Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BALL ? BEE-OMAHA TJirBSDAY 00 T t } ] J 12
The Nebraska National Bank ,
Of Om i3n , Nob.
Pftld up Capital , - - - - $250.000
S , H. JOHV8OK , President , of SUselo , Johnson A
A. K. TOU7AUN , Vlco I'rcritMit , of C. , H. & Q.
R. K. . , Boston.
\T. V. HOUSE , of W. V. Moreoi Co.
JOHN S. COLLINS , of ( J , It. b. J. 8. Collins.
J , M. WOOLWOnTll , Counsellor & Attorrtc/-at-
L. 8. REED , of llyron Kefd A Co.
It. W. TATES , CJhler , lat Cashier of the Klret Hank of Omaha , and connected with
the nctlto management of that ll&nk tlnco I'j '
or * nlxntlon in 1FC3.
OriwiiD fJr buslnoM April 27 , 1RS2 , with the
target of any bunk In Xtbraska.
COLLKCTIO.VS rcoclvo tpccial attention nr. J char *
ires bivo't obtainable here or tlsewhorr.
IxTiRKffT a'lowedon ' tinio lcposlti npjii ( n\or-
ubls tetma and upon aoauct of bankiiu-d Imnfc.
in * . >
, Lsmxsas , Oorernmont Itonds , and
Oaun'ty nnd Cl y tccurltlos bought and soJ. !
It IB urepared t ) do a funeral banking bu'lncss
la all iti ilctnll * , and In tbe treatment of custom-
am will pursue the most liberalJl'ollcy consistent
with cafa banking
RpUI L'iip.itch to Tux Dm.
| NKW YOIIK , October 11 ,
MONET. , ' '
' Money-Loaned at from 3@7 percent ,
closing at 3 pfer cent.
Prime 'Meroantilo Paper G@8 per cent ,
Starling Jfaohango Steady ; bankers'
bills , S1.73J ; demand , 51.85J.
Government } wera lower. " *
The Block runrkct nag iitegular lit the
opening , prices in the iijain being 1 per
cent lower than yesterday's closing figures ,
During tally trade the market wan weak ,
aud about 11:16 a , m. a decline of J@2 per
cent wan recorded. Then there was a rally
per cent , after which the market
again beoomo heavy , and early in the
afternoon prices fell off 4gli ( ) per cent ,
lu late trade the market became feverish
and irregular , and BO closed , closing prices
being | @ -i per cent lower than yesterej
day's cloeinp ; figures.
Tcaterday. To-day ,
fi'e 1011 lOOi
Couponu 113i 113
- - 119 ; ! ll''i '
Pacific G's of 1R95 130 130
BOND.- ) .
Central 1'aciRo firsts 114 IH
Erie second * < M'J'Ji \ '
Lehigh & Wllkeabarro 102J 101
Louisiana consols 70 O',1 )
MisBouriG'd Ill 110
Bt. JoHeph lODJ
St , Paul & Siour City firsts. .110
Tennessee G's 50
" -a
do new Dli , > 2 '
elan & Pacific land grants. . < ! 9i 024
do It. G. div. . . . 87ft rtl ,
Union Pacific 1st mortgage.llfi 1115
do land grants. , 110 110
do sinking fund.U7i U1S
Virginia G's 33 JC. |
do coavjlsG'n 572 " > 7f
do dofurred 12 IviJ
Adams Exprew 140 110
Allegheny Csntral 292 17J !
Alton & Terre Haute 404Hi
do pfd. . . . 80 $ 84
American Express 95J 1)5 )
Burl. , Cedar Kapids & North 81 Siijj
Canada Southern G7i 63J
Col. , Cin. & Ind. Central..10UJ 100411
Central Pacifiu 9l5 01
Chesapeake & Ohio 2b'jj 'Jdi
do 1st pfd. . . 39 38f
2d pfd. . . 28 'J7i/a |
Chicago A Alton 140J 1404
do pfd 141 141
Chi. , Burl. & Quiucy 1324 131 *
Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 715 78
Gin. . Sand. & Cleveland o4 54
Cleve. , Col. " & Cincinnati. . . . SM K\ ; )
Delaware & Uudson canal. . . . llSl * 113.t
Del. , La'i. & Western 35f 33
Jllio Grande 54i 53i
F-- } 431 422
pfd 87j 87
Jiast Tenneusoe 10'jJ 1031
" ' - '
do preferred illh
Fort Wayne & Chicago 133 ia , >
Hannib-il & Bt. Joseph 4f > 43
do pfd. . . 83 S1J
Harlem 200 200
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 83 82
Illlnow Central 1113 111 l
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 4JJ J4
Kansas & Texas 37 30 , ,
Lake Erie & Western 271 3011
Lake Shore & Michigan Sci..112J lllj . .
Louisville i Nashville. . . . . . . 5C | U 1
LouiiiV. , Now Alb. & OhicaRO C8 08
Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 15 in
do do 2dpfd 5 fi
Memphis & Charleston 53J HU |
Micliigau Control 'Ml 09 }
Minneapolis & St. Louis 31 81 ?
do pfd. 724 721
Missouri Pacific I07i 107ji
Mobile & Ohio UOJ 120
Manhattan Be. ch 124J 12 !
MorrU&Kssex .r 4f 51
Nashville & Chattanooga 731 71l
New Jernoy Central WVn.r)9 /
Norfolk & We t u
do preferred
Northoru Pacific 4'Ji I8 |
do pfd ! ! . % 'J3i 1
Northwestitrn 145 } 11h \
do pfd Ki3. ' lf.2 |
New York Central 135 $ 133
Ohio Central 17j ! 171 t
Ohio & Mississippi Sty 3UJ
do pfd 105 105
Ontario & Western 127& 127J
PaolBo Mail 43J 43
Panama 107 1 7 | C
Peoria , Decatur * Kvansy. . . 32 3L
PilUburg & Cleveland 139 138
Beading ItJrfj 163
Kock Island 166 133
Ht. LonU & BAD Vrn 39 33 }
do pfd. . . . 58 ? 58 ?
do 1 pfat 7 W > 1 , e
Bt , Pol & M JwatAea 1102 UOi ?
do pfd..126 123J10
fit. PaalJMujn. & Manitoba.1CZ lU3t
Bt. Paul & Omaha 151 IftOl
do pfd. 108 10U |
T M & Padfio 46 < 4S
Union Pacifi 108 107J
United States Kxpnsss 70 70
Wabah , St. L , 4 Pacific , . . .135 135i It
, lo pfd. 66 Wjlo
WeUi , Fargo & Co. KipreHa.130 ISO
Weatern Union Telegraph , . . 8'Jl 88J
Oaribo. . ? . . . 1 | 1 ?
Central Aritona. . . . . . . . . . . . . § S |
Excelsior , , . 1 1
Homestake 17 17
Little PittKburg 1 1
Ontario 37 SO , „
Qulckullvor i 7
do pfd 121 W '
Robinson 1 1
SHverClilf J S
South Prtcifio ' . . . 13 14
Standard 6 4 .
Sutro , i IB
OfTered. Wi. Intereat. JAsked.
> ! / e
Special DlipJtcSw to TIIK DIE.
OUICAGO , October 11 , Flour IJuUt ,
but steady ,
Wheat Demand fair and market firm :
regular , 91tj@'JUc for October ; 95@9CJc
for November ; 1 02 for May ; No. 2 red
winter , OShfnr cash ; No. 2 Chicago spring ,
9ll@91go for cash ; No , 3 Chicago spring ,
86lcj rej cUd ,
Corn Strong and higher ; 6Ce@67c for
cash ; ( or Norember ; for
the year ; f > 2jc for January ; SS53jo
for May ; rejected , 6 > Jo.
Oats Quiet , but tied33 ; a for cash ;
32jK33c ! for October ; 33s tor Norembcr ;
3230for the ye : r ( 3I-/J / for May ; rejected ,
9o.Ilje Demand filr ud prices higher ;
& 9o.
U.tley Stesdy ; b2o.
1'im : > Strd - Ucmcd f.vlr nnd prices
hlshe. ; I 20J
Batter Scarce , firm and higher ; choice
to fniuy crcjiuiiri , 3l < S33c ; f lr to good ,
LVi@c.o ) ; good to choice dnirv , ' 2Ja2Jc ( ;
puckitu KUck , 1 @ 1S : ; common to fair ,
easier ; 22J@23c.
1'otk Unsettled , but generally lower ;
23 OJ.SJ3 U. for cash ; 22 80@22 'JJ for Oc
tober ; ' . ' 0 ri."xB2087i for Novunber ; 19 15
for the year ; 19 05(0)19 ( ) 07i for January.
Lanl i'air demand , but at lower rates ;
12 50 for caHh ud October ? 12 ! l6@Uf 12J
for November ! 11 45@11,10 for the jear ;
11 ! C11 8"i for January and February.
Bulk Mean Stronger ; shoulders , 10 2Sj
short fibs , 14 25 ; short dear , 1523.
Whliky Steady ; 1 18.
Frcighti Kates tin corn to Buffalo , 2Jc.
CALI , ItoAtin. (3ram ( Generally un-
chtmvoJ , but Nome Rales rather higher.
l' < > rk-Irrcnular ; 2290 lor October }
208'4 for November ; IS 10 for the year ;
1'J CM for January.
L rd-12 5r.12 GO'riikod , 12 10 bid for
November ; 11 I2J lor the year ; 11 45 tor
NEW VoiiK. October 11.
Stead } ; superfine state western , 3 10
@ < 4 00 ; common to good extra , 4 00@
4 GOj jgood 10 choice , , 4 05@7 50 ; .white
wheat ix'trn , G 2d@7 50'extra ; Ohio.M 00 ®
17 LO ; bt. Loui , 11,0@7 CO ; Minnesota patent -
11 ! process , 7 008 75.
Wheat Opened ( ; higher , nnd
strong , but afterwards lost tbe/iuU
vance , closing dull and' heavy ; No. 2
spring \ , 1 Otj ; ungraded red , 85c@l 12J ;
ste.unur t No. 3 red , U3a ; No , 3 ro ) , 1 Oo
@l05i ; Htcamor No. ,2 red , 1 03 til 0-1 lj
ISO. 2 red , 1 03J@1 COj for cortioc.ite
1 0'2)1 ( ) 11 delivered ; steamrr luixtd
wiutkT , 'J'c ' ; ungr.uied white , SOuiJul.lO ;
No , 2 white , 1 t/OJ / ; Hteatner No. - white ,
85c ; No. I tvhltt , 11 , . 00 bo. sold ut
i lUSjl ( Hi ; No. 2 red for October , 320-
UOO bu. id ; at 1 l)8J@l ) 0 : > j { ( CUM-
ing ' nt 1 OSJ ; do for November , OGO-
OOOt bu. sola ut 1 09J@110S , cloning at
1 093 ; do for December , iWli.OlU i < u. old
atl 11 < J@112J , cloning t 1 114 ; do for
January. 420,100 bu. Bold nt 112113J.
cloning | nt 1 I'll ; do for Februnry , liOO.Ol'O '
bu. Bold at 1 14@114 J , closing nt 11-1J ;
do for Mnrch , 10,000 bu. Hold at 11G1.
Corn Unsettled , opening i@lo higher ,
but afterwards became wuikcr and lent
most of the nnvnnco. closing steady ; ua *
graded , G8@721c ; No. 2 , 78@7S4c tu
elevator , 7U4@SOo delivered : No. 2 white ,
7ic ; ungraded white , 7Gc ; No. 2 for Octo
ber , 77iJ(3i79c. ( closing at 77Jc ; do for No-
vein er , 74@7GJc , closing at 74Jc ; do for
DecembuT , GSRa'G9ge ( ' , closing at G8c ; defer
for January , GlinG ( : > c , closing at G2c.
Oats i' ' c lower ; ndxu < l western , 38
@ < I2c ; wnitb western , 42@52c.
Hay Market dull and drooping nt GOc.
Hon ] In fair d mand and lirmly held ;
No A' iTork utato , 57@70c , the latter price
bciug < pnid for fuucy now ,
K s Kre-Ji Western , quiet imt firm ;
1'oik Dull ; new ineaa' , 23 12J@23 25.
Beef iluiket quiet but steady.
Cut MciteDull and nominal.
. Laid Unsettled ; prime steam , 12 UJ@
12 Sir. .
Butter Quiet , but firm at 1334c.
Ohecsu Vuin ; western Hat , 5@12c.
ST. IX3U1H. . '
ST. Lens , October 11. Flour---linn ;
family , 4 OS@1 20 ; choice to fancy , 4 50 ©
51.0. '
Who it Slow nnd liighnr ; No. 2 red
fall , 95@90Jc for c.wh ; Ul c for OcSober ;
jj- > Jc for November ; 9G c lor December ;
.Mjjc for the year ; 'J7c for January ; 102J
for May ; No. 3 red roll , ; No.
red fall , 87c.
Com Active , firm anil "higher ;
G5Jo for cash ; fSJc for November ; _ „
for theyear , ; 48ic for January ; 49i@4ujjo
for May.
Oats Market dull ; 33J@3Jc for cash ;
31So ' for the year.
Jlye Market dull ; 55J@3ilc ( bid.
Barley Steady ; sample lots , 5@90c.
Butter Creamery , 2S@28ic ; dairy , 20
/ J > 2 B.
Eggs Steady ; 21c.
\Vhisky-Qiiitt ; 118.
Vork Market dull ; i3 50.
Bulk Meats Nothing doing.
Bacon Nolhiug doing.
Lard Dull and nominal.
elf , ; 95c for November ; 9dic for December ;
97 c for January.
. orn Easier ' ; 65 0 for October : 58Jc
for November' ; Slgoior tbe year ; 4HJs for
January. '
Oati Firmer ; 31Jc for year ; 33jj } for
May. i
CITY , Ootobor 11. Wheat-
Firm : No. 3 red , 7' > jjc bid for caRh ; fo. 2
led , 81o bid for November ; SlJ@82c for
the year.
. Corn Kirtn ; 58c for cash ; 18s bid for
November ; 4ljc for the year.
. . Oats Higher ; 30c for cash ; ; > 83e bid for
_ . _ „ < Firm nt 17c.
Butter Unchanged ,
MVKltl-oor. .
IiiVKiirooL , October 11. Braadutufls
Wliest Winter , 81 nd@8 7d ; springa ,
t M@Ai lOd ,
Corn 7n.
PEOIUA , October 11. Corn Scarce
and firm ; high mixed , iili4@G7c ; mixed ,
. . . . i Steady ; No. 2 white , 5K@53.Jc.
Kye ( Juiet , but Ht idy ; No , 2 , 574gfi8c (
lliubwiuiM Active , turn aud liiglior ;
COO.NCIL Bi.ovr.i , October fi. The
Council liluirmnrkoU carefully revised
to < data firn UH follows :
Klour-GoldeuSbeaf. 3 00 ; Kansan City
winter wheat , 275@3 25Mlune oU winter
wheat , .tOO@ I 00.
Wheat ro. 2 , 75o ; No 3. C5c ; rojeotoil ,
Corn No. 2 , 50j.
OatsNo.2 , 30c ,
Rye No. 2 , 45c.
Barley Noiif ,
ECK Hoarce ; Belling to paoken at 20o ,
Com Meal 1 GO for vhlte ; yellow. 1 SO ;
corn , chop , 26 00 par ton ; oorn aod oata
chop , 26 00 per ton.
Fuurra-Appie. , z oo.
Broom Corn 31fg9o. }
Hay Lee e , 7 00@0 00.
Wood 6 00@Q 00.
Wool IB@25.
Butter Creamery , 30o ; in roll , wrap ,
tied , 20ct rolls not wrapprd , 22c | mixed
cxilora , 10 1240.
Onion 40o per biwhel.
Live Chicken * 2 ftO3 00 pirdoeao.
Potatoes SOcper buihcl ,
Cabbnge * 25@40c per dot.
Tnrnipa80o per btwhel.
Hweet Corn To per dozen.
LIVE STOCK.CattleExtra , 3 00 ®
RW ) Veal Calves-5 50@00. Ho- '
0007 . Khceu-3 50 ,
Bp cU.I Dispt-tcres to Tui list ,
CHIOAQO , October 11 Th
Journal r < n. > rU fi follows :
] fogs Weak , and prices 10(2,1.10 ( loner ; 11 I
except on * " ' ' - * ' " "
shipping offered , aud very
dull ; good to choice , 4 SOfoS 40 :
, 20 ; stockerl nnd
feeder * , a 10@4 35 ; ranse rm ; Texans.
We hl.herat3UO@47n : half.b/eedd / Bua
Amencani , 4 00&5 16 ; demand for cheap
good. l
Sheep Taluo fitmur ; range , 3 40@3 90 ;
poor to Me uatlvw , 325@340 ; medium
to goal , 3 C0g4 JO ; rho/w / to extr ( 4
er , LOCIS.
ST. Louis , October 10. Cattle Supply
fair , demand only moderate ; no good
shipping grades and demand light , the
great bulk of offerings were butcher and
canning pr de , which § old at 8 30@.t 70
for native ciiwn and helOm ; outhwpct
butcher * ' 3 40@3 6 : good Tcxnnn ; 4 00 ;
natile h lU of 1,000 Ibs. Average mid at
2 62J.
Sheep - Market quiet ; medium to be t
mutton ? , 3 10@8 4U ; itockcrn , 2GO@425 ;
"txaufi , 2 7o@l 00.
HogiDull ntul lower ; Yorkers , 7 25@
7 50 ; mixed packing. 7 25g8 10i butchers
to cxtrx heavy , 8 1038 CO.
NKW YORK , October ll. The Drivers'
Jonrnnl bureau report * :
B'e ei Salts wore ( low nnd several car-
lo'uls were unsold , but the tone of the mnr
ket was more settled nnd A trUlj Hrtno *
thi\n nt the cloec on Monday ; fair to gocd
native steers were n shade higher ; nt >
tremes : poor to native steers , 8 50@13 50 ;
Texan * , 7 | 7 > C ? .8 50 ; half.brwd steers. 8 23
@ 'J 25 ; dressed beet dull ; 0@10j for M'ee ;
including sales of Chisago drcaicd lefrig-
orator beef vt G@7o
Sheep Market unchanged and fairly
cteady at t C05 50 for commou to go d
shnop ; nnd 5 00G 75 for Inmbit ,
Swiur > Market fur live bogs very lame
nt 8 C0g3 G2J per owt.
KANBAH CITY , October 11. The Live
Stock Indicator repoits :
Cattle -Market firm and n shade better ;
no good nntivo ctcoM here , Htockers ami
feeders , 3 25(34 ( 35 ; cows , 2 70ii)3 ( ) 25 ; Texan
lUftrs , 360@370
" "Ilogn Actlvj and lower ; ranging from
' " " 7 85.
Sheep Market steady ; i ! C0@3 25 for
fair to choice native ; , .
Spodftl Dlaimtchcs to Tun Cm.
NKW YOHK , October 11. Coffee -Market
; lull ; Kin cargoes quoted nt 71@lOJc ; job
lota , 8@lllc.
Sugiif tjuiet , but ftteadv : fair to good
lining imoted at 7g@79-lGi.
lUceSUuily. . with u good donmnd ; do-
mcetlc , l04'c ; Kntigoon , 5@5Jc ,
Petroleum -Tho market dull and weak ;
United , PSi'o ; crude , 7i@7iJe ; refined ,
'fallow Firmer ; 8J@82c.
Uosln Market dull and weak ; 1 5@
1 95.
Turpentine Firmer ; P0@50ci.
Leather Steady add fairly active ;
Biituas Ayres and Uio Grande light , mod
erate and heavy ; 22@2G ; ,
St > o3lal Dispatch to Tnr Bug. ,
NEW YOUK , October 11. Wool-Quiet
and btendily held ; dommtic fleece , 32@
47c ; pulled , 18 ® I2c ; unwashed , 12@lL'c ;
Texas , 14@33c.
Speclnl Dlipstchc-j to Tin lisn.
CHIOAGO , October 11. Receipts and
shipments of flour and gram for the pant
2 } houra have been n follows :
Kccciutf , tihip'tp.
riour-bbla 24.000 11 OCO
Wheat bushels 153.000 11,000
Corn " 67,000 J50.000
Oati " 90,000 75,000
Hye " 18.000 . 3,000
Barley- " 92.000 47,000
NEW YOUK , October 11. Ilccoipts mid
shipments of flour and grain for the past
21 hours have been as follows :
Kcceiptu Shp'ts ,
Klour-bbls 22.0UO li,000
Wheat bushels 341,000 131,000
Corn " 11,400 ly.OOO
Data " 82.0UO 1,600
ST. Louis , _ October 11. ltcceiits ] nnd
shipments of flour and grain for the pant
24 hourd iiave been ns follows :
lloceipts. Ship'ts.
Flour bbh 0,000 17,000
Wheat buahbls 55,000 35,000
Corn " 4,000 3,000
OaU- " 20,000 2,000
Kye " 2,000
Barley- " 3,000 1,000
KANBAH CITV , October 11. Receipts
nnd shipments of grain fur tha post 21
hours hnvo been as follows :
llcc'ts. Ship'tu.
Wheat , bushels 10,000 21,000
Corn " 2,000 1,000
CHICAGO , October 11. lleceipls and
uhipmentz of live stock for the pant 24
hours have been an follows :
lleo'ts. Shlpm'U.
Hogs J4,00a 3,600
Cattle 15,000
Sheep 2.GOO G50
NKW YoiiK , October 11 , Receipt ) nnd
sliipments of live stock for the past 48
hours hn\o been as follows :
Ruc'ti , k'hip'ts.
Mutton carcusscs . . . .
Beef quarters . . . .
Cattle 5,400 OC
Sheep 3'JOO
Hogs 13.COO
ST. LOUIH , October 11 , RcceipU and
shipments of live utock for tha pa-it 21
bourn have been us follows :
Kec'ts. Shipm'ts
Ifogs , 4,59 ; ) 2f > 0
Cattle 2,100 -11)0 )
Sheep 2,700 500
KANHAH Cirj' , October 1 ] . RecelptH
and shipments of livu utook for the pn&t 21
hours have , been nn follcw :
Rco'ti. Shipm'tB.
Hogs 0,100100
Cattle 1,500
Sheep 200 100
WJibleealo Price * .
OrWoa or TUB OMAHA Bice. I
Wednejday Evening , October H. I
The only clangea reported In the market
to-day are M fpllowis
WheutNo. 2de : lln Jlc.
Wheat No. 3' draoc d lc.
Wheat rejected udoaneed i .
litrler No. 8 advanced lc.
Uyo advanced ic , '
Local Ordln O * llniti.
WHKAT.-Caob No , 2 , 7Glc ; oath No ,
S GSio ; rejected , 4Clo.
BAllLKY. Oa h No. 2. 70n ; No ,
44 < i. S
. TK. Cttsb , 45
UOJIN. No. a , 60c ,
OATS. Cash , S0.\
STEBBT PRlOKS-Com , Me ; o ta ,
flUGAKS Powdered. 10o { ; Cut loaf ,
10i ; ( Jrauulatnd , y'c ; / 'oriioutioner'n ' : A ,
'J2i Stntidanl Kitr * < \ Sic ; Kxtra C ,
8 | . ; medium " yellow , tie ; dark yellow ,
? '
MKATI3 Hams , IGc ; breakfast Imoon ,
15ccleai ; side btcou , 15ic ; drysalt buoon , '
Hie ; shoulders , 11 Jc ; tierce lard , 131 ,
UOl'JC SUal , i inch and < arger , 10c ;
Uiuch. lie.
-10 'lha , Ifi 8a
Ibs. , 1C oz. . Gs , 15c.
HICK Loul ian prime to choice ,
7ic : iuir. Jit,7c ; 1'atuia , 7c.
MAT ( * IKh Per caddie , 95c ; ronnd ,
; i > 'iu&r < " , cat. < w , 85 40.
POTATOKS-25@40o i ) r buthel.
ONIONS-SO@50o per bushel.
BUTTKH Choice country , 22@28c ,
XGGS-23 < 22c.
JIONEY Califorila , i rlb , 21.
APPLKS Per barrel , $2 00(0(2 ( ( 25
- - 00.
OYSTERS Stlect. 55o per can.
WATF.RMELONS-Por 100 , ? 15 00 ®
18 00.
PEARS-Cnllfornla , $2 75@3 50.
PLUMS-Californla , $2 00 ( 2 25.
GRAPES-CnWornin , * 100@2 25.
LEMONS-fl 50@5 00 per box.
BKANS Imported German 270 per
Qrooore' Lint.
CANNKD GOODS Oy tor , 2 Ib
( licld' * ) ( per CASO , 84 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 75) ) rte 2 tb ( Standard ) , per caie ,
3 75. Ibrters , 1 fi > per dozen ,
ISO. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 8 Ib p
case , 2 SO ) Corn , 2 Ib ( Mouutniu )
per cr/e. ii 03 ; iwa ed corn , 110 ; do
2 16 ( Yarmouth ) , per wuo , 3 GO ;
string beans , per CAse , 2 10 ; Lima beans
per case , 1 70. S'locotash per case. 1 80.
Peas , common , per case , 1 50 } wens , choice ,
per caso,2 70 , Blackberries , 2 us per oaio ,
320 ; Btnuvlwrrim , 2 It > , per case , 2 GO ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 f > 0. Dam.
sous , 2 It > , par cnee , 2 45 , Bnrllctt
pears per case , 3 00@4 CO. Whortleberries
per cnao,275 , Efig pmms,2 Ib ixsrcuso , " 75'
uroon gngon,2 Ib per cane , ! 3 75 ; do choice , "
tb per case i 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , psr CMP ,
\ OOJZ5 75. IVnches , 2 Ib per co. p. 3 00 ;
do S Ib. case , 4 OC@-I 50 ; do , ( pto ) , 3 Ib , per
caho.240 : do pit' , 6 Ib , per doteu. 2 40 ,
SYRUP Standard Com. , 4Gc , hbK ;
Standard do , 4\ gallon koss , $2.25 ; SUn.
' ird dii , 4 gallon kofif , $2.00.
FL JUR JobWmr prices , Jnck Front
St. Lnuis wlnfor ) S3. ' . 0 pit 100 Ibs. ; To.
pckn Patent Kama * , S3.85 ; Miniiohaha
Minnesota Patent. $3.70 ; Shnwnco Fancy
wmfcr , $3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter ,
S3.CO ; Triumph spring , best , 82.80 ; Chris ,
linu'ri Ktiporlatlve , 370 ; bran , per ton-
$14.00 : chopped food. 828.00.
FISH No , 1 mackerol. half brls , G 75 ;
No. 1 mickernl , kiln , 1 00 ; family mack.
urel , half brls , 4 75 ; fnmily mackerel , kits ,
8'ic : No , 1 white fi li , half brls , G 00 ; No. 1
white fnb , kit" , Ufa ; family white fish
half brls , 4 50 ; 'family ' whlta htb , kits , SOcS
modinm scnled borrinc , ! (5o ( ; select boneless
cod , t-ic.
SP10ES. Popper , 20 ; Alltpleo , 20e ;
Olovoa , 35c ; Nutmegs , SH 00 ; O.viiua , 21c ;
Mnce SI 00.
LYE American , 3 3" ; Greenwich. 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis'
lye. 4 GO ; Jowell lye , 2 76.
FEED-Jobblug prices , Chop feed ,
$1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran ,
70o per 100 Ibs.
STARCH. Pearl , 44c ; Silver Gloss ,
8o ; Corn Starch , 8Jo ; ExcolslorGloas ,
7o ; Com , 7Jo.
OOFFflX Rte , fair , lie ; Hlo. good
12c ; litiins to cholco , 13 to 13o ; Old gov't
Jnva2Ciil31c,2 ; Mocha , 281c ; Arbuckle'n ,
OUEES3-Full Crown , 13Jo | Part
Skim , lOJo.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ;
Choice , C0@75c ; Imperinl , good , 40@46c ;
Ubrioe , G0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , SO ®
50e ; choice , 65e@jl 00 : Japan Nat Leaf ,
35c ; Japan , choice , G0@76o ; Oolong , good ,
35@40 ; Oolong , , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
food , 35&40c : choice , 35@45c.
WOODENWARK Two hoop pails ,
1 05 ; three hoop polls , 2 20. Tub ? , No.
1 , 9 50 ; Pisueer washboards , 1 85 Doubla
Crown 2 \Vollbuckctn8 ; 50.
LEAD Bar. SI 66.
VINEGAR Pure Apple extra , IGoi
pare npplc , 13c ; Prnnaine cure tinulo , IGc ,
SALT. Drny loads , per bbl , 1 05 ; Ash-
ton. in sic kp , 3 50 ; bills dairy G9 , CD , 3 50
HOMINY Now , 54 50 per bbl.
SODA Dwipht'B Ib papers , 82 85 ; Do
end do , 32 85 ; Ohurch' , $ : ! 85 ; Keg soda
SOAl'SSavon Imperial , S 4i ;
ICir-- Pr.f.u.U , 3 61' ' ; Kirk's ' Btandard , 3 75 ;
KiricB nhito l UBiian. 525 : Kirk's
15 .liTiik'K Prairie Queen ,
rni- \ 10 : KIrk'B magnolia" ,
i'OTAKJj Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
la rare , , ' ' , , " 5 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in cr e ,
I 30 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in cane , 150.
1TIELD 3EED Red clover , choice
new , 6 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new , 07 CO ; white cbvor , new , 814 00 ;
il til f n clover , now , $12 50 ; nlnike , new ,
SI 3 00 , Timothy , good , now , * 3 00 ,
blue grass , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue griisn ,
clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass $2 50 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
80c ; millet , Gorman , 3100 to 8125 ;
Hungarlnn 80a
HEDOESEED OsngB orange , 1 to 5
bushelo , 25 00 ; osage orange , lOuusheLi or
over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 5c ; par
100 Ib3. , 825 00.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red 'leu.
nossoo , lOopor Ib ; fnuoy white , lOJo porlb ;
ra white Virginia raw , lOo ; roasted ,
Dry Qoodt.
BROWN COTTONH Atlantic A , 8Jc ;
Awpleton XX , 7o ; Atlantu A , 8c ; Boott
FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot AV ,
7ic ; Cliittonnnijo A , GJc ; Ureat Falls E , 2
SJo ; Hoosier , GJo ; Honest Width , Sic. In
dian Head A , 8jc ; Indian Standard A ,
8jc ! ; Indian Orchard d , w. , S c ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 71c ; Pequot A , 8jjc ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , 5ie ; Wnchus-
ott B. 74c ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12io ; Wai
cott BB. 8jo.
4-4 : 7ic ; Allisator 8-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantic LL. Gic ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bennington C 4-4 , fife ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJco
Indian Orchard AA 0-8 , 8Jcj Laconla O
39 , 80 ; Lehi h E 4-J , Ojc ; Lonsdalo 4-J , , ,
lOc ; PepperoU N 80 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do RIlc
SO , 7Jc ; do E 39 , 830 ; Pocasaut 0 4-1 , 72c ;
Wnmantta-M ISo
gin L 4 4OJcBIaskBtonoAA ; In.perial 8So" ;
do do half "bleached 4.1.9c ; Cnbot 4-4(5J ( ;
Fidolity4-4 , 9icFrult ; of theLoom.lO : do
cair.brlc l-l,13cdo WaterTnint , 10JcGreat ;
FallHQ.lOic ; Indian Head shrunk 4I2c ; 1
Ldusdale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12io ; New
York MillH. 12c ; Ponuot A,10o ! Pepporcl
N G Twills , 1240 ; Pocolioiitaj 4-4 , fJc ) ; (
Pocnsset 44 , 8Ao ; Utlcn , lie ; ValIMUttn
0 X X , 12jc. , 2
iiuOKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown.
8c ; do C , drab. He : do XA. etripes and
12Jc ; do XXX brown ami drab ,
ana plaids , 12ic ; Arlington fancy ,
1'Jo ; UruiiBwick brown , 8Jo ; Chr.riot fancy ,
IL'lc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
brown , extra heavy , 11 ic ; Imlinna A
brnwn IXn-N'owonset A brown. 15o .
TlUKliNUo amonkeag A U A 32 ]
Wo ; do XX lilue 32 , 18Jc ; ,
ilguj Claremont B JJ , IKJc ; Conoatogu ex
trn , 17ic ; Hamilton D , fljo Lewuton .v 'he
.to , Ifii ) ; Mlnnehabiv 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super $1
extra 4-4 , 28c ; Peurl River 32. lojc : Put $1S
nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Bhetuckot S Cite
lOJc ; do HS 12o ; Yooinau's blue 29 , Oo
DKNIMH. Ajnoekeak , blneaud bronn to
IGJo ; Andoter DD blua , ICic ; ArlingX 14
blua Scotch , liftcj Concord OOO , blue n w 14hi
brown , AAA , do do IBi ; doXXto
do do 14 Jo : Hnymak - ' bine and brown ,
Olcj MyBtlo River DD stripe , lJoj Pcnrl
Rirar , blua And brown , Itic ; Unoanrille , 1
bind and brown , 14ic.
OAMBRIOa Barnard , njo ; Eddyrtone
lining. 24 inch donbl * face , 8 0 ; i Garner A 2
glftzed , Bio ; Manhattan glove finish , 6Jo
Newport do Co ; do glazed , 5o | Pequot deCo
Co : I ckwood kid fmiih Co. I d
OORSKT JKANtt-Amory , 8o Audrog
coggin atteeo 8Jo ; Clarendcn , f > jcC'onon ) 1
oigaaattoena , 7Jo ; Hallowel , 8c ; Indi J
Orchard /Juj Narr gansettImprovedc | j
P pjerlll d ttw-n C n ; Hoekpurt , 7Jr ,
PltlNTB - Alloiui , OJc : American , 640 ; I
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick. 4Je ; Cocheco , 7o ;
Coneatoga. 64c ; Dunkirk , 4Jcj Dunnoll ,
GJ7c ; J LII4yfiV > IUD , 7o ; GbuctBter , Gc ) > 10
Harmony , 5ic ; Knickerbocker , Oic ; Mer
rimac D , 7c ; MyKtlc , 5Jc ; Spra/ucH , Gc ;
Houthbridge , 6c ; ( Vo , Ginghams , 7c ; Marl. I y
bore , 5Jc ; Oriental 6(0. (
GINGHAMS Ain-Hikcfli ? , 12ic ; Amoa-
keni ; dress U } | Argyle , lOic ; Atlcntio ,
'Jc ; Cumberland , 7 c ; Highland , 7c { , ;
Kenllvvorth , 8Joj Pluu kett , lOJo ; Su
on. Be | ui
Agate , t ' .We ; American , lie ; Artlstan t 20o ;
" . . I ) nd T , 13Jo ; Clarion D an-l T , K
17ic ; DBOCI.U Co.ntrlpeiiDfcndT , IGc ; Key. KH
utoue , 13ic ; Natitucket. 19c ; Nonpareil. H
IGc ; Ocean D and T , 13jo ; Royal , ICi i
Sutise : . , 12c ; THa , 12Jc , ; Wachuuett sUlrt b (
In * stacks , 12Jc ; do , Nuukin , 12jc ; York ,
plain Jiurifciu. 12ic ; do , checks , tripea and r.
fancy , 12 o ; do , B or , 20o , .
SHEETINGS Audroacoguln 10-4,27Jc ! 4 (
do 9-4 , 24c ; da 8-4 , 22c ; Continental O bl
42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New fe
York rnllla8 , 35c ; do 78 , 80c ; do 68 , 22o ;
Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; IViuot 10-4 , 284o ; do & 1
7-4 , 19c ; d' > 4U , IGc : Pepperell 36 , 29cj lu
da 67. 21c ; do 57 , 18e Utica 08 , 85c | do In
8 , 22iodo48,17o ; Intt
Q\ttrt \ nnd Tobacco * .
OICrARH , a d , 15.00 ; Connertieut ,
Trolicht & Dunker
OX *
Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In
soection to their Unsuroassable Sp.lp.r.tinn.
825.00 ; Mlicd , ? 35.00 : Seoii Havana ,
330.00 ; Olonrllavan * . $79.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. G itden Rule ,
SI Ib , GOo ; Our Hope , first quality , G3c ;
Star , uourds , 21 Ib , hutUGOci Hone Shoe ,
pounds , 21 Ib , butU , 58c ; Gilt Edge ,
pounds , 21 Ib , bnlta , GO ; Army nnd Navv ,
) Kimde. CGc ; Bullion , jxiuudi , 59c ; Loril.
lard's ( JUutnx , pounds , liOc.
FINE OUT In pails. Hani to Beat !
75c ; ( Solden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 80c ,
Favorite , G5c ; llocky MountMu , GOc ;
Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foil
Cntllnp 0. 8. , B Ib boxes , per Ib 63o ; Lori-
Ulard's Vixtr , COc ; Diamond Crown , GGo.
SMOKING Allpradea Commou , 25to
83c. Granulntod Blockwdla Durham , 18
oz 51o ; Dukes Durham , 1G oz , 4Go ; Seal oi
North Carolina , 1G OT , 10 ; Seal of Ncbrni-
ka , 1G or. , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen ling *
nor Ib , $1.35 ; Marburgs * Puck 2 oz , tin
oil , Bticf Dog Tall lific.
PalnU Oils and Varnlahoi.
OILS 110" carbon , per gallon1.
18c ; I'CO headlight , pr llou ,
14e ; 170" headlight , per gallon. 20s.
linseed , raw , ] > or gallon , t'l > ; llnnecd , uuitu'l , I
per gallon , ( )0o ; lard , winter str'il , persral ,
Ion , 100 ; No. 1 , 8Hc ; No , 2 , 7ic ! ; castor ,
XXX , p < > r gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3 , 115 ; sweet ,
per gallon. 85c ; cpcrm , W. B. , per gallon-
1 55 ; full , W. B. , par gallon , GOc ; noatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 7fic ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , 30o ; summer , 15c ,
golden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , S.'o ; No.
2 , SO ; nporm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tcr-
pentino , per gallon * , 6Ec ; naptha , 74 , per
gallon , IBc : 04 . 17o
PAINTS IN OIL-Whlto load , Omnbs
P. P. . GJo ; white lend , St. Louis , pure , Ggn ;
MnniaiUos green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o
French zinc , Risen goal , 12c ; French zinc ,
rod Deal , He ; French zino , In varnish tuut ,
VXo ) ; Froncli tlncc , In oil nait , Ific ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12o : raw and
burnt Sienna , IScs vnndyko brown , 3 , ,
refined lampbUck , 12o ; conch black , lr-c ;
Nory black , IOc ; drop black , IGo ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; uitraninrino blue , 18c ; chnine
gircon , L. 11. & D. , Me ; blind nnd nhuttor
green , L. M. & D , , IGo ; green , 18c ;
Indian rod , 15c ; Venetian red. Do ; Tuacati
dn , , 22-j ; American Vcnnillod , I. & ! ' . , 18c ;
chrome j-ollow , L. , M. , 0. t D 0. , IBc ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 15 ; patent
ilrycr , 8c ; graining colors : light oak. dark
oai , walnut. "ihestuut aud ask 15c.
Dry D lnti
White lead , GJc ; French zinc. IOc : Paris
whilciug 2ic ; whiting gilder * , Ijjc ;
uniting com1 ! , lie : lampblack Gorman ,
town , 14c ; Irinpblivck , ordinary , IOc ; Prus
sian blue , Df-c : ultramarine , 18o ; vnn dyke
brown , Po ; timber , burnt , 4 : ; umber , raxr
lujNloniiu , bunt I , 4c ; sienna , raw , io
Paris grocn guuuiiio , 25c ; Pnrix green com'
idu ; ohron'o ' green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chromi
green 1C. , 12o ; vormilllon , Eng , , 70c ; vermillion -
million , Aii.crica , IBc ; Indian rod. lOo ,
roue pink , lie ; Venetian rend , Cookkcin'n
! jo : Venetian rod Am. , lc ; r H load , 7Jc ;
chromo yellow , genuine , 20o ohromo yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochic , rochelle iJc ; ochre
French , 2jc ; ochre , American , 2o ;
Winter's mineral. 2 Jo ; lohigli brown , 2io :
Spanish brov/n. 2&c ; 1'rinco'n mineral 3c ,
VARNISHES 'Barrets per gallon.
Furniture , extra , ? 1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
$1 ; coach , extra , $140 ; onch , No , 1 ,
31 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 75 ; npan , 70cas- ;
phaltnm , extra , K5c ; ohcllaa $3 50 ; bnrd
cil finish. SI 30.
PAPJSR Stra\v paper , 2fc | ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , Gc ; manila paper , IOc ;
news pnper. 8c.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , $3 40 ; .plow steel ,
cust , 7c ; cruciblefc'c ; npecialorGenuanGc ;
cxiht tool do. 15$20 wagon upokcn , not.
25@3 00 ; hubs , per out , 125 ; folfoos , a ed
dry , 1 40 ; tonpios , each , 70@85c ; axloa ,
each , 75c ; mu.uo nuts , per tti , 7@llc ;
washers , pcrlb , 818c ; rlvtte , pcrlb , Ho ;
cell chain , per Ib , G@12c ; inalloable , 80 ;
iron wedRCH , Gc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; himoahocs , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
nteel , 7j$8c ( ; Burden's horsoflhwa , 550 ;
Burden's muleShoast , G 50 ,
SHOT. Shot , * H.ofi ; Buck shot , 82.10
Oriental Powder , kuge , $0.40 ; do , , half
kegs. C3.48 ; ; do. , nunrtir kiigs , ? ,1.88 ; Blast- I
bg , kece. 33,5tCjFu e , uer 100 feet 50c.
. BAKBED WIRK-In car lot , ,8 . ' ( ' ) per
100 ; in lesii than car lots. 8 55 nor 100 ,
NAILS-RatcB. 10 to GOD , 4 GO ,
Oak solo , . " 80 to1c ; hemlock see , 28o to
35o ; hemlock ) : lp , B'Jo to 100 ; runner ,
65o to EOc ; hemlock c.ilf , 8Re to 120 ; hem
lock upper , 23c to 2Gc ; oa' < upper , 2lo ;
alligator. 4 ( X ) to C 50 ; calf bid , 32@35o ;
Groiuen kid , 2 M to 2 ' < 5 ; oak kip , 80o to
00 ; oak c.ilf , 1 20 to t 30 ; French kip
110 to 1 55 ; French cnlf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rim
uetta. B 50 to 7 50 ; linings. 0 00 to JO 50"
opi'iriKH , ! > 00 to 10 50 ; B. L , Morocco , 30c
to 35o ; pebble 0. I ) . Morocco , U3c ; simon ;
H ) to 3 00.
Hortti and Mulee.
The market it brink and nil jdeo are
helllni ; well at vllght iidvauco
The tiemand for good horseii oicetcia the
supply oonEideraoly. Prices lange as follows -
lows ;
Finn rlnglo driven. SlfX ) . to 300. ; Extra
draft homos , $17b. to 225. ; Couunou dralt
horuen , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm hones ,
$110. to 125. ; Common to god farm liornoa
S'JO. ! to $100. ; Extra plugii , GOO. to 75 , |
Common plui , $20 , to $40 ,
MULES. 16 to 15J hand * ( orera ) , 9125.
150. ; 144 to 1C > kandi , $100. to HO. ;
to 14J bandx , 176. to 100. ; 181 to'14
hand. , $ & . to 75.U
U ur * .
ALCOHOL 187 proof. I 34 nor wine
galloa ; extra California plriU , 187 proof ,
30 pet proof gallon ; triple refined iplrlta
187 proof , 128 per proof nallon ; re-distilled
wtUklw , 1 00@1 00 ; fine blended , 1 50@
CO ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken-
tacky and Penoiylranla ryea , 2 UX07 00.
BllANDIKS-iinporUd , ( t 000)16 ) 00 ;
domtwtlo ( 1 40(2M ( M.
GINH Imported. 4 W@ 00 | domutle ,
403 00.
RUMS Imported. 4 B0@ 00 ; New
England. 2 00@4 OOlButnentio , 1 bO3 M )
7B@4 00.
OHAMPAGNKfl-Impcrted Qer case ,
2DOOSII OjAmsrlnj , caae , 1200 ®
00 ,
CIiARETS- cn e , 1 JX16 ) 00
WINKS Rh nu wine- per ci e , G 00 ®
2000 ; Ofttarbn , pori.we , 4 007 W ,
We quotu lumber , lain and tthlnele * on :
cars at Omaha ( it the followingpricefe ; T
under , ? 22 00 ; 18 ft. , ? W 50.
TIMBHRS-10 ft. and under , 52200 ,
ft $2S 50 , 22 ft. , 8211 50 ; 21 ft. ' , 82G 60.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 acd 6 In. , tXH CO ;
No. 2 , 22 UO.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) . 821 00 ; No. 2 , $18 00.
STOCK BOARDS , 12-in. D , $2500 ;
1'Mn. O , § 35 00 ; 12-in. B. * 40 00.
LIME I'er barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per ous-
40c ; Cement , bbl , $2 25 Iowa pliuter ,
bbl , S'J 50 , Hair per bu. 43c. Tarre < i
felt 100 Ibn. $3 50. Htraw board. $3 60.
COAL Cumberland blaokamlth , $12 ;
Morrii ) Run Bloiuburg , $12 ; Wbitebreaat
lump , $5 CO ; Whitobruaat nut , i DO ; Iowa
luiup , $5 W : Iowa nut $5 50 ; J lock Spring ,
; Anthracite , all siiw. 110 60 ,
C.irbollp , 50c ; Acid , Tartarlo , GOo ; BnJunm
Copabla , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , Sawiafrnn , per
Ib , lie ; Cnlnmcl. per Ib , 75o ; Clnohonidm ,
t > er oz , ? 115 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 100 ;
Dover's i > owdcrs , per Ib , $1 40 ; Epson :
( ivltjn , ppr Hi. 34c ; Glycerine , l > uro , po' Ib ,
33c ; I/end , Acetoto , per ih , 2lo
Oil , Cactor , No. 1 , per g l , > 1 15
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per Ral , SI 00 ; Oil ;
Olive , per pal. Cl fiU ; OH , Origanum , 50 ,
Opium , 8-"i 00 ; Ouluino P. U W. A R. A S. ,
nor oz , 82 HO ; Potnculum , Iodide , per Ifc
fc 1 PO ; Hr.boin , per oz , tOc : Sulphate o
Morphine , tier ox , 8'J 85 ; Sulpnur flour
per Ib , 4o ; Strvchuino. tier or , SI 35 ,
Merino nnwna oil , light,14llo ( ; hoavyc ,
iglKUCc ; medium unwashed , light , IH 'iO
wa hod , choice , 82o ; fair , 30c ; tub-.liuff ,
aud w , , 28o ; hurry , blackand eottod wool ;
2@Gc Ion
Hldei Mir * . Etc.
HIDliS rocn butcher's hide , G 7a
10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs , .
groou , calf , wt , untlcr 8 Ibs , per skin. 50cj
Rroon poltn , fOgJl ! 25 ; grcon lamb sklnii ,
$1 25@150 : damaged hldon , two-third rate ,
cut scored and one grub , donned two-
tUrds rate , ) branded bldou 10 per oent. off
Co < m skins , No , 1 , 45c ; No , 2 , 30o ; Nn. 1
20 , ; No. 1 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , COc ; No. 2
SOo ; No. 3 , 15o ; No. 4 , Co. For , ,
COn ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. I , b5o |
0'ic ; short btrliio , 40o ; narrow itrlpeo
brutd ttrlpo , lOo. Tallow 7c.
(5 AI T 8n\r money and onlor wilt itlroct from
UML. I u , uu hliromptl | ] ; by mil nt til
Mlblu rash prlcoto all woatcrn points
TVLKIl BALTCO. . 8.miuaw OilyMich
Jacob Martzolf , of Lancaster , N. Y. .
ys your Sriu.Nd BI.OHHOU work well
fur everything you recommend it ; mynelf.
wife , anal children have all used It , and
you can't find n hcnlthlnr family In Now
York rtato. Oct. fi , 1880. Price 50 cento ,
trial bottles 10 ceuU ,
Marlon Klmoro'a Flret Apponrutico
lu Oiniiha When ix Child.
Marion Elmoro , tlio lively little
Boubrotto Btnr of the Bayden fc Davis
"OhiBpu" company nrrivod yoator-
dny nnd ia ( itmrturod at the Millnrd.
Shu ia accompanied by her ( sister , Lonn
Merrill , who is "I'lorenco" in the
Years ugo , whou the Union Pncifio
railroad was first built , a troupe con
taining two precocious children qava an
cntoctninuiont horn in Omaha under
the iiiuiiDj-enioiit of Mr. John Ricka-
by , now the manager of Qua Williams.
The youngoat was noticeable oven as a
child as being clever and very far beyond -
yond her years. Her songs nnd dnncon
und her imitationa were wonderful ,
and her laugh full of merriment. The
child was little Marlon , now Marion
KI more , und with her family , all of
whom wore professionals , she was on
route from Australia to England , Mr.
Rickaby was in California when the
family landed from the Bailing ship
on which they came from Australia ,
und upon learning of the talent it em-
braccu formed a company and played
them from Sun Francisco to No *
York. After five years in England
in the best dramatic schools of London
nho returned to America with Lydin
She has succjssivnly held loading
comedy situations witn Culville , Kiu >
nnd other burlegquo nnd iixtnu'agiiiiia
maimgerB. Shy cornea a iuii before
an Omaha audioncn as n otar
in a role she is suid to fill completely
The supporting company contains
such sterling urtiiits ns Mr. Frank
Losoo , Mr. W. T. Melville , Mr. Ed.
Ornott , Mr. Goo. Osborno , Mr. Doug
las White , Misa Lena Melville and
Mien Annie Leigh , iioeido Oiiiapi'
which is u now character to the stage ,
there aru f--aturua in the character of
Zolco StuvoiiH , DOB Jones nnd Indian
Jack which urOiiow , novel in treat
ment , nnd exceedingly interesting.
The HUfiiory is not the least attractive
portion nt the entertainnmnt. Des
pite the weAther the attcndancoshould
till the house.
K-ldney Complnlot Cured *
B. Turner , Uochentur , N. Y , , writes : "J
have bufii for over aytarxuhject to perinus
ilisordcr of the Icidiiuyu , and often unable
to attend to buNlniw ; l procured your Bun-
DOCK BLOOD BITTKRH , and wus relieved be
fore half u bottle wan used. I Intend to
contume , on 1 feel eonCdent thuc they will
entirely cure me. " I'rica SLOP.
A Ulrtnday Party.
A large party of friends gathered at
the reftidenoa of Mr. and Mrs. Jamei
McMho , comer of Bonth Tliir-
toenth nd OllrS , utreota , Tuesday
to commomorata the birthday of Mn ,
McMahon , A .iplendld r < y ft was
pro d , of which all partoolcftwith in-
finitu relish. Aftorirarda idtfkio , ting
ing and dancing was indulge' 1 in tar
into the 0aiall hours of the night.
The ( ircBiuiio were numerous and
costly , and wore duly appreciated by
the recipient. At parting all expressed
thoniBolvcs as being hignly delighted
and pleased , and wished Mm. MoMu-
lion many such gatherings , and that
she might bo spared to enjoy very
many happy returns of the day. The
parties assembled consisted of Judge
, S. Haecall and wife ( Afro. McMa-
hon'a parente ) , Mr. and Mrs. 0 , F.
Goodman , Judge S. Lippincott und
wife , Mi. nnd Mrs , M , Morrison , Mr.
and Mrs. Chambers and others.
" ' i i i
Free of Cost.
By c.illlti , ' at .Sclirotor & Bccht'ii drug
store , you can get a sample bottla of Dr ,
Bnsunko's O'ounh and Lung Syrup which
will relieve the most obstinate Cough ur
C'oli ) , and show you what the ri'fuhir 60
cent \ie \ will do. Wlmu troubled with
Asthma , Bronchltld , Dry , Hacking Cough ,
1'uius iu the Chest , aud all diueases of the
Throat und Luugn , try a cample bottle of
this medicine.
Wanted A neat German servant
girl enquire at liubermanu'c Jewelry
JVtlrtl ] ) l ) ) iciiti ( > to Tin Di :
NKW YOIIK , October 11. Couoy
Island races , first race , throo-fourtha
of n mile , Vnlpuriso won ; time , 1:10. :
Second race , cno and one-eight
mile.i , Mnliso won ; time , 2:02A :
Tliird rAco. mile and n half , llouncor
won ; time , 2M2i.
Fourth race , .one nnd one-quarter
miles , over live hurdles , JJuater won ;
time , a:2i. : ;
Lr.AviuwoiiTii , October 11. The
throe days' division contest for places
on ilia army rtfio team which shoota
nt Fort Lenvonworth thrco days ; com-
inoncitig the 25th , closed to-day 'on
the rmifto nt the post. The contest
was between sixteen markomen from
each doncrituent , bix lo bo chosen to
represent the division in the army
contest. Following are the successful
OHM , with their scores : Sorgt. Bout-
loy , department of Dakota , 22C ;
Lieut. Morrinm , department of the
Missouri , 22t > ; Private Wongrolf , de
partment of the Misaouri , 221 ; Private
Shippoa , * lepartmont of the Platte ,
220 ; Sorgt. Jamoa , department of
Toxna , 220 ; Si < rgt. Stinten , depart
ment of D-ikotn , 219. The shooting
waa poor on nil aldca , the wind and
wonthor being unfavorable.
Poisoned Melon.
H | > cliil IHoriutch to Tim Hit * .
PINK "Bum' , Ark. , October 11.
D.uiiol Camp , n well known planter ,
died from the effects of eating water
melon which ho hud puitioned for the
benefit n' thieves who made inroads
un his patch , Three of his children ,
who abe partook , are likely to die.
The Jjlqnor Men.
Hpcclil Dllpulcli to Tun Kit.
PiiTMiuitu , Ojtobor 11. The Wino
nnd Spirit association of the United
States are in session in thin city.
There IB n largo representation of
liquor men from nil parts of the uuiou
in attendance , but so far nothing of
Importance has been done.
Gp.NTi.KMRN1 YourUopBittoMhayo
ueen of tjreat value to mo. 1 waa laid
bp with typhoid fever for over two
mpnthfl and could got no relief until I
tried your Hop Bitters. To those suf
fering with debility or any one in fee
ble health , I cordially recommend
thorn. .T. 0. STOEfZEL ,
C83 Fultor. St. , Chicago , 111.
HAVINO chnnftocl our mill to Hungarian rol
ler prooj > , wo Oder part of our old ma
chinery for mo at loir | > rlcon. It ome [ > t of a
p.ilrot nnclyllnlHlicit and njiaciHl mi'n ' driving
Lo\cl whonln , ( Ire i anil morl ) uluo lacln.naoa ,
thico Inchon pitch , driving amain uprightkliift
snout 8fi foot lot'and , ) utop , onu nuln mortlso
Bjiur whovl 7 Inch face nud I ] Inch ) iltcli , two pair
4 ( cut find 1 pilr 3' ! Inch uur , Bplndlfa , pinion *
(7 ( Inch face I ] pitch ) , backlwh Hprhfru , curl ,
etc. , coiniitu ] ! , ono fjur reel client , 17 loot cloth ,
7 convui ors , ono tuo root clieat , 14 foot cloth , 4
convcjor * two ( intlot wheat hoKern.l No. ' .Ku-
roka Biiuitter , 1 llnnmrd it Leo ) r culvlnH' Bepa-
rater nml clova.orn , hnfci , whooln , pull"ya , con
veyors , etc. Houio of thu machinery IIM Iioou
UHcil uut nllltlo over tw jcar ) , ikndall la In gooi
tiinditl'in ' Kcr furtlur Information aildrciu
J , 0.1101TMAVH A CO. ,
Council Illufls , Iowa ,
$500' REWARD.
Tim nlinui rrunnl will Im paid to any pcrnou
who will product ) u I'.ilnt that vtlll v < | iul the
Pennsylvania Patent Rubber
Paint ,
for pnwrilnn NliliiKK'8 , Tin and Uruvul ItooN.
Warranli'il to Lo Hro iinil Walt r Proof. AU
orilurH promptly iitU'iidixl to. Cheaper und
UT than any olhi r paint now In UHO.
HTI'.W'AUT K HTii'Hi.VHON. : :
ijolo I'roprictorx , Itinali.i UoosoUuului ,
( Mllcer & I'mcy , Dr.ltlcf , Dr. 1'inniy , Fnllur4
Connill IttilTri , Iowa ,
HEK otlkv , Omaha , Kelt.
ThMo cloblrlrc to make money on
email and miwium
20 irraln , provblonu nd ttock
tlous , oiu do BO by
jilan. From H y 1. ,
WDEAT lent c'nte ' , on InvcHlin/m'u ( , ,
to Jl.OOO , cooh profit * b Y . .w
riulUod am ] paid to la > eaton
amouu Ing to eevenl tlmoi theorlg *
$50 lnl InTMtment , itlll l ivlnjf the
orlKlcol UiTtmtment aiAking money
or i > iy blo on demand JCipl&ailo-
STOCKS ry drcul ri and itatemeota oi fund
W Biiiil free We want reujwnae
agent * , who wll rtport oa crop * and
$100 Introduce the pUo. Liberal corn-
mlwlona paid. Addreaa
mlnloa Jkaroliaata ,
OhlcAgo , III.
Woman Suffrage
Saturday , October 17cb , at
7:45 : p. m.
Admission , - - - Free.
RESERVED SEATc" " , 25c.
N. H No aeata void [ altuf 7:15 : p. ui. , and no
icd afturHp , ui. 1-lt
Itanufacturtra and Ucolcro In
Brushtio , Gig tii led , etc. , lUht and
llarawu ou huid./ir made to order. Light IUr
DMI made a iip
oxro. aas ,
IJutwoUoJ'andCa I Ml a OoiatuN ti