Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Wo blem 'Ihe ? , Lord , who dldnt di eel
Our bullet * tin their way ;
We l > Thee , who tHJ-t nerve or.r nrms
The Ar li horde * to day
And have they heart * , those Arab whcc ?
And havf they tcnrs to hed
For th J.e who In their country n oauic
Ye * , they can irrleve Mt wo should grieve ,
Anil they con mourn ai wo ;
WOT every tear their ejes have wept
All ji.nlsp . , O LorJ , to Thee !
We nhot the rebels M lh y ran ,
Or olcw them whef they stood.
Our troops n new lied Sea nave mndo
The land la roil with blooJ.
And BO t < i dnj . fur nil Thy help ,
We think nd iiraiio Thee , Lord ,
Who imidit thftt tluKO the fiword who tnkc ,
HhouM | i Mi y the tiword.
Bios * ihU , our brave nnd glorious work !
Our vlct riei still Increase ;
Vor this , the war that wn liavn ( ouRlit ,
Wo pralso Thcc , 1'rlnce of rcaco.
Drcnmi of the Pant-
I ,
Jatr dtp * the Bitnn-t , BO Roldon anil tender ,
Wistfully chM-mloB our uplttii awny ;
So all the RlnJnof. ) nud plcnnurc ! Hau
nt wt
AH that U beautiful never c\n utAy.
Yet in iho nunihlne that near us nt noon-
(1ft V
Hccmect not o lovable , vriniomo and
So all thu j'iy and the love and the friend-
"hip , . , ,
When far away , more cneianHns ap
They who have labored well love the
( Jlaiiy they wait a nvro beautiful
morn ,
AH of the jfood wo liavo loved in Imtiior-
'Out ol the BUiiHOt the BUnrlno Is born.
'When In the twilight we lung to look back
ward ,
Then , oh , como back nRaln , lovely nnd
clear ,
Hwcotai n sunriRe that brlglitcnn forovcr ,
Dream * of the pant , onto niruln , oh , njx
A new oilor In called " ( our o'clock. "
If It's Iho color ol a man'n noie an he goon
moindtrlnj h mo n > out I o'clok In the
naming , It inunt bo n mighty brilliant
ahaclo of rod. Boston Post.
An amateur scientist sends us a long or-
ticlo written with a , purple pencil on both
nldei of twelve chnctn of legal cap And en
titled "Poisons and Their Anecdotes. "
Will thn soft-eyed inullot-bcad please call
and got it , also a lick over the eye with n ,
hot Btovo log , nnd greatly oblige the vvoary
throbbing brain that mould * the Bcluntlfia
coarse of thla paper ?
In boring a well ut Cloverdale , Gal. , the
aut-nr , at a depth of thirty foot , pawed
through H white plno log. ami tin. iuchei
further struck a trej standing on end , nnd
bail ti > stop oparutinus. It was about tlmo
to utop. If thuy hud bored n few feet
doepet they might hive ntruok a p ty of
o nin n out plaliii ; cnvim-up tinder the
trw , aud crei.tcd a i-jnic ,
"Yon .uIvi'itiFP Mint there In a fine
litrcuin "f water < m t ho | lauo , but I dou't
mis it , " rcmarkeu n furuigoi who wanted to
rent tha place. The lamUgnt Md " .hint
work thut pump I .iwllp * Hit f _ nnt you
will ceo n fmo vtranni < > f w Aler. You don't
expect , to bv.e l.'ie Nhn.irft Valid oil thu
place fur Sl.'u month , do jou--1Vxu :
Sifting * .
An vffj polkn hat ccn c.imjii'ieil in 11 r-
tin , the iiiHllo ol which just ! a ta long
anuugh to boil uuil egij properly. Wo
may now ospeut to he r of u vo l cntlot
waliz aud a porturhotuu atoak lancuru ; butte
to onok the avcriigo boarding houao uprlng
chicken , we fear that nothing lcr than a
. performance of "Poulfal" will tndicatutbe
tlnia necenaary to prepare It Bulllclently.
Thn U UBS inn rcdlngoto has reached the
zenith of ita fame.
Sniiyal cardinal Is the favorite color for
children's drenea.
The Olengarry cap of bright acarlot wool
is worn ullkeby boys nud girls.
P3A lo tim school girl describes a ttatue
* M a bust with two leys unler It.
Iarcurn ] of tcrra-cotta cixfhincro uro
much worn iver black velvet klrlH.
Uprii-nt ruffii c f lace and net show off
fair and rlundar nccka to aclvuiitaf c ,
Oriental cloth of as many colors as
JWph'ri oont it the i idlest fabric for man
ties nnd doalB.
Itretonuo jueltetii of white cloth are trimmed
mod with colored ilk tmtiroldury und
Silver b ucelotH liavo a very narrow rinir
around the wriat , from which limit ; old
coins of i ; < ild and sllyer.
lilack velvet coreeleta , Hhapcd very much
like Kiench comets , uro worn ovtr wbltd
casbmrre or IIUU'D cloth
Dark red rloth coituiueanrulirnldod with
black wiutnclie , et ou in relief , iu designs
rejirotf ntintr bunches of grnpen
India camulV hair borders , lllco those
used on India sliawlc , are fashionable trim foi dark cis
Appliques of velvet on clot !
tbe form of dlncn of graduated bl/cn In three
or four i on a on the nkirt and ovei tires. * .
KniKil llnweru In velvet , ill on ( { rounds
of Ottoman or rtppoil cllk , ura thu niont
comly uud elegant brotRdm now imported.
When n woman wants to get rid of her
huobmul for nn bour aba BcmU him up
HUirn lo ( letKomethiiif ; from the pocket of
one of her drtmsoa
'i I'oppy-red is In fiublou for cloth mid
oaibmero ilrotse and imnortvd blue oath-
meie ilretnee uro iiiniineu with bands of
Iioppy.colorcl vdvetH ,
Autiqno hea'U of lirtnire or dull silver ,
cocks nt oipper.titit deliver , and dlu < nonil-
ahiped de > igns of llhlne brilliauts are the
claaps for tvioter wraps-
Ono iniii can deceit o anitder in de mat
ter of nh friun.ltlil ] ) , but it ain't dut wy
will women. Among womendar'd purfeck
on'erataudiu' dntdo uoau put no cotilldcncu
in each other.
Tbe daughter of a Texas cattle king has
jutt returned from 1'uri * , where she my *
aho walk til through ihu ' 1'ooralooraln , and
visitoil a bloltdo wlieio she 8atv the Btitues
of Pyalo und Catherine de Medical.
A Is'uw Haven luJy refuses to permit her
daughter to go uway on a , Last time
f.he virilCii the onue home and IntUtod
upon B4tn > g with her fork and having mi
extra plutu for h r pie.
\ 'rhumoit f.iiblniuhlo In
tiling i-oci-ty
now in u baby , uud u jouii r. mother with a
pretty infant I * the > nvy of all b r nox N
li. ISutb mother and bitby must be ilchly
dreisbrd , utlicruUo tbe tuupls iiro u
woman and u brat.
drewrs nre maduvitli '
nluln kirt t ortkrui vlth velvit. nbovo
wfiicl , i > uiiituy ! braid , nnd a plain reJIn-
goto with Lraidnl wheuU dowu the truct ,
aud [ i c.ted fulIui'K behind ,
Now druDji are Je * > clitjijuio' lo thn fii-
uro tban they have beeu fw.'yuuia. H&iiU
me cut to l\e a fuller appoaranw , aud ,
the puffed tirai eiy ia Yery large , as It 1-
mnunttd ou a cuihtuu of Imir acwu to tbo
ttkirt lltimi ; ,
Gay IIOUM drcoHtu for young ladloi have
the w iup , i > l e > eii aud skirl of blue nrd red
til | > eil cavhmtro , with a corset bodice ,
deep cutf , aud bounctd-up o\eroLlit < f red
CBslunrri ) , oullo ( > od ou the edge uud bouud
' ' -vritb blue braid ,
ir "I Bay , old fellow , wucre in your sweet
heart the girl you're cngageo' to ? Kho { <
heio to-uiylit , Un't she ? " "She li. Do
you see that t londo in pink over there ? "
" 1'hat iusguific nt creatur * wltb the dark
"Ve * . By jove , old bob - "
"Mvgirl It Ibe one Alongside of ber on the
loft. "
The latin for lir idin ( { ntsnrrn the pre-
v/.lino of cloth ntrf flannel cosliiinc.i , Tal-
Inrfl prnte-t njiir t nil such trlmmlnir , but
it rcllrt'M lite plnioncM of cloth MiiU , nnd
IA dr lr. > ble proviilod it i/i / not too heavy for
comfort ,
The flornl pnnlcr is a new garniture for
evening dreMju. It beglni nt the ) > oint of
the dr < M w.ilM , is twtooned cr < m ? each
hlr , nnd fulls in two longine nn the back
nf the skill. Tlio tntiropanicr In mounted
on net , and U mido of ronoi , lilies and
leaves ,
Handaomo black inalumps tiKve n long
redititfolo of lorry velvet wilh heavy rep' ,
and a plain velvet nllrt trimmed with Inro
nxrroiv flounces ( if Hpvilsh lace. When
Lho rollntiote ii deaimie J lo bang open
from the WA ! I , Iho nklrt front l covered
wltti narrower Iliunces of lice ,
Velvet ! ! , nattn thailamcr , corded ( ilk ,
Irish poplin , and canlimcro will bo in high
vogue for fall and winter wear. The first-
unmid fabric * , for evinlng dress , ore shown
in nil tlie deHcito liutH nf pale pink , I'or-
ftlnn mauve , old bin 9 , urcain color , and fcca
JnckrtR and batquesof every description
and color are worn over skirts of a con-
trjflttng material , Tlie i-linpcH ate varied ,
iiul.nuln styles mitftblo lo every ago.
They nro severally known as Iho Austrian ,
Iho Hungarian , Ihe DIrccloirc , nnd Iho
> Tcr cy. They are invariably clone-fitting ,
are cut with a narrow collar , and button
straight down the fr ml.
The most fathiouahle perlnmoi just now
urn "Opoponax" and thut known as Kdel-
wci ' , iho cxlrncl ( if lha sweet Alptno
( lower Sachcls filled wilh powder , ncont-
Gil with tbo Rauin odorn , are Bold uNo , Ihrso
lo he placed between th fold * of ilri < f cfl
ind ninnllei wlion lying in the wardrobe ;
but direst h to to laid on Iho fnct lhat ei-
CCBR in IhU , aa in moHt other rcnpcct ? , is
vulgar , a soupoon only is p'rrriiltcd ,
Slrics [ are nit fnUm.mblo us over in nil
classes nf innterinl , anil , used In cnmhini-
linn with plain fabric" , nro vnry elf ciivv ,
especially in rich India ( ilk tnarerials.
Si'arf draperies of poll ( drilled hiirahs and
mlliu are much wnrn , and If well chosen
can accompany aorcral dilforont dro na- .
I'lnntinna , rev err , collnm , nnd culfa , edged
with colored Spanish lace matching one of
thocolorHof tlioetripcs , preferable dark
green , should bo worn to match , Tlioco
also can bo trnnnfcrrcd from one drees to
another ,
The added bequest , BO long a feature of
modern drcssmaiing , laloxing Itn populari
ty. The most fashionable jacket bodies
nre cut In one. Many of these open wnlit-
coals of coulraslicg mal iialn ; ( othrrwiso
the gilot may bo of velvet , silk , or a In to
correspond with the drefs itnclf. The
basriuo is often cut excessively short , wltb
batllomcnU lhat is , rquaro tabs cut up
lo Ihe waist line , roprewnltni ; Iho part of
Iho bodice which is to stylish. When
deeper , the batquo ia Homctimes simply
Vnndykcd , the pointfl bolug txcrealngly
sharp , and not cut up to the waist , as in
Iho nbpvo case , Thti ntylo looks bent
when mixed materials are used in combi
nation ,
Bonnet' and round hats nro exhibited in
a grott variety of novel shape * , from the
graceful and elegant to the exaggerated
aud grotesque elyles , which are wilder than
over this season ; for instance , a fa liiou-
able looking , Irregular thaped bnnnot l
known nn iho "elephant's car , " ft side \iow
ol this ugly head gear resembling an elc-
iihanl'ii oar in outline and almujt in HIZO.
There nro numberless inodilications of Ibo
[ ) o1o , which yet clings to favor , and now
und very becoming Gypsy shapes , tboso
charming and less conspicuous bonnets be
ing made with lirimn of itbirrcd oalin and
noft Aloorinh crownn of plush or velvet.
Thu crowns lo Ibo tnot faahjonahlo tound
ImtH are iniincnnely high , with brinu aa
wide aa Ihe UaluHborougb.
The Kellogg-Urignoli Goncert company
are at Boston ,
Waco , Tex , , Is lo have a now opera
bouao ready by December 1 ,
Joe Jefferson is playing at Iho Union
Square theater , Now York.
Salvlnt will appear nt the 1'lrlb Avenue
theater October 2G , as Othello.
L'tura Don'f now play , A Daughter ol
the Nile , Hceined to have scored a hit.
McCullough will play at the Grand
Opera Iloute , St. Louis , during next
Modjonka has been received wilh many
murks of fuvor by Ihe best aocluly of lion
Mine. Gerster has been engaged lo nine
at the Scidn tlieutur , Milan , for $800 a
Ijivini.i Shannnn ii now the leading lady
of Maggie Mitchell's company for Iho sea
John K. Owens is lessee of Iho Academy
of Miific , Ulmrlt'Bton. lie will play there
thU season in "JOiiuoraldn "
Mli < a Minnie IIauk will nol HIU ! ; in
opera Ibid Hi-nson , luit on Octobnr "Ii will
begin a concert season nt HciUou.
Mits Gentviovo Word will close her
present tour of tbo Kngliidi provincial
theaters on December 't , ami linn , proba
lily , will appear in Loiulou ,
The new lunor , Theodore Blorkulon , who
Is to aoouipuny Is'iljson on her American
tour , IH raid to have a remntkahly clear
and beautiful voice , Ilo ia a native ol
Carlotta Paltl , who has rttiirned lo
London , Ia lo sing ut a concert in aid ol
Cubuimlava chihlri'ii in Ht. James' hall
October It.
Miss deorgio Giwvan and { Mr , Angus' '
lua l.ovlck nave I'oeu eugared by Mr.
llnverly to act In "The Whlto Sluvo" In
his t/'allfornla Iheatcr. They will aflei
ward appear in ' Liberia , "
Hho.t , Iho charming Hoclety aclrt H ,
Iiliivod Jullol for the liriit and only tiuiu In
'hi lileliln | | Ia t Thnrbday livening ut
HiVirlj'H. Hur ciistumea tire nald to bo
In IndlniiapolU last Wrdnesday , during
thu perfiirinbiico ol My I'drtner , an ex
cited MUrouii n In the ouililotium tx
claimed , "If tint thar Miiaioiniau don't
Kit Unit gal fiar'u yulu' to I'o a light right
hyar , "
ModjfBku'rf teima nro very hluh. Dining
tlifl of l O-l llroola und Dickdbn
< il'er d hir i-UIS.030 fur thirty vvurks ; but
Hhorefu ( d , She m < ver plays on fchuros ,
although aa high as 75 per cent has lieui
olfurtd her ,
Mury Andorton has drawn crowded
houeei In llullalu nil the week the bmi-
uais having been , for that city , very re-
markuble. During the next two vvotki
MUa Andenii n will act at MoVicker'd
theater , Chicago ,
Tboio Is t lk of 1'iitti making a lour of
Mexico uud tioiitli America uft r her
engagement , There if , bow
ovir , batdly moiidy enough in both plactu
to pay I'attl'4 ttfrmr , to by mithluj ; about
thu expeiiHiu and the "proiitu" of tbe mun-
Hger ,
On the S3 Hint. Mr. and MM W. J.
Flounce will lien In a noulilu ongagemrnt
atlbeGri > nd Opera JloiiBe , Now York ,
During tlii < ini'agemeut liisy will act in
"Tho TirVot of Leave Man , " "No
'llioroujhf iiii. " and "Klloen Ogo"t
Ml < u Kate i laxt.'n'u DranmtTu company ,
thU soaiion , i miprihOd Henrietta Voders ,
Mury .Drohr , Juliut M. Kvarlu , Maria
, ML. M. Clifton , . LUlUn Taylor ,
rhi.uuin . , Mary WiUu , 0. A.
Itaodal Hubert * , Geurgo SVua-
sle , 1) nula Jtub > rt9i > n , H. U , 1'liilliu. ' ,
Jl. J. DustBu , A. W. Gruve * . H rrv
Ihonipton , OoarldH G.oloJgc , 1'rol.
lUrdy , W. Tope , M. H , 1 Illienthal iind
0,1) . Georpc.
USAdelaldo I'ldlllps , whose death iu tbe
youth wua Ktiuouucrd last week , waa an
Kngltkbwom&n by birth , but an Auierlcau
by trwioirg und Hympitthie > . .She v > &
burn in litittol , Kn > .laud , in 1SH3 , und
brought to thin country Iu 1810 , where ulio
bo an as a child her stage training at tbe
Bixtou inuteum , he remaining there for
e eu jean. In 185'J ber fine central > o
rolco attracted atteutiou , aud the wiu seul
tuKuropeto ttuuy under Garcia. After
appearing in opera in Italy she icturnedlo
Ibis counlry in 1851 , unrt wan for many
yean ucqncflllonnbly Ihe best contralto
upon Iho American stat-c. Of l te Midi
1'hilllps bad been obliged lo give up pub-
Ho engagements nn account of ill health ,
ntid her to Kurope last oprinx WAS In
qncnt of medical advice , Mi > s 1'hllllps
will long be remembered as n delightful
plnccr , gifted wilh nn excciitlonal voice ,
andanlinngo power nf invctling ber music
wltb genuine pathos.
The BapUst. ? of Vermont have juntheld
a convention in Burlington ; nd the
Univcrxallsts of Illinois have been conven
ing at Chicago.
The Kov. Mvron W. Iteej , a prominent
clergyman of Indianapolis , has criticised
very tevcrely Ihe Kvangelltt Barnes and
ills motholR , and gays he it MI prised that
Christian people should counlcnance him ,
The Bishop rf Melbourne recently re-
[ need ti pray for rain , snylng lhat nothing
mm could do would inlluoucc the weather.
It isr > ry evident that the blrhnp never
jfl Interested In a Ghlcngo race-niectlng ,
Llclifiold calliedrol si ndi 287 feet above
.he level of Ihe Hen , on higher ground thnn
my other I'ngllnh dihedral. Its nplres
mown ns "the ladle of the % ale , " are land
marks nvrr a u ! < ! e district. 1'clcrborough
itands on Iho lowest ground , III feet above
sea level.
Ou the ni t ot the present month Ihe
Iftlelh anniversary of Iho con > ccrnlion of
, } \o \ venerable Bishop lienjnmln U isworlli
imltli , nl Kentucky , will tin celebrated in
' t Paul's chapel , in Now York , where be
wai consecrated in 1832. BMiop Smith ,
\vlio is now the prrslding bishop of Iho
I'rotoHtanlKrjlacopal church , has for some
, imo relircd from the active discharge of
'tin duties , i.tul Is now living near Ibis cily.
The corner alone of thel'rotcstant Kpls-
copj Church of Iho ion , Chicago ,
of which the Jtev.Ailhiir IMtchio is cc-
, or , IIIM recently been laid amid impressive
rlluallslla ceremonies. Bishop McLaren
was expected lo bo present , but declined lo
come when bo saw the programme. This
include I a "solemn high mas ? , " Ihe inui > ic
of wb'ch ' was from Iho mass of Iho "Su
ited Heart of Jesus ; " ami a substantial
luncheon. , presumably Anglo-Catholic.
_ hi comet hag brought thousands of
Korlh Carolina negro nlnners lo repent
ance , Tiioy regard It an a forerunner of
the world's end , and nre making their
preparations accordingly.
The deacons of a negro Baptisl church in
Baltimore ray thai Iho pnslor put in a bill
for $1CO rent of hii parsonage when bo
liad paid only $120 , and they vole.1 that ho
was too dishonest to preach. Ho insisted
upon occupying the pulpit , but one deacon
snatched away bU bible and another pulled
dim out.
"liases , Oh ! " murmured a minister who
was trying the telephone for Ibe firnt time.
"What number , pleaae ! ' inquired a faint
voice from tu ) > other end uf tbo lino.
"Hadic , Ol" * h ulcd Iho parson in reply.
"Don't Icnow uny such Greek fcmalo as
'Hndite Xoe ; ' ran you give us her nuni-
bei ? ' nslted the cen'rnl oflice mun. Tno
domlnio ronpuiided , " 0 , well , 0 - , "when
be was interrupted with , ' O , 'liellol'
That's what you mean , ch ? Well I'll bo
- 1 ' Kut Iho good man had drr pped Iho
receiver and lUd ,
Percy Yergor is a good woman , but
she la not well posted about church festi
vals , aud film iu not as refined us she might
bo. Tbo KpiHCopal clercy happening to
remark in her presence that it would uoon
bo Advent , she replied : "Then we will
all havu to mortify ourselves a ain , but I
don't mind It a bit , Latt Ad mil I saved
euough out ( if butchers' meat for the ser
vants' tab'o to gHt mo a § 7.r cloak to go to
church in. " "That was Lout , madam. "
"No , it wasn't lent. Three or four of the
neighbors' wives wauled me lo lend Ihein
lhat clonk , hut I told them it wasn't
mlm , and lltd out of it that way. " Texas
The Baptist church at Hampton Cross-
lloada , Va. , was the scouo of n terrible
alfruy Sunday , during service. Jerry Coz
and Lev ! Bryson became involved in a
quirrel , and both drew pistols and fired
wildly. The congregation arose and made
a rusn for the doors , amid a scene of In
describable excitement. The air was filled
with shrieks of foigbtcncd men , women
and children. The minister during the
melee was the onlyperson | who retained his
presence nf mind , uud remained in tbe pul
pit calmly but energetically moving his
lips in addressing the people , to whom hii
words were Inaudible. The firing contin
ued for some lime , and Loverai bullets
paascd over tbo minUU'r'ii bead , who , hoiv-
cvtr , paid no heed to them , Mctmwhita
Buventl men wcro lufging away at both
Cox and firysan , npf ealing loudly to them
to dckiat from their lerrlhlework , but were
nil shoved ai > ido nnd the firing continued.
Brymm wnn finally fhot in the breast , nnd
fell , morl-lly wounded , upon one of Ihe
benci ec , bill Kulliclontly couscioiiH to
rnls'j biuieolf and fire a parting volley ut
Ida opponent , who fell dead without speak
lug a word ,
II iu reported Dial John H. Sheridan and
May Livingslon , of the Fun ou lh Bristol
Cumpnny , wer recoully married iu Lon
don , Kngland ,
Mr. Kdward II. Kngl'sh ' , of New Haven
Conn , , a son of ox-Lleulonaul Governor
Charloi L. ICncillsli. and a nephew of ex-
Governor ilumca K. KnglUh , waa married
last Thursdity nt Wntcrbury , Conn , , lo a
daughter of ex-Cougrcssmau S. W. Kel-
Al O.'ccola , CUrk counly , Iowa , on a
recent evening , n crowd uudertook to char
ivari ] { , listen , tbo counly tre.vauier , who
Imd jn t. been married the second lime , A
eon of Mr. lUtuj Ihrew a stick ill wood in
the midsl of thu hercnadern , which tlrnck a
non of .1. M , Ballou on Ihe sldo of tha bead ,
crudbing In the skull.
"I do , " aald a young man nt a Colorado
wedding , when the mluloler naked If any
body kiiovv any i reason uby the couple
should not be united. Thu objector ex
plained that Iho bride bad | romiied to
marry him ; but that was not considered n
sulLcient reason fnrbtopping the ceremony ,
which was concluded amid the tittering of
the aisemblago.
Miss Lowry horuewhlpiiod Henry Oir ,
at Gray's Fall' , Ontario , because he pre
ferred another girl iu marriage. Her two
brothers and uow lover held him fjat while
she plied the whip. That hapixincd a year
ngo , Orr obtained tbe whip , nud has since
floggel each of thu three men separately
with it , the ln l lo receive putiUliineut get
ting bo much thai be vvus innfiucd lo his
In ( if or a week. The girl then k be crime
frightened , und wrote to luk ifi-he too , wnt
to bo vvhippdd , Orr repll'-.i vhat he bad
no uui h intention , but thi tight Iu might
feel Impf He I t thrush her father nud vev-
uial of her coiiiiua uuiood they tieaUd him
with dufervnca.
A Huttvy Swell-
Jacob H. Bloomer , of Viruillo , N. Y , ,
writua : "Your THOMAS' llcuuiniiio OIL
cuitxl a badly bu.'lltnt nocU uud core throat
ou my BOH in forty-ci ht liourc ; one appli
cation also removed the p.iiu ( a very
* ere lee ; my wite'd foot wan aUo much iu-
ilanud no much to thut ULO could not
walk about the bouse ; she applied the oil ,
aud in twenty-four hours was entiiely
cured , "
The "Hawthorn Oontouuial Kx-
coleior Hoof Puint , " waa { latuutod Mny
24th , 1831 , aud ottora patent num
ber I'll , 803. Any jiemm found or
known to tamper with the maim-
failure of eaid paint will bo puniah-
od to the fall oxtotit of law. No per-
eon haa any authority whatever to sell
receipts. HAWTHOUN & UKO. ,
Lancaster Pa.
Offices 15th and Douglas
No. 307. Beautiful resilience lot on Sherman
street , near brad of St. Mary'n avenue , $2 700.
No , 314. hull lot on IBthttrcct , near Popple-
ton's. J850.
No. 810. Full aero cnDurt utreot , no r Convent
of Sacred HcartlZOU.
No. 317. Full lot on Callforn'a , near 21st etrcct ,
No. 818. Two lota on Scwnrd , cc r Saundera
No. 319. Two lots on Charles , near Saundcrj
street , 3I.KO.
ilo. 320. Ha f acre on Cumlng struct , near Dut
ton , f 175.
No. 321 , Sfz bcaullul residence lots ,
on Mt. 1' atcnue , near Ilauscom
No. 32 ? . One-hilt aero on California struct , near
CiclglitonCo ICKO $ IM,0.
No. 323. Two lots on Mnrcy street , near 13th
street , 35,000 ,
No. 320. Tuolotson Dodge , Dear Gro > c street ,
Smltti'H additt > n.
o. 325. Four acre bio k In West Om.ilii.
Choice 4 acre block In Siwth's addition at wont
end of FArnara street will fho any length of
tlino required at 7 per cent Intercut.
Alao a aplcndld 10 aere block In Smith's addi
tion on same liberal term * an tno forcifoluir.
At No. 805 , Half lot onlzird near 20th bttcct ,
No 301 , Lot on 16th street near Paul , 91200.
No S02 , Lot SOiDbO ( eet on t6th street , neat
Nlcholaa fSCO.
No 299 , One quarter acre on Burt street , LCHI
Duttou 600.
No 297 , Two lota ou Blonde near Irene etrcct ,
$260 and $300 each
No 290 , Two lota on Georgia near Michigan
street , Sim
No205 , Twelve choice residence lota on Hamil
ton street In Shlnn'a addition , fine and eighth.
83 50 to J600 each.
No 291 , llcautlful half lot on St. Mary'a av-
cnue , 30x150 feet , near Illshop Clarkson'B and
20th street , 81COO.
No 292 , Two choice lots on Park aronuo , COx
160 each , ou street railway , 8800 each.
No 201,81 * lota In Mil lard & CaldwoU'e addition
on Sherman Avenue ucar Foppleton'a , 9300 to
SIS I oacn
ft 0285 , Four lota on Decatur and Irene
streets , near Saundera atrcot , & 7" to $160 each.
No 282 , Lot on 10th near I'aul street , 8760.
No 281 , Lot 55x180 feet near St. Mary'g avenue ,
and 20th street , $1500.
No 279 , Lot on Decatur near Irene street , ? 325.
No 278 , Four lota on CalJwcll , near Sauudere
street , 8600 each.
No 270 , Lototi Clinton street , near shot toner ,
No 27fi , Four lota on UcLcllan street , near
Clondo , Kagan's addition , 92C6 each.
No 271 , Three Iota Dear race course : make
No 208 , DeautUul corner acre lot on California
street , opposite and adjoining Sacred Heart Con
vent R rounds , $1000.
No'20o , Lotontlnon , near ICth street , $1,360
ICO lots In "Credit Foncicr"and "Grand View1
additions , Just south-east of U. I * and 11. A M ,
Hailroad ncpotd , ranging from 81M toilOOOcach
and ou way terms.
llcautlful Hcaldenco Lota at a bargain'erj
handy to shops i25 to 260 each , 5 per cent don n
and,6 per cent per month. Call aud get plat and
full partloulan.
No 250 , Fuil corner lot on Jones , Near 1Mb
street , $3,000.
No 263 , Two lota on Center street , near Cum
ins street , $900 for both or $500 each.
No 261 } , Lot on Seward , near King etrcet ,
No 249. Half lotou Dodge , near ll'h ' direct ,
No 247 , Four beautiful residence lota near
Crolghtou College ( or will ac | > arato ) $8,000.
No 210 , Two lots on Center , ui-ar Cumlug
eticct , (625 and S4DO each.
No 24(1) ( ) , L3t on Idaho , near Cumin ? street
A0216. Iloautlful corner acra lot on Cumin c ,
near Datton street , near uow Convent of B cred
Ileait , $1,600.
No. 214 , Lot on Faruam , near 18th elnat.
$ J,750.
No 211. Lot on Fnrnam , near 26th ctroct ,
No.2:9 , corner lot on IJurt , near 22d' street
9t 300 '
No. 233 , 120x132 feet J Harnoy , near 21th ,
street , ( will cut It up ) $2,400.
No. 2J1 , Lot on Douglaa strtct , near 2Mb ,
f 1,000.
No. 227 , Two lota on Docutur , near Ircnu elit-et ,
$ :00 each.
AO < 23 , Lot 143by 411 feet on Sherman ave
nuo(10th ( Btioct ) . nea dreco , $4,000 , will divide ,
No 220 , Lot 23xll ( > fett on Dodge , neur 18th
etii'it ; miKe n ( fftr.
No 217 , Lotou 23rd near Clarn , $600.
No 21tt , Lot on Hamilton near King , $ 00.
No 2uU , Lot on IBtli ctrect , neur lilcholu
9AX ) *
No 207 , Two lota ou 10th , near Paglfle Btrtat ,
No 201 , lioautlful residence lot on DlvUlnn
street , near Cumlng , J-iOO.
No ID i Lot ou 16th street , noai Pl < rc ,
No 19SJ , Lota on Sauudert etreet , noir hen-
No iu't , Two lots on 17th street , nw r white
leal works , $1,050.
N > 188JOno ; lull block ten lota , mar the
barrack * , (400.
No M , Lot on E'atker , itreot , near Irene
NolSS' Two lots on C * * , near ai t rtreel
( itiit * dKc ) . < aoou. . . _
No IbO , Lot on Tier near Seward , $ UW ) .
No 170.LOI on raclBe street , near 14th ; m kt
No 16fl , Six loU on Farnam , no r 21th street
(2,400 to f. , b50tath.
No 103 , Full Mock on 23th strreet. new net
caiure , d thruo lota In OUos aidltion , ncii
Sauudeit aud Caasuu Strci'ta , $2,000.
No 120. Lot ou 1Mb tttett , near whlto i > ad
werfs , $525.
No VU , 132x132 feet (2 ( lots , on Ibth street ,
near I'oppI ton's , ifl.oCO. .
Noll' ) , Thirty half acre lot * In Mlll&rd < i cai '
dwell H ftddltlous on Sherman a > enue , wprln ma (
Saratoga trcuU , ueur the oud of green ttrcet
car track , itHX ) to Vlt > 00 each
No 3D. Lot on Chicigo n ar 22d sticct ,
1.BOO '
NoS8 , Lot ou Caldwell trr t , near Sauuderi ,
No 76 , 60x82 feet on I'aclHc , near 8th
No tib , K.gbtoeu . lots on Jlst 82d , 23d tad
nitiditn ttreetf , near Oraco uaJ.SiUuJon fltrco
bridge , AOU cub
No 0 , Ouofouith block (180x135 ( foot ) , nc.r
thoCmncnt of 1'oor Clalra , on Hamtltpa rtr t f
utar the cod tl the red ktrcvl < * r track. $1,0(0
No 1 , Lot on lUrnry , n * r Ifeth , $2.500.
LoU iu Harbach's let and 2d additioix , a' o
loti in I'aikeiV Shtnu'ii , Ntlsou'n , Kedlck'd ,
UlM. ' , LakeV , aud ll the other additioui at an }
prl csaud ttriuu.
Ecal Estate Agency ,
15th &na uoaigia Btzeets ,
Wortlul ) point to thf
A an article of such me ami excreillng merit a
de errc a pinto on ctcrv sideboard ,
A Sorlnl G1n K nf Hnl > Punch I' a
most w < Iconic accessory o ( friendly Intercourse
pcculUrl } acceptable at parties. Uncork , nnd
iraih. Punches brewed at roUwt | arc far
behind It in flavor.
Olftcil oratorj never ds ! lose
The real sour c hence their tlo | iitnco Hews
llclicvo me , it comes , after dinner or lunch ,
Krcm n nowlnif l > owl of OKA VIS' IIU11 l'Ui Clt
The name and lltlo-"llt'U PUNCH" iiBitop-
tcda ntr do inatk All linnuthorliud mo of
this tmlo mark will he promptly prcaoattod.
o , it , an.vvi:3\sovs , rosro.v , MA M.
Sold by Grocers nud Wine Merclmnts
everywhere ,
Trido suppltoJ nt Mantif icturcr's prices
by M. A. MoNan.r.ra ; f uullieBBUpplkal by
A. II. Gladstone , Omaha , Neb.
JIra J. O. nolicrtson , Pltliijurc , Pa. , writes : " !
won cullcrin ? Iroin general debility , want of ap
petite , constipation , etc. , so that1 Ilo WM n bur
den ; after usii-p Durdock Blood Bitten I felt bet
ter than for j cars. I cannot pralso j our Bitter J
too much. "
U.OIbbs. of Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : "your
Rurdoclc llloc Hitters , in chronic diseases of the
blood , liver a.l kldncjs , have bvcu ei nMly
marked with Buccess. Ihavo u od them rnjscff
with best results , for torpidity of the I Her , ami In
casoof a friend of miuo HUllcrlng from dropsy ,
tlio oflect VM marvclouB. "
llruco Turner , Itochc-ttcr , N. Y. , , rites : 'I ha\e
been subject to serious disorder of the kMncjs.
nnd iin.iblo to attend to businciu ; ISurdock lllood
Bitten relieved mo before half abottlo naa useil
feel confident that thuv will entirely euro mo. "
Aaonith Hall , Illnghauijiton , N. Y. , writei :
'leuffercd with a dull pain through my clt
lung and shoulder. Ix > t my spirits , appetite
and color , and could w Ith dltticulty keep up all
day. Took jour Burdock Blood Bitters aa di
rected , and hao felt no pain elncu flret neck af
ter usiu ? thorn. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. , writes : "About
four years ago Ihadanattack of bilious fover. and
never fully recovered. My digestive organs
ncro weakened , and I would be completely pros
trated for da } a. After using tno bottles of your
Burdock Blood Bitters thel rnprovcmcut was so
visible that I was astonished. I cun now. though
61 years of age , do fair and loiuwnible day's
C. BHckct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont , writes : "Forvears
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I
used your Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest
results , and I now flnd m xclf In bettor health
than for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' Ibave
used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous and bit-
ous ) adarhcs , and can recommend It to anyone
eq'j R n euro for bllllouincdfj. '
Mrs. Ira Mullnclland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
'For ftovoral y.-ir ) 1 hive culleicd ficui cft-iecur-
ring billious bcad .hcs , dygpgpsla , and corn-
ilniritf peculiar to my sex. Since using vour
Ilurdock Blood Bitters 1. MM entirely relieved. "
Price , ttl.oo ooi Dottle ; Trl Dotting IOGt
FQSm ! Oo ] >
, . , , rop8 ,
BDjJTAI.O , K. Tf.
.Sold nt wholecMo by lab & McMihon &udC. F ,
aoodmin. Jo
, tll.-lll ! ' . I. t. . .
'I * ' \J \ , I 1)1 I
Hull B > tUr iiu ! - -i p
Iftumvriji' i , * ' .i
or H i-i.i |
i sse MU2VH33Siiit < 232Kl
The Great -hngiiBh Hom&dy
Never falla to cuio
Nervous DeblUty. VI.
nl Kxhaustlon , Kmln-
florin , Kemlnul Weak-
lneu i , I.lO3TMAN
lUOOD , and all tha
'uvllcUutta ' of youth
ful follica and ezcea-
\iv \ $ . It > topa perma
nently all weakening.
Involuntary loujm and
trains upon the sja-
tern , tbclnov liable re-
. , 'milt ' of theno ov ll lirae-
tlcoi , which lire a Jcstruollvo to mind and body
und ma ) o llfu uiUtru Jle , ottcn leading to InBVil-
} and death It > tren tli * i the Ntrv , Briiln ,
miiuorf niccJ , Miw lei , DU'Mtlv a and Beprp
duUlveOr n , It lestares to all the otKiMs
furwtifiu tit Ir former > lor and vltallt > , raa
tnir U'J ' chocrful and enjonblo. Vrlcc , ta
'lottlt , or fotv times e quvtity W. Sent b >
exprcw , n. ure from obj < r atbn. to any addrcsJ ,
uamalpto ! price No. C. O. 1 > . Bent , excp5
on rojlpt ol (1 M itusrantm. Letters u-
wUnif aiJKwcrd ruuut Inclow sUrup.
Dr. Mintio'a Dandelion Pills
tro tl ) l * t a id chwpeit dys ] .psii ' ; d bllUoi.j
euro ! tbum rk t Sold bj all druirc- T'1"
> U u > .uU.
l > s MiMTiVa Kn.M r Rusiior , Nr.rk TiT ( ,
CnfiM'll Mud of Klunij nd bladder i-oini.Ulu
uorrhu * , gluet and leiiuorrhoa. I or aaie DJ
TISOKveSt St. LouX Mo
For SiUIn Omalaby
0. T. GOOJJIA > .
The inostceotralli locatid hotel la tbo city.
ttJOuwTOc * 1.00 , 'l 50 nd iOOp.rd >
Hnt CUM RcsUuriut counected with th
, HURST. - - Prop.
Corner Fourth and Locust BtreeU.
13 OCT. 3dOX7Z 3 XkXO.
I X rennbt nation of JU.
I tnriile oflront JVnitn
\ JtarkawlrhoiphorH *
la ftalatable form , 'J
wmrm \onluprrparatlonoftr
I that teill not blacken I
[ , > tharatttrifttrjf
\othrrirnn preparation
/ lKNTI KMhNi InrrrjT > r ctioeoi s > r w in nnxnciiw , i n > lomui novhlr To Trn ThVrrsnlbi t liar 11
\f lIxnTKH's InoMToNiOilnm. Inoumof Nprrom I'rontratlon , frrmtJe I > ta ftMwlI > 7 rpiU.u > d. > ppot <
bmffled coin * of onr rnont i-mlnenl rhrslclam hure rlxldod to thU Kre t nd lntornn riibl rjm lf.
frrcnr to ur IrontrooaralIon mmla In fvi. rarh a tomponnd an Da lUnTrn'H IRON TONIO L < a I
tamTrrmctlci. On. UHKRT8AMUKI.S.aiMSviiAh AT . 8t < . Mo . Nor.afith. 1W1
. . „ . . ft color t n tlitblmxl ,
_ MW ralhralthfltl lone to
ftodlgrttlr * organ * and
R ) applicable to ( Irnrral
9ft > illttTtosi of Appr-
Htr , rrostratlon nf t'llal
JV > ifrr anl Jtnjmtrnrr.
Breeoh Loading Shot Buns , from g5 to 318 ,
Double Breo oh Loailiiig Shot Buns , 518 from to S 75 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Buns , from SB to 326 ,
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Boons ,
_ FullStgok of Show Gases Always mi Trawl ,
Imported and Sey West Cigars , a large line of Meer
schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a
first-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price
List and Samples
la only attninml by using
Stoves and Hanges.
For B ! O by
Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc ,
aug 20 if me
Taught by gentlemen of business experience and broad scholarship at the
A now institution based on the highest standard 'of exonllonce. Day and S S
nud evening ocasionn rvre now in oucceesfnl operation. f
Kor ciiculars or special iuforn-.itlon apply to orftddrees i
A. L
HAVIN-1 chausoil our uilli to IJiinjarlan rol
ler procod' , no oiler ptrt cf uurold ma
chinery lor at o nt livr prlc''j. It onsl.ts of a
pair of llnilj flilahd and spaced mi'n ' driving
level who 19 , ( Ire i ai > d mor l < ) ninu 1 icluu face ,
three Incl a lUcii , diltlng u ninln upright rhift
aucut Kr feet lorg and flop , onu m-.tii mortlso
epu. v\hool 7 Inch facoand 1 } Irth pitch , tuoualr
4 fcot nnd 1 plr 32 Inch I urrs , tjilndlta , pinions
( Tliichfacs 1 } pitch ) , bacUau1 ! hijri gs , curbs ,
etc , comp itu , on > ! t > ur rod' , 17 foot "loth ,
7 comojors , ono two reel chest , H fet cloth , 4
coiivcvori tvo Oratlot whunt luutere , ! No.Situ
reka emutter , 1 Barnird n.coj r cihln.'stpr > -
rater andclovaiOrs , Dhafl , vtlioiN , pu.l ja , con-
vc > ors , ttc. Some of the ma liiniry hw been
uaod but allltlo over t i jean , r. ' dr.ll li in good
condition. J'cr further Information addrrsj
J , C. HOFFMA . U A C O , ,
Council BluUd , low a.
Kvcry Corset ia warranted satis
factory to Ita wearer iu every way ,
or the uionuy will bo refunded by
tbo poruon ( i era whom it was bought.
The only Corsotlironouncfd liy our lending phytj
not Injurlaui to Ihowcurtr , luiilmelonilliy Uilln ai
ho " mo t caiuroruLlu luij iwifect Ilttlm ; CciMt ever
I'llICI'.S , l > r Mull , I'o.luee TulJl
Itullh rrnertlmr , # 1.50. Silf-Adluitluff , 1.SO
AbJamlnul ( i-ilru licavj ) * 2.ll ) . Niir > lnff , * 1.5O
Health I'rvtertlnit ( One i-uulll ) f'J.OO. 1'uruzua
bLIrl-fui.porlliiK. # 1.50.
For ule by Irudlnv Itflull liultr > eieryuhcrc.
CO1ISLT CO , , Ciilcucu , 111.
OK ,
? IIB Story of the Sewing Machine ,
, , btaa anil iol-
co/e < vith OUUAI. u * * , ii ! be
* ( ' : DA 'cr It , < tt.u bnnct
or uub-oXco' Ttiu rinv < r Himuictumii ; .cre >
f < Jiy , Or wlU be iuul b ) aiill , pott paM , 10
irvs.r cn lhla < it t JliUr.w frrru our oScel
3h8 UliigurMaiiufaoinring Do , ,
Principal 'Kfleu. 34 Union Square
, . _ A Cnr Qvii\rantpoil-
Dr. E. 0.VobfB Nerve and Brain Treatment
A specific for lljtteriii , Dlulncea , Convuleionl
Nervous Headache , Menial Deprosalon , lau o.
Memorj'.Spermatorrhoa.Iiripotency , In\olnntar )
Kiclselona , rrsinoturo Old Age , caus d by over- ;
nxortlnn , solf-abuae , or over-lndunicet ! ( vAIcht
loida to mtflcty , decay and death , Ono box will
euro recent unci. Ha h box con tnj ! ono month's
treatment. Ore dollar n box , or U b-jjoo for
Cvo dollari , sent by mall prrpuid on receipt of
inl'.o. Wo pu ; rnntto slv boxca to mrc any CEBO.
A'ti | ! rtci crdcr r cokcd by ni for lz boie , c-
comjwala.l lta Hvo dollf-rs , ulll ocud the pur-
clicjir oar \\rltton iiar utco to return tha
money If the treatment ilrcii not olKcct a cure.
0. f. Oncdman , iruil3t , Solo. Wboloula nnJ
Knl roOrnohk , Nob. OrJirs by mill at
millet Ifcwlv
Electric Appliances ara tent on 30 Days' Irhl.
VT7-JIO are BulTcrlniT from NKKVOUI DnDiuTT.
W LOST ViTiurr , Hex or NKIIVR Poiic-n AMI
Vicon , WABTINU WCIEXKSSKS , And all ihcito dti.a > i
of a rxnaoML Ji'iiniic resulting ; from Aui'ies cr < \
OrilSB CAUSES. Speedy relief and complete rn\
Ibo enuiileit dluovcrjr or Ihe MnMermli Ci nturr
Cecil at once for llluttrated I'-aphlct free , Artdrj *
To Nervous Sufterers
Dr , J. K. Simpaon'a Bpec-iflo
II Is t t/OhitlT nro lor Hixnc ; toiihr i , Hesti-i
teL 'ta , IuipQt ncy , tnd ell dljcuwt ronultloz
Iron erfS-Abm. , > i Munttl Anilcty , Ue , ,
H'UipiP6ti. -n . Iho Dmk or Blrlc. rid dloevwl
,1-at , lead to
, & &stf& Consumption Iniunlty lygrafB epeclflc in
. - \ . ' - . - ' . : . . J * r J boln
' vitU ; wondn-
'M i jLi.
. till TICCCO * .
„ „ _
$101 fr o to til , W/Uo lot kSitci tsd z t tel pi"
tlculu * .
! | iTfS11 ° ° tr P i Si cr ! rck-
r K.W ) AdJrwo all orders to L
. ' " i
Jfr * 101 . i , ; ) M lu St. HuBalo. N. Y ,
bold IU Ou lij ly 0. F Joadnun , J. W. UcU ,
i S . tiw
Undertakers , -