Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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    - !
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The Nebraska vNational Bank ,
Of Omaha , Neb.
Paid up Capital , - . - - $35O.OOO
8. H. JOHNSON , President , of 9t lc , Johnson A
A. K. TOUZAUN , Vice Present , etc. , n. & O.
1C U. , IVwton.
W. V. MOI18K , of V. V. Uont&Oo.
JOHNS. COLLINS , ol O , II. & J. 8. Collins.
J , It.VO iMVORTH , Councilor & Attorney. -
L. 8. UKED.ol tlj-ron Reed A Co.
II. W. YATE3 , CMhlcr.ltto C < whter ol the Fln-t
N lonal lUnk ol tnalift , and connected with
the ncllve inan pcinciit ol that Rank sinew I g
orKnnl iUon In IBca
CruxtD t it bjslntM Arll | 27 , 1837 , Mth the
Urge t < . i < lul ot an ; bink la Ntbr sk .
CouKcnosnreo\ofpecl\l ; attention and char-
get liwo t buluab'e hire or tlm where.
ISTRB.IWT a lowtdun time deposits up in favorable -
able toi ms and u.xm ajcoutits ot banks at.d bank
er * .
VORKION KtniANOR , Government Honda , and
Gout-ty and Ul y tocurltles buuuht anil 81'J.
It Is roparnl t din general banking hunlncx
In all Iti detail ! an ) In the tnntn enti leutorn -
en wl'l ' pursiu the most liberal ] policy coimlstont
with pJifu ti
Bpcclat lilnpatch to TilKllnii.
NKW YoriK , October 20.
While tlier'i is lescnod activity in inn t
' * & * * departmantoAing putly to unfavorable
wetthor , the biiincsf of the week on the
vrholb sati-f mtory and the outlook in re
garded as f.ivurnhlo.
There ate more retail buyers than uenil
in the ni'tiket ' thi-i Beacon , The j ibbltig
trade of the c imtnisnion houses U retarded
by the unf ivorablo weather , but there U n
fair re kttxortuient dcmntid which will con
tinue , 0.3 the retail trade la very cctivo A
good deal oE cleaning out nl some cutting
in pnceu in noticed in the foreign drcni
Rotdu IIQH. In d > meitics stocks are accu-
mulatiog aoaiewhat , but prices are Him
with busineiH comp * rativoly rjulet. There
la a fr : distributing trade in cotton gooda
and Fomo cutting in price ; . The carpet
tridj is quiet and the woolen trade in
faiily active with pricna neil sustained ,
The market U f > In earn there his
been rooniilenible advano-i. There is a
material diffdrcnco between cnsh corn and
contract ) in early mi ntha from thoju of a
later period. The mtrket cl ECJ with con-
alterable Btretit-t'i ' a'l ' al m ? the linp , but
with pricud a little below the highest of the
week , In
POltK AN ! . rnriVISIOSH
the nnrlitt 1m bei'n irregular and uu-
eettUd with 11 icttiriti'iin ' n it wide an.l the
( jeuerjl iun v.ealc. la
the tendency has ber > n Kra'.lnally down'
war , ) , icjjiiJtH in reading.
w or , . i
Tiiara is no nut-riil chiir e. Th ? fail-
nre of n fe v tn t'.ufucturera ac thd oi t baa
aoinewh it utfoi'od the Htrenitth if the miir-
U t wi.ho it ui tyri.iUy re luciiig v.iluoi ,
ricT oi.r.u.\t.
Tran actioua have been Iwf , but flue-
tuatlnni were not wide and the general
coqditioa i-i one < f inole-nto strength.
With the excsption of cotton freights
thamtrkcthas been dull. lUten are re
The market id dull , margins tire email
and IVR-J buyers are holding aloe f. ' / he
oooeuuiptivd demand has increased a trifle.
There i < n tr fl * more demand from re-
flaers f < ir row. Tne dls'.ribiri K trade is
light , with more orle sconccfialontoiuduca
AuiU' > n sales , which fix the Btindarii
prices indliwte lower ratec. TrAtle !
general y dull and the dintril.uting dum ltd
very ligtit.
ThTO weio uu flaetuitioni in the prices
of either curing thn piBt wte'r. The ar
rivilt er in iderate fur the BBIROII ami
oon-umiitiiiu rather far crthanuiujl , witlt
a tuullt'r demand forexi o tcra.
Tran a'siim * weie Hinall , thfre being
only a li ht einanl iruin iiuuufacturcrj ,
PrictM are firm.
Un'avorible wt-ather h 4 hid iti clf-ct
on ntloi aui oily a Binull busineK WAI
done nmo > K j 'bbtM < r rciuiU'ri , Alinn-
fucttuo a uta mostly busy gottiu ; , ' oat
No new fciturea in this trade. 1'riopn
are Ktrotitt f r Americati pig nu wull as fur
foreigu v-uietirp , but lU.ini ; s in the latter
has ueeu only moderate. The
market i * only f. irly nctivr , while ptlcos
on iiMnoimhlu white piue < "o firm ; uoinmon
ilio s S'imu coocuasiun. Iliinl woods are
fir nxuept ow rale wiliiut , In which
tbu tu. piy excee n the denuiul.
Money - -1@7 per cent , clo"ln cifored
at 1 per cent.
I'rtuia Mercantile Paper (5@S ( per cent.
Sterling Hxflhange Steady ; bankers
bill" , 1.81 J i demand , § 1.80.
Dry goo a txpuitd for the \veek , 82,223-
( Joverumenta were Bcnerally Btrong.
The stock market was very irregular
The olosinr prices show an a Ivance iu the
general liat of J@3 compared with doning
piiuea yesterday.
Yvttt'rJay , To < l v.
3'd . 102 1021
6'n . 101J Jtlj
' 113 11-4
44's Coupons . -
Pacific C'n of 1U > 5 . 12il 1 U
Oeutral Pacific firnta . 11 U ll
Krie MMJoudn . 1 > J ? '
Lthigh & Wilktehune . UU 10.2
l.o iif mm ri Urtflt ) . . . . . . 00 til
MUfuuii ti'd . 112 111
St. Joseph . I'lJJ 1(0 (
Bt , PJUI & Sioux City firuu. 110 110
T euuoohee G'd . -Hi 48
do new . . 4b 4S
exai & Pacific land gr.mta. , ( d ? 00
do K. i. div. . . . > < 4 W
TJni n IVtifia 1st mort'a | < e..llj 1'fi '
do l.rait , runti..llil 110
CHI biuking fiirvl.,117 117
Virginia C'a . : < 5 31
< IO COUHO d ( j' . 5. ' & 7
do defwrod . 13'i \ \
Adams Krprt'cs . . . 13 j 1H5
Allegheny Central . 2 \ 2. > |
Altou 4. Terra Haute . 41 4 < j
do pfd. . . . SO Pb
American KrpresH. , . 95 'JU
Burl. , Oodbr lUpMs & North. 80 8(1 (
C n.da duuthrru . CU ( U7
Col. , On. & Ind Central. . . . ! 8i 10'S
Central Pae flj . OOJ ! ( ' |
Cbwapeake & Ohio . Wj 25
do IB . | f.l. . . 3S 37
dj 2d pid. . . 26j [ 26
Chicago & Alton . , . . . .14Ui 11J (
do pfd Ut 142
Chi. , Hurl , A Quiucy 131J 1314
Chi , b't U > t INew Orleans.y Ho
Cm. , S.nd. ClevelHud to GO
Okie , Col. & UiuciuuHtl. . . . S3 8. <
L > eUtvre& lludhou oiiial. . . 11 t 11'
Ud. , Lick. & Western 3 ij So }
Denver A KioOraude 62 { to ]
Kin 4J | 4U
do pfd Hi 80
Kiwi letiuevpe lOill Idyl
d.i preferred 115 } 11. }
b ort \ \ u ) uo & ChlciiKO 1,18 It8
It.inuibnl 6t. Joti-iili 43 4J
do pfd. . . ill 77
Uarlein iHI 200
Houston & TCX.UJ Central. . . . 7J ! 78
Illinois Central 17 148
In. ! , , bloom. & Wentcrn 4UJ -llj
Kaunas & Tcxita . . . . 3Jj 34g
| j kv Kile & Wtotern H3 3 4
Luke Shore & Michigan So..li2 II Y
Loulivillo k Nashville fij fioj
LouUv. , New Alb. & , v biouro 10 67
Uatl'lUl & UilltlDljatl l t pill 15 15
do do 2d pfd 5 5
Memphis & I 4MJ
Uluhljuti Ceutrul 1 0 | lOt
\liuiwv | > ell & St. Ljuis Hey 3'5 '
do pfd. 7' 7lJ
MlDDUuil 1'itciKc lOJj 10. > t
Mobile b Ulno . .h'LJ Uo
Matib.iti.aii JJtach . ,1 4J l'2l
Ninhviliu A OliattrtiioonH . 7 i 731
New Jpihty lentnil . 6lj ! MiJ
Nuifolk \Vestwn. . . . . . . . . .
d i prfftTiotl. . . . . . . .
N'onlu-iii I'uctlic . 44S -I4J
do pM . OJ ) Ul'A
Vortliwcstorn . HJ { 14.
do [ ifd . 101 , HilJ
N'cw Ynrk Oitral . 1.VJJ 1
Ohio Cemril . Kij Iti
Ohio S MMtnlppl . } 'J ! ( .S
do ptd . U5 Oil
Ontario & Western . 1 J"4 1U7J
L'aoifio Mnll . lt Wj
/iiuaiim . . . 107 1U/
I'cotii , lccutur& Uviiiitv. . . t7i ! i-Ti
'itthhur a OlevolnuJ . MO Hi
llock Island . lH i 18.U
dt. Luuis c Sau FISH . IH SU
do i-fd. . . . 5S 5 ?
do Int. 1)1(1 ' . ) ? < JG
3t. Paul & il .1 waukte . 10H3 lU'.i ' ?
do ) . . . . ! 12Jx
3t. Paul ; Mluti & Ulanitoba 158 iri'JJ
St. Paul & Oiualm . 4bi 4Hj
do pfd . 1M.J 107
Texas & I'aci fie . -luj ! tt > j (
Union Pacitio . lOliJ JOO
United Siatcs Kxpnua . 68 05
Wab 3h , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 2 .SU
do pfd.fiOg M 4
Welb , Farto ; & Co. Kxprcca.lSJ 1 0
Weniorn Union Telegraph. . . 8UJ 8
Oaribou . 1 ?
Central Arizona .
KxceUlor . 1 1
llotne tuko . 17 17
Little Pittsburi ; . 1 1
Ontario . 30 37
Quicksilver . 81 8 }
do pfd . 41 41
Robinson . 1 1
SilverCliir . g i
South Pacific . 13 13
Standard . 4\ 17
Sutro . J J
Offered , fl'x. Interodt. JAske 1. | | Kx.
ipec'al Dl'.jatchei to Tim BKC.
CHICAGO , October 'JO. FlmirStendy :
oomiucn to oluii 'a ! < ] > rin ,
3 oO@5 f > 0 ; cnmniMi to lanuv ivl iiuoi < U
4 00a,0 ( 00 ; IMinnpfnt.i i nttnt , d "n ( < i ? 'Jr > : , loOj 'iOJ ; low Klf-'l'- - rJ (
@ 3 75.
Wheat IJrBettlfd liiit t energy l.ijjlier ;
egubrll. * > 4'i fur October ; Uo ( ! ! 7ic for No
vember j ! ( < " > 3 < J lVJe ) for tbu yo.u ; 1 IU d r
Mtv : No 2 ml win er , Oio furu L : Hi
! for Uitoler ; No. U hie > go spring ,
for uat-b.
Stio K nnd'lii'sh'r ; 70V a 71 ; f > r
: a ir. ; 71c fur October ; ol' * lor Novemboi ;
J3f { ) tor tlie ye r ; fir Jo lor January ; 50 u
for Ia > ; rejfctfd , G'Ju. '
Oata Market o 'it-r ; S.r@S51o for cai-h ;
35 j for Oct her ; 3li lor Noveml or ; IHo
[ or the yi'iit ; 30 j tor luj ; rejected ! ! 2Jc.
Kje Firmer ; OOo.
15 rley Firmer ; 85c.
Flax dteiFairly active and n shade
hi htr ; 1 13.
Butter U < od demand ; at full price- ;
Elgin creamery , 37 380 , choice to t.uiy
creamer > , 33@3ic ; fair to gooil , 28fg32i3
i'uir.y active and n ebade lusher ;
1' irk Active , I ut lower and uosett'ci ! ]
J300forcjsh nr l Outohpr ; 20 3Uu 20 . .2J
tor Nov niber ; II ) 07iC"10 10 for the yem
anil Junuirj ; HK5ujlUl7 ( for Foruttarv.
Ijjrt Active , but : i i-biule IIHVIT ; 12 ( J
gl'J 7o for ca h aad October ; 1205(312 ( 07j
For N ivetnh.r ; U I0@l l.'J for trtu jei" !
11 22i@U 25 tor January und Fubruur ) ;
11 374 " 411-10 lor May.
Lutk Meat' Stuadj ; abouldcr ? , 1050 ]
uhrrtibs , 15 00 ; short clpnr , 15 2 j.
WhUley Steady at 1 19.
Freight Kates on corn to liiilf.ilo , 1 ! ) ,
CAi.r , 13OAHI ) - Wheattf.iirly nctive
and u uhadd lu t er ; mgulnr u IVUUCIM | j i.
Corn ctive , tinii and hiwlini ; 71(2(71' ( (
For canb ; 71 Jo fur October ; 7JJJ ( for No-
6'4 ( > GiiT for the yeai ; 'Oij lei
. ! " iwof j for May.
K ir y uujve nnd u nliaclo higher ;
udvanoid ifu\l.
P.irkAOI.IV , firm nnd higher ; 2t20fot ;
cash ; V0 ! 15 tor Novemhei ; 1'J 2j t < r iht
ymr ; 19 i5 lor J.tuiur > ; 1U 10 for I'eLnii
, ry ; lit 31 f .r M y.
Luil Unsettled , but crnerally hipher ;
12 t.5'0,12 10 for cuth ; I' 12J f..r Moventbdr ]
11'A lor ho year ; 11 UiJ lor Jauuiry :
11 27j for Febrti iry ; 1110 f jr May.
NEW VOIIK. Oo'ober 20. Flour--
Finn ; superfine Btaw western , H 2 , "
( u 4 10 ; cnuimon to vm \ xtni , 1 00(3 (
400 ; good m choice , 170@7 50 ; whit.
* hent. xtra , G 21@7 50 ; extra Ohio , -1 OU@
7 ( X ) ; bt. Lorn * * , \ > 0oi7 50 ; Minno oU jiat-
ent proceiw. (5 ( 75@8 75 ,
Wheat Cauli , a slindo b ttcr ; npttomi
i.pono I J@l jj better , but aftertvarils luit
U.o i > dvunr , clo.-iny ttiouger ; Nn. 2 Miring ;
ii.mi.nJ ; utiprndeil ru i , 91al ; 15 ; No , ,1
rtnl , 1 07iI ( 071 ; iloainorNo. 2 ret ) . 1 07. } ;
Xc. 2 re i , 1 liail ( ] lOf for crtl'icatu < ,
1 HGfil 12 tleliverul ; No 1 red , I MG/l ! llj ;
IMI.XH ! winter , 107 ] ; ungraded whitr ,
8'.l.@l 11 ; Bt atncr I\o. 3 white , 88@.IUcj
.teau.01 No. 2 white , KigS7c ( ( ; Mo , 'J
white , 1 08 ; No. 1 white , 21,000 bu. hid
as 1 lirujl 12o ; No 2 red for October , 'JO.-
00 bu. Bold at 1 101&1 11 | , cloainc at
1 ll..lo | ; for November , JIU.OOO bu. mid
> t 1 lUffil 11 ? , cloi'lnK at 1 ll'i'i d > for Da-
ci'iulier , G G.OX ) hu , hold at 1 12g@l 13 } ,
cluaitK , ' ut 1 l i : do for Januaiy , 102cO *
bu noli ! at 1 llj ( l Hi , clohint ; at 1 Ml ;
do for February , 81,000 bu , bold at 115Au ( ,
115'f , closing ut 1 l.- > ' / .
O in Kxci'ed am veiy fcvcrlnh ; culi
and October , 5@"c I ighor ; uuirr'icied. H.'J a
9Doi No. 2 , 8 ( ofc9j in store , 8IJo,8)o ( ) in
ult\jtor , 68iralKj ) doliur < > d ; Mo 2 whi'e ,
Pi : .8H i No. 2 f. r October , "
at 8 Ho ; do for Nnu-m er I'.l i 2j ,
cloning at 81i ; do for I > > cem XT , 7.1'w r j :
uloaiiu ut 75 ; dj for January , dl/cjUij ! / (
cK irg at fl'i j
OiifH A thadf ejilci ; mixn'l v t uteri )
.u u . - 'j
li K8-Fro h wi'btfrn , il in mil fair ant
tnailiet firm ; 271C 2Sj.
I'urk Dall aud lo.vrr ; nevr IIIOCH , 21 03
Ueef .Mni'Kul dull mvi weak.
Out Me-ts Dull , iinuU\u anjvlnllj
nnininal ,
li-nd-M rkct wtrongcr ; prims blew
is trjffliaar.
Baiter Uamaud fair an-1 market linn
Qjiet an 1 firmly helj ; wette.i
flit ,
hi. UJUIW.
ST. LoriH. Ostiilier 20. - Flou.Steidi
f \mily , 10"iiJl 20choic < ) to faiuy , 4 50ffi
5 20
20Wheit Op n l 'owfr , but ft'
No.J nd | all , OTJ'a > ljeforcaihj ! Ol
to Novvuiber ; ( M&JJt ( : forlfceiiib ) ; ) | |
@ 9 g 3 for January ; No. 3 red f.ll , OUJC"
'Jlc ; No. ! red full. fij&SOc.
6.'c for May.
, Oats HiBh-r ; 33J@31lc for cash ; 33 } '
for October ; Sl'ffi3 o for November ; 32o
for the ym ; SoWiS.'ia ) for May.
llje Market drill jfiOJo.
Harlt1 } Steady ; Mtniie | loin , . . . . „
Huttpr Steady ; creamery , 2li@3lc ;
dairy. 2J(228o. (
Whisky Steady ; 118.
Vnrk Mitikot null and lower ; 22 50.
Other pr vlsioiiK vjry slow and only
null poldli ii < trxdc.
AFTFIINOO.V HOA HI > Wheat Hlshrr ;
Oot ber91a ; for Nnvemlvr : ' . 73i
f r December ; Uljfo for the year ; 993o for
otn lIlihtrC ; < Sj3 bid for October ; Cljo (
lor Novem er ; 55Jc for December ; & 5 o
lor the jcar ; tljj'fnr January ; 62jio lor
O U-irfiher3lc ; for October ; 32 a for
Novaiiiliti ; J . . ' f ir December ; 32JulJ4'o (
f ir the > oar ; 3.j | i for M > ty.
KANKAS Cirr , October 20. Wheat
Q it ) ' aud w < " > k ; No. 2 rpd , 82c for cn > h ;
0o bid for November ; HIJ' f < 82o for Dr-
ciinber ; 81Jo tor the jear ; No. 3 red , 70o
bid for c.i'li.
Corn Quiet ; 5tc bid ( or cash ; 4 to bid
for Novem > oi ; 41 Jj bid .for the year ,
O.its Slow , 22Ji3 a ktd for cash ,
Itjt-Qnict ; 4tie bid.
llutttr Finn ; choice ntoro packed ,
Kxgs-1 Uglier ; 20c.
PKOHK , October 20.Corn Act'tamut
firm ; high mixed , i > UlCU'c ( ; ; iiil\ei,0 ) ! ' @
09J- ' .
O .t < Actho and firm ; No. 2 white , 3l
t 'o.
lliO-Qnlcts No. 1 > , f lii@JOB. (
iiicH-Kirin ; L 18.
LivciirooL ,
LlVKlivooi , Octjber 1 ! ! .
\Vheat-Winter , iU W@8i .l ; opring ,
8' Od < 38 < lOd.
Coin 7 Id.
CoDNClL HLUKKB , October 20. Tne
Council DlulTi ninrkota carefully revised
to date ) are an followe :
Flour Golden Sheaf. 3 00 ; Kansan City
winter wheat , 275@3 25Miuno ; ota winter
who it , 3 00@4 00.
Wheat iNo. 2 , 75cj No 8. [ 05c ; rejected ,
Corn No. 2 , 60s.
OaU No.2 , 30c.
Hyo No. 2 , 15c.
Barley None.
KgK'd Scarce ; Holling to packoru nt 20c.
Corn Meal 1 GO for white ; yellow. 1 00 ;
corn chi p , 2 < i 00 per ton ; corn mm oiite
cho ] ) , 2i ( 00 per ton.
FHU1TS- Applet , 200.
13rootn Corn 3J@9c.
Hay Loose , 7 00(5)9 ( ) 00.
Wood 5 mm oo.
Wool 1525.
Butter Creamery , 30cln ; rolli , wrap'
oed , 20c ; rolls uot wrapped , 22c ; mixed
colorB , 10@12io.
Ouionx lOo per buahel.
Live Chickens 2 60@3 00 per dozen.
Potatoes 30c per l.ushel.
Cabbage ? 25@ lOc per doz.
Turnipn SOc tier bushol.
Sweet Corn 7o per dozen.
LIVK S TOOK.CattleExtra , 30(1 ( ®
3 jO Veal Calvcii-5 50@ " 00. UORO-
7 00ss7 ! 2 , Sho"ij f0. ; _
' < pecul ! Dlepitebcs tu I UK DKX.
ClllCA o , Ocliilwr 20 Tim Drovers rc'iortp - , fml !
llnn , D mnn i minimal , tiiirket b.idlv
tioi i u , cl citi- , i" ' ) „ id'ii'wth large
nijn > m.- \vliioh in.M not IPU h"lil i.f
thidec inc : tali mixed , ti hilfa 7 7-'i
In y , 7 H"g ( -i IK ; liibt , li 'JOfe" 75 ; nkii ) ,
4 Diiy 0 w )
i.'iuili. lmpru\fd aud 10j higher m
it tiradeeiurnl deui'iiid Inuiei ; gooi
to ch nohhtpping 5 10@5 bO ; c million t'
( .ir , 3 OJ@4 ! )0 ) ; butcbtrV at 2 3'l@4 ' 00
H'ockerH i.ud feeders more active nt 3 Wa
440 ; iauge , stronger ; Toxana , 3 7Ufe-l 55
American- 40.
Sheep Uull aud 15@2.j lower ; df mane1
weak nnd f-upply exc.tnive ; c urimuii ti
fdr. 2G3@3 20 ; tnediii'M ' to ifood , 3 8."i(2 (
4 00 ; choice to extra. 4 2 ) @ I 75.
sr. LOUIH ,
Sr Louis , October 20. Cattle Suppli
ligncand demand liinittd ; everything ) ul
xcept best butct er and good ehipuinj
grades , which are very Hcarce ; mixed lot
of butcherh1 tnir h-ilrl at 3 OU@3 73 ; In
dun steers , 385j3)5 ! ) ; nome extia hm
Texas Hteers of 1,10J Ibs , avernte , bn uuh
5 10 , aud n live stcerd of 1,280 to 1,3U (
Ibp , sold at 5 1(1 ( 5 25.
Sheep - Fairly KCIIV3 ; 00(5 ( | 1 03 for inn'
mil tons ; t'i ' kerc , 2 25(013 ( GO.
lings Dull weak and lower ; light , 7 01
@ 7 30 ; mixed pa l.i < t,7 15@7 5u ; butch
ers to extra heavy , 7 > J7 S)0. )
KANHAS CITY , Octoher 20. The Liv
Stick ludicttor repots :
Cattle 1' and rhade better ; Texa
oteors , 3 C0 ( 4 00 ; sto kers niri feedeit
3tO@l ! 5 ; i.ative . cnw2 80 3 ! W.
lli-gi < Lower and weak , ranging fmn
GGOt. . . 7 7i , with the bulk of them at 7 2
fe715. .
Sheet ) Steady nt 3 00(23 ( 50.
NEW YOKK. Octolier 20. The Drover.
Journal liureau reports ;
ISeevei Fair demiud for f * 'r to goo
athcj ut iiuatained pti r > > ; mil nnd 5
lower for common naives .ud range cal
lie , extremes' uallvt ) Hleern , 8 7ftu ( < 12 5 (
with rnerul eiiloa u" ( I 75@U " - * ) ; T x.i
Btectc , ! ( 6" ; lit f breeds , 10 Oojli. 20 ; ex
rtfrd teen 200 8iierM nt I07o@HOO
Stieop lictier fdHlii g and ut/watd teui ]
eu < y ; sheep , 4 OU@5 60 per uwt , lambs
75ft5 ( fc7A.
Hwiuo-Dull ; 725@800 per cwt. , fi
coinuion to IIK ' ,
Opjclil DIep.itcl ea to Tim Hun.
NKW yoitK ,
NEW Yont. , October 20. Coffee - Demand
mand fair and maiket linn ; Itio cargoe
oted at 74iflJdij ; j ih lots , 8@lllc.
bugar Fair to good relming quoted a
iMoMsaeH Quiet , 1 ut steady.
KiceDeiMiniil f lr und market firm
Domestic , 4'feOrc ' ; llangoon , 5@5ic.
Petroleum Dull nud nuininui ; O"nltod
Sj ; crude. 7l@7c ; refined. 78j.
V llow-Ktua < 1y ; 811-li@8 ( j.
TurpentlLO Strnnger ; 5dc.
PiTTsiii-rm , Pa. , October 20. Petrolettn
-litiet ; United lertifioitns steady ; cloao-1 u
U4c ; reliuoJ , 7ftj for Philadelphia delivery
| c.'Iul DtspuUh to Tiu lltti.
DodTON , Oct"bcr2) ) . The wool markt
hai i , eon rath r uiaoUL-d by to oinl fail
ure < . f luuuufictuiuri. Tins hds jjiven
lull tunttti thu mtrkoU. Sale * for th
wiU , 1,7511,000 p undi.
pitlsl Dl.putUioa to Tnu Bus.
CiiicAno October tO
, llecelpts nu
ship nebU of fliittr ninl grain fur thu pan
21 b 'Urs iu\o been as f'/llmvn :
Hceint * . Ship'tf
F.our bbU . IS 000 y\i \ ( n
Wheat busbtlf . b'J 0 o < 7X ( >
Corn " . K7.0JO 30 Go
OitH " . 711,000 51t 0
Kyi " . 12UOJ mo
Hiirley - " . . . . 5I.OIK ) i3,00
NEW YOIIK , Ojtober 20. Ueceipts an
shipments of lljtir and grain for the pan
21 ttourd have been at fobown :
Flonr-bbU . 22,525 j
Wheat bushels . 3.'i7 000 183 ( K.
n rn " . 115.300 8'47
Oats- " . 33,000 . . . . .
ST. LOUIH , October -Receipts an
J ahlntueut'i of Ibur and grain for the pas
) 21 houra have been M toll > iw > :
u , . . . KecelpU. Shlp'U
Flour bbla 7,000 . . .
Vhott-btiAhbl 10.000 ( . . .
Corn " 7,000
) ati- " 10,000
5yn- " 1,000
Barley- " H.WO
'ShipmtnU not t ted.
KANSAS CITT , Octol > r 20. Ueceipts
nd stilpmontA of grain for the pant 21
ours have been M follows !
Keo'tx. Shln'tn.
Vheftt , bttMiel 22.000.7,000
Torn " I. < HX > 3,0.0
ClIIC.VOO , October 20. Htcelptu and
lipmenti of live ntock for the pa t 21
ours have been as follows !
Keo'tii. Shipm't.
log * 19.001 " 300
Jattlo Gt > 00 ( i,500
hcep 3,000 40J
NKW YOHK , October 20. Kcvcipu mid
ilptnents ot ) l\o Bt' < ck for the past 21
ours have been as follow * :
lleo't * . Shlp'ts.
Iocs : , COO
Cattle 2,510 . . . .
beep 5,000
kef , qr "J.020
rlntton cixrcssfC' ' .SlJ !
* lncht ling to-in > rrow.
ST. Louis , October 20. Kecclptt and
hipmouU of live clock fet the pn t2t
umrs hftvo baen M followst
Kcotn. Sltipm'is
logn 2,501 1,100
'attlo ! HX ) 5,0 ,
Sheet 2,80,1 JiOO
KANSAS CITV , October 20. Kccclpta
il shipments ol llvu stock for the piwt 21
lour * hn\o been as follows :
llcc'ts. Shlpm'lu.
logs 4.MH )
Cultlo POO . . .
Sheep 100
Wholosnlo Prloon.
l < 'ridr.y Kvenlng , October 20. |
Tito only changes reported iu the matket
o-day nro as follown :
C.\nJlc3 ndvancoJ 49 >
Tttnato , 2 Ibs. cans , docllncil , 15a per
case ,
Corn , 2 Ibn , cans , declined 5c per caio.
Ulnckberries 2 Ibs. cans , declined lOo
> er case.
Strawberries , 2 Ibs. cans , declined ICe
> er ca o.
liitrtlolt pears , 2 Ibs. cam , declined , 40c
> er cr Hj.
Kgg and groan gags pluma advanced l"o
> or cato.
Pie ponchos , 3 Ibs. tnnf , declined Uc per
case.Sugnrfl declined
Syrup declined Ic.
Locnl Qr ln
WHEAT. Ca h No. 2 , 7 J ; cash No.
3 , G81c ; rejected , -IGJo.
Y. Caau No. 2. 72o ; No. 3 ,
Cash , 452.
COKN. No. 2 , 55o.
OAT-S. Cftili , 80- .
STIVKBT PlClOKS-Oorn , GO.- oil * ,
Produce and Provliloni.
POT ATOES-SO $100 per binhol.
ONIONS 30(0)500 ( ) iier bushel.
BUTTKK Ohoico country , J2@28f.
cXiGS 22@23o.
JluNEY Caltforaia , perlh , 21.
AIM'LIW Per barrel. 33 00fe3 60.
uys 1 1' ' IIS-S loot , 48o p-r can.
GHAI'KS Culifornla. S002 { 23.
LEMONS-SI 50@5 00 per box.
UK ANt Imported Geruun 2 70 per
b. label.
Qrocora' List.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per case , $4 Oil ; do 1 tb ( Field's ) ,
per cue , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
> 75. Lobsters , 1 tb per doiou ,
I 80. Tomatoes , 2 Ib 2 G5 ; do B Ib per
--JUBO. 3 00 ; Corn. 2 Hi ( Mountain
per case , 3 03 ; coakeil earn , 1 U ) ; dc
> tb ( Yarmouth ) , per CAPO , 0 00
Uring beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beanc
per catio , 1 70. S'locotash per case. 1 83
Peas , common , per cave , 1 50 ; peas , choice
per case , 2 70. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case
i 10 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 59
raapberrien , 2 tb , per c.vw , 3 50. Dutu
ions , 2 tb , per cane , 2 45. Bartlctt
peant per caiio , 2 S J , Whortloberrin
per case , 275. Ugg pluiae,2 Ib porcine , 'JO
vjroeu gages,2 Ib pur ci"0 : , 2 90 , do choice , '
tb i > or case 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case
I 00@15 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 00
do 3 Ib. case , 4 00 $ I 50 ; do , ( pie ) , Ib , pot
c M'i ! l ) : do pic , G Ib , per down. 2 3) .
FL ( JU Job'iimr price' , Jaslc Frnn (
St. Linia winter ) § 301 | nr 100 Ilia ; To
pekn I'.ittiiit Kiiiuu' , SH"i ( ; IMinnohaha
Minnesoln Pirteut S0 ) ; Shiwneo l''ancj
vnt -r , 83.10 ; IC.igli' , XXXX winter
$3.00 ; Tiiuuiph | itmg , licit , § 2.80 ; Chris
tinn'ii Hup rlatlvu. 370 ; bran , per ton
$1 100. chopped feed 8J8 00
ibGAlW-Pow'i-rua , lOjc ; Cut loaf
10X ; ( jratiulatBrt , ! ( J .j 'JoivtHjUoner's \
' . 'g t Standard l-xri , . f. 8ifKxtra ; C
i ; medium yellow , 8c ; dark yellow
li . ' 6a < t !
SYRUP 3t adard ComXM'c. lible.
Standard do , 4 gallon l < ( * H.-l 2.f } ( ; Stan
dard do , 4 gftllimJcegH.SiOb.C'rt ,
MHATM-r HaniH , IGt ; Ixeukf it bacon
non ; clear uiila bicon ; dry Halt bacon
I5i jhhoulders , lljc ; tlercalard/ /
KOPK Sisal , "J inch and larger , lOc
II fmh. IU , V
FISH No 1 mackerel , half'brl' , 0 75
No. 1 m ckerol , kit , 1 00 ; family muck
> rd , half li 1 , 4 75 ; fumtly mackerel , kiln
85c ; No 1 white fUli , half btU , 0 00 ; No.
whitj I'nh , kit9. . * > c ; family Vhite liih
lulf brls , 1 50 ; fa iil/whito U-h , kiU , bOc
medium scaled lierrinc , 40j ; nulect boneles
cod , ) < 4U' 4 n
rtl'U'KS. ' Pepper , 20 ; AUKpIco , 20i
JlovuH , 35o ; Nnttnc < 8 , 91 00 ; Caiam , 24o
H eo < 1 00. - .
LYK American , 3 STj Greenwich , 3 40
Western , 2 75 } North Star ; U 05 ; Lewli-
typ. 4 IVO ; Jewell lye. 276.
KKUD .lobbing ; ' 'pr'cc ' t Chop feed
$1 50 per 100 Iba.j chop coru , $ L40 ; bran
70o I'Pf 10" IIH. j
1 1 , ' . -I'earl , 4Jc ; Silver Oli.h
} ? . . Starch , 8Je ; ExceudorUloiu
Co ; i'jc ,
iOKl'i ) fc , Hto , ialr , llo ; lllo. goo
12c ; i .ill , IB to choice , 1U to 13j ; Old gov1
Ju < a ; 2G4j ( > Uc < 2 Mocha , 28 to ; Arhucklo's
01IKKS3 I'll ! ! Cream , ISJcj Pur
T10A8 .Gnniowder | , good , 45SiB5 (
Jholco , tH75o ) ; Imperial , good , 40fe45c
1"ie C075c ; Young Hyson , oed , 8K
'Oc ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan Not Leal
! 5c : Japan , choice , C0@76c ; Oolong , goiic
I'glO ; Oolong , cho.oe , 40@55j BouoGong
( oi,1 , i rdlOc ; choice , 85W45c.
WOOUKNWAJtK 'JVo hoop pallt
I 9 ; throe hoop p il , 2 20. Tubf , No
1 , 0 W ; Phneer wtsbboards , 1 86 Uoubl
Cr vmyyO ; vVolIbuckelB , 860 ,
LKAD lUr , 81 fli.
VINKOAH Pure apple , extra , 1 (
pure apple , Ute 1'nutninir.tiure janiile , IGc
SALT. Uray loud per hbl , I S ; Aeh
.on , In tao k , 8 50 ; b > dairy ft ) , ft 3 c
HOMINY New , si 60 per bbl.
riODA Utvlnhfi papers. S2 85 ; D
mid do , $2 & > ; Churcli't , § J 83t Keg bed
SOAPS JlllV'sflaVfiU llDr , . s at ,
ICirlt'6 BSi'.r. t. J UU ; tCirk'a ntWlurtll 0 Vo
Kirk B tybiu Ilueiian. B 2 < # fi JCiri' |
F.j'.ouu , 8 l'i ICiiJt'rt I'nilrltlfifynicn
100 oahci ) , til Klik'a ma nuMa , 1 v ,
I'OTAsJIi ' enniylvjuia o uj/i t d > ,
In rano , H 80 , < bbitt'n Hall , 8 do * . In c.-uv
I . * 0 : Anchor J. J 2 duz Iu oaso. 1 50.
FIKLJ ) - ) ) Itod clover , oholu
new , ? ( i 00 pfi bunLol ; m&nunbtb clovt'
now. $700 ; walto tbvor , n3w. $14.01
l alfa clover , ucw , $1250 ; alulke , ht )
81300 , Titmthy , good , nnw , " ? 3 ( K
bluu graus , txtr cleau , 91 50 ; j lue ; yniti
clean , l 25 ; of iard grow ? 2 toj
choice , 1 OH ; , oomiooa or Mlosour ;
80c ; millet , ( Ic ru.n , 8100" to$125
Ilunirarlan SOo "J
IlKUMK3rK O * K oraj e , 1 to
buFh&U , 25 00 ; t 'g orange , 1 bu hoLt c
over , 8J50 ; boner locust , po lb.,25cve ;
lOOlba.,82500. /
I'KANUTS-lVjMtod , cholJe , red Tea
Trolicht & Dunker
ox *
Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In
spection to their Unsurpassable Selection. jyno3dm
OMCC , lOoper Ib ; fancy white , lOio peril ) ;
. v white Vlnriula raw , lOc ; roasted ,
20.NKW PICKLKS-Mndium , In barret. ,
7 TO ; do in half bbl' , 4 2 > ; uuilU , In bblx ,
i"i ) do , It > half bbln , h 2 * > ; ih ; rkiui , In
h ! . 11 5) ; do , In half hhln , 0 ' . ' 5
CANDI-iKS oxm , 40 lb.,1'H , ISJc ; r ,
f > i J ; b ( xiw10 Itn. , 10 or. . , On , Ifxi.
KICK loiil t n prinio to cliolco , ? J' )
'io : iiur. hg7c ( ; Patmn , 7o.
MATCHKh I'ot online , D5o ; round ,
niM. SH 10 ; ii'inirn , cases , C 5 40.
Dry Qoocti.
HHOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , Sic ;
Vpplclon XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Hoott
j'K , 6ic ; Huckoyo LL. 1-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
Me ; CldUcnani'O A , ( lie ; llreal Falls K ,
lie ; Hoosicr , Gjc ; lloncst Width , 8.o. In-
Man Head A , HJc ; Indian Standard A ,
" " 3 ; tinli.iti Orchard d , w. , 8.Jc ; Lawrence
ijij , 7c ; Mystic lllvor , 7Jo : I'equot A , 8Jo ;
Slmwnmt 1 I < , "o ; Utlca O , 50 ; Waclmo-
M H , 7Jc ; do A , BJc ; do K 48 , lUJo ; Wai-
cott Hit. 8&o
l-4j 74c ; Alligator 3-1 , So ; Argyle 4-1 , 7ic ;
Ulantio LL , GJo ; Hadpor Stain X 4-4 , 7o ;
{ oiiulugton 0 4-1 , Cjcj ISuckoyo S. 4.4 , OJcc
udtan Orchanl AA 9-8 , 8ic : I/aconia O
J9 , 8Jo ; Lchlgh K 1-1 , Ojo ; Lonndnlo 4-1 ,
lOc ; PopperoU N 80 , 7o ; do O 32 , 71c ; do ll
30 , 7jjc ; do K 39. 8Jo ; I'ocasaot 0 4-4 , 7 c ;
\Yaniautta4-4 18o
ciu L4-4,9ioUlacketonoAA ; in.porial 8Jc ;
do do half blenched 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8J ;
KIdclIty4-4 , 9Jc ; Vrull of the Loom , 10 ; do
can.brlo4-4,13cdoAVatorTwlst,10icUroat ; ;
" " > ,10Jc ; Indian Uead shrunk 4-4. 12c :
L/onwiale. lOo ; do cambric 37 , 12Ac ; Now
York Mllla. 12io ; Ponuot A,10o ; Pepporcl
N O Twills , 12iej Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jc ;
I'ocasxrt 4-4 , 8)0 ; Utlca , lie ; Wamsutla
0 X X. 124c.
LluOKS Colored ) Albany K brown.
8c ; do C. drab , lie : do XX stripes and
ilalda , 1-ic ; do XXX brown and drab ,
ftripos and plaids , 12&c & ; Arlington fancy ,
lllc ; 13ruuswick brown , SJc ; Chariot fancy ,
I21c ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Him
> rown , extra heavy , ll&c ; Indiana A
jniwn IScnuonset A brown. 15o
' 1'lURliNUa AimmfcoaK A U A S2
I9c ; do XX blue 32 , 184o ; ,
'Jo ; Claremont 15 U. ISJc ; Conettoga ov
tra , UJo ; Hamilton I ) , U o Lewiaton .v
,10 , 15c ; Mitiuohiihn t-l , 20c ; Omeifa super
extra 4-1.28c ; Pearl llivcr S2 , l Jc ; Put
nam XX blue Uij > t > , 12c ; Hhotuckct H
lOic ; do S3 12c ; Veomwi'a hluo 2' ) , 9c
UKNf.Md. AuuMkcnk , blueaud Itrunn
Li4c ( ; Atidovor UD blue , 15o ; ArliugX
iltio Scotch , 18ic ; Concord OlO , blue aw
brown , 124c ; ilo AAA , do do 134 ; do XXto
lo do I44c lliiymakur'n blue and brown.
94c ; Myrttio River 1)D utripo , Ki4c ; Pearl
[ fiver , blue and brown , Itic ; Uncasvlllo ,
jluo and brown 1140 ,
CAMlilllCS liarnard , 5Jc ; Kddystono
lining , 24 inch double face , 840 ; ( Jurnor A
glazed , 54c ; Mintuttau glove finiah , 5io
Newport do tic ; do glazed , 5Jo ; Pequot do
oc : Loukwood kid hnish Go.
COKSKT JKAN3 Auiory , 80 : Andros
coggin natteen 8JoClaronlca ( , C2cConon ;
u ga sattooua , 7io ; llallowol , 80 ; Intdi
Orchard 74o ; Narrgan eUlmproveHo
Pnpperill aatt flU U4n ; llock port , 7ia
PltlNTS Aliens , 64c ; Amoricau , BJc ;
Arnold , 7c ; IJorwIck. 4c ; Cocheco , 7u ;
64c ; Dunuirk , 4Jo ; Dunnoll-
Ojr@7o ; EddyHtone. 7o ; Gloucester , Gc
Harmony , 5jc | ; Knickerbocker , 6&o ; Mpr
ri no D , 7c ; Myntio , 5Jc ; Sprairuos , Gc ;
Southbrldge , Gc ; do. Ginghauu , 7c ; Marl
boro. BJc ; Oriental Gic.
GINHAMS Anvakeag , I2io ; Amos-
ken ? dreHH 9J | Arpyle , lOJo ; Atlantic ,
Jc ; Cumberland , 74c ; Highlnnd , 7ic ;
Koullworth , 81c ; 1'lun kott , 104o ; Bus
"COTTONAUKS Abbervllle WJc
A ate , COc ; American , lie ; Artinlun , 20c ;
C.iiro D and 'L' , lc ; Clarion U and T ,
I7jo ; Deocan Co.Hlripes DamlT , ICc ; Key-
ittiino , Kiio ; Nautucket , lilo ; Nonpareil ,
IGo ; Ocean U and T , liijc ; Koyul , ItiJ
SUHUHI , 12c ; Tioga , 121oVnchmott ; shirt-
\ \ \ < i : heckH. 12ic ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York ,
nlalu unkin. 12Jo ; ( lochcok , dtripwnnd
lauoy , 12 u ; do , H 07 , 20c *
do fl-l | 2lc ; do' 8-1. .Me ; oTintiuuntal 0
12 , lie ; Fruit of the Lnom 10-4 , 27J ; Now
\"ork millii'JS , 3'ic ; < lo 78 , 80c ; do 58 , WJc ;
I'embroko 10.1 , 25c ; renttot 10.1 , 28ie ; do
7-1 , 19c ; do 411 , IGo ; I'euporall J ( , MOJ
l < i G7 , 21o ; do 57 , 18cr Utica US. 35o ; do
8 , 22jc ; do 48 , 17o
Cluar * nd Tontcc'jt.
CIUAHS. .Soedrt , i5.00 ; Oonuectluut ,
125,00 ; MIxud , iri.OJ ? : ; Hued Havana ,
tfO.OOClearJlikVftiiu , i$75.0'J.
TOHACCO IMjUt ; . li ) don Knlo ,
M Ib , GOc ; Our llope , brut < iuulity , l' 2c ;
Star , poundd , 24 Ib , butt UOc ; Horde Bhoe ,
pound * , 24 Ib , butts , 58c ; GUI Kdge ,
pouudH , 24 Ib , butts , 60 ; Army and "Navy ,
pouudu , 55c ; Dulllou , pounds , 69c ; Lorll-
Utrd'a ( Jlimai , ( toundH , GOc ,
KINK OUT In pails. Hard to Heat !
/6c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Foimtalu , 80u ,
favorite , G5c ; HocUy Mountain , GOc :
Kancy , 55c ; l/d y , 5Uc. In tin foil
Cutlina O. 8 , , 5 Hi boxua , per Ib G3o ; l un-
illanl'H Tiger , GDc ; Diamond Crown , Clio.
SMOKING All grades Common , 14fito
. -I3c , Granulated liluckweUa Durham , 10
or. file ; Dukes Durham , 1G oz , 4Go ; Heal of
North Carolina. Hi oz , 4G ; Heal of Nebru. .
lea , 1G o3Kc ; Umo.lack , 4 uz , linen bags
per Ib , 81.35 ; Mivrburgn' I'nck 2 oz , tin
oil , 65o ; Da. ; Tall G6c.
Palnt Oil * od Vrnlihe * .
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon !
13o ; 1'50 headlight , per fe' llon ,
lUc ; 175' hnadlight , per gallon , 21c.
liusced. raw , perpullun ; linseed , boile-l ,
per gallon , Gtlu ; hrtl , winter uti'd , porijul ,
Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85cr No. 2 , 7Bc ; castor ,
XXX , p > r gallon , I 20 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet ,
per gallon. K5o ; uperm , W. H. , per gallon.
I G' ) ; fish , w. H. . per gallon , GOc ; ueatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 7 c ; No. 1 , fiSoj lubri.
eating , zero , per .vllou , SOcj Btmimor , 15c ,
golden mi cljitn > . No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No
2 , 80 ; Hperm , inulni ( ! \ g.illou , ItOc : tei.
pentlne , pcr _ tj-illon , GOjj utiptha , 74 , per
L'allon , l c ; lil > 17c
I'AlNTri 1 > OIL White lead , Umabn
I' . 1' . . ' ' 4o ; white luivl , Bt. Loul , jmre , Gi ,
M.MiwlIe ) i gri'tn , I to 5 Ib cans , 20i
French/Inc , g' " " " * ' / I'-So ? French tine ,
riUe..l , lit ; Fruach * mt , In vaiiilh > a i
4)0 ) ! KrmichIr.w , In uil assl , 15oj Haw
and hunit mt.Ur , 1 ll > r. n Uc ; raw and
burnt Hiuma , IKci vaulyke brown , K
rulmed lumpbbi k. 12c ; dutch black , , lro ,
| " , , ry blftcl : , Hie ; droji black , IGc ; l'ru la
bb.t , .Ko ; ultruiimriiKi blue , 18c ; chn uir
. /ri'cji , L. M & P. , He , blind ami hliuttoi
, ; rririi , L. M. & . D. , ICc ; I'arle grfcn. | 8ct
InuiHii ru < t , l-"ic ; Vimitun ri < d. He ; luscui
American VerinilliKi 1. 61 I' ISi
4it , 2 c ; , . , ;
, : tirott. yellow , L. , M. , < . & D 1) . , ICc
y.-lluw txhre , ygi'ldeii ; nbru. Ki ; patent
Uvur , ft. ( .vuii'tug u ii < rh. Iir'lit oa'c , dorl
oa'c , walnut , "hbctnut ami iwh I Co.
Qr ° jlnt >
\Vhlle lead , OJvj trtnelj nuc. lOes 1'arit
hltC8c < jiufl'U J Umpbikck < 5erinw )
towu , ll ; Innpblack , oidmary , lOo ; rrtin
elan blue , 55c ; ultrmnarmo , 18o ; vandyki
browu , Kc ; nuibvr , burnt , . ; utubor , raw
lcsienna ; , burn t , 4c ; nibiinu , raw , 4c
1'uru green genuine , 2"ic ; i'arU grueu coin
20o ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; throm
grecu K. , 12cj vennllhou , Kug. , 70c ; ver
million , America , 18c ; ludlau red , 10)
roae pink , 14c ; Venetian read ,
Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rei Uwl , 74o ;
chromo yellow , genuine , 20o hr me yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 3i ; ochre
French. 2Jc ; ochre , Atiiflrioan , 2c ;
Winters mineral. 2Jc ; lohlgh brown , 24ci
upAiilsh brtiwn. 2Jo ; Prlnco'a mineral 5o ,
VARNISHKS-HnrrolB | ier g..llon
l < \milturo , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No , 1 ,
81 ; coach , extra , $1 10 ; each , No , 1 ,
$1 20 ; Damar , extra , 61 75 ; nuan , 70can- ;
phnlluin , oxtrn , 85c ; nhollao & 3 50 ; bnrd
oil lltiirth. Fl 30
PAPKU Straw paper , 25fc ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , Go ; matiiln p per , lOc ;
news paper. 8c ,
HeAvy Hardware Lilt.
Iron , ratwt , $3 10 ; plow atcol , tpeclal
onut , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; ; < peciaKirGeriuaiiOc ;
cast tool do. 1520 wagon spoken , not.
2 2o@3 00 ; hulm , per sot , 1 25 ; folloos , sawetl
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 7085c ( ; axles ,
each , 7uo ; ( uiuarq nuU , per Ib , 7@llo ;
washoni. per Ib. b@18c ; rivet * , \ > OT Hi , lie ;
cell chain , | > er Ib , li@12c ; malleable , So ;
Iron wedges , Gc ; crowlmni , tic ; harn w
teeth , 4c ; liontoehocn , per keif , 5 00 ; spring
stool , 7@Sc ; Iturden n horsonhoos , 5 50 ;
HurdonV muloshoos , G 50.
SHOT. Shot , $1.85 ; Unck shot , ? 2-10
Oriental Powder , kegn , SG.40 : do. . 1ml
keg . 83.48 ; do. , mmrter , $1,88 ; Dlast
ItifT , koicf , 83 35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet Wo.
ItAl.liKDVIKK In car lots,8 SO per
100 ; in losa than car lota. 8 55 t > r 100 ,
NAILS Kates. 10 to COb' , 4 GO ,
Oak solo , 38o to 42c ; hemlock see , 28o to
35c ; hemlock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; runner ,
G5o to 80c ; hemlock calf , 85o to 1 20 ; hem
lock npuor , 23o to 2Gc ; oak urpcr. 2lo ;
alligator. 4 00 to B 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c ;
Gretacn kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o tu
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to I 80 ; French kip
1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rno-
Botts. 5 50 , o 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50-
topping ) ! , I ) ( K ) to 10 50 ; li. L. Morocco , 30c
to 35c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , H5c ; simon ;
2 50 to 3 00.
HAKNKSS-NoI tar oak , 42c ; No 2
do , JI'Jo ; No. 1 Ohio o k , 38c ; No. 2 do ,
35o ; No. 1 Mllwbti Vee 87c ; No. do , 31o
Horim and Mulct.
The market ix brink uiul nil graded nro
Lolllnj ; wull nt iv lluht advanoo In p icoa.
The cteutund for good horaoo exceeds the
supply ciiuaidcradly. PHcoi range as fol
lows :
Finu eluftlc drhors. 9150. to 300. ; Kxtni
draft Lorvn : , (517b. ( to 2/fi , ; Common drn.'t
hornet ) , jlOO. to 150. ; Kxtra fanu bone * ,
6110 , to 125 , ; Common to goad farm hoi-Hni
C90 , to 3100. ; Uxtrn plngii , 800. lo 75. )
Common ulucB , $20. to t'10.
aiULKH. 15 to 154 htmdi ( extra ) , $125.
to 150. ; 114 to 16 handn , 9100. to 110. ;
14 to 144 hvidii , 875. tu 100. ; 134 to 14
hands , SCO , to 75.LI
LI uor * .
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 31 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1 30 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof , 128 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
utlskles , 1 00@l 50 ; fine blended , I 50a (
250 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken
tucky And Pennsylvania ryes , 2 10fu)7 ) 00
1) RANDIES Imported , 15 00@16 00 ;
domestic 1 40@4 00 ,
GINS Ire ported , 4 t > 0@GOOi domoatlc ,
UUM3 Importod. 4 60 < § 6 00 ; New
England. 2 00@4 OOnioino tic , 1 bO3 60
I 75 ® 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported par one ,
2100(331 ( Oj At rlMJ , case , 12 'W@
OLAUETS er case. 4 60@1G 00
WINKS Kb. no wine , per case , G 00 ®
20 00 ; Catavha , per case , 4 007 00.
Wo rmoto lumber , lam and ehlngloa on :
earn at Omaha nt the following price * :
J01.ST AND .SCANTLINM 1C ft. and
under. 22 UO ; 1ft ft. , 82. < 50.
TIMHKIW IB ft. and under. 22 00.
TIMHBIl AND JOIST -1H ft. , ! MJ 5 ' ;
1C ft 2i ' . ; . 22 ft. , 8211 50 ; 21 ft. , ij''ll .VI
i < KNUNU No. 1 , I acd G in. . Ml DO ;
No. 2 , $22 HO.
SHKKTtNG No. 1 ( 'ind o.imnou
boanlx ) t2 > 0) ; No. 2 , 818 03
STOCK HOAUDS-lS.ln U , 82Ti 00 ;
IMn. ( . ' , , 83500 ; 12-in. II. RIO 00.
LtlMK 1'or barrel , 51 .15 , bulk ptr fliia-
40 ; Cement , bbl , { 2 - ' > lown planter.
bbl , 82 W ) . Ilnlr pur Im , Uo. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , 83 50. Straw board , 83 5 ? .
COAL Cnmtiorlaiui blacksmith , 412 ,
Morris Run Ulo-ubtirg , 312 ; Whitebreail
lump , 85 ' ' 0 ; Whltobrea-t. nut. it r > 0 ; Iiiwu
tump , ( T 50 ; Iowa nut * Ti V ) ; ( lock Spring ,
SK ; Aulhrauitu. all Hizea BIO 5i ) .
O.krb' > lo ! , 50o ; Acid , Tartario , 'Ka ) ; Halsam
Copabia , per Ib , 70c ; Hark , BaiHafras , tier
Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per 11) , 75u ; Clnchonmin ,
per oz , 81 15 : Chlorofoun , per Ib. 100' ,
Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 40 ; ICpiiou
nalte , per Ib. ! ! 4c ; Glycerine , pure , pe Ib
.13 ; ; Load , Acetate , par .b , 22i.
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , * 1 15
Oil , Cattor , No , 3 , per gal , 81 00 ; Oil ;
Ollvn , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ,
Opium , $ r > 00 ; Utiliilno P. ti W. & U. & S. ,
pur ot , 82 30 ; VoUuUum , Iodide , per II
81 ' .10 ; Salncm , per o40c ; Sulphatu o
Nloriihltie , pur , 83 8r > ; Sulpnur llout
par Ib , lo ; Ktrvchnlun. imr oz. 81 35.
Hlrtftn hur , Etc.
IIIDKS 'arcen butch nr's hide , Ur > 74
cured HI'O ; hides , green Bait , part cured ijc
hides , 7c ; dry Hint , sound , 1&31 Ic ; dry
calf and kip , l'2@llc ; dry salt hldesHouni { ,
I0@llo ; Kreen calf , wt. 8 to 16 Ibs. . 1 l < 5r)1 ) 2 ij
gretiu call , wt , under U HM , per nkln , COct
green jxilU , 50 ( < $81 25 ; green lamb skins ,
81 251 50 ; damaged hides , two-third rate ,
cut ftcorud and one grub , clamed two.
tLlrd < rata , ) branded Indus 10 per eont. ill
Coon akiub , No , 1 , 45c ; No , 2 , 30o ; No. I
iO. ; No. 4 , 10o. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. V
30o ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. t , 60. Kox , ,
OOe ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b5o |
ft5r ; nhort Htrlpo , 40n ; narrow stripro
n. 10n , Tnllnw 7 .
u innnuy ami uriltr salt direct from
w.wualiiii | irouiitl | ) liy rail at the
o cunli iirltulo all w < j4orn pilikiH
TV1.KII SAIl'i:0 : . Si
How OUtlilinii liud'Tun. "
Oh a hiiiiuntr du > , they xtcit to play ,
I ) t vn thu f iu < l l < > l > tuoi ) Join1 ; ) pad it'e ,
i U k i tin' tun , \ ii l.ioUil no ga ) ;
Tlu hu ir. .MT f ] > uit In ( utiunil lill liler.
That iuht , , , 'himJotl utti rd yullul uithpaln ,
Vci , i In ( uniiv Dut. am ) VIctorLi ;
Iho h'ii'i.i | < .ru ol tliuxruui apple kind ,
Hut iiuiiKlj i-iircil li ) ] ! HIIIIII > .
Ilo other UU3Xnai9 ( to pruvalrtit In tJi
country aa ConUliJaUcu , aail no louird
his ( \ ct < quailed tiio d lobratud KIDN EY-
WO11T oa a euro. WUatrvcr tlio raurc ,
liowovcr olatinatu the C&LC , t.iia rc
Will overcome it.
E3SJ K Q THIS dlntrot tins oom-
IT" B t-lC.CS a plaljst irry aiit ta be
wlt ! coiiiiUpatlon. Kidnry.
\Vnrt Btrcucthi'iiMtUowcoUcncd parts aud
qulc'-ly nil ! -lnd3
curc of rilm even when
O pnyilclann nail luudlcinaa lmvol cfoi\ftll-
< 4 ed. t riryouUuvocltherorthrcatroublo <
[ Vrom Uin Hoirton Olobt , ]
ilntn. Bfrton f
The ntKiro li a KOCK ! IlkcnoM of Urn.
li-vm , of lornn , MM . , * ho Un oiUl ct her hu
I injr t tmtlifulljr called UiDrar I'rlcnd of Woman , "
ni om ot hfr roi-rvupotnlonti lorotnr ll her. Eh
li ti'alomljr ilorotcd to her work , which It the outcoma
of n life ntuilr. nnd ll olilUrd to Keep lx UdJ
* v | < ( nti , to help her Rnuwcr th lurso cx > rrc'pondtnco
n Inch dally IKJUM In upon her , each bearing 111 tpccUl
Inmlen of mlTerlnir , or Jojr at release from It. Her
VeirctAblo Coinimuml Is medlclnn for ( rooil und not
cill purpowi. I hate innionaHjlnTtitlffat dltuul
am utlsfied ot the truth of thli.
On account of lt < pro i-n merltm It l rccommcndcil
andprr crlb < > dti7thobcKtpliyrlcliui > In the country.
Ono KnjDi "It vorki like n ehann and tares much
pain. H will cure entirely thnnontform of falllnjr
Dt the utcnn , Ix-ucorrhcra , Irrr-irular end painful
Uenntniatlun.atlOrarlanTroulilet , Innammatlon and
Ulccratlon , Flnodlnin , all nisptaei'inenU andthecon-
iHXiuentFplnAlnrnl.nciKand Li especially adapted to
H iicnneatmoTiry portion of the ryitem , and Eire *
now lire anil vlRor. It removi-g faintnriw , llatultney ,
destroys all cmtlnc for stimulants , and irllerrs weak.
ne f thontnmaih. It CUITI llloatlnir , Headache * ,
Ner gu Prostration , Cionirnl Debility , Sleepleajncnf ,
Deprtwlonandlmllifeiitlim. ThatfixlliiR of bearing
donnrautiliipalii | , weight ami luvoknrln1 , 1 nlnaj
Ivonimnenllif curtil l > y tta liw. U will at nil Union , anit
uml r nil clreunutnnee ! . , aet In liarmony with the
that ( roveiTW the feinala 13 fttrtn.
Itcoitn only 1. | < cr Imttluor li for $5. , nnil la nty
nmslsta. Any mlrlco i e > i < ilnilan ti. IH i tal caw , and
lie nanie of innnjrvlioliarnlirvii rp'tortxttojicrfcct
healthliy the usnct tlio V t.-etnUoCompoundcant >
allied tyiulitrctltu-Mii.1' . , with hljimiifor rrplj.
at her homo In I.ynn , Ma > .
Tor Kidney Complaint of rlllti r MX thl compiHind is
unturpaMid ns abundant testlmonljOrtf how.
" 3In . IMnlkhainSLlxtTI'lll"pays n writer , "nr
tet > tst ( n ttie irorM for tlio euro of Con < tli > itlon ,
) lllouFni-Ki and Torpidity of the Ifvir. Her niuod
1 nrl'ler uil.onileinln Its nHrnl tine nnd Md fair
( jcriual the Compound la It-tjiniiiiuHty.
All must nvpeet licrnfnn Ani'tlot Mtt-ey whono Bil *
KinMtton l4tu.oirr ! > od tuothuni.
1'lillndelpIil.T.l'tt. p ) It \ . M. r > .
Are acknowledged to be the
best by all who have put thorn
to a praotioil tost.
Pieroy & Bradford ,
hi ) .
1109 tml Mil Dodge Btreot ,
BUB 7-mn dm OMAHA , NKU.
TlioBo doHlrluj to make money on
sivull unit mniuni lnv nt < iionti ID
20 ariln , | ifo\lilon anil dtiirlnfViiccula-
am , c u 1 1 to it ) aw ntliTZjon our
| ) Ua FrimMiy 1 , linl.tolieprn -
WII MAT unt < Huoi Invnt ai n a cCJJio.oo
to il Oilj , ejt \ | irjtlt < lia\o been
ru IzaJ aril ptlj ti Incjtorj
( J anioun IIIK ti > iiuM-r-l 'iniiw tiaorltr-
Irul hum iiu-ii , jtill liuvnu tli
or Kin > l I'Un-tiiiiHit , . < . .Uinsmoucy
orp > ulii'0n iluoiiiiil npUnuto-
STOCKS ry cin.ii arta'i I tiviue't * ft ( unit
W a tire U'o > v..iit
a -ciitM ivti'i U / IKK' i > i > / > pi auil
lut o Hitill ( ilin L liortl coui-
SIOO niliniinn ii-inl A ilru-u
F.lMM .J .1 > I-J ' , llUUtu-W
lU.'UIKI U I Ultf. llt | , JI
arble1 Works ,