THE DAILY BEEAVJBDN BSD AY OCT ; BER 4 . . , ' .HL . \ZEEL. WUOLESALK AND RCTAlt , STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , OOPHOIL BLUFFS. IOWA. T8TLE ABSTRACT 0 FFICE. J- ' ' - - > XT .TC ES , 3ES c . Lands and Jbots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - IOWA. HENRY BEECROFT , STREET L1VEBY STABLE , HEN HOaUKS1 OLD STAND. H ' > l I con'lnuo running hU city line to allpirUof the c'.ty. ' All orders promptly attended to. LO\VC AUO'S OUAUANTKLn yeiretjckconBantli rccelNcd. D. M. OONNELL , Funeral Director and Undertaker , No. 17 , North Main Street Council BlufTa Call * promptly answered at til hours , ElRht nr J y. No v hear so' und London carriages direct from the factory nm run In connection therewith. That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Good's Ualr Store , at prices never before touched by Any other hair dealer. Also a lull line ol switched , etc. atureatly reduced prices. Alee gold , alhcr and colored ucts. Vavts made Irom ladles' own hair. Bo not ( all to tall bcloro purchasing elsewhere. All Roods watrahtcd 08 represented. JIIIS. J. J. GOOD , 29 ilalnntrcci. Council Uluffa , Iow . UNION BAKERY , 517 SCUT Um STREET , THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. Keno but firat-class Bakort .employed. Bread , dike , Pica , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. OUT 'Wagons run all day. R. AY RES , Proprietor , a No. 580. BROADWAY , ( Pclmor's Block. 15ot\7oen Gth and 7th stroots. EC 3 W o V Our Motto : Strict cleanliness , the bc't quality ol nuatc r.nd lowest possible ptKca. Meats < ? - Ucrvcl to any rartol the clt > . Come and sec our new shop , BATHIHG HOUSE ! At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Plain , Medicated , Vapor , Electric , Plunge , Couch , Shower , Hot and Cold Baths. Com. petont male and female nurses and attendants ilw&ya on band , and the beat of rare and atten tion R\en | patrons. Special attention Klven to bathing children. Investigation nud patronagu lollclted. lollclted.DK. . A. H. SI.UDLDY & Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studley : Treatment of chronic dUeaees made a specialty. fl REMOVED without the n I TkinTlTJ 11 A l\l \ 11 H n f\ drawing ol blood or use ol U Jill UJillUlJ knlle. Cures lunjr diseases , Fte'Scrofula. ° Com- AND OTHPR ? ' L1X ; i i Ji P'aint ' , Dropsy , Uheuma- I 11 IVI II K S Hsm , Fever and Mcrcur- I U III U n W iai sores , Erysipelas. Salt Rheum , Scald lleid , Catarrh , weak , Inflamed nd granulated Eyes , ricrolulous Ulcers and Fe male Disease * ol all klndi.Also Kidney and Venerlal lilseascs. Hemorrhoids or Piles cured money relunded. All dlteaacs treated upon the principled \cget- able reform , without the UJ ol mercurial pois ons or the knlle. Electro Vapor or Medicated Baths , turnlehed y who desire them. * HernU or Ilupturo radlojlly cured by the ute the Elastlo belt Ttuea end Plaster , which has Biiperlor In the world. COHSm/TATION FBEE. CALL ON OR ADDUES8 Drs , B , Rice anfl H , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , In. BINTON & WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Ceunoil Bluffs. Extracting ; and filling K tpeclalty , Flrit-claaa work guaranteed. DK. A. P. HANCHETTJ PHYSICIAN AK3 SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street Ilouia , 0 a. m. to 2. , tntl p. ia. , to 6 p , ra. liosldenco , ISO Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central office. J. M. PALMER DEALER IN ESTATE ANO LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IQW W7D.STILLMAN . , Practitioner ol Hemoopatby , consvltlnj % sicianandSurgeon , . Office and residence 016 WllkJW avenue , Coun- - - - iOWRl F. t. SEY8ERT , - M. DM THYSIOIAN & BUlUiEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Office No. 5 , Everett Block , Broadway - ' Restaurant. way , OTor A. Louie's L XC ft 3EE 2 .irl 33 3CS3 ? . Offic ovsr a lngj bank , OOUNODj BLUFFS , Iowa. " REAL ESTATE. la connoctlon with bla law and W , 0 , Jame , idlcotlon business buys and Kill real estate. P r ou wlihlng to buy oi Mil city i > report > call t | bli olfle , oter Euibnell'l book itore , Peail , ti tt _ . . _ , EDWIN J. ABBOH , Justice ol the Peace and Notary Public. 4BBroadway ! , Council Bluffs MES , E , J , HARD1HG , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Electropathlc Institution , Phila delphia , Penna. Offlco Dor , Broadway & Glenn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment ot all diseases and painful dif ficulties peculiar to females a specially. d. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Ofllce over First National Bank , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Will practice In the state and federal court ] JNO.JAYFBAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 014 DROADWAY , Council Bluffs. - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , LeamnclEealEstt , Proprietor of abstracts of Pottawattamle county. Office corner of Broadway tml'llaln strectr.-Counctl Dlutfs Iowa. JOKM STEINER , M. D , , ( Deutscher Ant. ) Cor. V/ASHINGTON AVK & ffth-Bt. Council Bluffs , i/tncas of women and children a specialty. P , J , MONTBOMERY , M , D , , FKEE'DlSPENSAllY EVEKY SArDBDA-Y. Office In Everett's tlock , Pearl tieet. deuce CUSTouitb street. Office boura fi m 9 to 2 a. m. , 2 to Jand 08 p.m. Council liluitj I o Ui PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl opposite the poetoffloe. Orns o ! the oldest prajtltloncrs In Council Bluffs. &tli lifactlon guaranteed In HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , Fmits.Nuto Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Blnifs. STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & AKDERSON , Proprietors. Thli Uundiy hta Jiut loan opoucd for busl < nes-i. and e are now prepared to do Uiudry vork of all kinds and guuiotco aatltfactlon. A ( nedaltyuiade of fine work , such aa collars , uiflj. tins thlrU , etc. We ant everybody tc gl\e u < a dial. LARSON Ss ANDERSON. TII08. OFFICIR. * . " ' "BIT OIFIOEE & PFSEY , Council Bluffs , la , 1858 Established , - Dealers la KorelfB aod Dotneetlo Exchiogi and borne securttlM. COUNCIL nLurrs IUYILROAD TIME TABLE. , n < icioo , ROCK ISLAM' Axn rAnuc. IVrvirt. , ' Arrhe. AltanlloKxl S 00 pin . .nlliatn : IX and Mali' 0.35 a in Kx and Mali * G.Vtim : | 1) . Molncs at' . 7.1S a in Dts Moiiicsnc' , 1:10 : p in rillCtClO , lltRMNOTOX AM ) qCIVCV , ArrUc , Atlantic Kxt. . as p m Pacific Mil and Ux' . . nrjOiitn Mall nml K.TWpln J > . > . IX Nib V KM i\.8.'JU : n m ( iiiiAuo AMI NonTiiwr.itmv. IHpnrt. Arrho. At'nntlc Kxt . ,1:1.'ipm : IMolflo : \ . . . . ) : % Mai and KtiiMani Mnl ami r.x" . tvirt pm Arroin. ( p in Acvoin. ( Mon..ll5i ) : > in MN' 1(11V , it. JOB V\0 COt SCII. HUM'S. IVpart. Arihe. Mult and l\ : . . . nVi : ft in I K\prcw fiiV ) p In " J U:1U p m I Mall and U\ . . i " t.MOS r.unic. IVpart. Arrhr , Oirrlaiiil I\.tui0a. : m. I Ourl.iti < ir.\J iiOp. m. Lincoln IX li.ina. : in. | liomcrKx .su1ti.ui , iMiUT K\.iU | < . in. Iximl I'.x GttOn. in. l.ocil K\ 7 i"i a. In. IX ! > Ma. in. Kmlwrnht . . . .IrAl ) ' . 111. Kv. . . . .U.'OOa. in. VAKVHI , M. tol'IS AMI miMC. Hi part. Arrive. Mall nnd Hi. . OM.Iftm I Mail nnd KIS UAIIIIOII lUli , . 1:50 : pm | Cannon Hall..UOJa : in IOIXU1Y AMlVACIIir. Popirt. Arrive. KorSlonx iitj."iVi n in I Vrin Sioux C' } , CSO : p inTer Tor I'oitXIohnim. I'riu I'ort Xlonmm , Xili * 7V : ft in N'gli ' ( i : , ' * ) p 111 For St. I'aul , . , ! : lupin | Kroni St. l'.ml..SM a m rlllCKKI , MII.UAIKFK ASUtir. IHl'I , , Impart. Arrho. Mall and IX.'UiMn m 1 Mall nnd K\.UM : pm Council Blufta & Omnlm Street R. H. LrM c Council It nfls. tx'ftto Oinah * . 6 n in , 11 in , 10 n in , 8 n in , H n in , ID n in , 11 nin , t iitl > p m , 3 | i 11 a in , tpin , iipin , Sf m , -1 p m , 5 | i hi , 0 p in. in , 4 p in , B p in , U p in. Street cnrs run hill hourly to the t'nlon lnclflc Depot. O.l Smidav the cars Kv'ln thdr trl | nt I o clock n. in. , iiml lun rc'u , ar.v during the day at 0,11 , 2 i , 5 iind ( i u'u.ock , and run to vit ) time. UxtrptSundajs. t Except Eatunlsjs. ( l-xcept FAIR PREMIUMS. Tfcoso Whose Kxblblta Won Prizes for Them , DIVISION J. CInsa 01 Fruits. West collpctinn of apples cat less than " 0 "nirietie ? , 11 , A. Teny , Crescent , 1st. CcUaction uf10 v.uieties of npplea , M V Follott , 1J. ! Collection of 2 viuijtie' ; rfsumincr apples , A S IJtinhntn & Son , 1st. Collection of 5 varieties of winter apples , A S Konliiiui k Son , lit. Ciilloction of 19nrijtioi of 'Ml ' anil winter npples , Jirs 3 .Dillon , lit. ClnbsHO AH' ' ? " , fiiinily nichnrd. IJeut ciillc tliKi lh vnvietles of uvnles , L I'nmty , Council liluff-i , 1st. Clns 101 I'lutesnf npples. MniiUn hhi'ti , F-t ATerry , Crcirfnt , 1st. 1'oiinui otttu , H A Terry , Crewent , Int. wine Sip , " " l t. l > " " ycr , Int Fulton , " " 1st. Willow , " ' I8l. Haw " " , iHt Hen IXivis * ' " , lst , GreinesGolclen " " ] t Mother , " " lat. F.imenso " " 1st , lUwles jam , HC Kaymonil , 1st. Jnnnthan jam , K C Itnymoml , Int. Tnllnmt sweet jnrn , II u Itaymond , lit. Thenango Btrnwberry , jnm , II C Kay- mend , 1st. Wagoner , II A Terry , 1st. Class 102 1'enrs on plutec : Flemish bennty , L Prouty , 1st , S Secken , L 1'ronty , 1st. White Unyeime , A S Bondain and Sou , let. let.Bartlet" Bartlet" , A C'Grahnm , lat. Ansio peara. Mrs T AAValkor , lat. Class 103 I'cBches , plum and grapes : Be t collection of free stone p eachcs , H A Terry , Urewreist , 1st. Plate seedling peachee , H A Ttcry Urescent , 1st. Plate collection of plumes , ] .T A T < rry Crescent , 1st. Plate Miner , H : A Terry , Cr escont , let Platte Do Seta , II A Terrj , Crtscont 1st. Collection Kogera hybrids , HI A Terry 1st. 1st.Most Most promising newBeidllni ; , AS Bou liam nnd Son , Int. Best collection peaches , A ' It 1'reatioc 2d. 2d.White White grapes , A C CJrahi m , Coancl BUilTs , 1st. Concord grapes , A C Grab am , Coimol Bluffs , 1st. Collection ernpe , C vnrietiee , . A CGra bar" , Council Bmff , ( Ut. Class 101 Sweepstakes. Collectfon fruits , H A Terr ; r , Crescent Seedling apple ? , 11 A Ten y , Ctesoont , let. nivisiosK. . Class 101. Plants : Specimen , Aloe , Mra .T B A tkiue , let. Collection of plants , W H Y ostcr. 1st. Collection of geranicms , W H Porter let. Collection of foUgoplants , , \ V II Foster 1st. Collection of succulent , WII Footer 1st Collection of begonin. W H Fonlc1st Collection ol roses , W II Fii ler. Int. Collection of tube roues , W II Hefller , 1st. 1st.Class 107. Amateur Hit : Best sprciinca decoiction pla nt , Me J I Atkinc , 1st. Best upright bcgontac , Mra J r.ycnan let. let.Beat planted buket , Mrs J I A-maii , 1st Best collectlim of alos. W II Foster , let Best pingle aloe , VV II Foster , Sort. Best collection of plar.ts. Mru.T Lyonan let. let.Floral defigriu Mrs JlLvman , 3st. Basket of cut tSowera , Mrs J 1 jj-mari. But Purlor bou'iuet , MrtuT-Lymuu , Ut , MVJHION J. . Class 109 Sett parlor furniture , parlo Rtand and window chair , fito-jkoit and Co 1st. 1st.Class 110 Setting machine for fau l ; u e A A lluuanl , li-t. Hawing inocbino for chop : md lieirj work , A A Hurxml , l t , Clms 111 Oiw-half < loz n broouw Mayno and Co , Council'UValf ' * , lot , Assorted hracko ! , .1 Jllilisx , 1st. { " . .argent axsortuioal 'fancy busketx , J J iBllsB , 1st. iLargpit and Ixvit illip'ay of plumbluj material and gu fixtur i , Bixby im , Woyd , l t Cla < s 112 Best K pJay ( horse collars Chamberlain Druthers , 1st , KUIng hridff , B r&oiit , C t Dicplay liootH and tiuta , iT W Philippe lBt- lBtDoiiblo ticrne , ; , ht vv , V,7 > < v Shennni ) 1st. 1st.DauAila harnen ? , light , I ! Ilnnbc. 1st , DouUe harness , light , Wf .Sherman 3d. Single hainesa , light , W V , " Sherman l t. t.Jfarnwj and trimming * , turf .goods , V W Hhurman , Int. 1'air fun hoot , / TLbiaUey anJ Co , 1st JJisplay of boots uud nhn n , 'L tT Llndae and fo , 21. Pair buck ghves , Wetcalf Brothers , lit ( 'latin 114 , Bent clock , K B nhvn , Ut IJeet display of tllvcrwi r , K 'Aonhauj Bc t display of jenelry , C U Jajyuerai ; and Co , 1st. Beit display of fancy goods , C C l ) Um Omaha , 1st , licit dleplay of pottery , M nreram nlis , Coundl IWh , 1st. Clans llH-Best display of lullllncj ] iod * . J J Ullif , let. Be t dUplay of inilUnery gooda , JI1 ried man , 2nd. Uag rug , MM Maiy B Swan , 2nd. Ktuted , a tidy. Mrs Ojoper , Ut. Plain eewinp , Mm D.MUag , 1st. F.mbroldered table c' > * er , Mr O / Baunders. Ut. liinbroldered tidy , Mra 0 A Cooper , lit Broom holder , J J Blits. 1st. Two pair half hobe , Mrs 8 S Htoven , lit One pair silk tockf , MraUuc Ger.ier , lit CUm UO-Silk ( milt , Mra P Armour lit ; James Bald , 2nd. Cotton quilt , Mn II Garat , Ut. Ktut tpread , Mr F Cooper. t , MM J A Kocc. oulll , Mr j : Pranly1. ' 120 Silk embroidered icrccn , MM : W Merrill , 1st. Ivmbroidered iMnberquini 'Mr George 1 Wooi ! , 2d. . . . Cla i 121-OUomou. Jlr > W d Krb , ht , WcAtod embroidered , MrsJwuesllaird , nd. Plain wonted hftMOcV. M w Cooper , Ut. ClM8l22-Uhrnille Ublo cover , chenille lpp w , tofft cuihlon , Mi s Uerner , 1st on Tnblo cover , Miss lull loh nr , 2J. Claw 12.1- Point lHcehandkrchlff , tidy , liiratol co\cr , oalbr nnd ctiffl , Miss M xoy , Uton oaeb. Ditucd not I'illow ' slinms , Mrj Win Kec- tin , Ut. , D.itnedtict pron , Miss Klfio Pfttlinp , At Darned not child's ' dws ? , Edn Welt 1 , st. . l\rncl net bcJeprcod , Mrs I'fclffcr , Ut , Uln -Macroura lace. Mrs W C Erb , Ut ; MrsC5eo Pholr.-s 2. ! . Bullion embroidery , Mrs A T Klwtll , ? t. t.Applique tiblo ccarf , Mrs A T KIwell , Cotton embroidered s-.t , Mtsi Diiuulug , ht. ht.Applique ottoman , Mr IiCDnhu , lot Outline embroidery and collar , Mrs S S Stcvcnp , Ut on onch , ClaM 12o-3ilk .mittens knit , Mra M Key , 1st. liartiage nfRliau , Miss Bessie Patterson , Int. Int.1U1.1 cotton , glass CA C , Mrs A T KUvcll , lot. Darned not bed spread , Mrs J D CrocV. well , worthy of mention. Mm CatrJage afghan , Lizzie Parks , 2d. Crochet xcnif , J A lion ? , Ut. Crochet sack , Mrs J P lles . Ut , Crochet work , Mrs Conppr , UL Chnchct bi wl , M iss V Knqwlec , 1st. Class 12" Wax floweif , Mrs M uuqudte Ut. Worsted flowers , Mrs Anna IMltcr , 1st. Ornamented work , MrtuD A Benedict. One caco wax llowrrn. Mrs Anuio Don * uley , 1st , Mrs WwKceHue , 2d. vase feathered Hewer * , Mra C A S.wn- [ era , Ut. Hair shepherds crook , Mra C A Kllison , 6 Hair work , Mrs F D Hall , 2d. Dcculconmnio work , J J Blisp , 1st Leather liiaoket , t.i H Jackson , Ut. Clnm 120 Wood carvingand serellwork Tolin I Giuis. Ut. Claaa 130-GirIti1 dopartmcnt. ( Cardboard work , mat ? , Kwim and lace illut sctx and pillaw Rhams Miss Mary ICcy , 1st on t eh. SiU embroidery tidy , Miss E.lnaWct- zel , Ut. Oil paintings , Mits , Lizzie Tyson , 1st. Cheniilu I'liibroidcry , psiicil akctcli and craven nkotch , Lou Irjntringer , 1st. Kboppiug bag , Wisa Annie Pattcrsjn , Jei. Jei.Doll'f droKs , .Toni Wclzcl , 1st. Doll's cli 4J , Bertie Holmua , lit. Chentllfl embroidered picti're , V Kuowleo. 2d. Claes 131 Seal eacque , K l boa , peat's lur cap , fur gloves , fur robe. Metcalf llru * , , Ibt on uach. Class 132 Grand square piano , tTaml upright cabinet oruanp , ami assortment ol musical instruments , .1. Mueller , let nnd 2d on each. Claes 133 Single plaiu iihotoicrarbn and beet wator-colored yhotogrupbe , D , Mitchell , Ist-sn each. Card photographa , $ ' . F. Burke , UI and J. Belt dinplr.y and colction , C fi i-Iierra den , 1st. Class 135 CollectloE. of crayon portraits Cl > Luccorilc , Ut. Animal oil painting. Miss S'Keh'C ' , Ut I'liotoiludia ink , C D Luccocl ; , 1st. Flowers in oil , L A. Brown , 'lot. Class 480 Fruit and flowere in oil , Mn O M Brown , 1st. "Crayon sketch , copyMiss'Wellia Chap nan , 1st. Painting on salio. Miss Peterson , 1st. ' Oil luiuting from' life , Mrs-"o S Stevens ast. 15 water color from life , Wr S Steven * Jst. 2 croyoa front IK : , Mr S Slovens , 2ad. Lancficapo in oil , MissMalnd Kddy.l'nd Best color painting in oil , Miss Maggi Oohanney , Ut. Boat Jundecupe in oil , Miss Maggi Dohanticy , Iht. Best uiiseolaBeo ; pnintiutjr in oil , Mis Maggie Oohannoy. 1st. Besti-Jorofiir.iutlnp o neJ and ex bibitcd 'by one pan , Miti Margin Dohan ney , ' 1st. Ulouc .131 Painted plague , M'rs Jaiue Baird , Pained uottefy , F S Pusoy , Ut. OiUointlui : ; ( a. silk , MiHafJISchoutz , 1st Oil pointing' ' on China , Olra F K WebL 1st. 1st.iDecoratedivftso , Mrs O A.SaundorB , Ut Painted plugTia , not entered for compc tition bat.wort iy of special mention , Clar Teal. Teal.Class Class 138 Marble worke- 'Caunor nnd Uuannella'Ut. Ulana lllollection of B luffed birdc Ifs A'C Graham , 1st. Collection of stuffed bir < ii , F C Kaweli .2nd. Collection of coin , Win Cledentopf , lit 'Htecl < ; niruvlcg , Mr S Ur.ns , 1st. .Soft coal , Avl M ayne uud ( Jo , 1st. Steam choker , A Wheelrr. r-'ea.juosp , Mr Pfelfler , . let , Picture bookujnul engrav < ng , H K Sen DnanlUt. Carpeti and'funcy dry goods , Hnrknesi K ? cutt and Co.Ut. Dulls , HJ-riodmnn , Ut. DHplay of ntam and water fixture , i Hlnmi.y'JImftha.Tat. DiniJay ( if 'furniture ' , C A Beebe & Co Int. llnpl S' of carpets , S Dawi'niUt. . IDlsploj genie furnish and clothing , S < Jlod * ft ( Jo , ilst , IrMephty of gents fnrniub atu clothiog , ] NcR-iuna , "il. lljiivl IT of minerals and ores , Unto C. < n . Alitin ' Co. , Council liUr.Td , Ut. Displc-yof nativfl list , Win Mynster , Isi Dlaiilay of colt ) lint , Undo McICune > Uo. , E t. DUplnyof livelirds , toyfc , etc. , L I Bracket , 3kt. Display of family grocericfl , Ujston Te Store , lut. A Baptikt MiuUter'a lE I am u 3ii > tUt luinitter , and ( > efore uven thotuht of be-In ; , ' a clergyman , I ttrnii tiatfdin meilUIno , bit left u lucrativ jiractice for my present profession , iOyeai n'o. I wux for many years a miirnrcr f roi quinxy ; "THOMAS' KuiictTiiio OIL euro me. " I wax also troubled with hoanenen and ThouiaH * Kclectrio Oil always rulieve me , My wife und child bad diphtherii and "Thomas' ICclectrioiOll cured tbini , and if takeu In time 'It will euro Hive times out of ten , I urn .confident it la cure for the niobt obntlcbte cold or covgl and if any one will Uku a unall teaxpeo and b df fill it with the Oil , and then jilu the mil of the Hpooii in OIM nostril aa draw the Oil out of the npocn Into the hen liy flnlllllng an hard M they fan , until tb Oil full i over into the throat , nnd practic that twice n week , I don't cw i how ulfei kiv their held muy be , It will clean It ot uud auo their catarrh , Fpr ( Veafnetn an oaraclie it ban done wonders to my ccrtul knowledge. It Is the only intdlclne dul bed patent medicine that I have over fc like refeiuimandiug , nd I auivery anxloi tu tee It in every place , for I tell you tin I would cot be without it la my homo fc any coiifiJeratjon. I am now uufferln with a pain like rheurnatlmn In mv rlgl : limb , aud nothiug relieves me like Thorn * . Kclectrio OU. Dr. K. F. CiiJVB. Corry , Pa. Porjlouu Work. Detroit Free FrtM. There wer ? thrco or four oi u Michiganderu t the tame hotel i Montgomery , and all wore amazed a the eight of 10 uiany colored me : loafing their time away on the * treel The nun from lonu county finall thought he'd make 6 few inquirlei and beckoning to a it l wart black wh had ipent. the last Iwo hears on th be wkod : "llaro yon tiny work to do ? " ' 'Not t nh. " ji now , . "Have yon over tried farmine ? " "Oh , yes. " . "And how did you como ontl' "Mighty slim , salt. Do white folks down licah doan' encourage do block folks'tnll.1 , ' "How's " that ? "NVnll , in do fust plnca , dar's do rent of do land. Doy might fist ns well Irow oil' do rent , but they won't do it. Don it I nit do land n.i' sot out to borrow ft inuc nobody will lend mo one. " "Suppose yi'ii had a mule1 "Don whar would I berry u plow ? Cr.n't rniso craps onluss yo plow , ion when I cot do plow fin' ' wont obnr to Kurnel While's ' In berry n Imrnoas do kurnpll wouldn't bo home , or h'etl bo using nil do straps ho had ' ' ' CouM't yon mnko it go if yon had land , Bred , imilo , plow and harneas ] " naked the Wolverine. "I reckon I mi ht , but I dunne , 'npoun' Jo nnilo expired or do harness roko , or aoino nicctir stblo my plow ? " " ' " "Tlmt'rt so. "An do ole woman might dlnor ono f do chU'en git snako-bit , or itmit1it ; nin fo' weeks widont n break. Toll on what , bow , yon men from do norf link it looks hard to aoo so many of s lyin1 'roun' do towns wldout work , ut you doan know nulhV- about do orils of gittin' right down to hard rork nn' takin1 nil do ehancos. ] \ lyle lo woman says it fcola like ilyin' in o facu ob do L wd , and I reckon she s mighty k'reot.1' A Short Rend to Honlth. To all who are differing from boils , ill era , r-ctofula , carlmncUf , or other ubtl late divcasos of the blood nnd skin , ncjuric I BntnncK 1'i.oou BtrrKiis will bo found o be a short rend to heiilth. Price $1.00. atreoc Our Politeness. ) ctroU 1'rcu I'rces. The Rovonlh pamoiigcr WM a Indy. Thcro Was an nbundnncc of room ir .ho car , but naohu entered an uldurly nin : rcao up with n great tlotirish und ailed out : "Tnkomy uoat , madam. T nm not .ho kind of n man to keep it ecnt in .ho street car and obli o n lady to land up. " Sto ! sank down with n half-bow tu Acknowledgment , nnd ho held out his hnnd for her faro with the remark ; "Some men nre brntnl enough lo permit n ludy to etumble to the faro- box and baeit , but thai lali't me. " Ho took her ticket und di'iiroited it , and then hung t the a' ' ray nad eon- tinuod : "And I know men who think that by paaning a fady'H faro to the box ; iven thom tlto privilege oC ontcring nto convorcntion with hec nbout the woaUier , crops , rate of mortality , politics , nn so forth. That isn't rno , however. " The Bpoocli had its duo effect upon all the i aeoongors , including the victim , and the man W , out nnothot link by 'remarking : "Giving up my Boat in a car to t lady doc not entitle > mo to otfor tc acsiat litr oil' the car , 'or ask if she it married or single , : in any mannoi bruak'Down the atern 'barriers of aocia formality , nnd I kncm it. It IB eimpl ] an not of courtesy , oid I shall BO cou aider'it. " There was nome < iUng painfnl in & < oituution to the other BIX , but relic camc'by the man reaching the end o hisQuurnoy. Asfac was rondy to igo off ho looked buck and aaid : have aeon 'tnen whoao coxcoi obliged thom to lift tholr hats am bow to everybody in the oar bofor etopping oil' , but'thal isn't mo. I-ahal stop off without any formality , am without hoping 'X will bo miflsud , " ' Whou the air looked back aud aav hiia eprawlod lit the duat they wer of it , Hnpplneaa witbouT Ulchoa Frco 1'ruas.i.lmo Mln Club. 'Under the bond of "Commuuica tlona" the secretary announced ni inquiry from the city clerk's oilico o Cincinnati , oa to whether a peraoi could bo happf without richo& . "I have no doubt dev kin , fur i tdiort time , " lopliod the proaidont " \Vhen dn puiciuimon aczun f uat open I -reckon dat acul'd ) man who doan own ebon doilxioklcs pa his > iuapond ovc kin ait dowu 'Jonaiclo of a trou an tn-koj'tat as solid pomfort fur twont ; tninutca aaiMio pnseoaaod. $ G000,000 ; JLV fur the du rnmaiuJcr of do y'ar . ' 'cpoot do rich < iau nm ahead. " "Do I unduratiut' do cha'r to advia dp toombiira of din club to atrugglo fo n'cliea ? " iijuirud | tlo ) Jluv. Obadial Higu'lnboUom aa ho carefully roao up ' ' 'Not ndzictly , eah , but just Dtrufl glo-hard 'null to have SlOOin do liotia ineaso of aicknuesn' ; n $ L'0 bill whin it could bo foun' in case you playo poker wid n man from Chicago ar came out strapped. " FOR SALE-MILL MAOH1NER ! HAVIN'I ( .Imngoil our mill to Hungarian ro Ur proutut , v oltur part i/tourolil nu cMixxutut a 'o ' at low prices It caiulita ol iiilroT , ! lnoly flnlnhtd and njmccd rua'ti drlvln Level vlitnlb , ( Ire , awl mor Uonlnu lnlic faci tliroo Inf htm pltth , ir1 ! > ln amain upright aiiQUtSGteoV lO'il-aml kttii , ouu main mortis > ) > ur lual 7 Inch faueaml IJIncli plttlit oi > al 4 teet amtl ) nrS2 ) Inch I > urr4 , eplridlu , plnlou (7 ( Inch 1 | pitch ) , tiacklath jirli < KH , ourlx etc , , comp ttu , OUQ ( our reel cliiut. 17 ( uot clotl 7 convcj r , ono two nd chut , H latl clotli , convtyord two flratlnt wheat heilcr > , l No.r'i ! ! | rcka vmuttcr , t U rn nl & Lev * r cvltln Dipi rater uJ cltvu.or * , Uiafti , wl.oc-lu , pullji , cor tuyorn , tie. h'oino of tlic iDU'Mntry liau bre used l.utaltltloo\cr tWJ ) an , and all li lu KOO cuudltlou , r'ur ( urthcr Information addruu J , 0. JIOKKMAVHACO. , Council lllufli , Iowa. 100,000 TIMKEH-SPRIHCVEHICLEJ NOW IN USE. They rurum Ml other B lor eaiy rldiuK. ttTl nd durability , They are for sale by all Leading Car l&go Builders and Dualora througliou ho country , SPRINGS , GEARS & BODIEI For tat b Henry Timken Patentee * D-1 Builder ol Fine Carrlagti , X.OXTXS , - - ysars' tnniui r > roveu" BLACK Lw ( Jivur mediciiii 11 f-via. GEORGE F. CRAWFORD BUYER AMD SHIPPER OF EGGS. Ho , 619 South lain Street. i UlilWS , IOWA. \ I Pay the Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission , COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING GO. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattice Work , Wood Turn ing. Re-Sawing , Planing and Matching , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Boxes , Etc , Mimut'aoturorB and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J , J , Hathway , Manager , Council Bluffs , la , Mnilitnerv will bo rim oxclnnlvcly'for custom work on Thursday rmd Friday bl cnch week. Orders n'lllcltcd nml n\tlnfactloii : RuarnntooJ. ( Successors to J , W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AND UlCTAlL DEALERS IN LEHI&H BLOSSBURG LAOMIAfflA , , , AND ALL ALLlALS' ' fjni w A.X.1SO COHNELLSV1LLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Ofllce No. 31 Pearl Street , "Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Slevonth Avenue , Oounoil BIulI'n. P. T. MAYNE. 0. E. MAYNK COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , fCORH MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Best of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Hlghent Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley IBIROOIM : Parties Wishing to Boll Broom Oorn'.Will Please Send Sample. GO. MRS. 0. A. BENEDiGT , ' Till : L13ADING DKALKU IN C 3St C3r O > O 9 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Town , Sionx City S Pacific THE SlOtJSC OITY ROUTB Itunit flolld Twin Ihrongk fron > Oouuoii BluUw , to St. Paul Without , Gkange , T < me. Only IT Hour * IT M1CEO TIIK JHOItTKB nOUTB OOUHOIL BLUFFS TO OT. PAUL , 1CKHKAIVL1B DUiUTii on nistuncn and all polnls fo Mortbcrn lowt' Ulanc .la aad nakoto , Tnls llnolj ? winlpj wj wlili the lupiund octM Autniutlo Alr-buk * ind Vlllt p ; tlann Oounler an < Duffer : find for apKKD. BAnm AMD oouronr IP onBurnsh.\l. P-jUann I'kUco Blnui'luf Cir run' thresh wiTlOlMCUAKaElj ! < , twc n Bin I Cltyiuii Bt. 1'tul , rla Council Jlhifl * nuJ Glo-Jr City TrdncItavtlcJou t'MlCtc "ttr.itvt t Coui , ell Jlluffd , U 7tO p. m. iliUy on airlvnl of lUfimi City. Ut Jociti ] lud Ooancll llluCj train frocc Ulotout.'i , AlrU'ir. , : t SlsuiCltv 11 < 0 n. in. and it thcliow Uaiiu Jlruot at Bt. Paul 1.1 IliCC ira irotir.i IN ADVAtroc or MI * ornun MOUTlt. IWl'Miunabw lu Ulliijtl)0 ) Hlonn t"'y Koit you jtit Tnroucli Tffclll. Thr UliOrMt Lu Hie 4ulcki.t7'Inio u4 a Com/brtililo / Uldi In 1 ! ) Thiouxl < , ' in Ijutwton WlOWlt BLUFFS ANO T. Vt.VJ , , tySMtfjiijouraiclctimvl \ i ih "Ctoo vjllyiiid fi.clilo J'.dliajJ ' / 8. WA7TLE-J , J IS BUCHANAN fcuporlnUnJcrt. ( Inn' i'ui , Aeent , Mlttpurt Valliy la. W. K. DAVIK , Bonth\nstnv I'nuenicvr AKant , _ ilnnrcll Itlufla LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY COLLEQKThrco cxjurscjj open to both twxcJ. AUADK Clawlul and Knells Olvol the l.oHol train , ni ; for collcL'uorhun'n PBBKY HrtMj-Stmlnury ( or Vounij LaUliia , UriBUrpanecil In bvinty and licalihlul. noun ol klttutton , tnj In ustint ol adtantaKtt vITciid and tligroiiglaiooij ol tralulnitLlvin , Ou ' Vuar lic'tfliM EopUimlicr ] f | BSZ , Apnl o PHEST. OrtKaOIty , LuHo PoroBt , 111. DOCTOR 9 617 St Clinrlon St. , 8T.X.OUI5 , Mo. A HKOUtAH HUADUATK ol two nudlcal c II fcl-l.nio Inert loujrcr uiiL-S'-ed lu tha troat- mcut ol UIIHOfUcj , NKItVuUd , MKIM ANU 1I1.0UU litawMi than any other p'j ( l < Imi In Bt. l.uuukdilt ) p.piro huw aud all old rcIJeut , know. ConiulUtlon ai oilico or by null Iceo mid Invited. A ( ileii'lly ( Mk ot liU opinion . When It i litcODH'iiluut to Us t the tlti lor troatmciil , ii | dlcln : can be aent by mall or esprra * everywhere. Curable vshertitloubt c It trunk- y ttattd. Call or write. _ NcrvoiM jiroBtratlon , J)0bllllj' , Mental niul i'hj icnl WtitkneH AUrcurlal uiij ether niructiiinii of Tiirout , Skin ami Jioiien , Jilowl Juipuritlea uiul Uluuil J' jlioulng ' Sklu Airuct'iinia , Ola Sored ( .niF Ulceri , InipmliiiiyiiU to lurrtiMV , JthuumaliniiuT l'ilod. _ SiecTi | > r ttittnttoii to CUMUI froln uver.wtifkcMl train. rilllUUCIAIj JAHEH roecJve njwcUl uttcntiuu , I > i a e7url in ftuiu iniprii'leucB. K ic'Hn. ; ' , InduTueiiccJ " MAIN STREET LIVERY , FEED AND- SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travelers will find good accommodation and reasonable chargcu. SOUTH STREET. 'OPPOSITE ' CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - , Iowa. HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DKALKUS IN CKOCEIilES , PROVISIONS , ( fyookory , Glasswnro , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Also iKfnti for the following llnm ol Steamship Companies : Cunard , Anchor , Oulon , Amcrlc&n , and BUu Sliamnlilp Comiianlctf. X XC , x 3e" * X7 S Kor ale on tha Hoyal llaiik of Ireland and Dank o ! Ireland , DuUln. HIODO wl o InteuJ to mmd tot Irltndg to any patt o ( Kuroiio nlll UiiJ It to ttieb nturiwt to call on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AG12NTf , 343 Broadwffy , Oounoil Bluffs STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND RMAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPKH IfANGINQ , KALSOMINING MD OEAINIHU , Shop Corner Broadway and Soott St JACOB SIMS , Attofiioy and Oounsollor at Law , qpUNOJL BLUFFS , IOWA , OfHeo liroiulway , between Main and Pea StntU , Hllllpractlct ) In Stat and KoJora our la