Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Eaturdfly lorninr ? , Oct. 14
Office : No. 7 Penrl Btrcet , Near
it.a. ontFFiH ,
H. W. T ) LTON , City Edltorl )
J. Mueller's 1'iilivce Wulc Hall.
Shetrndcn ms
Tlio { .utRolnR trBnca ! lwnrdthi hftor-
liovn Is over tlie C. , 15. & Q.
Hnzel Klifco I * to he glicn nt Doha.
ncy's on JItnday evening , October 10 ,
A young hey with nn old nnny inutkct
hottwentytno duclo ut liif ; Lake in one
clftlter recently.
Clieap Knllroud ticketn to all point * .
Uuthccll , five dmitH north of pottollice ,
tellBthciu. IJnlrmice , Mninorl'carhtruetH.
The extnrnalion of Dorreo , the allci cd
hifihwaj-mnn , ! H to bo contiuued thl < t mornIng -
Ing in tlie pollco court.
The firal nnnual ( mil of the
Labor wan given Innt evenloKi nn WHH
latgely attended , nnd i roved injojublo.
Oonitnlle ItoidicracN Hcj to the
/rent nulfnjshe wants to wei.r > tnrfor ,
nnolhcrteiinlf It bo the will ot tha tjeoplo.
The office of oil inspector icemH tn
have bnoly cituhed out , aud there appear *
iewer eplinntK for the ponltiou tbau on
the start.
Tbe Hound Tnb'o ntllsincotbiThur8' (
day evcnhiR c ecldcd to punug for the nexl
'few weeks u study cf ) llteratun
ami art.
Mr. nnd Mr * . Hnrry Jmnes olwcrvet
their tenth wedding annl ; cri-ury hy enter
talntng happily n Binall company of ( rlendi
Thursday evening. ! !
Wild came la growing quite abundant
Ducl.'F , brnntx und snipe me in the mar
ket , nr.d an yesterday mottiicg quite i
'Jlight of wild geese wcio noticeable.
.Permits . to wed were jcslcrdny grnnt
cd JIcrm n Knit IF , and lor.i Hulfi > , boll
of Mlllu county ; ultio to J. C , Chapman , o
Kcoln , and Li'biie Ii. Crciner , cf Wnlcut
The lied Slocking * , of Katmua City
hhould Imvo tori led nud rcltlid thut cun
> tect butv/ecn them and the Ci uncll BlulF
nine. It'll too bad tolcHvc the ( | Ut'xlon n
Bupcriority undetermined.
Joheph Keller luttkei tbn lancet Suit
n tlioli.tcet ttyltint the lowoit i-omlbl
prlcox. Hit nici chant tnilorn ! ( { rhtnbllhh
mc-nt ! o at 310 Upptr Itronduay , Couiicl
.Tcscph It OCR , the upper 15rondn-3
cooper , dedircH to piirchano 50,000 boo
jxilcB Uo alpo uifiliiH to employ ton cilr
coopew. Write to or Inquire at Id * coopu
AldtimanK. G. Nowcll hni puichaiei
the lot on Oakland incline , north of th
Happ residence , recently ( old to T , ,1
3''vnnM. Mr. Newell will erect n doubl
front Mnueatd roof tetidenco thcio In th
early full.
1'roperty on Oakland avcnuo in taHn
a boom , Mr , Orcut has purchased tbo Ic
ofMr.S. D. Street and will build in tb
spring , and Mr. Wells , superintendent <
the Deere Manufacturing company , wi
build a fine renidenco on the lot oppoalt
.from tbo residence of J. G . Tfjiton.
' Tbo second edition of C. K , Scott
complaint , at tlie los.i of a few IcadH c
dirt from hit bluff , is not to bo complete
until next Wednetdiy , Justice Abbot
having continued until that tlmo the cut
against llstea & Sou , who did the work fa
Mr. Pettlbonc , who in turn acted for th
board of education ,
Ono umcalloped drunk was dixposc
of yesterday in police court , bin name bi
ing llnnton , and bin flue of rcgulatio
clzo. The next tlmo he Rein drunk h
promises to sleep lomeuhere else than i
the street , fornt the rule of 7.00 , it wonl
be cheaper to rent a cot.
Yesterday afternoon u young inn
rushed Into noltco headquarterx nnd di
mantled protection. He huld thoio was
crowd from Sioux Olty , who were hoiui
to lynch biui , .indentured into the detnl
of n mild tort of a etory to the effect UK
while drunk at Sioux City he had nai
things that made sumo of the b < > i
r mad , aud thi-y had nworu to kill him. II
gave bit name an John Allhon , and wi
evidently the victim of a prolonged vpre
Tlmll & Krncht have moved into thf
large now brick utoro room , corner M'ul
street nnd Seventh avenue , where the
will be glad to see their innny frieud
They ore noiv receiving u largo and we
Delected stock of line groceries , queeu
ware , etc , Xouo but the In-ht goo In Inn
k ! tiled which will be wild at the Irmett pom
bio prices , No more beer , they imiko
new departure in diecinitluuing their
l > le room. ( Jail nnd exnmlue thvil Atot
jiud prices.
Yesterday TUB liui ; ollice WM calU
upon by the Novrtllu qiiaitet club , of S
T.oui * , who made tliu roomn rcaotnul wll
aome of the nwe test hiriuoniea which ev
were heard. Tlieto ooloml vccahsU n
po se8ted of voicfg full of rlchnoM , BI
which blend remarkably/and they can jui
ly claim rank M among the best In t
land. 'J hey , ure en routn to Sau 1'rnutU
and are btoppiuy ulotig the way for ecic
ading juirpiiic/ , und to ting under cug-ji
inent for private purtlo , etc. They \ \
will remain here nud m Omaha until Me
day ur Tuesday.
Notiui ; the Elleot * .
U. Glbbx , of Ilu'lWo , X Y , , writ
"Hrarhii ; > our Ut niiocK lii.oon Hrm
favorably eiwilen ol , J wan induced
watch their elf ecu , and find Unit In chroi
dl eabCHof tha blow ] , } \\tt \ nud 1-idne
your hlttere have beta tiguully jnarli
with success. 11 aye "fwed th m mv
witii be t roBult' . for torpidity of the lit
and in the cue of n friend ol mlno bun *
in/ from droj > y , tl n effnt wa uwrv lou
1'rico 1.00.
1'UK ' BALE.
My residenco.jNb. 715FntirtliBtrc
Bancroft'L. . F. MiwiW
Totbv Vctcnol lUiit'icMinh'/i ' /
' 1 hereby announc Dj if P
independent caadidulH fur constub.
Bubjoct to the voice of the voter * c
* a uing election. 0.V. .
Concordm LodRO , K. P. , Rocolvo Tnolr
Friends nnd nro Flagged by
Lut evening there wns a largo nnd
hsppy Ktherini { in L'ythian hull under
the auspices of Concordia ledge No.
52 , Knights of Pythias. Mr. H.
Nutt , chancellor commander of No b2 ,
culled the ledge to order , nnd after the
opening ode stated that iho ladies pur.
posed taking control of affaire , nnd
that they had prepared to presontto the
lodge Bboautiful iUg , and by their rc >
( juost ho called upon District Deputy 0.
0. IJobor to designate sonio knight vO
receive the gift. I'aat Chancellor
Charles Harghauson was accordingly
named its the ono to receive the flag
in behalf nf the lodgo.
Tlio presentation waa made by uJItu
Luchau , whoso address wai very
graceful find modest , mid n worthier
ono could hardly have been chosen to
perform ilnu duty , and pivo voica to
the Ronlimout of the ladies thus hon
oring the lodgo. Mr. HirghauBon , on
n curving the beautiful tribute , pre
sented to Mtrn Luchau , in behalf of
the lodge , u beautiful bouquet , in rec
ognition of the grucoful manner in
which she had pi't/ormed her part
Mr. H.trglmuscn then announced
that 8pooial Deputy Grand Chancellor
\V. 11. Vuughan would make further
response in behalf of the ledge , itnd
that gentleman spoke aa followo :
MY FntKMDs : I Imvo been citlcd
upon to respond in b half of the mem
bers ot Concordia Lodge , No. fi'J , to
the well ohoftcn words of the lady au-
Icctod by the donorn of this most
beautiful and cofltly ( h-j. No gift
could bo moro approntiato or accept
able. Every nation has itn II IKK , and
no society could long bu rr cognized an
nf much importance without one ,
The young but giant lodge ao highly
honored by ito frienda to-night can
never forget their generosity and auli
stantial friundnhip. It may not be
out of place for mo to vpnak bricllj
of our beloved ordor. Tno fonodei
of the order , Lion. J. II. lUthbone , i :
a young and active rcsidont ol
Wunhiiiitton City. Tliu fir&t i > > thiiiii
ledge was started on 1'nday ' ovuninp ,
February ] ' ) , 1801 , and WHH u.iinco
"Washington Ledge No. 1. " Thi
inemberu wore oij ] > atcd upon a btbh
given to Mr. Hathbono by bin deal
mother on bin fifth birthdcy , October
2 ! ) , 18M , and hlthouch thu i-rder if
but 18 yenra old , it Imi a metnberrhii.
of over 200,000 , with money andlorla ;
property valued nt over § i5,000OCO
No secret order CHU priBont abettoroi
more fraternal luuird for its nt'o than
this noble orgAinz\tion. Friendship ,
charity and bcnnvolcnco are our cor
dial doctrinoH. Wo utrivo to raise th <
lallen , to guide the blind , to formal
thono without a home ; in fact , wi
hopu to moke all men true friondsunt
brothorn , nnd that true fricmdehi ]
may oxint in thu hearts of nil
Any order or society that nni'.es hu
man sympathy and ntten then broth
erhood is worthy of the warmest sup
port nnd admiration. I'ythianisn
mprovos and okv.itos thu charncter o
It makes all itn duvotecn butte
men and bettor citizens ) , whatove
o may bo their piritiun , condition o
circumstances , ilenco tbo importanci
of maintaining an irropronchublemoia
character in ordnr to reflect honor 01
thono who are interested in the progress
gross and permanent prosperity of it
heaven born tonclc. We start ledge
and give these orders our time am
aid , that the lives and conditions o
our wivca snd lady friends may b
bettered. They are over ready t <
benoGt the world by their exertion
and transform the briars and thorn
of life into roses of paradise by tb
magic of their touch. There ar
those who nrotbus happy because the ;
cannot help it. No misfortun
dampens their sweet iniilcK. The ;
have the aocrot of contentment and ( i
making others happy as they hav
surely done to-night.
The 11 ig thus given is a beauty. T
is > > f regulation tdzo and is of sill ;
finely wrought , presenting thu Hire
colors of the order nnd the ehinlc
with other myatical emblem : ) , MR
W. IJ. Williams , in among those meoi
ing special credit in providing thi
Hug , and securing the contribution
for the sistoro , and wive * , in d nthr
admirers of thu gallant KnijjhtH tin
The other oxcruiscn ot th evenin
worn of a happy nature. There wi
: in abundance of good muniafurniihci )
two bands being in uttendanco , bom
tifnl refreshments and all the neudfn
for a most enjoyable ovcninir.
Kidney Complaint
1) ) . Turner , llocliCHter , X Y. , wntet , : '
have been tor ovi-r u your subject to i-orio
disorder of tha IiidiU'.v. ' , aril often un ) :
to attain ! to hiulnotH ; ! procured your Hi
DOCK r.l.ooi ) Dili ius , nnd wn < ielio\cd t
fore half n bottlu wiu tited , 1 Intend
continue , an I feet confident th t. they w
entliely euro me , " I'rlci ) $1.00.
At tilt ) Btock VivnlH.
The following were thu doings
the Union stock yards hero yesterdn
rtllir.MINIH. :
1" cur < < , Arnold to > nnu' , Clilct o , by ( '
cago. Milwaukee St 1'aul
I earn , Kcnnrdy k White to ( iicgoi
h ( Joolny S Co , , ChtcAgoia Clilci. d
: r North wmtern ,
4 earn , Moody to 1'oFonbniim , Jlasa.V C
re Chicago , by Chlcctro > V Northwchtui
in ci HIM.
tIB 15 cars , Powder RIvorLIvu ! Stock c
IB 1'J C.UH , WHlianm k J'ox ,
CO fi c rH , Vowder id vcrl.l\o Stock c
. . HI cart , , 11. A. llallr.
7 carw , ( Jftslmiacber k DIblllcr.
11 carx , Knlioaal Oattlu ( . oiniany | ,
111 10 carx , Sivnn & ] > ' , l.he .Stock : otlll > : uiy
1 car , H , Mnglivr ,
Ueivla In Dirt.
Tlio following trixnsferii real
tatu itro ruputtud for Tin : UEK ,
us to tukcu from tliu county roconl'i by
\V. Squire V Co. , abstractors of till
robl uatatu and luun .igonts , Com
JUtilld ;
tr ; ' ht)8 Uovvman to J L Totnpleti
BI' lot U in block 2 , Jiaylns tv \diut
add to nity , 850.
P H Hunt to 0 JJr nU > y , purtsi of 1
4 , 0 and u in block 11. Avoca , ? , > l
T Murcdith to1 , 8 Ihali.y , lott
lit and 8 in block ! > , AltToditb'is add
Avoca , $400.
\V M Leslie to J M Li liti , ptvrl
? o ir of no or of sec 0. town 77 , ran
3 , 8550.
W ] < ' JoluiRon and Leander CJurk
M G HiuUli , o hf of no qr of BOO J
tovrn70 , range 8 , 81,280.
Hlflcolai to Martm J'otylolf , n
of nw qr of sec 28 , town 70 , range 40 ,
$1 800.
U K Patkor to 0 Parker n hf of w
qc of fee Iti , town 74 , range 38 ,
S2 000.
O WMunjf r lo T J Kvoim , nnd lit
of lotu 12 ntid in in blook 22 ; 5 a-id 0
in block 4 , nnd 17 in blo'ck 13 , How-
hrd'u add , 8250.
J B Hlakoto Ilnttin B Mueller , nnd
hf of IMA 5 and It in block 4 , lot 17 in
block 13 , nnd lot * 12 and lit in 22 ,
in Howard'aadd , $200.
T J EvabHto ilAttio E Muo'.ltr ,
Batno na last above. $250.
W 0 nnd J 11 Newton to M Nilon ,
lots 15 and 10 , in block ti , Oakland ,
Tue ftepnrnAloDH IlelnR Mode for ItB
MeotlnK Hero.
'riry neat and attractive pro-
sjrmmnes nro being sent out for the
coining nniual ttcaeion ( f the grand
ledge of Kuif'hti of 1'jthiaB of Iowa ,
to bo hold Itero 25 and 20
The first duy ia to bo devoted to the
reception of tbo grand lodge ollicern ,
rcprci > cntativrs and visiting kuiiflita
by the nvvrral comtnittcts. At 10
o'clock a in , on Ihonecontl day , there
in to b a { rand paradti in honor of
thi ! Kriiipd bci f ; ntlla , in. the oration
tion and uddtt'na of wulconto by prom-
inunt 1C'iighta and citizen * , r.nd in the
uvuuing n , u rand barqiiot nnd ball at
Ml no in iVNixonVuna Dohnny'a hnlln.
Kxtcnaivo prvparhtionunru btuit' tnailc
lor thin gmlifiniK of gillant msniboiB
of the niyatia ( irdernnd will b'jugrcat
ov nt tor Council Blufii , bringing to
Unit city hnudri-cla of visitors from all
jwrta ol thti country. The arran 0'
inontB for the banquet have been made
with A. Lottiu as CitcriT , who in to
provide for from 500 to 1,000
JxJiiio is to do his bent , and that in aa-
durance eullicient of a big fo&at. Rev.
A. lU'RHM Ima been soUctul aa presi
dent , ot the day , 13 IJ , Daily , as mar
shal , and K v. Mr. Webb , as chap
lain. Th loiifttR nro to bu responded
to by dintinguinhed gentlemen from
vnriotin parts of th t tc , aiid it IB
expected tliit the OM rnor will bo of
tliu number.
I1 ; will only taku yen a minute for
us to uphiili t- > you that wo give a
hundtoniu | iri'ent v.ith each pair of
Uootr , Shoes or lippors xre su'l. ' Call
and ees UP. / . T. LIMHKY it Co.
. K. Bcott , Kq. , has a brctliei-ic-Uw
Will 1i. Su'ltb , of hell tioging fAine , wix
lioie jeslerd.iy.
.T. H , On'shly ii expected to return from
bin tiip to Coloiado to-day.
I'.J Mc Iahon returned home yester
day from hh eOB'eru trip.
J. l . Ilornbr , of Logan , lo .i , w.\ * * t
the Ggdcn yc/iltrday.
J. U. Adtly , who travels fur a Chiwgc
uiutic house , wag in the city ycitctday.
John W. Italrd ha * returned from hit
Dakota trip , looViog brown and hearty.
Jaint-x McDermott , ore of the Cbicigr
medical students , was hi the city yr Ui
.7. H. Hanoi , of Harlsn , formerly trei *
urer of Shelby county , epent yesterday it
the city.
W. A. MynUr observed bit birtbdaj
yesterday by a beautiful dinner , te whicl
he invited tcveral of bin friends.
Mn. Teresa Sain ) ; , who been p&yini
a visit to her pircatiMr. . anJ Mr * . If enrj
1'atchal , of thii city , left jttiterday for he :
home in St. Helena , Neb.
, John Hochotra'cer , nf Omaha , repre
. hcnling the Urunswick and Uallie hllllan
f tablet * , WAH in the city > e terd y , luokini
after biulneM withhU iinial energy.
A.I. . llattelle is in thn city und ha
aitumed the duties of deputy Unltti
i State * mnnhat. Mr. iUttellc In a redden
11 of A\oca nnd l well known in the counij
Not Dead Nor Hiuupluw.
Thu following circular letter hr
been received hero , and will bo re& <
r with interest nut only by tnu mi-mbt-t
s 01 thu lac il k-ayui ) , but by many nc
connected Mith thu ( iru'inr/.itiou.
> I lifiTAlo , Octiibor ! ) , JS82 ,
[ " A public ntutomunt ban been mau
18 that "the L tid L iiuun is no longer i
existuncu , " which tor nur un
phutic protect. Tliu Land Ij-jagu
does exist , and is doing KM Kcott wor
for Ireland as ut nny lime ainoi ii wi
organised , We should deeertii tl
contempt of every one , who :
nyiupathy wohavo wonshould ; dosen
the extinction of uveiy hopu that hi
been enkindled , if we were now :
gruw diDCOuragod , or to withdrn
rthi'U the vurk is fairly begun. Oi
plan , in nil tlut butt lucii conu on tli
at cidu of the Atlantic , lias bei-n to ft
low these whom we reconi ; > )
guidt'H the loadern in Ireland wli
being on the scene of the untion , lent
what in host to bu done.Vo \ luivo r
peatudly pleilged ourselves to upho
their baud , to iicquiuicd to their pl.iii
not to dictate their policy ; to furni
ehrerfnlly und t-'inioroimly the n
without which tlit-y would ba pewc
h S3 to carry out their design * .
It would gratify our omiinu-e if v
wuro now to abandon the Htriigglu ,
\\.uiun\ly \ throw ixwuy the Irmt ot
much mcrilico and labor This , i
trim friend nf Ireland will for a m
mont think of. No ! With 1'arni
ut ill head the land LJU UO still liv
alill ( Tomisdj hopu uud help fir It
land. lUlly to ita support , liiihmo
everywh ie , who hnvoev 't bahovbd
its purpotce , or geiarouily helped <
J. its 3ti n glo Lot no onu mislead the
who love Ireland , into deupondonry
, faint-heartcdneaa. Only these w ;
icil Bow < lieiioi ! ioii nnd di9truxtcau rota
thu final triumph hopeful and unite
sacctws is UMUred.
.Unurt fllooxKY , 1'res't.
Jlr.v. JjAWiti'.Ni'KWAJAir , Troas.
J6HN.I. H\NKK , Suo'y
) D UCouruil I. N. L L. of Amerlt
Proof Evorjvlioro >
If any invalid or tick person haat
of least doubt of the power und ctllca
go of Hop I'ittoift to cure them , th
can find oasis exactly like their ow
to in their own neighborhood , with ptc
1 , positive that they can bo easily a :
permanently cured at a trilling cost
hf'or nsk your druggist or phyaiician.
A Sn-mplo of tbo Way Justice Fuile
to Roncu tbo ttvll-uooru.
Tun USB cine tune ago called at
tention to the cwo of Jim Snoddorly ,
and the mynterious way in which he
hna t-scapod the puniDlitnent which ho
hno merited. The graud jury , after
many delays of ihe law , found an in
dictment ngainet hi'n for n moat inde
cent and outrageous treatment of n
young boy , but by a defeat in the In *
tbo moat that could 1x3 inado of it was
Dnault. . Ho pleaded guilty and W/VB /
fined § 50 , n merely nominal punish
ment tor ouch an outrageous offense.
But light OH it was , the penalty was
never enforced , nnd ho walked
fi.rlh fire even of that. Why he
should bo to favored nnd petted
when aomo poor follow vho gol3
drunk is kepi locked up , is nmyntery.
Sumo ot the oflicpla , n abort tiinu ngo ,
ollVrcd as an explanation that Snod-
derly wni not to bo found , For information -
formation Tin : HKE will inform Ihom
that yeitnrdny ho wasnl work on the
atreots , nnd that ho > r < i.i talking with
sonio of the oflicura ,
Tin ; I2ir : : hna im cpitn a > .Miut Snod
dorly , nor does it have any do'iro to
have * him proarcutc-d , but it uinglen
out hia cue as n s.imple nf the laxity
of law , and the unjust discrimination
that is made. Thoeo who commit
petty mlsdennvaueia nro shown r.o
mercy , whll these who commit the
gravcr.t of olfsiiBes are allowed to go ,
even when they r.cknowledgo their
guilt. This case ia cited aa one instance -
stance only , nnd in vioiv of it , is it to
bo wondered at ( hat the IHW is disre
garded , and tbiovpnand crooko cluster
about the Citj ? Of all thoaowhohavo
commitrd peititcntiary offenses here
during the pant year , but ono was eunt
srrosa the ntyitithat ono being
"Cranky Bill , " and bii t.'rm being
"only nix inontha , nnd in Snodderly'a
CIBO there appear * another ins'anco
of the lackot enfoicemunt of even light
E ctiped from tko Tollt.
John Hicon , Tjnpnrte , Intl , writes :
"Hurrah for SntiNo BLOSSOJI : it's all you
recommend it 10 be. Mydytpepm has all
vnniibeil. Why don't you advertise it ?
What allowance will yru nmle if I tak a
do en bottlpK , BO that I cuu'd ' ohline lay
rieudk 01 co-fm ly 1' rice 50cent ? , trinl
llttllb .0 OUH
Another Lively Game Promlsud for
Tula Afternoon.
Arrangement ! * bnve ben made for
holding riH-ither bieo ball cintest on
the tround here this afternoon , the
clubs to p'ny ' being the L adviile
Hlues and the Council Blulh nine.
The ii cide.its attend nc the previoue
mfetnigo of these clubs scrva to
awaken much interest in thrir coming
together .ig-mi t < > day. Tee L-wdvilles
nrij rmtifcr ! thin trlien they 'n t the
C-utF' ! bofor'c- , they havina added three
o : the btnt men in the Denver nine ,
and they nro ur.dir the inm.agfin.'Mt
of T5rjan , formerly of the Uiutf * .
Game will bo called a * H o'c'rc ' ) : .
A Short IConil to Health.
To all wlio are toffrriiiK from bull ? , ul
cers , FC'ofub. carhajjcle , or other oh ti-
uatn disc ! nf the lilo"mUkiu. . ac < ur >
of JiUKixxrK. HLOOD UITTEB.- * will be loun-1
to be u i&ort road to he.llh. Price SI 00
JO W a.
A Dnboque utreet ear wai demoli hed 01
Sitniday by < t Iccomotive , but nobody wa
Tbe voter ? of Id are to divide wbethe :
Out ccnnty has a SSO , O'J court hoate an.
The SInux Citv art ian well in n- >
down 2,000 feet. Tundi are khort IA ! tbi
work will lent.
Charles BrooVinf , a Dei Moinra dri cr
. broke bin lf while unloalbu * barrel o
whi ky on Saturday la t ,
Albert Deyo , carpenttr in Clinton
was killed mi Saturday by falliuj , ' fri'ln i
new o rn he WM hinpiii | { . Ilo broke hi
: neck. l ) < jo w.inOl yian oM and a Inny
1 time resident of Iowa
1 A little . "on of J. Fred Mevets , < > f Uenl
pun , met uith n rerioui accident on Satm
dny last. A ball from n tarRSt im ;
ved from the iron target and stiue :
htm In the eye.
At the Morrcll picVine house in O !
tiiinwu , on Thun-day last , Jishtniiirf
cd n rid sod r out nf the h.imU < f
i ut. her und knocked hl-n down wi.hoti
triiutu injury.
Au old gentleman iiiovln wca'.by wjgo1
wi vlntliui/e-t nt Kcdh lrl la t w.eelc <
iit'i , For.'cd iiuperH for hUtintntwu
proieoted to him , und to nviild thn ni'ccs *
ty ot Koiiiit back with the boxiia ollicem h
o pulil15.
" Wm. Allen , n 1 raki'imn on th < " li
but HID ! i Amboy diNlaimi of the llllno
Central road , wa * run o\rrby the r mau
terribly cnished in liibniuu | on Kunduy
Ho died nn the htreetbilo nvlng taken t
a hospital.
0 SirahM. llndron , nf Kmxvllln towi
:0 : ubip , ilnrion cur.nly , luwd , , in d 11 > vr.r
' 0 10 niDi.tlm , nnd 1 cl.iy , HVO blril ) to
IB dauxhti r on thu 'Jid : day > f Anitnt. ; Th
IBO in undoubtedly the youiiK xt mother 1
Jiw , nd proluhly tha youn e t muiht
W. intlwl'ulted
J n rttlolCU' '
The IJusr rtAt.vit la the * orld for Cu' .
IIH Ural * ' * , Boreillcou , / , b.itt nbnntu , F
0 , .
v r Uinj 'tfcr' ( | X l > 9U U\I * < * 4 V * | > H
W , ( Jiirrm , bud .ill diiu tiruptiiDiii , r.c
0- oui 'itUh. K U ( Jurnuleed i
Id lvK butMf'icU.iii i u.i r leluuiU'i
* riu , Jb i'fii'- i-ii 1 1 tnt ifn\n \ by (
r.lolj H'it QlBMri , Plue French Chlnii ,
Hllvnr V are &o. ,
iia lUutu T . CUUNOtli IILUl'Ktt , W
ill n < ) ;
in Twintj lour JWN i\icrKiifu | i'l l'r 't al
I'.xiim jkV ) .
tin or Office 106 Upper Broadway ,
nl Council Bluffs , low :
The ale rouaid " 111 IH > riiU to any ) > cn >
who "ill iiroJuit ) u I'uliH that " 111 tkiul th
Pennsylvania Patent Rubbe
Paint ,
ho ( or luoMmng hhtn.-lM , Tin and OravtlJIoa
oy Wainuitttl to | . fire and .Watir llool. .
orden i > iuuiivtl > nttonJo.1 to. CliuajH-r &ud U
oy tir than ; ui > ouii'r tulnt now In iu .
of Soli 1'ivi'rittorj , Oiuaha Iloiuv.UluaUa , Ni
OUici-r i Pu . Itii-c , Dr.
Cuiuiill it uffj. Iowa.
lite OKV : | , Uuialia ,
NOTJCIJ. bpcu l idiottlii-mrnt * , nit i
Loot , found , To loan , Tnt Silo , To K rl
WatitK , Boarding , tto. , rill N Inc-.rtcJ In thi *
column at the ow ratool TKN OKNT3 P7.I'
LINE tor UiO flr t Insertion nml FIVK CENT >
PER LINK for each subreqnont Insertion
Lt vc 9-1' cr'lsr ' "it < at cur offltc , No. 7
Pttrl dtutt , near BfoadrAy.
ANTFH A mttu'lon a bread and ! > <
w bakoi. Kt i | lire nt tli.r oflk-3.
A ( CMS WsTIUI.ady raiitMftcM In
Council II nT ( < nuJ < H elite CMM for
" .Mrs Oei. ' i oo > f tMiok " Ihc Utckt , most
pop I-mml tuit Mullncbxli lien d
d-ire.- , C. K. AU/FN.
Hrn otlk" . C UK 1 DlufK
ANTED- ' - thron four cal-
W ANTEDtirimdlato'j or -
\.Dlzcillrrric3inlcu m Kert anil roofers
nt .TOttK KI'K.N'l.Ti.K , 307 liroa.lvia . ) , Con ell
. J23t
TASTKl ) UOorfiiibn ) ) > lnN ill nlil whlto
corn nt Jl y. o.V Co. , ion crKottti flth and
MOUs icct.
WANTKDjtlrlfor eint'rat homcnork In
n small famllr , cnqulri. 11G ,1'ourtli ( llan-
i roll ) street. wjat
Ti 0 bullilitui to 1110 % e. We make
nHped It'nf im\I K bomn and safes
Aililrem W. \yk-snortn , tax k i > ,
lllulTi , la.
Ktcryt > ody In UluBi. lr
fV to take Tiie HBK , W ccnia per wecX , cr
llvtrt-J hy carrion. UQico , No 7 IVarl Slrcot
near I'roadn-ay.
\XANTEO 1 but nflvuortlx r om house
VV en mo IM > In talm.i.te ! cf # 25 ! ' O.
b x ! > " $
To buy ICO loan liroom corn
WANTED r1Icubre add r MS Council IlluOr
Ilrnnni Victory. Council lit < tU , I < wASPSMI
For Hitio and Runt
17iOrf.Kn.VT A fcimblo rlEcion llr.t II ior.
A ii.VAYNJ A. CO. , No. : H fiarl ttrcit.
liU HUNT Airj pViiint I rvlv built
JU houi , KritiUlimt T-imreatn.nLli ; A
11. MAYA bit 10. , No. 84 Kctl strcit
. > K KKN'I A store r > nn en Main stio-t op-
I.V pojltc Citiioho chur h Kinuiro , ( Jits.
SALK-A 10\12 nkjIUht. Su'tablo for
FOR bsd. Aipl | > to ExctMor Gallery.
HALKlea'itilul ! mldim * lots , W )
' each ; nothing do n , and Ki ! jr onth only ,
apl 3-1 f _
MICollun OUH.
. . An artloc ofatna in c rt ii ) i r-
T.10U.ND 1 * , lou < lit Ircra n cirtiln nun Tni <
otn ho ovu s tn i ta'.uen 1m < It by IT"1"1 ! !
a ilpi > ln.vtll f'rit. Xi 1 r.'j S oiid tticet ,
n ur lLlrtcin > haMnucC i : icli l-liillt.
VTOTICr To tV"0 " ll < llu : ) °
JLN that the Tnjlor s\Btein of cutting w .1 be
t uJit this \\rck hf ? < o ii Ncr h slMh street.
.1. Cincr and wife , K " ' '
T OS7 A la-go wardrob lie > . Liberal rei
Lj < o find r fnqulro at lice ofl'.t .
. \ Gnat succc .a. Cull ami sec
new accessories and sixcinuns of pictures
ta cnh the're hVc gtUtino tr-'itlde procou ,
at the K-icplf rr iillerv 10 Mn'ii atrfct.
DK. U' . L. PAliON 1'iijHit , , , , ! aic ! OculiU.
Can cuioo-y rt e o ( i"oroti , < . It Is ouH
i matter of ULK , and can cjru uuucullv in
( mm three tc i ! c vuoks-lt iiftkivi uo diltcr-
fuc * ; box II.IK"cd. . Will str'xuht1 ! ! tr
e > cj , oiH.rao oii < l remote l" > r iiun.t , etc. , and
Ir.j.Tt e- ( " ( Opcclal ntUntion to re-
Council fluffs'
Business Birectory ,
Art Gallery.
Excelsior photograph gn lery , South Main St.
Inetantantous pr > ix - , .
C. GEISH , Cppcr liroatlvray.
Dottllng Works.
H. 1IAGG & CO. , Host I'iercc St.
P. A VEILS , 517S. Main St.
Bathing Houses.
MIW. E. J. HAHWNG , M. D. , Broadway and
Glenn a\e.
UK. STUDLEY , IStHiesda IJathlng House ,
Books nnd Stationery.
II. E. &EAJIA.N. Xllddlo Ilroadway.
OFFICEH fc PU&EV , comer Broadway and Jth
street ,
i IT1/.KNS' BANK , 6th street.
Broom Factory.
MAYNE&CO. , a cnuo A , ajid Cth St.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TEMPI.KTO.V i LAMII. 'J3Broadway. .
T. H. I.EVIN , SOU Ilioailway.
L. IlOKKIIOKr , 031 .Main St.
A. II. MAYNB & CO. , SI IVarl St.
J. KO.SS , r. | . " ton BroadH-ay.
S1NTOS & , WEST , 14 1'tnrl St.
Dry Goods
1IA11KNI > .S , OUUUTT& CO , , JJror.ln-ay act !
Itli ttrett.
Eggs Shipper.
f ! . R CUAWI'OIW , niO Main St.
Furniture Manufactory.
E. It. STEI.VIIILBEll , cor. 7th a\oand IJth St
Furniture Store ,
C. A. nr.F.BE i. CO. , 207 on.1 L'OO
Groceries and Provldons.
St'LIVAN .V riTXfi , .11) Bro
, Cunsmlthlng.
M Ol.MYEIJ .t filtAinM , Mil Unit.
) ! . ! .it caittrii ) > rUi > un < l
Harncts anil Sndillcry.
CIU" . WAI.TKU i ll ! ! > . . MMdlu
ens. . IIIKMA.N.UI :
Hair Goods.
Jill" . J ) . \ . Ill'NLDIOT. W Wt t lroa..v.s\ ! .
MK . J. J 0000.I o
Livery Stablet
A. roSIlTOS. ? * > Ilroa.lHa > .
W. O. 110M.AN1),7W.south ) Ihli. at ,
u. iiKKonorr , oi.p. i1. o.
OR DEN Ilor.SK. Vmxr l.
MKL'S llOrEK , Ml ami f7 Jl-ilu Hcit.
Meat Market.
P.V. . TICKNOII , &M llra.ul ft > .
I Mlllliiery.
3 J. IIM-S. 3ii UroaJwa ) . Como anJ t\aui
inufar > our < .K.
MKb. J. K .MirrCAI-K , MSlrma\raj- ! .
Marble and Granite Wor's.
C"XX"1 ! ,1 l.l'ANIXI.A , 117
Merchant Tailor * .
.1V < VIIINEV. 37. llrual > .
I. t II Va. Kli , Ucvol'i LuUJin. , Wh And
tro t.
Jos JlKirr.l ! , MO Iruadw ! y
Real ttate.vtd Abstract ,
KHIIIAI.I. vV I'lIAMl' , opiKtaitc iWJrt houw.
inir 1'uarl * nU Ui <
Restaurant ,
V1ITII AjUcCUia ? , Wl Broxlu- } .
Stoves and Tinware ,
n rMV A. ex ) . , rxusoutu Uiia strut.
Slilrt Factory ,
r K. FolU > , c ru r IHufl u4 Wlk ! > St.
MORl.AX , KELLERi.-Cf.,3W iwl i
* " '
"A'.M O NM'LL , 17 Xoith Ma o SI ,
jPAf" ,
Broadway , and fourtli Street.
Council Bluffs , Iowa
: < S
Headquarters For the Cele
-jC3 > Weber Pianos ,
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail ,
Address ,
trt'Q era
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff anil Willow greets , Council Blnfe ,
KM1) ) "V3CL < U * EF&y * * * * ! * 3 * * L
Mr P I fa BrT f *
" Ji Jl * El
" "JB . 0 nr 5B P >
* U r. 9 TC3 < / > 3 yci > COS ldic&K ± aJuA
We mnke the following a specialty :
jtarMail ord is and correspondeuoe promptly attended to. Office nnd Manufactory
S. E. Cor. 7th Avo. and 12th Strpot , COT7NCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ff1- © ? }
Tbe fir.CHt quality and largest Htvck v/eet nf Chicago of wooden and raetalic cases.
Ctillrt attended to nt all hours. We ilefy cnrnpotititin in quality of goods or prices.
Our Mr. Morgan has uprvcil as uudertalcHr for forty vfara and thoroughly understands
hlsbusinenH. WARBROOMS , WG AND : 7 BRO \D\VAY. Upholaterinit in
all its branches promptly attended to ; hlso carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tele
graphic and mail oidprx filled without deliv.
Council Bluffs Iowa.
, - - - .
llcsrnnl naltm an' qiimllt\ Bill'imr.'baRcra. ' Ucor 18.00 per birrel. I'ri > t9fami ks a-jp-
allfd t < iii"l "cj.algl iQoacli , del icreil treeot tl'arifo to any part ot the city.
OrJorJ flll il l'i any jiartct the illy , ttnlerj by telephone promptly attcinKil to.
Wholesale Dealer iu mid SOLK AUKNT VOU .losepli Sclilitr
y'B Cclebratuil
No. 711 lirosdway , Council IJluifn , Iowa , Ordcw frow the Jountiy olicitcd
Cltv oriicrii to fmnilip * nnd diMlertriolierfd frre.
. . . . , J31S
r anil I'ctMl Otalero In
Wos. 2f7 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Aloajikii'ixoiibandtlicQni-ttiuiHirtuuntodiiat rial for'uitlcmAi'BU car , SatUlactlouiruaraiit d.
Mtlltuery , DrodaraaUlncr , Kcc Outtmff nna Flttlns a Spedlnlty ,
Xo 61 > Broadnav , Ojipoilto Kcvcro Houee ,
I/.iCis ( , Rmbroidcrivs , nnd fjudion rndcnrcsir.
, host ) ol Ml klndi , IbriaJ , pn | > . oct-illits , etc. We hope the Iwiks Mill call
and < pnr WV ot ynodf _
Merchant Tailor.
( Late Cutter for Slelcaif . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Streei.
Council Bluffs , la ,
S'liU t oif cr 618 nnd upwardi- .
J. F. KIML'.ALL. liKO. ti. CHAMP.
( Sue tksors to J. 1' . & J. . .
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
W hue the onlj complete wt otabstrac' book * to all city lrt acU lands In Pottaw.tUml
county Tllliti r aiutccd nil alutracts Mr1 Uhul ou tbort notice. Moor y to loan on city anj liria
proiwrtv. thoitwd lopBllme , In § ucto tuiUbe boirovitr. Kcal c > U bought &nd nold. Offict
old ' * - * *
at the ktau J