THE DAILY BEE OMAHA TUESDAY , OCTOBER 17 New Life is given by using HKOWN'S IRON BITTKKS. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system ; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease ; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; in the Kail it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in per fect condition . HKOWN'S IKON BITTERS ensures per fect health through the changing seasons , it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air , and it prevents Consump tion , Kidney and LiIT Dis ease , &c. II. S. Berlin , & < ? . , of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co. , Attorneys , Le Droit Building , Washing ton , D. C. , writes , Dec. . 5th , 1881 : Gentltmnt ; I take pleas ure ill Mating that I liavc used llrown's Iron Hitlers for ma laria niul nervous tumbles , cruised liy overwork , with . excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for BROWN'S IKON BIT- rSKS , and insist on having it. Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "just as good" The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore , Md. BALL'S ' CORSETS EVtry Comet Is warrnutoil satisfactory - factory to Its woarcr In ovnrjr wny , or the money will ho rolundod hy the pcrnou from whom It w us houRht. Th only Cornet pronounciHl by our nillnc ! > h > "lcl not Injurlou. lo thn wraifr , nnilcniloriMilW Lulli-i the "mostcorafurublo ivnU iHrfcct UttliiB Cowut e < JUle' " * < ' rjiicrjiir MnHPo f oi' Mi . „ JYr'.rrvIni : . # I.BO. Hclf.AJJu.llnB , ! . ( Abdomlnul ( dimlii-nvy ) .OO. Nurtlnir , # 1.1 UuJth TrnrrtlnK ( One pntilll ) fB.OU. I'wragi Kblrt-Hupporllnir , * 1.CO. Yor nto l > y Irudlng Itoliill lruli > n rierj-wbri ClilOAUU COUatlX CO. , Chlcuco , III. lll'JonclAitnw y GOLD ROPE. Thelntrlnslc merit and n ipcrlor iiualllyof 01 Ooldltopolobncco ban Induced otliit urn nla turem to put upon tlio mvkct ooli hluillar I cur brand In name and > cylo nhlih nru ollcn andiold f > r In's uni ry Ihkii the ( jnnulno Go Kopo. Wu million thu t adu and conxnmrr tom tbatour namu nil trade nmrk nru iinnn cat lump. The on y Kenulru nnd original 0 Id Ho ] Tobacco la tca'iutac'.ur dby TI1E WILSON * McNALLY T ( BACCO JOMl'ANY. fOrlglniton ol thin th I'u lu Nary nork. svp f A DELICIOUS DRINI In Hot Wt-ntlifr Mix with Vina Ice. In Cold Wcatlur Mix with Hot Water. Add Lumoimrtovlion ( Conveulunt ) I milt xlio Tivsto. PUNC 35HAWKINSS . . MASS.-- The "HUH Pimm" \ of superior qiullf a m .t with uurkid | > 0mltrfa ] > or tan health ind palatahlo drink , It In prcparxl wllligruat ctrefio.ii tliu bckt li Urlalu and will he louud an iicrittaiilo add II to tbecholtti tbln iof th tal'le tuh nmleii hly enU | ; o tha ploaburcn of life i d nifu a Kood ( ciloHtilpaiid goal nature if tlshtlt < Jood. B , Cluhn , Jlotda. Kxcur inn Picnics and Yaclitinu' I'artit-s Pronounce - nounco Hub J'urch Unrivnlled , T io"IU' ITKCir'Uh M hy a 1 Innlintr la Uy iaoi'i anui e inr haii'i' . M A l A. Jl , 1'l'iilitiiiic , l > iiiiliiiA'tt Benifls BBwarded , OH , She Story of tbo Sewing EaohlD A fcaDliome liltb pamphltt , blua alii 4 tiit wltb Qomeroui en/ruln ; , will t GIVEN AWAY lo nv auQll pit.on catling for It , at an ; biai or lub-ofllte of Tlie BIo ci UaDulactatlDK Oc pany , 01 wtU b wa b > mall , port p id aar otrioii lirlcj al iutaac tiom oaroffii flio Singer ManufaotnrinR Oo , Principal Office , 34 Union Bqoi NEW YORK V \ FIXING THE JURY. Attorney General Brawster Ex poses tlia True 'Inwardness ' of the Star Eouto Plot Spies in the Department ol Juotics. An Intfrcotin } ; Publication Forestalled , SMl-lll | ll | V > t < ll tOTlIK llKf THI : PLOT j.M'oscn. WAEHISUTON , ( ) : tobor Hi. Mr. Urenliter , in an Interview at L'hila < dclphnv } catcrdny , stated that im portant arrests in the star "route bri bery matter will bo made by the gov ernment ; that ainonj ; those nrreste would bu one or two persona in the department ( if juilicr , who had been ued us ppita for the defendants , and tvhonppeur to be deeply implicated in nnntttmpt to corrupt the jurors on luhaif of the defense , nnd that , more' over , the dtifendan n hnvo obtained in formation from come of their numer ous spies that the government contemplated tomplated such action , and would , within a short time , furnish nn article to the press disclo.Miig the facts thai have long been within the knowledge of the defendant1 , nnd take credit bu lore th nnblio of being cxpoaen of wrong deiug. The prophesy of tin attorney general was verified aoonei than ho had perhaps anticipated. Tin article was furnished to-night for pub lication to-morrow to such papers a ; would agree to publish in full or conic bo induced to think it was worth pur chasing nt nn extravagant price Special care has been taken to furnisl it free to such papers as have sym pathi'cd with the otar route dofons while attempts were also made to in dtico editors of other papers to thin ! it had special value by fixing iv larg price upon it in the hope that its pub lication might bo then wocurcd n genuine sensational news. The docu ncnt has been prepared by clove attorneys and its spirit and purpos \ro to aid the ntnr route people b urcstalling the action of the govern nent in making the contemplate arrests , nnd to cause the public t hink the effort to bring the guilt men to justice proceeded from th ido of the defense. It ia , in short th device of ckilfull criminal law 'era ' to help n desperate CLBO by soon ng to expose attempts nt briber } I'ho voluntary disclosure by thin pul ication on thuiitt ] ! of the atar rout > ooplo can harnly fail to show the oj olitig dvBper.ition of their caio * . Th tar route organs have recent ! charged that the government had HjBtein of espionage which extonde > ver judge , jury and opposing coui el. Thin evidence , or confession which they tlnnihelven furninli , wil government counut-1 thinko , hovr thr he atar route people placed apion i ho department of justice , nnd tin .ho approaches to Foreman Dicksoi while they were in fact nmdo eubotat iully in the manner nnd form as li ma charged , were nevertheless a pai of the great pi MI of tli'u ' defense. If any invalid or nick poraon lins tl leant dan lit of the power und cllicnc of Hop Ditter.i to euro thorn , the can find onsen exactly Jilcu their owi in their own neighborhood , withproi loiitivo that they can bo naoily an permanently curud at a trilling coat- > r ask your druggist or phys lician , STATE JOTTINGS. Central City has 181 tcholnrH enrullei I' All fluid had Its first front on the ! Hli. A klii'lcrrfnrtcn lm been tHtabHshed ; Nuitli 1'lnltu. Tliu first rut ovur ncen In Kearney wi captured nn the 8th , Kiinco county liulda iU lirnt nminnl fa at Lfullt'i ton this ucck. Tliero nro nbo\it twenty ciwe of dip ! ut Nebraulu Cl'y. This ycarV Imy crop > a InIuglnR S7.00 v number of Nubrunkn towns. 1'utur Hummel , of C-IRH ronnty , In already lo.t 100 h" by chulern. Will Hliavp , of Waco , ( mil a , liaml bad niilllated in an elevator on thu 7th , A K , Mm lor und wife , of I'uwneeC.t > lebrated tliulr cry tul weddliii ; nn l ! 10. h. h.Grand Grand Inland and Hasting , lit mil npait , are connected oecuhlonnlly by U-l Talile Itoi'lc , which duvebpcd thu lini 'H inlf , ban a oiiC'loKK chicken. Two of the KohoolnoniH nt Ord we osi'd on the lOtli bocaiuo of tlio vol DIM principal now cuU the wood , Saturday evonlni ; , 7th Inat. , wan a live mo In Itiiynold' , .lilferaon county. Thr IOIIH were born lu nn many faiullfw , Will F. Wrlfiht was thrown from landcnr nt Itenkloinun on the Htli < nd I lured BO 1 willy tbnt he died on the llth. A G'cnv Hie bride got up early enough lie married at ft o'clock In the mornlurf i cerilly. She probably HAW the comet , to Two rival Iniurance mm ot 1'latt inouth had n joint public dlncuiudeu la week , adn Uiifon free. They will tiy uln tbU weak. Mm. M. M. Curran , of I'lattmnoiitb , u tempted suicide by taking a heavy dose laudauum on tlio 13th , but a physician ai Ntmnacb piuup kept her on earth. Half the people and 11 doga of Ham " ( on tnrncMl outou the lOib , trylnp to"cat < u jack rabbit that appeared on the ktree Oito of the ( \ < < K caught him. A JOUOR Cermin by the tmuie of Uet mann llvlui ; near Ailnmf , wu Instant kllltd by a team riimiinj ; away and tl wfguntiiUing the rtab u ho wan In kiioc inir it in piece * , u pole ttrlklnx him ou tl bead. IiKix tint formation of bcbool dUtrl No It , fnu i lu'ly ttachern li.nn been t > i ulojed t ( lilJi'iint times , Of the foi tlirm . .f them aru no.v inurned , with livbtuu ebatue fur tlio fourth.Khelt Cliprer. ] ; , \Vt' U , of Kalnnazju , uai thruv from i > li'Mii * on tliu " > , ' l\ unit drjggrd ue : ly to liii hnnie , n li"i ( ; ill tance. lie in a ufd to krr | ) rla bead up mid ) u\ed I.I * Ufa tlieraay , but hU lack w leaifntly 1. crated. Judbe Weaver u Hninelhlnv of a faruii lie hit100 ucrtuof winlir wheat , viol iiublui 'JJfO bu > h l ; 'JlOncrw of uprl uhoat lleldili1S(0 ; ( bualelf ; 200 aciea corn , vvblih will yield from 12 000 to 1 000 imuhelr , nrd 40 acres of oatu whi thrcbheii cut -,000 buslielu. Two ynuiik' ladles of the York eemiuf were rejrarted for Rolng out one evenl with a "feller" and catioR oyiten. 1 faculty g \ otho culurlU a copy of t rules to read , c died them befoie the & & > e bled school and looking over iU vpectac demanded the name of Uie "feller. " was "the professor1 end the Inventtgatlon wan drspptd. UTAH POLITICS. The Candidates of Both Par ties Rustling for Onunon's Shoes. The Pinto Stntimnn nntl the Mor mon * The Courtn at Work Correspondence of Tun Him. SALT LAKnCm , October 12. Both political patties htvo held their con- volitions to nnminato a delegate to congress. The "liberals" or "Ameri can" party nominated Mr. A. 0. Campbell , but ho declined , The choice thun full upcn United States Prosecuting Attorney Van Xilo. Tlio "pooplo'a" or Mormon party have choaon City Recorder John T. Caino. Ho is nn old resident of thin territory , a monogainic Mormon of conaiderablo ability , usually regarded as quite conservative ; indeed ho would not bo distasteful to many non-Mor. tnons should ho bo elected , According to the now law the can vass of the votes is taken out of the hands of the governor und placed in those of the commissioners , ott whom all duties regarding elections at present - ont devolve. There appears to bo no lovu lost between twoon Mr. Cassidy , of Nevada , und the Mormons , That honorublii gentleman is re-election Con- tleman seeking - to - green , nnd ho claims that "tlioclmrcb" s using nil its ititluonco nnd consider- bio money to defeat him. Ho is en- icavoring to use this charge as n poll- leal weapon against his moro popular 'opublican opponent. The Mormons 'igorously deny the accusation. They assert that whilst they heartily do- plso Mr. Cassidy they hnvo not used . penny to aid in his defeat. Con. idoring how nearly balanced IB the trongih of the two parties in the sago rush atato the Mormon vote is uito a consideration , nnd na they generally vote the democratic Met their defection may scat .ho republican candidate. There t is n kind of Mercy totter business mixed up in the affair. Mr. C. bases 'na nasertiona upon u communication laid to have boon written by a prom- nent "saint , " in which the tactics of iis co relationista were confident , but which by nmno happy chance has been made public. The Mormons retort " > y assorting that it in u forgery and a fraud ; no such letter w a over written by any of thtir people , nnd that it ia i political dodge to elicit symputhy or Air. Ciijsidy , whoso waning influ ence amongst his own constituents icodod bolstering up By the way , if course thuro is a caiuu for this mu tual antipathy , the reason is found in Mr. O.'a Btroiip language in the de bates , that ended in the passage of the Kdmuiida bill , and the unsealing of Mr Cannon for the accomplish ent of both of which measures ho ia lore credited with using moro than ordinary energy. The courts , both in Ogden and Salt InUo City , are engaged in wrestlinp with the question , "Aro there nny vsv canoica in the territorial oilicen ant has the governor exceeded his powoi in making his appointment1 Tin legal arguments have been finished nl Ogden , but are in full blast here. Tlu whole matter hinges 0:1 the tcopo ol the amendment made by congress tr the sundry civil appropriation bill , ir which the ( governor was given certain powers to iitl olliucu rendered vncau ! by n failure to elect at the last Augusl election. Ono party claims that n\ \ otlicea were then rendered vacant foj which an election should then have been held ; the other side na sorta that the law u.xprcaalj states that the almost unanimoui docisio.ia of the courta in all parta ol the country sustain the position thai the present incumbents hold ovo.Minti their successors are elected and quali lied , nnd if the present Liliccra were l < urrender their position ) ! they woult ba liable to proHccution. Whilst nuarl ] every member of the LTh bar is en ( japed on one uitlo or the other , .ludgi .Jerry . Dlack isprosLcii'ing the light u Wash.tigton. Both parties appear t ( bo voiy Banguineof ultimate success The Mormon conference came am went \\ithout any thing of unusual mo meat occurring. 'Iho speakers wort probably aomowhat more enthusiastic than usual , and n trilUmoro emphatii in their expressions of faith "in tin ultimate tnumph of the gos pel , " as they expound it No compiomisoviit suggestec to tide over existing dillieuHitb or ti ucoomuiuUtt ) themselvi'a to the epiri of the ngo , but a general dotcrmina tion to stand by their colors was ex pressed , now and then in terms mori expressive than elastic. The two va cancies in the council of the twolv apostles were not filled , but those ii the first council of the seven4ies wore a BOH of Hon. Goo. Hannon , and tin county superintendent of commoi rchoola , a Mr. Lewis , were chosen Mr , Lewis , however , is uaid to be in eligible , as he bolpngs to some otho order of the complicated system o priesthood whioh distinguishes thi church , nnd thoreforu somebody els will have to bo chosen at the nex general meeting , lliin.Wo bojiu to fancy wo nr living in Oregon ; such a change , th oldest inhabitant , oto , you know th reHt. \VK.VO. Given Away. Wu rmmot help notlcin tholllicral olfe nmdo to nil Invalids and miuVrerH by Pi King' * New Ducovei y for i ouMiiupUui You tut ) icquestul to tall atC. 1'ioor man's Drug Stoic , and fjt-t a Trial Hottl fiit of cost , If y u are sullenm ; with Con sumption , Sovtire Coughs , Cold * , AuUimn llrmicliitirt , Huy Kcver , Ijosa of Voice Ho inenenK , 01 nny allotlou of the Tlroa ; or Jitmiii. ; It will imtitlvelv cure you. The Sioux Conimiviloii. IHtpatih to'Fut : IllK YANKTON , D. T. , October JO. Th Sioux commission to treat for nuessio : of u por.ion of the reservation left thi morning by train. They go tint t Silitru nnd then to the Vankto agency. Uuv. S , D. llinman goes a interpreter , Years f lianihart , corner I'ratt and llroai wav , llutfalo , waj for twelve yearn tud.ror from rbtumatUin. and after tn IOK every knowa remedy without vall , wi entirely cured by THOMAS' J LICTBIO On BEMIS' GOLUiViN , Offices 15th and Douglas . Streets. No. 337. Buiullful rcxlilonca lot on street , near htftd of St. Mary'i avenue , ? 2 700. No , 314. full lot on igihttrcet , ntar 1'opplo- ton'a , 18.50. No. 81U. Full aero en Hurt etroct , no r Convent of Sacred HearJ 81,200. No. 317. Full lot on California , near 2Ut ilroct. $1,000. No. 818. Tno lota en Souard , coir Saunderg Bttcct , l,330. No. 310. Two lota on Cliarlci , near Saunden street , $1W,0. No. 320. IU f aero on Cumlog street , near Out ton , 8475. No. 321. Sfx bcaullut resilience lots , flno rltw , on Mt. I'lcanint a > cnuc. near Hauscom IVrx , 4,000. No. 32 ? . Uiio-htlf acroon California street , nnai CiclghtonCailejro. $1,5CO. No. 323. Two lots on Mfircy street , near 13tli street , } 5,001 , No. : KQ. Tnolots on Doilgu , near Orovo street , Smith's nUdttl > n. o. U20. four acre bio k In West Omaha , 42000. Cholco 4 aero block In Smith's addition at west end of Farnam etreot/ will pivo any length ol tlmo required at 7 per cent Interest. Also a splendid 10 acre Mock In Smlth'n addi tion on same liberal tcims a ) tno foreRuIn ? . No. SOS , Half lot on Uird near 20th ttreet , (700. (700.No 304 , Lot on 18th street near Paul , $1200. No 302 , I-nlt 30x2SO foot on 15th street , mai Nlcholna i-CJ. No WJ , Quo qiurtcr ucre on Burt street , neai Dutton 8000. No 297 , Two lot ) On Blonde neai Irene street , 92M ) and ? 300 each. No00 , r o lotd mi Ououla near Michigan utrict. $1200. Nu29& , Twelve choli.0 residence- lots on Baintl ton street lu Shlnn'n addition , Quo and elghtl ) , JJ30 to S5W each. No 20 > . Beautiful half lot on Ht. Mary 'a av cnue , 30xl&0 feet , bear Blahop CUrkuon'u uuc 20th struct , $1600. No 292 , Two cbolcc lota on Park avenue , 601 160 each , on street railway , 9300 each. No 291Slx loin In Mlllard & Caldwell'a addltlor ou Sherman Avouuo near Popplctou'a , 1300 tc No 285 , Four lets on Dccaur and Ironi etrects , near SaunJers street , < C7" to $460 each No U82 , Lot on 10th near Paul street , $760. No 281 , Lot 66x180 feet neat St. Mary's avenue and 20th street , tlfioo. No 279 , Lot on ' ( DucaJJiacir Ircno street , H26 No 278 , Four lots ou Caluwull , near Saunder street , $600 each. No 270 , Loton Clinton street , neai shot tower 8125. 8125.No 276 , Four lota on McLollan street , nea : Blonde , Uawi'a addition , 8226 each. No 274 , Three lots near race courai ; niaki offuro. No 208 , Beautiful corner aero lot on Callfornh street , opposllo and adjolulng Sacred Heart Con vent grounds , $1000. No'ZCo , Lot onllaaon , near 16th street , ? 1,360 100 low In "Credit Fonclor"and "Grand View1 additions , just south-east of U. I' and li.A M i atlroad < cpots , rangln ; ; from $160 toglOOOcac ! and oil easy terms. Beautiful Rcslilcnco Lots at K bargain vor ; handy to shops 126 to < 2M each , 6 pur cent dowi and 6 per cunt per mouth. Call and Rctpbtani full ) > articular . No 25tt , Full corner lot on Jones , Near 1CU strict. $3,000. No 26.5 , 'J olotn on Center street , near Cum- Ini ; street , $000 for both or $600 each. No 261 } , Lot on tiuwarU , near King etreet $3M. $3M.No 240 , Halt lot ou Dodge , near llth street $2,101) . No 2 17 , Four beautiful rcwldcnce lota nea : Crolghtou ColleKO ( or will separata ) 18,000. No 216 , Two Iota on Center , near Cumins etirct , $625 and 81W oath. No 4iU , Lot ou Idaoo , near Cuinlni ; etrer $626 $626No 246 , Boautlful corner acre lot ou Cumlne near Iiuttiin .troct , mar now Cou\cut of Sacrci lloart , $1,600 No. 214 , Lot on Faraam , near 18th ttreet $4.760. No 241. Lot on Faruain , near Cfith street $1,000. No.'jJD , corner lot on Burt , near 22d' street ,300. No. 233,120x132 feet J llarnoy , 21th street , ( will cut It up ) $2,100. No. tui , Lot on bouijlaa street , near 2Cth $1,000. tin. 227 , Two lota on Dccatur , near Ircnu eVoo : $ :00 each , o CU , Lot 113 by 441 feet on Shcr-nan vc nuo(10th ( ctivet ) . lira draco , $1,000 , will divide No 'i0 , Lot 23x00 futt ou Dodge , near 13t ! street ; niaku nn ttlir. No2i7 , Lot on 23rd near Clart , $600. No 210 , Lot on Hamilton near King , $ 00. No m Lot ou 18th struct , near MchoU , No 207 , T o lots on 16th , near Pacific etroal No 201 , Brautlful rcel.lcuco lot on Dhlalo street , near Cumlng , $ UOO. No 1UUJ Lot on 16th street , near t'lcrci $600. $600.No 1031 , Lots ou Saundor * street , near Sew ard $ DOCI. No 1K2) , Two lota on 17th street , nuar whit lead Horts , $1,050. N > 188) ) ; One ( ull block tea Iota , near th barracks , $403. No 191 , Lot on Parker , street , neat Iron $300. $300.No 163' Two lots on Gael , neai 21st stroc ( Kilt edge ) , $ ,000. No IbO , Lot on Pier near Sewaid , $ u50. No 170Lot on Paciflo street , near 14th ; mtk offer , No 160 , Six lots on Farnam , neai 'J4th strcc. $ ; ,400toJb.Veach ) No 183 , Full block on IBth itrreet. neiw r i- coiuro , sod three loU In OUc aCdltloii. nr * caundersandCa&iuiii streets , f..OOO. No 12tl , t.ot on letn sticit , uear white > . wor.B , $625. No ! . ' , 132x132 feet (2 ( lotl , on ISth strccl near Poppltton's. $1,600. , . . , „ , . No 110 , Thirty half aero loU In illltard & Ca dHBll mullltloiwi ou Sheruuti avenue , Kprlu an bantaga tm > ta , near the end of giico stree rar track , $ 'JOO to $ lbOO < uu.-h. Nuh9 , Lot uii Chlca.'O near 22d tittcol l.buO Not > t , Lot on Culdnvll strett , uear Haundfn No 76 , ObxHi foot on Pacific , near btb Btri't , . No BO , r.ehUcn loU nn iUt 22d , 23-1 an dauudn utrvcts , uear draco andt > Aundera stro' ' lirliU-e , * V > nih No U , Ouo-fourth black ( I 0xl35 foot ) , no thoCoutvnt of Poor Claire , on Hamilton utru mar l'io end of tlia rial uriHt rar trtrk. $1U Nol , Loton Hani , } , m' rJbth.SJ.oOO. Lot * in llailucli'a 1st and 2d addit.onc , a1 ! Iota lu laiki-iV bh nu'ii , Nel > oi > ' , ItcdlcL * Ul'vX UVo' , uud all thu other addition * at an prl.os aud Urms , Heal Estate Agency , 16th ana uoaigais Streets , If I an aulcr ( r oin Dynpopma , uic BUllDOCn 'LOOt ) 11HTEHS. f you are aflllcteJ with Hlllounnf * . " , u o IIURDOCK IILOOD iitrrr.iiB t you arc progtratcd with tick ItrAdachp , UVe UUUDOCK BLOOD niTTKIlS f your Howilnarc dlsorilfrcJ , rt-Kiilato them with BUHDOCK BLOOD B1TTKUS. f Vi'ur Illood l tnpurc , purify It with BUHDOCK BLOOD 11ITTF.11S. ( youha e Indlfcntlonyou ( will hnilan anllJotp n BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTKHS. ( > ouara troubloJ with Spring Corn ) < Ulnti > , er adicate them with BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTKHS. f your Lft-trla torpM , rcntorc U to hcalthyactlon Hth BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTKHS ' your Lhcr la affected , you will llnil a rurc ro- toratu u In BUHDOCK BLOOD BtTTEItS. t jouhateany Bpcclo ol Humor or Pimple , tall ot to take BUHDOCK IILOOD BITTKRS. I jou hiuo any FjTnptomaot Ulcers or Scrofulous ore * , a ciiratho remedy will bo found In BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTEHS. per Impartlnft strength anJItahty tothosjs- cm , nothing unequal UUHDOCK BLOOD B1TTEHS. "or Norvoiwand General Debility , tone up the 3Stcmwlth BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTKHS. Price. 1.00 pet Bottle ; Trl BottleilOCU FOSTEB , MILBURN , & Co , , Props , BtTFFAiO , N. V. Soli ) at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F Goodman. ID 27 eod-me f von nr4 nnn } > rn J , > trt . f liusln" , w\ . nun o ; lev nr lliftlicntriillinr trr < lol'i'uimt'i ! | V.ftf tl I'l u < Htip PXfrotn ir < ii 'ii.llun or ilfl | > aMUuiii It > oiinrr i rlui or 'liu'lp , olti orKrH.uw , * , lunvrlrv > " ' ' i wr-alllnir'fciiKuUliKuiK ' u1 ft ft' ' ' ' uly on H . . llinitvi vl. nf o TOU rtul ! ! IU n\ldl' ) * riMli .it y u r > rtim HJli ! f/S tf- V1 , , . lilo r * i r n Jni.k. "n US. ) t OU "A i 1 1 tlf ) It * ' .IK Jit jouute Hop Blttnr * IV may 1 vour The Qroat Lnglish Remedy Never falls to cuio iNorvoua Debility , VI. tal Uxhaustlon , Kmlv , Seminal Wcak- HOOD , and all the vll effects of youth ful follies and execs- xc8. H Htopi pcrma iicntly all wcaucnlng. ln > oluntary losui a and Idralna upon the system - , tom , tneinoUtftblo re- , 'suit ' of those ovilprao- „ „ Ices , nhlch nro BO dostruetl-o to mind and body nnd make Ufa miserable , of ten leading to Ineant- y und death It ntreiijthen < j the Ncrvts.Uraln , memorj ( Illood , Musclou , PlKostho and llepro- ductUoOrenns , It restores to all the orirank unctlms their former vigor and vitality , ma king life cheerful and cnjoyabla Price , 83 a lottlo , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by cxprctta , PI , euro from observation , to any addrcsa , on receipt of price. No. C. 0. D. sent , except on receipt of $1 a ? a guarantee. Letters r - qucntlng anawcrs must inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are th > best and cheapest dyspepsia and billions euro I iithe market. Weld by all drugtrUta. Price 0 cents. Da MINTIK'B KIUNIV RKMXDT , NBrBrncn , Cures 1 11 hind of Kidney and bladder complalnto , [ onorrhea , elect and leucorrhoa. For sale tiy all InUL-L'Ists : tla liottlo. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTK , 71HOH\oat. , St. Louis , Mo. For Salu In Omaha by 0. K. GOODMAN. Jan25-lv DOCTOR 017 St. Chnrlcs St. , ST. LOUIS , Mo. A REGULAR OHADUAIK of two inultcal C' > ll KC9..hwbecn loiiirrr u'fi > 'Cj lu the t eat- ment , ol UIIHONIU , KKIIVOUS , SKIS AXD 11.001) U | < UMO < tlun another phiiltlin In tit. h iula bH city p l" rd lio\v nml all old teslilont. innw. C < iu ultatioii a olllco or by in.II free nnil Invited. A frlundly talk or hid opinion cobti nothlntr.Vbun It In Inconvenient to vis t tl.u cltv for treatment , med.clna can he sent by moll or oiprtiti oicryuhiTO. Curable uses guaranteed ; wnero doubt exist. K h frank- , it at id. CMi or write. Norvons prnatratiou , BBbllltyj Mental Mid I' WeauiifHH , Mercurial nnii iir BlfectiiuiH of L'tiumt , Sttin umlUonrt _ < , lilood linpuritiui niul lilomi l'i > i < unlus. Siiln AUecUons , lirSjTM uii Ulcers , IinpeiliuienU to MArr'Hue , lUioiiiiiaiUin , Pitea BpeciJ uttontlou to cases from over.worked brain oUllHIOAL OA8E3 receive npeclal attrition. Ulseano arl lng from Imprulence. EXCXSHM , Inmilticneeii o nervous sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr , J. B. Bimpson'a 8pecUic II t * a po itlvecure for bpeimatouhca , inLncru , Iiupolarcy , M-.d all dlieuonreauUlcf 'roji b.'ll-Abuao , n Mental Anility , Louoi 'l ni < > iv , l > ln < In the liack or BUItj uid Vrici. , ppavlti. , Jl.OO ir ptekr , nr lx pack 4n for I..00. Adilnti all r.i Jrre t B. UIMfOh M.ClilJINw CU NOJ. 101 and IOU iuui bt lluflin , 1 < Y. Sold iti Omiha bj 0. 1' . GouJnmn , J. YV Boll , and bit ittijl * or/f.Uro . f .u.- L Cam OriiivaiiteerJ- Ut. F C. WejtoKflrveaud UriTu Trcitimol- A tixsclGc for Ilyetcrla , Ulrilucrs , Convulsion ; .Scrvoud Itoadicbe , Mcutal Uoprti laQ , Low Cl Premature Old Age , caused liy over- exottloa , eclf-abuee , or o cr-lpdulgcnee , hlcl leadi to mbxry , decay and doith. One box 1li care roc nt ca e < , Ka b box contatcioaemouth'i ticatcient , Ono dollar a bos , 01 dxboiMfaj flto dollatt , eoi. t by mall prepaid on receipt tt price. Wo u-uartntco iU hoxet to cure any cue With iach order rocoUed t ) ui for six boxca , ac cou-junledwlth Eve dollars , Ul ud the pur choior our wrltton euaruitett to return tai ur.oocy If the treatmeut dot uot eff net a cure. 0 , . Ooodmau , inif lit , Bolt. Wholesale ami Kul caOmiha , Kit. Ore n by mall al rtallet diwlr JtfrmMnn Htm t > f X- nl'rru * * a jHilntaMe form , ntily preparation oftr that trtll not line iienj , o fharaeterftt" _ _ . other iron j > rei > arattoi YB itnimt noihlimlo ( rl > the " < nft * that 1 TiRrnt rotor In r/i rnl healthful four to . ' Ute.J'rottrntl : J'otrrrs aril I MANUFACTURED BY THE DR.HAKXER MEDICIKE CO. . 213 N , MAIN ST. , ST , LOU PERFECTION HEATING AND la only attained by Btoves and Hanges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS. For sale by MILTOS ROGERS & SQHS WHOLESALK 1 Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. \ "os- * I OBT3RPELDER & CO. BOOK-KEEPING , BUSINESS FORMS , BANKING COMMERCIAL LAW , PENMANSHIP , POLITICAL ECONOMY , COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC , ENGLISH LANGUAGES , Taught by gentlemen of business experience and broad scholarship at the WYilAN COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. A now institution based on the highoat standard " "of excellence. Day and tnd evening cessions are now in successful operation. For clrculnra or pecul ! information apply to or ruidresn A. L. WYMAN. Single Breocli Loading Shot Guns , from 85 to 818 , Double BIBB oh Loading Shot Buns , $18 from to S75 , 'Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , from SB to 825 , Fishing Tackle , Bass Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Show Oasas Alwavs nn Hand , Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a first-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price List and Samples. DIRECTORY OF LEADS8G WESTERN HOTEL HOTELS. PROPKTETOJtS TOWKt ARLINQTON. J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , WEATHERLY HOUSE , | A. G. WEATHERLY , Manning , Iowa , REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. C. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapids , Iowa. SARATOGA HOTtL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E , MANS , DROWMSVILLC Nrb COMMERCIAL HOTCl. ' JOHN HANNAH , Btramtburu N > HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulivlllf ) CITY HOTEL , OHENEY & CLARK. Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTF. . . J. O. MEAD , Nellijh , r.'nb GRAND CENTRAL t. SEYMOUR. Nobratka Olty'lt ty MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Wooplnj ; V/nttfr.K COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. CAARPEtt , Hardy , Nob. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Orsenwcod , N b COMMERCIAL HOUSE , t. . STORCY Clarlnda , Iowa ENO'B HOTEL , E. L. CHO. Eremont , ' { ell' EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. 0. HACKNCY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTCL , FRANK 'LCVCLL , Atkinson , f > tO , MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUUQ , Guide Recd , N . SUMMIT HOUSE , 8V/AN & DECKER , Oroiton , U , HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO.OALPH , Exlra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE. O.M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , ! , WALKER HOUSE , O. H. WALKEP. Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. RURQESS , Neola , U. CITY HOTEL , 01 A. LLIAM8 , Harlan la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMIN08 , Oornlng , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. | AVERY , etanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL J , W , DOULWARE , ( Burlington Jur-ntton , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah , la. OOMMEROAL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb DAQNELL HOUSE , OHA8. OAQNELL , ColleKoSprlns * , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKIN3HOU8E , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , C1ALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE 0 , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , 0ceola , Neb , DOUOLA8 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarkt. Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QUEEN , Dedford la. ARLINQTON HOUSE , J. M , BLACK & SON , MarjivllleMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T , POTTER , Norfolk Junction N b WIN8LOW HOUSE G. McCARTY , Beward Neb AURORA HOUSE M. U. JONEH Auroar Nee , CROZIER HOUHK O. II. Gia ? ' R , Sidney , Neb. AVOCA EATINO HOUSE D W f.OCHrtOLU Avoca la. CENTRAL MOUSE LOCKWOOO K , KWATTUOK. Red Oak' FOSTER HOUSE Cnpt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewis , la. WHirNCY HOUSE E. HAYMAKtR , Grltwold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la LUSK HOUSE. J A. LU6K. login , la DOW Cl Y HOUSE , W. H MORTON , DawCtaia ! JAGGER HOUSE , JAGQRH& hJ > Denlion , la , HAIIMON' TAMA OHY. IA. . Harmon ti Keales IV. GENERAL AGENT , JOS. SCHILTZ BREWING Office 1114 Farnham Street , Omaha , FMeb. , and 311 Court avenue , Des Moines , Iowa. Prices and Information Cheerfully given on application :