Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1882, Image 8

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I v. I
I'S I'V f I S i
| V
Jhe Daily IBee
IbtirpBfliiy Mornini , ' Oct. 6.
YVcntlie-r Kcport.
( ihe follnnJiiR ob"er\alloni nro taken A' '
br t\mo moment nf time nt all the stations
"wAti DKPAimirNr , U. S. SIGNAL IXm
f we , OMAHA , Oct. 1,1882. ( l:15pm. f
Direr i fcf t 2 Inches above low water mark a
0 t h , 2 feet 1 Inches M Ytnktou. Mississippi 2
feet 0 Inches at Lit CroMe , and 4 feet 0 Inches it
/ The funeral of the lalu Henry I'nihii
will take plftcc nil ! p. in , TliurnJny.
It will pay any me to got up At I a.
m. now to KOO Ilia lilg comet. It is a bl&7. <
ing lC utv.
Collectors who ha\o licen out with
their war pnltit on tiaco Monday morning ,
report It a bad mouth for collections ,
The leading topic of ccnrcrratton now
Is the foilhcomltiK appearance of 3'ay
Temple ton. She opens her engagement
at Boyd' opera lioufo to-night ,
The rcmalna of the late John Klgh *
man , who Jiul in Sl Jorcph'ii ho pit.i ) ,
were Lnriccl yesterday from the under
taking rooms of McCarthy & Ihuko.
The Union l ciOcs nnd the Council
Bluffs base Lull chih will play a game on
next Stunlny afternoon in thiicity.
It will ho seen by reference to the
morUllty rcpoit pnhlMicd clscwhoro that
. a case of death fiom abortion la reported
from latt month ,
The difplaj-8 of agricultural products
from pointH along the Union 1'aclfio railway -
way , which took the ( irnt prize at Minne
apolis , captured the prua nbo thii wcok at
the St. Liu\a \ fair.
The wejt-hound U. I * , train to-day
noon did not got awny until between 1 and
o'clock , the dohy being occanioned by
thu C. , B. k Q , which came In at the !
transfer fuir hourb1 late ,
Our Uohemiau fe > jvv dtizcna art * mov
ing now to v ov' ' ( > ie for n ccmotery of their
own. Tb < " .0 wi | ) lo nu entertainment
next Saturday at Bohemian hall for the
' "I'lit of the ccmotery fund.
' " Deputy Marshal Culp c mo up Tues-
'day morning with ft prisoner , Charles
CD/JOIT , of Nobratlta City , whom ho
airthtcd for telling 1 < | nr without paying
a special tax , Comcm having been ongin'od
In bottling nnd pcddlius beer. The do-
fendint gno bond * u > nppoar.
Superintendent Taylor , of the llrad
itrect company , left for Salt halco City to
day , to look after the iutcicsUvf hlu bus-
inc in Utah. Ho will beujiMBit about
ten d y , dutiog which tlnlJ Wiitant Su-
perlntendtnt K. It. Woodrjftrlin charco
oftheollloo hero. M r. WifWrow is the
right man In the right iilaoV /
The third annual ball nf the Irish j
American 13and will lake place at Maaonii
Hall on the t'Jtb. Wo predict that tin
B mo will bo aimcthHtui upc/n tliU occa <
alon the bojH wilt appear in their now uni
form which will be elegant. The dancing
programme has been ordered by MiP rn
Davis liron. direct from iioiton , and tbi
iame-are of ll latodt utyle.
In the pollco coutt y ktcrday thcr
wore fcur caeec of iutcxlcntlou. ODD pal
and thiee wzro coiunitlocl. A complaint
waa tiled ngalnnt K Duiiglns Btreot mer
chant , rb rgln' { him vltb etuklng a neigh"
v yilttlo daiiRhter. 1 , U a neighborhood
th t brtnlu uut afresh ovtcy now and then ,
tV f. fi uya back a ntmber of ladles
of icveml roi lou dcnoiulnatlonH have
been fiiriiRcil in ie tlIR ) and umWug bed '
olotlilng f"r the honpltui Of fjti Joseph.
The work ban hscn douo [ n 0110 tf the
wards of the new wing , id hua
been productive of great good. Kni
this tbo flktera fcol gratet | 1
Thoydt Ire to ntk the mme llud ladiei
ami nil others who may do * o , to td.\ui
them on to-duy ngaln from ' . ' n. m , U
li p , m , Tbir , It U thought , will work
all tbo material , ,
Tuetday juit before the gas wu
UghUd , ft man drhing a apiritud lean
along Baundors otreet ran nfoul of
hydrant , which at that point i < ct > out nom
dlttanco from the uldowalk. The liydran
caught between the wheel and the bet
right at the X , threw the man out am
broke the barnesi badly , Lut luckily tin
team did not run , The hjdrunt ii locate
by a rule made for Htivets 100 feet wide
and an H.iunden treut li only CO feet \\id
in thrown out into a dangerous ] > oiltlou ,
About ten mllea from Omaha , In Ml
lard precinct * there it a lady 'Jl yean c
age an4 till in the best of health , She
a native of Oinmer llurgbhlre , ficotlaiu
When Been by the reporter aha had hi
great gr ndchlld on her lap. Kho can ret
everything without upcotaclca , and do a
kind of needle-work , drmmaklng esp
cially , Bhe hears as well as mer , and el
felt as heuUby and sound ai when the w
eigliteen jeara of age. Her nearest rel
the , Mr , John McDonald , whom uhe i
with , Is a prominent citizen of Mllla
precinct. They think oa much of the o
lady as of their own mother , and are ve
j/rtnil of her indeed , _ _ _
' A change hai recently takeu""piw !
the k.ipeiintoadenpy of the Omaha n
work * , by which Mr. J. H. WhitaL
who has renigued to accept a po < lt < on i
Oakland , Ctliforuic , Is succeeded by I
nephew , Mr. Win. II. Whltakcr. Mr.
H. Whltaker came to Ouiaha from Ni
Jersey , In June , 1681 , and took the pc
tioa of aiiUUut tuperiutcndeut uuderj.N
U. T , Walker , who aubcequcutly left n
was succeeded aa superintendent by 2
Whitaker , who erected the uelf-faedc
whiah hive proved ttuch n aucceu. 3
\\hltuVurtened faithfully uiul wtll , t
now roigu * to take a } > otitl < > n iiudar
old auptrinteudcnt ut a salary of 82 ,
per annum. He lea\ea Ouiaha with mt
regret , Lut us he nearly doubled lilt [ is
ing * hh friendi will congratulate him upon
the deferred promotion nnil wish him ul
Mijcens In IIH ! new field.
Mr. W. O , Whncler , Ihclnulnefsmsn
nr/er of the Kmnm Abbot ( < rnijil KnplM
Opera company , h in the city arranging
for the Appearance of thnt orrnutzitton n
IJoyd's oppra hou'o next Tnr-uKy ovcntnh
( n the Idlest npcrat'c RHIX < P , "King foi
l ) y , " The Abbott company ! s the fines !
miif > lcM nrgviiktion In cv'stcncc ' , nnil hii
In it ffty eminent tocaiUtu In addition t'
n large chorus orcl.nitr.i Among the
artists ore Liz7 Atn-'iioVr , tin tlmmlng
contmllo ! .lulh UiirewaM , Iho i > rlmn
rlonim soprano ; Mttio Kindle , Clara
Welier , William Uantle , AlotiM Ktoddmi ,
Vnlrtitincl'abriul , John Gilbert , Gmtavus
Hull , nnd other * . "Klnjt for a Day" Is a
brilliant inutilca ! work , nnd will bo finely
contained. The Bale of fpats will begin
next .Saturday tnoinlntf , anil the prices
will be ! IVmnietlo and | MrcUctto | c'tcle ,
$1,3" ; drees circle , SI ! nnd gallery CO conic ,
Send for prinUJ ; .rifc Hit nnd tamplct of
all kind * of job work to the ALIjI
PRINTING CO. , job piintcru , nnd | mb-
[ Inhers "UUKAlj NJ5IWASKA , " The
iVmcrican Cattle Journal. LIVH STOCK
printing nppicially. No * I18 ! and i'JO , S.
1 Ith Ht. , Omaha , Nob. sop20mD-cod2w
There In a bad hole in t'lo oldiwalk
Just cast of the Metropolitan hotel , which
aiully need * repair , Somebody i.i going to
break n log there yet and the city will ba\o
it to puy for ,
A horse fell into the tenor excavation
on Dodge biul Twelfth street last night ,
there hblng no lights out to warn persona
of the danger.
3Jr * . J. JI. llltoliell , of Florence , has
sent to TIIK Ita oflico e fjuartctlo of th
largest and most pet fact upploi wo brue
neon thia year. They were dcltciotiH.
Ocneral S icnnan hni oidered General
Howard to revoke his order foiblddlni ;
Sunday dreds paindca in IhoUep.irtintnt of
tlu > Platte. General Sherman nhtmld at
oncj be taken in hand by the H.ilv.ition
army. } ; .
A lume man. was run over by one of
the Direct cars near the Slaven housz , last
evening , about 8 o'clock. Ilia cries ut-
trautcd Iho nllcnllon of the driver nnd
poHHcngcrH who had net up to that time
eecn him or felt the nhuck In the car. 1)rt.
AyrcH und Itoso veto called in to attend
him and hi ) wounds were pronounced not
Tlio cnso nuainHt .rumen T. Hnii , the
ptlont hotel resistor inr.n , caica up in tha
imllce court yesterday aftnrnnon , the do-
fcndJiit being charged with riolatloa of
the putcnt right Inwn of Nebraska. It
U'IIH ( lUmiHBed on the grounds that tlio law
u quuatlon waa unconFtltutional , which
fact the attorney for the prosecution ad
mitted. The prosecuting witness , Mr. K
0 , Fefltiicr , pays the cost * in the case , in-
cludinc the defendant's attorney' * fees , nnd
tlio Utter has given up the notev takou by
htm and takeu back his ( .Into light. Ho
flnyn thnt the purcha r did not know n
good thing when ho had it , nnd that ho is
willing to take it back.
Bar Resolution.
At a mooting of the Douglas county
bar held Tuesday to take action
respecting the late Ohas. A. Fritzloy ,
the following resolutions woco adopt' '
od , und vroro yesterday presented to th
district court.
"WiiKUEAS , Almighty God h.M in his
wisdom removed from our midst by
death our friend nnd brother , Oharloa
A. Fritzloy , Esq. , therefore bo it by
the Douglas county bar
Itesdvcd , That while wo bow in nub
mission to the immutnblo ilccroo o :
Him , whoso ways are past under
otanding , yet wo tcolthat in the doiul
of him whoso early nnd Bcominly un
timely duooaso wo deploreUnit thu bar
has sustained an irroparnblo loss.
Kcsdved , That , although our deceased
ceased brother hud boon among ua nu
I a comparatively short time , yet hi
I many estimable qualities had ondo.uo :
I him to all who know him , and these
I who knew htm best loved him most ;
his habits of mduntrious pursuit after
the deep things of our profession , his
unfaUcnng Integrity uud Ins inatiy
brilliant parta promiood for him a sue-
Itcsolval , Thab wo hereby tender to
the grief titriokon relatives nf the do.
codsud our heartfelt eympathy in this
their i/rcat alllielion.
Jftiohfd. That MO tnko pleasure in
r ptiying this tribute nf regard and
, , reaped to the memory of our deceased
usbrothor. mid nek thattheHoresolutiow
1) spread upon the court journal nnd
oily pi.jrm be rzquunted to publish the
S A. 15ALUKT ,
E. D. lilcLAUUiitiN ,
Short oulogittia addrciacos wor
: made by M OSMB. Hitchcock , Brock
I'tiridge , Hov/ors , Lnndsbury , llawu
and Kodielc , folloivhi" uhich JuJg
Savage made some fitting ronmrka.Dii
in respect to tha memory of Mi
Fritzloy adjourned court for the dt j
Hupromo Court orNobmskn.
8. T. Uochran , of Ln cmtor count ]
was admitted to practice- .
Stewart vs , Dsggy. Error froi i
Lancaster county. Atllrmod , Opmio
by Maxwell ;
id. A judge of the district court has ni
ler thonty nt chambers in u proper CM
ad to grant liconao to u guardian to se
all the real estate of Ilia ward.
Hastings & Grand Island U. H. C
die ve. Ingails. Motion to atrlkonmendi
petition from tiles overruled aud cnu
ila- eubinltted.
- & R. 11. Go . Aruwbe
is II. 0.1. . V4.
ecr , Motion to dismiss overruled.
R. V. R. R. VB. Buyer. SubmitU
on motion tu diemhs.
ery 1) , & . M. R Go , vs. Arms. Co
In Warren vaYiggius. . Dhtuistod ,
State ti icl. Gregory \s , Bcho
.er , district ! > , Adtuns county. Liu'
in ijivcn to answer by December 1 , 188
hU State ox rol. Austin ve. School di
.T. triot 10 , Aduma county , Leave give
few respondents to answer in tun ihye.
ioal- Uibjoii vs. Okvehud Paper 0
Mr. Krrur from Douglas county.
and linucd by Maxnoll , J.
Mr. Where the only error assigned
that thu voidict is not tuetiunud !
era , tliu e\ideiice it will not bo eut aaic
Mr , uiil i , it is clucrly wrong.
and Warren vu. Krjglehart , Etror frc
Id. Colfax county. Allirtued. Oplni
by Maxwell , J.
inch 1. Ttio phrato "wero of kin" i
. cludoa such persons as are entitled
inherit the personal cstato of a do
ccaeed pcrnon. Under our statutes o
descent &nd distribution A huibanc
docs not inherit his wife's persona
cr.hxto , and h therefore not the nex
2. A husbind us exccntor canno.
mnintain an uclion undur the etntuto
approved Fcbnmiy 25 , 1873 , for the
dcixHi of hia wife , unlean it nppoar tha
Micro are next of kin entitled to the
uniount to bo no vortd.
'S , II thu petition in huch care fails
to state fftota nhoxring the existence c :
next of liin , it will not state n cnuao
of action ,
Orange BloHCoras.
Trinity Oalhodrnl was the accno oi
anovont yesterday which has been
anticipated for Homo tiino in Omaha
society , the occasion being the wed
ding of Mios Minnie Leonora Hall , a
niece of Hlshop CJnrkson , of the dio-
ccso of , Nobrarkn , to Mr. Theodore L.
Ringwalt , well known in Om ha mil-
road circlou as the cllicient and popu
lar rate clerk in the 15 , & M. Load-
quarter. Long before the hour setter
tor Iho Bolcmniziticn of Iho cure-
niony Trinity chapel waa filled
with the friends of the con
tracting parllDB , fathered to wit-
ncrs their launch upon the sea of
matrimony , and prepared to follow
the bark with their warmest congratu
lations. Loving hands had bcott nt
work in decorating the church for the
occasion. A handaomo porto cochoro
extended from the north door of the
chapel to the sidewalk , its walls com
posed of canvas , nnd the roof and in
terior docorntcd with flags. Above
the altar was a beautiful floral arch ,
while the lectern and font were
ndotncd with smilac and exquisite
llowora. Promptly at 1 o'clock
the organ , which waa presided
over by Mr. Gnrge V. Mayor , struck
up thu familiar ntrains of
Monddhsolm'd Wedding March nnd
the bridal procession entered from the
north door in thu following order :
The Misses If all , Mra. Hall , the brido'a
mother leaning upon the arm of Mr
Joseph Olarknon ; the bride and her
uncle , the KQT. Mr. Gasumnn. Miss
Ilall looked lovely in an exquisite
drcas of pure white und wcro the con-
vontionnl orange bhusonv ) in her
hair. As the procession approached
the chancel it was inoi by the
eroom nnd his best man , Mr ; J. R ,
lUiiRwult. The beautiful service of
the churnlv WBB rendered by Bishop
Chvrknon , asoititcil by the Ilov Frank
Millapaugh and Itov. .Taiuea Williams ,
of St , Ijornabut ) church , the responses
being given clonrly und diatioztly. At
the conclusion of the ceremony tha
hnppy pair luft thu chapel to the .
musio of the bridal chorus froai Lo
j\Ir. and Mr ? . Ringwalt loft last
overling on im uxtoneivo tour through
Colorado. Thuy will spend eoxiu time
in Djnvor before going eist vrhcro
they expect to visit in Detroit. They
carry with thorn the hearty congratu
lations of a heat of friends in Omaha
and best wishes thnt their woddtad life
inny bo ns happy us Its beginning was
auspicious ,
J. Frank Wllcox , head clerl : at A.
D , Morao & 0o.'a boot and shoo otore ,
and Miss Kato L. Myora , of IJoHovuo ,
were married ut the bride's home ,
Tuesday , Octobar 3 , 1882 , at half past
2 o'clock , 1W. WriKht , of Viatts-
mouth , ottioiating. The happy couple
were well remembered by their host oi
friends , judging from the numerous
and bnndaomo presents they received ,
Wm. Thompson noted aa groomsman ,
and Miss Emma Myers aa bridesmaid.
At 4 o'clock Mr. and Mrs J. F. Wilcox -
cox left for Oranha , their future homo.
THE BKB congratulates the happ ]
cuuplo upon this important event in
their lives , and wishes them all happi
uot > a and prosperity.
The Omaha Glee Club.
The following list comprises tin
jrosont momburshii- the club :
Firat touors F. S Smith , A. D
lorria , Eilward Whltehorn , William
J. Grattuu , Arthur Van Kuran.
Second tenon Walter K. Wilkiiw
J. R. Mauohesti-r , Will Stevens , L
S. Rued. Juy Northrup.
Titst bassos J. Wesley Wjlkins
0. E. Hunncster , Allen Jackson , H
. Kralli- .
Second IWMPB .1. L. Smith , W. F
N.i h , 0. D. Dortnati , JI. W. Snow
U. N. FO K.
' for the Month
The Clty'a Mortttllty
of September.
o The mortality leport of the city
physician , Dr. P. S. Lotsonring , for the
month of September , 1882 , shows the
following statistics :
Total mimbjr of deaths from al
cauoce , 54. Of theao were from diph
thcrin 1 , ftvora 13 , diarrhvnl disease
id 11 , dynontory 4 , inanition 1 , canoe
1 , pulmonary diseases 3 , heart dia
y. oases 1 , convulsions D , peritonitis 1
y.y unknown 3 , congestion of the luntrs 1
y , drowned 1 , railroad accident 1 , pai
ulyais of the heart 1 , old ago 1 , pai
in nlysis 2 , abortion 1 , tumor of the live
1 , poison 2 ,
Ages Under 1 your , 17 ; between
nnd i ! years , 0 ; between 2 and 5 year :
4 ; between 5 and 25 yean , 8 ; 70 an
ISO over , 0.
oil By Wards First ward 10 , Secor
19 , Third 7 , Fourth 3 , Fifth 2 , Si-1
JoL 7 , hospitals 5.
L d Sox Male * Ul , females 23.
ISO Color White 52 , colored 2.
Condition Married 11 , t& ,
er- widowed 6 ,
er.od Jntermenta Prospect Hill H "olj
.od Sopulohor 8 , Casady's I , Oouity 1C ,
.odm Gorman Oatholio 5 , Pleasant Hill 1 ,
m- Laurel Hill 3 , removed ffm tlu
° Annual death rate per l,01.850 / ,
jol lJirth , 48 ; wbHo 47 , dored 1 ,
O n.Ru27foi. ] Iu 21 , still bo" 2 ; rest ,
33. donee ) not given ,
, , ,
lis- f *
lison For Salo-
My business consisting' a stock ol
3o. drugs , paints , oils , wall-aper , window -
dow ! 'in < 1 toilet * W.ea > "quors
and cigars , etc. , etc. , intho town ol
Sidney , Ohey uno couu'i ' Ivebraska ,
by 414 miles west of Om n- Fixtures
de , and store for rout , Th business ha
beou carried DU coiiftuously since
om 16T1 , and is well ostafched. § 2OOC
ion ca h required. Oorrpondonoe sol
in- Piorir Drug toro.
IKY. "
Mies Phcnun Coupon's Lccturo nt the
Opera UOUBO Last Evening.
Notwithstanding the threatening
weather laat n iqht , and the dash ol
rain which fell curly in the evening , a
throng began early to pour into
Boyd's opera house , nnd by 8 o'clock
lillod every available ssat , from the
pit to Iho nppsr gallery , the hct being
Gnally npjnetl owing to the largo
crowd hi } f > r The nt'raction vins
the aJ'lrc-3 by Miss 1'nonbo
Courens , tliti fuiuoua Iddy lawyer of
St.'Louis , nnd the renowned
cAto und ntfttor nf the woman suf-
frngo cause. Her siibjcrt ns nn
iiounced waa , "Woman without t
country. "
The fair lecturer began by a eulogy
of our pilgrim _ mothers und pointed
out that in all the din
ners nnd colour io.i3 which the
Rontlemon have talked about tlio
pilgrim fathers have only boon men
tioned , and one would think to listen
to thorn that thooo worthy tcions of
worthy sires sprang Mineiv.vliko from
the heads of their Jupitprs Then she
alluded to the dinner in _ colobntioii
of thu landing of the pilgrim * in Bus-
ton , in which Edward Everett Ila'.o
said : "How providential it is
that the old couth church has been
saved to un aa a monument to the
memory of the pilgrim fathers. She
maintained that it was through the
patriotism of woman that the old
South church was not sold , fta the men
of Boston offered it for sale but
woman with her devotion stepped be
tween it and thu auctioneer and woman
of Boston put their named to
H note for four hundred thousand dollars
lars pledging thomnolvoa ti > redeem ii >
within a certain time , and worked
with hearty enthusiasm for thia ob
ject. At the centennial thirty thou
sand dollars was raited by theao Beaten -
ton womnn ns their first payment on
thin debt , and yet the gentlemen al
luded to it no the hand of Provi-
nonce , and said no word nbout
the wonieR , Sbo also Bpoko of tha
hnretahips the pilgrim mothers endur
ed. Those who eamo on the "May
flower" and aailod from thofo comfort-
nblo homes in England and landed no
Plymouth Hack , and as if in pro
phecy of the future position of woman
in this country , it was u.
woman's foot which firs *
IpreBaod the soil of Now England
and a woman's Jip ? thut first kiosud
Plymouth Rotk. Thou nho spoke of
woman's iulB snco ou the war ; that ii
waa th taxation ou woman "a beverage ,
.tea , which waa the indirect cause
af the revolutionary war ; that in
that typical woman with , her arms
pinniontxl between a British soldier
while another British rod coat
forced the tonpot down hsr throat.
3n the buck ground stood liberty
weeping with 7oilod face.Vo women
of this generation if we were as true
to "our principles ns thoao women wuzo
to ihoira , might have in thia day apic-
tuce CKV'xilly typical. The Smitha
uinters of C'.lnjtonbnrg , Gonn. , whoso
cows had froin year to yaar boon said
as the resell cf tyranny of
.iiaation without yoprcseotation
uight form a fitting subject.
A cow with un Amorioa * assessor at
ir head , nnd a foreign tax collector
at her heels , while Abbio anf. Juliu
, tand in the background weeping If
; wo men , two women and a teapot
iypify the American revolution , i\hy
can't two men , two viomou and a ccw
; ypify this , our grontor revolution1 ?
The speaker then touched upon the
heroism of woman as displayed
in the sanitary weak ol
our recant war , nnd s5io tolc
aomo touching personal eipcrioncea oi
herself , her mother and the bravo
women of St. Louis who in these try
ing times organized the liiat woman'o
union aid ot the war. Sbo describee
how her mother , accompanied by
eleven other bravo women , went over
the battlefield , after on ? of the dis
astrous battles fought near that city ,
at midnight in a raging storm , with
lanterns in their hands , looking tor
wounded and feathering thorn
into the floating hospitals. Almost
until daybreak these tendcr-hcurtcd
vomen , brave bccnuso of their devo
tion to their country panisted in this
work saying , "Wo will not stoo while
pno of your pnor follows cither in
blue or gray remains upon this field.
Four hundred and Fifty men were car
ried in their floating hospitals np to
St. Louiu where they were tended ,
Clothed and fed by the patri-
otu women. She then alluded to the
marvjoug military genius of AniuElla
Carrollpf Maryland , whoso duvotion
o the U nn in ita moat trying hour
icld Qovoior Ujokfl , of her onn
tate , in his ajcgianco to the Union ,
nd thus saved -Murylaml from
. . .
11 ion and conseqslt ' - - i.
Miso Oarroll we ow the ccncoption
f the Tonneneo c , , which
; haugyd the plans of thl , miu
ary men , and moyea the asjog 0 [ jj ,
Union from th Mlssissip ; to th
TennoBseo. M-ss Carroll was ! . „
to pororJvo tbJ possibility of usit
Tenncsseo v''Br as a military thorough
'are nndhereby saved to the unip
ir- valuable ives and much money. Mis
irer > n no way hcuu
by tb s govornmeut , and aha hai peti
tbo. o.s
il o. year after year the United
ra ghtus congress to refund her own the
rand * oney which she spent in thojervice
f the union , but has only botn nblc
to got a promise of a ptitiiion oi
fifty dollars per month , which
she has not as yet ncoivod ,
She also pointed out that the origin
of the American tUg was < luo to the
quick brain of Betsy Ross , of Phila
delphia , nnd alluded facetiously tote
to the difference between the ea lo at
oridnally designed by Betsy Ross ,
and the turkey buzzard winch np *
adorns our current silvoi ) dollar , which
was tl-o design of an Ennliahruau , In
closing eho made an ol/quent appeal
to the colored people , the for
eigner * , the women and the
men of this country that , the )
should remember the facts she had
given them and bo carulul to casl j
their ballots right on , November 7th ,
Wo are requested by the manager !
of the woman's suffrage committee tc
repeat the announcement of the forth
coming debate boUyeon Mr. Edward
Roaewator and Miss Susan B. An
thony , which vf ill take place at Boyd'i
opera house ou thd owinjng of Pctob ei
On the 4th In t. , by tbo Kev. George L
Little , at his reidc-ncc in this city , Mr ,
Joseph BllllngMoy , ° ' Shellon , Neb. , and
Mis Annte W , Torrcy , of ChicAgo , 111.
Another Row Ht the Old Doclgo
Btroot Den---lho Dlvo on Douglna
There was.nnotliur row last night in
Ihnt Dodge street dtn known at the
Liollovuo house , which libs furnisht-c
nn item oi newa acd occupation for
; he policu every evening for some
This time the trouble waa betwcun
, ho inmates Ihcmsclvc ? , itnd wbonono
of them blow u police whistle , Spocinl
Onicer Forboi ran uorfii to Iho
rotcuo. A i a fin fled out of the house
nnd across the Direct , taking rodigo in
t lioute over there from whteh Farbi
iad to distoJgo him , am } IJrad him
over a picket ftnco for sxercjw.
'Hie man wjs thun ta ) > uii up to the
city jail nnd given quarters
It seems useless TO nay anything to
the authorities about thia hell-hole ,
which , na well n ? tha dive belovr the
Mt'lropolitnnouglit to bo closed by the
) ohco or abolished us disorderly
louses and general nuisances by order
of the city council.
o Scarlet , Cardinal Red , CHd
Gold , Navy Blue , Seal Brown , Dia-
nond Dyes give perfect results. Any
nabionnblu color , 10 cents.
The City Bottles a $50,000 Sul > For
It will bo remembered that nomu
time laat winter MM. Judge Graham
( Ida Livingston ) , an actress of nolittlo
roputntwn , waa neiriously injured by a
fitll lecosvod in front of the Occidental
hotel , na she was en. her way to tnko
the train to fill au important outage-
mtmt. 7he accident was caused by. a
defective sidewalk , an'd after several
weeks of- painful conficcmont to her
ronm from the injucioa received , 3Ir ? .
Graham tvjam appewod in public , and
began a suit in the United Slates
district court at Lincoln ngpinat
the oily for 550,000 Jam-
, agop. MT * flri\h 7ii wan absent
in the oar > during tbii rummer arrt re
turned s. uhorc tiuio i > go when nc.'iotia-
tiona wer opened for a Botthuount
with the aity without trial. It ij un
derstood iy the reporter that slve of-
fared to EOttlu for JjJ.,000 , aud thnt
Mayor Bnyd was unwilling to allow
her over S200. Upon this her attor
ney asked if the ciiy would givs her
$200 and , pay her doctor and attorney ,
their claima amounting to § 125i At
the comraitteo meeting Monday cvun-
ing it was concluded to accept the
proposition , and rucorrtmgly tko suit
agaitist tlia city maj bo conaiuc/cd us
virtually aottlcd and settled chaip.
C. i1. 3IoCoy , oftUlair , is at tb l'axton.
H. T. Clarke , cf ISellevu-j , is in the city.
H. B. Killoy , of Cboyeune , , h nt the
James LIttolI , . f Decatur , the Can
W. A. Carter , of Fort Bridjar , Is at the-
Mij , T. S. Clarkeon. of Hthuyler , Is n
T. B. Diwii , of Springficldv in at the Cua-
A. A. llllaworth , of Strortebnrg- atlhe
infield ,
K While , of riattoaaoutb , in ei the
S. H. Barker , of Sih or Creek , Is at the
Millar j.
F. K.DwiRht , cf H.'oux City , ia at the
Mua Lizzie Vance , ol Ucnu , Nbb. , is al
the Ciinficlil.
Joalu Durland , of Norfolk , ia a
the Cnnfiold.
J. B. Peterson , of l.oone , Ha. , la at tha
Metropolitan ,
MUM Maggie Fllson , of Hiunboldt , NeU ,
ia at the Millar.l.
Mrs. F. 0. Bridges , of Mitchell , D. T. ,
is at the Millard.
John J , Roche , of Keligli ; was at the
Pax ton last night-
S. 0. MoKlroy , o ! Stella , Nob. , is at
the Metropolitan ,
A. Parks and .T , K. Ivei , of Lincoln , are
at tbo Metropolitan.
A. M. Hungeifortl nnil wife , of Key-
noldu , are at the 1'axton ,
Lieut. Sherman Merrill , I" , S. A , and
family , arc tha MiHiml.
\VniiMiiSixlorntruMi , Lincoln , aud Ir.ham
Kcavls , Falls City , are at the Millard.
M. B. Turner and William 11. Turner ,
of Elkhoru City , are registered at the Can-
Mr. anil Mr * . Arthur K , Briggtf , of
San v. uciSOO | regittered at the Paxlon
; laat night.
lon. J. Steriiu0 Morton , of Arbor
Lodfit , democratic ) governor tn
ia in the city.
Army Orders.
First Lieutenant K. B , Robertson ,
Ninth infantry , having reported in ao
cordanco with paragraph D , upccia
orders No. 13 ! * , current series , depart
inont os the Missouri , will rejoin hii
company at Fort D. A. Russell
Recruits William Patterson and
William F. Johnston , enlisted at Forl
D. A. RusjollV , T. , are assigned t
troop F , Fifth cavalry.
Lsavo of nbsenca for one month
with permission to cpply for an esten
ion of four months , Issranted Secon
Lieutenant U A. Byrne , lth infantry
to take effect on ur about Novembe
let , 18S2.
Lsavo of absence for one month
with permission to apply for an ex
tension of throa months , ia grants
Captain and Assistant Surgeon D. G
Oaldwoll , U. S. army , to take tflas
on or about November 5th , 1882.
The journey performed by the department
partmont commander to Fort Thorn
burah , U. T. , and return via For
Bridger , W. T. , Is contirm d.
The verbal instructions from tbo department
partmont commander directing Firs
Lieutenant Cluy Howard , Twelfth in
fantry , A. D. 0 , to nccompnny him
to Chicago , Illinois , nnd return to
thnio hrnoquartcra , nro confirmed
Recruit Ueiiry 0 I ) vi , enlistud nt
Fort Do gln , U. T. , i ajiigncd to
compnny I , H xtl > infantry.
LrcutdiiRtit Colonul ! ] . ! ? > in C
Mason , Fourth mf.intry , is hnroby
xssigncd to duty as actini ! r.'Mntant in-
cp cttr gontrnl of this dcpirtment ,
* It u impoasibk' for n wormn to
ouffar from weakness nftt > r taking
Ljdia E Pinkhnm'd Wgotablo C'bnv
Tables inpplicd ft-ith the beat the
market nlJoitls. The traveling publfo
claim they get better aconnimodurioiiD
nnd _ inoro genoial aatisfnction hero
tlmnfjot uny other houoo in Omaha *
Ra o , ? 2 per dnj- . nucSltftn
TO J.OAN On r.ttvl inurlK K'i
entity. A. IE 'Attton. 2 o. 151U biii.lj )
Hrtct , trout room , up-t.ulr < . I3S-K
j - yiio MWU.-V.UIM wutu-.m u.
Jai. u. Thosa Roj-nrt
kTO 1.OAA At U pur : . _ . _
vfrfsiji\j\j\J li/wit In ennii4of fj.roo ltd
ntwirdr , tor H to 6 years-cn Brrt-tUsa city ul
firm property. EIIMIS RiAt , F-HTATF tort IXJAT
- . .IKMtA Dtmf Un rtto
Kltrhtttnullo wh Iron , nt
lliul.ipntr's rc-t.ijri.nt. M14 (
WA5 < Thl > A K ° 'l " 1 fir general liiu-e
work In a small fauiilj nt Nu ' . lb ; N' 17lh
itrect. 07J-5t
lldittbln men to tV < o nruirs for
WANTKD .Sfndipl I'ublicUlcin. e. I' .
Col 'or , PtihIUtcr , nriiaikir DIo.V , corner F .
B ra ind Uth.
VV lnqiurout Jan. urn rooms , lllga Sclo.l
boliaD ) ? . Gill 5-
WANTED t.ojd rt. > . .iKn rOS > H od ! tu
t.-no care ol a hoiau. Jniiiibe til 1 St.
.lary s nitnuc. D7 -
Ffr-tcl ( ( v-slrl ut3twt EolfrcHt.
? CO/-B / *
WANTCIl-T o > ourcJalnn3uo- ( appear
uico , uh t cm ulni urjd iv it/o in tru-
mmVior mu.kolLi nicilnftiicl icarfntlon work
Addnwi "ulari. ur , " K.r-2U , Sli iby , Sh M > Co.
3UA. U.lelu''t
A Kill to do cohcral houocnork
1 end ritcKncen < Jooil air9 ' ] Ad-
dre s F. G. OriUc.Kennoy , N ) . (159-tf (
\7ANTK1 'llningnx > iulrln ilolhlrtuntli
\ * St. bi.tweoj Iouxa ! nnJ Ilxli - . C33 tf
"TT7/NTr.l > Mldik-j fcilwomoa'o 'O In Coin
VV < . dorou ci xcl i.r will.nuj'lot nu i \
rlf tilthout Children Aildnsdraxtcr 72 Oinu-
ia > aU , & .Vain
WAVTKD-A dlulns roam KJtlat tha Crcili-
ton liuu ULvt
A coac ! nun r v-t briny KOOI !
rccommtndat'ons. A. J. I'DKIMHOX
WKJ-4 *
Ilousiimaidi pbt In two > OUIIK
WANTED A ] ' | 1) ct.MtsJV. iJi lUrkir'H'.VuU
nt d Cavetiport , Clw 5
\ \7"ANTE1) Co.k t Callfor.iJa Uous . ( loocl
Vy v.agoj ] ) ! d lor ( , cwd coott. Uumau rrcfcr-
rcd. tVlJ-7t
"VJ17ANTED A thorouh'y jonipntcnt gltl for
71 general lie JsoworU in a small f > iulI'.tl ! . -
snces ic iiurtd. Uqylro at 1 )3 ) V'jrLham srci.t : ,
trout bttnc np stjlm. 049 l
\X7ANTEU-ABPodgicl lUBmalMamtlj. Call
1 V at last bouai ) wiHtsldc Consent strictmar
llamcj. 04a It
'ANTND-AOOd ( Rltl lojgeneril luust'irork
tl7iOCx' atreultf. Uil-tl
ANTED TAO goo > ! c > aTws : for city uork
. . t UaJy eniIoyu.cnl to ilghsrucn cell 421
cuth 10 h street. 635-6t3
n7'ANTEIs-aooa.iiwaat [ Uttlifldd'Ha.i
VV l > Ali > .
J ANTHD A fln-t dim vraltcr nt CcrJral Jin-
InRjialljJO ) hourii Uth- (31 tf
WANTuU T-X.HIJ ship carpeniers to build
and ciuik. cinuonii lor brldiio at
oihlKt ; . App j bt l-uiticcr'8 ! otllco on wo < > M
riyur , n r i air , hvb. tt2-6
r ) A ftr i-clai barber atKtarncy ,
\V NtbraaU. U ) .
: \rANIKU A Hi rojRhly comp Ur.t tfin lor
VV coolUoir < fitiif mil ir'nli ( . K J rence
cnulud J310 Uiiei.iurt b ; . but Uth aud lltn.
_ _ _ _ PV U
) A camnktont gU cool : and
WANrKl . Mr ( . W. Jfarj's
letu .opti. Caft > ent. & 74-U
WANTED Smart hey tg eaelst at Cijiar nnd
INCHS 8 > and. Qocd rilcrouicU rebuild.
Ayply "f. F. " Bee offlco " bBl tt
\ /AN'lKU OliTfornruaovorU ,
V > ttcimo. MM.J. JI Counsaao. 651 tf
. A oed girl ImmedUUly at Occl-
WANTI.D . 604 tf
A. Kill for general h'U.i.woik. In
WANTKD family Inquire at 1610 ,1o us St. ,
lictAuu nitconih anil hlx c nthctrcet .
"VITANTKI ) One ( rwd cam as < * r. Stcail } ork
W work nnd Rooiipaj , ( rclMciictw rniu'ri-d ' , !
Apply at18 N. ICtb t > tnct , up-vtalm , rocni o.
4 , > 0t (
At tha Katlcnal Hotel at Lt coin.
WANTED . 1cmalo cotk uantot. l > e = t of
TArANI'EU { W prly vau.ta , nnlis nd CCRI
VV l olu to clean with Sanitary Vault ard
Sink Cleaner , tbu l * i ID vs . A. Krauii ' . Co. ,
l' Xl Podn trc t , Omah .
"wo c > Mice tcciub m-UHrr
WANTKll it i II it , AdJriEe Dr. I"o
Beeoflito. 9i4J
TED Situation Ly an exH > ricac4 cook
WAN - coak at thu Mdttrd. A.Uross
Ilfo ortlce
" ' "
IKD A faw"8'raclyr'iroardorr"at KO
DodjeSt. CIS 7 *
Dh tnnaUng and sowinj todo
WANTED ca'l or addrnj MN. La on , 101
Muontit. 078-0 *
l.OCO straw ticks t ) fill and , dcli\
WANTKU oat straw , L t > oidm nltb
JK.btunder < , 117 S. Uth itrect OlS-7t
V\r , v rRDContracts for sodluir and gr lag
' . ' 1" ' " ' K , Saunder * . 11T S JOIh tr ot
Four or flvo boarders i. DritTT
WANTED . and lodging ti pr wiA" . ,
irOT Jackton , near 15tb street. 62S It
WANTED Sooma and aoird. if prtrat
fiinlly ultllnir to take one or two l > oardin
lll Bind their address to the Wyoian Coiuc/di
College , Btudmtuciklnir boird or rooms will b
reftrrwl to lhem _ _ A.J. WYMAN. 610 tf _
) To work for board. A jcun
WASTKI excellent reference * attcndin
school In the cit > . Addra W. U A , ll enttlco
TIrANTED Cottase of 4 roomaby O < todfr9lh
> y Addccal Tenaot Ueo Office. S.t-tf
'on nrxTMouuia AND LAD.
T-Ctt"ea rf U l r n roouii a
FORllF und fni locUlon by t.T , 1'iUr
oan Age-1 Ittti acd DU < lnj hi l > 79 tl
KEX'T Itoorm ( urniibed orunfurnithec
POH ' Kcitlon. 1'oird If fu > Ired. A-l
dteti "L. " liee ofllcL ( Met
17011 KKItT-Fu u'.hed room with board 171
I1 i.d ( hj. i.75-10
171011 UEM-T o lun Ifbed bouth locmi Ut
L1 een llf > and 18lh KIO Jatkun St. B71-I
ITWt HUNT lutfefurolstt d trout room 100(1
1 Fanum utriet. C07-S
< ItrNT Newbcuie , ix rceiu * . thrr e tlo <
FO eti , two bay trdov > , geol i-cll r , extern
VloUisue , oppatltoptitctUcu. G7i t
\\0 Fl'ltXISIIED ClIAJIHKUb-To rent-S
Cor , ICtb aud fouj'ai nuir Crulht
< IK IH'.Vr-H rnoj n.I ZX\A trrct
room * no ptr jnonth. ( iron Montgouitv
ilia National Itonk , C6I-5'
neil KKCT l.infe front room with afcore
U niniy fimijiHi2i2i ] DcHljt * at CM io
neil RE.NT-A nlcclj fuimsh'd room at1J
M fa * street. MC-s/
r .N wcttiKe > tx 'oonn , oni blocn
C wet ot cnilol red cur line. 6.8 mnrnlh ,
A. C.
10 VI I
FOP. UXST-Ah'tu * ith iu , > lornis . , „ . . ,
jKluUili.i-liapi.rtMl. . \\.conifr rf liln
and ChlBJ u ttroit , a A\IOul > .
( , OJ tf
I OH KB. , . I IK | ) tllclilrllitl cs on en
1 lent to liufln'iH , .020 ran j M. C07 If
jliitirtKM \ Biiial , nuiitv in Xttmjo'a tail !
. ' lion.iUiroit t/lholni 't hnckiin'j.
-iv Bforo til lit t mbo block , rn
10th ttwi , iiuvr iMxcnpott. St. A. D.
T > OOM < I'm ItKXT PnrnUhnl or unfurn
.It l-li il iviihloiiK A U72j-irner 10th anJ
Bal.fornla M rt JIiKkl Itilinr ' 165 tf
HIE * HOUliS VOIS IIKVImatl aii . _ .
Jli four til cliicn roonin carVmie or tno IK
tm-a. 1HA1IH , A cnt ,
] e t3-tf If th i. I'Douclaa MB.
J7IOII HUNT i'lirnlihod rooms at 1717 Law
g t ot. lift ITIhaml Iffe'i 4 >
171 OH UK.NT Orocery ttorr , oor , 10th Btu <
j [ " nn < i Capitol nvciuio. Apply on prcmt.ics.
1 AAI.OT-JfnrlORBflut5250t/ ! ixim , i _ _
l-l/u foratcxmot jutrs , t"Oranire Orovo
Irl&in" ailjnlnlnft Uanscoiti I'.irk en the wdt ,
Uvumlnutcj wnA from 8 rect oira. Honey cn
boobtMtied to Valid with , by p noiu leoslcir
thoeo IclJ at rigiiMr ratoa.
JAMES r. Monro.v ,
&tl > f f'n urninlan. ollli" > IfilB Kirn 'a 1 ( rent
TJ10K IthHT l ilck utoro It.iilro | a Dinir
jj Store , coincrinth aud UouttlM cts , Cift-tl
TjlOK K HT lro new dwollliKs i-n.i rn o uthcr
JL dnolllugn lifdoalrabla looilliT , byllcKoou
ISO. 15U llouglnt. stf.'i t Sl7.t
pill SAL.K Ir < hu town ol K k Cfeek , toT | | " ,
. tubw Llnojlii onthu/t. ai.d linilroul , 4
iiijoinliu'old \-JtliU dwell lift hn .3 at d oru
) irn , 3 ( < xll there In a gcou ipiriin ? In uim
own for H viuipotcnt piiutcr , cnrpcntir anit
> t\trhcr rrR jfia > n desiring to tticMro tn tha
nt lor Inril rjbu'nc8i | , woult llnU licroan
x < o lint lOCftHon. For riul c I r3 r.nln usV. .
' Uox H , Hk C'rtiU ljstoillce. Johrsaii Co ,
il > (153-Stinro
.1011 HAI.i : ( a Oil ' Oi-VSOac : JfnnrM T
1 Ol. A-K. cn mlle from Conn "vtvuirialf -
inl. Sclcm > n.nii a d j-Jcd tlir.ier.
ccti li ix IJ5 , o naha f ea-4 *
CTJK ' SVtih A tu.i rat < d * K ! Bprlng ] ! u < iy ;
ami o o Irjthii fi ph * toi alaostncw. lu-
. \V. cCTi'llthaud Arb.r jlruet-i.
63 -
7(011 ( SAL ! ! A Urge and wcllseltc'ld ntoi.k of
1 trcccral tnurchand ho in ti c k'conlntr t mnu (
nmbnldt Nob. A ( 'ooJ tndu cstah ijin' ) . Ait-
IKS lo3J , Iluinboldt , Nell. Will tulior n ut
oru rnutu. (1100
OKSLIJ An almost n w Invincible Kn 4
cook tt vo andnood tUxu. Inqulro at 1623
nlrcct. OlC-tl
'UHNIlUKL. attSALN .AtTtt' ' , ) pTc ; mu3 !
7 bo no. d at coco. Fa lly brc-Jcln < up natse-
iccphu. llru-sch * and In rahi cirpcta ua'nut
limber furnttrro bidding cvntor tAblp 8
I Mtiig Blo > o , dinl x and kltih n furniture ,
013 O.B ) ctrcot. llouj'j f jr re. . ' ; S rcrrai
7IOK SAI.K A hori , i cw t JSSS" and itT
J ncas. Ioo lr. > at2223 FarnimHt. C024f
70R BALE CUEAP The brian and 'r-iirj-jjr ,
1 dithns of Milton ItogeriLfo < c , > .Wf A
Ofhand 'fawnuTlh rcct * 5 9-i
r , OK SALIi-nr8t.c | iw rcbtourant Apply to
? " .ManmvtlUr , lltj Btrcci , btteon Farnam
ndJUrn v. 688 CCt
71ORSALZ A well pijlnj ; builDcss. coDtral
I1 ly located. Good cb > nc # foe tlio rlfiht man
tons . foBcIliiC ( naunlack.y. Addte > B"Q. V. '
BcooiHce. 614-tTl'
F dALB-Uood bullutuff ,
Water Works office. 449-tf
"itiOluB Colorado Sheep Jor Bile. Call on or
U address F.O fJRABLK ,
188-2 wit Kearney. Nji > .
BABQAIX , one larita brick house , and ODD
.rjro frsme house , nltb liil lot on Casa ucaT.lSlhi
trect. Fine chance ftj-iavcstment , rent .Tor470'
ermoath. Call to ! full particulars , on
6C9 tf Agent. Itth nrd Douulu B& .
1II.BEAUTIFUL OiA bulla feet oactln t
llnusconi Place ci n Atrwt cu lino. Cent lota * *
n whole addition oa v ry < iiy tt-rmi ) aaj at i f
real bargain. Dnviii/1.4 ent , Uth and DcuirUi/
16-tl r
1'OK , AtE. Thn Arlln m HoujM'i
HOTEL i lias ; atl inislCMl ho oilj' Uoto
il Jown. The clsatiwet ptonorty In. tbo Btato.
Jta all tlio tiivulli j ta n. vf 111 bed cheap o < .
omin to tiult. IjivViiro uf K. FUIID ,
jjl..lWii , Wair-.ijtfiii ] county , ii b.
i.-ur iill tixcbfc ij tui * .
petey , unlaiprcTid cec os'jfland J ) 3'
ac a atatlou en > ) . P. K. P. . M. DUNUAM , lilt
B iCit-if u rut.
MAiitN l'l > A red uno ivnlta pot < d cuw.
JL ab ut 7) < xm old. Ownti can have h r by
i.'OUnt pij | > itv and juyliif costo Applvon
irru of Tcm Muni. cut ) rlle aoulh ot U. t' .
ctspo t . J > Or 2 & >
1THAYKOFromcorncr Harnej ted 21 t Sk. ,
J oiiaJers" } cow. ah utOjcar * old. tolor jel-
ow and vlilto. Will \u > f a reasoiublo uwcrd
or lici ivtiun.
63l.1t JAMKS NLV1LLE. _ _
> T On hunday hat , a whlie bull pup , tea
LO months uil ; answers to name of "rulmr.
n Uoover will icuirn lie mine toUariii & t'liher
will bit > ullatil > ivwtidcd. UIH IJ
lioiuu audU tptt Oieiner , dtovo
A 1'allther. I > > % oordtr9 at Hopubllcan of.
e , U'hMidDimgUi. _ S63 tl
wtj buy the lurnltun cf the belt
, pi-ylni : hotel In Iowa. Ilcut rcn
onablu , Addr 8 Uolpb Macgruor , Km office ,
Omaha , Neb. JM tJ _
TIOVAIJST , 183 Tenth Strut , t-ctm tc n.rr.Mu
tndlluDeT. Will , wltn tils aUI nt Ki rci'Mi
ri'Ir ! > 3 , cbUln for my one b gUuco ut tjir Y A\ \
aud prcreai , tnd en certain coailtlooi in tin ten
tnio. Bc"jt and 3bo r ide to irdor. lVrl
Ilija powder ne er varlw. A marve. o
purity , btrcn th and wMeaomeneaj ,
Mora economical than the onliuity kiodi ,
und cannot ba wld in competition with the
tnultitude of low test , * hoitweisht , l < o
or phojpbata powders. Sold rmfy in can
106 Wall St. , New York