Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee ,
Saturdnv Vlornint , ' Oct. 14.
WoHtbor Moport.
( i'he followlnR ob prv tlon arotnVen i
br RAtne moment of lime at all the atatlui
ntmcil. )
WAK DisrAnTMENT , U. S. SiouAtScn.
vlc OMAHA , Oct. in , 1882. ( l:15p.m.
rectiunind. rectiun 11
Denver. . . . Crc-li Clear
Cheyenne. . n > 0 S Fie h air
" 7S sw Frtna rir
rutte. . . . Xi * fc < Illlik loir
Om h M tU 8V ' I * Ir
YMilton . . SW O'cur
DC * Jlolnen. 41 W Uicu
Da\cii | rt. . 9 I t'rvhh Ole.r
Bt. I'ftUl . . . ! ' fO > h Cli-ir
8tu > ui . .
Mo tin ail. . ! ' CO llri-k
Vincent . . . 0 M lln-k U
l > fi'l II I k flnr
llnfsrd Ci udy
Cunltr N r > ( louly
Hck4vrcod .
21 Al P.ri'k CI 'Mid t
Rltit G lert 8 InchM bovc low water mirlc t
Ontht , 2 'del Olnchm it VtnVtnn. MldiNslfpl
foot 6 liicho < at L Ciosse , and S foct 3 Inches i
The U. I'.JpayJcnr went out on th
main linn ycnUrloy.
Tlic cntnct IH now \lsiblc much firlhe
to the Hoiith tlmn at tr t.
A third story in noirly catuplpled fu
the fit nin hiuuilry cm T.leventh street.
Goods iliiily arrlxin ftt the ACKNoni
Atkiaxon & Co.
Four \ > lf t-ninn ol ntoclc came in o
the U. P. yeilcrlny but the atock set
Bon is aboil1 tivor.
The new Climtlau church , at tli
corner of Twentieth arj'l Farnam atrecli
trill bo dedicated ou Sumlay , Nnvombc
-Tho B. & M. and the U. P. babe Im
cluts wind up the tejuon to-day wit
npauioontDo former's ground. It in tc
ported th it the Cjuacil BlniT * club wl
dliband after to-day.
Twcnty-five cv * ot lumber urenhti ! > c
out of Otir.h i tu p iluU la Nebrnslc-x ever ;
< lay by oar lumbir tlc ler , one c r of 01
by the Cjuiolid it d Timk line cumpac }
aud fifty ca-s of coal received hy uu
From ilr. Thoi. Gibson , rccretiry c
the Ixiitil uf tr.ulc , wj lenrn that abou
? fiO,000 hive besu mibscrlbed by prom
nent bmincdj linn of the city for the ei
tablUhingirf BUO.RO ! worki &t thin poinl
The atuuunt Deeded is $100,000.
The firm of Bell " ; Amoa ! mi gone ou
of existence. Mr. Itelt will attend to n
the stenographic business hereafter , an
Mr. Amei will handle tha real ctttate dt
partmcat nlono. They will both liar
their hand * full ot bu ines.
A pottal card hta boon received b
llev. J. W. Shunk that the nc ly BJ
polotod putor uf the Firat M. K church
Itev. O. W. Savilge , expects to reach th !
city In time to npond next Sabbath in b !
new field of labor.
John Lamm , whi wa ? a tlriver fc
IConnard Uros. , was taken in charge b
by police yesterday , bU actions tndlcatlo
that ho wai Mlghtly unsound in miud. II
labored uuder tha delusion that some OE
was going to kill him laat night nure.
A inasa meeting of working men too
place U t evening In Central hall , whic
waa very well attended. Mr. P , T. Mu :
phy was elected chairman and Mr. if. 1
Black secretary. Mr , J. 11. Lewis , seen
tary of the committee of eighteen a [
pointed at a prorinus meeting , submlttc
report containing the programme of it
campaign. After considerable dlscu o
the report was approved by nuoverwheln
Ins ? majority.
Call for a Worklnamon nnd'anilor
County Convention.
The workinginun nnd farmoro c
lou ( > laa county , who uru in nccor
with the principles enunciated by th
tate anti-monopoly convention hoi
at Ilastinga , Suptombor 27th , 1881
are hereby inritod to elect dolugatt
to a convention that will nominalo
legislative ticket for Douglas count )
consisting of two inumbcra of the BOH
to and eight members of thu IIOUBO o
ropreaoutativCB , also one county coin
missiouor and euch prooinct oilicora a :
may bo designated by the county coin
missionora in their election proclama
The ratio of roprosoulaticn shall bi
aa follows ;
Every olnmont of trudo and uncl
clement of common labor shall b
represented by live dologntoa. Wher
uiochanica or laborers have no orjan
ization , they may orgnni/o for thi
purpose , aa for instance , blacksmith *
carpenters , plumbers , hod-carrion
emelting works laborers , etc. Ever
precinct outtilo of the city of Oniah
bhall bo entitled to five delegates
gates to be chosen by tli
farmers. It ia rocommende
that the meetings to select delegate
in the city by any labor organizatio
or element eh nil bo held upon a ca
issued thro days previous throug
TUB OMAHA UKE , Such call shu
etato the tuuo and place of mootint
and name of organization or labc
clement. In the country precinc
the meetings shall bo held ia punt
ance of a notice printed or writtot
conepicuouhly posted in at least thre
publlo places within the precint for i
least one week.
Theeo ineetinga ehall bo hold with !
two weeks from this duto ,
Only delegates elected in pursuant
to these recommendations und Imviti
proper credentials , will bo admitted t
eeuts in the convmtion , No proxii
will be allowed , but ultornaten may t
elected to take the places of delegate
that may be utaent.
Duo uotica will bu given to the del
cgatoa au eleotbd at tu the titno au
place of holding the cunvrmion , au
arrauRemcnta will bo luad-j fur u 1'i'un
inast meeting to ruti'y the nouiiut
tioiis on thu game ev - ; ; ; ificr th
convAitioii has ndjouri'-J. lU'oidt
of tbo committee.
Jou.v Koau'tiOlmiriuau. .
The Woman's ForolRU Mil
eionary Society in An
nual 3oesion.
A 1'ull Attendance of DclfRtiti
ftom Abroad-
While the Presbytoiian Synod w ;
l , work Thursday at the Trcsbjterif
church another important convuntic
bcran its sittinjja at the Eighteen !
Struct fit. K. Church , H being the da
of holding the annual mooting of tl
western brnnoh of the Womrm'n Fo
oign Missionary Society of the M. J
The opening scseion WAI proaidc
over by MrH. Mary 0. Nindo , of Mil
noapolls. Devotional exercises woi
first conducted by Mrs. Lucy 15. Pro
oolt , corresponding nucretnry of tl
bunch organization , nftcr whicli Mr
Nindo nddrecacd the cunvuutioii , n
viewing the work of thn society for U
past your , during which ho traveli !
10,000 tnilca lit the performance o ( hi
Mrs. L. U. Junii'A , of Don Mnino ,
ulectid recording Rpcreturj ; Mr
Dr. Ktwpp , ill York , Nub. , utnl Mr ,
11. D. Onauihord , of Djtivur , onrollin
The enrollment allowed the follon
ing list uf
Nubriska conferuncr : Mrs M
Shelley , Tccumsoh ; Mrs M F Jut
Grjiidviow ; Mrs C M Woodwnri
Suwurd ; Mrs. 12 A Frew , Mt PIOI
unt ; Mi s Lizzii ) Curvnt , Mt Picas * n
Mra C C C.irhni , Tec urn neb ; MM M
Kitabrook , Hrownvilk > ; Mrs E 1
UattiB , Nu > v York ; Mr II. Cnrncai
don , York ; Mts lr Knupp , Yor !
MM tt M Iveobler , Harvard.
North Nebraska con orencr : Eij l
tconth street , Mis.1 A Aiidrorri
Omaha * Mrs J F Staloy , Oniah ;
First church. Mra J I ) Msxtieli
Omaha ; Mrs Davvey , 'Omaha ; Anna
E/atiB , South Omaha.
\Ye t NebrnskA conference : M :
Sar.ih Bradley.
Colorado conference : Mrs II
Chamberlain , DJUVUI : Mts II i
Shattuck , Grceley.
Mijutsota conference : Mrs F 1
Lalv , MM M J Uujsell , S ; P.tul.
Opper Io .i conference : MH 31i
Porter , Davenport.
Iowa conffrencp ; MUs Jennie Bad
Kttkvillo ; Mra N B I'o ra , M ,
John lUytiei , Mucuino ; Mrs O
Lght , Ivcssutli ; Airs D Murphy , Urn
iii-ii ; Mra E M Be ty , Airs E
Wnght , O'Haot a ; Mra L Mau
Hloumhold ; Mr * 0 M Wool.y , 1'ibn
Mrs M Diijcf , MoJupolu ; Mrs C ! \
B > rk , Mt Pleaaant. .
DM Mnoiea conference : M si Lil
biu Pearson , Mrs T G Oiviy , Mrs
.Limes , Dos lluitu-t ; Mrs K L Honor
Stunatt ; Mi a Kilty Liw . Shonui
doah ; Mrs Dr C les , Mr D D Lyoi
Woodbint ; Mus Ilelcn Young , Mu
Emma Lutlo , Wniteebnrough ; Mi
Frank Byrkit , Ked Oik. Mrs
Frost , Mra M J Bjwlin , ilarlan.
Missouri conference : Mies Mat
Rico , Siyanuab : MM M S. Guiee
Mra Sillio Divia , Marsjville ; Mi
Nepple Hawkins , Albany ; MissLizz
Auttin , Albany ; Miss Irene Chictei
den. Savannah.
Kansas conference : Miss S T Mi
dully , Atchtson ; Mrs R H Hanthon
South Kansas conference ; Miss ]
M Hammond , BMdwin ; Mra U E 2
Prtttuo , Humboldt.
The work of enrollment was fo
lowed by the appointment of the fo
On By L-.WS Mrs. II. M. Shattuc
Miss Libbio Poaison , Mist Kinu
Buck , Mrs. Patteo , Mrs. M. J. She
ley , Mm. Murphy.
On Young People's Societies Mr
0. M. Woodward , So ward , Keb. , Mi
Mary Piico , Mrs. U. D. Chamberhii
Denver , Col.
On Sale of Bookn Miss Price. Mr
Woriz , Mrs. Wright , MM Tibbitu.
Reporting Committee -Northwci
orn Okrutiim Advocate , Mm. G. I
Power , Central 0' rUtian Advoct
Miss M' . M Hammond , Colorado R
v otv , Mrs. II. M. Shattuck. Kans
Methodist , Mrs. H. E. M. Patte
D.itriot Times , Miss Mary Price.
Committee on Resolutions Mi
Rov. E M. Battisork , , Nob. ; Mi
Irene GhittemJon , Savannah , ML
Mra. T. (1 Orwiy , Doi Moines , low
Mru. Rav. John IlaynoB , M uscatin
Iowa ; Mra E , M , Boatty , Oakaloos
Committee ou Publication -Mrs. ]
K. Stanley , Das Moiiics ; M m. G , I
I'ower , Musciuincj M re. L. E Pro
cott , Minneapolis.
Oonunittoe on Nomiimtiona-
D. E. Proacott , MM. II. E. M. Ptto
Mrs. U , M. llanthorn , At-'hisoi
Kiin , ; Mrs. U D. Uhamborlain , Mr
Dr. Kimpp , M ra. S. J. Dewey , Mr
M (1V. . Byrkit. Mrs. M . S. GeiRo
M. ysville ; Mra 13. K. Stanley , Di
Moinep ; Mra. M. W. J'ortor , DAVOI
port ; Mra. Sarah Bradley ,
Among the items oa Iho tint duj
programinu wcro the followiiiR ;
A p per was read by Mra. II , E , 3
Pattoe , of Humboldt , Kansas. Su
joot , "Past , Present and Future
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
Mrs. A. P. Nicholas , Mrs G. ]
Little , of Onuha , and Mrs. G. ]
Orieaman , of Kuurnoy , appeared
the convention bearing the greotii
of the Presbyterian ladioa of tl
state ,
Mrs Jardin came boa ling the free
in } ! of the Lutheran Indira.
Mian Andrews road the address
wolccjua in behalf of the ladies of t !
Eighteenth struct Mothodiat churo
Mrs. Dr. Porter responded on h
half of the viaitou.
Speeches \voro made by Mrs. Shi
ley , nccretary lot Nebraska , and Mi
M. M. _ llannuond , secretary of ti
South Kansas conference ,
KUNBH.LA In tliin city , October :
1882 , at lip. m. , Charlw , lufuut wm
Mr , and Mrs. luutol ) Iveuuillu.
Vuneral touk jilace to-day from the re
deuce , South 17th ttrect.
TrFaded articles of ull kinds i
utorud to their original beauty 1
Dmmond Dyes Perfect and simpl
10 ceuts , at all
The Colorado Pool ConBUtntnntbd jvc
the Contrnct mutiecl.
The railway magnates reprrtcntir
the Union Pacific , 0. B. & Q. , Kt
A. T. & S. F , hold n meeting la
evening in thu Paxton hotel , nt v hi (
time R poolin ; ; ntrangement was oo ;
aiimmatcd. The ngrccmont wi
signed by the general inanagurR uf t }
lines interested Everything paiat
elf hanuoniouely , and the long d
bated waifaro wan settled by nrbitr
tion an tnorooghly an it could 1m'
been in tiny other way.
The per centatrcs agreed tipnnwor
Union Pacitio , 50 nor cent ; Bulir.L'
31 ; A , T. &S. K. , 1 ! ) .
Uo Houncea Mr. Mc Hllcuddy and
Ordorud to Como IJomo.
The department of the interior n
cetttly nunt an Indian inspector by tt
innuiof Pollock to Pine Ittdgo UKCI
cy , Dakota , to invtatiguto the trottb
instigutcd by Red Cloud and a fo
white roncgidrs. The inspector ni
nouncud his arrival at the ugvnry i
bombc > atio diap aches to the coniini
sicner of Indian ftTiirf , the tonu i
which ( tronirly indic.ttori that the It
duui bureau eittier had A tool or
knuvo in us employ. In either cat
sitQli mi nii'Kcor 10 nnnorthy to t
churned with importnnt inves't iuor
which nny reriuusl ) atl'ect our froi
tier. Thm s < .i c .led iiiBpeclor pr <
cn.dn witli an itivesti a < i > ii : to whic
lie CHII ivit no capacity , and m whic
tus fcolo niin teems to bo to nuk
hiinselt conspicuous. This he accou
plishe tliorougtily , but at the tain
time ho writes down an , i
The only thing that urpi os : en < b !
people in the whole bu iucA ? , id * tlu
the Indian dureiiu should entrust H
tttr.tird to such incompetent agents.
Indeed the Indun bureau Use
ecoina to huru gotten n little bit Ate
of its iiiHoector * doinuuin thin nmttti
For on Tnursdny of luat week M.
Pollock proceeded to suspend ,1301
McGillicuddy from l > i funstioua i
Pine Hidge , and on Saturday the u <
tortor doDirtmtjutprocctidto ro-u.stat
tuui , and ordered Inspector Pollock" t
Wojainaton , from which placu li
should ba remitted to the obscure r ,
tiremcnt which ho would so nniini > ml
adorn , und which hU charActcir un
reputation would so conepicuoualy i
Chnrlotj Schmitzba ;
All interesting event tool , plac
Thuraday at the residence of Pete
Windheim , Eiq. , corner E.ghth an
Hnrnoy atrceta , baini ; the mirnago c
; iij daughter , Misa Tillia Windheim t
Mr. Charles Schmitzborger , forotnai
at M r. Frank Ramgo'a establishment
The ceremony waa performed abou
8 o'clock , by Judge Beneke , in th
presence of about a acoro ot the rah
lives and immediate friends. Follow
ing the hearty congratulations offeri.
the hnppy couple was a most elegbn
supper , and later in the evening th
bride * and groom , as well as thel
guests , wore favored by a nerenad
Eroru the Turner society.
The presents received on this occa
sion were very numerous and wor
costly , useful and beautitul.
Mr. Schint'zberger is wtll know
in the city and i mpjctod and esteemed
teemed by all. Ilia bride is a love )
young lady of many nccouiphshmunt
and ta in every way calculated t
adorn the home provided for her b
her huaband , and make it attractiv
for him. The happy couple go t
housfkoepinf ; at once in : \ residenc
already fitted for their reception , jui
opposite her parentb' plac-j , whei
THE BIE : , aa well as in&ny othen
wishes them much joy.
Rent Estate Trnnefem.
The following deeds were filed i
the county clerk's ofliso October ! ) sh t
12th. Reported for TUB B.I-.K b
Goo. W. Amoa , real ettato dealer ;
Aug. KountZB , ets al. to RoMr ,
Djomer , w d , lots 8 and J , blook 11
Koum/.a tt Ruth'n lyldition $2,00 <
Stata deed to D. Warren , pare
section 815 16-10 83UO.
I ) . A. Valentino and wife to U. (
Jones , w d , parcel section 18 15 11-
Mm. Ad M. llitbmhemler wss in tl
city hut night.
7. W. Wolcolt , agent for liose lU > nK
U ! n the city arrangiuK for tliu nppearun
of hU 'Vtar1 hera at aa eir.y d y.
M , A. Jttce bnd wife , of Pawn u ( Jt |
MIiH Matllih Hln.lmiu , of Keith Jiun
S. M. Bir'uer , of Sllxer CrccVj Ilon.Wi
lUbcrtsuu and James T. Ur iwu , of Mai
son ; Mrs. Jtuuscll , of Tccumieh Rud V
H. Morrlti , of Crete , \\ere at the Milla
lion , K. M , Corrollvai la the city 'la
M. C. NlchoU , brother of Supt. 1 .
Nlcholi , of tha U. P. , went wet to Lai
mie yesterday. Ill * < lau htfracamip.uil
F. K , Slckeln , who U well LIIUWII to t
pioneer rallroadcre uf Omaha , jnust. ! wi
yeatorday ,
K. P. Vinhif has returned from the en.
M'w. F. i : , Drake and her little dau ,
ter , of KaniiaH City , aru > I.UngMrs. !
H. H. Clark.
J.M. KMer nnj wife aud MJaj Man
DoiU-e , of Wilton , Iowa , aio at tha M
J , A , Lincoln , \vife and ou , of Droo
lyn , N , Y. , are in the city ou ahH , ai
ure the gutkU cf Mr , and Mtfc. , | ,
llev. Dr. Inlng.of the l're > bytcri
Foreign MU.ioiury Society , MThured
fur Bt. 1/iuU.
Madofroor the wild llowtrs of t
H is the moat fraprant ot perfunu
M anufacturcd by H. B. Slaven , S
I'randsco. For halo in Omaha by
J. Wlittohous ? aud Kennaia Broi
* Co ,
The Great Debate at the Oporft Hou
Labt Evening.
The debate between Mian Sussn 1
Anthony and Mr. Edward Rosewati
attracted to Bojd'a opera house Ic
evening nnnudieuco which filled eve ;
ocat , packed I ho aisles and occup'u
every inch of fltnnding room. By 7 :
o'clock the audience waa uncomfoi
ably Inrgo and when Miaa Oouzu
atepped to the front of the platform
few minutua beforu 8 n vaat sea
'aces confronted her , awaiting tl
oignal for the opening of the contot
Bi'low a great crond filled Farna
ntrcot and extended to the oppoei
corner on Fifteenth. The reserve
roatfi was no unexpectedly largo th
fully two thousand people wcro d
mud adtnitiuon ivml returned homo.
It was no&tly 8 o'clcck when M
Mins Anthony and Mi
appentvd upon the plntfor
ai d wcro grouted with loud ud lei
uontiniiud applause , Mi d A tlioi
occupying n uoia on the left and M
Rojewntcr on the right of of Mi * , who pri'diikd , niul bviti
introduced Miss Anthoiiy \
Jllsa ANTlloNV
f.poko nubiliiutiHlly aa lollowp ; la
hotu to-iiiglu for tliu purpose
( Jeiuoatitr.vtiiij ; to > nu n great hiutoi
cul fact diafrtMiclnsoineiit is in
only u pulincat depredation , but atao
uociil and moral dmredatioii H vrel
wlierevor tint disfranchised cluss inn
irmy be , under wlutour jiovurnniHH
or ofvlmu.MsriiutHmuiry. . Dnfrai
cbiHeinunt uiuAnn hulplesBtttss , btcnui
t c.uinut fix the prica of ita labo
UejjgBtH cannot bo choooBers. Nor
i5 uuything now thut the disfr i
chitea clabu douj not usk for enfrai
chiaiMiicnt. Sixty juars .igo , iliinr
the E iglinh brctd riot , John Bigl
Bid to tno woriunifnitn , ' 'What yc
iced to bring you breid ia iho frai
chiac1 and they rephoi1 , ' 'It in nr
Iranohisit ) wo want , but bread. " I
their desperation they turned to tradi
unions. But it van not until tl
hou'ehold Biitlracebitl waaiuttoducet
in l l)8 , and thu bread winneru b :
cauin voterj thttt their condition r <
uaived attention nnd their wronus b <
( iiitoDe righted Every argument us.
uyainiil thu enfraiichismnent iu th' '
country ot the negroes and wonen wt
uoid a uliidt the cnfwdcisuniatit t
whut Mr. Lowe called them thu in
educated and dogrudud classes , " an
JtocUcced the ino.ic riltastroua result
the { rjncUisc wua granted thtn
I'ho outcuiuu j .istided the most 2111
; mnt > exptc itum of the promoters c
iou. i.'hold eull'rjgo. No nca .iuii t Inu btruu lield auico i
vli c'l aomo muAaure hu nut bee
> i atd for the raliet of the v/orkii'j
UUD. At lirat the isorltingmun ulho
lemielven to the party , bu
ht > lories HOOII began ti > biu for thci
Toted under prjunati t f muylionuio
heir U'judiiiou. Two chuugea in th
2uglish goveinmeat have suicu beu
iluii aim ply to tUo votc-rf of thu workui
elaaaea. And BO it will be every when
.t m thu perfect equality of the me
of thla nution that makes it thu granc
eat couuttyun thH globe.
Notwithntandit ) the high Uowa d <
clar.itiDii.i iu our ut duration of iudc
wndencd our government waa foundo
HI the bines and blood of slavery an
an the disonfranchiaernont of half it
> opulation. Eirly in our * histor
hers were a number of property qua
ficationa for voting , Thomas Jefferso
wa the tirat to opposu thpso restric
.tons on the ballot , and Martin Ya
iuron thu man who succeeded in n
novtuf ? them in Now York It wo
on account of its advocacy of freedoi
of thu ballot for thu workingmtn tlu
or forty years the democtatic part
ro'.aiuod ' us aacundancy over the whi
> arty. And bjcaueo the republics
> arty enfranchised the negroes th
colored vote it allied to th
repnblban party. Under the old rt
; anu the vaat majority of workin
ncn como 10 this country from lane
where they have bcon refused the ba
ot and where their only woapoi
wuro combination and trades unior
im. They have brought with thoi
thvao weapons and have uned thei
with great elloct in our own lam
Once given thu ballot , they have cai
their votes for thu party which BU |
ported their cauto. Ihrco inillio
women in thia country support then
oolvt'ii. In New York thereai
50,000 women who earn twonty-fiv
cento n day. All these women hav
organized trades unions and attompU
to svcuio justice by strikes ; but I ha\
heard of but few auccuanful atriki
among women , and that only partial !
Buccoatful. la Troy in 1801 n comb
nation of the women working in tl
collar factories waa successful in a
curing two advances of wages , bi
when a third waa demanded and r
fused a atriko followed. After a thn
months' lock out the women wei
compelled to acctp < even lower w.igi
and i ho strike failed. Why uru mun
strikes successful ? Why did the od
tors ridicule n women's atriko in Trc
and advocate the demands of 2 (
etriking bricklayers t The bricklayo
had votes. The Troy women chargt
that the capitalists bribed the cdito
to apeak against the laundry womoi
No capitattat would have dared
have bribed an editor to Bpesl ; again
the righto of 200 voting bricklayers ,
\Yorkiit > inon.tho question ia n
nhuther you want you want yoi
wivcii and daughters to vote , b
whether thtsu millions of womi
through your vote may not be ouabli
to SOCUIM justice from capitalists. Tl
law ot capital id to eocuro as mui
work for juot as little money as pc
Bible. The law of labor ta to EOCU
just as much money for aa little wo :
us pojstb.-v Jlan'a monopoly h
given \ij ) lucrative positions and po
IT toJKU. . It baa given the inferi
p03i ioiia and servitude to womon. 1
ilbl women if they alone hud t !
ballot would bo equally cruel. Lot
bu understood that as diauufranchit
ment uhvaya worka dbgrcdutiun , so
hue to women. With all enfrnnchia <
ckeecB of labor thn law of supply ai
demand operates. V/ith a disenfra
chised data it doca not. An artifipi
obstruction is created. 1) d thu It
of supply und demand operate iu t
caao of thu slave * ? It doea not in t
casa of women. Women aa teacht
occupy the subordinate positions ai
are paid from one-half to ono-thi
the amount paid to men , The i/
_ Ju-i ( of society is that ahe is a vrom
I and on that account the must conto
herself with a smaller salary. la th
the operation of the _ law cf supp
and dcmvid ? It u said that capit
reftulatcB labor. I grant rcg
latcs woman's labor rnd Cnintir lubu
but I will not grant Unit capital reij
lates man'd tabor. If it did y <
wouldn't ncnd nny BEB in th
community. While millions of wona
are earning thwr jou n nni
find n woman who , failing to earn hi
bread honestly , cinnot do it by solln
their bodica and their sin's What
commentary on the men who clai
that they upport nnd protect tl
women. See the condition of tl
negroed prior to * the war and tl
clmnpu wrought by the ballot until t1
day there is not position , municipx
state or national , which ia not throw
open to them , Did you ever stop )
think why J. M. Lmgaton , n ttegri
was udnmtul ( o prnctiuj in tho"en
prem 'court wl 5 o Mrs lii > lviaL' > c (
wood wna diTi'd 'tdniisii m'l It wr
becatMu thoctvil righta bill was hntu
ing over the heads of UUIBO nin
august judges. It impneeibltt tor tli
cl > it > a to bo jus1 to the dnnnfiauchije
class. It w.ti onwiicipn'i m and th
guarantee ( 'f'civil rights which inise
the noijro to his pru'en' ' pi-oininent
over wiuii'tn. In 18G5 I WAO in LI > II\
cnworth at a great ga'herir g of tli
olortd pi'oplo > o ctfh'btatu the E > |
lish cnmi eipx : i MI. Of all the long Hi
lit speakers who proiiii'ud attendant :
nonu wore preaont. Called upon t
uddrues thu gathi'riui ; I united thei
why tt was that they were .
neglected. I told thorn
w.\n hi'c.i'iso they had no politic :
po-vei ; that if they hud the pnvunu
\voula have dri\i-t in hasio siixtj'tiv
miles to address them , both i.wiatm
would have conn ) ( rum Waahingtoi
cijd ho iriHynr of the city would hv
hastened to do them honor. In 187
I was u ain pieaont in L ° avencvtit
t u reception given to Senator Hirai
R ves , a nogto. The republican con
mittt'o BI cured him rooina at tli
Pl.intore , the m.iyor hendod the rocoj
tion delegation and every poliHcin
jtiinud in doiiif , ' him honor. Whi
was it that brought abt.ut this r <
markablo cnangc in sentiment. ]
was the power of the bill it whic
tranafonned uqlinoss into lowlinc :
and wcaknota into power. And tVi
sumo ciuC3 would combine to equill
elevate woman and eicuro her a. coi
responding influence and power.
beii'g introduced by Mio3 Anthony
spoki ) ot lonyth. The full text of hi
address , an well ua that cf Mios Ar
thony , in neccasarily deferred unt
our next issue.
How Children Hud "Fun. "
On a summer day , they cn' to play ,
> own the road to Deacon Jones' pas u c ,
> lck c Imbed the tree , Vic looked sofj ;
ttiuhoiiMMvr spent In funnnd lauijhttr.
fhat ninht.ihose jou if store jelled with { olii ,
Yt.f , the funny Dirk and VktcrU ;
Die gripes wcro of tlieffrien apple Kind ,
Jut H'lIcMy ciirc < l by O-HTORI * .
Second Driy'o Beealon of the Preebj
torlan Qeiioral Asteaib y. „
Tha acaaion of the Preobpteria
Synod were continued yeatordny tnon
ng , beginning with the dovetioiu
exerci&oa at 9 o clock.
Rov. Geo. Scott made an address i
jshalf of the association for the nu ]
pression of the liquor tratlic.
Rev. W. VV. Marsha , of Jackoor
villo , Illinois , delivered au address i
relation to the Theological Seminar
ol the Northwoat , of Chicago , and th
general educational intercuts of th
A , long discussion took place on th
report of the Woman'a Sy nodical sc
ciety , Mra. Nicholas making a ver
inttrtuting addruaa on the subject.
There was alee an txtondeu debat
on the auhjiot 6f making the synod
delegitive Dody , the whole matlur bi
ing finally laid on the ti-b'o withoi
There was a lon disctisnion on th
educational interests of thooynod , ci
3ecially in regard to the Believe au
tlaatings jollcgeB. Lud over till thi
A number of reports wore preaunte
and routine work trauancttd.
At thu uvcniiitr aeaaion , llov. J , A
Hood profided. The subject was ' 'Ft
eign Misaiuns and Freoctmeti , "
After a few remarks ho introduce
Rav. P. S. Hiilbort , who apoko foi
eign miaeioiia aa follow B : Some tu
there ia a "want of practical cons (
oration un the jiart of the pooplo" i
regard to thia vt-ry important worl
Proof ia found in tu * email amount c
the collections. But the fault lit
rather in the failure of the miniotei
co urge the mutter on their peop'i '
The people will give if opportunity i
presented. They are ignorant of tli
facts. Men are plenty , but money
wanted to tend them , The puop !
should know thia fact.
Rev. .John W. Little upoko on tl
RHIIIO unbJHcf , au t'ollowt : 'I'hero ' ' iu
1 , 300,000,000 inhabitant ) ) on thu c&rtl
IDight hundred miliionrt of these hav
not heard thu gobpu ) , thunfoio tl
work ia great and demands the bei
men &ud lalur. It cm bo done bj
by organisation , The ohurche.s net
mieaiunery organizatiaua.
Hev. II. A. AIoLoan spoke oa tl
froediuen as follows : They are fruoi
men in one sense , but ulavea in ai
other. They are all in bondaga I
sin. Iho freedmen numbur om
eighth of the population of thu I'nite
States , and uoed education above n
things. The Prenbytorian uuuioh
peculiarly calculated to ben tilt the
in this respect.
Ua motion the synod adjourned I
J ) a. m to-day , the following ai
nonucemcnts being inado :
Kirat order of the day Diacasatc
on education.
This evening the meeting will bo
the interest ot the Sabbtth tchoola.
general invitation is ixtendeu to tl
Sabbath morning tha communic
of thu Lord'd tupper will bu adintni
teivd , aud the brethren in attendant
on the Synod will occupy thu pulpi
of thu various churchej of the city.
Thu doxology \ aa auuvr , prayer c
feud , aud the Synod adjourned.
Tables supplied with the boat tl
market atiords. The traveling publ
claim they get bettor accommodatio :
aud moro general satiafaction ho
than ut any other houae In Orc&h
lRato , ? 2 per day. aug21tfm
T ISftfclW
\ , | OMV 1\ ) ) -Ol ih.luili.ut
iH curlt > . A. U Tutl. n , Jin. 161H
rittu' , Hunt rtoni , | i talr- .
\ "ANTIl'i A jaunrinan to < .ui > p t > oo1i , re
v lutt ml iiiiku Mu , < of tln'llll r.rrut
P'uin'i ' rirf flirp. Apply to J. O. Wlott . .c
12 5 Vriiim St'ixt , uuuVm. fi ) : 13
tNTii , > - \ Hrst u' rook , wiolier , at
> ' limnr. Pall at 2.DU Capitol AM-IIUP. 77 , ' li
i IKi.S VA 'il'.lt l o vll'iniid o-eiiC
linn ntorv dsH > ' > ih\ r hit'caiitll
liiini'loik , ' Mother , Home unO ll > .u i. " tut
u-t < lliii bo k out. Utllniiriul IIHI
. W. SI AVlJII ,
7'1-Mt fv DituUi ( rtrirt.
\\TA TrDlrlof IUr ! ! ly oil. tr n
Vl fftljli h hjii u * irtiml it.-i'i'1 .
Cn'l at iso. ,01 1'Kbo itrect. 'Oa.ll
\\rASTK - < 5lil t Tfumily nilw. C , .1. O
i iu aOo. ; If
Al-A ni * A K'l iMnlnjf room yl 1. Oil'i
\ \ \iilx \ li cvndrie . 7f.1 ill
\ III ) Ciirl < oruou'uUoii > i ] utk Mr
II m 'i < M' . li < | iilr. nt eiotiry tt h I'd <
St M. \ n.1 no 7fS 14
\ \ , ' A I 'I1 Oil at il'Jt North l'Jiit.trttt
> > 7SI4t
NTbli % k tt N. .i. < .i. till ) anil I rn
ila Htrivt. 7lif
11 A > t. | > - ( . W rU \ jljrl , . Jr. | . ,
i < Kl ml IK 2J1MJ 1 1 oj . - . 7 ! " - II
\\TK1) ) In a mu til fitmllx ucirl of twcli
W ur IHt < i ti. Inquire at blj .Vortli 17
bctwi en ( 'iiiiiiir. < nnil Hurt. 77'-it ;
\ 'ANlrl > A ll"cli's ( it.ouih r. (7oc
VV a e. Apoy with H .I > , | C i ( w rt '
Gee Ik-jnIStthbtit..t. 77u.ll
WANTRD liUiiliujHund jotliut.'iv t ll
limit Hi use. 7.-U' )
) li nt I'lasH i.nk male or fcmalu i
the Opera House li ! t.iuniit. A ] > pl > ;
oneo. riil tf
call anl buy rloa'
V Y dolman dros woods , etc. , nt low HjTirt'
\ \ lif and Wcs b rg cor. loth uul JaiUson , ; | U
WA.NTKD A } ; iil huu-ertoil
end tttttt.iit.rii O od H.itffs i > lil At
drum ! ' . C. Qratjlc , lleixriiBj , We . t5J-t <
\H AulhU nitlf rh ufewoik , agdS trim
> V MCIIUO Mrs..I. M Column i. oDl tf
A srirl lorrti ral h IH \ * ik. I
WANFKH fai.l.y I ijuiti-at 1 > 1J
livto u KiUctUih and.S.\ uih-tr tt .
VMTU TIO.V VA Tl:0-A : sirl to do v'l-ncn
k i hou-f work Ilia n-iKtali.t ) ) famllj. Adi
Truihth nnditistcr. . l-IT
> t > 1)I'o v o < k i r lio-rn n a < * i
WA ' tj s ro by ajo ni { < .trnvi. alt to rtad r. rtdJrts < < > A.
4tS uth iSt.i. 7818 *
Ono 5'ood canvasser. SHndy woi
WANTCD ! ( rood piy , ( irfcrcnci-M rniulti'd
Apply nt ilS ! N. Ifith BtreU , up-6fxlr , n om i * .
\\f A.NYEU At the Katloru. ; lirt Ut i'co t
\ One No. 1 female oxk oantq I'a.t i
w.igos will bpaid. .
WAliTKD 500 privy v u.iia , ain n ai | wi
p ola to clean with aajltar > Vault * > t
8tnlc Cleauer , the butt In 113 ? . A. KNUIM * n ,
residence 120J Dudeexticrt. Omtfrt.
PT-.VT-A cottage rou j f i
WASTK1TO . I' irilKiit ho.t . > oilrc. !
liirrc'r , niiilu l.rx , U. I . dci Iit ollnu. aii 1 1
WAVIEP Immtdli'cy Ihr li or fcur u
Mt'/wl Iron uiinli-o malatH and r.ofci
at JOHN El'1-.NhlKH , Itf ltm\\ ; + y. Co'.nr
\A , AiNTbllocmn anu foarJ if privat
VV f imlv willlui to taxuonu nr tno boarder *
lll s mi tht-Ir a i. n-KS to the U'jtuan Uou trtli
( 'olIf D.S'iiilei t SL'iKliii'f rooms Mill [ i
referred lo tliem. A. I , WVtlAK , C10-tl
MUUoUij A'tO
. - . K"sl'- < t'y fundahed r om , with o
J.ttl-t. ut bqjrd , nt S. W. ear. WJ i net Ili'j
I1 \\u unfurnished IOOIIH a' ft ! ' S
L1 It-th H.nut. M > M4t
FOIlf.HNl1 A f tti i of Ike rctm . lnqul >
at 'oulhivp t uarittr a tl.K-iio .ti.ti
FOH UESl' Tuo nicely f am flwd looim ;
lire and h-atd. It dwnu' . A plumuit limn
10 'hico fiiU nun. IriiuirafcOj north 17ih Si
su7 .tJ
I7OII Itr > T A lioariltg home , ut JIW'I'J t
JL utritf , bctiyii D ujflas aLd t)0die. 1 qulr
at cor , f ' 'ih and lioiulaa. SlMf
WAVTii : ) To nnt or buj Mtull tottt t
Aildrt1 ! ! tl. HnvfiOO yhmg loi-.illi.n .111
hnc i. HHJ Kt
Foil III AT KiirnUUd honw , X \ \ . > riit
IflhuiidTlarkSt. 77iitl
_ _ _
PO IUM - l'ariii n d loom \vllh or with n
bo rd. II ; II | Blroet. 701 H1
Foil UBSI'utnl lad rwm u. ' .a f07i N
17 i > > lr'tt 79.-I-13I
ITln Ki-K liieati > fii < nl hil oin"on -
I ; tttst o.r , i ; BaU iotti etittU. c. 411Ju
" . /S.O.JU
ITKIU 111 NT I'JuiMint furuUied loom iltabl
' tor two ( jr-ntli-mui , atlUlli Karnam. 705 li
1713it > . i > T mr'u i > illej ur hal' HJITI
H'I ) ' urnhimVl t t. 7J7-
( ) K , Mr o toonn | jrii ) lifi for ll li
n ti'tl.iep ! ! „ d y water un mne flee
II t iKi' i | u , , io/itf 8t'n and lion-aid jtiee e
TTIOR III * 'I iinor'om , with running \ > * tfri
J' te liounc , n riar C llornm and JSih (
Inqul nattOK lUHiDtrtel , 7 1-Ut
Foil III. NT On SUkol.n btrttt n houoe ol i-i
ruuiuviiinl } llnlihixl ulthttlUr , wcll.tMir
and all miiiltrn miiru\i nu ris , pn block Irui
M Car MA > n uilnutt walk from I1. I' . Snop' '
lntulrt mi primi , , 77.1 !
H'OH HEAT Cottazr. 6 rooms coiupkto , IS
tlittit , b twcin hl Ui > o' < atcnueani Lta <
t-Dwirtb. lMulrutpio | lt > ' . 7"3. 777-13 :
| , ( ill hi : < T Ona lar B fun lihcd frirt rev
i and cue tmall lutnUhu . ro-jir , Iflua I'lr .ai .
Kreot. 716-18
Ill-NT rurnUlu-ilrcwni Hloi pir iii'.ml
Fdlt . St. two d < K.r tttU of 1/ith. / 770-10'
{ 7 < ( ) Hni. Ttfiie , * lx rooum lutn shed , li
: m .MIt Hjdm dliM , Mili&rulotu'
I tonh > -Qlliniln Jtciti' * b ouk c r. ID
j1 u-ul C'lltcl atenu , JOHN U. J.\OJliS ,
r. ; > . i
> A HK < 3 uniurnU i'l rcoiu * at tl. V
IJK ( ori ir fi ugtw JiJ iUih 7-CUt
/OK Itr-NT i"urnUlicJ
I'lUifgiti t. JIMttlUil. . Till
l.iull nKsx % ! ol } fjinuhctl ro < ui , mctlm
JL'iiorth _ _ ol loqtu ) ou Ibtu. ai IS-
PP. T-Cott c rf t-U U'sti rooms a
IftOK 1 * ud' ne lomtlon by g T. 1't.U.
Kin A-e ttb usd U Uiliirt ) . 7 4 tl
I7 > tu J Vf lloui : V roouI l J.t ! > re.
JC north cf I'aul ft tf
Hi. T A nleoti woittauo on l' ifnpoil
tr < ot , ncirsithsttt - Inqulr.
. Erl K oiV csatf
I.1O11 KhM A nlcelj ftitn sh U loom nt t1 {
' Ca'R t"ft no tf
I.Oit ( hK < I Mm ne in n , , i Muiticti ,
L Alltoii\tnniiccji l"r * % it , i.o , 12 rontm ,
MeCnTJ , np.ioslto po-t tllco. 0 < 2I
l''NT T o unw ilncUlujo .vifi Uo nlhtr
itOFl , . . ? In t'cclrable loc.lity , by Ucrtcnii
No , lB14 _ ioalniriHit. i(7tl
T.TI011 Ul'NT - ItmUtl tn IdahoB'r7ctT"witir
I ; I D' id view. h. "dmiro dptl ln.r hou-c'
rontii Injj tiluo r r > mH ulth 'arv * clrttn 11 1J
sltulin , : p ttmmtH. niul lar , o baH tfi 11 , cailtr.
A l rRci > rlMnl p\rdcnwlthpinly if fruit , and
' ' '
T07-'f l'lIUKM\NVi DAZAU.
H m tMcomtc hit . ) : , nn
IBth ktreir , ) , M . D.
rnKs HOINKM r.u . iicxi nn-Aii tnni nc
J _ fiiir to ftuicu rocint tj ib ; onu or two ui
cms. IIKMI.Aicnt ,
] e i"3-H If th ttifl Itow laa H .
jIOK UKNT rurni'ilKii rooms at 1717 Ctt'S
J ? ktr < ct , b t. 17 < h nml IS n 450 tl
I uruiti ; > . i rV , err , iinntrou
i Mtime. Afplj on iremitcA.
I.OMf I'lfAS. MvllKR.
"on * . ' . *
1 , 'OltHAL.e Iti it-o niul luN I . co'iicr 13th
U B ri'Oiaud tupliijl R.CL..C. lnuufii , tin ti
' 9. ' > Ullm
.iiTINAt . K-Trn air i' . 0. u' nlltiinlr
F AMI S , inoj
I.10U S\lr The 'wrdlt Lutlitran
1J'i * wocil'ti hul In , ' on O 'M Kttce . to-
tHion lb hnnd IP h H nil1 q In to .C
Lltulitiet' | , ISijO P tnn 6 r > ' . t. 76-4
V SmMI l > u 1 lot i : rnu
locatnti : 31 O1. inuii , halticiuo th.
: ns tf
. FOIl SALE -Or tnuto foi snnlkr
BICYCI.K Inrh llananl. InquireC. II.Vooil -
nnn , Oinatn 751-tf
/O t SAM * ntv , . trp bujr/y cud
Hrin. . n ailcfonrilcr i > thu I.tnom William
jOer. Was ixhl-.ltol nthe etitu fair nni
tjok first prnniluiu fiu y hss novtr bcn
uj.d. tint llllu Uat r. ruJaction.
JlctrophtAH Itktcl.
F OK r -I ami' iinpio\i.H. t ne a good
list toiiiprisii ( , ' 6. l-.t-hcft 1 1 c > J a9-
Ki nt ptlcm ratu ng f.iini Sis to tiSivr ocre.
a > term. A ho \cial i.i ' 'l 8ln wll 1 hnd' .
H it foJ icr p'l.'ii Cm f iir.ush dtsirjblo l : i < lifer
for c .Ionics , iu . on ! loot i h.
> . II.
TOO-11 Un on
o t OJlco.
ilALibUilKAl' 'Hi IIIICK auil r.iino utl
Hlvit olilllt n lC'tf' ! { ! hoiucV. . cr.rucr .
19'hniid ' eax > r\Y rth reeti. _ Ss9-tf
| 71 i'KSALK A fll paJltiK hiuiicf , centrnf-
JJ ly lot-attit , Oooil en nui for the r'iht ' man
Houonb : fur so ling iia.ljiftcu ry. AUdioifl "O. V.1
Bco cfflpf. B'.4-tl
OK 3ALF * Oood oullahiR , Call al
rtk olllcc. 418-tf
O DAKOJIN , one larva hrlck hoiHv , ant ! one
mrK fran.i homo , with full Ire on Csuu tic&r 15th
ttroft. Fine chines for ln c'tlll nt , rent for 878 K.
lr month. GM to : full particulars , on
60 ! ) tf A feat , ICthn-d UouilMbU.
QIX BEAUTIFUL LOT3-BOrl60 feet each In
lO UunucoQi I'Uce ou street car lino. Boat lota
lu whole addition on very ea y terms otiil &t t.
? rrat barcain. Bmis1 o ent , 10th und Ucaglw
"rei'tB is-ti
EOTKL KOll SALE. The Arlington Housed
first class ; all lurnlohed ha only hole
In town. Ton cheapest protxsrty in tha state ,
flan all the trsvellni ; mi-n. W 111 DO sold chcjp on
tornis to bult. Enquire of K. Fullo , proprietor ,
Arlington , Washington county Nob. 6fi3 tl
| pOlt 6ALK t.i will ci go for Omaha pro-
J. tttty , .n Impr.iuilBtc on of land dolo- ]
IWf K ct tlon on U. P. S. K. U. DUNEA1I , l l
? inili tuBt. , Offinb * . "MEm ?
IfOK KALt. 7
10 WUOM IT MAY CD.NCKUN- deeire in
I hi ruMlcwav tomytlr.iit h-tHUem reported
that I tuado e'nUmctits tltr gstac t ? the nim
of Mr ; . A JoliiiHou. I cheer u ly UVoth s meth
od to absolut lyderyinat lowr nttcrol orclr-
tuhted tiny eland rent nporta end know of DO
ycod reason lor BO do Tip , J. LON'NKH.
An pe on nuUni ; luch tcp-rtjln'O f ur will
* pros-outed. W. JOIINHO.V.
ol3 U t
OH STOLEN A nnjall wh'.tocow ,
STRAYED 1 oil Mid a braes but'on ou th
ntncr. Hhoit ta I. A suitable reward will be paid
for roiunilng the tame to Homy I'undt , 17hand *
ljugla > StrLCtf , 812-16
f HO FAUMISHS-lho hts'-ut c h prl n paid
I. ror llye , Bnr 01 aad Corn ut Krcb'j Vin-nar
\VoiUi , Joneaottoct , betwenO h a il 10th , Oma-
I'o. B&J-dftvr tt
rpKKN UP utl o.lf , 7 monlh eld. Can
.1 hu\OH uuby call n ou Chne. John-ou , 1Mb
anJV i'lcu and ( J3jln'ch. ( r8 | HO-Ht i
OiT Ono Cicv JUre p ny. Holder ll
X. HulibirJ. f ro l.nmlm 1 l-plionti
c . _ _ ? ! ! ! _
"JrtJlurblu baa r mo > od Lir iinuloiiiant bureau -
reau to 1700 Hurt Hi. 71,4.1 f
_ 1m
w"l buy the furniture of tiin be t
paloj ) hot > l In Iowa. Kent read
onablu , AdilretJi Oolph lla0'teior , lite offlcr ,
OmahaNeb. , jCQ-tf l ' ri-l
UAOISTKK oy I'AUivsrcuiiv AUD
VIONALlin' , 11& VonU , ) , bctuvon fti inn
c.nJ Uarnef. MW , ' ( ill' the ; , ' , nl fi/mjug
Jl'lrlU , obtllD (21 kO > 00 kll'll | M ibf 141
nU pidi-au , tad on nort cor,4'ior , ; In m. Ir .
( ci . Boot * llhoi" r tj to xd r f rh
v nuSA-lia
AbsoSuteBy Pure.
Th5 ixiwJar never > arlw , A marrci o
nurity , treiith | aud wholefoaienejig
Moro economical than the ordlubrjkiad ,
and cannot be eold ! a competition with tht
niultuude of low teat , ehott weight , alum
or phospliatn powders. Sold only iu can
Wall St. , New Yet