Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1882, Image 1

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It !
is i SI !
Just opened ONE HUNDRED
cases of Boots aud Shoes , comprising
the very latoat ftylos , and all of the
tnoat celebrated makers.
la extended to nil to ootno and exam
ine our immense otock , as wo will make
prices lower than have over boon of *
fered in this citv.
a comploU ) Htock of
Ladies' Shoes ,
Gonta' Boots.
Gents' Shoes.
Boys' Booto ,
Boys' Shoos ,
Misaes' Shoos ,
Babies' Shoee ,
Eturyp.iir goiug out of our eatab-
lishmcnt in warranted to euit. You
can alao save
10 to 25 Per Cent i
by buying of ui , both in price and
quality. ,
. & Dormann
( Saactiasoru to F. Lang ) '
Leading Supply House of the'West '
An wj receive daily freah Rupplioa
Groceries Pro
We 'can ossuru tbo public that wade
do not handle any other but
Oar buaiuses being very extensive ,
oar sales quick , wo CAII ail'ord to offer
goods at living prioas to all. We
Snowflake Flour
Which we always arrant to be ox-
oollent , and to tjivo satisfuction. Wo
have proofs that there ia no bettor
flour in the market.
Ooiue and Order ft Back.
We cjnatantly keep on h&nil a largo
stock of
And nil other varieties which wo sell
at bed rock prices ,
California Sugar
Wo hnndloin large quantities and
we can recommend it nil to be tha
purest sugar in thu market
Flavoring Extracts ,
Limburger Cheese ,
Swiss Cheese ,
Royal Paking Powder ,
Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables ,
We constantly keep on hand in large
& Doorman.
Danenbowar Details tlio Trip
of the Jeannette to the
Arctic Seas ,
The Lojr Boole and Cnarto ol
ExQiniiied by
the Board ,
Ancthor Vrirfiion of the Star
Route Trial and Its
ForthonmtnR Trial 'Will Reveal -
veal tbo Goiivplrntori nud
Tbotr Bplon.
The ProduotlotiB of tbo Soil' na An-
Hpedol Dlspatcbva to Tin lint.
WAHHINOTON , October 10. The ex-
nminatiun of Ltoutonunt D nonhowcr
vfa.n renewed bofora thu Jeannette
xjard o [ inquity tliia morning. An
nturcsting feature of the proceedings
was thu introduction in the evidence
of the log books of the Jcnnnotto nnd
the original tnuater rolls nnd charto.
with tlui tin ciaoa iu which they \roro
carried by Captain DaLong'a party ,
through their desperate and hopeless
wanderings in Sbar in , The papers
all bore marks of the aovoro usngo to
which they had been subjected , and
aevoral were almost entirely illegible
The original pl.ina of the .loaniietco
> eforo the alterations were miulo upon
ler , aiid tha plant ) allowing thu repairs
and alterations mude nt Mare Island
navy yard , were put in evidence ,
and wore idmmtiod by Dmcnhowor.
Lieutenant D-inenhiwer was asked to
; ive the naniup , rank and grade of the
ship's company , which hu did , refer
ring to thu ship's books to refresh his
numory. He stated the entire com-
> auy on leaving S.iu Francisco nuni-
lored K2 ; that the Ctnnaman , Ah
Sinti was discharged at St. Michael ,
Alaska , and provided with passage
sack to San Francisco and Aloxey
and another Indiitu were employed to
accompany the expedition aa hunters
and dog drivers ; that the company
lumbered 33 all told when the Jean-
lettu entered the Arctic Ocf aa.
\Vitnods was thou asked to give a
running account , of the cruiao from
; ho date , San Francisco , July 8 1870 ,
intil she Bank , . ) tnui Iu , lS81 , and
jogan his narrative , using the ships
og for dates and to refresh his
memory. The incidents of the voyage
wore briefly touched upon and at 2:30 :
p. in. when court adjourned for the
lay , Lieut. , Danonhower had reached
; hat point in hia narrative when , at
1:10 p. m. , Aucust 30 , 1870 , the
Jeannette entered the Arctic ocean ,
and laid her course for South East
[ /ape , VVrangel land , as then called.
Bo will resume his story to-morrow
The proponed order of inquiry Into
the loss of the Joanuette is us follows :
First , condition of the vessel on her
departure from San Francisco ; second ,
tier management up to the time of her
destination ; third , her loss ; fourth ,
provisions made and plans adopted for
the several boats crews upon their
leaving the wreck ; fifth , efforts made
by thu various oflicors to i no uro the
safely of the parties under their
churge , and for the relief of other par
ties ; sixth , general conduct and mer
its cf each and all of tlio ollicsrs nnd
men of the expedition.
AO KIcai/TUK 41 , STATISTIC : ) .
The department of agriculture re
ports the average yield of oats to bo
nomowlmi higher than last ycr.r , or in
187 ! ) , and in product nearly 113 lari u
aa that of wheat , probably about -180-
000,000 bushels. Illinois , Iowa , Now
York , Wisconsin , Missouri , Pennsyl
vania , Ohio , Indiana and Ivinaas are
the stateo highest in rank in produc
tion and nvernge yield. Rye averaged ,
from ntatu return * , 14 7 10 bushels ,
nuking a crop of 20,000,000 bushels ,
or nearly thu same : is reported
by the census. The indicated
average yield of barley h about
23 buahuls per aero , aggregating
4r ,000,000 bushel ? . California , Now
York and Wisconsin together produce
more than half , 'J7OOU,000 Inaholn.
The product in 1879 wns-11,000,000 ,
Tlio prospect for buckwheat is good
for nearly an average product , cloven
to twi'lvu million bushels ; Pennsyl >
vania produce * nearly half the crop ,
aud ropurtA ! ) . " > ns the average of con
dition , 100 rnprcannting thu full nor
mal yield. New York average is 75.
No other state produces half a million
bushel ) ) . Tlio general average condi
tion of potatoes ia 81. In the south ,
ill thu Ohio valley and in Michigan ,
Missouri and Nebraska thu average
is 100 to 10U. In the northwest and
in eastern and middle states the con
dition is lower ; 70 in Nw York , 80
in Maine , 84 in Vermont , JJo-
turns indicate a probable yield
of 80 bushel 1 per aero.
The yield per acre of corn will bo re
ported in November. Condition
averages 81 , being very high in the
sjuth and comparatively low in states
of the largest production. In Illinois ,
with eight per cent , decrease in area ,
thu condition is only 72 ; in Iowa , 70 ;
in Ohio , 87 , Three etittos produced
40 per cunt , of the crop of 1879.
Oa-eful comparison nf clunget ) in area
and condition indicates an average
yield of 25 bushels to the
acre against 28 in 1879 and
18 last year , The averairu for
series of yeata was bjlwoen 2G und 27
bualiels. New England will produce ,
according to Ootobur returnu , 7,000-
000 to 8,000,000 ; the middle states ,
82,000,000 ; the southern , I 0,000,000
those norUi of Tennessee tmd West ol
Vircinia and Pennsylvania , 1,250-
000,000 , aggregating 1,680,000,000.
Liter returns may slightly reduce but
cannot materially increase the oati
A meeting was held this uvening by
the executive committee of Iho Gar
lield monument oxposition. Appli
cations were prosontud for ppixco Iron
the Aichison , Toprka and 8 nta Fe
railrond , Shonnitduah Valley railroai'
H U. TifTany nnd Co. , nnd ininy
otlit-n. It was decided onoday of tin
exhibition should bo devoted onttrolj
to ( ho Knights Tomplnn. Plans for
military and bicycle dnya are baing
pel fooled. The sccrotury ia in cin
otsnt receipt of encourasttrR ndvicoa
from all parts of thn country. The
hand boll ringer * , of London , through
the lintioh minister , have ( iffjrod
their oorviccs duriua ono cntiro day
and evening of the lair. Two prom
inent electric light companies havi
agreed to light the cnpitol frao of
chare ; ; Other valuable contributions
will be received.
0. W. Smith , general maunder of Iho
Ohoscpoako t Ohio railroad , informed
the board of direction of the Garfiald
monument fair , his company will aoll
tickets at rod need rates.
Thu value of exports of domestic
tireadatutfa during the nine montha
ended Suptotnb.'r ISO , was ? ir i,51L' ,
779 ; for the corresponding period of
1881 , $177,452,038.
roiu nctivo service by operation of
aw of Mdjor General McDowell , Oc-
obor 15 , ia announced to-dny.
Brow tor'n Opinion.
Hptvial Iit { iatcli to TIIK IIKR.
1 MIAUKLI'IIIA , October 16. Attor-
icy 'ueral Hrawatur , being spoken
0 t evening in reference to thu
illidn. . t ubliahod this moriiingcharg
uc that men in the employ of thu
government had attempted to bribe
lomo of the jury in the recent Rtur
route trials , said : "I do not think it
lecoming to carry the case of the gov
ernmentagainst criminals into nuwa
i.ipeis in advance of the trial. The
natter is in good hands. There
s no fund from which nny
money could bu arawn for
corruption of jurymen on behalf
of thu government , und there WEB nb
olutoly no intercut that the attorney
general of the United Stated could
iavo in attempting it , oven if anybody
could think mo capable of it. The
rholo fabrication buara upon its face
, ho fraud that has been practiced ,
tly only connection and interest in
ho star ronto case was fulfillment of
a public duty , and that aim I endeav
ored honestly to carry out. Events
hat will taku place hereafter will explain -
plain nil that have taken placo. "
Without doubt attempts wore made
with more or leaa success to foist upon
he government oervicea corrupt rnon
with thu object of damaging the CIBO ,
[ t was a circumstance worthy of ro-
mnrk that every ono of the jurors ,
who , it is alleged , were corruptly
ipproachod , voted for acquittal of (
some of the defendants. Sumo time
ago , when Falls' disloyalty was firat
discovered , the district attorney was
advised by loiter of thu circmrnatauoes
by government counsel , and his proae-
tion recommended. After Falls' dis
missal ho wrote letters to thn attorney
general , who refused in the most em
j > hatic language to have anything to do
with him , and referred him toMerrick.
Ho had not , however , availed himself
of th'a ' advice Merrick added he
already had three or four canoa to
[ > ring to the attention of Iho grand
jury and would also be ready to proceed
coed with the retrial of the star route
caao aa noun as they are reached on
; ho court docket.
Gor. II. II. Wells , special counsel
for the government , who ia conduct
ing the investigation into the jury
bribery charcca , was asked if ho had
read allidavits published this morning.
Lie ansiverod , "Yea , I have read Col.
lugoraoll's very ingenious argument
nnd while it contains many accuracies
and evident mistakes I do not
think it proper for me to
diacusa the matter in thu newspapers
1 may aay , however , it is not truu 1
was employed by Mr. Cameron. In
deed I never saw that gentleman , nor
tiad any communication of any sort
with him on any subject until after I
was employed to do a plain profession
al duty. Another serioua mistake is
to suppoao I am investigating own of
alleged bribery in any private interest ,
I would not undertake investigation
of that sort , I regard it a * un
profc-BHional. I understand my
duty to bo to prepare cases
against thu accused parties and
when prepared I shall undoubtedly
proaecutu thorn in the appropriate
legal tribunals' , nor will their proaecu-
tion bo hindered by this publication
of Itigorm > ll or any like publication.
The character of some persons making
the affidavits ia so notoriously bad
that their statements would not ba
likely to obtain credence anywhere.
My opinion is the public will bo satis-
fled to wait and eeo what the facts
aro. My work is in such a stnto ol
forwardness that I have for Nome day a
boon in possession of all the mated il
to which the affidavits relate , but as
they Include u small part of the mat
ter It ought not to bo laid before the
public until it ia possible to
gtvo tbo full , true and complete
history of the transactions. From thn
records of the department 1 learned
Fall was diHohargod July 17th , for
proposing to control the verdict ol
some members of the star route jury
in favor of the United'Stated provid
ing a clerkship could bo obtained or
guaranteed for their relatives and
friends , He was originally employed
because tie was ft lawyer iu good stand
ing in tbii city aud It waa repreatnter
to the government hu had in hia pos
session evidence of a corruption ol
one of thu jurora while engaged in the
trial of a previous case. When Fall's
improper conduct was discovered he
endeavored to shield hituaelf by aay-
int : Taylor told him it was whal
the department wanted. Ho was sum
marily discharged , for UH alleged , i' '
it beeemo evident both Full und Tay
lor had cme into the department au
spies for the purpose oi doing things
to compromise it. Taylor ( another
uftiiiit ) hud formerly rendered gooc
service to the government in otho
caae . He waa never regularly em
ployed , being paid from day to day a
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited
to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
The llrifihtont Lighted , liott Api | < intuil , l bbink > Houao in America , containing tlu < jjU ] |
nnjoat Stock of Dry Goods nnd Notu 11.1 wtwt of the Mtnaiasippi , Hole nmnufncturnrn
of the celebrated
'i ' i i ' WMMVMHBimBB MMMBHMMMHiMVi HHM Hi MH i i MMi i i
McDonald's Overalls , Duck , Denim and Cottonade Pants ,
In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market
Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac
tion guaranteed , Remember /i /
E. L. MePONALJD & CO. , St. Joseph , Mo.
vis survicoa wore required. When
lie statement WAB received nt the do-
Hirtment to the effect that Taylor had
undo an - ntlidavit that hu wen
in ployed by the department to
orrupt jurors , ho denied it ,
nd it iu understood this
r.d other subsequent convcrsationa
wore reported by a concoiled : ateno-
; raphor and will Duvcrially damage
is lust affidavit. After hia discharge ,
Auguot 1st , Taylor , it is further
llogcd , strove to create the imprea-
ion ho was ntill employed by the d -
mrtmcnt , the last attempt of tnu kind
> oing upon the occasion of the visit to
Mr. Cameron , October ? .
Tuo Sheriff and Two Citizens Killed
by Bandits.
Special Dispatch to TUB n .
KEARNEY , Nob. . October 10. Im-
JoVfeet 'reports iHfP-tZSPu - received of
i desperate shooting affair at Minden ,
Kearney county. Jack Wood , sheriff
of Hitchcuck and Dundee counties ,
was shot and killed by a horau dealer ,
who was at supper in a hotel. The
nan and three companions had stolen
torses and Woods tried to arrest the
follows. They wore sitting across u
table. The loader drew a revolver
on Woods , who then turned , and wan
shot through the back , dropping dead.
Two citizens whoso names are not
< nown were also killed in the melee ,
The four bandits then ( led , nnd are
now at largo. This town and the
whole country are out looking for thu
murderers. Wotida has a wife nnd
'amily ' hero and is highly respected.
ol. CockoroU Still In JuU Distin
guished Luwyera Entfu od.
Special Dispatch to Ibo lice.
ST. LODIS , October 10. It was ex
peotod counsel for Cockorcll would
jpply for his release on bail thin morn
ing , but the evidence taken before the
coroner's jury not being yet written
out and tnoreforo not in proper eon
dition to submit to the court , nnd
owing to the foot that Judge Inugh-
lin , of the criminal court , is nick ,
action in the matter hasbacii deferred
till Wednesday. No charge busot
been made sguir.u' Cockerel ) , but it ib
understood Ih'j coroner will nwoar out
warrant very 10011. Frank 1C.
Ilurd , democrHtio congrocminan from
the Toledo (0 ( ) district , is huro and
will net as advinury oouiufal for Cock
srell Thi'iio gentlemen tuo old and
warm personal friends. It is stated
thtK evening that Emory Storra , th
distinguished lawyer of Chicago , will
coniu hero and atuiat if not tnko charge
of the prosecution.
Dr. Frank , coroner , this afternoon
re-calli-d the jury that , sat on Slay-
baclc'd iniuesi | and summoned Morns
Mitchell , u pawnbroker , before il ,
who Bworu ho identified the pistol
which Mctiuilin had testified to hay
ing taken away from Col. Blaybick in
the midst of the ihootiug all'ray , ay
ono hu sold to Col , Slnyback about
four months ago ; that it still retained
hia private trade mark. This ntab
liahes the ownership of the pistol
about which there haa been much
doubt , and ovorthowa that portion nf
Olopton'a testimony that Slayback
was not armed , This now testimony
is ragardod by G'ockuroH'a friendu ao r.
very strong point in his favor.
'i'ho Bar association of this city held
a mooting to-day and adopted resolu
tions on Iho death of Col. A. W ,
Slayback , paying a glowing tribute to
his character , ability and legul attain-
inenU ,
The Irnu 'Worker * .
Special Dispatch to TUB
PlTTdatwo , October 10. Since thu
failure of the iron atriko ovidoneo ol
internal diueuntiona in thu AitulRii-
nntod assooiation have been cropping
out , and the lattwt in an open revolt
madu by the Weuhanics' lodcje , which
is O3mpoaed ol puddlers. They hava
isauud circulars in which thoyepcaknt
the aation of tbo fuu hora as cc wardly
and cringing , and atking J'roaidunt
Jarretl to rtmign , nnd urging other
lodion ; to join in thu request. From
the iibovo it will bu ncen that the pud-
dli > rn huvo not ivon up thu tight for
g ( > , but menu to strike when an oppor
tunity offon.
Vnffv Viotlinn.
Hlicclnl IlsKit | < h to TIIK URH
Pl ! 8AOo v , Ootobor 1(5. ( Seventy
uow caoes and three deaths to-day ,
making a total of 1,077 cases nnd 141
deaths to date. Amour the deatho iu
Dr. S. C. Melnlyrc , an eminent den-
NKW YOUK , Oe'obcr 10 The fol-
owing dispatch him been received :
' I'KNNAi.'OLA , October 15. To the
: ho New Yurk Maritime Exchange :
Official roporto uro devoid of oucour-
ngeiaont ; 58 now cases ; three physi
cians down with fever. Without doubt
many casea fail to bo reported , on ac
count of physicians bting unable to
jjnf.nvor nil thu ground. Our poopto
nre grateful for your generous contri
butions and aubntantial aid.
( Signed. ) "D , O. BUSNT ,
"Chairman. "
BisowmvitiiK , October 10. A re
port came from Mutamoras yesterdny
that cholera hud made its appearance
there. Dr. MoManue > , an excellent ,
authority , says that no cases of the
Asiatic typu exist nearer than ChapaH
nnd Tnbuslo.
A JAmti of the MllwanUoty
S | > < > clAl Uix ] < utcli to TIIK IlitK.
DKH MOINKH , October 10. It is
otiicially iiiinoiinood to-day that the
.Milwaukee and St. Paul mad have
entered IX's Mriuies for local buBinoss
by contract with tno DCS Moinou
Northern , nn indepnndunt short line
of narrow guosjt' , with preaont tor-
niiiiU'i at Madrid utntion , on thu St.
Paul rtnJ Omaha.
JSontcnco of S nr Router * .
Dlspatrli to TIIK Dm.
iMOKU'JMA , Oclober 10 , Judge
McKenniiii denii'd a new trial to Jo-
stph 11 IHiuk , Thomas A. McUovitt
and Chrintian Price , convicted of star
route conspiracy , and Bontnnccd Mc-
Davitt to pay u line of $500 and im
prisonment ono year , nnd Price to
pay a fine of $100 and undergo a
sentence of six months from' the date
of hit conviction. The seiitunnt of
Bliick wai deferred a few diyH in consequence -
sequence of IIH wife's serious illnosD.
A Nowipnpfir "Froeao Out- "
'Jlijutch to TIIK IliK.
CiuuAdo , October 10. W , Sc/tt
Hmitl ) , \Vuahington , to-day filed a
bill in the circuit court asking the up-
pointmcnt of a receiver for the Chicago
cage Morning Uerald , and nn injunc
tion to restrain the hohlcro of two
mortgages , ng regating $30,000 , from
foreclosing the u.imo on the ground
that they wore fraudulently given in
aid of an allowed conspiracy to "freeze
out" thu comphunant and other stock
Tlin llnv Mlln'n Dnlint.
KM | clil Il | xiU.h to Tun ) ! ,
CIIIOAOO , October 10. Ex-Ilev.
Geo. 0. Miln , formerly a well-known
putor of Hnmklyn , moro recently
uoooi-eor of Robert Collyor as pastor
of Unity church , made his debut as
liatiilut at thu Grand Opera house this
ovonini , ' before a cultivated audience ,
11 is somewhat sudden transit from
the pulpit to the stage engendered
many partisan nntagoniemaand friendships -
ships , and predictions of sucL-esa nnd
failure were nbout fijuully divided.
When ho ( irat nppoared , abswlutely
self poui'sred and with eneo , lil < o
"One to the inunnorborn , " the entire
audio ; co applauded dcinoimtrativuly
mid after eaoi eceno hu tviu recalled ,
The teiiorul verdict is that hU Ilainkt
is a distinct urn ! individual
ution ,
Grout Pi-olilo 1'lro-
Hj < xlil DLutflt ) ) to 'J UK liy * .
WATKIUOWN , Dik. , October 10.
The woist praino fire ever in this
locality is raginir. The f.To-ysar-old
daughter of the lieutenant-governor
WIVH caught on thu prairie und buvutd
to death ,
Immense Practice In Omaha , Neb. ,
Tuesday , Mov. 7th , 1882 ,
saco-JJESL ,
Eye & Ear , Throat & Lungs , Catarrh , Kidneys
Bladder and Female Diseases as Well as All '
Chronic and Nervous Diseases. .
HIM ( Uncovered tlio c rent OB t euro in the world for woiknfsa of the bock and limbs-
involuntary discharge * , iui | > oteuoy , general deb lity , norvousnem , Ungour , confusion ol
Ideas , palpitation ol thu heart , timidity , trembling , illmnotvi of sight or giddiness , dl -
eases of the , thrnnt , IHIHO or akin , affections of the liver , lungH , stomach or bowels
thoto toniblo disorder * , arising from Bolitaiy habltn ot youth and secret practices
moro fatal to the victim ttinu tbo nonga of Syrcnn to the marine * of Ulysses , blighting
their miint radlent hoi UK or anticipations , rendering marriage imp wsllilo. '
ThoHo that arc suffering from the evil practice ? , which destroy their mental and
physical Hyxtom , canning
The HjnnplomH of wMcli iiro it dul .dinin' . , which unfits them for performing
their l.mmiens ntid t-oclal diitio , make * luippy niurrluguH hitpoRnlblo , distresses the action
of the heart , cruning lln'tn ut hunt , dei > ronloti < nf suiiitH. evil forebodings , cow.
nrtilco , foirn , dreams , iiMlci-K Hindis , dlzrliiuBH , forgttf illness , unnatural discharges , pain
In the hack nud hipn , ibort breathing , melancholy , tire vanity of company nnd have
jirelorcnce to be alone , fi-ulhijf as tlrod In the morning OH when retiring , nominal weak-
IIOHH , Inat inuuhiiod , wliiu < IKHIO drpoait In the urine , nervoueno H , trembling , confuahn of
thotiht. | watery and wu.ik ryori , dy.ipepiin , cnnntlpatlon , | ) alenea . pain nnd weaknesa
in tbo llmbx , etc. , tthoidd consult , mo imnipcliatolv and bo te-itored to perfect health.
Who hnvo t > ocom6 vlctimn of nolitury vine , that dreadful and destructive habit which
annually mveopH to an untimely univo ttiouHiuutu of younf ; men of exalted talent and
brilllnni intellect \vlio minlil. ( .tliurwino entr.mco lUleniuy souatore with the thunders of
their elottncncu cr waken to nxbicy the livlinr lyre , may call with confidence.
Married pcraonH or yount ; mon oontemplatliiK inarrinxo beware of physical weak-
ner.i. IJIM > < of nrocicatlvu power , impoteucy or any ether ( llHqniillticatlon pOodlly |
> o > iovi-d. Ho whu phieg liiiiiHt'lf iimltr tlio curs of Dr. Fluhblatt may relif'Ioualy con-
liilu in hin houor'an u Kt-'iitKman , and i-onlidcntlv rely upon lii < Hldll OH a phyuicUn.
Inimprllittcly cured anil full vigor reUorotl. Thin diHtrriuIng alfectlon , which render *
Ufa u burden and murriu o impi.i-Hlble , in tin penalty paiil by thu victim for improper
Imliiluonco. YOIIDI ; pcojile urn apt to commit excepsex from not beiui ; awnru of the
ilreuillnl GonH-'inuMced that may uniuo. Now who that mi < leratandn tnU cubject will
ittny that proari ! > Ulon it lout RD .ner bv tliii e fiillim. Into impropur hahltH than by tba
prudent. ltoidcH lielni' ileprivnil of tlio iilea im Hof lienlthy cfrxprimrH , the most Heriooa
and duHtinctlva hymptonn ot both mind nnd body t rise. Thu ny tom liecomeH de *
r.tiiol ; the pbji'ii'nl ( xnd tncmtnl powerrf wvuken , Ii'int nrocrontivo i > owern , norvoan
iriitubihty. liymiepBl'i , palpitutioii of the heart , iiidiKoutlon , coriHtitutioual debility ,
wuntlni ; of the frauic , congb , I'nn-mmptlnn anil death
riiinud n health by imleunifd prutt'iulerti who keep them trifling month
after noiith , taking ; IIOIIH nd Injnrioiix compoundH nhould apply iunuudJutely.
Knulnuto of oiKt of tlio moHt umiiipiit collene hi tlio United States , box effected nmo ot
the im t intoiilnhltin curon wure over known. Mi.ny troubled with rinylne iu the
n.'irH and bead wlii'ii a ) i ep , gicut iioniHiaiioHH , IwinK alarmed at certain Honnuu , with
freipieiit lilurhiu , attended Homctimed with deranyoment of the mind , were cured
ImiiKnliatoly ,
Take Particular Notice.
Dr. K. udilruutfH i < Il ( bone who have Injured theniBolvea by improper Indulgence
ami solitary hubltn which ruin both mind anil body , unfitting them for btiHlnuflH , study ,
society or iiianiuRO. Thtno are HOIIIO of the nod , melancholy effects produced by the
uarly ImbltH of yotuhI < c. WuikneiH of the back and limbs , pains in the head and
ilimneKM of nluht , low of miiKoulnr p'lwerd , palpitation of the heart , dyspepuia , nervous
irritability , derangement nf digestive functloua , debility , consumption , etc.
Kntraiino oil Flftli Street , Dei Molnci , Iowa.
CONHUI/TATION VHKK. Cliarea ; moderato and within the raach of all who need
Scientific ) .Medical Treatment. Thono who reuido at a distance and cannot call , will re
ceive prompt attention through the mall by simply sending their nymptoms with postage.
/Idilrn-M Lnolr Box 08 DOM Moinoi , lowii.
' A. M. CLARK ,
Winilow Shades and ( Jurtains ,
Paints , Oils & Brushes.
107 SonUi | l4tb Street !
OMAHA , . . .