Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Morning Oct. 18.
\Vnnthor Koport.
( llie following obnotvntlon fire Uken ftt
the name moment of time at nil the ttatlonn
Rim f > fe l 7 Inrhit above low w tor mark at
On h , 2 fcetOlnchra at Ynnkton. M8f ! > lr > t | > pl1
toot 9 liichoa at La Crow , fcnd G feet 0 Incbuo '
The new luooa has put In an o.iprar- ]
nn co.
O.ld Fellows' oicwraion to J'romont
n Thursday.
The tORlfclrnrs In the vatloui wonia tot
next MoEtUy mid thereafter.
Mm. O. I1. Deinu and her awtor , Mtm
Joan lltowno , have returned from the cast.
If fhjuitR don't Ho the Kliioow ) wotks
Block 1 * the moot valuable In the country.
The prlcoof np | lei ban ndv-inced from
$2 and $215 per banel to $3 2i und $3.M ) .
The crow uij ot 15th nod I'arnam la
ono of the w < ir t In the lly ; a loud of lum
ber Bluck on it ymtcrday.
The AuHtrOlm cricket c'.ub t > A cd
through Omaha Munluytn routoto their
home , after a suucortful trip oast.
Him. A. J. 1'upi It-ton xvill d liver tlio
oration t the lu > iig of the corner Umo
of the couit hoUfO uu tbo lulb.
The Trcmuiit houir , Ujpltol avenue
and Slxlcouth htrict baa been
in the pabt week to nmko way fur Judge
Crourme new t/loclc.
The Catholic chapel of the dloceno of
Ntbraska will incut to-tluy nt the
cbnpel cf Tiluitv Cathedral. Surviccii t
10 u. tc. llmiuisg ! meolini ; iuiiuull.itely
Sl.crinan Uanl'cld ' Im-i bcou r.ppolnttrd
corporal In the Uulvirnity lutulllou of
Lincoln , Slieiinan It n munly lMiUu ! | ; boy
and a gentleman , und deserves all the
houoni h ! fiiumln five him.
Th rejjulnr qunrtcily iiicetluu of the
Catlioiij ch.iptor of the dli/coio of Nobruh-
It * will bo held In the Cuthollj cliupul today -
day tlio 18th inst. Holy couununlun
will ho celebrated at 10 o'cluck a. in
Business limns ii it ly thereafter ,
The members uf the Onuhd ( > lco club
want it dintlastl ) understood thut it It not
a campaign o'unnfZAtion. ' .Although forno
of the real nicinbtm of the club way ( jo out'
and ling , they do it without any authority'
from the club and have no right to urio its
name. ,
Judpo Benoke boa a valuable collec
tion of coma which ho will contribute to
the sealed box to bo deposited ID the cor
ner'B tone of the new court house. It In
cludes cvory douomlnitlou of Gorman
copper , nickel and silver coins from one
pfcnlng to two tnarkv , and also rovoral
Chinese olns , ono of which In100 yearn
Mr. J. A. Lincoln , of Brooklyn , N.
> Y. , who has lovniaitliig Hon. Jamcx It ,
Kjncr for the put wotk , left on the St.
Paul road yesterday for Stanton county ,
to visit bla brother-in-law , L. A. Jiartlctt ,
.EMI. Mr. Lincoln in connected with tbo
/auiouH New York l'io compiny , which
it ' has a capacity of 0,0000 plea per dy ,
and turns out kit the pics u ed In the
great metropolis and UK jtulmrbs. Ho was
Hnperiutondont for Bumo tlina , and retired
on .account of overwork and ill l.uiltb ,
though fetlll loialnlng his atoclc In the
Monday the Young Men's Christian
uanclntlon moved into tbtir now mown ,
Standard hall , Fifteenth and Knrnum
street * , . wlioro they will hereafter be
found. .They are making every arrange ,
jnent to-ontorliln their state convention ,
which will be hold In thin city I'Jib tii the
2" J of .this month. Ojy ) ono or two da ) a
more can be used btfore the convent un ,
ond-tht ? are inx out to do Homa decorat
ing bihi * Um , and they invite all their
fi lends to.Btml jilcturoi , fluwer * and uch
varieties , n th y may h\ to spare. Send
In early.
TlwY M.O. A. moved lita tluir
tbeir nev/nJull lu Barker' * building Muu-
it Bpocltil convocation of Omabn
Chapter , 'No. 1 , It A. M. , will bo hrld
this evcuhitf.for work lu theroyul arch de-
uroei. Bojouinlng companions are cor. ;
dlally luvlted. V M. JUuTtox , II. 1 . |
The Umaha'teainera hold thilr rft'U-
lar meeting We m&day evening , Octoler
Ifltb , at vTivola hull. All membera are ie-
quested to be present. By i > rder of
' ( T .J. ( Juicr , Secretary.
The fourth annual uvcting of the
'Wctnan'B t > u > .dical missionary society of
Nebraska , will be held at Lincoln , Octal er
18th and If tb. 'Open-cession , Weduinday
7'M p. m. Addre e by Mm. Van Ilook ,
from 1'ereU , ani others ore expected.
H. T BtvpbenH , who hai olliclated at
various time * la the culinary department
ef the CauBtld , Crelghtoc , St. diaries
ud other bott-U , hai rtlumod after an ub-
ucncoof fevtrul wi ttb' , and id a ( juo-t uf
the St. Cbtrlo.Ho iu acccsipanled by
Mrs. Stephdi' , oud tbeioio a probability
that ho will leuiam lu the city through
tbe winter.
A reaporiBiblo purty will buy a bank
ing buainiBB or open u new bank in a
good Jive town , Iiitari'ali'd part'ua
nddrcaa P , O , drawer Uo , ( J4. Onwlio.
Neb. 10 fit
| &u Kditor W MJU = < J.
The town uf Guide It. cl , , U'eVcler
county , Kelt. , watitH n editor 10
tart a noworuper , j)4'rorionu
can hn .Tbu rjf-ht HIJIII la cuir
! l
The B.ofntation Oiventc a Standing -
ing Democr-itiC'Lle ' ,
' 1 ho Prohibition Lender in Nc-
bniekn , Lajc
, October 30 , 1882. Hon.
J. 'tcrluig Morton-democratic ) candi
date for governor c Nebraska : Disar
1 Address you ao a candidate ol
tho.pfirty of which , both you and I
Imto bjen mrrnbcM. 'You are ft dome
Bo am I , vdien the party umi ! < ls
by-democratic principles. The parly
in thia otntn thin fnll , by refuMiitf to
put n plank in ita phtforin in tavorof
fltirniittiug an amendment to Ihontnti )
coimlituttiin , abiuidoni.-d thu funrln-
inunUl principle ! ) of ildii'icnicy. Tin-
plank of thu democratic uffitfortn
which duals with the llq'ior ( | icatiiin ,
ID illogical , liulisuiiaicrtl und untruth-
u' .
You hnvn iiflcrt-d to dfccuitn the
irmura of tlio oairipnign with tlio i-u
pubhriAtm , Tlio pnilnlii'.ioiiiaU were
oiiiilunt to rent in tii.onco ii'ul lut the
old p.irtien li lil it diir , HO lout ; IIB tiv t
wt.rii let. alone , Thii luuuh I told ymi
purisoiially to-drty. In iho fuco i f mcli
kiuiivltdgu ) ou us n purly unndidtti
nan * fill in your npucoh in thu Ci'y lii ; :
l-tiight to biirljiquo pnihibitioii uii
tlivriiby every prniiibiliiin d n in the oUto. Thn f > niu ; wluc
VJU hiwo thrown down T ttlcn tip , HU
will bu huppy to diaciifa tht ) pruhib
tion ienuu with you bcforo thu pit"pl
of the Btato. I will C'immi-ucu Mm
day niyht , Octobtir 2U , Hud divii ?
time with you oicli ni lit until oho
tion upon eucli turniR na our niutu
friendu , Oi'orrjoJi S-tinnornnd U. (
Lett inny lix. I hopu tliis will met
your approval. Anniriin you of m.
high tofiird for you porHJiiully , 1 io
maih ynur frioud ,
ou Uuts. "
'Clonra out ruta , niicitouchce , flies.
until , bud bu a , Bkunko , chihiuunkc ,
iopliera. ; 15o.
HA , iNEB.
Tablt'D auppliud with the bust th
mnrkot nlturdo. The mweliny publi
claim thuy gut betlur itccdinniodiUion
arid nioro gumtrul oiitiataution hei
than at any other houao in Oinahu
ltato-i'2 per d.iy. nU
An.EloguutrWoadlnrnt Ht Plailotne
There v/a3 a chinning wedding oer
vied at St. I'nilointiiiu's cathedral , or
Ninth ntreut , ytstoid.iy , at which
LhoilloV. > \itbur < E.ipliali olliuiutcd.
The hi h uuntruuttng partiua "cro
Mr. Viiicont Muukeu , u proinnieir
ind pnmiioiijtf juutij ; mini ot Oaiuiu
JUB , Nob. , and Mian L zziu Fjgan ,
vhoao puronta ri sidu ut No. lOlil Cm-
; ago at root
Xho attondunta wcro Mr. JUIIUB
dHun and Alias Magfio ; Fugau
uothor and aistur of the biHo.
Tho'brido ' was oleguutly dressed ii.
irupodo lioso , trimmed with wrouttm of
iruugu blosaouia , aud thu gioom wor
ho convuntional black drvaa BUIC.
Iminoditttely ultor the curuiuouy at
5t. i'nilouiouu'a the party drove to
ho realduuco of the brldu'a parunti- ,
rhfaro a auinptuous repast won aproad.
i'bo ' wedding prusunta wuru numur-
IUB and vury vitliublo , thu following
ut iiiolutlnlg a portion of thum :
From the bridu'a parootf , nplundid
) iuuu- ; groom , ohfjiiit g < M watch
ind chum , ; Air. und Jiiu Owun
HcOatl'ruy , oilvur uaatoi ; Mr. and
\ira. \ 'iluhn , mujulioA tun BUI ; Miaa
Vhitiity , fruit plutca ; Air. und Alra.
id Liodur , aot ailvnr toit kiuveb ; Mr.
ind Alra. T. J. Ftizmotrio , Uueem
unthtr album ; Bllaj LBIIU ( lull , ait
/ir fruit knives ; Mucsin. Fcenoy it
joimolly , individual tali and puppui.
iui ; Mr. and Alru Hjbt. Geiitltiuun ,
nlvtT cuator ; Alrd. ' 1'iion. Guiitlumaii ,
iuiuaak tablu cloth and impUnitAir. ; .
mil Mi P. Gluaaon , buttut kmlu and
Imhor ; Air. and Alrn. M , A. AloNam-
ira , untbroldorud tidut ; Aliad J.uiu
md Mr. Juhn Mauken , Bilver ton Bit
ilrs. Alaiy Jordan , Mlver pickle can
; ji ; Mr. and ftlra. Ilulland , uuko baa
lot , Aliaa ilcOauslaiid and Miaa Man
ihuatur , eilvur bjuquot holdoi
ilra. Lucoa , eilver cwko
Wellio Dtian , truit diih ,
Suillfi , buttur Ulahca ; M r. aim
ilra. U , A Burn , w.itur pitchot ; Air.
.nd Mr , D , 0 Ujiilin , ailvor pit nui
ilr. and Mrs. V tn < i , ailvt-r ciiko bat
: ui ; Air. und Mr . iiolln , cltyant
ndaprcad ; Mr , und 'Mm. Tiioa
$ < < rry , ice ciuam aurvicti ; Alia liol
u I , totlut btt ; Mr , jtiid Alra. Wilimm
Jeiiilciimn , M juhcM cui and uiuooi ;
liea Nellie AUckui ) , ulu unt eilvur
ut'cj iut holder.
' 1 m ao uro among other protents
'hiuh ' could not bu noiv enumerated.
The huppy couple remained in ihu
ity all dity und Ituvo luutt.-Vtititii ( { ior
liuir fuiuio homo in Culuiubua , wtiuru
o \viih tlieui all the conjugal lolioiiy
The "Hawtlioin Centennial J2x
1'lnior Hoot I'amt "
, urua patuiau-d Ma )
1th , 1881 , and ottura nutunt nuiii
or 1241 , 603. Any poraon found 01
nuivn to tamper with the miuiu-
icturu of auid paint will bo puniah
i to tbo full oxteni of law. No per-
Jii hiuk any authority wlnUuvor to E J1
, ooipu. UAWTIIOH.N & Hun. ,
PA ,
Tuo Watur Works
An iuiportunt uhuugo 1ms takuu
luau in the oryaiiiz tion of the
'miha ' watur works company , it being
10 totulv of iiogotiftlious which huve
sen pending for over a month , at d
hioh T ro consuiunuturl yuatordiy.
' . Slielton had cola his interott in tin
ater works ti a BjnJicato composed
[ A E. Touzalin , vice pnsident ot
iu Chicago , JJurlin tea & Quinoy
lilwuj ; the banking linn of Quid-
Pll , Haoiilton & Co ; H. W. Yates ,
* Jjiornf tlu'Nt braeku National bank ,
ihu A ilcBliuiib ai d D , Ii. Good-
oh , Xho coiupou jt now composed
of the above nyndicafo rind B. U.
Johnson , who in tha president , Milton
.T. Ii. Djtnont and J. L ,
The ( xmipiny .is now or nnizcd i *
onn of the very flttongftst pofsanslly
ntul finat cmlly that could bo fonmd ,
They ) MVO ntnp'o ' moaiif and iu'i-nd to
spare no tiponau to make the Otnahb
watr woiki ( iial-chita in ovtry to-
Mode frntr the wild ( loni-ra of th
it M thij most fravrant ol prrfnmpa ,
Maniifnatured'by II. I ) . Blaven , San
Fr" ncico. 'For HO in Oinafia by W ,
.1 Wliitchouco aud Konn&io liroa , ,
& Oo.
A rH'lHuN'd PHOJ1S3T. .
To f ko IMItor ( .1 'I UP. Urn.
' ' ( The bourd of public works thatl re-
quliu In nil IA-O < who'n pcinnti oiu ii ucd
lor li-.ilidin ? , an < d-'innlf > liig IXIIKI tuntilbi :
t. < the city , with two or more pmd and
niifliulont nullities to i r.itct , tin Uty
H | ; iDst nuy and all clnmnRiM tint may
from nny mull work exc.ivn ion * ,
ic'ioii of i.rt-rt w v nr iib-lructioii ,
nut only h'lu Huchvoik ii Ix.-inK donu "r
i > Uih 'pli-tincliniiH con Iliilcd , but thoi -
nltrrCity [ Ordinnuin iill iiitutd June
21 , If32.
'i'ho nboro in taknn from nn ordi-
parsed by the oily cnuncil , and
til liurnnoiH hou'i'n in thu fuutro nru
to bo built uiuti'r tiiid iucon-
iii tnnt IHW , boit' ' dobatrcd iroul the
ueo of biiBi'inen's , nrra vrny nnd Uio
cunvutnuiitio of ufllnni , In the way of
ccceEn lor 'ifavy muiclundtru , conl ,
-tc , from ontHido ontraum-g ; in fiic' . ,
'I'fing lorbiildon from making rin >
< mtiuio ) fxciiVAtiona nluttivor , di'priv-
linjj ono from ncrcr-pnry cellur vcntiU-
tiiniuiilis ( tlw lljor ( it a bitild-
n.jj bu uluvated itbiivn the height
winch mi ht bo uonvcntuiii lor bj i-
nrss purpost a. J'urliup.S it might bo
to rnako ie vatir.ji'i on
own liioiind , for IMI-H ways , ole 4
if tliii b diiiio it only virtually widonn
tinutreiit , for the n.uuo objection ; * uru
L'Xio Ldj buiiidiB beim ; ptovidod with
narrow lots and no nlloju in ninny iu-
BUnce * , them H hUlt : loom. In nil
hir u cii.ii H wo undbrataml ntu'ot
and alley ( XO.tvuiioiiH nro made
for the coiivtMenco i > nd m < o
of bincmonU , nnni wnja eztoi. < lmjj
tlio Knith ( ; i < f blockr ; Dioso con-
viinienctnro : illnitd without any
pi'rpotuiil iduriuilj irn ; liulid , tia-y mo
allowed for th'i purport ) ot utilizing
run in , for ventilation , for health , fur
Illurullty and encotira emont in ihu
building of ijt'i l and biiuniful-cttus
Under thin ordinancu theco privilcgua
iiro KUinted provided u po. tiul
ideninit > in bund ia , > > ivuii to tbo city
Hli iiildt'tiall \ ncctdtuitii , nnd i > ru-
ttctii g tlio Rtty r.g'iitiab all liability of
daiiiago. Wo would nsk what
inuii ID ( joipon / ! u purpntual bond of
Htiy liinil , especially onu in which the
iitw miylit un. consitrui ! jiiHlijf < > ni > ujh
to miiko liability whcro thuru nhould
bo ono.
There are ninny necesfary fi/uigcro.
If a purnon atu-nblea nyainac the hy
drant , lamp-pout or Rttpsr..m the
hiuh curbi.ij ; to the gutter , Mieroby in-
fiictitu * aevoin uijuriff , clt.ui u aipni-
fy that thu city nr any iudwidunl by-
ci.nifH linlili ! . Ag.un ; if proper Milling
uirtrating ( in utcd in area wnya of
bisementa , whuro doea the juatico of
iiunuyo nppt-nr if a pi risen f.illw down
, ! ui nl opt. In nil Hiiuh c.isto of guarded
lungerTO fail to sto the danger ( if
iabiiiiy. If cxcuvullons are uindo
inder'tlio walk ( < a ia customary in
iiury placen ) wan u aohd tounda
,1011 , btihatnntially conatrucicd , and
ipprovtd by the board of public
nroiko , what ia the objection , and
whuro the liability ? Technicalition
ire Bomotimea otrnud to that oxtreino
: hnt fuirn < ! 33 and ro.iaon are left and
iiat siylit of. Thua it appeara
When n man credo a hnilding on hia
iwn ground ho IB required to onctitn-
' it'by ' { { ivinfjn mor'guyo to the city
'or nil timo. It n muii is a atr.uigcr
ind iu unublo to funnati a perpetual
jond , thuii the city proponca
.o take a lieu upon 1m buildin ; ; .
Vioa in buHiiiL-nn take charicca
n uvorv dny lifo. Why Minuld not n
sit } ? -E.ich citizou io u common owner
> C bidoivnllts , niid each property owner
s rt-quirod by law ti Jay his own walk ,
ind wo all pay taxes fur their use , ntui
, ut no ono would hardly ot ject to bu
nt ; subj ct to a fine , if rani las in duty
lar gurdBrutaiiiiug in ordur undrafoiy
ill works which a hoard of publ o
vorka mi ht have pronounced porfcc * .
a all rcqniruniuntv ; but to bo-
: loud n null's title by n
Hating mortga o or lien , la
'lha utncindoBt cut of all , "
ind u centrulinntion .H p'jwur , the
mticu df which is worth considering.
iVu treat thuir may bo a prevailing
ipinion that thia law in an ubnoxioiK
mi ; that it dunrivtn u person of a
limirablo usu uf liiu own proper- ! ; that
t ia an obit ruction in the way of
Jiiildinv ; it thurof ire may bo hoped
hat thin Inw mny bu repoahid and
triokun front the city code and in lieu
hereof a fair show mny bu
i.v. M. | C
OMAUA , Uclobor 17 , 188 : b
Fzourkiun I. O. O. I" .
The I O O F. will have nil
ion to Fremont oa Tliiiraduy , Onto-
or 19-h.
Tram leaves U. P. depot at 8
'cluck a m , aluirp , nnd will roiurn in
bo I'vi'iiinf. TitUuto for round trip ,
; l CO ; for tale by nieiiib urn ami at the
All Odd Fcllowu and their hdioa
i.d fri"iidu nro invited. ,
Mi-mbora of the order are ri'quoatod
D nuiut nt O.ld Fcillowa hull ut 7
'clool ; a. m. Tduradey morning and
mich to the depot.
The U. P , b'and will accompany the
xcuroion , 17-uiiVotf
:01lLANIKU-W : n. Norluuder , ugcd3
ycara nud 9 months.
l will tile placn from thu reel-
tnco on Walnut utreot , between Third and
onrth , to-day at II p. m.
HWADKIl DAUghter of Mnria aud Ol
Ixjuli Sjliwader , U toiler ICth , aged IK tl
yodrs mil' U uiinithn. tlei
Funeral will take placa from uorthwcjt ei
> rnr of 10th and PotinUa street , October 8'cl '
> th , nt J o'clock p. m. Friends all ! n < cl
t d.
Choice Honey 15 conta per pound vat
Wm Guntleman'a. at
Wuc5tiin'fl Araicu Wnlve.
The De'iT tULVK in the irorld for OnU , fe
niUrw , Sore , UJcorf , bait Khcxun , IV- ct
T a-iroH , Tetter , Chipped Hamla , Chll tb
alns , Coin * , ana ftU n-Vin ernptluus , and
uitirely curt * lilcrf. It in euaranteed to
ve aatltfuotfou ( K > coy refunded , to
rise , W roati ; nr cvor tale by 0
, Ucxxirotn tr
A Call to NcbrrvtikjnB to Contribute
to tbo Unueo.
October 8 , 1882
To lira fYoplicf the S ate of Nitraika :
I'ho sociuty uf the nnnyot the Cum
berland , through its Oarllold monument
ment committee , has determined to
ivo , under provisions of n joint reso
lution of August 5 , 1832 , national
frtir and reception , industrtnl and art
( position , to ba held in the rotunda
aud adjacent , rooms of the United
States capitoioinmuncingon ) : lht-25th
day of November , und to cmMnuo
until the 3d day of December , 1882 ,
Ua object being to raiao the grtatua *
pojtiblo amount of funds in the erec
tion of a nttUuo at Washington , 1)
0 , to r.urpctunto and honor the memory
ory ot our late prmdenK , Junct <
Abram Guliclt ) ; nud in furtherance
of Riiid ubjtct hah , in addition to tin *
bo.ird of diri'Cll'in , which i cornpRSiid
of oomu of the most prominent of our
mun , uppniiitul H bo.itd uf com
to rtnrosotit t'iu ' utato of
: u d in complnuica with
thi ) instruct ! ni of the bo.vrt of
direction , WH huvo i ho hone : to pre
sent ti > yon thn method ( v which the
crtuoo'Tnuy bu iiirieU : (1 ( ) CJontribu
tiotm of iDiinoy aunt Uir < ii'h } ' our
board , for which ei'prnrod n'cripU
will l > o Tuturofil to r"intribii'T. . ( 2 )
Contribution of articles. U.ult-r . IJIIH
hi'Hil ovr brnnoh ot priiduotivu in
dmny tuid urt will bu lopn-Heiitrd ;
< ind siioh ( toutribntioti'i will hi pl ci-u
on exhibition , pr p-rly C'HHiified imd
digpUyml , vmh thoiiiiinuof ihonifk-r
aticl donor ittnciod. ! Ill 'ill cftPHHSUch
i-xhihilB will luynain until the cloco ol
thn uxpoottioi ) , when thuy wi I Do
told. The ohptcml attention t f Hyri-
eiilturiitn , iiiiin.ifi.oitawn , doalcra nnd
urtinta if nrkud tii thin class of i-x'nhiln
(1J ( ) Ai-lio'eu ' of jnduslry , virtu
unit Hrr , for exhibition meruly.
fho unusual and i-xtraordinary
chp.tnctrr of the bb/t-ir minit comitiond
iiBelf 'to every onu dc iroita of advur-
tiniot ; hia or Itvv huaini-rH , or ? of brin -
iii ( ! t4io rewills of liifi or her invention
; ir handiwork to thn attention of the
wotld. Held at the notion' * capital
: it R Hudson when cotiri' | ( o is about to
ii > ( 'iiibi ! ! and the n prvM > ntaMvt > 3 of
[ oruiyii powern prftont at thir lc ( < i\-
tiota mid to bt'Ci mo guetts or'thu x-
[ lontion , with u host of JDiirtiHlieie ,
leprtfiontini ; ovury prominent news
paper iu Ainericfi , si-ndiiig dailv tele-
{ rnihio | reports of Ha pie rte-i und
likely t . iiittlcn tt.o more- worthy < x-
[ iibiis nnd duuutionn , ir. may bo con-
liduntly oPHoitrd time no cqtml opj-or-
; tiity wntiver ln-foro jitfordt-d for
nrn-ging tlin inturtftMi f ygr
niuu.facturiTt. ' , uuistK iml :
: hti ntU-ntipti of . ! c. ( -1 )
libuiif.n.-i Imni thulrfdit-H in tiie wa
if necdli ) uiid fancy nnilc nro ospeci
y invited and miiK-ip-ikd i one
ho mofct , prommtnc fenturcu of ih
air.A bonrd of nwird lus also
jrovidi-d for , whcse duly it nhall b
o exatu.n" ut d import upon the va
iom exhibits , awaidirt mudals un
ucli hr.nor.ahlo uu'iiiiun MH , in it
iidijineiit may bti dtaervtd , nnd giv
uitablo er-goivtd cn'titic/tti-n of tin
ami ; , nccnrun g to thu rules und rou
ationn adopted and obecivrd : il th
untenuirtl exhibition at Pniladolphia
Viinoportation on nil nitidt-a doimtft
rill bo at the coat of the buara uf di
Colonel 0. B. Chase , of Omaha , ha >
teen chosen president cf the board o
onimitaionera in the otute , with auth
rity to nominate an nsarciatu in each
ountj : and it ia desired that thi
ounty usDociatcs blmll adviae thi :
onrd , through the state chairman
f the progroiir of the work iu hind
It is intended that thoexhibitn from
ach sUto chall bo received at Wash
ngton by the commisaionero for the
into , and remain under their special
hargo during the exhihitioi ; o thin
nd nil douatiqus ( nxcept5ng _ \ _
xhiliil ? , etc , , ahould bo citr fully
bipped to Board of Direction , Waphr
gtxn ) , D 0 , and the bill of ludiny
jnt to the tecrotnry of this board ,
t ia contidontly hoped and believed
lint our great und prosporoun utata
ill respond liberally to thia most
raisnworthy object , and exhibit
lior&by n < ; unnrouu rivalry with the
Ider and ricbpr ntutes of our { { lorioua
nion. VV. L. 1'r.AJioDY , Oh'n.
OMAHA , Ootfcber 10 , 1882 By vir
lo of thu authority conferred upot
io by the board of commtesioncra for
10 atato of Nebraska of the National
! nzar and Art Espoaitiou , for tha
onelit of the ] Garfield monument
ind , to bo hold in Wuohio > ; ton next
> ocombcr , I hereby appoint the post
motor at the county Boat of each
junty in the atato an lucal agent , anc'
jrarnifuiona to nuch nppoiutoea wil
p sent from Washington.
lu the meantiruoaa but foiv daysnrn
lit for propanition , there agents will
k-Mo commtuioo work ut. onct * , on
icrning < if thU uppointinont awl ro-
) it | ot circulars.
. Arrangements are being perfected
hcruby railroad locnl otjento xrill net
i aid of such fnrmors" may have
ruin or other products which they
csiro couvortod into money nt thn
irioua etationr , the fuiidi to bo for-
nrded to tlia state board at Omaha.
| Q (
A cntuo oo noble and worthy must |
at tulTer for want of willing handn to
ork for it , in younc , proaporoua No
raeka , CHAMI'ION S. CHASE ,
Presidunt State Hoard.
11. W. BuEi'UEnniuaK , Secretary , i , j
( State papers pleu&o copy. ) Y
tie Diotrlot aLd Police Court Nowa
The time of the district court was
icupied all day Monday in hoariug
io cftnu of the SUto vs.V , A , Shop
deon , indicted'by thn grand jury for
and larceny , iu utealiug sundry nrti-
BB of persoiml property from Do
lurler , a trAveliug man. The case
is ono which vita decidedly mixed
id puzzled oven the attorneys. The
ry relumed a verdict finding the do1
ndaut guilty in manner and form as
argod in the indictraout , but finding
o value of the property stolen
l.CO , which was not nsufUciont sum
constitute grand larceny. The dis-
ict attorney rtnueatfld the court to
remand the priaonor for twonty-four
h-nre to allow him to tile a comphii.t
in R lovrtr court for petit Inrcony. I he
defendant aUtodthatho would plead
guilty to petit larceny.
.Slir.PAItnSOJi'H fATK.
W. A. Shppurdaon appeared iu the
police court at , \ late hour yesterday
and pleaded guilty to the chirgo tf
pt.tit ) rcei'y. .ludea Dctuka lined
dim S ? " , which will have to bo served
out at tha rAte of $1 per d y.
Dd Liuricr was reioiscd from cno-
Poscon , charged with roiiating en
oflicer , wna rolbHJocl , tha chr o not
bdin Rtittainrd.
ItC l.Af HICK IK rKOUCLi : .
It ia atatod that Da Liurior is now
held in jftll , whuro ho ha been kept
for some time ea prosecuting witm-jn
in thuc&to , iiiui the Htato will lilu
a charge rjf pi-rjury ngtinat him. In
quiry ut the contta dou not dhow thu. *
any finch couiulaint has yet been filed.
In viuiv of the coi flictmn reuuiioiy :
in the Bhop.ii-iison cist' , it loolu liku
folly o attack Di L urii r , although
it must l dd nittfd lui Inn acted de-
cididly u r ubiut the whole
CM" , and hni not stood by
Kin fiiunds. Tlio proEooa'iou will
do H b l thine > f < npJ'
purH'ie ' this ni'ittor any Jurtlic-r. Tiny
liiii ) batter drop thu uholu ouninMn ut
O'ico na they would n rottfK eiz . Tiii
Ihmu of coi limi'g pen pi o v/iihott' . doe
proceni to nwuit the luianro ot oflicom
of ih-j law ia gi-triii' ; nKinoiiiiioua and
it in ttmo to ury hitlt. Tin : BF.K ia the
hi t to defend a cnniinc.l of any nort ,
: ttid on the other haiid it i.i tired ol
trumped up ea and the holdtnu
of pricoiU'i-n without justice or rili' ) ; .
It there nro charge ! ) > aiuiit u man let
them be put on u > cotd , if not , let mon
rmve thu liberty tLfy tire entitled to.
Thuro is too much of thia busiiutic.
A burglar or buruliira ohloVoformod
the tnmtly of William Anderaon. a
member of the board ot etuic.uuu.
und storekeeper tor thu U 'ion Pucili'i
railroad about. 4 n. m. Muiiduy , nud
carried i fl each amounting to $5U und
papers of no valuu to anyone but thu
jwnvr Thn front door WHO left open ,
\'ul Mr. Anduraou'ii unmtntionablea ,
aiiiiua the oath , were imir the Kdto.
lee watch dog WAD doped too.
In the police court yehtt\ulny
Dhitrlea Smokn waa arraigned furr.teal-
nu thrco sidewalk plank ? from Fester
& Ofay's lumber yard , mid wan aunt ,
up tor ten rlaya : t hard labor.
Oonatfib'o ' Uoydmi , lately appoint '
: or > , ' > o Fourth ward , waa arrested
Mo'ivlay ufturnoon on a complaint of
inpnult , titetorri'd by Mre. Jnli
Liimjo , of South Oiiiahu. ioydi-n'ii
litiida do noc ffiku much ntock in thv
shargi' , capuctiilly us bo WHA in the
incharfjo of hia du > y and the com
ilmning xvitntea r aiated him. Ic in
: laimod that illwomiin does no ; un-
iertitund the English lang'ijtyu ' , but
hu laA > mktn no allowaiice for a luck
> t kiKmhdgii of it/i requirements und
'ovij not ( iiiiirjul its otliuerii to under-
itjncl M'vernl dilFerunt lanRuayca.
Pot Kearney , mi old i ffinds-r , wan
Treated for intdxicition , nnd wu& cunt
ip < or ten cUya on bread end water.
John Nulaon vras arrested for steal-
u p.ur of pauta from Liwronco
Jam. s Emory was under 'arrest f > r
liuiurbing thu peace , and u friend
ios also hauled in for alleged inter-
lerunco with thn oflicor who toado the
rhe Ranking " 4O' ut Boyd'o Attrac
tions at tbo Academy of Music.
Another enthusiastic audience wao
eHghtod with McKee Rinlcin'o rondi
ion of " 49" ' and "Carrots" infectuoua
ayety at Boyd'a oporu house Inat
To-night the "Danitce , " undoubt-
dly the strongest and beat of all
itnerican pUya , newly . conatructod
ud improved since it a London nuc-
Dsa , will ho given. Those who have
con ao fortunate as to ecu ( his drama
uri.ij ; itn.firHt ateses of auccaas will do
oil to oeo Mr. Ilankiu in hia grand
haractor of "Sandy , " to night.
'Billy ' Pipnr" io a cruntian that will
uiro tluii ploabi ) the gentler sex The
i'dMon , " it will be rumombered , was
irmorly Louia Aldrich'o successful
jo , who m now playing "My Part.-
er. " Tnopartot the Chineo io ono
f the ntrouguut in any piny , and in
30 hands ot Luke Martin ia enid r.o
ir surpass Parstoo'n creation in "My
' .irtiier. " Archibald JBoyd , as the
Jud.o , , " will give hin delightful
OECiiptiona of "Tho : ; lorious chmato
f Odlifornin , " and become at homo
ith the folks ut once. And tun !
jcro is the "Widow. " Tneso chat-
Qttia nro ideal creations in them
Ivea and would fur.71 atciking pins
lone. Thoao who have nuver ci-un
10 "Danitob" will do wull to take ud-
anttigu of this i-su illont opportunity.
Too Jovoin of good variety ontcr
itimont cjiii uot la-lp buc bo plouu-n
uh the bill now being unstained by
[ auugor Nugent nt the Academy of
During the last week the businesa
in been unusually largo , nud yood
nito in uctiv'o demand.
} Thu present company embracu'a tiome
' the very best variety talent , who
ve their specialties in a lively and
> ry onjoyublu manner.
The olio is now a decided feuturo of
14 ovoning'a performanco. Sim
agcr nud Tommy Adams nro the beat
) ony humonstu that have yet ap-
: aiod.
Mi3a Ollio Butter made her firai ap-
saraueo laat ovoninij and was enthiu-
sttcally recalled after hnr iirst song.
Mtlville and Frances have mudu
ivir ru-appearance after a abort ah
iicound'forn fo'.v nighta more will I
tioTin their thrilling feata on the La -
'itlla ' l\rilouzo from the dome of the T
Miss Kv lA itur ia H new member
thn company and given a uparkliug
tof aong portraituto that is very en-
jabU auU good ,
Alias Anne Uaymond ia atill ru
may be too worldly ; any-
iy her songs don't remind us of a
wnibling. J
The four Hollywood children form
e greatest attraction of the evening ,
lair aouga , dances and sketches
titled "Juronilu "
Courtship" ia very
venilo and rofreahing. i
Tommy Adams , iu hie character of I
the happy n'd man , lilla a role thut
durn him j i tc < >
Mian E > d L aier does n Jittlu p'l-o ' *
of drollciy in a m-it mantu-r iti.d li.iyn
A sketch or two in pivon during the
evening and tlio pcrforniaiifu con
cludf n with a hnjhly spicfd i otuai : xiiil
folly the J vii a : IMS'I-III oraza "Ih
Doason , " Thuro will bo no chai go in
the progr. nnio t ia work.
i A B pet ccnltf
, w , tmjl In inuu.3fn.5W.aca
upr/&rib , inr 3 So 6 yearn , on ( ! rt-duo city trJ
r nu i rcimrty , Ortiia ( : tAL KHATI nnd Ixu
AUIOT. 151h Dourttt git.
Al , OXEY TO hOAN-lho f.orihwfs'orn Mn-
itj tiiiil Life lii ranci"Mwny | l > ptciared t
n > hCk'l ' time ih" < io : i a unniid on .oatipi.-xctory
rl-.t'urtx mreciirity at KJW i > * . cuticnc intuit ol
InnTiv end U. cjmn Ij-iin A > .i > lv .o
a c. bAVis ,
Soccul rtxu'i'i '
Ko. )50 ; I'litiaui stiu t ,
eil-4.r Omah > . Kob.
WASTKP iv rr.p .le t l'l JoriT'iicnl Irmr
o-k. Apjil. toSOiaou h Uh trtctit. .
Km niu < inl in.i'iH- ,
D Htlp l Ihe imploymnt ollcc ! ,
. 10 ii ttrret , up it. l < . ' u
iX VvTi D-C nijm oaS ilrl. / ppHto ! 0 >
> ' . .1 hiticit , ui.ojiio | ( Ore , n'ii .uui .
WANTii : THO MIUI \v-nkln gard > n. I ) .
J. Smith gankncr Sherinin : Avenue.
81:1-17' :
"I \r.\NTKD-Ooit nml iianta makers nt Vim n.
\\f AMI I-V t'rl for c ii ml h'ii o liOI.HI ]
\ > Im ll.\ntit ri.u CulUoll i\ul I'l rttn-itp ,
1 b ( K- ) ( t- nt Hiai.deM iitlOJt. 81'j-lHt
W \ M7r.UA 'ulil ( o take cire of children.
Al'l ' > j ut 1'lutiturn huiiec t-oiiifr Iluiljra ixnJ
ICth. Sf.O-IS *
, / ) ( .In it 122 n.r lull treat.
W rmlyofU-o. (27-lst
\l' VIED -I'lvoelrh , a'rn-p. t tto Pi > t < n
vl h to' ' . ln < | ulrc < f Ilia-lev. in ) . t.'Jt-i7 *
.1 * A TMi A huri-cr. Aj'inj ! > t 1511 I ) > H"
S . ' l.i'iiU FAit. . * 3t-il
' it ' ANTKJ V kOiii , lrl lor tej > i d rk i.t
V iD
1'lin men not afraid of work to
iumu"i nml Fi.ll ourllnu of goods o > i nucill ! luyini'iitfl. ( iill on Kuyatatic W
Co.1 1 boutii uth stnot.
CD A ire1" ! ! ilrl Tor cc-icr.i hiiuru-
vor'at SJic h u < 'vest sulno' cnvui.c
die t. two bloCK.i noriho S : . M .rj'ii avciiuo.
WA.MUt ) V si I IJ. nom woil. . ( JOml
BBI'u ; v..oi nl. N n oth r ni"
ply. < lt > ni-.u iuifurr < ii. 1412 Daupas ttiutt-
t2i 17'
H1 AXTUU - \ tlrst claii cool.nilicr , ami
liontr. Cull nt 'JJilU Cnpltol Avenue. 77fi-lUt
WANTftH - - * u lla , N. > .cvr. l.tHblulfu -
iih f.rrrit. 7 1J
WANTED-fiOOOt'lrlsto call anl liuy cloaKs
ilolin.m diuMpioilx. etc. , at low Iurc8. ! :
Vi'ttg aiul U'u.s.b [ cor. lutli and .lai l.ajn , 71U4f
WA.STKt > A iri-1 tO'iouchcril tinua ork.
> end > i.lirric H O od " .igcu iM AU-
Utrn F. C. ( ul > 10 , Kcirno , , Ne . ill IIt I
t \/Afi'IK ) ) Ut-lf- b-iicovotk , HOBS fn an
VV uvcnuo Mrs. J. Jl Comituuu. 631 tf
d-V WA.NTIUi-11 } lady ( lUnWi ) jUht
nrrntd from Kuropo , a3 Sjlca liuly Inaitry
oodeturoor to do ll .it light work in private
'a ' 1 y. Ocniiau tpoken toll at S.caud navlan
Hotel llthSt. *
Sji-1 ! )
W. ! n ity n mil'l -g n Un.v i.i > xi | i-
1 ictomio ca-o ol chllnn < ir h n -
co per u prh&te ( anii.y. Adjraiu * J u. .M. "
, . Sit't
WAi"'tl : y }
rl y n-li rcu.i-p , pla ' t > * i > rh witu hn H a
T to p > rtcr wort : a'io ' tstnr . Stit tin-rtv. lil
o wor ic. Ca 1 or uddreai "S tidw" iure V. M.
\ .
WAN'lKU Ho Icon a ] nick u."k p try
took or baltiir. Ad Iron 8 K.O IJ'e tbcc.
U D-l"t
WANTii > Ono jooil cam Mfur. Steady work
work end good pay , ( rcfcrnnce ! ) required. )
at 218 N. IRth btrttt. uji-iitalre , room n.
ANir.l > -/.t tlm Hallonil ll'felat I'n ' ,
On. ) N j. 1 fcmalo cook uanto Rort of
j-a'il. ' 129-tf
, stoka ana tcin
y Vitul ; und
, tlm Ireet In uiu. A , l vnn k Civ. ,
CTirANTtCDt.iomn anl Hoard. If private
W fjui'lv vvlllln TO take one or two boarden ) ,
'HI B nn tluir all rev ; to tliuV > umn CoM < urcl > l
iolltK * . njid"11 i-'o.llnc lioir.l i/r rooiu- < will oo
efcrr ( liotlioii A.I. WVMAV.
, , > OIl HNT - Hoiihc' u th Mil en ronmt we anil
[ ' ci'U'rn hand ) , two tilocUafr in Uuiaha 1'oun
ry toiitli 17th ht. Imjulro ut Htnry Ilninnif
7IOU K2N1 \ li ndcoTio twon ory rtslderc1 ,
J Ur > > "iia llli cl i-et < t'JiIi ; ; oi ( ) bar.o. . . i.nd
> od ho m'ri . .10V > 1 and l.rgd < I > t rr. In-
i ruIuuLi-dl.Vi I ; on | ir < mt td , uor hwost c r.
r 22d on. i Mure street. S ti if
7\0ll \ ItFNT HoiiBQ of alx rjomg IScir and
C'hlcnoSt. N l < liinin. t4l t (
7OH lli.NT : Two unfunihhcil toonnS. i : . for-
J nvrlTtli nn-lClil lupibl. , 5l-ir
71011 Itr.NT I'linilsln-il rouin with board und
; fuw tulilo Uiardersut 1718 Dodxo. WJ-'Jt
,10lt IILNT .Iri.oin bouse , If.irnry St. jni °
1 moMli AID. AJIliS , 1WO rairuin. 17-l. l
71 'l ' KKKT 1-Vwnt furnished roim ful a Io
; ( . twdft- 1 ISUICD , 1010 turimm. K2i lt
, lOn lth : > i ' 'irnfs'ml cot a--1) N. P. corner
li-t.i a.- i.tilifori.l kirut . pp'yonpu
In. S)0-l t
Tioii IIKNT llniisoon ( ! liim < u 8 * . lctT. cn
' l .tii .u. d litli. J. dttift cor in r 15 und Crm-go.
8 Cl
j O1 UJ < f runiUli rl .o. ttHlirrwth-ut
' lujo ut ( s. I . c.ri.vr lltli Hjwar b r - t
71UH MUST M cly f.vnt.h d ro in ,01 o'l.'or ,
lorlhof Do.l.ii on Ibt. . HI 201
jniU' ' < KNr An tta ? . of ll.o roomInoulm
at Norlli eitcorner 16 ha.u Ll .o-noet
011 HUNT - 'areornt ionu x
' Mcly inn i bed. t2. Dod 'o . t
IwounlurnUhod iocm a'F2 S.
, OK KNT Two nicely I Jin ihcd roop > wllh
tire and li-atil , If doniro > . A pleiiant Imme
-hieo . { 'ii'l'iuen. linutruCO ) norili 17'li St.
P07 0
MJ-t KKVT A tnardh'C bouto , at 1MTth
> triL % bct'itn I ) ivlai a dioil e. I ( [ iilre
co. f 'Jibaud 1 oula . Sli-if
OK HK.NT huniUliid home , .N. \ \ . > rnor
Uth und Clark Kt. 770 tf
fM' ItrKdqllloj locmlir ball sinre ,
II 0 f arnhim t < . tat 797--.1
10 t KKfiTT o roouin farlilohoil for Huht
Ii uwkKpnj ; iy attr on Ainu tl > or ,
eii < i'd I Leu , coii < tr Blh and ! luaid tiee 8.
' (13-tl
o , tJ\ rooms ( uriilph.d , JH
( line ut 1) . Hjdoi , cllloti , MiUrj Lote'
70t J
! ( ) ) ( I1KAT Ofllc.sln J e5b'bocli err IGi
untlCftcla ! > enuc , JOHN O. J AC JUS ,
at tt
U [ < OR HET A nice n w citivre 01 n vfrport
Mr.ct , r.cir 2itn etrtct. Inqulr. * t lithol-n
A Erl k ol't
J7HU KKNT-A nicely turn ehid loom nt | 7
f1 C' < t > ft. Mfllt
i.MIrt iiK < l Klue it ll nc lu KIX
[ ' AlU-o ivcnlcncvn for wa'tr , ne" , 12 ri
-oilto pi t fHco. ( ini- V
OR MT Ten otv dirclllnis tnil two ntlir *
F in ( tollable loc.llty , by Mcuron
Vo.JM4 _ _ _ . .
Itr' T Mtiu'rtl ' en Idaho 8'rci.t , wtfh
FOI1 1 r > 'id\KvH
Injf i.l i < i romj v/Hh 'af ' o clo * U IT ill
K | ' .irtiunti nnd largu haaiMei t cohr.
A l r ( ynr * nd > { ir. cnwith pknty of fruit , nr.d
f , a la en cisti-ra . API lyat
707-f HCKMN'S IlA Atl.
IVO < KENT A fctnre tn Balcombe
L1.ICth . tltixl , neir Davenport , fit D.
rnG HOLNM Ur.KT tn 1l .w.J 'argo '
J fiur roama cxrh ; ono or two IKV
onf.- ) . HtM1j : , A'cnt ,
onf.ja iMJ 15th nnd Doui-ltii Mr
jTiOlt RUT-rurnMitM room M 1717
I ; ntr-t . b-t 17lh and 13(1 58-i
IH 111 I l utueu.v tor. , . , I'ltT"
J nu i O.kol ) DTi'iiuo. Apply on prHUHH
( , ' ! ' ' dilAS. vi | ie
TTU ) t 8M.IJ Afjoo f ia y I orw fcr S' * " A
C 3d barg-In. t' . cir. Jakton nn < l 17th
tf I. Hr'-lif
Ditire 8'oclt and KKturtHof Kro
L1 i-erj StoieNu. 8'S. . 10th htW. . J. Hniilh.
I710H SAI < ' A uooil koUl ntn bftrirain 11. M n
1 w tiler I Ith HI. 5.W7 19
bpusc ,
borhood. liiy terms t'rl 1 A11K3
tr.OO Fnrnaui. 17 L
C stov.B nnl Furnltuiu
f7O-tS UK-Fln'htkk rctldcnoi. liHrrcllM
P Ice llo , , at $3,2.10 , cheni McOUn > < \
2'M8 _ U.tpTl'n I'O't ' 'leu.
ITiOHSAr.K'o offer for na'o our 1'lour &n\
I I' cd llust. cut' c rncr of 15th und Dienp rt
utrceNilth all llxturr. , t nini , wnvon , et .
ttcuHniHlortiQillt'ir wouro K"'n ' ? I toanotlier
bu lnc 3. A rood ini c t.
1H tf CltAKIAXN I1U03.
i r-OH \LK-IIi u c nnd let , N * . co- ncr VUb
I D'tMiund ' Crpl.ul ntcntii. Iii'jUf.c on nr.-
ill's. ( Ol Im
701 ! S4L1C The 'wod ! * * ' Lutheran ihmcb ,
Ck Itrjin word n bmln \ ; on 0 'H etrie . tc-
twpnn is h ami IP h nctc. I q < ilrt t , O A.
Ltndqiia-t' , 1'21 f rnkii 'm t. 70-1
BICYCLE > KOR SAUJOrrado for nn\llcr
size , 5J Inch llannnl. Inquire C. 31. Wood-
mill , Oiiulia. _ _ 7r i-tf
1,1 ! > S.MJI'arm llnprov i. nx. u ( % oil
.1 } list L'ompri t g B.irou i.f bclnitli Ne'irao-
ki RI pricio lanj ; nn fco SI i tosJ25 ) flr ucrc.
' ni-y A'eos ' voral inrjj.1. sln l1 ! hmK
S < l fn dicrplon C'knfurtii > hiJt.ilrJjto lknd >
for CJlorltS , i"ocd lee l.h.
700-1't t'n'on o'tci. ura.'ht.
"I0l ! 8\bK IIMUK ) If d " 0 ni9 CL
Jj U'ound 4j ytaiH , f'J.53. M.t'a uo o
fo t O.t'c- .
L'llKAl' 'I In. hlkK l.Ud llT > iu Dlt
o ! JIIR-.n Kr erN1 bouse , N. W. c--rncr
18h : aid ftv.iyi.rth n rcrti' . 3 0-tf
FUU SALIl-Otnt buililln ? , bric > ( . C-.U nt
\\ater Wnhmines ; < 4ri-tt
I.iOH Sf / Sni II bo . o fu 1 lot. ( jiod
locttluii : Qi :0 : > . S 'Oi'owu , bilue-ii 01 tb
ly pHynm IB. AM Us , 1 'i fl Pain m 7tH if
cf-ot-iani rt > i . ' HAL.I At a
i.'l UAKOAIN , ono Inrta brU'l- hoi--u , und one
Ki- , " ) frame hr/jje , will ) fill. ! " en Ct' * near IKih
-tl , t. ? iuo ch ice for loi-itmcnt , runt f.'r ifiO
I nr niontb. C'll fa.- lull jvirticulLn. 0:1
Cta tf Aucnt , lEtb U'd Douulur. cH.
IiaiHCom I'l.v.-e on ntroot line. Bi'rt lots
In whole % 'Jillllcii ( "i very < icny tiims tml nt & barcaiu. llBMia'c nnl. 16th and Ut-.iitlae
strfcli Ifi-H
HOTHL FOR SALE. Tbn Arllngtoi ItonT"
Kirut clRss ; all furnlshi-d bo onl.v hoto
In toivn. Tbe chsapcjt property In tb > Btitc.
I1 n fill the traveling rann. Will no eot'l rh.p on
imns fo iull. lniuro | ! o' 15. t'nllc , iiropilntni ,
Atilni'ton. WnsMnirfm rniinty Nob. r , rt u
J,1iH MALB O will rttlit. gi for Ormbii fro-
H iwiiy , AI < Imprtnod cto enoflftiid * < loti > -
iri ? i Htntl-m on 17. P. 11. B. II. DUNHAIv Mil
P mhim \ , 0-r. be. JS.iJmi
Il Oil STOrnV Fro-ntbo .
( inn O > t"btr h.two n.ilchci w . Onuliicht
lii'in or brln Ic , dr poVornand eh r. a'iun ' ; )
irindla > v th 1 i orn lir 4o ( .ft at IhIn e d.
V . ' 'J AOT 1 each / lib ml r w rl " 111
iap-.Ii ! for thu return of Ihnx orany u to matloo
fca. vl tie id lu ihuir rec vn- .
No. 11 08 Uouglaa btrcct
b . Ot. 1U
1 iSr A mUcrwu'Gh ' In IW e tCPt c eel
jjarduMilt bio reward will l > o p. 1 1 bi ri'-
urnlng ifio utmo to thi oilire. F42-18
L0 < v On 'C'hBtrcat , hetwi-cn n vrportand
Chic gi , a m.ll cold liknglo Fl drrulll be
ID-tally r warded by rcturiiitiif it t N . 1017
' icet. b33 IB
[ " OUT A lUlit rod tow from corner O'hanil
Lj llouarrt Liberal ioard Hill he paid for re-
Jin ol a me. _ 834 ni-t mai
\K. J IT Homo aid larret Clwiur HtiTe
I'.jlifhor. Ix > vouJsra at Uopnblcan nil e ,
i'ha-i.l ' Dvul.i' . > 2l-'f
it . u iicva loaytliti t n noe.n rep Ited
lat. I lunln < i atimciiia der ? ttor ti ilionui.o
I Mr' . A JohiiHiu. Iihi-cr u ly t Votli aina'h-
i t abeilu' h-.ic'y J.r.t J evtr utturoi or cir
11 ttd auyilmd run riporto aid kno * of need
od rcuauii lor to do Mf . J HONNKr.
An p rin uinkln luch ion rtibfc f > o > tilt
upr i , c.ted. " W. JOUMJOV.
012 121
-ThH In ? ' eat ci b prl pnlit
I nt ll.\v , Maru , A d Corn i > t Krel/H MH uur
' , JoDeSbtiwt , bolvtoiiiO hud > 0ih , Oma-
_ _ _ _ _ _ tM-daw It
, i Kff1U \ \ buy the furniture of the bert
> 4vUU paylruh t"l In Hwa. Ilcut runs
labli ! . Aiidruo Dolpb Macjjreuor , Boo ortlce ,
maiia , ob.
' ! 1 , EH Tint , > " ' /jFt , Of.twn.-j | i ir.ari
iJliircey. I/Ill , felts IAC iUI of ku > rn' i-
i.uto. n.iula ttt n > 01 o * , iItitMi > 711" I'ict
io prrMni uri'j "r.iitRin anl't'.ccili ' Ihom
ibsolutely Pure.
I'lija | H > wiIer never varies. A tnarvet o
rlty , utniftu and wlioleiomeneeu
ire ecucouikal than tlieordiuny kinds ,
1 cannot ba old in competition with tbe
Jtitudo of low teat , short weix ) t , alum
phosphate pov-dcre. Bold only In can
, NiwYor
) T