Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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Th9 Nebraska Natinnal Back ,
Of Oianhn , Nob.
Pftld up Cnpltftl , . . . .
8. R. JOHNSON , PrHiItnt.of SttOe , Jo1m 9n ( s
A. K. TOUZ\UH\1 < x Prwldtrrt , otC. , B. &
n. It. , Cotton.
W. V. MOKSK , o ( W. V. Mnrwft Co.
JOHN H. COLLINS , of O , II. A J. S. Colliiw.
tt M. WOULWOHTH , Cornedlor Sr AUorncj -
LA * .
U 8. RKUD.ot njron Real i : Co.
11. W. YATIS.Ouhltr.hto Cashier of tlio Vint
NVIoml U.\nk of I'mahi , ami ronnpctw ) with
the active niannccinent of tint ll.iuk eirce In
orKnbatlon In 1S6.T.
OrxxEDfir bu.IncM April " 7 , le ? ? , .with tl *
l rno t capital ol any bank In Nthrgkt ,
OoUKCftoss ro-cho tpcclal ftUnntlan uJ ch r <
fci Ijwe t cbtiltab o lure or tlscnhorr.
Isrr.RmT it'lowcdon tlmo deposits ujun favor
able tetmi and upon : pf banks and bunk-
KxiiiAioR , Oovercmont I.onJ * . and
Coutty ami Cl y tocuntlcs lnu ht awl aiM.
It to i rcpircd t . il ) a gci cral 1'anUng liudiicm
tu all iti act ilh and In tt o trritu cnt < f ciMom-
tie ulil twretio tlpnwt llbariljpollc ) eonsUtcr
with fate banking
DNpatchto TiiKllhK.
NEW Your
Money Market .it 4
lngatS@5 percout. 'sS clos-
< w.
bill * , ? 4.81i-rl'
Adama Kxpn . , . . . . .
" . * „ ] tj
Allegheny O j ! " | lS , <
Alton A ; Tot f 1' . . 'S
,1- j Haute . - > 0 : W
American pfd. . . . 7'Ji 82
Sir ? S t&Prtaa . 115 1)3 )
Oni'ria7 ! MrlllapUa & North. 81 80
n. > l n i' > theru . . . . . GJ\ \ ( JO
* . * t'lnd ' Central. . . .109 19
.f dt ! . . -03 003
. .ao o\ Ohio . : r,4 . . .
< Aii iBt pfd. . . blij
Chi rt. M 1.1(1 . . l ! i
Atfj & Alton . 1414 141
Cv rte pfd . Ill HO
QI A.'Burl. i Quiucy . 13 j It'Ji
C jc. , BU U & ; A Urloau . . 7S 78
/ /ic. , Bind & . Cleveland . 5ti
Jlivo. , Lol. & Cincinnati. . . . bi . 'x Uudsuu caaJ..ll'J . .
JDel , 'L.iclt. & vVebtern . 3l'J
Denver & lllo Urando . ? > 6\ \ 531
AErie . 1' i -Hi
do pfd . 8UJ , Sbi
/KaatTeuuc-Hyo . UIU&
il.i pi ferred . 11GJ
FortWujm- Chicago . ISO VotiJ
HaanitwKV CM. Joseph . n 13
rte pfd. . . 7tiJ 7T
Harlem . 2U5 00
/llouuton & Central. . . . 70
Uliinjis Cdural . 144 * 1J3J
Imi. , Blunin. Wontern . l'J4 U
Kan&an Ii 1' . olj ; > l
l aka Eriu tt Western . 35
Laliu Shore At Michigan So. . . Ill 1 ! !
Louiiville ti NaslwUo . Kl
Louinv.N'ou - Ala. & . Ohicago 05
Marietta & Cmuiunnti lat jifd 15
do do 2dpfd 5
Memphis & Charleston . 48 . .
Michigan Central . 031 U3 |
Miniicjuolid " c St.LuuU. . . . . - . 'W\
"do pfd. 70
Missouri Pjvci Be . 105& 104"
Mobile 6 : Obio . 119
Manhattan .Bench . llil
Moiru & t-SiiBt . 5il . .
N-ishvillo A Cnnttauoo'ft ( . 711
New Jersey Loutiul . Mf. 71g
Norfolk & vVest'jru .
doprefcrrol .
Northtru I'ttcific . 47 45
do pW . 'J 04
Northvcdtern . 142 J 14 J
do pfd . 1GO IGuj
New York Central . 182i l.tff
Ohio Central . 1G (
Ohio & MiHsi-wippi . Si 8i
do pfd . 103 05
Ontario & \Vebtern . Ili7i
Pacilic JlaU . HU
Panntua . 107 . .
1'eori.i , Decatur& Kvansv. . . VJ 27 f
rittdburg s Cleveland . 138 last
llock Ibland . 13lf leO
St. Ijouirt & San Trail . , 3f 3 *
do pfd. . . . Side
do Ut ptU HC
St. Paul & M.lwftukfce . 'Oft ' 108
do pfd..12'jl lv2
St. Paul. Miun * Manitoba. 15 < 158
St. Paul A Oinalv * . 474 17i
do pfd . 10 jj 10."n
Texas te t'ucific . ! . )
Union L'acitio . 107 1074
Ualted S tes Expr > M . 7"
Waba li , St. L. A Pucilic. . . . I U W >
do pld. ( i : < 4 31
WellFaojo & Co. E-cpreas.130
WoBtern Union Telegiapli. . . Sfl 8 , "
O&riboi . I'i
Central Arizona . S
Kxci'Uioi- . 1
HomeHuUo . 17 Pittiburg . 1
Ontario . 3
Quickhilver . fcj
do pfd . : * 14
lioblnsoti . 1 . .
SllverCliir . J
South Pacific . 14
Standard . I ]
riutro . 4
OfferocL IKn. Inteicst. tAsked. IlKx.
apodal Wejxktcrita to TUB Urn.
rijOUttMtli PtAUtlONS ,
CHICAGO , October U.Vhnat l uiet
but firm ami higher ; regular , 9'J@9H" for
October ; 9Gi@OOJ : tor JS'ovember ; 95jj ' : for
the year ; 1 U2 lor May ; No , 1 ! red winter ,
! )9@994c ) ; No. 2 uprin. ? , SA OSJo for cash ;
No. a spring , 8 > i@6tc ! ; rejected , C c.
Corn Active , li.m an I nlc-her ; GSfy' je
for c > i and October ; C7@ 7Jo for tfmeiu-
ber ; Clfei fortha year ; M © "i5o for Jan
uary ; 65J'o for May ; rejected , 07c.
liar Ice t active , firm und Jiinhor :
34l © : " i for cah ; 3IJ 0. 3 for oct h r ;
334 i lor November ; KUo far the jvarj 33' 3
lor Januirrj SAjJ J for AI y ; rejected , 31c.
ltye-Ktead < and unchanged ; li'jj.
11 irley Steady nnrt uncliupgrd ; 85o ,
Flax rfted-Dull andlovier ; 119 ,
Tnnhv Low.r arides uil ; poor to
Ronl. 1 30@1 ( > j jirima U hl < h uradcs ,
1 0-@l CO ; good hee J HI . .red nd la fair de
I5utttr Stenay ; uncliau'u ) , , { ; ttirilttmaii'l
for chn oto fhii jy erdamen , A. aaujfjirtu
peed , 2 © 29j ; Rood to choice dwirv , i ®
2Jc ; nicUinf stuck , liSJ8j ( ; cjunnon n
fair , I'kl3e. ( !
Kgg - Steady and uiubangrtl ; 23o.
J'ork In f ir demaii'l an 1 unwnWw. \
? ; 242. " tor Ootoiipr ; ' 'U7i
2120 for N iv mher ; 19 474&IUM firttni
year ; 10/24'8lU2i for January ; 19 2ofe
10224 for Kchruary.
i lJiJ ToKlett'1 activ atltl hlgliet ;
ISazi-ilSCOfor October ; 12271 f rN'-
i. yetntwi ; U 53 for tie jcar ; Ub7i&lUO
J5ulk Meat * -Fair ripjnand and prlc's
buh r ; uho .l . frs , 40 25 ; khprt ribs , H 2' , ;
short clear , ' 521.
Whiiky ( Steady and unchanged : 1 13.
„ , T. LOOIH.
v8 > ° , cl"\'e' \ " ' -WLait-Mo
' ; A"- - fed , tllfi,051o ? for canli ;
fo " -t ( ) r OJZa N v.b
CojpUigber65io ; for cwlij G5o for Oc
tober ; 91-Cc forKo\cmbor.V ; > yc for the
year ; . 3 for January : f-0c for AUy.
. 0 t < i-Uettr : 3i@33.oor ciwiij ,1Sc
fnr October ; 3Jc fr , Ninemhrr ; 32Sc Jor
njcombfr31Jo ; for tha vtftrj S.7c ? for May.
jl H slier at B75Sc.
jlftrloy steady at C00a.
H'stter S'e ly ; cicAniery , S.1 ; ? ;
dairy , C0@2t5c. <
s , end vat Sic.
Pork Higher ut 24 7f > .
Dry Silt MoftU-Nuiilnal.
URinii Sou o aud > tr
11 2J@11 fl7 { ; sides , IS If' * * . . .
\rd-Nomlnal. . . & { ? 12 J.
KANSAS ClTV , rt * < "
rirm nnd hluhr , . , < -it sbee 11 Wheat -
cih ; 82o for N f'-A „ . ? < . , ! , 81Jc MI for
Corn 1 ir , „ ' . _ , , ' 'ibi-ti'Mjn for the ,
45 ? 5 bid ' . , , r"\ , , , riuWift . , | , forc.sht
Oftti , ; 5ljH. . .piriioi ; I2c ( for the yeir.
Vtr.'mr ; J9Je bid for cash a .d No-
Uglier j Ii' ikUbor 141 Corn Sc.irce nud
71u. .grt Trixed , 7071c ! mixed , 7KSi
Oit <
\ VhDull ; N'o. 2 white , nii. SSJo.
t y 1 18.
LtVEKI-OOl , .
/V\ ; K oo October U. llrefttlotuffs -
Wlirat Wluler , > - < M@P * 7tl ; uprlng ,
6dfes 10d.
Corn 7 * Id.
NKW'OHK. . Oo ober 11. Wheat
j@to belter , iindolcsinBtlimsN'o. 3 siirini ? .
U7u ; Utigra ltd ttxl , Sjil ) ) Ul : No , 3 ml ,
10. ' ) ; Hteamcr , No. 2 rod , 1 olVjj/1 / ti"j No.
2r u , 1 OS ( tO'.ij.
Corn Active 'and strong : ungrnild
nii\ed , 78&70.1 ; No. a mixed , 79i
Oit Opcntil ] a bolter , but clo'rd with
Urn adnto lost : inived wiutcru , 39fe 10cj
white , .J2/i2& (
J'JI'KSVcsUin ' freh , steady at r51@27.
1'ork Kittner nnd f irly aciivc : now
2ifflff2J"6. , : ( .
_ l.ara UiHtii'i ; prime nteani. 13.(7J ( (
18 ' 10.
Butter Nomlunl'y '
CorjuoiL bLUiEB , October lt. ; The
Council Blull-i markets carcfull } revised
to date arn as follow ? :
Flour Golden Sheaf. 3 00 ; Kannns City
winter , 275@3 5Mluiiosota winter
wheat , a 00all ( 00.
Wheat Mo. 2 , 7Sc ; No 3. [ Goo ; rejected ,
Corn No. 2,50s.
OalH No.2 , SOc ,
Uye No. 2 , 15o.
IJarloy None.
Eggs Scarce ; ticlllug to paokoH nt f On.
Corn Meal 1 CO for white ; yellow , 11)0 ) ;
corn cli p , 23 00 per ton ; corn and onto
chop , 2'5 00 per ton.
FRUITS-Apples , 2 00.
Jlrooin Corn UVai9c.
Hay Loo'c , 7 009 00.
Wood T < H ) ( < 9tiOO.
Wool in@i'5.
liuttcr Creamery , J0c ! ; in rolls , wir
ncd , 20i. ; rolls not wrapped , HUc ; mixed
eoiora , 10 I2 c.
OniontIOc per lmhol.
Live Chickeus 'J 50@3 CO per dozen.
PoUtoofl IlOc per t u-ibel.
Cabbsyas 2)5i/10o / per dot ,
Turnips 30c per bushel
Hiveet Tom 7c per di)7en.
LIVE STO ; K. Cattle Kxtra , 3 00@
8 50 Veal Calves -5 60@r 00. "
7 ( V3 < aT y.Rheen 3 50.
to TIIK liiiE.
CHKIACO , October IITh Drovei-31
iTourual reK > rta i a followa :
IlosH .Marketuma'infactnry ani nriceB
5c I wor ; mixed , 7 I Otji 7 8. . ; heavy , 7 OOfu )
b 77J ; liyh , 7 007 75 ; * > Uips , 4 76 0 75.
Cdttlo Active nud higher , with u nomi
nal supply nt ship > ing cittle ; good to
ch'iicj Hhijjpini ; . C40fe523 ; common to
f. ir , 410 520 ; butcbtH active nnd H'c '
higher ; common tu fair , 2&0g.l25 ! ; mc-
d urn to good , li'lOfel' J ; Hlockcra : < nd
feeders , if well bred , btroog , otlurwind
slow at 3 20@1 4H ; rani ? " cattli active nd
higher ; T-XHUK , 330 < 80 ; half-bree 18 and
American * . 4 15cr5 ( 20.
Sneep Dcmund f imnd ctondy ; rjuallty
poor ; inferior lo fair. UOJ@360 ; ui din ire
ro good , 3 J0@l 20 ; tholco tj extra , 4 30 ®
( JOO.
ST. Louis , October 14. Cattle-Source ,
with only butthei-o' trade at previous
nriciB ; ono lot of good Tt x.inii hold at 4 00
4 Vo.
Sheep-Steady at 3 04 ( ) M5 for mut-
HupsNominally unchanged ; Y irker ,
70Ufe7 SH ; mined pa hi .r , 7'J. > @ 7 K > ;
butchers to oxtia h-avy , 7 9U@ 10.
KANHAH Cur , October II. The Li\o
Stuck Indicator repo tx ;
Catt.u Active nud firm ; cto-kerH anH
3lO@l2.5 ; tiati\e cuw.2 80
Mailct : steidy at Ii 05(5,7 ( , 76 ,
-Quiet atL'fiOlgiSSj.
Spcdil ) ) lpitclnfl to Tint nun.
' G'ltc.Mio , October il. Keceiptu und
fihip iiunis ot Hour .ind grain tor the
f < hjiirrt been uafiilloxvn :
Itieci tc. Ship'tR.
Flour bblH 10000 17WO
Wheat uuhhulu 7'.OiO ' SS.IIWJ
Com " 7H.OOO 1.SSOOO
Oitu " 61 > , IMM ) 1 bOOO
Uarley- " . . 5.000 U.COO
NKV Voiuc. Ootobur II. lUcoipts aad
BhipiuentB of Hour aud 'jiuin fur tile pact ,
U4 hourj have i < een a ft lllw ( :
l/ceipUt ( Shp'Ca.
Flour-fibU . . . .
\Vhoit--hu-htlH UyS.OOO 2T4 000
Corn-- " a,000 51,7K ( )
Oats " 60.0'0 iC" !
ICwHAH Cirv , October -Itocuipts
and i-liipiiiitntH of gr m f > r tin ; pant 1 ! '
dourH hnto been M follow :
V.'licat , buflhols C7.000 17,000
Com " 1,000 4,0.0
OlutJi.o , October X , Receipt * und
HhimoaU { of liva utock for the port V'
been an follows :
Kec'ta. Shlprn'ts.
. , _ . T fiOl
CftUlo .600
Sheep - 200
Sr. f.lKM , < ) tel > r J < . Receipts r.ud
fhipoicnts rt live utock fui tco pant 'H
hour * rivve lio'n UH follows ;
Itoc'l'j. Shiprn'tH
Cattle , ItO 800
Sheep 701 : fCO
KANHA I Gin , October Jrj. Ueceipig
ami bhipintntii of liva iitocV for the jiat.t "I
bourn have beea an followx ;
JleVtH. Bbipui'U.
' ' ' ' * * ' '
OAttle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42i . .
Ovrioic fjf T H * OKAHI , lif , r
iturd * ! ' Evimiirf ; , October 14 ,
Thi wLoUiaUi trad * cf the cl'yfarthe w < * k IfHitnttMi a * fairly active the
lulmneof builaemi b HT ecn IdnMy ia
oxcew of the r > i .l < , a w k and value * .n
u rulu were ut
Itry oda , cir | U , il'Hhlnj ' , , hats and
cap' , millinery gm J iau ) lioats and ah.en (
heainy < * i.uid , jritly on
mail wder acioi ati , Mid gioccrlea were
moving freely at tolerably fal > ] , rlcs.
Dnigf , pilnU au ll wntlnue In fair
request ariJ tmlldio wajrilalitJiou-eil con
niderflblc aniBiAtioc
* r
, / vroducts continue firm undrr f
' tl Demand.
Jmtt fruit * were In flrly acthede-
4nd nnd j rices firm ,
Cut moil * of n 1 klmU nro PCArce and
Flour movement was belter at un
changed price * , and oilier mill tuff * were
in better ddnaud at * < U.tiiccd quotation * .
Theinntemrnt in Ilic Ijcul grain trade
continues to improve -ind > aluo remain
about the c < nu\
The only tl'fcttpea reported In the market
to-day are tt. follows :
S.icrn" oil advanced lOc per gslloii ,
LOinl Urnln Dealing-
WHEAT. Caxh No. 2 , 77o ; < uv > h No.
f. o7ic ; rejected , Itijo.
IwUtL.bY. Cai.h No. 2 , 7 < " > C ! No. 3 ,
I7c. _
COH'N. NO.2/600.
STUJJKT 1'iUuKS-Corn , COci
Produce and Provliloni.
POTATOKS-25@10c per bushel.
ONIONS 30(3tVOa per bushel.
NEW TOMAl'OKS-Bo ptr Ib.
BUTT EH Choice uountry , V"
IlDNfciY California , porlb , 21.
APPL KS Per barrel. * 3 OO&DS 0
OYSi litlS-S lect , 6fic per ran.
WATKUAlKLONS-Per 100 , Sir ,
18 00.
PKAK8-California , $2 75@3 60.
PLU.MS-Cnllfornlii , * :2 : 00 , < JJ'J Ki.
GKAI'HS-G.illi.irnia . , $ . ! 0l2 25.
LUMON.S51 oO ( < i)6 ) 00 per box.
DKANk. Imported Uormiu 2 70 ptr
' 'ushcl.
Grocoru' List.
CANNED GOODS-Oyutara , 2 Ib
, Fii > ld's ) , ptiroaso , $400 ; dal Ib ( I'iold's ) ,
icr , it 76 ; do 2 Ib ( CUndard ) , per case ,
< < 73. LouHterg , 1 Ib per dozcu ,
I bQ. Tomatoes , 2 Ib 2 30 : do 3 16 l > 0r
wo , 2 80 , Corn , 2 lt > ( Mountain )
[ Hi case , ! l OJ ; ROAUed corn , 190 ; Jo
I It ) ( Yarmouth ) , per cafe , ii fO ,
ittiuR beans , per cano , 2 10 ; Lima b"
pie vn-io , I 70 Succotash par c-isc. 1 s
t'tvw , common , i > er cose , 1 60 ; i > oas , ch. . , .
i r caae,2 70 , lilaokbvrucs , 2 Ib , per c .c ,
JVO ; Dtruwborriun , 2 16 , per cane , t ,
raipbcrrien , ! i Ib , per ciwe , } 1 0. DAIU-
deus , 2 Ib , per c e , 2 46 , Uartletl
poare per cane , S 00 ® 1 CO. Whortloborrieo
per casei7.ri. ! Kgg plumn,2 Ib porci-so1 75 ;
Urceu KVKOs,2 ! Ib mr case , 2 76 ; do choioo , "
Ib jicr cae 1 60. line Applet1 , 2 Ib , per case ,
i W@5 76. Po : hos , 2 Ib per COHO , 3 00 ;
do 3 Ib , case , 4 Ol4 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 U > , per
.M.-.2 10 ; do pi ? , G Ib , tier doran , 2 4) ,
rtUUAllH-l'owdcrod , lOJc ; Cut loaf ,
10A ; GrauuUtnd , lOc ; Couiectlonor'e A ,
S'j ) ; Stmulani Kxtra O. 8Jc ; Extra C ,
it ; medium yellow , Sc ; ilurl : yellow ,
SVKUP Stsntlnril Com. , 4Ge , bbls. ;
Standard do , 'If , gallon Itcuu. $2.-5 ; Stan.
dard do , 4 gallon ke S2.00. .
FL UH .lobumtr prlco < , Jack Frost
St. Lmis xvintnr ) § 3 1)0 ) pi > rlOO Ihs. ; To-
pekn Putunt ICat a83 8.1 ; Mintiolmba
Minucsoia Parent $ J.70 ; Shawnee Koucy
wnler , 8310 ; KaKle , XXXX winter ,
S3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , 6U.80 ; ( Jhris ,
'UII'H Biip-rlatho , 370 ; bran , per ton-
.I 00 , chopped feed. 8 S 00.
FISH No 1 mttckorel. half brl , C 7P ;
No. 1 mickerel. kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel , half brlx1 76 ; family mackerel , hits ,
8 > c ; No 1 white linh , half bils , C 00 ; No. 1
w > hito fiib , kiU , 9"ic ; family white lis'i '
half brls , 1 60 ; fauiily wliito h h , kits ,
medium Mi.aleil hurriuf , 35c ; select '
cod , h.\o \
yPICES. Pepper , 0 ; Altapico , 20o ;
Jlover , 3jc ; 3NutmoiB { , W 00 : Ca > * ni. , 21c ;
LYE American , S 3" ; Greenwich , S 10 ;
\Ventern , U 76 ; North Star , 2 Oj ; Lcv/ia
tye. 4 till ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
K13ED Jobbing prices , Chop feed ,
iSl 60 per 100 HM. ; chop corn , ijl 40 ; brmi ,
70s per 10J lb .
S'i'AKUU. Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss ,
, : ; Corn Starch , 8jjc ; Ercelsior Jlous ,
7u ; Corn , 7Jc.
Oi'i' ' i ! b. KIo , fair , llo ; Klo. good
12o ; jaii.u to choice , 13 to 13j ; Old gov'l
Jiv1I'id ; ijc , t Mocha , 28jic ; Afbuoklo'u ,
O11EKS2 Full Crenui. lliic ; Part
-tkrm. lujj.
TKAS .Gunpowder , goou45@55 ;
( iO@7fc ; Imporinl , goou ,
t. 50@75c ; Young Hyson , uood , O fe
'Oc ; choice , C5c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Leal ,
If/cj Japan , choice , C0@7oc ; Oolong , go. > d ,
t40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , ) @ ! [ ; Souchong ,
( cod , .Cj'S'sOo : choice. 25 ( % i5c.
WOOD15NWAUK 1'wo hoop pails ,
t S' > : three hoop pails , 2 20. Tub * , No.
1 , 9 CO ; Pi-moor w.-ubboards , 1 86 Doublt
' "ruwiiSSOVcIlbuckets ; , 3 fiO.
T.BAD Bar , 51 06.
VTNUttAll Pure apple cxtrii , 16V :
pure npplo , 13c ; Pnifsincr iraro aiinlo , IGc.
SALT. Dray Inaai. , per tJbt , 1 ai ; Atl\
MO. in sac ks , 3 r 0 ; bbls daily fiO , 6n , 3 50
HOMINY Now , SI 60 ptr bbl.
r-OiA Dwicht's Ibpaporj , 452 85 ; Do
end do , 3. ! 85 ; Church's , $5.5 8j ; Keg soJi
HOAPS KirV'n Savon Imperial 4' ;
Kirfra <\.t. ! .1 U9 ; Kirk's Htandard , il 70.
Kirli'c while Uuctiian , 5 25 : Kirlt'.i
buwc. . ' . ! 15 Klrk'H Prairie Queen ,
1100 ( nk < : i ) , lit ; Kirk's maKiiolIu , i H5
I'OTArfH Pennsylvania ci u , * doz. ,
in nun , H li-j ; ttabbitt'a Uall , 2 doz. in case ,
1 ! )0 ) : Anchor Ball 2 doz In caic. 1 60.
FIELD SEED Ued clover , ch.jiu ,
ocw , 68 00 per biibhol ; inunimotb clovar
nev * , 55700 ; white tlavcr , new , 814 iM ;
tl alfn clover , now , 912 0 ; ale.ilto , nuw ,
{ 1300. Timothy , good , now , ' ; 3 t'l ' ,
blue grtiai , ostra clean , SI GO ; blue J-JPS
clean , ijl " > ; urunani gra ? J > 2 f-J ; ren
choice , 1 0i } millet , common or MUi
'Oc ; milla , Gorman , 3100 to 51 5 ;
IIiinta ) iau liOc
1IEDOKSKKO Oeagv orange , 1 to
budhcia , y > 00 ; oaio ( orano , 10 bushela or
over , ? 1 60 ; honey Jocutt , rur Ib. , i)5o ) ; t sr
100 Ibs. . 825 00.
PEANUTS ItoaiOed , choice , red 'lew.
nosuee , 10c per Ib ; fancy white , lOio porlb ;
raw white Virgin ! * ) raw , lOc ; roaated ,
13lO'N OOTl'ONS Atlantic A , 8c ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Be ; Boott
ri ) , B\c ; Huckeye LL , 4-4 , 7a ; Cabot W ,
7c ; ( Jhlttenanso A , fi c ; ( Jreat Falla E ,
Blc ; Jlooiier , Gjc ; Honest Width , 8o. In
dian Head A , HJc ; Indi&n Staudanl A ,
8Jc ; Indian Orchard d , w , , So ; Lawrencv
LL , 7c ; JSlyBtio ] Uv r , 7io : Pequot A , 8Jc ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utlca 0. 6ic ; Wachus-
ett U , 7lc ; do A , BJc ; do IS 48 , IZioz Wol-
colt BB. 8jlo.
4-4 : 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7C ;
Atlantic LIj. 04c ; Badi-er Stata X 4-1 , 7o ;
r > nningtou C 4-4 , ijo ) [ ; Buckeye S , 4-4,0 jcc
Indian Oi chard AA 9-8. ajo : Loconia ( J
S3 , 8jc ; Lehirfi E 4-1 , 9c ; Lonsdale 4-4 ,
10j ; I'epneroll N 'M , 7ii ; tfo O 37 , 7ic ; do ] !
! 1Q 73c ; d ; E . ' 19 die ; Poc. < t O 4-J. ? ( , <
\Wnsutu 4 t Ilk )
1.LEAOHED COTTONS-Audrojco , :
( rfa fj 4-4. Die : BlackutonoAA In perial tifi
dod.ihulf bleached 4-4Oc ; Cabot 4-4,8
FIdiilty4-4 , flJcFruItof ; thiilxjom.JO ; ( .
- , at-rw , ct ;
,1 , lOJc ; Indian HeiviHliruuk 4-1 , i
iJc. 10o ; do cauilnv 87 , ISJ.c ; iV
foris fiJIllti , 12c ; PequutV,10s ; Poppoa , !
it G 1'willa , 12i < il 1'oiul.ontwt 4-1 , ijo ;
1'o'juoirt 4-1 , 8c : Ulictt , llo ; WfcuuuUtt
O X X , l ! Jo
jjtjOG.S ( Cokirod ) Alln.'iy K bro/u
8c ; do 0 , .Jrul 1. dt Xi stripuj and
.d lWo ; do XXZv bronu and drub
btrij-rfj uid p'aids ' , 12Jo ; Arlington foaoy ,
IWc ; JJracnviick brown , i'ic ; CLiriot fancy.
I2ioj < lo euro heavy , J0cj Fall Ulva !
browu , extw heavy , lljt ; tndlaus
brown 1 < < Nnuonset A broirn. 15c
19e ; do XX btuo 3'J , U ; ) * ; Ar > war.ia ,
9Jc ; jChMmont li l\Wf-i Conenof'a ei
trc , 17i Hamilton I ) , lljo
30 , Itc ; MInucJiaba 4-4 , 'Mf. Ou.e.r uuper
oxtre 4-3 , Sac ; Pearl JUvtr 33. lOlc ; Put-
iwni XX bloo utriiie , 12o ; rfhctuct t S
lOJo ; do BH 12o ; Yeoman' * Uuo 29 , Oo
DKNI.M3. Amoakeuk , blucwi'J bro
ICic ; Andoter DD blue , IBJc ; ArlingX
blue Scotch , ISJc ; Concord OOO , blue w
brown. 12ic ; do AAA , do da ISi ; doXXto
do ( in 1 He : Jltvinakur'n lilnu an < I Ji.w. .
lllver , blue And brown , IGo ;
bine and brown , 14 Jr.
OAMUIUOS linrniwt ! , Wet Kddyitont-
lining , 2t Inch double fftcc , flic ; Uivrnor A
glared , DJc ; Manhattan clo\o 6iish , 6o
Newport do Cc ; do glaz lBjo | Poqnot do
5o : I/xlcwnod hid hnish Go.
COKSUT JKANS Amory , 8oj Andre *
" " { Tgln rnttt U PJo ? Clurcndco , 6JcCpnf. '
o-Rft Mtteenis 7k ) Unllowcl , So ; Itiili i
Orchard 7io ( NorrJkfinnfeltlinprove.l < o
IVpiiorlll nation OJo ; Kockjwrt , Tie ,
1MINT3 ! Aliens , Gic ; Anortciin , fijo
Amold , 7c ; 15cm ick. 4cj Coshoco , 7c :
O-uiPsti.ijn , Ojc ; untiKirk. 4Jo ; Dunuell ,
Kddystone. 7oi Ubucintor , Cc ,
y , SJc : Knioiierliookor , 6Jc ; Her
U. 7cj Mystic , BJcj Spranioj , fici
ilcliis Cot do , GluKhamc , 7c ; M.irl *
bortot Oriental 6Jc.
OlNHHAMa-Am'MikonR , 12ic ; Amo -
drt-KH nj' Argyle , lOJc : Atlantic ,
CutiUicrlnnil , 74c ; Ulshlancl , " c ;
8 c ; Pluti kett , lOJo ; 8ns
COTTONADK8 Abbcrvlllo 18c {
. ' -"Oc ; AnnvljMn , llo ; ArtWnn.
Cairo 1) sml T , f Jc ; Clarion U nnd T ,
I7ic ; Decci Co.irflpoa Di\ndT.
t mo , Klie ; Nantucket , lOol Nonpareil ,
IGo ; Oecau I ) mid T , 13iot Itoyal , lOJi
Sussax , 12c ; Tingft , laAoj Wnclmwtt Bhirt-
lu < shrcUo. l'joi do , Noukln , 12Jc { York ,
plalu . .ukiu. 12jc ; do , oheckf , ptrtpcs ntnl
miicy , l o ; do , a or , lUc. !
SUBKT1NUS AndroPCOK lnlO-4,27lc !
do 9-4 , lllc ; do 8-4 , J2o ! ; ContlnouUl C
2 , lie ; Fruit ol the Ixioin 10-J. 27j ! Now
Y'nrk mills ' , " > , 35o ; do 78 , SOci ; do 68 , 22
I'ombroku 10-1 , 26c ; Pcnuot 10-4 , 28e ; ilo
7-1 , 1'Jcj ' ilo 4'J , ICe ; repporall 36 , J9o ;
do GJ. 21c ; do 67 , IPc' Utlca 90 , SSc ; do
MEATtf llKtiiK , lt > ; lireakfujl Imcon ,
16Jecleat ; vida inoon , lii c ; dry rait bacon ,
I U > - ; "bouillons lU'c ; tlcico Inn ) , 13 $ .
UOPK Slual , i luch and larger , lOc ;
II inch , lie
N1SW PICKLES Moillum , In barrels ,
* 7fiJ ; do In half bbls , 4 .Mismallit , In bbl. %
96) do. in halfbbK ft 2 * > ; qbncktsw , In
btils , 11 M ; ilo , In half bbls , U 15.
CANDJjKS Uoxua , 40 Uin , in fs
Ifjojlvxtii 10 Ibs. , 16 oz. . fin , 150.
KICK Louirfiimrt prlma to choice , tj )
7ic : KrTt'J 1'atnro , 7c.
MAT ( i-TEb rer ctuidio , P6o ; round ,
nsuj , gS 10 ; sixmo , CJKJS , ! } 5 40.
Olc r Una lobnroua.
OKJAUS. Secdn , 816.W ) ; Connecticut ,
325.00 ; Allied , (35.00 ; tiui/.l llavurt ,
550.00 ; Clnnrllavana. 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
24 Ib , OOo ; Our Ilopo , ' first quality , B2c ;
vUar , pounds , 21 Ib , buttsCOc ; Horse Shoo ,
pounds , 24 Ib , bull * , 680 ; Gilt Kdge ,
pounds , 24 Ib , butts , CO ; Array and Navy ,
pounds , 65c ; Bullion , ponnda , 69c ; Lori- )
lord's Climax , pounds , GOo.
FINE GUI' In pallo. Hard to Boats
7Cc ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , KOc ,
Favorite , ( Wo ; Rocky Mountain , 60o :
Fancy , 55o ; Daisy , BOc. In tin foil
CatlliiB O. S. , 5 Ib tioxua , per Ib GSc ; Lori-
Illard's Tiger. COo ; Diamond Crown , C'Jo ,
SBIOKING All prodon Common , 'i5to
33c. Granulated Blacliv/ells Durbiun , 10
pa 51c ; Dukca Diuhaai , 10 ox , 10c ; Boa ! of
North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Ncbrfts-
.a , 10 o.- , , * > 8o ; Lima Jack , 4 oz , linou bi n
psr Ib , 51.35 ; M.vrlutra' Pnok 2 nr , tin
oi' , Cflc ; Doc T r.ll 65c.
Paints Oily nd Verr.luhoj.
OILS 110 * carbon , per gnllon !
13c ; 160 headlight , jxjr trallon ,
Us ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , 20c.
linseed , raxv , per gallon , ' 7 ; linseed , boilH ,
> er gallon , Otto ; Hrd , winter nti'U , per gal ,
on , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 760 ; ct tor ,
XXX. per gallon , 1 23 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet ,
per gallon , 85o ; hpcun , W. B. , porgiUor.-
1 5j ; fijLV. , . 13. . per gsMon , GOo ; nrataloo } ,
ustra , ( tor ( 'iilloa , 7-iCj No. 1 , OOi ; I'.l'ri-
eating , zero , per gallon , SOa ; nuninior , l c ,
golden luucliiuo No. 1 , per gallon , li.'ic ; No.
1 ! , MJ niiorni , oignal , per gallon , SOc : tei-
puntne , per gallon , l 0o ; naptha , 7 , per
gnllou , 18c ; 01" . 17c
L'AlNTaiN OIL White load , Oman
P. P. . fic } ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , < % < ;
iMnr > ailled green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 'JOc
French zinc , gts > ; n 12c ; French zinc ,
rod saal , lie ; French , in vnrniuh itoet ,
wOc : French ziucc , in oil asuv , 15c ; Rttxv
ana burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12o ; raw and
burnt Sienna , I3a : Vandyke brown , . ?
relined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lRc ;
[ vury black , ICc ; drop black , ICa ; PrunBliUi
blue , COc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrme
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter
green , L. SI. & D. , IGo ; Paris green. 18 <
Indian red , 15o : Venetian red. Uc ; IUSCUD
drv , 22cVmerican ; Vonuiliod , I.&P. , 18c ;
chromo yellow , L , , M. , O , & D 0 , , Ific ;
yellow ochre , ! te ; golden orhro. ! < ! ; patent
Jryor , 8c ; prainiug colors : light oak , dark
oat , walnut , "ho tnut and ajh 15o.
Dry ° alnt
Whtlo load , fijc ; French line. lOc : Paria
whitciug 2 c ; vhiting giluere , IJc ;
whiting coml , 14c ; lampblack German ,
town , 14c ; Irinpbliick , ordinary , lOc ; I1 run
aiaa blue , o.c * ; ullramimne , lllc ; vandykt
brdwa , Be ; umber , burnt , lj ; umber , raw
IcjBiemiu , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , Ic
Parlu ircon genuine , 2oc ; Purla green com'
Ou ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20o ; clnmil
greun K.t 12cermillion ; , Eng. , 70oj r.
million , Amoricu , IRc ; Imllau red , lOc
ro o pink , He ; Venetian road , Cookvou a
° j > u : veuctiau ted A/n. , IJc ; rui lead , Jtp\ \
chronioyellow , genuine , 20c ohromn yel
low , 1C , , 12c ; Obbro , rochelle 3c ; ochre
French , 2Jc ; ochre , Amoriran , 2- ;
Winter' . " mineral. 2Vi ; khigh brown , 2i > :
Apamelt btowu , 2c ; Prince'H 3u
VAJINIHUKB Uurrela per lullou
Funiituro , extra , Ol 10 ; furniture , No , 1 ,
31 ; co.icb , oT.lrn , vl 10 ; oarh , No. 1 ,
81 20 ; Damar , extra , ijl 75 ; npnn , 70czw. ;
phalcuni , oxiiiv , 8"ic ; shellac } 3 , ' )0 ; hurd
oil ficiah. 81 80
PAl'Kll Btravpf poi , 2c ; rag _ .
Ir ; dry ooda p.ttiir , Ocinnnila ; paper , lOc ;
U'jv/rt-pipei. He
rtuivy Hr.rdw&ra List
Iron , raten , & < 10 ; plow ntcc ) , upocial
en-si , 7o ; crucil > lo , < ' < c : Hpiicl.xlurGurmaufic ;
ca > ; i tool do , I"1 ' > * ) wiiim anokex , nut ,
2 .Vifg.t CO ; hubs , i.i-r not , 1 25 ; f.-llooa , tntwoi :
dry , 1 10 ; tongwea , each , 7085c ;
I'nuh , 76c ; PIIUIIO nuta , per fti ,
per Ib. Htyiflo ; nvety , ner Ib , llo ;
toil ch m , i r Ib , ( J@12o ; malleable , ( to ,
iron v od | ' 3 , fie ; crowhara , ( Jo ; lmrro
taoth , 4v ; nnrucHboeH , pet Uo , ; , S 00 ; spring
uteel , 7@t-c ; burden's noiwjbocn , o TH ) ;
Llurdeti'u mulorihonp , ( i 50.
SHOT. tt.'iot , 31.U6 ; W ok kliot , 02.10
Oriental Powdvr , kogn , 0.40 : Jo , , hal
kegs , 83.48 ; do. , quarter LIIRB , SJ1.80 ; Illaat
lag , kot-s , CH 35 : FUHO , ncr 100 test 60c.
UAnUfiD WIUK In tar lot , ,8 81) per
100 ; In li'BH than car lotn. 8 C5 Dnr 101) ) ,
NAlLS-llatCB. 10 to COP , 4 CO ,
Ouk solo , HSo to 42c ; hemlock sole , 28o to
S5c ; hemlock kip. 80o to 1 00 ; runner ,
l > 5o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 8Cc to 1 20 ; hern.
lock tipper , I'SctoyCo ; oak ntiper , 2lc ;
alligator , 4 00 to S f,0 ; oulf kid , M@Mo ;
Grelinn Lid , 2 60 to 2 7C ; oak kip , 80o to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip.
1 10 to 1 55 ; Fit-null calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rim
H0tt , 5 50 V ) 7 TX ) ; liniiiK . 6 00 to 10 50
topljiiiKH , ! t 00 to JOrX ) ; B. L. Morocco , SOc
to 35c ; i > obbli O. D , Morocco , HDc ; niinon ;
a w to a oo.
HAJJNKHS- I ntar oak , 42o ; No
dn , JUN.I. . 1 I "ii ok , ! ! Hc ; Nn. ! i In ,
I5o ! ; l.o. 1 ililAituVoo 87c ; Nr. il c , t-
Hpnet una Mulec.
Thn nif.rkul io brirk and nil KruUfcd
lllnx v.oil at i ullcbt advnuca in ti issr.
Thu deniRud lor good horoea eiuooUt tin
Hiippjy coituderA Iy. Prlcou rtuige M rol
luv. .1 ;
jMan rtiulfl ; am CM f-ll.O. tu , > UU. ; C.xtr-
uralt horjw , fi'/.i. wW ) . | Cotniium Ji .t
hornet , jU.t.ilM. ? ) . ; Kittfrm hrui ,
3110. to ' . ' - ' OoiiiuiotJ to gosi fariu hoi ' L
r UO. toV1W. . ; i'.xtr * plugu , IUCO. to 7f i
ConiLiuu ! * 8 0. to SO ,
ul U J J.j > . * > u > 16J Lud ( extrr.J , H2. ' , ,
to ! ) . } 14 a to 16 hnud , fc'108 , to i < W.\ \
H to Mi iun-.V , J76. ? to 100. j IJJJ to 14
ba Jd. 6U1. ' . i J"S
LI uor .
ALCOHOL -ifc7 priio231 uer wia
> ; allonj extra CslKoj ni japfritH&J \ | ) n oi
1 uO [ < t.t pin it K < llua ; triple relinml rf iriu
IdV jitvirii , 1 1'cr i 8of Kfllloa ; ro-distiilrd
1 OOf'il 6w ; One blended. 1 Wi ;
tncky oatl I'mnayhMiU ryea ,
mtANl'IKS-Ijupottud , 00lfioO :
domnatic 1-104 00.
, t 60fe6 00 ; doiucitlo ,
rAIH-Ij Jxirted , i 60 < gO 00 : New
nn'i. COS4 OOfllonitHtle , 1 60@3 W )
16 0 > Amjtl > " ' ° * f 1200 ®
" ' l' r tft" . 00 ®
20 00 ; Cntixrrbo , per jue' , \ ooM7 bo .
vo < lu'xo inmber , liuii and rhlnelM on !
CAW .Om hn at the following pritc i
, SQ2 00 ; 18 ft. , f23 Kl ) .
lWHIlH Ifi ( t. auil nnrlpr , ? 2' 00.
TIM11KK AND JOIST- ft. , fiH 5 i.
St fl $2,1 ' ,5 , S3 ft. , tJ V , W ) . 21 It. , ? ll ! Nl
FUNClMt No. ) , i acd t In. , Ifi I ( X )
No. 2. gihJtio.
Slir.KTlNO No. 1 (2nd ( cunmon
bowl. ) , f 2 00 ; No. 'J , $18 00.
STOCK HOAHDS12.In. . ] > , 525001
IMn. t' , $3.00 ; 1'iln. U , < 5IO 00.
LIMK 1'or Imnel , Ul iV > ; bulk per , iu -
40. ; Omoat , bbl , | 3 2i Iowa plnilcr ,
) bl , W 60. Hair per bu , 1 1c. Tftrrccl
felt 100 lb . 33 TO. Straw board , M fA
COAL-t > imberlxnd ! blacUnm th , 812 ;
orrl Utm Dlosanurg , 812 ; Wtltobrcan
ump , $ . "i ( .0 ; WhltelirwvU nut , .r 60 ; Iowa
ump , ? 5 HO ; Iowa uut f 5 60s Keck ypriiiR.
< S ; Anthracite , nil lrc-a ? 10 CO ,
Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , TartArla , OOo ) . . _ .
Copibin , per Ib , 70c ! Baik , Himiitrap , pi r
Ib , Me ; Cnlomol , per Ib , 75c ; rinchonidm ,
per OE , PI 15 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 1 ( Ht )
Uovoi's powdert , per Hi , $1 10 ; fcpsitr
mltK , per Ib. 3Jc ! Glycerine , pure , po Iti
S3 it Lsai , Acotnto , pnr Ib , 221
Oil , I'astor , No. 1 , par gal , i l 16
01 , Castor , No. 3 , per iu1 ; , W 00 ; Oil ,
Olive , per rjiO. 81 SO ; Oil , Origanum , 60 ,
Opium , 51 OOi Oit'nitio P. & W. * 11. ,4 S. .
par or , S2 30j PoUvtniuni , Iodide , per 11
$190 ; L'jiivciii , yor oz. 40c ; Sulphate e
Morphine , per - \ - , f-3 85 ; Sulpmir llou'
per Ib , lo ; Sli vclminc. WT or. $1 R5.
Merino unvr.\n od , ll ht , I4jj ( > l0r ; hoiuy.c ,
@ 131fio ; modlum unwashed , light , 18-3.40
washed , choice , 32o ; fair , ? 0c ; tub-dint
tnd w , , 28c ; buiry , blacknnd celled wiu > ,
Hide * r > urr , Etc.
1I1DKS 'jroen butclicr'a
ircdfllc ; hldea , green nnlt , part cured "jo
jldM , 74e ; dry llinl , naund , li/ll4o : ; dn
calf and kip , li@l : Ic ; dry rnlC hiilon , sound ,
10@llc ; Krooti calf. wt. H tolSlIw. , o ,
green calf , wt , nncler 8 lint , [ Kir oulii , 50o
sroon ) > olt , 60@1 S5 ; grtsrn lamb nkln ,
31 afi@l 60 : damaged hldcK , two-tlilrd rate
: ut scored and ono Rinb. olaH > < od two-
Urdu ritto , ) branded hitlcji 10 pnr pent , ill
Coon skims No. 1 , 46o ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 1
JO. ; No. 4 , Wo. Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. V
80cj No. : i , 16o ; No. I , 5c. Fox , ,
COoj No. 2 , 2T.o. Skunk , No. 1 , bl5s ;
i5c ; short ntrlpo , 40ns narrow Rtrtpro nlrlpe. 10p. Tallow 7c.
SALT S > o uiom-y andonlcr rait rtlroct from
iw\roalilp prompt ! ) l > y rail nt th
lblocnMi prlcoto all nostorn jtolnts
TYL15K MAUTCO. . 8 Klna\f Olty.Mlch
Jacob Mort7olf , of LancaHtor , N. Y. ,
yi yonv Si'iiiNti HLOS OM wwks xvell
'or ov.ryihliii < > ou rfcommcnd It ; nij-Milf.
wlfa , nnri chll iron hnu alt uieU it , ntnl
iron cjii't iirul n healthier family in Now
Vuru ttut Oct. r ) ( 18NO. Prioo HO CijntH ,
.1 nl bottlvH 1 i cents.
DUpiUlua to TIIK UKK.
M rk Francis N\pier will defend Arab !
Fr.Miklln M loon him been nnmmalcd by
,1m democrat * for m lyor uf Now York.
The liirniau tinpciijil fimilv unit court
mo li'lt IVt.'iliol pjUco for ( ! i.
Count Napoleon Noy , Princn On La
M cow. son if Murnli tl Noy , itiud HI
I'll ! * , Kri l y , ngoJ to\ruty.
It c.iii bo authoritatively stated thut
Secretary Toil tr in iutn cindid.itu for ro-
0 tctiori lo the United Stales nenata fiom
C > lorn io.
A civil porviiu reform ustodaliou has
IKCII ( oimod at lihacn , N. Y. , A. D
Wlilfo , picsidont of Coino 1 , uuiveiNity ,
chuiru'an ,
Ciuilea II. Ivlrk , : > grocer of Philadcl
phlH , was arrested for conspiring with
J iiu.'R T. Brown , cx-ntorukeupur of the
aln s liouet1 , to delraud thu city ,
Tlio BU | reine court of approves
tl'o ruling of tlio district rourt duuyiug i.
utw trial to Oniw Dog , tin niurdtrii-r ol
spotted 1'itil. Crow Uog will hang ,
A plot to burn the Imperial theatre nt
Hlia hai l oen dlpciveiod. Tlio IIOXOM
wurc Hatnmteil with petroleum and gun
powder wiin pnred on the
'I Hebrew Immigrant Aid soclutv ol
New Y. rk hia ilculdeil to notify LjniJ n ,
1'nrm i > nd Bur.In authorititH not lo foi
ward any moro r fiioLn | ; to thin country ,
The Biitl h M oimor Proatoii , Captain
01 urn from Now York to Juuvc.mtlo , in
nshoro near Berwick. .She utaiuls uptight
out lire nlhiilclu the fie'i , which IK iiliiiilng
_ In di , lounitic ciicK'H It in bulievoil Iho
E.yptiuu giueiiiiiiciit will not mimmon the
Fnnuh comptr illor gonoriil tollmen Inot
f uonaiilR , tliin in i kinj , ' the it'Mirnpti ju ol
hU po-t meioly n miuil ,
AtSymciTO , N. Y. , Silnnlay , the Chi
cag i I'iprcfWiili licit u.r iiio ( at n utro t
o if'xirij o n .lining u ; ; cnt oiuun and tlirco
Lil-c. ' , The th'oe I ulloi woio Iiintiintly
li lul an'l thu iiinu rtirioiihly injiirod ,
Spociid A ent Townscn ' , cent to Pine
lul ! o ug < nuy to iuvi-Htij-alo rim tioiilil < .
Iminuen Axi-nt iMt ( < .IIicud < ly r.nd the 111-
diariH , will HiK-gcit iIIB truiiifi.r.if the nguiit
lo ti'iiiii I'thur | oliii. llo HiijH. h iwever ,
hm liuin in ai'itlrj have been properly
Kdv. Thiim stiiiirrl , pulpit Tnrutor and
p.-i tor at iMoiuit Vernoii pineM I !
cMncli , II ilUmoiv. iliud Sun lay morniiig
f oin the i IfjctH uf un opt r.ttlnu littiotoiny
l'uei > duy 1 .i-t. Dr. < , n > rd wni live yearn
imbti r of ihtirelioi in San IV iO'Hcu nnd
O.ik anil , , nn'l Wjuiu iiitivo ol IreUnd
As a result of iprin"uu'atlons ma'le by
Pit-tender Ag-nt K St , , lohn , uf i IIH Kock
Ihltiul in ( 'oiiii.i'i-ioucr I'inl : I'nk
hai decide 1 III ! the llock f-a d tthull
her after roicivo a full imu-thiid of thu
rmigMnt bu inen lo St. 1'mil , Tlio Hoik
InUud haii Icon contending fur tlih evur
tiiiin it opened up the Allio.t Lu route to
Hi. 1'rtul , but haH not heretofore icceivcit it ,
At a nn'ctin , ' of citizen * of Yankton
county , Dakota , prrxidcit over by
( iiivornor Grdwuy , resolution , wrro nnuni
moiuly adopted Uvoring a jiu < t und honor
ub e icttlemeut of the debt. C iiK'O-n will
bo aakod to logaliro the Idiue of thn lioml >
and to pr tnct purch-iieni by proper legii
1'ttion. This aucompll'hed , tlio old bondi
which were Icgalirtnl by congrfMx will tie
| ui ( dollar for dollar.
The b'ock ' of "tonu which IH to bn umit by
Nebraska for a poi tlon in the Winhin- !
ton iiioiiumrnt IIUH l < cen u miilctul iimli-r
tbn Hup < % < l < ) i ) of W. II Wllrnr ul Lin
en.n It lui.iHurns K'l ' ffiil , bearini ; tlu-
ctuto'rt i > ut of i.rniH u.iru'il in cnt" 'elicl
tun feit In diainiitcr , unl with tb Ne-
liraxkn motto , " 10'piality lit I'oru thu Law , '
in Ititters uf a illd nilvi-r. Hiirr.iimdiru'
im wi until \/itti ro'-i'tte.s.
Attorney tj'iiieml liruwntrr. m uu III-
( frvit'iy in I'luladd pliln , H.II ! lljut wKlifi
a fij.vr ( iiy i mid or m irn j.'jr onn In thu lo-
p.irtn.ent i f j i < l'i'lio Ktvo b en iibmi
HB tIrn | liy il leii'inntand wlniupptnr to
- ' | c ID i Ina nil in the at'enipt to
ojrnio jiiioi , in Imliulf of iho ilifeiulaut' ,
Wi n d bo itrrurtei. He Bjrf lliat he lui
or luiel ihi < on i vldeiica no * ' infoo him
and ttmt ill * 'lo'i ' nlunlH , HOIUO Imw ur
iiti tr Imvli g ohtaiitfil l.nuwlidg uf tlio
nttoiniy j.ttjiral' intuition , u iu kn xvi g
albu Uiatliela.i iiidmi utu ln pi oof of th
gui'tof ' tliHHO inrli nun lit * uf ti.t uv , would
with u oiljy or IA < I abiu'lmi tho.o men
.inaiurui'ha jal Krticlo diirloning
the fiuts jinl takluj ; lie it UK public in-
//liner * , twcauiu they fear thtt if the
ktory in nut told by thum tlio midden ur
ic , t i f ilinlr inutruiiii ills would bu u fttal
lilow , and toavuid ill it In believed pub
licalion is to "
1'ornoiiB recovering from
dueaaos , euch as inularia , fevers , oto ,
will l u yruutly bouolittud by the uao
of JJrouii'M Iron JHttrr , u truti touio.
The Turkish Authorities in-
gorad by England's '
Saucy Note.
The Kh dive Determined to
DLapoa * of Arnbi nt
Any Coat.
A Lively Tlmo Expootrrt nt the
Irlnh Nulionnl Confcr-
nncnnt Dublin-
. Viu Inty of Horns From Europctui
Special niJintclicMoTim 11m ,
, 15.Eng
land's n-ply to tlio Porto's note in re-
j ; ird to the or.icuntion of Egypt bj
Jin Hritiftlt o.iuacd great rxtiBponilioii
it tlio ptinea. Tim fnittvioM jnrly ,
tnlcinRndvimtigmif thosultmi'n ungur ,
nccujod S.tid t'lwlm , Turkish priiuu
iiiiiiifilor , of hnviiiK caused the loan of
Kijypt to Tutkt < y , and ilonmndod hia
oxilo. Thu struggle contitiuea.
Slicikli Obuidnllrth Ims issued n
nift'sto to the Kurds , urging Un-in
to slmlu ) the tyranny of Porm. llo
in ut Sekiiuirith a foroj of 17,000
AITA1HH AT ( Mlltll.
OAIKO , Ocklmrlfi. Thoiiidictmunt
of Arubi 1'ailm ntul hia associates is
not complutud. Tlio prosecution com-
niuloo luiliuvo thn court nurtinl cnn-
not moot for unotliur wuok.
Gon. Wolsi'lny IIHB boon ordered
lioino. Ho will lonvo Thursdiiy. All
tint atutoB huvo : > xru ( d to the khodivu'a
ducvoo granting three months delay
for the jmynumt of consul bills , ux-
ct'pt Hussin , Unitnd Stutcn , Portugnl ,
nud Denmark , which no fnr liavo not
been hoard from. Gen.Yolsoloy or-
Icrcd the closing of gaming houses
lioro. '
CAIIIO , Octobur 15. The ijueation
of counsel to defend the rebel Icndura
cituscfl delny in the meeting of tlio
court martini. The Egyptian govern-
inent in preparing a nott ) to Sir 1C l-
utml Jlnlutt , ohuwing the iucoiivoiii-
oticu of iidmittiiiu toreign counsel in
iho flico nod oxphiining thit : the gov-
urnincnl would inutend ) > rofcr to hand
b.ick Arab ! I'uihiv nnd hin
to military nuthoritieu for triiil.
LONDON , Oolobor 15. A coiiiiuor-
cinl travulor nr.tnrd Brooknlmni li.m
bcoti commitlcd for trial iu tlio 15nv
struct police court , fur thrcntoniiu ; to
jnutdt-r the prince of W.ilra unices ho
ivcoivud mtmoy from him. The threat
win made in u lottur to Ool. Tiudnlo ,
inucrry In the princo. Thu priconor
iippivontly is u crank , llo mud ho
burred Btvcral yenrs In tlio United
Slateo army.
MAMjiiKyriui , Ojlobor 15. The
conference of iniiiora ruaolvod thnt the
tninurs of Laiiciolurc , Uorkshiro ,
Derbyshire , and North Wales , aim
ultanooualy give notice of a domnml
for nil advance of ( iftuoti par conk ii :
wagea. The conforouco nd journal
until the 27th inatant.
TIIK KUlttllHH WAll.
CoN.HANTiNori.n , Octohor 15.
Shuikli Obuidullah , the ICurJith chief ,
with 10,000 men , domiiidud the sur
render of V.iii , Thirty thouaaiii
I'oreiiinu with Tnrklah trees ] and ur-
tdlory are inirchiup uviiiiip.l him , have
boon ordered to capture him ( load or
TIIK I'lltuNIX I-ntK Mrill'/ll
Dtinu.v , OjtduiIfi J'lsron
tlio crow of the Olittl1" i ' .u 'A't-icn
WoOtjJIlll' , the Bolf IU1-II- ' < Ill-Mill of
Lird Fiedoriok Civ mi ' , Mid Under
Uccrotiiiy Itinlco , . . , i < t the Woat
TudioH. 'I'Jiu uutloru .o subjected
to u souolimi , ' I'Xiuiiuiation. The
.uitlioriucs dotnrmiiiod to thorougly
fift the \Vosl ( > ito ootifcfisioa to ( juiot
the pub 10 niiiid. Wcstj/ato will prob
ably liu brought homo for the * nmo
purpoao , but thu pjlicM lirnily udhero
to tin ) buliuf that WoKlg-to is cm7.j
und his auijrtioiia iiiinortny of buliof.
nro i'.ro autiripitcd ut the iiationitloon-
f > < riiico owing to tlio boliuf that there
la iii'iru to hi ) uiiido known nilutiwi to
the Kilriviuiliuni trunty boUvtcn I'.ir-
null uiid Oludutouo.
DUIIMH , Ojtobur ID. A riot to-day
in Lunurick wun oauni-d by the nrreiit
of a driinkon man Tlio tnob atoni-d
the puhco , ono of whom hid hia skull
fruoturcd. The police 'charged the
mob nnd arrested the rintjloadora.
TJio Hontry ntationud outoido the liar-
raoka at lirabazon park waa flrod nt
to-day and dangoroualy wounded ,
LONDON , October 15 , The atoumcr
Prcoton inatill afthoro near Berwick ,
The crow rofusnd to leave ( ho voesol ,
tliiukiiiK uho will bo itjat d in in the
morning. Homo Hour wan thrown over
board ,
OAIKO , October 15 , Tlio Egyptian
ministry informed Rivera Wilson that
purinipaion to Ar.ibi to employ foreign
0 iimiul in refused , Kuropi mm droad-
if" the p'loiihi'iry ' of'll onriD.
I'no ( liort. , > ut i no council of miniatora
proulaiintnt ; the duponitiou uf the
Uudivo , wliioli Arjbi vehemently do-
1 lud , IniH bjeu found nt tlio housu of
Idfu'it IU-y , btarint'hi.i . uijjniitiiro iii.d
tliut ( > f tithor in'
i'rnm the Toll *
John liico'i , Lijiurti ) , Inil ,
' lluirih tor Hl-llINO . '
ISl.ohsou ; it'-j all 31111
lOLinn ueii'I it to bo. My dBniiU ( ; lias nil
vuuiihcil. Why dciu'e jou udva tii.a it ?
\Vh t allnwaiico will you make if f UUo u
.lu.cii hotlltH , 8ii I cuu'il ' i.ljligf my
fieuilsocciii'j ' ly | rlco MuentJ' , inul
clttlci 10 O.'IH.
Hub l'in.ili ii MiDio tr.tnil ; to ih < paluto
than .4 imnch made tu nrdvr.Vull Btucliuil
lurJoru are MI > | iliu'l ' with it. Train biii- |
plied ut iiianufacturtsib'd piie'n by M. A.
McNamirn , KuuiilluD iiipliod [ liy A. Jl ,
QlwUtunu , Otimliu , Neb ,
Tli blilrailibltic FuiaU.
HK ] 'inl DUputuh to TIIK
KKW YOICK , October 10. The Fpu
iau akirmitthing fund iuvestigating
conunitti'o mot this afternoon , A lot-
tor wnu road from Angastino F. Ly
ons , one of the Irnatcea of the fund ,
stotina ho had written BrcMcn nnd
Davpry , twa other truslcoa , on the
U h itifltant asking" for n statement of
the outlays of the money nnd ono day
after ho received a letter from them
clrcHninq to give the desired informa
tion. The question ns to S12COO
loaned JAB. Kully to insure his elec
tion to parliament from the county
Itoicomnmn nnd § 20,000 to Aftirdock ,
editor of The Highlander , btotmht
forth a resolution , which WHS ndoplod ,
accepting Ford'n stntomont ns sath-
'actory nnd holding Jn'm honorably
released from nil blmno in tlio transaction -
action of the Sl'J 000 loan. The res-
iluticni cutidi'inncd "such porvcrnion
of the skirmishing fund and the con
duct of the truiteoi m thus tampering
with the ppnple'fl trti't , "
Cnpttiroil. '
DNptUh to Tun Urn.
ST Louia , October 15. James
nnd Edwatd Bran , twn dcapvrn-
locti who killed the city mar-
shall of Caldwell , Kansas , Juno
ast , nnd who belonged to the
; ang that planned the robbery of the
I'l-xos it Pacific railroad train near
U.illai about n month nio , but which
waa frustrated by heavy storms , wore
wcrtnkon by n pooso under Constable
llnrvpy nrar Sunset , Wodncaday Inst ,
ind the former > vna insstantly killed.
Iho latter was mortally wounded.
Thn Ul | > ht Sort ot Gonornl.
Tacob Siullli , Cllntun street ,
K\ : lixmol In liU
miiily nn a goticrnl medicine ( or cnxtH of
ndlKCttlon , lillioUMiQpp , biiwil nnd kidney
ciiinilnliilH | , an I dU intern lulxlrg fnmi ini-
mrltlt'K of iho Moo' ; li uponki lilghly o [
if lt < c-llicacy. I'riiof-O ccnU , trivl hot-
> lcn 10 cculj.
Shot nnd Kobbcil.
Spools ! UUp Uh to Tun Dm.
UoHro.v , Oclobor 15. Glmrlos V.
Oliihls , iormimn of the
cemetery , while driving on
avenue , Cambridge , at 10:30 : this
morning , wan attacked by two men
who shot him in the eye , and took
from him $000. The men drove rap
idly towards Brighton and have not
buen arrested. Ohilda' injuries are .
not necessarily fUal. The attack oc
curred in a very public part of Cam-
Drovrntd la the Imhd
HmUill5v | \ ] toh to Tim HKK.
Ciiitutio , October 15. This uft r-
10011 thrtio muii whoso nurnos hayo
ml yet boon uscorUinoil , went out in
; ho lukoin a boat , which cupsjd ! , and
t ii beliuvcd all tliroo wore drowned.
A hut wiii loiind with the lunto "I'.t-
ton" inaido.
Wo cannot help notlciiiR the liberal olfcr
nmda to all invulids and Rulferoni by Dr.
ICing'A New Discovery for oiisiimplion ,
You nr teipiCHtcd to call atV ( JoHil-
mnn'ti Druu Htoro , and iet a Trial Holtle
frtc ofci > st , If you are Hiilfeiini ; with C m-
sumption , Sovnro Coughs , Coldd , Abthmi ,
llrunchitirt , Hay Fuvcr , LUSH of Voice ,
llo ifNimciii , i'i any alia 'tlon of thu Throat
or Linus. Tt will noxitivolv euro you.
l\ \
AbsoltsteSy Pure.
This powder never varies. A mnrve. o
purity , Htriingtn and wliolo'innouoM'
Moro economical thin the ordln iry kiniN ,
and cvitinot IHI sold Incompotttion with the
multltudo of low text , Mioit woiKht , aUm
or pliOHphatii p ladern. Sol -inly I lu r..ui
\V.1I St. N--Vor
HIOFO il'vhlnn tn innVo UIOIIKou
xninll ninl niJ'iiin InviitjiiDiitttn
20 Kralu , | iro\Ijliiu an ! 4t JtjwcuU- -
tlonn , o m d i to hy opiratl'/Y ° " ° < "
lihn Krom .y 1 , ltl , to lie iiro-
WUIS AT Hunt I'ato ' , on lu > uum n sot .f 10,00
to (1 OUJ , clH3 pr iflUi lm\0 Uoeu anil pill to lnettr/
amoun In lo cvcr I llmcvi t lacrli-
S5G Inul iiivui-Miunt , Ktlll Imvlnc tur
or k'liul liiveutmnnt i.tkm { nioni ) >
ur | > yablii on demand KzpluiatO'
STOCKS ry clruular > unit rUMmoiti of ( unil
We vant
amenta , who wll rriiorc on crips and
$100 Int attioo thu j > Un L bora ! uom-
mid. Aildrte *
ft mCitltlAU.m III
, III.
. , . . . , , . > " * , OctoUr 1" , isei
Kin n tothuownur or owner *
ot tiuiiillimliiL'ili'MrllHHl proH.rtj ) to lav or r
pair sldiwulliH In ( rout ut and adjolnlm ; tuiiki
williln liriun , l VHfromthUdaU ) , nalj dlduHalkH
tolHMOiibtnicKHliu'uonlliii ; Utjtn \ \ \ and Hi"Vi
tk-atlont on tlio In thu ulllto of tlio Ibu it of i'uli
lie \Voik niul In uaiinlaiuu ultli ruoilurloiM
mloit | l b } tliu ' it ] I'oumil
LKfttllll-flON Of IIUllHll- > .
Ixjt ' . ' . wiHtli hlduof I'arnuni bu , III lilcxK 1 10 , 1.
Icct uldu.
UtH. iitlinidoof ranuiuKU , I
ft ft ulilc.
AlK\n to liu'aldto | Krinani'iitr.ila
l.oisn. I , , 7nnd , north olilit ur Hurl Nu. In
Moik , W , rip. Ind.
Lot * .1 , il and h , noitli hldcof Unrt fit. , hi lj-k
.KIT , rtpjlrul
I.ut ( I , 7 und h , north tide of Hurt .St. , In h iH'V.
.ViH , iipilrud
b > tijun. | I Kinlli cldu ut California Ht. , In
Mod.-J. liulix'l. |
\M \ * lunU.kJiitli ullo ot OallfornU St. , In
hlmk 'I , rip dnil.
lot * 0 and 7 , north kldo ol Ct'lfornU t. . lu
MuiL 1U , npilnd.
t. \ . hUlTll'ii ADDirlOV.
loin , nortlmlduuflMli St. In
, block 1,1 , u
luU''uiii.i | , north bldvot IJtliSt. Inhkuk 18
I /it 1 , In liUnk 3 , ri'jtilrccl.
l/jt . ' , ( north 1) ) In U ook U , rvpalrvtL
Ixit ii. In lilH.K 'J , ripalnxf.
Ixitji , wmt kidoot 1-th St. , In WcnkJM '
lxt , ut ldu of J'ark Will Au'nuo trout
IltiruiMnrtkouthtu alley In A. KaunU ' 'u < l
dltlun , I ( tut "IJr.
Chiirmin Hoard ot fublleWoik * .
. '