Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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Be Nebraska National Bank ,
Of Omaha , Nob.
Paid up Capital , - - - - $250.000
8. n. JOHN80M , tVn-idfr-t.of Mock , John-on .V ,
A. B. TOU7ALJN , Vloo rrwJd t , of C. , H. ft o
It K , , Ikwton.
W. V. MOK8B , of W. V. Mnr o& Co.
J01IS 3. COLLINS , of 0 , II. A J. S. Collltw.
J , M. WOULWOKTII , CoviKcilor S AUornoy-ftt-
U 8 , KEKD , of Bj-ron KcoJ & Co.
11. W.ATKS , Oashlor , hto Cashier of the Klrst
Na'lonul lUnkoffmahis and cvjnnoctM with
th cU\cm < uia < ; fmcnt Kink einco 1.8
In 1SG3.
business April 57 , If * ? , with the
Unco t c plUl ot any bsnk In Nibr tJ < .
Oou.KaiONsrc.ehonpccUl attention and ch i-
yes Ijwo t obUln&b'o hero or elccwlioro ,
iNTiMMTa'loAtdon time deposits upon f < or-
able toniM MII ] Uion | : ooutUof bunks nt.d link.
KORKU * EvriiAxait , Oavcrnmonl Bonds , mid und 01 ) tocurltlcs bujlit and ild.
It la i rep nxl t J d i ( funeral Inklnif bmlnoss
la all It * dctollt , on J In thu trc otn.cnt tt custom-
era will punmg the most liberal ] policy consistent
with Kifti banklnn
Ilpttch to TH * URR.
NKW YORK , October 16 ,
Money Market at C@G per cent , clott
ing at G per cent.
Prinio Mercantile Paper 6@8 per cent.
Sterling Kxnhnngo Steady ; bntikera'
bill * . $4.81 ; demand , $4.85 $ .
. ' . Governments ttroug ; J per cent higher
for extended 6'a , i per cent higher for 3's
and 4'u , nnd unchanged for 3J's.
The stock market opened generally
and 1@J per cent lower than a * .
> y'a elocc , Immediately aiter the
opening prices further docliued a fraction ,
after which there was an advance of J@J
per tent , Iu the early afternoon a doclk
rang'og from i tj 2J per cent was
recorded , followed by a rally of \ < a.jj p r
cjnt. The market closed generally strong ,
but with prices i@2J per cent lower than
Saturday's cloaiug tigures.
Saturday. To-day.
6-8 lOOg 101JJ
4J'a Coupons Il2 | llj
* * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
Pacific G'i oY 1833 . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 13o"
Central Bftsifio firsts Ill 111
Brie seconds 110 011 }
Lehigh & Wilktwbarro > t 03 ICO
Louisiana ouuaola GUJ G'J
Missouri G's 11U ) 112
St. Joseph t ' 5 | liG
Bt , Paul & . Sioux City firsts..110 110
Teunoaseo G'n 50 49J
do new 50 toj
oxai & Pacific land graute. . 6i G ,
do U. G. div. . . . 8V 50J
Union Pacific 1st mortgage..IMj 116
do land grants. . . U i 110
do Binlung fund. . 117 ill"
Virginia G'a 35 31
do coiihom G's 57 5li
do delerrad 13 l.T
AdaniB Express 135 135
Allegheny Central 20J
/ Alton & Terre Uuuto 3'J 38
/j do pfd. . . . 82 80
* jf American Express 95 05J
ff ryr Burl. , Cddar-lUpids & North. 80 80
Lj5 ? 'Cannin Southern G6 6n |
Ool. , Cm. & Ind. Central. . . . ! 9 100
Tj Central Pao.flj . 901 ! 0
,1 ChesapeaKe & Ohio 24J
do 1st pfd 'Mf ,
do 2d pld 2GJ
Chicago & Alton 141 IS'J.J
do pfd MO 140
Chi. , Hurl. & Quincy I OJ IzOJ
Chi. , St. L. & > e v ( irleiins. . 78 7o
Gin. . S-nd & Cleveland. . , 00
Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati 8.J
DeUwaro & Hudson canal 11HJ
Del. , Lick. & VVcatern : 4
Denver & Uio Grande & : il CO ?
Krie 41A -\i
do pfd bui 81J
Siaat Tenueittoo 1""A
do preferred 1151
Fort Wayne & Chicago 13GJ iau |
Ilaunibal & St. J oaeph 45 43
do pfd. . . 77 7b'
i Harlem iiUO 2uO
' , Houston & Ter H Central 78
Illin jis Central -HDi H51
Ind. , Ulooin. & Woutern H 4l
Kansaa&Texaa 31 3i
Lakt Krio & Western 32
Lake Shore & Michigan So..lllj > Diij
Louisville & Nashville fil
Loui-v , , New Alt ) . & Chicago . , . 05
Marietta Ii Cincinnati lat pfd . . . 15
do do Ud pfd . . . B
Memphis & Charleiton 48
Michigan Central 'JSJ OS
Miniieaixilia & St. Ljuia 10' $
do pfd. . . . 7u
MiaBouri Pacific 101S KM
Mobile it Onio 118
M. ihuttuu ISeach 121
Nimhvillo & Clmttinooga 7lj 713
New Jersey Central ' 55 ]
NorfollVo fjru
djpreferrfl )
Northern Pacific 45' 4-4
do pf'l S ) Z 0 i
North wrestera 112/C / 142
do pfd li > < ) i 1.ri l
New York Ce'itral U'4
Ohio Central
Ohio Sc , Mississippi H8J , 38
do pfd 65 105
Ontario & Western 127
Pacific Mall 38J
4Panama 1H ( KJJ
' Peoria , Decatur& Evansv. . . 2J ? 'J7
> Pi > t lwrB d ; Cleveland 138 138
Heading IGO
liock Island 130 } , 131
tit. Louis & San Kr n 37
do pfd 373
do lat pid . . . 05
Bt. Paul & MJwaukt * 10K lOi
do pfd..122 122
3t PanlJ Minn. & Manitoba. 158 15-A
Bt. Paul & Omfthn 47fc 47
do pfd. 105(1 ( ,10i (
TCKM & Paotfio 4 y mi
Union Pacifio 10i lOGi
United Statoa Expres 70
V/ab ah , St. L. a Pacific. . . . S ; |
< 1o pfd.CSi 't > 04
W U , Kurgo & Co. KxpresH , . . . ' 12U
Weitern Union Telegraph. . . 8i 82J
OatiboH , . . .
Central Arizona
Excelsior , 1
JlocentnVe 17
Little PitUburg 1
OnUrin ; r.
QuiokliUcr j :
do pfd .10
Bitve cutf" ; ; ! ! ; ; ; ; ! ! ! ! ! ! ' . ; ; l ?
Bouth Picitio in
Standard 4
fintro i
Offered. tKx. Interest. J.Hked ,
Dividend. /
Bpeclkl Dl patc * to Tim lire.
CHICAGO October .
, lO.-Flour-StpgJy
„ and hn.i ; comiunu to choice [ > t\nt \ vUe t
7 KKS f' " ; Cl"n'"u ' to Jancir M nun-ox
400@GOO ; Minnemtu i atent , G6ta7i5 ( ;
- - O"f - p , - '
Uhtcago spring ,
Corn-Active , firm and higher ; BS ? for
° ? ; Ci > i@GSJc for October ; G7J@G73c for
'VVt-iib'iGJofortho ; ye r ; MHo ( or Jan
Ury ; 6fl ; for May ; rejected , G'JgGSc.
. , . ' u ijspr
3o@3i5 ( ! for each ! 3.1j for October : 3IJc
tor iNovtmbir ; * 4a forthoyout ; 3ij ( for
May ; rtj-ctcd , Sljc.
U > o-S.oad/und unclmneed ; 69c.
.rlcy Market e icr ; Sic.
Klax AeA - Mmkot euler ; 1 18@1 IU.
Unttcr Stoilj ; unchanged ; f irdrmand
for choice to fancy croatnet ) , 3l@S3cfitirtn ;
tfood , 2Ga2'c ( ) ; gMKt to choice cluirv , 2.i@
SJc ; iiHcbin. stock , liOlSc ; coiumon to
ICugK Sto.vly end uni hAncrdj 23c.
Pork Stton ? anct oriccs higher ; V4 51
21 Ii2c for c ah ami Octo'itr ' ; 'Jl I. > d2l-I7i
f. > rN-v mbor ; llG7J@1970 ) for the vie :
19 .V7i@19 40 for Jamnrj ; JO ir.19 6u
for May.
Lirl Ft'oitr ami higher ; 1300 foren b
and Ootobor ; 12 42J a 12 43 for November ;
UG-@li70 for ttmjear : 11 I2jfll 4 ,
for .Intamry and ) ; 11 66@ll 674
for May.
Hulk Meati Domsml fur ami prices
huher ; sbo ddeir , 10 23 ; short ribs , 15 00 :
Bhnrr. clear , 1523.
WhUky Steady at 119.
Freight Hates on corn lo Uulfalo , 2J@
2 ? ! .
CAM. lUuni ) Wheat -Irregular : reuu
lar , i'ljfi ' ) f..r October and the > ear ; 978 tf r
" 'o eiiiter ; 1 OJ for Mv. .
Oort Uglier ; ti ga fur October ; G7o for
November ; 67go for January ; 67jjj fur
Oats Generally unchanged but some
sa'ts ' rather higher.
P tk Moderately active and higher ;
213.--or October ; 21 40 for Novcinler ;
19 37J f < r January ; It ) 32J&19 35 for Fob-
rutry ; 19 45 for M ay.
L r - Irrepulai ; 12 9 i for October :
12 40@1212 | | for November ; 11 7C@I1 7J.J
( or thn year ; 11 174@ll 60 for January.
Nsw YOHK , Oc'obe'r 14. Flour
Finn ; HUperfins stnto weaferu. H 10
@IOO ; ciiimnoii to good extra , 1 00@
4 GO ; good ro rhnico1 G3@7 60 ; white
wheAt xtra , C 2.7 60 ; extra Ohio , 4 00 ®
7 00 ; St. Louis , 4 10@7 50 ; Minnesota pat
ent process , 7 00@8 7 .
Wheat Cash lit * ? @ 1z 1 \ higher ; options
lo ; No. 2 spring , 1 OG ; ungraded red ,
8ic@U2 ) ; No 3 10 , 107 ; atoatner No. 2
red. 1 06 a07No. ; 2 rod. 110ai ( 10 ? for
cprtihcate ? , lll@l 12 delivered ; No 1 red ,
1 M J ; mixed wluttr , 107 ; ungraded white ,
y2c@l 13 ; I\o. 3 white , 82c ; steamer Nn. 2
whlto. 85c ; No. 2 white , 1 OG@1 0 J ;
steamer No. 1 whltf , 10. < ; No. 1 white ,
27,000 bu. BoM at 112@l 13 ; No. 3 rod for
October , 130,0 0 bu. sold at 110@1104' ;
closing at 1 10 } ; do for November , G 4OoO
bu. mild ut 11 l@1 n % , closing at 1 113 :
do for December , 712.0'K ) bn. sold at 1 124
© 1131 , closing ut 1 13J ; do for January.
SGS.i 00 bu sold nt 1 IS l H J , closiug at
1 MJ ; do for February , 120.000 bu. sold at
1 U > J al IfiJ , closing at 115
Curn Excited nn l f io mh , nnd 2 < a3o
h'gher ; ungraded , 75@82 > ; No. 3,80)fe8lr ) :
No. 2 , tOJo in etoro. 8Ui in elevator , Klc
delivered : No 2 white , S-'c ; No 2 for Oc
tober , SOffgSlgc. cloaing at bO c ; do for Nu-
\ein er , 7Gj'aji9Jc ' ( , closing at Jc : do for
December , 7 J' ' "ic. closinr at 73J ; dj
for January , u.ijtgo.'t.jc , closing nt 04 0.
Outs Fairly actlyn aud Jalc h gber ;
mixed western , S7&\2c ; white we > tern ,
12 < i53c.
Hay Market dull and drriopinirGOe.
E gsFre h western , higher ; 27@28c.
Pork S'roiij , ' and higher ; new mess ,
Beef Dull a d unchinged.
Cut Me < tKDull and nominal.
Lard Woik ; primn hte.nn , 13 GO.
Butter Q liet , but firm for fine ; 15ji)35o. ( )
Chues-i .Marict dull aud we k ; western
flit , r @ 12c.
sr. LODIS.
Sr. Lonn , October 10. Flour-Steady ;
f imily , 4 054 20 ; choice to fnucy , 4 50 ©
5 20.
\\hcit-IIiRher ; No. 2 rrd fall , sold
straight up from OfiJ'gOGVc for cash ; 95o
for October ; 9J fe9GJ > tor November ; 9GJ@
'JHo for December ; Oo @ 93gj for the ye < ir ;
'J7ft@tSjfj ) for Janu4i.v : 1 ( ' 33 ' o/l Olft for
M yNo. ; 3 red f.II , 90J@92 j' bid ; No.-l
red lull , 87c
Co n Active , firm and higher ; especial
ly fur the year , cf which larue tales were
umd ; fiCrtgfiCJe lo ci h ; 65J l'Gj for Oc.
tobcr ; 5 ! < 1 aGJcl isiiiR at Ol ) i for Novem-
b r : 51J'a5'Jj. tloiint ; at 051o for the year ;
4'Ji@5UjJ i fur J.inuarv : 5tro2c ( for 'lay ,
Ojta Hiirher ; 33@3lj for cash ; : i3Jo for
October ; 3.4@3.Jo lor Nvrinb i ; 821 ®
3 S : for Dceuibei ; 32J@a2gc f.r ths yeai ;
3 He for iMny.
It e-Slowand firms'6G@53cbid ; ,
Butter liiyher ; oroiinery , 29@31e ;
dairy. 21 ( 28 .
Egitrt Sieady ; ISJf lOj.
Whiaky Stcad > ; 118.
P.trlt M.iketdud ; 21 75.
Bulk Mdftt * Nuthiutf doing
Hucciii Fiiinchoiililora ; , 11 25 ; abort rib ,
IB VChnrtccjr ; , 1725.
Lird D'lll and nominal.
Al'TliliNOON BoAiii ) Wheat Hither ;
I § 1 lor November ; ! :83 fur December ;
S)5/ ) / ; for the ) e ir.
orn Hotter fur fnr awa\ month : COo
> r Novem er ; 6Gc for thr year ; 50gj for
fumury : 6'u for May.
O -Itiuiicr ; 33J 1 for October ; 333 f jr
Novembii ; 33J i fur December.
ICANHAH CITV , Oitobcr IG Wlioat
Firu. ; N'u II red , ? 7a bil f iro-Oi ; N t. 2
r l , 8 i ) bid for cath ; 8 Jj fur November ;
)2J ) ) lor rlio yoir.
Ooni-Qiiet ; iS\n \ bid fur canli ; Ifio bid
r Novemoe.42Jj ; f or tlio year ; SUJtf fur
M < y.
O.Vn Qulet ; 30c for caMi ; 2yc bid f jr
NIIV. nib r
Butter Firm aH unchanged. , .n
K.'X8 titoddy ; 17c.
PEOIUI , October Hi - Corn Scarce and
Rtrusi ; high mixed , 71 (5.71Jc ( ; mixed , 71c ,
O 'ti bttudy aud lirui ; no. 2 ivhito , 38
He Du'.l und noiuinul ; No. 2 , 5t ) @
51)o \
JlishwinoP'irm ; 1 18.
LIUlllOOb ,
LIVKRPOOL , October 10. BreadctullM -
firta ,
\Vheat Winter , ha MOtii 7d ; apring ,
Coru-7n d.
COCNOIL lituirn , October IU. The
Council BlnfTd warketa carefully revised
to date are aa folia wa :
Flour Gulden Sheaf. 3 00 ; Kanoau City
winter wheat , 275@3 25Mluneota ; winter
wheat , 8 00u > 4 00.
Wheat Wo. 2 , 76c ; No 3. L * > 5c ; rejected ,
Corn No. 2 , 60s.
Oats -No. ' . ! , 30c.
Hye No 2 , Tia ,
Barh < > None.
Egg * .Scarce ; Fellin'a' to puckcn at 20a.
Curn MBA ! 1 CO for white ; yellow. 1 GO ;
corn ch p , J 00 per ton ; corn and eaU
t'hop , 2 > ! 00 ntr ton ,
FUUT1H Applea , 200.
Jlroon. Uora 3iC,9c.
Hay f . > , 7 MKg'J 00.
\ Vooao o ii oo.
Wool 1.10.
Kiitier Grsiiiutry , 30iiin ; roll1 * , * rcp <
< : eA. 20-JS rclld not wrftpi/od , 2Jj ; nnxoi
On oiiK lOc [ xiv linihrl
Iji 'u I liickc iu 2 60 r3 00 psr doten.
pttoes , SOp [ wr l u-hel.
C tiiv-ge * 2o-i-t ( a | r doi.
Tun ( i 30o per luisliel
Siii-et Curn 7o ptr d.izea.
LlVK aft ) K. Cattle . -Extra , 300 ©
, U < ) Veul Calves -B 60 ® ' ' DO. Hojg ;
7 C0c,7 ( 25 S | | ) < ' " -.M
to Tux But.
CHICAGO , Otjber 10 Th Drovew *
Jouraul rfiurtH u follow * ;
II IKS Demand better ; quUJty poo/ ;
market 5 ( izlOo higher ; common t Kf > dA
mixeJ. 7 00578i/j ! hf vy , 7 " CKg(8 ( JX
7 10@7 W ; skii , 1 W&G 75.
Cattle Trade quiet and values gener
ally lOc wo kerj good to chnici * hlpptop ,
5 20@tl 00 ; mod urn , 515 (2.6 ( 00 ; common
to , 1 OOC < ? 4 GO ; bntcbtn s-rcu dull
and 10cloerpoor ; to la-r , $223@323 ;
medium to good , 3 Mff ) I 00 ; mucker * mid
feeders steady at $3 16 © 123 ; dnlrr calvfn ,
? 10C3 ; < rl500per iieml ; isnge c.atle lOc
lowea ; Ttxan * . 373@475 ; Imlf.hue.sand
Aiiiericain > . 4 20jj& 10.
Sheep Wejk and low ; good sheep
scarce and slow ; inferior to l\r \ , 2 liO ©
323 ; medium to good , 3 IO&3 Ji.1 ; iholco
tot xtra. 100 ® 140.
Uritl'h table advlres to tb.9 Drovers'
Juinal repoit a b d brctk lu prices nf
American cattle , curient ratei holtitt 21
Inn or tlmu two weeks ago. < oad to
chuice Ainrtlcikii ttevrs , 13@14Jd 'per
pound , etlmutel iletd wil ht ;
i e < t gr de § making lijd.
Sr. Louis , October lf . CattleSupply
li > er < il | uriuiR Hun and ( lc lund g. od ; 110
de tit.b'.e shipping untivei otTertd , but
sumo good T xaua anil Imll.n gteoia
roulit ; 4 iO@4 15 on eastern accounl ;
niitu I u itlvu uutcbcrn' ft > ck Ivought 3 16
( glOO : native bulls of 1,0 < 0 pou.ds H Id
at 300 ,
Sliccp-Qiilotand slow ; 3 00@4 25 for
mcd.tun to tiiucy muttons.
Hogs Dull , weak and lower ; light
shi .plnu , 57 ? 00(2,7 ( , 60 ; mi\id pa kl
7 23@)7 ) 70 ; butcher/ extra heavy , 7 G5
KAMRAH CITY , October IG. The Ll\o
Stock Indicator repo t * :
Cattle Steady for natlvo.ibpt weak aud
a shmlo lowtr f T mtuo ctttli : Texan
tee l nVfrttKlug 81 i to 9.1 > pnU'iiN sold at
3 6j@3 95 , native t-iw , , 2 H3 SO ; uto.k
ers anj ti'cderp , 3 SO ® 1 23.
Ho s Firm nd n nhnde higher on boit
gr Jts , ti p weights bru'iiln , ; 8 00 , wit.i
the bulk ol fft'oi ' nt 7 : tja7 ( 75.
Sheau Steadimth01 Horn 100 to 120
pound * uld at 3 30 3 60.
NKW YoilK , October 1C. The Drovers'
Journal bureau reporte :
Uie\e ; < Market active and firm and
aboir Jo higher , with general range 1 (0a )
123 ptrhundrtd higher iheu on Mondxv
and Wofuetdiv of lust week : nidlanry ! .
piimo iKitlv , ) stccis htild ut 509'm70J ; pn
hundreJ , llvo weight ; extra do , 7 2 @ 7 ' 0 ;
half-breed uteers , 96'i@lO ' 7A ; I'm ' outride
fig'ins for ten ear loads that aveiaged
1,135 pounds ; exporteis used twenty car
lo df.
Sbtep Mai'iet barely steady for th ep
at1 CO fi 60 iir cwt. ; lambs uull aud
ea icr at , 5 0 © G 50 per cwt.
.Swine Weah ; 790@853 per cwt. ;
roughs sold at 7 25@7 60.
Special IMipatchea to Tin Dm.
NKWYpitKOctober 16. Coffee -Market
quiet ; Kiocargoes quoted at 7i10ie ] ; jjb
ota , @ ! Hc-
Sugar Dull and nominal ; fair to good
relliiiug imuted at 7 @ 7i <
Mol nnei Dull and unclmnued.
Klce--Quiet , but
Itangoon ,
KoBin-Weak ; 100@107A.
TurpentiLO Higher and firm ; 54c.
PITT ? lit' no , P * . , October 16 Petroleum
quiet ; united i ertilicites steady , close l ut
J2c ; ralinod , 7. , Phila'lelphin dd i\ery.
Special Dispxtcli lo Tun line.
LONDON , October IG. Tne Mark Lane
KxpresH , in a review of the Biiliuh gtaiu
tiadoof the pant weoV , says the weal bur
wan favorable. Soaie provinciul nmiketa
wire a hhilliiig higher fur fine dry wiioit.
In L mduu market prioea are unchanged.
Fluuruull. Lus quotatinLH nominally un
nettled. Barle > in steady dem.nd. Oats
iiaidenini ; . F. e'yn wnoat irado is in a
state of euspmife ; prices remain the same
except fur red winter , whicli is ui > out G.t
lifgbcr. i'lour laq'iutabiy unaltered ; utocUx
very heavy and imports liktjy to eoutiuue
on a laige eale. Muizd abuut 2s higher ;
the available supply being very small. Olf
c ait caigoe < very quiet , buyers uctini
wall great caution , .there were fifteen
: ieh .tnivils , teven carbons sold , RX ! with-
urawn btid tleveo rouiaiu , nine if which
are Auieiicuu. Oi-er twenty cargoes BIO
due ttjii week. M lea ot En li h wheat
the past Week 51,8,7 quartet * ) nt 39i5d ! ptr
quuiter , aga na' G.b7ti quarters nt 17d Id
lur the cui responding period ot list
Spcclil Dlipatchea to Tim I ! in.
CHICAGO , October 10 : Ueceiptn and
shlpjiouts of fl.iur und grain for the past
1huurrt have been an iullows :
Kteelitp. Ship'tH.
Flour bbls . 211 000 1 1 Ol 0
Wheat bushels . 1130,0 50000
Corn " . li'J.OOO 1'Ji OtKJ
Onu " . 60,000 110.IKX )
Hye " . H.50) ) G.600
Barley- " . CJ.OOO 4,000
NKW VOIIK , Ojtober 1C IteceipU arid
shipments of Hour ami grain for tlie past
'i hour * h vo been un folmwi- :
Kece'pts ' Shp'ts.
Flour -bbli . 2 , 'CO 4 ( Kl
Wheat bunhtla . 4 3 W ) ( ) I.'IIOIJH
Corn " . 8,80 I'.I.DdO '
Oata " . GO.UO 25.COJ
ST. I/JUJH. Octol-er 10. UecelptH and
hiiuinl [ ul fl..ur aijd giuin for the past
24 uoura huvu bttu i-a | , , lwf | :
Flour bbla . 11IKO. 14 WK )
Wbeat-bunhbls . 10(1 ( OdO IIUJOJ
Corn " . 10,00) 8,000
Oata - " . 4.V.OO . 3iO ; 0
! } y - " . 1,000 H.QUO
JJailoy- " . 11,000 .
KAKHAH CITY , October -Uecclpts !
ud shlpuisiitii of grain fir the pout 21
bourn hate been us follows ;
Keo'ts. Ship'ta.
Wheat , buahela " . 17,000 2.f,000
Corn . 2,0,0
lav * HTOCK.
CHICAIW , October 1C. lUcelptH nnd
shlpmeuU of live atock for the past 21
boura have been an follows :
Keo'tB. Bhlpm't * .
Hoga . o,00 2,000
Cftttlo . 7,000 1 tOO
Sheoj . . . . . . . . . 1,200 900
NuwYowc , October IC-KecelpU nnd
shipments ol llvo etnct for the pout 24
hours have been M follow , , ;
Ileo't ? . Khlp'tM.
4,000 , ;
lsooo .jo.- ,
Uvef quarter' . 2,780
Mutton carcasses . . . . . } { jj ;
* For the week.
ST. LOUIH , Ojtober 10 Ueceipta and
fh'pmentrf , < { live t > ck fat the piuit 21
hours have heoti an fullous ;
U - o'.s. . rjbipni'-H
' } ' < . 2fil ) 1,200
fa lo . 2iOf | 2110
Sheep . sjj -QQ
KANSAB CITY , Oot < iher IG. Uecei ( . H
and rtil.innits | ol Jive utock for the putt 21
hours have been BB follow t ;
Jlen'tJ , Shipm'tt.
. 1 , Ol ) 1103
ohecy . 4 % ) . .
OWOL c * TUB O' AHA Civ , I
Men Ity K Venice , OctoVier IU. f
Ihe only changes repotted in the market
x > -day are as followa ;
Wheat No. 2 advanced 2c ; No. S ad-
vanned lo.
Kje advanced jc ,
% Jtct oytl'.n ducUueJ to 4b'c per cau ,
Local Qratn DMllnK * .
WHKAT. Cwh No , 2 , 79j { oaah No.
S 68)0 : rejected , 46 0.
HAllLKY. Cash No. 2 , 76o ; Mo. 3 ,
47o.IlYK.Cft h , 46JC.
UOUN. No. 3. 60o ,
OATS. C/wh. 30.\
ST11KBT PlilOKS-Corn , Cooo U.
Produca and Provlilon * .
POTATOES 2.'ifi lOo pf r btwhol.
ONIONS-SOfeOOo per bushel.
HUTTKK Cholco country ,
11NKY Califoiuta. per IK 21.
API'L K3 Per barrel. * 3 00@3 f,0 ,
DYSI KIIS-S lect , 48e pr can.
OUAI'KS-Cnllfornla , $ i 002 25.
LMMONS - 54 606 00 | er box.
1JKANS lmin < rtcd Gormnn 2 70 per
bunhol ,
Qrocora' Ltot.
( Field's ) , | > er ewe , $4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( FleldV ) ,
per CMC , 2 76 ; no 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per caje ,
S 75. Iolwtcrs , 1 It ) per dozen ,
1 80. Tonmtoos , 2 Ib 2 SO ; do S Ib per
. ,1X0. 2 SO , Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per ciuo , X OJ ; soaked corn , 1 90 ; dn
2 Ib ( Yormout'i ) , per caw , 3 CO ;
string bonun , per OAXO , 2 10 ; Lima lionii
nor cace , 1 70. 8'iccoUah per case. 1 8J.
Poap , comnuni , per CMO , 1 60) ) IHJOS , choice ,
nor ca o,2 70. lilaclibcrrloa , 2 Ib , jxsr cane ,
i20 ; rtrawbetriiw , 2 Its per case , 2 CO ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 60. U.un-
sons , 2 Ib , par cuno. 2 45. Uartlott
pears per c < e , 3 00@4 CD. Whortlcbsrrlea
per 5SK7275. Kgg pluma,2 Ib iMrci e,1' 75 ;
Urocn gas'Cs2 ! Ib per coso , 2 76 ; do choice , "
lit | ier ua9d I 60. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per cose ,
t 00 < fc5 75. Peaches 2 Ib per case , 3 01) ;
do 3 Ib , co.10 , 4 OOffl ' 4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , poi
at.e.2 JO ; tloplo , G'lb , per dornn. 2 4) .
.SUUAKS-l'owclered , lOJc ; Cut loaf ,
10J ; nranulatod , lOc ; Coniectloncr' \ ,
flij ; Standard Kitra O , 8jo ; Kxtra C ,
t ) ; inedium yellow , 8c ; d.irk yellow.
SYKUP Standard Com. , 4Bc , bhlf. ;
Standard do , 4galfou kosn , ? 2Z5 ; Stan-
dattl do , 4 gal i on kegs , ? 2.00.
FL .UK tlobinnit prices , Jack Frost
t. L'HiU winlor ) $3 00 IMT 100 Iba. ; To-
nfkn Patent Kanxa" , 83 85 : Mintiehaba
MlnnesoU Patent 53.70 ; Snawnee l-'ancy
w utcr , ? 3.10 ; Kagle , XXXX winter ,
tS.CO ; Ttiuniph fpriug , best , . .80'hriu ; ( ,
Inn's supirlativo. 370 ; bran , per ton-
; 14 00 : chopped feed. $28 00.
FISH No 1 mackerel , half brl , G 75 ;
No. 1 ni-ckorel , kits , LOO ; family mack.
errl , half brls , 4 75 ; fumtly mackerel , kits ,
85c ; No 1 whlto ti b , half brie , G 00 ; No. 1
whlto full , kit * , 95c ; family white fish ,
half brls , 4 50 ; family whlto Uth , kits , 80a
medium scaled herrinp , 35c ; select bouolou
cod , H c.
SPlUKS. Foptior , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ;
Olovos , 3Jo ; NutinuifB , 8 } 00 ; Casain , 24c ;
\lnce 8100.
LYE American , S 3 * ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis'
lyo. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 276.
.FKED-.lobbing prices , Chop feed ,
$1 60 per 100 Ib * . ; chop com , $1.40 ; bruu ,
70,5 per 100 Ibs.
sJTAUUU. Pearl , 4Jc ; Sllvsr Oloa' ,
a ; Corn Starch , 8Jc ; ExcelHlorJlojts ,
7c ; Corn , 71c.
uOKi'JH B. lllo , fair , Ho ; lllo. good
12c ; i ah , is to choice , 12 to 13j ; Old gov'l
Jni2 ; i ( : -1 : , 2 Mocha , 284c ; Arhuckle's ,
Mi'cUUEKS3 '
UUEKS3 Full Cream , 13Jc | Part
Skim. H'i ' ) .
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ;
Jhcico , G0oj75c ( ; Imperial , good ,
' ' -ice. 60@75c ; Young Hynon , good. 3Bfc (
< 0c ; rhoicol OTic@Sl IKi ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
I5c : Japan , rhuice , GD76c ; Oolonj ; , goiil ,
15@40 ; Oolong , , 4lg55 ) ( ; Souolioii < ,
< ood. 85oJ lOc : choice , S5a-15c. ( )
WOODEN W Altlj ! Two hoop p.tllc ,
I < I5 ; throe hoop pails , 2 20. Tubs , No ,
1 , 0 50 ; Pinueor w&uhboards , 185 Double
Cr-wn2aO ; Well buckets , 860.
LKAD Bar , $1 06.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGc :
pure npplo , 13c ; Pruasine uuro ocnle , IGo.
SALT. Dray loads , per dbl , I G5 ; Asti-
iou , In UNO ka , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5s , 60
UOMIIs Y Now , 84 60 per bbl.
HODA D wight's Ibpaperc , # 2 85 ; Do
end do , $2 85 ; Church's , SJ 80 ; Keg soda
SOA PS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 345 ;
Kirk-s s&tiuot , GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ;
Klrk'e whlto Kueaian , 525 : Kirk's
Eutocn , 3 15 Kirk's Pralrio Queen ,
,100 , cakee ) , < [ ) ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 B5
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , * doz. ,
In raae , H 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in cose ,
1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in cose , 1 60.
FIKLD SEED lied clover , choice
new , $ G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clovoi
new , S7 00 ; white clDver , now , $14 OT ;
% 1 alftv clover , now , $12 50 ; alelko , now ,
$1800. Timothy , good , now , 83 00 ,
blue graos , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue graaa ,
clean , 81 25 ; orchard gra s $2 59 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
80c ; millet , Gorman , 8100 to (125 ;
Hungarian SOo
HKDOKSKKDUsage orange , 1 to 5
bushels , S5 00 ; oaago orange , 10 Imaholn or
aver , $4 60 ; honey locust , per Ib , , 860 ; yit
100 Ibs. . 325 00.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod Ten-
nesaoo , IDopcr Ib ; fancy white , 10 Jc porlb ;
wbitn Virginia raw , lOo ; roosted ,
, MKATf3 HnuiR , IGn ; lirenkfaat bacon ,
15Vc ; clear hide btcon , IS e ; drvult bucon ,
Ml ; fhouldeia , life ; tierce lard , 13 j ,
( Ul'K Siea.1 , i inch and larger , lOc ;
inch. He.
NKW PICKLES Medium , In barrela ,
75) ) ; do in half bbls , 4 2 > ; umalle , in hbl ,
05) ) do. in half bbU , n2i ; ( ; bi < rklnf , in
onlo , 11 5) ) ; do , in half bbla , 0 ; 5
CA1NJJJ , Uo tB , 4U llj , 10 s
I6c : " Mia -W Iba. , 10 oz. . ( is , IBr
HIC'fJ I.nii * i fiii priino tiielioicu 'i' < $
7ios luir. i-tt 7 > 'J Patina , 7. .
M A Tt Jl ! ; . - > i tn cuuuie , 85o ; round ,
. niioj , SM 10 ; uimr , CUMS , § ,1 40.
Dry Good * .
1UIOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8ic ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Uoott
FF , 84c ; liuckeye LL. 4-1 , It ; Cabot W ,
71c ; Chittennni'o A , fi c ; lireat Folia E ,
Sic ; Hoosier , ( lie ; Honest Width , Gjc , In
dian Head A , 8c ; Indian Htanilard A ,
89c ; Indian Orchard d , w , , 8jc ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic lliver , 74c : Pequot A , 8Jo ;
Shuwmut LL , 7c ; Utlca C , fijc ; Wnchun-
ett B , 7io ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12a ; Wai-
cott . 80.
FINE 11HOWN OO'lTONS Allendale
1-4 : 7io ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 7o ;
Atlantic LL , tUc ; Uiulger State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bennlngton 0 4-4 , GJo ; Uuckcyo 8. 4-4 , CJco
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8 c ; Laconiu O
S'J , 8to ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9ic ; Ivonsdale 4-4.
lOc ; PeppereU N SO , 7c ; do O 32 , 7c ; do 11
30 , 72c ; do E 39. BJo ; Pocawet 0 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Wainstitta 4-4 ISo
rfn L 4-4 , fltc ; Blackstone AA In.perial 8Jc ;
, lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c :
Ijonsdalo. lOc ; do cambric i)7 ) , 12ic ; New
( York Mills. 12Jc ; Pemjot A.lito ; Pepperel
N G TwilU , I24c : PocakrnitJui 4-1 , 9)jc ) ;
Pocoiwot 4-4 , Sic ; Utlca , lie ; WaumutU
O X X. me.
UoC'KS' Colored ) Albftnr K brown.
Co ; do 0 , ilrali lie : do XA utrlpea and
plaids , 12jc ; do XXX brown and drab ,
.stripes and plaide , 12Jc ; Arlington fancr ,
lOc ; Itrutawick brown , 8c ; Churlot fanej ,
12ic ; do er.tra heavy , - ( i Fall River
broivn , ottiu heavy , 11 { c ; Indiana A
hrnvn JHcXutxinict A brown , 15o
TK'KJiVuo ' ninnukiHig A U A Si'
1'Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jr ; Arrowatrc ,
iiic ; Clartiiiuut 1) ) U , 15te'oiieatoaa ' ei
tru , 17ic ; Hamilton U , flic Lawmtou , v
> 0 , lr < c ; Mliiiitihaha 4-4 , 2Dc ; Gc.egn Ktipur
extra l-4t V-sc ; Pearl Hivei S2. Kijc ; Put
iiain XX blue stripe , 12c. bhetuckct t
lOic ; do m 12c ; YeouiBti blue 2'J , Oo
DKXfM , AmoiL-cak , Muoand bronn
lOJc ; Aid > ) ver 1)1) blue , MC ; AfliuyX
blue Scotch , 18ic ; Concord 01 JO , bluu aw
brown , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13Jj ; lo XXt <
do do lljc ; Huyinater's blue und brown ,
9lo ; Myntlo River 1 > D stri | e , IGtc ; Penrl
I Over , blue and brown , ICc ; Uncaa > iUo ,
blue and brown , 1 14c.
OA3IBRIOS Harnard , 5lc ; Kddystout ,
lining. 21 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A
, 5io ; Manhattan glavo finish , 5c
ewjrart do Go ; do glazed , fijo ; Pcxjnot d
Be : Lockwood kid finlih Go.
COUHKT JEANB Awiory , oj Andrea
wilt eon 5 ; OJ&mnlcn , tfJ
Trolicht & Bunker
Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In
spection to their Unsurpassable Selection. jyileod3m
o 'g BAttecun , 7ic ; Hnllowol , 8c ; Indl 4
Orchard 7&cj Narrjkgansott mprovpd.o
IVptHirlll pntlrxin O&c ; KockHrt | , "Ja
S Allon. % OJc ; Ainericnn , CJc ;
7oj Herwlck. 'ISej Coclioco , 7cj
Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Uunnoll ,
i7c ; Eddystono , 7c ; Ghucrator , Go )
I Snijiumy , 6Jc ; Knickerbocker , OJc ; Mor
ri IKI D. 7e ; Mystic , 5&c & ; Sprociios. Gc ;
SouWilt iiljjo , Gc ; do. Olnghama , 7o ; Marlboro
bore , Mjc ; Oriental GJc.
( UNlJHAMS-Anvskeng , 12ic ; Amos ,
kcu ; drws lljl Argyle , loic ! Atlantic ,
Konllwortli , 8Jc ; Plun kctt , lOJo ; Sua
" "
"COTTON AD E8 Abbcrvllle Ifljo
Agate , SOc ; Annrban , He ; Artklan , 20c ;
Cairo D nnd T , io ; Clarion D and T ,
17c ; Doocan Co.rtRpea DmidT. IGc ; Key-
ntuiie , ISJc ; Nantucket , 19o ; Nonpareil ,
IGc ; Ocean D and T , 1 % : Uoyal , 1GJ I
Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , I2jc ; WnchiiKott nhirt-
In ? jhrcks , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York ,
plait. Jxankin. 12 c ; do , chocks , Btripen ami
lanoy , 12 e ; do , 8 oz , 20c.
do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22o ; Continental O
12 , llo ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 27i ; New
York mills 98 , 36c ; do 78 , SOo ; do 58 , 22c ;
L'embroko 10-4 , 23o ; Pequot 10-4 , 2840 ; do
7-4 , life ; do 49 , IGc ; Poiiporoll 90 , 29c ;
do 67. 21c ; do 67 , 16o' Utloa 00 , U5o ; do
8 , 224o ; do 48 , 17o
OlRcn and Tobaccoi.
CIOAllS. Seeds , $16.00 ; Connecticut ,
$25.00 ; Mixed , $36.00 ; Seed Havana ,
860.00 ; Cloarllnvana , $76.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Knle ,
21 Ib , GOc ; Our Kopo , first quality , G2c ;
Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butta.GOo ; Horse Shoo ,
pounds , 24 Ib , butts , 58c ; Gilt Kdgo ,
pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy ,
pounds. 55c ; Bullion , pounds , 69c ; Lorll.
lard's Cllmnx , pounds , GOc ,
FINE OUT In palls. Hard to Beat !
< 5c ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , ROe ,
Favorite , G5c ; Ilocky Mountain , 60c :
fancy , 65o ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foil
Catllns O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib GSc ; Lori-
lllard's Tiger. GOo ; Diamond Crown , GGo.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
8Sc. Granulated lllackwolhi Durham , 1C
07. Me ; Dukca Durham , 1C or. , 4Gc ; Seal of
North Carolina. IG oz , 4G ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 10 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , llnon bogs
per Ib , 81.35 ; Marburps' Puck 2 oz , tin
oil , 6uc ; DOR T nil G5c.
Palnti Ollf nd Vnrnlthei.
OILS 110" carbon , per gallon !
13o ; 150 headlight , per gtllon ,
14c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon. 20c.
IIIIHI'UU , raw , pcrpallon , " 7 ; lluseed , bolloH ,
per gallon , GOc ; lird , winter sti'd , pcreal ,
Ion , 1 00 ; No. Ii 85c : No. 2 , 76c ; castor ,
XXX. per gallon , 1 20 ; No. 3 , 115 ; tweet ,
per gallon , hue ; upoim , W. Ii. , per gallon-
1 55 ; fish , W. H. , per gallon , GOc ; noatafoot ,
extra , per gallon , 76c ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15e ,
golden mnchinc. No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No ,
2 , SO : sperm , eigual , per gallon , 80c ; lor-
pcntlne , per gallon , BOa ; nnptha , 74 , per
gallon , 18c ; Gt * . 17c
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha
P. P. . GJo ; whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , GJ ;
Marsaillos green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o
French zinc , gi n soal. 12c ; French elno ,
rod seal , He ; French zino , In varnish east ,
20o ; French zlncc. In oil asat , 16c ; Ra\ ?
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and
burnt Sienna , ISc : vandyke brown , < .g
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lqc ;
ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Pruuslan
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrv mo
green , L , M. & D. , Me ; blind and obuttcr
green , L. M. It D. , IGc ; Paris grouu. 18c ;
Indian rod , 15c : Venetian rod. ilc ; TUBCJIK
drt , 22c ; Amoncar. Vcrmlliod , LAP. , 18o ;
chrome yellow , L. , M , , O. & D O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , Be ; golden ochre , U ; patent
Jryer , 8c ; Draining colors : light oak , dark
out , walnut , ihestuut and ash 15c.
Dry ° lnti
White lead , G&c ; Fruucb zinc. lOc : Paris
whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders. IJt ;
v > biting com'l , lie ; lampblack Germantown -
town , 14c ; Irmpblack , onilnary , lOc ; Prua-
eiai ) blue , 65c ; ultriiniarine , 18c ; van dyke
brown , 80 ; umber , burnt , 43 ; umber , raw
lcaienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o
Paris grocn gonuluo , 25c ; Paria green com'
Ou ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrouil
green K. , 12e ; vonnillion , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , 18c ; Indiau rod , lOo ,
roue pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Cooknon'a
' ijo : Venetian rod Am. , Ijjc ; roi load , 7ic ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ahromo yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rocbello 3c ; ochre
French , 2jc ; acliro , American , 2 < ;
Winter's mineral. 2ic ; lehigli brown. 2Jo :
Spanish brown. 2c ; Princo'a mineral Sc ,
VAHNIS1IKS liurroJii per aMuu.
Furniture , eztra , 31 10 ; fmuiture , Wo. 1 ,
31 ; couch , extra , 81 10 ; ouch , No , 1 ,
1 20 ; Damar , extru , $1 75 ; ai.iu , 70c ; as-
phaltum , extra , 85o ; shollao oil 50 ; hard
oil ( inixh. 81 HO
PAPER Straw paper , 2 c ; rag ptpor ,
lc ; dry goods paper , Gc ; manila paper , lOc ;
nowH psjier. 80
Mottvy Hardwure Lltl ,
Iron , ratoH , 43 40 ; plow stool , upecial
cast , 7o ; crucible,8c ; special or ( juruiauGc ;
cask tool do , 15@20 wagon Binikes , set.
2 263 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 26 ; fn'loes , eawcd
dry , 1 10 ; tougueu , each , 70(2'85c ( ; axles ,
each , 7&o ; wiuaio uutH , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib , 8@18c ; nvetc , nor Ib , He ;
cell chain , per Ib , 0@12c ; malleable , 80 ;
iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Go ; barrow
tooth , 4o ; horsaaboos , ( > er keg , D 00 ; spring
uteol , 7@Kc ; liurden's horsenhofls , B 60 ;
Burden's uiuleahoea , 6 50.
SHOT. Shot , 91.86 ; Buck shot , $2.10
Oriental Powder , kegs , (0.40 : do. , hul
koga. 83,48 ; do. , quarter kpna , $1,88 ; Dhut
Ing , kous , S3i.36t Fuse , ner 100 feet 60o.
UAtvIIED WIRE Iu car lota,8 J per
100 ; in lew than car lots. 8 55 DC r 100 ,
NAILS-llates. 10 to 60g > , 4 GO ,
Oak sole , 3So to 42c ; hemlock n > ! e , 2Ro to
85c ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner ,
660 to SOo ; hemlock culf , 860 to 120 ; hem
lock npper , 23c to 2Go ; eaU upper , 2lo ;
ollifrator. 4 01) to 5 60 ; calf kid , 2@S5o ;
Greiaou kid , 2 M to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to
100 ; oak culf , 1 20 to 1 Jill ; Fiench kli- |
I 10 to 1 55 ; Kifrich cilf : , 1 25 to 2 00 ; n
MtU , 6 60 V ) 7 W ) ; liniiiL'u , f. 00 to 10 MJ
fxjppings , 9 00 to 1060 ; II , L. Morocco , .tOc
to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 5c ; aluion ;
HAIlNJCSS-Nol star oak , 42o ; No V
do , S'Jc ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38o ; No. 2 do ,
35c ; No. 1 Milwau > v e S7c ; N < , dolJ4o and Multi.
The loarkct is l.iisk and nil grades nn
felling well at ilieht advome iu p ( ecu.
The uemand for good ium'tit eiceoda th (
nupply cunaideraoly , Prieou ran e as fol
lows ;
Flue olnglt dr\eri ! 160 , to 300. ; Krtra
draft hontOB. $176 , to 226 , ; Common rlra.'l
hortax , 8100. to 160. ; Kxtr funu hur.f * ,
$110 , to 125 , ; Common to goi'J farm horde *
( M. to 8100 , ; Extra plui ; > , > t > 0. to VC.j
Common ulngn , 820. to 840 ,
MULC9.-16 to 16J handr fcxuu ) , > 12.\
to 160. ; H4 to 15 httnds , 3110. to HO. ;
14 to Hi lmud.1 , 876. to ICO , ; 134 to 14
Lands , 800. to 76LI
LI uon.
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 234 per wine
gallon ; extra California uplrits , Io7 proof ,
1 30 per proof gallon ; triple ret ned sp riu
187 ' oiooI , 128 per proof galbu ; ro-dlat Jled
wti'klon , 1 00(5)1 ( ) W ; fine blended , 1 50@
2 60 ; Kentucky bourbonn , 20T@7CO : Kentucky -
tucky and Pennsylvania > yetf , 21 > 0@7 00 ,
liUANDIIiS-Imported , (8 00@18 00 ;
domestic 1 i ® 4 ( X ) .
OINS Irc.-Kirtcd , 4 50@0 00) ) domeitlo ,
HUMS Importml , 4 00(16 ( 00 ; New
England. 2 OOW-I OOAiomontlo. 1 603 CO
1 76 4 00.
OllAMPAQNES-Imrortod p r CMC ,
2 < UX3 OjAmstUo , owe , 1200 < g
1C 00.
OLAUETS er cane , 4 60@1G 00
WINES Uh no wino , per caao , 0 00 ®
20 00 ; Catarba , per cane , -i 00(37 ( 00.
Wo quota lumber , lain and nhlngloa oni
earn at Omnlm nt the following in lco i
under , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , $2il 50.
TIMHEU8 10 ft. nnd under , 522 00.
1C ft . 824 5C , S3 ft. , 8l'(5 ( 50 ; 21 ft. , 82(1 ( 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 acd G In. , $ V1 00 ;
No. 2. 822 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boirdn ) 'JI03 ; No. 2 , 81800.
STOCK UOAKDS , 12-ln. I ) , 2500 ;
li-lu. C , 835 00 ; 12-Iu. 1) , $40 00.
L1MK Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per one
10. ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 low * pl torT '
bbl , 83 60. Hair per bu. tJo. Tarred
foil 100 Ibr , 83 50. Straw board , 83 50.
COAL Cumberland blnck mlth , 812 ;
Morria Hun lUoaaburg , 812 ; AVhltobroait
lump , 85 60 ; Whltobroaat nut. 8C 50 ; IOWA
lump , 85 60 ; Iowa nut f 0 60 ; Hook Spring ,
88 ; Anthracite , all aizen 810 50.
DUU 8 AND CUKM1OA 1/1 - Lcld
Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tortaric , GOc ; Balaam
Copnblo , i > or Ib , 70c ; Hark , Sonanfraa , per
Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Clnchonldia ,
nor oz , 81 16 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 1 00 ;
Dover1 ! powden , nor Ib , 81 40 ; Kpaorc
colta , per Ib , SJo ; Glycerine , pure , po Ib ,
33o ; Loint , Acetate , p < > r Ib , 22o
Oil , Coater , No. 1 , per gal , < i 15
Oil , Cantor , No. 3 , per gal , 8100 ; Oil ;
Olive , per pal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 60 ,
Opium , 8r 00 ; Oiinlno P. ft W. & H. & 8. ,
per oz , C 2 30 ; Potatmiuin. Iodide , per It
41 90 ; Salacm , par oz , 40c ; Sulphate o
Morphine , j > or va , 83 85 ; Sulpnur Uour
per Ib , 4c ; Strvchulno , uor oz , 81 3.r > ,
Merino unwas od , light , 14@lGc ; hoixvy.c ,
@ 1315o ; modlum uuwnshod , light , 1820
washed , choice , 32c ; fair , ! 10o ; tub-ding ,
and w. , 28c ; bnrry , blackand cottcd wool ;
Hldei furs. Etc.
IIIDKS Uroen butchor'a hide , G ( 7o
cured 8Jc ; hides , green salt , part cured Vic
hides , 7&c & ; dry Hint , nound , 13@14o ; dry
calf end kip , 12@14c ; dry salt bldea.aound ,
10llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Urn. . 10 ( 1 lc ;
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibu , per akin , COn ;
grouu poltn , 60@$1 25 ; green lamb eklns ,
f 1 251 60 ; damaged bided , two-third rate ,
cut Beared nnd ono grub , clawed two-
tLlrdo rate , ) branded htdoa 10 pjr cent , > 1T
Coon akiua , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 1
20. ; No. 4 , lOo. ilink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2
SOc ; No. S , 15o ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. Ik ,
GOc ; No. 2 , 26o. Skunk , No. 1 , bl5c ;
G5c ; short ntrlpe , 40nt narrow etrlpeo
broad strlpo. lOo. Tallow 7c.
O Al T f * vo monuy na order gait direct Irom
wHL. I u , wo hl | > | iroui ) > tl ) by rail at th
owcut | HHiilblo euih prli'oio all womorii poltf.a
TYLKIl ri\LTC ( ) . , Si lnaw Olty.Ulch
A Flower Pot Quilty of a Borlous
A young man by the nanio ol
Gross had a narrow escape from death
Sunday while walking on Webster
The V. M. 0. A. occupy the second
Ibor of Mr. Rjdor's building on the
southwest corner of Hxteontli , nnd
while Cross was panning , the wind ,
which nt tin time won etron ; ; , blow
down n lljtvor pot , which 'ell ' uii
young OrosB. It was : < < it ho WAS
struck by i htning.
Dr. Liuiyon WUH ualh-u upon and
promptly renpondod und with the
assistance ) of some byalanderH carriid
Cruts to his parlorp , wht ro he dressed
his wound and later in thu evening
tout him home.
Yesterday the doctor said that
thu wound was two inches long and
deep enoii''h ' to bo dungiroui , Thu
boy is getting along nicely but ia by
no means out of duiiuer. This , indeed ,
ii u remarkable c < tei > , showing that
llowcr pots urn Rutnutimes dangerous.
t > John' Doom *
UlMcUil Diniutcli to Tim llrH
Sr. L < UH , October li ( D spatchea
frtiin K IIBUB BHJB coiruepondenco ia in
piogrens Inoking to the withdrawn ! of
b nil EC Governor Robinson , green
back , and Col. Click , democratic nom
inees for gm'rnor , and the substitu
tion of Joan Martin , democrat , at the
head of the greenback state ticket. If
this is accomplished the op nion is
uxprotsod that St. John , n publican , '
will bo defeated.
Freight Wharvo * Burned.
Dtaiwtcli to Tun linn.
J'liiLADKLriiu , October 10. The
freight sheds on pier 8 , south wharves ,
the pie ; itself and all freight stored
thereon , and two largo tug boats ,
touothur with the narrow gauge rail
road freight depot and cuntonts ,
burned this morning , Three of the
crow of the Mijor were terribly
bunu'd , nnd n number of others ser-
lou&ly iujjroa by fulling spars , The
n U'g ' ' 'I vtsaelsburned nway ,
hut no serious dunuga done , Lass ,
6100,103 ,
Cuturrh of tliu Bladder.
Stinging iiiitiiHon , n > ll4inina < ion ,
nil Kuinoy and LJrimiry cnmplaintB ,
rrpd "Himhuptilirt , " . 81
. . . j toirolu uHiiey on
ftrt m a I 0.1,1 } mi luiu Inv.Kinnu , | 0
\j ( .rain , ) > rotUlo anl d'/ir ! 'j | mila
tlou , c < n il i b'j I ) np-rill > g un i ui
plmi Kr nil M y 1 , lr > 81 , o i | , r fro
WHEAT l.t'"l.l''ll ' 'onl vi tiii n iicf .Sii'.cc '
ruliol and pali to
BIIOUII lnjio ver I flmo t
l liivtii-tinoiit iniknu inontj
orp jalufnn demand taiilanotc
BTOOKS 'Y cl'Cula" ' ! tUtcmcnU cl lund
Wsji.tfre. . . . Wuwunt re'ponslbU
a unU. who vllr. i > ort oncri > | )4 nud
Int oduca lliu pUu Lberal com-
mUalcin * paid , Ai'ilroan
K.Kd&tlKU ti UK.tKIAUin.OI
mlwltm l.orc
U3lCiO , 111 ,
The Finale in a Very Oelobrated
Oaso ,
Iti Wbioh the Hon. E. K. Val
entino Plays a Loading -
ing Rolo.
The Hifttory ot the Casn Briefly R -
The titinlo of ono of the most
outrn-oous ( Dwindles ever perpetrated -
tratod iu Una part of the
country was witnessed on Saturday -
day , when the shoriil'of Douglas
county appeared nt the south door of
the court house , to soil the homestead
iroporty belonging to John Iluuh ,
and of which ho was robbed by the as-
nistanoo of E. K. Valentino , the regis
ter of the land oflico now member of
oongroen from Nebraska. The sale
was ordered to satisfy the mortgage
given to J. II. Millard in 1872 for the
oim advanced to pay down on the
land by D. A. Valentino , and the liti
gation has proceeded until now , after
ten years' time , the claimants neither
ono liavo anything loft , the substance
being uaton up by attorneys' fees , in
terest , utc. * *
At this particular time thu principal
pointb in the case will provo interest
ing to the public , DD the case ia now
probably heard from for the last timo.
John Rush builc uhonanon thu land
in ( | ticstion in October , 180 ! ) , and when
it was nearly completed Valentino and
his brother came down from West
Point , bringing with them lumber
procured on the wny , at Fremont , with
which they proceeded to put up a
house on the onmo land , which they
claimed belonged to D. A. Yuluntino
by virtue of n warranty deed. Hush
on the following morning started for
West Point , arriving there November
17th. In tlio nbsoncu of E. K. Yalou-
tine , the receiver of the land oflico ,
Uriah Drunor told him the laud was
not subject to entry as it was cchool
lund belonging to. the state. Mr.
Ruth's filing on it was theioforo ro-
fusid. llo eubicqucntly wrote to
James Wilton , lauu commiuiionur at
Washington , inquiring as to the status
of this quarter section and detailing
the facto HB eot forth abovo. Wilson
promptly replied that the land
was government land and enclosed u
letter to E , K. Valentino , asking that
official what the condition of the title
was on hi * records. Valentino to mo
time after acknowledged that it wet
government bnd but claimed that a
mistake had buen made in the entries.
Hush went to West Point , January
12 , h , and ottered to file his declaratory
statement. The filing was accepted
but it afterward appeared that D. A.
Valentino lnut fomtnlled Mr. Hush ,
hm IIlint ; turnirm up , dated Nov. 17th.
Tlii ) luui , wjn Unit tc did not appear of
reuurU on the lO.h of November , nor
in fuot until some time in the follow
ing January.
in May next D. A. Valentine
brought u suit of ejectment against
Iluah as a tresspassttr , and the case
was tried befuro E. K Valentino ,
register of thu land cilice at West
Point , by whom , of coursu , u decision
was rendered against Rush , who ap-
poalrd to the land commissioner at
Washington , but being unable to him
an attorney , thu appeal went by default -
fault und Valentino's decision was
The next stop in thu cage was when
Rush brought suit uimnst D. A , Val
entino for abandonment , but the lat
ter showed by till Juvita that ho had
beuu Bick , and thereby evaded the
punishment the violation of this law
would justly have entitled him
to. A decision was against rendered
against Ruth by the land court
at West Point , E. K. Valentino being
utill register and again an appeal woe
taken , this time to the secretary of
the interior , but this appeal was lost
by default as before.
Boino time in 1872 the United
States issued a patent to D. A. Valentino
tine for the quarter section. In order ,
however , that the money required
should bo forthcoming E. K. Valentino
tine had to borrow 8400 , the govern
ment pi ice , from J , II. Millard , giv
ing on security therefor a mortgage on
the laud. The taxes wore not paid
and the land was sold to satisfy them ,
BO that the claim of J , 11 , Millard
and accrued interest soon amounted
to about all the land was worth.
In 187-t Hush appealed hia caao to
thu district court on thn ground ot
fraud perpetrated by E K , Valentine
MB n gist i r of the land tflljo and Judge
Swuge rendered a decision sustaining
the clurgc , upon which Valentine ap
pealed to thu Bupri'ino cuuit of No-
lir.itkct where it tvaa dicided that the
decision ot the register in uich cases
must bu final.
Thu closing act in this much liti
gated o aj was little calculated to
bhed any Jiuht on thu transaction ,
which wu abort of dark lantern af
fair nil through. II , 0. Junes ap-
poitrid null u warranty rived from
Millurd , preeumably by vntuo of a
quit claim deed from D. A. Valen
tine and hia mortgage claim and at
tliu last moment thu sulo * as stopped
on thu fltmiijih of a compromise having -
ing been ilk-clod ,
| An Editor Wanted.
The town of Guide , Nob. , wants a
live editor to start a
newspaper , a
liberal patronage can be 'secured.
The right man is aura to succeed.