Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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Nebraska National Bank ,
Of Omahn , Nob.
I'fttd up Capital , . . . . S2CO.OOO
8. n. JOHNSON , 1'riridcnt.of Stwln , Johwn &
A. II. TOLV.M.I.V , Vira rrMdNit , eC. , B. ft Q.
It. H. , I'oston.
W. V. MORSE , of W. V. Mow ft Co.
JOIIX H. OOI.UNS. of 0 , 11. A J. S. Collin * .
J , M. WOULWOKTU , Corntcllor fi Attorney t-
U H. HKiiof : n > ron n sl i Co.
H. W. YATES , Ciuhler , late Cn hler of the rlrst
JJ lonal llank of i inahi , anj connected xlth
tlicactivc manaRonntit of that Iktik tincc lit
In IWXt.
b.i luoM April J7 , 103 ? ,
largo t lapiul o' r.ny btnk In Ntbr k .
Cou.KCTia.x8 ro , en e tpecinl Mttutloa nd Uur *
Kt l\ve t ibtlL&b'o lure ur tltewherr.
a'lawidon time deposits upon Uvor-
ablj toims and upon : countsot banktand bank
r'or.iiioi Uinixvos , Gavormnent Bamls , and
Oaucty and Cl y tocur.tlo * biuht and tl li.
H IB i repircd t il i a gcreral h&iiUlnjr bu < lnn
In all It ) UeUlU , am in tl.o tnatncnv. fcii'toni-
f > it will Diirsuu the m t libcrnljpjllcy contUtont
with lain lur.Mnc
Disixiteh to Tun tie * .
VOKK , October 13. Trade gcu- .
einlly is leported ipiiet , with restricted
demuud for moat detcil.jibns tf merchan-
dlao. ( i
THE 1)111 (1OOIIS ( TllADK
is mow moderate than for itotno time past , (
u .uft to unfavorable weather. As nls
arc itlll unking f dr deliveties uu account
ot back orders , but tliu demand la limited [
to the supply of immed'ato wants. Tbo
Jobbing trade iinot ai iuiated , and there i
ir.ero binlnesa by telegraph and mill than
by person d selections. DoineHic goods
am quiet all around ; prices realized nt
.auctions are c naidercd fair , and silk * ,
* satin * , velvtts and plushes were disposed
\ cf in considerable quantities. The lace
I and millinery Rocdn Bales were well i.t-
j tended nd proved Hiititf ctory.
' '
has bon very strong all through the week , CaO
gradually advancing ull ftli ng the line. O '
The slight breaks which occurred hue .
\ been quickly followed by a reaction nnd r.ii
* further advancr , nnd the inaiket clew On
, 8tnm'i ' about the highest price * ot the Qn
; week. In
] '
j tlia tuemiiry Irrogalai ; Iliictu- Soi
. ' ntioD were not wide , but rapid and unex '
pected. ;
Las b cn generally weiik , with ( liictnations Di
wiihm u 1'iiiKO f 15 p iuti. C.nisiderabii DiPI
timlrtity wan shovMi on t'eiuitof operator - PI
tor , iu vittV of the moceratB ainimnt c f
viable c ittoii and light ri-cuiptn. A coinei
inOuto'i-r cottoi i < witluu the rnngo ol
pia-i'ii'ilici' ' ' . and tldi fact I'ilecta ' the
market ,
\TOor. . nm
Piuer crsdes aru in good rsii'ieus. but S .
lower. Tu ) > market is quite nu lectcd , vil
wita nothing uf npeclnlin eiest to note. " ,
i > F.riOi.Cini.
The volume of busluesa hat been Urge rvg
> ud HuctUitiuns rapid , l.ut not wide. lor
niEKJHTri ,
ai a ru'e ' , have been dull , nnd ratea are
withous iiuterial change , except in cotton
ch.nert' ' f ir the south , that branch ot the for
bnsiucsi being fairly attive.
nUTTKIt. Ala
Arrival are fair for tbo seaaon , and
nrir8 have been remarkably steady
there being a scaraity rf thu finer grades. No
was VHP quiet , shippers buying very care
The nnrket rem.ins without animation , oo
and prices ran e 1 'wer. ' Jr
Thoinirktt fir raw was dull , benauie
of thi liyht demand from refiners I'iice
are unchanged. The refined trade Is liuht , for
and the cououmptive demand moderate. f..r .
TEA. _ 1'JI
The mirkct wai weak , and the con- for
snmplitfo dcmund ii ht.
HUOlri AND HIIOErt. for
The result of tha seas u'n bu'-i'-o ? ? i *
quite satiafactory ; pr.ces are , and she
most manufacturers aio still doit/g / u fait
amount of traJo. cr
Trada was quiet aad prlcw llrm. i
ino.v. Oli (
There is absolmely nothing of interest 1
transpiring. The amount i f Im-iueiH dmn
was Miiall , moht of the more pipuat US'
brands being absorbed iu fnliui'oll con fjr
tracts. Prices n-inain firm. In Su tcli torI
pig buhifioss was li ht ; only a mmll rtock
is on band , an I u u i if the stock olloithn- Oci
been uuld. There ii but small inq nry for yes
tail ; , Mid pilcej are about iho Hme ,
pt il ! DisXltC | > ltO TllKllKK. 12U
NKW YOUK , ( ) stoherit. : U
Money-8(5 ( par cent , don'mg rifcred
at 2 per cant.
I li
Prime Mercantile I'aper ll@ > > percent wh
Sterling Kjcnhange Steady ; banker * ' 70 1
bills , $ I.Sli ; demand , ? i.80. out
Dry Goods Imports for the week , * 2-
638,010 , ( Jh
Govcrnmentrt irregular , 10
The stock market opened ut a decline Ire '
N.I .
from yeaterdiy'n cloning figures of i2 i er I
cent , Iu the forenoon there was an ad- del
advance of J@ljj percent. Imuiediatoly wh
after mliday the m rlct recodail i@l per StP 10
cent , but nubserjuently ft rally of Ja.J ( per I
cent t > ok place In the general ltt. ! The oot
market closed about Rteudy , but nt a decline ins
0X > (
cline compared with yeBtcrday's cloting 11 L
prices of J@2 per cent. ItJa
VcbtsrJij. To Ui ) . clj
f'H 1004 1018
IVri Coupons . . . . .113 lltt STi.
& , 1101 11U r )
l'iclfic ffa of 1803 l 0 120
, BO.NIH. for
Osntral rauifio Hta Ill 111 io
Krie ecouJ.4 ICO O'Jj rOJ
Lcliii'h \Vllkenbarro t M Wo
Louniinrt cuusi'lii. . , . . . . , . , . GUi CUJ
. * / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . ' ! ! ! . ' ! ! ! : ' | uo
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .110 110 |
TenuewcuC's fiO 4 ! > i
do new 00 ( i i iO'
ems &Pjcilio land grants. . Oi 012
da JtU. div. . . . 8 i Mi
.iju Pacific 1st mort a'o..lllj 115
da land KIVut-i. . . 11 \ ] ll (
do sink Ing fund. . 117 HQ tin
Virginia C1 * ! < ) 31
do consols C's F 7 f-l'S
do deferred 13 13
Adciuj Express 1-10 110
Alleghouy Central 27 2.0
Alton & Terre Haute -it -10 fa
do pfd. . . . 62J 7fli 5
American Kxpress 95 1)5 ) 5lc
Burl. , Cedar Itapids & North 81 61 lc
Canada Soutbem . CC | 05 lcrt
Col. , Ciu. & Ind.'Centr0'0' ' ) ! 100 rtti
CeutrftI Patlfiu 91 ti
A Ohio 26 2 , ' . }
< | 0 l t pfd. . . 3S ? ! < CJ
' "
Chicago & Alton . lllv
„ . . d ° . _ I'M 141 141
Chi. , Hurl , < k Quincy 1801 131 J
Chl.Ht U& > ewirlran > . , 7'J ' 78
Gin. , Sand , & Cleveland 61 50
Olevo. , I ol. & Cincinnati. . . . 8.1 } 83
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 11."I I 112
Del , Lack. & Western . : tU ay )
Denver A Kio Grande 51 03 }
Krie. . . . 2i .1-4
do pfd ft ; MI
hast I'enuoiseo 1091 1011J
do preferred H6J 1151
fort Wayne & Chicago 130 13(5 (
llnnnlbnl flc Ht , Joseph 4i ! 15
, . , do pfd. . . 81 } 7J < J
iroo 205
tloustou & Texas Central. . . . 81) ) 70
tilings Central UJJ U i J
[ ml. , IJlooin. & Western 43 m
x& & Texan 3J ( 31 ?
Lake Ei lo A Western 8.1 S3
Uko Shore & Michigan So. . . 111V 111
Louisville < k Nashville 55 Ml
Louinv , , New Alb. & Chicago (7i 05
Marietta & ClnciAnatl l t pfd 16 15
do do 2d pfd 5 5
Men phis & < hiirleitou CO -IS
MlcliUaii Ccnlrnl SI'JJ ' 'Jj\ \
Minneapolis ( & St. Louis 31 sc [
do pfd. 71 ] 70
Miitxmi i Pacific 11.7 . ; It ) S
Mobile * Ohio I 0 Il'.i
JJeach 121 121
\ . .t J'Ri. ' . ! * 53 ? 5 }
Nashville ' & Cliattauoogu 71tf 711
N'ew Jet-it v I'ciitral It ! 551
Norfolk & \Vostsrn
t preforithl
Xorllirru 1'aoific 4SJ 17
' do pfd W { J
N'otlhwrutevn 11 * j isfj
do pfd 1(5U ( 100
.Vow . \ nrk . . . . . Central l. _ J 13JA _ , .
ri. * i > I : *
Ohio Ccntrul 17iJ ] fii (
Dliio& Mississippi US ? > H
do pfd 105 105
> nt rio \Vpitcrn l'J7 127J
I'acilio M.M1 ( IJ 3D
L'aimma lli A Id ?
IVoiiii , Dccatur te Uvannv. . . SO ? ! )
t'ittBburg it Ckve'aua ' U-,8 , 118 !
llcadiu ; ; lfiCi4' id J >
lock lalnnil l.-'J iH ; |
St LouU A Sail I'mii ' .38 II ,
do | .M. . . . 58 5S
do IHI ptd 'J7JO
3t. Paul.'i M.lwaukie IWlOMi
do pfd..123 1221
3t. Paul , Minn ft Manitoba. IB ! ) 15s
jt. Paul A Ointbft 118i 1473 :
do pfd 10(1 ( 10 *
& t'acilio . ) | V 43
tJnion P.icitic .
Juitod Uiaic Exjirefs . 70 70 '
tYitbiati , St. L. & 1'iicitis. . . . 3,1 : 1J )
do pfd.G3J GUJj
tVfllii , P.icitic'I 130
'Veuti-ru Uuimi Telegraph. . . 88 8
3urihon ' '
'cntral An/.ona 'I !
.xceUior . l"i
iomi-'btako . 17 17 cm :
.ittlo Pitttburg . 1 1 ch :
ntaiio . 30 30
iaicksilver . S\ \ \
do pfd . 10 41
lobinsmi . 1 l
Jilvei-Cllir. : . a
iouth Pncific . 13 11
'tanJjrd i
utro uol
Olfe-fd. fKx. Int. rest. * Afked. | Kx.
I'oclal ' OlepatuuCs to TUB BRE.
CHICAGO , October IS , Flour Steady
nd h'rn ; comm n to ,
.r)0 ( < r5 fill ; Rouniim to fanny Minnesota
OOfe0 tO , AUnnewtft pttents , ( /0@7 25 ;
inter wluat , 1 50,5 ( 50 ; lowKrartes , 25U
1,3 15 ,
WU ° at L'nfpttle 1 , but generally b'shpr ;
egulnr , 9ln'91ic for Octobei ; 05 'Jjjo
Novemuur ; 94jjj for the year ; i Ul uir Jill
lay ; No. 2 red wfn'or , ! )3Jc ) ; x\o. 2 Chi-
aj > sprinif , y4 | 'J43c ; JNo. a Chicago 10
pring , 8jc ; rejected , 05c. fU
Ooru Active , linn an I higher ; CS C Js
oa li and October ; o'7c.for } Novenibur ; :
Oj forilie yeni ; f3Jc tor.ianuary ; 54c for
lay ; rej-cted , C7c.
Oats Fairly active and a shade higher ; 52
4i < j for casli ; 3lo for 'Vt ber ; 33gs lor but
November ; 83o for tbo yi-ar and January ; uni
o for Jlny ; rtjeited , 3Uc. mil
Kyn Stendt ; fllj. he
liirley-Steady8.rB. ; 38 ;
Hotter Hte dy , with a fair deinind ;
boic < to fftiuy creamery , 3ls33c ( ; fair to S
J , 2G@2Uc ; ( jood to choice d.nrv , 23 © GUi
; pacUiiu f.tuck , 1 @ 18 : ; cummon tii chct
air. 12@13s.
KggH Stonily ; 23c. Jo
Ki.x ( oma x/uil and droopirg ; 1 21. goi
Pirk Hironu mi't lilghai ; 23 7fi < a-l 00 'oi
iro-cfh ; 2375 for Octuotr ; 2l22i@2l25 cell
Nov mbtr ; 1HO ! fjrtho ytar ; J915 ®
17J for .fnimiry nivl I'Vbiuarv.
Lar.l Strong nnd higher ; ] 27./u-rJ83
orcaxhand October ; 12 17Jffil2 ( 20 for K >
einbui ; 11 & 0 for ti ! vc-ir ; 1 5(2)11874 ( )
.liuuiary ; 11 3"i for Keliimry. up1
I3ulk Ale.itR Firm ; ho ildtrn , 10 25 ; Bt (
hrrt ribs , 1150 ; short cle r. l52'5.
WhliUy Ddinanii fair and pi ices high- tel
; 1 19.5 . . . 0 ! . * pei
J'reiglitu liiitet mi corn to liulfivlo , 2Jo.
CAM ( , ItoAKU Wboit Ai-tivf , firm and
t-lia 'H ' liitlirr ; r i'i : ir , 91 0 lor October ; : .
| v'g9l ! tor JS'oieiuuer ; 91 0 for thu yeui ; .IT
II a ror May.
Corn Amive , firm ami higher ; G8SS ) LW :
' ] tor O.t'jlier ; I ) , ) for November ;
tbu year ; ! > Jl n , . * > u for Jauu.iij ; 5jc i
AUy. .
U.UXnilve , firm and hiplmr ; 31o for
ct jlier ; 33. . ' ; fur Xo umber ; 3H3B for tbo ,
oat ; 3Hi tor May. ' otp
Pnrk Irreculsr ; 21 00 lor October ; 21 20 iaii
November ; 1(1 ( 30c for the year ; 1 ! ) 17Jj >
January ,
IjHtd 1 Nut Renerallv chinged ; 12 r > r > ( < to
( ! 0 fir October : 1'J 1 4 for November ; -
15 for the your ; 11 30 lor .rauuary.
VOKK. Oo ob'-r 13 , Flour
U'iaily ; hiiperiine HtaUi western , 3 10 '
JIOU ; cilumon tn good nxtra , 4 01) ) %
lid ; good 10 choice , 4 ( i5@7 0 ; whlto
hont t xtra , 0 2V J" M ; extra Ohio. ! ( W ©
00 ; St. houin. 4 K nl 5U ; Minneoota pat-
iiroccaii , 7 'KX" ' t 70.
\VhoAt Opened u bhado eauior , il.'siiiK MtO
Ifohigher ! ' ; n . , : r.iJci | siirlng , .ICc ; No. : ) 28 !
Jlne-t'o oprin ; ; , 'Jiic ; No. 'JChicago nprini ; , wil
05 ; miEraded winter led , l(0cgl ( ( ) O'.t ; No ,
, 101) ) ; steamer No. 2 red , ] OlulOli ;
. 2 rod. 10iJ@103i for cortlticntej ,
0irl083 ( delivtred ; Nil 1 red , 1 12
lollvur d ; mixed winter , 101) ; ungraded
vliite , 8ic@l 10 ; Hterani'r ! < o. 3 wiite , K-'SJ ;
itearacr No. 2 white , Me ; No. 2 white ,
OUJ ; BteatnerNo , 1 whlUOU@l 00 ; No.
wblto , 1 O'J ; No. 2 red for October , 221 , .
bu. Mild at 1 P8@l 09 } , cloa. qu ( g)1 )
at 1ODJ ; do for November , 609 , .
bu. HoU at 1 ( O@10i \ , cloding at t
10i ; do for December , GOS.OW bu. hold
1 10jf@l Hi , closinjf at 1 11 ? ; do fur
January , IW..tOO bu. itold at 112J113 | ,
bbinij at 1 13 ; do for February , Ml.OitO
. sold at 1 13Jsl ( 1H , cloning at 1 lit
Cuii I Fairly u. live ; niiKrodiiil , " -'fw " 7'J ;
i. 3 , 7 ; N < > . - ' wlut. , 7'X ; No 2 , 7n. . J
J. ill vie'i'or ' , 7'Jj dulivired ; Nn 2 fir
Jeuolirr , 70ife " 'i c. fliibliit ; at 78ii'J ' 'lo
Noveiii ft , lZlrgH > ; U n-lng ut " " / i
for IJecem iitr , O iffli'OJj , c.oiiiu at
; d j for January , GJfeijjc , cl/tius at mi
i jj'tfgo letter , ! < nd fairly active ; ii
vv tern , 35 12 ; white - - ' -
Hay Mirket du'l and wait ; OOSO c.
13 Fresh wrattrn , quiet butBtod } ;
' 2fj-- ; .
I'urk lllgber and firm ; new MHU. 2.1374
feW f-0.
l ! f Dull nitd unclun.'eil ,
Out Mo t S rca and ihwj Ion , ; ct r
mhiile , 15 OJ.
Strong and hlfchei : r.rlms
UU'.UT I'lrm for line at 15ji ( 31s.
CLeeid Qjivt bus firm ; weileru flit , 5 ©
HT. LOl'IH. '
ST. I/orm. Oetdber 13. Flour.-Slopdy ;
family , 4 Oj@ 120 ; choice to fancy , 4 50 ®
\Vheit-Market ruled unsettled end
lower , but firmed up at the clote ; No. 2
rfd fall. 93j,9 , 8o for cash ; 9. < ! i 93jo for 24
Nov mber ; 95 0 for December ; 93&9 for
the year ; U6Jo for Jmuary ; 1 01J for May ;
I ! ' NX S rod full , OOgflOjc ; No. 4 rtd fll ,
Ccvn 0 eoed lower but advanced ; Cojc
for rn b ; til { < eGii for October ; 5"Srf58 o
for November ; M > ; gM/e / for the year ; 47J
@ISe for.Tanuao ! l @ 4ljo ! for May ,
Oils Mnrkpt hlyhtr ! 3.n'3lo for cn h ;
32@S2Jc ? forpctob ; 31J@3ljc or Nt.
" " for December ; 31Jc for
the year ; 3. o for M v.
Kjn-Steadj ; 6i56Jc. ( |
" ' Stoutly ; sample lots , 6'0o. "
Hutter Slo id ) ; cio.unery ,
dairy , l @ 20o.
Kggs-tjteady ; ' . '
Whisky-Steady : 118.
Pork Higher ; 21 00.
Itullc Meats -.Strong and higher ; shoiiN
lorn , 10 3"i : short rib , 15 00 ; short clear ,
and firm ! ( houldrm ,
1S5hort ; rib , 1C 25 ; diorr clear , 17 12J.
Lud uumiU nOtllltlAlj 120.
AlTfllNOO.V HoAllli Whent HNifr :
'Jljjfor October ; 'J\\a \ \ November ; 0ii@ (
! l Jo f'T ' Docambet ; ' .MJc for the > em ; y ; o
for Jaim'iary. '
< orn Higher ; i'52o for Oitobei ; 68 0
for Nuvcm cr ; 52 0) ) for the 3car ; 48Jo
for January ; Iijo lor May.
Oats -Very mow ; 32Jc bid for October ;
3lc for May.
KANHAS CITT , October 13 Wheat
Winker ; No. 3 red , 7lijo bM for ca h ; No.
't rrd , bOj I Id for cith ; SOJ'rfSOJa for No
vembtr ; S0o for the yo r ; No. i ipd 8SJ
LM for ca'h.
Corn Weaker ; f8ft bldforcajb ;
tlio year ; o'.l. o hid for May ,
Oats Ij'iuor ' ; 2le ! bid for cash ;
2iijh for Nnvtnib.T.
JUitter UnchmiQtd.
Kngs UiichftiiHO'l at 17c.
PCOHM , October 13Corn Active ,
fi'in Hid hiuhrr ; high mld , G9\fe"0o \ ;
mixed , G9eti9ic. (
Oats-Quiei ; No. 2 whlto. 3ri1@3Sic.
Kte bu ! ; No. : ' , 67jra58\c. \
118.I I light * lues Active , linn ami higher ;
lilVKHI'OOL , Octjbtr 12. Broadituffd -
Wheat Wintir , & < 5d@8a 7d ; spring , .
Com i 7H Jd.
COUNCIL ItLuiirb , October 13. The
Council liluiTn inarketH citiefully lovisod
o date are UH follows :
Flour-Golden Sheaf. 3 00 ; Kansas City
winter wheat , 275@3 25M ; iuueiota winter
.vbeut , 3 00 ® 1 00. No. 2 , 75c ; No 3. kG5c ; rejected ,
)0i ; .
Corn I No. 2 , 50.3.
Oatu ( No.2 , SOo.
Kye ] No. 2 , 45c.
Jlarlpy JJ J None.
Ugga J Scarce ; selling to packorH nt 20o.
Corn ( Muni 1 GO for > vhitu ; yellow , 1 00 ;
oru ch | > , 2o 01) per urn ; corn and oat *
h , > p , 26 00 per ton.
FHU1TSApplen , 2 CO.
IJn ] om Com 3J@9c.
Hay--LfMHC ] , 7 00ci9 ( 00.
\ \ o < - ; r > ( xm ) o t-o.
Wool 15@25.
Utitter ] UreuuiLry , 30ij ; in rollc , wrap.
ul , 20c ; rolls noirrapped , il.V ! , mixid 3
per Imihel ,
Live ] I hickcns 1 ! 50 ( < § 3 00 par
Potiitors ; Oc PIT I uihcl.
( I ibbuges 2ps ( lOc pur dun.
Tiiinif * ! ' 0c i 01 Inntif )
S 'i 1 1 Coin 7o ptr dozen.
LIVE l STOCK.Cattlo Kxtra , 800 ®
160 Vcil : Calvr a5 ' . ( > < < / . 00. llo s
'Oi..7'J. . Shci" ! l M.
ncc.l ! DI pitoliy to 'JIIK Dr.s.
CHICAGO , Ociober 13Th Drovem1
Niuruul rxportH as follow : 18
Hogs 1 -Tlifro WAS a further decline of
0l5con ( rough and light , of which tha
upply | chit fly romisted ; mixed , 7 UOGj.7 80 ,
iHfivy , 7 S5C&8 90 ; light , 7 00&7 80 ; skips ,
73 ! ? G75.
Cattle Demand improvoi and market bu
0@)5u ) higher , good to choice shipping ,
ife < 5 25 ; c fiir. 4 00@5 00 ;
Ditchers stronger uc 2 t'@i25 ' ; stnckrrn
] feeders , about steady tu320fa440 ; ( [
idlkera and springerH , 2"iOD@7r > 00 per se-
irad ; r.iiii.0 active and lOo liluhur ; Texans , (
801 SO Amcrii.ans' , 4 20@ri 20. L
Sheep Fairly active anil mm , range' .
40@4 25 ; common to falrnati o < . 3 < ( I pei
f,0 ; medium to good , 3 C0@ ! 10 ;
hoice , to extra , 4 25ff ( 1 ( iO.
tiln-govv ca ile advices to the Drovpri. ' i'e :
Nmrnal , quote a tteadv cittlu markit ,
end htcerM inakiiK 17o eitimated dcail }
lit ; iifdnor cattle , however , are not i
oiling tin an to ] ) iiy cburgiH.
TXKW YOHK , Octo'-er ' 1. ' . The Drovers' pe
rO'inial bureau reports : peOr
15cove Trie mm kct took a Kuil'ien turn It )
ipxvard ; Texan , Colorado and light native iC I
era readily ( -old at an mlvaueo of m ro do
hun r,0j per civt ; fair to good native i-teern cai :
i K rather blow at un advance of 25o caiI
cvl ; a few oailoatU of heavy Kentucky IO.J
tei-moiiiiiin mi old.
Sheep Steady ; lambs , dull and lower ; )
ominon to clioico nbeep fold at 4 00iyl ( 75 !
owi ; Inmbf , . " > 00(5,0 ( 35.
Ilogi I'.ircly Httudy at 8 00@8 75 per
wt da
hT. LOUI8.
Sr LOLIS , October 13 , Cattle Supply it.
lu ; wliiiHyliutilierrt' und ciiiiilng jjrjiliT , P
trade entire y ; butcher * paid Al
trong prices for native Meom and mixed w
' ; inuiilnt ; from it 00 4 00 ; and oannern wS3
| 2 COJrj3 fO ; uiibhiptiing xleerH tlf rtd tic
nd demand light. 511
Sneep Market slow and weak ; medium
fancy muttona , 3 50@ I li'i ; stocker ,2 25 Ni
51300 , on
Hogs Fair hhipp'ng demand , but Hie 85i
narket ruled hn vv , very ilull and lower ; wl
iirhtto beft V.irkfirs , 7 OD@7 45 ; mlxtd hami
inowin ? . 723 780 , butcheru to be > t heavy , mi
93 810. 3od
KAKHAH 1 Cuv , OctoUr 13. The L\\o \ 01M
Stock Indicator rcpoits : M
Cattle ( - Firm uctlve mid n t-hude better ;
tockers and foutlorn , 3 Xia \ 15 ; cows , V/
805i 3 30 ; Texrn st em , 3 3U@3 90. ly.
llug'i 1 Steady ; ranging from ( J 3. > ' 8 30 ,
vith the bull ; ot ualui ut 7 MM 6r . $1
Sheep -Maiket steady ; 2 75@3 25. lOa
? |
Ulsiiatchos to Tile llm.
NEwYoiih.October 13. ColfeeMarket
juiet and weak ; Uio cargoes ijuoted at 7i
jjb lotn , 8@llic.
Kugur Dull ; fair to good refmlnt ; quoted
TilWio. ) ' ' Dull and nominal. ( '
Hico Jiouiuntlc , 4 } ( , G/c ; Uangoon ,
f'ic. '
J > froleum-0uifit ; United , 91o ; crudr
rdftrie ; rclii.Hil . , 7I@8i3.
Finn ; 8 11-1G@8 13-lho.
U w'u-Fiiiri'r ; 1 ll.'lfcS 10. I
Tin pontice Firmer ; 51c , 1 ,
OK. cm. ( ,
Oil , I' 'T , Oetuber 13.Tho petroleum
market hai been fctmng und utoidy. The
ilecllno ! ' Cherry ( Irovo iiroductfon from
COO daily to fi 071 liaml ? , by giugo yes.
tfciiUy. fjlvei oo M lid nja ti In tr.idu tint
prloei in 11 't HQOI ran ta abovu $1 0 } . The
market onaiiel at 91Jj , cl.xo'l nt ii'i i ;
2 53 < ,000.
Spoilal Ul | tcli ta Tin IIK . '
JlObTOK , U ;
, Ostler 13. Wool F.rm ;
< wo ! | kiHtiiued ; ( Uiinndfconi uijiiu- la
faoturern go d ; nalas of w uk , 2,575OJ ) I
SjiwUl lH < i > tcboj to Tun
CIIICAOO , October 13. Uecelpta and
shlnmenU of flour and grain for the past
hour * have been an follows :
ItecelpU. Bhip'U.
riour-bbla . 18,000 14,000
Wheat bushel M.SCO 201,000
Corn- 28,000 HD.COO
Oats 03,000 127,000
Hyo - " 7.000 18.000
llarlcy- " t'J.OOO U'.i.OcO
NKK YOHK. October l.l.-Kooetpts and
Miipmcnts of Hour And grain for the past
24 hours Imvo been AS follows :
. . . , , , Hecelpts Shp'U.
Hour-bbls 11 000 2701
Wheat umbels 21 , ( .00 Cl.OOil
Com- " 0.000 4.7CO
Oats " ! i.0'0 fS.COO
ST. Louis. October 13. Kecolpts AIU
MifpmcnU ol Hour and Kruin for the pn
24 hours have been rs lollnw * :
Hour bbl 10000 lOOt'O
Wheat bmhbls 72IOO iCUXX
Corn- " 8,000 ' . ' , (
O ts- " 11,000 10 .
lly-- " l.roo looo
Uarloy " 11,000
KASUAH CITV , October 13. I'ccclpts
md shipments of craiu fir the p.uti' \
lours bai o been as follows :
Hcc'K Ship-in
Wheat , bushels 71,000 2i(00
Corn " 1.0CO
CHICAGO , October 13. Keccipta and
shipment * of live "lock lor tbe print 21
hours hive been as follonp ;
Kec'ts. Shipm't * .
Hogs 11,001 ( i.OfO
Catile VOO 4,200
Sheep 2,8(10 ( 2,000
NKW YOUK , October 13. licceipts and ,
shipments ut live stock for ino past 24
bourn have been as lullotvi > >
lleu't * . Bhlp't
Hoes 4ICO
Catile 1,500
Hlieo | ( J.OU )
Iteef quarter 2,120 ,
Mtittou varca i H l > i ) |
ST. Louis , October 13. KtTclpts mid |
rhipmcutn cf live ( -lock fet tbe pa t il ,
hours have boon : u folluns :
Hogs . 3,001 1,900 3'J
Cattle . 1,000 400
Sheep . ( ill ) 2,3LO .
KA.VHAH CITV , October 13. Hcccipis
and shipments oi live stock for the 2i
hours have been aa
Shipm'ta. !
Hogs . 4,7rO
Cattle : . 1IOJ
Sheep . 100
Wholonnlo Prlooi. O )
Oi'vioB * 'fms OMAHA BIT , . „
Thurjdr.y Kvc kv ; , fctober 13. |
Tbe only changoa rcporti'd in the market Jtj
to-day arc as follows :
Wheat No. 3 advanced lc.
Barley No. 2 advanced 2c ; No. 3 ad
vanced lu.
Sugars advanced j ! @ u.
Turpentine advanced 5c ,
AptH | ! udv.mced SI 00 per luircl.
Lead declined 2c per pound.
Losal Qraln UeAllnni.
V UEAT. Ca h No. 2 , 77L- ; cash No.
, C7ic ; rejected , -JOic.
L.tiiljtV. Casu No. 2 , 75c ; 2So. S ,
UYE. Cneh , 45 : .
COKN. No. 2 , fOc.
OATH. Cash , 30o.
STJIKliT PlUUKS-Com , ( ,0joite ,
S5q. . bin
Produce and Provisions.
POTATOPS-25@40c per bushel. iu
ONlONS-30(5 ( > 50e per bushel.
NKW TOSlATOKS-Sc per lb.
1JUTTKK Choice country , 22fe2So. c
JSU8 ( 2J@22c.
HONEY Califoraltt , purl ! ) . 21.
APPLIiS Per barrel. S3 003 M ) .
OYSTHUS-Sflect , TMO prrcan. ) '
WATlUiaiELONS-Per 100 , Slo 00 ®
PEAHS-Califoruia. $2 7"3 50.
PLUMS California , 2 00 j2 2 , " ) ,
G i HACKS California , S.J 00@2 25.
LKMONS-81 50500 pur box.
t Importtd UermbD 2 70 per
liushel. < Ml
QrocorH1 Liac. 10
CANNKD i GOODS Oystorn , 2 lb :
Field's ) , per cano , 91 00 ; do I lo ( Ffeld't ) ,
per case , 2 75 ; Uo 2 lb ( Ctaudard ) , per c.ito ,
75. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen ,
SO. Tomatofch , 2 SO ; do 8 lb per
iuc. 2 0 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain )
er caao , 3 0) ; to.ikeJ corn , 1 ! ) J ; do
Ih ( Vannoutb ) , per ca v , 3 CO ; ?
itriug beanu. per cane , 2 10 ; Lima bcuns to
ier : cane , 1 70. Succotash [ 3r cane. 1 8J. toCi (
I'eas , common , per case , 1 50 ; pu.'w , choice , Su
tr cafu,2 70. Blackbmrloe , Ulb , per cairn , uv
20 ; strawberries , 2 It ) , per cato , 2 00 ; >
raepberried , 2 lb , per catu , 3 50. ando
2 lb , per , 2 45. liartlctt ant
e.ira : per ci"o , 3 004 CO. Wbortlthernos do
OJS/5 ( / 75. PwicliuM , 2 tb per caao , 3 00 ; Po1
3 lb , catic , 4 OUlu I 50 ; ao , ( pto ) , 3 lb , per 1o
abe,240 ; do pie , G lb , per do7 n. 2 U. 8
BUOAKS-l'owdered I , lOJc ; Cut loaf ,
: ; Grauulatnd , lOo ; t7oiu ctIonur'R A.
IJo ; Standard Kxtra C8Jc ; Extra C.
> ; medium yellow , 8c ; ilirk yiJIow ,
SYHUP Standard Com. , 4Cc , bbls. ;
tundard do , H , gallon kittis , $2. ' 5 ; Stan-
lard do , 4 gallon IICKH , S-.OO.
FL MJK Jobli UK pricey Jack Front
. L'Hiii winter ) S3 90 per 100 ( Its , ; To-
iieka Patent lCun < aS3 85 ; Minnchahn 6c r
Minnesota : Patent ? .l.70 ; Stinwneo Fancy
liter , 83.10 ; J'agle , XXXX winter ,
53.00 , ; Tiiumph spring , best , 62.80 ; Chris ,
lian'n superlative , 370 ; bran , per ton *
00 ; chopped feed. 8 8 00.
FISH No 1 mackerel , half brli , 0 75 ;
) . 1 iiinckerel , kits , I (10 ( ; family mack.
rcl , half brlc , 4 75 ; fumily muckcrel , kits ,
c ; No. 1 white li li , half bits , ( i 00 ; No. J
white fuh , kit , 9 > c ; family wblto lis'i ' 4
mlf brls , I M ; family white ti.h , kitu , 80c ! Bti
medium scaled lierriiit' , 35c ; boloct boueleM >
, S c.
SPICKS. Pepjier , 20 ; Allspice , SOc ;
Jloves , 35c ; Nutino ? ! ' , 8J 00 ; Cassia , 2lc ;
Mace , dlOO.
LYE American , 3 31 ! ; Groenwhh , 3 40 ; 7C
Western , 2 7 < ij North Star , 2 0' , ; Lewis' '
lyn. . 4 ( U ) ; Jewell lye , 27& .
FEED Jobbing prleoH , Chop ftod ,
50 per 100 11)8. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; br n ,
, per 100 Iba.
i5T AHOU. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Glow ,
o ; Corn Starch , HJc ; EicelslorUlofw , a
; Corn , 7ic. N
GOK'i < L. Hio , fair , lln ; Kio. guod : a
; | alias to choice , U ) to 13 ; ; Old gov't )0
Juva ; 2ailj > ! lc , Mouha , 28ic ; Arbuokle's , oil
UHEKS3 Vull Oroitm , 13 0) ) Part
dklm , 13
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 11
Ohi.lce , G075o ; Imperial , good , 40c$45c ( ; 11in
Jta , 0rft7fic ; Young Hyson , ijood , 36 ®
iOsj choice" , G5c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Ixiaf , on
If 1
WOODL.NW/VKK Two hoop pull , us
111 ; thrfi. hoop p.ul.i , 2 30. Tilbl , No.
UCOj rUnoei wnslilioardi * , 1 8.ri Uoublo
rHwn200Ve'biiLlctH ; ) ' , 3 BO , 't { ,
LEAD liar. 1 pu
VINKUAK Pur. apple oitra , lOui
pure oiitilo , 13c ; Pranv > oure auulo , We.
SALT , Diuv li. * m. per Mil , 1 OS ; Ati I1.
too. In ana ke , 3 N ) ; nbln dairy CO , 5n , 8 5'J \
HOMINY New , W 60 par bbl. '
SODA Dwijhl ; TIjpapeM , 94 85 ; De
end do , $ J 85 ; Church's , $ J 8j Keg suiia &k
3 li ,
Kirk < Kbtinot. S 0 ! ' ; Kirk's tuu'lard. i 75
Kinvhlte Itu dan. ' > ; Kirk t
f-wu.-ji , P LJ Kt'UU Prairie t aetiu
100 ouvrs ) , U ; Klrfc'a luavuoliH , t Ifi
POTABil Ponnaylvaulu calm , \ rfoz. ,
tune , 3 /laln.iit'v ; iiull , 2 doIn ceu > o ,
90 : Anchor Dull.i < \ lu CUM , 1 CO. nit
FIELD 8ISKD-tt l olover , choice chf
new , 30 00 per lii hul ; mammoth clover
new. ? 700 ; whitv cbver , new , $1100 ;
alfn clover , uow , $12 50 ; alaike , nu\/ ,
81300. Timothy , good , new , J3 00 ,
blue grass , extra cfoau , $1 50 ; blue Kratm ,
clean , $1 21 ; orchard grass ) f2 50 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or MUaouri , .
80c ; millet , Gurtnan , 31 00 to 81 25 ;
Hungarian SOo
HKDOKSEED-Oaage orange , 1 to 5
buihela , $5 00 ; oaage orange , 10 tnubebi or
Trolicht & Bunker
OX *
Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In
spection to their Unsurpassable Selection. jyllcod3m
over , 84 50 ! honor locust , per lb. , S5c ! per
100 Ibs. . $25 00.
PKANUTS KotMtod , choltc , red Ten.
aosBW , lOopcr lb | fnncy whlto , lOJo per lit ;
m < * - whlto Virginia rnw , lOoj reunited ,
Dry doodt.
MHOWN OOTTONS-AtliinUo A , 8Jo ;
( Vpploton XX , 7c ; Atlntitn A , So ; llmitt
h'F , BJc ; IJuckcyo Mi. 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
'lcj Chittmiftiieo A. l > | c ; tlrcftt Fntla K ,
iic ; Hooalcr , ( ijc ; Utmost Width , 8Jo. In-
nan HcAil A , Sic ; Indian StmuUnl A ,
yc ; Indian Orchnnl d. w. , 8 0 ; Lawrcneo
liL , 7cj Myntio Hlvcr , 74cs I'enuot A , fijc ;
jlmwiimt Llj , 7c ; Utieft 0 , fijcj Wnclmn-
ill 11. "ic ; do A , 8Jo ; do K 48 , 12lc ; Wai-
'ott < MB. 8&o. &
. | s 7ic ; Alligator JM , Scj Argyll ) 4-4 , 7Jo ;
Ulnntio LI * ( > ic ; Mmlk'cr Stnto X ! ! , 7c ;
{ enuington 0 4-1 , Gjc ; Huckoyo S. 4-1 , ( ijco
ndinn Orchard AA 9-8 , SJc ; Ijioonin O
It , 8Jc { Lolilirh K 4-4 , UJo ; Ixmidnlo M.
Oc ; I'epptiroll N SO , 7c ! ifo O S2 , 7k ( do H
itl , 7iio ; do K 39 , KJc ; 1'ociwct 0 4-4 , lie ;
Vam utU4.4 IHo
In L 4-l,91c ; JJlnckntonoAA In.perlnlJtfc ;
lo do half blenched 41 1 , Ooj Cabot 4-4 , 8 j ;
i1ldollty4-4 , 9JcVrult ; of tliol./ootn,10 ; do
ati.brlo4-4,18ejdoWi tcrTwi8t,101cJreat ;
alNQlOJoIndian ; Head shrunk "l-l , 12c ;
youiiiUe. 10o ; do ciimbilo H7 , 12Jc ; New
fork Mills , 12jc ; Pomiot A,10c ; Pepperol
i G Twills , i'Jic : Pocahoutas 4-4 , lJc ) ;
'ocaa'rt ' 1-4 , Sic ; Uticn , Uo ; Wftmsutta
X X , 12lc.
UuUKS J ( Colored ) Albany 15 brown ,
c ; do C , drab , lie ; do XX stripes and
ilalde , 12ic ; do XXX brown ana drab ,
tripCH and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
Oc ; BnmHwick brown , 8Jc ; Chnriot fancy ,
"ic ; do extra heavy , COc ; Fall Hivor
rown , citra heavy , lljc ; ludiann A
irnwn 1X < " NfltHinsct A browu. 15c
'iMUKUMUo naiiwkoau A U A 32
I'o ' ; do XX blue fl'J , ISjc ; Arrownr.ta ,
io ; Cl.ircmoiit II 1J. injc ' , Oonostoga ex
ra , 17Jc : Hamilton U , Ma Lowtnton .v
, Ifioj iMIimehiihn ! , Ulcj Oniepn wit > or
xtra t- t ' . 'So ; 1'carl llivcr 82 , 10o ; 1'nt-
am XX blue Btripo , ISe ; Slietuckel S
Olc ; do HS V.'c ; Yeoman's blue VU ! , Uo
DKN1MS. Ainuahoak , bluuaud briinn
C\s \ ; Andovcr 1)U bliio , 1'jjc ; ArllnsX
luo Sootcli , 18c ; Concord OOO , blue aw
irro , 1'JJc : do AAA , do do l".i ; do XX to
ode Itjc ; llnyiimkpr'H bno ! and bniwn ,
io ; Myi.tio Kixcr DDHtrlpe , lfc ; I'uarl
ilvor , blui ) and bruxvu , lot ; Uucnavlllc ,
luo mid lirow ; ) , 1 J Jc ,
Uh lii.r.iar.1 , 5 c ; Kddy tone
uiu ; ; , 24 Inch double face , S c ; ( lanier A
Ir.r.od , 'Jo ; Mnuhuttan tjlove iiniuh , lijfo
Newport do Gc ; tie f'l.t7uu , njc ; 1'ciinot do
: I"Uwo < Ht kid liniali ( > o.
COUSET .IANS : Amory , 8c ; Andros
Buttoen 8JcClau'iulco ; , ( ! ioConoi ; )
ia ; iT.ttecni ) , "ic ; liollowol , 8c ; Inili i
tcliard 7ic ; IsurrjK nH Uiniprovvia
'cjipwrill Hatti > < ! U V\n ; ] tncUiort | , 7Jc.
1'ltINTS Aliens , io ; American , Cicj
Lruold , 7o ; Uonvlclc , 4So ; Cochoco , 7cj
touestni ; ! ! . Ojc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Uuunoll ,
iynfo ; Eddyatouoj 7c : Gloucester , Co ,
iuniiony , 5)jc ) ; Knickerbocker , 6&c ; Mcr
itniku 1) , 7c ; Myetic , Hjic ; Spratrucn , Co ;
ioultiiiridge , Gc ; do , Giiiuama ) ; , 7c ; T.Iurl-
ioro ; , 5Vc < Oriental Ole ,
GINGHAMS Ain-skeitg. 12Je ; Amon.
u4 ( droiu I'll Argyll' , ll'io ' : Atlantic ,
Cj Oiiniixirlaud , jc ; HiHlilann , 7Jc ;
ConilworU ) , 8 c ; Vlnn kott , 104o ; Qua
"CUTTONADKS Abbervlllo 13Jo
iRiitc , V,0o ; Auuirionn , lie ; ArtUlan , 20o ;
iulio 1) and T , jiu ; Clarion D and T ,
ic ; Ue'om ; Coi(9ix > HDandT , Itic ; JCoy >
tuue , KIJc ; Kantucltct , lUc ; Nonjiaroil ,
c ; Oceau D and T , 13io ; Royul , 10 1
lUbWx , , 12o ; Tiogn , lUjcVacluu.ett ; shirt-
: li.xcH ! ! , liijc ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York.
Inn. i nkin. 1-ic ; do , cltockn , utripoa and
inuy , 12Ao ; du , H o20c. .
BJ1KBT1NIJ8 AmlroHcojjuIn 10-J.271c !
11.1. lIc ! ; do t'-l , ' 'c. ; Continental C
, lie ; J'Vuit ' of the Loom 10-J. < 174i I-'ew
fork millBy8 , H5c ; do 78 , 30o , do 5H ,
'ombroku 10-1 , 2iC ; I'cfiuot 10-4 , 28)c ; do
J , 1'Jc ; do 4 < J , Kio ; Peiipereli 30 , 2'Jc ;
07. 21c ; do 57 , li'r' Uticn 0(1 ( , ! ! 5c ; do
, Mho : do4ii , 17u
iMKATU HIIIIH , Hi ; breakfant bncon ,
5clear ; xiilo Ixo'in ' , 15Ju | ; ilryxalt bacon ,
ijc ; clinuldorH , lli'c ; tieico lard , 13) .
( LUl'i ; Sinai , 4 inch hint larger , lOc ;
lincli , lie.
NKVPICICLKS Medium , In birrols ,
75J ; do In hull 1ibln , 1 2 ; miuU < , in bblu ,
51 do , iu half hbln. - ' < , tjlim ifiai , in
Dlf , 11 5) ; do , in half hhit. , 0 ; 5
cli' ; T.UHni llm , , J6 oz. . ( in , 15r.
UK loimmni. prlino to choice , 71
inir. iifc7Lj Patmu , 7-- .
TKt > i.'ti I.IUUHU , i)5c ; round ,
110 ; H'U | < irH , , ? f10. .
Cigars mid loucgo .
CIUAUb. Socdh , # 15.00 ; Connecticut ,
25.00 ; Mixed , ? : .00 ; Seed Hav nu ,
liO.OO ; Clonrllnvaiiit , ( $75.00. $
TOIIACCO PLUG. Golden Ilnlo ,
lb , Me ; Our Hope , first quality , 02o ;
itar , poupdn , 21 lb , buttsOOc ; Homo Shoe ,
ouuo21 lb , butu , 58c ; Gilt Kd e ,
B , ' ' , butts , 00 ; Army and Navy , |
B. e ; liulllon , nounda , u ; < I
unl'is Climax , ixjuiidu , fXc. ) ,
KINK OUT In pulU. Hard to Haat !
< ; GoWou Thread , 70cj Pounlaln , 80t- , i
'avorite , 05o ; llookj MouuUin , ( JOe :
fancy , CSe ; Dainy , wc. ) In tin foil ,
JatliuB O. H , , B Hi boxoe , per lb 63c ; J rJ. |
llanl'ii Tiffer. f'tOc ; Diamond Crown , ( Wo. I i
BMOK1NO All KrudoH Common , 25 tn |
3o. Granulated Jllnckwella Durham , 16 | i
file ; Dukot Durhuni , li ( 01 , 4k- ( ; Heal of I '
'otth Carolina , 10 ov , 40 ; Heal of NebraH. i
, 18 at , Siic ; Jjonotliiok , 4 ca , linen bft a
erlb , 81.115 ; Ma/lmr ( ( f 1'nok / 02. tin ! ,
, f.5o ; Uoi < T uil 06o. '
pnlnU Oil * rid VarnlthM.
OILS 110 * carbon , per gullon !
; I'M beailliKht , | * r K' " " " .
Jc ; 17f > * headliKht , per K llon , 20o.
ie < l. raw. \ > er gallon , VJ ; linnee < i , boile-l ,
lerKallon , liOp ; Unl , wlntur trM , per al ,
, 1 00 ; No. 1 , er > c ; No. 2 , 75c ; cantor ,
SXX. jwr ialloii ; , 1 20 ; No. 3 , I Ifi ; nwjiet ,
sr ( , 'ulloii. Hlo ; i > eiin , W , I ) . , per gallon.
05 ; tinli , W. U , pei H\\un \ \ , 60o ; ueaUfuut ,
ixtra , per ( jalluu , 75c ; No. 1 , fi cj lubri.
utliitf , zero , JUT . ; .ilon ! , .Wo ; Hummur , lie ! ,
to.dsu iimuhiiiH No. 1 , per Kallon , ! iriej No.
30 : dporin , HII il , ) > cr gi-llon , 8 ( > o : lei
-cntinu , p r K'i.i'.n ' , liuj ; uaptha , 71 ( pur
jallou , ISuj OJ , ic
I'AiNTri IN OH/ White load , Omaba
I' . . ; lov/hite ; lead , ! 5t. JjutiU , jniru , OJ' ;
\Ii.rh 'illae gieuii , 1 to 5 lb cau , Wo
b'renoli ziuc , B vfn nwv ! 12cj Kionch Kino ,
radaaul , lie ; Krouthme , til vaniub atut ,
> ; Ujjutdinw , in oil - > n , , 15o ; Ituw
J burnt iiuilwr , 1 . ! ciim 12c ; raw and
31tiiutt , l t : vunlyUe bruwn , S
< tainj/blM-k , VAs ; ouMiii lilai-k , l' c ;
, , ttio2. : , lO.-j dn.rblauk , ICc ; 1'
i. jjc ; ultratiutruiv blut , Ibo ; ohr > u a
U M. t i > . , ' , blinii and hutlir
. , U M. i. ! - > . , lli f 'iu ijreon , Ibi ;
i vn rott , 1 ' . ; Voutliun o i , Uc ; TUICUP
, ! & ; Aimriooi , V'uruti'iu.1 , I.&P. , Jt'c ;
uu. yellow , L. , MW. . ft D 0. , Iht ;
ouhrc ' gc'ldenlire , IB -
yulliw , 'Jcj - ; pau-ut
Jajvi , He ; ( ; raiiilnlj colorui Unlit oalc , daik
ou'c , walnut , "AualnuV and &ib ICc.
Ory ° * lnt
Wtiitu laid , GJc ; frtnuli iluc. lOc ; Paris
whiteing 24cj whltioK Kildere , IJc ;
v.biting coui'l , lc } ; lampblack German-
towii. I4o ; limpwack , ordinary , lOo ; Prus.
bittu blue , 65c ; ultramuriuo , Itic ; van dyke
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4 3 ; umber , raw
4cj8ienna , buni t , 4cj ulenuft , r w , 4o
P rl . ccn genuine , 2T c ; Purls Rroon com'
/Uu } chroma green , N. Y.1 We ; clromi
KTOon K. , 12o ; vnnnllUnn. Knc. . 700 ; Vr-r-
million , America , 18c ; Indian rod. lOc
nwo pink , Mo ; vunoilan rend , Cookson H
2Joi Tonetlnn red Am. , 15c ; rel lunl , 7ij
chroma yellow , Roniiinc , 20o ohrtiniH ycl.
low , K. , 12o ; ojhri' , tochollo Sic ; ochre
French. 2-jc ; ochre , Ameroin ! , 2. ;
Winter s mineral. 21c ; leldgh brown. 24t :
Spanish brown. 2Jc ; Prince's mlnoral So
VAHNISHlCS-Uarrels | ) or , r.tlluti
Fiirnituro , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1.
81 } coach , extra , ? 1 40 ; oacli , No. 1 ,
61 20 ; Dmnnr , oUra , ? l 75 ; np.m , 703jiw.
phaltum , flxlr.i , 8."o ; shollao &t 50 ; lunl
oil finish. $1 30
PAPKU Straw p.ipcr , 2c ; rag paper ,
lc ; dry goods paper , tic ; nmniln paper , lOo ;
news piper. 8c.
Meavy Hai dwaro Lltt.
Iron , rates , &S 10 ; plow ntocl , special
cant , 7cj crticiblo,8o ; spectator GormanOc ;
east tool do , 1520 wnjion npokon , net ,
2 25@8 00 ; hubs , per sot , 12h ; fcllocH , naw ixl
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; nxlon ,
each , 75o ; square nuts , per Hi , 7rijllc ;
uashoni. porlb. K@18c ; rivet ? , per lb , He ;
coil chain , i > cr lb , ( l12c ; iu.illc.iblo , 80 ;
Iron wedges , Co ; crowbaro , Oo ; hariow
toutb , 4c ; horsosboo.1 , per keg , 5 00 ; opting
stool. 78o ; lUirdou B horneehous , 5 50 ;
Hnrdcn'H mulcshocs , G 50.
SHOr. Shot , 51.85 ; Duck shot , 82.10
Oriental Powder , ke n. $0.40 : do. , hal
kefis. 83.48 ; do. , quarter ki'mi , tfl.88 ; Ulaat
IUK , koes , R12O : Fuse , uer 100 foot 50o.
UAUlJKD WIKK Iu lots.,8 S'J ' per
100 ; In loss than car lotn. 8 55 m-r 100.
NAILS llaten. 10 to 00b , 4 00 ,
Oak solo , S8o to 42c ; hemlock see , 28o to
35a ; hemliick kip , 80o to 100 ; rnnnur ,
05o ( to 80i ; hemlock cull , 85c to 1 20 ; hum.
lock 1 upper , 23c to 2io ( ; onk imper , 24u ;
alligator. 4 00 to fi 50 : calf kid , 323.ric ;
Greii < u kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , SOcto
1I 1 1 00 ; oiik oulf , 1 20 to 1 311 ; French kip.
1 I 10 to 1 55 ; Fiench calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rii-i
HCtlP. 5 50 V ) 7 00 ; linings , 00 to 10 TO-
topping , S ) 00 to 10 TK ) ; li. L. IHoroccii , 30e
to 33c ; pi'bblo O. D. Morocco , 35e ; , iimon ;
-rOloSIW ) .
HAKNKSiJ Not star oak , 4'Jc ; No 2
do , .We ; No. 1 Ohio onk , S.Sc : No. 2 iio ,
lt.1t : No. 1 Milwaukee 37oi No. tl o , Hlo
Merita nU r/lulti.
Thu nmrUet is brink and ml Ki.iJeA ftro
llliiL'Wi'l ) at i ulichl advimco iu p loos.
The doin.ii'il tor good hornet ] nioooilH ( hi
uupply coiiRidornmy. Priccii ruunn M ( ol.
Fine single itrhern. PICO , to I00. ! ; Kxtti ,
draft horHen. ? 17b. to 22"i. ; Commuu drift
hor'-or , 8100. to 150. ; Uxtnt faim horrp ,
U110. tol'2.r ) , ; Common 10 go-j.1 f r > u born a
3JO. to 8100. ; Kxtra plui'ti , 400. to : < j
Common I > lun | ; , $20. to 40.
MULKH. 15 to 16J hands ( oitrn ) , 8125.
to 160. ; KJ fo IB hands , glOO. to MO. ;
14 to 14 } Livida , ? 7f > . to 100. ; 1 J to 14
hands , @ ( X ) . to 75
LI uor .
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 231 iier wine
gallon ; extra California Hplrltti , 187 proof ,
1 30 per proof gallon ; triple rolinud spirits
187 proof , 128 per proof gallon ; rc-illiitilled
whlsklci' , 1 OOiyi 5u ; line blended , 1 f > 0a }
250 ; Kentucky boiirbonu , 2GO@700 ; ICvn-
tucUv and Ponusylvanlu ryon , 2 liO7 00
BftANDIKS Importtd , t 00@10K ( ) ;
domoHtlc 1 40 4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic ,
1 4roJ3 ( ) 00 ,
HUMS Imported. 4 50r Jb 00 ; Now
England. 2 00(41 OOfilumoHic , 1 nO@t ! 50
175 © I 00.
OHAMPAQNKS Jmrortnd pnr BBHO ,
2HXaJ'il ( ) ( ' OjAm3rltj , cace , 120051
1000 ,
OliAHKTS or CJMO , ) 50J)10 ( ) 00
WINKS Uh no wine , per case , 0 00J9 !
20 00 ; OaUvr-ii , per CMHO. 4 00 © ? 00 ,
Lumber ,
Wo quotq lumtiiT , lain und liingli.-s on :
c.irH nt Omaha at the fnlli-wlim puruH ;
unilar , S22 (10 ( ; 18 ft. , 3'J. ) W .
TIMHUKH IB It. and iimti-r. S\i \ ( ) .
TIMHKIt AND JOIST 1 fi. , ifV3 fii ;
1C ft . flJ.i JO , 22 ft. , $20 rii ; 21 lt.i < ) 50.
I'KNCltMU ' No. 1 , 4 nr. | il In. , 8VI 00 ;
No. 2 , 322 (10. (
SI1KI5TING No. 1 (2nd ( common
hcmnlii ) t2OJ ( ; No. 2 , MH03.
STOCK ItOAUDH , ! D , 82.100 ;
IMn. C , 835 00 ; 12-m. 15. > 54 ( ) 00.
L1MK 1 cr barrel. IM ! t5 , bulk piriius-
< 0 ; Ccniunt , bbl , 52 2"i Iowa plaster ,
lib ) , 1 M ) . Hrdr per bu , 4 ic. Tarred
felt 100 Iba. ? 50. Straw board. { ? l > 0.
COAI < Cumberland lilnclmuiltti , oil 2 ;
aiorris Ilun IJloiwburK , 812 ; WhltobreaHt
lump , ? ri P.Oj Whitobreant nut , $ r 50 ; Iowa
lump , i'i 50 ; Iowa nut JfTi&O ; Hock Spring ,
iW ; Anthracite , all hizfn BIO 50.
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , TarUrlc , OOo ; U..bmui
Copabla , per lb , 70o ; Hark , Saesafriu , iu r
lb , He ; Calomel , per lb , 75c ; Clncbonidio ,
its , $1 1.1 ; Chloroform , per lb. 110 ;
Cover's jxiwdent , per lb , ? l 40 ; Kpncii :
1-illn , i > er lb. ! ) ( u ; Glyuerina , pure , po Iti ,
! ' ! 33 ; , AuuUte , pnr lb , 22e
Oil , C.ititui , NII. 1 , per al , ftlf \ >
Oil , Cantor , No. 3 , per gul , 8100) ) Oil ;
Olive , per ial. SI 50 ; OH , Origanum , 50 ,
Opium , 85 IX ) ; OiiUdne P. A W. & H. A H. ,
pur o < , 2 'M ; Potiin iuui , Iodide , per 11
1 ! K ) ; Bahuuii , per o/ , lOc ; Hulphule o
Morphine , txsr ' . / , 83 85 ; Hulpuur Hour
per lb , 4o ; Hlrwibiiliie. ner or. , HI 35.
Murluuunwu oil , light , Hf lfio ; litnvy.c ,
( glAlfio ; mtidlum uuwa > < hod , Hiht ,
washed , choice , ! I2o ; fa r , MJC ; ti
and w , , 2Hc ; burry , hlacknnd cotted wool ;
Hldet hurt. Etc.
HIDES 'jireen butcher's hide , Ofo:7o :
cured 8Jo ; hldeu , green aalt , part cured 7o
hldea , 7io ; dry Hint , nouiid. 13jglloJiy ( ;
call and kip , l'2@Hcj dry nalt hlilot.noimil ,
W&Uo ; ( jroen call. wt. 8 to 10 Iba. . lWllci
gru n cull , wt , under 8 It * , pei akin , f/o ) |
Krocn polti , fiOfefl 25 ; greun lamb MM ,
81 Mfrl 50 ; danrnged bldci > , two-third rutu ,
cut Dcornd and one grub , clauioil two.
II inU n > U > . ) branded hl.le 10 [ mr oont. > .T
. , . , . ,
( l'ig ; iihort Htrlim , 40n : imrrow Htrlpi
druad Btripn. lOo 'I'allnw 7c.
. UMJ money anil onlur silt dirict fioin.
u , MIS tillj ] ( iionipll ) b ) rail c < tli
c u > i puwbluuuli prii-cTO all wt'bttru ' pom
I'ju liu ' 1 Vl.KHHAI.i'i'O KjciiiawCltl.Muti
"tn ttHESI CURE for
lloo i laiuo bac' . or oduonlcrcauriu
li.dl".iio liatyouur n Irtmv TJiaflJ
HGTUJPlTATi ) . u ' Jt J'f.V.WOIlTo
! p"rUHy ivtrcomo t u - > and rw
a iv alUiy action ta fttl tHe orrn m.
ItoriwaplainU peculiar
j ; poajcJ.iult will not promptly auil rcly .
llUicr 8ci. Inoontluouco , retention ol
uiliio. brick diut or ropy ilepoolt * , mid dull
atlvo power. C >
BlUlllX jLLLEllUaOIOTQ. Prlooil.
The Postoflloo Depar ! mant Readies
the Turning Point in Its
Finances ,
The Net jFeceipta of Iho Past
Fiuosl Year Nearly Two
Elstrncta From the Raporta of
the Patent and P ueion
Hell Qnto to Bo IHuminntod by
Electricity From a Tall Towor.
The "Sunday Capital" Sold Contn-
Klotis DlaoriBou In Alualciv.
til > ocUl Iljutch | to Tim Unit.
WAHIIINOTON , October 1JI. Oolleo-
tor Alorris , at Sitkn , Alaska , in a letter -
tor to Surgeon ( ijnurul Ilamilton , of
thu innrinu hospital sorvlcu , expresses
the hope Unit H inoinbor of that aor-
vioo miy bu atutionud at Sitko , and
ntatcn thnt thoru Ima bcun raging
tliuro , oonKnud chiclly , lipwovor , to
the IluBoiun orcolu population nnd In
diana , n diavuso rc'tcinbling blnok
inuiialor , combined > vith acurlut fuvor ,
innkiiiK that n tihguo utrickuu coin-
"Till1. HUNIIAV CAl'lTAL , "
whioh wiia iho properly of Thomas J.
ISnvdy , aBuiatant pontnuistor , IIIIH boini fohl In thti pulilish-
orH of Thu Army nnd JNavy Huymter ,
anil will bo conducted iu u lint-oluu
JSiindiiy newspaper , Uuvotod to htura-
turu , Duciuty und locil iuttrunta : of
NVanliiiigton. Thu twn upt'M will bo
editorially wholly inaupundunt of ono
unothcr , but will bo puhliuliud
thoHiiinu gonorul
T/io / siatoinunt if the fuKUiciii ! condi
tion of the poatolli.'o department lit the
nloHo of the liac l your ending Juno 30 ,
1832 , shown total receipts , $ -11,870 ,
4lOtotnl ; expandi'iirus , 840,039,031 ;
excess of receipts , $ l,83G,77f > .
The number cf applications received
at the patent cllioo for the fiscal year
ending Juno 31) , 1881 , including ro-
ittauua of dfRit-iui , trade niukn und labels -
bols , was 24 000' ; duriun tliu last lineal
year , 30fliW ; incroaeo , 5,1CO.
During the past year 20,000
clnimn for bounty , backpay , oto , huvo
huen diaposod ot. Over 40,000 claims
uro etill pending. TJio claims huvo
huen filed so rapidly during the year
that the grand total has boon reduced
hut 12,0110. Auditor Ferris ruouin-
niemlu that liiniu bo fixed for tiling.
warchiiiiiB , und n oupploinantal letter
will tijuenttii o HigniJiaslung the np-
piiintiiiL'nt ' of 'ill addition tl clerks to
uil the iHiro.m ou cluuiis already
pt'IKUll .
Tim light hnuso board han decided to
iglit IlellO.ite ut Nuiv York by aloo-
ncity. The to er will bo 250 fetb
"Buchupaiba. "
Quick , compluto euro , all annoying
Kidney , Bladder , and Urinary Dis-
Jiuica. Druggialg. $1.
Hptilal DhjiaUh to Tim Hen.
NKW Yoitit , Ootobur 13. The inar-
itiuio oxehangu appuala to thu public
for contribution ! ) to relieve the suffer
ers by yolliivv fever at IVnuiicola. The
following telegram was rccaived to
day :
"J'ENKAcor.A , October 13t There
o between tour and live hundred
nutv caaoB under truatmont. The ex-
ponaoy fur nuraca und Huppliua avor-
tigo JT)3 ( ) daily. Contributions are
almost exclusively from the south
and are fulling olf. There is no hope
of any abatement of the fuvor before
frost , Destitution must of courao in-
croiiuo aa tha pcstilunco is prolonged.
( Signed ) D. G > BRNT , Hoard of Health.
General Crook nnd tlie Indlaa >
Hpuclal Uixrwti.h to Tun DKB.
TCCSON , October 13 , General
Crook has issued instructions to the
military ollicera of his department
looking to the graduil eatabliahmeut
of civil government among reserva
tion Indians. Ho urges upon ollisora
the iifcussity of strict juuticu in all
their dealings with the Indiana , prom
ising they will bo huld to strict ac
count for their nets
Jacob Martzrilf , of Lancaster , N. Y. ,
yx your SruiM. llLua.sou works well
fur ovrryihiiu vuu rtconuntiut it ; myself ,
wife , nud children have ull used it , nuii
you can't linJ n hunltiiier iainil ) ' iu New
VurU itato Oct. f > , 18SO , IVce DU cents ,
trial ImltlcH 1 ' Put' * .
Tlntc dj-lrlrx to umV.o mouvy ca
gut'lti l m linu 'iiVMtuivutllu
20 , ' | Irou-lr ail I dtoonjiccuU- ) !
Ug , , o-ii Jj ta by Ojuratlisygu our
piI Kr m Mty 1 , tiSl , ro i1i pru.
WIIKA'J fi-iit date , ou liuoitm u a ol J19,00
to il.Wiasa ( irjJlU luvo beou
ins'lofover 1 tliuoi tioorl ' -
$50 liul iiivub'moui , Btlll Imvluf tbo
or > ; liul lu\o-.tinent m kiu t uioauy
or p jaliioou UQuund Kipliuata-
STOCKS ry e'rcubri anil bUtoiuontk ol I uni
Ws Mlro ) We want roipomllilo
& { iiiU. who wllruwrt onc/jpi mil
lut-o-luca tha plui L.twril eouj- .
SIOO luisalouJ laid. Aililr&di
teromalj , ilCoo |
Ul ,