Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Fub'.ithodftv tr morning , tcojA S
iuftj' womJtit ;
Vc r . tf 10.00 I Tbreo Moulhn.AR.0
Month * o.WIM'no ' . 1.0
17 WalLesdaj1.
Thw Month * . . f >
ne Vf r. . $2.00 I
IrTtlMth * . . 1.00 1 One . . '
AuemoAN NKWH COMPANY , Solo A pent
or NewfdeMers In the United States.
tiow relating to New and Editorial mM
MI MmuM "to " ndrtrpwed to Uio KlMTOR o
BUS ! VCS3 JjKirmtS All Hjulnw
tettar * and lUMilUince * Klionld lia au
nuiioil to TIIK HER POBURHINO J ov
IAJIY , OMAHA. DrulU , Chcdu nd Port
ffoo , Ordcin to ba rnarfo payftMo to Hi
rrlcr u ( the Company
fhe BEE PUBLlsilD CO , , Prop
r. . Editor.
\Vo aru authorized to ntinonn *
Senator Van Wyck to address th
citizens of the Third dmtritt on tin
IMUCB of the hour at the followh ) )
iianud plnccn :
Blair , Friday , October L'O.
Tckamnli , Saturday , Oalobtr 21.
O'Noil , Monday , October 2U.
Norfolk , Tiifsduy , October 24.
Don A. H Connor
will apeak at
Arlington Tuesday , October 17.
Columbus , Wtdndudny , October 18
Central City , Thursday , October 19
Bach at 7:30 : p. m.
I 1 Hon. M. K. Turner
irill spunk with General Connor a
Arlington , and with Senator Van
'Wyok nt each of his appointment * .
Additional appoiutnioutB will b
made In a few dttyn.
TUB Ohio idea No prohibitionist
iiood apply.
A UKMOcr.ATiu congnian moans th
loss of thut SO a day clerkship.
TUB coiaot fell into thu sun after eland
and the only damage done * wi i
shock which split off n portion of th
nucleus of thin erratic adventure.
OM tu.i IH bxpjnuuciii < { ono of hui
semi-Annual uiKUmouta for pnvini ;
Pavintr oncu "Knurl a dovl : c
bottled up prol wily will bo throw
on the
Tins iippKuru to bo an ( ff year fn
maohinu uad cranky rcpublieano. Th
trouble is that the republicans are
little off thomsolvcfl , and politics nal
orally uynipatliizj with their condi
TUB Western Reanrvo seems to liav
reserved itrt republican vole. Thoi
wa no Gin fiuld to call it out , and ill
dofsmura of the martrod prccidor. .
appealed in vain for the support of th
sturdy f at mem of Ohio.
"ASSISTANT democrats" in the tci
of n paragraph in thu Itcpnbllean. Th
Il ) ) ull\cin is anointing in inakin
more dumocratn in Nobruaka than an
other agiiucy It discounts Dee Mi.
lor'aachievemoutn in driving mumbtu
of that party into I ho rupuhlican ranki
TUB Ohicato Trilnne thinta thi
the Ohio election "will not bo withoi
useful mi ilta. If it elmll toioh repul
licans eviry whore the folly of mixu
their politics with thuir convictions i
to whut thi-y shull cat , what thvy aha
drink , or wherewithal they ahull 1
clothed. "
Ono of thu leading plunks in the r
publican convention nt Fremon
which nominated M. K , Turner f
congrotr , dunoucced the giving of ra
road PUUCH to public oillciule , or tin
accuptnnco by men holding oflico.
roforencu io and endorsement of tl :
plank by Ck'iiornl Oomior in liis upusi
at the Fietuont rally , lias called for
a column of lidLj-rtaah from the fiubi
dizod organ of the Union I'ucifi
which bxiets on ruilrond patronug
and whoso editor's nuino regularly a
' month
pears on Paymaster Josslyu's
The Bubitnncu of the complaint
that Hon. M. K. Turner at tl
last extra Hussion of the logisl
turo received and used t
railroad pastes , one from thu B , tt B
railroad and unother from the Unit
Pacific , and that nt thu expiration
the lattvr ho aent a rcqutst ticking f
Us renews ) . This notion oi Mr , Tu
ner if made iho occasion of a voll <
from tiiu Union I'.icitlo juukasuljita
on DoiJtjlr.B-ntreui. Leo us tee wh
thu grouudu tto for ull the emoko i
whether the recoil of thu uun hitai
donO uu/ro damage than its diaolury
Mr , Turnrr is iditor and proprie'
of a. weekly nov/spaj-tr published
Oolumbuti , which city is on the line
both the Unli'it Pacific and Burlin
ton & MUiouii railroi.i'v. As pu
lieher of Jiis journol Mr. Turn
like every other journalist in the ut.i
hoc been n constant free advertiser
both corporations. Uo haa publish
the time tables of thu railroads , noti
their plans und improvement * , eitoll
their enturpritef , devoted oolatnus
their "low rate excursions , " print
their rates to and front fairs and i
onions , year in arid year out haa givi
, hnir agautn ami mittigorft free acc (
ohisadvcrtieirg crlamns"doad head.
[ i return fur tliouoArids of dollars c
craUiUolin arlvortising thu valun (
which j'onu know b'th-r than th
icads of the railroad literary burcal
Mr. Turner has been magnanimous !
Ifeied from tuna to time , , frc
rani-pc.rUUion over the railroadi
n other words for every donaio *
by Mr. Turner of ono dollar to th
corporation ho hao been "accommc
dutid" in rttnni by the gift of a nicli
el's worth of fran tides which cost th
corporations iiDttiing. Both of th
null-cuds couUiti n "litorary bureau.
The buainLsa of the clerk in chnrgo i
o cat out and file every reference the
ho railroids which appear in the pa
PITS publithf d along the line of road
nnd to furniah to other editors ndvor
isitig slips to bo mccrlcd in their col
iintin free of charge In return th
proprietors are "jiccomtnodatcd" nit
ransportation which in no Hin lo in
stance han over been known to oicee
the valoo of the frco advertising given
Mr. Turner at the expiration of his las
Union Pacifio pries did request its re
inovftl , llo cxprtsely stated at th
limo that such renewal must bo un
dcisloud to bo for "valuo received ,
and not as "complimentary. " It wa
lot bocnuno of an ovurtight that th
jass won not given him. Mr. Turni
efuKod to accept transportation o
any other grounds than that of pij
ncnt for advertising , lie ao cxprosal
stated hitnHelf , and becaueo the coi
mration inanagorH couldn't BOO it i
ho same light , hu haa over since pn
forred to pay his faro. Ills positio
us been an open and above boar
ono , and consistent with the declan
ions of the platform on which li
lands as a candidate.
It i.i very rich to hoar the editor <
ho Omaha Itepublican denouncing
country editor for accepting trauspoi
ation in return for advertising. None
ono knows butter than the chief coo
of the Union Pacific organ how httl
ho newspaper pelting of that corpor ;
ion costs its managers. Wo vontui
o a\y that there is not an editor1 o
ho line ot either road who has nr
returned a hundred fold every dollar
worth ot "complimentary" traiiHpo ;
lotion given him by the Uuio
Pacific or B. & M. railwa
companies. And Mr. Tumor
10 exception to the rule , llo ia enl
an exception in that hu has rofuaod i
aolmovtlcdgo or to accept as A favt
that which in all well regulated roac
cast ia now admitted to bo a pure !
siiioEa transaction.
As to the slura cast on General Vn
\Yyck and the ohargcn made ngaitn
.he editor of this paper , wo shall hav
Something to say ohorlly.
Affairs in Egypt uro aimrueru :
down into an appearance of quiotncs
which is broken only by an occasion
murder of a European by ntrapglir
peasants , followed by their speedy a |
rohension and elocution. The int
nations that the "joiut control" wi
1)0 abaliabcd has had an oxcclloi
ilfect , while the impending taxation )
foreknow , who have hithnrlo bee
exempt from contributing to the su ]
rt of thu government r ill utill fu
thur tend to niaku tha national part
moro contented with thoroaults of tl
English conquest. Indications are noei
mulatingthat the new government wi
undur Eugland'a supervision , bo a <
uriniuterod muuh moro economical
than the old , and thut a thorou ;
wooding out of moles3 olurkoliipa at
oillctils will save nearly 200,000 a
nunlly to the treuaury But thocou
try ii not oonaidurod paoifio unouj
to warrant the withdrawal of trooj
Thin ia the toner of Mr. OUdatont
reply to the Porto. The notori *
Oulonol Viilontiuo Baker , now Bak
IVbhu , who BO disgraced himaolf 1
itiBiiltiiig a lady in n railroad oarria
iu England a mmibur of years ago ,
to take control of the Khodlvo'a ' mi
tury forcca and reorganiza a gjn
ivrmio or civilian polioo force for i
in cu&co of emurgunoy.
TIIK examination of Arabi Is pi
opi'dtiii * in Ctiro. Su far the defeat
leader hui difonJod htinaulf ubly fn
ull ctuuplioity in the muesauio und
the burning nt Alozaudria. Hu 1
boldly vindicated his conduct uj t
louder of the national patty , atati
thut oftur hia defeat ut Tel el lie
ho only surrendered the atrug ;
when ho discovered that the inhat
auts were unwilling to continue t
struggle. Au Engltah barrister , A
Broudlov , haa nailed from London
defend Arabi.
Prune m is groutly uxcited
impandi.'K ' ulcotious. Tiio liberal p
ty ii woiLing with ull their unil
strength to capture thu landtag a
presunl u btld front aguiust the 1
itlnolnta pmnuuciamento of Biimai
and the t < niperar rtspectiiiR par !
moiituiy T'xhts. It will bo runic
IK rod pronunc'umento declai
that thu | n'iimuant'a only function
to rogiutur tliu dtcruvs of the thrc
uiid that rUi ministry is biaiply
agciii' ; thnt thu munaccunint and I
prmnvation of thu royal prorogat
aru more important than alldqGnitic
of party dilLrruccs , and that all gi
urnmeht cflici&l mutt support an
candidfttoa as are agreeable to I'm
Utsnnrck. la reality , it is but t
reiteration of thu old dogma that
Hug it the state , and nothing can or
inatu octjido of him. This piincip
we may call it such , will bo tcstei
this election. The liberal Gorman
ro eager for electoral reform , at.d ar
vcn advocMina Iocl Belf-govornmen
i the potty German states , and the ;
will make n desperate fight to fore
iism.irk nnd the emperor into a re
ogni.ion of tbo legitimate rights o
irliamont. It adds to their strengtl
nd their enthusiasm that the poop ]
f Prussia are disgusted with the con
eesions made by the conservatives t
! ie Vatican nnd the insolent tone o
10 latter toward * Germany after i
iscovored that its votes in the Land
were n necessity to Bismarck. Al
indcs of liberalism have consolidated
nd they will inako a vigorous on
laught upon the govornraout forces
Opinions oilier an to whether th
iiud League is in existence or not
lit there is no difference of opinioi
vor the fact that it is no longer work
ng for revolutionary objects. Messrs
Vnell , Dillon , Ilealy , O'Connor
exton and Davitt and other Irisl
uudero are announced to hold a con
eronco at Dublin on the 17th of Oc
ober for Iho purpose of establish ! ! ) ]
armony among themselves nnd of in
ugurating a settled policy of redeem
ng Ireland from the evils uf landlord
am by conntitutional methods. Th
rork of emancipation ia to bo in th
.no of .the land act and the nrroar
ill nnd iu to bo peaceful at least , S (
eports assort. It ia the proa
oots of this action whicl
as so disgusted the extremists , am
.oubtleso induced Editor Ford to dc
line acting any longer us treasurer o
ho fund , which has been poured int
is hands from 1,000 American Lam
< oagues. A statement of the nobl
elf-denial of Irish Americana ma ;
ot bo out of place. The Irish Worlt
lone forwarded in three yearn , $ U12 ,
48 50 , representing one-half of th
.and Lcaguo branches in the Unite' '
itatos Nearly ns much moro , proba
ly , crossed the water through othe
There are occasional manifestation
n Italy of bitter feeling towav
franco. The uflair o Tunis will neve
10 forgotten. Italy beliovon , with ai
rdor born of s'ltno of the most choi
abed memories of her history , tha
ho site of nnciont Carthage belong
o Uomo , not to an upstart Wester
lower. Thcroforo , Italy ia day b
lay preparing for the war which a !
2uropo knows to bu inevitable , bu
whose date lies concealed in the fu
uro. When the great outbreak come
ho Itnlhns will bo ready , and there
ro not likely to bo found on the md
THE fact that King Ojcar , < j
Sweden nnd Norway , had his hfo in
ured for six hundred thousan
rowns , or about 9102,000 , bafor
making his recent tour among hi
tfortvegtan subjects , excited muc
comment by ita grim sigaiQcancc
liter accounts show that the dieaffot
ion of the Norwegians is steadil
; rowing more and moro serious. 1
a actively headed by no leas impoi
ant a man than Bjornsterno Bj ; rr
on , who makes no secret of his dc
orniination to overthrow , if possible
ho Bornadotto dynasty , and nbolis
ho union between Sweden and Noi
way. Thu oatunsiblo origin of th
rouble WAS the Norwegian Storlhin :
qiicntioning of Oacir'ti rigbt to oxoi
cisonn absolute veto power , but th
real puraonal animus of the matte
WAS in the king's alleged insuL t
[ ijnrnson and the lattcr'a prompt repl
n the form of a challenge. Fc
this the famous writer was sentence
.o a > ear's iinprisonmuut ; but 1
escaped to Germany , and has sim
boon allowed to return homo and r
sumo his campaign agvnst the mo :
The German Lutherans nuke tl
common sense suggestion that tl
400th anniversary of the birth of Ma
tin Luther , November 10 , 188
may well ba celebrated by
"restoration of the Cistlo chur <
at Wittonburg , upon whoso doors tl
famous ninety-live theses were nailo
The building IIM aulfored from v ;
and tire ; it has neither belfry nor boll
and is in n otatu of general domuriiliz
tion. The Prussian government h
frc < iuontly urged its restoration , b
JIM never bcoti able to do anythin
sinou the coat of the necessary wo
is estimated at 500,000 rnarku , and i
appropriation of 2,000 marks even f
unceesary ropiiru haa boon refuse
Aside from iU sacred historic assocl
lions , ull that the church now boasts
to.iutercat tourists is the bronze dooi
with thu theses represented , whic
wcro cet up twonty-fivo years ago 1
King Frederick William IV , T
Thu vaults , ho trover , contain t
tomb ] of Lather and Holaucthon ,
that thu magnetic foicj of the aeaoji
tions of thu church is conaidfrabl
A Booluty nt Wittenberg is about
appeal to Protiatauts 4.1 all the wor
for funds with which lo do what t
government cm not do.
Tl Firit on
Nuw VoiiK Ojtober 1J ! Poli
0 Hi Jo r Eugutiti 11 ley , ojuvisiud of t
suuliinu ; and clubbing n cit zjn , li
boon uoiit tt > the penitentiary for t
I > l l > atch to TIIK Ilu.
DOKfojiT , Ojnii. , October 13.-
John llurd'a elevator burned tb
morning. Lost , 185,000 ; iusurauc
Valentino nnd the Nobrnska Conau
Fruu l.
[ Communicated. ]
Tha alleged attempted fraud to tei
a contingent member from Nobraak
in the house of representatives lit
been pretty fully ditcussed by th
press of the country and by raembei
of congress , and almost universal !
with the atrongoit condemnation. Th
crime of substituting 1872 for 187-
nnd in filling a blank in n state papoi
is of tho'most flagrant character. 1
is in fact two crimes deception an
positive lying , and forgery , a pouitor
tiary tfljnsi. The facts show , in a
official pamphlet of 171 pages contair
ing the partial report of a committe
of congress , that a great wren
ngAinat the good name of the stnto ha
bion committed , and that congrocn I
determined to fcrrot out , if possible
and punish the offender * .
If a member of congress is guilty c
committing the not privy thereto , o
of conniving at the fraud , the pminll
would bu expulsion , and the crimim
suit to follow.
The testimony of Samuel J. Alex
nnder ia the key to the whole matter
llo testifies thut ho delivered , at th
request of Mr. Sshwonk , statomon
of uomo returns in his cflica in blank
that ho lefc the envelope unaealod s
that Bchwonk might enclose n lotto
of explanation to Mr. Majors. Mr
Schwonk swears that ho pjncod th
letter in thu package received froti
Mr. Alexander ; that ho did not put n
the figures required to fill the blank
nnd that ho mailed the luttOi. at Val
ley Station , caused it to bo mailed t
Mr. Majors , care lion. E. K. Valen
Inc. Mr. Majors swears that ho re
oivod the letter , and that ho foutu
ho blank filled , and that neither h
nor any onu that ho knows tilled th
> lank.
The most irregular part of thi
ransaetion is that Mr. Schwon !
hould make n long journey to Lin
coin , Nebraska , from Washington , U
> . , nt the earnest requcnt of Mr. Mu
"ore , to got what ? A certificate frpr
.ho secretary of state with the gisl
ho most important part , the vital i ;
, uo left out of it.
Mr. nammund , ono of the con
mittoe , a rceidont of a distant stale
had tound , and purely by ocnidonl
vhat the representative of the etat
lad failed to ihnoovor , viz : that thct
was no reliable cnnnui of ' 72 , but thu
hp coiieus oi 1871 had been oubst
tutod for a myth that did not t.xisi this juiirney wa ° taken b
VIr Schwenk to satisfy him becaua
atronuous opposition was expocte
rom him n * a mumbor of the mil.
ority portion of the committoo. It i
passing atratige thr.t Mr. Valentin
ihould not know that no such certif
oate could bo furnished by the seen
; ary of state. Mr. Valentine was n'
i new importation to thu Btato. II
md been hero for nearly or quit
twenty years. He waa no novice i
lolitics , but had been connected a <
ivoly with it in oflico eotkmg c
serving during hia whole reaidunc
lero. It cannot for n moment bo au |
losed that when he swears or sUti
hat "ho never worked so hard in h
ifo" as ho had in this Majors casi
hat ho did not understand ever
point to be made before the comrui
oo ; and no ono could have known E
well no ho thut no cousua was take
n 1872. This was not n side iasu ,
> ut it was the point or > which th
vholo matter turned the vital quo :
ion. The comraittoa were ready i
report , and to report favorably , on tl ;
admission of Mr , Majors as soon as
could be nhnwn that u census had bee
.ikon in 1872.
Lat us look for n moment at tl
telegram of Sohwonk after ho Ic
Lincoln. Ho had boon there raid ol
vtously his .mission hud failed. 1
lad sent to Washington sompthii
jiotvorth the paper on which it w ;
written by mail , nd now ho tcl
; raps :
"Dated NOBFOI.K , Neb , Sep. 15.
T. J. Mtjnra , National Hotel , Wash in
ton , L > 0 :
For home to-night , round all ivell.
There is no intimation that ho h
failed wholly and entirely to yet fro
Mr. Alexander what ho wanted ui
whit ho wont tor , but on the contra
it if'either strangely jarolosa or el
the sender of the telegram believi
that in nome way ho had accomplish *
what ho desired on his visit to Li
coin. Ho must have had the higho
opinion of the gullibility of Mr. Hni
mend to bo ao satisfied that n blm
certificate would satisfy him and sti
his opposition.
Now let iu look at the latter so u
willingly produced by Mr. Majors
ho oays , ' 'with some compunctions
conscience ! , " beoaueo it was prtvat
It seems to have had the ( tame pla
as the telegram that Mr. Culbortsi
detircd to ace "not in proper form
bo shown to the committee , " but n
loot or destroyed as the t'elegrar
ijom to have boon :
Wa.hlocton , D. 0. , Muy 13 , 1882. f
FileadTiiu : Vl toeu the cummitt
to-day , and they will not hold cut a
longer than Monday , when they will I
troduce the iwolutlon , I have written
Alexander , nd bo mutt fix uu an t
copyproleDdingto come from Goepor ,
time he ciu produce it , and aa 1'ut r.
tiled Illsulll lavlt whan you were here ,
will bear out the copy , and Alex can pi
duou it unil Buy that no took thi > for c
rect , oa Pat will ftV tliat be paid C'M [
$15 fur tha ccrtltbato , and that U [
stated that lie had to urho tne\ery emit !
cleric. It will make u pltuuitilo ntoi
Now , Tom , don't fail to attmil to tliU.
luva not mentioned it to anybody , K
need uot lie mention.d In connection wi
the matter , uud U wiH CIIHO no ciutra
tory fct touv'-nt. Now , 1'oni , don't f
with thli iiMtter , andeca th t fiy ntt-i :
lothU. V nw , SCHWEKCK ,
1' . a.-DjUroy thi ? .
Now , this letter , to any unprej
diced mind , boars untuutak vh.o intt
i'ill evideuQO of intentional fraud i
its face uud It ahrows nviro coi cluaiv
ly that thwo waaaporfioiundcratau
ing , that Homething WAS to bu du
tiut should Bfoure a curtifio.Uo of t
catisui of 1872 } hat would nut bear t
light. Sjiufthii g waa lo bo 'Mix
up , " and BOiuethiug waj taxed up
the firm of a forced cortiticjito I
Bomo interested party.
It is a significant f ict that Vale
tine lnov : just what Schwenk v
going homo for and why hu went
Djes any ouo in their sober sens
holiovo that Valentine , with all i
political knowledge of Nebraska , dii
not know that Schwenk'a visit to Lin
coin to nee Alexander and get a certifi
CAta of the 1872 counts would bo fruit
lets ? Dtl ho not know that the committee
mitteo had been hoodwinked by falsi
representation ) ) , nnd did ho not hopi
that the deception would last until thi
Boating of Air. Majors and them bi
ftRotten or never known ? Semi
interested party planned and dcliber
titely committed thi ) i fraud. No out
aider or stranger had nny object ii
doing it.vTncno men , Valentino
Majors and Sshvu-nk , had been work
in for months togtithor for two ob
jrctk : first , a place lor Schwenk when
no could got some government pap
nnd , Rccoiidly , a neat for Majors ir
congress , and ono was largely contin
gent upon the other.
Valentino made it the "hardos
work in congress " Ho was supposed
to know every point , and when U ?
lone vital point came dues any oni
suppose that he did not know that ttic
census of 1872 could not bo fennel
and that a fr\ud must bo committee
tocirry out his project ?
Thcra is a rather strange coincidence
between that fraud and the ono that ii
claimed waa attempted in the intro
duction of the bill to seat Majors bearing
ing ditto Match 4th 1870 , when thi
case rflframod it to bo dated Marcl
4th 1881. It cannot of course , be
and thut Valentino intended fraud ,
but the attempt to wrigulo out of ii
by the lame excuse of "clerical error'
and "having in possession two bills ,
nnd introducing the wrong ono , " ii
certainly very thin to soy the least ,
These miatakes and ' 'duricil errors'
seem to bo cons antly happening and
always on ono sido. It certainly look ;
like a prumoditHtrd cchonio to draw
enough from the treasury to compensate <
sato lor the "hard work" and cnmpcn
satu parties all round for influence ,
nud other ot coteras of the fraud ,
Tliis may not bo stated as a fact , but
there are many who have comu to this
conclusion from the evidence in tin
If Mr. Valentino had been nbovi
suspicion , and all bis movements char
aeteri/.etl by that honorable nmbitior
that is BO commondublo in public men
if hia record had been free from taint
it might be difficult to sunnlso or ac
tuaily believe thcao things , as thous
and * di ; but , there is his record ir
the land oflioe , where his work wn
worth no moro than the passing wind
IUH record in the courts of Dougla
county and in Fremont , if true , the ;
should stamp him with eternal infix
my. His record as judge in an offici
thut many loading republicans am
democrats believe ho was never elected
od to , but held the place from a bet
tor man by fraud in the mnuipulatioi
of returns ; and his subsequent ciree
.u . congrcEii , where lie lias demon
strateid hin total unfitnt > - > a for tha pout
cion. Ttio b'irt ) BU iiici'in of Iraud ii
a member i > f ron roHu ia n dee > p an <
damning diograco to nny etato , am
particularly so to a yount ; s'ata Jiki
Nobraaka , with but one repreiontn
tivp ou that 11 "ir , and that tmspiuioi
exists. Thu mveaiigati'iii ' qjvtnj al
ready 171 closely-printed pigoi and i
; o bu continued in tbo next congress
and when Valoimnu , to .1,170 hia elan
tion , applied to that comnittee foi
slean papers , alleging that they would
if laid bbtotehiBcouvoution inthoThiu
district , Bocuro Ins return to congrea ?
he met by a stern refusal. Tin
sommitteo are not through , and man ;
: iavo strong suspiciona from the prea
ont eyidonco that the blatno of at lois
conniving at the fraud will in the cam
ing session bo laid n * the font of ou
member in congress , E. K. Valentino
Ulio ovldenoo certainly points in tha
There is but ono point moro that i
presented in this cast * , and that ia verj
important. Men are known by thi
opinions of thoan with whom they as
s < jeuto. Mr. Valentine has bull ;
failed the confidence or respect of thi
man with whom ho has associated ii
the present Nebraska -delegation. I
they may bo relied on , am
tluy JIAVU been well known a
honor > , bo ! man in thia am
othur communities for yoara , thei
Valentine has n record for untruthful
ness and deception that is any thin
but honorable. This thiujj has no
been done in n cjrntr. There ar
many Nebraskans who hava how
thcuo eo'inutei of li's ' cV.facter , hot
as a public r.ud private mm , from hi
associates , and they have been of :
character to tnako Mr. Valentine' '
constituent : ) hung their heads wit
ehamo when ho w.w pointed out as
represodtativo of our young state
The question is , does Nebraska wis
such a representative ! Is the Thir
district prepared to Kond eub a ma
as their reprcsuntatlvo to esongro :
wJion a man in ovary way houornbli
with no shadow upon hia roputatioi :
and of butter ability , is a caudidat
for the high position.
* l'ho great value of MM. Lydia I
I'inkham'fl Vegetable Compound fi
all diEoa&O ) of wi men is demonstrate
by every day tuperionco. The writi
of thiii had occasion to stop into tl
principal Pharmacy of a city of 140
000 inhabitants , and on inquiry aa I
which is the most popular proprietai
modicum of the time , was answorei
that Mrs. Pinklmm'a Vegetable Con
pound occupies a most couspicuoi
place in the front rank of all the rein
dies of thisjcliiaa now before the pul
llo. Journal.
Jtclcanwat' cc7..tici tioaarlJ pcljon
tliat causcj tlio drcadfU ruairlngrhlc ! .
ocly the vl 'U - > c | riiau mtlim con roulUa.
Of the wortt f.-ms crt'iis Itrr. > ' . } i Uease
have bcoa qulcUy rcUivcJ , cad Iu kbort
O D-ve-nlwec .t hymall ,
' . . tW 1 A Ji J'.J.vtO. llui Urn-ton.Yi
ilnnulictutersind Dealers la
liruslic * , O\g \ BaJdlcs , etc. , lltrht ftuii ne i
lUrrcad on hand , or uiikJo to order. Ll ht III
uniida a upcdfclty ,
OXTO. 116 , OL6UJ3C 131
Itol a OioaUKtb
Boasters and Grinders of Coffees nnd Spicea. Manufacturers of > *
Clark's Double Extracts of
H. 0. CLARK & CO. , Proprietors ,
1403 DouiilftB Stropt. Omaha. Nob.
McMAHON , ABE11T & CO , ,
1108 and 1110 Harney 5 t. , OMAHA , NEB.
204 ITorth Sixteenth St. , - - OMAHA , KEB.
1005 Farnam St. , Omaha.
Are acknowledges to ba the
best bj > all who hava put them
to a { .raotioal test ,
Piercy < fe Bradford ,
makes a specialty of
Collars & Cuffs ,
Three Cents Each.
Woik Hollcited from all over the conntry ,
The diargts nnti rut urn [ Kietaite nnist ac
company tlie picUugo ripecial raten to
larne clubs nr agencies , me JI.KJJvS AK \
1409 nd 1111 Dodge Sttcat.
ang7-inoGm OMAUA , NEB.
l \
> % >
A Hnro Cure for till irroiAIi'K WEAK-
NiSSis : , Including I.ciirorrbirn , Jr.
regular rtinl Painful IcnMrimlloD ,
Inflammnllau nnd Vlccrutlon of
tuo Womii , riaotiiue. i'io-
T < AI > SU.S HTEltl , &e.
tVI'lca-ianl totliolnitr , ctll'Wlous n < l IramcdUtn
Inltacifc'ct , HljRcrcntlitlpln | ri'Bimncy , nnd ro-
Uerc p&ln during labor nrtl at 11 inilar pc > -0e. .
i.Miii.isrmixir num.
of i HluT H'l , I ( tieecoiidtono rcn M.y tliut has ever
before the public ) and ( or nil ilhioM-i of the
ii the Grralcrt lletnetly In the H'orW ,
Find C rent Hrllrflii IIH
will fnuluato i MTV ttfilKU ol llunioiti lioui lue
Blood , nt IheK'niotlini lll pinitnuo nnd Ircrcth to
the l jrnti m. At nmrvulluUi 1 11 1 n wi the Cuiujwu ml.
mpound and ItlujU I'urllli r am jre-
puttd nt yn and > Wrsttni Anr.n. , Ljtm , Mau.
rriceofUthrr , l. Bi.btittli - for C % Tlio Tompnunl
ia stnt lj mall In tlw farm ut pUl , or ct lore n-iv , on
receipt or priof , $1 per I ox ror rltlicr. Mw. Jlnkluun
fretly njweni all letters of Inriulry. Undone 3.cnt
nUrap. Pendforpaniplilct. Kmtlor. tltli rnptr.
. llvnua'mmar-iiiB core Constlp-
tion , IUlou4iiu ! > a aid TurpiUity of th UK r. ii cfiitd.
CD-Sold liy all _ Ilrinrg > nti . * ir H )
Embody new 1882 Itnprement . Mor.
practical te * ua ; Coni loss to keep In
i/rcvr ; UtolesH fuelt will gite moro bwt
DU a lirgir volume ol pure air U > * D uf
( ariiace nude
Sold by VJKKCEY fc BRADFOnDOm n , Nel <