Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1882, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Published every raornmR , uxtwpt Suiidnj
Chi oaif Monday morning rU.lVi
1'KUMH nv MAIL -
Yenr . 810.00 I Thrsa Montlw < ti,00 !
Months o.OO I One . . 1.09
fHR WKEKIiY HKK. pnblUfeed ) ?
17 Wedutaday.
One Year . I Thrcn Months. . > ' )
IzMottlui . l.GOOne | . . 20
ot Newsde len In the Hinted Stolen.
nlloD.i rclf ' . ! ntj In No mi MidlCdltoTialmat
em should bo ftdclratsed lo tha EDITOR erIK
IK * lirr
and IlcmlttAnoai nhoiild bo tv.l-
ANY , OMAHA. Drnftu , Checks and IV/it-
ff 03 Orilorn to ho matin pAjrnblc to tlic
t\if \ nf the Company
flu BEE PUBL18EUTC 00 , , Props
, TUItor.
Wo arcs authorized to [ announce
Senator Van Wyck to address the
citizens of thu Third district on the
Issues of the hour at * the following
named places :
Tokamab , Saturday , October 21.
O'Noil , Monday , Ootobor 23.
Norfolk , Tuesday , Ootobor 21.
Hon. M. K. Tumor
will speak with Senator Van Wyck
fct each of his appointments.
WHY didn't Ilasoall & Co. put off
the republican primaries until after
the election ?
VALKNTINE'B nrmy record , like his
congressional record , needs a good deal
of explaining.
GI.AKK for ntato treasurer
mean * the control of our statu funds
hy 11 corrupt ring of jobbora.
WOUKIVQMKN of Onmha organize.
Oall your trades meetings nud select
pour dologutos lo the convention that
is to iionnnato the IcgiAlutivo county
ALL the railroad cappers running
for the legislnturo in thu Third dis
trict are for Saundoro now. When
they get through complimenting Snun-
dtn they will drop into tlie lap of .Too
WHY did the D ni lus ununty repub-
licsn cQtnuiittio put elF thu nomina
tion of a logiblitttvn tickut to the 'iOth
of Ojtobei ? Are thi-y afraid thut the
honest voters would repudiate the job
ihoy are putting up ? Orvasitin -
i ended to prevent the farmers from
"becou ing ivcquak&todtitU / th
dates before the election.
AND now it is reported that Judge
Muaim will go to Fremont to review
General VAU Wyck's speech in sup
port of M. K. Tumor It will also bo
appropriate , while Judge Mason is
nbout it , to review the political upos
Ucy of 0. P. Muuon in 1872 , when ho
nturaped Nebraska with J. Sterling
Morton in support ot the straight
democratic tiokot. Wiis the country
loss in danger ftom demooratiu tulu
then than nonl
'JiiB ' 0-egon kgisUturo has boon
balloting for t-onttor during the past
five nueks and the contest u still tin-
dec di-d. To-day the pay of the log-
Islutuio elopa by contlilutional limita-
MOD , utid n break may soon bo ex
po c tod. Hippie Mitchell , the noto-
nouu railroad jobber , has bson in the
load , bul ho has been untbloto muster -
tor votes enough to elect him , tuid
tiDtno dark horao will probably wivlk
away with the soiiiitoralup.
LOOK t your aunutota. The rail
coada uro making n desperate ill'jrt tt
oontrol the next senate and thereby tc
blrok nil anti-monopy legislation ,
They are tradhig everything am
everybody for their senatorial candt
dates and it bohooren the people wlu
dome rodrosi ! from existing ubuera ti
vote down ovuiy man whom they di
not know to bo sound on the man
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WonKiNcntr.N ul Omaha , dun'
fritter uway your power in peraoim
u | uubblos. You have it in > ou
power now to bo heard and felt in tin
legislature of your stato. You huvo i
your power to protest against tin
Arimtronp outrage by electing moi
who will voice yout Bantimunts nn <
defend your rights. If any man'
ambiticin is in your way sot down 01
him. If any man Httunipts to botra ;
you , bury him.
IT ii very proper for thu city to' UL <
all precautions iigaiutit uccidunts am
possihlo durnngo nuita by parties in
jurcd through uarnltesriwa in ozcavat
ing cellars and bAnciactite. There in
however , very fieiious objection to th
provitiou of the oidinaiios rccoutl ;
onactid , which rajulrcs each owner o
a building lot to uivo u parpotual bom
In the BUOI of 810,000 to the city t <
Jneuro the payment of damages tlu
might arise from a faulty txciVition
Suh a provieion if rigidly enforced wil
retard the growthof the city. It wouti
be proper enough for the Board o
Public Work * to oxuot a bond for an ;
reasonable amount to indemnify th
oliy for any damages that might b
incurred from excavations while
building is in procoea of erection , butte
to exact a pirpnlual bond will keep
many men of Mipr.ns from invcetiiig
their nioiiry in brick nnd morUr in
Omahp. Tint subject nhottld rccoivo
the o rnoit and thoughtful considera
tion of our mayor and council at onco.
GKNBRAL (0 ( Qeounx II. HOKERTS in
prrtiicing around this sUto blowing his
bruzon Irumpot for the monopoly can
didates , lljborts always dwells with
great otnphiMH on the gallant and
heroic deeds of the boys in blue , but
ho never mention * that ono George
II. Roberta was dishonorably dis
missed from the army for cowardho ,
JiAitNACLr. 1'KAitsiAN with the check
of a uovcrnmout mule , Inn the impu-
donca to call Rfiia or \ an VVyck to
nc"run tm luaising to support Vitl-
uitiino. rcr.rnmti tolls us that ho is
seriously compromised Iby the senator
booauso ho ( IViarniati ) had aosurod
such nminont and prominent republi
cans ni I'ukir Schivonjlc , that Vuu
Wyak would etay at homo. 'Jhts is
decidedly rich , It is a ful to oontoin-
pinto tlio tcrnblo dilemma of the
Otoo county barnacle when ho facts
the honorable Putur S.-h windier.
There is Herioim danger that Peter
will got inml enough to toll all ho
knows about ihono forged census re
turn * .
JIM LAIHK i > oea about the Sncona
diotrict with a most elaborate plan for
regulating inter Blato commerce by
congress. Ho pledges himtolf to vote
for a bill that will make Thurman
Oooloy and Adams oomtnlusioncrs to
control the railroad trallic. Tliat io
very ingenious , but congress does not
appoint the commisoionera. They are
uppoinlod by the president , and Mr.
Liird will hardly bo able to dictate
whom the president shall appoint.
Besides all that , the people t.iko
little stock in n commioaon. They
want laws that will prohibit extortion
and discrimination , and they want
men in congreca who are in dead
earnest about locuring the needed re
dress of abuses , ll.iu Mr. Lxird ever
shown nny diipoflition to prucurouuih
redress through the Nebraska logisltx-
turt ? Did ho not cist tlm vote of
iVdams county flvo years ago against
the resolutions demanding the riduo-
tion of the extortionate U. P. bridge
tolls ut Omaha , booauao onoh n reduc
tion would force the B. A ; M. and
ovoiy other bridge on the river to ro-
ducoita tolle ?
The turbulent period in Mexico 13
about ovor. Our Dialer republic ia
making rapid strides towards civilizi-
tion. The rapid iucrfcaso of woallh ,
the building ol railroaclB o. * - ' '
graphs has revolutioniza the country
of the Aztecs. The preponderating
influences nro now on the side of or
der nnd good govoromont. Under
lese improved conditions the coun-
ry may bj expjotod to rise rapidly in
ho scale of nations. It is a country
f immense poasibilitieu Its torri-
ory is BomothiMg moro than one-third
f that of the United States , and iU
lopululion ub > ut onu-uixth au great ,
L'ho value of its commerce will in
roasu iia the liimncml ability of the
eoplo to supply their wants is in >
roiiaed. At present the production
f the country in proportion to popu-
ation is low. Tim lack of transpor
tation facilities liua retarded thut
apid development of resources in tig
iculturo and in mines , which haa
: i\iiaed such a rmnarkablo inorosso ol
wealth in the United Status. That
want is now being rapiJly supplied ,
iui remote from town and citit's wil
i'iiro value , and Ainorioiu c.tpiti' ' ,
energy and experience will develop
their miuoa , Tnuro is another ahan
tel for the profit. blo investment o
capitul. Muol of the territory ol
Mexico ia supposed to 1)3 sterile , bu
OO of a liuk of water. The txponsi
of bringing water to most of thia luiu
ia too grout to bo undertaken , ixcop
by combinations of capital. Such on
turpruo oin only bo undortakcm it
countricn whoru property is fully pro
tccted , but under the butler condi
lions tint no n pmvoil thu neccssai ;
capitnl will bo ob ; lined. Mexico USL
li\rka nuniifacl.orics. A large propoi
tion of itn population is idle. 1'a ?
torioi will give their l\\ \ r force oui
ploymcnt , and thus iucruano thoii
ability to pnrchtEo both homo am
foreign prodaote , It is roprvsontei
that the minds of the Mexican proplt
are to an extent disabused of the idui
that the United SUiou has design
upon its national intei/riiy. The did
jppnirnnoj of thu filibustering npiri
in out national coi'grees haa tondud tc
ruaaauro the Mexican mind in thm ro
epijot , A clusti c annit-rciiil rulatlui
between Mtiioi and the U.iitccl S atv with mhantugo to bet !
The projtfctod tunnel under tin
Eiiulitli channel has rccuvtd no on
cuuragtnivnt at the lunds of the mill
tary oommUs'on ' , of watch Sir Archi
bald Alhbon was ohaiimin , The ad
verto report of thu oommiaaion wn
largtly duo to thu opposition nf th
Djko of 0-itiibridyu and General Wul
eulo . The committee point out to in
measures of precaution whic'i muy b
taken in case the work is allowed t
proceed , to neutralize the danger t
which it will oxposu the country , bu
docs not roiiatd thcsa precautions a
outirely etfoctivo. The safest way i
heir estimate is to leave things as
hpy nre not to remove any of the
dofenccH with which nature has ear
oundcd the JJiitish islands. There
s a certain relation between all pro-
* ota of this kind which propose to
hango tha thoroughfare of travel
nature has created. The Suez and
'nnarrm canals and the Straits of
) ovcr tunnel project urn almost par
allel entorpriaes. In each ca o the
mrpoao is to make now highways for
mtional travel for the use of other
nations than that in which the woik
s done The But z and Panama canals
each traverse but ono country , while
ho proposed English tunnel would lie
partly in Franco and pirtly in Eng-
And Thladifi'jrouco , however , in not
raportant when wo consider the pro-
ects as moann by which the
ntegtity of a nation may
10 endangered. The Suez
anal vrm built through K ypt , and
lusnrrvcd to make Ejjypt an English
irovinco. The Turku , who consented
o its building , pay for their folly by
ho lost of their richest dependencies ,
'ho Panama canal , if ever constructed ,
will probably not have a much different
ont history. Within n ftw years after
to completion ono of the great com
mercial nations will toke forcible pns-
oaaion. It nhould bo noted that in
ousidcring the plans by which the
humid tunnel may bo niatlo useless
as n means of invasion , the E igliah
jovcrnmont docs not cuco mention in-
ornational guarantee. It much pro-
era fortification at the English end of
ho canal and other engineering op-
illanccs by which absolute control of
ho canal may bo maintained. The
ntornational guarantee method may
> roporly bo applied to weak nations ,
iut England does not seem disposed
o place her shores at the mercy cf
ny foreign power or any combination
f foreign powers. Of courao , as
Sngland is abundantly able to oppose
with foroa the building of n tunnel of
which oho does not approve , the ro-
iort of the committee will practically
ottlo tha question ,
The pacificition of Ejypt is pro-
jreesing slowly. The army in E ypt
a being quietly diminished in iitua-
> ors. Thu Indian regiments are soon
o bu sent homo , tluir cflicurs ilcst vis-
ting England to receive from the
land of the queen some slight testimonials
menials of her appreciation of their
alor on the Imttkliold of Tol-ul-
Cobir. Is Is announced that 11,000
roops will bo retained at different
ininlo in the Delta until older in fully
estored and the anto-bollum-atatua
o-eatablished. Europe remains quiet
while the prcceo of sotttement goes
H , but thtro has been , wo are told ,
voluminous diplomatic correspond-
. . . _ .
nvo Vrt/iTtmn-vX. : ua cuuiluou.ul
ourts and the Gladstone government.
? hat nothing has boon epokon aloud
corns to indicate that the E iglish
ireintor has , in accordance with his
iften declared policy , assured the
lowers that England line no solfhh
nds to accomplish , and intends to re-
ire as soon us the work of pacification
a oomp'loto , which moans the ro ua-
ablishmont of the khcdive , with a
10iv army and a roorgatizid policu in
ho larger cities. Ic has oven been
said that the E' glibh Frouch control
vill bo resumed iu if it had not been
disturbed by the rebelliou oi
Arabi. If this done without some
compensating action on the part of
? rjnoB , Ulandjtono'a complacency will
} i ) indoud extraordinary. England
hai berne all the burden of the war ,
it a great expenditure of money aud
the losa of sjmo lives , while the real
of E iropo Ins looked on from a sufo
distance. It would bo contrary to nil
precedent if she did not oxuot some
indemnity for her losses and outlay
from other nations , if they are to rjap
mutual benefits.
The Irish national leaders have hole
their conference at Dublin , but the
meeting was not as fully attomkd nui
the result all that was expected.
The creation of thu Irinh National
League was the main result of tlu
conference. Presumably what is lefi
of the Lind Ljaguu and one or twc
other organizations are murgod into
it. EXIUI , the treasurer of the league
resigns his trust "in view of the tact
that a now national organization L
hkuly to spring frcm the conference.1
This probably comes as near an tilioia
dissolution of the Lund League ua ii
likely to bo produced , though asser
tions are not wanting that iU existence
once will bo continued.
It is evident that the control of tlu
nanbjdy is to bo mainly in the hand
of the "Parliamentary patty. " Tha
clemeiit is to eixtovn now mem
bora of the council of fjrty-mght
the other thirty-two being Ktven U
thu tiovtral Irish countries. Of coura
the general po'.ioy ' to bo putsurd fo
iho further amelioration of th
wrongs of Ireland is unduristood to b
peaceful , and in BO fur at the lengu
oin ptovail there will bo a cossatio
of outrages and open c'ctiincu o
law , It is the object of thu league t
obtiin for ttio Itish people the privilege
lego ot making their own lawn , bu
( hero is no definite statement made ate
to whether thii means complete in
dependence or simply homo rule. Th
iiea probably is to take all that cat
be Kot in the general direction , witl
independence in the distance , th
time not having oomo to foica the mail
issue. Quo positive object , suocluct
cot forth , is the solution of the
and question through securing the
armors the right of boctming owners
f the land they occupy by purchase ,
further reduction in the rents as ro-
ulatod by Iho courts is alto to bo con-
ended for.
The anniversary of the entrance of
talian troop * , hto Rirno as celo
rated September 20 < rith the cus
oraary parade , though thia year , foU
owing the precedent established a
car ago , all firing of arms was for-
iddon. The most striking part of
do oxorcisoa was the plscing of
roaths on the slabi which mark thu
pot where these who fell expired ,
'ho ' doith of Ganbtldi guvomoro Ziet
fian usual to the oc anon , and the
pportunity was improved to place
memorial tablets on every house hover
vor occupied in the city. These wcro
tiroo in nursber. In ono ho abode
or a , time when ho first came to the
ity after it btcimo Italianized , in
anuary , 1875 ; in another ho received
ling llumbort in 1870 , and in the
tiird this ono ouUido of the walls ,
oyond the Portn Pia ho resided in
lie winter ol 1875-70 A Garibaldi
luiouni was also opened ,
There is moro talk nbout the oatab-
aliment of a German national library ,
t is a little singular thut aland which
as produced so many thinkers and so
nuch litiraturo haa no institution of
lie kind , but such ia the fact.
The national debt of Great Britain
as been reduced about one-tenth
inco I860 , although England has
uvoral times boon engaged in costly
'lira. During the same time the
ombined indebtedness of the ( ther
atlons of Europe has increased two-
old. Spain , Italy and RU BU have
ono the worst , the increase in Kea
la's obligations being something like
50 per cent. The European debtp ,
i nund numbers , amount to about
Under the caption "A Now Pro-
ocmon for Women , " the November
Century will have u paper on the nn-
joitunt woik of the Bellevue hospital
ruining school for nursua. Thia en-
oipriee , which has only been auo-
jcgfiilin iteelfbuthus been the parent
f the many similar echools in the
argor Ametican cities , originated in
hu mind of Alias Ljuiaa Leu Schuy-
er , of Now \oik ! city , in 1871 , being
nero remotely ttiu outgrowth of the
atBLciatioi ) , and of Miss
o'a labors in the English
iopital3. The deraand for the ser-
of the nursea graduated at the
k'llovuo school is eiiid to ho largely in
xcees of ttie supply -n fact which
wi utd indicate that the profession 10
uirly on ito foot. The New Yurk State
3harities association , under tlio au-
pictoof which the school was us tab-
i hid..huve rtcoiuly succeeded in in-
reducing trainua numos nuu tkoTru ;
almshouae , and are urging upon the
iimiity authorities of the state the
jreat need of a general adoption of
his idea. The interesting account ol
he founding and progress of the
chool , in The Century , is illustrated ,
and a large portrait of F/oroucoN'ght- / '
ugalo is alaa printed ua the froutis'
liece of iho number.
The North American Review foi
November presents an uuuaually di
versified table of contests. "Eimliaii
viuws of Free Trade " by the Hon.
John Welsh t f Philadelphia , in a clear
and forcible exposition of the difJtr
enco between the economic situation
f Englaud and that of the United
StuUs , aiid of the consideration
which make free trade imperaiivo for
the former country , if she would re
tain her pnaent position as the world's
workshop , i Joseph JNeildon , chiel
jud o of ( ho Brooklyn city c > urt ,
writes of "Diaorder in Court Hoome , "
A Bubject ofprofound ( interest to good
citizens atall | times , and moro capo
dally now in vionr of certain recent
occurrences The obiter dictu of the
MKreemen'a Dr. Humilton sums up
the fcu'ijic ' clearly and judicially ,
( Hid , what ) more , indicates the only
unto riUiitu ( ba takfii m regard to
it The H nd article , by Pr > fesaor
Du BJI * llt tumid , on "Tho Scieneo
uf the I'rc t Peiiid , " is a masterly
vuidicitionof m iiilm-noo and us
notnio Curiosities" ia in his boat vein ,
bright , crisp , witty , and full of curious
information , a now as it is imprest-
ing , Tha article on ' 'Scientific Farm
ing fit llothsmstcd , " by Dr. Manly
Miles , is a moat timely and well di
gested ncconnt of the systematic agri
cultural experiments of Ltwes and
Dilbert , which are of far greater value ,
I ) ith theoretical and practical , than is
? i'iier lly mppYispd Dr. Miles' paper
not c pitftl interest The original and
slrikirigpaperof thwtclparand excellent
writer , Prufe n > r Grant Alton , entitled
' Who was Priiintivo Mant" appears
withi ut nhridcnifnt in the November
"Monthly. " It'goisfar toward clear
ing away como lonaciouR difllcultioa of
perph xing aubjec * . "S' ' mn Carious
Vegetable Growths , " by W. II. Lrrn-
heo , "Tho British Lion , " by W.
Bo > d Diwkinn , "L'fo ' Among the
BattRB of Sumatra , " by Dr Sohreibor ,
are also very reliable articles. There
are a biography and portrait of the
French chuntM , Wuttr , undjthtMiDUnl
mats of miscellaneous information at
the clri > o , which m always read first in
"Tho Pcpular Science Monthly. "
Now Yoik ; D Applotcn & Com
pany. Fifty cents ptr number , § 5
per j oar. _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A Sketch of the Romantic Life
of Phipp'j , the Famous
Fraud of Philadelphia ,
Public Provender Lavishly Dis
tributed Among Hia Favor
ed Followers.
A Trifle Over Six Hundred
Thousand Disposed of in
Nine Years.
F TO Nocroes From Uoorcla Added
to tha Roll Call of the Dark
Continent ,
Tne Dally Callendar of Crimes.
The BOIB Thief-
Special DlepaUh to Tim BKK.
PaiLADELi'HiA , C/ctobcr 20. The
Record to-mcrrow will publish an exposure -
posuro of the thefio committed by
Ellis P. Phippa , ex-BUperintendent ol
the Philadelphia almshouao , who fled
to Canada , and uow contests the pro
ceedings for lua extradition. The ar
ticle BfajsPhipja thntta roach a total
of S050ijCOextoidinn ovur u period oi
ninu yeiuo ; thctt Phippa mudu u birgaui
when uluctod Hiiparintcndunt in July ,
1873 , to divide 'Mu profits of his of-
hco with lour inornberd nf the boaid
of gutuduu u uf Mie poor , nnd thut
under thm ngruouienc § 7" , 000 wis
stolen every j ear. During the pre1 *
ont year , from J.muary to July , by
means of duplicate bills nnd by for
gcry , utid eounivtuici > cuh oontiuctoru ,
bu inunaKu to $4 000 , thia theft
having occurred after thu city council
had iiiBtitutod invooiigation into the
allegations of fraud. iPhippa kept
fifteen families going , among them the
hniiit-H of four poor guardians , five
contractors , two discharged employes
and four other parsons , official and
otherwise , who had obtained a hold
on the superintendent's fears. A pass
book had boon made public in which
it appears that the entries for market
ing supplied to the various persons at
the major's espouse , aggregate a total
ot § 29,000. Thegarticlo says Phipps
expendtd $10,000 in cigars , which ho
scattered with lavish hand , this being
his favorite method of electioneering.
\Vliol ounlo
Special Dl-paUh to Tint BKK.
E TM&N , GJ. , October 20. At 1
o'clock to-day llidgely Powell , Simon
Qiinn , Joe King , Bjb Djnatdson
utid Ella Moore1 , negroes , were hanged
in the jail yard for complicity in the
riot winch occurred at this place Au
gust G.h , at a c.imp mooting , in which
a young white man , named James
Harvard , was sot upon by an in
furiated mob , and after boioj , ' ohot by
ono of the men , was beaten almost ti
a jelly by others , The women raised
the first bowl , which excited the mob
to the dcuperato work. No nttempl
was made to rorcuo the negroer , and
not moro than 50 negroes , from whom
violence was expected , were in town.
A detachment of military from Macon
were present for protection.
Th Trial of Fold.
Special Dispatch to TlIK BBB ,
KANSAS CITY , Oo'ober 20 Tn the
tiiil of Ujberl l'\rd , for the killing ol
Elite , the prosecution to day produced
strong testimony by two reputable
witnesses , they swearing that while
Ford was confined in j til f ir killing
Joaie Janus they vlaiud him ; thai
Ford detailed to them the killing of
llite , alleging and boasting that ho
alone killed Hue. The prosecution
oeem in ournuvt
TilJnnnnntte Inquiry.
I pich ! Dispatch to TlIK IlKK.
WASHIMITON , Uotober 19. The
Jeanette inquiry is likely to lead to
some railii ) ' interesting developments ,
it reliance can be plactd on the
prophecies of some persons who ought
to know cho facts. According to their
story Danonhower , in his oiijinal
report , niado some charges of a serious
nature touching the character nnd
action of the crow. Secretary Chandler -
dler nnd reading thu report , rocom-
mondodit bu modified in thia particu
lar , and at his instance it was en ro-
vtso . The report hm not yet been
published , and when givtm out will
not contain the obnoxious portion , It
fs , however , HUTJ is a disposition
in the board of inq'iiry to get at the
facts , ntd that Danenhon-er in his
testimony before the botrd , will give
in substance hie story as it originally
pdttrt'd in his report ,
Danonhowor resumed his narrative
bjforo the JVannetto biaid of inquiry.
In answer to the question as to the
condition of the Jtunnutto bcforo the
heavy pressure of Juno 12th , the wit
ness aaiiT ; "Sho was a very strong
ship and in the tame condition as when
she left San Francisco , with the ex
ception that her forefoot was twist
ed. "
Question "Knowing her condition
at that time , would you , if in com
mand of the expedition , have deemed
it expedient to continue on the Arctic
expedition. "
Atis. ' No , for she had been fitted
Koastere and Grinders of Ooffass and Spicos. Manufacturers of
Clark's Double Extracts of
H. G. OLA11K & CO , Proprietors ,
1403 Douglas S fort. Omaha , Nob.
1108 and 1110 Harney 51. , OMAHA , NEB.
204 Sorth Sixteenth St. . - - OMAE4 , KEB.
IOO5 Farnam St. , Omaha.
out originally for three yoara and the
supply of clothing , provisions , fuel ,
etc. , would not warrant another year
in thu ice. Had it been any other
vessel , however perfect iho might have
heon , my judgment would have been
the samo.
Fire at Plum Crnok-
Special Dispatches to Til. llm.
PLUM GREEK , Neb. , October 20.
A fire broke out here about 9 o'clock
this morning in a dwelling occupied by
Mra. O'Koefe , totally destroying the
dwelling aud with it the Oisanor
house and Hill houao. Total loss
abort $8,000. The Gjainor homo
was insured for ' § 1,500. A defective
flue was the caujo of the firo.
Tiilmuo on thu California
Special Dispatch to Tux HKK.
CHIO.UIO , October 20 The Tribune
devotes considerable space to the Cali
fornia sugir monopoly utid the Neu-
man candir'acy for congress. After
reviewing the history of the monopoly
and the combination of the reiinerh
and Pacific railway company , The
Tribune soya ; The treaty with the
Hawaiian islands haa developed into
an enormous abueo. It is the cover
for great frauds , practiced remorseless
ly upon the people , and has created a
gigantic monopoly , which is now able ,
'ri ' in its great accumulations , todify
public opinion. The treaty ought to
bo brought to close by notice in 1881.
Raton nnd Failure * .
Special dtspitch to Tim HKK.
NKW YOIIK , Ootobor 20 It is
stated on good authority that west
bound freight rates vill bo advanced
on November 1st.
The failures for iho past are 117 , of
which seven were in the city and 110
in the various states.
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex-
oclaior lloof Paint , " was patented ] \Jiy \
24th , 1881 , and otters patent num
ber 211 , 803. Any peruon founder
known to tamper with the manu
facture of said paint will bo punish
ed to the full extent of law. No per
son has uny authority whatever to sell
receipts. HAWTHOHN & BKO. ,
Lancaster Pa
Rutl Cnlliiion.
SpocUlPUpatUi tuTiiB lit *
RONDOUT , N. Y , October 20. Two
frtiilit tiuina oit the Huoson River
railway collided at Rhino CM ! ' this
in trniiii , ' . The engine and twelve cira
were thrown into the river , and other
cara unnugcd. ThooiiRine r and fire-
in in climbed out after the engine was
submerged in the rivur. The loss ia
estimated at $30OCO.
Emit Peppercorn Caught at Last.
Among the passengers on the south
bound Kansas City train this morning ,
wore the sheriff of Washington county
and Mr. Frahm , of Oalhoun. The
latter is the Lather of Miss May
Frahm , the charming littto misa of
sweet sixtosn , who o'oped with her
music teacher , Emil Peppercorn , sev
eral months i go
The sheriff noes down with the old
man under information thnt Pepper
corn has baen captured in St. Louis ,
and if the news is confirmed the pro
fessor will have a lit tie picnic pretty
soon. Thtro is a big mvaul for the
man and some cfiicer haa struck a
bonanzi , if he has got the right party.
Asm the recent chaae by Djuglas
county officers after the panic indi
vidual in may ho nnothar instance of
mistaken identity.
Rowpll Sure to Win-
Special Dlppatch to The Bcc.
NKW YIIKK , October 20. The Turf ,
Field and ; Frtrm Bays : Roivell haa
offered to bat § 20,000 ho will win the
coining six-day pudeetrhn race. The
oati uino believe 040 miles will bo
If you are sick Hop li'ttera will
ouroly aid Nature i" making you vroll
when oil else fails.
If you are costive or dyspeptic , or
are auffuring from any of the numer
ous diseases of the stomach or bowels ,
it is your own fault if you remain ill ,
for Hop Bittord are a sovereign
remedy in all such complaints.
If you are wasting nivayj with nny
form of Kidney diaeaso , stop tempting
Ddath this moment , nnd turn for a
cure to IIop Bittera.
If you are sick with that terrible
sickness Nervousness , you will find n
"Balm in Gilead" in the ueo of Hop
If you are a frequenter or a resi
dent of u miasmatic district , barricade
your system against the scourge of all
countries malaria , epHemic , bilious
and intermittent fevers by the use
of Hop Bitters.
If you have rough , pimple or sal.
low akin , bad breath , pains and aches ,
and feel cmorablo generally , Hop
Bitters will gilo you fuir skin , rich
blood , and sweetest breath , health and
In short they euro all diseases of
the stomach , Bowels , Blond , Liver ,
Nerves , Kidneys , Bri ht'a Disease.
Five Hundred rtollara will bo puid for
a ciBo they Hill not euro or help ,
Thut poor , bedridden , iimilid wife ,
sister , mother or daughter , can be
mudo the picturn of health , by u fdw
bottles of H p B ttere , cotting but a
triila. Will you Jet them
) for nil diseases of the Kidneys and
i = = LSVER ! Hasa
It tuuepedflo action on tl la most Important
) crcan. enabling U to throw off torpidity and
. Inaction. BtUaulatiiyj the healthy Becntiou
. of the cue , and by keeping the bowc ! La free
I condition , eQacune 1U rceulsjrdlaclurce.
' Hyou are Buffering from
malartah voUiecliUU ,
are hlliou * . dyipepUo , or COMUpatcd , Eld-
. ney-Wort wllUurolyrelleTe&qulckJyouro.
I la tki eeaaou to clauua the Eyttem , every
one should to&e & thorough oonrce of IU ( II )