Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Saturday Morutim , Ort 21.
Uf Curler i iiut IHJI necK
By llttl 110 nn prr VeM
_ _ i : No. 7 Peurl Btntot , New
Brood way
U.O. dim-m , lUtuitcr
H. W. T ) I/TON. Olty Editor '
J. Mtieller'fl 1'alsco Mimic Hall.
Senator Allliun fpoakn hire thin e.vcn
Three of the Un prisoner * who hrolti
Jail nt SiJnoy , ia\o been recaptured.
The outgoing train this afternoon
eastward , is over the Chicago , Hoc !
Island , t INtlfio.
llov. H. ! ' . Coylf , of Ftjrt Dmlftp , vll
preach in the Vro byterlan thutib tomorrow
row mnrnlng and tvordug.
The new iiiott market of ? luill ft Mul
Icn , 709 South Main tlrTt , mitrnnUK ) ben
of nieuU nnd prompt attention.
A fine rwortment of HnoU nnd Shoos
nutliclont to mipply the drinandit uf ull ,
C cor0 Blnxhn'rt touth Main rtrtct.
Cheap Uailroad UckoU lo nil pmnl
lUnhntll , five dooiH north of poi tiillicp , cll
them. Wcitmm c , Main or 1'earl atrcets.
Jacob Silver and ( ! . Turner , yoBtcrda ;
dropped $7 ( X ) tmch into the policu coin
{ and , fur hitxlng indulged lou frioly i
tntl-prohl'iltion. '
The dance Riven by the Hoys' ban
last night proved an cnjoyaUo one , un
wan attended by many uf Council lilulf
most worthy people.
J ( Bcph lions , the Upper llrnodwa
r cooper , Hebron to purchivno TiO.OOO hoe
poles Ho aluo wlflhca to employ ton cxtr
coopera. Write tu or itiqutro at hi < coojx
i shop
Jotcph lleltcr makoH the 1'lneit Hull
In the latent Htycn , nt llic 1 invest pocnib'
prices. Hin mcrjliant tailoring oatabliHl
u.cnt is at .110 Upper Broadway , Comic
This nftornoon the Union Pacific ? , r
Omaha , | > Uy the Council IMulfc nine , o
the lultor'n gro'ind here. It will bo nn ci
citing content and \vill probably cloto th
A man gliing hlx nonio an Coyle , nn
claiming to have been r > hbeil of ij210 inn
Omnha hull-holo wax nn thi ] tiilo rf th
river y enter Jay , hunting up chua to h !
lost wealth , but got drunk and wni lockc
J. McCoy nnd H. McCoy , two sirlp
p'.ings , have been nrrceU'il by the ulllcor
hero on n telegram from their father I
Chicago , Btnttug Unit they were runaway
frr.n home , nnd that ho would como alto
them at onca.
The houuohold of Mr. JoHCph ( Irocu
an employe uf the Union Picifiu roail , ha
been Roddonail gently by thu death nf the !
babe , aged eighteen monthn , Mr. Grce
lin'.rcBldcd heio but Ihreo niout'ls , havln
moved hcru from Bt. Josuph.
To-morrow , aa usual , on Sundiy nftei
U03DR nnd evening * , ut lluoVa ( YunVe
w ' njan'ti ) garden "Dot Lectio Gorman Caiu
will hold forth iu tacrocl concert. Thoi
concorta are well pnlromzedand oxcellrntl
managed. Gn Ihcro and enjoy a few hou
of gonulno plo.iuuro. It
In to-day'a IKE nppcarB the advc
thcmont of Tball & Kracbt , the Ma
utrcot groccrH. Their largu Block In cor
plete , tholr ntoro is beautiful , and the
prices as low ns the lowoat. llcatl the
and , and them call nnd exnmino their atoi
and prices. It will pay you to do H
They now do an exclusively grocery hi :
There wan a merry wodillng party
Iviel's hotul yostordny , the contract ! )
pirtion being William 1'locn nnd Ml
Caroline liall , both of Mlnilcn , Justl
Abbott performed the coromoi
in the proiio'nco of iulto | n coi
pany of the frlenilu of the pnrtlcH , T.
Gorman band furnlahotl enjoyable mm
nnd a Reason of Hoclnl fosllvlly follow
tlio ceremony.
William Hnpp , the 100 ixnmd l\ \ <
whom Davy Mo It axvan credited wl
catching in the meehcH of the law , I
Holniui ; iu the waters of tlio lake , is fltill
largo , the uocoud cone tried at Glonwo
having been decided in his favor. Some
the Mills county taxpayers nay that he :
after they want tbe 11 them of men to i
their legal icliio in Pottnwiittamio conn
that the co U may bo caught hero.
As will bo seen by another colun
Justice Fralncy riseto explain why
dlschttrgod the trio of young men brnurf
before him charged with bursary. Tl
HIT. does not Hot itself up as a court to i
cido legal U'chnlcalltlcti , but it foeU IU
justlfleJ on the ultnplo ground * of comin
sense iu eipremlng the foellujH tf a lar
number of citizens , who are imUgnn
about the mailer. There U no doubt b
that a burglary WIXH committed , Tin
booing no doubt but that Hull uuld one
thontolon coats lo Mr * . ] ) a\Ii. Win
nllor a burglary in committcii , a fellow
found disposing of tome uf the stol
goods at a nominal nuin , nnd the fell
does not euro to show how ho got <
vtolcn goodi , common tetme would point
him as kuowuig to tbe burglary , Win
In addition to thix , a confederate mjue
ar-d tells all about It , it heema an If tin
woe Komethlng of n c&nc ,
Republican Townaulp Convention
The ropubllcana of Kane totrn l
will moot in mass oonvontion at t
court house in Council niullj , on'i'u
day evoninp , October 21 , 1882 , at 7 ;
p. in. , for the purpoao of placing
nomination ono candidate for ton
ship clerk , ono candidate for towns !
trustee , three candidates for justice
the peace , and three candidatea ;
coiiBtablo , to bo voted for at the en :
inp election.
' , V Uy order of the republican townal
central comniittuo.
CIIAH M. HAUL , Ohairninn ,
My residence , No. 716 Fourth atr
Baucroftj _ L. F , Muiti-iiv ,
Virtue Aokuowlbilcod
Mrs. Ira Mulhollaud , Albany , N. '
write * : "Por iwveral learn I ltB > e kulf
from oft-rccunlir < bllloiu hendacliw , c
Mtlpatlon dycpejiula , and p-
Jlar to iiiy cex rimce using your luiu ! <
I5I.OOD Birrrns > I am entirely relieve
J 'rice § 1,1
ArrnngtiruontH Doing Mmlo to Proson
It to the Mimnurchor by tbe
A goodly number of the Germii
liuliis , it < ) utcd to htid friandj of tVi
nibinbpra of tlm Mntiuorohnr , hav
buon ( [ 'liotly ' nrrAti ing to present tha
society with a lint , ' , It WAS the privi
Icu'o of TUB UKB man yesterday to go
.1 g'impau of thin beautiful tribute
A' d a beauty it in indeed III COB
reaches nearly $300 , and is probabl
the handftoim-ftt II ig in the west. I
it of the lineal mlk , and a npecimun c
real urt in needlework cannot well b
MirpagRcd , On onu sule , upon a put
plo bilk bickcruiind , nppear in KolJui
Ifttera the words "Qwullmot von du
Deutchon Knuun tltni Manuorchor
Council BliiuV "dedicated by th
Guriiinn ladies to the Mannprchor. '
Thi'nu words nro wrought in nilk
and nil by hand , und wirkei
moat hkillfully , 'ving ftt vet ;
beautiful appuuranou to that Btdo o
the banner. The other side IB ovui
iitndaomer , it being a rich n bit >
work as vms ev r noon in this city
Upon a back [ ground f f nihoB of n BO
itilk appaara mi ulaborato amount u
ombroitlory , arranged in a very pliiar
lug design. In tlio contro appoara
yro , with goldun n'ringa , routing npoi
the pngus of a music book. Upo
theao p < gos uppaars the words un
inuaic of popular ( Jurman oong , oac
line , oaoh note , over loiter bum
wrought duhciti'ly yet distinctly i
aide , making a wonderful showing
urt and skill. Thu pages of the boo
stand forth natural to the lifo , an
with the beautiful lyrorcstinuupjn i
makes n cuntrnl design , which is n
pleasing in uppanrancu as iUa wondei
lul in construction. Nor is thia al
Above thuoo in u graceful curve uj
pear in golden luttcrs und Gorma
words the Buntiinont , ' 'Sin
briifhtonn lifo , " while below th
central duaign of the boo
and the lyre , appear two ll > ri
branchofl , tied as by u loop of bngl ;
ribbons , and prucelully curving uj
ward and around each aide of the cei :
tral figures. In ono corner nppiui
the United S'ntoa coat of arms , and i
the other corner that of Qurniauj
wliilo each id further bciiutttied b
vines gracefully arranged. A cloe
inapmtion shows every bit of th
whole of this elaborate work wronili
by hand , Dtitch by atitch. Them ola
ippcara a boautiftil httlo butteilly o
the wing , which bjari the same evidence
donco of skillful handiwork.
The 11 ig is richly fringed with , gold
and fastened by silk ribbina to a boiu
; ul Bind' , which in surmounted by
'old lyro. An elegant cash for tti
itand.ird bearer accompanies the fhj ;
It IB also of Bilk , hand embroidered
iind frinucd with gold.
It ia the intention of the Indies t
innko a formal pn'ountation of th
(1 ( ig on the 2J of November , the plac
choaon boniK Dohany'a opor
louso. Bosidcs this prcaontatlr
the society have arranged lor a concei
at that time and piano , and it n ca
lected that besides the reaidonta (
the city , who will bo preaont in latp
number of representatives from otln
cities will attend. Omaha will aon
nt leant a double quartet ; Colutnbu
Neb , will soud 110 leas a iiumbo
I'lftttamouth promiaoa to bo ropr
eunted by n quartet at least ; Dam :
son by a sextette , and others in pr
portionato numbers.
The Mannorchor is among the oldc
societies in the city and numbe
about -tO active members and about
many more passive ones. It is coi
posed of our most responsible ni
most respected Gorman citizens , the
being among tbo mombora many
the loading business men. It
oflicorod by Mr. Chris Fuul as pro
dent , Oapt. L KirscUt as troasun
and Mr. Ehrensborgor as mueu
director. The uocijiy well imr
a beautiful biunor , and its prcaenl
.ion and dedication will bo an eve
of such interest 86 will draw a lar
lumber to witness it.
At tbo Stock Yartla.
The following wore the trnngactlnni
the Union Tranter utock y.irdn yeHteuh
ac earH , V. Wolcott.
1 car , ( I. J. 1'crry.
iSinlth ,
13 cats , Sturitea & Lane.
1 ! ) earn , Itapplo & B in.
21 caw , It Ohrluh
17 car * , Kecllno , V Ilnan ,
111 earn , Jinan lirun.
Ill earn , Cnry > Ire ! , tu ( icorgo Ada
Durka , Chicago , by way of the C. &
! ) can ) olicop. Hatch ft liacnn. t > i W (
Bron. . Chicago , by the C. ft N. W.
10 cam , SturgU & I.anc , to Wood lire
Ohio JKO , bv the ( J U. Sr ) .
10 earn , S urKi * fc liina , to .fohu
Wood & Co. , Chicago , by the C. 11. & ( J
Kt car' . Htun'U & Lntio , to 1'ivlin
li'IchmDiul and Carpenter , by O. 15 , ft ( J
f M c\tf : , Crclffhtou & Co. , to Woml lUi
i hleagii , by thoC. , M. \ St. P.
o Total rocelptH 121 earn. Total ill
inontH 87 CIHJ.
t DotpUed.
Hy the unthinking , lltmlock has b <
couHlilered a weed , and IU luxurl.
growth , iinplca nnt finell , etc. , lmn r
deiecl It , to thono "not knowing 1U \
tuoa , " a nuisance , anil yet the root 1
loug been ncknowlodgcilbyiiavanta ixi
iinuHmblo un a diuretic , aperient c
blood purifier. HuiiUOCK moon UlTTI
o cuiboily nil iti gootlqualltltu , I'rliul
Tlio Panlculare of tlio lllif Burning
Silver City.
Tlio following further particul ;
concerning the big fire at Silver 0
are gleaned from The Cilcnwood Joi
n al ;
From W. F. McKall , deputy po
nustor at Silver City , wo learn tha
lire broke out in that town last nigl
( it a late hour bimning | ; at the r <
part of Dr. Moore's ollico and t
postofllce building , which spread w
Burprieing rapidity , and was i
I' checked until the greater part of I
bueineaa portion of the town was i
atroyed. The buildings reduced
aahus were the poatollico , Ir. Moor
office , the dry goods store of Mua
Guthrie & Mamlevillo , boot n
shoo shop nnd ttoro of llei
Kay , Dickman Jirothers aaloi
Kd. Oney's confectionery , u
Uoxie'b barber shop. The poatoll
wa a total lo s , and Mr. Mci
citno to town to procure tempon
supplies from Postmaster Stopho
Diitil an orUor upon the govornmi
could bo responded to , The poBtofilcc
tiinlding was the property uf Mr. A.
U. Crosby , who was also engaged in
buRiiuss , wo bolixvo , in the houao.
His lots will bo fully fifty p r cent eli
i ho value of the building and goods on
hand. The ravages of the iUnicc
ktoppcd at the store of Mesers ,
\t. \ \V. Uueiiell & Co. , whicli
WAS badly scotched , but not burnt.
Their stock however was removed and
damaged in handling Dr. Moore lost
and valuable medi
a purl of his library
cines. A part of the other merchants
warts were naved in a damaged condl
lion , of course ,
There WAS some insurance but we
could not learn the extent. The cn >
tire loss will amount to $2o,000. Il
is behoved that the fire was the worli
of an incendiary , as an acoHontal fir
aooms to have bucn impossible at the
point whcro the ( limes broke out
This iu a diBtretsing calamity to Stlvei
Uity from which it will require a lon ( .
time to recover.
11. T. Uryant and Divia Tootovin ;
of this city , have invented a clovici
for aower drain , culvert , tunnel am
various other purposes that promise !
to take the place til the old styles
They claim for it the elements o
strength nnd durability , combininj
rapidity inbuilduigandgieatoconomy
It is tunned a polygonal arch and ma ]
b < s built in complete curve , eigment
parabola or most any desired dtilec
tion from theao figureIl consists litho
the laying together ol plain cylinder
in double c mcivi ) oips or blocks , tin
onda of thu | cilondora nro Bufliciontl ;
entrant to fonn u continuom
tube , Tlio blocKH are bovolot
to suit any desired curve and concaves
on the opposite aides a full h.ilf circumference
cumferenco of the bized tube to bi
used , whereby the tubes are entirely
hidden within the cups , while tin
Hhouldors of the cups have a soliiJ
bearing on each other , the whole bjiii ]
laid cumpctly iu oven beds of morta
or hydrauliu cement , as the work do
inanda. The tubes and cups are ins d
about four feet in length , 0
us long aa desired , and o
any protorrcd diameter or thickness
The joints are all broken regularly ii
both tubes and cupa where the enda o
the tubea are joined entirely withii
the cup i , making the entire wet !
water light a'i fast us built. I'll
strength of the mochunicil combinn
tion ia sulf-evidont , and thoju gentle
men invite the criticism of practice
A Sad accident.
Yesterday nftornucu about 4 o'clocl
LO of Itogors * buaaoa ran over a Bind' '
oy on Broadway , below the Hover
ouse , injuring the little fellow si
adly , that for a time ho wai unable
o tell his namo. As soon a3 it coul
o learned who he was , the boy , whoa
amo proved to bo C.ileb Itedma
lasty , wax taken to his homo o
'lerco street back of theO don hous ?
nd Dr. Lacy called in. An uxniniiui
ion showed that the boy 'a left le
wai broken near the the thigh. Hi
go being only eight years , is of coure
n favor of Bpeed of recovery , but i
ho boat the little fellow will necessary
y bo confined to the houio , and i
leod of care for eomo time. Tl :
mother is a working woman who
not very well circumstanced for auc
an occurrence , and she aootus to hav
md within the past few month
nijro than her share of the troubli
the husband and father dying lai
spring , and the b.ibo being burie
only a week ago , and now the boy
crippled. The little follow was dow
toiTii trying to earn an extra dime ft
liis mother , by putting in his spai
time after school in distributing han
bills , when the accident befell hi"
It in said that the driver of thu bi
was careless in the matter , and thi
after running over thu boy ho did instep
stop to st'o what injuries wcroii.lhc
ed. Others any it was the boy's faul
and that is the but came around 11
corner into Broadway ho dachod o
thoughtlessly into the middle of tl
Btreot , right under the horse's heels.
From n ii'jgal standpoint.
To the Kdltur olTur. Ui .
I willingly and cheerfully concei
to you the right to critteiao my uctii
as a public oflicial nnd I trust you w
concede to mo the privilege of sayii
something explanatory of the sum
especially when I am supported 01
ratified by the whole body of t
criminal law of Iowa in my roco
dociaiou iu the case of the state
Iowa VB. Frank Hall ot al. , chare
with burglary. Pardon mo , sir , if
toll you that my decisions as a justi
of the peace upon a questions of law
fact nra not formed or rendered
conformity with the opinions of tl
press , but , on the contrary , are formi
and rendered according to the weig
and current of respectable legal a
thotity us handed down
mo by the supreme com
Notwithstanding the fact that yi
think "law" sometimes an indiscrii
inato outrage on justice , and "equit ;
an imposition on common oera * ) .
doubt not but tho1 above opinion
prevalent among a great many poop !
ISut "I , " as u publio oflicial , am boui
tu obey the Itgil authorities , J
though aa a private citizen , I in
think the same inconaislonlwith | rig
and justice. But the evidence in tl
caco in question did not , I "behove
warrant me in convicting the parti
defendant , ono of the dofondani
"Ross" testified as an accomplice , ai
was , I believe , incorrolwratod , t !
evidence of Mr. Djvies ai
Mr. VVhoelor did not confer
to the rrquiromenta of si
tian1,050 of the code , which is as ft
lows : "A conviction cann
be had upon the teatime :
of an accomplice , u tiles. s ho bo corro
orated by suoh other evidence as ehi
tend to connect the defendant wi
the commission of thoouonse ; andt
uorroboratlon is not autVicieiit , if
merely show the comtuieaton of t
oIloiiBo or the circumstances theroi
Tne evidence of Messrs. Wheeler ai
Diviea , to my mind , did not confoi
to the statutory requirements B
section 4,050 has boon construed
operate and redound to tbo benefit
defendants by the following decisio
of the supreme court : State \
Clemens , 38th Iowa ; State vs. Gra
I'.M Iowa ; State vs. Hull , 20th Ion
and State vs. Thornton , 26th Ion
That the above is the law " 'tis ' tr
'tis pity , and pity 'tis 'tis truo. " Bui
is the prosecution failed to fortil ;
itself with authorities at itauo with
the above , I regarded it as my p'ah
duty to diechnrgo the defendants , and
in so doing I dl(1 llot think to compn
miao my dignity by excitine the ire ol
the preas. .Iso. JAV
J. T. Clark and wife are homo npain.
N. L. Jtall and wife have rtturnei
J. K. Fanner , of Caindea , X. .1. , is it
the city.
M. Holbroolr , ( if Mi'fonrl Valley , wa
liero yo terday.
Mr. nnd Mr . S , S. Steven * bavi
rotun cd from Chicago.
U. TJ. Finn , of Bedford , Iowa , was n
the Oxden yeilotdiy.
J. Deck , } ' . < < ] „ went to Avoca last even
ing on \i'itohh Hon-ln-law , Mr , Julia
Scht.o'dcr and family.
W. It. Viiughan having disposed of hi
home in the First ward , ha * now taken u |
bis residence in the Fourth ward.
Dr. Olr-nnv , of Albli , Iowa , the pas
grand chancellor of the Knights of P > thine
ecmln word that ho will surely attend th
moiling of the grand lodge lure nox
month , twdoMnUo H , I ) . Walker , of Ml
Pleasant , and the hicfh olliclal in the order
Concerning tbu Coutoat.
George Willmm Curtis in an edit
orinl on the New York convoutioi
writes Bomo wotda which fit vor ;
snugly to thi ) uiluation in thia con
gressionitl diatrirt , aa nil rnnat admi
who nro converatmt with the mannu
in which Anderaon nmnaged to grul
tlio ropubliciti nomination here b ;
only ono majority. Ho says :
"That noimnatior was procured b ,
the cnmbinocl power of fraud and patronage
ronago , und to support it at thi ) poll
would bo to acquiesce in fraud nu
patronage us h t'ltmwto forcts in
nominating convention. Every goo
citizen IB bound to resist to the utino :
auch u wronijto Ireo institutions , an
the only cfFectiHl way in which th
voters can eniiuicipite themselves froi
the corrupt and debasing rtilo of unit
chinu in to dufcat iU cmdidates. "
The republican state central con
inittuo art : not in the habit , of BUI d n
auoh men as Allison , James P. WiUo
and Governor Shurnun into ail ) linn
but doubtful districts. Their present
here is a sure sign the Andurab
forces nro badly iiciircd. They ma
eulug'XJ republicanism , hut they en
not cji'ingotho ' ler ji ird'asp ; ti , UtCwi
There are ui < iny in Una district \vl'
ice disguated with the uttompts mad
> y John Chapman to draw aw-iy a
entiou ftom the dimaging facts i
tVndorson'H record , by trjin to rau
and on the school queition. If Juh
would on'y ' rise und muko n fox e :
ilaimtionn abuut Anduraon , it woul
ntorcat them more , end aurvo hia pu
[ lese better.
Would it not bo wull to explain th
51,000 bond which Anderson admi
Hiving ( riven three weeks bJoru tl
convention , and if not given for tl
purposca of corruption , for what w
it Riven ?
Would it not bo well for John i
explain why it was that so gallant
soldier and patriot , as Anderson
represented to be , should draw h
monthly pay twict ?
Will Mr. Myora , the editor of tl
Nonpareil , explain why , but a she
titno ago , ho pronounced us true a
the charges of immorality brougl
against Anderson , and now doclan
him BO pure nnd incorruptible ?
Will the Nonpareil'xplain how it
that Anderson ia "legitimate Candida
of the republican party , " seeing tb
tlin convention was called hurnodl ;
and despite the proto&t of nearly
majority of the committee , the deli
Cations packed , and the nominutic
secured by only ono majority , win !
such means as the 81,000 bond woi
used to secure oven that sort of a
abortive numitiatioi ?
Will the Nonpareil explain how
snap judgment'secured by wholly ui
republican moune , cm ba tnuiafornu
into an alleged "bontn , which is tl
auontaneoua outburating of an onthi
ciustio and unanimous desire of tl
republican party to have Andeiec
nominated" ?
While at these explanation wi
John i-xplain whufoin as railway coi
missioner , Andorson'over showed ni
inclination to Bland up for the poopl
as against the unjust acts of railway
or ever opposed pool * ?
Will not The Nonpareil publish tl
oflicial report in which MnjorAndorac
as railway commicsioner ridicultd tl
bill forbidding the issuing of railiva
passes to dllicialb ?
The Nonpareil says in a general so
of a way that the pipers nro lyii
about Anderaon. Will not the ab
editor of that paper pleaBO specify 01
of thosi' , and show it to bo ' ' '
If Ailam had had giiiuo of "I'ittcc
placed in liU liind at an eirly period
III vxNtcnce , th ) whole course ot histo
might have liom unit or ia ly altered for t
bettor , audit bilIou9iief ! < , mdlgonllonbi
heailurhe or dyspepsia were iminow
Sl'HINi , llui HcfJi wtmld not bo neodu
1'rn.u TX ) wuta. ttial bottles 10 touts.
MRS , B , J. HILTON , M , D , ,
CoonolliBlaff .
! . D IDKO.DSOS. I. L.BIIUailllT. A. W. RTKS1
Yico-l'rca't. CMhier ,
Of Couiicll Blnff .
OrcaulzoJ aailor the lav a ot the Btato ot lov
1'nU up capital . 9 76 , (
Authorlii > dc pi | l. , . . . . * ou <
Interest palj on time dopooltii. Dr ( t * laeu
on the prlnciml clttua ot tte UnlteJ Htutcs &
Kuropo hpotlil attention ithcn to colloctlo
aud coirospjudoocc ultu iirompt ruturm.
J. D. EJmuol n. K.L. Shujart , J. T.n rt
W.V WnlUco. ' J. W. Hodler , I. A. MM
A.W , Btroot. JvTdt
cutolir In j'ractlca
T ) | > f\r * cJiiwrlcncc
' 0) nawlogy.
Office ko6 Upper Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , -
I/wt , Fonnd , To Lc&n , Ff/r Sale. To C.on1
Wftrit , Hoirdlntf , oto. , will be ! nwrte < t In thl
column at the ow r to ot IKS CKNTS PF.
MNBor the flrrt ! n "rtlon and FiVK CEVTi
LINK lor rach tmbteqticnt Inoortl.ii
tulv ertlrtnirntx at our office , No ,
rnr llrn dv nv
/NTKtl A < .oolt at the \Vo t < rn hOu o 01
Up rr llto d > y at once.
- IxVcr , n iroail tmn 'no * hi
WANTKD-A hi * bwlntM. Irtpilro ol till
M. Ifft'l 103 ica > . rnnsll Illufli
r AVTft' Itnmo'litfly. n ft i Ma * livlw
the ' adfle II 'Uo D.rtior op
\\TAN1Kll-A No. I ruitmnkcr , ako 1'nntn
t > loon inalr , Herman orS oilc. Only thi
lict hamli tuci ! liicpilrc. Slriulj iinilo | > iiicti
to such hinds nn'1 lil licr lirirci paM than th <
btst In Omaha fliir r < Hire , men hint tailor
Du\ol' mw Ijulldiuir , North Main -tns > ' , found
ltlun , loua.
) A peed ( fit ) can fiid i if'O'l jd riM
WANTEt , err. ( . .h a\e. , and 7th't M" \
i. Wslker. ooi'fl-nt
"TTTAJ'TKl ) Apiol VIM shou'lln- > pnr
> \ of co n1 'to tihllticr'n furnl'uro 'a ' or' .
\ \"I7AN'Trt F'MmHon li'pvl and (
Vli.iVor. . Krenlrp | t P
A Oouirll II > iT ! nnd O"rnli' to cimav < r
"Mr . O r" ' f oo1 * iVoi > " Thn lit ft , mo
pop 1'riid bcflt tllln > f hviK 1'ripft
! fTTPN. .
lpn ! olllfc , Oraihl.
' - \ plrl for ccncml hou o ork I
WAVTPl' fimlly , cnnnlro " ' tteo ' | H "
, ANTlUr n 0 Imlld iu to mo\o. We mak
U n nil Itj of in 1 g lieu o ami Mfiv
AddrtmM. 1' . Ajlcnnortu , bux B70 , Connc
UlultH , li.
hvtijljuii } tu Uouiit-u Illuflu I
to UKo'lHn HKK , HO Lontu pur wiuk , bi
lUcrcd Ijj utrlurg. Olilcc , Mo 1 I'carl btrce
\A * ANThD To l > Uj nWMi or blx r oiu houf
V ? on mo .tU ) ln > talluii.i.ia if $ S I'1
h X958
1o buj 10U WUB brooiu conFer
For mrticulan aUdrcsH Council lihil
I'.mom K "torv Oouncl1 lllMfl' " , Iowa B5"-KHt
For Sale and Bout
HI'.NT KiirnMicil roouw to rent , wit
iKranl.ut 73tl .M } nst r ttritt. Day boai
* 1.5i ptr wt k. ocuti7-lt
l.'Oil HUNT A icaiable ullc on tlr t 11 o
J ; A. ti.kAYNi.i.CU. ! , fo.31 t'eathtr it.
HbNT-A > tr > p oisint rcwlj hul
FOR . Franklin st. T mtrcaaou Uo /
U. JIAYWh & CO. , No. 34 1'iarl Btntt.
. HAtifc Uuiiluul ruiiitntK ou , ; fl
' each : nothing ilown , and faiier < onth oul
-A furnished hoiisa l'h thr
cellar and cwieru , near Broclw.
No ! 9 , N Ushlh strv t.
AHG\n Oruat su :8'8 C ll aul
STluti aicestcr 03 and 8ncimtn9 ] of ) > Ictur
ta cub lliu ru U ) o ( jelatiiiu lironido
M f'9 I'xctlf'or Oall r)0 ) \instrcct
. W L. I'ATTON l' > iy < l.iaii anu Ooults
Dll. ' cure uny cano ot pore cj o . It 1 on
a luutler ot time , and can c'tro Kcncnilly
rein three tc tltoVKCkelt inakct , no illQi.
once how long di caanl. V.'ill etraiihtcn cr j
oycn , optrato and remote I'tjrcfinma , ( tu , ai
Itjoert rtlflci l oycs Siwctal ntlonlion to i
vnitu tndcnorino a <
Council h luffs'
Business Directory ,
Excelsior photograph ga Icry , South Slain I
Instantaneous pr CCHS.
0. GEISE , Upper Ilrondiraj- .
Oottllng Works.
B. HAGO & CO. , Eaet Ticrco St.
P. AYEItS , B17 S. Stnln St.
Bathing Houses.
. E. J. IIAUOINO , M. I ) . , KroaJRuy B
Glenn a\a.
DU. STUDLKY , BetliCMln I' tWng Hou
Books and Stationery.
II. E. SEAJIAN , lllddlo Kroiulway.
O1TICBK & I'USEY , corntr nroo. ! iiy and J
1TIXEXS1 BANK. Mhf-trcct.
Broom Factory.
MAYNE& CO. , n\enuo A , nnd Cth 8t.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TKMPLETO.V & LAMI1 , 232 llron.ltty. .
V. H. LiVIN , 30S Iioadwn ! > .
L. nnilKIIOKP , KM MiUn ht.
A. H. MAY.\T CO.,3I Pisirl Ht.
I J. HOSS , 615 Eiuit HroaJuity.
. Dentists.
sIKTO.V A , WEST , 111' l St.
Dry Ooods
HAltKNESSf OUCUTT X , CO. , llKXVln ) o
Eggs Shipper.
G. V. CIlAWrORD. 519 Main fit.
Furnlturo Manufactory.
T. It. STEIXIIILDEII , cor. Tth a > o nnd l h
Furniture Store.
C. A. Hiiili : : : A. CO. , C07 ami LW nyvlw y
Groceries and Provisions.
.SUMVAN J. FITKaEllAU\rtUllnM < lmi }
OLr.IVEll & GllAHAM. Mh rtnxt. Goi
Hold at rastcrii prlcci iul cuaHiitvwl.
Harness and Saddlery.
'HAS. WAUT.Il li 1II10. , 11M.Ho
CIIAS. iUKM\N,1il : MlitJln llrvudunj.
Hair Coeds ,
MltS. I ) . A. IlKNKDICT. X17Vi t Ilroailw ;
MKS. J J. ( ! OI ( ) > , a-JSthctnit.
Livery Stables.
A. OOMITO.V. iTO llroatluuv.
W , C. IIOLl4\M,7IMtOuthllitu , St.
II. UKtX'UOIT , O | > p. 1' . O.
nnillLS HOrsK. fniM'rlIrru.laj. .
hllX'h IIDTKI. , Wl nnU W)7 ) iWu nt t.
Meat Market ,
\\.TICh\ult ,
J. J. BLISS , MSHrocvdwaj. Como and cxa
.MllSJJ. K JlirrCAU' , 518 llroaaa > .
Marble and Granite Works.
rO.V.NOI ! .1 OfANKI.LA , 117 lroad nj.
Merchant Tailors.
JA1 * . JT.ANr.Y. 37i llrovli * .
CllS. . JlICi : . I'cvola limldin , ' , Wti anU M
Real Estate and Abstract.
KIMI1 M.I. V fHMl't Tl itv court house
j. w.bjiUllK x Oa , cormr Pearl and Ut
SMITH JUMcCUKX. 101 nroadway.
Stoves and Tinware.
. D. AMY & . CO. , COO South Midu ttrect.
Shirt Factory ,
r. 1KOUD , terncr RhitI R"J Wlllor * St.
MOUG AN , KCLLtUt & CO. , 310 and 311 Uro
li. M , CO.NNELL , 17 North Miln St.
V *
& *
V * _ . &
& f
Broadway , and Fourth Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
3T 1
_ J5
IP Headquarters For the Cele
"O 4
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
S f-t
Address ,
Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1,75 and $2,00
'W E3SI TOf.
Bluff and flow greets , Council Bluffs ,
Orilcr < HlluJ In nnj part f the ci'y. Orders by tclciihono promptly atronde'l lo.
We make the following a specialty :
onlers and correspondence promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory
S. E Cor. 7lh Ave. and 12th Str > ot. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA
- " " m mm Hf OTM 'Hi
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden nnd metalic cases.
Call * iittemled to at all hours. Wo defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
Our Mr. Morgan 1-au nerved us undertaker for forty years nnd thorouchlv understand *
hishusiness. WAUKIJOOMS , S1G AND 357 BROADWAY. UphoUterine in
all itB bnmched promptly attended to ; nliso carpet-laying and lambrequins. Telegraphic -
graphic nnd mail or-JrrH hllnd without delay.
Council Bluffs Iowa.
, - - - .
Iloer and null in any quai'ltj'lo ' suit pur > hurra. Ueur fS.00 jier barrel. Prlvatsfuml Itagin *
lillc l u fi mull ki ' atjl.lOcac , oclirul frcool ctartto ta no } part ot the city.
Wholeaale Dealer in nnd SOLK AGKNT FOK Joseph Schlltz Brewing
Corup ny' Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Town. Orders from the country elicited
Cltv order * to families and dealers deli\crnl free.
C. A. BEEBE & CO ,
WliolemloMul I'.cUll Dunlers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Merchant Tailor
Al aj s 1 , eojx ) on baud the flni t usortutent ot mat rial ( or Kcntltmcu'a vt car , SktUf&ctlon fuannU < J
Mllltuury , Drosamakln ? , Etc. Cutting and Pitting u Spedlalty.
No. 513 UroaJwav , Opposite Kovcrc House.
Lnces , Embroideries , and Ladies Underwear.
lUndkcrchlcte , hose ol all Kinds , thread , pint , ncedlo * , etc. Wo hope tbo lanloa will call
and * ce our stock ol coed .
Merchant Tailor.
( Late Cutter for Me teal f B . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Street.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Suite to order SIS and upward' ,
( Successor ) to J , I' . A 3. K. Caasady. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
Voho I ho only complete BaoUbstreclbockt to all city lott od Undi In lotUmtUml
county. Title * examluul and betr ct > tur' Uhid on abort LOtlco. Money to loan on clti and fata '
property , short tud [ cos time , la mm ) to eult the borrower. Itcnl tutt bought and aold Office'
attooolilstanl oppojlt cout bouK'