THE JDAILy BEE"OMAHA PfilDAY , OCTOBER 20 J" . CO OLESAL oots and hoes OMAHA , NEB. ? A w"ia vr-f,3rei"a'vfane" . A. WAKE WI10LE3.US AND DKALKU IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , DOORS , BUNDS , iViOLQIMCS , LiiViE , AQErU TON MlkWAUKJC * CRMKMT UnioD Pacific Denot OWAHA N HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND 'EASTERN ' PBICES DUPLICATED. JB FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Beat Brands of OfflABS ASB IMOTAGTURE ] ] TOBACCO , Agont3 for BENWOOD SAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWUER CO. POWER AND HAND naaMrasi wwfiKVWKTna msg-Mstsu Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UiINS MACH1KKRY , BELTING , HOB ? , BRASS AND IRON KIT11H03 IIPK , SIS * PACKING , AT WUOIiKSALX AND KKTAIL. MALLAOAY W DJLLS Oor. Faniam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Laundry in Nebraska that ia suprjllod with complete machinery Cor Laundry work. Soud your orders by nmil or express. GOTTHEIMER , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 Farnhnm Street. -DEALERS TM- a * R an m Fire and Burglar m "nmjgTSB lirt inarSJS cat 1020 Farnham Street , W.F ; , MILLARU. K 1J. JOHNSON MiLLARD & PECK , Storage , Commission and Wholesale 1421 & 1423 FAENHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PUtfDUOE SOLICITED Ageiits for Pock & Baushers Lard , anil Wilber Mills Flonr OMAHA NEB , - - - EEFERENOLo : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO , , TOOTLE HAUL & CO. C. IB1- TtKT DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS Window and Plate Glass. ty Anyone contemplating bullctlng store , bank , or any other One III flad It to tbulr J iintiic to corrca end with uatxfore purchailnj : their I'Jato Glass. C , F , GOODMAN , OMAHA " NEB- " _ _ _ . - BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF | ( ARRIAGES , BUGGIES Bpairlng Done to all Branches . o. WHOLESALE GROOER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neh. A TROPIC TREMBLER , The Lively Visitor That Has Shaken Up Panama , A Gropblo Narmtivo of the Great Septoirber Earth quake by One Who Saw Ita Effects. s > n rrjiiiltf It is Mthor romnrkftblo thai Pan ninn , lying us it does within the uurth qnaku zone , hao been couipafntivoly free from temblors of even moderate BO verity , and nhnont ontiruly tin vis ited by those of clangorous violoiico. The tolcj/rnnhic dispatches of the 7th of Soptombcr showed , though inoagro- ly , that this rule of happy exemption was on that day broken through , and that thu whole i&thmua had been almkoii up to the datnauoof much pro * party mid to the atlrightnig of thofrco Colombians. Desirous of gaining ad * ditional information from soinu ono who waa present at the time on the earth's ague fit , n Chronicle reporter called yesterday afternoon upon C pt. Austin of thn steamship San Jose , just in port from Central America and the isthmus. With but alight variation the following is thu skipper's story : ACCOUNT or AN EVE W1T.VE.SH. " 1 went down from San .Francisco on thu "Clyde , " ho said , ' -to take command of this steamer. Wo arrived in Panama bay at 8:30 : o'clock on the night of the Cth of September and anchored about two miles oil' ihore- Shortly before 3 in tht morn. ng of the 7th [ was awakoncd by it oud , queer noise , which I know at once , from a former experience in Talparaiio betokened an earthquake. "mmodiately after the aoa became vie > ently agitated , though there w.ia no ; idal wave , as was the case at St. Thomas , and the atoamor took a mo- ion and n shock just exactly as if she lad been running at full opeed and lad gone ashore on a pebbly beach. Then all was quiet aud still , txcopt hat from the shore wo could hoar the cries of the frightened people. I did lot turn in again , and as eon an it vraa light I ordered out : \ boaf and w a pulled ishorc , The town I cotnd see was itill ntaiidinar , but the town's people worp praying and shrieking and bel- owinc ; as though the end of the world were aoout to come and the irolirninary trump had been sounded. Everybody was so badly excited that I could get no two stories alike con cerning the duration and direction of he shock , but finally , by comparing lotos with a few of the moderately lelf-possesBcd. I managed to miiko out that the cbock had lasted between orty and forty-fivo aocondn ; that it lad como from the north and proceed- id in a southerly direction , and that the motion had been of a most sicken- iiiif , oacilitory character. Thorn leetned to havu been no crcat ahock in the nature. ' of a climax , ao to speak , but rather a long , horrifying quiver of the ground , that changed thu solid earth ' into n fluttering , flimsy thing , und 'took the spirit out of n man and oft him like water. " A CITY nf SDINS , "In a walk I took about the city I : pund that , almost without an excep tion , every house in the city had been tnorp or leas damaged It is the fash- on in Panama , as perhaps you know ; o cover the housen with heavy red ilos , and those wore thrown around mmdcaot , as though the roofs had ieen taken oiF by a heavy wind , or ) pen blown inside out like ao many umbrellas in a galo. The churches vero all moro or loss injured , cronaos were tottering , bolls were awry , windows dews wcro smashed , niches wore omp- 'icd of their statues , and the iUg- itones of the iloors thrown up into uneven surfacen like a lava bed. The two churches that showed the most serious wrecking were the cathedral and St. Anne's , the latter losing its jelfry , which curao toppling down al- nest with the first vibration. The damage austainod by the cathedral was much moro extoneivo. OutBide , the facade between the two toivers was rent from top to bottom , the cam panile was overthrown , and ugly ooking cracka wore to bo Been in the southern walls. Venturing within , I saw that the southern aialo was almost a ruin , the whole vow of huavy arched eparating it from the rave being badly sprung , while tha ioof vras dan- jorouuly warped , " OK THK THEM ISLE. "I don't know " the , pureuiut cap tain , "if you hnvo ever been at Pan ainri. You have ? Well , then , you will remember that while thn Grand hotel and thu cathedral occupy two uidcB of the uiaza , on Iho third there stands , or aloud , a eoiid structure used for municipal purposes , and rather grandioHoly styled El Cabidal. On thiri building the force of the earth quake in the city seenu'd to havu cen trud. The edifice wan of the Uispano Maurcaquo style , quite common in the Central and Southern American cities , but notwithstanding itn mnasivutuaj and immersu baatiou-liku pillars , the y/holii front was thrown bodily out into the titrcot , as though it had been a house of cants , One of the firmest houses in Panama was supposedly that of the American consul ; but thu visit it received from the temblor WAS one which its inmate will not soon forgot , for not only wai it rocked about to the imminent danger of the permanent opening of thu walls , but once in a sort of crous-rock the aides gave sufli- cicntly to let down the whole ceiling in a mass , 1 tried , to make a tour through the lower quarters of thu town , but found it impoeaiblo to do so on account of the alloys being all blocked with fallen walls , with uvery now and then an addition to the general - oral ruin an some shaky old rattletrap como tumbling down , when all in the neighborhood would shriek out pray era anew , and call upon thu firmest saints in the calendar. T1IK KAItlH OfKNh. "Hut Panama , " continued the cap tain , llgnting a fresh cigar , "was not the only place on thu isthmus that felt the touch of this rough visitor. The earthquake , as I have said , ran about duo north and aoufh , and HO struck the neck of land on the quar ter , or ran across it diagonally , if you will. Aapinwall was roused from its Bleep by a violent conoutsion , and , like the people of Panama , thu Coloueao ran praying and bawling into the streets. The little port un the Atlan tic h s no uch Aspiring huiliiingj as the city oiJ the Pacific , and conro- quontly there was not so much wal- ) tailing , but nil Iho houses , and e&po- cially the iwiafrt house , ivaro booly shaken , while the rtofs wcronntilatftd in the Biunu uncorrEionii'iH fashion. At Acpiuwall , too , Ihero WM a now clomcnt of danpor , from which Pan ama MCped. AtP.marnn the ground only trembled ; at Aspinnall the earth opoiio'l , the main treft cracking abroad the whole of its lenxth with a finsuro wUicn ia all utobabmty it will lake another earthquake to clone. Strangely enough , aW , yrhiln the only fatality that 1 hoaid of in Panftna > TM that of an old woman who died from fright , and the only caauolllc were ttiosu which resulted from torxitled people jumping from the wimlowa , in dspinwall thuro were at least two : nen killed from the collapse of dwtHmgt , anil when I loft the reports woro-by moans complete. Leaving Asrxn- .i , the earthquake wont rattling obliquely from ocean to ocuaii , neariy following the line of the railroad X should imagine from the way ia which things got knocked about. At s MHO points the road-bed sank down bodily to a depth of fivej foot , carrying the embankments with it ; at others it rose up in hiliocka , AS though it had risen in warra. The abutments of the culverts over the various water courses were jerked out of plumb , and strangest of nil , in many places the rails were twisted into great cork- eorowa TratKc waa suspended tor 'our days , and the mischief done will ako some thousands of dollars to ru- ) ir. Prom all the villago'n news re- icivrd ot thu temblor , but as the vattled hut of the Ohagren nvor mun * earthquake proof , the only results were a Blinking up and A general fright. " Hniv' the Bnby. "How'u the b b > r ' 1H croup t liet- er this mornlns , thnnk yonVo gave > 'in some of TiiOHAM1 Hut-iurc On roi advixcd , doctor , and Klin 1no 1 ( him mine moro In ifti hour or o " Iswvt iliiy he doctor prmumncoil the cured. New Life is given by using BROWN'S IRON' BITTERS. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system ; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease : in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disc-ase be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in per fect condition. BKOWN'S IRON BITTEKS cnr 'ts per fect health thrr.yh the changing scasonsJU Disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air , and it prevents Consump tion , Kidney and Liver Dis ease , &c. H. S. Berlin , Esq. , of the well-known firm of II. S. Berlin & Co. , Attorneys , Lc Droit Building , Washing ton , D. C. , writes , Dec. 5th , 1881 : Gtnllemtn : I tike pleas ure in stating that I Iiave used liioun's Iron Hitters for ma- Inria .ind ncnous troubles , caused by oerv.orkitlt excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for BROWN'S IKON BIT- HRS , and insist on having * it. Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "just as good" The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore , Md. lu Koluif F" ' tki > ( JMcao&iifopliliwestr Iti\o Oiran * 'J(0 : 11. m , anil 7:10 : . inter tor full lufoniiiilnMc.ill on H.l' . DKL'KL.TIcka At-elit , 14ln uliil Kurortm st . , J. UKI.L , U I' , l.tvllwiy li | ) t , orui.lAUKflT.CrAllKi/ nor Ai/ont IRuN Oornioesi &o , Manufnoturcd BY T. 8 i N H O L D iSthSt. . 4 Ottilia. ttNoh- If * > * * * ' * JACOB KAUFMAN. KKMOVKD TO NO. Oil 1GTII ST. DKALKH IH ALL KINDS OF WINES In North Oiniha Vciy choice Meat , Poultry and Vegetables , ALWAYB ON HAND , COOK & STQEHM , Proprietors lurWlm aoth and Oiimlnw AHTIQUARIAH BOOKSTORE 1420 DOUGLAS BTKEET HeadQuarters of the Literati , TOD nhetptiil , Laiecctasd cholC4 l cell Hot of NEW AND 8KCOND.HAND BUOK8 lu the Weet. SCHOOL BOOKS A SPIJOIALT * Cash paid for Stcond-IIi.ud Booker or exohat od for now. H , SCHONFELD , PROPIUKTOR , Haziness Directory > t * ct ( ! Men bit t i. U UbIAfll'B. cppcslUt r Office. R. lA'.VfiKT ! < U7 tonlh lilh Streftl. AlX.lltnCl * . A MK.NI > EUsmUN. ) AKClHTKOTt Room it CrolRhton Block. . . T.J.AUO.I ; Ji. _ , .Room 1. OiritMpn lllftct. noon rnt dhood. . JlilS IM1.NK * CO. , fne JooVi MI ) Vioo. A ( rood vortinpn -cue oi > ou h m coracr Uth rM j 'ney tltOS. KIIX1KEO.V , i A cot 16th naif Pee * IM , iOIlN t OU'Am ATU8 , 1)1 )0th ) ttroa iLtmilAitmr * to onlar jot < t cork K rttln < ' iirv _ bed prlnfti. r.AUUIHRU MumiMctnrer. HIT OonrVn t. t > ou s Mow * jino uutionery. ) , I. FnURltAUr 1D1& F roh m Btrcwl Uxttwnnd EgR . tfrtlHANK A 8CI1HOKIJKK , the oUwt B. nd H. SOUfe In KM > r k Mnlillnhetl 1871 Oiiinh * . Urrl Ke3 > juKl Ro a Wflgont. WUnNYDKU , Uth m ) lUrner Btrc ii. Clothing bought. * UAItllia will | v MifbuitCMhrrk * lot Moond oindclothlur. Oornrf rwrnml F r h m. rug * , Pnint * and Olli. KUI1JI A CO. t , ring Ttnllootln , Uor. Ilia td 4. WUiritMOUfK , W\n > r t loAKet l\l hil. 0. , itta North BlJe CuinlDf 8lrr l. tiA i ' . . , „ . . , tnirt ml Ilowtrd HtrMM. WOIIIIIU. IH. fAUL. minima lllock Ooi , Ittb ft UoJc * . Olvll Englneert HIM * Burveyora. AMUHKW HOSMVATKUt CfclghtOO Clock , town Survnyi , UiKln nj rJewernfe Hyitaul BpocUHy. utf ui o4iB notion * , tie. J01IN 11. F. LKiiUANN & 00. , ro tnt > Uiy ooixmbwiB. 1M nd 1B1I Jr rn- ttuiitr-ct. U b.ti ( " flli > tlito IMKHH nuil OOM A fkdflo rounury. 00. " WKAIlNKftHONO CO I IIIhA Jtckiouitl onwe er . JOHN UAlJMKU 1314 Knnh m Blteel. UndortuKara. OIIAH HIKWK inly Purnntm dpi llth l HM. > lotol * a/If IKL.U UOUilv.iJfO. Onflold.Olh & r rnh ui OOUAN UOUHK , 1 > 11. C ry. 813 hrnhuu HI flt-AVEVH HOIKU f. Sl v c , lOMi St. lonll mil IloM Oti" . . lUmal ViA Ltavenw ortl UKNTKAL IlKSTAUruiMI , MllS. A. KYAN IU'DWMI mruur lUli&nil I)0i1re. V.rnt Ho rl ( or the ttoii'iy. I "II IJuuia Ho rl liy thu l ) x > Week or Uontti. UoaJ Totmi ( or C b. furnlitini Itnri ruruiiure. < k / . ClSUna , Now > iU Oe.MnJ lUnd Xnjnltute ad BtOMw , lilt Daiwliwi. HlKbeil c oh price Id ( or torond bund cocor. . RONHIJU 1 0 nantMft in. Hue iaodl Ac tirooVorkt. . UUAUA FKI.'CK 00. UOJV , VttllMfrCf ; mSlUraorUt. , Imprari id Ice Boxot , Ircc tad Wood ITonoti , Ofllci tllnrt. Ooantfi' P < na nd W lnul. KU KNFKI I' . 10th Ht. , l > ol f t. 4 U.l n lrlucr or , Cunftuld'a Putent. ill/ ) ii r li 1 > . Giitart mm luoccou. IVKJ1 A riUTdUUKH. in nuicturari ( ot kud .oleJnli ! Donlcro In Tob < ; ao8,1806 UaucUii. V f r RFNXKN inKnilUrturor H10 Karnhim' Orockiry. . BONNKH Itffl iloiiifiM. ri > . Qaml linn a. UKnT/IOLU , JUKI nJ ilctil. Lumber Llrno and Ucmunt. OUTPll f * 011 7 vorner Ath unii Donglu ail , Lkitipi rnd iil i w ro. < BONNK.Il 1809 DoneUi H ) . aood Yrl ly Merchant rllon. 0. A UNUQUKBT , Uce o ! our moot popular Ucrclmnt Talloro li is- . ' 'i\ng ' \ the Intent dosJpns ( or Hirln | ; nd Bummoi . coda ( or gutitltitacna WCAF. StylUh , durable , tad nrlcoa taw ever 1100 Farimra etrct. Millinery. 1KB. 0. A. IUNOICK , Wioloule and lleUII , fan ) y Uoodn In k'rcr.t vailotyepbyrt , Can ) Doardi Oovlery , Olovu , Corsets , &c. Chwj'cst Houira ID IhjWcst. 1'urclii era eave BO per e nl. Order W Hall. 115 Fifteenth Utreot Mour and Feed. CITY UILI.S , Bth and Jfarnb.m DU. ri ) Dm ) . , proprietors. rocon. C. KTZVKNN , ln ) > liofAcin Cainlng and I i P. A. HcHIIANK Corn S3d and Cumin ? Utrooti. Hcrdwaee , Iron and Olael. OtAH * rTANOV/OHTHY , Wliolo ale , lit * nt ll'J Htu iitreot A. IIOLMKU cot no IBtb and Ollforala. Harnoit , Reddlci , Ac. 1) WKIbT SOltthHt. hot FarnIlarnoy. . Olothlnt end 'urnl hlnK Ouo < QUO. II. 1'CTKHHON Alxo Hat * , Cap > , Notions tr.d Cutlery. 80 H. lOtb Btroet. Cornice V/orki. > Vorli , Manulxtnttri Iron Cornlic , Tlu , Iron tidl -.a liooIMnK. Order from un > looxlit ) ] ) ri/ni.tly | nieciitod In the bo wanner. 1'iu.tury nd 12JS IJarnoy Kl. 0. Hl'IXJHT , "roprlotor. Uakanltod Iron Oornlcte , V/lndow Cap ) , eke , , inanu'aUurLil and put up In any | utri ol I lie country , T. HIN1IOMJ 1B Thirteenth iitroel JU11N 0 WII , LIU,141 < DodRu Htreel , It 1) . IlKKMiat. For ill Ulli IDC Urgi kdverlli < raont In Dally and Weekly. Dhow O o Manufactory , 0. i , WILDK. ilnnufactnrur and Dealer In alt klndi Utict. UprUht CJUHJ , 4' . , 1817 C J ) ll. KItANK I , . OKIIIIAKU , propri tor Omaha Ehow Capo rianufutory , HIB Houth 10th itrcot , bitwoon Liivcuwortti ind Uarcy. All warranted tir t-clu . ovti ana mwara. A. nUKMKHTliil , Ucilel In Btovts and 'JlnwiiB , anil Ui.juli.ctu ol Tin UoolH anil all klndl o ( I.'ulldlnx Wori Jdrellowe1 lllock . liONKBIl 1BI/J l.ou l > fl > oed and Chtiap ittnico IIKNKY IfAUKJlANN , It Ine new brick Mock en Douglai Btrotl , bai { oil cpe&i-d a mont elegant llooJ llall , Hot l.unch from 10 ta 11 nvf ry day , J9 Ifilli Mf . ' , KVANt ) , Wh&liuwle and Iletall Bead D acd Cultivator * Odd Ktllowi Uall Photocrapnari. OKO. HEYN , VKOP , Uland Contial Oalliry , Wi Blituenth Stlecl. near Uaaoulo Hull.lritcl M Work and I'rompl- noei cuarauleoji _ Plumbing , Uaa and Bteam P W. TAKl'V & CO. , V1B 12 UL , liet Karuhaio and Oou/laB Work jiromp < , attended to D. mZI'ATKIGK , L ouclai Btroel. Phydclani mil Huraooni. W U OIIIIIH , M. D. , llooin llo i , Uloik , Uth btretl. v K. I.KIBINIUNO : , u. u. 0. L. HAKT , M , l > . , Eye and Kar opp. poitolc * EUROPEAN HOTEL , The most cenlrallf located ho il lu the city , lloouu 75o , Jl.OO , ( I M and J2 00 j > er day. First Claw IKuUuraut to/inuUo'J with tbe bet l. .HUBST. - - Prop. Oorott Fourth and Locuit Btreita , xuco. llio"ltril ri'\'H"i ( < o ( ipcilnrM iH t mil infct ltli tnirhcil | > opularl or nin Vilthlitl And pahtAhloilrlnk , It l pifpirf it wllligrpAt faro tlio * c < t 111 * tcrhl < , nndnllt hi in-nnil nil i reetMo ndd lion to the rlioltn lliltrjri o ( th < < tahlc whuh uMc"l - li.y ! rnln'EotliopVABor" ' life unit PIMIHIRJO ipoil follouoLIp an-h ( ror > l nnturo If rlzh ly rn Jnjrnl. Frtinilios , Olubn , Holcln. Kxctir iDW > , I'ionica and lHchtinif I'arttoi Pro' luninco Hub Clinch Unrivnllod. by Orixcri mid Wlno 5lcrcliatJ every wli MB. Mippllol nt Mnnntuctitrfr'n | > rccrr ! . A. McNnii.iA-n ; rntllcoiiiipiilltii by A. It. UlmlKtonc , O.tinlin , Nob. j.TloWs F. lU Sommers & . Go's BISCUITS , OAKBS , JUMBLES' AND WOVGLTIE8. Wliolcfjale ManufaBtiuiag DEALERS Ilf Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. IN S 14th St. - - NEB WESTERN I " 0 SPEOL1T , - Fropriator. 1 12 Harnoy St. - Omrha Neb. 1IANUAC1UIIKRS OP CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , F1N1AL3 , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , Spocht'a Patent. Motaliu Sky light. Patent Adjusted * llatchut D r nnd Bracket Shelving. 1 run thn t unural ugont for tlio above line of ( roods. IKON KKNOING. Oreatlnna , Ualutr de * , V ir nUasOfne | an Dank R lllng , Window and OtlUr Ouardi ; alto OENKUAL AUI5NT GOLDDROPE. TlioIntrlnslomerit and superior nullify 010111 OoMKopo'lolmcco has Induced otlur rrntmlao- turcra to put upon the umikut ooj < uluil'rlr to cur liranif In nauio and ntjlo which nro ollcead and i old for lon mon-y limn the tfenulno ( Jolt ) Hope. We caution the t ado anil consnmor > ta BOO that our name and trade nmk are upon ooch lump. The only iremilnu and original Quid liopo Tobacco Is manufactured by TflU WILSON & MoNALLY BACCO 00BIPANY. GeninsOK OK , f ho Story of tlio Sowing Machine , A rmndoomo little ptraphlri , blue nJ Kill'1 tort Ub niimoroni nii > Ini-i , will l > GUVEJS AWA ? lo nv kuiilv poraon calling ur u , inii1 brxocfc or 9un-oru u ( 11m Bluffer Uniiur > uturlnK'0'u > pwiy , or will liu ont tr , u ll. | > oet { Vkld , lo any litrion llvlru ; if i'l" ' < non from nlllcci IhoSmgar j Un , , Prlnclpul TIFioo , Ontou SqDrr ) NTCW VOPLK D. WELTY ( SnoooMior to Di T. Mount. ) Dealer In Saddlosi Harness , Whips , FANCY OLOTUI'N-8 Eoljos , Dusteri ) and Tuf Goods ALL . - ! ' -.f-3rT7V iCY A untfor 'Jon. It. Hill .t Co/ , "Tho Best in The World , " OrVTAHAtNEB HORTH-WESTERN Garble 1242 NOETH IBHTEEHTH ST 1119-Eru MterL.Tliomasteo . , WILL BUY AND BULL. AND ALL TllANf. ACTIONS CCNNK07SD TUKKKWiril , Pay Tax OH , Hunt Houaoa , liU. Call tt ulUto , rooai 9 , Crelchtoii lllocV , Omob BE MIS' state COLUMN , Offices 15 < 3h > and ) Douglas Streets * . No. CO ? . Ileiutllul rwKlencc lot an S'lermtn troot , nenrhrad ' St. Mur } ' * ixxcnuo , 82,700. No.aU. rull Ijbou lllh ttrtct , ncarl'opplc- on' , HJO. No. S10. Kullacr * en jilrt street , -u pConxcnt f yncrcd Hr r ; lr00. . No. 317. Knlllot on CfJiornanc : ! r21st > trett , l.Ouu. No. SIR. Tno lotu on Scirard , vcif &xuntl ra No. 31U. Two lolJ on cl > rl , noteSiunilcrs treot , 8I.SOO. No. 320. Ha f aero on C iralngBtrceh.ncar Dut- , No. 321. Sfx lioautltil m'i ! nc loti,3no vloi > , nIt. . i'loatunt avenue , rwar llanstorn t' r , i.r.ixi. No. 322. Unol > a1lacroon-Ca'.itornla > ircetnpar UiclRhton OoilcKO. $1,600. No. 3il. Two lota on Ma-cy street , ix r 13th treot , JS.Oim , No. : ) JO. Twolots on DoJift , nclr Ore > 9Btroot , lliltll'M ftddltl" ! ] . o. ai5. Four acre l > lok In * West Omaha , S2.000. Choice I acre block In Smith's addition at treat ndot Kirnaru ptreut will n\\e \ any length of Imu required at 7 per cant Interest. Alto n splendid 10 aero hlorit In Smith's add ) . Ion on came liberal torun a tn3 > forcKuler. ; No. 80S , Hall lot on Izird near 20th itrae ) , 700No No KOI , Lot on 18th street u < * r ul , J12CO. No 30 , txit 30x280 loct on Itth ctreot , near Nicholas UaCO. ii" i No 20P , < Jno quarter aero on Curl itreoljaeir Uutton il > 00. ' > 1 No 2U7 , Two low on llloudo mil Irene * * , [ 260 ami 9300 each. No ' - il , Two lots on Ocorulvneir Mlch'.vtn treot , $1200. Nol)5 ! ! ) , T cho choice re ldeino bts on on otrcot In Shlnn'rt addition , ii and u < J50 to 85UO uach. No 204. llor.utllul half lot on at , Mary's ' onue , SOxlSO teet , near Blshof CUrkiea'l and Oth btrui t , S1MK ) . No 292 , Tuo cno.'co lots un 1'vt avcnu * , 63x 00 each , on strctt rnllv.ay , 8300-Cjtcu. Ho 231Blx lofi in Mlllard b CaldnU's iddlllon on bherman Avenue neat I'ovylctou' * , (3C9to il&lcacn No 285 , Four IcU on Decatru * aid Inma ttreots , nu Haumlori street , fCT" t 31W ocih. No UK2 , Let on lath near 1'aul u'.Ji-ot , tH < 0. No 281 , Lot B6xl80 feet near Bt. Uxry1 ! ATmiue , and 20th street , 91600. No 279 , Lot on Uecatur mar Irco4 tret , f 5. No 278 , four lots on Calawell , ncirSaundors street , ? DOO each , No 270. Lotoa Clinton street , cot ho tovor , 9126.No No 276 , Four lots on McLtllin e'.rc tt . near Blonde , Hairan's addition , 9 > 25 cach > No 274 , Three lots near rtco courn : moice oUcru. No 268 , Beautiful corner acre Jcfcou ColKomla struct , oppo lto and adjoining Sacred Uout Con vent troundu , 91000. No 2flo , Lot ouMaaon , near 16th rtroet , 41.360. 100 lota In "Credit Foncler"anJ i"Qra&d Vlaw * additions , just south-east of U. P. tad fl. it U. < allroo < l nejiota , rauglnj ; from > lW-to10COo ch nd on eaiy terms. llcautlful Ucsldcnco Lots at B > .twsjiln ' ry landy to shops tl 6 to 8-C > 0 each , 2 'xir cent ilown uid,6 per cent per month. Call and Kotplafr nd nil inrtlculars. No 2M ) , full comer lot on Jonei , Near 16th truut. 4J.OOU. Nui'i.l i wr > IntH ou Center strict , near Cum- n K' ntruut , $ uOU tor both or $500 uvoh. No 261i , Lot on Howard , near lUng stoeet , 3io. 3io.Ka2iy , Halt lot on Dodge , uc llth.sM t , ? 2\W No 217 , Four beautiful rosldunoo lots nor CrelKhton Collcgo ( or will sepiraU ) W.OCO. No 210 , Two lota on Coutorj near Cuniln ; tiuct , i626and { (400 each. No 240i , Lat on Idaho , near Curuini otreet O6 , IJoautlliil corner acra 1st on Cvjiiluir. liar Duttun street , near uaf Ctuvont of Sacred Uiwrt , 81,600 No. 244 , Lot an Farnam , nnar18th ttreot , 94.760. No 241 , Lot on Farnam , ucar 20th street , 81.000 Nn. D , corner lot on Hurt * , naar SiM1 street j/'JOO. No. 233,120x132 feet J llarnay , uoar 24tu , trcct , ( "III cut It up ) J2.JCO , No. 231 , Lot on UouxlM Btr < wt , near 26lh , 81.000. No. 227 , Two lotsonnecatui , aoirlrnju li/oM , 2UO cuih. rte ill. Lot 143 by 441 feet on Shtrniin ivo- nuu(10tn ( utiect ) . nca Oraco , JitPdU , will divide. No 'IM , Lot 2JiUU fut on Dodge , near 13th trvet ; iniku an offer No 217 , Lot on 23rd near.CUrt , ( 00. No 210 , Lot on llamllto-i.neir K\ag \ , fKOO. . No 2u\ \ ) , Lot on 18th elreot , o ar Kicbolaa WW. WW.No 207 , Two lota ou 16th , mil Piclflc ( treat , 41.600 , No 201 , Dcautlful reeKlcaoo lot on Division btreet , near Ounilng , if'JC . No 1UJJ Lot ou 16th strsot , near I'lerce , 9000.No No IBSj , L ts on Bauvderi etjvut , near Sow * rd * f > oo. NolU2iT o lota on UtU niitel , near white oad Horlii , $1,050. N.ilBHl ; One full Ltock tou lota , near th larracku.SIOO. No 1U1 , Lot on I'artar , street , near Irene | 300. 300.No IBS' Two lota oa Cwu. Dear 21st stre | wK. . . No IbO , t-ot on 1'ler noju 0 wajd , i 0. No 170 , Lot on l'Aciaonlrs t , utar litb ; tuako offer. No 100 , dli lota on Painaui , near 21th etreo ) J2.400 tnJ..BM each u No 103 , Full bloat ! on 25th jtrioet. neu raja couuro , audthrcoloU- Obuu addition , njii caundery and Owniui etji U , 2,000. No 120. Ut OQ IVU Btiait , ur-ar ublto aad works , 8625. No'U , 1322192 feet (3 ( lots , on Utii il : l , V near 1'oppUton's , < tl.WV. Noll'J , Tli'jtyUllacr loU lu Mlllard & Cal. dwell s additions ou S&trmau avxnue , > < pru , and baratoga streets , near thi cud of uacr. cst car track , J WO to W.iSO each. MutJD , Ixt ou Chlcsj , ' ! ) near 22 i Itiect , kobS , Lot on CaUwsll street , near S uiidem , 8hOO. 8hOO.No 76 , 60x82 f t ou I'aUflc , near Stn street $ j QUO. No ifl , Itlgbtsiu lotn un 21it > < ) , 23.1 and rlauudiK troui , aur GriCe auJh.uudeis , itreo lirldifo , JflWloich. No 0 , Ono-tourUi biocK (1IW85 ( leit ) , nest thu Coueut of foot ( JUIro , on Hamilton btruct inrjr the end of ia red uruet rar trii-X. $1,010 No 1 , Lot on Harm- ) , near 16th , 1500. Lot&lullirbaih'dlit and 2d aJUUona. aUo lota lu firUr's , Shlnn'ii , Nelson' * , Hedlck'a. Ultu't , lAkv'u , aud all the other addition * at any ptl en uil uilBEK' Heal Estate Agency , 15th ana uotucaa Btreata ,