Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1882, Image 1

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Dtfesseps Testifies Strongly in
Paslia ,
The Shedivo
Armv on Pluus to Suit
the British.
Archbichop Throws
Another Domb Into the
Par null Oainp.
Thirty ElvlHou I'lattinsVnutcd
to thn &
A Larpo Aesorttnont or Newd From
Other Pomta.
Hpcclal DlspatclicstP. .U llr.r.
11KDALS roil ALL.
CAIUO , October o. The khudive
will give mu'laln to tiie entire Britiuh
army engaged in the Egyptian cr.m
p.xign. Thoin tor soldiers will be of
copper , for olIicoM of cilvpr.
lil'.utiN , October Ji The ( mapping
of a chain caua-d tlio falling of un iron
curtain among the footiigMa on the
stngo of the Royal oper.i houau this
evening. The accident c\iuudan in
.tense panic nmonb' the audience , uud
many persona wore eevcruly oruahtd.
No ono killed.
VIENNA , October C It IB
England has promiand the khcdive to
permit recruiting of the now Egyptian
military force in India , province ! the
pvcaent gens d' armcs arc placed under
British oflicrrs
CAIKO , October 5. Liryequitntitica
of valuiblo loot were dieuovorcd at
Damanhour and other plncoa in Egypt.
Thu authorities have decided to ex
pel from the country the SA-issiid-
viaor nf Arabi Pasha. Too khudivo
will douieo reecind-
to-inoirowr sign a -
ing the prohibition of the importation
of coal r.nd petroleum.
TE.snriEs you AHAIII ,
PAKIS , October D DjLaswpa hr.n
telegraphed the president of the caurt
marti.U by which Arabi Pashi is to be
tried , t33tifying that during the war
Arabi exerted himself to maintain the
neutrality of the Suez canal , and that
ho protected the lives and interests of
several Europeans.
CAIRO , Octobcro. Several natives
convicted of participation in the June
mnGsacrta will bs oxeauVid in Alaxar-
'duo '
Arabi Paeha and Toulba Pasha were
to-day removed to Gxrdo Mernbler ,
where other prisoners , numbering
eighty , were removed yesterday. The
preliminary examination in the cast *
of Arabi Pasha mlbo hold sccrotly ;
his formt trial will b ? public.
ALEXANDRIA , October fi. Arubi
Pasha telegraphed hero for counsel.
The persons applied to declined to de
fend him , it is said , because they arn
afraid of losing their client * . Arabi
4 Pasha will therefore probably bo con
victed with easo.
LOOIUM3 Arrcii THK unvyNUK.
PA H , Octoper ft - Iho Temps sayc
England entertains a plan for ro-or-
ganuiUim of tlio financial affairs cf
Kgypt by suppression of the control
and oxti titiou < f thn powers of the
public dubt commission.
CAIUO , October C. An important
phaiu ot the po'uical ' situation here H
the growing diff renco between Egyp
tian ministers in regard to thu future
form of government. Ono parly
favors the autocratic system for some
years , nnd another party advmcs re
tention and development of the sys
tem eatabliihod under the first consti
IteiiLiN , October 5. Negotiations
with the powers on thu Egyptian
"auction are progressing favorably ,
The exertions of Germany to bring
t about a friendly understanding be
tween the powers most interested in
the eastern question is meeting with
considerable success.
Co.vsTANTiNOi'LK , October ft The
sultan In extreme1 } * vexed at thn
departure of Baker Pasha. It is
titatod that the governors of Smyrna
and Ithodes wure oidercd to arrest
him , nnd the khudivo has been com
manded to send him back.
LONDON , October 5. The corpora
tion of London will present nn address
of congratulation to Wolsoloy and the
freedom of the city and a sword of
honor to Seymour. Wolseley has
already received the freedom of the
CAIUO , October 5 , Arnbi demands
a trial by Englishmen , says ho sur
rendered to them and ho would have
escaped if ho had known he was to bo
Iricdby Egyptians , from whom ho
Vpecls no mercy.
YMIUO , October 0 , The usual yearly
* . Svan with the sacred carpet for
a | a started to-day. A ISntish guard
° * "nor was present.
- A' , October 5. It Js considered
probabm tii0 trial of the reb&l loa-
aora th * the preliminary inquiries
HTIJI b0 protracted. Thirty of the
* ? I- ? > lr'an' ' prisoners , including
* ? abi Pj.aU , Wii | be remoicd to an
October 5-Tho pros-
Indlan , oftn
million pounds sterling to bow inter
est of tour per cent , wns Uauod hero
last evening.
LISHON , October 5. tlon. John M ,
Francis , of The Troy Times , minister
to Portugal , had audience to-day with
the king.
DUBLIN , October 5 There is con
sternation among Parnolliten owing to
the report that on recommendation of
Archbishop McOabo , the Imh Catho
lic hierarchy now in season hs refused
to allow priests to attend the forth
coming conference.
Si. PtTKiisnuuo , October 5. - Nihilist
ist * Nugormey und JewsojofT , the
commutation of whoso doith sentence
by the cssar was made public yester
day , we to cjiicerncd in the assassina
tion of a police spy sixteen mouths
M'AltlSH AFFAins ,
MAunii ) , October 5 The council
ministers refuse thu olfor of the sultan
of Morocco of a strip of territory
around Conta in return for rotro-
coition by Spain of the island
ot Santa Cruz Do L Mar ,
on the Atlantic coast of Morocco.
The grant of 110,000,000 piastres asked
for in the bill drafted by the minister
of nurino in to purchase two ironclads
of the luilexiblo typo , to bo con
structed in England. Tno bill will bo
presorted in the cortos at the opening
of the ec4Mn.
ST. I'KTRKsntma , October 5. The
Turkestan Ga/.jtto states that Afghan
tioops have revolted , against the
LONDON , October 5. A letter from
the president of thu Argentina repub
lic states thtt thutp is nothing to jus
tify the fear of interruption of friend
ly relations between the republic and
I'Osll'ONKl ) .
Driu.iN , October 5 There is good
roH-son to believe that the proposed
national convention will bo postpone .
I'AUIS , October 5. Several cases of
Asiutiu choleiA are reported at Mo-
dane , on the French aid'o of the Conia
The Suez canal ia to be improved
and enlarged.
LONDON , October 5 Chna. Wnhnb ,
who recently madn an exploration of
Bur mail , starting from China , is dead.
ROME , October 5. lho ch.unbar of
deputies is dissolved.
TUMS , October 5. The Arabs have
attacked the French outposts on the
Algerine border.
JOINS ! ) ISY-Ucldrairtu. '
CALLAO , Peru , October ft Tele
graphic communication between the
United States and Europe has boon es
Oregon's Senatorial Contest.
Special Uisvutch to TllK IlKit.
SAN FIIANCISCJ , October 5. In the
Oregon senatorial contest some of
Mitchell's supporters are deserter ; ,
Kiid hove gene over to Richard Wil-
liamr , ox-mecibnr of congress.
Congressional Nominations-
Special olspntchra to TUB linn
HUFHALO , October 5. John F.
Moulton was nominated for congress
by the republicans of the Thirty-sec
end district.
IJAiriMoni : . October" . The repub-
licatn of the Second congressional din-
tr u have nominated Thaddcus C.
BosroN , October 5. The Sixth dis-
tnet democrats nominated DV. . Law
MILWAUKEE Ostober 5. The demo
cratic cungressional convention of the
Fourth district- , held in this city , nomi
nated P. V. DiiUi'er by acclamation ,
0.i"9NTA , N. Y. . Ojtobur 0 The
republicans of the Twenty-first district
nominated George W. Riy for con-
Hliothl l i | iat.htoTi lUi-
ATLANTA , October 5. Dispatches
to-day confirm the statement of yen-
torday that Stephen's majority will bo
about 50,000 in the state.
The Comlnjj Mnn.
Special DUpatch to Tin. Hrt _
Nt.w YOIIK , Ottobor 5. According
to the evening newspapers , Howard
Carroll , of The Now York Times , Is
very likciy to bo nominated Tuesday
next by the republican state commit
tee , for congressman at largo ,
A Praminnnt Politician Dead.
Special Dispatch to Inn HER.
PAI-INK , Wis , , October D , Robert
Hull , a banker of this city , died to
day , aged forty-three years , Deceased
was a successful manufacturer and
banker , and had amaseed a large fortune -
tune ; WAS one of the directors of the
Union Pacific railroad ; was promi
nently identified in thn politics of the
state , and was one of its senators ,
mayor of Ricine und chairman of
thu republican state central com
mittee. _
Wyoming Democrat *
Special DlnpuUb to Tint DKK.
CUV.YENNF. , October 5 , The demo-
cratio territorial convention to-day
ronominatcd M , K , Post , present
delegate to congress.
Tlio Sor.villo Iiunatiai-
SpctlaJ DUpitili to Tnr. ling.
CIIIUAOO , October 5. tieorgo Sco-
villo li'.od ' a potiuon in the court to
day , asking Mrs. Bcpvillo bo adjudged
insane and conlmud in the asylum for
San FrinoUcn Hocdlcms.
B.xcUl Dlipitch to Till III I.
CHIUAOO , October 0. Local papers
announce that Pacific coast cports tire
being imported into Chicago ,
An inoireubivoChinainau was yester
day attacked by hoodlums nnd badly
beaten and shot.
The Proposed Improvement of
Hot Springs ana Its
Oost ,
Non-Treaty Indians Notiflod to
Provide Their Own
Important Lo nl Questions
Concerning Banks Submitted -
ted to firewater.
The Jnannetto Board of Inquiry
Prepaying For the lii-
Tc tJcutlom
Missouri Rtvor luiprovoruontu TUo
Amount Soont und Needed
Dlfpitcli to Tun But
WASHINGTON , October C , Special
Agent Bell , of the intsiior dopirt-
mout , and Captain llundbur t of the
corps of engineers , detailed to investi
gate nnd report what improvements
nro needed nt Hot Springs , Ark. , linvo
recommended the creek ho wnllcd up
nnd that an nrched enclosure bo con
structed over it through the city.
The report boon ndoptud by the sco-
rotary , § 70,000 now on hnnd for im
provements , will bo expended in beginning -
ginning the work. It ia cstima'cd ' the
ontite coat will bo § 140,000.
qoL&iioNR For. iiunwsTER.
The acting secretary of the tress-
ury , upon request of the comptroller
of the currency , stibmittod n number
of questions to the attorney general
for ) na opinion in rcfanmco to thn
right of national banks to certify or
accept chucks beyond the amount on
deposit to the credit of the drawer.
The directors of tliu mint to-day
purchased § 305,000 ounces of finu til-
vur for delivery ut the Philadelphia
and Now Orleans mints
spoilt the cntiro afternoon aersion in
organizing nnd outlining plans for
thorough and systematic investigation.
The sessions of the board will bo open
and it is the present intention to ex-
omiuo ovcry witness who can throw
any light upon the subject. As
several survivors of the JVannctto PX-
padition are now engaged in the
neuron for Liout. Chipps' party , the
present inquiry may bo prolonged for
months to allow ot tilling their testi
The following circular ii being for
warded to United States Indian
agents :
Sin : In compliance with instruc
tions received from the honorable sec
retary of the interior , your attention
is called to section 8 of ' 'An act mak
ing appropriations for current and
contingent expanses of the Indian de
partment and for fulfilling treaty stip
ulations with various Indian tribes ,
for the fiscal year 1883 , and tor other
purposes , " approved May KJ , 1882 ,
which roads no follows :
"That the secretary of the interior
shall cause such Indians as are now
being flubiatid in whole or in part by
appropriations not required in dis-
clmrgo ot treaty obligations , to be no
tified that ho will rooommend to con
gress at its next session n diminution
of such appropriation ; that in CUIIHO-
qnonco thereof their future support
will depend moro upon their own ox-
ortioiia. "
In compliance with the aboyo you
will give your Indiana the notice required -
quirod by this act of congress , ussnre
them that while the government is
disposed to treat thorn kindly , oven
generously , and to extend to them
every needed assistance to enable them
to niiiko a comfortable living for them
selves and families , yet they must re
member there is now no treaty or
other obligation on the part of the
government to support them ; that
what they are now receiving is purely
gift ; that llieromust cuino a time whoii
they will bo expected to laborfor their
own support the same as white men
do. Say to them that labor is not
degrading , but on the contrary is en
nobling , that if they over expect to
bccomo lich and poworfiilas the white
race they must luarn the lessons of in-
duatry and economy.
( Signed ) , J. II PUIUB ,
Commissioner ,
Honor Elmoro , Peruvian minister
at Washington , received this evening
a cable dispatch from Guayquieiu ,
Monador , dated to-day , advising him
that Garica Calderon , constitutional
president of Peru ( who during the last
eleven months has been a prisoner in
Ohili ) , and Dr. Logan , ( newly arrived
United States minister in Chili ) are
in Aroquipa , Peru , treating
for peace. In commenting to-night
upon telegram , Minister Elmoro said
Arequipa is a well known city in
southern Pern , which was lately made
the seat of the Peruvian government
by Vice President Mentor , who has
been acting PS president of Peru since
the carrying away of President Cald-
oren in November last , Mr , Elmoro
said the news did not much surprise
him , because he had boon expecting
something of the kind in in view of
the solid union of Peruvians under
the provisional government of Gal
derpn , of the loyal attitude of the
United States , as Peru's ally , and of
the firm position taken by the United
States during the whole war as an
impartial friend of all boligeront , He
had always believed , ho etuds that a
lasting peace could bo made only by
the Oalderon government , under the
auspices of the United States ,
A HICK omcEit.
Judge Larbell , acting first comp
troller of the treasury during the ab-
Bencti of Mr. Lawrence , has boon for
several days confined to his homo by
illnen. To-day ho was unable to per-
Merchants and Dealers Throughout the Entire West are Invited
to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned
and Occupied by
MiJInn. . . * "M " !
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
Thn Brightest Lighted , Best Avp'i'ntsd ' .Tobbina ITouso In Amorici , contnlnlii ; ; the
nriC3t Stock of Dry Goods and Notions wcit of the Mississippi. Solo manufacturer ! * *
of the celebrated
llcBonald's Overalls , Duck , Denim and Cofctonade Pants ,
In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market and at
Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be
fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit
all prominent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant anywhere - *
where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write
for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfaction -
tion guaranteed , Remember
E. L. MCDONALD & co. , st. Joseph , MO.
fonn evcin the duty of signing war-
r.intf. Pr Bidont Arthur har been in
formed uf the nituation , and "ill
arobibly dosigtmto a temporary olliouc
to perform thu duties.
to the amount of Slt-180,000 v/evo
to-day forwarded to the assistant
treasurer of as Now York for sigru-
The annual report of General Sntor ,
engineer carpi , in charge ot the Mis
souri river improvHniont , shows an
expenditure of § 389,251 for thu work ,
and it ia estimated Sl83COO : ! can bo
profitably expended the next fhcil
EH.VJ5U KIQUIir.i' .
The national boird of > h y 1th , r.i
informo'd there wore fifty-six now
cases of fever in Pensacola , Fin , , yes
terday and throe deaths.
bpichl Dlypatolits to TllK I\KK. \
CiiK'Aao , October 5 First rcco ,
one mile , for two year oldx , Aztec
firat , Lord Raglan aocond , Idle Pat
third ; time , l-lfU. :
Second race , selling purse , one and
n quarter mile , all ages , George flakes
first , Mtmtou second , Flnudeia third ;
time , 2:11. :
Third race , mile heals , for thro"
year oldn , John Sullivan first , Hu'h
second , Ellis II. third ; time , 1HI1. ,
1:1-1 :
Fourth raca , handicap puree , D.ivc
Yardoll first , Ella Kowott nocond ;
time , 3.07.
.IKUOMI : PAIIK , October 5. First
race , two and one-fourth miles , Oirotlo
won ; time , 1:11. :
Second race , mile and one-eighth ,
Koimosaw won ; time , 2:014' : .
Third race , steeple chase , short
course , Postguard won ; lime , ! ) : &U
PKOVIDBNUK , October 5 , Kosto'ns
0 , Providences . ' ! .
PiiiLAUKLriiiA , Octjbor 5. F.ill
trotting meeting at Btilmont paik ,
'Jii : : ( class , Reveille won , Socratis
second , Judge Davia third ; best time
2:27J-five : hnato ,
2:20 : clao'i , Overman first , lir.uuly
Uoy second ; time 2:22. : } , 2 21 , 2:20. :
YEW YOUK , October fi. The princi
pal event at thu Ciaiitltiinan'H Driving
park to-day was the Malt ntukes , for
ihrcu year olds , in which it was known
the famous California filly Wtldllowur
would be a competitor. The weather
was fine , and breeding und road trot ,
ting elements weto well represented.
Those present , however , were disap
pointed , aa the timn jof the lirnt heat
was but 2:32 : , all live of the starters
being placed , while in the second heat
the time was 2:27 : ] , Meander was
iccond in both hoatu. In the second
lioat Senator Sprague , Ernest M ul
tra ves and Lucy Walter , and three
others who started , Here distanced.
Of other events , Rosewood won the
3-year-old race easily ; time 25UL ;
2:31J. :
Thalia was the only other titartor.
Guess Not won the sequel staken for
240 ; mares ; time 2:30 : , 2:27 : $ , 2:28 : * .
St. Gothard beat 2:30 : for'a constd-
cration , trotting a milo in 2:2 : ! ) .
Atlantic stakes were won in three
mraight hoata by Uarrott , boating
Lotta ; timo2:31J : 2:31i : , 2:38 : } .
Work's team , Edward and Dick
Svmoller , made n milo in 2:20A. :
The bay mam laabellu showed a
lalf milu in 1:0'J : , It is expected aho
will trot a fast milo Saturday.
St. Lout. Fair
Tn li r.
ST. Louis , October 5 , The attendance -
anco at the fair to day was much the
argest over on thu grounds at one
time , The gate receipts nro not accu
rately known to-night , but they will
approximate 530,000 , without count-
ng coupon tickets issued by railroad
companies , which may amount to
$10,000 moro. This uill make the
lumber of people present fully 100 ,
Frank James Voluntarily Surrenders -
renders to BOY , Orit-
toiulon ,
A. BiHck Brute in Alabama
t Speedily Lyuohod by
Deliberate flltinlor of a Farraar
Konr Puliuor , j
artro N
bloody Uooclo.
Sarrnudor of JTrank JJIDCS-
flwclal ) Dispikli to Tun Usn ,
KANSAS CITY , October 5 , Frank
James surrendered to Gov. Oritton-
don : it JcH'jraon City at 5 o'clock
this evening and will bo brought hereto
to morrow morning to bo delivered to
the Jacknun county authorities. Gov.
Crittondon telegraphed that ollicets
will leave to-night with the prisoner
Officials hero oxprcsi some surprise at
James' action , as no overture * had
been made on thuir purt towards sur
render They think Frank had be
come discouraged having in vnriouo
ways lost all of hin old confoderatcn
and concluded it wai useless to
attempt longer to live in outlawry ,
preferring to trust to the lonionoy of
the lir.v in voluntarily giving him
self up.
S r LTUIS , October ft. Tlio Anzoigor
speciul Irom .lillaraon City sayii when
Frank Jamen surrendorcd to Clov.
Crittendeii he handed him his pistols
and stated ho ( the governor ) wan the
only man except himuolf win * had
touched them for twenty year * . Frank
was at the McCarthy liotiau this even
ing and many prominent cituens were
there ueuking the honor of shaking
hands with him.
KANHAS CITV , Ostobor 5 ,
The Ti es Jtllormm City special
hau a letter from Frank .lames , ad
dressed to Gov , Crittondon , dated St ,
Louin , October lat , and the lattcr's
reply. Tlio letter from James ii n
proller to ourrondor , It is u lengthy
dooumunt , lloaiya lie is prompted
to this act through consideration for
his wife mid children r.nd n desire to
retrieve hii namu from the shadow
which has been cast upon it nnd
through it upon a food many in
western Missouri JIu makes n plea
that ho is not BO bad as ho
has been painted , that an outlaw
has the thoughts and impulse of man
und he hau decided to return to the
homo of his parents and there with
his family to pass his days In peace
and thun gainrespcct of his fellowmen ,
Ho thinks it unnecessary at present
to recount thu history of his life ,
Those who are his frionda < ire already
acquainted with it , The public at
pro&ent is not disposed to judtu ; him
charitably Ho thinks that his sulfur-
ings have already done punishment
for his acts. Ho denies tlio author
ship of any litters threatening as
sassination in retaliation for
for the murder of Jessie , which
have been attributed to him. Ho
submitted thu question whether Frank
James , humbled , repentant and re
formed before the world , will not bean
an example moro fraught with good to
the rising generation than Frank
James , the outlaw and wanderer.
Ho ays this letter n the result of a
determination forinul during U'o past
four yeanj of industrious farm life ,
which ho has spent , lie asks for
amnesty , if pcsiible , and states an an
swer will reach him thruugh hu wife ,
who is at Independence , Mo.
On receipt of the letter , Governor
Orittcndon replied that ha cjukl make
no definite pru'inaos , huuvould recom
mend that Jauien present himself be
fore the courts where indictments uro
aguinst him , and answer them as best
became u man. In accordance there
with James appeared before the gov
ernor ta-day , accompan'od bMaj ; , J.
W. Edwards , of Hcdalin , as counsel ,
and formally surrendered himself ,
Ho will arrive nt Kansas City tomorrow
row and have a hearing at Indepen
dence , the county scat ,
Another Inleriml Machine.
Special Dispatch to Tin Ilisx.
WASHINGTON , October 5. The np-
proachiiii ; sosuion of the aupromo
court Araa thu mouna to-day of un
earthing an incident in the history of
Associate Justice Field which has
probably nut yet boon publinhod.
Passing down the avenue your cor
respondent was stopped by n dealer in
lire-arms , sporting traps and other
. paraphanalin , and asked if ho had cron
i the infernal machine that had buun
sent to Judge Field. Ho was taken
into the rear of the store and a CASO
otdagucrjcotypps ; was lying.-eij the
" * "
"Ext-mino ' " ldKo" !
counter. - this"iji >
dealer , "and tell mo what you think
of it. " A close inspection showed that
concealed in this case were ion metal
lic cartridges with their sides Glcd
exposing powder and firmly embedded
in wax. An ordinary picco of nand
paper was connected with the rasp in
the c&se , which if opened from the
front would cause the ignition of 0
bundle of matches. Tha case , however -
over , had boon opened from thu beck ,
and the infernal instrument hud failed
to accomplish its design. A clipping
front a newspaper pouted in the case
detailed an account of a decision by
Judge Field regarding the title to cer
tain property in San Francisco , and it
is oupposud that the machine was the
contrivance of uomn disappointed liti
gant. Further inquiry showed
that thu package c\mo by
mail , but was regarded with
suspicion by the inmates of Field's '
residence , nnd the parcel wna plncad
over night in n pail of water. After
ward it was pried open from behind ,
and the deadly nature of Itn contontn
divulged. Had any ono forced the
clap open , as ia the custom in hand
ling small cases of this kind , nothing
short of n miracle could have prevented -
vented the discharge of the metallic
cartridge ,
Phippi , the Boia Villnln
Ku | < cM ll | > Uch to 'Inn Un
PiiiLAiiELi-HiA , October 5 The
confession of Thos , J. OACII , clerk to
Iho oflioara of elections held in the
almshousH division , 27th ward , luHt
February , jutit made public , ohcwu
that thoabscondiiigix-iiuperiiitoiidoiit , ,
I'hipps , broke open the billet box
nnd altered the election returns , The
result of thin was to defeat two iudo-
[ > 'indoiit ropublicnns mid fleet two
Jcmocrato. Thu o of conspiracy ,
it is said , will be found against several
city oflicials on the Htron th of thin
A Dirty Brute
< | ' < ( ljl llltulll ] t I 'IlIK III .
CHAITANOOOA , October B. A special
Lo The Dally TIIBOS from Aniiistnii ,
Ala. , Buyu : Ten days ago a burly nero -
{ ro named John lirooka , brut illy as-
mulled a Iittlu girl on the outskirts of
the town , Hu wan captured on the
4th und lodged in jail nt Jacksonville.
This afternoon , on preliminary trial ,
le confessed hU guilt. Thu Judge or
dered him to jail , A largo crowd took
, lui prisoner out of the slierilPfl hands ,
carried him to the outskirts of the
city and hanged him , The crowd was
julot and determined.
A r roil nf n Forcer.
BwiUI | DUjutih to TIIK | ! rr.
CiiUAdo , October ft. James E.
Uoruo alias J. O. Clark , was arrested
lero on complaint of the bank of St.
JohiiH , Mich Ho is agent for the
I'ortor manufacturing company , of
jyracuBo. It is alleged that Morse ,
as agent , forged anddispobod of dupli
cates til notes taken to the amount of
§ 7,000. _
Colil-Blooclrd Murder.
OiuiAUO , October 5. A dispatch
TOIU Tnyloyvillo , Ills. , Bays a cold-
jloodod murder was committed one
nile north of the town of Palmer.
JHO. I/null and James lligby , two far
mers , ijuarrollod about possession of
some land , became involved In a law-
Buit , from which Higby came out vic
torious. Ycatorday aftoruoou Loighs' '
sou npproachod Itigby nnd , pretend
ing ho deiired to effect n poncoablo'i
settlement , suddenly opened lire with ,
u revolver. Ono bullet produced av
fatal wound. Leigh escaped , but a
posse is in pursuit , and nn rxcitomont
runs high lynching is probable. Mur-
doreru have usually escaped thu law in
this region. <
Tlio Kon-nnoo Bank RobTiary-
HpcclM Dkpitcli to TIIR UKK. '
CiiicAiiD. October 5 , A Kow&noo
spechl saya a duUativo arrived with
biiik robbtr Dunkloy yesterday and
tliia morning af tor a walk of a couple
of miloa east of there returned with *
suck of gold containing $5,000. This
accounts forall _ the money aud all the
robocro nro in custody.
Siwclil Uut tcl > to TTui Dn.
NEW YORK , October 5. Thecpr-
onur'a jurylnvoatiRating thociusosapd
the roEronnibllty of the late colliJloB
in Harlem river tunnel , find the New >
Vork Central and Hudson llivcr'rall-
road company guilty of the crime of
criminal negligence ; also the conduc
tor of the Now Haven & Hartford
train and the telegraph operator of
Ninety-sixth street station. The jury
condemn the management of the roads
nnd connuro the engineers.
Bloody Huui- .
HjteUul l > l * | > iitili to TIIK HSK ,
HHOWN.HVILLI : , Tex , , October ft.
liamiita entered tlio house of the tar
collector nt Tacubuya , Mexico , ut mid
night murdort'd the collector
, , mor
tally woundiul his wife nnd robbed Iho
ante of § 1,000.
Xhn TnriU' Cominlfiilon-
Special Dlipatcli to 111 * Urtt ,
Niw YOUK , October ft. Peter
Cooper called upon the tariff commis
sion at Windsor hotel , and after an
informal conversation of an hour'a
duration the commission was called to
order by President Hayes and listened
to thu reading , by Mr. Cooper'a secre
tary , of "an open letter" on thu tariiT
question , It opens with u proposition
( M the result of hi.i own experience )
that all trade with foreign nations is a
kind of commercial war ; war of in
tercuts from which evils may result
and have rttiultod , that nro only CDIU-
parublo with the evils of uoiuul war.
Thomas G , Sherman , representing
the executive committuuof the Brook
lyn Kuvenue Ueform club , nddreascd
the ommittcu at a representative of
Lho moduriito section of thu club , and
litild that tuxo * ought to bo reduced
$1 0,000,000 cr $100,000,000 annu
Mr. Oliver offered the following
resolution , which was adopted ,
Jesolved ! , That on account of the
limited time ut the disposal of the
caintmrnion , the order concluding the
taking of testimony at Philadslphia
October 10 cannot bo changed. There
fore , all persons interested will take
notice that thu open sessions of the
tariff commission for testimony , state
ments , etc. , will end on the data
ubovo named ,
Adjourned till to-morrow.
Aiitl-Chiiioio Opluon ,
lfK | lul IliutOi | to TllK HKK ,
UIUUAOO , October 0 , The Tribune
has uii editorial on the Chinese ques
tion in England , which admirably
answers the glaring misstatements and
maudlin sentiimima which appear in
Thu London Standard , According to
that paper family life in California 0
would bo impossible without the
OhinoBii , the 1'acilio railways would
never have boi-n built , uud the vast
population of Americana in California
urn in favor of them , and there is jra
scaicaly any disease among them , etc. US
The Tribumt tays the importation of Ua.
Chinese in England would breed revo \ l
lution and cvun thu queen might find lI I
horeself In jeopardy ohould such an
act of injustice to English labor bo
Tlio Arotln Inquiry.
WASHIMITOK , October 5. The
naval board to inquire into the loss of
the Jeannette , convened at the navy
department to-day ,