Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday Morninp , Oct. 12.
Oy Carrier , M cent per veek.
. . . . . . $10.00 per Year ,
Offloo : No. 7 Poorl Btreot , Near
D oudwny.
U.O. CitllFFIN , Mangel.
H. W. TlLVTON , City Bdltor.
J. Mueller's 1'altw.o Musio Ilnll.
Shcrriulen tnalccA | > hologTBphn.
HtoTe mMti for sale at H. K. 8eo-
man > . oct2.rl. !
WhlUley'd Hidden Hand company
apixjnr at Dobani'fi this evening.
A plain drank named Iiawson , wax
yesterday forenoon gathered In from the
The Round Table meets this erenlng
at Mr. Otis' residence to continue the study
of Corlolantu.
The net profit * of the wheelbarrow
festival nt the Congregational church were
-Orders for toys and small musical in
struments are ccmtng In thick and fast at
Yesterday afternoon J. K , Irving , of
yiorence , Neb. , wan married to Louise
Helllke , of Omaha , Justice Abbott offici
George W.Mooro and Fannl I. Stone-
house , both of Atlanta , wore yesterday
married by Justice Abbott.
ft -
The Episcopalian church social Is to
held this evening , Mri. liloomer enter
taining the friends , assisted by Mrs. Heck
le * , .
Cheap Kailroad tlcketa to all points.
Btuhncll , five doors north of postofh'ce ,
ells them. Entrance on Main or Pearl
Our friend Mueller is nowadays very
bnsy filling orders for toys and small musi
cal Instruments ,
The Fay Tompletcn company ycster-
terday arrived at the Ogden , and lost eve
ning gave a fine entertainment at Do-
The ball to bo given -by the Knight *
of Labor to.murro\v evening , at Bloom k.
Nixon's hall , promise * to bo a most enjoy
able event , and largely attended.
The case of the Staters. Kline , for
larceny waa yesterday dismissed by Jus
tice Kralney , the protocntlon fnlllni ; to
put In an appearance.
- Mattresses , spring beds and lounges ,
aa well OH tlio bent and latest of uphol
stered Roods can lie found at K. F. Stoct-
ert & Co.'s , 00 Itrondway.
This afternoon tbo Kansas City Hod
Stockings end Council Bluffs nine meet on
the diamond field , There will bo A sharp
and exciting contest. Uamo is to bo called
at S p. m.
Joseph Koltcr makes the Finest Suita
n the latest styles , at the lowest possible
prices. Ills merchant tailoring establish
ment In at 310 Upper Broadway , Council
Bluff * .
Morgan , Keller & Co.'s undertaking
establishment now has telephonic connec
tions with all pirts of tba city , so that
those desiring their Horvlces can readily
send them tvord over tbo wires.
The new meat shop of Shull & Mul
len , south Main street , guarantee prompt
attention , the best mo.ttH , ami' at the low
est prices of any chop in the city.
"Vesterday Mm. Christina Kahre , of
Weaton , was brought to this city In a
wildly insane condition , aud last evening
waa taken to the asylum. Her HOU was
recently sent to the saina pUce for treat
ment , he belnt' also \ lulontly insane.
Joseph MOM , the upper Broadway
cooper , desires to purchase 50,000 hoop
poles He also wishes to employ ton extra
cooper * . Write to or Inquire at his cooper
For the latent styles of parlor furnit
ure , for upbuliitory work of all Uindu , for
tbo most complete assortment of lumbre
quins , poles , shades and curtains , go to K
F. StooVert & Co. , 1(09 ( Broadway ,
Nothing has been heard lately about
that new street oar line , which Col. CJhap
man was BO eager to build Iu t spring , aud
fur which the city council granted a char
ter. Work was to commence within nlxty
days , and the Hue be in operation within
year , but there neems nothing demo yet ,
Kvcryone who is at all Interested in
bate-bill thould take iu the promised
name this afternoon between the Kaunas
City Hed Btocldnss and the Council BlulT .
The conteit will be an exciting one , The
Kansas City' * lately defeated our boy-M In
two games , and the home nine Is therefore
bent on getting oven with them if jwulble
and will playithelr very bent.
A party cf Herman emigrant bound
for Lincoln , were suddenly saddened 'JSi-
day night , at tha Kuilgraut house , where
one of thtlr number , an old lady , died
. quite unexpectedly , Old UIJB and Us at-
toudlng feebleness seetned the only cauie
of death. The remains were placed in „
. neat colliu , nod taken on to > Lincoln for
burial , for which place the party left yes
terday ,
When a person covered all over will
the slim * of political Infamy Is presontt ) .
by a party sauciis as a candidate for uu
important truit , we art uot turprited tha
the gosd men of that party rise up in
their wrath , bid defiance to the part ;
m nag r , and refute to suppori
inch a candtdtU , Tha defeat , of j tha
candi iate I * the ourest way to prevent a
repetition of the devioaj that secured hi
nomination. Glenwood Journal en An
Ollicer Kdgar yeaterday found Wm
Keellne , Jr. , wandering along Broadway
drunk and bleeding from a wuuud in th
bevl. Some said ho fell down auj hit hi
head vn .he curbing , other * that bo hat
be uruclr , L t r in the day the aatuo
aatUiieJ that he had beet
thumped , axid nrre tcd Thos. It , Hare im
tba titoaulter ud bitterer , but m tbu trla
U WM dlicloseaSjbAt Iveellne hvi drawn a
revolver on Hare yind made such thrca'
that Hare knockeJiilm down , llara w-
thcrofore set free , wlilo ( Keeliuo WM lieh
until lober euough for trial.
Dr. Deetkeu was calM on to autwe
a charge .of anuult laid agaiutt him by
Mn. Burke , a colored woman , in tbi po
lice court yesterday. The colored family
Ive nrxjt door neighbors to the doctor , nnd
be trouble fteemn to have originated from
the children. The doctor's slx-year-old
called a Burke boy "a nltfier ; , " end the
alter threw a clod of dirt which gave the
white Ixiy the nose-bleed , The doctor on
; olng over to sea Mrs. Burke about the
rouble is said to have struck her. Ho de
nied the striking , and the court discharged
For Kent.
A IIOUBO of fivu rooms , wells , CH-
orn , etc. , near shot tower.
Owu. : it DAY.
onpod from the Tolls.
John Bacon , Laporte , Ind , , writes :
Hurrah for HLOSHOM ; it's nil you
recommend It to be. My dyspepsia has all
vanished. Why don't you advertise it ?
What allowance will ynu make if I take a
dozen bottles , so that I could oblige my
riends utcasmtly 1' rice CO cents , trial
ottlcH 10 cena.
In Satin , Plush and Diagonal Beaver ,
at IlAnKHKHHLOucun A CO'H.
Chailts T. Luce , of Woodbine , Iowa , Is
n the city.
O. A. Hoffman , of Uockford , Is a 1'acl-
fie house guest.
John Kckman , of Louisville , was at the
Ogden yeiterday.
II. M. Justice , of Philadelphia , ye tor-
lay did justice : to an Ogden house dinner ,
George W , Chonington , of the Almy
coal mines , Wyoming , is nt the I'avifio ,
W. F. Sapp ( jr. , and mother left last
veningforChlcapo , intending to be ab
sent a week or so.
There wore three Scott * at the Ogden
yoitcrday Charles Scott , of I'lttsburg ;
Ii. I. Scott , of Pea MoIncH , and Wm.
Scott , of St. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs , Hanthorn of Atchlson ,
Its. , are in the city visiting John Han-
.horn and family and other relatives , Mr.
[ fantliorn is one of the largest and best
known grocers of Atchlson.
Peter Herdio , of Philadelphia , ia In the
city. He falls to observe many of bis
[ fordic coaches npon the streets , the en-
lOrprisa having evidently gene to meet
Tohn Chapman's street car line. Mr.
lerdlo has lately returned from ling *
and , and even a vayage across eho water ,
las not made him loio faith In the Herdio
: oach.
A Short Roan to Health'
To all who are suffering from bolls , ul-
: erH , scrofula , carbuncles , or other obstl-
nuto dlncajcj of the blood and akin , acouree
o bo a abort road to health. Price 81.00 ,
Dross Flannels in all the now shades ,
or fall and winter wear , at
UAHKNK.S8 , Oiiuurr & CO'H. |
Notice to the ladioa of Council
3Iuffs : That the tailor system of cut-
Ing will be taught this week at , No.
8 , North Oth street , by
_ Gunoral Agents.
'o tlie Voters of Kane To n hlp.
I hereby announce myself as an
ndopondont candidate for constable ,
subject to the voice of the voters on
ensuing election. 0.V. . WESLEY.
Tbo Wheelbarrow Festival.
Under this name pno of the most
argoly attended and most merry
hurch festivals ever hold in the city ,
was given at the parlors of the Con
gregational church. There was much
iiiriosity aa to what sort cf a festival
ould bo had in which wheelbarrows
ould bo given a place , and this feei
ng of _ curiosity , added to the
assurance given of a good time
anyway , caused the rooms to
> aokou. There was a swarm of boys
ind girls , as well as older people , and
the crowd was so great and the morry-
niaklng so livuly that the programme
iroposcd for the utago could not bo
: arried out to the satisfaction of nil ,
it being almost impossible to cot suf
ficient silence , and cessation from talk
and laughter , to enable all to bo hoard
while the jam was such that all could
not see what was going on on the
stage There WA.B aomo excellent
music provided , and a charm
ing recitation by Miss
Mttlio Timber , the little miiu
securing bettor attention than some of
the older participants , and winning
licarty applause , for the clear and expressive -
prossivo manner in which nho recited
"Tho Little MOUBO in Church. "
There was another feature which in
terested the young folkn , it being a
tableaux representing the old bachelor
who wont to London to got him a
wife , and who in bringing her homo
in a wlioolburrow , had the misfortune
to have the barrow broken and bis
little wjfo spilled. Master Willie
Squire , in a little swallow-tailed coat ,
tall hat etc. , made a perfect little
man , and Master Lutio Piyor , was
costumed as a outo little wife , whoso
tumble caused much merriment.
At ono booth tbcra were for oale a
a nominal pricoJittlo glass vrheolbar-
rows filled withpandy , and in adjoin
ing rooms refreshments were served
* % cream being dished up in glan
wh < Mibarrow0 , which were sold witl
Then there was the flora
atase , whore barrows could be loaded
with flowers , if desired , There was
rush after these wheelbarrows , tna
before the evening was half over
every one had boon told , and still tlu
demand kept up lively , The fostlva
was a novel ono and ft proved to bo i
Impny hit , besides beim- financially
profitable to the Bunday school.
Effoot *
U. Uibbs , of Buffalo , X. Y. , writes
"Hearingyour BuitDOCK BLOOD BlTTElt
favorably spoken of , I was induced t
watch thtir fffoct * . audilmUhttln chrim'
dlteaees of the blood , liver and kidneys
your bittern have been tlgnally murkei
uithsuccent , 11 ave used them uiytel
with bent mult * , for torpidity of the liver
aud In the cabe of a frleud of mine suffer
ing from dropsy , thn effect was marvelous
Price Sl.OO.
A Souvenir ,
With each pair of boots , shoes o
slippers wo null , wo give one of ou
transparent oleographs.
7. T. LlNlUKY & CO.
Substantial bargains in Dress Goods
Silks , Handsome Dolmans , Klegan
Carpets , Ac. , &o. , all the year roun
An Old Man Knocked Down
and His Gripsack Gobbled.
The Officer * Think They Have the
Highnrnf mon.
Another robbery occurred Tuesday
night , near the Chicago < t Hock la-
land depot , aud although not much
plunder was secured , yet it was nol
thofanlt of the ruffians who committed
the outrage. An old man named Max
Schmidt , who ia a mason by trade ,
waa cominp along the street accornI
panlod by n boy named Qoorgo Mil-
lor. The old man waa lugging hia
gripsackjaud the boy had nn accordoon ,
Two men jumped on them , knocked
the old man down , grabbed the grip ,
made the boy glvo up hia accordoon
and then run away. Not long after
Officer Sterling found a man
named Thomaa Doraoy seated on
the edge of a sidewalk going through
the valise , and arrested him and secured -
cured the plunder. Doraoy waa locked
up , and yesterday waa brought into
court , and the examination act for this
afternoon , bail being fixed at 91,000 ,
and not being able to give bonds , waa
kept locked up. Ho admits that ho
had boon drinking some , but denies
that ho was in any way connected
with the robbery.
It ia aaid that the other man , waa
named James McCarthy , and the po
lice are after him. McCarthy is also
wanted to answer another 'charge
Tuesday ho kicked up a row with
. young man named Gibson , booau i
ho latter refused to sell him a pint of
whisky "on tick. " Not satisfied with
triking Gibson ho bit oil a piece of
lis car , committing an offense which
f proved on him will aond him across
ho atato ,
My realdoncoNo. | 716 Fourth street
Bancroft' ) L , F. MUKPMY.
Arrangements have been made to
mvo all the engines and carts hitched
ip for practice three times per day.
The boll at Rescue engine house will
; ivo onp tap at 9 a. in. , 12 m and 8 p.
n. , which will bo the signal for hitch-
ng up.
JolLtf TEJtrtETON ,
Chief Fire Dop't.
Jacob Kgermeyorof CtdarRapids , failed
on Saturday for $18,000. His assets are
about $10,000. Kgormoyer was large man
ufacturer of and dealer in harness. He
ha done businoun in Cedar Rapids for ten
years. . . . . . , .
1 i ----I-- .f.m I
The Authorities Need to Wake Up
and Clear the Olty or Crooks.
There is a most excellent opportuni
ty in this city for a showing of some
activity on the part of the authorities
iu clearing out the thieves and crooks
who hover about town , and who fro-
vontly break ont enough to attract
) ubllo attention by a robbery , burg-
ary or confidence game. Council
Huffs is not in a state of anarchy nor
i it a aodom of wickedness , but etill
tiero ia too much deviltry going on i
ere , with too little restraint or pun-
Without going further back into
ho reaorda than the iirat of January
aat , a period the oronta of which can
oadily bo recalled by residents , many
ctB have been committed which ought
p have aont the doers to the poniton-
iary ; and jet , how many have been
caught or committed ? Since the first of
"nnuary last , there baa boon only ono
iriminal aont to the penitentiary for
rime committed in Uiia city. That
ino waa "Cranky Bill , " who waa
ontonced to six months for stealing
leorgo Ferguson's valise. There have
icon nutnurous cases of picking poo-
seta , highway robbery , arson , confi-
lenco tricks , burglary , etc , , and yet
if the whole batch but a few have
ivpr been arrested , and only ono con-
rioted and aontonccd to go across the
There are a certain number of
cuowii crooks , who uro now hanging
about the city and plying their trade
> otwoen hero and Omaha. Those who
lave boon lately fleeced in this city
and vicinity by confidence men , agree '
no nearly iu their descriptions of the
rogues that it ia apparent that the
same follows work most of the tricks
.urned here. It rooms ns if those
whoso business it ia to watch for
crooks would be able to toll those men
} y sight , after a time , and
they are able. Why do not they
a r res' thorn then ? An Olllcur in talk-
ng with n. BKK man the other day ,
tainted out two men standing on
Liroadway , rind said * he waa sure they
were crooked , and that they would
soon bo heard from as turning some
trick. On being asked why he did
not run thuui in , the o Hi cur answered ,
"What ahull I arrest them for ? " "V *
jranoy , if for nothing else. " "Why ,
what's the UBO of that. The courl
would lot thorn loooo again , ' *
The fact aeema to be that the ofli-
cora lay the blame on the courts , und
the courts lay the blame on thn olli-
err * , and between them the crooks us-
capo , like a pig running between the
limbs of a bow-legged man.
The authorities by working together
judicial and executive oflkura can les
sen the number of crooks hanging
about hero , and especially so if they
work together with the Omaha au
thorities. Men who are known
crooks should not bo alhwod to hang
about until they can bo caught in
aomu specific act. The vagrancy law
if applied lo them will bring them to
time on general principles , and it cii
be tnudo too wurm for them to stay
The oitirona are getting tired of the
excuses offered by courts that the
officers do not arrest those fellows , 01
that there is aomu technical way o
escape for them. They are equally
tiroq of having the police offer UK
excuse that thuro is no way of getting
the follows convicted if caught
Thieves and thugs are hero , They an
known to the officers. The taxpayers
pay for protection , and pay men aal
arics for looking after criminals , &ni
punishing th'em. "W1H they do th
duty for which they ore paid )
It ia aaid , and with much truth
tha | ifech a cry for reform comes
aUted intervals , but still there ia
cause for it. When citizona are knock
ed down and robbed , when crimea pi
of all kinds ore committed , and only
one poor , half-cracked snenkthicf is
the only one sent to the penitentiary ,
out of scores of criminals it is tinu
that citizens begun to inquire whether
the courts nnd oflicora are for the pur
poio of protecting the public , or pro
tooting thojo who make war on the
public , and it will not be long before
generalities are thrown aside and the
public will fasten upon individual ! ) ,
who nro the ones to blame , and will
make complaints in detail , specifying
names , rather than daises.
Millions Given Away.
Mllltontof Dottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and
Colds , have been given nway ns Trial
BotlleH of the 'arge ' size. This enoimous
outlay would be disastrous to the pro
prietors , were It not for the rare merits
posnesed by this wonderful medicine. Call
at O. 1 * . Goodman's Drug Store , and cot
a Trial Bottle free , nd try. for yov.rsolf.
never falls to euro ,
The tosses by the fire nt Maquoketa last
week foot up to 590,000 ; Insurance ? C3,000.
The Dunlap Itsnorter Is in a fa'r ' way to
become the agricultural paper of Iowa.
A Board of Trade has been organized in
John B. Gongh Ii booked to speak In
Grinnell , December 1st.
The llarman houie , a three-story hotel
a t Tarn City , burned last Thursday night.
Loss 810,000.
A tomb-stone dealer has
Muscatlne - re-
oolvod an order from Mrs. Jissa James for
a marble shaft twelve feet high to mark
tha resting place of her husband.
Selh Knowles , of McGregor , was thrown
out of a wagon by a runawav horse on
Wednf : d y , the 4th last. , and Dragged for
a distance ever rocks and stones , lie died
soon after from the injuries received.
An Anamosa perltentlary bird named
Wertin was taken to Dubuqut to identify
two burglars with whom he bad been in
terested in a job , but after he was there he
failed to recognize the prisoners , and they
were cleared. The general belief is that
he lied.
Fiieman Frank Nugent , on the Chicago ,
Burlington and Quincy railroad , was
caught between an engine and tender on
Wednesday night near Brighton and seri
ously If not fatally hurt. The locomotive
left the track and turned over , catching
Nugent , who attempted to jump.
A * &d accident to a .wo-vear-old child of
Ben Read , of Caseyville. The father waa
making molasses and the child sat in a
high chair close by a pan in which wan
about six inches of boiling syrup. Proba
bly trying to imitate Its father It reached
over with a skimmer and fell forward into
the boll Ing liquid. Although in the pan
only Gve seconds it was so badly burned
that It died the next day.
articles of all kinds re-
tpred to their original beauty by
) iomond Dyes. Perfect and simple.
0 cents , at all druggists.
How about Mr. Anderson ? Has
hero ever been anything said against
lim prior to his being nominated for
ongroes ? Why , the editor of the
oading paper in hia district , now aup-
) orting hia candidacy , said six years
go that ho was guilty of adultery ;
hat he had abused his wife ; that he
ittd collected double pay for his aer-
ices aa an officer of the army , and ro
used to restore the money thus wrong-
ully taken ; and made other charges
f a moat flagrant'character. . He aol-
mnly averred that he believed all the
ihargea to bo true , and Mr. Anderson
ook no legal measures to show that hoi
d boon libeled ! Exchange.
The proprietor of this paper ia in
'ocoipt of a letter from Dan Farrell ,
he valiant sheriff of Mills county ,
who captured Polk Wells. In regard
o Mrs. Miller , whom Anderson in-
luced to transfer her property to him-
tilf , thereby defrauding two destitute
children out of their heritage , Mr.
? arrtjll eaya ; "A history of these dia-
lonest transactions are now prepared
, nd will bo published. It ia now bo
ng withheld in order to allow the
major to brine ; hm case up , which is
low pending in this court. Of courao
10 dare not , but his failure to do no
vill make another very damaging page
of hia history. " Ho , Bat raps ! to the
rout. Frame an apology. Say ii was
ndiscreot , but innocent of wrong in
ontioiiB , "and crook the pregnant
liuges of the knee , that thrift may
bllow fawning. " [ Walnut Nows.
- -
* * * "SkilI and patience succeed
where force fails. " The quiet skill
and patient research which brought
'orth Kidney-Wort illustrates the
truth of tha fable. 1U grand succeos
everywhere ia admitted. Disease
never comes to ua without a cause.
Aak any good physician the reason
and ho will tell you something inter
feres with the working of the great
organa. Kidney-Wort enables thorn
to overcome all obstructions , nnd preserves -
serves perfect health , Try a box or
jottlo at once.
JjlHsftunUtha painful illiMiK of tfa
! It o anM * Ui iy > teta of Cm acrid polxui
that CHUM * Ui * dreadrol uffcrlnjr whioli
only the Tlottau of rhnunaUm can rodlu.
of Uw > SVxiiv torm. pf thU * errlM < U a
boon u lc3dy nllant , tndlaiiiort
* r DET , SOLD Bswxasre ,
Twenty-four > can experience tn practical
OfEoo 106 Upper Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa
F.B * DMUD 0I. E.L.8UllOiUT , A. W. STBKI
Vriwtdent. Ylce-Prw't. Cathler.
. Of Cormcll Bluffs.
OriranUed under the laws ol the SUte of Iowa
Paid uu capital 9 76,00
AuthoiiKd capital , , 200,000
Interest i U on time deposit * . DralU Usue <
oa the principal cltlc * of tti United Bute * and
Kuioiie. fipocUl atteutloo ci eu to collectien
and corrwpoudenco with prompt leturc * .
J. D.EdmundOD. E.L. Bhnjrart , J. Tn rtl
NOTlOli Special Advertisement * , sue
Lout , Found , To I/oun , Far Sale , To Bent ,
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In ttilj
column l the ow nto of TEN CENTS PEB
LINK for the first Insertion and F1VK CENT !
PKH LINE for each subsequent Insertion.
Lette dv ertlsomenta at our ofQco , No. 7
Ifarl Btre-t. near Uroailway.
WANTK1)tmmedfV > ) y three or four tal-
r.nlecl Irnn coinlcc m.kcnand roof .
at JOHN Kl'K.NETKR , 307 Uroadwiy , Council
Bluff , la. 13-31
\-\rANTED 400orBOOba lieU of old white
V V corn at Mayoe & Co. , North 6th and
Mill ) Sll cot.
WANTKU A irlrl for guncr * ! homework In
a Mimll family , enquire 1U il'ourth ( Itiui-
croft ) strict. cx.-3t
WANTKK 6JO buildings to move. We tnakc
ftfiTchlty of movl g home * and safcnl
AdilKHiY , I' . AlcsHortu , bo6 9. Conncll
llltiff , Ia.
\1trANTKD ETtrybody In Council Bluffs Ic
VV to Uke Tnii BIB , 20 centa per week1 , do
Irered by carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Street
near Broadway.
\\J ANTED lo Imjr a five or six rrom houo
V ) on montl.1)Initallments cf $25 , P-O.
box OJS
fTTANTED To buy 100 tons broom corn
VY For particular ! address Council Blufft
Broom Factory. Council Bluffs. Iowa. 6&8-29tl
For Sale and Rent
HO UKNT Furnlihed room to r nl wltn brird
JL at 730 lljnitir street. Day board | 3.tO
per week ,
nORHENT < ! rs table olDcs on flrtt ft-xir.
tj A. B. U A YNB & CO. , No. . " 4 Pearl ttrect.
FOR RENT-A rtry | ) le. int tewly buUt
houif , Franklinst. Tj'iinrciaDn bl , A.
II. UAYNh & CO. , No. 34 1'tsrl street.
Full RUNT A store ricm on Main street , op
posite Catholic chur.b Enquire of Mrs.
FOR RENT. One nlce'yfurntuhrd ' room , one
hlock from Broadway H. C. Hi acoal. city
ulldlng , oct8-3t
F 10R SALE A 10x12 nkyllght. Euftable for
hot bed. Apply to Kxcolilor Oallery.
CTOR SALE Beautiful residence lots , ieb
D each ; nothing down , and ? 3 per month only ,
TOTICK-To the ladlei of Council Bluff' ,
_ 1 that the Tujlor sjetem of cuttle ? ' , il bo
kuzht this week at No S3 North cKtb street.
. Carter and wife , agint8. _
r OST A large warJrob. key. Liberal reward
Lj lo flnd.r. Kiiqulro at H e ofllce.
QTlLli AHEAD Great success. Call and see
j new accessories and specimens of pictures
taken bv the reliable gelatine bromide process ,
t the Excelsior Oallwrv 30 Miln street.
DR. W. L. PATTON Pbyslclan aud Oculist.
Can cure any case of nero cye > . It Is only
matter of time , and can cure generally In
rom three tc Ove weeks It maUcu no differ-
nee how long diseased. Will straighten cross
yes , operate and remove PtyreglnmB , etc. , and
nsert artificial eyes. Special attention to re
move ! ng tadenorms ap5-tf
Council Bluffs'
Business Directory ,
Art Gallery.
Eicelsior photograph ga'lcrj , South Main St.
nitantaneous prccesx.
C. OKI8K , Upper Broadway.
Bottling Works.
D. HAOG & CO. , East Pierce St.
P. AYKKS , 517 S. Main 3U
Bathing Houses.
MRS. E. J. HARDIMO , M. D. , Broadway and
Henri arc.
DU. 9TUDLEY , Bethcsda Bathing House ,
1 road way.
Books and Stationery.
H. K. SEAMAN , Mlddlu Broadway.
OFFICEK & PUSKV , corner Broadway and 6th
CITIZENS' BANK , Pth street.
Broom Factory.
M AVNE It CO. , arenue A , and 6th St.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TEMPLKTON & LAMB , 232 Broadway.
K. K. LEVIN , 30 Broadway.
L. DOKU1IOFK , C31 Main St.
A. It. MAYNK & CO. , 31 Pearl St.
J. 1IOSS , 015 Kaat Broadway.
BINTON & WKST , 14 Pearl St.
Dry Goods
HAKKNKS.S , OUCUTT A CO. , Broailway and
4th street.
G. K. CHAWFOKD , 010 Main St.
Furniture Manufactory.
E. It. BTKINIIIUlKU.-cor. 7th are anil 12th St.
Furniture Store.
U. A , BEE11E & CO. , 201 .ind ' . ' 00 Urea < i ay ,
Crocerlei and Provlslens.
SULIVAN 4. FIT/.aKHAIJ,313IroadHray. )
Cunsmltlilng. '
OIJ.IVER AIUAIIAM , Cth etnit. Oooda
told ut raatern prloe-i and Kuarantecil
Harness nnd Saddlery.
CIIAS.WAI.TEUi. IIIIO , Middle Ilroad ay.
UIIAS. Itr.lCilA.V,3.1 Mldle lroadua ! >
Hair Goods.
JHIS I > . A llE-VEniCTT. 337V t
JI1W , J. J , GOOD , 2 ! ) Cth Direct ,
Livery Stables ,
A. COIIPTON. 2.10 Broad\vaj
W C. HOLLAND , 70S Noutli Mall , St.
11. UkKCKOlT , onp. 1' , O.
OODIC.V HOUSE. Upper Ilroailnay
KIKI/S HOTEL , Ml and 507 Main > trout
Meat Market.
E. W. TICKNOlt , 030 Broadway.
Millinery ,
J , J , BLISS. 3M llroidKay. Conic will ciam
Ino lorvourn'II ,
1I1W. J. E MKTCAI.K , 518 Ilroa < l a ) .
Marble and Granite Works.
CONNOIt A. OUANELLA , 117 nroadwajr.
Merchant Tailors.
JAS. FIIANEV. 372 Bro lway.
( IllAS , KICK , Uo\ol' bulldtoir , 6th and Malu
JOS UElTEll.SIOBroailwa }
Real Estate and Abstract.
KIMBALL A. CHAMP , oproslto courl house ,
J. W. HQUllli : & CO. , corner 1'carl and Itt a < e.
SMITH MMcd'EK. 401 llro. > Iway.
Steves and Tinware.
. P. AMV 4. CO. , WO South Jl&ln Hrret.
Shirt Factory.
F , F. FOUD , corner Bluir und Wilto * St.
MOKOAN , KELLEIl & C . , 318 and 317 Broad
wat.I ) . M. CONNELL , 17 North Main St.
Rich Out Q1Q88 , Fine French Onlna ,
BUver Ware &o ,
vira o ia
AiitAvJLpfsSbJLrJii ! * J * a &
Broadway , and fourth Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
- -
Headquarters For the Cele
Weber Pianos ,
Toys and Fancy Goods TT
Wholesale and Retail ,
Address ,
F. F. FO
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and Willow Sreets , Council Bluffs.
E. E.
We make the following a specialty :
s and correspondence promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory
S. E. Cor. 7th Avc. and 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden nnd metnlio cases.
C-alls attended to nt all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
3ur Mr. Morgan 1ms served ns undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands
his business. WAREROOMS , 346 AND 357 BROADWAY. TJpholstering In
all its brunches promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tele-
traphlo and mall onlera filled without delay.
Made from the Finest Malt and Hops , with water obtained
from the
This Water ia known everywhere for its Purity and Wholeaomo QualiUoo.
Also Dealers iu C , Conrad & Co.'s Original Budweiaer Beer , manufactured In 3t ,
Louis , Mo , i TOrders in the City or From Abroad Promptly Filled.
Wholesale Dealer in and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Bnisdxvay , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the sountry elicited
Citv rrdera tn fntnilio * nmi doolent delivcrrd free.
O. A. BEEBE & CO. , /
Wholesale and KeUll Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Merchant Tailor
Alwayskecrx on band the finest assortment ol matirlal ( orguutlemea'n wear , SatUlactlon juaranteed
Millinery , Dresdmakln ? , Etc.Cutting - and Fitting1 a Spodlalty.
Vo. C18 llroadnar , Oppetlte Reteie House.
Laces , Embroideries , anil Ladies Underwear.
Handkerchiefs , hose ol all Klndi , thread , plni , ncedlei , etc. We hope the ladles will ull
and see our stock ol eoodi.
Merchant Tailor.
( Late Gutter for Mclc&lf B . , } * V
Devol's ' New Building , Main Street. \
Council Bluffs , la ,
SulU to order 318 and upwards.
( Successor * to ) . V. & J. N. Cauady. ) ,
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers
W hate the enl ) complete rtt of abitraci took * to all city loll and landt in Potto. '
county. Title * examined and abitrcti furtibbfed on hort nttlce. * " ' '