Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
rnbtlahederery morning , exoepl 8nnd jr
ffbe only McnuUy morning rt Ujr.
V M 810.001 Three MonUu.f3.00
Month * . o.OO I One . . 1.00
TOE WEEKLY BEE , published T.
ty Wcduanday.
One Year 2.00 I Three Month * . , oO
UMc lh . . . . 1.00 I One . . 20
or Newndealers in the TTnltcd SUte .
OOIinE3rONDKNOK-All Coramnnl.
Uttan * relnUnit to News ftnd KdltoriM mat-
en KtwuH bo addrewod to the EoiiOB or
ffni BIG.
Bitten and ItomttUncos ghonld bo d.
United to Tas HER I'prusniNO COM.
AHT , ( HA. ' " . Cheotofpi-
ffioe Order * to h WWO pftjttble to
rder of the Company
Iho BEE PUBLlilNQ 00 , , Props
ire authoricod to announce
Benator Van Wyck to addrcaa the
citiBona of the Third dintrict on the
tosues of the hour nt the following
named places :
Blair , Fridhy , October 20.
Tekatnah , Saturday , October 21.
O'Neif , Monday , October 23.
Norfolk , Tuesday , October 24.
QonA. . H * Connor
will speak at
Arlington Tuesday , October 17.
Columbus , Wudndadny , October .
Central City , Thuraday , October 19 ,
Each at 7:30 : p. re.
HonM - K * Tumor
will speak with General Connor at
Arlington , and with Senator Van-
Wyck at oaoh of his appointments.
Additional appointments will , bo
made in a few dayo.
SAM RANDALL ' 'hobs up serenely'
as the prospective next speaker of the
.MOTTO for traveling railroad mag
nates : "Do not tioklo the pencil of
the foativo interviewer. "
BADGES were worn in the streets of
Now York the other day on which
were inscribed Vjindorbilt's rccout
motto , "Tho People bo Djtnned. " '
HUBHKLL is consoling hitnaolf with
the reflection that that campaign fund
wasn't entirely wasted. There is a
gain of ono republican congressman
in West Virginia.
MR. VAHDKIIBUT has changed hii
expression to " ( ho interviewers bu
d d. " Both the Chicago reporters
Bwoar to the accuracy of that historic
WITH a view of catching the
Bohemian vato for Valentine , Vao
Binds has boon appointed receiver at
the Niobrara land oftioo An appoint'
ment and a confirmation by the senate
are two very different things. No
ono knowH this any better than
Valentino , but lUnda will do ior a
Cguro head until after election.
is safu unco more in civil
ization. His work on the Congo is
tatod to have been of the most ar
duous nature. Ho placed seven
atoamors on the lower river , founded
four factories on grounds f' rmully
caded by the native kings , and con
structojd roads past the cataracts. Ml
of which is nn excellent record for the
American j lurnnliet.
CHAULKH DuiiLtv WAUSKU will din-
CUBS in the November Century the
mitcrial an4 intellectual domination
of ' England , " in which ho will give
duo praieo , it ia ajid to tlio commanding -
ing positron of England in tliu modern
world , and undurUko to dtiino the
elements of English power. Ho will
mlnglo sorau sharp criticism with the
praise , and tmvo a good deal to say
about the relations of England and
the United States
TIIK Now York Tribune notes that
in New York state the woman suffrage
party seems to bo dying. Few women
have at ailed themselves this year of
the 'privilege of voting at , the school
district moot in s awarded them throe
yean ago by the government nd leg
islature. Whou this law was puaed
the worn in suffrage party's leaders de
clared that women would oaperly take
advantage of the opportunity to vote ,
and by practice at the school meetings
would advance to voting at the state
elections , For ono year many wo
men voted at these' meeting i , but
gradually they ceased to vote , und ,
as stated , few have voted thin year.
A ooon story is told of John II.
Btarin , of Brooklyn , who wai clictec
a member of Ilia last cnnenm , ai.c
who ii said to bo a very ea i y
raised man. lie is credited uith but
one.Bperch during the ai'ssion , which
was 'cilied forth by u proposition to
abll the lirooklyti navy yard property ,
As a forcible argument1 put in the fewest -
est possible words Mr Stariu'd speech
is seldom rcj'iallod. lie taid ; "Mr.
Speaker , I am not familiar with all ol
your rules here , and I do not know
whether or not I am in order , but you
hare a property here which you are
going to sell for 9200,000 , and I will
at this moment draw my check for it
Jor $600,000. " The job WM killed. "
"What is man's mission ? " naked
Miis PI inb0 Couzihs of Mr. Gilbert
Hitchcock at ; he woman's suffrage
detmto on Saturday evening. What
has man done since ho was directed to
subdue this planttl From the day
when Tubal-Gain fashioned the first
implement to our limo when man has
devised the most complete labor sav
ing innchtncrr , from the days when
Noah thnpod the ark that mvcd nil
animated creation froi.i the deluge to
the day when Follon placed his
steamboat on the II id ton river which
haa been oupplantcd by the magnifi
cent lljatingpalacts that trnwrso the
rcean from continent to continent ;
from the days when the eavago built
MR firpn . n the hill * of Jude.i to trans-
* _ * ;
n'.J UiQ news of thu nppearanco of the
naW moon to the diys when Fianklin
droiv the lightning from the clouds ,
Morte harm mid the ulcclrio ourront
into the norvico of tntn , and Cyrus W.
b'lcM liil the cabin Unit linked
mind tti mil d between two
conlinunU ; fiom the day that
man fiwhtonod the rndo cart wheel to
i ho day when Robert Stophcnaon in-
: reduced the iron horsu that has
anihilatcd time and space in the com
merce of the world , from the days
when the Pharoahn built the pyramids
to observe the planetary motions to
the time when GiUiloo laid down the
laws that govern the universe and
enabled us to measure the distances
From dun to sun , from the rough
spindle to Jacob Arkwrighl'a modern
loom , every spoke in the wheel of
civilization has been placed there
by mnn. Man han gone to
the depths of the ocean to procure the
pearls an'd corals which adorn woman's
neck , ho has penetrated the bowels of
the earth to dig out the gold and sil
ver with which they badock their per-
Bonn , man hat explore ) the Arctic
aoas and traversed thodcBcrU , of cen
tral Africa to incroono geographical
knowledge. '
In literature all th6Iiniwtor minds ,
from Homer to Shikspoire , Djnto ,
Milton , Schiller , Qjotho , Moliere ,
Utcine , Ujrneille , Hugo and Tcnny >
eon were men , and of nil things the art
preservative of arts , "printing , " nro
thu product of man. From the time
that the savagj in hit crmrao
paintinga endeavored to preserve liU
own likenma on .ho tanned hkloa
which hu were on hiibuck , und carved
idols on wood and ivory , until the
time art rcaclie 1 its perfection under
Michael Angulo and lliphaol , Titian
and Corrcgjio , and nourca of modern
printers whoso works now adorn the
galleries and palaooa in E iropo nnd
America ; from the days when men
lived in caves to the timea when the
Kreat monuments of antiquity were
raited in Bibylon , and in Thobca ,
when Greece and Homo p'tlod marble
upon marble in the orgqtion of her
splendid palacei ; from the temple nt
Jerusalem to the Mocque of
St. Sophia , St. Pdter'a at Uomu
and the cathedral at Cologne all that
there la grand and imposing in domes
tie and ecclesiastical architecture has
been created and perfected by man.
And music , the charm that has held
humanity spellbound nnd thrilled the
soul of'inillimiB , Ins been Hio product
of men , ot * whom Mendolaaohn , Mo-
rut , Uandel , Meyerbeer , Uoothoven ,
[ iuunod , Vetdi and Wagner nro shin
ing luiniiwrii'H. Every ndvanco that
the human race him made in self-gov
ernment in the amelioration of man.
kind has been made by man. From
thu Sparinu republic to the republic
of our own day all there is ot I WB
and constitutional liberty hau boon
planned , devised and suitnincd b >
man. last , but not lo st , till that
humanity lua of cunsolahun in this
world and of hope in thuvorld to come
lias been transmitted thruugh inspir
ed mun and through the dtity himeelf
incarnate in nun. Now , what is
man's mission / It haa been his nub
limo duty through his mental and
physical pre-emineiioe to inrry iho
banner of civilization thruugh all ages.
Min' proud uuBsiun has been to
stupe the destiny of the human race.
Tiiouuii an unintentional oversight
TIIK BKK omitted yesterday an in
tended comment on Mr. Gilbert M.
Uitchcook'd argument in Saturday
evening's ' debate. Mr. Hitchcock eus-
tained his position in a manner which
was alike creditable to hia judgment
and his ttmpur His argument was
carefully prepared and logically complete -
plete , and hia answers to Miss Courins'
questions in the tunning debate which
followed , evidenced a ready wit und
an excellent command of language.
Mr. Hi ohcock is said to have sur
prised hia friends. Ho certainly
gvo u most pleasant turpriee
to ttioart who wcra before
unacii'uu ' ea with him , Wo predict
f r Una joung attorney n brilliunl
future. Oirtninly his port in Satur
day ijvui.ii 's debate i full of promise-
fur las fii'uro mccwfl in public life.
Tun J/f.folii Journal siya that
ttmuui : thu oljeUiotis acaiust lu'm
which Jim Lmd tquarely mot WUB the
atatemont of hia rt-lation to the B. A
M railroad ; that they had never meu.
tioued politics to him during the time
of liis services in their behalf ; that
he had great respect for them as u
business corporation , and that ho was
absolutely free from their dictation ,
had they auy disposition to dictate
bb course , This Is decidedly refroth.
ing. How was it four or five years
Ago when the U , P , bridge question
was up before the republican state
convention , Jim Laird started out to
support the resolutions until ho re
ceived a little hint from Mr. Mar-
q'lette , the B. & M , counsel. The
quickness with which ho changed
( tides and cast the vote of Adams
county ngainst the resolutions was
very remarkable. No voter in the
Second district will bo bamboozled by
Jim Laird's bogus anti-monopoly.
"Whon the devil got flick the devil a
monk would bo. When the devil got
well devil a monk was he. "
E K Valentino announce through
lid $ d. cletk that ho will be in FrunXiit
on the 19th Snst , to answcrany charges
made ag&inat hia public or private
character. Wo would suggest that
Valentino devote a portion of his
apoccli to the following points :
Firot The Hush-Valentino case in
which , as TCsintrr of the West Point
land office ho o indlnd County Treas
urer Hush out of hia homestead by
false entries in the booko of the gov
ernment and deliberate perjury in
the courts.
Second His frauaulent securing of
the district judgcship by a majority
not psrceptiblo to the naked eye , and
his back pay steal of $1,800 lobbied
through the legislature for services
which hu never rendered.
Third His services on behalf of
the Union Pacific and other railroad
corporations in congress which wose
rewarded by a re-election two years
ago , and which every monopoly at
torney in the state has been ordered
to assist in further repaying thin year
by assisting in foisting him a third
time upon the people of Nebraska.
Fourth His persistent neglect to
introduce a single mcaouroin congress
looking to the ruhof of 'ho producers
of thin state , who nro forced to boar
an unreasonable burden of taxation
by reason of the refusal of thu rail
roads to take out patontn on their land
Fifth Uia advccicy of the star
route jobber ? , and hia speech in favor
of the worst swindle in the entire
sotios exposed by Poatnmtor General
Sixth His complicity in the census
fraud , in which hia tool , Pater
Sjhwenk was also deeply implicated.
Seventh Uia vote on behalf of the
unsavory river and harbor swindle.
Eighth Ilia ultompta to blackmail
und bulldoze nunspapors and office
holders in the Third district into ac
tive political work for him in this
canvass for ronomination.
Those are eight points to which E.
K. Valentino can devote hia attention
ui.d after ho has answered thorn to the
satisfaction of his constituents TUB
DICK will have a few more conundrums
aivniting his attention.
OK Sunday Major General Mo-
Djnoll was placed on thoretired list ,
und anny circles are y really agitated
over the promotions which the change
will involve. Out of the six brigaditr
gonerala it in generally conceded that
General John Pope , ut ono time com-
nmndcr of the army of the Potomac ,
will reciiivo advancement. To the
position thus made vacant in the
brigadiers , rumor accredits Colonel
Geoigj W. Go'ty , for 42 years in the
artillery service. An Colonel Gaily ia
already entitled to retirement by his
long period of service ho will dimply
ueaumotho title and emoluments of thin
neil merited promotion and imme
diately make room for Colonul Uonry
J. Hunt , one of the most distinguished
artillery oflUors of the war. The
djublo promotions thus undo will
create two v.10nicies , and artillery
iiflijors nil doxrn the line of succession
are awaiting the clunoo of promotion ,
which is nlways slow in this brunch of
the service.
Turn is the way Mural Dilated
puts it ;
Suppose it trim that President Ar
thur has a disease which must in a few
veoka carry him off , or that he had
lost his life the other day by accident
in the watera of Canada , or waa killed
in a railway accident , who would sue
coed him ?
Why , Mr. David Davis , of Illinoia ,
and the presidential election would
not take place until November of next
year , while the term i f Mr. DAVID ex
pires in March next. Now , who
wou'd bo president after the 4th of
March nexi ? Would the oftico stick
to Davis or Davis to the oflici ?
Or , suppose Arthur and Davis both
to pies away before the 4 h of Muroh ,
who w uld be the mm ? Why , Keifer.
And oouId he hold office after the term
for which ho was elected speukvi ?
TUB proposition to diitributo pro
ra'a among the atat the vaut mrplun
whiah yearly accumulates In the
treasury is like pouring water into
110 treasury bunghole for the mere
B.ort of drawing it away nt the spigot.
Wliuro They Would Kick ,
Eisiorn sWpp-rs who fret over
freight , rate diBciiminatioiisdoit'tkiiLw
thu lull meaning of the words , 'lluy
ought , iu order to b < c > me fully prutt'd ,
to open branch houses in San Fran-
c'uc3 , and make a few special rate
contracts with the Central PaciBc.
One of the conditions of these arrange
incuts ia that the party receiving tpe-
oial rates shall not sell goods to any
person or film that has Its inerchadite
shipped by sea or by any route other
than the Central Pacific.
A Bitter and Desperate Sfcrngglo
for Fublio Pap ,
Valentine'a Hungry Followers
Barking Like Dogs for
a Boar.
Hilton'a Timely Plop at Fre
mont Faves His Poetofflco
B coc.
the Opposition "Wi" fiintfia
en the Itoohft und Hopelcntly
A Lively Hkotoh of tbo "Harmony1
Prevailing Around lllnlr.
Ccrtespondenco ol Tin llitir.
Ili-miAN ) October 1C , I date this
nt Herman although written here at
Blair. This la an imitation of the
mode adopted by that traart aleck who
was imported into thia county to help
run this year's campaign in the inter *
eet of the U. P. Notwithstanding he
hid his head in the Herman dirt the
moro impart ant portion of his person
stuck out eo prominently that no ono
failed to detent the ex-postal clerk
whom The Pilot described na a "ahy-
Bter , n fraud and dead beat , n whieky
guzzler and blow-hat d , n political
pimp , " &c. The youu ( { man strove
to bo very funny , und "Undo Joems , "
Charley Mo. , and the boys whosobusi-
IHH3 it WIB t ) laugh almost split their
aides at the time. But things are not
up funny now as then that ia , on that
aido. And this , all ou account of Hil
ton.iiiltor ) I need not introduce to ynu ,
I judge from notno short biographical
sketches you have Riven of him iu Tun
HEI : lately that you are
But for the boneQt of others I may
ony ho ia editor < f The Blair Pilot and
postmaster at thU place.
AB editor it is duo to him to sjy , ho
runs ono of the oharpcat und ugliest
pena in the state and in that charac
ter ho haa had occasion to skin one
VictorY. , an old partner of Val in
land ollljo frauds , has punctured
Chnrloy Ale. , an ox-whisky slinger
and present shaver of poor man's
notes , has stripped the mask oil
"Uuclo Jecma , " ono of the bitjfjest
pitty frauds in thuno piuto ; haa fliyed
poor Luther W. till he is to bj pitied ,
und iirut und luut lisa luahed quite a ,
number of them liery for moro or leas
provocation. Aa paatmaster he got
liia place over the bitterest opposition
of ull these and his holding it la a con
stant irritation which ktopj thu
"clan , " an Hilton styles them , under a
constant bail. How to got rid of Hil
ton is their study. For this end they
plot and plan , apond their money and
tune. Still Hilton keeps on top. Ho
hao so managed , or good luck has so
favored him that ho nas been with the
"fellers" that hnve won , or has been
able to make those "short turna"
which have enabled him to "shapa"
himaolf ivith the other "teller" who
won.Whon the present campaign opened ,
and Hilton counting on Judge
Orounsoo good liuk , popularity , and
probable BUCCCUS to vmdicilo hia
course , houted that gentleman's name ,
the "clun" thought they upicd a big
ray of hop a and believed the tima was
nigh at hand when they would have
their feet on his neck Although | hey
hadalw.ijB cursed Val , and never
oven voted for him , now that Hilton
had espoused Crouiiso
thov prom.sod the county delegation
to if work , money , fraud and
Juke could give , and \ Ain \ his wrath
a worn in turn that they should have
llilton'tf heaclon iv charter. A grand re-
ceptiun for the WLSC Point atntenm in
was arranged to take place nt Luther's.
Yo Gods whit n liighll Studus of Oi\l-
liouu and Wobiter what n apectnclu to
uoo th'a ovorgrowi boy , this knight of
the billiard CIK , this briefless lawyer ,
ehcted by a questionable nnd discred
itable dt'cuum of the supreme court
judge , paid for servires nuvur rendered -
od by u Btill moro qiiestionablo votn
of thu legialnturo , ttio chosen tool
of the U. I' . Hill way posing there an
ataUiaman whilu the clan secretly do-
teatuit ; him , but inspire ! by their hate
of lliltuu , luwn upon him. The
hud to bo taken , however. "Jeonm"
flinilt'il one of hia sickliest over it.
Froa'd bawolu rebelled. Charley Me. ,
1 > jwevor , told the boya to "brace up , "
and tuko it it it would only phyeicout
Hilton. So it wan arrar.gtd that
Luther , our own and only Luther-
Luther , who began here yours nup in
the luw , Biiiduichod betnrcon Hilton
the elder , and Hilton the younger ,
under the name and style ot Hilton ,
Luther & Hilton , and to which early
connection ho refers ai furnishing a
likeness between the Savior and him
self. Luther , .the sleek , was to oc
company the statesman to Omahn to
get from headquarters
for shekels in great number would bo
needed to get away with Orounso
Sprague , a weak , hair-bruined indi
vidual , who nota an ficurohoad to the
olan'rt paper here , while others do the
writing for it , was to accompany the
statesman , v > ho BO "delights in exhi
bitions ot manly sports , " to Ball
Oruek , to v/itnrss'a srub game of biee
ball i n \ mike the ncqdiiutanco of the
Bovi'ifi in , The boom was started ,
and an muih stir and bu tlo yr& * g it
up that it ilrnvo out Jumbo , JVtu -
ley , n ho watches with much care to
BJJ \ \ hosi'o \ \ is ahead , to the fence
10 await rtsults.
Tht > ciiiveiitiou came , however , but
with it rnino tint Ihe xppctt'd dtleRa-
( ions. Evfrjthirg went for Orounep ,
i- . was u d aapiviintmonr , still if Val.
ih tutd win at Fre-mont they would re
ceive thu reward for good intention * ,
und Hilton nould be postmasturly
damned for training with the " ttge of
CaUioun "
The Fremont convention quioldy
followed , iho wires brought the stir
ring intelligence that Yal , was nomi.
natod. Bonfires were built , the band
brought out ,
Charley Me. , fell upon the nock of
"Jeems , " and they embraced , Fred
turned several hand-springs , Luthrr ,
commander of the post , ordered Jim
and George to bring out the "Dffen-
tery Brigade , " Jumbo got down from
the fence nnd tang Glory Hallelujth ,
nnd declared ho find bjcn "thar" nil
the time ; what he had said about Val'a
incompotency &nd dishonesty had all
been a joke , but it In terrible to relate
what n night was to bring forth.
.Sic tranril gloria munJl
The morninp came , nnd with it
oitno the coEqiming hero , Hilton ,
Hilton came , and also the Ititelligoi cs
that he had not only "shook" Crounio
and gone into Val's convention , but
was given a front scat and the post of
honor in that Catherine of postmns-
tors , land officers nrd U P , Jiirilirgs :
that hig cpmiag wfls received with thr
rejoicing inltl (0 ( prevail in heaven
over the repentance- a sinner ; that
his manly action had received the ap
proving smile of Peter Schwet ck , and
Iho honeyed words of bluthmkito
Roberta ; that ho had been scon
and fixed himself safe in the posloflicc.
The tiows was thought too dreadful
to bo true1 ; but time has confirmed it
all , and testimony is daily being added
to ihow that the postmaster IB "solid"
with Iho members nnd that 1he clan is
oold. Luther's vanity doca not nllo < v
him to think that Val. will ignoie
him , forget the fine reception given
the statesman , nnd the promises then
made , But others of the clan , with
moro real hair nnd sotso and ICED
Tauity , see that they are caught , The
wickud Hilton haa thorn. Their poi-er
ia committed to Val , and it is
painfully amusing to see the clan
equiim und choke. Thia is "why wt-
laugh. " The Pilot and the Republi
can which never agreed before nru
now agreed in their support of Vul.
The Hon and lamb for once are lyinjt
down together , but the poor aicklumn
in inside the big lion fcoling terribly
out of place. The people , however ,
look through the motions of iho Pilot
and the Republican men and between
the two will support Turner. In fact
the "clan" know their only hope to
shake Hilton is through Turner , and
while they have got their foot in too
far to openly advocate him , they will
quietly vote as they hnvo done hereto-
tofore , that is against Vul.
But enough for this time.
P. S. Blair papers pleoae copy.
copy.F. .
PERSONAL i rias.
Mr. Crown , of Washington , h H been
nrroated while having u "royal good
tiniB. "
Souator Sharon haa a barn on liis new
liiuno in California whLh h u codt ovr
80 000.
Napulenn likeJ pie. It w.ia utter oiling
n eoguyr ; pie that bin brjtv would gAt fo
Winueniucca , thu old 1'iute chief , hao
ju t married hn teveutti wife. A true la-
dmn dot- * not kuow what fear ineiuu.
Senator IVntlletau'a new h > u-e on Six-
teuuth Btrvet , Wa5liius'uu , I\M m.isaive
yildod Btitflji\eru nt tilt ) tuo of thu li ht-
uiLg rods ,
I. tut. Dnnechower u ill deliver his lee-
turo twenty tliiitu next wiuter. Thu route
wall bo aimuimccd m time for people to
ties out of thu way.
Kinj ; Kilnknua has authotizoi a nation-
allu uufS2,0 U. As winter overeats are
not uoeileU lu Honolulu , it ia Buriniaod that
Kuliit.iUrt contuiupUtun tbo purchoae of u
O rdinal Nnwunn , who is 82 yrara old ,
u very londof pluying the violin. It woul I
bo u w.i ue t/1 n\ \ > ama t j my anything ub iut
the oriuion of ilia btttuco of the iNuwmju
tuuiHy un this Hubject.
Koely , the inventor averts that ho'ii
now wonting ni ht aad day to cjmpleto
bin motor iu time to take out the p.ttent
ou 1) ceinber 111. Ho bayn tha m .uhme
wM bo puif cted ( u a very short time.
Ismail Pasha'iTtw * daughteri- , whom a
cori05jndenf dejcribei as ' 'bright und
clover Klrle , ' are attcndiag school iu l' in.
Their fia'd harem id hiiuilnoiuely aitu toJ
ou the itu ii jyurd.
A Calif .inta nowapaper uaya that "John
alien , wl\o was ouce worth $ i.nOOtrOJ , ia
no * livin , ; in c inparftiivo poverty in n
iud cottage near tioda Spring' , Cjllf .r-
nm. " Jo < u mu.t hvve ; Htruik aSo * bury
puker game nt sumo perijd of hit life.
A'liiio Ij uisu C\ry , ncsoid tig to Mr.
] ! uy.iionil , bur husband , his entirely re-
ojv.recl tlio UPO ol her voio < ; . Mi. in > -
iiionj iif not 1)13 ) tiint hu band who Inn
iiiiulaaUirt every of this kind.
A street r.tilway haibeeulitdlu Athene ,
nnd wheio Mr tiuciatod luect 1 1 utop ou
thu comer unit put hu dreaded cimuo-
clruina tu tlio vcaley At'.iohi.n youttr , f.t
women iioiv btaiid and w.ut fi-r u crowJud
car ,
The wealth of J. N. McOullough , first
vlio | ireaiilent of tl < i L'euutyjvutnu rout ,
IH fh.unitcd by the InJiuujM ili Journui
i.t § . ' ,5.0 OjO , mill ull tint" , it in- m Uuiud tjtuttfl bond" , trm lost
r.ulrouil ficuriiiei of tha country , unit in
viiliubl rual eotHtj ,
> S > viiitiuruJ ii coming lo America aud
will visit tnu iirincipal title. , Kuiub' ro.d-
i B from his own pocn > H. It id under-
nto tit that each perlo. in nice will be u > der
thesu erviaion of llie N.Uionul of
' 1'ha lyiiidon TinieH saj.s that "Ujorn-
Bter no lj irnson will noun celebrate his
twenty-tilth jubilee on a poet. He haa
not produced any now 'poetic work for
many yearn " Once ia a while there in an
unuivernary , that IA really worth c < lobrut-
A Vivid Contrast ,
It.Jtlinor Aincr can.
It aoemB probable that Ohio Is only
the first of a series of revolutions
that are impending. There will ba a
similar crash in Pennsylvania and
Now Yoik , and then bosaiam being
crushed and left dead under the ruins ,
the party purified and invigorated will
rioriianuu for viotoiy in 1884 , But
amid these thick coming troubles it is
p'oatant to turn the eyes towiiri n
contrast the s'ato of Maine. The
brilliant victory if Blame in that
B ate nns won by the old yc pub'ican
methods , while ihird-termiem , boas-
ism nnd stalwart will have brought re-
pubt'omisni iri Ohio , IV'.irj'lvnt ! > ii
aid 2vvf Yoru xo the j-mu of defrut.
B nine him retrieved Maine and haa
a nit u solid ropubliuin delegation to
h &VRCS1 CURE for
Hoe > i latuo back or n disordered urine
Ir.dlcato , Uvt you BIV o vloUin ? Tlirw BO
oncodlruicUUrooomai-adiU and it\rlll
g ipccdliy ivercoiue CUB tl : caw and restore
o lualUiy ietloa to ttU tUgorc
KaOQIcSa toyouTMZ.iuoiiuiuilu
i. KIDNEY-WOUT U un ur-
.u II will act promptly and nfely.
iiUirt Box. Jooonuncaco , rcUntion ol
urine , brick diut or ropy depouU , and doll
dragging pataa , oil ipoedUy yield to IU our-
" '
W )
Price 1.
Boasters nnd Grinders of OorToss and Spices , Manufacturers of
Clark's Double Extracts of
JI , G. CLAUK t CO , Proprietors ,
1403 Douulns S nrt. Omah . Neb ,
1108 and 1110 Hamey 11. , OMAHA , NEB.
204 Korth Sixteenth St. , - - OMAHA , NEB.
[ 1005 Farnam St. , Omaha.
Are acknowledged to bu thr
best by all who have put them
to a practical test.
Diioi/'o OTm r nr
Piercy & Bradford ,
makes a apocinlty of
Collars & Cuffs ,
Three Cents Each.
Wet k bulicllud from all over the country ,
Ihe charges and return postage mimt ac
company the package , apecial rates t
larte ; cluha or agencies.
nSI-tf we \ \ JLK1N8 & KVANB.
KU ,
UCSundim Dodge Btrwt ,
ug 7-mo Cm OMAIU , NKK ,
. , .
- , . .
p. rm M..MMIPI uti imnrmn imjMMi-t.
.V Hiiro Ciiro for nil 1'r.MAIiU WIiAK
rcqular niul J'lilr.fiil lUciiHlrimllon ,
Inllaiiitiuulou nn it I Icurnltiin of
tUp Woitil. , I'lnodln ; ; , I'JO-
tmicasaot'otliotiutp , rfll uclous uil InimMUto
In ItH ctrrct. Hl3iin\ithililn | iwnuancy , nnj r -
llcvoBpiUn durlnslalmn-ndfttircular peri ( ' ,
rnibin istsriT JIMIIKLSIIIII. ! . ir iiuiu.
ti FOB ILLWEtK-Tl fL-S of the p-JM rutlio OrRKM
of iltbcr M.X , It lihpuantltuuo nmtCj'iw cicr
been bcfort > tliu public | anil far all ill * . , i . rf of the
EinxrvH It la fie drratitt Kanedu ' " the li"vrlJ.
Fluct ( 'rrat Jrllufti ! Itu I'se.
will inulirato L > crvitlo ol lluuiori tram lL
Illuol.ittihuiiaimitlinA vlll lutliinti and tmiKth tit
Ihonyvura. A injrr lloa4lii resultinstheCtiuipauud.
tiTIotl.tlwCf.nnninlu4iil ! lUwxl IMrl'l ' r ari prf
ot SU ondi"i Wivtrrn .Avenno , Iin > . Mai. .
cr , 81. Sir bottk for$5. Ttir Ca-npadiul
la wnt by inall lu ti ! f orm rf pills , or of Itw iui * , on
receipt of irrln-.eirx'rNixfor iltliir , Mr * . IlnUmra
fnly nn w rn oil 1m tun of Inquiry. I'oi lon > 8 nut
utamp. tk-ndforpa-J'I'Iil.-I. I'eatfon Mi ; Vrr.
. IlvimmV JirniFiuj ! niro
oCUwIJ" < tint * .
e *
(4 ( * *
B ?
if C
O .
CHICA'GO , iixs.
Embody new 1882 loiprciDCu'e. . Mor.
practical lc ua. ; Co t less to kuip Ic
Miuer ; Ute lot * fueli will itne moro " *
tnU a Urgur voliuuo ol para air & * > * aul
furnace icaJe.
Sold by PIEROGT k BRADFORD , Omui * , Ket4 *