--ftJ ' # K * -j 55 M'u r-t'-rr ll Y JLJL 1 TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA NEB. THUJ18DAY MORNING , OCTOBER 5 18S > I/ BOOTS ! BOOTS ! ! * w % ? SHOES evolution. Juat opened ONJ2 IM.'XUUED cases of Boots nnd Slnu-K , comprising the very latest ftyles , and All of thn most edobratfd makero. Invitation is extended ID all to cumo nnd exaru- ino ouriininonso r.tock , us wo will make pripoa lower than luvo over been of fered in thia citr. WE KEEP a complete stock of Lidiuft' Shoes , Geuta' Booty. Gents' Shoes. Boys' Boots , Boys' Shoes , Mimes' Sheen , Babies' Shoes , Eery piir goiug out of our estab lishment 11 warranted to suit. Vuu can also 63vo 10 to 25 Per Cent by buying of 111. both in prica and quality. Heimrod & Dormann ( Sjcccsaara to F. Ling)1 ) Leading Supply House of the'ffest ' As we receive daily fresh nuppliea : of Groceries Pro visions. Wo can aaa'ura tbo public that we do not handle any other but PURE & FRESH PROVISIONS O.ir businsoa being very extensive , our B.ilca quick , we c.tn ulford to offer goods uc Jiving pi'ioja tu all. Wo dandle CELEBRATED SC11U i LER Snowflake Flour Which wo always v r.rrant to bo ex collcut , and to uivo satiHfuction. Wo have proofs that thvro is no bettor Hour in the market. dome and ) Order a Beck We constantly keep en hand a largo stock : of alifornia Canned PE AGUES. APltlCOTrf , CHERRIES , PLUMS , PEARS. And nil other varieties which we sell at bed rook pricoa. California Sugar Wo handle in large quantities and we can recommend it all to bo thu purest sugar in the market Flavoring Extracts , Limburger Cheese , Swiss Cheese , Royal Balling Powder , Fresh Fruits f and Vegetables , Wo constantly keep on hand in largo qurntitiea , Heimrod & Dormann , S , W. Corner 13th and Jackson Sta POLITICAL MATTERS. Now York FroliibHioiiisls Ool FOP Submission of an Amendment , Alexander H. Stevens Electee Governor of Georgia by 40,000. . The Democracy of Oonnocticu Procinirn Their Eter nal Principles. Jndga Auilrnw * Aconpt * thn Komi nation Tor the N. Y. Court of Apjiinls- Canipnlan Kotos From Other States How Turk ProhlbltlonUts. Cpccltl biijiatch to THE Urn. SYIUCOSB , N. Y. , October A the utter noon susaiou of the temper unco cotwiintion the following rosolu tionn worn adopted : Hi salved , That wo recognize the lu'ici -Almighty God in tno mnvo ment that has already accomplishes DO much tor aupprosnion of tliu liquor twllijin other otatop , nnd that is kindling fo great an enthusiasm amoug iho frienda of temperance in our ow : : atate. _ Jtaolveil , That wo c ll for tjubtuia sion to too peopl" of tlna state of ai : uni-ndaient to th < > constitution pra hibitiiiR th ) nnnufdctun und salu of alcuholio bpvorast.B. ; Jiewltcd , That wo do not identify ourselves with any part of the 1'nvorn- nont , but an a convention rcprtsent- ntf temperance aociotiea and Christian churchea of flio state ( if Now York , wo do seek ouch legislation as shall froH our noble stu'o from the pjwer ot rum , which vro recognize as the enrniy of all good , nnd vro do hereby call all good citizont ) irrrspeetivo of party and of creed to iiid i'i this object. Ititolttd , That wo pledge ounelvos o vote for no candidate for the legia- aturo who will not publicly pledge himself in favor of submitting such amendment ti a vote of the people. Tiip constitution for temperance issociationa was adopted and John N. Stevono chosen chairman. Tlio Coiiuor.tlctit Special Pispatili to TIIK UCK. IlAUTKORD , October 4. The democratic - cratic atale convention assembled this morning , and thu temporary organ izalion waa made permanent. The recolmiona adopted maintain the in dependence of state government ao far as not assigned to the general gov ernment ; demands a revision of the internal revenue laws mid of ttio tariff that shall reduce taxation to the prea nt noaita oi the government only ; also the abolition of all unnecessary oflicea , and the appointment ol men only who have proved themaelvcs efficient and honest ; demands legislation which will afford thorough protection against fraud ut the ballot boxtb ; approves Arthur's veto of the river and harbor bill and denounces both houses of congroaa for the paiaago of auch infamous legisla tion over the president's veto ; de nounces the declaration of the republican lican 1-ar'y platform favoring aubmis tion to the people of n proposed amendment to the constitution which it fails to approve , as evasive and cowardly ; recognizes ovila arising from intoxie.iting liquors and believes the ovijs may bo moat tllectually checked by force of enlightened pub- Irj opinion ; they may be partially rcstricatd by wieo legislation , but eucti legislation thould not bo ao oppressive or DO impracticable in ita provisions as to infringe on the per sonal rights and liberties of citizens , and .should not bo made a partisan question ; believes the incorporation of police regulations relative to the sale of intoxicating liquors into the state constitution to be opposed to the plainest principles of sound government ; denounces the squander of gjvcrnmont lands aa gifts to rail road corporations ; demands protection of native and fore ! n born cituona while abroad , and condemns the use of convict and the exclusion of free labor. The utate ticket chosen is an follows ; governor , Thomas M. Witllor ; lioiit. . governor , Qeo , G , Summer ; secretary of state , S , Ward Northrop ; treasurer , Alfred R. Goodrich ; comptroller , Thomr.a P , Sanford. Thorn was much confusion during the balloting for can didates. ; adjourned. Th Dolovmrn Eliotioo- Sprnat dUpatili to Tin. llm , WILMINGTON , Del. , October 4. Complete returna from the election yi-sterday showu the atuto has given a democratic majority of 1-15 on inspect- ur and u republican majority of 120 on assessors ticket. Tim Election in Qoorcia- SfHx'Ul DUpatili to TIIK Uth. ATLANTA , Ga. , October 4 , The CoiiflUtution'ii specials indicate that Slovens has carried nearly every coun ty , and his majority points to forty ur fifty thousand in the atatp. The regulurly nominated democratic ticket fur state house officers will be elected , The fourth congressional district showa the largest majority over given by the party. In Muuoogee county the democratic ticket received 00 per sent of the votes cist. State senator and members of the lower house were alccted without opposition , MACON , Ostobsr 4. Telegrams from all parts of the state indicate a quiet tilectlon and small voto. The entire itate ia democratic. The ticket is tlected by a majority ofybout 30,000. AUOU.STA , Ga. , October 4. The Chronicle's reports indicate every county in the district have gone dem ocratic. Stevens majority will be ibout 0,000 in thia district. His ma in the state is estimated at 40,000. Uurks' county , in the I'irei district , gives Oartrell from GOO to 700 mv jority. Prnj-llijt nnil VotluR. fpivinl HUpntcli loTm 1IM ! . CoLUMiti" * , 0 , Oc'obor --Tbo Woman's Christian Tomperarco Union has itsuod a call for an all-day pMynr meeting at the labornaolo on election day , to bo led by the different pastors of the city. Tndgo yjMxl.il Dispatch to Tux Urn. NMV YOUK , October 4. The fol lowing is .ludgo Andrawa' letter ac centing the republican nomination for chief judge of thn court of nnpcalr : SVHACUSK , N. Y , OotobcrU. linn. E. M. Madden , president , otc : DKAU Siu I am in receipt of your letter of the S3th inst. , notifying me officially of my unanimous nomination by the republicans in ntixto convention nt Saratoca for the ofllco of judge of the court of appeals. I fool grently hon ored by the nomination , and accept it with a deep aonao of obligation to the ropublioin pirty of the ntnto for this oxprormion of ils confidence. alooniu Out. Sprclikl Dlsp.itch to Tim Dun. NKW Yonic , Oatobor 4. General Slocum has accepted the Syracuse nomination for . congrcoaman-nt-largc. Fantcst on Record. Slutll'l toTimlll'.K. Niw : YOUK , October 4. At the onllemouV. Driving park , the annual iiuraory stakes were won by the three fear old colt Alroy , by Peacemaker , n two Rtraiqht lioAts ; time , 2:11 : J , 2:27J : The latter is ttio fastest heat niulo by an eastern three year old colt , boating thnt made by Governor Stan- ford'a bay ( illy Elaine , ill Hertford , in 1875 , by thruo-quarters of n cpcond. Thn colt is oMiied by General B. F. Tracy. An Iiigiilu 'Vion . Ipoclnl diiintcli | tu Inr. lir . KKW 1'oun , Ootobpr 4 It ia etatod hat lain changes in thu stock market luvu been mailc with three objects in vie \ First The acquisition of the control of the Metropolitan stock by Gould. Sueord The eatablishmotit of closer relatiot.s b-twoen thn Oltuai\ ' ) uako it Ohio atid Louisville & Nash ilk' , through Iluntington'a intluonco u thu management of thu latter ooiu- jany. Third The adjustment of the elation * botucon thu Union Pasilic \nd Central Pacific , on : i baiia more avonvblo to the Central Pacific com- Shot liy no li < ] utch to TIIP. lllH. Tex. , Ootobor 4 Judge Wood , of the Choctaw nation , who was ehot by un employe , ia dead , Seizure of SmuKclod Gsoda Spec-Ill Dispatch to Inn liKK. CALAIS , Muinp , October 4. This norning , immediately after opening , a largo number of dry goods fir me very near the NOT Brunswick end of he bridge crossing the river at the tead of navigation , were raided by dominion customs officers and a largo amount of goods seized. Dealers uvo been bringing unusually Jargo ioimigniiieiitB , nnd it is suppoaod the Dominion government has had dotoo- ivca stationed in thia city since thu opening of the fall trade. Miraculous Enocipo of Minors jiectal liMutch ) ] to Tun BHK , \ViLKusiiAiuiB , October 4. The fire o-dny ut the Slanton nir shaft , owned > y the Lohigh and Wilkeebarro Coal sompany , destroyed the untiro head loueo. At thu time the fire was dis- overed there were sixty men in the > Un below. Their families and riondu were soon on the spot , and lieir agonizing cries were pitiful. All men , howovur , are uaved. On timing out , many of thorn fell to the round in an exhausted condition , 'heir cacapo through the gangways ending to the Empire mines was mi- aculoua. Victim * of the "ion" Ol.astor. ptcldl Idfpntch toTy HKK ViuKHUUiio , October 4. The cap- ain of the Bteamor ilenry Lourey re- lortod last night when he paused the srocl : of the Leu yesterday , there were five bodies tied tt < buehoa , A tarty of gentlemen who lost relatives in thu ill-fated boat , loft to-day for lie purpose of Identifying the bodies : pos&iblo. tilled by tUoTlfsotrloI-lc l t Wire. jiuoi il dU | Uh toTux ttn. NEW Yonic , October 4 Jamco tainters , line man in the employ of lip Brush electric liyht company , re- eivort a shock from the line ho was adjusting nnd was almost instantly cillod. He was at the top of the polo taking a now connection. lie did ot fall , his foot being caught in the wiro. lie was taken down and djcd mon after being carried to the station IOUSP. The akin of both hands wan lupging in strips as if searad oil' with hot iron. Tbn PoUouOtl Hoqaot * pedal nitpttch to Tim UIK ; ClUUACio , October 4. George Sco- 'illu says , in rozard to the poUonud > oquet given Guiteau before hit ) ox * cution , that on the morning of the ay John \V , Guiteau , Mrs. Scovjlle , nd Htsa Chevalier drove to the jail. On the way they stopped at a llnriit'ii , here flowers for the funeral had bson rdered. While waiting Mrs. Bcovillo rderod a boquot. It was handed ohn Guitoau , who unwrapped the mrcol as they drove dong , and ehowed 10 flowers to the ladies , wrapping it p again. At thu jail ho gave it to 10 warden , who took it to the cell , B a matter of fact Mrs. Soovillo never ud vhe boijuet in her hands. A Colored Brulu&yucliod- icnal lnsatUi | to Tun Bun. PiiospccT , Tonn , , October 4 Henry lolloway , colored , had a hearing yes- irday before a magistrate on the targe of brutally outraging li&u Roagera , Saturday Anight. ! o wu1) pronounced guilty , and in- antly ha was seized by a crowd aud mng from a bridge near by , Merchants and Dealers I hroughout the Entire West are Invited to Visit the Mammoth Establishment owned and Occupied by K Li B WHOLESALE . Notions and Eurnishing Goods , AT ST.V , ST. The Brightest Lighted , Beat Appnintid Jobbinr ; House in Amerioi , contnltilng t.ln > nrgoat Stock of Dry Uoods nnd Notions west of the Miasissippi. Solo manufacturer * of the celebrated If eDonald's Overalls , Buck , Denim and Clottonade Pants , iFYCLflfSE OLSTERS , LIKED SUITS AMD CHEVIOT SHIRTS , In all styles now popular with the Trade. Absolutely the best Goods in the Market and at Western Merchants can more than save their expenses a visit to this Mammoth stock be fore buying their Fall Bills. Traveling agents , with extensive lines of samples , visit all promir.ent towns throughout the west , and will call upon any merchant any where upon receipt of a request so to do. Send orders by mail , or write for samples. The most careful attention given to orders , and satisfac tion guaranteed , Remember R. L. McPQNALP & CO. , St. Joseph , Mo. FOREIGN fkWS. flio Cavendisli-Biii'kG Ofti-viag - Knives Foun'l ' iu BnUln , The Police Confident That lha Murderers Will Yet Be Captured. [ risk Manufacturers Decide to Show I'tioir Goods in Other Countries. ' ' * , i Northcoto D * . O coaf'"the , ' / \ tti Wz'j-j i&Ti War ua'd' ' Ita Conduct. 'i'lio Snltan Anxloni to SBO tlioBrlt- isb General Kovvs From Other Natlonu. THE ENGLISH IN EGYPT. pocIU Dispatcher to Tint II . AN IMl'OHTANT ( jI'EHTIONi OoNSTANTiNoi'LK , October 4. The ultan IUH utlled thouttenlion of Lord JnHoriu to the fact thnt the note of ho porto inc ] Hiring whan the British roopiwill leave Kgypt roniainu un- nawerod. T/ui aultan deolured that ! Butlerm did not reply ho would ad- reaa Innuolf to thu powora. NOKTIK.'OrH OX llli ; WAIt. QI.ASUOW , October 4. Sir S tali or d otthoots , in n speech to-dny , aaid 10 believed the Egyptian war was un- leccaaary and uujuatitiublo. Had thu ( overnment made n firm atand at the iommoncoinent , the war might huvo icon averted. AIUIIl'H ( 'OMl'UCITV. CAIHO , October 4. Arab ! PaahuV iroot complicity in the Juno man- lacrea and plllago of Alexandria haa ) eon proved , it is tniid , by documenU n the poisesHiuii of Huthoritiuu. HONor.lNU Till ! 1IUIT1BH. OAIUO , October 4. The lilu-divo hua ecided to tmvu medals struck for the iritiah expeditionary lorco. Nntalitiea luvo voted to present u word of honor to WoUoloy , Seymour , ) rury und Lowe. OUIIKKKIi fOU Till A L. O.uno , October 4. ( Jovornors of ) rovincd ! have been ordered to send o Alexandria nil nativea BUBpcctcd of Diking part in the Juno nmaoacrca. GENERAL FORC1GN NEWS. jHKlil LMojulchcs to Tin Ilii. UNJOO.MJKU UO.MK , October 4 , The report that 10 popa ha been shot at u wholly without foundation WITH TIIANKH. VIKNNA , Fctober 4. The emperor iaa thanked lierr Tiisea , Ilungurian rime miniator for tbo energy ho hoa town in supposing riota against the owe. I1UHII MANUKAOTUItEEH. DUIILIN , October 4. At a mooting f thu directors of the Iriah exhibition ompany , thoroporU ot u special com- nitteo waa road rocpmmending the ireaont building remain another year , nd a nories' ol class exhibitions bo rrungcd , similar to thoae held . Agricultural hull , Lii- on. The committee also dvito holding exhibitions in various > laces in England and the Uilitcd itatcs during 1883 , with a view of lopularizing Iriah manufactures , and ao urge the formation of now asao- ationa to aaeist manufactures. It was decided tlmt thia report tthould be lubluhed , in order to elicit public pinion on thu matter pending the > ocial meeting to bo held on the llth A DOUBTFUL ACT OK CLKHENCV. ST. PKTKUSBUJWJ , October 4.pr-Tho as an act of clemency , has com' inutul the ncntunco of death of Ha- goruiy utul .luwsojoll" , political crim inals , to hard kbor in the mines for nn indefinite period , TUB 1'IIOKNI.V I'AUK Ml KDKllS. UUIIUK , October 3. The weapons used by the inurdornri of Lord Fred erick Cavonuibli nnd Under Secretary Burke ivero found concealed in the rafters of u stable in the rear of n houao belonging to n man who wan re cently Ronteiicnd to penal sorvicu for intimidating Mra , JCormy , the widow of the innn ninrdored in Seville place , bocnusu ho was suspected of having given information cancorninn the murders. It in alleged Kenny woa the 'driver of lho car in which the RBsi ; piius rode on the night of the murder. Tito weapons were four knivci nine inches long with bladea throo-quartera of an Inch wido. The are quite now and v > ry sharp , nnd e.rn uvidcntly nurpioil dis- Bcotiug knivca. There were diacolorv tioni on them which , on ohomical anulyaia , proved to have been made by human blood. It la hoped the murderers will yet bo captured , ftloumvhiln the authorities obaorvotho utricteat nccreoy. WK.STOATK VII K CONKKSSOU. KINHTOK EST JAMAICA , October 4. Wostgnte , alioo O'Brien , who con- fraacd liaving ntabbod Lord Frederick Cavendish , is not to bo sent to Eng land after all. The authorities have been instructed to do with him as they deem beat , i > imi : MOLVKH A wmcuLTV. ST. J'JTKIIHIIUJKI , October 4. The death of 'I'mm Ohn , louder of the Dur- gun robillion in Chiiin , polven a gr.tvo diplomntin dtlhculty , us China porstst- untly dumandud hia surrender. I.'IUMU IN' HIMLANII. DuiiiiN , October 4 Throe boya wltneaai'd the murderof Thou. Browne , farmer , shot dead in CikHtldlalund yes terday. The inquest was hold to-day and the jury leturnod an open ver dict. dict.Patrick Patrick nigjius , arrested iii connec tion with thu murder Huddyn ut Lough Mask , was convoyed to Oon under heavy eacort. MINKIIS1 CONVENTION. GLASGOW , Ootpbur 4. The national uonfuruncu of minors considered the HiiHvrer of i-mpk-ycra to the demand for increased wagoa. Tliu conferenou decided there WAI not sullhieut uimn- unity to admit of u national atriko , but as an ulturnato the eight houru a day system bo nationa'ly ' adopted. Xouip.vlllniiuil Nn\Ii7illo Hullro.iil. LOUIHVIU.K , October 4 , At Iho an nual meeting of the Louiavillo and Kaahville railroad stockholders , the president's report H'.IOW the debt in § 20,000,000 ; it will take § 20,000,000 additional expenditure during the next BIX montha to complete improvo- montn which the company have al ready under contract. The capital was increased vlL',000,000 , making a total of $ : tQ,000,000. Railroad h | > eclal DUimtcli tuTllK OIIIUAOO , October 4 , Tlio Railway Age reporta the construction of 1 , " 0'J miles of truck durint ! the month of September , and the total for nine montha of tliu present year in 8,070 rnilen. It cs ti mat OH the total for thu entire year at 10,500 , an amount far greater than over before built in one BUUBOII , Tlio largest amount of track laying during thu paat month wai in Iowa , 15 1 miles , The other loading states are an follows : Pnnnaylvania 01 , Ooorgia'.U , California 8 ! ) , Colorado 81 , Texas 81 , Now York 77 _ SPORTING hjwiial l > l | ulcliw to Till Hr.f UIIIUAUU HAI.'KH. CincAoo , Ootobor 4 Second day , Chtcago driving park , tall vunninf ; meeting ; weather rainy , track alow. Mile and one-eighth , all auoj , DIM Sedan firat , Hurry P , second , Topay third j time , 1:67. : North woatern stakes , mile and ihrco- quarters , all agon , two utarted , John iiist , Bunnio Bird uueond. of a mile , heats , all vix 1C. lirflt , AlfarotU Hi'ooud , JJull Boy third ; time , 1:011 : , liODj. Steeple olmve , short conran , Guy first , King Dutohinin cocend , Eva A. third ; time , 4:12. : llltlUUTOK lllIAUll UAOr.H. YOUK , Ostnbor 4 Frat nice , Hovon furloimo , Nina firnt ; time , 1:30J. : Second race , seven furlongs , Mamio Eiolda flrat ; time , l:31.f. : Third race , milu mid ono-oiphlh , Ilnrlford and Skylark ran a dond heat. L , B. Sproguo third ; time , IwGJ. Hartford finally won the race ; time , 1:571. : Fourth race , mile and n quarter , LlttloDan lirat ; time , 2:12J. : Fifth rnco , milo and one-eighth , Uilloat flrat ; time , 1:571. : UAHK tIALT , . PUOVIDKNUK , Ootobor 4. Boatonn 0 , Providences 2. Rnwloy lu Flumes. Hp cial Ulipatcli to Till llitr. BOSTON , October 5 1:15 : A. si A largo lire ia raging in llawloy , JNIaan. Throe buildings nro already doatrovod. Atulatanoo has boon mhud from Kow- buryport. L.rKii. Two houHL-a and three baina were burned , and the loaa will not bo over ? 8,000. NOTES. HpcxIU Dlsrntchri ) to/rim II UK Al'ouHTA.Mo. , October 4. Kx-Secretary Itlaluo arrived tlilu avonhiK In a Hiicclal car. ] Io IH [ u a very comfurUblo coiiiHUon. NKW OIIIK\NH , Ootolior t. The 1'Ic.i- yiitis'o I'ensacdla special ropoitu : Fifty- five now canon of yellow fuvcr , ami tliroo diiutlja , BiMTON ) , October < ! . ] { 'Kardine the Moray lottcr. the nlil lady Moray , living atVcMt Lynn was uaituJupon. No now tliu niuttor were elicited , Z > E Xfl.UHIEIl'.S DISAPPEAR ANCE. Dlvldod Opinion nu to tbo Cuuuo , Whotlior Fear or Foul PJuy. Among the caseu whicli were ex pected to Cu.iio before the dietriot court tliia term was that of N. A. Shopmlson , charged with robbing a traveling man of liin acuiiintcncu ( | of money und jewelry amounting to ? 700. The latest plmmi of the caao in the myatrriuut ) dinappearfincoof tile prone- tinxvitneua just at the time when ho w it wanted by thn grand jury , Those intcrcdtod trp divided in opinion - ion oi at a Ivan to know whether ho has buoii flpiritod away or has volun tarily loft the city. ] > o Jjaurior rumainod in the city for a conilderablo time after the uiftiir and WAS verv bitter against Shopard- son , < loclarmt ; that ho proposed to land him in the penitentiary at any costs uf time and trouble , Latterly , however , ho suomod to grow nervous und tr < mMod and talked of commit ting auiaido , wanting ono occasion to know where bo could borrow a re volver tor that purpose. Of others ho inquired na to the possibility of his being jiut in jail and detained &s u witness , not being ublo to give bond for his uppoaranco and uncertain as to whether lie might not bo taken up on auepiciou of not intending to remain and HOQ it out. At all events , ho ia reported gone , itnd aoniti think ho may have done uway irith himaelt , us ho had threttenuil to do , while others have different thoorioa. Ono of hij fiionds thinka that ho will roinain away until criminal week , the third week of the term , und then put in an npnearanco in time to pioao- cute. cute.DJ DJ Laurier claimed that ho was on his way t < Sail Francisco for a Now York houao , und that his loaa was his ubsolutu ruin , and it id poimblo it may have proycd on his mind to cuch an extent as to lead to some desperate net on hu ! part , ON TO THE SEA. The Energy ExbibM on tlio Oregon Short Line , Econoo of Activity at All Points of the Road. The Oregon Short Line has reached n point five miles west of Sodn Springs and the track in going down at the rate of about ono milo pur day. The upaco to bo iillad to complete the line from Granger to the crossing of the Utah & Northern ia abiut twenty-five miles , and aa tracklayers are at work at each end of the gap , it will b * closed within Iho nozc twenty dayn or or loss. Track-laying is also going on west of American Fallo , and a point ten miloa weat of the river Las boon reached. Next month tlio on tire track force will bo placed on the road woit of Snake river , and rapid pro gress will bo made towards Wood river. From the crossing of Wood river up that stream to llailoy , gradorn nro strung along the line , and the grade will bo fininliod in a for/ weeks , ready for the track. The company is floating diwn the river ! iOO,000 tion , cut in the vicin ity of Kutchum and other points on upper Wood river. Tlieso ties will betaken taken out of the stream at Bellevue and imulud by toamn along the lino. Woat of Wood river graders uro at work , contracts having boon lot which extend within a few miles of Boise , or nearly 100 miles west of Wood river. There is an activity in the operations of thiii company which indicates the completion of the road through to Oregon at aa early a date as it is possi ble for monand money to do the work. Tlio Salt Lake Tribune says ; From American Fatlu ( to which point , and u littlu farther westward , the road ia completed to Boise City , and almost in sight of each other , may bo seen Eiundreds of construction camps , with .heir hordea of teams and men , bias1- ing , plowing , uluHhinif , snaking , pick ing and shoveling , and mailing for ward to completion another thread in the great not.work of American rail- roiula. It ia needlenj tu point out the vaut boriotit to bo derived from a short line to thn uorthwortorn Pauilio co'iat. ' , opening up , as it will , travel und trallio to hitherto almost inaccessible points in Idnho and Oregon , tapping the rich mineral districts of the Wood I liver country , and giving rail 'acilitioa to sections heretofore relying ipon the creeping ox teams and the .raditionally uncertain mule , and with .ho Northern Paciflo railroad making almost perfect the long-felt want of a continuity of railway communication aotwoon all habitable parta of this wondrous country , Tlio company ox- loots to have the track finished to the iunction by January 1 , 1883 , but if it a iinlahod by next April they will mvo good cause for solf-congratula- , ion. There ia no lack of energy on the part of the various and numerous contractors , many of whom , being anxioui to caoape cold weather , are vigorously proaaing on , hiring addi- ional teams nnd mon , to the consum- nation of their work and the happy realization of homo comforts and * > loasuroa. THU 1'I.ATTSMOUriI MOGUL. The new mogul engine which the ) . it M. has lately secured for the navy work on the bridge divuion is ' mid to bo a dalay , Yesterday I * . iwift , the engineer , hitched her up to ifty-threo loaded eara and hauled tbo oail up the big grade nnd over the iridgo without the least difficulty. I oaring of this the railroad author- ! leu concluded they were doing the rork too fast and uuued an ordur that hey rhould not carry more than for- y.fivocara at each trip. [ Phttamouth Journal. Choice Creamery Butter , 30 center per pound , at Win. Gentleman's.