Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Wodneodny Morning Oct. 4.
Won til or II op or t.
{ I'ho follow intf observations arolftken ft
hf ciine moment of time ftt all the elation
WAB DurAimir. ! T , U. 8. SIONALSKR-
VICE , OHAIIA , Oct. 3 , 1882. ( l:45p.m. ;
Kim 6 f t 2 Inches above low water mark a
Oxaba , 2 left 1 Inches at Yankton. JUjilselfpI 2
tv t 0 Inclio * tL Crowe , and 4 foot 0 Inches a
D4lm < ] UO.
Tom Cole , who umaullodOflicor IJuok
lor , waa ncnt up for fifteen a ays.
The Hans Ceromonlo club open their
winter series of partlcn the .latter part o !
thin month.
Internal revenue collections for the
month of September in this ntalo worn
$8-1,1)70.28. )
The tlrcet casa now run rucr HU em
bnnkment nt the elto of the old Ninth
Htreot bridge.
Vny Tomjloton begins her threu
nlghtii1 engagement at Hoyd's opera homo
Thureday night ,
Members of the Imperial club are rc
qnextcd to meet at Ilo'po'a nrt hall Thurs
day evening at 7:39 : o'clock kharp.
Miss Phrabo Couren , of St. Louis , will
lecture at lioyd'a opera house thia
evening , her subject belns "Tho Woman
Without a Country. "
The i-tenm ho\ot hai finished the
i\orh in the Klkhtiin cut ami wilt bo put
to work on tha mitnmit , near Omnha , next ,
wI ! understand. - Waterloo Garctto.
Ksrly Sunday morning n little stranger
arrived at the residence of Mr. John F.
Kuthti , the U. P. painter. It waa a boy ;
weight , ten poundo. Mother and child are
doing well.
At the Pnxton hotel Monday Mr.
Henry A , Kufun , of Mankato , Minn , , waa
united in marrinso to Mlns Mary U , Trim-
hill , of Princeton , ! ! ! . , Uov. A. F. Shcr-
till oinciating.
That beautiful tea nud dinner Bet
which waa [ itoioutcd to Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mathtoacn on Saturday ulglit , waa pur-
rinsed of William Neve , the popular
Tenth fctreet jeweler ,
Dr. 0. II. Phlllpot has been appointed
to the position of demonstrator of anat
omy in the Omaha medical college. THU
Dei : congratulate the doctor upon thin
milidtantial recognition of hia ability and
Our esteemed citizen , O. Frost , of Gil-
mure , after n tiial of farm life , has con
cluded to return to his former avocation as
conductor. Ho has entered the employ of
thn Missouri Pacific , where ho 1 considered
n HUCCOSS as a ticket puncher. Papllllon
An ncccidcnt happened Monday
on Capitol avenue , near the Crcighton
houso. A man drove his horeo and buggy
Into a ditch , nud hia horse waa injured , hla
liUKKy wrecked , nnd himself badly shaken
up. There were no red Hghla to warn him
of thu danger ,
AAt an early hour ycatorday there
wan a violent storm of wind and rain ,
Mcompanied by tharp lightning and heavy
IH'nIa of thunder. Thla inorning the clouda
cleared away , and the sun came out with
a July fervency. Such weather knocka
the bottom out of fall trade of clothing
uiurcbnutD and conl doalcra.
A lively runaway took place early yog-
tor.lay on lower Farnam utreet. A team
attached to one of tbo fitreet can broke
loose at Twelfth street and ran toward
Tenth , colliding in front of Poppleton'a
block with 1'oycke liroa. ' team , and break.
Ing the pole of the wagon. They then ran
urnuuii the corner , where they were caught.
The nekton of the district court yea
teniay won an unimportant one , nnd be.
foiouoonau adjournment was talcu till
OilK ) a , in. to-day. About twenty
five raucs were attained for yesterday , not
uuu was ready for trial , nor haa ono of the
wliolo fifty thua far called. It la not likely
that anything will be done thli week be
yoml the work of the grand jury ,
Mr. Dmi. H. Mitchell , of the Boo Hive
ttuilio , had hi ) ejo tevurely huit Mon
day by a friend accidentally striking him
with a lighted cigar , \\hlcli waa In hla
liunii Ho u ill be all right in a day or
A few days ago aome person on an cn >
giue attached to a west-bound freight train
made a deliberate attempt to atart a prairie
firu by throwing out a stone wrapped In
lighted \va l . The act waa obsor\od by
tlr , Kby and sou , who dr. e to the upot
mid with homo dllficnlty extluguehed tin
fire. The number of tbu undine wan ob-
tainwl , and the matter hs > \ > nrepottec
to HiHA-rmtendeut NlchuU. Schuj lev hun
Th3 Union Pacific yetterday mornlnt ,
commenced laying a nowildetrack north o
tlib depot , The track on the south aide o
the depot will be used by the Missouri 1'a
clfio as Ita muln Hue. The Utter corapau
trill put In two or three additional ulile
tracks for uie in passing trains and fo
transferring Ha freight cu t and weU from
this point. The Missouri Pacific will ru
uo freight trains between hero and Omah
after the completion of the road to Papi
lion , but will allow the U. P , to haul it
load * , thua nuking thin the terminus o
the ( Oad. Papllllon Times ,
Hon. Charles Kaufmami , predltlen
pro tein , of the city council , was last nigh
ourrallul by his friends , who inflated upo
touting him upon his tlevutlou to th
tuayyrjlty of the city. Mr , Kaufman
succeeded to that poiltlou by virtue t
ilayor Bojd'd aluence from the city , am
L bore LU honor * with becoming dignity
Manager Nugent , In addition to tb
tuauy attraction ) at hla Academy , haa
added a new one in thenhape of an eloctri
light , which wts burned U t night for iho
first time above the t.inln entranca ant
made Acry pretty showing.
- The night Kov. Dr. ThorolJ , lore
blthop of Rochester , I ogland , will viti
Omaha on Thuraday , thle week , and wil
deliver an luldietu on temperance In Trin
Ity Catlicdrnl chapel on llio evening of tha
day. On the afternoon of Thursday nt
o'clcck , there will ha an informal reception
given to hlii lorddiip , tu which all ate In
vlted , The blahop will be accompank <
by Mr. lloboit ( Urahain , of Mnuchenter
necrctnry of the Church temperance society
In this countiy , who for many year * euc
ceasfuUy citrrleil nn the work In cornice
lion with the church In Manchester , n <
elsewhere In 1'ngland. Tbera l a rare
treat inntoro for th'oiio who will hear these
eminent men.
Col. Ira Wileon haa purchased
half interest in the Pacific House , n <
St. Joo. The firm will now bo J. B.
Kitchen & Ira Wilson. Mr. Kitchen
lias moved to the Paxton hotel , al
Omaha , and Mr. Wilson has taker
: hargo of the Pacific , where ho will
ha pleased to moot hit old fiionds.
The Pacific is the loading hotel of St.
Joe and a first-class hotel in every ro
poet , aopO-nutotf
The Farmers Want the Bounty Law
Put In Effect In Douglas County.
Mr. Henry Eicko was busy yesterday
circulating a petition to thu county
commissioners , praying them to sub
mit nt the next general election , to the
votor.i of Douglas county , the propo
sition to adopt the state law which
authorize * the payment of a bounty
or the killing of wild animate , which
n this county are principally wolves ,
coons , ate.
Mr. Eicko says there are to-day ten of
IICBO animals where there waa ono
wonty-five ycara ngo and they are
jotting to bo a great nuisance to farm-
: ra , The increase in owing to the fact
hat there has boon no rownrd for their
calpa nnd that the cornfields nnd
oung grovpa offered such fine fncili
ioa for hiding that they have occ.ipod
ho hunters and multiplied very rapid-
y. The law only requires the petition
o bo oignod by fifty voter ! and Mr
2icko ever oixty signatures when
; ho reporter mot him.
_ In compliance with the above peli-
ion _ the county ooinraisaionurs last
evening panned an order that " .it the
election also a proposition bo sub
mitted to the oluctoru of Douglas
ounty , upon the petition of fifty-
oven freeholders of said county , and
will bo voted upon : Shall the county
f Douglas , state of Nebraska , grant
nd pay bounties for the destruction
f wild animals within the county of
Douglas aforesaid no follows : lor every
wolf HO killed , § 2j for every wildcat
10 killed , § 2 ; for every coyote so
tilled , S" . Tno voting upon the Raid
imposition shall bo by ballot , the bal-
ots having written upon them 'For
> ountics' or 'against bounties. ' "
'orthcomlngApDonrancos of thoOnly
"Mnacotte. "
The handsomest paper seen on the
alls in many a day , is that
lilch boars so fine a portrait of the
tanning little actress who won a plnco
n the hearts of the Omaha people last
all in her great role ns "Bottina" in
M Mascotto.
Although a year has passed since
lor nppoaranco hero oho has by no
loans boon forgotten nnd her name is
as great nn operatic magnet as those
f Kellogg , Patti or any of that class ,
while in her own field she is without a
Her engagement nt Boyd'a Opera
louse begins Thursday night. The
ollwing are the operas to bo given :
'Mascotto" Thursday , "Pirates of
onzanco" Friday , "Billeo Taylor"
latineo , and "Olivetto" Saturday
ight. Regular prices will prevail ,
The Short-Hand Wrliera.
The annual mooting and election of
flicors of the Nebraska State Stonog-
aphcra association , took place Moil-
ay nt the oflico of Doll & Ames ,
n Union block. Among thoao pros-
nt was Mr. Goo. W. Boydcn , form-
rly of this city , but now living at
forth Platte , who came down to
ttond the mooting , The election of
Ulcers rtmilted as follows :
President J , S. Shropshire.v
Vice President 0. W. White.
Secretary J. B , Haynes ,
Treasurer J. J. Points.
Kxecutivo Oonimittoe John T.
Jell , Goo. W. Amoa , M , J. Grcovy.
Examining Oormnittoo B. 0 ,
Vakoloy , 0. W. White and 0. A.
Them will bo a cpocial meeting held
on Friday evening next for the trans
action ot important business.
Death Uucord.
llonry Thorwald Mnthieson , aged
' years und nine months , died Goto
her 2d , 1882. Funeral at 2 p. in. ,
October 4th , from tha residence on
south Eleventh atroot , between Oea
tor nnd Dorcas.
Henry Pruhn died Mnday after
H briaf illnuta nt his room in IMur
Qoua1 hotel , The deceased w.iait tvoj
known > ouug man of oxcellunt char
acter and thin business qualifications
For two years ho had boon in the em
ploy of W. L. Parrotto it Co. , ou Har
tley street 1(6aud was making arrange
ments to guin bu&incua with a brother
as retail crocora in GODS' new building
on Douulaa street , when ho was takei
sick. Ho had a great many friends ii
this city , particularly among the Ger
mans , who deeply regret his death
Ho was a member of the Turnvoroiu
which society hold a meeting Hen
day to take appropriate action in regard
gard to the uad event.
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex
celsior Iloof Paint , " was patented May
2ith , 1881 , and otters patent nuiu
bor 241 , 803 , Any person found o
known to tamper with the maim
fucluro of tald paint will be punish
ed to the full extent of law. No per
sou has any authority whatever to sol
receipts. H A. win o UN & BBO. ,
Lancaster Pa.
Douglas Street Paving to bo Con
tracted at Once ,
A Dispute Over ( ha Allowance
of a Bill for an Acting
Monllilj Report * of the City Phy-
slolnu nnd Ottio Ofllolnl * .
At the rnoiting of the city counci
last oroning thuro were present Mecsrs
liehm , OotbDollonc , Dunhnm
Herman , McGuckin , O'Kcefo , Tlirano
and President pro turn Kiufmann ,
On motion , the reading of the jour
nnl was disponaod with :
From the mnyor , approving certain
ordinances. Filed.
From II. M. Drown , asking for nn
extra allowance foreovonty-sovoti dajs
confinement during the small pox via-
itatloii which was by order of the city
physician. Filed.
From the city treasurer , In rtparc
to cancellation of taxes on the alloys
in block 77 and block 51 , K. & R. ad
dition. llofcrrod.
From the street commissioner : Jlo-
port of September Work Total ex
penditures for labor , $2,115.59 : ma
torlal , 53,425 23. Filed.
From the city marshal : List ol
liquor dealora tuid druggists for Goto
ber 1. lloferred.
From city marshal andpolico judge :
List of prostitutes for September.
[ Inferred.
From the clerk of the police court :
Ltuport of cases during the month of
September. Itcfurroa.
From the city physician : Report
'or ' September 51 deaths , 48 births.
_ The contract and bond between the
city of Omaha and the Boo Publishing
company. Approved.
From Richard 0. Sloore : Relative
o taxariQii of lots occupied by Omaha
Alodical college. Referred.
Fiom Hans Nelson and others : For
ho extension of Seventeenth utroct.
Inferred ,
From Jeremiah Lewis : proposition
o furnish 500 yards of earth , more or
cat , on Jjnes between Twelfth und
'hirtoenth , at 10 conts. Referred.
From P. 0. lioiuon : proposition to
! ohvor 500 to 000 yards of dirt on
'hirtccnth street sewer at JO conts.
From Ncls Laracn : to furnish earth
n Jones , between Iwolfth and Thir-
oonth , at 10 conts. Referred.
From II. F. and W. F. Haraann :
sking that railroads on Jackeon and
\Tiuth bu compelled to keep access to
arda in that vicinity open. Referred.
Insurance policies on park and
ibrary property. Approved.
A number of bills were presented
nd referred to their appropriate com-
From Charles M. Lord , in regard to
assessment of perHonnl property of
largarot A. Lord. Referred.
From the city attorney , in regard
o use of aower fund. Referred.
By Bohtn : Toplaco Fifteenth street ,
> ctweon Williuma and Ilickory , in
> asaablo condition. Adopted.
By Dunham : That county commia-
ionors bo requested not to accept the
work on Farnam street , between Six-
couth and Nineteenth from Contrac-
or Robinson until the street is
jroi'ght to grade. Adopted.
By Locdor : To remove the largo
lipo on the corner of Fourteenth and
'ulifornia , west sido. Adopted.
By Louder : To fix the salary of the
ity marshal at $100 per month. Re-
By Dollono : That city marshal ar-
est nil parties renting houses of pros-
itution or in any way aiding or cup-
torting them. Referred.
By McOuckin : Granting use of the
ouncil chamber to the workingmen
or conventions on October Gth and
Oih. Adopted.
By McOuckin : Requiring Vio'o
ortaurixnt to connect with sewer
within fifteen days. Adopted.
ByMcGuckln : To notify owner of
> roporty on northoait corner Tenth
md Douglaa to connect with sotror
within fifteen dayu. Adopted.
By Oorby : That not to exceed 400
rarda of earth bo used to protect the
nain sewer oi the pipe system run-
iini { east on Farnam street to the
Ivor and that the earth bo taken from
tfinth between Howard and Farnam ,
By Oorby : That after Oct. 7th , the
street force shall not exceed two teams
and fiva mon. Referred.
On sidewalks and bridges ; Rccpm
notiding construction of curtain side
walks. Adopted.
Oa water works and Beverage : Ap-
iroving flatiiuatoH of work done on
tforth Omaha sewer and on the
main of the pipe line for September ,
and recommending that the suma bo
placed in the appropriation ordinance.
On same , recommending passa a of
the ordinance netting aside $2,000 of
the eowur bond fund series for protec
tion und repair of sewers , Adopted.
arrived nt tliia juiiptura and presented
certain conuuuioationa ;
Fiwt , Hut i > nn bid WBB received for
tlio pnviiig ui Djuglaa etroot , in pav
ing district No , 11 , viz ; that of A. H.
Darker , of Washington , D , 0 , , whoso
bid was substantially as follows ; For
grading , ballasting and paving coin-
ploto with concrete foundation , per
square yard , $2 08 ; and for grading ,
ballasting and paving with concroti
foundation the aurfaco now occupied
by stone puttoro to curb line , § 2 78 ,
The board are inclined to accop !
this bid aud award the contract to
Mr. Uarber , provided ho furnishes tbo
proper local sureties. However , Mr.
Barber nsku a uhort time to pe.fect his
bond , and asks for au informal vote ,
which will Indicate the good faith oi
the council as to the acceptance and
approval of hia contract at the prices
Referred to the board of public
works , with instructions to lot the
contract if they deemed it advisable * .
Second. The grading conl raot with
Stephen Robinson to grade Sixteenth
street , Farnam to Howard ; llowarc
street , Sixteenth to Seventeenth ; St.
Mary's fwonne , Sovonteonfh to Twen-
tiotli. Approved.
The grading of Thirteenth street ,
between Douglaa nnd Dodge , lo J.
I'oterson. Approved.
The excavation in change of channel
of Omaha crock. Approved.
The committee on writer works and
Bowerogu recommending that the hy
drants requested by the Union Paci
fic for their shops and vicinity , bo put
in under certain restrictions.
The appropriation ordinance for
September expenses was rend twice
and Mr. Dunham moved to etriko the
item for § 10 due Mr. Herman for ser
vices an acting mayor.
This resnltcd in a lively discussion
and n good deal of fun ou ono aide as
much ascerbity ou the other.
The motion NOB adopted , Mr. Her
man protesting that ho would collccl
the $10 anywfty and the ordinance
wna passed.
A special ordinaries levying n _ tax
for the construction and repair of side
walks was patsed.
A special ordinance appropriating
monny for pajmont of came was
" An ordinance forbidding the clean
ing of vuulta or cess pools without a
liccnso from the board of health , or at
nny other hour than between 8 p. m.
and 5 n. m. , under a penalty of fine or
imprisonment , or both , was read twice
and referred.
The ordinance netting aside § 2,000
from the newer fund for the protec
tion and repair of sewers , was passed.
An ordinance regulating the con
struction and repair of sidewalks , etc.
was passed.
A Voyage Around the World
Vast Crowds Witness thoShow. Iilspitch to Titx NFK.
ST. Louis , October 3. The fifth
annual parade of the Veiled Prophets
.ook place to-night , and was witnessed
} y the greatest crowd of people ever
congregated in this oily , a very largo
proportion of whom were strangers.
-The pageant consisted of twenty-one
1 ) ata , represent a voyage around the
world by the prophets , illustrating the
ending characteristics of the principal
nations Asia , Europe and Africa ,
; iving n special tableaux of American
scones , representing the ballot box ,
'ndianu on the plains , lifo on southern
> lantntions and western rivers , the
whole crowned by fanciful lepreaen-
ations of Undo 13 un und the gre.U
prophet hiniiolf. The illuminr.tion of
, ho business centre of the city far ex
ceeds any similar display in this or ,
) crhapp , any other country. The
cone will bo repeated every night this
woek. The annual ball of the Prophets
s now in progress at Merchants Ex
change hall. Probably 40,000 people
attended the fair to-day.
An the Veiled Prophets procession
iras passing down Washington avenue
o-night the eeotion of seats erected
> otwoen Twelfth and Thirteenth
trceta foil , seriously injuring several
tenons. The seats wcro twenty feet
itgh and had been constructed to hold
about 300 persons , but double that
number crowded upon thorn and tha
tructuro gave way under the weight.
A Successful and. an Unsuccessful
Attempt at Suicldo.
The inmates of the dive of Kato
MoNamarn , east of the Metropolitan
lotol , got on a glorious old drunk
Monday afternoon , and at about 5
o'clock a colored woman , Anna
2phraimson , living in the house , took
morphine with the intention of com
mitting suicide. A physician was
called in at once and administered n
> ropcr oniotio , and after about thrco
lours of hard work pronounced her
out of danger.
About 5 o'clock Sunday evening a
.nilor named Qricp , who resided
at Fremont , took a dose of about two
ounces of laudanum , and stretching
limsolf out on hia table , abandoned
limsolf to death , The grim visitor
mt in nppoaranco about 1 a. m. The
leceased was nn Odd Follow , nnd his
ifo was insured lor $3,000. No cause
a assigned for the rash act.
Annual Meeting and Election of Offl-
cera Now Quarters to bo
The Omaha Glee club hold its first
regular mooting f * > r the season of 1882
3 nt the oflico of the county olork
lost evening and selected the follow
ing officers :
President J. Wesley Wilkinu.
Vioo President Joy Northrup ,
Secretary U. W. Snow.
Trcaiurer 0 , E. Burmoster.
By the unanimous voioo of the club
Mr. Frank Smith was chosen musical
director for the ensuing year.
It was determined to rent a room
for the sole nnd exclusive use of the
club for the ensuing year , for perma
nent headquarters , to which their
friends could be invited nnd made
welcome at all times. _
The Omaha glee club was organized
from the material which composed the
Garfield club , the most popular campaign -
paign organizations of the kind over
had in the state It comprises the
best musical talent in the city and is
always in demand , becoming more
popular with each succeeding year of
'to existence. Long may it wave.
Tables supplied with the best the
market nilords. The traveling public
claim they get better accommodations
and more general satisfaction here
thangat any other house In Omaha.
RateV $2 per day. aug21tfin
A Grabber of "flrips" Goes Up
for Larceny.
A Man Who Robbed ft Barber's
MitauTlanooufl'Ccimliml Nown from
tlio Police Mcoortls.
A mnn named James McDonald
wiw _ nrreeted at 3 o'clock Monday
afternoon cs ho was about to board
the dummy train for thn Iowa side of
the Big Muddy , Ho had n couple of
grip-sacks with him , and the charge
was that ho had stolen nn overcoat
and n meerschaum pipe from
the St. Jnmca hotel. Ho nt first
claimed that ho wr.s < \ traveling man
and then that ho wns a cattle mnn
from out west nnd that the Kount/.op ,
Pnxlon , und BO on would vouch for
him. On examining his vnlbes ono
Wan found to contain n packngo of U ,
P. conductors draw-back chocks
nnd anothci of "lay ovor" chock * .
The man nnd the valise
were taken to the Union Pacific head
quarters where the properly wns iden
tified as that of a freight conductor
named Smith , who runs between
Grand Island and North Pintle. Mc
Donald wns sent up for twenty-fivo
days for stealing thu clothes and when
that term Is ever will probably go up
for stealing the conductor's grip.
Edward Stewart , a barber1 doing
business on Douglaa street near Stub-
beiidoifl's wholesale liquorhouso , cap
tured a maa yeitorkay whom ho
charged with robbing his till of the
sum of $1.00. The prisoner gave hid
name as Frank O'Brien and plead nut
guilty. His hearing waa in progress
at 3 o'clock ,
Monday Policeman Walker ar
rested Bert Kennedy , u clerk nt
Fleming's grocery otoro , for having
severnly chastised n six-year-old boy
who had stolen some npples. The
: aao wns set for the nftornoon session
Dut thoao who witnessed the affair say
; ho clerk was justifiable in what ho
did. |
One man paid * ho fine for in-
; oxicition.
Annlo Doran paid $5 and coats for
carrying concealed weapons , anil her
daughter , Lizzie Hausoll , was dis-
ihargcd , the charge against her not
Doing proven.
Ono case of "drunk and disorderly"
waa continued.
V. Allyn , of Ouster , > 'eb. , is nt the I'an-
; on.
B. M. Wilhey , of Blair , Neb. , is in the
John Tighe , of Dawsou , h at tha Mil-
Mrs. McBride and five children , of New
Mexico , me at the Metropolitan ,
J. Husband , of Australia , is n guest of
.ho Metropolitan ,
Frank Jobson , of Lincoln , is nt the
J. M. Sirpless , ! ' . M. Kyckmnu , E.
Holder nnd W. V. MeUormick , of Chica-
; o , are nt the Metropolitan.
Edwaril C. Mnsoii , U. S. A. , Mrs. Edward -
ward C. Mason and child , and Mra. S.
Mason , aio .it tbo Millard.
W. O , Whoyler , representing the Km
ma Abbott company , waa n gueat of the
Millard last night.
Hon. John L. Carson and William II.
Hoover , ot lirownville , are in the city.
AV , D. Woraack , of Kansas City , U nt
the MillarJ.
U , F. Kaaler , of Plum Creek , la n Ruest
of the Millard.
Hon. A , G , Kendall , commissioner of
public lands nnd buildings , accompanied
by Mrs. Kendall , is In the city ,
C. Kennedy , of Albion , is at the Mil-
L. II. llogcrs , wife and BOH , of Fremont
are at the 1'axtou.
S. W. Pawen , of Kearney , is at tlu
Pax ton.
Wirreu SheWloy nnd George Sheidley ,
of Kuneas City , are in town ,
Chaimcey Abbot , cf Stlniyler , U at the
Pax ton ,
Mra. llanley , of Cheyenne , is a fueit at
the I'axtou.
Mr. W. H. IJogart , the chief clerk at
the hotel de Canfield , leaven to-day on a
thece weeks' nbaence , during which Geo.
Madden , the popular night elerk will serve
in hU place. Mr. Madden's place will be
temporarily filled by Mr. G , Langbelle ,
a pleaeaut and agreeable gentleman.
M. A. Dailley , of Fremont , It registered
at the 1'axton.
Hon. II. V Warren , of Nebraska City ,
U in town ,
lion , Gee , K Blanchard , of Pine Uldge
agency , la in the city.
A. O , Valentino , a well known and pop.
ular U. 1' , boy , has been ( riven n train nnj
left last night ou the Den\er tinin for
Grand Island , to run between that place
and North Platte. Hia many friends will
rejoice heartily nt hi * pram tion , while
they regret ID IOBO him from thuir uu J t ,
C'has. M. Dilger * , of Auroiu , Neb. , la
0 , U. Smith , of Oakland , i a guest nt
tin Canfield.
L. O. Whipple and wife and N. 11.
Turon , of Audutxm , la. , are ut the Can-
field.G. Griffith , of Cbeyenue , regbtflred at
the CanCdd last night.
Geo. Welll , of PlatUmouth , was at th
Canfield last night.
Mra. Judije Sa\age will leave for Ku.
rope the last of tliia week or the first of
next , to be absent for about n year , The
judge will accompany her as far as Phila
Mr , Frank O'Connor , a prominent citl-
ten and g uial young man of North Platte ,
U in the city ou a short -visit. He U an
old friend and schoolmate of Mr. Jason
Lewis , of TllK DEE , and they arc renewing
their old time friendship and memories.
UCT. A. K. Taylor , D. D. , president of
Wooster university , Ohio , loft on tha train
yesterday for Denver. He preached the
dedicatory termon for the North Presby
terian church Sunday nitrht , nnd delivered
a fine lecture nt the sumo place h t night ,
W. H. Scott , nccimuanied by his wife
ami two bit hl Httlo oll\o branches , vent
to Valley jo terday lo meet the homing
train , on which Mr * . Scott'n mother , Mw.
Uutt , waa a puwnger. The latter II&R
been out at I.arimiflisltlng her son , who
la In charge rf a U. P. tutveyin ? party eut
there ,
Clocks from 81 nnd upivatds nnd the
latgest nbeortmont in ton-n nt Edho'm
& Krickfon'e , on the corner of Kith
and Dodgo.
A Well Known Citizen Missing Since
aatwrdar Keara of Foul
A carpenter by the name of Walker ,
who has boon employed for thu past
three or four years in the Omaha Nail
Works , had a settlement with eaid
firm last Saturday for the purpose of
removing with his family to Califor
nia. Ho had made other business ar
rangements oil the Pacific slope , and
the fact of his having money with him
and his expected departure on Mon
day tnakos his dUappearanca rather
. TO LOAN On thatttl morttar'i. ( to-
MOIU.V . A n Tutlun , No. 161U loUjU3 )
imu' , ircnt rocrn.lilri. ) ] .
' . / -can t A.AW i.rn < tiul I ) .
M' 'ut uun ( 'cclkliton lliuik.
i1' ' -UAt < Al < Jior centlr-
' " > ' If numa.01 $ i.KK > KQ
, lotblc jjrifon Crst ila s ild ) osd
propi/i } . tn i. L tia'iVB an I Lent
\\J Al.'l F1) - T > > a joun- ; ladles of Rood
> i metuh > tin sln < i.tnl pity HDUO Inatru- forinu.l nn. nccrtu-ind convention work
Aildrcu ' j.aii > ; Lr , ' 11 x VI } , bit Iby , fell Id ) Co.
ov\.i. '
- A n'iil to "lo achcnl lie
WANTED rcMcea. OcoJ uagcs paid Ad-
druts F. C. QrablcKcnrnoy , Ner. 059-tt
ANTKU IinliiRrooni'lrlut (
W St. betwuo i Douglas and Dodijo. 653 t (
) JlidSknKSilwoimiitOKO Ui Coun-
WASTUI do hoiiK. ork or will tmpl } inai &
ulf wltliout ClilldrLli. iVdrL ilrauir TJ Clnia
La Ktb. 3 Ld"iCO moW
ASTii : > \ dining room fflrl nt tha Crt li
W ton li , < ! , < . iG.Ilt
CfANTTD- a > bl tint Hook kciper. AdV -
V dress \ I5co Olhee WJ .1
ANTKD A coach limn must liring cnod
W recommendations. A. J. I'OFIV K'lO.V
' . ) House nnlds jilacu btw n
WANTl'.l . Anplj ( .tMrsJo epli ll.irki f * 'Jim !
and Cavinjiort. ( > < O 5
- ktt Cullfornla HotnOood
WANTED-Co lei ( , o.d IOOK.Vouun profci-
red. G5J-Tt
WAhTtfl V thoroughly compoient glrlfor
gonctnl hou3 < > 0K in a munll dnjlij. lie-
encca niulred. . li. < | ulru a : litd r.iri.liuni n rett ,
Iront otliiu liji st.lrrf. U4U D
' A food girl in amall family. Call
WANl'KU houDO vviscslde Uomcni structmnr
llarney. Oi 4) )
'ANTKD AKOCX ! girl for gcntr
a m
WANTED T o food cimafseri for utj ork
Lttiuly cm.lo > tnt to right men Cull 4J1
south 10th strict. _ 635-5fJ
AIiTFiD Cowl nnn at Llttlcnild'x Saratoga
w Dalrj. _ _ C3iH > "
ww | ANTED A llnt clasa Mailer at Ctntral din-
lilt ; liill , 101 South ICth- iuit _
w A TKD Apprentice ( jliU In droas miki' g
at 1015 Capitol avenue. tiU-3t !
\\f AMrD Tcnty ship carpenters to build
Jl and ciulk canaonu lor Iitldeo at U Ir
croJalDj ; . App y t liiKlnctr a olllco on nof side
o rlierneir air , Jmb. 6J'-0
" \\rANl' D A fits. co. barber at Ktarncj ,
VY riibfatki. LI ) . OAlNEd.
Kj A til roivlly comp tent girt for
cx.kl < i ; wit-hint ; i.n 1 Ir'nlip. IUf rtiiLo
required 1310 Dmcmun be. bet IDth and 14tli.
To or lour men who undcrj and
WANTED . - , 10 rnikii out. Oood Wnjjos , In
rr Ue ArlemaiM. Clirke , .415 Btioet.
U A i.iiupctcni girl m cook aia
WAM ? . Mri. W. J.Council , tit. Mary's
aienue , opji. Con\cnt. 674 tl
Srrart 1-oy to asilat at CUar and
WANTitD . Goul rtf rencis required.
Apply "I. F. " Bee oflico " t04-tl
AN 1KD Olrl for housework , H3J Saeruiun
Ul avenue , lire. J. M Couns.taa. Kill
ANTHD A cooil ilrl ImnudlaUly at Occl-
W docil ; Hotel. 601 tf
. . , 'ANTKD Aulrlfor general h us woik. In
W atmtll ftiully. If quire at 1510 Joje Ht ,
between FIftocnih and b x u mbstriets.
ANTii-ll.\ : . girl a lOnec In an
W Aiinrinui iirhnto FainllcuU at thu Scundl
Hotel nth sii'jLt _ _ , _ t iia1
> - Hi.uitlcn a toua ktcicr Ad-
W _ dn. ' "I , , will " < C9 office (124 " \
Sltuullana < clerk In oryRool.
WANTrD In ! ) wbo ha bail uxntrlenrej
Address "L.f. . W. " II o office. _ 025 Sf
" \Tr.\NTlU ) One ( rood cant a r. blcadj work
W work and good pnj , ( rtfercnwa required. )
Apply at ' 'IS X. IGth Btrttt , up jUlra , room G.
AMKD-At thu Natlor.-lllotclatl 1 coin ,
W One No , 1 fraulo cu k uanto- . Dost of
.ll bf ra'J- '
\1 rANTriH JW privy , lnm and cec i
> V pooli to clean with banltary Vault and
Sink CUanrr , the best In use. A. Erani & Co , ,
Dadco utrrot , Ouuba.
TVa ir II in rccrxs tu-Ulln
WANTED n ifin Addrcat Tr. Port
Booofflw. 699-
Situation bj an eiperiencd ccok
WAN1CD cook at the Millard.d3n s
"Kecd , " Uev otMcc. 4i-tf
TKD l.Ocn straw ticki t ) nil and delh
WAN ; ti ! bright imtnrw. LteoiJ'r - ltb
J , K s 11-iiU.M , 117 b | th street. OiS It
CantraclK for scdlnr and g Inir.
WANTtll J , K , Sauudere , 117 S JDili ttreet.
6 17t
Four or III o boarders In a private
WANTED , d and lodging | 4 per oikat
1503 Jackson , near 15th street. 628 4t
Furnlihoj house with not lees
WANTED a'rooms. . Additws ; "C. W. Cm *
flcM ISlJDoUKlis. J13
WANTED oonis anl i > oard. If prhate
family wtlllnz to take one or t vn boarders ,
will itnd their address to the Wynuu ComercUl
College , student ee-ekliii ( botrd or rooms u III b
referred loiba _ < a _ A. L WVIIAN. cio-tl
Ta orK for boara. A joung
WAtiThU | h excellent reference ! attending
thool In Ibo city. Addict ! W , U A , lice Office
Cottage of 4 rooms by OctoderSth
WANTED _ Tenant Ijea OBko. 833-11 "
KENT- nfront room with > lcou > ,
likely furnUhed2l2l Uodjo St. CM 10'
T7\OH HENf Near Omaha pocket bock , ullh
P vuluable iiotto Call at IKnU 0' lUIleys
nlikolasbt. Utween 18 and 10th t'ASU
RENT A nlcelr fuiul.htd loom at 11 Jt
FOK , MBit
Kn Cot , VAh and Douffnj near Crrlghtcn
I 1011 niNT : Il rncy unit Kml street tlirc *
roonM HO | tr month , Otcrt MonBom ( ry
over Oirnlia National linnk. ( 1 6'
1710R lliNT-C : rticoo17th , bctnten Jackson
J ; find Ilrowrio 1 Ilnll , nlth celUr , cl-leinaid
well. Itqulro on 647-tf
I/O * HKN f Now cottirffl Hx locmj , ont blocit
J not of end of red tnrllnc. SIR n mcnlh ,
605-4 164 Tarna-n 31.
I 71011 IH'.VT Mouse on ClilcnL-o between 14U )
1 and 15th St. 031-3'
rjloll IlENT l\tne ploiunt front rortni with-
JL' outba rd , tojrenticnunandwlfe , 2116 Cill-
fornla strcit. CJO if
Foil KKNT A * tnrron 8t eel near Ilivrn1
port. St.A I ) llataniibo 0,138 *
171011 HUNT fine ic Hmo In ROOI ! .
; All con\cnli ncM fern tr , LOA , 12 rooms ,
JlcCagao , oppoalto poit jirica 022-U
JTIOll I1ENT A liousa with fi < c rocm , rtoeh ,
' cellarcl'tern , well acd o hur cinvot IcntcB.
Apply at 1117 Pattnport betvvtullth nnd lith
ORIIIINI Ah-u o\\lth nvo rojns
il and papered , t. V. corn r cf 13tu
htiil ChlciiO ttroit. C. AXfOul ) ,
C0)-tf )
"T7AO ItF.NT Furnished rooms t 014 outh
_ L Mtli 8ir"i t. bitnedi llonnid nnjJac > son
wsl We , withllSb'ochSBouthcf ' KarnamSt.
j * Oil K'.N r Mcly furnirhcd rooru. cjnvcn-
1 IriiMo buslneis , 1020 lartiliim St. C07 tf
JjlUH llENt rurnlmi ilruoui'jt M 1 soatli 14th
Jj ttreet , botwojii Howard and Jickton , weet
IjlO'l KENT A enmli House iti Nelson's ddt
J tlon. inquire tt EdholnuV fcr'ckS'n'B. '
| 7\0tl \ IlCIsT A sloro m Ualcombo block , nn
1 ? ICth ttrect , near Davcnpjrt. St. A. D.
KOOJH FOP. KENT Furnished or unfurn-
liibcil , whh Loird ar 072 , csicer l lh nnj
is MiKtt lull liter. 465 tf
: s HOU-fLb FOU KKNT > null nnd lariro
four to iliven room1) each ; one or Iwo new
once. IJl.MIS , Aicnt ,
Jo i3-tf If th and Uouidas frta.
TOOK KEI T 1 vrnlgbfd rooms at 17i" e.a8
i ; btnot. lift 17 MatidJSt-T 4i'C-tf
rIOU KI.Nr ( Jrrnfrj I tore , e'er , 10th Streu
J } andCaplcol bvxnno. Appli on prcnil'ca.
03-tf OllAS. NhllER.
LOTnlur leasoi.t f25 t"J peran I Lin , ( tic
_ for a term of years , nt 'Oranifa Gro\
Plalu" adjoinlnsr Hanseom Purl : on the weit ,
llvo minutes wait froras reel crvra. Jioticj ran
bo obtained to build with , by psrsonj lo.vlni ?
thoao lots at regular ratt 9.
On rtrntnlaai ntlln ITilS * rMam * Ureot
Ii ell KEN 1' UriCK t/tore. Irqulra at 1'rUf ;
Jj btore , coiner 10th and DOIV-H ! ata. 530-tl
"poll K6.NT TAvo new uwclltm" ) ucu two other
J } dwellings In desirable locality , by McKoon
Ho. 1614 Douirli-H ftrcet 817-tf
FOU SAIT.-Ncirl newt pad 4irbiff , for
wh eh I bavu no rise. It en hi u u nbuUt M
Uavs. In perfect crdtr. Address 'Cnh1 Pco
oillce. (04 3
17IOU SAL13 A latgo and wclltelcc'od stcd > cf
L general merchand BO In tro urowlmr town of
llumbnldt Nob. A good truJo e tal > 'ishod. Ad-
dicss Uox32 , llumbo.dt , Neb. Will teller rent
ttoro room. 6495
SALE An almost new Invlncibb Nn. 4
cook 11 , \ o nnd wood ettxo. Inquire at 1623
lladgo Blreet. 0)5-1 ) !
t UIlN 11 UKb * OKSALfXt Biiy p iiT ; nnuii
boeodatoico. 1'a lly breaking up hotee-
kcepln . llnitseh and in ralu cupels , uannt
chimber furniture bedding , center tablen 8 .
h Mirg sto\os , dtt.l'K and Kit h'n furniture , \ .
2013 Gas i street , llouaa for rent ; 8 room1) . _ ' > \ - . _ .
8ia-tf H
. ,
I7IOK SALE A horao , ncw tu.ffy and tlur ' * * * I
JJ ncsj. Inquire at 2223 Karnam Ht. 102 4f
"TTIOU SALE CHEAP The brlcK aud frimo ( id
P ditinns of Hilton Itogcrh' house , N.W. corner
10thOLdf-cavenworlh streets. 5'tl
FOK S ALE Fiist-ci B8 restaurant. Apply to
H.MannAillcr , lltti street , between farnam
andllarn-y. 5S6-6 < ) t
TTIOHSALE A well paying liuilnesd , central-
J } ly located , Good cbince for the liftht man
Kcatons ferae ling satisfactory. Addie.s "Q. V. '
Bee cfflce. 6U-U
[ JIOU MALrt Good bulldlmj. ur.on. Call at
D Mater VVrrks office. 41Gtt
HOICE Colorado Sliecp for EMO. Ca 1 on or
addr 88 F. O GRAliLE ,
1E8-2 wit _ Kfarnoy , Neb. .
liAhOAm , ono ! ar.o : brick house , and ono
large fr mo home , with full lot an Ca s near 15th
street. Flae chance for mveitiaent , rent for S70
per month. Call fo : full particulars , on
609 tf Agent , 16th qr d Douelaa Bta.
BEAUTIFUL LOIS 60x160 feet each In
SIX Ilan'com Place on street car lino. Beet lots
In whole addition unery easr tcruM and at o
great bargain. BBMIS' agent , 16th end DC ! M
streets 16-tf
FOK SALH. TJJO ArJineton House *
Flrjt clous ; all furnlehai hn onlj hate
In town. The cheapeot proporJy In the state ,
llae all the travolliiK men. W III bo sold cheap on
tera.a to suit. Enquire of K. rsllo , propiletor ,
Arlington. Wamlngtou county , Nob. 6CJ tf
IjlUK bAiE Or will ciclin ga tor Uman * i-iu-
i perty , an Improved Bee as ot tand atiio'u-
lnj { a atatlon en U. P. B. K. M. DUNHAM. 1411
Farnhun Ot. , Omaha. 720 3nt
KSTAHKOO ; ? a' '
TiiAYKO Fromcorner Hainey and J. ,
§ ono Jerscj cow , ab.-ut9 seara old. color jel-
r and v hlto. Will pay a reasonable reward
for her return ,
T OST-On Hunday last , a while bull pup , ten
U monthB od ; answers tl name of frulssr.
.hoo\er will return the same to llarrli & Fliher
will be ruilablv icwiidtil. 018 ttt
AK Jli'l 1' llouoo and Uarptc L/ieaiier.Utovo
Polliher. Lo orders at UcpuUlcan of.
lite , 13tb and D..UK' as. 358-tl
CVi Kffwlllbuj \ the furniture of the beet
ttP lH/U pajlni ; hctslln Iowa , llent T f
enable , Audrtta Dolph HacL-riVor , liee of-'jo.
TIONALlbT , 43d Tenth Htrr-el , buCwMa l'/n. „
udllamer. Will , vrlta tno aM ct KUMdlin
lulrlui , cbuln fo/ any uue /Ucco at ths fuf
Mid yro .ct , cd an cait ln cord'tlitif ' in vbu fii
I me. IU > cta and Ubof * m d > ta > rdet. forln *
. ,1 . „ .n . . . . n 1.--
© %
Absolutely Pure.
This jx > wder never varies. A ina/ve. o
purity , strength and wlioletoafnesa
More economical than the ordinary iimU ,
and cannot be old in comi > etUlon with the
multitude of low tent , short weight , alom
or phosphate powders. Sold only in can