THE ; DAILY BEI * HONDA * OCTOBER ie MAX MEYER & BRO w Efl -4- = > 4oa Are the only authorized agents tor the sale of § Are offering extraordinary Bargains for the next 30 days in CiO ryn tiO JLJ " " JL " " .J A 2L. TV/T \J * "TCP S JL " " to 3EI X C3 IBS 33 Sg , JI 3ST C3- , KNABE AND VOSE PI AM OS ! csq RS in K > GLOUGH & WARREN AND STERLING IMPERIAL CO ! = To make room for the larj > 'e importations now arriving Each and every instrument fully warranted and sold for casher CO daily. or on time at very attractive prices. AFIMELINEOFOFBISQUES.VASE's&PLAaUESJUSTRECEIVED A call and examination of our assortment and prices will convince the most skeptical that we carry the largest stock of JEWELRY , SILVERWARE , DIAMONDS , PIANOS AND ORGANS ! N THE WEST. AND MAKE THE LOWEST P1MOE8. CALL AN JUDGE FOJfc YOURSELF. OUR PASSENGER E LE VAT 0 R IS NOW RUNNI NG. : Q 0 JVTE A N D t A KE J A _ RI D E. The Daily Bee. Monday Morning Oct. 10. hlvcr D Iff I 7 lnrlit'8 Miawi low wttcr merk .V Oanhs , ' . ! footOlnclin t Yunkton. Hhnlmlri'l t foot 0 Inches at Ln Crowe , iod D foot 10 Inchon ! LOCML BKBV1TIE18. - Criminal week. Tlio game of Imnob.ill on S iliutlny won thoUitof thoHcatoti. A few llvo'y ' flioworH of ruin ycstor- iliy kept up the chrouta nUta of elop on the itrooU nnd cr The find caao on the criminal docket la that ot W. A. Shouardron , which will culled at 00 thin inornlnif. The grow earning * of th ? U.l' . ruilwny for last month wore S2.9I9.112 , osagaiimt $2.811,367 f r Hei'tcmbc ' r of the last year. The IftdittK of the Kirt C < ) Ugre nttonnl ciuucb v.'ill hold their annual int'cUiiR TtKwilay dfturmion at ! ) o'clock In thu chin eh parlors. The oant-liound trnln latt evening hauled two coAi-hi-n ( if emigrant * over the river and two cars of California fruit t < > vo until over the Northwestern. A meotluK of the board of triulo will to held thin iivtnhiK , at which all inenibotn and r.ther titlzenK InturuMrd Inthooitnb. llihmu nt of glucime work. * nro Invited to bo present. llev W. J. Sii Ilh , i mtnr of the Ctn. UalVreabyliTl.iu Ubi made , San Fran. ck < c < > , and ono of the most Hucowsful wciiket" on iho PacUiu coast , pun-inn through , ur city en bin way to New Vork and Mopping for the Habbatli , wna Induced to lH > ak at the opera lumtto hint evening Ui yoiiufj men JOB PKINT1NG. Seuil lor printed ; inre Hit iincl iamph of all kl'ulu rf , ju'.i work to the AUjlvN riUNTINR CO. , job prlntun , and pub. Ushers "UUIIAL NEUUA8KA , " TJiu American Cattle Journal. LIVK SI'UfJK prlnllou n f ( rclalty. Nou. 218 and S'.H ) , 8. 14th Bt. , Omaha , Neb. nopUOmo-eod'Jw The board i.f public worlm held a mccllnj ; S lur J.iy ufUtnnmi nt which tbi chnliiii&n , Mr. J sines Crtlnbtou , wan an- to vUlt theBIuux l'ullantonoiimv- rlen to tiatlafy hhn'elf niul report whether toere i a mlliolent ipuuntlty of frnnlte there for ptvlni ; 'IVnth utreet , aud whether it can bo Rotten. cut In time. It U expected that , oommenciuK ucxt Tuouilay , woman tullragu uieutlngii will be held every evening and mnne of the after. noonv , in different partu of the city , called ward iiuetinK * , for the benefit of the ( who ha\e been unable to attend there mat * meetlDgv and for fcuoh otheru an may duaica to attend , Mm. 11 tin wan und otberu will llrf B the meeting * . Wa'ch the fiapen for enact times tiul placed. Tin : IKK ! desires to call attention tu the appearance of Koe l'.ytlnK at the cp ra hou&r , on IMcUy &ndBatuniay next , October 20th and 2ht. She IN mpportiil by Col. BInu'i ) llrooklyn Park tlieatro oom. p&uy , and will play Dimiiw now pUy "Thfc I'llncetn of I'arli1 which Bho pur chased from Dumas , and hai the lola right to lit the Umtud HtatfB. tin far it has been a tiieoen. Ali i I.'nl Autray , which alip plajed over 103 nlgbta ct the Union Bqunre theatre , New Vuik. AndouSit- unlay nl ht Oliver Twin In which bhe Ii the stronfu.t Nuney Byke * lUIns- It U our pleasing duty to have to chronicle > et knottier wedding In our pro- greuive city. On Saturday ovenlug last Mr. Charlei A. I'ottcr , the well known and highly olficltnt Ht nogruvh r employed In tie fie ! ht depaatiueot cf the U. P. , HOC joicrd in thu holy bondn of weiilock io Sllc . H. A. Themis of this city , Thu cfremouy , vhlch v.-nn jtrfotnifd by Itev. W.J. lnr ho , took ilnto nt 1B15 treet , the rwidenci of Mr. nnd Mm. W II. Seward , where the yoiiu couple com mcnco houRckceplng , The wedding ma itrlc'.ly private , hut tlio ublquiloui re porter liRppcnlng to call In very oppor tuncly , WBB fhown n very hanilnoino wed ding cake which bora tlio follow ng In Hcription : " 11. A 1'otttr to MlmK A. ThoinM , " The rcx | > rtc r , who 1 null ago uiinsiul In Ida wny , hud an opportn nliy to tmt itn Rood qunlltk'H , Tin : JCc wlahc.i ( ho cn'crptlfln ? and venturc.soin pnlr every felicity that thiM woild caunl ford. Thii week In criminal week In the all trlot court. --Tlio Orfgon abort line In complete t 1'ccalello , 215 niilcti went of Granger. A faleo nlurm of fi o about 10 o'cloc Balutday emptied the lUftiicl com room in a hurry. | Friday wan St. KtlwaniV day , th patron Htiint of Crclglitun college , and i wa duly celebrated nt that ImUtntion , After staying out all night and a par of hu"d.iy , the Itouee- Wright jurydlt pgrocd nnd woco dUchnrgtd , .luilgo Lipplncott on Tliumlay tlei tlio nuptial knot for Mr. Frank Uunc nnd Mies Tiinlo Iloban , all of Mi oari , An adjourned imethiir nf the Ne branka llutnune eocloty will bo hold till , Monday evening In thu reception room o lioyd'd opera houio. The motting of the land league , 01 Wednesday evening next , will be miu o unuau&l ( Ignifioancu and a largo attend auco Is anticipated , ti-Aldonnun 13 , Shannou'H wife am nun want to Nirlh Btnd , Baturdayti look up a < Ite for htock rnUlni ; or xalooi htulnrgi. liarney Bays ha can't live undo ilamea A , lioytl'H administration. Thu remains of the late John Ilollei nrrivad on 3:21 p. in. train Saturday , am were buried from Bt. 1'hilomcna'H cathe ilral on Sunday , October 15th , at 2 p. in A. couple of dilvcifl on the green lim t'.it into a dluputo the otbi r night nt theli mcetiiij , ' point , nnd , having left their car ? i no of the puetcngerB whipped up thi homed nnd drovn on to thu tcrmlnux , mak iug.thu ilwlrod atopH , but kocphu' alicai of the driver , who ran Hweuring nnd gex tlculutlng behind. It waa n regular pic nlc. Mr , J , D. Bkeue , for uome past In tin I ) , & M , auditor' ( .ilicc , ban roitgued hU pl.tco there to accept n position in llouton where ho will ctigngu In the tna tradHi ban been In tlio nudltor'n otlico for the p.v eighteen moatho , anil la rc pojtcil nnd er teemed I y all liU aiiuantauces | ! , For the 'infornutlnn of the coloriH people utpeclully , the number of their rno in the United States , na glicn by Uev. II A. McLean nt the synod mooting Frl day , U noted. It ii io77OCO : , or neatl ; onC'Clghlh of the outlio popubtion , MM. Veinon WHIard's Ixicturo- "Circcco Holy. " A visit to the Vatican An interview with Pope Plus IX. He cuptiona In Kuroptt und America. Bun pliclty of conrU and cuuntrloj. ) ClocutIoi ndvico to young ladles nt the pnvlori of th I'm ton hutcl Wedncd y , October It ) , n 8 o'clock p.m. Adtnlttiiou 50 vontH. Tick eU on rale nt the Paxton hotel uiul at Caul field & Buxe'4 drug Btorc. The abstract of the blU opened Sat urday ou the pivlng of Tenth strec thown that the lowcut on prnnitu pivln ; I * Mr. Wm. Mack , whoao ilgureri hov $1.35 par yard , laid upou fotinilathm n broken utonouuil bank KUIU ! , i\ud il.'Jj po yaul upon concrete. Thin in about $10 , 000 lower than former bids. liiJu upoi Colorado rand utono are only 37 cents los per yard than granite and thoui on Jolle llmratoue "U cents Ie * per yard thai granite. The lowed bidder for the aewe aciDBB St. Mury'ii ivvouuo U Alexaude McRavockiV Co. , at $0.05 per fnot fo 5-foot brick tewer. Noting the Effects It , aibbs , of IJuffaJo , X. Y. , write * "HmriiiKyour 15uiilOCK BLOOD Dimiu favorably gpokon of , 1 wan induced t < watch their eifectp , aud find that In chronli dlnuMes of the blood , liver and Vidnoyu your bittera have l > een tlgually market with mcccas , I > nye uafil tbim niystl ultlnwt reeultr , for toipldlty of the liver and In the case of a friend oi lulnu suffer Ing from dropny. thn etfect wa m \eloun , ' Price S1.UO. A SliortRoaato T > i all who are mllc'rlotf from holln , til crrji , fcioful.i , carbuncle * , or other obkti iiato dineiffl * nf the Moixt j-ndekin , ucouni of BntiKX-u I'Loon ' ItinKus will bo fouu to bu a t'.Kirt road to hmllh. Pilno 81,00 | An Keillor Wanted , The town of Guide , Neb , mints i It editor to etart a uowspanur , i ) ' > r. l j ) tronago can bo aacure J Tue rht ! | ; man ia sure tn PULLING TOGETHER. Proceedings of the Working , men nnd Farmers' Mcot- Friday TJioJiotloii of tlio Catncilttai TJjianlniounJy Eudornoil In accordance with the call of the u-orkitiginou'n corainittuf , u maai mci'tlng held lit Central hall ot Fridity. The inouting was oallcc to order by the chairman of the com mittooo , who stated thu object to bite to liuar the report of progress of thi cominittco utid ratify the notion oo fu : tnkun. Incitluutly ho explained that tin uominiwtoo on punting , in iaauiu ; , ' thi call for this inunting , nmdo nn orrorir staling thut thia would bo u mootitif for tlio ulcction of citlogateo ; tliat thii error win brought before f he committee too on n subaeiilimitint'ortnucknowl ; oil uil by thu printing comiiiitteo uiu corrected. After thin explanation the nnmo o F F. Murphy wan otTured for clmir man of tlio mooting. A motion tt aubstitiito the name of Wm. White waa lost , and Mr. Murphy wui oloctcd and conducted to the chair b ) Monars. Ford and Sampson. The firat quuation considered wa : the report of tlio committue , whiol : reported through its secretary as fol Iowa : GKNTLF.MKN : The comraittoo elected od in the matn mouting of a week age to take into consideration the besl mode of putting in nomination a lug < inlutivo and county ticket and to in- nuo a call for that purpose within ton days , bogs to report that after a thor ough and oomplpto consideration ol divurs plniiii , it ugroed on one which wo buliovo is the ouij right , just and proper one , insuring a proper representation and propel voice in the election of the ticket tc all the diilurciit labor intercuts and farmers. This plan consists of hold ing a. raprcai'iiti.tivo convention ol dulogatea of all tlio various labor in- toreits mid farnu'rv , for the purpose of putting a ticket in nomination. According to thiti plan anil obeying the orders ot the nioeting which uleut < od Ilium , to itnuo a call within tei duys , your commitU'O hai t'.nipoworec its chairman to publish in to-dny't BKK th folloning cull : [ liero the call published olsowhen wiw rpud. ] You will obnocvo thut by theai iiu'nim each und every element ol labor , as well ua thn farnuiM , botli ol them and botli the huno aud binows 01 tie ) iiAtion , will have equal , full uni just rcpruHbiitation uiul hearing in their common council You wilt observe < servo that thia will bo truly and purulj a mirkingmun's aud furmers' I'epro- sontativo convention , untrammuled in its action by miniona und cappers foi nionopolieB , and if you will take carte < to send to tliin rcprosentativo coiwen lion your bent , truest and moit triml follow laborers , who will cnrofuUj fultill thu work buforo thorn , there cannot but iood riault from thu BHUIU , Wo buliuvu tlmt our uctlon , fair aud just aiul right to everybody , must re sult in comuloto harmony aud unity of action ao eminently noctMdary tu auccius. " An animated dnbato aroau upon the adoption of this rupart Ono or two of these present con- ton'Jod that they believed the nonet of the previous mooting WAS that the election of delegates chnuld take place at a meeting and not by the dif ferent elements of labor. But when the question of adoption was put , it wai carried unanimously , not one disBtiuting hand being roiiod , which showed conclusively that the meeting endorses the action of the committou. The meeting , which soon after ad journed , was very well attended , there buing at least three or four times ai many prevent us on nny previous oc- caiion , with a fair sprinkling of farm ers among the rest , A LIVELY Ttio PJro Near the Qoa Worta Hun- day Evening. About 4 o'clock yuatorday afternoon there was an alarm of tire sounded , Tlio boll struck box 12 , but u telephone - phone message which came in at the same time located the fire at the gat works , The department turned out promptly and dashed down Farnam and Thirteenth streets as if thcro wai no such thing as mud knovrn. The smoke was rolling up in verj promising ehapo In the direction ol the gai norks , aud the report thai thai place was on fire drew a largo crowd , and the umbrellas wcro BO thick tlmt the flits on Twelfth and Lcavenwoitli loyked like an army of marching mush rooms was passing over them. The fire proceededfrotnu email two-roomed cottugo just oppoaitetho worko , ono ol a ow of small houses on the neat side of Twelfth afreet belonging to Byron Hued. Thin houeo WM occupied bj Mra. Adama , a colored woman , whose husband worka at the smelting worlso and who was preparing to go nvray on a visit last night. Her neighbor wae Mrn. DC tor , and Mrs. Adams waa oul with her attending to the rain watoi barrels back of the house. While thuj employed , Mr. Wood , a neighbor , cilled acroan the creek to them thai the house was on firo. Mrs. Deter ai once 8iizad a bucket and began trjin to quench the Ihmes but they hoc gotten too hi : ; n tart. On the arrival of the dcptrtmont two streams wore soon got on the fire from the hy drant on Thirteenth and Jones anc the Ihimea wcro noon quenched , though not until thohouao was entire ly unroofed and unfit to bo occupied again. The fire originated from the stove which ajt near the wall , and had c very hot fire in it during the af teruoon it caught in the wall and spread up tc the celling BO rapidly us to defy al cH'urtti to nave the building. The losi to Byron lloed will bo about. $100 Mrs. Adamn and Mra. Dotei both gel the furniture out of their house , and they probably lese nothing except time and the trouble over the affair. A BAKER'S DOZEN- The Score oftho U. P'a to a Qoose Egg for the B. & MB. The game of base ball between the original rivals in this nock of woods , the Union Pacifies aud the B. & M. nine , on Saturday , excited no little interest and the day being romardabl ; beautiful a large ciowd was at the B. & M. grounds to witness the game , which won terminated at the end ol eovon inningH by dnrknms coming on , the U. P'a winning by a score of 13 to 0. The U. & at/o played a strictly headquarters nine , all oi their men holding positions in the B. & M offices hero , while the U. P.'a added to their team Snoed , short stop for the St. Louis Standards , Willigrod , second end basemen for the Detroit s , and Rockwell , pitcher of the Colorado Spiings club. The U. P. team was , without ques tion , thu best that ever covered the diamond in Omaha , and if compelled to play their bunt , a magnificent gamu would have been the result. The po sitions wore as fellows : TrutHey , catcher ; Rockwell , pitcher ; Holland , firat base ; Whitney , tocond ; B.indlo , third ; Snoed , abort slop ; thubrothen Funkhauser nnd Wilhgrod in tin Hold. Hold.Tho following in the ocore of tlu game by innings : U. r. ' 3 1 : U. &M.'c 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 I Time Two hours and 45 minuter. Uuipiro Nowman. Phut taw on erroru U. P.V , C ; M. M.3 , Firxt IIUHB on called balU U. V't , 3 11. & M.'d , 1. Lett on baacs-U. I'.V , 3 ; B , & M.'s , 1 Struck out-U. 1V . l j 11. Sc M.'t. , 1. Pashed balls Tratlley , 1 ; Smith , I ; llrondt , ' . ' . Wild pitch-Price , 1. Three bane hit Suoed. 1. Called balU U. I''H , 7t ! ; R. t M.'H. 92. Striken oillcd U. P. ' * , 'JJ ; U. if M.V , 61. How Children Had "Fnu. " On a summer iUy , tliey went to pl y , Down tin road to Deacon JoiW jwututr , Did. e ImWd the tnw , Via Ixokul w > s ) ; Thohoiir wcrifl nt In tun and UnghU-r. Thut nightthose joungnUnyfUixl with j > aln , VM , the lunny Dick wiU Victoria ; The KTipia were of tli irr > n in > j > ld Vliul , But nulckly cutolby Cite u. " DIED. HHYNOLUS-At St. Jofeph'n Hoepital in this city , Octoter 14th. at 9 u , in. , John HeyuolJ * , Ked -15 years. Funeral took place Sunday , October 16th , at 2 p , "m , , from the undertaking room * of McCarthy & UurkaV , to Cathe dral. BAKKY The * . Barry , ion of Mr anil Mw. John B ry. died October 14 , 18J.2 , at U a. in. , aged i3 ! yean , . Funeral at 2 o'clock Monday front real , deuce ou Cuuilug street. Intennuit at Cftsaldy'a cemetery. 8LAVEN'S YOSKM1TE COLOGNE Msdtffrorr the wild flowers of th KAK FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY , H ia the most fragrant ot perfumes. Mauufiiotured by JJ. B. Slavon , Francisco. For s le in Omaha by Vf. J. Whttehouso and Kouima Uros , , A Co. W. Ad. BUSHMAN. Olouk Department. It has been the constant practice in Omaha , its well ao elsewhere , to sol ! n few low priced Cloaks at cost or even leas , as "leaders" for the purpoao ot idvortising , and then make up the average profit on the better grades. Thia year we have determined to re verse this order , and knock the bottom tom out of hii > h priced Cloaks , and thus , aa ono of our competitors said , "ruin tlio whole buninesa. " Wo will sell M j.0'id u Silk or Plush Uohrmn as IIP loiu.rl in this country fir S 0 00 , ncuilly sold atfrom$75.0C to $85.00. At Si3 00 wo williH'llyou ono usually sold at § 0500 to 37500 , and nt § 35.00vo will sell you ont usually a Id at $ r > 0 00 to SCO 00. and ao on down thu hat to $2 00 or § : $ 00 , M Inch wo will not aell for less than others , but invite the closest inspec tion on them. It ia not. our desire t ( ruin the business , but to look to our own interests. It take ; uo no longer to sell n cloak foi $50.00 than it does to tioll one at $5.00 , and unless \ro sell thu lint cloak for lean than othcrn people are apt to buy at * ho largest store ; lionet if wo make but a very small profit on a cloak we look upon it as just HU much gain , an wa have no extra , ex pense connected with it and no heavy rent to pay. We have made a specialty of fmo cloaks this fall , and have bought Iho finest that money cau buy a very large assortment and mean business. Call and aoe them. , It will pay you , at Bushman's , southeast cor ner Fifteenth and Douglas streets. P. 8. Wo will sand a cloak by ex press , 0. O. D. , to any part of the country , and if not satisfactory it can be returned at our expense. octl3.ptf.mlt "A DRAWN BA-TTLTB " The Hltcucock-Couzlna Debate on Woman Suffrage. The second public debate on the queation of woman suffrage took place at the opera house on Saturday even ing , the disputants being Mies Phoebe Cou/.inu nnd Mr. G. M. Hitchcock , of this city. Aa on the preceding evening every seat in tha house waa filled but there was not so many turned a ray and in Eomo respects thin might bo eaid to have been an oveiflow meeting. Mi&a Susan B. Anthony presided Misa Couzinn opened the debate with n plea for a better government for women , and Mr. U itch cock fol lowed with r.u argument upon inher ent right and expediency , handling hi a eubjoct with ability. Succeeding the arguments , which were each half an hour in length , waa A colloquial dis cussion. At the conclusion of the debate the vote was called. Miss Cou/.iriB nekvd all in favor of woman suffrage to me , and about H fourth of the houau ruse , moutly la- diet. diet.Mr. . Hitchcock culled n rising vote of thoao in favor of woman's rights , but not woman tmHrage , Mid ubont M fourth of the house ruse. Misa Anthony declared it a drawn battle. County SATOUOAV , October 14 , 1882. Board met purauaut to adjournment. Present Commissioner Drexel , CorlUa and ICnight. Minutes of prect'iliiu ; meetings wore read and approved , The petition from the Omaha medi cal college to cancel taxoa on account of being ueod forcducational purposes. was referred to the county attorney , The following accounts were al lowed. General iund. George Frost , cash expended on road , $5.00 , G , N. Doty , witness fee , $8 00 ; J. . M. Uubinspn , grading $30 , Charles AVittt' , hauling for company , $9 ; J. Hafotingor , work on road , $21 ; Ed. J. Brennan , uper- intcndent court housit , $100 ; J. H. Spetman , groceries for poor ? 11.8'J ' ; Conrad Sahl , utAJi"- f' > ; John Hush , cash expended § 14.80 ; E. T. Duke , hardware $4 20 ; Lutto & Williams , goods for company ? 1 ; do , matches $1.10 ; S. B. Kadiield , apprauer $300 , Wm. Djll , appraiser $300 ; Cyrus Morton , appraiser fO ; II , I'undt , gri- cerios for poor farm $3G ; John G. Jacobs , coroner's furs ? l 10 ; J. p , Manning , witness fee $1 ; W. A. Manitiold , bamo $2 ; J. Cartwright , same $3 ; William F. Flynn , same $0 ; William Anderson , same $4 ; William P , SuQwdea , eama ? 2 ; A. Siefkin , name § 0 ; Four persons , coeoner's wit- ncsaea , § 30 ; six ptisoiiv , coroners jurors , § 9. Road fund , f. JL Broah , work on mad , $42 ; Stantnn Jiros. , yradiii ) SU5 08j D. I * . Redman , work on bridgca , 10 74 ; Henry Ruuaur , work on road , 37 ; Goonjo Frost , work oti road ; 873 50 ; Peter Casaidy , work on road , $15 ; Peter C < u > sdy , work on road , $9. Bridge fund Fred \Theaton , haul ing lumber , Sl'J ; V. H. Thomaaworli , on bridges , glil. The following resolution tvaa adopt ed. Eefolucd , That the county clerk be aud hu is hereby directed to uotifj W. R , . ifc Thomaa Apploby that ; .il obstructions must bo removed froir road No. 181 B running over the south went quarter of aoction 14 , 1C , 10 , in order that said road may be opened for travel on the 16th clay of November , A. D. 1802. Adjourned to the 17th inst. JOIIK BAUMKII ; County Clerk. WF M. S . Second Day's Procoedlnpu of the Mlasloniirv aociotlos. Mra. E. A. True , cf Mt. Pleasant , Iowa , led thu devotional exoaciaes , with which the second day's proceed ings of the Woman's Foreign Mianion- ary society beyni. The business eeHaiou opened with Mrs. Mary C. Nindo , president , intho chair. Branctioflicera present : Mra. Ninde , Mra. L. E. Prescott , correaponciiug secretary ; Mra. E. K. Stanly , treas urer ; Mrs.'L. B. .James. The following newly arrived del egates were then eniolled and intro duced ; Upper Iowa Conference : Mrs. L. C. Lang , Manjlultown. Iowa Conferoncc : Mrs. M. J. Cow- der. Rose Hill ; Mra. Rov. S. C. Smith , Beacon ; Miss Alice- Cooper , Oikaloosa ; Mr . W. 0. Cross , Bur lington ; Mrs , R. P. Kennedy , Platta- mouth. Missouri Conference : Mrs. It A. Pierce , Moberly ; Mrs. Abba Colhna , Moberly. Nnrtli Nebraska Conference : Mrs. D. A. Lombard , Fremont ; Mrs. J. V. N. Uiloa , Fromoiit. Nfcbnia.i ! Conference : Mrd. A. M. Davis , Mrd. It. L. Hyde , Mns. A. J. Colwull , Lmuoln ; Mra. P. N. Putnam , Gonuvn ; tilso ninny viaitura. T'ho election of ullicera for the en suing year resulted : President Mrs. Mary 0. Nindo , Minnoapoiia , Minn. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Lu cy E. I'rttcutt , Minneapolis , Minti. Treasurer Mra , E. K. Sunlit/ , D < > B Moiuea , Iowa. Racordint ; Secretary Mrs. Lucrotia B , James , Des Moines , Iowa. Vice Presideuta Two from each conference were then nominated and elected , A motion prevailed that delegates and reserves to general executive com mittee meeting bo elected by individ ual ballot , the result of which was that Miss M , M. Hammond , Baldwin , Kan , ; Miss Libbio Pearson , Dja Moini-H , Iowa ; Mrs. I. M , Hartsough , Fort Dodge , Iowa ; Mias Mary Price , Savannah , Mo. , were elected , Mrs. E. K. Stanley , treasurer , gave financial report to date , as fol. Iowa : Total recelpU t-lnce last annual m-ietim ? , . $24.102.05 Oath on hand April 1 , 1881 . 3,691.38 $1:8,001.33 : Iibuweinents . § 2 .C37-C'J OaoUunhand . 3,15U8t $28.031.33 Mrs. Lucy E. Prescott , correspond- iiigi Boerotary , gave a Btatistical report wj follows : tfumtxr of auxillariea . W7 ' . , Increase mir . dumber of memtera . 10bl.i . life patrons . . . . managers . jj Number of women Increase . . . " Number of life membm . , . . ' ! Increas ? . 212 Number of jouug people societies. . Increase . Number of bauds . Incieatt ) . 20 Nunilcr of tubi-ctibors to Kurt h- wontern Friend . 2fiOO Increase . 71 A very interesting report front northwest Iowa conference was read by Mrs. Proscott. Alao from Kansas conference , Miss A. L Morrow , secretary , read by Mra. Or wisr , of Iowa. Minnesota conference waa very finely renorted by Mrs B. F. ICophart St. Louis conference by Mrs. Ida B. Hngeftyi St. Ivauis , both read by Miss Libbio Peafaoiij- -Iow " : both very encouraging. x. South Kansait conftrouca was ropro " Honied by Us secretary , Mies M. M. Hammond. Colorado conference waj reporccd' ' oy Mrs. H. M. Shattuck , conference eecrotary , is a must interesting man ner. ner.Mrs , Watts , of Teonmfeh , Nub. , . next gave au addresn upon the relation of homo and foreign misBi'tn work , followed by Miss Jennie Beck , o Kirksville , Iowa , wiio very thorough ly and practically treated The Wo man's Foreign Mmsioimry Society , its- suh-etructuro and pioneers. Friday evening anniversary reports- wcro made by the corrt-ppondinp see- rotary and treasurer , nnd an nddreco was delivered by Miss Murphy , of Grinnell , lown. & HARKON50DS BODY The Prlsonora With Ono Conuont fload "Not Guilty. " The only item of interest in the dis trict court Saturday was arraignmotft. of the prisoners , who at U o'clock marched down the court room under , and wore individually arraigned before Judpo Neville , by District At torney Buruhcin. They wore nine in number and occupied ( eats in thu jury bos , which was nearly filled. A > no- t'ceablo fact was the youthful nppear- aiico of tlio entire number , lioghes , the man who cat Jensen with a knife , look * mont haygard und worn , and he kept working his lips as if mut tering to himself , while hiiv nyea looked wild uud unnatural. Col onel Smythe , who appaarocJ aa bin cm sol , cave notice that he should ask the int-aue commisBionera to in- vcHtigat. . the niiin'a condition bcforo going to trial Ono of the uoldior * engaged in the Florence tragedy waa another win looked haggard mid worn out , hs if by dietipation , but ncitiier of thi ) two men named appear to be over forty , and the rest ate all yi > uug men in appearance ua wellaa yo.u'a , The prinonera were nnaigjtcd ono by one , and their names uud pleaa wo'oaa follows : Solomon C. Hollander , indictu3 on two counts , not guilty , Frank Hughen , not guilty. Wm. A. Shopardson , not Jacob Theln , not guilty. Brown , not guilty. Thomaa McGee , not guilly , John Daweon , Vfm. MclXinald and James Fmitwell , not guilty. Jebn McMahon failed to appear and his bond was forfeited. The following namca wore then called aud pleas entered in : TJIK U < iL'OH CASKS. John T. Croft , Morris Oilman , - - JoUBen , Jennie Dickinson , AJvina Purtel ) , - Bankhart , Henry Beci- tel , Gottlieb Stotts , John Garber , Hunry Ru er. All indicted for Bell ing liquor -without a license and all plead not guilty , Matilda Murray , indicted ou the &amu charge , did not appear , hat it was learned afterward that she , v ae writing in the hall ouU aide the court room , to bo summoned. Tha criminal docket will be taken up Monday. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA. HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best the market aflords. The traveling public claim they gut better uccommodationa and moro gentrr. ! satiEiuction here than ot any other lumso In Omaha , Katn , § 2 per day ,