Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
T.josdfty Morning , Oct. 17.
, ' . 0 . ' Mk ,
tt 1'trilo , - - - - cent.'pfr t
Er Mli | . . . . . . 110.00 per Yetr.
otj : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near
u.U. OlUFFl.V , M n KCr.
U. W. T1LTON , City Editor. !
' PAWMuslo Hall.
-J. .Mueller's
Only one drunk on the Monday morn .
Ing record of the police court.
-lilifh' opening will be Friday and Sat'
nnlay , the 2 ith and 21t InH.
The lists of elector * are now pouted In
public place i about the city ready fur In-
The Hazel Klrke company arrived at
the Ogdenyefterday , und appeared at Do.
hnny's Ihst evening.
The new meat market of Shull & Mul
len , 799 South Main str < < et , gucraatoo 1 > e t
of nioata and prompt attention.
Ufaonp Railroad ticket * to all polnta
Knihncll , five doom north of postof&cr ,
iiella them , Entrance , Malnorl'carlitreeU
The Sioux City young man who la
suffering from the jim-jams , and Is being
cared for at the jail , In gaining butslowly.
Isn't It about tlmo the big water pipe *
lying on Broadway wore either burled or
drugged off ! No one can no drive up
nug to the sidewalk.
Mm. Kugcno. Schidl baa rented a
house next to Durnham , 'Pulleys & Co. ,
on Pearl street , and Intends taking a few
A fine fuuortment of boots and shotH ,
sufficient to supply the demands of all , ut
George lilaxitn'a , south Main street.
No marriage licennes yesterday , and
the clerk sagely remarks that folks nro
not doubling up as much as dittlngtbo
watermelon eoainn.
-Tho Lcadvllloj and Council Bluffs
have arranged far two mora games , onu
thia afternoon and < mo to-morrow after
noon on the ground * hero.
Joseph Iloltor makes the Finest Hulls
n the latest otylos , at the lowest possible
prices. His merchant tailoring establish
ment Is at 310 Upper Broadway , Council
llluff , ) .
Joseph lo ! a , the upper Broadway
cooper , doxlres to purchase .r > 0,000 hoop
poles Ho abio wlxhcs to employ ten extra
cooieni. | Write to or inquire at hU cooper
The Cornell Hluffs horncdtcad hunters ,
wild recently iniule a trip to Dakota , have
located there over 10,000 acrts of laud ,
mostly in Urulo and Buffalo counties.
Homo of the colonl ts arranged fur having
breaking done ; other * to have trees plant
_ od , butnono decided to remain In p.'rion. * )
Mr. Goo. F. Morgan , the importer of
stock , will sell a Inrgo number of brood
mare * and goldlngs In any quantity , single
or by the car loaiT , at the Union stock
yards , Council Bluff. " , on Saurday , Octo
ber 20th and 21at. The salu will bo post.
tlic. All stock ( { uaranterd.
Thuro ceemi little use to ko p up a
police force and courts In Council Bluff *
when men identified 01 having knocked
down and robbed a man , arrested while
having the plunder in their posseNiioii , are
( illotved to go free without a trial.
James McMohon now nutters from a
crippled thumb , caused by getting It jammed -
mod In a car door while nn one of bin daily
trips to Omah * to ntteurt loctuns
It given him a chance to put Into practice
some of the ecicntifla learning ha Is acquir
Thai I & Krncht have moved into their
largo new brick fctoro room , corner Main
street nnd Seventh avenue , where they
will bo glad to see their many friends.
They arc now receiving a largo and well
8 ler.ted htock of fine ( jroctrieH , quovni <
ware , etc. None but the best goods ban
died which will bo void at the lowest pos
sll > l price. No moro beer , on they make t
new departure In discontinuing their mm
pie room. Call and examine their. stool
and prices.
Capt. Kicher and .1. Do Haven , win
were among the recent explorers intola
koU , ate said to have been unfortunate Ii
their joint building enterprise. Ilavin
laml that joined they concluded It | x > lo ! ;
to build a mud hut on the line , so m t
havu It located uu the lund of each. Klchc
got hi * half bullr , though not without
ntnrjgld which ruined hU clothes niul hi
religion. le Haven spent the time I
looking about for a good place to pitch hi
tent until the hut was finished , and by Ui
tlmo he had dtchledupon n suitable bit
i ! for tint n ralu and wind storm mined mot
of tha unfinished hut. About the tim
they had got it about hulf repaired , the
learned that they hadn't located it on tli
line , or near the Hue , but on another man
land. The captain wu utterly dlncoiir < i6 |
at lova's labor belnir. thus lost , and laid tli
blame off onto Do Haven , and for a tlui
It teemed that n dissolution of partncrdhl
ruu t follow , but a board of arMtratlo
wo * appointed , and a settlement elfecte
without any blood being shed.
To DM Votcn ol K ne Tow nihlp.
I hereby announce myself us u
independent candidate for constahli
subject to the voice of the voter a a
ensuring election. 0.V. . WzmiY.
Judge Iked lias gene to Sidney to lu
V , W. Hpetman hai returned from li
eastern trip ,
K. It , lawman , who wan taken smlde
ly ill Saturday , it able to ha out , and w
at hU olticd yoterday ,
John Wellaud , of Carroll , one of iu II
butlueu men , wan In the city yenterJu
and stopped at the Pacific.
Dr. and Mrs. V. A. HurrU and M !
Oil * e Gage , of Boston , also Henry ,
WHIN , of Fitchburg , wete among t
b'uenta at the O deu yeeterduy.
Mra. Ira Mulhollaud , Albany , N.
write * : "Forseveul yearn 1 have butfr
from oft-recurtiii ; bllloui headache * , cc
tl)4tion [ ' dyiptpala , and complaints p'C
liar to w'y ecx. Hluceiulng yourllni ; > o
IUM > ii Bimiw I am entirely relieved
'A Quartet of Yountr Mon Arrested for
Bur lnrn-A Farce on Justice
The Bneo Uall Thutnpor.
Iist Sunday afternoon a young man
residing in this city showed Ofllcor
Tyson some buildois' hardware , which
ho had bought of a fellow who ho
thought had stolen it. There were
lock. , window fasteners , etc. , and ho
had bought the lot for a dollar. Ho told
thoolliccr where ho could find the ono
who sold them , nnd Tyson giing to
the Haloon pointed out , thcro found
the ono wanted , who gave his name as
William Ross. Rosa was pretty drunk
when arrested , but on getting some
what sobered up yesterday trjunaled ,
nnd acknowledged that ho had stolen
them , or helped to steal the goods.
Ho said there were three othora , who
were into the job and going with the
ofliccr Boon pointed them out on the
atroot. The three young men thus
arrested on his squeal , gave tuoir
names AS Ilarry Cams , Frank IIall
and William Parsloo. Their cases will
set for thia morning nt 10 o'clock , bail
being fixed nt ( HOO each , Parsloo
wna the only ono nblo to furnish that
amount , nnd ho was lot free , while the
others were locked up. Parsloo has
friends hero , and it is claimed that his
arrest is a case of mistaken identity ,
and that ho will bo oblo to show him *
aolf innocent.
The plunder which the gang BO-
cured consists of some hardware
which was stored in a building owned
by Mr. Wheeler , Into proprietor of tno
Hovero houso. Ho had the hardware
on hand preparatory to using it in
Bomo houses which ha is building ,
There are also several overcoats which
the follows nro said to have picked up ,
and which belong to different parties.
The case of Tom Dorsoy , charged
with highway robbery , was again
called in Justice Frainoy's court yes
terday , but as no prosecution appeared
the prisoner wns discharged , There
will bo some surprise at this termina
tion of the case and much righteous
indignation. There seemed enough
evidence to convict Dorsoy , and to let
n case of highway robbery tall to the
ground thus is a shame to the admin
istration of justice in thia community.
It nppoara that Doruoy and a fellow
named McCarthy assaulted an old
man named Schmidt and a boy named
Miller and took a vuliso from the old
man and an nccordoon from the boy.
Oflicors Sterling nnd Morse captured
the two , as they were going through
the vuliao , and suirled for the station
with them. Sterling took Dorsoy und
got him safely locked up , Morse took
McCarthy , who was wanted for biting
oil'young Gibson's oar , but on thu
way to thu station McCarthy broke
and run. That easily diipjsed of hia
Citao. Now Dprsoy has been dis
charged , the prosecution failing to ap
pear. Schmidt , the old man who was
robbed , was anxious to got at his woik
again , nnd BO his tostimouy was taken
last Saturday , nnd the case continued
until Monday. The boy disappeared
also. John Lindt was the attorney
for the prosecution , but claims that
ho was paid elF nnd discharged by the
old man last Saturday. It is innocent
ly supposed by many tax payers that
the county has an attorney
under pay to attend to the
prosecution of such cases , but
no prosecuting attorney appeared on
the scono. Thus Doraoy is sot froo.
In view of such facts , it looks OH if a
premium ia offered on highway rob
bery bore , and it ia not to bo won
dered nt that thieves nnd crooks find
in Council Bluffs a paradise. How
long the law-abiding citizens will
stand this sort of farcical proceeding ii
a mystery. An old man is knocked
donn on the streets nt night and ia
robbed. Two mon are arrested while
going through the old man's valise.
Ono is allowed to run away. The
other is identified by the old man ,
who gives in hia testimony nnd then
goes about his work. Continuance !
are had , and the second man ie
allowed to go free. A greater farce
can hardly bo conceived. If this ia ti
bo kept up longer , there is little ust
of the law or oliicors to execute it.
Burt Carter , arrested for gottini
$ < from 0. R. Mitchell , of the Rod
Island house , on the strength of i
forged order , bearing the name o
another boarder , who had credit , wn
called up yesterday afternoon , bu
continued until Thursday next.
Koalor , the third baseman of tli
Leadvillo Blues , lot hia temper gc
away with him ut thn game hero Sal
urday afternoon. Sumo rude boy
were indulging in some aggravatin
cat-calls , nnd Kcsler marched over t
them , and instead of go !
ting thn right ono , slappc
an inoffensive youngster ucroi
thu face , and very severely , causin
the blood to How Jrcely. IIo was ai
rested for assault , uavu bail until yoi
' torday , and appealing buforo Justic
d Frainoy was lined $ f > nnd costs , n ver
Unlit penalty for such an not.
Still Bates , who was arrested ft
assault , was discharged yesterday , tl
complaining witness not idontifyir
him as the man who thumped him.
Qrnnu Pull and Winter Opening.
A matter of much interest to tl
ladies of Council Binds nnd Wostoi
Iowa is the fact that Mrs. Biles wi
exhibit her latest French pattern ha
and bonnets on Friday and' Saturdf
the 20th and 21st of thia month. A
are cordially invited to attend. 3
Klduey Complaint Cured
U. Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , writes : '
hate been tor over ayeamulijoct to verio
dUorcUr of the kidneys , urn ! often un li
to attend to bimiu ! > iaI ; procured your 111'
not-K liLOoi ) UiiTKHH , nudwaa relieved t
fore hulf a Iwttle wus used , 1 Intend
continue , M I feel confident that they w
y , entirely cure we. " Price $1.00.
! * DomocrUlo Delegated.
The democratic town convention
be called to meet nt the court house at
o'clock to-morrow afternoon. T ]
following are the delegates chosen
the several wards :
First ward Jno. Lindor , A. Oboi
Tom Skinner , G. A. Holmea , Jn
" ' Dunn , D. W. Price , 1 . Lacv , 0. 1
Waltere , F , 11. Ounclla , 0. E. ln
on , R , ilain , W. R. Vaughn , Ohs .
liarlcghiuson , S , Paine , L. Beaurkatn-
pen , Jas , Wicklmtn ,
Second ward J. .1. Lulz , J. 0 ,
Tipton , K. K. Bates , N. Schtirz , T.
Lind , J. N. Bcckloy , H. 8. lliwlini ,
R , HarringtonP. Bacblertl. ICracht ,
J. 0. DoUaven , M. T. Rohrer , IJ.
Schmedekc , II. Wngner , J. R. Stagg ,
W. Steinkopf.
Third ward-F. VSpotman , M.
Keating , M. Mohn , E. A. Bccknr , E.
A. Brittnn , J. 0. Morgan , D Holts ,
M. G. O'Cjnnor , A. 0. Graham , J.
Fourth ward * K K. Aylesworth ,
E. A. Troiilman , W. 0. .lames , II.
Paschal , B. T. ConnoriU. . D. Atny ,
Win. Onloin , S. T. McAttce , C. R.
Mitchell , H. Apple , M. Key , J. N.
Siwcarengin , EJ. Nutt , I' . J. Mo-
Mahon , S , P. Hannon , M , Htudin ,
O. P. Wickham , Wells Cook.
. t ! ORBS ALE.
My rcaidonco/No. 715Fonrth slroot
Bancroft'L. / . F. MuitriiY.
Iloar Iiofnro Condomnlng.
Mre. Benedict , who is engaged in
the work of establishing a homo for
fallen women ut Des Moinca , in an
address delivered in that city , takes
special pains to advertise myself nnd
my house , nnd in a most unjust man
ner , twisting facts into the moat palpable -
blo falsehoods , either through being
misinformed by others , or by a dcsiro
to give something 'sensationalwhore
thcro was no truth out of which to
frame a nonsatiun. The Nonpareil
having given publicity hero to her ad
dress , I desire to make a plait ; state
ment of the facts , that all may BOO
what injustice has been done mo. 1
never mot Mrs , Benedict but once ,
Then Bho called at my house , and de
sired to olTer prayer I informed her
that I liked prayer well enough , but
did not believe in prayer in n sporting
house , and asked her if money would
not answer her as well an prayor. She
thought it would , and I pave her a
liberal donation for the cause aho was
engaged in. In return she publicly
states that I am aiding in the ruin of
youug girls , and am in partnership
with u railway conductor who gathers
them in for mo. The simple facts of
thu that the so-called " "
case are - "girls"
are professional , experienced sporting
womt.n , who have boarded in Chicago
and other cititH before coming hero ,
and came of their own free will and
accord. She sayn that "ono of thorn
was oocn to become n mother aud that
the unborn babe , if a daughter , was
Bold to Belle Clover to pay for I ho
mother's board and nursing. " The
fact is that thn ono referred to was not
in that condition when alio entered
my house , but became BO afterwards ,
and as I have always done , I cared for
her at my own expense , and , saw
that aho had all needful comforts
going HO far as to cloeo ono house en
tirely , that she inight occupy it undis
turbed , and allowing her a young lady
comrade to care for her. After thua
caring for her , it aoema that Mrs.
Benedict in making such charges
shows leas charity , loss kindliness , lots
aonso of justice than is common among
these whom she looks down upon ai
the fallen. AH to the girl being se
duced under promise of raaniago , 01
clandestinely leaving her father's
house , together with other romantic
incidents , thrown iu to make it scnaa-
tiopnl , and thrill the sisters , IB all
boah. Whatever I may have done ,
and none are perfect , the charges
thus publioly madu are false through
COUNCIL BLUKFH , October 14.
Attention , Knlguta.
All members of the order of the K.
of P. in this city are most earnestly
requested to bu present at Castle hall
on Pearl Btroot , at 7:30 : p , m. , Tucs
day evening , October 17 , 1882. No
time to spare. All members of executive
cutivo nnd nil sub'Commiitoea
' uro ex
pected to bo there aa the various re
ports must be made by that time so
that the work assigned can bo carried
out , W. R. VAUQIIAN ,
Pren. Kx. Committee ,
E WIN J AIIIIOTT , Secretary.
Wuat 13aa Ho Done ?
Wo desire to uak the people whc
have the possibility of his election in
their hands whether action as n rail
way uommiRgionor has boon such as tc
recoininond Mr , Anderson's promotion
to u higher ollicc ? What has ho done
for the benefit of the people in the
ollico which ho now holdb ? Wlml
recommendation hoa ho madi
as a commissioner calculated t (
correct the unjust rates o
freight on the truuV lines of railway
whereby the farmers of Iowa are deprived
prived of n large part of the anniia
production of their farms and of thci
own labor } Before Air. Anderson i
elected to another position of greatei
respunsibity wo have n right to knot
whether ho has been u faithful publii
servant of the people in thu
which ho now holds.
The "Chicago and St. Louis pee
lines" embrace the trunk lines of rail
way that run through our aUto , Whil
Mr. Anderson is running for congre :
in this district the people are defray
ing his electioneering expenses , ii
part by paying him a salary of thru
thousand dollars n year .under the hn
preision tnat ho is trying to protoc
their interests against the legalize-
robberies of the railroad corporations
lias Mr , Anderson entered any pro
if si against the "now tariff which ma
terially increases the present rates" o
the Iowa pool lines ? Did ho presen
himself us an ollicor of this state a
the Chicago mooting and outer hi
protest against the further robbery c
the people whoso servant ho is ? Whs
has lie done to protect the iutercntso
the farmers and producers of Iowa ?
Aa aoitizan of Iowa wo are aihame
to say that ho has taken no action t
prevent this now echomo of robber ]
While the vultures have been layin
their plant * for u now combination b
moans of which they will filch froi
the fanners of the state the profits c
their crops produced this year , Mi
Anderson has been organizing cat
CUBCB and executing postollico bom
IB and manipulating delegates so that 1 :
1 might secure uu election to coiigres
While ho has been neglecting his dut
10 a public oflicer the Shylocka nt Ch
in cage have qulo'Iy arranged to lloe <
the pooylo. Glenwood Journal ,
t ,
o. Til-Faded article * of all kinds r
[ > stored to their original beauty t
* Diamond Dyes. Perfect and simpl
.B. 50 cents , at all druggists ,
Chfrolcco county farmer * nre loilng their
noun by dlreasc.
The caUtngnu of Cornell college atMt.
Vernon ! IOWH an attendance of 371.
Ov r 141 medical s'udenU regNtered at
the college In IOWA City Thursday.
The People' * Dcfende * In ft jmticr st rtod
IiiAtwecknt Missouri Valley by M. H.
li'fthop Mullen Ii working m > Ihi tire
jeet of n Catholic college to be under the
nuttjlceiof the ihurch nt 1'iuenpott.
Two > e rnngo the * ito of Mnnnlc-
Carroll cmnly , wn < a barren WAMC , sn to
ne k. but now the place hat -x imputation
of l.'OO.
Wm. Hrouii , of Xa hvllle , Tcon , a col.
ord roiut.ftboiit , ha * rwlttitted the stabbing
of Mnloney , near K "oknk , ou Sunday
nlRht , but pleads eelf-defente ,
llva Sonc : , a yourj ; womnn of nlxt en
yearn , committed suicide hi OlklJen , Car
roll c itmty , en the 10th imt , by shooting
herself through the head with n rev Iver ,
A rnnu named Ilnybcr was nrrestcd iu
le Molntin on Wednesday , charged with
embezzling cm/ildprahln / inonuy fnuri hi < j
Dartoer Inn Btoieln I'lijtiiii , . < outh of 1'oit
Dftdge ,
John Nieolyo of Sibley wan carripj
around the tumlillrj rod of n tlitcahici ;
machine , and both hone < of the right lea
were broken tiiiarely | oil between the knee
and ankle , on Wednesday.
Last Wednesday the Uubuqtio police
captured A. T. Dorinau , for whom they
mvo been 1 rolling since lait Juno. Ho In
charged with having taken unto hluieelf
too much wife at one time.
Mrx. N. Ii. Collins met nlthn painful
icclrient In Dee Moinea on the 10th , she
'ailing from the top of two flight * of Blairs
to the hottom , .She broke ono of her arms ,
M vhouldor , and sustained serious cuts on
th bead ,
A Muscatlno young man , employed as a
marry hand In a qmrryln Marion county ,
oat his llfo ou the litn by n maH of earth
: aving upon him. Ho was only buried
jelow the waist , hut heforo | hU comrades
could oxtrlcato him a largo rock fell , mash-
"ng his head beyond recognition.
Doreoy Again In Jail.
Tom. Dorsey , who was yesterday
released from ono charge of highway
robbery , was hat night re-arrested for
robbing a 0. , R. I. & P. conductor
named O'Bermoyer of a valisn , near
ho depot. Djrscy resisted the ollicers ,
but a gun vias brought to bear on him
and ho was at lust lodged in jail
If Adam had had n gnino of "Fifteen"
[ ilaced in hia hand at an early period of
: iU ejdntence , tin hoe ! course oi history
night have been ni.'iteria ly altered for the
bettor , and if blllluusneeri , indigestion , sick
lieadache or dyspepsia were unknown ,
SruiNit BLOSSOM would not bo needed ,
Price 50 centa , trial hottlcH 10 centa ,
Planning for f atrontigo.
If Mr. Pusey should bo elected ho
would have nu intluonco with the ad
ministration and would have no voice
in the distribution of patronage.
[ Nonpareil.
The above sentence shows what John
Uhapman is fighting for. Ho must
have all tbo federal tfliccs under his
direct control. To do thia ho must
elect Anderson. Ho did not want so
pure a manna Judge Heed , because ho
would not have been a tool. For four
years Chapman plotted , planned , bar
gained nnd sold his soul to the devil
and hia body to corruption to gain the
nomination of eomo man who would
do his bidding. Was Anderson nomi
nated for the party's good ? Surely
not ; any other man would have polled
a heavier vote. For whoso good ,
then , was ho nominated ? For John
Chapman's. The Nonpareil is
alarmed and says it is dangerous to
send n democrat from thia district.
Whyr didn't it think of rhn
before the convention ? The ropubli
catiB of thia district who ewe
the ring no debts of gratitude and who
want no future profit from that source
will not bo forced into voting for a
man who bought hia nomination.In
1882 thu republican party in conven
tion assembled , declared it to bo the
duty of the party and of good mon to
doieat a bad candidate whenever nomi
nated. If there over waa a time when
hat resolution ehould bo enforced it
s to. day. It demands the defeat of
Anderson. U'ulitut
Never too JLate to JMond.
TI M. .1. Arden , William street , Kaat
lullftlo , write * : "Your SritiNu BLOSSOM
ma worked < n tno splendid. I had no
ppetlte ; need to nleep badly and get tip in
he morning unrefrt'ghed ; my brcuth was
ery oifn > ive and I uulFerca from novoro
jeadache ; since tiding your Spring Bios-
oiu nil theao tymptoma have vanished ,
md 1 feel quite well. " 1'ricj f > 0 cente ,
rial bottles' 10 cents ,
A Heavy Defalcation.
Ipeclal Dispatch to Tim HKK ,
PFKIN , 111. , October 10 John
Hack , a well-known merchant , also
irc'sidont and secretary of the Crown
lietillinu Company , thiH city , in whicl
) , T. Mills , ot Boston , ia brgoly in-
crested , left hero September 30th for
loston , and in said to have sailed fat
Europe October 4th. Investigation
iroduces the conviction ho has default-
> d to liin partners and hcvti victimized
relatives nnd widows nnd orphans ,
The defalcations aggregate over $15-
Persons recovering from wasting
diseases , auoh an malaria , fevers , etc ,
will bo greatly benefitted by the UHI
of Brown's Iron Bitter , a trtio tonic ,
Jit It is for U th painful tlLxtaMi of th
It clcaoic * the uitcmorthe acrid poison
Ihut cause * tlio dwadTul uffcrlng whlcli
only the vlotiim of rheum U m can re lw.
of tha wont torn * ol thl terrtblo dl c * e
li ve been quickly rclloved , andlaauort
' I1UT , SOLO . / 1IUIC01ST8.
MES , fl , J , HILTON , M , D. ,
222 Broadwwr. Co nil oil Bluffs
I.D EBMTODSOS , . fc. Ul'a RT. i. W.BrKHBl
1're.ldenL Vlcu-l'rtVt. Ca > blor.
Of Council Bluffs.
Orvtnliod under the lawi of the UUte of lowi
1'ild up capital . , . . H.W
AuthoiUed capital , , . . , , , , . , . . , . 200,00
Interest paid on tlmo deposit * . Draft ! l au&
on the principal cltlej of the United Slatun an
Kurope. Special attrutlou iht : to collsctlon
and corroapjudtnce with prompt rcturnn ,
J.D.Edranndwn , E.Ubhu rt , J
W. W , WalUw , JW. . Rodlei , I , A. MtUji
& .W. SUcvt.
NOTIOE.-Sped l a < it ertlnement * . uc an
xwt , Found , To Lo n , For S le , To Rent ,
WtnU , Boarding , etc. , will b Interted In thli
column at the ow rate of TEN CKNTfl PER
.1KB for the Urst Insertion nd FIVE CENT'
T.R LTNE for e ch subsequent Insertion
/civs lulv ertlierncntf t our office , No. 1
'mrl Utront. nfir Hnvlwnv
WAXTKIl A No. I fiwtiiiMur. nl o Panta-
liion in.ik r > , ( IrrmanorHnidf. Only the
pyst IcCniln nic l Inqtilru. HI tail } emploj inent
omuh liiiiuli , anil lilslur prliuH iuf < l llian the
i t In Omalia. Cliarci I tier , intrclinnt I llor ,
> \ols new bullillntr , Nortli Mnln trict , Council
illlllH , llW.I.
WANTKtl A vnni\ girl cm find > efol phco
t TOS.i-r. ( ithate. , and 7th at MM A
n. Wilder. ortlG-5t
'ANTKIl A srno'l l > f > v nbou * IB or It years
of MIR ik' Etc nhllber's ( tirnl'ure ' factory.
, NTFU-A mtuitlon i li'oixd Mid dkp
halier. Kcqtilro at firr dlka
NTS WAXTFIi-l/wly ranxaiiwM In
Ad Council lS'ufT and O nln to ctn\a fo'
Mrs Owon't TooV Hook " The latcct , moat
< O ) > lirnnj best stlllnp : Ijook ! < niil
Address , O. K. AI.T.KK.
nun office , Ornih * .
WANTFI ) Itrme-'l.itely th'ce or four pal-
> nl7eil Irfn cotnlco m kcnund rooffrs
t .IDirN KI'ENETEU , 807 Broadway , Council
* , U. 12-3t
\TrANTFK 400 orfiOn busheli of olH whlto
VV corn at Ma } re i. Co. , corner North 6th ami
w AXTKD A ? lrl for ccncml hou onork In
a ftinall fanill } , rniiilro | II. C. UfO rfliie. ' *
: > .r :0 building * to move.Vc tntkc
a | Mil Ityof ino\l a houson and safiwl
\ ddre"V. . 1' . AjlcDUorto , bo87 , Conncll
IluITi , tit.
Kvcrybod } lu Council lilufla It
WANTEIJ Tin UBB , 20 cents per week , ae
iTcrod by carrlcra. Offlco , No 7 Pearl Street
near Broadway.
To bur afho ortlx rcora houeo
WANTKD Initallmehts if $25. l'-O.
) C.\ DOS
To uuy 100 tona broom cora
WANTED addroea Council tlluOi
llroom F rtcrv , Council ninfl9 , IOWA. 058-2911
For Sale and Rent
IIKNT FuniMicil rooms to rent , with
board , nt 7.T < i 31J nfcter fctrtct. Day Uunt
SLA ) per week. ocutl7 lt
RIO UKNT A < ! cw ruble ollici on first Ibor.
JL ! A. II. MAYNE .V CO. , No. .11 1'iarl ttreot.
Foil IIKNT Airy plosint newly built
hous , Krankllii t. Ta uu rcisouablc , A.
U. JIAY Nb A : CO. , No. 84 1'uul street.
I.1OK tiMjtf llea-iuiul reaidvnc < > Tou , COO
P each ; nothlui' down , and Spcriroiith only ,
upl3-tf .
QT1LL AHEAD Great auccew. Cell an 1 ecu
O new acocxaorics and specimens o ( pictures
: a enli- the reliable gelatine brouulde proccds ,
at the Kxcclnlor ( iallerv 10 iMftln street.
. W. L. PATIUN f byslclan and Oculist.
DU. euro any CJMA of sere cye . It Is only
a matter of t'mo , and can cure generally In
Irom thrco tc five neoko It makes 110 differ
ence how long dlaoaaud. Will stra'.ghtcii ' cross
eyes , operate and remove I'tyreplnuiu , etc. , and
Ineort nrtlllcial eyes. Special attention to re-
movclng tadeuorma apE-tf
Council bluffs'
Business Directory ,
Art Gallery.
Exculstor photograph gallery. South llxin St.
InstanUincoua ] > roeo < a.
C. Cr.ISE , Upper Uro&dHiy.
Bottling Works.
. HAGG A CO. , Kivst Pierce St.
P. AYKKS , 617 S. Main St.
Bathing Houses.
MRS. K. J. HAKDING , II. D. , Broadway and
DR. STUDLKV , Ilettcsda Bathlnp House ,
Broad iva ) .
Books and Stationery.
II. K. 8KAMAN , Jllddlc Ilroadwny.
OFFICER tc PL'SKV , corner Broadway and Oth
C1TI2RNS' HANK , Dthctrcft.
Broom Factory.
MAVNK&CO. , atcnuoA.and Cth St.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TISIPLCTON fc I.A1I11. 232 Ilroad ay.
F. II. I.KVIN , : m Ilroadwav.
L. IIOEKIIOFF , D31 Jlaln b't.
A. 11. MAY.NT. & CO. , 31 Pearl St.
J. UOSS , P15 Kofi Ilrondway.
H1NTO.V iVI T , It Pearl St.
Dry Goods
UA ] < KNKSSOKCUTT& CO. , Ilroad ny and
Itli Btrrt't.
O. F. Cll.\VrORI > , S19 Main St.
Furniture Manufactory.
K. It. STEIMIlMIKIt , mr. Till n\c anil 12th St.
Furnttura Store.
C. A. IIKiilKJC : ( > . , SUTuiil 209 llnxulnay.
Groceries and Provisions.
OU.IV1.T. K ORAIIAM , Mh ftrect. Ooo < L )
Hold ut t'ontirn jirlct'H und Kii
Harness and Saddlery.
CIIAS. WAI/TK11& 11KO. , Jllddle llroadway.
C1IAS. IIKKMANiil : ; Middle
Hair Qoods ,
JIRS. 1) . A. I1KNKDICT. .137 Went
MILS. J. J. GOOD , ' "J Cthktnct.
Livery Stables.
A. COMITON , 2 ) llroa.lw > .
W. C. HOLLAND , 700 Koutll M.ill. SL
II. HKrX'ROFT , opp. I' . 0.
CODES HOUSK. Upi < cr llroadway.
KIKL'H 11UTKL , Wl und W7 Main btroot.
Meat Market.
F. . W.TICK.VOIt , KM llroaduay.
J. J. JIUSS. S'JS llrcsulua ) . Come and exaui-
Ino tor > our ell.
MRS. J. E METCAI.F , M8 Ilrcd ay.
Marble and Granite Works.
CONNOR fe OUANKI.I.A , 117 l
Merchant Tallori.
JA8. KIIAKKV , 3T'Ilroailwaj. .
CIIAS. ItlCI' , IMol'd bulMlng , 5th auJ JUlr
trit t.
JOMllKITGIl , 3101tioa.l tij
Deal Estate and Abstract.
KIMIIAI.L A CHAMP , opposite court house.
J. W. SQUIRE Ai CO. , c-onitT 1'rcrl andltt t\c.
SMITH &I.VUCUEN , 4U1 IiroaJ ay.
Stoves and Tinware.
R. P. AMY & CO. , MX ) South Main ttmt
Shirt Factory ,
F. F. FORD , corner lllufl and WUIo St
MORGAN , KELLER & C . , aifi and 317 hroad
uav ,
D. M. CON.VKLL , 17 North Milu St.
Broadway , and Foni li Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Headquarters For ihe Cele
Weber Pianos
, TJ
DL Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
.A. Address ,
.A.O Z
a a
Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2,00
Bluff and Willow greets. . Council Eluffs ,
EL It.
We make the following a specialty :
,11 , orders nnd correspondence promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory * k jf
S. JB. Oor. 7th Ave. and 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ' % i felI I *
_ _ _ fHT r
: x&'s. T
The finest quality nnd largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalic cases.
'Jftlln attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices ,
) ur Mr. Morgan has served UK undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understand *
lisbuaineM. WAREROOMS , 3-16 AND 357 BROADWAY. UpLlsterlnVfa
,11 , its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tele-
graphlc and mall order * filled without delay.
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Bc r and n-aU many quant It ) [ to suit piirchMfirs. Ilrcr 18.00 per barret. Private faml.lea cup.
llcJ WiUmmill > . < ; ; < at jl.CQpacti , del Tered 'rcoot ' c > argo to any put of thn city.
Orders fllleil In any pirtcf the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AUENT FOR Joseph SchliU Brewing
t'ompany'H Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Town. Orders from the sountry elicited
City orrlerH to fnmillon .rid ddlau delivered free ,
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Whvlcunu i and Retail Dutlcro In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Merchant Tailor
Alwayikeepa onbandtheBnedtasBcrtnwsiitof mat rial ( orgentlemen's wear. BatlafactlongraranUtd
Millinery , Dressmaking , Etc. Gutting and Fitting a Specialty.
No. SIS Broadway , Oppciito Kevcro HOUBO ,
Laces , Embroideries , anil Ladies Underwear.
Handkerchief ) , bON ol all Kindt , thread , rim , needles , etc. We hope the Ualej will c ll
tnd f > ea cur itoci ot ucods.
Merchant Tailor.
( Lata Cutter for Metcali' 11 . , } _
Devol's New Building , Main Street.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Suits to oriler ? 18 and upward * .
J. F. KIMBALL. GEO. 11 , OHABI1 * .
( Successor * to J. P. & J. N , Cauody. )
Abstract. Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
Weba > etheonycompUteMtoUl ! > 4tr ctbcokBlo allclty lot and land ) In t-ottaaUml
eaintv Tltlct examined red abitractt lur libtd en iticrt cctkf. Uoney to loin en i > ity and fim
urooertV. toit u > d tcng time , In umi to ult the horro r. Itu.U tJtv bought in-J ( old , Offli
M th oW tanl opposite co ut bniwa