Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1882, Image 1

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Jnst opjrted ONE I1UNDUED
cases of R''WfjS-'l ' Shoos , comprising
the very latColu Alnnd nil of the
/ * gh
is extended to nil to como nnd ciam-
Ino oucimmenso slock , aa wo will'make
prices lower thrm have over bociu of
fered in this citv.
a complete otook of
LndicK1 Shoe * ,
Gents' Boots.
Gents' Shoes.
Boys' Boots ,
Boya * Shoos ,
Misses' Shoes ,
Babies' Shoos ,
Ei cry pair rping out of our catab-
liahmont ia irarrautod to suit. You
can alsooave
10 to 25 Per Cent
by buying -of us , both in price and
& Dormann
{ Saccessora to F. Lang ) '
, rv Leading ; Supply House E 'tflo'RTest
Aa TO receive diL'y frooh-nuppliea
; . . *
Q roce ri es 'iS : P ro-
We can assure tno public that wo
do not handle any other but
Oar businses being very extensive ,
oar Baloa quick , wo can afford to offer
goods at living prices tu all. We
Snowflake Flour
Which we always n arrant to bo ex
oellont , 2nd to give saticfoetiou , W
have proofs that there is no bettor
flour in the market.
Oomo and' Order a Back.
Wo conctnntly keep on hand a largo
stock of
And all other varieties which wo sell
at bed rock prices.
California Sugar
Wo handle in largo quantities and
we can recommend it all to bo the
purest sugar in the market
Flavoring Extracts ,
Limburger Cheese ,
Swiss Cheese ,
Royal Baking Powder ,
Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables ,
) constantly keep on hand in largo
* od
'mann ,
Frank Jamee , tlio Snrrenflerod
Outlaw , Arrives at Inde-
pendenofl. . Mo ,
Lar e Crowds of People Throng
tbe Depot nod Hotel to
Honor Him.
Aa Explanation of the Field
Infernal Machine Qivon
by the Judge.
Tbo MUnourl Horo.
Si > cl l DNjuteh to Tint 11KK.
iMiKiT.NiiKNon , Mo. , October G. In
nuinptnyvith i > dvert l olllciaU tour
ci-roajioident ; left horn this morning
( in tlui early train and. at 1'loasMit Hill
inut the train bearing Frank < lanici > ,
who wag en route to Indepoiidtnco in
cliarpo of the governor'a secretary.
There was a great ero.ul Hfcthv utation
113 the tr.iin bearing the notorious
outlaw arrived and they surged in the
aisles of car , and packed the platform
and in front of the windows , all
anxious for a poop nt J.unca.
Upon roachitig Indoponcanco .lamed
donceiided from the car mid vugcrly
embr.jcod bin wife and his little son.
Lira. Samuels' wept aloud and kissed
him , and the celebrated bandit's eyes
wore nleo wet with tears. The party
wura then riiivon to the court house.
Jamoa is C feet 8 , of spare but sinewy
build , with rather thin face and promi
nent cheek bouts , light blue eyes , email
blonde mustache , and hair somewhat
darker. His complexion is that of
a man who has boon in confinement ;
weight nbout 125. Ilia manner U
quiet. Jamoa told your correspondent
that he had long contemplated surren
dering to the state , end although ho has
no promises of clemency , ho Deems to
take hope that in case of conviction the
governor will pardon him on account
of voluntary surrender. Ho says from
April , 1877 , to April , 1881 , ho lived
on a farm near Nashville. Ho would
not say where ho waa since that time.
iNnEi'KNHBNCi : , October 6 It was
found impoHsiblu to hold the examina
tion to-day , consequently Jamoa was
taken to the hotel. T ro indictments
have boon standing against him in
this county for nbout a year , ono for
complicity in the murder of young near Liberty , in 1874 and the
other on account of the Blue Cut rob
bery. The criminal oourt docs not
sit regularly for some time , but Judge
White will probably civu " n hearing
upon the indictments" chambers
next week. Jamoa waa this evening
removed to a cell in tbo jail at In
dependence and will there remain
until tbo court grants a hearing and
no formal proceedings will be hold
this week. An immonet/ / ' crowd re
mained about the hotel nil day at-
tenanting to got view of HIP prisoner ,
but his wish was to lumuin i uiet and
tee but few callers.
Ouiutiao , October tl It ha been
discovered ihut Frank James spent
last week in this city , sleeping at
night at the Sherman hnusu , under
the assumed name < /f Pratt , and
spending the day on the Wrnt side in
consultation with friends from Mis
souri with roferencj to hia surrender ,
The letter to Governor Crittoudcn is
said to have baen written here nnd
tukoit to St. Louit ) fur mailing. Ono
of the United Status deputy marshals
hero became awAre of his presence in
this city RUC ) Hworo out a warrant be
fore the United Status cojumioaioner ,
charging Jiuuos with robbing the
United States mails. For some un
known rcunon , however , the deputy
made no efl'ort to arrest his man.
Jiuncs left for Missouri Monday
morning. Previous to coming here
he WUB at Quebec and Cleveland.
A Showman After
Bpodal Dljpalch toTuiOBn ,
Pirraiiaita , October 0 The man
ager of the museum here baa tele
graphed Frank James , ottering him
85,000 to appear ton weeks under his
management , provided matters arrange
themselves so the oiler can bo ac
cepted. _
Fl ld' Infernal Mncblnc-
Njwcial Di.ijatch ( o THE llKJi.
CiiEyKNMK , Wy. , October 0. Associate
sociato Justice Field passed through
this afternoon on his way from Bin
Francisco to Washington. Your cor
respondent ahdired him the dispatch
respecting the inferiml machine sent
him. Judge Field aaid the machine
waa received by 'him January 10 ,
I8f ( j , an account of which waa pub
lished the next dny in Washiniton ;
papers , and also appears in
Judge Field's book , "Reminiscences
of the early days of California. The
machine was recently taken to a gun
smith in Washington , under the
judge's orders to have fulminating
ipowder removed to avoid accident.
The judge further said that the man
whom he always suspected of Bonding
the machine died noveral yours ago ,
and the utrangest pirt of his action
was , that Judge Field's decision re
specting the titlu to' the ground on
which San Francisco standi , was real
ly the man , although ho
believed himself to bu ruined thereby ,
and hencosDUghtto kill Judge Field.
Mexican Batidita.
l f ial Dhpatcli to TUK llRK.
BHOWNBVILLE , Texas , October 0
Bandits entured the hooso of the tax
collector at Tacabaya , Mexico , at mid-
uitrht " and murdered him after mortal
ly "wounding his wife , and robbed the
safe of 81COO.
An TTnfonndod Report.
SpecUl Ulnpatcb to Tui Iln.
CUICAOO , October C. Col. dowry ,
general superintendent of the Western -
ern Union , says < he published state
ment that the Western Union and
Mutual Union were to bo consoli
dated and that the consolidation was
to begin here , was utterly without
foundation. The Chronicle correspondent
pendent also learns from excellent
authority that the atory of the pro- ,
posed general strike of telegraph op
erators is also n canard ,
The "Irish World" Closes tUo Fund.
SptcUl DUratch to Till tlm.
NEW YCUK , Ostobor 0. The Irish
World rubied 1'ntrlck Eg n , treasurer
of the Luid League , I'Arin , § 17rl24 ,
making total of $342.048 remitted
for the Ijnd Tjenguo by The Irish
World. With thin inauo it closes tlio
fund , The editor's re-noon for this
that there is no longer n Lvid
League in existence.
Yellow Oncb.
bvclnt | 1)1utcli to TIIK DUE.
WASIIINOTON , October C. The na-
tionnl board of health U informed
tint there were fifty-six now cases of
yellow fever in 1'oiiBRCola , Fla. , yes
terday nnd thrco doathn.
Thurloxr "Wood llottor.
yji ( i\l li i'ntcl > to Tlio Dec.
NKW YOUK , ' ctober C. Physicians
report * ho condition of Thurlow Weed
much improved this Afternoon.
PJnltVU1 Rim
K | > ccli\l ill i tcli to Tim HKK.
PouoiiKEKi'iiK , N. Y. , October 0.
Pmtt Carpenter han sent a letter
accepting the nomination for lieuten
Mill * Close-
Special Dljpatch to TllR DPR.
CINnIN ATI , October ( J. All the
men at the Globe Mid Anchor rolling
mills , Newport , Ky. , stopped work
this morning. The trouble originated
in a construction b the proprietors of
Anchor mill of the price list and its
conditions. As the mill owners claim
they have put a plain and correct con
struction on the agreement , they will
not yield and all the mills will bo
closed to-morrow.
The "JOoo" Victim.-
SpcclU Dispatch to Tin BUB.
VtcKSDOito , October C. The oflicors
of the steamer Ed. Richardson report
the recovoay of the bodies of victims
of the Lee disaster , as follows : A
white man known as Jack Owen ;
Mochett ( colored ) , third pastry cook ;
Ivirdoff Swnnaon , carpenter ; Martha
Webb ( colored ) , third chambermaid ;
an unknown white man ; infant of
Dan Searlcs ; white man , unknown ;
Ophelia Jones ( colored ) , third cham
bermaid ; William Westorlako , second
engineer ; John Brown ( colored ) , second
end cook ; Scott Cox , cabin boy Sam
Brown , rouster ; Miss Eva and Joe
Allen. All were buried at Yucatan
Lindiug. The bodies of Miss Allen
and SearleB1 infant will bo removed
A ( Brave Woman Die *
l < ediJ Dispatch to TIIK UltE.
BAXTER StjuNcs , Kan. , October C.
A fire this morning destroyed the
residence of Mr. RoHocranr , at Low
ell , four miles west of hero , and two
of his daughors , aged 7 and 17 , per
ished in tbo flames. The oldest one
had succeeded in getting out of the
burning building with her mother ,
when sh . rushed back for her little
oister and had dragged her through
the smoke to the head of the stair
way , when the floor fell with a crash
and both were pitched headlong into
the burning rn&ss below.
Collision ot Trains-
Special DupaUh to Till DM.
CKDAU Itifios , la. , October C.
A freight and wrecking train on the
liurlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern
collided to-day , wrecking sixteen cars
and both engines. Loss estimated at
840,000. No ono was seriously hurt.
The cauBo of the collision is that the
conductor of the freight neglected to
examine the train register.
Colorado pool Road * .
Bi. | > iil Dkpatch to Tim HKK.
OIUCAUO , October 0. The general
managers of the Union Pacific , Bur
lington , Atchison , Topeka it Santa
Fp and Denver & Bio Oran-a railroads
meet here. Monday to consider per
centages for u pool between Missouri
river points and Denver. Two con
ferences to this end have
already boon hold , but agree
ment was defeated by the demand
of the Union Pacific that tha
Burlington build no more road in
Colorado. It is understood the Union
Pacific has abandoned this point , and
it is thought probable a pool will bo
Tbo Georgia Election-
Hpcclil Dbpatcbra to Tun 1)
AunUhTA , Go. , October 0. Thir
teen counties in this district give
Stephens 10,0'J , ' ! majority. Throe
other counties to hear from will make
it 12,000. Stephens majority in the
state IB 00,000. Stephens to-day sent
thh governor his resignation of the
oltico of congreasman of the Eighth
Georgia district The election to fill
the vacancy is ordered for November
7th. Gastrell , defeated candidate for
governor , will contest the election , not
with the hope of getting in , but to
ahow alleged frauds and intimidation.
WAHIII.N < ; TON , D. 0. , October 0
G. li. Henderson , secretary of the
republican central committee of this
city , received to-night a telegram
from A , K Buck , chairman of the
republican state committee of Geor
gia , saying in behalf of General Gart-
roll , ho will contest the election of
Stepena upon several grounds , viz :
bribery of voters ut the polls , open
arid notorious intimidation , falto
counts by mauugora failing to open
thu precincts in several counties according -
cording to latv , and voting of convicts
under guard , some of whom irero
minors lie says he will summon
many witnesses , including Senator
Brown , and asserts the charges made
will bo fully sustained.
. .
! I I t
Buoklin'o Arnica ttnlve.
The lirar BALVX In the world for OaU ,
Bruleoj. Soroe , Ulccrr , talt Ithenin , Fe
ver Korea , Tetter , Chipped Hand , ChU
blalni , Gornn , nml ftU Ma eruptions , and
poditlicly curuslhr. It i guaranteed to
five tatUfactfoa t ( & a y refunded.
Price , 25 cenU per C * . /or iftl0.bjrlC { [ ,
V , Ooodm&n
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited ,
to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
The Brightest Lighted , Host Appointed Jobbing House in America , conUlnini ? the
nrcost Stock of Dry Gooda and Notions west of the Mississippi , Solo manufacturers
of the colobrntod
McDonald's Overalls , Duck , Denim and Gottonade Pants ,
In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market and at
Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any
where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac
tion guaranteed , Remember
E. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO.
The Preliminary Examination
of the Egyptian Rebels
The Khedive Distributing
Medals to All With a
Lavish Hand.
The Spirit of VindictiveneaB
Against Arabi Growing-
Less Bitter.
Negotiation * For
tween Gkill and Pern 1
Broken Off. ' ,
The Usual Variety of News Prom
Other Lando.
Special Dlipatclieito Tni li .
ATIIENH , October 6. AH povrora
assent to the claim of Greece to aond
a commission to Egypt to assist in the
deliberations of the commission which
is to fix the indemnities for sufferers
by the bombardment of Alexandria.
Great Britain took the initiative , urg
ing the right of Greece to bo repre
SUEZ , October 0. The scarcity of
water sausea much Buffering hero.
What water remains in the canal ia
putrid. Many persona nro sick with
fever ,
OoN8TANTiNori.E , October 0 , Ar
noul Ferik , the newly appointed grand
ahcroef of Mecca , proceeded thither
OAIUO , October 0. The examina
tion of Muhmoud Fomi Pasha and
Toulba Pasha bagun to-day. Sultan
1'ttsha has received a gift of 10,000
as a reward for his loyalty. The kho
diva has oxprosoed hia intention to
confer the decoration ot the order of
Oamandi on all British officers of
rank , major general and above , engaged
gaged in the Egyptian campaign , and
that of the order of Modijidio on all
officers bslow the rank
ot major-gen-
ALKXANIWIA , October 0 The Egyptian -
tian Gazitto says , in consequence of
representations made by one of the
great powers , two commissions will bo
appointed to fix the amount of in
demnity for losses sustained by for
eigners in Egypt during the rebellion.
OAIUO , October C. The European
residents and Egyptians regard a re
turn to the system of joint control as
the worst possible solution of tbo
difficulties of the situation ,
connecting Arabi Pashu with the out
rages in Alexandria have yet been dis
covered. The spirit of vindictive-
miss against Arabi Pasha ia growing
loss general and less bitter , It io
stated nn Kuglish barrister named
Lambton has arrived to defend Arabi.
BEULIN , October 0. Various sec-
tlons of the liberal party count with
some conDdenco on gainiug seventy
eeatd from the conservatives in the
forthcoming elections.
LONDON , October ( i. Thoinoa Hoi-
tou & Co. , cotton spinners at Black
burn , have fulled with liabilities of
SOUTHAMPTON , October 0. The
steamer Durban which sailed for Capo
of Good IIopo to-day , had on board
Professor Nowcomb and party sent by
the United States government to
observe the transit of Venus.
LONDON , October C. Kampton
park Cambridgeshire trial handicap
was won by Toaatmoator , Goggles second
end , Thoophrato third ; Koouo a Gold
en Gate waa unplaced.
TOUONTO , October 0. The tradea
and labor council to-night adopted a
platform looking to representation in
parliament by trade unions , equal pay
for equal work for both sexes , short
ening of the hours of labor and exten
sion of the franchise.
BUKNOS AYHEH , October 4. Peace
negotiations between Chili and Pore
are brok'on off because of the refusal
of Chili to abate any of her demands ,
WASHINGTON , October , 0. The Pe
ruvian minister has expressed the
opinion that the dispatch received one
published to-day from Buonoa Ayrca ,
reporting the breaking off of the
peace negotiations between Peru and
Chili , is later in date than the private
dispatch received by him from Guay
aquil last night , and gives the resull
ot who negotiations which the correspondent
pendent reported as in progrois at
Aroquipa between President Oaldoron
and the Chilians ,
BKULIN , October C. Von Pattaka-
mor , minister of the interior , was
present at the electoral mooting ol
conservatives Wednesday. The fact
excited comment , as Prussian minis
ters have hitherto invariably held
oloof from such meetings.
Wrecked on the Mexican Const.
H.i'A \ \ Kl.iimUli to Tim Urn.
NEW OIILRANH , October (5 The
Times-Democrat special from quaran
tine , sayu the steamship Atlantic
brought from Vera Cruz forty-seven
sailors from five. Norwegian vessels
and four sailors front one American
Vessel , Commodore Dupont , which
wore all wrecked on the Mexican coast
during the gala of September Oth. 01
seven vessels riding at anchor oil Tarn-
pico , Pueblo Nuevo , Mexico , five ol
them wont ashore and wore total
wrecks , breaking upon the sholvint
beach. The barometer began to fall
Friday and both anchors wore lot go
on each vessel , but the force of the
wind woo BO great that the vessels
dragged on the shore in a short time
and broke to pieces No lives lost.
A UJitinuniiUBd Vltltor-
Special Dlipttch to Till Bit
NEW YOIIK , October 0. President
of Gdutomala , J. Jlufino Barrios , and
secretary , leave Saturday morning for
San Francisco. The president's car
will ba attached to the limited train ,
which will bo in Chicago about 10 a ,
in , Sunday ,
Failure. .
Kwckl | nl | nUh to TUN UKK ,
NEW YOKK , October C. Failures
HUB week 111 , of which 8 occurred In
New York city. The principal assign
ments here are those of Blake , Me-
Mabon it Co. and Blake & Mahoney
in the iron tradu , which created quito
a ripple of excitement in that interest.
UUjiatcliM to TIIK lite.
CHICAGO , October 0 Fourth day
of Chicago driving park race meeting ,
\Vcather cool and cloud , track fust ,
uttmidanco fair ,
First race , three-quartern of u mile ,
all ages , Avulon first , Eva K , second ,
Malabinu third ; time , 117. ;
Second race , one and a quarter
mile , all ages , John DAVIS first , Topay
second , Bunniu Bird third ; time , 2Q'J. :
Third race , one and throe-quarter
miles , Bernice firat , Bonnie Bird sec
ond. Only two ran. Time , 3:14 : ,
Fourth race , steeple chnso , one and
throu-quartiir miles , Edison first ,
Athostono second , Eva A , third ; time.
3:20. :
Fifth race , one mile , all ago , Brad
irat , ilarry Gilmore second , Sullivan
third ; time , 143 ; ,
Sixth race , for maiden two-year-
olds , one-half mile , Ada Bnrr first ,
Ratio Fletcher second , Golden Plover
third ; Unto , 50j [ .
BniaiiTON BKACII , October ( i. First
race , throo-quartora of a mile , Little
Kittio first ; time , 1:18. :
Second race , mile and one-eighth.
There wun a lung delay at the start ,
owing to the frixctiousnons of 11.
Monco , who throw the jookoy out of
the saddle several titnoB. Bouncer
first , Poachamio oecond , Ida B , ( the
favorite ) third ; time , 1:50. :
Thiod race , mile mid n quarter ,
Nina first ; time , 2lfi. : The judges
wore dirsatisficd with the running of
Edwin A. , the favorite , and declared
all bets on that horse off , the money
being returned.
Fourth rn.ce , mile and a quarter ,
Jim MoQowan first ; time , 2:121 : ,
The winner sold in the field.
Fourth race , three-quarters of a
mile , Nimblofoot first , Knight Temp
lar ( favorite ) second , Hostage third ;
time , 1:1C | . Nirablcfoot sold in tbo
field. Mutuala paid ? 275.
BANQOB , Mo. , October C. At the
fair grounds at Monroe to-day , Adel-
bert Kelly , of Nowbury , was killed
in attempting to atop a runaway trot
ter. The horse came in collision
with a double team and ono o , the
horses was killed , the suldy shaft
passing through hia nock.
Hpoclal DlipatclitH to TIIK Din :
1'lllLADiarilli , October U.A warrant
for the urrent of another ulina house con
tractor lias been iHauud.
NEW YOIII , October U.Tho building
No. IH in lirumlwny was damaged by fire
this afternoon to the extent of 81'2.riOUO ,
I'OHTLANl ) , Me. , October C.- The clos
ing uomilon of tliu board for foreign mis
sions took place thin morning.
WANIII NOT ON , October CAn Inceii-
diary fire hroko out In Wnrrlncton at 2
a. in , Nine Inilldlugn wcro dentroycd.
Moat of the but-inem part of the town Ii
gone. The navy yard i * safe.
Supreme Court of Nebraska.
Gartoll vs , Stafford , Motion for re
hearing overruled.
The following causes wore submit i
ted :
Michael vs. Fcdawd.
ProBcatt vs. Jones ,
Scales vs. Paine it Lopin.
Bowen vs. Billings.
Republican Valley railroad company
v . Suyor. Error from Fnrnasoounty.
Diamissod , Opinion :
1. Where a sumin ua in error is di
rected to the nhonlf of u particular
county , it cannot bu served by u ] > ri-
vato person , unless appointed for that
purpose by such sheriff ,
2 , A court or judge may for cause
shown uppoint a person to serve a
particular process , but a justice of the
peace has no authority to appoint a
person to serve a summons issued out
of the supreme court.
3. AVhoro an alias summons waa is
sued and served niter the expiration
of a year from the rendition of the
judgment ; hold it gave the court no
jurisdiction ,
Gibson vs. Parli'i. Error from
Douglas county , Affirmed. Opinion
Lake Oh. J.
1 , The holder of a promiisory note
is not required to roaurt to his reme
dy iigainit the maker before ho
may proceed to collect it from the in-
2 , And when the indoisor Ima
waived n demand , protest and notice
of non-payment , u tight of recovery
accruea ugainat him as soon as tbo
loto is duo ,
3 , The indoraor cannot , like u
surety , call uptm the holder of u note
.0 proceed and collect it cf the
4 , liiconstruing aploading , the rule
a that it must bo taken most a.rongly
against the pleudur.
When your wifo'a health is bad ,
rheu your children are sickly , when
rou feel worn nut , use Brown's lion
NEW Goons ! NEW Goons ! ! NEW
Congressman Kasson Announces
the Withdrawal of Blaine
From the ' 84 Eaoe ,
Hia Friends , However , Propose
to Dictate tbe JNominea of
tbo Convention.
Iowa' * Five Per Cent , of
Saloi Awalti the Action
of Cangroii.
TUelmmonso Business of ttio Mo
Order Division of tUo
v r Cflnlsbrtann For _
bpeclal I > lpatcu to Tun t - I ;
WASHINGTON , October 0 , Con
gressman Ktsson , . who ia hero sold
to-day that Blaine and his friends-
recognized that it would bo folly for
him to try to secure the republican ,
nomination iu 1884 lie will there
fore not ho a cuididatu for that nom
ination , lie and bin friends however
intend to dictate the nominee , and
Blaine oxpocta to resume his place ae-
secretary of Htnto under him. Then
ho will be revenged. K-vuon inti
mated that the man whom Blaine in
tended to have nominated for presi
dent is Senator Allison , of Iowa.
WAHHINOTON , Octobar 0. Payment
by the government to Iowa of D per
cent of the not proceeds derived from
sales of public lands of that state has
been deferred by the department of
the interior principally on the ground
that the question will bo subject to
congressional consideration , and pending
ing its disposal the secretary prefers
not to enter into the merits of the ,
claim. The decision is based upon
the application presented by ox-dor. ,
Lowe , of Iowa , notv acting in the
capacity of state attorney.
After deducting all expenses there
will bo a not revenue of more than
( . ' 100,000 from the business trannactod
by the money order division of the
poatoflico , the last liical year.
Tno JMeKOtfC Bale Ever Moved lu Om-
A BEE reporter who was walking up
Douglas street yesterday saw in
the street in front of Stubbendorff's ,
what appeared to bo a house in pro
cess of moving from ono part of town
to another. Buldwin'u house movers
wore at work on it with teams , cap-
atau , block and tackle. On nearer in-
apeotiou it WAB discovered to bo the
iron vault for the ne v Ounha Nation
al Uank , an cnoimuds msoa weiyhinjf
Mi toim , It vvua tiling iiaulcd from
Ills depot to its future poaitiun in the
big bank on truck * ujod for moving
buildingR , the work being doiio under
the super vision of T. J. Jiihlwin. It
is the largest piece of iron work in
the shape of u tunk ualu or vault-
over brought to Ouiahu.
I for nil diseases of the Kidneys and I
It liaa ipccifla action on tUI roost Important
ctvoiiccAbUuff H to throw off torpidity and |
Jjiartlon , elUouIuUiJe tlia kealUiy Booretiou .
of the liilt , and by keeping the bo well la free ,
oouilUon , clTcotUn ; it > ivgular dlwbutre ,
PWoI'lfl'l Jtyoutmtuttcriugrro
IWlcllcincIi ui Urlali vothccliULi , |
arohlllauB , dyipoptlo. or coiutlpatcd. Kid- ;
ncy-Wort wUUuielyroUove&ciulcklycum. ,
JuU > Uwuuoataolc < uu Uic67kUim , every I
one tUould Uk tboroivh oouivo of It. ( I I )
SOLD BY DRUQCIST8. Price $ l.l