Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1882, Image 1

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    THE OMAHA \ i v
iE. .
,1 " * of Unbars Uncov
of Justice ,
The Stnr Routera Produca a
Strong Giminof Evidence
and .Affldavita.
.A Beujarkftblo btory of Grime
CoinmictHd by Govern
.A Few Fnotannd I'iaurAn Concern-
the Mauufuotnro
of Money
MlBceiliiaoouB Washington Mows.
BiM-cbl Dlepalchej to Tl ( itiu.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 15 Danonhow-
ert.ntifkdbiiforo thuJoanette board of
inquiry yesterday. Witness deucri bed
in detail the repairs made upon the
hull of the .leannette undtr his Buper-
vision at Mare Iili\tid navy yard and
atatud the work waa firat-clas-u in every
particular. Ho thought the .U'nnncttu
wao as strong BS it WHS pc.ssiblo to ran-
dor her and that the rtuviatioiia from
the recommendations of the first board
were nn improvement and added to
her strength. Ho believed ho know
who wus responsible for those dovin-
tions , but did not care to positively
state. The question waa not pressed ,
though the impression wua given that
the deviations wt3ro at the Instance-
Do Lanu. NVitnesu thought the modul
of the Joannottu was not suited to
Arctic cruising.
The report of the director of the
mint proeonts in detail the operationa
of the mints and asuay oflices during
the liaoal year ending Juno 30 , 13312
Imports of foreign gold coin and bul
lion during the first half of the year
were § 30,100,230 greater , but during
the last half $28,311,0-17 has than thu
exports , the net sain being only
$1,789,183. The total amount of gold
deposited was 500,730.053 , which wai
$74,000,000 leas than thu preceding
year , while the ailver purchased for
coinage and deposited for bars was
about $ 0,000 000 greater , amounting
to $33,720,491. Total coinage. 11-
200,003 piece ? , valued at S89.-U3 447 ,
nearly Sll.OOO.OljO more than in tiny
provioua year. Thu silver coinage
consisted of 2,772,075 silver dollars ,
and 811,313 in fractional coin , dold
bars of the value of § 37 505.120 were
manufactured , and $12,147,074 iu fine
gold was received for deposit at the
Now York , assay oflico. Fine silver
bars of the value of $7,709,898 were
also made , chiefly at the same institu
tion. Purchased of silver for coinage
amounted to 2,302,722 ounces of stan
dard silver , at a coat of $24 130,912.
Of gold coin about ? 87,000 , < JOO
belonged to the treasury , $104. ,
000,000 to national banks , and
$310,000,000 to the gonnral public ,
It Including other hanka. Of ntand rd
dollars 533,000,000 belonged to tha
\ treasury and $80,000,000 tabjmkaand
the general public. The total metallic
circulation $148 000 000 belonged to
the treasury , $1 120,000,000 to na
tional banks and 8441,000,000 was iu
general circulation.
The Post to-uiorrow will publish an
interview with Colonel Robert G. In-
gorsoll , embodying a number of affida
vits , which ho niakca public for the
purpose of sh > vuig that eovt-ral of the
jurymen in tlm hto atar route trial
were corruptly approached by em
ployes of the department of justice ;
that these employes regularly reported
their proceeding froi.i day to day to
the department or mraot.Hicur thereof.
The first affidavit given it ; by William
Knoz Brown , one of I ho jurors , on
the 12th inst. , ns follonu :
County of Washington , District of
Columbia : William Kuux Brown ,
being duly sworn , says ho
was a juryman in what is
known as the star route CABC
that during the trial of said case , ono
Arthur Payne , came to itdunt'a house ,
and left a unto saying ho wished to
see ailiant ; aflunt afterwards n.w said
Payne and Payne said u. wan liad
asked him if ho could say anything
that ho wished and that he had told
the man that ho could uay anything to
this affiant ; Payne took out a paper
and handed it to afliant to read ; the
paper wao an agrootntint with F. 11.
Fall to bo signed by aUivut , to the ef
fect that afliant and Thonma Martin ,
also ono of the jury should vote to
convict defendants in the atar
route cise , or that affiant's
vote or that of Martin
hould hang the jury ; then alliant waa
to receive $2,500 ; afliiant read the pa
per and then slid to Arthur 1'nyne :
"I am going- according to the evi
dence ; Fall is u damned and
you both can go to hell , and 1 shall
vote in accordance with my convic
tions. " Arthur j'ayno said F.ill wna
a lawyer and hud hia oilice on D
( Signed ) W.v. K. UKOWN.
Subscribed and sworn to ( / - * , \
before mo this 12th day { SKAL >
of Oct. A. D 1882. l-v- ' )
J , T. OLMsTKAI ) ,
Notary Public.
Then follows thu aflidavit of Tlius.
R. Foote , a resident of Washington
until July last , now of Newark , N J.
Under duto of Newark , September
' 20 , ha swears lift was presout whei
I' Payne waa employed by Fall to cor
rupt the jury , and that ho himuol
brouyht Payne to Fall for that pur
post ) , lie alao swears that Full gave
him to understand that ho ( Fa ! ) ) was
employed by the government and he
was to get money from the govern
niBiit to tlia amounts hoofforod for the
corruption of Brown and Martin
Fall informed afliant that he had the
iRuature of Brown to the paper above
referred to , in order that ho mi"h
show it to the panics ho wat wet king
or nnl thus obtain the ni'jiiuy.
Kdxt catnCM the atliditvit of .l.initf
\ , Nelson , Washington , Siiptemlior
,3 , in winch ho hwonts hn inut F < ill
sarly lant .1 une , when F U iiifonmd
dm ho would teen b. > employnd hj
ho department of jujticj as a specini
dutoctivu in the ata ? route ciso. Kali
also stated ho wanted two or three men
working undtr him who would ninko
reports to him and if Nelson was cm-
jloytd by him it would bo in tlu <
capacity of special dotrc ire ; that one
) rt of Ndleon'3 duty would bj to
watch the jurymen and sue that no
me tampered with them. Nelson
swears subsequently ho wont to the
attorney gem-rnl's office and thcro mot
Jro water Cameron. Fall told
Citncron he thought Nelson's service
would bo valuable and Cam-
ron informed Nelson ho would
> o placed on the rolls of
.ho department at $50 a month ,
kelson waa to receive instructions
roui Kail. Sorno days later or about
ho 1st of July , Kill instructed Nel-
on to ace Jurors Brown and Martin ,
; wo colored jurors , and eay othcm
f they would vote for conviction of
Dotsny and Brady they would bo well
paid for it , and both have government
daces at once after the trial. Nelson
we-irs Fall informed him that ho
Fall ) was authorized by the proper
lartieo to ev this , Ho wan also in
truded by F.kll to-watch Dorsoy and
irady and aeo who they \varo conault-
ng with at all timco.
\Vm. 11 LIWP , iosidnntof Washing-
on , r.ivuara Fdll approached him and
r.deavored to employ him to obtain
videnco that ono , of the
tar route jurora had accepted
bribe in another case und made an
agreement that in CJBO the jury could
lot be broken , to induce ono or more
of them to vote for convicting the do-
oudiiits , BO that the worse that could
uippen the government wonld b = a
mng jury. Fall , Liws swears , claimed
o bo in the employ of the government ,
and authorized uflunt not only to pay
, ho money to 'ho jurymen , but
> rombicd thorn government positions.
jiws declined to nrsist Fall , inform
ig liiin , hia ( Lifff ) oytnpithies wore
vttli the dofenduntu.
Thomas 11 Footo certifies that on
ho 25'h day if September he received
a letter from I1' . 11. Fall , written
September 24th containing the fol-
owing passage :
' Fr.iENn FOOTE : I saw Arthur
Jjiyno to-day. Know Brown is out
vith a statement that Payuo tried to
> ribo him to vote for the go ernmnnt ,
md that ho rep-esentod F. H. Fall.
f Payne or me gets into any trouble
wo may want you , us ycu know all
abtntil. Wo can Mix * Brown , if wo
want to. Of CJUMO you and Payne
ound out 1 was a government dotec-
ivc , and 1 wanted a point on Brown.
[ * here was , so far as I know , no at-
empt to bribe. There may have
> eun enough got fruin Brown to 'fix *
lira , if the government wants us to do
t. Don't talk to nnyouo about , the
matter till I Inform you at the right
time. The government will perhaps
want ae. Brown has lied and"m can
makn him smart for it , if ho attempts
to injurn Payne. IIo and you know
t all and will stand together against
3rown. Payne will send you a paper
containing my interview with the re-
lorter. Mum is the word. Please
answer. Voura respectfully ,
"F. H. FALL "
Col. Ingcrsoll next addresses two
afll lavits , subscribed by Wm. Hoi-
mead , ono of the jurors , on the 10h
if Soptcmborand on the 25th instant
Bo ttwcars that during the second
week of the star route trial Fall came
Ins house to see him , alleging the
visit was nt the instance of Attorney
neral BrovcAter tor the purpose of
ascertaining whether ho ( flolmoad )
\now of any attempts by defeudanta
: o corrupt the jury , such Information
laving come Jo the LMIS of the attor
ney general. Fall told him all the
other jurora were under bail suspic
ion uno no wus the only ono in whom
ho department had any conlidonce.
[ 'all alao told him Morrick , Bliss
and Ktr knew nothing about
: iis employment in tint ntar loulo case ,
but ho rcpjrted to the attorney gen
eral every night. Uolmcad on this
and ono or two other occasions when
Fall sought interview ) ! with him ,
avoided conversation as much as pos
sible , but told Fall ho had no knowl
edge of any attempts to corrupt the
jury and defended with much zcul
Uickaon , Olcott and M-irtin , whoeo
namcu were mentioned by Fall as being
under suspicion by the department
Ho promised , however , ho would do all
lie could to "ravel out any corruption
he might hear of. "
Colonel Ingeranll then introduced
the aflidavit of Edward Taylor.
" 1 aylor , " lie say-i , % IWEH durini ? the
Etnr route the principal nuenl of
tlm department of juatice. lie was
cognizant of nearly everything that
was done. 11 o w us charged with the
care and custody of most of the wit
nesses of the government coming from
a distance , lie hold close relations
with the department of juutice , and
know what was done and who did it.
In short , it appeara from the letters
and papers in his possession , and from
memoranda made b/him , thatlio enjoyed -
joyod to thu fullest extent the confi
dence of the department , "
Taylor's aflidavit is to the i fleet
that ho was employed by A , B Nuw >
combe , special agon ot the depart
ment , on the ( ith p > July , 18(11 ( , as
detective , and continued that Siirvico
up to Fobruary. 3J , 1882 , when ho
waa employed by Iir < wnlor Can eron ,
general agent ot tic dopaitmtnt of
juatice , in connectim with thd star
rouio cases. On Hit' 14th of Juno ,
Tuylor , at Cameron'Mcquest , brought
to the latter Frank ! . Fallt and recommended -
ommonded him at t good man fur
detective work , Canorou , in Tay
lor's presence , promiied Fill $ 'i,000
if ho produced evidence thai a mtjor-
ity of thu jury had t'Oon ' bought by
the defense. Fall aa. I ho ivoiild do
it , but thought Morruk should not
know anything about Cameron
agreed to keep it fi m Meriick.
Fall said Brown ( ired juror
wasj { on a t ko cast ,
and hung the jury and as paid for
it ; that James Nelson , ' man who
paid the money , was > der hb con
trol and would s oar to the fact if lit-
was paid for it. Cameron , nt the latri
intirview , nskod Fll if ho was no-
quniiittd withanj of the jurorn. Fill
'i-plied that hu know the juror Hoi-
nt'ad intimately. Camorou said , "Suo
Llolmead ; ooo you out do with
urn " Fall promitod to , and ilao
mvo llolmoad sound the fithor jurora.
Frtjlor mat C-inifron nnil Fall ngitin n
' < wdaj'A later , when Cameron ntkcd
Ml if ho had M < cn llolmoul.
VA\I \ replied thot he had not.
JiUneron nnid it waa very important
10 would do R' ' ) . If llolmoad nnd ono
or two other jurors could bj M'curcd
who would hold on for conviction ,
.lu-y might aecuro n compromise by
which Brady and llsrdoll would bo
ionvicti-d. Cameron also remarked
10 would prefer this to breaking a
iury. Liter in the day Taylor told
h"all ho had aotm Uolmcad and llol
mead said nothing had been proven
igaiust any ono of the defendants but
ho would convict Brady on his face
and Rurdell , because ho believed him
. - > bo a raacil. Sovnral days
afterword Taylor' received n
loto _ from Fall in which
10 said llolmoad had told him there
WAS no case , and if it was given to the
ury they would acquit without loav-
ng their seats. llolmoad had alao
.old Fall thttt all the jurora expected
ho diifonao would attempt to bribe
; hcm , but they had not done so. Later
Pay lor nnd Fall mot Cameron , who
said the attorney general had con
cluded it would not do to break the
ury , but ho ( 'ho attorney general )
vantt'd evidence that the defence hail
mbed ooine of them , and with n hung
ury , after the trial was over , ho ( the
ittorney genera' ' ) would use this ovi-
lonca to prosecute thoao jurors , and
t would go out to the world that the
defense had a hung jury by bribery ,
which would bo almoat an good aa
The affidavit of Foreman Dickson
was alao introduced , the substance of
which has already been published.
Colonel Inpersoll concludes the inter-
lew by ssying ho thinks these atiida-
vita establish the fact that agents und
mployocn of thu department of
ustico were for months engaged in tin
ofFutt lo corrupt with money and
> romisocf i llic'ul ' poaiiiDii to the jury ,
jpon whoso verdict depended the rep
utation and liberty of the defendants.
The Buef SMpuitiR Banincnn.
pcciitl lliapatch to THK UKK ,
NEW VOUK , October 15. Tlm Post
nys : Perhaps the strongest evidence
> t the economy of shipping Chicigo
dreeaed beef to Now York and thu
lost ground for believing cheaper beef
will result from the movement , is the
eport among Washington market
mtchoro that four of the largest
slaughterers in this city have resolved
to transfer their meat houses to Chicago
cage and bring their meat hero for
ale. The price to-day at the ice
lonso is from G to 9 cents per pound
'or firm beef by the quarter.
i .
Removing the Rnmains of Miss
Far noil.
SpocUl Dispatch to TUB Bus.
NKW YOIJK- , October IS. ThoLand
IJeaguy prcsidpnta and Ladies' Central
nd L-jaguo tnot to-day and made
arrangements for receiving the re-
nains of Fannie Parnol ) , Wodnoa-
day morning. It has boon do-
cued that an escort numbering some
10,000 pnrsons should receive the
cortege at Courtlandt street ferry and
accompany it to Forty-second street
depot en route to Boston. ThoSixty-
linth regiment and other military or
ganizations will be in attendance.
Boochor'n Politionl Advloo.
ipeoloj Ii < ) mtch to Tint HKK ,
NKW YOKE , October 15. Henry
Ward Beechor , in a sermon to-day ,
advised his congregation to register
so they might bo able to puloct good
and pure men for ollicu. If any per
son did not want to vote the republi
can or democratic atato ticket , they
might find the prohibition ticket a
good ono to voto. It had been stated
ic > , himself wan a prohibitionist , but
, his , ho declared , waa not true.
Three N table Court Dociii na
ipccUl Ulapatchds to THK linn
PjiJLADEU'mA , Ostober 15 Judge
Thayer has decided that the &oh of
171H , inflicting a poimlty for engaging
in worldly employment on Sunday , in
valid. The point was raieod by a
number of barbers arrested and fined
for shaving customers on Sunday.
Anniu Mollcr , who was injured
when the llandolph mills burtieo' , has
recovered a verdict against the propri
etor for $1,500. A number of similar
suits will follow.
WAHHINOTON , October 15. The Til-
don income tax cauo has been din-
luiHsod. Nn further proceedings will
bo had in thu United States
A Mi trcH > of Many Man-
Special bU | > atch U > TUB HEX.
NEW YOIIK , Ootobor 10. The tcs-
timony being brought out in Marie
Proncott's suit against the American
Nowa Company is highly disgusting
and sensational. Ernest Havior toc-
tiliod that ho first mot Miss Preacott
seven yoara ago when ho waa a even-
teen years old , Ho had been intimaco
with her , ho aaid , and during their in
timacy she had told him abe had boon
tnistre&s of twelve men and ho was the
thirteenth. When Havior made the
statement Mra. Prescott threw up her
hands and seemed inclined for a mo
ment to make a econo in the court
room , The croai examination of the
witness will bd resumed to-morrow ,
The "Hawthorn Centennial Kr-
celsior Hoof Paint , " was patented May
24th , 1881 , and otters patent num
ber 241 , 803 , Any person found or
known to tamper with the manu-
facluro of said paint will be punish
ed to the full extent of law. No per
son has any authority whutovor to sell
receipts. HAWTJIOUK it Buo. ,
Lancaster Pa.
inn of the Father * Vliltod un the
I'liyslcitmi aayii tlmt xcrofulouH tain' '
cannot be eradicated ; we deny it "intoto.1
If yon K" through a thuruuxh course i'
UciilXt'K ) Uuoon HlTTKIls , your hl < xxl wll
yet a pure an you can wnti , Trice { il.OO
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited
to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
Notions and Eiirnisliing Goods ,
Thn IJriehtoat Lighted , Bett Appointed Ji/bbinj / Uouao in Amorioi , containing thc , [ ] | '
argoat Stock of Dry Uoodn and Notions wi-at of thu Mtaaiaaippi. Solo nmnufiutnrora
of the colobrntod
f cDonald's Overalls , Duck , Denim and Cottonade Pamts ,
In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market
Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where Upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples. Thii most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac
tion guaranteed , Remember
E. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO.
The Funeral of the Victim tlio
Largest Ever * Held in
St , lenis ,
A. Pew Additional Pacts
Brought Out By the Cor
oner's Inquest.
Coclieroll Cloimi to 4-fayo Aotod
er's Point * .
8s. LOUIM , Oct. lO. * The funeral
of Col ; A. W. Slaybfok took place
thi nlterncon. Tfc jviC 'fJ.'f''p * , the
larceat that over occurred iu this city.
The cortege consisted of 200 carriages ,
containing members of thu family ,
friends , Knighls of St. Patrick , Legion
of Honor , Bar Adqooiation , Southern
Historical Society , and Benevolent
Order of Elks. It proceeded direct to
Uollefontain cemetary where , after the
usual ceremonies , the remains were
deposited in a vault. Gov. Oritton-
den , who wan a warm friend of Slay-
baoV , came from Jefferson City to at
tend thu funeral.
Tlm inquest on the remaina of Col
onel Slay back , who was nhot by John
A. Cockcroll at the Test-Dispatch
oflico Friday evening was opened
about Ihroo o'clock Saturday after
noon in the criminal court ai < d con
tinued until after dark. The te&ti-
mony of Willi m Clopton , John M.
McGulli land Victor K O'olo , all of
whom were in the room during the
( mooting , does not differ materially
from the statements telegraphed last
niqht. Other witncesoa were examin
ed but their testimony was imma
terial The jury after being out
half an hour returned a verdict that
Colonel Hlayb.tck ciiino to bin death
from the effect of internal hemorrhage
caused by u gun-ehot wound in the
cheat inflicted with a bullet fired from
a revolver in tin ) hando of John A.
Ouckorell. Thu pust mortem examina
tion revealed the fact that thu bull
pxH cd through the lungs from left to
right and severed an artery on its
pussagp. After the verdict was ren-
durod CMunol Cucltoroll returned to
hU cull in the oitlr.booBo , where ho
will remain until Monday , wlion his
counsel will mukn application for his
release on bail ,
After the examination of several
witnesses Colonel Cockerell read a
sworn statement in substance that at
a reception at the rooms of the Klk
club , of which Cocketoll is president
and Sluyback a member , on the night
of September 30th , Blayback in the
reception room used violent language
towardthoPost-piipatch , charging its
editor with beinga blackmailer.
Luter in the evening Cockerel ! invited
Slayback into the library aim asked if
ha intended to apply the term "black
mailer" to him , and ho answered that
ho did not but entered upon another
tirade of abuuu against the
paper. Then suddenly closing
and locking the door , Slayback
said : "You have brought mo hero to
bulldo/ii mo and now wo alone , man
to man , I toll you tha , if The 1'ost-Dia-
patch uror attacks mo or assails my
character I will go up to jour oflico
and kill you. I will tuko the Ufa of
any man who employs newspapers to
abuse and injure ma. " Ho further
said that Oockorell would bo hold to
account for the course of thu paper ,
and declared that buforo thu campaign
was over ho ( Sluyback ; would go on
the stump and from house to house
denounce The 1'oit D.spatch and break
up its bueinew. ( Jockuroll assured him
hu had made no attempt to bully him.
They uhook hands , drank and
parted frionde. Colonel Cockerell
then aaid from the malignant attack
made upon The I'ost-Uispatch Friday
night at thu political meeting by Slay-
baok , hovia annulled he intended to
oxecutu thu threat ho had undo to do-
uouncotho pnpnr from the stump. Ho
regarded it as an open and intention
al dofiancu which would call for some
roipoiiBo from The Post-Dispatch , lie
did not write anything himself , but
limply roproducud a letter which
had been written to Slnyback
by John M. Olovor a yoir bolero.
Colonel Cockerell then gave a detailed
account of the shooting , which dors
not differ materially from former ac
counts , except hu Hiatus Sbyback had
drawn his p'.s'ol from hia hip pocket ,
and aaya ho heard him cock it , and
ahoutod , "Don't , do that ! " and at thu
same tim'u , whilu hin weapon was
pointed at my breast I fired , behoving
myself at the moment ix dead man. I
know nothing of the effect of the shot
for ho closed with mo and thrust his
revolver against my uido. At the
same time Olopton cuftght mo from
uehind and tried to wrest my pistol
from my hands. I nhoutodto McQuf-
fin "Don't Jet thoco men kill mo. "
Do toro Col. 81 flyback's pistol- from
his hand and pointed it at Clopton.
At that instant Slayback released his
graep 'in mo and I realized ho had
been hurt. I loft the room at once ,
my head bleeding from a cut.
who Imn been stopping in Now York
city the pisttwo woekn , says ho is at a
Ini-s to underutund how the affair oc
curred. Ho know of no ill tooling
between the two men. Bo far as hu
know , their rulutioun had been amica
ble. Both were members of the same
club ( ho Elk club ) . Of CockiToll ho
opuku in the highest terms , describ
ing him im buint ; of u puacoablo dis
position und in no sense a Fight
ing man. lie was sober , popular
und of excellent hahits. Hu nuver
had a iju.irrul with any ono and _ was
never known to carry armu. I'ulilxur
said ho was quito convinced , from
what hu know of Cockerel ! , that ho
had acted in Bulf-difenao. Hu was
deeply aorry for Slayback and for his
family in thotorriblo calamity that had
befallen. Ho had always held Slay-
bick in high esteem. Tiioir personal
lelatioiiM wtru must pleasant and ho
had entertained him at his houso.
Cockerel ! , hoeaid , is about ' 15 years of
ngo and a native of Ohio. Ilia
father hua been member of congress
from that mute , and wan , during thu
war , colonel of u regiment undfr Gen-
ornl Sherman's command. Cockerell
hna botnin .Mr. I'lilil/or'e employ for
about three yearn , in the position of
managing editor , and during Pulil/.or'H
abBonco hu has been the head of the
paper. Slay buck waa In fhoconfoder-
atu army , and since thu war him lived
in St. Luuis , where hu has been a
prominent number of the legal profee-
HIOII , being posscascd of undoubted tal
ents and ability.
A Steumor ou I"ir .
H | > ocUI I > biwtch | to Tux llxr
BOHTOK , Ostobcr 15.Lwt Monday
about 1 o'clock in thu morning , as thu
steamer Phoenician was four hundred
miles from Capo Unco , upon the voy.
ago from Glasgow to this part , a brisk
lire was discovered by the watch in thu
lower deck of thu after hold , the
tmuku pouring in a thick volume from
the open hatchway. The tire had obtained -
tained good headway. After three
quartern of an hour thu flames were
oxtlriguishod. The commander thinks
the tire wou causnd by apontaneoua
Fire ntMunion , Jn.
H | > otul I > i | > ltUi to THE llxx ,
MUNHON , Iowa , Oatobor ! & . A lire
Saturdny utiornoon deiitroyud h nutn-
her of bu'iuta.i housua entailing a IOBJ
of $75.000 to 8100,000 ; iriaui.mctjimlf.
Thu lire originated trom a lightud
cigar caroleaaly thrown away.
A Heavy Swell
. Ulooiiier , of Viruillc , N. Y. ,
writer "Vour TIIOUAM' JCci.KtTlUO OIL
curoil a Imdly BWtlied nv k anii tuna threaten
on my uc u iu forty-clKht hour * ; one appll-
catlou alkj n'lnovtxl ttio julu trum a viry
nero tot ; my witu'n fuut waa aUo nuivh iu-
llamed ay much HO that uhe could nut
walk about the IIOUAO ; olio npiilltil the oil ,
nn'i ' In twenty-four hour * wv eutltvly
cured. "
11 H IB Ib0 fcnfflR BUB
Immense Practice In Ornaha , Neb. ,
Tuesday , Mov. 7th , 1882 ,
Eye & Ear , Throat & Lungs , Catarrh , Kidneys
Bladder and Female Diseases as Well as All
Chronic and Nervous Diseases. - * *
Ilofl dlncovcred the croatopt euro iu the world fur woikneM ef the back and llmba.
mvnluntnry lUnciiHrROj , iinpotciioy , general deb II' y , nervotiuncm , lc.ngour , confusion of
, pnlpltntlon of the heart , timidity , trembling1 , iliinnofin of sight or glddineiiB , din-
ouflon of the houd , throut , none or skin , affcctlona of the llvor , lungH , gtomach or boweln
UICPO tonltilo dlHordcrn , ailslnf- from Holituiy Imlilta ot youth nnil Hecrot practlcoa
more fatal to the victim tliun the nouipi of HyronH to the marfuoft of UJysaee , bllahtnj ! {
thilr mnnt radlont hoi c or anticIpatimiH , rcmlcrln innrriago Imp jFHlbln.
TlioBO tlmt nro Hullcring from the ovll prnutlcep , which dentroy their mental and
physical Hyntom , cinwing
Tha Hymt > tom of wlilch nru a dull , dlstresHcd mind , which unfits them for ] ) ct forming
their buHinoxH nnd nocial ilutfu , nmkcii hnpiiy nmrrlafcH ; iuipos8lbloilirttrei < HOn the action
of the heart , cruxitiK IhiflieH of heat , dcpiu-mioti of milrlls , evil forobodlnga , cow-
nrdlco. feirn ; , drcnuiK , rnitlcm ni.'jli'in ' , dlzr.Ineiw , forgetfulueHS , nnnaturnl dlHclmrye ? , pain
In tlio buck and hlit | , fhoit brciiUiliii ; , melancholy , tire enhlly of company ivntl have
prolurciicc to bo aluuo , frolIiiK " tired in thu morning ax when retlrlnir. eemlual weak-
noBH , lout imuihootl , whlto bone dcponlt In Ihourliie iervousneBH.trombliiit coufushu of
tliDU ht. watery ntul woufc < you , dyHpci ) in , coiiHtlpatlon , pnleneHH. pain and weakuesa
In thu llmliH , etc. , hhould coiiHuIt mu IniitioiUntalv nnil be restored to perfect healtli.
Who luvvo Iiccomu victims of nollt'try vluu , that dreadful and doatnictivo habit which
nnnunlly nwcopa to nn utitlniol ) * grave ttiouanudn of yotnid men of exalted talent anil
brilliant Intellect who might i th . entrinco llxtenlng HonntorH with the thunders of
lliolr clonuencj cr waken to i\xtucy \ the llvintr lyre , may call with confidence ,
Mnrrleil porKonn or young men contemplating marriugo bewara of physical weak *
iiefM. I/OBH of piocrcatlvojiower , lui | > otciioy or any other < lHCualificatlon ! | opoedlly
relieved. He who plucoH himself under tlio care of Or , J'lsliblatt may rcllglouitly coa-
liiiu in hU honor un a gcntl > iiiiin , find cnnfidpiitl v rely upon lilt nkill an u physician.
Tinmmltately cuieil and full vigor loitorcd. TM dlHtrrmiug affection , which readon
lifo n hurtleii nnd marringo Inip-.dHlblo , la tnn iicunlty paid by the victim for Iiupropcr
Imlulnpiico. Young i > copla nro apt to coininlt oxctuttoi fioni not being aware of the
( Irnulful coiueiiueuueii that may eiimie. Now who that underutanda thin mlijcct will
deny that procreation IN itn u r In' these fallini ; Into linpniptr liabltn than by the
prudent , liotldn * beliif doprlved of tliupleafcinoHof healthy oifaprlaga , tha most serious
and dtistructlvo Hymptomn ot both mind and body i.rii-e. The uyxtem bccomcu do *
the physical and inwntal powon woiikon. Jjont iirocroatlvo ( Miwers , neryoiw
irritability , ilyHjiejJHia , palpitation of the heart , { tndlgoutloi , conHtltutloiuil debility ,
wanting of the fruuio , cin ti , consumption and death
IVrnona mlnoil In lu-alth by nnlearnud pretenderu who hoop them trlQtag month
after month , taking poluonuiw und Injurious oiitniiouniiH. should apply immediately.
graduate of ono of thy moat eminent college * in the LTnilod Btatw , haa olfestai ] Homo ol
the moat astoninhing cm en tlmt v/uu ever known. Many troubled with ringing la the
eurrf und head when ailci'p , great nervousness Iwing alarmed at cuitaln BOUDUH , wltb
fr ( | U nt hluflhltigi > , attended Mometimod with clorangeuient of tlio mind , were iroreJ
immediately ,
Take Particular Notice.
Dr. lf. mldrfBMOH all thoxo who havu Injured thoumelvw by Improper indulgence
und Hohtary hnblU which ruin both mind and body , unlilting them for liUBlnwj , study ,
Huciety or marrfaga , Thfuu are wuno uf the nad , melancholy cffocU produced by tbe
early liabltn of youth , viz. Weaknuaa of the back and llmby , pains In tlio head anil
dlmuofM of higbl , loKrt of pnwon , palpitation of tha heart , dynpepaia , uorvuua
irritability , dcrftnguiueut of digt'ntlvo functions , debility , consumption , etc.
Entrance ou Fifth Street , DOS Molne , Iowa.
CONSULTATION VIUIK , Char/itfa / moderate and witLIn the roach of all w ho need
Hclentiflo Medical Trratrneut , TliOhO who reuldo at a distance and cannot call , will re-
culvu prompt attention through the mall by nlniplyBondinstheirnymptoma withpofitage.
Addvon Look Box ( IB Dei Moinoi , Town.
; - *
Kiig&l i ?
Window SlmrtGs and Curtains ,
Paints , Oils & Brushes.
107 South 114th Street !
OMAHA. . . . N1315UASKA.