Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1882, Image 1

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    t i
T rat Out
and Air Their Musty
Feathera ,
A Grand Opportunity For
Loud and Prolonged
Grow ,
Ohio Tumbles Into the Demo
cratic Camp With a
Loud Whang.
Chairman Thompson Olnimt
th' State by 35,000
Ton of the Congressional Dele-
gr.tion Captureti'by the
Qov. Foster Atlributea Defeat
Directly to Too Much
Temperance ,
While Eonoou Smith Chnrgon the
Dlaantor to Eaiitorn
The Result in West Virginia.
SpodiJ DUpatclus to Tin Una :
COLUMBUS , October 10. Returns
from the state elections hold to-day
are coming rapidly thia evening.
Gains and losses reported nre based
upon comparison with the yoU for
governor In 1881 , when the republi
can majority waa 24,309. There are
1,070 prectnota in the state. Returns
from 1G2 precincts and wards show a
not democratic gain of 2,920.
Indications at 8:45 : seem to indi
cate that the state haa gone demo
Cuyahoga county ( Cleveland ) which
generally goes six to eight thousand
republican majority is conceded by
prominent , republicans to the demo
crats by 2,000. The Twenty.firat
rongroaaional district is , democratic
4 0abjut 1,000 to 1,500.
' Three huudr-d and sixty-two pre
cincts show a nut democratic gaiu of
0,256. If thU gain continues the
democratic majority will bo I,000.
The mhjovity in the Twonty-iirat dis
trict la.2,700 as far as hoard from.
There haa boon no .material differ
ence between the vote for secretary
of state aud / uprtirao judge in iho .re
turns'already received.
In 545 prc-cincta and wards there-is
a not democratic * , gain of 12,278. Reports -
ports already received from all parts
of the state indicate n general demo
cratic gain. In the cities of Cincin
nati , Columbus , Cleveland and Toledo
thp democratic gains are large.
Returns from Hamilton county , DO
\ far as received , allow a constant dem
ocratic gain , which indicates lit thin
writing (10:20 ( : p. m. ) the election of
the entire democratic ticket. From
the few full returns received it is
apparent that the democratic atatf >
ticket has many more votes than thu
congressional ticket.
k ( Returns at 11 p. m. from ( Ml precincts -
cincts show a net JMIL cf 14-18'J. ,
Thia indicates a democratic majoiity
of over 10,000 in the blate.
COLCMDUS , October 11. 2 a. nj.
At a ( ( Uf.rter past ono the democratic
headquarters were closed The clip.u-
man claimed the state by 35,000 ma
jority for the democrats.
are meagre and unsatisfactory. From
a majority of them no definite results
have been sor.uroJ. The best information
mation from both headquarters gives
the republican the Third , Eighth ,
Eleventh , Fourtrenth , Seventeenth ,
Eighteenth ana Nineteenth districts ,
seven in oil. ' The First , Second ,
Fourth , Fifth , Tenth , Thirteenth ,
Sixteenth nud Twenty-first are con
ceded to the democrats , leaving the
Sixth , Seventh , Ninth , Twelfth , Fif.
teonth and Twentieth in doubt. The
republicans claim they will have
* cloven , a majority of delegation
accounts for the republican defeat on
the ground that they hod eight or ton
candidates on whom a bitter fight was
made. Ho uKbiuned as other reasons
that the liquor interest wont over in a
body to the democratic party , not only
furnishing means but wtiro also active
in polling a full vote. He is of the
opinion that if the pepnblicans had
gotten out their vote the democrats
could not have carried the state.
CiMciNNUi , October 10. Returna
compiled from forty-ono precinctu in
Hamilton county show a democratic
majority of 3,468 for thci stata ticket ,
while the lowest damntvntio majority
on the county ticket , tlul for sheriff ,
is 337. At the lumo mo ior tnu re-
maiuintr precincts the mu.ximam doin-
ocratits majority will bo 0,800 and the
minimum 830.
I'.KHAl.l ) HMITlf ,
of The Gizatte , while moaaurint ; the
democratic vic.o.y n' nbaut 10.COO in
the state and at juu > t 10 congrciMnion ,
nays the locscs have i > w in neiirlj
every part of the bvale. Ho stvya thai
the demoralizati tt of the reirublieai
party in Now Y ir and 1'onuaylvunu
has had it * t-tl'cct here , and while thi
boaelsm that apoiicd the party M thu ? <
states dooii not t-xut hero , yet the fac1
that the purty WUH divided and thai
the national hdiniiiistration. whothoi
justly or otherwise , was made a party
and In public estimation was 01
the wrong side , has had i
bad t If act in Ohio. Besides , i
had been uphill work during the can
vaia to explain the action of congres
In votinx exttav.ugant appropriation :
and failing to reduce taxation , al
though the democratic minority al
ways obstructed legislation. Thotoin
pernnco question , which was a live i ?
sue in the ctmpitgn , w s not bold !
presented. It did all the harm thati
could do without calling out th
strength it might have brought it i
had not been for the divided repnbll
can front. Ho regards the disaste
no worse thnti nthote , niul counsels n
lowering of ttio flic , but n whulesom
correction of the wrongs which hav
been condemned and ft sttuctf.ut nil
licrunce to principle : .
nccit ur , tiY4. .
NEW YOIIK , October 10.Tin
SUnts /'itung credits the Germans ii
Oho with Imvii'g brought nbout tin of the republican party , 1
cays the dmnosrimo victory in Ohu
ia possibly the mos * scvcru blow whlcl
the tc.uporuiiuo uloinaiit imn over ro
ci-ivcd. T/io moral ctL-ct will cor
knV bj Inlt in the Novutnbor eke
t -t-a.
Ninv VOUK , Oclolii-r. JlJ ! J . \ . ro.
T1 D nowapapura of this oity t'ouor.xllj
at nMilo ! ihn dofi-nt cf Ota rupub
lic.inn < f Ohio to the dulk-o'ion of th (
Germans. ,
COLUMBUH , Oo'obur' 11. At i
o'clock ' 70'3 pfcciunS shu v n noi
dnmoztntio gain ot 24 380 , ludioitinj
< \ dctinon.tic m..ji'i-uy m the stnti
of 35,000.
ortf ION.
October 11 3 a. m.
Mr. Hnlstcad , of the Ootnuiuroial , at-
tribntcd the di'j.ister to the interfer
ence of Gor. Foster aud Richard
Smith , whereby the Geruinn ropubli-
canu wuro aliuautcd. Ho says the
Gernntis have always been the old
zuard of the rcpublioaitparty in Ohio.
No isuio him over boon sujcossfully
met in Ohio without 'their aid , and
none over will bo. .Thia Vholo trou
ble w.tu Imtshod by meddling people
who had nothing to nay ana who
would at ixnothur timu impale the
larty on Iho iesuo of woman suffrage ,
f nothiiio ; better could lw found. Ho
lad no hoaitatiou in debouncing the
eadcra of the anti-German issue as
responsible tor this crushing defeat.
will claim fifteen congressmen in
3hio. AH to majorities it doesn't
mention estimates , but refers freely
editorially to its telegrams. It will
say the victory is decUivo nud over
whelming ; that it disposes of Foster
n politics. It assumes the catu-
miga was dishonest on the partof _
cpublicnna booiuso , as it allege ?
hey talked one way on the liquor
question in the country and another
iv.tho cities. It will say the result is
significant beyond local questions ;
hat thodeinoer.tti nftor being cheated
out of the presidency in 1870 came
lear electing their mm ; in 1880 , and
hat this nnd probub'to aimilar-votes
n Now York and Pennsylvania are
> rophetio ot democratic victory in the
October 10. Ohio
county , the home uf the democratic
candidate tor cocigrvsa , nud hitherto
democratic by nbont. 300 , has given a
lemocratic im.joriiy of leaa than 50.
ileporta from tne ititorior counties in-
diuate the probable election of Goff ,
republican , to con ivEta from the first
district by n unull majority. The
second and fourth district have been
lotly contested , ' ( hero is not much
doubt of both of them being carried
uy the democrats by majorities rang
ing from 1,000 to 1,500 each.
West Virginia district has elected
iioff , republican , to congress by . from
eCO to 500 mij..ri y The same coun-
tiua in 1880 gAve Hancock for presi
dent 1,48 1 mjjority , a republican
gain of probably of 2,000. The tarifl
wau ono of the principal issues.
Although both candidates r.'uro com
mitted to the protective policy , Uio
vacilntion of the demoomtio party on
She tariff question -weakened the dem
ocratic unrididato. The prino pal rea
son of the republican victory1 was the
popularity of General G5)ff , who" is a
ni.n of superior qnulificationa for the
position. The tumpcranca question
if < htly entered into the campaign , but
neither of the candidates wen ) ' commit
ted to it. The democratic caodidato was
: ut by the temperance meu because of
buving taken MI active ptvrt bofpro the
logUlaturo last winter in defeating thu
Bubmission of a prohibition amend
ment to a vote of the people. The
democrats have elected their congress
men in the other three districts in the
state by something loaa than their
uaual majorities ,
CoijjreMitonnl Nomination .
BpccUt DItiit < t.i to Till : Unit.
HAHTJ'oitn , Ootobor 10.- The dem-
ocrata of the First dintriot noniinatod
ox-Senator W.V. . linton for con-
Tnov , October 10. The republic
ans of the Seventh district nomina
ted II. G. Burloigh for congremi.
Minuoiuta Domoorutw.
HHvIin | DUpaUli to TDK
Sr. PAUL , Octobtr 10. The demo.
cratio state convention met _ to-day.
Juuge James GiUillun , candidate o !
the republicans ior chief justiu ) of tin.
supreme court , aud the priMint in
oumbent , WAS unutuiiioiisly ro-nomin
atcd fur ro-oluotiou. There are nc
other positions to be tilled this year
bpooiiJ lUuU.h ) to Tur. DKK.
LuNO BIUNOH , October 10. Thi
temperance convention held to-da ;
format ! a permanent organization under
dor the titlp of "Constitutional Pro
hibition Union of New Jersey. " Reso
lutiona were adopted calling on thi
state legislature to submit to the pee
pie a constitutional amendment pro
inbiting thu manufacture , aale am
supply in the state of all intoxicant
ai beverages , inviting all nominating
conventions to co-operate in securin ]
the proposed amendment and ask in ,
1.11 good citizens to join the move
Reeittration In New York.
8pc-clald > patch t'j TuiDn.
NEW YORK , October 10. Registra
Uon In Brooklyn to-day 42,405 again *
3H.C25 bit year and 48,204 In 188C
For two daya it is 71,781. The lira
day's rogislrntiou in this city shows
total of 05,222 , against 35,070 las
year and 72,588 of 1880.
A Catidiilnto Found *
SptdU ll rtch loTni Hut ,
NK\V YOHK , October 10. Howard
Carroll has been nominated as con
grcsstnnn at Inrge by the republics
state committee.
tch to Tim DDK.
Conn. , October 10.
The domocra of the Fourth distric
have noininalod Edward W. Soytnoui
( or cuugrcsa.
Social Il | xitch to The lice.
CAIUO , October 10. When the robe
ptiaonota were delivered to the Egyp
tian nnthoritlen the English inaiatet
that ihoy bo allowed lognl asniataucc.
The Egyptinns contend that thia con
dition doca not bind them to permit
the engagement of foreign counsel.
The question will bo referred to the
foreign office.
AI.KXANDRIA , October 10. The
sheikh urreuted Sunday at Tantnh for
attempting to incite n massacre re
ceived a hundred lashes and will be
Itcpt in confinement. Lirgo quanti
fies of arms were seized at Tuutah.
Walchmon wore doubled. About 200
Circassians , Albitmna and Turks , re
cruited for the gen d' urines hare ar
OAtno , October 10. The indiol-
uionta against the rebel chiefs contain
hrcocountn. First , instigating mas
sacre ; second , directing tne burning
of Alexandria ; third , abusing the flag
of truce.
ALEXANDRIA , Ootobor 10. Four
natives were executed thia morning
nt Damonhour for murder.
Alum's FKAIIS.
CAIRO , October 10. Arabi Pasha
> aliovcs his life ia in danger. There
uivo boon certain incidents whieh
might demoralize the Circassians
> uarding him. Ono of the khodivo'a '
ntoiirago has been heard to say ho
would like to administer to Arab I a
cup of bad coffee , and the khedive has
emarked that ho and Arab ! could not
ivo in the same country.
Spcclnl Dispatches to TUB B .
DUBLIN , October 10.--0wing to the
alarming increase of pauperism in the
south ot Ireland , the Dublin Union
has taken load in a proposal to send
one thousand able-bodied men. 'rod.
women to Canada at a cost of 7,00o.
CITY osMBXipo. October 10. rTb.e
person who recently arrived - & the
United Staten and spok9nof bjrAmer
lean papers both as tho'widowof President
ident Juarez ; and the wife of President
Gonzales , is Mrs. Laura Mantoeon.
She was married to President Gonzales -
zales , but haa been separated from
him more than six years. Mrs. J uaros
died before her husband.
The government haa contracted
with Dolun Sanchez for iho construe-
tion of the whole of thoTohuautopeo
A stock exchange wea organized by
European brokers , updor the auspices
of the Mexican National bank , to bo
opened to-morrow.
BKHLIX , Octobir 10 The state
ment of the imperial bank of Ger
many shows a dfcroaso in specie since
last report of 9,050,000 marke.
LONDON , Onober 10. The race for
C/.arwitch aUkes at Now Market was
won by Carrie Ray , Chippenda second ,
City Arab third.
BKUMN , Ootobor 10. tl * central
committee of the nation * ' liberals-re-
solved not to issue i address to the
elector * . Their prospects are favor
able in the worcorn parts , but loss encouraging -
couraging > " the eastern provinces.
liiVERrooL , Ootobor 10. Roberta ,
Williams & Co , , lumber merchants
and saw mill proprietors , will go into
liquidations. Liabilities 180,000.
aooi ) ENOuan.
LONDON. October 10. The North
StafTordship coal mine ownoru acceded
to the application of the ininors for
an advance of ton per cent in wages.
Twenty thousand mon are affected by
the decision.
LONDON , October 10. A confer
ence of coal miners , representing nine
counties of England , moot at Man
chester on Friday to decide upon the
tlmo at which notice shall bo given of
n general stoppage of work , especially
in Yorkshire , Derbyshire and Lanca
shire ,
BimiN , October 10. William , the
youngest eon of Bismarck , haa boon
raiaed to thu rank of government
Rntlronilor * .
h | > cUl DlifA-Oi to TIM UKK.
PORTLAND , Oregon , Octob r 10.
Twenty-five hundred whlto construc
tion employes of the Northern Pacific
in Montana have struck Jn account ol
a raise in board of } M a dollar a
week. There in no nolenco and it is
thought the mon will return to work.
The Chinese , numbering five thoua
and , are not in ihojtrike.
The Our Hold Hospital.
bpocul I ) . | iutoti to TUB Km.
WAhiu.iaTpN , October 10. Recen
contributions for the Garfield hos
pital from United States consul
A DeviUih Dud-
Bjwci l li i ich to Tui II ii.
DETKOIT , October 10. A farme
named Duvidson shot and killed hi
wife during a quarrel about property
then ahot his son , aged .21 years , | wh
since died , and fatally injured aaothe
son , and fled.
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited
to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
. < fe -
, -ttSy * * * * .
Notions and'-Furnishing Goods ,
C ,
ST. 3VCO. ,
The Brightest Lighted , Best Appointed Jobbing tlouso in America , containing
arcoat Stook of Dry Goods and . of the Mississippi. Solo
of the colubratod .
cDonald's Qyeralls , Duck , $ eniin and Cottonade Pants ,
In all styles now popular with the Tr - Absolutely the best Goods in the Market
Western Merchants .can more thp1 say6 their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be
fore buying their" Fall Bills , "raveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit
all prominent to hs hroi hout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where upon receipt o' a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples.uVThe most careful attention given to orders , and satisfaction -
' / . . ' tion guaranteed , Remember
: ' ± E. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO.
Aud Uwtfingflom Wpod Out Witii
One Blow By Rev , H ,
W. BBBOher ,
fhe Torrid Thoughts of Future
Life Made Agreeable
to the Taate. j
A Nnafcer of Other Theological
X rrov > BonUbad From .
tie Future State-
The ConvenlentACreod of the
' pioutn Preocnsri -
A Speech * y Beeoker- I
apodal DUpatcb to Tim Uui. Kfl
BTOOKLYW , Ootobor 10. r-fa
autumn mooting of the Now York and
Brooklyn association of the Cons-
Rational churches was . '
mornng at Park Congm8 ? 1 1
church , Brooklyn. Bov. J. G'R ° '
orts , of Rochester Avon' * cnurch ,
oQiciatod as moderator -fld ov. Mr.
Stiloa acted aa tom " " * lbe- The
following IB frorr'flo Brooklyn Eagle's
report of tho/fc ° cd nBa : Rov. Mr.
Boochor , w > ° hd boon , " "igned to
open the rta ° U8a p' > ol the subject of
Spiritr4 * Barbarism , made it the oo-
cast , * ! for announcing Ijls withdrawal
ffjiu , membership of the association
Ho delivered on elaborate exposition
of Vis belief respecting the doctrines
of the Bible and Christianity. lie
aligned as a reason for withdrawing
( eoui the association that as a Chria-
ian gentleman ho could not afford to
ay on anybody thp rospousibillty of
is viowa. Ho could not afford ospec-
ally to put the association in such a
> oaitlon that they would bo obliged
o fafend him or make them rosponsi-
lo ia any way. uid therefore he
ow , in Uio greatest love and sympa-
: iy , laid dcwn hia ttomborahip and
hould go forth hot to bo separated
rom them , but rtully to'bo nearer to
hem. Ho should do Vnything for
bom. Ho never was in Varmor por-
uonal sympathy with them than at
resent , but he laid don the respon.
ibility they had borne. Oo took it
fl' them and put it on hrndf.
Mr. Beochor explained tlat ho niado
his exposition in order to inuot the
ooso general representation and mis-
epresontationa in respect towhat ho
> olioved and taught. Ho hid that
ho view that had been preao.ted by
> agan Greek barbarians , one -jf ( ho
uost barbaric , infantile and jfcorant
conceptions vas the impassmy of
3ocl the conception that perfttion
of character required that a king
ahould nrt bo susceptible to pair Of
any kiiiJ , to sorrow or to mffoibg.
Iho diviuii heroism muut btaid ir , the
xmer of God to Buffer , and ii is the
tor/ not and force of the atoiiu Ufo
nd death of Jesus Christ , Jiight
ivor on the other bidu was another
oletnent springing from a barbaric
nation and not from an isthotic ,
Hiuioly , that God is clotlul with
luinati passions. Terms of bat kind
were notjwanting'jn the Old Tiatautuut
but men had constructed tleir con-
ceytion of God from the cximpjti of
their animal inclinations and , up.
petttes , not from tlio oxum o of their
reuion and their moral uetso , fnd BO
THO Lad a barbarous conoiptio ; , and
that * aa | spiritual bartwisii , tin
whole view of God which VM l u
down in the confession of failh fcf thi
WestrainiBter school in relation te
decroei and in relation to the wholt
procws and operation of divine grace
Mr. Beecher held that the view o
the chwacter of God , to stand eve
against 1ho representation of God a
made by the Lord Jesus Christ ,
frightful Gorgon stood over agains
the ho&d of au appollo In tb he the
mythology , to bo monster In plac
of a loving master and a master c
love. Ho rejected it with an impstu
that touched the very foundatioi o
ihis soul. Then thp doctrine of man's
moral and physical inability to obey Uio
laws of God ho also rejected ,
the representations of future punish-
'instil ' wore gross and physical. They
wire made from a sensuous Roman
sdiool. Ho believed that the wholo-
aono and restraining influence of that
dktrino had boon very largely do-
aroyod by substituting a slaughter
htuso nation a gross , carnal , corrupt-
lig and diabolical representation of
'bill ' , and the sufferings of thono who
"vcro " subjected to them. The suffer-
iig would not bo bodily , butmontal , no-
ording to the laws of moral sensibility ,
aid all the affoohons/notja machine of
ellphur and firo. A deluge of ills
md all manner of annoyance were op-
/omlzed / and roprceotitod in the art of
Ingeta'a' "Last Judgmonti , ' " and rop-
[ .Anted more abominably and inexcns-
j * t7 bf Cornelius'arid'the Gorman
BclreoL I'hikf wa r barlwtt. He ru-
garded also the whole doctrine of
of original sin as found in the fall of
Adam as 'being ' barbaric ; that is , as
the conception of mon that were as
yet'ipnorant and uneducated on this
lubject. It waa not used a single time
in the whole scope of instructions of
all ages of the Old Testament. You
< jould not find it in the Old Testa
ment ; you cannot look through all
( cachings of the four Gospels and find
single passage that , except by wide
inference and misconstruction , can bo
applied to it. You can find it only in
Paul's writings. Ho accepted with
out analysis the trinity. Any attempt
to divide the functions was futile. lie
believed in a Providence who over
rules huinan life by and through
natural tbws. Christ was infinite
with infinite limits , and in taking
His place as a man Ho became subject
to the laws of time , space and matter.
Ho believed fully , emphatically , with-
qut a break or ft uinglo line of aber
ration , in the divinity of Christ.
Christwas God manifest in the flesh.
peclal Dieiiatch to Tin DK > .
'EvANflNiLLB , Ind. , October ICi.
t.ten minutes past 2 this morning ,
bout 100 men from Posoy county ,
n horseback , quietly surrounded our
junty jail , situated in the centre of'
10 city , awoke the sheriff and do-
nandod the koya of the jail , wont tote
to cell of Jledmond'a , the wife
nurdoror , took him and put
lim n baggy and drove off ,
rpon leaving a number of shotn
rero fired and the ftro bell rung , noti
cing the police , but before their ar-
val the squad was out of sight , going
own Third street loading to Mount
Vernon road ,
LATF.R , 3 A. M. The sheriff wan
warned only a moment before the mob
rrived at the jail. Officers Resirig
nd Nowcll aw them coming and
arned the sheriff , but before ho could
; et to the outer door to look at the
neb , it was on him and hold him
irisoner. They then took ' a sledge
lammor and battered in the door
eading to Roamon'a cell and took him
Railroad Accident-
pectil Dispatches to Till B i.
PANA , 111. , October 10. The east
> oul Indianapolis & St. Louis ex-
) ress vaa wreckeU hero by running
vor a c .w laat night. Fireman Ar-
ernoon , 01 Mattoon , waa killed.
OUAITANOOM ) October 10 , A ter-
iblo collinion owjurred on the new
oad to Atlanta yu tduy. The ongl-
leer and firomoii wert > killed and two
hildien fatally hurt.
QALVKCTON , October 10.Tho News'
special reports six porauu
on ti,0 , east-bound trail on the
Texan i > aoifl0 railroad , by ditching
at bwo vator > TJO trai , , wa& ijjjj
damaged'M,4 won't reach thereuntil
2 o clock toTjl , t (
Xke Pj-o ll H and Cabinet ,
BpeciU JUpatch V ) Till t , ,
Nifl YouK , OotobU io.Arthur
aooomjanled by hb .on 1 4 Secrotariel
Llnooh aud Chandler an\ ss
Postmaitor General Hilton , .
aft rnoui for Boston.
Chandler iay Judge Folger'a a.
waa not nontloned by the oonferout
of the cabinet aud the ( .resident , nor
was anything said about the resigna
tion of Folger or any ono else.
TrnnnportiUlon Scuomoa and Com-
Spvihl l ) ' l tcli to Tim HICK.
GHIUAUO , October 10. Thu Illinois
iinprovoment company of Chicago waa
incorporated at Springfield to-dny.
Its object is to build a ship canal from
Lake Michigan to Grand Grousing , the
point at which all the caat bound
trunk linen converge.
The general freight ager.ta of roada
comprised in the Southwestern , Col
orado tratllo and Iowa trunk line as
sociations mot hero to-day and adopt
ed a uniform olassiucation of freight
to i all points west nnd south west.
liurOtOIorc inuiuliua 1.U011 OIIU ulaneifi-
cation on freights to the Missouri
river , and another west of the Mis
souri river. This will involve some
changes in rates , which will bo re
ported to a future meeting. No
further action waa taken in the matter
of the ppola on business went of the
Missouri river bet ween the Burlington ,
Union Pacific , and Atchiaon , Topeka
& Santa Fo. Another mooting will
be hold in Omaha next Friday.
NEW YORK , October 10. The joint
executive committee of the passenger
agents , to-day , after considerable de
bate , adopted the following resolu
tions :
Ilt.vih'-cil , Should it appear that tic
kets are bning sold at reduced tares
by the influoncu of any outoido par
ties ovur any route between which dif
ferential furco luwo been established
to auch extent as tn increase the sale
beyond thn per contogo allovvod onlho
basis of 1881 sales , then the differen
tial faro by ouch line shall bo reduced
so as to equalize iho business. u
Jlesulveu , That from and after Oc
tober 20th inst. , no , ordora for east'
bound pickets from differential faro
points in the west to differential faro ,
points in the enst will bo accepted
from steamship or other agents , ex
cept from such parties as may bo on-
poqially authorized by mutual agree
The committee sit again to-morrow.
The Canadian Pacific-
Hpodal Dispatch to Till Dm.
OTTAWA , Out , , October 10. The
contractors for the Canada Pacific
railway between Thunder Bay and
Rat Portage have bnon empowered to
open the road iinni d lately.
Doi'ruiitlve Flro.
HH > cUI Dlujmtcli to TDK 11 IK.
OinoAno , October 10. The Inter
Ocean's El Paso special Mays ; A fire
hero this afternoon burned un entire
block of wooden buildings , including
the 121 Paso hotel and fourteen busi
ness houses Losi estimated at $100-
000 , partially insured.
A Canuck Fraud
Hjx..ial IHajibtcli to Tur Unit
ST. AI.BANH , Vt. , October 10.
Esinhart , said to be mayor of Iber-
ville , Quebec , and formerly n member
of the Canadian parliament , was ar
rested at the instance of the Bank of
St. . .lameswhich allots that he has
defrauded the b.inlof $10,000.
Tlio "Wrecked Hordnr.
Hjudal Dikpatcli to Tim Jim.
OAI-K HAOB. October 10. The
wrecked ship Herder , it Boom * , must
have come very cloao around the mis
taken point , as the present position
plainly indicates. Had ahu 'boon n
little more than a leogth f nrthor ail
sha would have cleared everything.
Half a length olosortotho shorci would
have proved fatal _ to all on board.
' " "
nillou'n Donlul-
Bpocl&l Dlipttchca to TUB Im
CiiiuAno , October 10. Before Vanderbilt -
derbilt left the city yesterday ho informed -
formed a reporter tlmt as yet ho had
nothing to communlcato concerning
the reported Union Pacific extension
but aald ho mlhthavo ; something Boon
( J Interest on thti subject. Sidney
IXllon , who arrived yesterday , said as
f f as he knew there waa no truth In
the rumor. Still ho could not Bay
positively that Yaudurbilt had no do-
oignn on the Union. Pacific. If Vanderbilt -
derbilt meant to got a controlling in
tercut in the Union Pacific it would
cost him a round sum of money.
The stock ia owned in small lota by
oovornl thousand almroholdera , most
of whom have uo dcairo to uol ) , as
they have the greatest contidencu in
the Union Pacific's future. Uo believes - '
lioves that Union Pacific nlock would
soon bo quoted at 150 , and ho did not
think that many of the present hold-
era would be willing to dispose of
their utook for lean tliun that figure.
The Union Pacific waa now doing
a splendid business , and
was paying regular dividends
All money earned by thia road goes
into the pockets of the stockholders ,
as it ha no construction companies or
syndicates to provide for.
Through negligence of the inspect
or ; who failed to vaccinate persons in
East North avenue , where a sporadic
case of smallpox recently appeared ,
the disease has broken out in seven
adjacent houses. Wholesale vaccina
tion ia now progressing.
A Iiimctlo XJOCMIS
l Il jiatch to TUR lliu.
NEW YORK , October 10. An ex
traordinary occurrence took place on
Fourteenth street at an hour of the
afternoon when the street is most
crowded with shoppers. A demented
Frenchman ran a-muck through the
crowded thoroughfare and with a pair
of sharp-polntod carpenter's compass
etabbpd right and loft , the victims
all being women. The wife of the po
liceman who patrolled the block was
one of his victims and when her hus
band arrested the lunatio ho did no-
know the compass was drip
ping with his wife's blood.
The lunatio was Ernest Dn-
Courgno , a half idiotiu painter ,
whoso crazy antico have for years
made him n conspicuous character.
His victims were more or loss severely
[ njurod. Their names are Mrs. Stol-
7.onbor/,422 ( Bast Ninth street ; Miss
Louise ( Checker , ago 22 , of 49 West
Fifty-flrst atroot ; Misa W. L. King ,
429 East Fifty-soventh utroot , severely
hurt ; Miss Pauline Eioldlor , ago 10 ,
of U59 West Sixteenth street ; Mrs.
Thos. Morth , GOO Lexington avenue ,
dangerously injured ; Mrs. Mary Han-
ley the policeman's wife , 110 Green
wich avenue , two stab wounds in the
left breimt , perhaps fatally injured.
Mra. Hanloy was taken to
the New York hospital and
the others assisted home. The
lunatio waa arrostedby officer Hanloy.
His olcthuig was spattered with blood.
The lunatio said he felt dizzy , and ad
mitted to have boon drinking. He
wore two hats. Ho said ho stabbed
the woman because aoino man had
threatened hia lifo.
The prisoner with hia father wandered -
dorod for years through the city bear
ing signs demanding justice from Cal
ifornia authorities for some wrong.
They accepted charity , but only
enough tu feed and lodge them. The
fithor ditid February last and the son
kept up his pilgrinugu until to-day ,
when ho aet out upon the slaughter of
Special UUiukJiia to Tun Urn.
MOKIUKAL , October 10. Au earthquake
severe unuuKli tu wjike pix le was felt at 6
o'clock thU luorniiif ; ,
WAMIHKUTON , October 10.Tha presi
dent inuda tua folio * ing appointment :
Henry J I. Moigju. of Louisiana , tocretary
of legutioa of Ihi United Stated to Mexico.
KltKEHOLii , N , J. , October 10. The
grand jury indicted for m&nalaughur Alex ,
: Kier , ( ureiuaii ol a KU < ° f meu who-e in-
I cuuiplote work caused the terrible accident
au ttio Long lirauch nllroad at 1'atkar'a
Oieek , Juuo lubt.
- . Ark , October .
LiriLB lloc-K. , 10.--The
Gruiui Lodge uf OJd rullowK met to-day ,
it large number of delegate ! buing preheat
from all porllonn uf the itutc ,
WAHUiNaroh , October 10. 'Ihe total
I amount of 3 per cent bonds Issued to date
is $2511,370.000. Tne aaviug Ia juioiml ia.
. teruct l > y tlia exvbauue of 3l per cent into
1 S p r c uU U