THE DAlLIf BEE-OMAHA IVESDAX" OCIO tEH 10 'b9 ' Nebraska National Baufc , Of Omaha , Nob. Paid up Capital , - - - - S25O.OOO DinECTOliS : A\ 8. n. JOHNSON , President , of Stecl , Johnson & \ Co. A. E. TOUZAUN , Vice President , of C. , H. & Q. U. U. , Boston. W. V. MORSE , ofV. . V. Mon > e& Co. JOHN S. COLLINS. of O , It. A J. 8. Co'.llm. J , 11. WOOLWOHTH , Cot-dscUor & Attorncj-ot- LAV. U S. UF.KD. of Hyron Ilecd & Co. U. W. YATKS , Owihlcr.Ut * CiMhlcr of the First XV.IonM Itink of Omiha , and connected with the active manaijimcnt of that Dank slnc I Is ID 1S03. Grmti ( of bdlri6j * Apt ! ) 4 ? , 1832 , with Ifao larijc't capital of any bunk 111 Ntbr kn. CoLLiicno > s motive rptclal attention ntl chf.t > ges bw t bbulc&bla lure or tlsewhotc. Is mm a'lovrcdon tlmo deposits upjn favor- MJ tctmt and iijion acouatiof banks and 1 nk- FOKSIOK EiiMAsaii , OjTernmcnt Bond" , and County ami Cl 3 iccurlttM bujiht and old. It Is rcpircil it ili ) a general banking buMncs * lo U 111 Uotalli , and In the tnatjicnltfcuitoiu- ct9 trill pursue the inMt libcial'pollcy consistent with cafe bankln ; FINAHGS AKD COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. " Special Dispatch to TIIK Bus. NKW YORK , October 9. MONET. Money Loaned at from 5@7 percent , losing at 4@5 per cent. Prime Mercantile Paper 7@8 per cent. Sterling Mxiihougc Steady ; bankers' billS4.S01 ; demand , $1.85. Governments were strong and advanced i@S per ccut the latttr for 4's cou pena , Railroad bonds were generally htron ? . Htata securities were inactive. Snare sacculat'on opened strong , with pricoi IIMJ ptr cent higher than at Satur. day' * cloje the latter for llichmond & Danvlllo. Dining early trade the market continued strong and prices recorded a further advance of J@1J per cent , , In which Delaware , Lickawana & Western , TlliuuU Central , Canada Southern , Den , ver k Illo Grande and Union Pacific were V the moit promiucnt , whila llichmond it & $ * .Danville , after declininR 2 per cent.recov ered : < per cent , aud New Jersey Central told up 13 per cent , after falling oil li per cent. Thu marktt after this became heavy aud nbout midday uricca reacted J ® 1 per cent Delaware , Lackawana Western and C. S. leading the decliue , while Ohio & Mississippi advanced liGHO per cent. In the early part of the nfter noon Louisville Sr Nashville led a reco\ory of J@li psr cent.'in which Michigan Cen < trjl , Kew Jorfloy Central and Texas Pa cine were also prominent. SubsE ucntlj th market became somewhat irregular but in the main weak , aud when near the clo-e bold down i@lg percent. Richmond A Danville dropped to 78 from 884 , c Richmond & West Point to 33 from 42 In the iinal deals there wan a geners fractional recovery nnd the market clotct firm at an advance on the day of 4@I per cent-the latter Minneapolis & St , Louis preferred. Richmond & Danville and Richmond & West Point , however , wen exceptions , the former closing 7J ai-d tin latter 4 per cent , lower. EXCHANGE * . EOSTOH , October 0. The total pros exchanges at the 20 leading clearing - in the United States for the week cndin ; October 7 were 81.401,700,031. GOVERNMENTS. HiturJiy. To-d y 5'8 ' lOli 100. * * " * - : : : : : : : : : U8 ig Pacific ' 130 130 , fc G'a of 1895 Ij4 110NDS. Central Pacific firsts 114J 111 Krie seconds 99J 99 Lehigh & Wilkesbarre 100 101 Louisiana consols 70 Oil Missouri G'a 100 103 St. Joueph 10'J It'J St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .110 110 Tennessee G's 50 40 do new 60 50 exan & Pacific land grants. . GOJ G2 do R. G. div. . . . bO * Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 114J 114 do land grants..109 JllO do sinking fund. . 117 ? U8 Virginia G'a 83 35 do consols G'a 57 57 do doftrred 12 12 BTOCBH. Adams Express 138 13C Allegheny Central 27i 27 Alton & 1'erro llaute 43J 45 do pfd. . . . 8J 85 American Express 95 Hurl. . Cedar Rapids & North 80 61 Canada Southern G4 K Col. , Cin. & Ind. Central. . . . 1081 108 Central Pacific OOJ 01 Chewpcake & Ohio 2d 20 . .do 1st pfd. . . 33J do 2d pfd. . . y.7it Chicago & Alton Kl'JJ 140 do pfd 141 141 Chi. , Burl. & Qulucy 1301 131 Chi , , St. L. & New Orloaui. . 75f 75 Ciu. , S4tid. & Cleveland 62 61 Clove. , C'ol. & Cincinnati. , . . 8U 83 Delaware ft Hudson canul. . . . U2J 111 Del. , Lack. & Western 31 ? 3 Denver & Rio G rande 52jj 5 \ Eria < ; g do pfd o ol East TenneiDCO 1UOJ 11 ( J do preferred 110j | 117 Fort Wayne & Chicago 135 134 J Bt. Joseph 4i > 45 do pfd. . . Kli ii''l Harlem . . . . .2.0 200 Houston * Texan Central. . . . 75 78i Illinois Central 138 * 110 * Ind. , Uloom. & Western 421 40 \ 1 Kansas & Texas S 4IJ I Laka Erie & Western 85jj 3U \ Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 110 { 11 2 I lAul9ville & Nashville 55j SGfl Louinv. , Vcw Alb. & Chi Ko Ga 07 i dlarkttt A. . Cincinnati let pfd 15 15 jo do 2d pfd 5 5 Memphis & Charleston 53 51 } I Michigan Central OCjj 936 Minneapolis & St. L'juis 31 31J I do pfd. C9J 7'4 i Missouri Pacific 100 * 1071 Mobilo'ft Ohio 119 liioj Manhattan , lieach 1241 121 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Nashville & Chatt'a'uooBa' , . . . . 70J 7lJ New Jersey Central 55 tli ( Norfolk & NVeatern. . . . . da preferred S. . . Northern Pacific 48 48J do pfd 02 01 Northwestern 143J 1141 do . pfd , 1GJ } 1G3 ? New York Central 1324 133 Ohio Central 16 ? 17 Ohio & MiiMuaippi 3 : $ 3'J do pfd 105 105 Ontario & Western 12C $ 128J Pacific Mall 48 43 Panama . . .1G7 107 Peoria , Decatur& Kvansv. . . 31 } 314 t PJttsbarg U Cleveland 138 138 ReadtaK 1G2J 1G3 Rock Island 133 133 I Bt. Louis & San Fran 39 33 J do pfd. . . . 58J 59 do 1st pfd 07 07 Bt. Paul It Milwaukee 108J 100J do pfd..123 121 fit. Pftnl , Minn. & Manitoba.158 157 8t. Paul ft Om h 1501 151 do pfd 10G5 1079 TexM & I'ftclSo 4U 452 Union Pacific 10GJ 107 | Um > d States Kxprcn G9 70 Waba b , St. L. * Pacific..131J 133 | do pfd. G4 | G5 | Wells , Fargo A Co. K * press. 128 130 Western Union Telegraph. . . 83 8SJ Crlbo * If lj | Central Ariionft. § Kxcohior , 1 1 Honipstnka 17 17 Little Plttiburg 1 1 Ontario 37 37 Quicksilver 8J 8 do pfd 12 42 Robinson 1 1 SilverClitf I ? South I'ftclfic 15 14 Standanl 4 } 5 Sutro 1 I Offered. fUx. Interest. JAtkcd. BKt. Dividend. PRODUCE & PROVI8ION3. ' Special Dltpatc ca toT C111CARO. UHICAOO , October 0. Flour Steady , and unchanged. Wlicnt Unsettle 1 but generalv ! blgbcr ; Chc ! io Rprlng , 8.V' ; irject.d , Gle. CoinStroBg .ind liiyhcr ; Glo for cash and November ; o7i@o7jc { lor the year ; .lummy ; QUc lor May ; rejected , Oats Fairly notlvo and aab xdo higher ; 32.32\o } \ forcobh , ; 32j@3 Jo lor Octo ber ; 32jj for November ; 8'Jjj for the year ; 31Kc lor May ; rejected , SOc. K > o Steady ; 53e. H .rloy Firmer ; 82@83c. Flux deed Acthe , firm and higher at 117&119. liutter Good dcmr.nd at full pilccs ; fair to tine crcamerj , "l@31c ; good to choice dairv , l'J(3-ln ( ; packing stock , JUf's ) 14c ; guoj to choice India packet , Hi © 15u ; uouimon to fuir , 12a'13u. ( ' KggB Mtirkut oatfer ; ! 2J @ 23u. Pork UnfCttlcd , but gaiierally hnver ; 2320@2 < 15 ! for cash ; 2305 for Ootoser ; 211742l20 for November ; 10 2o fov tbo yeitr ; 1'J 174 ( < i)19 ) 20 for January. Lini Unsettled , but generally loiter ; 12 1)3 ) for cash ; 12 35@12 3rJ for Novem bei ; 1140 ® 1145 for the yoai ; 11374 ® 11 40 for.lunuary. . Bulk Meat * Market ntcady ; deri < , 1025shcrt ; ribH , 1125 ; short tlear. 1500. Whisky Steady ; 118. Freights Rules on corn to Buffalo , 2 ] @ CALL BoAnn. Wheat Unsettled. Corn Iut'u ; ar ; G4c for October ; for November ; 5'io for the year ; 53c for Jumury ; 54jc for May. O.UH Kibicr , but not quotably luwrr , Pork - Fairly astivo and n hhade highe advanced ii(2/o. : ( / Ij < id Auuve. but we k and lower 12 774 ' " Octoltr ; 12 274 Noveiubu 1140tur the year ; 1135 tor January. NEW YORK. Nsw "Vcmn. October 0. Flour Stead ) ; mpertiiie state western , 3 K @ 4 00 ; cuxuiium to good extra , 4 00@ 4 > GO ; good u choice , 4 05@7 60 ; white whuaixtra , G 23 ( i7 50 ; extru Ohio , 4 00 ® 7 CO ; bt. Louii > , \da,7 50 ; Muiuoeota pat ent irocC4y , 7 OU@8 5i ) . Wheat Cash , ® ? higher ; option' , lljc hi lier ; No. 2 cpriug , 1 Wi , ungraded rnl 00c@l 11 ; steamer Ni > 3red , ! )2 ) ( jy5c ; No , 3 ton , l 04J@105 steamer No. 2 led , 1 Ol&l Oj ; No. - red. 10Si@l 09 for ertiiicatos , 1 09i@ 1 09jf dclivtrcil ; mixed wiutcr , 1 ul1 © I Ut'j ; sttiamer do. , 93e ; nngradei while , 108@L12 ; steamer rto. 2 whit ? 85c ; No. 2 white , 1 OG1@10J ( ! ; steamer No 1 white , 92o.9L ( > Jcj No. 1 white 21,100 bu. sold at 1 ll@l 12 ; No. 2 red for October , 210,000 bu. hold at 1 C81@L 09J. closing at 1 09 } ; do for November , 700,000 bu. sold < t 1 003 ® 1 10)f ) , closing ut 1 10J ; do for December G32.0UO bu. sold at 110J111 J , closing a 1 US ; do for January. 15GCW ! bu. sold at 112S@1 13 , closing at 1 13 ; do fo February , 88,000 bu. sold at 1 131 © 114J. , closing at 114 $ . Corn lgdc hicbor ; m&rket excited ant feverish ; ungraded , Gll@771c ; No. 3 74@7Ge ; No. 2 , 7C@7o4 < j in elevator 7Gfe77jc delivered ; No. 2 white 75@7dlc ; No 2 for October , 73J@7C.jc. closing at 75JJC , ; do for No\ , 72 (5,74c , closing at 73jc ; do for December 07JGSjjo , cloitlu at G8Jc ; do for January Gl(2G2gc ( ! , closing at G24c. Uata i'dljc higher and fairly active mixed western , 35@42c ; white western , 4 llty : Market dull and unchanged at C1 @G5c. K.'Ks Frobh western , quiet but steady I'ork Strong ; new mess , 2300@232fi , Beef Quiet and unch&ngcd. Lnrd Cower ; prime steitn , 13 OJ@ 1305 Butter - Firm for choice at 15@34c. Olieebe Quiet but firm ; western Hat , @l'Jc. HT. LOUIfl. ST LOLIS. October 9. Flour-Steady XXX , 3 ! )5@3 70 ; family , 4 05@4 15 choice , 4 D5 < < 3 05 ; fancy , 4 70(315 ( 15. \Vheit Kirm and fuirly active ; No. red t.i 1 , 94j9.11c for coafi ; 9lfeil4o ) fo : October ; 9 l@9lo for November ; S)5jj@ ) 93'o for the year ; 90 0 for January ; lOlj for May ; No. 3 red tall , 8 ; > @ 90 < : ( No 4 rue Com Active , firm and higher ; for rash ; G4@Glgo for October ; 57i@ for November ; 5U4@51o for the year ; 47 @ 43So for Jaunart ; 4l l@19jo lor May. Ortii Higher ; 33if)3IJu lor cai > hj 32 ( ? 32'0 for Oui.ioei ; 31J a 31 c fi r Novell her ; 31Jo for lec < smbcr ; Uljo for thu year 3Sd3 8o lor Mnv. H > a-Quim ; f.Go. Uftrley Sle ( ly ; simple lota , G5@90e , Unlter Creamury , 2iSi2Sls ; dairy , 2 < a.2Gu. EgB-5 Stendy ; 21c. Whlsly-Lowfr ; 110. Polls .Slrong ; jubblof , 23 f > 0 for can'1. ISulk , Fiimp nhoul .ere , 1000 nirt rib , II K.I ; cliort clrar , > > t5 ! Uncoil-Hlroii , : ; rhuuldcr' , 11 \ - \ ; rib. Ibi5 ; hluu c tlunr , 17 2"i. Ijinl Dull i.nd nimiiml. AFTKKNOON H < AIII ) Wheit Firmer 01 3 for iNovuiulwr ; 05Jo f..r Dtcumbcr OiJo ) for Jumiary ; 1 OJ } May. orn Higher : < ! 5o for October : 5SJ3 fo N.ivcm er ; 514@51gj for Decumbor ; 48 ; for Jamnry ; 5 o fur M y. Ot--i , > 'ii ! : S.'go for October ; 31io fo Nuveuibti ; 33J forMay. LIVEWOOL , ' October U. Broidatuffs 8d 4d@8 ( U ; Gd@Si ) A1. Coin81. ( ! . ITOH1A. I'Eoiux , Ostober -Corn Htesdy ; hivh mixfd , ( J2J@03c ; mixed , G''iGl'ic. Ott > Uiiuttted and easy ; Nu. 2 white , Jle--Irregular ; No.2,1 Hlyhulr.CB-l Hi. C1TT. KAXAH Cur , Ootobcr 0 Whea.t Steady ; Ko. 3 red , 74/75c ; No. a red , hO hict fur casb ; SOj fur November ; 79 o bid for the ye r ; No. lied , 8So for cash. Corn Market firti. ; tlije hid for iu h ; IIJo bid for November ; 44o bid for tbo year. year.Oati Slow ; 20a bid for casb ; 29c for Notemb-r. Steady ; 17c. Butter Unchanged , COO.NOIL B COUNCIL Bl-DFira , October 5. The Council Bluff * markets cuefully revised to date are M follow * ; Flour Golden Hheaf. 3 00 ; } fens s City winter wheat , 750 3 25Miunewta ; winter wheit , 3 GO ® 4 09. Wheat No. 1' , 75s ; No S. CScrjected , 605 , Corn NTo. 2 , BOo. Oats No.2 , SOc. Uye-No. 2 , 45o. Barley None. EPK Sc roe ; selling to packers at 20c. Corn MeAl 1 60 for white ; yellow. 1 GO ; corn chop , 2o 00 per ton ; corn r.nd oats chop , 26 00 per ton , FKUlTS-ApplM , 200. Broom Corn 3j@Uo. Hay LOOM , 7 U0@9 00. Wood-5 00@6 00. Wool -15a' ( < S , Butter Croftlneiy , SOoj In rolls , wrap , ued , 20ct rolls nos wrapped , 22o ; ralxcil colors , 1012Jc. Onions 40o per bushel. Uvo Chickens 2 BOSS3 CO per dozen. Potatoes SOc per l.uuhel. Cabbages STife' lOo ier doz. Turni | . r.0o per bushel. Sweet Corn 7o per dozen. IitVK STOCK.-Cattlo-Kxtra , SOO ® 8 50 Veal CMves-5 W@ " 00. llogs 7 00@7 25. bheeu 3 CO. LIVE STOCK t | > cl l DUpttchw to liu Kir. citicAno. CHICAGO , October 8Thn Drovers Journal ri < p.irts nt followai Hogs Demand better nnd mnrkit steadier , nitli stronger prices for f ivurablo itool < ! common to good mixed , 7 'IOW8 10 ; heavy , 8 lOg'J ' 00 ; lUjht , 7 40@8 ir.s skips , 500 700 , . ,10 , . CatUe Dull on shipping ; nnn 1'ortVoor nnd demand light ; good to Nth. . .V ® : l BO ; common to fair , 3 9Cjl ( rolu Sf- ' ' " "id butchers' and natives 10@lfiu ! AX M to fair. 2 80 2 'JQ ' ; jucdium t : , , 3 tj ) choice to extra , 3 tr > ® * \ nml l.v , . and feeder * more nulvo aiO SOjTexani. , ICc 4 401t.alf-breed ! , , fl'eacjyat Sfc , l et tor lower grades higher. _ \ R „ , , ipm > 2t , Sheep Slow Mid weal : ; pni , 4 p m , & p in , ably lower ; common to fain to the Union medium to good , 3 25(98 ( 00 ; chOwRlntlidr trl tri ) , 4 P0@4 GO. 1.v durlnir the Uriliih wblo adyiccs to the ' ' > to city J urm . nre ot a lesi satlsfaotuL. . . > . . than InMJ week. Supplies ? ' - " nnd C.viixiliaiis nro largo , priccn , _ , , good to best steers , HMltocst do jj mj ao sheep , * i .tdy ; t < tp3 , 15@18a. v XKVOHK. . ' . " " NEW YOIIK , October. O.-Tho L.1 Journal bureau reports ! Vf > V Tov lieav H Dull nud depressed , with hio dtiction for tbo linost of ic on Texarf i intlf-brceil > leers ; grod to choice nativ not plenty uud Bhade firmer ; yar.Js'n defied ; extrtmce : pcor tr > prime UKtitn SCO120 ; fair to good Texan ? , 8 25@T 9 OJi liiir to choice halt-breed steers , 8 25(01 10 25 ; f Aucy native cattle retailed at 13 25 i7iJ15 0 ; exporters lock 200 ulcers at 9 50 feio ro bneei ) Kxtremely dull with slow Kale * ; flhcco , 3 60@6 75 ; lambs 5 00G 25 ; a car load of export thecp of 131 Ib. . average sold at G 124 per cwt. hwire-Quiet for live hoga 8 008 75 per ewt. T-n car loads of Chicago dressed beef m rived to-day and bad n tair nivla r.t G@8u per Ib. ArrangcmenlH Invo been i.iado tor the receipt and Pnlu in tliin market of fifty cur loadu of wo'crn dressed beef per xveek. ST. LOUIS. ST. Louis , October k9. Cattle Supply liberal nud demand good , but quality of of ferings generally of low grades and mainly of butcher block , which sold at 3 50(5,3 ( 7'i for cows and 3 40@4 25 for light to goal steers ; good 900 Ibs. Texans sold at 4 10 , Kiul 1,200 Ibs. nativo'steen no'djit 4 50 ; no gc ml heavy shipping cattle offered. Sheep--.Market qui t ; goad to fnncy muttons , 3 5C@ 1 50 ; Tcx&niJ , 2 75@4 00 ; btnckerv , 2 25@2 75. Hogs Very slow for everylbinp except be vy , which ranged at S 108 'JO ; llsjlit to he ivy packing , 7 25S8 20 ; "iprkori" , 7 50 ® 800. KANHAS CUT. KANSAS CITV , October 9 , The Live Stock Indicator rcpoits : Cattle Market firm nnd a shade better ; Texan stcoru , 3 10@375 ; native cows , 2 (50 ( @ 1 20 ; stockera and feeders , 3 9j4 CO. Hogs Steady ; ranging from G 80S7 00. Sheep Market quiet ; 2 75@3 25 for muttons. MERCHANDISE. Special Dispatches to Ti | I3i . NSW VOI1K. NKW YonK , October 9. Coffee -Dull ; Rio cargoes quoted at 7J@101c ; job lots , 8 Sugar Dull : fair to good refining quoted at 7g@7 9-lGj. Moluuses Dull. KIco Steady and moderately active ; domestic , -Ijfafii'c ; Hangoon , 5@5Jc. Petroleum- Quiet but firm ; United , 91 Jo ; crude , 71@7Jc ; refined. 8i@tgo. Tallow Firmer ; 8g@8tfe. llosin Firm and higher ; 190@2 00. Turpentine Stronger ; 50c. TBAPPIO. Special Dispatches to Tux B . FLOUR AND OBAUifl. CIIIOARO , October 9 , Receipts and Rhipiuoiits of flour and grain for the past 24 hours Imv been as follows : lUceiptx. Ship'ts. Flour-bbls 13.000 21 000 Wheat bushels 91,000 117,000 Corn " 107,500 101,000 Oats " 87,000 53,000 Hye " 19.000 5,500 Barley " CO.OOO 39,000 NEW YOKK , October 9. Keceipta and shipments of Hour and grain for the past 24 lioura have been ai follows : KeceiptM rihp'ta Flour-bbls 31,000 5000 WUeat-buahela 202,000 177.000 Corn- " 7.000 18,000 Oats " C3.0'U0 1,000 ST. Louis , October 9. - Ituccipti and thlptoentii ot fluur and grain for the past 21 hours have been rn tnllows : Itereipt * . Ship'ts. Flour Mils 12,000 - 17,000 Whoat-bujhbli b9,000 27,000 Corn " 3,000 1.000 0ti - " 31,000 7,00 Uyi- " 2,000 . . . Barley- " 21,000 , ICANiiAH CITY , October 9 , Receipts and Hlupaionti grain fir the puit 24 buurd have bepu afi follows : . ' Ueo'ts. ehip' Wlieat , biwfiels 27,000 19,000 Corn / " 4OiO UVK bTOUK. CurcAOO ) | , October 0. Receipts amL shipments of live stock for thu past 21 hou/J hayu been as follows ; / I Rec'U. Shlpm'ts H/gs.\ \ y,50'l 3,200 OUttlo B.OOO " 50U /Sheep. , . . 1 1,200 000 ST. LollH , October 9 , lU-reipti one rhipiiinnUl 11 livt'lek foi tlio past 'i hour * beua lui follo'n : ' 1 Reo'ts. Hhlpm'lii Hogs . . . . i . . 1,80' ) 1210 Mn. in I ouin * * * .r\ ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' Sheep. . . .I' ! . . . . . . , , ! . SlflJO 1,600 KAHKAH \ CITY , October 0. Receipts and rhlpmrit4 of live stock for the past 21 houM Imveljefcn as follow * ; I Reo't . Shlpm't ? . Hogs 1 3,200 Oatllo I l.OO-l . . . . Sheep . . 1 250 Brjtfuli Orulu Trade , Special DU ) > uh tolimUtc. I/ONDOS. ( OHober 9. The Mark J.ano Exprem , In its review ot the gr iu trade iliepist wc k , si ) . Wheat sowing com- menccd favorably. Flour ruled very dull. New oat * w .s In favor of buyers. Foreign breadatulfs partially Improved. American red winter wheat advauced Gd. Arrivals of tl jur in Iioudcin i'f re very heivy , both Amerlciu ted Europcau rri > ing freely. MaUe I * bucomlag scarce , but with the movement of the new Amrrlan crop there Is every appearance of a decline ci about Wi from the highest rate , namely 31 * . Export flipping cargoes Inanimate. There were eleven fruth arrlvaU , eight Ckrgoei cold , eleven withdrawn and nine rtmuld , Including nix of red winter wheat and , one of California. Car oc * ua pauage taet with b tt f Inquiry t li advance. S l of Kngllih wheat the past week wbte 57,2C6 quirtf r.i ot S9 < Gd , < ; Rln t 00,864 nunrtcn Kt4G Ov.1 for the oorrcuponding period liut OMAHA. MARKETS , Wholcnaln Prloefl- Orrica or TUB OMAHA Btr , 1 Mond&y Kvcnini ; . October U. J The only changes reported la the market to-day urn as follows : Wheat No. 3 advanced Jc. Barley No. 2 declined So. Local Drain Dealing * . * VHSA.T.-C li No. 3 , 70o ; < Hwh N . 8 G7c ; rejected , 44s. BAULKY.Cn h No. 2 , 70o ; No. 3 , 'liYK.-Caih , 4 Jo. CORN. No. U , BOo. OATS. CoMi. 30o. STUKliT rjilOKS-Com , COe ; o ts , S5c. Produce and PcovUlont. POTATOKS 25@40o per bnshel. ONIONS 30@50a par bushel. Nl'AV TOiftVTOUS 3o per Ih. BUTTKH Choice country , 2i@2Se , . HONKY-CallforAla. perlb , 31. AlTLlCS-Por barrel , 200@225. C % F.TALOl'KS-1'er dozen , 75c@l 00. OYSITlia Srlccr , 55o per can. WATlIUMHLONS-I'cr 100 , 81500 ® Ifl PO rKAIlS-Californla , $3 75@3 50. I'LUMS-California , S2 00i ( 2 25. OUAI'KS Callfornin , $2 C0@2 25. K LEMONS-S4 50@5 00 per box. aVlJKANB ImporUd Gorman 2 70 per u "hnl. ln > 31 Grocortt' List. n -VNNUD GOODS oy tom , 2 ib 1'nclflo i\ per 03,0 , SI 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , rljis | nt " . 2 75 ; do 2 IN ( Standard ) , per case , 10 iHy nfLoWcn 1 C ) rfozon yttiuo. , per , 2 80 ; do 3 Ib per Cxccpt .Vi0 ; Corn , 2 Iti ( Mountain ] wnJ\yOJ ; soaked corn , 19D ; do . Jaaarmouth ) ) , per case , SCO ; ON. ) " Bln , per eaco , 2 10 ; Lima beans pro/70. Snccotach per caeo. 1 80 , i , 1 60pco3 ; , choice , rclor ilackberrion , 2 Ib , per caee , „ „ , < noniun , 2 11) , per rass , U GO ; ana & 2 Ib , per cone , 1-0. Dam- Buuud'Wr case , 2 45. Bartlctt ities ctiS 00@4 ( . ' 0. Whortleberrta which < $ b'R l > lum ,2 Ib porcuse , " 75 ' * " > per cane , 2 75 ; do choice , " Pine Apples , 2 Ib , porca. , .iches , 2 Hi per cape. 3 00 , 00(2 ( ! 150 ; do , ( pie ) , 3U > , per , G Ib , per dornn , 2 40. 'owdcrod , lOgc ; Cut loaf , lOc ; Ccuiocllonor'a A , itra C , Oc ! Extra C , yellow , 8c ; dirk yellow , .ndard . Com. , 4Gc , bbls. , gallon kfKH , $2,25 ; Stan- .in . keg * , $2.00. tt price * , Jack Frnst S3 90 per 100 lli. ; To- $3.85 ; Mimiohaha rmU M53.10Eagle , XXXX winter , * 3.00 ; Xduinph opring , best , S2.80 ; Chris 8.70 ; bran , per ton. . 14 OOnShoppcd feed , $28.00. FISIl-nNo 1 mackerel , half lirl * . G 75 STo. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack rel , halfbrl * , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits 3c : No. 1 , whi'to fkh , half brlt , G 00 ; No. 1 ; hllu fish ! Wtas95cj fnrully white fiah , alf Virls , 4 hOt fatollySrhlto ilth , kit * , 80o ; iedinm catettherrihn.35c ; select boueles od. 8io. . V- $ 31'IOES. 20 Alli 2iV Trjji/er , ; < plce , 'loves , 33c , iMitmoipi , 81 < W ; Ca aiu , 21c " Taco (51 ( OU. LYE American , S 3"'j GrectnTfcb , Teatern , 1 ! 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis ye. 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 276. FEED Jobbing prices , Chop fccil 1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran Oc per 100 Iba. fi'i'AROH. Pearl , 4lc ; Silver Gloi- ijc ; Corn Starch , 8Jo ; Hxcelsloruluw 0 ; Com. 7ic , UO1'1''U'S. ' ' Rio , lair , lie ; Rio. goo. _ 2c ; | > rlM3 to choice , 12 to 13o ; Old pov' Java ; 2G4Jic,2 ( ) ! Mocba , 2Sic ; Arbnckls' . ' 4JoMEATS MEATS Hamp , 15Jc ; breakfast bacon _ 5c ; clear hide bacon , 154c ; dry salt bacon ,4Jc ; elioulders , 11 Jc ; tierce lard , 13j. HOPE Sisal , 4 inch and larger , lOc Ulnch , lie. OU15ESH Full Cream , 13ic ; Par Skim. lOJe. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 Jholce , ( X75c ) ; Imperial , good , 40@45o - > ; J6e , C075c ; Young Hyson , jjood , 30i ( ? SOc ; choice , 65c@5100 ; Japan Nat Leal 15o ; Japan , choice , G0@75o ; Oolong , good 1540 ; Oolong , chn.ce , 10@5C ; Bouchont good. 85 < a40c : choice. 3545o. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels $8 00 ; do in half bbls , 4 0 ; Binidls , iii.bbh 10 00 do , In half bbls , G 60 ; chnrkins , Ii bbla. 12 00 : do , In half bbls , 0 59. WOODENWARE Two coop pailo _ 95 ; three hoop pails , 2 20. Tubs , No L , 0 50 ; Pienocr washboards , 185 Uoubl "iruwu 12 ! \Vollbucketu ) , 350 , LEAD liar , $1 65. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGo pnre npplo , ISc ; Prussina nure auolo , IGc HALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 165 ; Ash ton , In e.r.o ka , 50 ; blls dairy * GO , 5a , 8 6 HOMINY New , 84 60 per bbl. BODA Dwlcht'u Ib papers , 52 85 ; D onddo , 82 85 ; Church's , SJ 83 ; Keg sod 2io.CANDLESBoxes CANDLES-Boxes , 40 Ibo , 10 15cbxoti ; 40 Ibs. , 1C oz. , On , 15n. RICE C ri > ) ins , 74@8c ; Louisiana , @ 8c ; kuir. hftSIIJ. AlATCHES Vet caddie , 05e ; round I'iru , ? 10 ; uinire , c.ues. 8-5 40. SOAPSJ ixUL'o Savon Imperial , 34 , ' . KIri s ant'.aot , a UO ; JCIrlc's Btandard , a 75 , Klifc'a vrliito Ru lin. 525 ; KIrkV Eutoca , 315 Kirk'o Prairie Queen. (100 ( cakr ) . 19 ; KIrk'a mngnolla , 4 H5 POTAUK Pcnnaylvauia cans , 1 doz , , in r.i3 , H 30 ; P.abbitt'B Uall , 2 ilos. In cue , 1 00 ; Anchor Hall 2 dor. In case. 150. FIELD SEED Rod clover , choice new , 80 03 per bushel ; mammoth clover naw. 57 00 ; v/hilo cbver , new. 314 00 ; 11 a.'fa ' clover , new , 812 60 ; alslko , n v , 81300. Timothy , good , now , C3 00 , blue gruno , extra cle.ui , $160 ; blue grass , clean , 91,25 ; orchard cras $3 60 : red tup , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mimourl , 83o ; millet , German , 81 OU to 0125 ; HOy H12Df5.3J' : orange , 1 to f > , CJ 00 ; usage orange , 10 Lushcls or over , 0150 ; honey lucutt , per Ib. , 35o ; v r 1001bB..SJ5 0. PUAiJUTB Koasttid , choice , red Ton- ? , l'io per Ib ; fonoy white , lOio perIb ; rav whlta Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , 121c , OryOoodt. 13HOWN COTTONB Atlantlo A , KJc ; Aunlcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; lioott Fl' , Cio ; Uuckeye LL. 4-J , 7e ; Cabot W , 7c ; CLlttenani'0 A , fijc ; ( Ircat Falln K , rte ; Huosier , ujo ; llcueit Width , 81o , In- dfan Head A , 81c ; Indian Standard A , > ' ( cIndlMi Orchiml I. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrence 1.1 + 7c ; Mr ilo lUv.-i , 74o ; Pixjuot A , h jc ; Bhawmut LL. 7c ; Utlca O , 6ic ; Wofliun- ctt 13 , Y4c ; do A , SJo ; do E 48,12io ; Wol- cat ftu : > .o. FINE liitUWN COTTONS-Alkridale 1-4 ; ? 4c ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ; Atlantic LT < , Ojc ; Hadzer State X 4-4 , 7c ; Uenninatou 0 H , Cc ; JJutkuyo S. 4.4 , Gjico Indian Orchard AA 0-8. eic ; Locunlu 0 89 , 8 c ; Lebigh E 4-4 , Otc ; Ixjnadalo 4.4. lOc ; i'epperoU N 60 , ? c ; do O 33. 71c ; do 11 88 , 7Jc ; do K 3& , 84c ; Pocascet O 3-4 , 7fc ; Wamsutta4-4 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androioog gin L l-iOicilackstoneAA Imperial 8c ; do do half lilWhul 4-4'Jci Calwt 4-1,8J ; Fidellty4.1 , OicVrult ; of thelxxim.lO ; do cau.brIo4-l,13cdoWaterTwlst,104cOroat ; Fallsy.lOie ; Indian Hcadiihnmk 4-4 , 12cj Ivonu'iule. lOc : do cambric 37 , 12)c ; New York Mills. ISSoi Poquot A lOc ; Pepperd N G Twills , 12icj Pocahontaa 4-4 , OJc ; Pocasact 4-4 , 84o : Utica , He ; Wauuutta ' O X X , 12'e. CAMliRICS-Uarnurd , 6k ; Eddyitono llotog. 24 Inch donbltt face , 84 ° > Garner A glazed , C jo ; Manhattan glove finish , 6So Newport do Gc ; do glazed , f > Jc ; Poquot do 6c ; IxjckwK l kid fmUh Go. COKSET JXANH Amory , So ; Andrei coggln eatteen , SjcjCUretidco , GjojConeu o3ga ealteeui , 7ic ; H U wel , 8c ; Indi 4 Orcfiard 7J ; KarriganBeH.lmproveiLo to ; Hockport , 71& Trtflicht & Bunker ox1 ST. LOTJIS , Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In speclion to their Unsurpassable Selection. PRINTS-Allen * , CJc : Anuricnn , CJo ; tVrnold , 7o ; Berwick. 4fc ) Cocheco , 7c ; Bonortoifa. GJo ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunncll , 3J@7c ; Ediryslone. 7ct GhucoUcr , Go ) Ilnnnony , Tijc ! Knlekerbockor , UJo ; Mer rlm.10 D , 7c ; Mystic , 5o ; Spraruon , Go ; Southbridpo , Gc ; do. Glnghami , 7cj Marlboro bore , BJc : Orient-it GJo. i\mo3- teat ; Or ens ! 'J ' | At-gyle , lOJo ; Atlantic , S > c ; Cumberland , 74c ; Higntanit , 7Jc ; Konllnorth , Did ; Pluu kott , lOJc ; Sus tux. So COTTONADES Abberrllle Ifljo Agate , 2Cc ; American , lie ; , 20o ; Cairo D and T , ISJc ; Clarion 1) and T , 174c ; Deocan Co.strlpMDandT , TGc ; Key- ( tone , UJo | Nantucket , 19c ; Nonpareil , Ifio ; Ocean D and T , ISlc ; Royal , 1GJ i Sussex , 12c ; Tiogn. 12p ] ; wnchnnett iihlrl- In ? weeks. 124c ; do , Nankin , 1' ' ! York , plain Nankin , liiic ; do , chocka , etrlpoa and fancy. 12\os \ do , 8 or , 20c. SHEETINGS Amlro-copjlu 10lB7ic ! do 0-1 , 24c ; do 8-1 , 22c ; Continental 0 42 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 27J ; Now York mill * US , 85o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 6S , 22Jc ; Pcmbroko 10-J , 25c ; Poquot 10-1 , 2KJo ; do 7-1,19c ; do 49 , IGo ; Pcpperoll 3G , 29e ; do G7 , 21c ; do 57 , IBo' Utloa 00 , 85c ; do 8 , 22iodo48,17o ; Olirart and Tobficcoa , CIGARS. Seed * . 315.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mlxod , 335,00 ; Seed Uavsuu , 550.00 ; Clcarllavnnn. $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 2t Ib , GOo ; Our Rope , first quality , Rlc ! ; Star , pound * , 24 Ib , buttsCOc ; Horra Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , 5Sc ; Gilt KJye , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy , pounds. 55c ; Bullion , pound R , 59c ) Loril- Inrii's Climax , pounds , uOo. FINE OUT In pallfl. Hard to Beat ! 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; .Fountain , 80c , Favorite , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , OOc : Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , oOc. In tin foil Catliua O. S. , 5 Ib boxen , par Ib Cite ; Lori- Uhvd'n Tiger , GOa ; Diamond Crown. GGo. 3MO KING All m-ados Common , 25to 33c. Granulated Blackwella Durhnm , 1G oz 51c ; DuVco Durham , 10 or.Hie ; Seal of North Carolina. 1C oz , 48 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 oz , CSc ; Lone , 1 or , linen bags per Ib , C1.S5 ; Marburgs' Purk 2 or , tin oil , 650 ; DOR T all fiJSc. Paints Oil * and V rnl hot. OILS 110" carbon , per gallon ? 13c ; 150 headlight , per gUlou , lie ; 176 * headlight , per Ballon , 20c. llurocn , raw , pcrpalloii , ' > 7 ; linseedbollo-l , gallon , GOc ; lird , winter etr'tl , pcrijal , Rcr . 1 00 ; No. 1 , 8"c : No. 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX , p r irullon , 1 20 ; No. 3,1 15 ; .meet , pur gallon. Ms ; rpiKin , W. B. , per gallon- 1 55 ; firth , W. B. . per gallon , GVi ; ner-tsfoot , extra , per gallon , J6c ; No. 1 , ( J5o ; lubri cating , zero , tier pallon , SOo ; aiimmar , 15c , golden mauliiue. No. 1 , pur gallon , S5c ; No. 2 , SO : Lporm , eignal , per gallon , SOo ; tot- pontmo , per gallon , 65o ; \ptha , 7-1 , per gallon , 18c ; C4 , 17c PAINTS IN OIL White load , Ornurm P. P. . die ; while load , St. Louis , pure , O'J'i ; Mar-sallies preen , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20u French tine , gvson Bool. 12c ; French tine , red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varulnh oust , 20o ; French zlnce , in oil Mat , 15c ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw und burnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , 3w rafiucd lampblack. 12c ; coach black , l c ; ivory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prusoian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chntno green , L. M. k. D. , He ; blind and shutter LToen , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris Brcen , 18c ; Indian rod , 15c ; Vonotlan red. So ; Tuocau dn , , 22c ; American VermlHod , I. &P , , llc ! ; chrome yellow , L. , AI. , O. & D 0. , 18o ; yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 11 ; patent dryer , 8c ; Draining colorn : light oak , dark oai , walnut. * licr.tuut nnd ush 15o Dry ° lnti % VhIto load , OJc ; French lno , lOc : Pnrla whitclng 2Ju ; whiting [ illdon > , l c ; v > biting com'l , lie ; lampblack Germantown - town , 14c ; Irmpblack , ordinarj' , lOc ; Prus- stan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , Ibo ; van dyke brown , 8c ; timber , burnt , 4j ; umber , raw 4caiennn ; , bum t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 25a ; Paris ( rrcou coin1 20o ; chrome grtun , N. Y. ' SOc ; chroml green K. , 12c ; vonullUon , ling. , 70c ; vcr- million , America , 18c ; Indian rwl. lOo , ruse pink , 14e ; Venetian read , Cooknon'a ? .io : Venetian rod Am. , lc ; rei lend , 7ic ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ohromu yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , roohollo 3o ; ochre French , 2Jc ; oubro , American , 2c ; Winter's mfnural. 2jo ; lehlgli brown. 24c : opanish brown , 2jc ; Trinco'n mineral So , VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Fundlura , extrn , Cl 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , oxtrc , SI 40 ; o/ich , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 76 ; upau , 70c ; as- phaltum , cxtrn , 85c ; nhcllao 8 60 ; bard oil finish. SI 30 PAPER Straw paper , 2Jc ; rni ; paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , Cc ; muniU pupor , lOc ; news paper. So Heavy Hardware Llrt , Iron , rntwi , 0340 ; plow steel , Hpoclal cttit , 7c ; crucible , lie ; upocialurUerman.Go ; caut tool do. 15(6)20 ( ) vntrou spdkorf , K6t. 22.58 OOjhcbu , i > cr cct , 1 25 ; f ilofl , Hawed dry , 1 40 ; Ujnguoa , each , 7085c ; oxlo , each , 75o ; square nulu , per Ib , 7llo ; wa'ihors , per iu , 818c ; rlvotp , per Ib , Ho ; ooll chain , per Ib , ti12a ; rnalloable , Be ; Iron wedges , Co ; crowbar * , Go ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horsophoos , per keg , fi 00 ; spring steel. 78c ; Uiirdfltrs horjo-hona , 550 ; Burden's muleahoes , G 50. SHOT. Shot , 81.8.1 ; Buck ahot , LMO Oriental Powder , kegs , $ d,40 ; Jo. , half kotfH , 83.48 } do. , quarter kegs , 1,88 ; 71la'it- hiK , Ws. 833h : Fuse , tier 100 feet Wo. BAUBED WIRE III car loU,8 J per 100 ; In lens Uuui car lots. 8 55 nt-r 10U , - - - jo to COP , 4 CO , Oak cole , 38o to 423 ; hemlock nee , 28o to il.Oc ; hemlock kip. BOo to 100 ; runnnr , G5o to BOo ; hemlock calf , 85o lr > 120 ; hem lock upper , 235 to 2Gc ; oa'-c upper , 21o ; alligator , 4 00 to fi 50 ; cult kid , 32@35o ; Greisen kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , 8 < Jo to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French hip 110 to 1 65 ; Fjeueb calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; nis otto , 5 50 to 7 50 ; llniugs , G 00 to 10 50 * topplngi , t ) 00 to JO 50 ; B , L. Morocco , UOo to 35o , pdhblo O , D , Morcooo , .Kc ; Htuion ; t ro to 3 oo. HARNESS-NO i star oak , 420 ; NO a do , S'Jo ; No. 1 Ohio oak. 3c ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37o : No. do , Slo Horsct and Mulc . Tlio market In brisk and all grades nro calling v/fll at * slight advance In pi lent , The demand for good hornou exceed * tbo supply ooaalriuraoly. 3'rlcos ranga on fol- lov/s ; FIuo Blocle driver * . C160. to SOO.j Extra draft hon'on , 8176. to 225.1 Common dratt huruia , 100. to 150 , ; Extra farm hone * , ? 110. to 125. ; Common to goiJ furm horiiea S'JO.'to 6100. ; Extra pluipi , 800 , to 75. | Couimbii Dluvs , t' 0. to 810 , MULES. 16 to 15j hands fexcra ) , 15125. to 150. ; 14 } to IS hands , 8100. to ISO. ; 14 to 114 Land * , 876. to 100. ; 1SJ to 14 haudfl , l& , to 76. LI uor * . ALCOHOL 187 proof. 234 per wine gallon ; extra California eplrltn , 187 proof , 1 30 per proof Kullon ; triple refinedoplrlta 187 proof , 128 per proof gallon ; re-dUtllltd nbiikleH , 1 00I DO ) fine blended , 1 50 © 2 50 ; Kentucky bourboni , 200 7 00 ; Ken tucky and I'enusylvaula ryes , 2107 00. BRANDIEH-Imported , | 8 OOO16 00 ; doinextlo 1 40@4 00. GINH IB ported , i 50@0 00 ; domeitlo , 1 40fe3 00 , ItUMB Imiwrted , 4 608 00 ; New Kttzlnml. 2 OCf ? 00 ; drmptlle. 1 uOrS f.0 VlUOll AND Al'l'LK BllANUY 00. CllAMPAONKS-Imported pnr CHHO , 2800(331 ( OjAmstlJU , caw , 1200 ® III 00 OliAUKTS or oaca , 4 50 < dll ) ( 00 \VINK3-Kh no wine , per eiuo , C 00 © 20 00 ; OAtarH , per avio , 4 00@7 00. Lumlirr. WHOLKtULK. Wo quote lunitier , Intn and nhhigKi out cars at Omaha at the following price" : JOIKT AND HOANT1.INI * 10 ft. and under. S22 00 ; 18 ft. , $23 50. TIM11HU8 10 ft. nnd under , ? 22 00. TIMBKHAND J018T 18 IU , ? 2nr ? j iC ft , ? 'J. 50 , 2U ft. , ? 2C 50 ; 21 ft. , WO 50. FKKC1NG No. 1 , 4 aud 0 in. , 824 OOj No. 2 , $22 00. No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) . J2) ) OJ ; No. 2 , 518 00. STOCK UOAUDS , UMn. 1) , 82500 ; U-in. C , ? M 00 ; 1'J-in. B , * 40 00. IilMK I'er barrel. Kl 35 ; bulk ptrout- 10 ; ; Ocmonl , bbl , 8'23 Iowa planter , bb ! , S2 60. Hair per bu , 4L'o. Tnrrcd felt 1W ( Ibo. 83 60. Btravr lioard. &i 50. COAIr-Cumborland blacksmith , 12 ; Morris Hun lilonnburR , 612 ; Whitubnasil lump , * Vi M ) ; WhltobroMt nut. 55 60 ; Iowa lump , C5 50 ; lown nut ? 5 60 ; Hock Spring , CS ; Anthracite , all nlr S10 63. Oruvi DIIU B AND OHKM10A1.3 Acid Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tnrtatic , COo ; Ualmra Copabla , per Ib , 70s ; Bark , SaMafrivi , per Ib , lie ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Clnchimiilia- nor i oz , 81 15 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 1 00 ; Dover's powdorn , par Ib , 01 40 ; Kpnotc talto , per Ib , S o ; Glycerine , pure , pu Ib , H3u ; Lead , AcoUto , perb \ , 24a Oil , Coctor , No. I. per tf l , 'I Id Oil , Castor , No. , for BA ! , 6100 ; Oil ; Ollvo , per pnl. 81 60 ; Oil , Origanum , 60 , Opium , Ti 03 ; Quiuiuo 1' . & W. ( t K , A B. , per oz , 62 ! H ) ; iViUmlutn , Iodide , per Ib 81 SK ) ; S lacm , per o. 40o ; Sulpliatu o Atorphinc , } ior or , 83 85 ; Hulpnur flour per Hi , * c : tnrvchulno. nor ot. 11 115. Wool. A'orlnouuwaii ' cd , light , 14glOc ; hoavyc , -l.ilEc ; medium un-.vaahod , light , lSfr.0 ( ! washed , choice , 3'Jo ; fair , ! ! 0o ; tub-dhiL' , aud w. , 28c ; burry , blackaud cotted wool ; Htdoi ura. Etc. IIIDKS Nroon butchcr'u hldo , cured 8Jc ; hides , srcon salt , part cured 7Jo hidcH , 7ic ; dry lilnt , so\ind. 13@14c ; dry calf aud kip , 12@llc ; dry nail hldo , nound , lO llc ; rfixcu calf , 1. 8 to 15 ll > n. . IC llc ; grwn calf , wt , undi'i H lie , per nkln , 50o ; crncn polU , 60 ( ( 01 25 ; ( jrc-u Iamb a Vine , 31 25@il 60 ; damaiad hiileu , two-third rale , cut Rcorod and ena grub , clamwl two. tLlnirt rate , ) braudod hided 10 iwr u3nt. off Coon Mtlnn , No. 1 , 'i ! > o ; No. 2 , 3Uo ; No. 1 JONo. ; . 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , 60c ; No , 2 iOc ; No. 8 , 15o ; No. 4 , 6c. For , , t0c ! ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b2Bo ; )5o ) ; nbort ntrlpo , 40n ; narrow atrlpcc broad ttripe. lOc. Tallow 7c. C fi I T Hlvo money alli D"10' * " direct from UrlL I iuw , a ihlp promptly by rail at th oat i > 08 lblo cash prlcolo nil western points n-lm TYLBIl HALT CO. , Hiutlimw Clty.Mlch Darin B Murder aud Robbery. lioilttl Dlipatch to Thu lieu. WAUI-ACA , Wis. , October . A dar ing murder and bank robbery occurred here last night. The victim was a wealthy banker in business here thirty yearn. Ho was an eccentric bachelor of CO , who slept in the bank nnd boarded at a hotel. This morning ho failed to appear at broakfuat and din ner. A messenger sent to tlio bank found it locked. Going to the bank window ho discovered tlio wire screen out , the window lot down from the top nnd Mend lying in n pool of blood en tlio Hour. Invcatujation showed hia face mid head horribly mangled with shot , as if both barrels of a double barreled shot gun had been IIrod at him at short range. It ia supposed thnt the nssasimiB allot him from tlio window while ho waa Bitting at Ibo tnblo writing. The safe had not been locked and the asses- sino carried off Hoveral thousand dol- lara in currency , gold and bonds. The exact amount ia not known. Tliero is no clue to thn murderers. The coroner's jury rendered n verdict in accordance with the facts. The bank building is a ono-story wooden building , the front room being - ing uncd for banking business ; in the rear room wus tlio deeping apartment of thu murdered man. Not five foot from where Ii bed stands is n window with burn und the sill ia about five feet from the ground. In thin room Mead Imu slept and almost lived for twenty- five your * , having no children or wife , liis peril was oftim mentioned to him and his answer wnii that ho had never harmed anyone in his life , and Unit if it wat * his money that waa wanted it would nut on necessary to kill him , When discovered tlio banker lay midway between the window and the door leading into the bunlneos part of the building , hl right arm under hia body and Ins right leg thrown ncroeu the left leg , lioth eyes , moat of the nouu , and u part of the face from thn chuck bouo to the loft eye hud been shot away und the flesh and blood was lying on the floor envoral feet from thu corpea , What wan left of the face wui almost unntuo iiiziWe , and the long brown bciud that was once t > iimk' l xviih / < r y W H clotted wuli lljjh uuil blood. The wound w * s c.iun d by thu discharge from u shotgun limdc'd very heavily with tine shot. Death must have boon in stantaneous. Tha shot was evidently fired from the rear window , Imiuiry rovouls the fad that ouvoral people who live in the immediate vicinity heard the report of u gun about mid night , but as ouchu thing i * not unus ual it caused no alarm , A committee of leading cUizens have palled a meet ing for this evening and n moat thorough investigation will bo made. The relatives ofMr. . Head nro wealthy , aud a lurgo reward will bu of lured for the capture of the murder- em and robbers , A Route ou Paper. NtwYoitK , October 9. The daily Indicator thinks Vanderbilt is going have the first trans-continental line out of Now York. After nil , the de parture of VMiderbilt and Dillon from this city Mthouyh by different routes both destined for Salt Like Oily direct i * no without siguiticanco tliin timo. It ia believed to have rcf- oroncu to carrying out a plan for n coimolidnlud truna continental mil way route. For two ytfus paat the Union I'Aciflo Imi contemplated an indopon * dent route to the Pncitio coast , and nome since beftait thu construction of the Oregon Short line with the ultimate - mate intention of extending the road to the eoantovor the route described in this column yesterday. More recent ly nn i\rn\noniunt ) ( has been perfected for u second route from Utah through Nevada t.i SAM Francisco and couth- eru Cftlifornin. An independent open ing for the Union Pacific to the west er n coaat has become in n manner an itnporativo necessity. The action now bolng taken ia mndo moro plain us the condition of Central I'noifio is developed. Closer rolntiona than thono now oxistln between the two rottdn iv ill nuvor bn made so long aa the Union I'.icilic rennina in control of its proaent manngora. But in look ing out for moro mibstantinl support ntita western torminuaitaoflicmlsbavo not lost night of the importance of a strong ullianco to the oaatwRrd. Van * dorbUt'a system proper from this city to Chicago has an ofljhoot over the 0. 0. 0. & 1. to the Missouri river and 51. Louio. The personal manage ment of thuno roads own a largo inter est in the Chicago & Northwestern , and Inn recently purchased control of the Oliicngo , Minneapolis A Omaha rondo , und these being under the con trolling influence of Yundorbllt may very properly now bo considered a portion of the Now Yoik Owi ral oya- teiu.ld bu norkcd in unison from thin city to Omnlm and pointa in tbottorth- west. Thn rrcunt ucqiiiaition of tho' Tl.xtinibkl fc St. Joe road with the \Vnbi\uh xyatom will facilitate a connection with the 0. 0. C. & 1. A combination of thcao roads with the Union Pacific n highly j > robablo , DO soon us the latter roads shall complete ita extensions ID the Pacitlo coast , if they do not precede thnt event. Tliero nro ntrong indica tion ! that VnndorhiU'H intere.-t in the Union Pacific extension is not pv > filvo , but is likely to auaumo direct uctivity , aud to result , in u dote combination ot UICHO EL'venil greul corporations for thu control of tnuia-continental tr.ido. Her f ril' Aold Phosphate VOR NKIIVOUHNKK3 , INDIOKSTIOK , ETO. Sund to the Hum ford Chemical Works , Providouco , 11. I , , for pam- phlot. Muilud free. _ A Bantcti Burrol. SpocUl Dlipatcli to Til * lt . liiiiiHiEi-oHT , Conn , , October 9. A Darrul containing 50,000 brooch-load- caps exploded with terrific force to-day , destroying thu buildint ; in whicli it wna located. No porboa hurt. Millions Given Away. Millions of Bottles of Dr. King'H Now Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and Jolds , Imvu been given nway as Trial Uottlcs of the largo nlzo. This cnotmous outlay would bo disastrous to the pro- [ irlotont , wore It not for the rare merits | ) osnesod by this wonderful medicine. Call at O. F. Goodman's Drug Store , and get 0Trial Bottle free , and try for yottriolf. never falls to cure. _ Tbo Plncno at Ponirtooln- Hprdal DlijuUli to Till U HEW OHLEAMH , October 0. The Picayuno's Ponaucola apcainl reports forty-eight now croon and five duatha to-day ; yesterday thoto wore sovonty- Bovou now cases nnd two death ; total cnsoa to date 1,300 , and 112 deaths. I'liyoiciunu nro kept aotivoly on the inovo on account of the very largo number of o&aca nowutidor troatinont , nouily l-'OO having boon bulletined flinco Saturday morning. " " TKLEQIIAPHIO NOTES. Bpo UI DKimtchou ( nTlii Dir. CINCINNATI , October 9. One rolllnc mill iiianagor ban come In the men's terms ami work will bo resumed Wednesday , Illoiliio.Nli , Va , October 9. Inquiries conceruiug thn Irutfi of the rcjmrt that Smith ami Wise fought a dual to-day , shown no iruth in it. Both men were seen on the strtetH of ICichmoad to-day. BOHIIINTOWN , N. J. , October U. The body of Fauny Paracll will bo removed on thu iHtli Inxt. ami taken to 1'hlla- duInliU ; tlienco to New York nnd Boston , when the body wiJ bo taken to Ireluud for interment , Halve. The BZKT SALVE In the world for Outi , Bmitiui , Boreu , Ulon , bait llheura , F > vnr Sorc-j , Totter , Oil \ppeil Hatidi , Chll blalus , Ci rns , and alt skin eruption , and positively cures yilfci It is guuraatscd to give Kfitlofjctfon i rr. uoy retundsd. J'rico , 25 ox'itK p r CT. if m > le ' > y 0 , y. ( Jrodmnn IS A SURE CURE for nil diseases of the Kidney * and i LIVER It luurjieolCo notion oatliUmottimporUat orcan , enabling tt to throw off torpidity and i Inaction , itlmulatlrur tbo hcaltiy caoreUaa condition , effecting tu rcirullr tULCharee. t * malaria , have the cUUi. reblllotu , dyiporiUo , or constipated , KJd- ney-V/ort winourolyrcJIovottjulcklyouro. .lutUjicflaaontooleanMUieGritom , everyone ono Bhould take ft thorough coaneoflt. ( II ) ) GOLD DY DRUCCIGTS. Priced. INCREASE $10 YOJR CAPITAL Those deelrlnc to male money on mall and meJlura Invuitraeuiilii 20 uraln , j.ioiliioni and utock ipecula * tluns. cm dj 13 liyojiortt'.lr onotu pUn. From May 1,1B31 , to tun pri ) . WHEAT out ilate , ou Invoitm n i cf | 1P,00 to tt.OOO , rmh profiU liava liaea rojl'iol ' nJ pall to Inroitora an oun | n ) tafever > l tlaioi tboorlt- $50 lutl lu\citiucnt , ntlll l tlutho or'Klnil ' treatment luakinjmouoy or pij able ou demand Itiiilmato- STOCKS iv circular * aud nUt moit * ot ( uml w nt Iro-j W w nt re < ponslbla a e'iti , wtio wll report oncropi and hifoluco the plan UberU com- $100 mlanloiu raid. AJdrou r'LKMMINQ & UKitUIAU.U Bl uiltjlia Morcaaabi , tltlir J < Chlcijo , III.