Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Published OTery morning ,
8be only MonJty morn
IBJtMS in ? MAIL -
VSM f 10.00 I Three Month.83.00
Months 0,001 One . . 1.0(1
WKKK&Y BEE , troblUhed er
tj Wednesday.
One Year. . $2.00 I ThrwjMontlis. . od
U Me it In. . 1.00 I Ono J . . 20
or Newhicnlera In the "njtcd States.
O0UUESit > NDKNOE All Ootnmnnl.
I fttion * fplntln. * U Newi And Editorial mot-
era * houH'o kXldremed to Iho EDHOB or
Fnx HUB.
J&ettors and Kemlli > " < should be ml.
dtwuod to TUB BIT. I'URUfMina COM-
IAHT , Oa/HA , Iiafu > , Orl = o n < l Lo-it ,
fflcc Ordots ( a bo mode' Pk'ra-'i1" to *
rder of tbo Company
B. HOSEWATKfl. EdHoi'-
Wo are authorized to
Senator Van Wjck lo address the
citizens of the Third district on the
Issues of the hour at the following
named places :
Blair , Friday , ( Mobcr 20.
Tokamah , Saturday , October 21.
O'Noil , Monday , October 23.
Norfolk , Tuesday , October 21.
Goo. A. li > Connor ,
will opcak at
Arlington Tuesday , October 17. ;
Golumbus , Wcdndsday , October 18 , :
Central City , 'SHursday , October 10
JJachnt7 : Op m. " 'if
! ? ? ' fii > * r *
„ . - Tumor
wl\l \ C-poak with General Connor nt
Arlington , and with Senator Van-
Wyck nt each of his appointments ,
Additional nppointmontB will bo
made In a few daya.
republicans propjao to teach
the psrty loaders this fall that voters
have Borne rights which oven booaen
and the machine must respect.
eupportora are whist'
ling loudly to keep up their courage ,
but it is the danger whist'o ' as they
know very well.
A Miuniu : : of the Virginia legisla-
laturo has been indicted for sellim-
h iulluonQ for § ! )0. ) It ti aai-1 that
the suit ia based" upon the roun.1 t
the price is exorbitant.
M. K. TSKNKU will receive n vote
t > n the 7th of November which will
make the West Point land gwbbtv
Uko back that statement that 1m
o rries the Third district in hi
breeches pocket.
TiiKson of Mdiahal Noy whom
the great Napolean .styled . "tho
bravest of the bravo , " died in Paris
Haturday. That roc&lla ono of the
darkest pages in the history of the
man of destiny.
begins to dawn on Iho
paving problem. Wo can now see the
way toward paving our principal thor
oughfares with granite without bunk'
rnpting the property owners. The
Iwrd of public work ? ll V9 already
* l. -l-
saved 8vi'uuu u/ waning n inon'.n au
to-advertising , and they may save ua
mauy thousands moro by going slow
but uro. _
Mu. VAW.NTIKB and his mouth
pieces nro still trying to imnobo on the
people by pretending that ho in an
anti-monopoly nmn in congress and
his vote for the river and harbor
a teal was given booauao hu believed it
to be an anli-monop3ly measure. Thu
best answer that wo have noon to this
oilly o'ap-trap it the following from
Uio Itlkhoni Valley JS'/ttu , whoso editor -
itor ia kupponinx Vulentino ui the
regular republican candidate in the
Third district :
"There is ono urt ol his speech
that wo would advise lion. E. K.
Valentino to leave out hereafter if hu
wishes to hold the respect of honest ,
Uiinkinn voters , and that is the portion
tion in which ho attempts to excuse
his vote for thu river and harbor steal.
If ho would come out tquarely and
honestly , and own up that ho wont in
with the bays for the old 11 ig
and an appropriation , wo would
respect his candor ; if ho would ignore
it altogether wo would admire hit ) dis
cretion , but when ho trios to excuse
himself by saying practically taut IK
voted for the steal because ho supposut
it was an anti-monopoly measure , op
posed by Jay Gould , ho insults ever ;
intelligent hearer by taking it fo
granted that ho is onsummato as
enough to believe hu ii tolling tin
truth. In fact , when hu make
childish excuse , Air. Valentino pri
eents lo thu mind of a tundi
listener n two-horned dilcnunp , an
it doesn't mutter much i.hich her
ho taktJ , it is t Dually bid for Mi
V lcutinc. If hu was no ignorant
to tuppoiu ho was cistiui ! an nnl U
monopoly vote wlieu ho voted to stci
ton mi lions out uf the treasury , ho i
unfit for a cougreacmcr ; if ho is on !
telling thn etory for ilFcct ard know
botttr , then ho is thu worst kind of
demagogue , and doesn't deserve a act
in congress. This open criticism ma
lead to our being summarily tired 01
of the republican party by Fred N )
and his satellites , but we can't help i
A love of truth and honesty compe
m to make it.
The Hov. Dr. Theodore L , Curler
of Now York , in a note to n friend In
Auburn , tjt : "I do hot intend t
vole for Folger , but the publishot
fltatcmr nt that I shall vote for Cleveland
land in a fabrication , I am a distent
ing republican , not a democrat. " Thor
nro thousands of dissenting republicans
cans in Nebraska nho will also refuse
< o bo cliwcd us dcrnocrata.Vithth
hollow professions of the democrat !
leaders they have little sympathy
They have no intention of becoming
converts to thu democratic party , nor
do they duftiro if it can bo uvoidod to
assist In putting democratic candidates
into public ( llhc.1. lint they have
juntas little RympUhy with a corrupt
republican us the have with
cotrtipt democrat. They cannot
as honest inun denounce corruption in
the oppnaitu piriy und nwallo v fraud
in their oini And when outr.igoous
fraudi nro ouminiiittd with the plain
itilrt'tmn cf aubvurting an honest ox-
vro Jion of thu party will , they are
jelt "ujjnrd HI resist their coiiaummn-
ion' even l si'lt'u OJ e mpj the
itronganl part/ by > who have " '
seived them. Thou > . < lnd of r ° Publ
sana in the Third district nro prottch-
ng the gospel of dissent h'm tno
ionvontion which nominated E.K
ulontinu for congress. Not ono o.
hem ia any the loss a republican
ir moro n democrat than when
wo yuara ago they unwillingly
, iuf their vntcn for a land swindler
uid a Ii ick pay thief for the same high
ifllco. Fully in accord with the prin-
and professions of republican-
am , th&y i 'iisO lo bu WP'yv *
he support of n candidate whoao ik. .
ird stamps kU i as a reckless ndvcn-
urcr , an unnrincitbd public ollioial
ind a willing tool of corporate monop
oly. It is not the party that they are
opposing Oa the contrary , they nru
working with all the energy of mon si
who for years have brought success to p
the republican urbanization , to elect a
man of approved republicanism , of
sterling integrity nnd of utuuHiod
priv.ilo character , to the scat in
congress which ia now disgraced by E.
K. Valentino. Aa republicans they
diwont from the methods of party
loaders in the Third district which
were rcHporsiblo for VAlfntinVanomi
nation. They clitfccnt from the cor
porate aeucoa which feinted hiiu
V.pu rpyublicanu as their candidate' '
and tlu-y dissent from a ntrjlPO {
whoso aiitocoJonto and prc1 ciar
aotnr unfit him. to r0pvt8out honest
mon mid honen republicans in the na
tion. } ! connects. Nor will they con
sent to bo road out of the party by the
men whoso infamous jugglery they
ore opposing. Ho is the best ropuo-
lican who claroa to oppose himself
to the enemies of thu interests
of party woothor within or without
the party lines nnd who by corrupt
alliances and fraudulent bargaining are
bringing disrepute upon the princi
plus which they BO budly profess to
Dinsonting republicans in the Second
end district show as little inclination
to ally thomselviMi with the democracy
as do thoseof tfe Third district
JI"ri : too the gonnot "f (1"1- ? ; ! ' *
prciiclioi ? ngainat monopnlv t"J ! ° l Of
the pirly oruiulsiUoh i'uit Hgainst the
fuiKt&uiuilU ) iil'InOl'plea ot republican
inn. Df , Mdou * , the anli-moropoly
candidate Btivuda oppobed to a
railroad attorney nhose roputu
tiou has been made as i
taithful sorrnnt of thu monopolies
nnd whose political work in their bj
half lua canned much of iho disulfiio
( ion Ironi the repub ionn p.irty in the
district which he now ti'oko to re pro
cent. Su long as the B. & M. and
Union Paailh railroads were cutting
ouch othor'd throuttt Mr. laird was u
rabid nntt-monopoliBt iigiiiut the
Union Paa fie bec.iuso he wai paid for
so being by thu Burlington it Mis
souri oumpiny , who employed him.
lliu posturing u'J a simon pure anti
inonopulist.nt this late day isu theatri-
ctl exhibition which will deceive no
one , The thousands of republicans
who will refuRo to support Mr. Laird
will not transfer U-eir allegiance
to a democratic candidate. They
propose to elect man who
will secure hia scat to oongreis by a
[ air expression of the popular will
and whoso record s a republican is as
sound as his reputation for being a
tried and proven unit-monopolist.
The parties who are howling sgainsl
republican dissent are the ones who arc
rrtponiiblo for its existence. Tlioii
democratic bugbear will deceive nt
one. There Is no reason why Nobrntkc
should sum ! a ileiuoor.Uio representn
> ivo to n congruts which iu already as
t'e surcdtuthe demooraey. Mr. Turnoi
oujilit in be and c.ui be elected ovi
lcl Vuluiu.iio. Dr. Monrucan lie
ud OH lu crly desired by Mr. d
rn In hi u cjsutt thu duiuuerats wuuh
gain initial g by thu change.
ss Th < I n.on Pacihe railroad has gladlj
allowed tuo Oniulia ( J'oo club , a largi
i umber ofvlioea iniiulurj are employed
: s ployed in usilllufl , to usiietrilen
line in hii ) oiiivans , and thu club wil
AS siut ; ut several Valentino uaoiu aii
fa thu Tniid district. Their calariec
according to the statement of a mem
iay her , run on all the same during thei
ut absence With Val'a $0 a day clerk
yo who is editor of their Omaha republican
tj can organ , and their cloiks from tli
els oth'ccs assisting the Cumiug count .
back pay grabber in his campaign , th
Union P/vclSc seems to bo doing its
best fir Valentine's candidacy.
Mn. VASDKHBILT is frightened n
the indignation which his arrogant re
markn about the public and the rail
roads hive excited. Ho claims to have
been mitqnotod by the reporter nnt
denies that ho expressed the hope that
the public might "bo d d. " The
public are just now making themselves
solves heard very loudly through Iho
prcNi which is publishing facts nnt
figures to show that it has much more
c uao for cursing Mr. Vanderbilt
than ho han for damning the public.
Mr. Vanderbilt did not refer
to the fact that the stock ol
the Now York Central and
Hudson river roads which ho controla
has been watered to the extent of
about a hundred millions of dollars
This watered stock never cost n del
lar. It represents nothing but fraud
and yet hu imposes sufllcient trans
portation charges upon thu commerce
nnd business of the country to pay
eighty per cent dividends an thin gi
gantic financial pwindlo. Mr. Vm-
derbilt well knows that our prenont
ail way flystom is rotten to the core
and that it is eating the life out of
ho wealth creating interests of the
ounlry. Erery now road that lo
mill has n itwindlo connected
with It. Take ono of the latest , the
Now York , Chicago & / > ' Louin road ,
boiler itnocn us the "NMlo Plato , "
which poll illustrate a the impositions
practiced by railway corporations upon
the public. This road runn from
buffalo to Chicago. The actual cost ,
inclniint ; equipment , is stated to bo
between $25,000,000 and $28 , 000 , 000 ,
a liltla less than $50,000 per mile.
. ' * u addition to its C ! fifal ) etock ,
" 'lon IlQS iK6Uo 1 > 3ndfl to
such an amount as' * ° make ' -ho cost
nile , and on
represent 8117,000 per
this whole amount it a mann 0" w' * '
seek to tax the public Jo
' ' imd
y interest on it's bout's
dividends on its capital utcoK. The
"Nickel I'lnto is only R c uaplo. There
has not boon an honopc mile of rail
road built for yca-n. 'Thoro never will
bo until the people protect themselves
by legislation ag ihist SLcH frnud aud
imponition. T'no ooipjralion. mana-
"era mast bo toyghl th * . the people
have some -Jijllla whiw\i \ even railway
kings nr boup to r Bpect ; that the
rf'v icgti3 tb'oy have derived from the
public muut bo usud for the good ol
the poorjo and that stock watering and
swindling construction com panics nro
crimea against the country which will
bo followed by owift punishment.
WK are grulihed to observe our
talented friend , General Estabrock
his been devoting hisleianro moments
snatched from the arduous duties of
thu law to liturary pursuit ? . The re
suit lies before ua in a small but neatly
printed volume , entitled "Woman
Suffrage Campaign Sung Book , Price
C ojnta , " published by n Lincoln es
tablishment , and for sale by all local
woman suffragists. To many friends
of General ISstabrook who do not
know that nl odd times , like Silas
\\Vgg , ho occasionally "drops into
poetry , " this little volume will bo a
geuniiio surprise. The IT1 Ipoorn
Giitiiiod "Keep Ionian in her
Sphere , " arranged tj ( Ui3 tauo i > f
"Auld LiuiR Synu" is a jewel wortlisr
of iv moro pretentious setting. The
metre io admirably handled. ,0 .The
diction I. clniclu nnd yet there ia n
rugned force of oxpreisijn which ap
peals nt once to the reason Wo quote
entire the fast vorer.
I h ivo a nonh' ! ' ) < ir , ouo of thoie
Nut wrv Imr'l to liutl ,
Whunov It nil without debate
And never clmn0o thuir iiilnil ,
1 axlicil liliu "What of woniau's
Ho B till in t'V.t e tovoro
" .Mv mind uu tint | j nil mailo up ,
1C eiMVoniixu m her xiheio. | "
The vein of suppressed irony which
pervades thia stanza is admirable.
That class referred to "who know it
all without debate" should have boon
induced to attend Uio recent pow
wows at the opera house , when they
might possibly have ' 'changed their
mind , " or "minds" as would probably
be more grammatical. Slight defects
like the one referred to , however ,
only tend to set otf more strikingly
thn beauties of the composition.
A second gem from the collection ,
which is also from Gen. Eitabrook'a
, poetical pen , is worthy at more than
passing attention. It is a stirring
lyric , sot to the music of that truly
national air , "Yankee Doodle , " and
can bo found on p g > 11 of the collec
tion ;
"Kquallty before the Uw , "
Kit inottn for Iho nation ,
Wus on our state' * great seal
An tin ugh \ > y inspiration.
Ami where ulmll any nitu be fount ) ,
If he bo but a true mftu ,
Wh v dare maintain that this wan meant
For him and uot fur woman ,
This exmrpt shows GJH. Ejtabrook'c
faculty in thu handling of metre. It
: is moro than mer urody , and h
worth the price of the whole volume
us an original creation of what we
may bo permitted to call a poetic
genius ,
Gun , Ettabrook ha ) struck n rid
unii which Iw should not be permitted
to abandon , S nee his famous equal
tor governor's address , copies of whicl
- can duubtloas bo found in thu port
of suifrayis
ill every woman
who bahtiVts that rctim iiiant cm hi
in introduced into politics as well as u
iho homo , nothing BO happy has oumi
- from the pen of our old time nttoruej
general. These stirring lyrics uhouh
resound throuehout our state fron
now until the 7th of November , am
- if a majority of voters on that dati
ho declare in favor of woman's right ti
the billet , General Ettabrook ough
to be crowned aspooblaureat to
at once VU UO UAirnt.VM
I under the new regime.
That Happy Family Mass Meet
ing Which Recently Uc-
ourefl at Fremont ,
The Hon. Fred. Nye Speaks
Hie Bald-Headed Ploco With
Becoming Modesty ,
And Stakes His Visible jRepu-
tntion on the Virtues of
Hia Employer.
Then Papa fheron Rubbed
Him Down and Patted Him
Under the Chin.
Tito Bollowlut ; Bal.dcaor of the B
& M. HI * Jivw
Bone * Vlcorouilv
Wlnto Oorsoy Declares "Ho la Not So
Much of a Valentine Man
iiHBomo Suppoeo. "
Co rcFpanilcnco of Tin : NIK.
VUKUJXT , Nob. , October 15. List
night the opera house was prott/ well
tilled with , our citizms , who weru
there to listen to the speeches of lion ,
Oha ? . Gruon , the political attorney of
the B. & M. railroad and Fred Nye ,
the young genllenmn who in times
past .733 editor of the Omaha Uspub-
lican. The mooting was called to
order by George Waohiiiglon Emory
Dorsoy , who only a few days ago told
ono ot our prominent citizens that ho
waa a people's man now ; that the railroads - i
roads had beaten him for governor ,
and that ho was
an Dome supposed ho was. Ho said
to this gentleman that at present ho
waa tied up with that chairmanship of
the state central committee , but utter
ho was through with that ho would be
.heard from.
The first npeakor introduced by the
reliable George Washington was V.u'a
clerk. Friid opened his battery ' „
saying that ho was here '
8 0'n
( ? ao
cord nnd i
, , m individual or party
rroakl 1)8 ) rc ponelblo for what he
liUgu's uttci1.
Thia was i < * obably true , as I know
of no ono who would bo willing to bear
the responsimlity of what Fred , in his
great egotism ; rtight say.
Hu iwid Tttrnes was nominated by
the domocrntb , nnd tluit nil the follow
ing Turner had was given him for the
purpojo of electing Manger. That
ninu-tentha uf thu republican papora
iu this district had requested Turner
to withdraw ; that Edward R > auwuter
was a drfunct politician , and Senator
Van Wyck , a demngoguo and a trai
tor and alunierei ; that the Turner
fastioii was composed of dishonest
men und fools ; what Vdtontino nl.vayd _
ctond by hifl friends 'and convicti'.a'a.
Undoubtedly ho was then think
ing of
Ho also said that Van Wjck hold n
club over tLwhorvd of every member
of the sonata and also over the head
of the president , then afterwards re
marked that Van Vjck was ufrai I of
Valentino. I suppose lie meant this
as u logical conclusion. L iran Clark
was styled by Fred as a man "whoso
fair fame has never been tarninhefJ , "
and that ho was only opposed by d < .m-
g ( gucs , shysters nnd blackmailers.
Krod was applauded some , but the
first clapping ot Iho hands wus nlwajs
ciouu by Charley Green , he Booming to
lo til'- ' only ono that was
to the oxawJIeiitpoints made by Ftod.
o . . < ( , n'.orta. . looked very Jioppy , ac
A. M
f 1
likowisu did his uno'o , and Dji'say
kept uliiftiug his chair to attract lit-
tention to hiinaolf. It was n happy
family gathering and everybody
Boemtd.ticldci ) , o.ipoowlly Frrd. IDIOTIC LAUOU
would bre k out from bwinlees nin
compoops , \vho surrounded Represen
tative Fred. But this did , not seem
toadduny oheorfuhieBB to the occa
sion , as it invariably luftienod juai
when Fred would Mich the summit
of his soul inapirin H ghta of oratory.
Fred said tliat ho uid not bsltcve
that men tvero bribed by accepting
passes frJin the railroads. Hi > hud .1
I n s hiiuQHlf. OE course settled
vhe pasn qaeetion. Hut Washington
was a bad , bad plaeo to send
ni good looking u man as Turner , and
Fred gave us jhis word that ho ha i had
lumielf while
many u narrow oscops
living there. lie dia not giyo us nny
of the particulars , but it is generally
auppoaod that UIOBO narrow escapes
happened when ho woo going the
rounds with Valentino. But the
that was said by Fred nnd appreciated
by the audioiioo was when Fred de
clared Turner was bald headed and
bad been nt Omaha and had his pic
ture taken. This brought the house
down nnd waa regarded by his faith
ful us a knock down argument against
Tomer and decidedly in favor of Val
entino. Moreover , I'rod thought that
a bald head was nntta very modest of-
fair anyhow , and hu protesti'U mronuly
against Mr . LaiiRtry immUncing European -
ropean Ifft , of low neck dioaees and
" - * - American society.
You wfTutwervo th. * | j part of hia
speech was dovoJI Wictly to the
poliiicil iaMios of the dy , -l u
ject upon which ho was uunouuoi cl te
* p uk , ilo-o'.oseil'his powerful elFjrl
on Valentine's honesty. This wae
crr > ins the matter too fur , and > overa
: withhandkorohitfj
ladies wore noticed
to their notf H.
At luit Fred had tiniahcd and he
woke tired ; BO did the audienca ,
about one-third prtsont leaving the
houee when Fred tat down. Tht
Omaha Glue Club then cang some.
thing about the Valentino boys beiii )
stickers , after which Mr. Green wui
introduced and commenced by rl fer
riut' to the able remarks of Mr. Njo
at this that ho could hardly keep hii
chair down. Charley made no at
tempt to bo as funny as Fred hai
' 'trted awful hard to
boon , but'ho np
pear "wisend catidld. Ue'BAid'b '
wns a friend of the railroads. That
our present prosperity and even our
entire western civilization was wholly
duo to railroads. The fertility of the
soil and the industry und coonomy of
the farmers wore not considered nl
all , He said that men frnrn
the eas , with Inr o hearts and largo
brains came west nnd invested ln ' , <
capital in railroads for the benefit nf
the people. That the railroad prop-
urty in Djdgo county wna aw.csactl at
§ 10,000 per mi'o ' or nearly otio-lislf
( if i B value , He evidently thought
that ho was
who did not know h t thn U. P.
road wan worth per mile. The people
ple know pretty woU what the road is
mlhng for. They also know that the
United States government paid from
twmitv thousand to forty-eight thouR-
nrcl uollan per mile to build this road
They nlao know that the government
gave this company n land grant nf
every other section of land for twenty
miles on either side of the road. And
they arc perfectly well aware that the
company ppys no taxfn on slid land.
But , curious to say , Mr. Grron
Ho never umd a word ob ) ut thu
bridge toll nor the robstes which sev
eral of our heavy dealers got from the
railroad company. In fact ho studi
ously avoided every nsuo of nny im
portance before the people of this
stato. Ho dared not honestly didcus
the subjects ho wns announced to
speak upon. Ho came hero to work
111 the interest of the railroads and ho
did hio duty well. Yours truly ,
"JxoK "
Moved toTe
To The Kdltor ol Tun DKK.
Amopgnt the lower classes of the
jontion populace there is ono that may
) a called "loweet , " namely , the habit-
ues of the fiah market , whoso1 nanio ,
Billingsgate , hna become synonymous
with vile and abusive language.
I waa curiouely reminded of thij on
reading in the Republican a clipping
taken from the Woman's Index. \
It is now some years olnco \ j ,
ppncd to bo in that mnrko wj ,
visage commonly oiled er ° a
, a jj jj
rated a poor laraolito 'oocau. . , " * > D , ° ;
not take her word uint a " ° would
' r' ° mo fish ahe
ottered to sell .im , ,
it ( had ovi nt "n07V fsh , a though
, y °
for r „ , - , ' JooninoRit water
T I"'WytldR She wound up her
tlraao with
worda almoat ; do'ntici ,
with those ifoumiju the
Qmaba He-
pubhca . certainly the laat. npithot
W * * .no name. Sj 1 could , not help
tderinj ; if that utiBavjnry female
ws now on the editorial utalF of the
\V. I or had found a vlaco suitable to
her fcbilitnsu in the ' .fllso of the Re
publican. J.V. .
,0mahi ) , OatobBr " 14. 1833.
'Worthy/ Praise-
AH a rule wo r.o not rcco inuitud patent
Mo'hcinrj , but hcn we know of ono tln.t
orally is a nblio lienofnctor. and 'Iocs
positively c o u , then wo consider it our
djity to IIP | - art that infonuntiou to nil.
Electric JJ ittera aretruly a most valuable
mudicitao , anil will surely euro Bilioiisno s.
l''o 'jr ami Ague , Stomach , Li\er nnd
K'.dnoy Oomplain B , uv n were ail other
Icmodirb f Ail. Wo know wereof wo speak ,
und cftti freely recommend them to all.
Kxcli. S'jltl nt fifty conta a bottle ,
C. K. Goodman.
Supreme Court.
B'ftU Journal
.JChfl folio wing cases were submit' '
ted :
In rft.0reighton , administrator. Ap
Diviv'fl. Henry.
Itoinift vs.Vost Point Butter and
Cheoeo Atunmtion. On application for
a decree
ComotQcic vs. jTho Stato.
B ay vs. Seaman.
S.ntoo3rol D.kota County vs. Al
exander. AUoi native writ allowed ,
returnable Oct. 23 , 1832.
Tile following c tses wpro continued
on tinal cll of docket : D.-ath vs. B.
& M. R II , Clary vs B. & M. R
R. , Farley va. Irwin , Denmun va. the
Sea to , L i hton A. Brown vs. Whltu ,
Jliymond Bros. VH. Strino , Brondborg
VB. Iubbott , Hufl va Bobbott , Mori-
ton fH the Siato , Bild in vs. FOBS ,
Stito vaUrcritlt , Do Great vs. the
State , Latvia vc. the Stnto , Albrcch * ,
vs , Treitsc'iko , Hinlon VH , Pc'.Wd ' ,
Gtiddon vs. Moore , State vs.
Hoin , Kennedye. . Goodman ,
/oil VA. Huvins , Ilallor VD.
Bhtco , Mirsh vs. Snyder ,
Any mi vs , Stovoi.&o ; . ; State ex ro ! .
Lithi'op va Sjhool Diatiic ; Johnson
vo Aobcj ; Siwyer vs , Lloiigh nlin ;
WOAVOC vs 0 , N & B. H. K R ;
Grtiidy vs. Either'1 ' ; ; Kuiaas Mun'i'i ;
Co. vu. Gud > ; liigiuls v * . Noblo. N.
E. Mor g Co. vs. Teller ; flurt va. the
State ; Oiolmd vs. the btate ; Lang
wortny is. Pheasant ; SuwaraGisnty
va. Cattle ; Broihtrton . Broth
ertou ; Chrk vo. Mullen ;
Ilawley 78. Ritbeuon , State ox rel
Bildnin vs , Suho.a District No. 10 ,
Meglamcro va Bell , State ex re ) .
Bronnsulo vs. Arneborgor * Palody vs.
School District No. 11 , IJutchor vs.
thu State , Hall county vs. Abbott &
Caldwell dismissed for want of proa
icution ; H. & Q , I. R. R va. Ingalls
leave given to supply record in ten
dajs ; Doitncks vs. L. & N. W. R.
" { . Co opinion by Lake , Ch. J
1. A witness not shown to have
any knowledge in the matter of the
construction or operation of railroads
B not competent to give an opinion
as to the needs of n railroad company
n respect to its depot or other
2. Whcro the evidence of a wit
ness is erroneously excluded , the er
ror is not a ground for reverting judg
3 The decision of the goncra ! man
ager ot a railroad cxhpany is prinu
facie , and in thu absence ut all ovi
'eiioa to the contrary a just measure
f whr.t ia cfontial \ < > tbu convenient
iiu pn par conduct of us business ,
nnd biiuioient to warrant the exoicUo
ilio power of eminent donibin in its
! 4 In the uxerc'ue of the ri ht of
eminent domain by a railroad ci > m
puny for ri ht of way , depot , a.d
uthtr gr&unue , under the utatuto uf
thm BtttU' , ino appropriation does not
exhaust its po er , but ntw appro-
pi utions may ba made from time tu
time as the ntcesmtics of the road
may rt'quire.
C. Wnere one of the grounds upon
which it wns sought to enjcia the con
. demnation of land H&s that the com
pany in whoso narno the proceedings
were conducted , had leased its road
for u term of years not yet expired.
Held , that the proceedings were prop-
urly talon in the name uf such com-
, Boasters and Grinders of Coffees and Spices , Manufacturers of
Clark's Double Extracts of
H. G. CLARK & CO , Propriftora ,
14 ( Sn t . NcK
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
It is the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound 10 equal
to three pounds of corn. IStock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the /nil / nnd win
ter , instead of tunning down , will increase in7ei ht mid bo in good market
able condition iu Iho * pring. Dairymen as well no others who u'o it tes
tify to its merifa. Try it and judge for youi selves. Price $2o,00 per ton ; no
charge for aacks. Addrosu
o4-eod-mo WDOODJTAN LINSEED OIL CO , Omaha , Neb.
and 1110 Haraey i t. , OM6H& , WEB.
204 North Sixteenth St. , - - OMAHA , MEB.
[ 1005 Farnam St.vOmaha.
Are acknowledged to IK the
best by all who have jut them
to a practical test ,
Piercf & Bradford ,
makes n specialty of
Collars & Cuffs ,
Three Gents Each.
Wi > k Hollntwl I'romull o\er the country.
The clmrgeJ aud return jx > stnie must o .
company tie jiackugo. Hpecl-J ratea to
largo cluba or aeucit | 8.
n2Uf me V 11K1KS f ; KVAKB.
1109 Mid 1111 Pode Streat ,
aug 7-mo Cm OMAJIJI , NEB ,
A Hiiro Cure for nil I
NTSSI'S Jnrliitllrrr I.enporr ! ) < i'u IT *
rrciiliir anil Pmnfii ! Ztlunotrunlliin ,
lullainiinilhin mid riccrntfon l °
llin Wonili , ritm.llin , 1 KO-
IU'M U t'TKKI , C.c.
ullsiirict. IH.n atIu'iln | insnnni-y , juil i -
Ifrc * puln durlm * labor aiu. et rcrHr < il' 1
AU.V-mFsr-sri nf Iho Rf Off ill" < rpun
[ irrllhiri > cxit IsniMmltonn nmrilytlu l' ' > " '
l > fen before tiu > j'Ubllni ' rtfiil for all * ! ) " " * "i
EvtUKCTH It Ia the Orvrfiftl Kiaudy in thf II J *
{ 3TKJIIM'.V CO IIJ'I.ArNTBof J Ubrr * .
Vliid < 'r 'nl IN-llrfln UM IVo.
I.YHIA i.l : > ItKnlir H IlMMkll I'l l.'ll 1KB
will orwlioattf t iry vMlit" of llimoiiiiipi.tlin
UofKl.nt tUuKjmi tlniHwllltnicloiic ananfyl
, v , . „ : ! .thednupiiuiiilfind BloodIlnlUtr um fat * -
| at d nt ait ord . 'Ci Wirt m Avcnim , Ijim. Miv'-
Mia f ltlurl. rili KittlM for { . ' . . 17 f cv > , nw mft
lafcfnt bynnll In tin fcnnr frills. r ' lji u < < * ( oa
Tnxly an tit nil IflU'i-fluf Inquiry. } JJi-lo Jiut
HtDUip , 8 iidforuiinphlc'i | , ibntloii tnlfJ\'ifi
lion. IillliiiuiiHMiauUTiirplitU ) of thu Lll'r. JO IMI
v i-l
Embody now 1882 impr vemcnti. Uo ;
practical lea ur . ; Cost lost to Vetp In
JVoer ; Utolowi fuel ) will tun uioro < > * At
ind a l rgcr volume ol pure air tuia njr
IJIQOCC cjftde.
ScKI by PIE11CEV fc BUADFOIU ) , Omm , K M