I. 1 THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY OCT HER 11 \T'IOLK8ALK AKD RETAIL STATIONERY AKD PRINTER'S GOODS , nouHon. BLUFFS , IOWA. . -rf * * ! nv A PQ fl rwa rn ft c\ fo \ * rw if pa TBrf I TIE A B S1 R A G i Q F F ! G E , x.vir. . sz * enx EZ , 35t &B o < n . T4aiiQs and Lots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. HGTAEIE8 PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , BLUFFS - - - - - - jQWA , HENRY BEEOROFT , 1& HKN nociKns1 OLD STAND. n ° wl'l continue nmulncbli city line to Ml puU of tioc'ty. All orders promptly attended to. LOW CHARG 8 QUAllANTKUO New atock co is tilly received. _ D. M. CON NELL , Funeral Director and Undertaker. No. 17 , North Main Streot. Council Blufta Oalb promptly answered nt nil hour ? , night < ir d j. Jiow hearu &ad London carriages direct trom the factory tn run In connection therewith. _ _ That novtr require crimping , at Mrs. J. J , Good's Hair Store , at prices never bcfcre touched by ny other hair dealer. Also a lull line ol switches , etc. attroatly reduced prices. Also gold , Blher untl colored nets. Wave * inwlo trom ladles' own hair. Do not fall to call bcforo purchasing e. All goods warranted as reprosuntod. MUS. J. J. GOOD , 29 Main street. Council liluffd , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUT Mm STREET. THB BEST BREAD IN THE OITY. None but first-class Bakers omployod. Bread , Oako , Pica , &c. , delivered to any part of the olty. Oai Wagons ran all day. P < AYRES , Proprietor. NEW MEAT MARKET. No. 636 , BROADWAY , ( Palmor'n Block. Between 6th and 7th streets. E. W. TIGKNOB , PROPRIETOR. Oar Motto : Strict cleanliness , the best quality of meato , and lowest possible prices. Meata de- trered to any put ol the city. Com * and see our now chop. / Bethesda BiTHIIBHOIfSEI At Bryant's Spring , Gor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUiSTCIL BLUFFS. Plain , Medicated , Vapor , Electric , Plunge , Douch , Shower , Hot and Cold Baths. Com petent male and female nurpce and attendants always on hand , and the best ol rare and atten tion given patrons. Special attention given to bathing children. Investigation and patronage solicited. solicited.DR. . A. H. STUDLKY & Co. , 10G Upper Broadway. Dr. Studioy : Treatment o ! chronic diseases made a specialty. REMOVED without the GANGERS drawing of blood or use ol I knlle. Cures lun ? diseases , Flta , Scrofula , Liver Com- AND OTHER p'alnt ' , Dropsy , Rhouma- D > < k > M T II M fl R S tls" . tovcr and Mercnr- I U III U n O inieojes , Eryalpelaa. Salt Bhoum , Scald Head , Catarrh , weak. Inflamed and granulated Eyes , Scrofulous Ulcers and Fe male Disease * of alb kinds. Also Kidney and Teneiial disuasoa. Hemorrliolds or I'Jles cured money refunded. All dlsoasos treated upon thoprlnclploof veget able reform , without the use of mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or Medicated Bath * , furnished who desire them. Hernia or Rupture radically cured by tha use the Elastic bolt Truss and flatter , which has superior in the world. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL OK OR ADDRliSS Drs , E , Rico and F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. BINTON & WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Fearl Street , Oeunoil Bluffs. Extracting and filling a specialty. First-class work guaranteed. DR. A. P. HANOHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OOc , No. U Pearl Street QOIUI , B a. m. teX X , and 1 p. m. , to 6 p , m. Keoidence , ISO Bancroft street. Telophonlo connection with . Oen\ral nfft j. . U J. M. PALMER , DEALKIl IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGBNT , COUKCIL BLUFFG , 1GW W.D.STILLIVIAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting hysicianandSurgeon , Office and rMldenco CIS Willow avenue , Conn- Uluffii , Iowa. F. T. SEYBERT M. D . . , . , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA , Office No. 5 , Everett Block , Broadway - way , over A. Louio'a Restaurant , S. E. MAXON , & . aft , a 3ac xacj xi la a ? . OffiM orei savings bank , OOUNOIL BLUFF8. . . . Iowa , REAL ESTATE. W , 0. James , Ic concoction with his law and toUtctlon badness buy * and tells real estate. Fenou wishing to buy PI sell dtjr propcrt ) call at hl < offloe , over Bushnell' book itore , Purl street _ TFJWIH J. ABBOTT , Justice ol tne Notary Public. 45Broadway ! , Council Bluffs , MBS , E , J , HARDING , M. D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGrlST. Orailoata of Bloctropathle Institution , Phila delphia , Pcnnv Office Cor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all diseases and p lnrol dlf- fleultlM peculiar to l nitlM ! d. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Office ovei First National Dank , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Will practice In the state and federal courtaJNO. . JAY FRAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 BROADWAY , Oonnoil Bluffs. - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor of abstracts of PottawatUmle county. Office corner of Broadway and Ualn street * . Council Bluffs Iowa. JOHN STEINER , M. D , . ( Doutscaer Ant. ) Cor. WASHINGTON AVE & 7th St. Council Bluffis , tAatuet of women and children a spoclalty. P , J , MONTBOMm , M , D , , FBBK DISPXKHAUT RVUKY BATURDAT , Office In Ererett'i block , Pearl treet. Bed ] dence Ci8 Fourth street. Office hours from B to 8a. m. , 8 to t and 08 p.m. Council liluffs F. C. 8LARK , PEACTiCAL DENTIST. Pearl opposite the postofflce. One ol the oldest ptastltloners In Council Bluflii. Eatln Ufactlon iruirantoed In HUGHES & TOWSLEE. DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsKuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council BlntfB. STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway , LARSON & ANBERSON , Proprietors. This laundry haa Just been opened for bust DCH , and we are now pnparcd to do la indry v ork of all kinds and guarantee utlsfactlon , A epodiltymuJc ol fine work , such an collars , ( Ufl6 , flnaihlrta , etc. We want everybody to fire ui & trial. LARSON & ANDERSON. tuoa. OFFICER. w , n. u. rcsir OFFICER & PUSEY , Council Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1000 Pealbrs In ftiotpi aad DomogUc Kickanz aod home Mcuritlea. COU.NCIL BLUFFS HA1LIIOAU TIMJ : \tlwitlo 1\ 530 | i m I Pacific Kti . . .1:18 : * lu Kt and it ii.9.i5 m lit ftml M.tl , * . . M1' i i Molne * * c.J.I5a m | l > w ltolmwacM:40 : p m ciucioo , Depart. Attire. Owillf F.\t 5:30 : p m I r cinc Kit . . .0:00 : a m till id 1'a' .aao a m Mull WK ! KtV.TOUpin N. V K 4:00pi" : I Ncbt KM K\.8.M m nurino IV-part. Arrlio. i'antlcKxt. Ktt . . 9:13 : tn llal and Kx" 9.20am .Mai Mid Ki > . Cir : ) im XITHII. ( Sat. ) . 5 0 p m Accom. ( > Ion.tlSpm : , St. JOS AMI COU.V01L HU'RIT * . Depart. Arrive. tall ami KOuVlaml Kriirow. 0Mpm : 4 9:10p : m | M li nnd Ex. . C:45pm : t'NION FACIFIO. Depart. Arrltf. - . in. Overland 1U,4 CO p. m. Lincoln I'.x .11-30 a. in. Demi'rKx 8 0)0.111 ) , > cmor : . . . " - ) ' . in. t fi-30x in. .i 72. " > a. in. It 'J0.ta. in. BVO : ) > . in. Ix . . . .0UO : a , 111. rr. LOUIS AND rxnric. Dcp.irt. Arrltc. lull and Ux. . 9l'inm : I Mull ami Ki. . 4:30pm : 'annon ll.Ul. . 4'iUlim : | Cannon Ha I. . 11:03 : a in RIOUX cnr ASD rAciric. Dop.irt. Arrlro. 'or Sioux Clt.v.7M : a in Krni Sioux C'j , fiM p ra 'or rortNlobrara. Trin Kort Nlonrar.i , Kcb" "Mom Neb % 0-/iOim 'or St. r ul..7Wpm : Kroin St. l'aul.,8 0 a in ntlCAOO , MILWAl'klia AMI ST. Ucp.irt , Arrl e. Utl and Kx.0."JO A m I Mull and I'.i. . . .CM I'm Council BluUs ft Ouiiibn Street R. R , lxa\ Council Ittulli. 1/c.irc Om.tha. a in , I ) ftin , 10 a in , I 8 n in , ! ' n in , 10 n in , I a in , 1 in , 2 p in , 3 p 11 a in , 1 pin , ! 2)i ) in , 3 p 11,4 p in , 5 p m , G p in. | in4 p in , 5 p in , C p nt. Street cire run half hourly to the Union 1'aclllc ) cpot. On Sunday the ears hoRln their trips ate o clock n. in. , ami run ivgu nr v during the day 10 , It , 2 4 , 0 and C o'clock , and run to cltytlme. Except Sun Jujg. t Except Saturdays , i Except lomlajs. A Kontuctlati Who Fought J.JamoB. Frank la Fi\olto. The young man Hodges whom our Adairvllle reporter mcntionod last week in conneotiou with Jesse James Dick Liddle , lives in Cross Plains. A favorite reporter mot him last week , and after showing him the nrti. ilo in the paper the following inter view ensued : "Aro you the gentleman hero poken of as having had a fight with Jcaso James and Dick Liddlo ? " "lam. " "How many times did they shoot , t you ? " "Sixteen , and only one ball hit the mark. My father waa shot once hrough the thigh. Three of the bul- ets came very near hitting me they wont through my umbrella , which was iod on the back of my saddle. " "How close were you to the men ? " "I could have knocked James' pis- .ol . from his hand could I have gotten a Mr lick at it. " "Wero you excitodJ" "Not the least bit. " ' 'Did you suspect they were some of the James gang ? " "Had no idea who they wore and didn't caro. It WAS a lifc-nnd-death matter with mo , and I soon gave them 0 understand that I wann't afraid. " "Did you or your father go to Ala bama to identify Liddlo , as the paper tated ? " "I didn't , and if father did 1 don't know it. I don't think ho did , how ever. " The Mr. Hodges here spoken of is native of Marion , Or it ten don county , y. , and at that time lived there. the battle was fought near Cross Plains , and after it was ended Mr. H. wended his way to that place and on- ; agcd lodging at the Villiuea house. Jndor this roof ho first met the daughter ot the host , the little brown- eyed beauty , Miss Lizilo Villines. To ler nnd his host ho related his dan- " eroua encounter , and the sequel goes "o show that , though "Othello's occ'u- > ation may bo gone , " the results of he schemes to which ho resorted are still the same. She listened to his tory of his dangers , pitied him on heir account , and surrendered the ortrnss of her heart , to which ho laid iogo no loss valiantly than he had defended his Iif6 against the attacks if the most noted outlaw of modern iinca. 'She swore , In faith 'twas strange , 'twas ' passing strange ; Ttraa pitiful , 'two * wondrous pitiful , " There were mutual interchanges ot eve , followed shortly by marriage , md the happy young couple , thus trangoly met , are living under the lame roof under which the narrative of thii encounter it destined to become > art and parcel of Jesie James * history was first told , In the fight above mentioned James did not sustain his world-renowned reputation for being a crack shot. Ho was either not the marksman that he i d credit for being , or something was most fearfully wrong with his nerves. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ When your wife's health is bad , when your children are sickly , when /ou fool worn out , use Brown's Iron Jitters. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Georgia Hospitality. As I got beyond Ilossvllle , in riding out to the battle-field of Clilckamnugu , t began to rain , and the way the thun der roar d and lightning Hashed and ho flood-gates opuncd was appalling. A farmer just over the Georgia line Reckoned mo in out of the wet , and ; here lutuckfrom 1 o'clock until dark , [ t was n steady storm , without a break for a minute , and as tlioro wpro no signs of its clearing np before midnight the man Raid I had bolter ntay all night It looked that way to me , too , but it waH a log house with only on8 room , and only two beds for the twelve of us , There were six chil dren , Bomo half.grown , the fanner and Ilia wife , an old woman , a son-in-law. young woman and myself , It looked as if some of us would have to stand up to alocp , and along about 9 o'clock 1 began to get ncrvoui. Perhaps the man noticed it , for HO on after that hour ho said : "Stronger , we'll atop out and look at the weather , " Wo wont to the barn , and after a look at the horio returned and found all the women in ono bed and the light out. out."Shako off and jump into t'other " the and I followed bed , whispered man , lowed directions. I was no sooner in than ho followed. Then cauio the young man , then the old one , ancj then three boyn lay across our feet , the upper ono resting across my kneoe. It was IcnpoBniblo to inovo or turn , but in ten minutes all were inorhif away a if that was their usual way o ! going to bed , I hjurd the old clock strike 11 , 12 , 1 ana 2 , and was finally dozing off when some ono opened th * door , walked in , and began to undress M"i - . ! i fi Ilia .fanner , who carefully called out : " "Who' that ! " "MH" " Who's met' * "Jim U ker. " "Oh , Jim , ehl Wa t U > eUy all hir . "I M-cVon. " "Woll , strip off Mid pile in between ho fust two on the front thorn's > uly four of us lying lon'thwiaol" Jim piled in without another word oinp said , and was soon saloop , nnd I wan uUding silently out to thmh ho night on the floor , the farmer Icopily queried : "That you , Tom ? Pull oil yer tta nnd slip in hero loia of room oft yetl" _ Sim of tlio tF .tbi > rs Vlxltoil on the ny thai ftrrnfnlntii Uinl Minut be eradicated ; we deny It "In toto. " f you { ? > through f thorough ccmivn < f lUllDOCK Ul.OOll lllTTKlW , yir Mood will et iw imreu * Ami p n wi n. 1'tlcj 51.00. Guorneeya nnd Joraoyi. A. M. WllHaniB , of Syracuse , N. T. , soys : I have bconaciuaii ] ted with luernsojo nnd Jeraujs fir about hirly yonrn , and mot them first on hrir islhtids , whcro I studied them vith intorcrt. Then tlio Channel sland cattle all wont under the coin- .1011 nnmo of Aldcnu-ys , nnd the alands were known nn the Aldornoy nlaiids , at least in Euglnnd , where 1 aw at tlio Btciuu-packot ollico at iouthauipUm postora bcnring this lamo. Lut the Ouorusrys were then uuch more like what they nro now han the Jerseys were like what they ro. Indeed , the Quornsoys were onsidorcd better than the smnllor or oys for milk nnd butter , but the awn-liko Jerseys were preferred be- nuno of their slender gracefulness. I lave been In the way of knowing omothing of both these breeds since hen , and I claim as my belief not nly that I think an average Guernsey B better than n average Jersey not ho cromo do la cromo , of course > ut the Guernsey brooders , think so po. I quote the following from the Condon Agricultural Gazette to the omo effect : "Although little or no ; raiu is fed , the yield of butter from L mature Guernsey cow is expootcd to ivorage ono pound a day for the year , md there nro many trustworthy state ments of cows making fourteen and fifteen Guernsey pounds of butter , equal to sixteen pounds of our weight , per week , with out the forcing food that n this country haa ruined many a fine cow by unnatural stimulation tor the jurpoao of making a great butter coord. " Moreover , my opinion is ttat the Jersey butter is neither remarkable - markablo for its firmness nor its color as compared with Guernsey buttor. [ ndocd , I know it , and know that the : ultor of my Ayrshires is harder at bis season , and haa been the last month , and also in the winter , than that of my Jorsoys. And I find the mixture of my diary very convenient , because in the winter the Jerseys soften the Ayrshiros harden the Jor- oy buttor. But I confess I have no Alphea , nor any Bex , nor Coomassio "u my mine , my Jerseys not oven bo ng recorded , although eligible , because - cause they are kept for butter only , and that won't pay thoexponso of the recording even , much less to pay 81,000 or 82,000 for a cow. Lot us take the Jersey as a class the 12,000 or 20,000 or moro of the common ones with the ono hundred or so of phenomenal cows , and average - ago the lot , and I believe that there are enough of wretchedly poor ones among the crowd to obliterate the whole record of the fancy ones. I ook at this from the farmers' point of lew , and I dare maintain that the armers ate not favorably inclined to ho Jerseys na a race. And this is reasonable when a ton-pound-n-weok cow is valued at $300 , a fourteen- pound cow at $600 or $1,000 , etc. , nnd a twenty-pound cow at $3,000 or ? 4,000. Mr. Williams thinks the lighost value of the Jersey breed is or its bulla used for producing bulls. , A Heavy Swell. Jacob H. Bloomer , of Vlrallle , N. Y. , writes : "Your TJIOUAU' KCLECTHIO OIL cured a badly swelled ueck and sore threaten on my son ID forty-eight hours ; one appli cation also removed the pain from a very ore toe ; my wile's foot was also much la- lamed so much BO thatuho could not walk about tbe house ; she applied the oil , and In twenty-four houn was entirely cured. " Why He Didn't Explain. Detroit Free Press. Some eight or ton years ago all- ery-tougued chap who claimed to bo , fruit-troe apont swindled the farm ers of this county in a shameful manner nor , and ono resident of Nankin waa o mad about it that ho came to De troit , searched the rascal out , and gave him a pounding on the street. After ho got through his work he told .ho follovr that ha would lick him .vyico as bad if ho over put eyes on lim again , and it was a throat to bo remembered and nursed. About hreo weeks ago the Nankin man was traveling in Washtonaw county , and as ho journeyed along the highway hemet mot a traveler who HO closely rcuom- > led the fruit-tree swindler that hi laltcd and called out : "Jloro you are a ain , you boldFaced - Faced rascal ! " "Yes , I'm hero , " was the calm ro ply."Well "Well , so'ra 1 , and I'm going to ink you until you can't holler ! I said I'd do it , and I always keep my word , Olimb down here ! " The stranger "dumb" without protest , shoddiug ills coat as ho struck the ground , and a fight bogau. In abou * two minutes ho had used up the Farmer and waa coolly replacing his co t. t."See "See hero , " said the man from Nankin an ho wiped hit nose with a burdock , "you fight better than you did eight yoarH ago , " "Well , I dunno. This is my first affair with you. " "Didn't I wollop you in front of the Detroit postolllco eight years ago ? " "No , sir ! I was in A.wttftJU ' up to a year ago. " i "And you never saw ma b fer < T" "Never ! " "And wai never Jn N aklat" v "Novor ! " ' i "Woll , I'll bo hangoc Oojru to look at you I can leo that ) i'U ara not the muni Why on garth tliUy'r you ei.- plain , or a k ino tel V ; n inut have , thought me mistake/ ) . " "Oh , yes , I knew y a wpr mis taken , but I had juat dl 'oreind that I had driven B ° ven laile i en the wrong road and WM wiiblug n < > iie one yrgnld come along uud give mu two vurdu of luj , I didn't want any if uoatious bout it , A rotten cccet cpple will nro that blsek j in thrta or four 171 , and Kilt And w ter will tighten ur front t * th in n V ck or no. I atfl fitly p r e nl , bnter , * nd I'm ercr o much obliged. Ho long to youl" Hover QTO Dp- If jrrm fcro rulTsrlne with low and J * r * vid splrlM. loot ol pl > - Utc , geuprn fliillty , tiiwnloml blood , wtMc cunitltu. on , tu'wUcho , or any ill eo uf rv liltiou * nture , by 11 incMis pnxmro a bottle of Ifctrio mltcn. You will bo ( Hirpricoil to < th rapid luitirovcr.ifiitthttulll follow ) on will be InriiirfJ wiUi new 11 to ; trcn tli ftiul Activity will rvlimiipnlnnDil ilorry will CC-.IRP , nud lionovtorUi jou will cj lce lu the pralso of Klectrio Klllori" . old nt Ufty contH A bottle , by 0. F. unu Tun Pur In Aurlculturo , ur l New Vorktr The pig has recently becd spoken of i contempt when comp.uodith our omeotio nnimnls. But if wocxnmino is good qiuliHoB nt nil critically wo nist ftvnml him n liih | place In ngri- ilturo. Ho is found to nroduoo n omul of product from Iocs food than "ther caltlo or sheep , nnd is , thoro- ire , iho most economical mnchino to | iitnufiicturo our grout corn crop into mrkt-.tablo moat. Our people nro bo oming wiser every ycnr , and export- _ less , proportionately , of the raw intorial and moro of coudonsod pro- uct. If it taken eovcn pounds of orn on the nvorago to mnko a pound f pork , ns i no doubt the cnso , the armor begins to BOO the economy of xportinp ono pound of pork , bacon r ham , instead of eovon pounds of orn. The diU'croncoin cost of freight takes n fine profit of itaolf ; besides , 10 pound of mont la usually worth lore than seven pourda of corn in the orolgu market. The production of ork should bo encourngod on the urthor consideration that it carried flf less of the valuable constituents of 10 soil than beef. The fat pig con ning only three- fourths ns much uinoral matter per owt. as the fat teor , and only two-fifths as much itrogon per cwt. ; nnd therefore the reduction of a ton of pork on the irra will carry oil only a little moro : mu half the fertility carried off by a on of beef. Besides , a ton of beef will require nearly 50 per cent , more o produce it. This gives in round nmbors the comparative effect of iroducing pork and beef. It is thus yidont that the pig should have n igh place in our agriculture ; should > o fostered in every way ; his capabili- ios studied nnd pushed ; his diseases arofully noted and prevented , for ho s the most profitable munt-Droducing nirotxl on the farm. The pig is nn xcollout adjunct to the dairy , tuni ng nil roiuao tnHk nnd oven whey into ash. As ho is king of our mont ox- arts , BO lot us treat him with great onsideration. Xiulm iuGilend. There Ii n balm In Gilcrul to heal each K < tplng wound ; n'luouAb'KI.ECTHIO OIL , the remedy is found , "or internal and for outward use , you free ly may apply it ; 'or ' all pnm and inllammatlon , you should not fall to try it. t only coats a trifle , 'tin worth its weight in gold , md by every dealer in the landthii remedy dy ID gold. Overloading1 Gown' Stomachs , fttlonil Lire I tack Journal. When cows nro changed from scanty o Hush feed it often happonu that the enefit of the more liberal supply is loutralizod for some time by allowing horn to gorgn thomsclvos to the ox- ont of uncomfortublo futlnosa. An xcessivo diatonaion of the stomach reduces inflammatory action and im odes digestion , and tends to diminish ho flow of milk and to impair its uality. Overloading a cow's stom- ch invariably aivos a strong and dlo- grceablo odor to her milk that inures - uros it for butter or for oheoso-mnk- tag , and also its healthfulnosf for food , luch an overloading Is always indica- ivo of a double loss a loss from fati ng to utilize as fully as might bo the uoli feed , and a previous loss from n upply of food insufiiclont to enable ho cows to give us much milk as they ro capable of giving , When cows TO fed with a liberality that dovolopos , full flow of milk , they will not over- oad with food so little concentrated green grass. The fact that they do jvorload la an evidence that their pro- Ions food wan too scanty for profit , nd consequently 'hat ' loss has boon ndurod on account of it. But when nch a course of feeding has existed nd a change is to bo made to a bettor me , loss from over-eating may bo rovcnted by admitting the herd Rra tally to the nnw feed and supplying hem with all the salt and water they loiiro. The increase in tke now ation should never bo so great as to ihango the flavor of the milk. The Right Hort7ot.General. Jacob Smith. Clinton direct , Uulfalo , ay * lie ban used Hi'rUNU ItumioM in bin ainily a a general inudlclue for CUHCH of mllKoatlon , Illlou8ueu , bowel ami kidney omplalntH , au-l disorders mining from liu- inritleii of the blood ; Im upealcH highly of f it * ellicacy. 1'rijo CO cvntu , trial bet < lo 10 centu. A Mlnor'H Hlc.i Fine , Wa 1 Str ck Kw > . It la related of n lilack IJilU minor who had discovered & big thing that 10 wont to rt party in Denver to have drawing miuio of the eito and its surrounding ! ! , and ho was uaked ; ' . 'Do you intend to work this mine ? ' "No , I guess not , " "Will you go east and form a Block company nnd neil out the ahureti ] ' ' "I think I will. " "Then wtmt you want of mo is a iketch allowing the mouth of your nine with about $300,000 worth of silver ore piled up around it. When you get to Chicago you can get an artittt there to put in n river , mid a railroad track , and if you goas fur as lioston it will be the duty of the artist there to put three steamboats on the Ivor , two trains on the railroad , and surround your mine with A town of COO inhabitants. " BEMEHBEE THIS. If you are sick Hop Hilton will uuroly aid Nature i making you well when all else fails. If yon are costive or dyspeptic , or arti suffering from any of the numar- one dlsofcMfl of the stomach or bowels , it U your own fault if you remain ill , for Hop Bittern are a sovereign remedy in all such complaints. If you re WMting uway with &n > ; lorm of Kidney disease , stop tompthig Death thla ; moment , and turn her c care to IJop Bittern. If j\U'are ' u tick with that terrlbk EHnT55""IP , BUYE61 AND SHIPPER OF EGGS. 1,519 South Iain Street" r ' - ' ' 1 rt COUNCIL KLUE2FS. IOWA. I Pay tka Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING CO. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattice Work , Wood Turning - : ing , Re-Sawing , Planing and Matching , Saali , Doors , ' Blmds , Boxes , Etc. Manufacturers and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J , J , Hathway , Manager , Oouncil Bluffs , la , Mnchincrv 111 bo rim oxclnslvely for custom work ou Thursday and 1'ridiy of onch week. Order * solicited nud satisfaction KunrAtitood , ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AD RETAIL DEALERS IN LACEilAMA , LEHIGH , BLOSSBUflG ANDALL- ; IOWA GOALS ! GONNELLSYILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffs. P. T. MAYNE , ' 0. B , MAYNB COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , ; CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND CHOPPED FEED The Very Beet of Brooms Constantly on Hand. * * The Highest Market Price Paid for ' Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley ' IBIROOIM : Parties Wishing to Soli Broom OornWill Please Send Sample. ! & 6 CO. OOXT3XTOXX. I , MRS. D. A. . . . BENEDICT , THE LKADINq DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa , THE HUNTRESS TRACE BUCKLE . . , . ' fC'tc ratllfactlon. WE THE WOULD to produce a buckle hat ojuali It In tb * iollowlne points : Itt-IU One ap j Znd-lti saso upon tlia trace ; Sd-Iti itreDKlIi ; < th-lts eas in chanting ulthaut e ac out of Iholnops ; tth It will not unbuckle Itself ; Btli The hame tor pull * strag with the trace. IlUNlltEBB TUACK CAIIRUJt , tbe twit In the world. Th. cclej. I easily adjuitfd , cannot g t off lUelf , and will not catch the rein or tall. HUNTRESS PATENT WHIFFLE/TUBE AND 1IUKABT BTUAP HOOK , for htary a on , plowing , drigglng , etc. . cinaot be equalled , Ihe tug will cot unhook Itself. Manufactured by DDTTON , HUJNTBBSB & CO. , Janeaville , WieoonBin. all For jobbing wit br houses. 0. J. Beckmaii , Council Blnffsj Hbaip & Hon and II , H. Collins tCo. , Omaha , and by oknoBs NurvousiioflB , you will find a Halm in Uiload" in the uao of Hop Jittora. If you are a fruquontor or n roei- onktof n miasmatic district , barricudo our syetom againat the Bcourgu of all ountrica malarial , epidemic , bilioun , , nd intormittunt fovura by the uao of lop Ulttora. If you have rou lt , pimple , or aal- ow akin , bad bronth , pruns nnd nchca , , nd fool niiuorablc ? ( onorally , Hop iittora will givu you fair ckm , rich iood ! , nnd Bwectcatbroath , health and omfort. In short they euro all diauaHoa of ho atonuich. Dowula , lilood , Liver , crvnR , Kidncra , liri ht'a ilaoaau , Kivo Hundred dolluru will bo paid for & caao they will not euro or help. That poor , bcdriJdun , invalid wife , iatur , mother or daughter , can bo made the picture of health , by a few Dottles of Hop ISitters , coating but a rillo , Will you lot thorn eufl'ur ? STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND MAMENTAL PAINTERS , PAPER HANGING , KALSOMININQ AND QRAINIKO , 3 hop Oomor Broad way and Ucoll3t JACOB GI2V13 , Attorney and OiranBfc r.t- Law , COUNCIL BLOTS , IOWA. Offlw ProaJway , b-.j'sen tliia nd BtroUii. Wtll prvjtl/,0 lu IBtU * Kid oarki .MAIN STREET LIVERY , FEED AND- ALE All Shlppora and Travolora willfiai peed accommodation and rooaonabl clinrrjca. SOUTH STREET- OPPOSITE CRYSTAL .MILL , Council Bluffs , - - . , Iowi. ? HOLLAND & MILLER Proprloto w. SulliyanDUAIfiRS DUAI/fiRS IN : : : PHDVISIONS , l'Ty , G-apsVmre ] , H fl 'ZW& O P ? rf ? P 84 FT A BBtf § S ; J'aWUO , ETC Al3 iccnt * i r Ito fpuow'ig lice * ol ' gtoaraslup oripr.nies : iuiMJ , AneU'r , Oulop.r' lean , end SUl ,1 Oe : -\BI ) . - . . - . . Kor fJa en > 5 Key I Saab oJ I Jw J n4 Bank of kt&-i I'-ublji. Thuiia in .j i - < id to s cd lot 'ilead. ' yt iurt i Eoroc uiit find it to thclt a Cs j'.itsgerald , .VIENTB 84.83ioadiTay , Oounoil Blufi