Puttt Absolutely Pure. Thja powder ne\er varleH. A inarve * o urlty , strength and wholeRomeneu lore economical than the ordinary kinds , nd cannot be nold in competition with the mltitudo of low teat , abort weight , alum r phosphate powder * . Bold only in can KOTAL BAKINQ POWDKB Co. Wall St. , New Yor