THE DAILY BEE : TUFSDAY OCTOBER 17 Jhe Daily Bee OMAHA ! Tueedivy Morning Oot. 17. Wonthor Uoport. ( The following observation" are taken he ime moment nf time At Ml the tUtio nttnexl. ) WAH DBPABTMENT , U. 8 , SIONALSER- IOK , OMAHA , Oct. IB , 1882. (1:45 ( prn. LOCAL ) BREVITIES. Mr . A , P. French , Tcachor of Voc and Instrumental Music , corner Saundc and Charlen ntrcct , octlO-lmo Two wagon loida nf poles and wti wore Kent to Irvlngton to begin the co ( tntctlon of the Fremont telephone line , The Burn'a club h vq leued the el fT nt hall lately completed by Me n Fccnov and Connolly , cor. Hlxteenth RI IJnrt. The ball of the Irish. American hni on the 10th will be held at Marania Ha The committee are making arraogemo for n first dun good tlmo , and it will be irnccetR M upn alt other occouiorm. Urpo number of tickets have been told , A complaint IIM been filed again hack driver No. II , for overcharging pnflscngor for fare from the depot up tow tie levied two do'lsra ' u hia fee , A verbatim report of the cptire deUa between Mien Susan 1 ! . Anthony and M Kdvrard IlosewAter , has been published a Bnpulement to THIS WXKKLY UKK ndci ha bad at thi < ofliio with CspUii oft1 weekly. In the twllce court yeatenUr the weru throe p'ain drunks. Tire were K to jkll and the othir owe continued. Tbr men were up for disturbing tbe peowe . Ti were di chaniod , one a soldier , and t third paid $3 and font * . One indiri dc paid $20 aud cotti for carrying c nwfc ] reaporu. Tbero will be n rousing and import * meeting of the land league nn Wednendi eteiilng , at which mattcra connected w ; thu present status of home alf irs In Ii Unil will he dljcuaailnnd uM pro ) onitio for future action. All inernberH of the lai league and otheru intereatcd in the wo II ihculd bo pretout. Owing to the publication of the vc batim report of the Anthonv-Koaewat debate in the WKEKLV it was impmalblo fnrnlih the concluding cart of it in t evening edition of Monday' * daily , whl waa in the morning edition ot that date. General Mknager CUrk , Aaaiata ( Icnoral Manager Kimball , General Freig Agent Vinink. , .Superintendent Nlcho General Superintendent of Motive 1'ow Congdon , Director Fred L. AIIIUH , all the Union i'&cllic , nnd CharloH Fraut Adams , Jr. , lift Omaha jejteriUy In npoclal train for a Kururnl tour of ! n < pt Uon over the Union 1'ucilic. They we joined Kit night at North Dattu by SI ney Dillon , provident of the Union 1'aclf who went out on Sunday tu vlelt hln ran near that placo. The ticket otlico of the Ii. ft M. u : tbe K. 0. , St. Jou & C. U , railways Ii boon moved from No , I'I'.O ' Farnatn ntr < to the new quartern , ut the northeait c- ner of Farnam and Thirteenth utreo The now otlice ban boeu h.tudtiomoly tilt up , IB beautifully painted , juperod a tnrolfthed , and preHontH an attractive i ueurance. It U in clurguof Andy ifonli who U the joint ticket agent of the U. M. and K. C , , St. Joe & U. , It. ron The U , & M. tolegnph ollice IH ( vluj local in thin office , thin road ownlni" aud open ing iti own ayatem of telegraph for oo merclil It is ( .tuted that a flufo burglary , i heretufore reported , look place on But1 day iifeiht a week ago at thu c Ilico of I Wyoming coal yard on South KHh Hire Thu liurglarn nucceeilod In blowing \ the outer door and had drilled ho through tbe door to the canh drawer wl DomiithlnK filght ned them away. TL were henrd by two different partiew w ere not armed und could not iutcrfc Thu natu coutained about $ IK)0 ) in cui taken In that day and it wan moro aocldt that this was not currlud otf , Slnoa t ocurrenco all cash la now taVeu to I beadqutrtrrH for tto keepingo > or night , Mr , Win. Neve , who for * o uia ywini WM located on thecornorof Kle\ci and Furoatu , lian lately removed to t corner of Tenth and Howard itrc Turner Hull building , Mr. Neve * M expert watch maker und jeweler of l < i MWriunoe during hU stay In Omaha , I gained hott of frienda. Ilia prevent Ht < b finely fitted up with vlei < ant Dhow CH and counUrH whlclj ore filled with ttyl jewelry , wutche * . chalm , nilverware , t A fmo ditplay ot clocks la alto visit Whoever U M > fortunate ai to know I Neve will appreciate the change he 1 mode , and THE IEI ) hopes that he will upon all Oceanians tuaet with xucoeii. ATTENTION. Carpenter * uud Jolnora A mass meeting of carpenters a joiners will bo held ou Saturday IK at J'coney & Connolly's hall , con Sixteenth and Ihirt , All interest in the welfare are invited to attun i. coiutnittiio , SLAYEN'S YOBEM1TJ5 COLOOf M de frorr the wild tlowurs of t TAB WMKU yOBEBUTE VALLE it is thu most froprunt oi pcrfum Manufactured by H. I ) . Blavcn , K Francitco. For Halo in Omaha by ' J , Whittbouto uud Kuniiato lira V Co , > LOVE'S LABOR , The Work of the Woman's Fo eign Mission Society Day of Their Annu Convention. The Woman's Foreign Misaiona : society continued its sessions up Saturday night , when the final a jou-rnmont was taken. Among the business trantactioi toward the close of the convontic were the followinc : SKOHBTARV'H REroitTH. An addresn by Mrs , Lucy K. Pic t colt , combining the report from A pi I , 1881 , to October 1 , 1882. Western branch motto : "Evoi woman and girl in the church for tl Woman's Foreign Missionary B cioty , " has been kept in view by U workers. The eleven conference necrotarii report favorably , while a few socioth have declined , many have been ri vived and 100 now auxilarios Iw oonn organized. Two now conferences Imvo boo Formed in Kansas , two in Nobraski Misses Morrow and Hammond havin jhargo in Kansas , and Mrs. Shelby i Nebraska.Vo have fifteen confe ; onces in the six states of Minnoaoti [ owa , Missouri , Kansas , Nobraski Dolorodo , and Wyoming and Dalcol ; ertitorios , embraced in , the woster Dranch district , are receiving increase attention. . Bands , where auxiliaries cannot b 'armed , have proved successful i "gathering up the fragments. " Twenty live young paoplo's oocietii mvo been formed ninco last roper Eighty-four thousand pagoi of loath : mvo distributed through the brand The circulation of the Heathen Wi man's Friend should bo increase until wo have ono copy in every family Ono conference has contribute $1,000 in § 10 shares for rcbulldiu the "Ilomo" in Peking. Eight * hoi orary managers have boon madi Christian offerings $1,878 4G. In reporting the foreign work froi Mrs. Prescott's report wo glean thi : n India two ladies repreaont tl ; Western branch , Misses Blackmar an Cudden at Lutknow , whoeo workcoi stantly grows moro interesting , all throughout all India. In Fee Chov Jhins , thu work is reported vorv prt perous. At Pekiu the branch su ] ports ton scholarships. Very intoroa .OK letters have been furnished pa rons by Miss Clara Oushman. At Tientsin the training school f < omen , establiihod by Mies Porter , doing a grand work. The woatorn branch , in May , 188 assumed the support of Mias El jilchrist , aunt to Km Ktang , also on lalf the hospital oxpengeu at tin loint. The last quarterly ropnrt of D Gilchrist is as follows : Dispensai pitients , 070 ; prescriptions , 1,101 louse patients , 55 ; visits , 04. Japan Mrs , Van Petten sends vei cheering reports of the work in Toki seven scholarships being supported 1 the western branch. Of the work recently opened ; Nagasaki Miss Russell reports voi satisfactorily. Five scholarships a supportoJ by the western branch. In llakadadi ono toaohor and tw scholarship ! demand the sympathy ar support of this branch. Space forbids more than passit reference to the wonderful crowth the work in Mexico , Italy and Soul America. Aluo , to the horoio labo ( > f Mies'Sharp in Africa , MM. Murphy , of Grinuoll , low after a very happy preface , deliver * ai actdrosa upon 'Tho Philrsophy the Woman's Foreign Movement " COXIJIITTKH KEl'OKTS. Uoport upon missonary candidate Hammond , ohairman , rooommondi Mjss Nopplo iruwkins , Albany , M Miss Price , conference secretary , spol of the fitness of the candidate for tl foreign work. Committee on nominations Mi Porter , chairman , completed unfinia od report. Upon their nominatli the conference and district socretari wor duly elected. The president re ; a telegram from the W. 0. T. U. r somblod at DCS Monies , Iowa , sendii grooting. The recording secretary , Mrs. L < T.imes , was instructed to send a su able reply. The committee upon by-laws , Mi II. M. Hhattuok charman , presentee report which after being consider item by item , with uniuiporta changes was approved and the co mittoo was discharged , The committee on ygnng ladi societies , Mrs. 0. M. Woodward olui man , made a report which WHS di accepted. The constitution and by-Uws I young ladies ) sociotioa with slig change wiia adopted. Invitations for the next anni meeting were received from Ojkulooi Iowa , Topeka , Kansas , Muscatir Iowa , and Denver , Colorado. Upon vote Topeka , Kansas , y chosen aa the place of next unni mooting. Commlttoe on next annual inooti president of branch , correspond ! secretary of branch and two ladies Kansas conference. Committee on publications , Mm. K , Stanley chairman , made a repo which was approved. Committee on resolutions , Mrs M. Battis chairman , introduced re lutions of thanks to the president a oflicers of the branch for thetr si cetsful care of the mooting ; to t people of Omaha for very delight and hospitable entertainment ; to Ki J , W. Slmnlt , pastor of Eighteen street church ; tu the trustees of t church , the choir , the various ra roada and the preos of Omaha. IIKHOLTJTJONH. Resolutions of ymjaUiy for D < Kato Buuhnell and EIU Oilohrint < auoount of ill health. A resolution cxpre ing loss in tl death of Mr * . M. J. Iluean , of low Itesolutiona of condolence to Mi Emily lluutington Miller , recent become a widow , an-l Mrs. Keeblc Preeentatioua of oeautiful oushii by the ladies of the branch to Mm . ' K , Prucott , end of a Chine * * ) luu Urtua to Mre. Jinnlo Buck , wcro vei r pleasant Burpriscs to the recipient Mrs. Nindlo was presented an e quisito basket of fljwers by Mrs. A nold , of Omaha. Miss Price , secretary of Misoor. conference , gave report , approved 1 meeting. MLSCKLI.ANKOUH. Miss Libblo Pearsoa gave an nt add rot i upon young ladion * work \V. P , Mrs. Powers , of Muecitinc , low was next introduced , who ditcussi the preparation fur and opportuniti of young women for missionary wor Report of Uea Moiiios conforun read and accepted. Uoport > f Upptsr Iowa conferen road and accepted. Ileporl of Iowa road ana accoptc Nebraska conference report n ceptod , A motion prevailed instruct tl dclcgatci ) to the gunural esecutivo cot nittuo to place the appropriations the western branch at $25,000 for 11 coming year. Report of the committee on mi chests wura presented and approve TJIK HATUllDAY P.VKNINO SEHSJOJf of the Woman's Foreign MJssionai society was opened by devotional c orciaos , following which the roadii of papers was in order. Sirs. Dr. Porter , who in fornv rears was herself a foreign missionar ; > roduccd an oblo resume of the woi o bo accomplished in oriental field and the duty of activity at homo. Hiss Jennie Beck was called upc o make a report from the Iowa 001 erence , and said : It'can hardly I expected that I can present a faithfi report out of the material that I hai hrown together in a few hours , but hall otter the best I have. In Mil leek's pnpur she hold up baforo tl adiea a very practical epitome of tl work accomplished in the territory on > rocod in that field. Mrs. Shattuck , of Colorado , read c excellent paper. A collodion was taken up , into tiptod near the close by the present ion of a largo hkoncsa to the pree dent , Mrs. Mary Ninde , in behalf ho branch. Mrs , Nindo accepted , by making one of her charactoriat speeches. The reading of the minutoa w called for , and the final udjournmdi was reached. HUNUAY'fl jl'AOCKKUIKOl , On Sunday morning at 0 o'clock argo number of delegates and inor > urs of the local churches mot in eve feast at the First M. E churc and the ladies from abroad contrib ud to the enjoyment of the occisk jy brief mention of appropriate po ; ions of their religious experience. At 10:30 : o'clock Mrs. Nin < > reached an able sermon to a crowdi IOUBO. In the afternoon the Sunday echo session was hold at the usual hou ollowing which a mass mooting toe place , and was addressed by some voi gifted ladies. Mrs. G. W. Power i nur oriental dress attracted uttentiai ind greatly interested tso your > eople with an exhibition of Chinei owulry , u acAbbard containing a kuif ihop stick , tooth brash , ore. Ar. lor song in the tongue of the cole tial was a treat to the children. Tl rain in the afternoon intorforred voi much with the attendance upon tt 'orvices , but numbers of persons m in the evening , and a joyful sot vie at night , brought to a oloso the exc ciscs of the convention. PERSONA ! * V. Meyer , of Denver , k at the Millar McKee Hinhiu aud hli company are c vlded between the Mlllard and Metrop < ttan. ttan.W. W. Ji. U. Stout , the Lincoln contract ! in at the Millard. T. W. Lowroy , Lincoln ; 0. II. Heat Shelton ; Alfiud Ilarter , Beatrice , and 1 F. Down * , Lincoln , nro at the Millaid. Ralph Woitnn , of Denver , it at the M ronulitan , John I' , llarilii nud John Uyan , * f Ll oaln , arittths Metropolitan. Cheater L'reiitiap , of Wyoming , It at t Metropolitan , O. M. Murlock , land agent of the 1J. 31 , , at Wymore , Nb. , ID at tbe Motropi Itaii. Itaii.Mr. Mr. flee , Cnnliold , proprietor of t Outfit Id lintiHt' , haa gone to Camp Canfie topayoir hU men. Shermnn Caulield , who ID now a ctudu at Ilia State university , came up to npei the Sabbath Ith his folk * . V. A. Mackin , Columbus ; J. M. Potti eon und wife , I'lattsmouthj F. IJ. Tiffan Albion ; Dr. J. K. Lamb , Waboo ; J. Ilochstetter , A. Xiiumer , L. Levt snd Oalnzell , Nelirmk.i City , are ut tbe Pi ton. bcaoh I. Honmnn , of North I'latte , h the 1'rtxton , AI. A. Carter , of Fort JJitil rV. . ' . U n ( , 'iient at the P xton. M. liiir , of Now Orleans , and H , Iur ! , North P.att ? , ure registered at the Pint hounc , George Crawford Bud wlfj aud If Frank Guult , of Council HluITV , w.ra the F.ixtou hat night. J. C. Morrow and wife groturned fro the eiat Huaday. E. 0. KuUer , formerly with Kd. M u < returued from a four weeks \lnltto t emit ywU-rJay , Ho looku well and i irarU having h d * good time. Exonniou I. O. O F. The I , 0 , 0. F. will have an exct aion to Fremont nn Thursday , Oct berlOth. Train leaves U , P. depot at o'clock a , in. sharp , and will return the evening. Tickets for round tri $1 GO ; for tola by raombon and at t train , All Odd Follows and their hdi and friends are invited , Htimbara of tlio order are request trt meet'ut Odd Follows hall at o'clock a , m. Thursday morning ai march to the depot. The U. P. band will accompany tl excursion. 17-nutjtf DIED. KOOlI-Htlfua , wile of Hecry Hoc died at 0 H. ui , Sunday , aged J5 yean , Funeral took place at 3 p. m. , ycsterd , from the rtnldeuoj on Hartley , betwi 8th and 9th. Huw-U Salve U unequal lei chilblain * , clupped bkiuK fruit bit U. Try It. BOARD OF TRADE. Eeport of the 0 mmitteo i Fair Bronnd Funds , The Moutana Excursionia Resolve fit Leo tb , A Commttteo Appoint * il on Ol conn "Worhn. A special meeting of the Onrn board of trade \vas held last evuniii ( ho principal object if which w < va take eomu action in rtgird to t establishment of glucosu'wcrks Omaha , although as there was rcguUr meotinc ; on the 2d , eomu oth business came up in the courao of t evening. The meeting WUM called to order 8'iO : , and roll call and the reading the journal was dispensed with , The firat business wai the report the committee on J'AIH OROUNDH. Total amount collected . 8 1.919. fatd City Water Woiku Co. , for laying plpt > to gate . 1,700 Hepulrlag oUlb aad grouudn . HGO Krecting line nit lull , . . , . 1 , 'J. > K tuwer hnll . 769 pitiu ingrouuds . -101 'KT iorfitallx. peon , etc . 141 Uicuptlon Hon. H. U , Jx > rlnK. . . . CO Sign for hne art hall . D Total . S488r . Balance in bank . 9 3J. Ou motion the report was receivi and the committee ducharged. A vote of thanks was tendered M W. H. McOord , the chairman of tl committee , for hia diligence in collec ing and disbursing the fund. M John Evans on behalf of the com mi too appointed to draft resolutions regard to their excursion to Montai and the Yellowstone National reported as follows : TUB MONTANA EXCUnHION. Mr. FrceMont and UoLtlomvn of the ID&rd Tridoof thoClty tftni hi : The members of I he Omaha Board Trade , participating ia the excu Him Montana and the Nation ' 1 I'-irk , desire t prtpH tlimr thanks for nu i hljh | appro Qliun of the many attentions and courti lea attended to them all along thu liuo tlieir route during the four weekx pe om nif the urundmt scenery of the worl 1'DO i'eueromlio8jitnlity , the maRnaniui'i and naiut.taklng CJTO and attention ahov U ) at each l oint ot opportunity , are hrig upotH in cur niemorie- , never to be forgi t n. While ull cannot be oapcclally not wo denlre to mention thit TO THK UNION PAOlriC railroad company , under ita generous mr ageiiient , we are indebted for this bi : ( .vrlod of rest and tuj lymout , und l rmnv fvor nhown UB are highly tuiure ated. To the rULUIAN PALACE CAK COUPAKT through their superintendent , Ii. M. Be nott , and Aisiatant Superintendent CD Idije , are most heartily extended pi vi'kd with the bent of their rolling paiac we were Biipplied with all the comforts home while speeding on our way over t nuiootheat of railroads and the greatest i tention being Riven to our every coinfc by conductors and porteru. There are few efforts to | , leaio moro ti coBoful in their reaulia than t.o thorougb utur/ * TUB C11AV1NO APPBTITK of th hungry traveler , or the niinci tantea rf ths fastiJIous epicure. Thla BII ceeafully aicompllahod ia much , but wh couplrd with the remark , as was made ua by the ltJ < nrn. Kitchen brothers , their Green lltver and Kvanston eati houses , 'There ia no charge for you , gent men , " we were like the camelr , and tl Htruw broke oar backs. At Dillon < bout. P. O'Neil ; at Uutte Messrs. Ayli worth & Mcb' ; at Kock Creek o host aud fellow townsman , Baler , and BlucLfoot , Idaho , our hosts , Keeue & A son , made especial [ ireparationti for our c tertuinment. genoroualy reducing rates the minimum , whl e providing served on the trip ono of the uiojt bounteous tneali. To the mayor , city council and pro ; inent citizena of BIJTTE we are greatly indebted for many oppi Utilities to f > eo and examine the wonderl reoureeH of thin live , growing city , and t tonhlve mining canijia. Our tay i i iSut WUH marie exceedingly pleasant by the u tiring tlforta ou the part of the guntlern mentioned to make our vibit one to be i rncmberud. AT HELENA we were received by the board of trac m yor anil city council und promino citizens , all vying with each other to ma our vi-ut with them an enjoyable or Conveyed by carriages to the Hot Sprint placer mines , United Btutes mint , f : ground * , und many pointtt of exceeding i tnreht , stopping on tbe way ut the beau ful homo of our friend Keaaler , nur par of tifty and more wore entertained in right royal manner , reaching our hotels time tu accept the invitatioim ot our do ; U ) \ iei } with them the opnra iiitheexe ing. Our two day ' ntay at Helena we liuiy routino'd of p'oiunio Our depHttu from thla point by private convnvnnccsf u grand onslaught ou uu by ( > ur ( fiends , i quiring several hnurn ia leavetaklug , ai many good wishes followed u as wo If Udeu with numerous nieincntoen of o kind friends , We with nmou regret co tno lait good-bye to th ita to wbnm \ were so deeply obliged for the exc-eediug tUasaut da } a spout among them , INTIIKIKLLOWMECNK. To Major Conger , sunerlntendent * f t National park , and wife , we wish to t prettu our deepifct obiiKntlonn , Dnvotl time alieidy occupied to our efpeclul n vlcB ua our couipiniona Hinong the we der [ the geyserx , hi * thorough Uno\ edge of the wonderful things to bu i-ec oouiJed with the explanation of th workiuga , and his time devoted to UJ v of great value aud tleaeryea our fullest i knowledgeinent.A . A tlllKKN M-QT to the caini > er out. and onu tint brlghtx the eyes aud Kladdeua thu heart , id to HI donly espy a place where uian nud bei umy Hud refreshment. Such waa cur gn fortune when out from the grand mm tain Boenen on the ed ca tif a benuti ! park , eniiouced amidbt a gm\e of bean ful pine' , we came to the National Pa hotel. Aline hot Marnlull was indeed fciemt in need. At our order ( -Jpiust ! BUutlj ) , bands of fro li horses , epri wagonu , etc , , were nlaood bvforo us fr > which to choodo. VMtini ; thn larder ' fc ltcted a stock of provisions , ( hiding eve needed article to u.nke the continuitlon our trip one of comfort. For the bent ot lit at the mo t reaxinable charge' , for t untiring attention given u * woareindebt to our boat Marshall , of THK NATIONAL 1'AllK HOTEL. Ouf return to the railroad Jiid time ape at many placed ou the way waa one i f cc tiuual < urprU < Mi at the Attention and til [ 'Urn to ui by our strange * ( riendu ut Si Lake. DP. D , HANKS MCKEMIE , A whole boat in himself , vriM our guii ! enabling ut tu observe much which i would not h ve otherwl-e aieu. At DJ ver our friend I'erky guvoun every opx ] tuuity to see clustered together in thegre mineral exi o itlon simnUs of the weal ( reduced by thla rugged , mountaino country , o > ur no much of which w h. , Our party one and all areslucerrly fnl for the many klndnc i > M resolved , i peclally to the members of the prp , home n wM < an all along the line. We a Indebted Msi to the WK TERN U.V.ON TELRilllAril COMP1SV whic'i generously pi tceil iu llnei at t Jlspo al of the tiarty for communlcati with frieud * at home and purpose * en n ctcd wnh the excursion , free And < durire tnetprma through jour onmtnlt the * i ih th it we m > y reclpr.icate theoa i ten inn < oliuu'd oppurtunity occur. Yimromtnitlee hUhinit thn nco 'inpar Iny reaolntl.ins ( ) fpouimnend their hdr tlon : Kenptctfully , loiiN I'VANB , O. S \ \ ooi ) , C. . UKISCOLL , C iiiii < ittee , Jiaoh-cd , That the for'ioiiw report and the same U hereby adopted , nnd th the hoard hereby exp ei hpurty thinka all l he tmitlpn imtne < l for the hoi lulitii courte < ie and kin t attmtioiu shown t delpgntioti from tliU lioircl , c nrtituti the "Omaha board ut trade cxrumlon thn N ttnnal nrk , ' August , 1882. Jlisotml , Thnt , n cooy of tne report ai appended rfoliltloofi be fuiiih.od tl PICHB with n r < quest to publish tlie same. On motion , the report was rccctvi and , with \hu rosolutioiif , adopted. The secretary presented a 'longll communication , setting forth the me its of the now process for mnnufactu irg glucosu , which are briefly as fo loirs : First A superior product. Second The quantity is notsecot to the quality. Third All that portion of thotjra which ia not convertible into sacchn tno ia by this nyatom obtained as foe for cattle , etc. Fourth The cost 6f production much lota. Fifth Rapid production requir but thro'o days , as against eight da ; by the starch processes. Sixth Works cost about ono-he of thosp required by the old start plan.Seventh Seventh Less work ing capital isr quired. From the foregoing statement Messrs. Fell & Jepsou , the fui.owu conclusions are drawn an regards tl ornction of work * at Omaha of a dm capacity of 3,000 buahela of cor. . Two hundred aud tifty thousand do lara capital would realize quito sntt factory returns per year. It is cat mated there is 110,000.000 bushels < corn in Nebraska this year , and th ; the prlcj will bu about forty cent Adding fifteen cents expense f < manufacturing , making thu whole co 55 cents , nnd giving ai au expense c 3,000 buahnlu djulv 31,050. Uountir product at 70 to 75 per cent , it m sal to say thatwithtnrenandono | halfqa Inna per bushel , at 40 conta , wo hii 84,200 , or not 552,550 , or a urixnd toti of 8705,000 on work tup ! ! GO Jay a i the year , or moro than 300 per cm of the capital employed. It is also apparent that the cost < corn and cxpanoo of manufacture mo ba largely increased , and tko sollii price reduced , aud still return e enormous profit. In this estimate , no account is mat of the food estimated to keep 3,01 head of cattle , which stock men ui deratand the value of. The royalty for uaa of tlio patents two cents per gallon on a , ospactty i 1 000 bushels per day , and luaa c 3,000. President Clark appointed a cor mittee of three to further the intc oats of the establishment of glucoi works in this city. The commttti consisted of Messrs Boyd , S B. Job : son and Secretary Gibson. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OIL HA , NEB. Tables supplied vrith the best tt market affords. The traveling publ claim they got bettor acpommodatioi and moro general satisfaction hoi than at any other house in Oman : Rate , $2 per day. ana21tfm The "Hawthorn Centennial E : celaior Roof Paint , " was patented Ma 24th , 1881 , and otters patent nun ber 241 , 803. Any person found ( known to tamper with the mam faclure of said paint will bo punisl od to the full extent of law. No pe son has any authority whatever to se receipts. HAWTHOUK & BEO. , Lancaster Pa. A responsible party will buy a banl ing business or open a now bank in good live town. Intorentod partit address P. O. drawer No. 64 , Omahi Nob. 10 65 DEFENDERS OF THE DUMB. A Soml-Ocoaalonal Meetlntr of tt 9. P. O. A. The humane sooiuty mot last ovet H K iu the ladies' reception room ( Boyd'a opera house. The followin communicUion from Col. D. 1 Houck , the agent of the eocinty , w.i road and ordered Gled : "Knowing that many of jou thin it singular that I have failed to mak complaints or prosecute violators t the cruely to animah law stnco tli funds from which I was paid bee nu exhausted , 1 deem an uxpUnationnecei sary on my part. " "I am now , as I always was , iri fiver vor of protection to dumb animali It hai , however , bs m impossible fc mo to uecuru any conviction from th present incumbent at the city pUic court , who from personal or other nu tivea haa repeatedly refused tu convic especially to in the last three ( ! coses which I brought before hit while under pay from your society. Since then and even as late as Sat urday lant , complaints . have bee made to use of "cruelty to unimals. "Thin , ladies and gentlemen , is th cause why I have so long reraaino seemingly inactive , I should lik very much to attend your moetiug ! but as I live so far away , and threads roads being so bad , it is impossible fc mo to do so , " Inquiry beiag made &u to whethc any action had been taken with n sard to street cor horses on th S Mary'a nvenuo linn IVesidunt Ken uedy sUtud that there was a notice able improvement iu ( ha conditioi and character of thu stock uaad o those cars. The preddont reported objectio : was being made to the location of th public drinking fountain oa choton b the tocioty , and after BOIUO dijcueaio It was BRroed that a point , to b chosen by the committee nn fouutair and the executive committee , on Sis ( couth , between Douglas and Cctpitc avenue , would be satitfactory to th society. A meeting of theeo commit tecs is called for 2 p. m. tharp , at th office of 0. F. Divis , 1505 Fnrnn street , in order that the matter m bo projented to the city council t night. The following constitute t committcop , and it is hoped there w bo K full attendance : KiectilivoComrmttpn E , W , Sii oral , T. II. L'avitt , Martin Dunhni Mre. J. li .Tunline and Mrs. P. I'orino Ootnmittooiinfnuntains .TudgnJt W. S wage , P L IViino , Rev. Jo1 William , M. Toft and O. F. U.wia. _ Mrs. Jardine sta'ud Omtin the pc lion of the city wnnio shelivcs pi eo have their legs and wings broken 1 moans of slinushotB In the hands boys who hnvo become so export : the use of these weapons as to rotid them dangerous to pass < > rs > by. S stated that in Joraey City and oth eastern cititm this Imd bccomo so grc n nuisance that a rino of ton dollars now impo3od upon all boyn found wi oiing shuts in their pouicsaion T motion the secretary wan directed request the city marshal to do wh ho could to abate this paatimo of strc gainino. The eociety then adiournod un ! the second Monday in November. FOREIGN NEWS. THK ENGLISH IN EGYPT. Special Dttpatcbci to Tni BBI. RKOnOANlKINO Tlin AIIMY. AujXANimiA , October 1C. Uak Pasha , commissioticd by the khodi to roorgani o the Egyptian army , pt pnses to concentrate on the line of tl Cairo railway the war material sprci over Egypt , ana select thorefrc equipment for the now army , and BI the surplus by auction. Uo rccor mends Ilia ? Pasha to undertake tl organization of the police. Two n tives were hanged to day at Darua hour. UECZMUNO AIl.VUI. CAIIIO , October 10. Sir Edwa Malct announces the trial of Ara Pasha and associates will not prob bly proceed unless they are dofi-ndi by Engliah counnrl , while the Egyr ian haa informed Sir Edward it wi not be responsible for thu govor mont of thu country if the Englii counsel introduces a method of pr cuduro unknown to Egyptian coarta. In regard to thu.dofonso of Alexa dna , Arabt P.isha avora ho acted und orders of the khedive and continue war after the bombardment by ordt of the national council nt Ctiro. LONDON , October 10 The Tim cays that unless proper arr.ingemcn will bo made by the Egyptian authc itios to procure a fair trial fur Ara Pasha and his fellow leudera , it is pc siblo the British government will r they bo handed back into Engli : custody. THK VERDICT IN ADVA.NOK. CAino , Oatobor 1C. The ovldan of Arabi's complicity in the Jui massacre is possibly inauflicient serure his conviction , but leaves litt doubt that guilty will bo the verdi of impartial minds. Corrcepondcn between Arabi nud various p ° rsoi which fell into Walseloy'a hum after the battle of Tel 'El K b has reached the foreign ofiic There ore 800 documents the correspondence. At a private ii vestitration of rebel prisoners , most i them bbjected to being questioned i regard to events which occurred prir. to the outbreak , Arabi especially ur ing they More covered by general pa don issued by the khedive Aral declares the June tnaimcro was pn cipitated by the presence of the Dri isu tloet. AUAIII'H DEKENSK. CAIRO , Octobur 1C. It is boltovi in otliolal circles that proof of Arabi complicity in tlia Juno massacres Alexandria will not bo obtainabl It is claimed that Niotz , the Swia can prove "many Uudotiitia were nln at Arabi's order , WILL DEXEND HIMSELV. Arabi persists in declaring ho wi defend himself if denied Englis counsel at his trial. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. HH > dal DigpAtchtH to TUB UKR. LOCAL HELK-OOVERNMENT FOR ICRLAN1 DUBLIN , October 1C. The domat for Holf government in the pr gramme of the national conferoni includes the abolition of uuruinatir by the government to oflicn and tl abolition of the office of lord lieutei ant , The contra ! council of the no League will consist of thirty member twenty of whom will bo elected h the county conventions and ten I the Irish parliamentary party. PARIS , October 1C , An appeal li Victor Hugo depreciating the txi'ci lion of Arabi IB publiahed. A dispntch from Montvcailea mini roporta the gen d'armes diacovorc fifteen dyrmmitn cartridyen wit li lited fuse ; itt'ehod ; hidden near soliool housn. Thuy were extinguml fid without nxploHon. Two thouaan troops uro stationed in the neighbo liood of the town. OAVirr'rt DOCTRINES. DUBLIN , October 10 Mich-u Divitt , in a speech at EJgewortl Longford , declared that the only thin that could bring peace to Ireland w : recognition of the tenants abaolut ownership of any property in the soil tie either created or purchased a righ af undisturbed occupancy for tb tenant. TUB NATIONAL 1'KOORAM.MK. DUBLIN , Oatobar 1(5. ( The Fre < man's Journal , iu reviewing the pr < .jramino of the national conference lays it is strictly constitutional an parliamentary. Only within the line > f the constitution can the battle c Ireland bu effectively fought. Elaborate military arrangement have boeu made at the vuo-roci lodge. Soldiers leave the barrack jnly in couples. Half the availab ] foico in to bu retained in the barrack ! Marwood , the hangman , is threat mod with assassination if ha venture : o gu to Ireland to perform an cxeci lion. DUUNKI ) IN HARHOR. LONDON , October 10. The Nort jerman Lloyd steamer Frankfoi 3Urned yesterday , while at anchor l .ho harbor of Hrumorhavou. AGAIN FtilKNOB. The Times says it has -reason to bi iove there ia good prospects of 'riendly understanding being arrive it between France and England in re ; ard to Egypt , yROiEN or. ST , PBTEBbBURO , October 16.- Freezing wealher has set in. Kaviga- tion has been suspended in the Volga and , Kama rivers on account of drift ico. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ NotCH- Special Wcpntf ho * to Tim IlRR , UKRHJJ , October 10. The appointment / of Cuiuit Von llartifeldt as tecretsrv tor the foreign ofllco i gnzetted. lUirrhnrd , fccretsry of state for thi iuipetiil treat- in v , U dcsignuted M plenipotentiary of Kii tft in the federal council Herr Von Kisenkccker , present Gcrninn minl'ter to Jipin. will le appointed mlu Inter to the United Stitcn MADUIH , Octob r 1C.Vho pmcrauimo of Manlul S'Mno'a now party h drawn up , but its terms are not jot miide public. PAWS October 1(5The ( intcmatknil couxreM ilio protection of sili"i"rno ! ! cable * had iU tiiet pitting tit the tniniatry of foreign ntfiirs tci iliy. T' minister of UlcRriiphs pre i < ' < d. 'Jhebuol- fincd to thn presentation of Morton , Unltod Stft'ef inln- liter , and Viut | > ul. Ftciiid fecrt-tary nf IwHtlou , will ropro-cnt the United Htatea. Duiu.tN , October 10.Dillon will not at tend the conference of thu Irish Nation , allot * . ODHHJU , October Ifi.-The Tillies niftll hns \ cn lobbed , the poslill'ou ' umtdcred and * XXCOvl ) roubks ctolen. PAIII. " , Ortobor li ! Gerville Ke rhe , member of the chamber of iltputlan , offern to defend Paaba. ISpitNK , October 10. XIner , Arabi PA. sh i's ndvlrtor , expelled from Kgypt , has ur rived here. DUBLIN , October 16. lnai > ecUr Morrow lefc for Kingston to-day with Stew ait , of the Bhii ) Uladatoue , to identify and tiring home Wcstgnte , the eolf-eonfessod nurc r- er of Cavandich aud liurko. TELEGRAPH NOTES Special Dtapatchta to Tun Bit : GRAND KAWDM , Mich. , October 1C. fiurglara broku into A. X.urIyer's jewelry fttore Ust niiht , drilled open two sets of double doom iu the sufr , nnd oecurcd some § 10,000 worth of diamond * , watchtn and cash. KlciuiON' ) , Va. , October 1C , Thoinn B. ( Jliristimi , block droker , has failed ; liabilities unknown , uetetn tnmll. FoitTiirsH AloNitOF , October 1C. The VuutUlia aud monitor Montauk , fit Philauolphia , have returned t > tbo Uoadi > . The Montauk WAS unable to ruake head way in the heavy sea. SAN FRANCISCO , October 1C. The ttrit- Mi aMu , Kretncn , Captain Dongik'l , from Liverpool , ran ashoru on Karrolloue inland this morning lit 10 o'clock , during n dense. fog. Tno crow were all saved ud trjucht here by the schooner I ) . ! sy Howe. The \eEsel will probably be u total ! O3 . ' Dlvidini : tbe Hpoili. Hixstlal Jlxpatch to Tim Ilxn. NBW YORK , October 1C. The joint conference cominitturs of dtmocrutio organizations of this city , after A long consultation , divided thu ticket so that the naming of sheriff goes to Irving hall , county clerkship to the county democracy , and two judgts of thu superior court , and three coroners to Tammany. Irving hall named as her candidate for sheriff Alex V. Divid- aon , and the county democracy pres ent Patrick Kcennn for county clerk. It was said Ivini ; Hall had threatened to withdraw unless given either shrievalty or county clerkship , and Tammany after a long talk yielded the point. The ticket will be sub mitted to the different conventions to-morrow evening. . . . i - . . . . - - - I , . . . . i , A rroit of Buwon. SpeclM Dispatch to Tu linn. PuiLADELViiiA , October 16. Henry A. Bo won , accused of attempting to bribe Wm. Dickson , foreman of the star route jury , was arrested to-day , charged with obtaining a month's board by false pretenses , A Grade Rentorad , Sjwciil Dlifatch to Tui BKI % WAHIIINOTON , October 1C. The sec retary of the navy has decided to re store the grade of Port Admiral at Now York , abolished when Vice Ad miral Riwan was relieved from the . yard. Commodore John II. Upahur , at present comm&nditut at Now York , to bo assigned to the position in add-/ ! tion to his present duties. The Loot Proton. Special Dinpatch to Tim linn. LONDON , October 16. The cargo of the steamer Preston ashore nunr Ber wick , is still being thrown overboard. Three tugs wore in attendance yester day , but nothing could be done to wards floating the vecaol. This morn ing the Preston remains broadaido to the BOA in a bad position. No lighters or boats cm get alongside. rpOKAUUKHS Th < TriiiirTjt evh prlr paid I. ror Ko , Bar e\ and Corn tt Krebe Vinegar Work ) , Joneuatritt. between9 had 10th , Oau * ha. 800-dan-lf 1)1' ) B d Oill , 7 inoulhold. . Cm . ha\enime by call n on Cbaa. John-on , Sib nd'lloiwiand pajlngchurg * * 4tO-Mt 4 Urn Marble hixs removed ttr eniplotooit bu- rtnu to 1700 Uui-t St. _ 76t-U "HI buy the ( arnllura o ( tbe btrt paying hotel In Iowa. Kent reu , AddrtM Dolph MacKro or , Uea ottlcu , , Hub. 10fl-tJ EDWARD KUERL OF PAW1YSTKRV ANP CONDI T , IDS Tenth Street , bitw rr KDdHarucv. Will , with the li o ( u ( plrltt. obtnln fcr any ono * jflancu c Ihvi | l mil prcMnt , aud on certain cunlltiont iu thu 'a ' > ro. Uoow ad BbOM t" d la jrde I'mlu l\ Absolutely Pure. Tlija powder never varies. A msrve o lurity , strength and wlolcioaieneM Sloro economical than the ordinary kinds , ind cannot be sold IncotcrietUIon with th miltitude of low test , abort weizht , Mam ir phosfhate powder * . Sold only in can llOTAL llAKlSQ POWDUB Co. Wall St. , NtwYcr