Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Friday Morning1 , Oct. 13
Bj Cmler , fO cents rter week ,
Bj-Mall 110.00 pet Ye r ,
Ofilce : No. 7 Pearl Btroot , Near
D oiulway.
M. 0. GIUPFIN , Manner.
H. W. TltiTON , City Editor. '
' ' H U.
J. Mueller' * I'ahcelMiule
Sliemclf n i > liiitor { , i > hi .
The llonucl Table met last crenlnR at
Mr. Ott 'residence.
' "Hidden Mnnd"wM
Whlloley'n seen
At DohanyVi lout night.
L t oreolng the ] 'pi coaiana | ) hod a
plcntiant noclal at Mrs. llloomor's ieel-
tic ncc.
The Council CIiilTd Unso Bull awicin-
tlnn It to have A dnnco at lilooni & Nlxon'o
hall on the 10th.
Wall McFaddcn , In ft candMnte for
election as constable , Rubject to the action
of the convention.
Kcmember the bull to bo Riven by the
Knights of Labor to-nli-ht. It will be an
enjoyable affair , Huroly.
Cheap llailroad ticket * to all points ,
Buihncll , five doora north of pontollicc'
Belli them , Kntrnnce , Main or Pearl ilreeU.
The now meat market of Shull & MnU
len , 709 South Main Direct , guarantee best
of mc.iU and prompt ottcutlon ,
A freight car on the Chicago k North
western ran off the track near the round
houae yesterday morning , delaying the pas-
iwnger tralni.
Tho'clty has bought of Mr , Brock , a
fine homo , for the rhook and ladder truck.
The ( teed weighs about 1IM ! ) pound * and
In five years old.
John Kpencter , the cnterprieing
Brnadwny tinner , advertises for three or
four galvanlzrd irou cornice makcrx. This
house Is doing n Inrgo ImilneM.
An entertainment is to be given this
evening by Concordtn lodge No. 152 ,
KnighU of Pythian , at 8 o'clock , in their
hall In Everett block , on 1'oarl street ,
Joseph Kcitor makes the Kincal Suits
n the latest style * , at tbo lowest ponntble
prices. Ills merchant tailoring establish
ment Is at 310 Upper Broadway , Council
--Those who drop letteix In thopo-ttof-
fico ( should remember that it require * n
two cent stamp Instead of a ono cent
stamp , to liavo a letter delivered In tbo
city by carrier.
A. follow named Hanami , with his
pocket" well lined with money , VV.IH yes
terday found bleeping off a drunk In the
mud near the courthouse. Ho wax given
the spring bed In the calabooec ,
Doraey , the alleged highwayman , was
brought Into court ycxtordny and tbo testi
mony taken of the old ninn whote vallso
i was Htolcn , and then tl o further examina
tion was postponed until Saturday ,
Joseph Uoss , the upper llroadway
cooper , desires to purchase r > 0,000 hoop
poles Ho also wishes to employ ten extra
coopers. Write to or inquire at his cooper
' $ - Cieorgo ( ieiHpachcr WBH yesterday In
S * the police court to answer to the charge of
y l < ] mturblng the peace , he having got jealoun
' of his woman , Belle Clover , and raised a
'f i row with her , In which ho decorated her
eyes In sundry tints. Ho paid a fine of
v $ ! ' CO , and then the woman asked to h.ivo
him placed under bonds to keep the peace ,
she fearing that he would kill her. The
apullcatlou is still hamlng ; on the hook ,
Templetou & Lamb , the well known
tobacconists nnd cigur miikcrp , on Broad
way , were yesterday getting lu a largo
supply of new goods in their line , among
them Komotucclully line incetr chaum good ? ,
Heljetcd with great care. Among them Is
one pipe , which is certainly as tine n piece
of lueortfclmum as was over brought to thin
city , and whoever gets it will get a prl/.e ,
Indeed , Ainonij the new goods there are
many other artlclej which will gladden the
luvrri of tie weed.
Noting the ElTootn
It. OibbB , of Buffalo , N. Y. , writes !
"Hearing your BuitDocK lli.oon BITTKIM
favorably eimkcn of , 1 wns induced to
watch their elfectH , and find that In chrcnlc
dtaeaHca of the blood , HVIT and kldneyx ,
your Utter * Inwo been piiimlly ; nmrUecl
with fluccess , I rayo used them my ell
wlt'i best reMiltf , for torpidity of the liver ;
uud In the case of a friend o { mine Hudot-
Ing from dropsy , thn elTect wainuurvcloui. "
I'rlco Sl.OO.
My rosldonooNo. ! 71G Fourth street
BancroftL. ) . F. Muui-jiv.
to Publish Facte ,
The following communication was
yoatorday proBontod to The Nonpareil ,
but "tho colonel" declined to publish
it , following liia usual policy of bar.
ring gut anything and everything thai
would give the p'ublio the real faota ul
any transaclions of which ho tries tt
make political capital. The Noiv
paroil has tried to throw dust in tin
eyes of the people , and impress thorr
with a Bert of vujjuu idea that then
is something againHt Mr , Pusoy's re
cord , without having the manhood ti
state any cliarpo clearly , or to abidi
by tbo faota. It is a futile attempt ti
draw public attention away from tin
facts in Anderaon'a record , which can
not bo whitewashed. The colono
boa ihtnnk from | nueh a plato , aim
plo statement as the following mad
by Chief of police Fialde , who was dc
puiy provost marshal at the time re
ferred to :
To the Editor ol Tlio NonjmrcU : ,
In your paper of October 1" I so
nearly three columns of matter in re
gard to same money deposited by Eli
jab MOM with Ollier & Puuey , i
ffhioh neither ot these partiea shoul
figure ut all. ,
The facts are briefly these ; On tb
f > th of November , 1801 , the above
named Moss was drafted into the set
vice of the United States. Ho prc
ferred to biro a aubstituto to goin
himself , nud did BO , hiring n man b
thn name of Uartou , and depositin
8875 , subjost to taid Barton's ordo
ou prceemitrg certificate of the oflice
commanding rendezvous duty. Thi
arrangement WAS rondo at the request
of Barton , M ho wan anxious tn visit
friends before goin5 ta the front.
That forever lot Air. Mo 3 out of that
transaction , Barton profnrrud desert *
ing to going , nnd his money was suizsd
by mo in Oflicer AI'osuy'ft binds ,
That takes Messrs. Oflisor t Pincy
out of the CIBO , they having no discre
tion in the matter , tny orders being
imperative , oven to the extent of clos
ing the bank in c.ieo of refusal to deliver -
liver it up Neither Mr. MOSR nor
Mosflre. Olliccr & Pusoy have any
more claim on that inoniy than on the
salary of Oeorgonshington. . If
Barton claims the money , that is
another matter. N JJ , FIM.D.
To tlie Voter ) o ! Kane Tmrnihlp.
T hereby announce myself ns nn
indepandont candidate for constable ,
subject to the voice of the voters on
ensuing election. 0.V. . WJJSIKV.
A Short Rontl to Ilnnlth.
To all who are suffering from boltr , ul
cers , pcrofula , carbuncle)1 ) , or other obstl-
nato difioaros of the blood eudDkln , ncaune
of BUUDOCK DixDOD BHTKUS will bo found
to bo a short mad to health. 1'rice 31.00.
E. C. Mix And wife , of Now York , are
at the U deu.
M , K. 1'ftgc , of De Moincswa * In the
city yesterday.
Mrs. Max Krledlor , ha * returned from
her trip to Gotmany.
M. Nile * , the well-known livery mini of
Oakland , is in the city.
I ! . M. Smith , who formerly kept the
Brlggs hoiua here , and who baa since be-n
at Defiance , bus now moved to Ferry ,
Henry U. Atklui , the young druggist ,
hai returned from n happy trip eastward ,
having taken in Baltimore and some of Its
oyators during bis trip.
M. Schwartz , of the picture fratno man *
ufacturtng firm of Lhotkn & Schwartr ,
Chicago , was here yesterday looking after
the wants of his customers ,
J. 1C. Wheeler , the valiant young man
who smiles so kindly upon the Ogden
homo guests from the register , hai just re
turned from a trip east , looking hearty
aud halo and as eager to ploise the wants
of the traveling public as over ,
An Excitlnff Gumo Between ttio Hcd
StociduKa of KiiiiHaa City and
the UhamplotiB.
Yesterday afternoon the game be
tween the Kansas City Kcd Stockings
and the Council Bluflj nine caused
much interest , and as the game pro-
greased created much excitement. The
Kansas Oitya having been the only club
to fairly boat ktho Council Bluffs this
season , there was a great desire on the
part of the homo nine and their
friends to qot sweet revenge. The
game proved to bo an interesting one.
Eight innings only wore played , re
sulting in a tio. The ninth inning
was opened with the Council Bluffr at
the bat , and after ono had retired , it
was doomed boat to postpone the
finish of the game , darkness prevent-
ii'g further play. Tbo game was well
and strongly played on both sides , as
the following score shows :
K ANHAH Dm H. Til. It. III. Til. YO. A. K ,
M. HonKel , 2b 4 100210
Klllck , b. I 0 0 0 1 G 8
Troflley , c 4 0 2 ! 2 4 2 0
Forrest , p 4 000050
Furlong , cf 4 000002
Hylvcstor , KB 4 0 0 0 0 ( i 0
Schfnlck , Ib 4 1 1 1 15 0 0
K. Hengel , rf 4 1 2 8 0 0 0
Hoobe , If 4 200201
Total 5 5 15 ' 'I 20 3
COU.NCII , iii.urm. TI. . 10 K.
Hoach , tm 100 040
Kucline , 2b J 1 1 1 -1 5 0
Maclr , If 1 1 1 2 1 0 0
Merrill , 8b I 1 0 0 2 : i 1
TDny , I > 4 1 1 1 0 5 (1 (
Ivgan , Hi 4 0 0 0 12 0 1
Irown , rf I 0 0 0 1 0 C
itrouk , c ! l tOt
iniith , cf a
Total 5 I fi " 1171
la iNNlNim.
B 1 2 n 4 fi li 7 8
CmiMrtCUyii. . . ! ) 2 0 0 'J 0 2 0 f
; ouncilBliiir . ,0 100000 4- !
Time of ( 'imie , 2h 15m.
Huns onrned , 0.
I'irxt buHO ou called ballp , CouncI
ilulfa 2.
J'ir tl > Mo on cilled bull * . Kaunas City * II
Struck out ( Jouncll Biulfd , 8 ; JCnnnai
3lty8 , 2.
Lelt on IJMOI CoiincinilulTs , II ; Kansai
Jltyi , 0.
Second biwu hits K. Hcnual 1 , Maclc 1
Panned linlis Council Bluir , 3 ; Kanimi
( Jitv . I.
Wild pilchesWay 2.
riieit caught Council Iiluffd , I ; Kanta
'v'itVD , 4.
fouls caught Council BlulFa , ] j Kama
Oltl'B , 0.
Unijilra Ifr , Gary.
Klilucy Compliilut Cured-
B. Turner , Hochester , N , Y. , writes : "
have beeu lor over ije rjitibject to veriou
illaorder of the kldneyn , hud often unihl
to attend to lunliiof ) > jl procured your Bun
DOCK Bi.ool ) BlTTKlis , nnd waa relieved be
fort ) hall a bottle wnx used , I Intend I
continue , iw I feel confident tliut they wll
entirely turo me. " Trice ? 1.00.
Machine Polltlolivnu.
The Ohriatlan Union , under tli
able editorship'- Itov. D. Lyma :
Abbott , ia donliang Iho inuchiiio poll
ticians sonio hard and richly doaorvo
blowa , which apply ao well to th
machine methods und booa rule no1
trying to force Andersen ou this dii
triota that a few eztraota BOOIU time !
hure :
"Tho blindnoaa of the practical po
iticiau haa become proverbial. H
uudoratauda perfectly the atrongt
which can bo obtatuod from politic :
organisation , but ho ia utterly unnb !
to inuaauro the foroo of political sent
inont. In apito of the ropcntod an
increasing warnings' the last tw
yeara , the machine element amen
the ropublicana line everywhere com
to the front this fall. It ia ovidei
that nothing will break it except BUG
u uarioaof defeats us will loouon ii
hold upon the political patronap
which jtvea ; it ita only beverage. ]
the machine politicians were not u
terly blind they would see win
everybody oho aeea , that the end <
their usefulness hoa Imon rcaohod.
Horafnrd'n Aoid Pltonpliato
Send to the Rumford Ohemic
Works , I'rovidonco , It. I , , for pan
phlot. Mailed free ,
IB n Merry Old Soul , and Has
Planted in Iowa Some of
His Richest Black
Some Qliukpten of Ono ot the Bent of
the Mines. .
While dialling with A. U. Majna
& Co. , nt their coal oflioo on Pearl
street ycstorclayTitE BKF. manbadhia
attention called to the splendid sample
of coal on which tbo enterprising Crm
won first premium at tbo rtcent Coun
cil Bluffs fair. Thcro was euch a
clear cut , fresh , sparkling look to the
coal , that TUB BKK man suggested
that they must have skirmished around
Iho country pretty thoroughly to get
such nice specimens for the fair.
"Not much , young man , " quickly
quoth the May n u man of tbo concern ,
"thoro'a no pet aamplo or put up job
about that , it runs that way see
hero , " and ho steered the nowatnan to
the big bins where there wore tons of
such coal , looking equally bright nnd
"That's Iowa coal Iowa Wyoming ,
wo call it , and a bettor coal waa never
mined. There's no trouble about
aelllng all of that wo can got , and the
demand is on the steady increase. "
On asking further about it , TIIK
BEK man learned eorao interesting
fncts which are worthy the attonlion
of the public. This coal cornea from
the mines of the Eureka coal and
mining company , of Frederic , Iowa ,
nn the line of the Chicago , Burlington
& Quinoy railway. The inino ia a rich
ono , and tbo facts about it will bo a
surprise to thooo who have never
thought of Iowa being rich in coal.
In this mine the vein ia about four
foot thick , nnd scorns to Ho in a sort
of a basin , running under about 240
acres of land. That particular1 region
ooema rich in coal , there being
batiks all about there , there
being two or three within two miles ,
but those hrtvo a diffonmt quality
of coal from that ot thn Eureka mine ,
which taken the lead over all. In
fact there ia no vein equal to it to bo
found in Iowa , or in fact west of the
Mississippi river , except the cele
brated Wyoming coal , which ia BO near
like this that the difference can scarce
ly be detected , oven by an export.
The coal looked BO clear and bright
that TIIK BKK man naturally wanted
to know whether its merit was nil in
its beauty , or whether ita superiority
showed when put to the fire tost.
"Burn. Bow docs it burn ? It
burns up to nehes us fine as that made
by wood , and dooti't leave a clinker
nr a cinder , and ns for lasting , why ,
it will actually lost twice aa long us
any ordinary coal. "
There was aomo of the coal being
used in tho.oflico steve , and the good-
natured proprietor pulled out the aah-
pan , and poked over its content in a
vain hunt for any clinkera. The coal
was burning as brightly and warmly
aa ono could wish.
"How long has the mine been
worked ? "
"About three years or BO , bnt it
hasn't boon worked to the beat ad
vantage , for the facilities for getting
coal to the railway have been poor ,
for the mines are about half a mile
from the track. The company are
now building , in fact have about com
pleted , a track from the mines to
the railway , and are getting in
ahapo to make a big run this winter.
Before this it haa been hard work to
get out coal fnht enough to fill orders ,
but with this now track the coal can
bo rolled out whether the roads are
muddy or rough , and taken by rail as
fast us mined.
Some of our Council Bluffs citizens
are interested largely in those mines ,
among them being P. T. Mayno , of
May no & Co. , of steam broom factory
fame , and 0. K. Mayno , recently of
this city1 , and who is now secretary of
the company , and gives hi ) personal
attention to the business , being loca
ted at the mines. Tbo others belong
ing to the company nro A. P. Min-
tonye , who ia president ; C , 0. Mon
roe , superintendent , uiuili. B. Palmer.
Wherever and however the coal ia
put to the test it wins its way , and
A. H. Mayno & Co. , who are the solo
agents hero , find their sales steadily
and rapidly increasing. These who
use it unco stick to it , and shout for
it , und it promises to bo ono of the )
best known ami most highly prized
coala in the country. Thu manage
ment of the mine ia enterprising and
the agent hero no less BO , and in their
hands NO wonderful n coal cannot but
bo given an acknowledged plauo in the
front rank , und Iowa can lay claim to
having ono of the richest and best
minot in the whole land.
a Tun Ruined Walla of tjo Red Oau
8' '
Opera House * Falls ,
Through a Score uuU Injuring
Suvorul Persons.
The news comes from Hod Oak ol
a Borioua calamity which occurred
there Wednesday. The walls ol
Bishop's opera house have boon stand
ing unsupported since the burning ol
that building , and it ia said that Mr ,
Bishop haa been notified to have then :
taken down , but did no , do it , The
strong wind which blew almost llko i
galu on that day , caused one of those
walla to fall , and it tumbled over ontc
the adjoining dry goods store of Mr ,
llallor , the city treasurer. The wal !
wont crashing down through the store ,
carrying everything into the base
mcnt. There were In the store at th
time Mr. Hallor , a lady customer , anc
a clerk , and no time being given foi
escape they went down in the wreck-
By aomo Boomiiu' miracle they escapes
death , however. It was aomo minutei
before the citizens could rescue then
from the ruin * , and on getting then
out it was found that all \\oromori
or loss injured , but none fatally. Mr
Hallor hud a severe out on the head
but was conscious. Ho had to bi
literally dug out , the work takin ;
apveral minutes , during which tin
citizens worked in the very jaws o
death , that portion of the wall whicl
bad not fallen still wavering abovi
them , ready at any minute to tumbl
upon thorn , aud in lo a than thro
minutes after they had got Mr. Halle
out , down it camo. The atock of dr <
Booda and clothing is of course very
' 'adly injured , nnd the building is a
: omplrto wreck.
Enonped from the Tolls.
John Uicon , Tj porte , Ind. , writes :
'Hurrah for SrniNO lJiuoii ; It's all you
ccommend It to bo. Mydyspfpfia haa nil
ranlnbecl , Why don't jou advertise it ?
What allowance will ynu make If I take n
doen beltlcf , fo that 1 could obllfo inv
rlends o > c.vunaly 1 * rlco CO ccnlr , trial
ottlcs 10 ctns.
Tno SufforiURB of Rooblins ? . the Greet
few V < rk tnn
"What is Chief Engineer llocbling'o
Itonae ! " waa asked of an engineer oi
ha East Ilivor Ilridflo ,
"A very rare otic , " ho replied. It
a the caiseon disease , the re-silt of en-
luring n hiph ntmoapherio pressure.
You know that thcaotwo great granite
liora rest to-day on wooden boxes ,
urnod bottom upwun'i , culled caiaaons
Chose were constructed with the name
lomotital dimenaiona aa thn toarera.
? or inotanop , that on the Now York
ido waa 1012 by 172 fcot , and waa nine
pet high , The roof of the caisson or
ho bottom of the box , waa made
wenty-two feet thick , or solid timber ,
loltod together. The caisson waa
iuilt on waya , launched like a flhip ,
nd when towed to the point where
.ho . pier waa to bo located , courses of
; ranito blocks were laid upon the ton ,
, nd by this means it was aunk until it
eated on the bed of the river. Then
ir waa forced into the chamber of the
aisson by engines on the ahoro until
ho water waa displaced nnd the river
jed loft bare. This preasuro waa
maintained day and night , rxnd work
men wore employed digging out the
arth from beneath the caiiuon , ao
hat it should gradually and evenly
caccnd. As the caisson settled , the
laoonry on it waa built up , so that
ho top of the atone work waa always
kovo water.
'A coed foundation was not reached
n the Now York aide until wo roach-
id a depth of aovonty-oight feet. Of
onrso woakmon had to work in this
ompreaacd air , and the chlof engineer
ras with them , as ho was anxious that
.o miatako should be made at the
oundation of the piers. The pressure
f air required to keep the water out
f the caisson increased in exact pro-
iprtion to the depth.Vhcn the dig-
; ing waa begun , the caisson being
iovored by forty feet of water , the
treasure waa about eighteen pounds to
ho square inch , but it reached thirty-
is pounds before the close. "
"Did this preasuro affect the health
f others ? '
' 'Very eoriously. Some are to-day
opoleaa invalids like the chief ongi-
cor. A number died , and only the
moat robust fully recovered. In four
nonths there were 110 caaoa. Hero
is a medical definition of the disease :
t ia an ailment depending upon in-
reaaed atmospheric prcsaure , but
Iwaya developed after the preaauro is
'cmovcd. It is characterized by ex-
rome pain in ono or morp of the ex-
ri-.mitiop , and somotimeaintho trunks
which may or may not bo associated
with epigaatic pain and vomiting. In
omo cases the paiii ia accompanied
ly paralysis moro or leas complete ,
which may bo general or local ,
"jut is moat frequently confined
oj Jtho lower half of the body.
Cerebral symptoms , such aa headache
.nd . vertigo , are sometimes present ,
n fatal cases the symptoms are con
nected with congestion of the brain
pinal cord , often resulting in aerioua
anguinooua effusion and congeation
if moat of the abdominal yiacera. The
hiof engineer has the diaeaao in an
icuto form , accompanied by intense
louralgic paina , which acorn as though
: ho fleah were being torn from the
bones. The pain ia remittent and
paroxysmal , especially if ho at-
ompta to inovo. In the last year or
'Wo ' ho haa besn able to move at times
with less pain , but he haa suffered
from a miid paralysis which haa kept
him a prisoner nt homo. You know
ho never saw the towora and cables
intil ho caught sight of them from a
loft bed on the deck nf the canal boat
upon which ho was towed on the way
from homo in Now Jersey when ho
changed his residence to Brooklyn.
With him the carobral symptoms hnvo
lot been BO acute , and fortunately his
brain haa been clear , although ho haa
liud headache and dizziness. Ho
knowa everything that goes on about
the bridge , and ho takoa a ( loop inter-
eat in it. The diaoaso haa wrecked
his physical life , and many a man
would have prayed for death , but his
keen intellect haa found a stimulant in
ho expectation of having his name
inked with the groateat susponoion
bridge in the world , and but for thia
I believe ho would care very little for
this world. "
A Religious Somnambulist.
In the vicinity of Wichita , Kin ,
there resides with his parents n young
man whoso Christian name ia Charles ,
but whoap aurnamo ia unfortunately
not mentioned by the journal which
records thn following extraordinary in
cident in kia career. Ono nicht bia
parents were aroused by mngular
noises on the roof , and , knowing their
aon'a habits of cutting capers in his
aleep , they ran out to the yard and
looked up. There Bat the young man
upon the chiney-top , clad in that gar
ment which immemorial usage has
consecrated to * ho purposes of alum-
bor. Presently ho arose to his feet
and , addressing an imaginary audience ,
gavu out the hymn. "All hail the
power of Jesus' name , " which boforth-
with proceeded to sing through from
beginning to end to the sonorous turn
of "Coronation. " He then selected n
text from I. John , v. 25 , preached e
vigoroua diaoourso fifteen minutes
long , and alid down the lightning rod
Into a tub of water which his fatboi
had hurriedly placed where it would
do tbo most good. The shock aroiuct !
him nnd ho was escorted to his bed ,
Buoklin'fl. Arnica Balve.
The BEST HALVE In the world for Cuts
Bruises , Sores , TJlcerr , talt Ilheum , I'o
ver Sores , Tetter , Chipped Hand * , Chll
blalna , Coma , ana all sklu eruptions , am
positively cureoviles , It U guaranteed t <
give eatlflfuctfon i n > oey refunded
1'rlce , 25 oenta per exor Kilo by.,0
8" . Goodman _
TH flit ) -tour } ear * ciiKrlence In practical
Office 108 Upper Broadway ,
Bluffs Iowa
Council , *
KOTICB.-Epw.Ul diorijcicffiV * , luc M
Loot , Found , To LOMI , fur Silo , To Rent ,
Wnnta , CcirdlnfT , ttc , , v.111 be Inecrtcd In this
column M the ow rate of TEN' CENTS VER
LINK ( or the Prat Insortlon and HVE CEXTJ
rr.Il LINE for each tiiliic qucnt Insertion.
Lost 8 Klv ertltcinenti at our olTlco , No. 7
t'torl SI rr t , nnnr Hr'n > u " > .v.
_ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
W.XTRD Tirine.iltV ) ' > Ihtfo or four aal-
vtnlrtil Irnn roinlcu m kern ml rooftM
at JOtlK KI'KNKTKlt , SOT liro&ilrM ) , Cotli ell
Uluffi , la. 12-31
\ \ rANTKU4COorW > ) linliol < of old whlto
V\ corn ftt Mijrue i C'J. , con of Xorth BSh and
Mill ) HKot.
A girl for jjoneril hou 8 ork In
n imall fniiiily , cnqulro lUiiFourlh ( llan-
troft ) strut. ot-J 5t
r > .0 building * to move. We make
nflKcl'lty of mm I g hou vi and > afv )
AildrocsU. 1' . A.Tltunurtu , box t > 79 , Conudl
UlulTn , la.
> -ftvtr > body In Council Bluff * I *
WANTKI Till lisx , U9 cento ) AT neck , no
lUcrcil by ctrrlcra. Office , tie 7 Pearl Htro i
near Drrodway.
\TT ANTKU To bur a Era or six room house
YY on niojtt.1) Inltallmthts cf $25. 1 > . O.
To buy 103 tons hroom c rn
WANTED Jdm i Council Bluffi
Broom K ctorv , Cnuncl ) HlnrTt. IOWA. fl'.S-IBtf
For Snlo and Kent
* < ! n iblo off.cion fl t flier.
FKKKNI . & UL ) . , No. M 1'earl ttreot.
Foil HUM'-A riry | > loimnt newly built
hem , Franklin t. Teiint rcisjuablo A ,
U. HAYfth. & CO. , No. 34 I'tarl street.
[ TliiK KB iT A store r < cm en Main street op-
I1 poiltc Catholic chur li Knouiro cf lira.
Oil SALE A 10x12 Bkyllgbt. Suitable for
hot bed. Apply to Excoltlor Gallery.
FOll HAI.i ; lieautllul rwidcnco lota , $60
each : nolhloir down , and C3prn > ontli only ,
An attic e of ralue in ccrUla p > r-
FOUND " , bought from \ curtain man. The
onr who owrs th H tain * ci'i lnvc It by proving
nailpiylru well for It. Jto. 1223 Second ftioit ,
ninr Thlrtcu'h a
-\rOT10B-To the l dlo of Council IlulH ) ,
JJN that the Taylor ) atom of cuttlnp will be
t'.ujlit this MDck at No 2i North sixth BtreU ,
J. Carter and ! ( . ; , njuits.
T OST A largo vrardrcb > Koy. Liberal ronird
.LJ to find r Enquire nt Bee olllctf.
Great8iicce 8. Call and eeo
new accessories and specimens of picture *
tatcnbr the ruHabie gelatlno broicldo process ,
at the Excelsior Onlli-rv O'JHIn ntrc t.
DR. W. L. 1'ArrON I'ttyolavi wjd Oculist.
Can euro any c- > of roro cyc . It Is only
a matter of ttmo , and c.iti euro generally tn
from three to five necks-It niako ) uo difference -
enco how long dlBoaitud. Will straighten cross
eyes , ojwratu and remove Ptyri'tiars' " , ttc. , and
Insert artlHclal eyes. Special attention to re-
movelnK tadcworma ap5-tf
Council fluffs'
Business Directory
Art Gallery.
Excclalor photograph j 'It-ry , South Main St.
C. OHISK , I'piwr Ilro-vlwijy
BottlliiE Works.
n. IIAOO s. CO. , tUsli Pierce St.
P. AYEltS , 517 S. Jtiln 8t.
Bathing Houses.
1IRS. E. J. HAHDINU , M. I ) . , Uromlwny and
Glenn avc.
Dlt. STUDI.KV , Bekhc U ItaU.lnf Home ,
G roadway.
Books and Stationery.
H. K. SKAMAN , Middle llroadway.
OFFICER & PUSEV , corner llroadway and Bth
CITIZENS' HANK , 5th street.
Broom Factory.
JIAYNEiCO. , arenueA , and 6th St.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TEMPLKTOK i LAMU , 232 Broadway.
F. It. LI'.VIN , SOS Ilroadway.
L. IIOKKHOIT , Ml Main .St.
A. II. MAYNK & CO. , 34 Pearl St.
J. 11033 , CIS Kant llrowlway.
SINTON Je WEST , II Pearl ht.
Dry Goods
IIAUKNT-SS , OllCUTT.1c CO. , Broadway and
th utrcct.
Eggs Shipper.
0. F. CRAWrOUD , 519 Main St.
Furniture Manufactory.
K. It. STiiNHlMKlt : ! , cor. "th av and 12th St.
Furniture Store.
C. A. IlEKIli : CO.OT and 209 Broadway.
Groceries and Provisions.
SUM VAX ti KlTZGKHAI.n , 313 Hroad ay.
K r.HAHAM , fUi Btnvt. Goods
Bald at lOhtiTii prleux und guaraiitofd.
Harness and Saddlery.
CIIAS. WAI.TF.ll .V nitO. . lliddlo Ilro < ul y ,
U11AS. UiKMA.Srl : Middle llruulvvay.
Hair Goods.
MRS. n. A. HUNiiIOT : , Xtt Went
MRS. .1. J. fiOOD , 2U Olhbtrect.
Livery Stables
A. C01IITON , 2.TO llroa < l ay.
W. C , HOLLAND , 7110 South Malr. St ,
11. IlEECHOtT , opp. P. O.
OniU'.K HOKSi : . Upper llroadway.
KIEI/a 1IOTKL , 5U1 and M7 Main street.
Meat Market.
E W. TICK NOR , Wfl Broadway.
J. J , 11LLSS , XRUlrOxuUaj. Come and examIne
Ino forvounclf.
Marble and Granite Works ,
CONNOR . GUANELLA , 117 Bred ny.
Merchant Tailors.
JAS. FRANEV. 372 Ilrojulway ,
CHAb. ItlL'E , l > ctol' building , OtU and Mali
JOS RE1TE1I , 310 llroadway
Real Estate and Abstract.
KUI1IALL \ CHAMP , oiiiwsitc- court house.
J. W. SQUIRE Jc CO. , corner Pearl and 1st nvc
Sll 1TII & | MtCUKN. 4P4 Broadway.
Stoves and Tinware.
H. D. AMY A : CO. , MO South Main tret.
Shirt Factory.
F. F. FORD , comer llluff and Willow St.
MORGAN , KELLER & C . , 316 and 317 lirov
D. " M. CONNELL , 17 North Main St.
Blob Out Glass , Fine French China ,
Silver Wctro &o. ,
8W B 0i wii . COUNCIL BLUrTa , W ;
IK-cxJ * nJ wortgttscj dniv n an ij. .
Broadway , and Street.
Goancil 3 , Iowa.
Headquarters For the Cele
Weber Pianos ,
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
-A- Address ,
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and Willow Sreets , Council Bluffs ,
1 * D
i. K.
We make ) tbo following a specialty :
tZTMM orders and correspondecce promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory
S. E. Oor. 7th Avo. nnd 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUBFS , IOWA
The finc.Ht quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalic casai.
Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
Our Mr. Morgan haa terved ao undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands
hta business. WAREROOMS , 346 AND 357 BROADWAY. Up'holaterin ? in
all Its bninche * promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tela-
graphle nnd mall ordcra filled without delay.
BREWERY & MALT F 4 * * * i
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
De-rand malt many qutnltjto ! | suit purchasers. Beer J8.00 per barrel. l'rhat2iamliicsMi. |
piled w.t'a email kcgt at $1.00 caco , uelivcred ( reool ctir t to a > jnrt of the city. Wo rare oa
Order ] IllleJ In any portot the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
Wholesale Dealer In nnd SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlltz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
1WTT. . - > w w < OiJ J-a. iA S J&1 O J _ _ JS
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited
Cltv ordern to familltM mid df lcrn dellverfd frog.
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale will Retail Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Merchant Tailor
Always Vccps onband the flnebt assortment ol matt rial for gcutleineo'i wear. Satisfaction guaranteed
Mllllnory , DrosamalclngEtc. . -Cutting' ana Fitting a SpedloJty.
tto MS Rroadwar , OppoUte Ret ere Houae.
Laces , Embroideries , and Ladies Underwear.
Handkerchief , hoea ol all stnds , thread , plnr. needles , etc. Yft hope the Ualea will call
and lee our etock ol srooii * .
Merchant Tailor.
( Late Cutter for Metoalf B . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Street.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Suits to order $18 and upward * .
( Succceiort to J. P. d. J. K. Casaady. ) *
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
We have the only complete wt cl abitrae ; boolt to all city loti and lacdi tn 1'otUwt.ttaml
county. Title * vxamlned and ab tractn fun Uhtd on short notice. Honey lo loin cu city ani ( arm
Iiropertr. ihortud ICPKtlme , tntumitokult tbeborrovict , Heal cit > bought aua joU , "
si at tG old Uni oppojlU co ut bi n e