Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Mornlnjc , Oct 18
Br C rrlf i. tf | ict neek
Bf M ll
OOlce : No. 7 Pearl Street , Neivr
M. a. oiiirri v ,
U. W. TlhTON , Olty Editor. '
J. Mueller's PAlaco'Muslo Hall ,
A $3',0 home snd lot ior sale by
Vaughan. It
lilifo' opening will bo Friday and .Sat
urday , the 2 Ib and 21 at lust ,
For rent nr w lo , aO-room hou cchcap ,
by W. 11. Vnuxhan U
The rcpu .llean convention meet * next
Tuesday ovcnlny.
For nalo n team fnr SIS' " , payable In
dirt. Sco W. H. Vbuvhnn. H
The democratic ; town hlp o invention
mcetfl tMs sftcrnoon nt the court ImU't * .
Hard wocd feiico piwln , ninth 25c , frr
aalo nt lie , by W. H. Vitugluti , It
Col , Ctxli'iin ti cotiUiiii'Uttng ' build'
Ing ft thrco-ptitry hotel , Conor uf Hroad-
n way nud S\cuth sheet.
- For Kile , n jdt black nmt'-li team ,
worth 5500 ; prlcc$3'0l y W.I I. Vuu h&u.
Tlr Unto Hull Bn-ocUllnn Riven n
Bianco nt Hlonm & Nix-.n'ri lull on the
evening of cha I'.llb.
An Impioioil fnrrn to tool , two mllen
from tnwn , hj W. It , Viu lun.
The Hound Table l.old . nn iuteioMlng
Beseion I nut uvenlu ) ; , meeting ut Mr < " . leu-
nio Ucobu's hiiint' .
The new niaU market of Slinll & Mul
len , 7D9 South Main Mimt , ( , uciiinlcu beat
of u.eutH and prompt utUullun ,
Ice id fitill bcloi ; Hhlppid fi" < m Dili
city to the Hnu'.lt , vheio warm wcathtr t >
Rllll tuppoft d to bo llnf tiling ,
Cheap Ilailroad ticket * to all pmnln
' Viuhucll , li o ( lnorn nurlh < if postdltloo
nell thvin. Kntiancc , Mniixir I'mrUtrectf
Thu Siuucr fewlng nacliliio nllicc hpri
wan clo o'l jesturduy on nccount of I hi
death of Kdwurd ( 'lutk , prthiclont of tin
A ton coal cirulc * ly nnloided or
tlio rldewalk on IVutlHticet WXH Itft tlmrt
nit night nd citieed ninny fiMt.pui'ciiuer :
tu utniublu mill fall from fruoo.
Joccph 1 loiter umUtH thu Huib
n ( Lolhttnt htylcH , at tlio lowunt pimuibli
prices. Hi" liiuichnut talloriui ; i'ft,1iliili :
incnt Is nt 310 Upper linmlwuv. .
Kil. Builfo in the dllhlal chlninu ]
sweeper of thu city. Iloii > i rcpaieil todi
gooi | [ work on nhort notiio IHUVH order
nt hisHtnnd ( Ii Broadwny , opposite tin
AlcCoy hoLBc.
Jrscph DOBS , the upper liianilun ;
cooper , donlren to purchaxo 50,000 hoe |
| raliB lle > nlco wlxheato employ leu citn
coo ( ern. Write to or inquire ut hit coop > '
The flret of two canes brought jjnns !
W. lUpp , for tikhing In Mnitlu'ij laltowlll
a i cine , hai been decided in favor ot Hipp
ThjB fecond case will now coino lo n hoar
lag Rt Gluuwood.
There woe u pleasant Ht'le wcdrtlrg a
the Iuiu o of Jludnoii Manker , on Nlnll
\ I itrect yentarday forononn , the brlrlo boln ;
bis daughter Mia fr/zlo , md the hupp ;
man George C. Kn eri * , of Noola , Jtintlo
liikinl performed the ceiuiuouy.
II. K , Siiaman It opening up and put
ting In place ono of the lament ftocka o
toy * eycr bought to this city. Ho In devoting
voting the entire recnnd tlmrof his c-tub
bnhnifnt t' loyp , lioiclco having many oato
for \vholerule tra < ! o ,
Tnrnll & Kraolit are fixing their nor
atoro , corner Main n rout nnd Sevcntl
avoauo , lu line Btylo. Tbry nro reicivin
a very hotvy ntnck of noiv RnodB. It nil
pay our clllrons , ep clully tlmso llvinj , ' I
that neighborhood , to { jive thli linn n trii
order , .
Permit * to marry wore yo tpnlo
granttd to John Ttillcr and Anna Kinkci
the former of thU county , md the lady c
Milli county ; M L. Hommi and Kuitn
Ijinnlng , luth of I'ottawatta'ult ' ; A.V
Gllmaii , nn I Uelli Craiuiull , of D < mvoi
Col. ; K , 0. HDxer.i nnd Llz/.iu K , Mnnloi
At the loaulnr rncctlnR of the lionnl c
education .Monday ovenin ' , Mlu Mir
Afottnz was appointed as a Unchcr to II
the rn-anoy canted by the rotlonutiim i
Jtitu Iteitrlckof the Court Htr.ctprtinnr
ichool. A resolution w s adopted that n
teachor'd incetinyB bo held except on Sm
The Nonpareil Is proparlm ; to let ltf !
dowuea y. Ainungltatelemniimvosterla
appeared acpei-Ial from DiB.Molnesstat'n
that the riipu illuaim w.nld probibly Inn
helrcan IdnUn In the KirH * , Breimd an
Ninth. John Chapman h apparent )
vreakeuIiK- ho does u < t Blve even a llu
of editorial In cuutradletlon of thU predli
Mrs..ra8wclKiirt : died Monilay t
her homo , corner i f Nlueto nth btreet on
Fourth avenue , nnd the funeral nervlci
were held yetttnlay Her dou-li wai rpili
untxpected , her Illnem b-lng but brio
The lo > R li u uoveraono 11 the husband in
the little ones thus lelt with no mother I
the home.
- Much hulUbaloo IK raiic.l by tl
Nonpart-11 about I'liBcy' * record in tt
echiiol quettlm. Why doeii not Job
Chapman ropro luce what ho and hU hire
writerwrole ut tha time ? Sumeoftl
old editoriald hliouM be pnxluced by hii
to show whether the Nonpareil oppouc
or npjrovcd Mr , 1'uney' * coiirru thei
He douhtlean hnpoi that the public In
forgotten the pan record of theNonparel
but not EO
Gran a Fallunu Winter Oponlng' .
A matter of inuoli interi'ft to th
ladies of Council lilulTi und \Viatci
Iowa is thu fact that Mra. 1) inn wi
exhibit hur latest. Froucli pmtbrn hn <
and bonnetH on 1'ViHuy ' and Buiurdii
the 20th and 2 ] it of this month , A
are cordially invited tu nttund. N
Republican Townbtiip Convention.
The republican of Kmut townshi
will meet in maaa ronvtiniiou at th
courthoiuein CouncilUlufliionTuw
ay evcninj ? , October 21 , 1882 , al7:30 :
. in , | for the pin peso < > f placing in
ominatinn oiiu cAiulid.ito for town *
eltrk , ono C4iididnto for tnwiichip
stpts ( line c-induUti.'S for justice of
10 n-nco , slid Oit.0 candidates for
01 s'.ililc , to bf voti d for at the oneu *
1C clfCtl-OI.
Iy ! ordur of the ropnhlioin townnhip
cl.irnl C'ltitiiiittrii
CHAR M. HAUL , Chairman.
cffl ConfeDaoa Ilm Orirno and Tolls
ou Tl'reo gthtin * , Giving Full
A full ( { tinrti't , xiviny their names
i William linn , lUrry Uarns , L'rAiik
tail and Win. I'.irelouvero arrested
y thu police Monrlny on the charge
t burglary. Williiiu Uoaa has con
udud to cotifoso nil the dotailn of the
lu n4eins to have been
rinkiii [ ; heavily for boino tiino , nnd
a n m iit ! on tbo Vuiijo uf the JIIDJ.-IIIIB ,
uthmniory is told cltnrly and oil'
and ami with H pri&itivunwa whiuh
IBliroa [ liiilh in hta lUiuniont * . Hi ;
nil buuii at work tor Air. A. Whevltr
f tlio UuVfiu hou u iuirl bunco know
ciKtonts of A utorn liriu-ti' in
ilr. Wheel * r hud plncto con 5di rublu
propcrij ot n inliCjIluticouB
liirao'ir , inclU'Jiuu ' fiitmturo , cloth
il < ( uio. , and nomu rjinldirn' turdwaio
hioli h intoiidid IK-UIU in the lliiuh-
n 15 ul uoni ) ) novr In in HI : n lnt vas on ct-
i | ; . Hum uhima thnt lie yet : ic < ( iiaiut-
d with thu thri'o otlii-ui om ; dxy Iant
Vucli , und dniult uud uhr.Uml trilb
luiin et'ViTiil tunes. Lint Snturdny
lixed up the piiui for
hrough Mr. Whsolcr'a Ht <
nd going thuru u. ry ) in tlio
otCiid upon thu ilnor , ntid hdlpud
houiatiiVih to about $7ii worth of
ropoity , tal'.iiig tliroi uvi < rcoatu nnd
'liur clolhinx , ' < ( ; ootilj iimuuut of
ho linrdwun * , and DOIIIUother nriioloi ,
plunder ITUS aoul ut v&iioiu
ilucui Hb tut to ii , OIHI ovorc mi
n a p'.tui' . Ono emit wiia nold
or SL"U , t u othi'rn at 7i >
Cell IB tuuh. Ttit ) tiardwiiro Itoun
old for ono di.llxr onlv. Tbn pur
ibnaur of the Imrdwrtro told the potico
vbn arrrntud 11 03 , and hu in Hun
tuo.tliiit | ; , tin ) oilier truro ttrrcntuH.
riio ovorcoAlB luvo boon n covered ,
nd iilto thu liiirilwiiri' , bau thu otlur
uni [ > t'rty IB null inmsiiig. 1'ho uuion
if ttio olhnr tbroo nro to bo iliapojud
, f by .Insttco Fiuiiioy , they bavini ;
akuii a clinnuo uf v nno from .hidttu
Ayluaworth to him , while Uom * OIBII
roiiialiin in tin ; HiiptTior court.
To tlio Vohrs nt liaiiu Tuwmlilp ,
I ( nTi by uui'inmci ) tuyotlf na an
iiiKponduiit. c-vi dldato for unnitiibli' ,
mibjtct to tbo. voicu of the voturii on
ir.n. 0.V. . WisI.KV.
Mrn. Iri Mulho'luiiil ' , Albanv. N. Y. ,
wi let"F 'T Bt-vcrO > ur 1 linvti mir-ieii
nun ot-rccurrlii ( < bilium Imndiiclic" , uon-
> tllltllHI | llyHpOp" ! I , Hill ) LDIIlplullltH | l I'll *
l'ir to my HHX S iicoiuliij ; jour MuiiDoci ;
KI.OOD liTliiw ; : I am entirely reliuvud. '
The Council BlulF-t Score Another
Yesterday af tornoon there waa not a
wry lutgo crowd to wttncnn tbo ( jnnie
butwoon the Council Uluil'j and Ljacl-
villo Illuea , The tcmpuraturo was o
llttlo too chilly , and thointorcnt in the
wna oomonrhat Icjooncd by the
that to Council BluGd would
o'lino ' the victory anyway. It proved
ao. There wore no npucial features in
the KUinn Hahlo to a\vakon any onllnin-
ia tn , and the ntory of the contest is
lold well by the score :
fou.NCirJI3i.iiFK8. jii. i : . in. TII i-o. A. r. .
Hojih , UH 5 a 0 0 0 3j.
Kuch e , 2b -I 1 1 II ! l 1 ;
Muult , p ! 1 I l l ! ( ( ]
tipriii ) , 8b ! 1 2 U 1 1 'J
O'Uay , If I 0 0 0 0 0 ( J
Kothwtnue , o .J 0 0 0 't 0 1
Iliigun , Ib 1 l 1 l jt : i n
Struck , c. f -J 1 2 'J ( i 2 0
Hmlth.r.f 4 I ) 0 0 0 0 C
Total 7 7 i)2717l )
LKAUVlLMiliLl'DJ. .Mi. II. Ill 711 TO , A. T.
i/ivin , n i o o o i o n
Hnnii , lutb .1 0 0 0 ! t 1 1
O'Dell , c. , cf. I" " 0 0 n 0 (1 (
Smithc , cf. . 0 1 'J 15 II J
Pho'an ' , LMb. . o i i a n e
Kentlcr , 31 b. , o o o. a a i
l ) erty , n , B. . 0 o o a a a
1'rloo , p ' . 1 ( I 0 1 7 C
Wobaior , r. f. 1 0 ( I 1 0 .1
Totnl 2 II 11 1 ]
Tima of ( pime 2houw.
Itiinr enrned None ,
Tirat l > a e on errors Council DlnlU 8 ,
Kirut I'nuoru called ball
< - Council HJuir.
1 , Luadvil en 1.
Struck out Council lllulla ( ! . hoad.
Total Blrikca callod-Counctl lJlufT.1 Ul ,
LfliilvlUa.T7. )
J ift on bweu-Oimncll llluiri , Lea-l
vl lent
To baao hltSmUh 1 ,
Tlircn linau liitaIvntliuo 1.
UouMe play -Council IMulf. ) 1 , loail
llpi 1.
Kiio catichtCouncil Hlutla 0. J.eail
> lilts 7.
cauRht-Council I5lutr H , l.csd
- Mr. GMV.
Kldnry Couiplniut Cnrrd.
1J , Turaor , loche tor , N. V , , writes : "J
hive been torovrr uyojmul'jcct tu i < rlnui
dlaordtr of the Itldiieyn , at d often \mi\i\i \
1 1 tlond to buslnoM ; ! prucured your HUN
nocit llLoon KirruiiH , ami w.i relieved bo
fore lull a bottle wan < > d. i Intend ti
continue , an I ferl coiifidont tlmt , they will
entirely cute mo. " Price lOO ,
Cdlllupo is to have a bitter f JCloiy , .
Hook ItapHs talltn almut hicoipDrntiiij
Ottiimwa complains boojtno It cannel
get brick eoough.
Minvlialltown IB t. > hiup u porlc.packhr
h u'o built ud conducted liv C'siml
parties. \ \ will .bo comlu- ted 'ou
a horssthfef naiiied-tJcn
Wl.loiii wa arrentwl in Dow Cltv will
thwi t > .lni nnlmali. J | 0 is wanted In Xe
br ak4 and Mifbouii.
Thoiu . JiruoUs and Join Kliw. uf ] ) e ,
Molues ha. „ , trfct cnmor
1) Moluu h now e cited aver an til
eged d ( . . > cry of fraud aim p culatloi
by the m.yor of that city , In wldch it It
cfa mod tbat the mayor luik 6SU black. .
inall from tne proprietor of a disorderly
A Fort Docjgp IUBU
propaecs a uen
method .f obtalnlnR ugar from norshuin
He won'd ' cut the cauo up fine with t
yerlesof # sat cl o to.etlifr and tliec
ech tlia Baccbsrlne mutter out of the nub
by running heated water through It.
It feetno to be t ) Waylay Oiti-
f.ent1 , unrt He DOBQ It
"With Imputifcj' .
Now That Ho 14 CntiRltt , V/hat
Will BA Done with > tim ,
Tom. lor ey , a nitroad mr.n nho
has be MI at work In the yards of the
0 M it St. J'rttil company , haa giinod
couiic'oriiblu notoriety nithin the paa- .
few dHjg. LIe nouma to bo a rewoaa-
bly ( ( 'ilct nort of a man when sober ,
but u drink or tno guia to Ilia nnuclo
inaUnd of bin In nd , nnd hois ready for
dbuptrnto'deuda , A few claja ago he
7 s ? tri'&t d for knocking down and
robbing an old man. The plundir
was found in the pnsncfaicm of liini-
sclf anil n partner namud McO < trthy ,
They were rr < stcd but JfcCitthy lati
away front Oilher Mortio. Olllcor
ytsrliny brought Diraoy in ,
> ut after eoino fooling about
? ilh ciinti.nuncu" , otc. , Juntico Prai.
my ( lucljiiri.'crt bun btc.vusu no prottu-
cu'iou atjp < 4uiud. 'L'ttcro wcru plenty
) f \vihn-i-ii-e , hut it iu t.iid none wuro
oubj ciMiaud. The county nttornoy WIIB
tot [ iruicnl , ui d in fact ctunitd
in olio to look alter thu cmo ulld
J.irfi'y WHS i-et Irco. Thia hau ciuoed
niich indi imtioii Hinon eld citiKuiio
vbo am in frtvor i > f law uud older ,
in I they uro uiij.inua touudbrs.m d the
li.tory of thi'imro It iliiCKtiuoiii Btrango
but ono ohnrKiid with no mtiioun u
ctiiniuud f ir which the ovlduucu wive
> ' > tiiind , should bo i.llowL'tl thus to
alii ) ibifn through thu iniuhci ) .
Had Doreoy bei-n who Jin would
lavit Dki.pfcd [ thn town. lib WIIP
'uni.s'ntd with n puss to do ao , but
atoppi'd lint to got a drink or two , la :
in got on bin tnuiclu , uud night bu-
'uro hint v/ia picking quarruln with
nuvtral in uud iibout Nohin'n
[ ) ! auL , whuro ho had boeti board-
nfj llo utor ai > blood thirsty
hut thu poliuu ver < ' c lltd up , mnl
Chief Kit-Id , with Oflici'ra Sterling nnd
Moroc , wtro lt in-cdud to cup tun
liini , nnd ovoil dtow their p > pa ,
thrO'itittiid to thoot , nnd hud quito i
mli ! huforo they riould got him inU
) . Yuaterdny ho was brought. int (
court and pleaded guilty to disturbing
the PL-IO : , uud wan fined $10 ant
OOH c. Not havitig tlio inonuy no viw
aunt tn jail fur tun d.iya. Thi-i | > ivet
thu ( flloialn an i-xcelluut npportunit >
to uot their ovidcncu to ethoc und BUI
llutt justice in ui'iilt out to him , n.
tburu sire 31 virul olmr fn which en
rightfully h ; < Indued iii iinat bun. In
Htfiid of niiiksry .ipoloy'LB and tlirunr
iu thu hluinu upii i.iinlhcr , let tbu t
\vlio 1110 paid for nttm.dini , ' Ii
thn oxcuuMon < f the l.uvu at. tin oi huub cauoeu ecu to it that Dor
soy it notnllnwed to not rlF no vanity
Uuo tnoro opp iitunUy is pna ntca foi
tbobu in mi hurity to ehow luiihii
thuy are in fnv'or of puniohinK ciiinin
aln of nut.
There Bi'emB to bo a di poaUioi
aniouu oouiu of thcno in authority t <
lut crai'.iiiuts elf , it th ru is a pronpuc
nf'tbuir leaving the city , and tiw
ull'or in un cxcuso that this will snvi
the county money. Whether thin i' '
u pretext to Oliver over ncgloct. of dut ;
or mysterious work on the iiiBtdo , wi
du'not protbnd to Buy , but this pro
fucavd love of economy nnd doBiro t <
Btvo llio county from heavy cspoiuiea
docd not flhow itself wjicn fees com
to bo In sod up in case
of minor importance. C.iaen nn
entertained , wtucli Imvo no basis u
all , cnsta uro piled up without any np
parent rouuon , and nothint ; i hciiri
hb mt "ocoiu my. " I3ut when a creel
lu fairly cauuht , thoeo ncuins n rtrunyi
L'ageriu us to DUVO the county the ex
puimo oi boaHing him until the BCD
nion of the ( jury. Thia sort o
hhy washy w < iy of dcaliog out jus
ticu is biicanirig decidedly tiiiDavory ti
the people , v.'hn want their livt-a un <
property protrctod.
< Vi- Will Djreoy bo lot go fvo again , oi
will thu authorities abow that the ;
int'iin Ivjainees ? It romaina for tin
powers1 that bo to answer by thci
My rosldoncunNo. VI B FotntliDtroo
Bancroft' ) 1 * . F" . Muui'iry.
If Adam had had a paine of " 1'iflcon
placed In hla hand nt an L'irly period a
idexlutcnci1 , tin holn nouru at histor
nilfiht liavo born ninte > ia ly altered for th
lit- tier , nnd if billlouHiori. indlgrotlon , Bid
hoadnrho or ilv3itp6ia | ivcro unknown
81111x11 ItLO HOH wiiultl not tie needed
Price 50 couta , trial bottlrn 10 cools.
Til on. Meredith , of ] < WH , Iowan
about town yesterday.
A. W , Oilman ami wife cf Om ha
dined at the Ogdcn ycjtcrd&y ,
Duputy Shcrllf Ililcy Clark , of Ncolt
was visible lii'in ycitordaj' .
J. , T. Stowort and A. T. 1'llcilnjjorhnv
Leon at Olonwoad on K jal biwlncn.
Cnpt. Jj. Kinclit loft latl ovenln ; fo
Cedar ttaplds to attend thoarand led < ; a a
Sol IMooni , of Deadvrooil , h vpendln ?
few daynwith hw rnan f ricnili In thl ;
hU old lioinc.
Oeorgo S. Kiglunu , rf Omulu , pa cec
gor agent of the MlesnurJ Pacific , loolio
at the niulFi yesterday ,
Ia no I'con , who Int-t. tho'prakes i
clothes wringers Iroiu Maine to Onul :
and baik , w a In the city yesterday ,
Tohu Dickey ami Ed. Oardnor hav
> one to Cedar llapih ( to join In the d ;
IURB of the ( Jrand h ilge , J. O. O. V ,
Kato larimer Jamec , the gifted daugl
ter of Jutigo James , has lovurod her cot
uoc'louwlth ' the .Stralohdi opera con
p uy.
tK. ! S. I'romlfH , of ( ik'iiuooj , uho no
occupies a paaltlon la Iho pcatlon depai
iiient , at V.ra lanston , n back on brn
vlell , and was in Council HluI ( > yoitordoj
Wall Molf addon left voitcrilay fur J ) (
Molnw mi court biuineaj there , but proii
ISIM tu b back In time to look sharp afU
hi * chancea for n cousUbuUry iiomiuatlot
C rdi are out annouuclng the marriaj
of J W. nayeii. , late editor of The Not
pnre.'l , to LHtw laicle JJuutor , the cert
laony being performed at Crcatou , Octi
JiaaoT. Doild , father of W , H.
of ttie Knight of Pythias "Sword an
lelmet , " Fort Madl-on , Is In the c tj > ,
n-l Is In ( ha tender ctto of Con t\i le
Col. Omr Allen , cx-pr IJ nt of the
owa I'iretntnV Amoehtlrn , wan In the
tty josterdiy , a't ' tutStulaitlc ts ever
ver the Mlnnciota Chitf thrsshcr of
hifch he i * the agent.
T. C. JacUaon hft thrown up hid i > osl.
I ntmRiiardlan end garilener oMJayllsi'
> ark , the fta on blnf ; about over , and ho
utendln/ > tart ( mt on the road In th *
Etsro t of an Imurinco compmy.
too into < o Motid-
. . , Anlen , WillUm < tM t , Ki l
3utf io ! , wtlie * : "Y < inr SPIH.SO Ut.ossOM
mi worked n tun n | > lomKt. ) I had no
ippctlte ; u > ei < to lcep hadlv and Rtt u in
bo innrnlni , ' unrtfirNhpil : my breath xv
fry nfl.u Wo an'l I Buffered from m > vcru
leadHctn ; tlnce tislnj ? your Kirln ( ? Dion-
inn nil fo fj-niptiinin have vimtslifd ,
und I fed quite w ll. " 1'rici 60 csute ,
rial bottles 10 tenU
A Boruion Preiirsuc-d ou the Advent
of u fuy Cur ,
A puntltiUAti who is n pcrnonal
rlond uf ono of Tun Di'.u reporter' ,
who aciLominied ] the 1) . & M ,
) ? y c r out on its last trip , wiitos us
bus concerning hi *
The tnotniti' ! difrourto tit the pan-
or of tbo I'rifbjtbrian chutch WJH
evidently i.lft.otid tiy the prvseuco of
all impurtHtit 15 ft M. pay car ,
which timkci i's muntbly tr pj for thn
uul catiifnction of tie ) pcoplt-
of this Dto'i i.nil iia " .iptinl.
The npotktT took for lira texts
ngigAi 2:8 xiid .hl > 2.2t anr 25 , tin ,
imt w. nim to the biivcr mid thi >
; olii bong the Lord' ? , undlho second
'tf-rruiK ' to it nn biii'g iniinV.
On account of thin uppirunt con *
Tiidiotiun thiy were taken toahowtho-
[ jartnetKhip , und the duty of man
: owtud 0 > d in the procuung and dispensing -
ponsing of money.
Homo think becaiiso thny i-urn
oney it bflonijB to tlii'tu oxahm'.voly ,
logntdlctn o ( any Btipurior partner ,
und use it nr.curdingly.
Thu tun iii-iin division ! ! of the HOT-
nion wt-rt : Fust , mouey uutlini ; , and
atcoiid , inonvy e > pL nding. Among
nthor tbints which nuoinud excocd
ingly iipponunu , thd epi'itbcr tcftirrtd
to tlio miiuiiy cuuiimr from ono who
wiu Btipcri'ir to in d unaoeti by the
er , to eupply tbo ivants of tbu
many hem > / In the ui-ruioii thcro
TITO niHi y foicibltt atuumentn and
, l siiL'Uustiona in rcioivncu to
thu iuipurtuiit Biibjiict of Cariattan
till III , Ctt.
Thu rnutita of the Y. i\t. \ 0. A. of
Lincoln hro in a unuviiutunt part of
ihu oily , und thu ladiun ud gi'iitlu-
inoii i nHj'td ; } in linn departuiunt ( f
risltgiotia v ( irl { nro ut nymi.iiby | with
it. The rftwuoon gojpul muuttiig wao
In the ovoninj ; the pastor of the
t'giittMiiul church prcicbcd : from
welds , 'Tor My Sake. " Tru-st !
u rriua UH bion to the tiiiia of
our ufitldliDod v.'ht'ii the muthcr eaid
to HID child , ' ' 1 hope you ill do it
for my biihu " Or when tbo fntbut
to ulev.itr the niinu and ambi
tion of hm , ho n ya : ' 'I hope
you 'will do it , fur mv aaltu. "
And manyn man uhn in inclined to be
induced aay from thu p/tth of rectr
tudo uud purity h.ia b > ) uii hold in tin
ntrnigbt path of duty , for tbo uuku oi
olio who Ima.a purn huurt , und when
ho can lawfully call hm wifo.
A nublo ptinciulo hai often beer
made u aucuuea when the Itador ol
that movuneiit haa had ranguutisn
oufficieat to cauo many to labor hii
nuke , whun the principla itself mij
hnvo grown dim fn their minda. And
whun wo &oo P.tul glorying in Christ ,
wo also BCO in Christ a power nhicl
will warrant this glorying on the pur
of this worthy di&ciplo. The Ohristini
looks at Christ ratherthun _ nt the cus
1 1 m r thn letter.
Again , thu person , who makes the
pica , baota it upon ootno councctiui
betvrcun him and the person in quen
tion. Ou account of ilio work whicl
Christ did upon Calvary , for men , hi
has n cottini oUim upon them , am
hid words to tliom havn forcu ,011 uc
count of thcso circuniBtaticoo.
The wordo of Washington to thi
people of the United States , or tin
worda of Peabody to these ivhom hi
moans hnvo b netitted , tvnu'd ' havt
force beoiusu of the connection exist
inn b tt7ocn them.
Quealiona of morality , ca to tin
kcupint ; of the S ibbatlt , Ao. , muat bi
decided by the Ohrietmn baskiii )
Uienwlvt'B the question , ' 'Can I do i
for Ohrist'n nk'
Pornona recovoiing from
disensca , nuoli ai ; malaria , fevers , etc
will bo greatly bonulittud by the uai
of Hrowu'o Iron Uitter , u true tonic
HubDHll la Not tno Pdrty.
I.oul.i 1 i > CJuro-JiUini ! .
Jluhboll is doing bin heat to got ih <
republican orgaua to lull back on tlui
old reliance the bloody. nhirt. ]
would bo u very good thin ; ; fur thi
democracy ubould Uubbcll succeed
Kuob n campaign would stamp tno re
publican party imlolib y 03 the pro
noiinced bourbon ocganiritiou of thi
country ,
oi Frolno-
As ft rule wo no nut reco mm end pataii
Medicines , but when wo know of one thu
rrully N ft public bonclactor. and doc
xwltivcly ctt e , than wo conilder It ou
dut'to impart tlmt Information to all
K Ice trio litttom nretruly a mi > tit yaluabl
mvdlclnu , nud will Hiiraly ntiro Ulllouauoiia
Vo er and Ajuo ( , Btomuch , fj"er am
Kidney Compbiln i , ov n were all othe
re moil Ira fall. We know weroof wcspeak
nnd ciui fii-cly recommend them t'j nll.-
Kxoh. Sold nt fifty cents a bottle , b'
O. K
T ri\.four ( yuJto CXJK rlcniv i\\ \ ji
Office 106 Upper Broadway ,
Council Bluffs Iowa
I. D EUMlNUiOS , I. USllta\UT.
' Vice-lWt. Cathler.
Of Uonuoil Blutfi.
Organlud. uudor the live ol Uio duto of lowi
Paid up capital . , . $ 75 rjo. .
Authorized ca | > | i l. , . , . , . iWloJ
lotorcat paid on tlmg deposit * . Prntta Iseud
on thu principal c'.tlcs of the UoltoJ ttitcj m
Kuropo. Biwclal uttrntloi elrcn to collection
knd cotiofivjudtnco with prautpt rcturtj.
J. D.EJmuDil OD , E. L. Bhusrait , J. T.Htrt ,
W. W. WiOlace , J. W , Holfcr , I. A. Ill hr
A. W. 8tx t.
KOTICE. tipedil ndvuftlcptnuit * , sue B
x l , Pound , To Ixisn , Tor R&lc , Tn Rent
Wants , no.irdlnj , etc. , v-lll b ln crto ) In thi'
column at the ow rite oi TKK CKHT1I PI' I
,1NB ( or tbo flr f Inseitlon tnil FIVK cr.NTf
> KU LINK for etch nilxwqacnt Insartlnn
vlv crtlscracnts * onr oKlco , No. 7
\XAVTKt ( Tmiro'litdy n , flift f la < Mihc- .
VV Ani > 'n * 6ac'.fio H m o B.rfccr B op ,
ecu'ell llt.Ts.
) A No. I coatinVer , also l' nl -
WAMhl Mink' r , U rnian or Snetle. Only ttie
> etl hatidi nccil inqiilie. Sle.uly cmilo > tncnt
OMK-h kinds , aii'l lilehcr prices paM than the
icstln Oinnha. Ohsrc * Hire , incn'lunt tailor ,
< nan builillnir , .North Main strrc' , Ccunell
, Iowa.
t \7ANTFD A yonit ifltl cin ( loil i-oil , pttco
V > t 7 ir-c'r. Wh va. , andrUi fet Mr * \
' . WMltr. oct'rt.St
. Afonl ( hf > v nt-on' 1" > o It ypAM
WA.VTFll e n1 f tn Jilbcr ! > 'iirnl'uro 'a 'rv.
II-A p-'nu'lon > "cv3 nnJ
liftlfr. Krq'il
NiS " 'AVTFn-t. Hv iimv Mg In
AU Orwell II iiff Mnl O > h to cin < f ( n-
Mf O P"'B too'n " The M-t , most
pp 1-rn-il licet sclllnsfli'ck I m d
o. r
Ilr.H ofllce , Omehv
' - ic'rl ' for f'lionil lioii-ouork in
n -.iiiftll lanii'v. ' t nimlru ' ' . ' . ' -B " ' " *
* i \ AS'TI'.K 0 tmlld ius to tno\e. Wo wnlio
\ \ u ti.rl Hyof 111 \l K Iwu * * anJ mten
\UdrnW. I * . Alu > uru , , U.X H79 , Conucll
MulK Ix _
\ \ / A.N'll.U Kiti ijoiij m Council Illuttb i ,
\V to t-iliu'liir. ur.t , tiO wiiui f r weul , at
Itetnl by earners , imtie , Nn 7 Ivarl btrott
near jlrtirtd' * a ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\t , ' AVU'.U To tm , n five orilx r urn homo
> f rn mo ul > In tuilmu.iM il $23 1'1) .
Ta UU ) luu lout inouu'i cum
for ptrtlniinn aadrtas Council Lluflf
min I'm-torv. CmincP HNn . Irm < i fi. .Wtf
Kor Bale find Rout
) IIIINTrurnlilwd rooms to runt , with
LMM . , nt 7.'W > .M.uiutor street. U.iy boalil
i'tk , ouitl'-H
[ , 'l'fi BUN I i us Mih lo all 6 nn Ilr-t U ur.
[ J A. II. MAYNi & 0i ) . , Nr.31 l'e.iil tritt.
10lt KhNT A M-'J ) i 0 sit l ewly liullt
J ; hrm , FriiiMin ut. T miro-wiu.blo. A.
11. MAVht k CO. , No. il fturl Btrcit.
jii' " > aAi.b i > L-iviiHil ftouioi.n ioi , WO
J each ; nothhic down , mid 93 per ontJi only ,
. > iAl > Griatumciv-t Oall on-l em
STll.bAH ami spiclmtn1) of j'lcturo.-i
la-on b the ru lab'e Kclatli'C ' troujHo i
r.t the HscilcorOMl rv ' 0 Miinftttxt.
. \V. U I ATTON I'aynloluii uti.1 Oculist.
L'an curuany casi1 oJnorufji * . Ii 1 < nnlj
n uiuttor ol t.uio , anil can curt * Rencrr.lh in
from thiu tc live uookti It nine * unijlller.
once how I'Hiy iliscioixl Will otral htrii cro-g
Qytf , operntB arid remove I'lyri-einni * . , fte. , and
luurrt arttllciil HUM Mpoclil altoutlcn to ru
innvcmir fcirlnunrnia npB-tf
Council c luffs'
Business Directory ,
Art Gallery.
Excelsior photograph ga icry , South' Main St ,
liibtautr.moiM pr cvtj.
C. OKISK , Upper Hroadway.
Cotlllng Works !
a HAGU & CO. , llast Pioreo St
P. AYE11S , 517 . Main St.
Bathing Housss.
MUM. E. J. HANDING , M , D. , Broadway am
Olrnn a\o.
Dlt , 8TUDUY , Btthcsda lUthlnu House
Books and Stationery.
H. E. SEAMAN' , Middle Broadway.
Ba ks.
OFFICEIl & PUSEY , corner Iroidvay ! and Oil
1TIZENS1 BANK , street.
Broom Factory.
MAYNB& CO. , a\cnuo A , nnd Cth St.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TEMPLETON it LAMB , 232 Broadway.
F. It. LEVIX , 303 Uioiuluav.
I. . UOEKHOIT , D31 Main St.
. \ . K. MAYNE & CO. , W Paarl St.
J. UOSS , 1115 East Broadway.
IJT & WIST , 14 Pearl St.
Dry 'iooda
II AHKNES9 , OHCUTT f , CO. , Broadway
1th ntrcct.
0. F. CUATOHD , 51'J Main St.
Furnlturn Manufactory.
K. B. STEINIIII.DK1 ! , cor. 7Ui ave and 12th SI
Furniture Etorc.
\.HEnBK & CO. , COT and 200
Groceries and Provisions.
OL1IVKH A OltAllAM , fith etrctt. Good
sold al eastern pricru snd fruaranto"d ,
Harness and Baridlary.
CHA8. ft. HKO. , Middle lroid\av !
C1IAB. HKKMAN.-JI Mlddlo lroad\-ay. ) '
Hair Goods.
MRS. B , A. BUNT.niCT. S37 Wi t Urwlw jy
WHS. J. J. GOUl ) , la 6th etrc t.
Livery Stables.
A. COSIITON. ' . .TO Ilrcadway.
W. O. HOLLAND , 70T. South .Mali , ht
II. IIKIX'IUUT , opp. I' . O.
OOnrA HOl'SE. tlpir Broadway.
KIEL'S HOTl'.L,001 and 007
Meat Market.
K. W.TICKNOK , KW Broadway.
J. J. 1IU&3 , 328 Broadway. Como and cxain
ino lorounelf. .
ilKS. J. K MinX3ALl'r.lSllixMdwa.v.
Marble and Granlto Works ,
CO.V.NOU & Gl'AXELLA , 117 Jlroidway.
Merchant Tailors ,
JAS. IT.ANEV , 372 liroodttay.
C1IAB. ItlCE , iWl'a hulldintfith and .Mali
Real Estate and Abstract.
KIMK VL1. A. CHAMP , opposite court house.
J.V. . hyl Ilir.&CO , . rijij : I'tarl and Utc
Restaurant ,
.SMITH & > .MiCfr01 Brovlway.
Stoves and Tinware.
R. H. AMY & CO. , 500 South Main street
Shirt Factory.
P. r. roil 1) , corner IlluH and Willow St.
MORGAN , KELLEU & C . , 3W aud 317 Broad
way.I . M. COXNELL. 17 North Main St.
MRS , H , J. FIH.TON , M , D. ,
222 Ere dw . . CouncilBlutfi '
Broadway , and Fourth Street. ,
Co'mcil Bluffs ,
Headquarters For the Cele
.A. Weber
. . Pianos ,
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail ,
Address ,
a M
Guarantees the Best § 51.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
B8&1 , „
Bluff and fillow greets. . Ooniiiiil Jjtoljs.
JIADK FUOit Hii : ARThSlAS tv. I.I , \ \ \Tr.lf. ALSO AQKX S FOIl TIIU
Onltr fi'lJ In my part f thu cl y. t rdera hv b-lrphono promptly fttt
cupBi Auns AND SAFES.
We main tlio tallowing a specialty :
nrdoiaandcorre pomlctco pmiuptly at'aiidml tn. Office and Manufactory
R. E Onr. 7'h ' Av nrd 12tb S r COnNOTL BLUFFS , TOWA
, CO. ,
The tiiient quulity and Iftr eut ntock ivrrt of Chieatfo of wooden and metolio casoa. 'JFh
/ - 1 t cnelod to nt all hours. Wo defy cnnipetitinn in quality of Roods or nricea.
Our Mr Morfinn ran /ijrved ns under' alwi for fo tvoars nnd thorouphly tinderstanda
hwLusincHS. WAUKHOOMS , 34C AND 3.17 BROADWAY. Upholsterins ; In
no. Telo.
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
tlc'rnninaltniMi qnin'itr'lo 8U pur hai r . H'er ( S.ftO per Urrol. PrlvatjtataUcaaap.
p.iod w t' ' > m ' } > > - a' l. < 0 < - c , ilTi-nd ie ot c _ aiyn to any part ol Ihc city.
Wholesale Dc.iler In nnd ROLE AUKNT FOK Joseph Schlltz Browlnc
Ciui pmiv'tf Co ebrutud J
Nn. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffa , luvva. Orders from tbo jountry olloltod
f'irv niili'i" to fmiilllfH and dpnlorn rlpl xrc n d frco.
C. A. BEEBb < Sc CO. ,
\Vlmi-.v.c ! an. ) lUtal1 Doalcra In
Nos. 2 ? 7 & 209 Broadway. J ouncll Bluffs.
nallort'outlemon'awear , SitiatactlongiuraoUad.
Millinery , Dreaanialrlntr , 13tc. CuUing and Flttlner o Spedlnliy.
No US , Oppo Ho lluvcro House.
( ! 48y ! KnihroidericN , and Ladies Undenvcjir ,
hose cf all ilnda , thrt il , plm , notdlcf , etc. Wa hope tlio Ualca will ( all
n l * * e our ulnrk nl gnodif.
Merchant Tailor.
( L to Cutter for Mctcalf Ii . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Street ,
Council Bluffs , la ,
Suit * t < i order SIS and upward * .
I' , & J. t' . Camay. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
tt'eh % e Iho ouly compute M-t ct ti tn > c. bodks lo all city loti ted lied * In Fott&w IUml
countl TIUci cxkiulaiu ind abctracti ( ur > Itbtd oa thcrt notice , lloicjr ta loaq on dtj cai ( * iia
propcrthnt lad IntKtlme , Iniumtlg tult the bcrronir , Jteol nt bonght nd wlJ. Ofllct
at the old Uul orpo lte co ut hnnse