i , THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE 'S&TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA NEB. SATURDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 14 101 [ BOOTS ! SHOES Revolution. Just opened ONE HUNDRED cases ot Boots and ShocR , comprising the vury latent ftyles , and all of the moat celebrated taakuro. invitation ia extended to all to nome and oxam- tiio our immenio stock , us wo will make I pricea lower than have over boon of- f. fcrod in this city. SVE KEEl' a complete atock of Ladies' Shoes , Gents' Uoote. Ounto' Shcco. Boys' Boots , Boys' Shoos , Misses' Shoes , Babies' Shoes , . * Every pair goiug out of our eatab- lishment is warranted to suit. You can also save 10 to 25 Per Cent by buying of us , both in price and quality. ' Heimrod & Dormann ( Sacoesaora to F. Lang ) ' Leading Supoly House of the'West ' AJS wo receive daily fresh nnpplies of " G roc pi visions. Wo Tcan uasuro the public that we do not handle any other but PURE & FRE3II PROVISIONS Oar businsea being very extensive , our lalea quick , wo can afford to offer gooia at living pricaa tp all. Wo ua > dle CELEBRATED SOIJUi-'LBll Snowflake Flou Which we always M arrant to bo ex cellent , and to give satisfaction. We have proofs that there ia no better flour in the market. Gome and Order a Back. We eonstantly keep on hand o large of California Canned PEACHES. APRICOTS , CHERRIES , PLUMS , - : > * V- PEARS. And all other varieties which VIA soli at bed rock prices. California Sugar Wo hamllujin l&rgp qaantitloa and we can recommend it all to be the purest sugar in the market Flavoring Extracts , Limburger Cheese , Swiss Cheese , Royal Baking Powder , Freeh Fruits and Vegetables , Wo constantly keep on hand in largo qurntities. Heimrod & Dormann , THE PEN .AND PISTOL , ' "ho-Editor of the St , Louis "Post "toll" Murders a Prom inent Lawyer , OoJ. Cockrill tfhoote to E ill His Vtcttin D.os in Taree Minuttf. The Editorial Room Stiut > d With the Blood of D. W. A Sonnntiim r.f the Flrnl &Tiw.nl- tuilo In "tbo Futnvn Great " itc'ulctt pi' < h tJ Tlir.lUK. ST. Louis , October III--Tho busi- ptrt of the citj' WAS ihronrn into a Biii'o if high cxoitcniptit ub ut half [ iiBlUvc this ovpninc , uy u report that John A. Coukrill , nuni'.citii ; editor of The Poat-Dispnth , hua etiot and lulled Col. DV. . Sliiybru't ' , prominent lawyer and welluonn ) politician of this city. Precisely ho > v the shooting occurred cannot bti aUteil , i'lisj even ing , us none directly concerned in thu matter will make n statement ; but Ilunry W. Moore , city editor , who waa sitting at hia desk writing , nays while Col. Oockrill , John McGullin , basinooa manager , and Victor T. Cole , foreman , were holding a business conference - foronco in the editorial room , Col. Payback , accompanied byV. . F. Olopton , entered the local roum , paased on toward the editorial room , the door ot which was closed , Mr. Moore turn ed in his chair as they passed by and observed that Colonel Slayb.ick , ai ho opened the door with his left htnd , had hia ri ht hand on his piatol packet. In less than halt A mini ) to after Slujbisk entered Oockrill's room , Moore heard the report of a piatol. Ho immediately spraug up. On entering the room ho found Slay- back stretched on the floor and Coctiill bonding over him , appar ently wiping the blocd frnmjrfiia ftc3. Oockriil asked Moore to send fnr > \ physician , which ho did , and a few moments later Dr. McCarthy arrived , hut not ut.til Slayback waa dead , having died about three nun- utcc after being shot. Mean while Oockrill washed bis haiiila and In loss than live minutes after- the fatal ahot waa fired ho nnd McGuftm entered a carriage and drove uway. I ; was said that they went before the courts nnd surrendered to the chief of pohco , but subsequent inquiries proved that such was not the 0190. It is not yet kuowu where ho IK. Col. Slayback's brother , Charles E Slay- back , prmidont of the , Merchant's Ex change , was iniine&atoly notified of fie cad ovont. He gAve directions for the disposal of the body , which was sent to the dead luan'n h < > me , , " - ' - . * * ' -TUB K. X from Cockrill' * pistol mittred Slay , back's loft sidt nour the heart , ringed upward. Whethiir it entered the heart ia not known , hue it must have entered the lanes. An immeneo crowd gathered , around The Poat- Dispitch oflicn and rdmainod there till long after dark. The dpk > rablo af fair Booma to have grown out of the publication of un editorial by The Post-D.upatch tiis ) evening , stating that Cplonei Slaybtck , in n speech at a political niuoLin in the Eighteenth ward last ni ht applied iitrong. vile and virulent opittmta to The Post Dispatch and it conductors , maltin ; ; charges which hu know to to false , and in retahati'Mi for the pnper repro duced a cwl tiublishod about u year ago by John \V. Glover , a well known young lawyer , in which the wiiter uhargea Colonel Slayback with cow ardice. TllK KUAOAS. John M. McGuilia and Victor T. Cole , at a Into hour to-night , made statements aa to what occurred in the room where the shooting took place. They a ay in substance that Slayback , on entering the room , thnnr hia coat back and draw a revolver , and advanc ing , said , " \Voll , I am here , sir. " Then , observing a weapon on Cook- rill's desk , ho asked , "Is that for me 1" to which Oockrell replied , "No , it is for uao only to defend myaoif. " Slayback then said , "You are prepared to draw , tlnni dr vr , " and Cockrill answered , "I don't nuvo to draw ; I don'f wsni to draw. Go away from here ; I don't want to have anything to do with you. " Slaybtck and Ctiiptou motuitiino pnttied forward ind urnwditd Oouknll againat the wall , Tlmu they all got into a sort of tufalo , each having hold of the ether , Cockrill being crowded moat. The Utter asked McGullin to take SlaybackV pistol from htm , and while ho was attempting to do BO the weapon wan discharged , and yhiybuck stagi'erod , < uid in a mumont toll to the floor. floor.McGufiin McGufiin eays ho did not see Clopton have a pistol but thought ho was attempting in thu Rtruvglo with Ccckrill to turn the Jatter'n neapan in such a way thm ha would shoot himaolf , McGullin obtained Hlay. back' * piatol and now hai it in his possession , W. II. CLOl'TO.V , who accompanied iSuybnuk to the Poat-Diapatch ollice , makes thn following - lowing statement ; "I was at the ollise of the deceased on buaincBa. When atartinj ; away , Col. Klayback called my attention to an article in to-day'a l'ost-J > irpatoh. lie vpoko ot tli3 reiuirka ho had nudu at the meeting last night and referred to an article in the fonner addition of the paper which ho said jtiatificd him in hia remarks. He asked ino to go with him to the ollico of the paper , 1 assent ed , On the w&y to the oflice ha said an apology for the editorial would not satisfy him ; that he would slap the editor's lace and demand an apology afterwards. On arriving at the ofiicu Slayback passed rapidly to Ilia ndi- torial room , cloalng the door after him. Thin checked my progress an instant , but I at once entered th room , ( aw Col. Blnybtck in the act removing his coat , and whilu the coa wm on his nrm heard him Kay 1 D n't you draw that piatn on roc. " Simultaneously will the to in ark Oockroll fired. Colono SUybnck closed with Cock roll and ctught hold of Cockrell at once , fora ing his right arm against the window to pravont his shooting Rgain. could not reach the pistol , but caugh CccLroll between the ulbtvrs atu wrist , and hold him so until I san hat Oolonnl Slaybftck had boon shot When 1 released Oookrnll I g vo mj at'i'Mtion ' to Slabixck , oaacd him tt the It ior , rested bin htUd on my knno and hi'ld him so until ho dli'd. Col ml Slaybxrk did not assault Oock roll until after hu was chat , thoui > l thun morlnlly wounded. Oolotu * ' .S'liybick ' hhowod no pistol , and a < far'ns I knovr was unarmed , " Tin : MiTunnuKU. Coekorill hai bjun in cntiforuu-jp with hia counsel montof tlmui ht , nnd the latest advices statoitwaa nrr&ngod tint ho should enrrcmlor himiolf IT the tuithoritlcB 1 o'clock. Wnnlhor this \Mis iiutuitlly done in not nor ? known , but if it ha ; ) not ho will surren der himself early in the morning. Colonel Slnyluck uaaomiof the bet1 known men in the city , llu was inn partuur of Jumus O Broadhead , who ia ciindM.kto for c ) ireoa ) in th" Ninth district , and was once n candidate in the smno distiict himself ngains * [ Craatua Wells. Hn wua n warm icarlcd , impulsive man , and in the ioat of a political discutsion a very "rco talker , which wn rually the cause of to-day's sad event. The opinion seems largely to prevail that hu WAR .ho aggressor in the case , but many attribute the trasjouy quite as much o the strong personal journalism of The Post-DispAtch. _ POLITICAL NuTSF. The Hr-Mtlt iu Ohio. [ pedal Dispatch to Tin Unr. COI.UMIICH , October 13. The rlli- cial vote of Stark county was received tt the damucratic heudquarters to- light , which completes the i fl'uiiil rote of the Eighteenth district. It hews the elf ction of McKinlcy over Vailaco for c ingress by eight votes. V contoat ia tulkod of. Tuia makes the Ohio delegation aland oiylit republicans - licans to thirteen democrats. On thu returns received it is estimated that the dcmocrd-ic nnjutitv in the will bo about 17,000. Election ia West Virginia- flpccicl Dispatch to THE CKB. NViiEELiNd , October 1 ! ! . The ma jority for General Golf , republican candidate in thin district , continues to increase as the returns come in. Thu chances are remarkable and run through nearly every county in the district. For instance : Wotzol coun ty , the democratic Gibraltar of the die trie' , only returns u democratic majority of 304 against over 800 two years ago. Again , only three ot the nlovon counties of the district have | L'ivan uai&ocratio mojqrilias. cnd'.hwo much reduced. Gofra majority will bo about 1,850. The last news from the Second dis trict looka favorable for John W. Ma son , republican. His majority will be about 00. Hia opponent is Presi dent W. L. Wilson , ot the state uni- Torsity. The latest from the Fourth district , where Judge Loomla , of Parkcrsburg , was the republican candidate , againsi Eustace Gibapn , shown a largo cut in the democratic vote , but not enough to elect Looinis. The democratic ma jority in the state will bo reduced 0,000 or 7,000. Kenna , democrat , goes back from thn Third district. A. Trying Soeno. Special Dispatch to TUB Dull. Nn\v YOIIK , October 13 , Suit was begun in the superior o-urt this morn ing by Murio 1'roscott , the actreea , ugainat Pruaidont Toucay , of the American Nuwa company , She claims $10,000 damagoa for circulating apapur called "Nym Crinkle , " containing an article ntlecting on her character. Judge Fullerton , couneol for the de- fonau said the propur person fur her to QUO under the circumstances waa the publisher of the p ipor , but un she had sued his client , ho proposed to prove the truth of the article and that the plaintiil' was not a chut to woman. On the contrary ho eaid ho would show that she lnd : been mistress - tress of aovoral mon. Upon hearing Una Miss Prcsoott grow rod and her eyes filled 'vitli tears. A little boy who sat by her side , nnd who won aaid to bo her own Hon , noticing her tears , began to woup in sympathy with her. VOI.OKll'h M.FKAT CElirAIN. The Evoiiin-.i Post uas thu wlection of Folger appears to-day utterly un- poesiblo. Kvun thu pirty nunagors know it , although they do not openly say r.o. The defections in the ropnb ranks are enormous. Dnilnr Ezploiiou , H | > ciit Diijaali to TIM Uur KriiiNOKJKi.i ) , Ills , October 13 A frightful builor cxi > lonion ocsurrod in a mill near I'jtembun ; this morn- irig , resulting in thn killing of two men and the noriou * injury of throe otheru. _ Prudery Hobukod , gpbdiJ lieatch | to Tim lixt , TOUO.NTO , Out , Ostobiir 13 At a meeting of the university nenato a report from the special committuu Wai submitted reRomiaending that the 'Lady of the Into" bo allowed aa nil altcrnrttivo with "Marmlou" at ma- tnuuliiion ciamiimt-iona , The repor win rejected , the tlf ct being that tht senate ( liclinca'to interfere and "Mar raion" ia retained. _ Tow Mnob Druto fijurt * iNpitch to TIM Urti. NEft'roKr , 11. I. , Outober 12.At Aquidmck park to-day great excite ment was caused by an attempt to lynch a young man named George A. T \v. \ who , ao special ollicer , made EH attack upon a boy wuh a club. Tew wae obliged to take icfugo in a neighboring - boring farm houeo , whnr.i ho was pro tected by the regular olliceri. Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned and Occupied by 1 1 B WHOLESALE Notions'and Furnishing Goods , - AT- ST. , MO. , The Hrinhtort Lighted , "Boat Appointed Jobbing House in Amorioi , containing the arcost Slock of Dry Goods nnd Notions \\ost of the Mioniouippi. So'o ' mauuf.iclurora of Uio celebrated McDonald's Overalls , Duck , Denim and Cottonade Pants , GYGLONE ULSTERS , LIPiED SUITS AND GHEVIOT SHIRTS , n all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac tion guaranteed , Remember ; _ E. L. McDONALD & CO. , St. Joseph. Mo. FOREIGN HEWS. he Doming Conference of Irish Leaders at Dublin a Most Important Ono , DotaiLi of the Scheme , to Or ganize Under a New Name. The Government Much Pleased Over the Improved Condi tion of Ireland. The Proposed Channel. Tunnel Bqtielohed by the Military Oommitteei'-w The Egyptian Authorities Gather- In B up All Prominent Robols. Too Usual Quantity of General Items. AFFAIRS IN IRELAND. potlat Dispatches to Tin ; lire. THE COMINO IIiIHlI CONVKNTION. ionuN , October 13 , It is expected 1,200 to 1,500 poreons will attend the lational conference next week. The main purpose of the conforcnco will bo u establish n now organizition to bo mown ns tbo National Lsagua and > rovido for the election of a national convention which shall cheese the executive of the now league. An ac count of the expenditures of the Land jcaguo fund will bo rendered at the .onforonca. The principal object of ho now league will bo u vigorous agi- ; ation for redress of grievances , the abolition of landlordism and the 1m- irovomontof the condition of laborers , 'radical measure.1) will bo proposed Ud a doGnilo policy marked out. 'laus will bo submitted for the revival f Irish industries and promotion of lomo manufactures. It is understood a cliujolution cf the homo rule league will bo announced at the conference. IlKTAIUi or TUK rKOUKAMMK. Invitations for the national confer- nco next week have been eent to ,500 persons , including nil delegates o the national convention of 1881 nd all BUBpootB imprisoned during the dministration of Korstor as chief aec- utaiy. Tito main buminocn before the onfcronco will bp a prnpnsition to ound u now uatioim ! organization , jrobably under the titlu of the Irish National League , The conference vill bo invited to select an orgonixing committco to selllo the ilotaiiu of the now or/juni/.Uion. / The committee will bo empowered to summonu a reg ularly elected cpnvention , which will chooao an executive , to whoso guid ance the aft'aira of the leagua will be runted A statement of the balance if the Land League funds now on lard will ba submitted to the conference , nnd a detailed account of the expenditures made to the new executive fur audit. Subscribers to Mansion honsofund will bo iptofadt entitled to membership in the new organization , It in believed the prin cipal object of the Irish league will bo uosecutiun of vigorous agitation for iniendmont to the land act as prelim- nary to the abolition of landlordism > y purchase , Special stress will ba laid on the definition of Ilcaly's clause , BO & 3 to aociiro to tenanU the entire va'uo ' of their past and future im- irovemuitf , admission of lease- iolders to the benefit of the act and advauro of the entire purchase money ) y the state at a low rutu of interest , irmcipdl to bo" paid during the or- .ended . period. Proposals will also > o advocated for purchase of poor racked estates for the benefit ol enants. The claims of labon-n to better dwellings and allotments will bo icicjrpuia edin the programme , jiborers will bo invited to co-operate n obtaining Buoh improveuiont mthc and act HI will enable farmers to deal generously with them. Industrial ro- rival will bo assisted by a local organ ization by fostering the demand fur Irish nanufactures. Other points of the programme are payment of mum- bora of parliament , extension of the franchise , and the establishment of a 'stem ' of elective county govei n Hunts' ] It is understood that a deputation From the homo rule league will announce - nounco the dissolution ot that body , and resignation of iln functions into the handa of the now Irish league , of which national self government will bo the basis. THU UAMVAV OATHKHINU. DUIILIN , October 13. A largely at tended convention of residents of County Galwajr was held at Athonry to-day , tn consider questions of homo government , land law reform , Irish manufactures , otc. NJHO of the clergy were present. The police attended the mooting and took notes of the proceedings. The convention declared Captain Nolan and Mitchell Henry , members of parliament from Gal way , bad both forfeited the confidence' electors. TUB KKKECT OF TDK LAND AUT. Livr.urooL , October 13. Lord North brook , first lord of the admi ralty , speaking here to-niaht of the beneficial c fleet of the land act , ex pressed the belief that the turning pnint had boon reached in the nlliira of Irolnnd. The number of outrages had decreased , and the rents were freely paid. Thu postmaster general , in a speech , said the chief danger threatening the liberal party waa moro likely to come from within. With the settlement of the Egyptian question , nnd the im proved condition of Ireland , domestic legislation would como to the front. Referring to the proposition for the nationalization of land , F-iwcott said he could neo it waa a practicable ono. : ENOMbH IN EGYPT. Bpochl IMfjmtclH'S t J Tin Jinn. TO IJKHUNI * AUADI. TUMH , Oatobor 13. Mr. Broadly , an English lurristor , left here for Egypt to-day , to defend Arab ! Pasha , AllKKbT OK XATIVK BUTC'lIKIia. ALKXANIWU , October 13. Seven teen natives implicated in the Juno rnasaacros have boon arrested in thn interior and brought to Damanhour. 11KOIIU1TINU HTOfl'Kn. October 13 The federal council h B prohibited recruiting for Egypt. uouwr.it TO mi : . LONDON , October 111 A. Cairo cor respondent telegrams ; One of the principal E.'yptmn ministma drclaroa neither ho nor hia colleagues will remain - main in Egypt unless Arabi and the other rebel leader * bo oxecutcd. Ho had complete confidoncu that Arabi could bo proved to Iwvo given strict orders to burn Cairo. The trial of the leaders is But for Monday Hir Edward Mallet hay isaued a cir cular to British consular agents in Egypt rLiiieatii | > ! ( them to send a list of the political prisoners in respect vo towns nnd to strictly watch that the kliedivo'a order for huinuno troattnotia of prisoners is carried out. A LAT DENIAL. Cion , lluvelock Allan Hilly denies the report that English soldiers slaughtered wounded Egyptians , and gives a satisfactory explanation of the uo-called plundering of luggage , TDK IUT.N1NU 01' ALKXANDUIA. An ollicur who acted under order of Suleiman i'nuhu revealed to-day whatho know of the burning of Alexandria , but the tribunal failed to extort nvidonco criminating the leaders of the rebellion. HLJ.NO CLAIMH. AI.EXANIIIIIA , October Kl. Up wards of 3,000 persons have lodged claims , amonnting to $0,000,000 , for losiioa after the bombardment of this city. CONl'IBOATIXU HKUKL I'HOl'tHT . ALKXANIIKIA , October 13. The Egyptian minister of finance is in pos. Bosion of a list of landed properties belonging to lenders of the rebellion , worth JW.COO.OOO. It in believed the propiirty will ! m cniifinciled. ' GENERAL FOREIGN Bivcclnl lib ) | > nti.li to Tnr. UKR. THE I'AUTV LAHH. LONDON , October 13.Northcoto sonta chcular to cjimervativo mombcra of parliament unjoining upon thorn attvndancu at the opening of the fo-nlon , in view of impoiUinco of question } relating to parliamentary procoeduro and E/ypt an oflUim , STANLKV'H LAND. lji.su ox , Oitobar 13. Tl'o Kcono- mist luinounceo that the government in about to protest against the elaims of DebruzzA and II. 1\I. \ Stanley to the possession of the territory on Congo river in Africa , TUB WAH IN I'KUU. LIMA , October 13. The report in privately circulated hero that five northern departments of Peru have declared for Piorala , fvtid that other departments will lolldw &t anon as it is positively known that the Citldorou negotiations have failed. ANOTIIKK SHAKE. PANAMA , October 13 A slight shock of earthquake was felt ut mid night last night : no damage. TUK UVt'LONR IN cailA HAVANNA , Outobor 13 A recent cyclone caused considerable loss of lifo and great destruction of properly. At Hi rradurathrco hundred huts and houses , including the greater number of tobacco drying establishments , were demolished ; 12,000 palm trees wore blown down ; 7tO ( houses were destroyed atConaolayonDal Sur. The bodies ot fifteen persons drowned by the overflowing of rivers were recov ered ; many moro persons are missing. TUB OHANNKL TUNNKL. LONDON , October 13. The com mittee , under General Sir Archibald Alison , appointed to report on the channel tunnel , consider the exit of the tunnel should bo commanded by a , fortress of the first clasi ; that the tunnel should also bo provided with post uullls and with an arrangement for filling it for a sutlislont space with irrospirablo gis ; that measured nhould bo taken for the demolition of the land portion of the tunnel ; fur tem porary flooding the main tunnel ; also for ita total destruction by a ininu. These arrangements nhould bp con trolled by eeparato pnrtica both inside and out.iiilo the i-ommnndini ; fortrr/iu / When nil this in done the committee udn.it it would bo pro- aumptuouH to jiluco abmlutp roliancj upon oven tlu moat cumprohontivo arrangimionta. A niunioraiula from Oen. Sir ( jiirnolWnlsgluy nnd thu tiuko of Cambridge , commander-in cluuf of the army , nra appended. i'ii more stringly condemning the tunnel , The Times considers thb re port has settled the question of the tunnel adversely for it long time to come. 01 JILSKKS. The con'oronco of delegate * of b'uot. tiah minors advouatttd restriction of the hours of liborimtcad of n nutioinl or partial sttiko. 'f ho conference ) ad journed until to-morrow to ducido about notiucH for an advance , The ifuneral fouling of the conference is in favor thereof. Ono hundred and twenty thousand mon were lopro- Bonteu. NII > SUN J.'OMINO Nilsaon umbarka in the Galu tomorrow - morrow for the United States. CAI'l'UIlK OK llOIKILAlia. YIKNNA , October 13 Tim bur- ) lurs who robbed Count Andras'iyV palace of u largo amount of valuable pronurty Bomo time ago , havu beuii r.rreated , fcrour OLONMM. , October 13 and peasantry usaemblcd and forcibly put a utop to tlu Curraghinoro hum youterday. A HII.KM' flIIKIKII. CoNhTANHNum : , October 13. Th ( portu has infoiuind the 1'orstan OHVOJ 'that in cotiBuquunce of its uruon Sheikh Aboidullnh , the Kurdisl chief , h.ia civcn HBjutanco ho will c.iuso no further embarrassment on tlio frontier , but will pasi the winter paaccfnlly at No.ml. NEWMAIIKKT 11A JEH. LONDON , Oatobor 13 The great c.hallungo tiUtkoa vroro won by Energy , Triatan nccond. Scobo third. The winner ia two years old. The r. ce for juvenile handicap , two-year-olds , ut Newmarket , was won by P.dticoat , Lizzie DOC ind , Eiau third. Ton horgcs ran , including Loiillard'n Touch-Mo.Not NOTES. UEHLI.N , October 13. Count Von Jttbofoldt will probably bo gazetted secretary of state for foroiqn affairs Saturday. ST PiH'HiiHiiuuo , October 13. Po ieo1 Agent Prieno , who had formed riondaliip with the nihilist oommittoo , nraiassnanlnatodin the churchyard at Bmolanski. A Fottormn Tragedy. HjieoiU Dlapatcb to Tun llr.K. FOUT FJHTKHMAN , Wyo , October l.'t Richard P. Elgin , bookkeeper for Soaright Bros. , cattle dealers , waa shot and instantly killed in the store at this pu.it , at 'i o'clock to-day , by .7. 11. Oopps , a cow-boy also * in thu employ of Soaright Bros. Copps was crazed from drinking and shot Elgin through the head without thu least provocation. After the shooting , Copps mounted u horse and Hod in the direction of the Platte , but being too intoxicated to lido , ho' shortly after ward fell from hia horaoand started on 'oot toward the Platte river bridge , where he mot Michael Regan , a cow- aoy , coming to the poet on horeback. Flourishing his revolver , ho ordered llogan to turn back , threatening his lifo , and saying ho had killed George Soaright and others , llogan started lis horse forward , whereupon Copps ired at him , and inflicted n dangerous wound in the groin. Coppa waa shortly afterward captured by a party of cow-boys , nnd brought to the guard louse , where ho now is in irons. Lynching is feared , as Elgin waa a. { ( moral favorite. liynnhod lto'lll" ll ) : , Four FiirriJitMAN , Wyo. , October 13Capp , the drunken cowboy , who nat night murdered Elgin , was taken rum the unrd lionsu and lynched by i party ot uovl ys. The Pouoy County Mob. > | K < clHl Iri | nUli tuTilK llrit , , EVANHVILI.K , Ind. , Oatobor 11. ! L'robub y thu List not of the lledmon killing drama took place to-day by the grand jury finding an indictment for conspiracy against Gill , Floyd , and McFaddoa. They were released under SI,000 bonds each. The bondmen of Posoy county represent over 82,000 , - OOU. The condition of the four other wounded is not improving , It i pos- eiblu t\vu of thiun may die. The Tarlll1 Conundiiou hpi ciiil l > l < | iat < 'li tu 'fUK llu. I'HU.AiiKi.i'in.i , October III. At a meeting of the tariff commission to- duy , C. C. Morao , of Stuta CUra , acotl grower , spuko in favor of protuci- iug Anniriciti aacd growers , and ox- prussod hi * regret that the I'aoiliu alopu wasnotrdprtiMonted on the oom- mission. Mr. 0 ivor infornicd him thi.t the cuniiiuaion IriJ Hcnt unm- muniuations to fjovornora of the I'.vuitic stutea and tarritoriea , otatmg their iiubility ( for lank of timeUo visit that ueutipn , and au' eoting that the coin- in aaioii would liketo reooivo Button utatomonta on buojtc'd alfjouii ! ; the interests of the ptsonlo on the Paitlo slope. An Editor Wanted. The town of Uuide , Neb. , wants a live editor to star ; a uawspapur , a liberal patroiugu can bo aacu 'Hie right man ia auro to auccead.