Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1882, Image 1

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    t ' !
I .H
' a ,
The Irish Nationalists Rcorga-
niza for a Vigorous
The Qi-ont Land LOH UO
r'ctad Uiidflr n Hew Name.
.The * Discord of DolGtea Mara
thu Ptoooodinjra of the
i Gorf-rcnce.
'er JCKan Bendern a
Full Acc-juut of Hia
Great Trust.
if 1 li JV
A Variety of Geuornl KoreiKn Novvo.
Spochl i to Tim UM- .
. Duiiu > , Ocf.ibtr 17. The Irish na
tional c Jiit'efcnc : ) opened to d' < y. 1'ar-
nell nroniJei ) . V letter was road from
Km ; ) , dated Puna , tenanting his
ruuignixtijn s Houaur of the lun.t
loiiguu , and uiviut ; a stjtemont nf tliu
fuud * nS tlm luitruo. llts rupottblu' d
a total ol 2-1 1,82. ) passed through his
handi. Oi ttis aoin tliuro wu ; dls
burned in relieving 'sH'ei * in 1870-8D ,
50,000 ; in difcsc. ; .U ulatd IriJa opor
15,000 , and in yxpundituroa through
the ( jencrU land l > , iguo and Indies'
It-ague , 148,001 , leaving u b.iluncc
of nearly ' ! li,000. 1'ftrnoll nnd
D.vvitt vruro rrooivoJ with trnmondoiM
chotM by the dolejjatrp. Nearly nil
the extreme Inahncinbiira of parlia
ment wcro proaent. The attendance
of dclrg.nco WM 1 > rgo.
DUBLIN , October 17. For his own
protection ai well iw for the
tiou of mcrabern of th- League , ticas-
uror Ein nslcud thv ; two inemh ra uf
the executive committee bn dcputiod
to ex-mii. o bis acjountn. Divitfc pro-
nojud and .Inatiu MtOarthy nec.ondi'd
a warm votti of i hunks tj and ojn-
titmcA conlictorico in Egau , which , was
The proceeding of the c&nferenca
wore not altoguther hutmonioua. A ninted Londow , who ai-
tumpttd Io iiji.a'c ' , w.ia shouted down
as H "If.nd [ 'rubber" nnd "roueqa'lo , "
( loiionnckid by ix-Snspec : Bir-
co "ii coward who runaway
-0 from coercion. " All the apoaUsis declared -
clared thu land uut a failure. Dwitt
said ho was unable to RO viiih Parnell
in his scheme of land reform , but
would cj- ( pirate with him for the
abolition of landlordism.
Divitt moved ni nn amendment to
the proposed countitution uf the cen
tral counuil of the now league that the
council conaiat of 32 members , ono tor
each county , the parliamentary p rty
to have no nominations.
T. B. O'Connor said this oiuond-
mont amuunted to a vote of w nt of
confidence in the parliamentary parly.
ticcused Dwitt of trying to io-
jure l > . * rnoll'fl'jprof'tio [ , and roiteratud
-Jho charge despite Davitt'ii repontt-d
J-onialo. Dwttt became greatly excited -
cited and siul n gentleman would not
have made such an accu&iiiiin. To
prove it ( > rounllo&8 h withdrocy hn
aiuQudmont. It was ' ' iiitly ducidud
the council should coiui-t of fortv-
eight members , thirty-cwo for the
counties and nixtoau lor the p.ii'lii-
mentary p.irty. A reeolution that ! ;
inf ; Paruoll for presiding over thrxJu-
libttrationn und uxprcssinc ; uimbatud
coiiGdouce in him pa&oed , and the con
ference clor-d
LONDON , October 17. The Times'
Dublin dispatch says : "Not only
has the Irish conference created no
onthuaii'.ftm buc the assembly wnn
composed of elements as heterogeneous
oous as thu programme wau multilnn-
oui ; it was only the skillful hand of
the chr.irmm that aom tiraoa prevent
ed an opuu rupture. D.asontion wan
ahown olfarly ctnough in PitrnoU'ri
openini ; ntntttment and iu Divitt'a
prompt rej'Muur , und the lonn of bit
ter emphasis where in the latter spolco
betrayed the feeling of n initn laboring
under disappointment , which ho atru -
glcs to tupurean.
fclK ) 'It i nlfitC 'B td THK EK ,
mi : ir.cNcu IN TUNIS.
Liu , Ojtoher 17. A ninberof
Tunioun chiefs with their followers
oil'dred to return to Tnnia und uubmit
to the French. Tripoli is strongly
opposed to auch action. A French
man. of war hni been placed at the
disposal of the French consul gonorul.
MADKID , October 17It is stated
the terms of the arr < iiieinentbotr/oon
the democrats and thu dusontins lib
erals are general r.jcitpruiicn of thn
constitution of 18Ui > , with roino slight
Some opposition oryanu utato that
Prime Minister S gunU is inclined to
accept Serrano's policy in order to
avert u rupture in the liberal party.
In ministerial circles , however , it is
aoaortod Sauaati lir.o dcc'ined ' to mod
ify the policy which ho cjonsidara cil-
culated to induct ) dtimocr&ta to accept
a monarchy. ntMttt > hsululely re
fused to sopjn o hitntrlf from the
cciitraliet element rupruicutcd by the
ministers of Mar &t d justice.
El Ojrroo Biya : ff at the next sea-
8ion of the curu 3 , Matelml Serrano's
rty declarua in favor of thu consoli
tion of the monarchy r.ud re-
nounrtca its ideat of constitutional
. reform , Sagaot i vill be disposed to
i reliquish power in ordsr to t'uc'litato
the formation of a ministry under
Serrano. In that CAJO Sigaata would
support the government in the cham-
on1 1'jjt uavrv.
PABIS , October 17. Brodlf , Krench
member of the Control , darted fo
Eaypt to-day.
1 | .riant nt reals niuclc ut Mon
Oe , u. a' mtnon in comifction with th
ou'btvak of minors ; it io hoped ordo
ia rusturod
? % OAI.WAY , Oo'.obcr 17 Vt the in
v * ti ation iti i Iho ttm.dorof * hotwt
Iluddyn , ntar Liih ; Misk , Kcrri
i > at- , the itifotmrr , r " fl niii plaojt
on the stand , llo far' r dtporr.i
thit n man tiamud U' ' yin.i , aged CO
with his son. took : i olnol' part iu tl.e
mtivdor , omipoll > 1 Iho p jnrr. byte
to BBsisfc in carrjiiiij tlm vio'itna ,
f/hoto groins couKl lo pUinly hrarii
wlnlo they \\oro in the bigo in which
they wcto thrown into th > lake
Jiur wi'mmen corri bafatrd thii
Btatcmriit. The prisimtr ; ! wcro re-
OX TO Till : MtlKU.
PALIS Oclobtr 17. - - litjhty French-
-i..i , uiRistiid hy 1,40(1 ( Africin labor-
eve , nru ubnit to oomu'onon the cm-
.tcitc . iin of u ruitf.iy bouvuou Ki or
"d tdiiipg'il rivi-ra. Thuip oper.Uiins (
nil ! bo protected liy nlni iturv olunm
which > vill pliiit the Fr nch tUg and
eruot two tin lit on the N'uer.
I'OKT SAIII , October 'J7. U is re-
) . .rtod that tin ; iiuihurititM of the
canal have prohibit ! thu nnploy of
ariyonp who \vnrk d fiirnrusiatod the
Jriii. h force. " . Coui" n i itly many
ire uiiumployt d.
T1IK UL , " > l > f > M Ml'liV.
ALEXVSUKUJjtovjt r 17. A letter
of thu o Intla uf ( .Iu department of
I'.iblio d'tufiin 14 pubhuhed , declaring
, n > .iid'iy n 1 1 'i n'.ite of fojtticnt ,
ffhtcu OAN < nl > ba cured by azccution
of tfec ot the rabolli-m.
LOXUJN , Oolobor 17. The German
hip Oor.staiitia , Kuehlken ,
amo in collision with the nteumor
) ity of Antwerp , fourUu'i miles < ifl
Cddystonc' , iMitl both vuaeti ) Blink ,
ill the U jUftt.imu'ii crt ) > v nnd four be-
onging t j iho Guy of Antwerp landed
t O.ud IT.
The dea'i'iatinn oC the City PI Ant-
wory la neb ( .iven. J'ho ship Ooti-
tniri.i. which uuok with her , wan lost
epcrted ut Bremen Seplcmb-r 21st ,
or NJW Or'eH"s. '
I'AVAMA , October 17. - 0. EJingcr ,
f Dotr.iit. Ahch. , sup riniyndi.nt ot
, fie In wr.vtor Qn'd ' jMiui > ig c.mpp ) .ny ,
ras murJorril la t night ,
HOME , Ojtober 17. Memorial aer-
irco were held ia the Proteitant
omotcry tj-day in honor of Gonrgo
J. Mariih , late Amortojin minister to
LOMIO . October 17. J mcH Caird ,
arl of W.i.rnclitTe , P VV. Chesaon ,
arl < > f KiHtl\i mid 1C' d 1 cheater ,
mvo joined the Ljnjfullnvr memorial
Ra-ILiROiri ) NOTES.
Bonuht VTpialn -
pedal Dlsp-.tcli to Tim licr.
UiiKUGO , Ootobtti17. . In rogurd to
.ho puoliahoci luu.oanounient that
) onimissioinr Armnnoug has returned
rum bio oflhial trip over the Pacific
oitis , and that ho so M nothing in the
coniplamt of th piopUi of the PasUic
n -ist that culla for rudreus , Thu Chicago
cage Tribune Biyn that his utterances in rcnurkuble contrast with the
unanimous drift of recent legal deem-
ono , und wnl r.iirtuinly jar on thu
uiblie i-r.v. ll.ilroad abuaea in Oali-
oniin have Ivon carried to such an
thut to-dav the must
ixtunt tno titHf i is -
complete illnorraiion in eitotouce of
; ho modern to'idencios ' to monopoly.
L'ho ixistiti abuses call for a remedy ,
and it 14 preeminently the railroad
comimeuioncra' duty to nco that it is
The Q. 'EzprvKD Company
Special Dispatch to Tin : UKE.
OUICAOO , October 17. The Chica
go , Burlington & Q lincy railroad has
completed umuigementn whereby it is
o do its own nxproxa buatncaa at all
luinta cant of the Missouri river from
November 1. The contract with the
American Esprfeu company has es-
> ired ; that witli Wells , B".irgo & Co/ ,
vest of thu Micsnim river , has ono
rimr to run , nftor which thr * railroad
vill do its own ezpcesuinu ever that
> ortion of it ? linen also.
HpecUxl DLpattti to Tun 111 .
CiuuiGo , Ojtobi-r 18. Sumo time
nincu ttio Obioaco untt Alton railvay
dircncnra ucnl oaf n uinntlitr to Iho
Buockholders Mohciiinj , ; u vote on thn
) reposition to utci'eaio the capital
itock nf the corporation. Ten per
cent i f the vote authonzud the in
crease. To-any another circular was
sent to atGckholder * informing them
of the result , stating they will bo first
ifforcd the now Htouk , that they will
) c entitled to ono share thereof for
each ten nhuvcs of thu old stock now
The IiInKiviU Ditched-
l Dlep tch to Tun PKK
SANDUSKY , 0. , October 17. A
Broken rail ncav heio on the Indian-
opolif , Hlooining'on and Wwetorn
railway throw off a pasonneor car and
irotty sovorply injured Wm , Horace
[ jingard , Alice Dunning Lingard , and
othersNo ono dangerously hurt.
Pnlilta Plnndercrt. . Dispatch to THK licit.
NEWAIIK. N. J. , October 17. The
expert , in his report , shown tlut ex-
Auditor P.ihner and rr-Olark II I1
stole SoOO 000 He also makes known
" . deficit of $1,500 in the nscounts ol
police justices , somu of whom are
Tlio Dressed Herf Bnstueiti
ial Dlspntch to TUB UKK.
0iiCA ( < iO , October 17 SunuelV ,
Allodou , a heavy dealer ot Ohlcapjo ,
ia preparing to enter into the nhipraont
of refrigerator beef to New England.
It is stated moat of the slaughtering
and shipping will bo done at St. Louie
for the present.
Die Qarfield Doctor Almoa
Unanimously Agree to Claim
a Small Forknna ,
Thu Famous Bulletin Bliss
Alouo Ask9 T ont.y-
Plvo Thousand.
A Few Additional Pnoto Relr.-
tivo to the Stnr Route
Fcitcnil By n Hortlo of
Another Call For Bonds-Tho Jatvn'
nutto Inquiry.
Special Dl patch to Tur. HRR.
WASHINGTON , Oatobor 17. Thoful
owing ia it oonipluto list of the claitna
it til u'itjli thu board dusigimtud by
cnjrona ; io audit thu claims iirising
com thu iliiiesu nutl death of 1'rcfi-
loiitGjrfield :
) r. IV. . HII * * $25,000
) r. I ) , llaj-ps AJIIUW 14,700
Jr. Itohertll yhura 10.8UO
) c. 1) . 8 Ij mil ) ( forexamination of
body at Klborno ) l.OCO
) r. Susui A. 12 tarn 111,000
lemy ! j. Lttcii'Ctixernf ! ! Coulwl
militia' ] , for laying uptcial ir.ick
nt Klhuron , nu 1 running special
trains . . 3,239
) hirli'3 A. lloncdicr , New Y rk ,
fuGCiul expand , irclu ing cas
ket 883
) r , JnmcaV. . \V Uh , ombjliuing
body fiOO
ndcpeudtut Ice a' ' ) i.uaiiy , for ic . . 1,017
fourteen olh r c'.ninn for ixira
jiay , Htoro bill * , mimeuxer ser
vice , etc. , iiggrtyaliDg 1RC2
Nu cliim : hii3 yet been filed by Dr.
[ amiltou or Dr. U ijntou. The board
a waitinq to hear from them ,
pcd\l Dl'pattb to Til * ! ! XK
WASUINOT ! T , Octobtr 17. U. A. .
6n.vtiund r nrn-ot at Plul.-idolphia
pea th > 3 Warrant uf Ilia laitdlurd for
onpa'iner.t of board , vrna taken to
10 loudeiiCj of Attorney-general
iroweter , in that city. Ila aunt in u
ote tu thu nttornuy-gonuial , who nt
nc-j came out of bin privutc olliuo into nppnnment. The ctmvora-
on whicVittobk plnco wan huard by a
Ltidi'iil , who has furiiMhud the follow-
uu report fur publication :
"I wae present at the intcrviow be-
; wi. n 51r. Browotcr and Mr. Bowen
u Oolnbar 10 ; h , about half past , four ,
aw Bowtsn wua in the cm-
ody of an officer having
> cou arreaiod for nonpayment of h a
ward. Ho aakcd Mr. Bra wo tor to ad-
iee nnd assist him DO as to rolitjvo
lira from arroat and advise him how
.o got bail. Mr. Brownter reminded
um that ho did not know him and
iad never euen him bafore to hin
cnowlodgo , because he wad a stranger
p him , and alao because of the poou-
iar position of Bo wen towards the
ppirtmont of justice in connection
vith Dtckson's charges ho wan the
ast man that Brawatur could interfere
o help Under any circumstances ,
iotron said ho saw the propriety.
Jrorretor naid ho ( Ban-en ) had in
volved hia department in a scandal ,
maliciously Rotten up by these tar
onto men by attempting to bribe
) . 'ckor > n in connection with Oaui iron.
Jowen imid ho was very oorry , but ho
mcint no wrong , llo came from
California to make it plain. Brow-
tor told him if ho had not come h
would have made him come. Mr.
ire water then auggeBtod that if ho
ould cot money from his friends in
Tow York , where ho said ho had
money , ho could easily gat it by tolo
trrnphic remittance. Initially Bo won
aid , "you , that could boVlono , " and
an ofiijor euid he would go with him.
Mr. ] 5rowdtcr apoko in a lotd tone in
ho prenouco of the officer and mjoclf ,
and on Bowon'a suggestion that they
peak in private , ho refused , aayint ;
.hero . was nothing to bo private about.
Jeforo the iatorviow Bowdn sent in by
mo the appended noto. Mr. Bruwe-
or immediately came out in the front
) llbo , I was present during all the
nterviow and undo this memorandum
at the suggestion of Mr. Brewater as
eon as Bowen wont out.
SIK : While glvin my ttulomcnt to tlio
oi-trict nttnrooy lliN ufceru > on n the & !
o.-eil bribery i f Mr. Ulckgnu , I was nr
entod by the | in > | jrletor of the hotel where
am bt iipliu for my boirrl hill , Tim bili
nut uover been presented. I can Day it to.
mnrronr , InaHinuch PH I am ( iotamod born
mxl lm- been by Mr Ker ( who h cut ol
own ) , 1 nra coiutraiuoa to nsk that you
ad vine mo iw to my cour ) of procedure ,
lleapeotfully ,
H. A. ItowKN ,
To the Attorney General.
BOWOII paid the bill this afternoon ,
and was diactmged Attorney G n
oral Browstor says Bowen has mido a
etatoraont to District Attorney Vaton-
ine ru ardinc DicksonV charged in
ho star routa bribery investigation ,
and it hus b'um forwdtdfd to the do >
jartmont oflicers at , Wanhington The
attorney gener-il ref uoes to speak of its
contents , and District Attorney Val
entine will give no information on the
Special niejAtchfu to Tint line :
WAHIIINOTON , October 17 , Secre
tary Fulgor hut in contemplation an
other call for continued five per con !
bondo , which probtbly will ba ianuud
to-morrow. The amount and other
detailb nf the call arc not decided
up 'in. llo has boon ororrt'n with
< > flice Heokura ainca his return to
Waahlugton , and ia much annoyed
wai resumed to-day , before the Jean
ot/.a Board of Inquiry. Witness ro
Uud the progress of the ship from
day ( o day f Om the time of entering
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited
to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
Notions and Furnishing Goods , ' 'I '
The Brighirat L'ghterl ' , Bott'Appomtid ' JobbiiiR llouso in Amoricn , contninhiR o
arrest Stock t f Dry Got d aim'Notiotia ' west of Uio Mississippi. Solo manufacturers
of the celebrated t
If cDonaldfe Overalls , Duck , Denim and Cottonade Pants ,
In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely Ihe best Goods'in the Market
iX ,
Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock before -
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit
all prominent towns throughout the west , , and will call upon any merchant any
where uponreceipt ; of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac-
v "Jf tion guaranteed , Remember
"R. L. McPONALP& CO. , St. Joseph , Mo.
the Arctic ocean until the final frccz-
[ ig in of the vceeel. *
W. W. Corcoran , Chief Juetico
Darter , A. 11. Sp ( fiord , librnriar of
jnngrcss , Jtrommh B. Black atul
ithf ra have taken out articles of-incor-
p 'i-stl < u under the title of "JcfTorsrn
'nonuiupnt association , ' for the pur
pose of oivcting a monument in Waul -
.ngton . to thu memory oi Thotnaa Jt'f-
roraon. The capital of the neaooiilioii
is placed at 8100.000 , with power to
incro-eo it to 81,000,000. , * |
Thn Antt'N of Holt. '
Dispatch to TMK II IB. , '
O'NtiLL , Neb. , October 17. A
cueing < tnti-monopoly convention was
leld huro to-day. Hon. M. K. Tur
ner was enttiusiaaticilly endorni'd and
ho Huttings platform WAS ndoplrcL.
CunrrrnoKliBaX N imlnatlon\iV )
pcdUDlapatthloTuiiUln. *
MlDLETOWN , N. Y. , OfltobDr 17'
letiry II Lowe was nominated for
i ingress by the republicans of thu
Tourtooath district.
JKU.HKY CITY , October 17. The ro-
lubhiMim of the Sovoi th district noni-
natod Gi'bort Collins for congroso.
NEW YORK , October 17. Iliswoll
? Ffowor was roiuimindod for con-
Kress by the Tammany democrats of
Eleventh district
MILWAUKEE , Ootobor 17. The re-
lUblicaiiB of the Fourth C'Higrcsnioaal
listrict nominated Uunural F. C.
Domooratio Harmony.
poclal TJlupatch to 'Inn UBH.
NEW YOUK , October H.-'Irving
l.ill county convention nitifir-d thu
nomination of Franklin K itmn lor
mayor , Alex. Dividsou tor shorilT.
? ho county demooraoy also ratified
ho ticket.
At the county convention of Tam
many hall to-night , thd union tiokut
as agreed upon by the joint confer
ence coinmittots wao noii mated. It
conoist of Franklin Edtcon , mayor ;
Alex Y Uividjon , Irving hall.fihtri ! ! ;
Patrick H. Kuoimu , of county do-
nocraoy , county clerk ; H.chitrd
O'Gorman and George L. Inyraliain ,
> t Tammany , for judges of the HII-
icrior cour' ; and Altlirman H F.
Martin , Furdinai d S. Livy and VVil.
mm H. Kirk , all of Tammany , for
Resolution were otlbrod by Henry
A. Uambleton , accusing M > > or
Jracw , although a member of thu deip-
icratio Btuto comtuiiteo , of beini { in
uagno with the rutjuhlicinn tu harguin
aw.iy vote * ; and cillinu upun the
clmirinati of that body to cill them
ogcther and expt/1 him ivu a traitor
and tipy. The resolution WHO unant-
nouely adopted ,
Chtoauo Ropublioao *
Sptclal Dlnpatch to 1 iin lli .
CHICAGO , October 17 The republi
can ouuuty convention to-dny nomin
ated the following ticket ; Pur ohonlF ,
5eth lUnchitt , troasnier , L mis Hut ;
juduo of county c'mrt , 0 , 0. Kohlaati ;
) rubatn judge , Joshua 0. Knioker-
) ( ; lcr ; clerk of nouniy court , A. . I.
! ; il'iway : clerk of probate cjU't ( T.
W. Sennoti ; corcimr , 0 fl Ilrns
[ Carl Pretznl ) ; school supunntendont ,
A , O , Line ; cominiaeionerK , H B
Miller , John Rhfiuvald , I'm ip Maus ,
K. 13 I galls , II 0 KJIIIIB.
Resolutions werupaaecdby arorrow
majority declaring ii iiiift suin-itUArv ;
or occtusiuHticil lonialution , cloiiyiny
iiio right of the majority by such lane
; o destroy niilliona of prcpuriy owned
by the minority and outla * a larg.j
lumber of law-abiding citizen * ; dt > .
during the adoption ol thopr liibitory
constitutional < iintindmunt unc institu-
oional and desp uic , and iiJ3 ruoiing
opreaentativea in thu etitti ( t'gulaturn
to rteint all attempts to submit auch
amendments to thu vote of the people
and vote against the piBsago of aump-
uary laws.
OHK , uut-iwr 17IVaaldent
Aithur returned tu thin ti'y to-nlglit and
Iruvo to Lin resilience. So vlvltoru were
receive I The prealdtnt leuvua for W Bh-
ngtou Friday.
Frightful Bloody Work of Horse
Tliievas ill Kearney County ,
Sheriff Woods and a Deputy
Instantly Killed by the
Highwaymen ,
Hnll Carrier Collins Mortally
Wounded bthu ThlriV Uullot.
Terrible Scene ot a Supper Table B.
Deecrlption of tno Murdorero.
BpccJil la Ui Lincoln Journil.
NE'WAUK , Neb. , Ootobor 10 Two
men were shot dead and onn mortally
wouvdud at Minden , county uuat of
Kf'aruoy 'county , by horse thieves "to
night A parly of four men came to
Minden on Sunday , the 15th inst. ,
with tsriinty-two ponies , offering them
for sale. Those ponies were stolen in
the weciorn part of Hitchcock county.
Thoiillicein of the law were cloeoupon
their track , and came up with the
party at nt Mtnden to-day. Two of
the tour thievcfl lett Mmden about 4
o'clock this afternoon , two of them
remaining at Minden with thuir
ponies. At about 5 o'clock thi > t
evening cupper wim called at thu
Prairiu Home hotel. About twenty
guestn sat down to supper , among
whom were several Isdiea. At Una
time the two devila that did thoahoot-
ing walked in and eat down at thu
table , facing towards the entrance
door. Soon after , Sheritl .lack
Woidj , of Culborlnon , N b. , who was
nft'jr tnmo nii'ii , stopped into the din-
int ; room , sajing to Iho two inun ,
"Throw up jour hands. " The wordn
hod bir < j lot left his lips when Woods
wan shot dead by them , with two bul
let holes in his body. At
the iianio time deputy fhoritl'
of Kearney county , 11 JJ. Kelley ,
who wua Bitting at u table facing the
two murderers upoku to hia wife say
ing to her , "Run , run ! " Ho had no
more than spoken the wonlo when ho
got a bullet from one of the villians1
bull dog pistols , ( linking him in the
dead , killing him instantly. The two
murderers then shot another man in
tlm body. Thin nun , Collins wan
mail currier from Minden to M < ty , No-
hnitika. He is mortally wounded ,
Thu two murderers then rushed into
thti street , jumped onto thuir niua-
iai.H , ro Jo tnrouih ( the utroetn , nhoot
ing ut every person in night , leaving
tlifir hats und levee on tlm dining
IJiicciipticn ot the winn who did the
ehooting ; Oiio inanUinein right lop ,
black Imir , black e > e , emooth and
mther full fuc. ; had u bull close up
under bick part of right jaw ; otniias
ubout 6 futt 8 inchoH , 20 or 27 yearn
old , weight about lf > 5 poundn , drensed
in cheviot shirt , over.iim arid leather
luggins. The other man in heavy nut'
light curly Inir ; liight complexion ;
rather smooth f > ct < ; blue eyes ;
thu o > o tooth on thu right eidt ) utiokii
out q ntH prominent ! ) ; sttuido about
C feet 10 niche ? ; wuii-ht about ICO
pounds ; dreoeud in liyhc colored Back
coat , dark p.ints , leather leggina ;
ubout 22 yearn old. Hotli wore walk
ing arsenals , liaving nih a 44 0
shooter and bull dog pistolo and Ar-
kanata tiiolhpicks in new scabbards.
1'hu two men started wo-t from Mm-
Hen. A roirard for their cipturo will
bd oijrud | | by Kearney county.
iu ICnnany.
Spu-ial IniuUh | tu TincUiu.
LAWUKXSK , October 17. Ez-Secro-
tary , ot Ohio , delivered an
addrrbu to a lurgu nudienco at the
opera house to-nii'.ht , hundreds of
people beiin turned away for want of
room , lie spoke entirely of national
policies , and wan hsiened to with
marked attention. Ho and party
leave tomorrow for Texas.
HOHTOJJ , October 17 , JJtilUlos C , He * .
toud 3.
Immense Practice In Omaha , Neb. ,
Tuesday , Hov. 7th , 1882 ,
Eye & Ear , Throat & Luna s , Catarrh , Kidneys
Bladder 'and 'Female Diseases as Well as All
Chronic and Nervous Diseases
HIXH dliicovcred the crcateitt euro In the wotld fur wotkucsn of the back nnd limbs ,
involuntary diiicharnos , impotcnoy , Ronoral dob.H y , norvounncai , Ittogour , confuelen of
ideaB , pnlpltttinn of the heart , timidity , trembling , dlnmesa nf flight nr glddinesn , dis <
caBcu uf thn ho id , throat , none nr oltln , affections ef the liver , lungn , Htoinnch or bowolfl
them tonIhlo dliiortlcm , arising from Bolltmy Imbita ot youth anil secret prnctlooa
moio fntal to the victloi tlmn the BOD H uf Syrenn to the rnnrinoii of UlyBftcii , bllghtinf ;
their mont ritdlent hoi CH or ftuticipuli.niB , rendering iiinrriago Imp Builile.
TheRe that arc Buffering from tlio evil practice ? , which doitroy tholr mental and
pliybiciU oyBtoin , c.iuilnc
The nymptomn nf ' . .hicli iimadnldlntrt'H3vil nil id , winch unlit * thorn for poiformiog
their luminecn nd nocial dntip , in ! .TH happy nmrriugOH ImpOBalblo.dlntreBUfw the action
of the henrt. crunlnj ; I'n-l'iH ' uf heat , depro inn < [ eiiiilts , evil furnhodlngn , cow-
nrdlco. fc'irs , drcnum , rn-tli-n iiI liVB , dlzzlncBn , forr ; tfulncnn , uunatiiral dinchargcc , pain
In the back and hips , f hurt brrathlni ; , melancholy tire eaxllv nf company aud have
prolorcnce to ho nlone , fouling an tired in the mornhif ; as when rotlrlnBoininal weak-
ncuB/loHt manhood , wliito hone ilcpoflit In the urine , nrrvnuenoi'ii , trewhlmp.confuiiiin ol
tliDUghl. wntrry nndonk yon , dynpopsla , cimHtipatiin , palenosR , pain aud weaknoM
in the llmliH , etc. , should connnlt mo Iinnindlatolv nnd ho restored to perfect health.
Who have become victim * of xollUry vice , that dreadful and destructive habit which
annually nwi > epn to mi untimely grave thouminilH of yonni ; men of exalted talent nnd
brilliant intellect who mjht ! ( i thunvlno entrance listening denature with the thundorn of
their cloiitienco rr wnktn to exlncy the living Ivro. may call with confidence.
MHrrled pornonn or young inou cuntomplating marriage beware uf phyHlca ) weak-
no-3. Loan nf procreatlvo power , impotency nr any other dlsciuallfioatlon npoedlly
relieved. Ho who places himself under the euro of Lr. ) I'Uhblatt may roligloutly OOD-
u'du In hU honor na a gcntl * man , anil c"iililpntlv rely nixm hU sltill UH a physician.
Immodiivtoly cured and full vigor toitorod. This dlxtmuing alTectton , which rondorn
llfo a huiden and tnarrlago Imponfilhlc , in thn jieualty paid by the victim for improper
InAuIgonco , Young people nro apt to commit oxcetsm from not being awaie of the
drcudlul conccnuencoa , thut may onniio. Now who that undorxtaniia tiilf ul'ject ' will
( liny that procreation is lout RO nor bv thouo full Inn Into Improper hnbltn than by the
prudent. loldon ! belncr deprived of the pleumiren of healthy oiruprlogs , the moat Berloufl
unit destructive symptoms ot Ixith mind nud bodv ul o. The nyBtctn becnroca da *
ranged tlio phyaical and rnnntal powora weaken. Ji'iit procroatlvu ( mwera , n-rvoua
irritivlillitv , ilj'Bjicpfii i , palpitation of the hoitrt , Indtgoxtlon , coimtilutlonal debility ,
wastinpr of the frame , cniigh , rnn umptlnn and death *
1'er.tnna ruhinil In health by unlenrncd pretemlvre who keep them trlfllug montl )
nftur mouth , taklug jiulnnnoun end InjurlouciimponinU should apply Immediately.
Ijradnuto nf ono nf the limit eminent cullc ex In the Unilnd HtatoH , lion effected eomo oi
tlio most aiitonlahlng ruiuii that wen ) ever known , AUny troubled with ringing in the
carfl and hewl when asleep. iroct ; neivnunnekB , Jioirig alarmed at ceitiiln aounun , with
( ro'itient blushing * , attended flometlmod with dorongoment of the mind , were cnrod
Take Particular Notice.
Dr. F. nddrcBaou all tljoie ho hnvo injuied themtelvea by improper indulgence
&nd solitary hubita v/hlch ruin both mind nnU body , untittlug thorn for bueinoda , Btudy ,
Bocloty or marringo. Tlioso nro tomu nf the ead , melancholy cifecU producoii by the
early habitHnf youth , viz. Weakliest ) of the back and llmbc , palnn In the bead nnd
dlmncim of nifilil , UMH of mui > ciilur puworH , palpitation of tbo heart , dynpephla , uervoua
Irritability , derungouiont of dlgettlvo fimctionn , debility , consumption , etc.
Eiitrnucn on Fifth htrcot , Den Mpluei , Iowa.
CONSULTATION J'KHi ; , Charon moderuto und withiuthn of nil who need
Scientific Murileal Trrutuiunt. 'I'liobu who rfuliio at a diatnnco nnd cnnnot , call , will re-
celvn | rnnipt attention thrmiph the mall by blinply Henillng ihcii A-intnnii ) | ) < with p
AiltlrniM Look Box Ot ) Don Moiuei , luwiu
( a only attainud by aainu
Stoves and Ranges.
i < 'or aale by r