Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
"Wednesday Morninif Oct. 11
Weathar Report.
( iTia following oboervatlon * re taken !
br Kama moment of time at nil tha italloni
MWAB DerAnTMiwT , U. B , SicmAtSim. \
TICK , OMAHA , Oct. 10,1B82. ( l45p.m. f
nirer t ( wl I Inches above low water mark at
Jiah ( , 2 ffclalndiM at Tankton. Mlmlsslppt 2
foot C InchM at IA Crowe , and I foot 10 Inches at
Bend for printed price litt and tampJcs of
allklndaof job work to the AhLKX
PIUNriNa CO , , job printers , and pub-
llahcrs . " 11U11AL NKBUASKA , " The
Amcrloxn Oaltlo Journal.LTVU STOCK
printing a/cfdalty. Not. 218 and 220 , S.
14tli St. , Omaha , Neb. B0p20mc-co(12w
Utilj for puvinff I'euth street will bo
opened 1'ricbyv
p-TJio district coirt will bo icconytncd
tbUmornlnc by . Tudgo r James JiNe-
vu'lo.f j '
ji-Thera .was .ono plain drimk before
Judge 'Dcncko ycsterdiy and ho paid
his fine.
Tbo Merchant' * bank , of Fremont ,
opened for buolncJi yesterday , with n capital
of 5100,003 ,
The Mu-nnorcbor Hocloty will give
. pother ono ot its plca ant parties Tbura.
day evening.
The meeting of the Humcno aocloty
fixed * f6r Monday waa | K > utponcd on ac
count of the weather. '
The Allen printing ( company , II. S.
Smith monger , handout out omo 'very
handfioma printed ndvorthcmcnta ,
There c&mo na r beluu' a violent col
lision between two of the utreot citra to
day on ono oMho corvcn , which the bornei
avoided by jumping aside jujtln time.
The synod of Nebrnnltn of the Prosby-
Urlan church moot * ID the Second 1'nkby.
ierian church in this city on thlc
opening at 7:30 : o'clock and continued nntil
Saturday morning. .fa
Tbo Pries brothers are Blockin ,
.lake , ona mlle north of Florence with
fine C b , with the view of waking thokrfl ;
ort still more popnlu with vporUmen nnd
ploasura.partloa from Omaha. Ffsh'nra
-Bjvtd to flourish better ] than usual In tills
The regular meeting rj the Association
ol Pioneer ifrnployet , Union J'aclfio rail
way , 'will bo beld to-day , Wednesday
venintr , at .7:30 : o'clock , , at Kuony'a ball.
All'fieniberi are requested to be present as
bnilneu of ilmportaoco will come < before
the meeting. T. J , Btaley , nccrotary.
A oomplntnt hu been filed against
Ucrnhard Maglnnls , laloonJioopor at the
south'west corner of fourteenth and Dodge
atarecta , by Detoctlve Nollgh , for keeping
his saloon open and nelllng ll tor on Sun-
ikon. McQinDla gave 8liOO ball for his
appearance on Thursday to anawer to the
charge ,
Gentlemen taking tboir conutltullonal
ahould bo careful how they follow young
ladlti wbo are on their way to uchaol. One
young man wh'o Incautiously did so caugbt
a tartar yesterday by running against
-tho young lady's father , wbo la a bold bad
man , and don't you forget It.
Judge Benoko has thu first npodmen
of the new bsuo of national hunk hills' icon
in this vicinity. ' It Ii-on the 1'irat Ka-
tlonal bank of Stlllwator , iliun. , beam thu
vignette of Oen. Gar field and 'is 10 dllfaiv
ent from the old fives that nine out of teu
ImtineM men would reject it as counter1-
Yesterday an Interoattng perform.
auoe waa enacted at the Pax toil hotel ,
Mr. Benjamin K. Jlunnells , of lied Oak ,
IOWA , was united iu the holy bondn of
tnatrimony to Mrs , Ahoe KrOurtit , of
thli city , too ceremony being ixtrforinetl
by HOT. John William , of Bt. Barnabas.
Mri. CurtU U well known In he literary
world as tbe editor of the home depart.
went of Tbe Rural Nebraska. Till ! Bti.
wishes the happy pair * every felicity iu
their partnership through Hfa ,
Hev. O , W. H vage , of Minnesota , has
been appointed pastor of thu Hirst M , II
church of this city , by Bishop Merrell.
The special train conveying tbe Vanderbilt -
derbilt party left the Union Pacific depot
at 8:35 : a. iu , yeiterday , It conititeilof four
palace coaches and a baRgage car , King
"William travels in more luxurioui ntyle
than the late marquis of Lome and Prln *
cesa Jjoulse , who as yet have no sceptre
and not much wealth.
A national bazaar , industrial and art
exposition for the benefit of the OarCeUl
inonunfent fund , U to be beld at Wathlug.
ton front November IJStb to December 3rd ,
1882. 1'he board of commUuIonera for the
state of N ebraska Is composed as follow * ;
W. L. Feabody , cbklrman ; John W. Haw-
llnir , uecret .ryj Tboi. ' 0. Tiptonffff W. F ,
WUliamf , Jumes W , Moore , Qeo , W ,
Bmlth , Uriah JJruner , M. W. Bruce , W ,
A.pwyer , Jr. , OoL'O.B. Ohrte , . president
state board in fttfcnuka. _
M&defroir tbo wild flowers of th
it is tbo moat f ragreat ot pi\rf umoi.
Manufactured by II. It. Bnmi ) , Boo
Francisco , For eala in Oraaba by W ,
J , Whltehomo and Kpanno
Millions Given Awtiy ,
Millions of Bottieaof Dr.
Discovery for Oortramption , Cough * and
Cold * , h vn been k'hsn away t * Trial
Bottle4of ttelarueukeTbU enormous
outlay would be dlswtr' ' to the pro
prietor * . were it not for tb. * rare moriu
poaoeaed by this wonderful m.viicma. Call
at 0. V. UoodmaaV Drug Bio.'t , nud g t
a Trial Bottle fret , and try. for
never f alia to core ,
BIB Sale of Fifty Thousand DeV
lars Paving Bonds Au
What Omaha Pays For the
South Sower.
Tlio Medical Cell ORB Not Exotupi
From Taxation *
Miscellaneous Business Transacted
By the Council Laat Night.
tU the regular mooting of the city
council last evening there wore prea-
ontatroll call ; McearB. Bchtn , Corby ,
Dunhnm , Herman , LoodcrMcOuckin ,
O'Kcofo , Thrano find President Kauf
man.Tho journal wan ror.d and approved.
From the mayor , approving certain
ordinnnce.i. Filed.
From Acting Mayor Kaufmann , ac
cepting retaliation of Policeman
frank Knspor. Filed.
From same , trnnnmitting notice of
appeal of Omaha Barb Wire company
rom dcciniou of nppraiacrc. Refer-
From same , giving notice of the
necessity for having paviiif ; bond
ilankn printed , City clerk and at-
, ornoy instructed to have same print
ed and the city treasurer to advertise
or Halo of 825,000 to $50,000 in
> ondo , -
From the city engineer , Transmit-
ing nccontanco of tho' South Omaha
ewer. The total amount duo the
contractors for entire work waa $33-
190.70 , of which 82,08,25 ! ) ! ) lias been
) aid , leaving a balance of $3 , 601.4G
Referred. *
duel ;
FromP. 0. Boiflon , OH'oring 1.50C
yards of earth at lO onta. lluforrod.
The city engineer's report on watci
> end , on Fdrnara near twenty-eighth ,
lofcrrcd , with power to not.
Iloport of same on earth delivered
> y Daniel Manning on South Omaha
lower. Referred.
Iloport of uamo on Douulan street
Buttering. Filed.
From M. Donovan , Calling niton-
ion to broken and dangerous condi
tion of culvert on Thirteenth etroot ,
oaat of Orcighton llouao. Iteforrod ,
with power to net.
From John Baumor , Asking cancel-
atlon of contain taxes on court houao
ilook. .Referred.
From F. W. Krorio , offering to aoll
the city two car loada of atone for
crossings at 35 cents the running
rard. Referred , with power to act.
The application and bond of N. W
Olson'na drain layer waa approved.
From 8. 0. Enowold , complaining
; hat the atreot railway track interfered
with general business at his neighbor-
lood ( in Jacobs' addition ) . Referred.
From M. Qlooaon and 0. L. Schmidt ,
complaining of covered drain on Chicago
cage and Thirteenth street. .Referred
to city engineer , with instructions.
From Martin Ores or and others ,
asking that Hickory street , between
thirteenth and Fourteenth , be placed
n passable condition. ! .Granted.
From Charles and Eliza Kuhltnan ,
asking that an ordinance'bo drawn up
o enable sewerage connection with
Tenth and Douglas. Referred. *
From Milton Rogers and others ,
asking that Nineteenth street , be-
ween Jackson and Leavenworth , bo
graded. Referred. ,
A number of bills were presented
and referred to their respective com
The contract and bond of J. Peter-
on for certain . .grading were ap
By Bohm : To exempt ' St. Joseph's
lospital from taxoa. ' Referred.
By Dunham : * That all sidewalk res
olutions now iu the hands of the city
lork bo turned over to the board of
mblio works. Adopted ,
By Thane : Ordering nil aldowplks
put in good repair within fifteen days.
Adopted *
By'Kaufmann : To lay a sidewalk
n the west side of Tenth street , just
north of Hickory. Adopted.
By Kuufmaim : To make no change
n the width of Douglas street side
walks , etc. Adopted-
, TBy Djinham : Ordering sidewalks
n lots 2 and 8 , south side of Faru-
in , in block 140 Adopted.
By McQuckin : Instructing the
joard of public works to enforce all
oaolutlons ordering sidewalks and
ewer connections. Adopted ,
By McQuckln ; To place a hydrant
n Twenty. Seventh and Faruom
within thirty days , for fire protection ,
By Herman ; Instructing the city
ilork to ndvorliao for proposals for
urniahing GO tons of hay , loose and
jttled. Adopted.
By Hurman : To advertise for pro-
> oeals to furniah the city and fire do-
wrtinont with coal for ono year ,
Adopted ,
By O'Keefe : Instructing thn street
omraisaioner to do two day a' work on
'hirtoenth and Williams streeU.
By Herman : To have a sidewalk on
lorth half of lots 1 and 2 , block 348 ,
brought to grade. Referred.
On Judiciary : The Omaha medical
college cannot according to the opin-
on of the city attorney be exempted
rom taxation , as it is private property.
Adopted ,
On streets and prado : Recom.
nondlug that on and after October
Mth the struct force be reduced to
three teams and six men. Adopted.
On fire : Recommending passage of
ordinance extending lire limits ,
Mr. Herman reported the refusal of
he board of education to pay the bill
of Keimard Bros , , for vaccine points ,
and aald that tbo conduct of that
body bad o disgusted him that ho
Brayed thit bo might bare nothing
ur to JB ° * t& them. Referred with
fixing the salary o !
y clt7 marshal at 170 per
The ordinance vu referred
bvik to the city at torn 97 because II
conflicted with the city treasurer.
The ordinance extending the ( in
limits was laid on tbe table ,
Mr. Herman was eictued for three
Council adjourned tor two weeki.
The Vicloaltuclen of an Employment
Agent's Life ,
There arc occasionally Items of newi
which , while not of great importance
in themselves , contain a flavor of the
romantic that is not to bo found ir
the majority cf cases. Ono of these
waa brought to the attention of the
reporter yesterday.
Cliaa , Ragan came to Omaha Ins I
nprmgnnd through Mr.H.Mannwcilor ,
who keeps an intelligence oflico , BO-
cured woik on the Florence cut-olT ,
about nix miles above this city. On
Friday Innt Ititjan waa discharged ,
and coming to the city with bin time
nheck had it cashed ill ono of the
banks , receiving thoeumof $ l ( > 2forit.
According to his statement ho thou
wont to Mnnnwcilor expecting to pro
cure another job through him. Mann-
wciler oakod him how much ho had
ruccivut ) , nnd being nhowu the monuy
took it in hfa Inuida and count oil it ,
aftur vhinh ho taiil the bundle only
contained $102. Ho handed it back
to Rignti , who re-cuutitod it and only
miulo it $02. At this rate ho saw that
ho would Boon bu counted out , and his
claim was that while Mnnmvoiler was
counting the bills honhuflledapprtlon
of the aum out , allowing it to
drop upon the floor. Ho filed
a complaint charging him with the lar
ceny of $100 and nccuring an officer
arrested Munnwoiler just as ho waa
about to bo married and lodged him
in jail in default of the bail , which
Judge Boneko fixed at $300. Later
on'hu wa i bailed out by Tom Hurray
and on bting released took Judge
Boneko with him nnd waa by him
united in marringo during the evening
to Hiss Johanna VVornccko.
If wo were writing a novel wo might
say in brief that the harp was snatched
from the arras of hin bride and cast in
the dungeon cell nnd that ho was then
taken from buhind the bars and con
ducted , to the nuptial couch , all by the
saino representative of justice.
Movement ; of the Laboring Mem for
tee ! Fall Campaign.
The committee of eighteen appointed
at the last nmas meeting of the work-
ingmcn to oriranizo the campafgo , met
nt the City Hall Monday. The
Bub-committeca reported that the dif
ferent labor elements were in hearty
sympathy with the movement and
would take an active part.
After considerable debate us to the
method to bo pursued , the committee
adopted a resolution that a convention
bo called composed of representatives
of the workingmen and fminers of
Douglas county. Each ward in the
city is to have two dolcgatea and each
labor organisation five delegates , The
country precincts will each be entitled
to iivo delegates. It ia estimated thai
this will make a convention of about
170 delegates. No time was fixed for
holding the convention but the com
mittee will invite labor org-nizationa
and fanners to select their delegates
within the next ton days , when notice
will bo given of the date of the con
vention and ratifying the ticket by a
grand mass meeting ,
It waa voted that a public mooting
bo called at Central Hall next Friday ,
when the committee will muko iU re
port. Meantime all itu members are
laboring to harmonize the different
elements and organize for active work.
An Acknowledgment.
The sisters in charge of the hospital
of St. Joseph qratofully acknowledge
the assistance rendered by the ladies
From the city on two daya of last
week , in the making of bed clothing ,
to bo used in the now wing of the
hospital. And , in doing'ro ' , regret to
bo compelled to again task the ladiei
in question , and others BO inclined ,
requesting them to call at the hos
pital to-day from 0 to 0 o'cloo'k , to
lend a hand in completing the work
already commenced. On next Thurs
day the sisters would bo pleased to bo
again favored by the ladles for the
sarao reason. That will probably
bring'tho work to an end.
The "Hawthora OenUranial Ex-
oclslor Roof Point , " -was patented May
24th , 1881 , and otters patent ntlm-
ser 241 , 803. Any person found or
cnown to tnrapor with the manu-
'acturo of said paint will bo punish
ed to the full extent of law. No per
son has any authority whatever to sell
receipts. HAWTHORN & Buo , ,
Lancaster Pa.
County Oommlaulonera.
TUESDAY , October 10 , 1882.
Board mot pursuant toadjournmont.
Present Commissioners Drexel ,
Colias and Knight.
Road No , 250 B was this day taken
up for final action , and on motion ,
the report of Commissioner Smith was
endorsed and agruod to by thu board ,
The following resolution was
ud :
Hesul\t < l , That the county treasurer
bo and ho is hereby directed to cancul
; ho delinquency ayttiunt four aud one-
fourth acres in southeast corner of
southwest of northwest one-fourth of
section 5-10-13 , on account of double
asaeiamunt for the year 1872.
The following accounts were allowed
from thu
llh.MIHAL FO.M ) ;
Thirteen i > or ons us grand juror.flGQ 30
McCarthy & Burke , cotiln for pour - 00
\Yin. II. Kent , witness fee , , 000
J , H. Lehmaun & Co , , towels for
lull. , . , . , , , , . i rn
\V. Boebl , workat Jail. , , . . . . . ' . ' ' . [ 05
J. A. WkkefielJ , lumbtr OS 58
O. M. Dlnwiore , medical attend.
uco to child , . 10 M )
P. M , Chodwlck , nuxlical attend-
uoa. . . . , , , SXJ (
Jno. 1) . 1'eabody , medical attend'
anca , 1 < 0
V. K.Moorea. ticket for poor. . . ' . ' , "o 75
Jno. V , CooU , labor and material , , 2M 00
Jno. Uaomer , on account 1832 Ux
" ' , . 1200'W
Communication from the city\ \ coun
cil a to grading the upproache * tmd
alleys along Thirteenth street won or
dered filed.
The following resolution was adopted ;
llaolvtd , That the Masonic fraternl-
ty bo inrited to iay the corner stone
of the now court house , October 25 ,
1882 , and the county clerk is hereby
Instructed to notify them of the same.
Adjourned to the 14th
JOHN BAUMEH , County Clerk.
It Concludes Its Effective Labors aud
The convention was called to ordei
by President J , / . Briscoo , and after
opening by appropriate exercises , the
minutoa of Saturday's session wore
read and approved.
The convention granted the Sun
day school association that was organ-
food on Sunday time to camplo'o ' its
elf thnb it might g3 into work
ing order at once. Following
this _ the ministerial association
occupied about ono hour adopting
a constitution and okctitit ; the follow
ing oflicordi G. W. Springer , of Beatrice -
atrico , president ; J.V. . Ingram , of
Onmhn , vico-prcsidoiit ; James M. Sir-
gent , of Dorcheater , nucroury , and R.
C. Barrow , if Tecumsoli , troanurerj
after which the convention resumed
regular work RIH ! licnrcl reports by let
ter from miniators aud chiuchca that
were notjroprcfiontud thurc , oliowinif
that alrnout all the congregations iri
the atnto mrtdn ruporta of thu yoar'o
work , and showed increased aotivily
aud succosa. Aftur iioma prepar
atory work looking to sucscss ,
the committfo on rcnolutiono
reported tosolulioua which were adop
ted by liaing vole , thanking the resi
dent miniatora for granting their pul-
pitn to the preachers attending this
con volition ; th i king the paator , R
H. Ingram , andjhis congrc gatioii nnd
tbo frionda for their unotinted and
kindly rendered hospitality to the
delegate1) uttcuding t'nis convention ,
to the railroad compiuics for thu
many fuvoru extended to the mombern
of this convention , and the favors
granted the preachers during the past
year. Then | J. W. Ingram , by
request , made a few remarks.
oulogiziug tbo itato board for its work
and wonderful auccesa , with auch a
vivid word picture of the sacrifice and
hurdnhip of our etato ovati elist , II , 0.
Bixrrow , that , no eye was dry or heart
cold toward thn hrro that for fifteen
years hna fought our battles on the
frontier. _ After a joyful yet tearful
Icnvo-takin the convention adjourned
for ono yonr. to go homo with re-
uov/cu energy for the work before
them. N. B , ALLEY ,
Recording Stcrotury.
Tdo Annual Election of the Y. M.
O. A.
The annual mouting and election ol
the Y. M. C. A. waa bold on Monday
evening , Octobur Oth , at tboir room !
in Popploton'e block nnd 'the follow
ing officers vreru chosen far the en
suing year : i
President P. O. Iliniebaugb.
Vice 1'resident-rJ . 1. . McOugue.
Secretory J. U. Davidson.
Treasurer Win. FJommlng.
Second Presbyterian Warren SwitrJer.
Lutheran Dr. P. S. Lsl enrinf ; .
First Baptist Dr. O. a. Wood.
Congregational 15. Ii Ware. '
United Hresbyterinn Jas. Mulr.
Swedish Lutheran M. A. Lanon.
Chrlsllan-Geo. U. Korr.
irst Methodlst-M. G. MuKron.
E'ehteenth ' Street M , K. J. W. John-
eon.South M. E. N. W. Merrell.
Trinity Kpiecopal K. E lloynolda.
A lady gave the association $5 some
years ago to be used when the asso
ciation should make a move toward
building , and laat night a building
fund ffaa established , $5 more being
added , and it will bo the endeavor to
reach the desired object in as short a
time as possible.
H , M. Oliver , of Hasting , in at the PAX.
0. H. Mevls nnd Fred K. Blips , of Fre
mont , are at the 1'axton.
Lieut. Qeo. M. Willard and wife , U. B.
A. , are at the Paxton.
G. M , Uunton , of Sidney , Iu at the Pas-
Mfa A , Crulckihauk , of North Bcud ,
i ut the Millard.
T. K. Atklnt , of York , h itopplng nt
the MllUrd.
Brad D , Slaughter , of Fullerton , U at
the Millard.
K , A. llyder , of Greenwood , > eb , , U at
the Millard.
Kimna Abbott and [ her [ oi * ra company
ore at the 1'mxtun.
J. 0. JMacVbum , of Krceiuont , U at the
W. H. Farnnworth , of Blair , is at the
D. 0 , Fleming nnd wife nd Joseph Kac
and wife , of Weeplug Water , are regis
tered at the Metropolitan.
1'eatl Mcrden and two Udle > , from
Ketcbum , Neb , , are at the Metropolitan.
U , D. Cole , agent for the C. & G , T.
railway , i > a guoat at the 1'aiton.
II , B. Ruuitey , of Wyoming , la at the
< -
John Flint ! and D , Grace , of Cheyenne ,
bra ftt tbo Pdxton.
lion , Iiham JleavU , of Falls City , it nt
the MUIard.
Mrs. J. B. Latnpkin anil M'ru. II , I ; ,
McMeitH , of Grrnd Inland , are at the
Mill&ni ,
WHlim Dillon , of IJuoo'n ; J. D. S iU ,
of OgaUjiU ; Mr , IIowcs and Mm. Hung -
g to , of illaU ; II. T. CUrke ami wife , of
Itallm ar J , 0. Crawford , ol West Points
M. Jti. Knu. of Freinoutj W. W. Me-
Kuttnvy. of Tekamah , aud F , M , Ututetter ,
j r / prominent Nehroik&ns at the
J , Gr vet , Joruitrly in the era-
o ( Fred ICeiuiu , of the Planters
s , and who carne to Omaha
vlth the blghect recommendations from
that Keatl iniui , hu accepted a poaitlon at
Joa lil iVc' * popular Louw , on FiltocutU
street , Mr QrreaUone of the iquarcst
Mid H 4t pi pnltr men ( n the city , and U
a talr iul acquUHun for Mr place ,
The Half Century of Happiness
Celebrated by Mr , and
An Evening of Affectionate
OonRratulationa in Which.
a Host of Friends
Beautiful Remarks by Bishop Clark
eon ,
The "goldon wedding" of our wol !
known citizen , Sir. Peter Huguo and
lilo estimable wife , was culebratoc
Monday in company with a large gathering -
oring of friends of the family at their
residence on Davenport street. The
occasion waa ono which will long bo
remembered by these who were for
tunate enough to bo present. It waa
memorable no loss for the rarity ol
the event , it byin- { the accoud of the
kind in Omaha and the third In the
state , than fur the many associations
which it recalled to the old settlers
who know Mr. and Mra. Hugu ? upon
thuir arrival iu tbo territory ot No-
braoka over twouty-fivo years ago.
On October 0 , 1832 , Mr. ilugus , then
a young merchant of Pittsburgh , aud
Miss Eh ? * ; McCormick were married
in that city. Mr. Ilugua rccolla the
fact that the ceremony took place at
7 o'clock in the morniug , and that the
wedding trip was tukoninan old fash
ioned gig to the little village of
Uniontown some forty miles distant.
For many yoara Mr. and Mra. Hugus
resided iu Pittsburgh , and the B'lvor
wedding was nearly ready to bo cele
brated when the family lornovod in
1857 to Nebraska and cast their lot
in what was then known as the settle
ment of Omaha. Hero they have lived
ever since , and for fifluon continuous
yeara have occupied the reoidenco
which thuy now occupy.
A rainy overling and muddy streets
could not prevent a largo gathering.
Friendships cluutcr thickly in the wuku
of a married life of half a century and
twonty-uvoyearu pont hi a young aud
growing community bring with thorn
a host of pei-aonal associations and af-
fectiormto intimacies. The reuidonce
was beautifully decorated for the oc
casion. The wide veriiiidah waa hung
with Chinese lanterns which contract
ed chcorfully with the darkness out-
cido. Tbo pirlor floors waa given up
entirely to purposes of recuption while
the drrcning tooina anil supper room
were on the second floor. Over the
drawing room mantel hung a hand-
Bomo tapeatry ot crimaon on which
waa inscribed in the form of a horao
shoe tiio "Golden "
, legend Wedding ,
with the datta 1832-1882 above. Two
aheavea ol golden grain typifying the
eunaot voars of the happy couple
adorned the walla in thit rear parlor
while an oxquiaito floral , borso shoe
enclosing a passion flower , the gift ol
Mrs. Cuming , attracted marked atten
tion. The invitations bore the sug
gestive words , "No Presents , " but a
number of aflcctionnto souvenirs the
gifta , of members of the family and
mtimaio friends were displayed in ono
of the reception rooms.
Guests began arriving shortly after
8 o'clock , and were received in the
front parlor by the children of the boat
and hostess , Messrs. J. W. and Wil
bur B. Hugua and Mra Ella S. Boal ,
six grand-children also being present.
A telegram of regret and congratula
tion from Mrs. J. y. Hugua1 , who is
recuperating at Clifton Springs , N.
Y. , reached the houao during the
uvuning. The parlors presented a
brilliant nnd happy scene. Few of
the old Bottlers aud their wives were
absent A clanco through the rooms
revealed nearly every prominent citi
zen of the Omaha of twenty-five years
ago , whoso grey hairs contrasted with
the sprinkling of young people who
were also in attendance. >
At 9 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Ilugus
entered tbo room to the music of
Mendelssohn's wedding march , per
formed by Miss Buttorlield , and , pre
ceded by tboir little grand-children ,
Nellie and Nottip Ilugus , paused be
fore Bishop Olarksou , who , with aov-
crul of the Omaha clergy , occupied
a position In the rear parlor.
The bishop made a touching and ap
propriate little address On behalf of
the friends present and absent. Ho
alluded to the rarity of the event and
the deep significance of the celebra
tion. Ho spoke of the sweet yet hap
py solemnity of fifty years of wedded
life and of the lessons which such n
period taught to all. Thoao yours of
later life , ho said , were sometimes
referred to as constituting "tho shady
side of life , " but instances like thin
are far nioro suggestive of tbo sunny
aide , albeit the light was the subdued
and mellow radiance of the pleauant
afternoon and approaching evening.
There ia much that ia tender and
touching in nllfo going down so bright
ly and so peacefully to the sottini ; of
its sun , when the hoavona themselves
seem to bend rnoro lovingly to meet
the earth. The slowly lengthening
ahadpf'H of auch a lifo are thomselvea
auspicious ; they point to the coming
dawn of the bolter lifo and the bright
er world , where all of good iu this
earthly sphere shall bo gathered and
gtrnerod , and wboro there shall be no
nioro separation or sorrow forover.
At tbo conclusion of the bishop's
remarks , which greatly affected many
present and none more than the bride
and bridegroom , Mr. aud Mrs.
Uugua were overwhelmed with
the aiFooiionato congratulations of
their frionda. After a short interval ,
llod'inan'a orchestra struck up its
sweetest strains , and while the older
pucsto were discussing a most tempt
ing and bountiful collation up-stain ,
the youiuer people occupied thorn-
selves with dancing below , la waa
after midnight whwi the guests de
parted with renewed congratulation *
and fervent wishes that the glow of
the sunset years of Mr , und Mrs.
Hugus may be long continued , arrt is
full of love and happiness M has been
tbo past.
Among these present were :
BUhop arid Mn Clarlcion , Dean , / > '
llr. Mia.r eti"t 'V * V/ " -J
rick , llr and Mr § Jo eph Barker , Mr
Mr * S S Caldwell , UrandMnGeoDoane.
Judg. and Mr. Waketar , Mr " ! H
Y Ut , llr and Mrs J W P dd ck , Mr and
Mm St A D Balcombe , Uev and Mr
Woherty. Mra Powell , Mra Windsor. MM
Hall , Mrs Belden , Mr aud Mr * Ueo L
Prltchett , Mr ntid Mri Ghi Shiverlok
Mr nnd Mr A J Poppletou , Mr nnd Mr
Lyrnan of Sa'.t ' Ii ke , Mr and Mr < ui
Mlis Kullens of Chlllicothe , Gen nnd Mra
Mnndergon , Col nud Mra lironaon , Co
Uhiue nnd Mta UtitUrfield , 1)
nud Mri ) < onkllntr , Mra Dark
nlow , Mr nnd Mrs Utn
Gallagher , Mr ntid Mrs G W LlnioRe
and Mim Liningcr , Mr nud Mrs J II
Lacey , MM Jamoi K Boyd , Mra Hamll
ton , Mr nnd Mrs J L Webster , Mrs Lin-
ton , ir. Uonlo and Mlim Collier , th
Miuea Berlin , Wnkeley , Barr , Connett ,
the MIsscB Boyd , Il .v Mr Paterson , Mn
jor Newf-ll , Messrs. Berlin , Patrick , New
el' ' , Annln , llaff , Bnrr , Wakeloy , Morrl
Blerbower , Woodbridgo Mr Frank Mur
phy and many others.
HA , NEB ,
Tables BUppliod with the boat the
market altorda. The traveling public
claim they got better accommodation
and more general satisfaction hare
Mian nt any other hmuo in Omaha
lUtn , S2 pnr day. augSltfm
'ANTED A Uundrojs and j oung plrl at the
Emmet Unite. 732-14 *
Rood girl fare in-rath utawark
WANTED Nw 107,14th street.
7B7-la . . it
: t < lOUborem. II JIannwolllcr. nth
7PM2 }
AOFNTS WANTED Ino tadlfgitml one gen
tleman to cuivosa Oiraha for Hut beautiful
homo book , "Jlothor , Homo and llene.j. " i'a > t-
oft telling look out. Call 01 rrnd-'rcs <
A. W. 8KAVKK ,
7M-1SI m < Itoutlai Street.
PANTit : > Vlrnt rook male or female nt
the Opera llntiic itcstaurant. Apply at
iiiiui- 7ji ( tl
WANTED A jjotnl jtirl for general homu
\\cUsidocoinont atroettwo liloiks
noitli of Ht.Mary's. 75J tf
W ANTKII | A Kccotid man In n Meat market
Applt at Harrli unc KMur 7CJ 12
\VTASlV.t. Man anl wife tj work. D. J
Tl Smith , b'urdnor , Sh irnan u\cnuo. 7271
\XrANTiD-riOOO : girls"to pall arU utiy cloak"
VV ilolman ilrt-mi goods. Uo. , ot low fljrurcj
AUK and Wc ib tg cor , lOtli'anil Jatknou , " 40 t
WANTKD dining room fjlrWausdrcss nnd
Llniabciniild Innucdlatclj at thu OcciJuita
Hotel. liUB tf
XT7-ANTKD-A glil to do iehcral
VV tend rcferencia. Ocod age pild Ad-
drtf a P. C. arable , Kearney , Not . l > 53tf
\T7-ANTND-A good girl for general housework
VV ntmOCosi 8-n.ols. 051-tf
ANTED A nr t closi waiter at Central dining
ing hall , 104 South ICth- fat-tf
i/AnlED Glil for hcmtworL , HSoSjcrioui
V avenue , lira. J , M , ( El tf
WANTED A Rlrl for Rcnorol Inns crk. in
YV a snnll fuml y Inquire at 1618 Joins St
bfit o.n Kiftecnih and S'.n.OiDth-tr ' < ct ? .
SITUATION-\B collottor corres-
podding ilerk or hook Licping. Hate had
extcndct experience , andnm good wilierAd -
dro 3 John D. MiKee Bea OiUco. 747-10'
WANTED Emploj ment by a good man to
tctidto Ilorbes.V. . llannwcllir llth St.
near Narnam. 739 jo
Ono P < XK ! cam asscr. Steady work
WANTED good jy , ( rtfcrenccH rwiuired. )
Apply at 218 N. 16th street , up-sUlrs , room C.
VIT ANTED Ar the National Hotel at Lincoln ,
VV Ono No. 1 female rook vante' . Beat ol
wages will bf paid. -
WANXKD 600 privyvau.w , , inlu < nyrt rwn
pools to clcaurth B&Ditirv Vault und
Sink Clrauiir , th K-ct In uiti. A. K rs A Do. ,
recldeiicc- OS Dodge fltr.vt , Omalit.
'AN'ED At once , a wife. A flnt-i-HB
. . Bwrdlah girl nut moro tliiu 22 jtam old.
Am afirmer , age 24 Addrcm In Hnrduh , ai < d
cncloao photograpn , "S. 0 , " I to ) dike ( .ououl
WANTED Employment by a good h-mc
ktop-r. II. ilannwoilicr , llth street , noir
J7"ANTEO Pleawntroomwltii l.ourd fortwo
> V kentlcmen , In prit family. Addrc8N"D
A."EcsolDcc. : 7CC-1H
\fT AIi TCI ) Drcsi maklnpr and sowing to do
VV plc.u.0 uill or address Jlra Lanson. 11,10
Mason bt. 078-10'
WANTED-Byan experienced jeungman , n
situation Ina groi try store , Adjrcsa "B.
L.1518 DodKo strjil. 702 lit
WANTED -tooinn and i < oard tf prlratu
family llllri7 lo take ono or two boarders.
will s-nd their adure ! to the \Vyman CoroercUl
College , student seeking boird or rooms will bo
referred to them A. L. WYMAN , C10-U
WANTED Tj work for board. A JOUHR
ran with excellent re'ereucej attendlnii
acbool in th : city. Addre a X. \ . / . Beef > fflc
' i
PUKNIS1IKI ) room for rent , heated by rfgis
cor. Kcildence IBth street , west tide , llrtt
house north of Chicago t , 7t8 18f
TfOR RENT L r/e , pleasant front room , with
1 closet , furnished or unfurnished , Apply at
ISH Cam ttreet. 716 W
OR RBNT House , lx rooms , furnished , In.
quite at D. IIjrde' rflica , llillarJ tote ) .
HKNT Offio s in Jacob's block , cor , IA > h
1 and Cirltol a\enue , JOHN U , JAOJUS ,
702 tf
HKNT TVonlotly furnisldd rooms with
Foil baard , Ifde-lrerf. A plmnt home fur
thrra cuntltmen. Inquire COi north 17 h street.
TTICilt IIK.V i' At private rttldence.a Urge nlce-
I , ' I ) furnished room , w th Urge erie , t3 utn-
.lemi'"culv. Itofert'ticts eicliasKid , Appl at
ItflSCIi'tvo street , or l.W Karnham at. 746 tf
"I71OK IIEN'T Front room furnUh'd or nnfur
I ? nlilu-d p vacant location , Itoinl If dftared ,
A Jdrwj"h. " Ike OflU-e. 745-tf
H'UU ItK.VT One furiilxtuil room , for one or
two xfiitlemeii , 9.CO JKT month 8 0 Jutkwm
St. mar 7th at. 719-11'
ItCMI S uulurniscoj rooms at N. W.
IT10K Doug Of and 2 th 728-Utl I
UK > T Three fine roairs ; ( urnlihcd In *
quire Chas. McDonald' * , 1103 rarntnitttcct.
OIl I 1ST Three uifuinl'hel rooms , stilta-
J H forhouncketpln/ . Inquire 310.ftth
Mieet , bal\ > can D * > enport J'id Chlfago. 783.H *
FOll UE > T lo rcomi , closet , c 'lar , kl ch.
e . with running water in new h nse , cor
ner CallforuU aud 13th Mreet. Inqul u t C08
18th street. 781-lif
FOHHKNr Hemnt frjut roam * , eouthweit
cor. C'jsiin t 20th utrceuvc , 4U 20ih bt.
I70H KVNf r o froat rooms with lotrdat
.h. 1513 Howard blr it. 7I8'10 (
CollfomUtt. llr * r. O.IUU.
FOll HE NT Ahouw ot ti\e roowiTall com
plttc. UlUr , Cistern , \U I , and otlur con-
uulinrca. Apply at 6S3 12th bt , 74110'
TaOtlllFNT A rooai tulUUo for Stor * or ward
K bou < 3. Inquire 1058 IShbt. 74111
TTUM ItENT-rieaiant furnished room suitable
J ; for t o gentlemen , at 1619 r'arnam. 705 11"
OK IUKT Apliro. Terms loosonabl . ln >
F quirt - - ' . HI ) Dftierpott ttrajt. 719 10
I7IOK ENT Nlceljr fjinlthed rocrui , one door
U north of Dodjc on IBta. 723 1st
. ; . . - . irr vAitngo ol six litct rooms all
1 } conrcalencoa snd too location by 8.T. fckr-
koo Agent Uth and Douglas BU 7i4 U
- ' loom with boord 17U
FOUBENT-ru'Dlsbed 673-1 *
T7IOB BRNT-Hou e C roomf , 13H 18 i atrort ,
Jj north c ( Paul. 634-tf
"T7IOR UKhT A nice ntw collage on Uartnport
J. s rf t. near 2Uh street. Inquire at IMholm
A KrlckwoV CS8-tf
TjlOP. R&NT A houio , one and htlf tnlloi west
JJ oirostonice , 6 roonii , with barn and large
Harden. Inquire 1512 Djteaport SI. 9ii-t )
l flfiNt Lu > e "frout room"lth TcoTc ,
1 nicely furnished 2121 Dwlifo St. 651 10"
| 7ioTl 11KNT- BlcelJ7u7msU7d loom at 172J
U URNT I.\rce , ptcavint front room ? with
Fl out bmd , to gentleman and wife , 2116 Call.
fornU slrctt. 036-U
"T710H KKST Flae testdnnct In good location.
I ; Allconxcnlenccs for water , n , 12 rooraa , , opposlta post.fflce. OS2-U
OOR KKST-Nlcdy futnlshtd ttllnrw.inand
J } bed room , bul conChlcigo and C s , 41714th
street. 7I8-100
f7UKNlSMKI ) UOOHS-Ch p. SIClioward b't.
F let. Sthanil Uih. no rD & Jldcpt.
T7\OH \ KK.NT 1tlUtd on Idahub r < ! , withd
U frlendld vle , n handsotrc dnclllm ; liuno ,
conUliilncr nine rooms , with lnr o clouts la .11
slcnllnj ; kpnrtmeiits and larce 1 < a. < iiiiicnt ccllir.
A lric > anl and garden with plenty of fruit , nnd
two lari e cMcrm. Apply at
707-tf lilCKMAN'S 1IAS5UI
OR KENT A store in ] > alcombo block , rn
F IClh i-troct , near D.ucnport. Rt A , V.
-11'bc. EOfl-2Stf
mKN HOUdad FOR RENT m ll and
J. four to eleven rooma each ; oi < o or two invr
ones. BKMia , ARent ,
] a M-tf IBth and Pourlas l-ta.
TjlOR HKNT-riirnlsheJ rooms at 1717 Caw
L1 strrct , bet 17th nud 18th. t. 45Ot (
HKftT urocery ttort , cor , 10th itreo
FOK Capitol uouuo. . Apply on prcralsefl.
E02-tf C11A8. NEHCR.
TfOU ! HKNT Brick store. Irqulro at Urrj :
L1 Hroro , corccr loth and DouqlM sts. SfO-tl
JTOK llNNT Tw > i new dwcJJlnira ana tv.o othei
indcjlratlo luc.lity , br Me'i&eu
- i . \7.u
FOR SALE A ntw tlccni.t top liUKfrr. end
( prlni ; , in.idotn eider 1 y Iliofaaiots William
HajUcr.V s'exhlbltcd nt tha stito fair and
took first promlura. CuB-jy hts never been
used , ! ) Ut n III he odat a reduction. Apply at
Metropolitan Hotel. 748.14
. FOlt SAM : Or trade for armller
BoTCr.U Inch liannl ImiulreC. M. Wooil-
man , Onnlia. 7r > l-tf
TTlOIt SALE Good two ft ry houaa on street
Jj streut car line. Ilulldlnir lot In rart uay-
mcnt. 1 BELL & AMF..S
TJIOll HALE llr'ck hou'o. 0 r-iomj ; 10 irnuto !
JD walk from poptntllcc ; lot 00x132- Building
lot Iu pttt payment. IMcc < 3OCO.
ItilcK house , 3 rooms , no 1 , externUirn. 1 arid
110 acres. 2COdowo. I'rkcSJ.OOO
IJ1OU b/.I.K HOUBO and full lot In northOma-
JL' ba. 8ituatlondcclr.ih1e. Owner 1 avli.p th
city , cm vivo party deulriDg a good hrmo > peclal
terms. If sold at once. 0. II B-LLOU ,
C99 9 Union Block.
TraOtl SALE Acry dtslriblo piece of auMnesj
jj property In one of the licit tuwns In the > t < t .
i pply to K. K. Wbaiey , Llccoln , Heb. C86-1U
FOR SALB Farms improved. Pave a good
list , comprising scrau of he beet In Niibraa-
kt at prices from SIB to 225 per acre.
Kasy turuin. ABO ! sn era ! bargains In v , lid hnd ? .
Bji.d for d.tcr'p'ion Can furnHh dislriblo Ian da
for colonies , in ( , ocd loculioh.O.
TOO'19 Union liloc'r , Ouitihv
OB SALE Hciue of 8 roams on ease
ground 45 rears , ? C oO. McCagua opposite
I'o t Office. C'jMf
jjlOK UAbb OUhAP Iho briCK uud rrtino ad
Jf ; dltloiu of Milton UoRcrh' house , N.W. corner
19lhandreav n orth strecta ! 5 3-U
TilOK SAXE Flitt-cisBS restaurant Apply to
j _ ' H , MannwiBcr , IHi street , between Kornam
1710RSALB A well paying buelncss. central-
Jj ly located. Good chinco for the right man
Kcaraai fcreolllng eatlslactcry. Addte "Q. V. '
Erectile * . < 514-U
Ott ALf- Good bulldlnir , brick. CaJTai
Water Works olSce. 446-U
BALb At a
_ BHIOAIK , ono large brlclr house ; and ono
arge frame housa , with full lot on Caeg near IBth
itrwt. Flee chance for Investment , rent for 170
per month. Call lot full particulars , on
CPU tf Agent , IBth and Donglai ata.
CJIX BKAUTIFUI , LOTS 60160 feet each In
kj Hanscom Place on vtrcet car line. Best lota
In vliolo addition on very easy terms and at a
grout bargain. Buns' agent , ICth and DctuUa
' '
OTED I'OR SALE. The Arlington Honae * ,
i V. J. 1'irat clew ; all furnUbodhn only hole
ID town. The cheapest property In the state.
Han all the traveling men. W 111 be sold cheap on
terms to eult. Enquire of E. Fulle , proprietor ,
Arlington , Washington county Neb. (
"TOOK SALE Or will ezcha go for Omahn pro.
_ L psrty , an improved aec on ot land tdjola-
Inc a statfon on U. P. K. U. M. DUNHAM. 1 J
Farnham St. , Omaha. 720 tut
B 203-lf KOTABBOOK ft C0
Mrs llarhle lias rcmo > cd her employment bu"
reautol7WBurtSt ( , 7&J U
Between St. Joseph hotpIUI and the
LOST cf Cblcagn and Jefferson street , a
lady'sillver wa'ch , old country mike. Liberal
reward if letta ; liee office. 7iO 12) )
QTRAVED OB STOLEN-A dark red cow ,
O horns ( awed off. Belongs on the N. K. cor.
of 10th and Davenport s'.reow. Any Information
concerning It wl'lbe thankfully received at thU
oOlba. 720-10 *
T OST A golJ neck'aca with locket , between
± J Oth ami lO'.b , In U. 1' . yards. Under will bo
ibemlly rear ed by lo \ lay a this offlcs.
T'OST On Hunday last , a white bull pup , len
JJ months ud ; answers t ? name of Uruifor.
t.hoerrr will let urn the fame tollarrui AFiiher
will be tultably lewarded riis tfi
AK. JETT House and Carpet Cleaner , Stort
Polisher. Leavcorden at Kepnbllcan at'
Bee , 13th and Douglas. 868 tf
will buy tbe furniture of tin bcrt
: , ' > - _ paj Ing hotel In Iowa Benl reaa
onablu. ddrcss Dolph Macgrrgor , Bee office.
Omaha , Neb. 100-It
TIONAL18T , 498 Tenth Street , aetw m r .un
uJdnaiDBr. Will , with tfta M til RVMCita
iplrila. obtain for toy oua u J-IAIIPO t ) tt * VMl
and prajcnt , and on wjt in cobiltlona In uu fa ,
ure. '
Absolutely Pure.
. oean ,
U\rffi economical than the ordinary kinds
md cannot U acid in competition with tbe ,
janltitnda of low test , shoVt weight , alia
r phwpbat powders. Bold only In can
100 Wall St. , New Yor