Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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Tha Nebraska National Bank ,
Of Omaha , Nob.
Paid up Capital , - - . . $350.000
S. h. JOHXSO.V , frwMcnt.ol Stole , Johnson ft
A. E. TOITZUJX , Vice rrosftont , of C. , 1 ! . ft Q.
R. II , , Jkwton.
W. V. MOlteK , of W. V. Mor-eJt Co.
JOH.V S. COLLINS , ol OH. A J. H. Collins
J , M. WOOUVOUTII , Ccvnwilor & Attorney-
L. S. KKKtl , ol lljron Heed & Co.
H. W. YATKS , CoMiler.hta Co M of the Tint
National Dank of Ounrui , and ronncctal h
Uioactltij management of Uwl Itank riroo I's
orgMilntlon In l ia
Om D for butiocm Arrll S7 , 1882 , with the
Urfco't cnplUI ol my Innk In : .il.r . k .
OOUXCTIOXN rsceUo sjitchl attention an-1 clut-j
gwi b o t obtainable here or t Iscwhcrr.
IstERrsr lowed on thuo deposits tytn favor-
uM toims Mil upon acmotj ! of huikituxl Unk-
jf * .
FORMQX 'EtriixiiaiOavcrnment llondi/ind . C ! y iccurltlcs bought .nd soM.
Ills ffipnrcil tnl 1 1. general Waking tnuintn
la ail It * details , anj In tbo trmtniuiitct euitom *
era ulllrursuo tbo most llbcis.i ; policy consittont
with tnta banking
> iutch ] to Tile Una.
NEW > f , iiK , October 3.
Money Louicd at fiom G@'J per cent
per annum ; closed lit CQ.7 per rnt.
'Prime Mercantile ) .Jtycr 7 U I'er cent
per nunum.
Sterling Kxnhuic ; Steadr ; bankers1
bills , $4.Sldotnaadj8C8o. ;
S Ctovermnents woroirnchanrxi ( , oxolpt for
extended 6V , whWi advanced J per cent.
Share speculation. continue to bo tbq
< center of interest , nod , while Blocks have
been acth'o nnd fovorlsh they have been1
, lesaio than ycctevday. During the fir it
hour the tendency af prices was downward ,
then an upward reaction begin which ov-
tinuod up to 1 o'sloolf , when tho.-o we n
decline of ig ( per cent , which Tvan * ol"
lowed by an advance of4@2J per cent. A
portion of this advr.uco wea soon 'lost
The niarltctin.tho last hoer was itroag and
Uie indications are that thonpeu ilalora who
lead the decline have secured v rhat stock
they want nad ore- now ready , or marly
no , for the dvnnco in prices. These nro
the iudicationc , . whether inkier iding or not
remains to to sscn. Gould eto eks , Vn'Uard
stock" , Eric and Denver wera all notably
strong in the loat hour , and the ti jhcat
prices of the ( lay were paid.
The annual meeting of tbo JXew 'York '
clearing houeo association was."held tc-day.
The follcwing'officera were el ected < for the
year : Provident , 'IVD. Lapp an ; seorotary ,
II. II. NREJO ; manager , V f , A. 'Camp.
The manager's report showe i transactions
for the yew , 518,147,810,4C6 ; avorace per
day , 815CS8,37G ; total an louut .of gold
coin UHed in settlement of I tiaiancca o'mco
resumption ( three years und nine incathO ,
Ycsterday.Ctf- .
D's 100 100 *
44's , Coupons 112 | 112
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " *
Pacific'6'a of 1895' . . 1 ! . . . ! . ! .130 130
Central Pacific Grata. . . 1141 113
Krie seconds 09 1001
Lehigh & , SVilkesbarre 102 } L01
Louisiana console 09 701
MiflsonriG's 110 109
Bt. Joseph 109 109
St , Paul & Siour Oily firsts. . .111Jf109
Tennessee ffa Cl 50) )
do new 50 50
Texan & Pacific lan',1 grants. . 01 C2J
do K. G. div. . . . 82i 82i
Union Pucilic let mortgage. . 115 115
do land grants. . . 110 110
do ( linking fund. . 118 1181
Virginia G'g 35 35
do consols G's nCOi 57
do deferred 13 12J
Adama Expresa 140 138
Allegheny Central 28J 27 ?
Alton & Terra Haute 41J I3 {
do pfd. . . . 81 88
American Impress 94 J 915
Burl. , Cedar Kapids & North 80 81
Canada Southern 021 64i
Col. , Oin. & Ind. Central. . . . 109 108
Central PaciCc 90J 91 *
Chesapeake & Ohio 24 ; ' 25J
do 1st pfd. . . 204 381
do 3d pfd. . . 20 ? 274
Chicago & Alton l 8j I'M
do pfd 100 140
Chi. , Burl. & Qulncy 130g 133
Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 79 78
Gin. , Sand. & Cleveland 62i r 3
Cleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 80 81J
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 112 112 }
Del. , Lack. & Western 37i 38g
Denver & Itio Grande 50 58
Erie 4U 4H
do pfd 80 , W
East Tenneibeo 109J 10
do preferred HG irll > i
Fort Waynu & Chicago 132 134
Hannibal& bt. Joseph -17 . .oi
do pfd. . . 804 * * > &
Harlem 2U I 200
Houston & Texaa Central. . . . 804 'f 0
Illinoia Central 138 1335
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 21-/ 4 < J
Kansaa & Texas SGJ JT
I aka Erie & Weatarn of ) ( ; 4
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .lllj ! U/S !
LouUvillo It Nashville 57A W\ \
J ouisv. , New Alb. & Chicago G7fc ( J8
Marietta & Cincinnati Cat pfd 15 115
do do Sdpfd 5 6
Memphis & Charleston. . . . . . 521 fill
Michigan Central 'J5i US-
Minneapolis & St. Louia 81 ? 32J
do t > fd. 714 72S
Misaourl Pacific 1001 107rf
Mobile & Ohio 120 li0 ! i
lUnhattan Beach 121 lij !
MarrU&Ksjex 51 51
Nuahvillo & Cliattaaooga 74 75J
Now Jersey Central . . . 5t 57
Norfolk & NVeitwu
da preferred . . , . . , . . . . . .
Northern Pacific 481JOS
do pfd 911 S'34 '
Northwestern l j 414
do pfd . .1G.J4 ( iij
New York Ceutral Ml 1333
Ohio Central 10 ? IGj
Ohio & Mississippi. . . . m J3j
do pfd . .105 10j
Ontarl < i & Western 12S 271
I'aclfio Mall 1 , i
Panama K'7 llij
Peoria , Decatur& l vansv. . . J14 3J
Pittsburg & Cleveland 13 $ 138J
liotk i ' ! ! ! ! ' . ' " ! ! ! ! ! - I32 ?
Ht. Louia & Sen Kran 'J Wl
do pfd. . . . 6S 59
do 1st pfd 97 9'J
Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 107g 1085
do pfd..123 125
St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 157 157
Bt. Paul & Omaha Mi } f
do pfJ 107
Texaa & Pacific 15 !
, ,
Union Pacific HU , i
United States Express W ' '
Wabwb , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 35 13b4
do pfd. G3J 05J
Wells , Forgo & Co. Exprew.128 128
Western Union Telegraph. . . 87 T8
Caribou 1 | if
Central Arizona B ,
Excelsior I .J
Homestake 17J If
Wttla PltUburu 1 J.
Ontario 1 88 38 |
Quicksilver . , ( 8i 8 *
„ do pfd . - , . It 4S
uoblnson . . . . . . .s.4' . . 1 1
Silver Ciilf . , . . .t..U 3 ?
South Pacitio 13 13
Standard GJ 5
Sutro J 1
Offered. + Kx. Intcrcsl.0wd. . | Kt ,
Sp : l D&r\wtciW ! to Tim Urn.
CHN--AOO , October a Flout Steady and
Wheat Higher ; regular , 049lc for
October ; OijJ 93Jo for the > e.iri No.
2 Chicago sprfn ? , ! ' 3fa for CM'I ; 91129' ' } °
for October ; vij'gStjo for No\eniberi 9 i
( SJJIlc for the je r ; No. i rrd winter , } < 7c
frr cash. |
Corn fining ami htrhor ; Clo for cash
nnd Octolwr ; tlOJ Gllo fur jN'ovcmiwr ;
Tlie for th j-oat ; f > OJo for January ; C2jo
for May , ,
OfttK 3tc.-\iryj 31ii | ! for cosh and Oct'-
her ; 32o for Nov 3inbti ; tflj/o / for the jcar ;
3 la for January ,
Kje SliMiiv ; 5c
BAtley Dull and lower ; Sic.
FUx cjeel LowerjT. lli.
Butter Stoulyt far ! to linn crnamcry ,
'JlfaUc ; Rood to clioico dairy , 19oi24e. (
Kgp--Lower ; " 3c.
WhUkj" Lower ; I 1G.
Freights Kates en corn to Bulfaloc. .
Pork Active , linn ati'l hiphcr ; 22 55 ©
2 < W for cash ; 22-10 for Oct her ; 21 221g ( )
212S for Nu % ember ; 1945 for tbo year ;
W 17i19 20 fortfauuary ; 19 15 for Fvbru *
ncv.lard Strong and hlRher ; 12 7" > @ 12 SO
for cash ; 1275 for October ; 123il240
for November ; 11 GO for the year ; 11571
for ihmnary ; 1152116 ! > for February.
Bulk Moats lu fair demand ;
ders , 10 2o ; short ribs , 14 50 ; short .clear ,
CALL BOARD. Wieat Quiet and IrreRxi-
lar ; rpular , 93jo for October ; 91@JMjo |
if or November ; 93o for the jcar ; WJu ( )
I'Clc ' for .lanuarv ; ySJe for May ; No. 2 red
winter , 97io asked fur October ; y6jh.9GJo , (
'for ' November ; Sli@97o for thu jcar.
Corn -Demand active , but piloes are
unchanged ; G05@GOjo for cash ; COJo
for October ; GOo for November ; 543.1 Itr
tha year ; 60s for Juiiuary ; 621@J2jo for
May ,
Oats-Quiet and unchanged ; . _ . .
for October ; 32o for Noveinber ; Ijfc f. r
the year ; 31s for May.
Pork S'.rom ; an ! iricgular ; 22 GO for
cmb ; 22 00(322 ( 62\ \ for Octo er ; 21174 ®
2t 20 lor Noveiuler ; 19 43 for the yeur ;
19 to for January : 111 17J f > r Mtrch.
Iii ! ln fairdenmud ; 11 G2i@ll 70 for
Dec mVr ; 11 ( JO for the jcar ; JlOl ) lor
January ; 11 00 for May.
NEW YOUK , October H. Flour Market
dull ; Kiiperlmn state and 'vctUcrnDO ©
393 ; cuuunou to good uxtra , 39illiO ) ;
good to choice , 4 03@7 09 ; white wheat ii-
tr.i.'O 237 50 ; extra Ohio , 4 C0@7 00 ; tat.
Louia , 4iO@7 50 ; Miuneaota patent process -
cess , 7 258 50.
Wheat Cosh , J@o higher ; options ,
higher ; No. 2 niiring , nominal ; urv
1 03 ; No. 2 red , 1 07@1 07i for certificate * ,
1 074103J delivered ; ungraded white ,
US4c@lllJ ; No. 2 white. 1031 ; No. 1
white , G.OJO bu. Hold at 1 lli@l 12 ; No. 2
red for October , 400,000 bu. sold at 1 t'OJ '
(5)1 ) 0J , closing at 1071 ; do for No\ ember ,
001,000 bu. Bold nt 1 tb@l 08J , cloning at
I 03J : do for December , 497,000 hu. sold at
lWi@l 10 , closing at 1 09J ; do for Jan
uary. 72,000 bu. sold nt 1101118 , clos
ing at 1 111 ; do for February , 01,000 bu.
sold t 112 ( 112V , closing at 1 12g.
Corn Kg > 2jjc higher ; feverish ; ungraded ,
71 ic ; steamer , 71c ; No. 2 , 71@714c in ele
vator , 7273c { delivered ; No.2 for Oclo.
ber > " 501@72lc'closinj : ot 731c ; do for No
vember , OSJ@701e , closing at 701c ; do for
December , Ii5@05jc , closing at G5 c ; do for
January , G01@Glc , closing at ( WJs.
Oats J'giljc bigb rmlxod ; western , 33 ©
40c : white western , 4050o.
liny Quiet but steady ; GOc.
Hzga Fresh western , quiet und weak ;
Pork Strong nd higher ; new mess ,
22.2 .
liesf Market dull And unchanged.
Cut Meats Scaroe and firm. ; long clear
middles , 15 00.
Lard Weak ; prime steam , 13 12J.
Butter Firm on Cnea5@3Sa. ;
Cbt ese Quiet , but firm lur choice ; west
ern factory , 9@lle.
Hf. D30IS.
ST. Locis , October 3. 'Flour Quiet ami
unclic-iged ; XXX , a.E&@ajr0fatnily , 4 05
@ 4 1 ; choice , 4 55i 05 ; fancy , 4 70 ®
5 IS.
Wheat Higher and unsetlled ; No. 2
red ( fell , 91j@93 for cosh ; 91c for
October ; 93Jo for Nov mber ; 94So for
December ; 91gc for the year ; 93jo fur
iluiuary ; 09Jc for May ; extreme iiricen
wore jc higher than the above ; No , 3 red
fall , 3/G8Se ; No. 4 rotMall , S3o bid
Corn Market higher and fairly active ;
Sljc foe cash ; G3Ji ( Gc for October ; MJo
for Novembar ; 49/o for the year ; 47c for
January ; 4gjc [ for May.
Oats Marliot higher ; 3Jj © 2Jc for
caoli ; .B"io for OctoberJKgo , foe'Wovember ;
30o foi the year ; 32e tor Alay.
liyo-r-i'irmer ; 57c ,
Barley--Quiet ; sample Iots-Ci@90e.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 23@31c ;
dairy , 8C@2Go.
Tigga Steady ; 21o.
Whisky-Steady ; 1 IT.
I'ork Higber ; 22 80 bid fo ct9h ; 22 50
bU tar October ; 19 00 ( or January ; job
Balk Meats- Steady ; .ehouldero , 10 25 ;
abort riba , 11 75 ; Micrt eloer , 15 7-\ \ .
Bacon Strong ; nbouldera , IL''I ; short
ribc , 15 7 @ 15 87i ; nhort. clear ,
Lard Ncminally hiKher.
KAKHA8 Cttr.
IvAi'ifAH . ' 'ITT , October -vVVheat
Better , but slow ; No. 3 red. 72s for earth ;
No. 2 rod , 774.0 bid for cash ; 77So bid for
November ; " 7c bid for the ysar ; No. 1 red'
833 bid for cash ,
Corn Steady and quiet ; COc bid for
caali ; 41 3 bid for November ? 88 0 'od ! for
tlie year ; 33Jc bill for May.
OatH Slow ; SOlo bid /or each ; 2fr0 bid
for November.
Butter Unchanged ; choioa. 23@2Ce.
Kgga Unchicj td ; 17c. *
I'KOIUA , Gctobsr 3. Corn Active , nu
and higher ; hlrh ixed , G cnc ; mlzed ,
Oitj Active , , Ctm and higher ; No. 2
rvhite , 35if@S8/o.
ItjeFirinj No 2 , 573058 ,
Highwineii Firm ; 1 17.
LivtiirooL , October 3.-.Bre&&tufle
Wheat Winter , fa'gSj M ; tptlsg , *
. -S'Js 9J.
ConNOiL BLurm , .October 4. The
Couicll BlulTi marketa carefully rev ited
to c'to are ag folia wa :
Fluur CJoldenSlieaf. COO ; KansaaCJty
iutQr wheat , 275(5/3 ( / 25.AClunLiiota ; winter
wheat , 3 00 © 1 00.
Wheat No , 2 , 7Se ; No . C5 ; rejectol ,
Cora-Nii. 2 , 50j.
Oats. No.2 , 30 *
Kye No. 2 , 153.
Eggd-4)carce ; selling t/j jitotiira at 20a.
Corn Menl-1 GO for white ; y ilow , 1 00 ;
com ch ip , 23 09 per ton ; con And oata
chop , 2Q 00 per ton ,
FHUITSiApiile * . 200.1
Broom Com 3ifcS9c.
Hay Loose , 7 00@9 00.
Wood 5 0000 00.
Butter Creamery , 30cln ; rolls , wrap.
i , 20c ; rolls cot wrapped , 22c ; mUed
colon , 10@121o.
Onioas lOo per bushel.
Live Chickens 2 WC < 93 00 per dozao.
Potatoes SOo per luhhel.
Cabbages 2540o per dot.
Turnips SOo per buuhel.
Sweet Corn 7c par doten.
LlYK BTOOK.-Oft -IJxUtL J , 8 00@
8 50 V * l Cftlvw-B SO ® : W. Hogs
7 00@I 25. Sheeu-360.
Dltp&tcriM U ) Tin Bit.
CIUCAOO , October 3. The Drovers'
Journal reiMrU ta follow ? ) :
Hogs Demand brisk , market ( trong and
equally poor ; good fie higher ; cnmmon to
go < > d mixed , 7 7f > 'S8 40 ; heavy , 8 / > 0oU 25 ;
iiiht ; , 7 70@8 53 ; skip ? , 5 107 20 ; nil
sold ,
Cattle Trade generally heavier and
more f.cthe , no export * IT clioico here ,
they would brlni ; C fiOfe " 00 ; good to choice
chipping , 5 40KG * { i ; commou to fair , 3 9J
( afi 20 : mixed butchcrB' in heavy supply
and tbo market steadier at 3 25 ® 1 00 ;
stackers and feeder" , 3 10 © I 20 ; range ,
frtirly active and stroiiRcr ; Texi * cow ? , 300
@ 3 10j Tevss itecrH,3 GOC 4 30 ; half-breeils
and American * , 3 76j'U ( 00 , Including slop
feeding cattle
Sheep Slow , nenk nnd about steady ;
demand Macks oupply large ; common to
f dr , 3 05@3 00 ; medium to good , 3 G3@
4 00 ; cholcn lon.ln at the litter prices ;
Oregon feeders of 101 lln rnld ut t 2 > .
HT. I.OUI3 ,
Sr. Lofts , October 3.- Cattle Supply
\ery moderate and qunlity very poor ; only
butchers and canning in demand , c.mners
bid S 83 ( 3 75 for cow ? , and luixod lots of
natives anil butchers were bought nt 3 23@
< ? 5 ; shipping demand very light.
Sheep Dull ; only butcher demand ; fair
to fancy niuttoup , range , 3 50@l bO.
Hogs Fair mpply but no demand ;
liticci fctrcely more than nominal ; Unlit ,
7 23@S 00 ; packluu , 7 W8 ) SO ; butcher : , '
to laucy , 8 23@8 UO.
KANAAR CITY , October 3. The Live
Stock Indicator rcpoite :
Cattle - Steady : stackers and feeders , 3 23
© 4 00 ; cows , 2 033 20 ; Texann , 315 ®
3 83 ,
Hogs Weak and a bhado lower ; lots
avcrnging 1 ! > J t J 2S9 lb ? , sold at 7 G0@8 30.
Sheep Steady ; gooj to choice , 2 75 ®
S | > cclal l > lsrtch < u to Till HEX.
NKW YOHK , October 3. Coffee - Quiet
but steady ; Kio cargoes quoted at 7JgllWc ( ;
job lots , b@lllc.
Sugar Dull and nomiual ; fair to good ro-
fininir. 77-10@7U-10j.
MolasneB Quiet nnd unchanged.
Ilice- Steady with a fair demand ; do-
meatlc , 5@7c ; linngoon , 55Jc.
Petroleum Quiet but firm ; L7uitcd9Sja ;
cnide , 71@7c ; refined. ' @ > e.
Tallow-Firm ; 81@SJe.
Kosin Firmer ; 1K 1@1921.
Turpentii.c Quiet but ttoiidy ; IGc.
On , Otr , October 3.-Petroleum was
forced bit 'Kwaids to-day by the tlgUtuosa
of the money market , opening at Olc ; drop
ped to 9M , immediately rallied to 91 Jo ,
and nflei u serien of fiuctuations closed at
'J-'lu. Salcc , 5,071,000 barrels.
BpccI&C Dlspntcliru to TUB Usn
BosroN , October 3. The dcmnnd for
wool is good and pric cs firm and well BUS-
prices. Unwuehed in demand nt 21@33o
for fine and medium grades ; 19@23o for
low and coarse ; medium elections In de
mand at 34@35c ; combing and delaine firm
and arc taken aa fast aa offeredll@lGc
for -Sno Michigan delainr ; 47@50o for fine
and No. 1 combing. California wool ia in
moderate demand at 25@33spriEg. Pulled
wool linn end choice aiiperfints scarce.
K IB tern and Mainn euperfinca 43c , and
common and good superfineo , 28@40.
Foreign wool is quiet nod very little de
sire blc stock'ifl efTored.
Spithl Dispatches to Tin DIB.
CmoAOO , October 3. Receipts and
ehintnenta ofifiour and grain for the patt
24 hours liav been as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Flcur bbla 19,00 * 14000
Wheat buEhels. 191.000 81,000
Com " 79,000 52,000
Oats " 90,000 180,000
Ily - " 17.000 7,000
Barley- " 53.006 29,000
JNaw 'Your , October 3. Receipts and
Bhipments of'.Uour and grain for the past
24 hours have been aa follows :
Receipts Shn'ta
Flonr-bbls 28,080 3K ; > o
Whett bushela 320,530 499,000
Core " 187.00D 45. 50
Oata " 40.700
HT. .Louis , 'October 3. Kuccipta and
shipments of and grain fur the past
4 Ii cra have been an follows :
Receipts. Sbip'ta.
Flour bbls 6,006 11,000
Wheat buahbla 83,000 41000
Corn " 2,008
Oals- " 8.000
Hye- " 1,000 3)000 )
Hsrle ? " 8,000
JO-KBiS Cirr , Oclober S. Receipts
and dhipmonta af grain for tbo post 24
bourn have been ta follows :
Rec'ts. Shlp'ta.
Wheat , buihela 43,000 31,000
Com " 3,000 vl000 |
GIUCJCO , October 3 , Recdpta and
Bhipments of 11 vo utock for Uta past 21
houra have been aa follows :
Rec'ts. SMpm'ts.
Hoga { icon A.OOO
Cattle 5,000 3.00J
Sheep 1,700 ,2r 0
ST. LouwOctolsr 3 , Receipts and
shlpraentu of live utock fet tbo p < xt21
houra have been aa fellows ;
Rec'U Shipm'ta
Hoga 2,300 400
Cattle ] -UO ,70J ,
Sheep 1,500 000
KASSAB iCur , Oolober 3. Receipts
and ebipmtuvtH of live iock for the pai > t 21
huum have been a follows ;
IJec'ts. SLIpui'is.
Koga 8,000
Cattle 3,80-J
Sheep 1,1)00 )
\Vholciiklo Prices.
OrricE OK THE OMAHA Bit * ,
Tueidiy Kvecing , October 3. f
The only changed reported lu market to
day ara aa followr
Barley No. 2 declined io.
Carbon oil odruuced ic.
Headlight oil adrancod 2c.
Superlative Hour declined lOc
Sugars declined jc.
dumber aJyanced 1 00@2 00 per M.
> Llnio advanced JOe jier bbl.
Local Qrfiln Uoallnci ,
WIfBAT , Cish No. 2 , ja r < aeh No.
3 , CJijo ; reji'ttcd , 4.1JC ,
iA.iilJ2y.-a ; Ko , 2 , 74o ; No. ! l ,
KXB. Cath , 41 o.
CORK. No. y , 50o '
OAT-Cash. 28n.
STUKKT PRIOKB-Oorn , fcOj ; n.u ,
Produce and Provisions.
POTATOES 25fe40o per buthel.
ONIONB 30@50o per bunhel.
BUTTKR-ClioIco . country , 24@25c.
KlC11 ( llitXS. n .
HON BY Califorala. ncrlb , 22J.
APPLKH-Per barrel , S2 00 ® ! 23.
OANTALOPia-Per douii , 76c@l 00.
OYSTJinft-Select. 6"is ! lier can.
WATlIUMELONS-Per ICO , $15 00 ®
18 00.
PKAIlS-Californla , $2 75@3 50.
PLUJJS-Callforula , 2 00@2 25.
I APKS-Californla , $ J 00@2 25 ,
U-M 60@5 W per box.
BKANS ImportM German 2 70 p r
bushel , .
Qrocere' List.
OANNKD GOODS Oysters. 2 lb
( Field's ) , per owe , * 4 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 75 : cto 2 lb ( Ct.indard ) , per CMP ,
8 75 , Ix > bflter , 1 tt > jwr dozen ,
180. Tomatoes , 280 ; do 8 lb per
eao , 2 PO ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain )
CMP , H 03 ; noakcd corn , 190 ; do
Iti ( Yarmouth ) , per cai * . 300 ;
string Ixsans. per cae , 2 10 ; Lima beans
per case , 1 70. Succotash per ease. 1 80.
PCM , common , r case , 1 60 ; Peas , choice ,
per CMC,2 70. Blackberries , 2 lb , IWMSP ,
220 ; strawberries 2 lt > , per COM , 2 GO ;
raspberries , 2 IV , per ca"o , 3 60. l\m-
* oiu , 2 D , per cose. 2 4S. B.irtlett
pears per case , 3 C04 CO. Wbortlcbcrrioi
i > cr cacD , ? 73 KCR plums,2 Ib \rtoe'i 7fl ;
[ Jroen rigea.U lb iier CAKO , 2 16 ; do choice , ;
lb jier ca o 160. Pine Applca , 2 lb , per case ,
4 C0r ( 5 7o. Penchen , 2 tb iwr oojo , 3 00 ;
do 3 IK , 4 00@4 W ) ; do , ( pic ) , 311. , per
cabfl.2 10 ; do pie , C Hi , per doron , 24) .
8MJA11S Powdered , ICJc ; Cut loaf ,
105 ; Oratmlatoil , lOc ; ( /ontectloncr'n A ,
' .Ijo ; Standanl Kxtr 0 , Oc ; F.jtra C ,
3jc ; medium yellow , 8c ; d rk yellow ,
SVUUP Standard Com. , 4Cc , bblj. ;
Uudard do , 41 gallon kr-fig , ? 2.25 ; Standard -
dard do , 4 gallon keg , $2,00.
FLOuH Jobbing prices , Jack Frost
superlative , . .
$14.00 ; chopped feed , $2 .00.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , G 7" > ,
No. 1 mnckcrel. kits , 1 00 ; family mackerel -
erel , half brl > , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits ,
83c : No. 1 whlto fish , hall brls , G 00 ; No. 1
white fish , kiln , J3c ; family white fish
half brls , 4 50 ; family white titb , kits , SOc ;
medium scaled herring , 35c ; delect bonclcsi
cod , Sic ,
8 PICKS. Popper , 20 ; Allspice , SOc ;
Cloves , 35c ; Nutmovrs , Cl 00 ; Caasut , 21c ;
Mace $100.
LYK AnicrloMi , 3 3" ; Greenwich. 3 40 ;
Weotom , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis'
lye. 4 GO ; Jowoll lye , 276.
FKKD Jobblns prices , Chop feed ,
$1.50 per 100 Ibs.j chop corn , 31.40 ; bran ,
70o per 100 Ibs.
STARCH. Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Uloss ,
< le ; Corn Starch , OJo ; Excelsior lloss ,
7o ; Corn. 7Jc.
UOFFE'C. KIo. lair , He ; lllo. good
12c ; Julius to clioico , 12 to 13 ; ; Old gov't
Java ; 2 iiisls,2 Mocha , 28Jo ; Arbueklc'o ,
14Jo" MEATS Hams , 15Jc ; breakfast bacon ,
15c ; cleat sidobicon , IC c ; dry salt bacon ,
lljc ; ehacldors , HJc ; tierce lard , 131.
ROPE Sisal , & Inch and larger , lOc ;
Uinch , lie.
OUKKS3 Full Cream , 13jc ; I'M *
Skim , HIjD.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , i3@65 ;
Ohclce , G0@76c ; Imperial , gocd , 4043r ;
Chrico , 00@75c ; Young Hyaon , ijood , 3G(5J (
SOo ; ( hoico , G5cl 00 ; Japau Nat Leaf ,
35c ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , gocd ,
35@ < 0 ; Oolong , cbo.oo , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
srood , 35HJ40c ( : cholco. 35@ loo.
NSW PICKLES Medium , In barrels ,
$800 ; do in half bbls , 4 EO ; smalls , in bblx.
10 00 do , in lialfbbls , 5 fiO ; gherkins , Ia
bull. 12 00 ; do , in half bbla , G 50.
WOODENWARE Two hoop pail * ,
1 95 ; three hcop pMln , 2 20. Tubs No.
V3 50 ; Pisnoer washboards , 1 85 Double-
Uruwu 2 \Vollbucketu ; , 3 CO.
LKAD Bar. SI 05.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IGc :
fura apple , 13c ; Pru&iina nuro annla , IGe.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 M ; Ash-
ton , in EOO ks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy CO. SB , S 50
HOMINY New , $4 50 per bbl.
S ( ) D A D wight's Ibpavero , $2 83 ; Do
end do , $2 So ; Church's , 8 < 83 ; Keg eoda
CANDLKS Boxes , 40 Ibs , If. nz 8s
15cb ( "xfty Ibn. , W OK. , < Vi , 15n ,
RlUi Ouir'lim , 7iigSo ; LonUiana , 7
© Be ; ii'tvJU/J2.
MATUSES"-Pcr ! caddie , flDc ; round ,
, nc.i. 8 'tlilmatt'iro , caoon , { 5 HO.
SOAHS Klrk'n Savon linpeiiol , 345 ;
Kirk-K sattnet , S 60 ; Klrk'e standard , 3 75 ;
Kirk's whlta Russian , 525 : Kirlc'B
EutocB , a 15 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( calces' ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 35
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
In case , 3 35 ; BabbitKa Ball , 2 doz. in cose ,
190 ; Anchor Uall 2 doz in cosr. 150.
FIELD SEED Red clover , cholco
new , $600 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new , 97 00 ; white claver , new. $14 00 ;
si alts clover , new , $12 50 ; alsike , new ,
01300. Timothy , good , now , 83 00 ,
blue grass , extra clean , $1 GO ; blue ensa ,
clean , $1 25 ; orchard grata $2 59 ; rod top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
BOo ; millot. German , 81OU to 9125 ;
Hungarian SOo
HEDOESKED-Oeago orange , 1 to
bushels , $5 00 ; oiage orange , 10 oushola or
over , $4 50 ; honej- locust , per lb. , 35c ; y
100 Ibs. . $25 00.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod 'ion.
neMco , lOopor lb ; fancy white , lOJo pcrlb ;
raw whlto Virginia raw , lOo ; roasted ,
Dry aooda.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Je ;
Aiipleton XX , Ic ; Atlanta A , So ; Boott
FF , 8Jo ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W ,
71c ; Chittcnonpo A , Gjc ; Hreat Falls E ,
8c ; Hooeier , ojo ; Honot Width , lc. Indian -
dian , Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A ,
8Jo ; Indlau Orchard d. w , , Bc ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7i 'Pefjuot A , fijo ;
Shawmut Lli , Te ; Utica 0 , 5c ; Waclmo-
ett B , 74c ; do A , Sic ; do K 48 , 12Jo ; Wai-
colt BB. 8&a.
4-4 ; 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 7So ;
Atlautlo LU OJc ; Badger Btato X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bcnnlngton C 4-4 , Cjfc ; Bucl iyo S. 4 < 4 , Cnco
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. tyc : Laconia O
89 , 80 ; Lehigh K 4-4 , OJc ; I msdalo 4.4.
lOc ; PeppcreU N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 71o ; do K
SO , 7Jo ; do E 30. Sic ; Powuuet 0 i-4 , 7 c ;
Wara8iiUa4-4 I3o
gin L 4-4,9Jc : Blackalone AX. imperial fii'cj
do do half bleached 4.4,0c ; Calwt 4-4 , fij ;
Fidelity4-4 , 9cVniIl ; of UieI.CMiin.10 ; do
caH.urlo4-4,13cdoWaterTwlBt,10JcGroat ;
FallsQ,101c ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ;
J'oeawet 4-4 , BJu ; Utica , Ho ; V omautto
O X X. 121c.
Uii/OKB ( Colored ) Albany E brown.
8c ; do O. drab , lie : do XA. Btrlpea and
plaldH , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab ,
Btripea and plaids , 1'JJoj Arlington faucy ,
1'Jcj Dnmawick brown , BJcj Chariot fancy ,
11ic ! ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
brown , extra heavy , llc ; Indiana A
brnwn lilns Veuonset A brown. 16c.
TlUKUNUtv Ainnakeag A U A 32
19u ; du XX blue 32 , IBjc ; Arrowacca ,
OJo ; Claremout B IJ , Ifijo : Conofttoga ex
tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , Hie I ewuton .1
30 , 16c ; Miiinehaha 4-1. 20c ; Omega super
extra 4-1 , 28a ; Pearl River 32 , 10c ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12e ; Shetucket 8
lOtc ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o
DENIMS. Amoskeak , blue and bronu
lOic ; Andover DD blue , 15o ; ArlingX
blue Scotch , 181o ; Concord 000 , blue a w
brown. 12ic : do AAA , do do 131 ; do XXto
do do Hie : Haymaker's blue and brown ,
9ic ; Mystic River DD etrlixj , lOJc ; Penrl
Ifiver , blue rjid brown , lUc ; UncanvIUe ,
bluoand 1-rown , 141r ,
OAMBRICiS Barnard , 51c ) Eddyetono
ir , 21 Inch double face , KJc ; ( Junior A
; lazed , fijcj Manhattan glove finish , G ? <
rv wpoi-tdo6ojdojlftzed.6ic | Penuot d
5c ; ] jockwoo < i kid finieh Go.
CORBET JEANS-Amory , 8cAndro
n 6tteon , 8JClarendco ; , OJcjCono ?
. .ttecua , Vic ; JIallowel , 8c ; Indi
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick. 4So ; Cocheco , 7c ;
Conestofa. GJo ; Dunkirk , 4c ; Dunnell ,
3J@7cj Eddystone. 7o ; Gloucester , Go ;
liartnony , 6Jc ; ICnlckerixxsker , Gjc ; Mor
rlmooD. 7cj Myntlo , 51o ; Bpra/ues. Co ;
Southbridge , 6c ; do. Ginghams , Joj ilarl-
joro. Me : Oriental CJo.
GlNGHAM8-Ain' keag. 12Se ; Amo .
te g dresa 01) ) Argyle , lOjo ; Atlantic ,
) c ; Cumberland , 74o ; Highland , 71o ;
fCenilwortb , 8ic ; Plun kett , lOJc ; tiua
C'OTTONADES Abberrllle 181o
AgaU , 20o ; American , llo : ArtWan , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , ISJc ; Clarion 1) and T.
17ic ; Jo c&a Co.itripe DaudT. ICe ; Ker-
vtono , 131 ; Nantucket. 19c ; Noniarefl.
; OOMU D wul T , 13Jc ; JJoyaJ ,
Sruunt , 12 j TloR , 12ipi WachnoeU hlrt-
In ? iheckn. 12jc ! do , Nankin , 12c ; York.
plain Nankin , ISJcj do , checks , trli < os and
fancy. 12J\c \ ! do , 8 at , 20o.
SHKKTINU3 Andre cofirtnlM,27jc !
do 0.4 , 2lc ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 0
42 , llcj Fruit of the loom 10-4 , S7J | New
York mills 98 , 85ci do 78 , 80o ( do fxs , 22Jc |
1'embroko 10-4 Ste I'enitot 10-4 do
- , ; - , 28Jc ;
7-4 , 19c : do 49 , ICcj I'cnperell 9fi , 29cj
do 67. 21c { do 67 , 18c Utlcft 9S , We : do
8 , 22ic ; do 48. 17c
Clgcr * r.nd Tobacco * .
OIGAna. Sf K9l5.Wj Uonnpotlcnt ,
S25.00j Mixed , 36.00 ! Seed Hftvam ,
VO.OO ; CloarHavAaa , 576.00.
TOUAOCO PLUG. Uoldon llnle ,
.M lb , COc ; Our Koim , firtil qnatlty , GSc }
15 Ur , ixmmls , 21 lb , bull.f > 0c ; Homo Bhoo ,
ixnuuu , 21 lb , butts "Sej Gilt Kdjrc ,
IKiundB , 24 lb , buttf , GO ; Army nnd Navy ,
i > otind * . fiScj Bullion , pound * , t > 9cj Loifl *
jvrd'n Climax , ponuds , GOo.
FINK OUT In nalls.-Ilanl tn Beat !
'ooj Gulden Thread , 70cj Fountain , 80c ,
b'avorltc , G5c ; Kooky Mountain , OOc ;
Fancy , Wo ! Unity , DOc.-In tin foll-
3atllns 0. S. , 6 lb boxes , nor lb C3c ; Lori-
lord's Tienr , COc ! Diamond Crown , Mo.
SMOKINO All Krades Common , 25 toe
Grnnulatod lilackwollo Durham , 10
ozSlc ; Dukea Duilmin , 1C ozHici of
S'oith Carolina. It ) or , 40 ; Seal of Nobras.
en , 1U or , SScj lone .lock , 4 cz , linen linpi
porlb , C1.85 ; Mnrlmrpi' lnck 2 or , tin
oil , 05o ; Dog Tnll Wic.
Palnli Olli and Varnlihei.
0118 110 * carbon , i er
130 } 1'60 headlight , i > cr
I4o ; 176" hc.tdllRht , i > or Rftllon , o.
Inrcod. riuv , I'erfullon , r > 7 ; lluwotl , bollo'l ,
icr gallon , COc ; Urvl , winter strVt , per tnl ,
ont 1 00 : No. 1 , 8T o ; No. 2 , 7f > c : CAstor ,
XXX.irt pllon , 1 l0j ! No , S , 1 Ifi ; awect ,
> > cr gnilou , We ; Pixjnn , W , H , , ] > cr ( ; i\llon-
L 65 ; Cob , W. 1) . , per Rftllou , COo ; noaUfoot ,
extra , ( xjr gnllon , 76c ; No. 1 , C5o ; lubri
cating , zero , per pnllon , SOc ; nunimor , 16c ,
golden nmchlne , No , 1 , per gallon , .l.'o ; No ,
I , SO : nporm , plgiml , per gnllon , EOc ; tor-
[ icntlno , per gallon , f > 5c ; nopttm , 74 , per
gallon , 18e : OIJ , 17o
I'AINTS IN Oir/-Whlto lead , Omaha
P. 1\ . lo ; white load , St. Lonls , pure , fijn ;
Marejlllc.i green , 1 to 6 lb cnun , 'JOo
b'rcnch tine , ri ? ti real. 12o ; French zinc ,
red , lie ; French zinc , lu v&ndnh asnt ,
JOc ; French zlncc , In oil asat , 16c ; Kaw
nnd burnt umber , 1 lb oaun 12o : mvr and
burnt Sienna , 13o : vnn-iylco brown , 3-
refined lampblack. 12o ; ooach black , l c ;
rory black , llic ; drop blnck , ICc ; Pninf Ian
jluc , IKte ; idlrnmarino bhu < , IBc ) clmino
green , li. M. k 1) . , llo ; blind and nhnttor
rrocn , L. M. & 1) . , 10c ; 1'aris green. 18c ;
Indian red , IBc ; Venrlian rod. lc ) ; ISiBcnti
Itv , 22c ; American Vi-nnlllod , I. Al' . , IHcj
chrouio yellow , L. , M. , O. ft ; U 0. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , li ( ; patent
Iryer , So ; Draining colors : light onk , dark
UK c , walnut , choetnut and mU 15o.
Dry D lnti
Wilto load , CJo ; French fine. JOc : 1'nrU
whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gildern. Ijc ;
\\hitinp coml , He ; lampblack ( icriuan.
Lown , 14c ; Irmpblaclc , oniinary , lOc ; 1'nin.
sian blue , 55c ; idtramartnc , 18e ; vundyko ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , tribar t ; , raw
tcjsicnni , burn t , 4o ; nieuu.iAW , 4o
1'aris gi-ecn genuine , iiflc ; x'.irU gruen oom'l
20o ; ciinimu grocn , N. Y. ' "Oc ; chroni-
grenn 1C. , I'-o ; vonnillion , JJng. , 70c ; vcr-
million , Amctlca , Ifio ; Indinu roil. lOc ,
roco pink , 14c ; vcnotirxu read , Cnoki < on'a
' . ! Sc : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rol lend , 7Jc ;
ufiroino yellow , I'tuulne , 20a ohromo yel
low , K. , 12c ; ucuro , rochello' 3c ; ochre ,
Frtacli , 2Jcj ouliro , American , 2c ;
Winter's minornl. 2Jc ; lohlgh brown , 2Jc :
apaaiah brown. 2&c & ; I'riuco's mineral Uc ,
VAUNISULK3 IJarroU per gallon.
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1 ,
81 ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; oadi , No. 1 ,
81 20 ; LJamnr , extra , $1 76 ; njinn , 70oaa. ;
lAultum , extra , 85c ; shellac V3 60 ; hard
oQ finldh. SI .tO.
1'Al'KK Straw paiior , 2 o ; rng paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , Gc ; mamU paper , lOc
news paper , fie.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rntoa , $3 40 ; plow atool , spocia
coat , 7c ; crucible , So ; ep cialorJormanOc ,
cost tool do. 16@'JO wa-on , opokcs , not
2 25@3 00 ; huba , per sot , 1 U5 ; fellooH , nawoi
dry , 1 40 ; tongiioa , each , T0@85c ; nxlo
each , 75c ; sguoro nuta , per lb , 7@llc
washer * , per lb , 8@18c ; rlvcta , per lb , llo
coil chain , per lb , G@l2c ; molloablo , 8c
iron wodgoa , Of ; crowbara , Go ; harrow
tooth , 4cnor eaioe > per teg , 6 00 ; sprini
ateol , 7@Kc ; Ktmlen n horHOabooa , 6 TK1
Burden's mulc loen , G 60.
SlIOT.-tihot , ei.85 ; Buck ehot , 82.10-
Oriental Fowdor , kogo , ( G.40 : do. , half
kegs , $3.48 ; do. , quarter knga , 31.88 ; Blast.
lug , WB. SaM : Fuao. i > er 100 feet 60c.
13AUBBD WIKK In car lots.,8 80 pc
100 ; in IOM than car lota. 0 65 nor 100.
NAILS-lUtea. 10 to C0 | ( > , 4 GO ,
Oak aole , SSc to 42o ; hemlock nolo , 2So to
86c ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner
G6o to 80c ; boralock calf , 65c to 1 20 ; hem
lock upper , 23a to "Gc ; oak upper , 24c ,
alligator , 4 00 to fi 60 ; caf ! kid , 82@35o ,
Greisenkid , 2J 50 to 275 ; ock kip , 80o to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 KO ; French kip
1 10 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 5 to 2 00 ; rua
ixitta. 6 60 to 7 50 ; lininga , G 00 to 10 60
( oppingH , 9 00 to 10 60 ; 15. L. Morocco , 30a
to a5c ; pcbblo O. D. Morocoa , ii5c ; ulmou
60 to 8 00.
IIAUNKSS- 1 star oai , 42c ; Node
do , 8c ! ) ; No. 1 Ohio oal : , 88 No. 2 do ,
SSa ; No. 1 Milwaukee 7c ; Ko. 3 do , 34o
Hortm and Muloi.
The market ia brisk and all erodes are
Belling well at ( light advance in pdceB.
Tb demimd for rood horscH niceeds the
supply contidcrartlj' . 1'dcca rwigo QJ Icl *
lowi :
Fico cinglo dri\ore. 8160. to 300. ; Kxtra
draft homw. 817b. to 'JS ! > . , ' Uouuuou iltult
hoivx , $100. to 160 , ; Extra farm horaea ,
8110. to 125. ; Common iogoodfann horuoa
( SO. to 6100. ; ] < xtr plugn , 800. to 76. |
Common plugn , 820. to 940.
MULUS. 16 to 15 } lianda ( oxcrh ) , 8125.
to 160. ; 14A to 16 baud * , 8100. to 140.1
14 to 14 } hand * , 976. to 100. ) 13 } to 14
hancU , ( CO. to 75.
LI uort ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 3 84 per wlno
frallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1 30 per proof Kallou ; triple reiinod iiplritB
187 proof , 1 28 per proof gallon ; re-dUtlllcil
vfci kio3 , 1 00@1 6U ; fme blended , 1 50 ©
2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , iiOO@7 00 ; Ken.
tucky and 1'ennuylvanla ryoR , 2 C0ij7 ( 00.
BllANDIKS Imported , $1 ! 00@1GOO ;
domcr.tlo 140I 00.
GINS-Ircportod , 4 60@6 00 ; domestic ,
I 10@3 00.
HUMS Imported , 4 60@0 00 ; New
England. 2 bOai4 03 ; domestic , 1 M@H ) 50
1 75 ® 1 00.
OlIAMPAaNKS-ImrortecJ per cace.
2HOO@S1 OjAicnhu , cone , 12000
1000 ,
OJjAHKTS Per cano , 4 60@10 00
WINKB llhiuo wiuo , per cane. G 00 ©
20 00 ; Oatawba , per case , 4 00@7 00.
Wo quote lunitjur , latn and ( hlnRloi on !
cars at Omaha at the following prlcoe :
under , 822 ( H ) ; 18 ft. , $23 50 ,
TIMBKHH 10 ft. and under , f22 00.
TIMHKHAN1) JOIHT 18 ft. , $23 53 |
JC ft . t23 00 , 22 ft. , 8i. 60 ; 21 ft. , 820 60.
KKNUING-No. 11 acd G in. , 524 00 ;
No. 2 , 822 00.
HHKKTINO No , 1 (2nd ( common
boardK ) . C2) ) OD ; No. 2 , 818 OJ.
STOCK ] 1) , 82500 ;
IMu. ( \ 83500 ; li.ln. ! IJ , $1000.
JjEMK-rc r barrel , ( fl 31 ; bulk per nun-
40c ; Oomrnt , bbl , 92 25 Iowa planter ,
bbl , 82 60. Hair tier bn. 4 'Jo. Tarred
felt 100 DM. 93 60 , Straw board , 83 50.
COAIy Cumberland blucktmitti , 812 ;
Morris Hun Itlobaburg , 812 ; Whitebreaat
uiup , $5 f.O ; Wbltobruuit nut. 85 60 ; Iowa
lump , 95 60 : Iowa nut 96 60 ; Uock Spring ,
88 ; Anthracite , all ulrtH 810 50 ,
Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartarlo , GOo ; Uahtatn
Jojiabln , per lb , 70c ; liark , Safuufraa , per
b , He ) Calomel , per lb , 75c ; CInchotddia ,
wr ut , 81 15 ; Chloroforu , per lb , 1 00 ;
jover'a powders , tier lb , 81 40 ; Kpsoic
talta , per lb. SJc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
S3c ; LieaJ , Acetate , per lb , 24o
Oil , Caator , No. 1 , per gal , 81 16 ;
Oil , Cantor , No. 8. f" B ' . $100 ; Oil ;
Olive , per gal. 81 60 ; Oil. Origanum , 60 ,
Opium , 85 00 ; Oulnlne I > . if W. & H. & B. ,
p r ox , 8230 ; 1'otudou , Iodide , per ft
1 90) ) Balftcin , p r or , 40e ; Sulphate o
Jorvhlno , per nz , f 3 85 ; Snlpnur flour
x > r lb , 4c ; Strychnine , ccr oz , 81 35 ,
itrrlno unwM ed , light , 14lCo ; hct\\yo ,
31315c ; me < linm unwajthod , light , 18(420
washed , choice , S2o : fair , 5 < 0c ; t b-dlnr ( ,
and w. , SSc ; burry , blackand aottod wool
Ga lean
Hldct fiira. Cte.
HIDKS Urcen Iratchcr'a hide ,
iircvl SJcj htdoK , green aalt , p tt cured 7i
lidoo , 7c : dry Hint , nounil. 18@14c ; dry
ilf and kip , 12 < 31 Ic ; dry talt hidea , sound ,
0@llc ; green calf , wt , 8 tol6Iba. . 10@Ucj
green calf , wt , under 8 lln , per Bltin , 60c )
roon t > cltc , WfSl Rfi ; gre u lamb akin * ,
1 W@160 ! daroicMl hides , two-third rate ,
rut Kcoroa and one pnib , clashed two.
l.lrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off ,
Coon kmn , No. l,45cNo. ; 2 , 90o ; No. 1 ,
JO. ) No. 4 , lOo. lluk , No. 1 , 60c ; No. a
SOo ; No. 8 , 16c ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No.lfc ,
! No. 2 , 2r.c. Skunk , No. 1 , b' 6ei
We : thort rtrljw , 40o : narrow utrlpco
rofwl ttripc. lOa. Tallow 7c.
[ HX'lal I > . juti'li ( a Tut lit * .
LONDON , October I } , The Mark
jiko Express in its review of the grain
rndo the plat wcok says : The auwing
if tlio 1833 crop ia procoodiii ) ; B.itls-
nctorily , The toiutoncy of trndo Imi
icon continually downward. There
VAS nn npimront etciullncns at the
Itiso , but tlio VAtiod qtmlity of native
illcringn of ivhcntcotnparc.i badly with
orolgn wheat , wliioh is oxlreinoly olT.
Lirgooa nro atcnillly declining. There
voro twonty-nino nrrivnla ntul cloven
nlus. Wlioat on psma o mid ( or ship *
nunt r.ilhor iirnior. Flour frcoly of *
orod nnd. prices drooping. Foreign
lour in supply nnd cheaper.
liirley innctivo but prices mnintninod ;
orcian cheaper. Mnlzo gradually do-
lined ns the crop conies in
it-lit. SnloB of English wheat 58,211
iinirtora nt - iOa.Id , ngutnst 02SiU ,
unrtors nti7 . Od. the provioim week.
5AI T B \ a money anil enter lull direct from
O/AL I > ii , CBhliiromptly | ) liy rail nt th
\\MtiwwlliloCAtlitirlccto alt wMtcrn iiolnti
Om-lm TYLKIt HALT CO. . Hftclim > r City.Mlch
Collision of Paa-
Trains Near Balom ,
> 'x filcu Killed mill Several Ipjnrod
Fatal OollUlon.
| ifclul Il | > ntcli to TilR Dull.
Toi'KKA , Ootobur 3. The cannon
j.ill train collision on the S.inta Fo rail
road nt Saloin laat night rcfiiiltod in
.ho death of Engineers Wontlnko nnd
Li'ialicr nnd their tiromon nnd IJnggngo-
nan llollidny. Four pcrnoim were
aoriously injured , imtnoanoc reported ,
TOPEKA , K-13. , October 0 A spooln
to The Oonunonwenlth concerning the
collison nt Salem nnya the cnpinoorj
Wcstlnko nnil Fisher , their lirmnoi
nnd Dn qngcmnn llnllidny were killed ,
Four pnBitongors were uorioualy In
jurod. They nro novr nt N'ckoraon
receiving the beat attention poaaiblo ,
The locomotives of both trains were
badly wreckod. The switch , which
was misplaced , was turned by n , ? roon
brnkoman , who disappeared immcdi-
( linloly , but went to Nickerson am'
guve himaolf up. When the enjjinea
met tlioro was a terrible crush.
Both engineers , fireman and baggage
man were buried in the wreck , which
soon ignited from the onginon' fires ,
nnd fed by fresh coal in the tendon.
When tnkon from the ruins the bodies
ies were ucarcely recognizable. A
road carpenter named Shafer , who wns
in the baggage car , has slnco died ,
making six deaths. A special train
bearing the bodies of the dead , now
approaching Topeka , will bo received
by a procession composed of various
orders of the city. 'Tho dond men ,
except Ilalliduy , resided hero.
HrweUt DIvpixtchc * to Tim UKI. Itll'LH TEAU.
NEW YORK , October 3. Colonel
Bodino was eluded captain of the In
ternational Military rifle team , to
shoot in England in 1883. The colonel
nel HUfigoata that ho bo rolinvod of the
duty of choosing the inon. To superior
gnna nnd longer experience nt long
rcngo shooting is attributed the victory
of the British ,
between James Elliott and Tug Wil
liam is off. Tug telegraphs thnt ho
will not return to America. Elliott
got * the forfeit , $1,000.
, Octobers. The fnll
trotting mooting at Belmont park op-
onnd to-day.
First IAOO , npucial puree , Edwin
Thorno with running uuto to beat
2jl'J. Eafflli Thorno. 2. 8. 1 : time.
2:182. :
a 2:23 : , FJoronco won , Flora F.
Booond , Lucre third ; best time , 2:22 : { .
NKW YOHK , October 3. First rtco ,
inilo and one-eight. Parole won ; timu
201i. ;
Second rncu , mile , Kochestor kwon ;
imo 1 :55 : ,
Hurdle race , ouomile , Uimblut won ,
Stooplu chase , full courao , Ike Don-
min won ; time 4:30 : ,
liOHTON , October 3 , Boston 10 ,
1'rovidonco C.
I'iiRAiir.rniA , October 3 , The ro >
; attu , under the auaplcoa of the
5chuykill navy , during the oonton-
linl celebration , vtill bu held October
th , over the Nutioiml coursu ,
MANUIIKSTKU , Oatobor 3 Hoamcr
ron the ainglo soull race , Oourtnoy ,
n on exhibition pull , beat the time of
, ho rucu ,
CiiKiAoo , October 3 Opening day
of tht ) Chicago driving park races , tall
First race , ooveii-oighths of a milo ,
all ages , Avalon first , Lord Lyon BOO-
end , DAVO Yindull third ; time 12'JJ ; ,
Pruirio stakes , throo-quartora of a
mill' , for two-year-olds , Murmur first ,
dlo Pat second , Black Oal third :
.irool.l7j. .
Illinois stakes , ono and ono-hnlf
niies , for threo-yunr.olds , John Bulli-
an first , iluth sucuud , Hangar third ;
imo 2:42. :
Milo boats , all ages , Harry Oiluioro
irst , Brigand Bnllo second , J , W.
Norton third ; tiuio l-Ktf ; , 115 ; , l-lijf- : (
Collldlne With a Cow.
pwUI Dlipatch to Tm Un.
, Pa. , October 3. A
train on the Mont Alto road
truck a cow anclonp conch wns thrown
from the truck. Nine passengers wcro
injured , Mm. Ditlow , of lluntington ;
Dr. Hayes , of S .ippcreburg , J * O.
lloss , of Quitioy , nnd Conductor
Fohnostock , ooriously.
SpnrnlnR Sprnrjno-
BjK'cUl iliipAkh to Tim Uric.
I'lioriDKNCB , II , I , , October ! ) . Wm.
Sprnguo was rejected to-day by tlio
board of trndo. Ho received CG votns
to CO against. A three-fourths vote is
needful to clecl to membership.
Tbo Taylor Ontlatri.
gprrlnl Dlipatch to TIIR Uric.
CHATTANOOGA , Tcnn. , October 3 ,
The county comt to-day increased tlio
reward for the Taylor brothers , who
murdered Sheriff Onto nnd his chief
deputy two weeks ngo , to $7fiOO.
Total reward , $12,500. The stnto will
also increase its rowntd. The Tnylorn
nro thought to bo hiding in the moun
tains ? 5 miles north of this city.
Brooklyn Brhltro llobbory.
) > < < IM l > lt | Uli to Tun DHC.
NKW YOUK , Octobor4 , The World ,
in n bold , lengthy editorial this morn
ing , nsntn charge3 the innnagrrs of the
Brookly Bridge oompiny with frautli
of great mngnitudo in the work of con
structing the bridge , explicitly charg
ing "ilngrant fraud" in contractn for
for stone , giving figures claimnd t
linvo boon obtained by n epoml rop-
rosentntlyo of The World nt the granite
quarries in Mnino.
T iaaRAPii : NOTES.
SpccUl DlninUliC8i > Tux Dn.
ClllCAdO , Octolwr 3. Moycr Jlnrrtiro ,
formerly n well known dealer in fnrn In
thin city , committed auicido by ahootlff :
lilinicU in Lincoln park thin morning.
Cause financial embarrassment. Ho loiron
a wife nnd dnnnhtcr In Vienna , Anntriu ,
and suns In California.
CllU'AOO , October 3. The Merchnut'n
lank ot Canaila decided to cloae iU branch
itllee in thla city , as tbo rntcn of inlcriMt
ire loner here than in Canada mid the
: .vst.
llAltTvoiil ) , Conn. , October3. Kov. li.
.nclicr resigned the presidency of T.iu-
ty college.
Forty IOWUH in Connecticut voted no Hon -
: on o.
o.KNKACOLA , October 3. Fifty-tivu uou
CIUIOB o ( fovcr , und ll > o deaths.
Louiwviu.n , October 3.-Tho doiuocrnd
t the Klrnt dUtriot nominated John H.
Uraco for congrtHK.
Made froir the wild llowers of th
it ia the most fragrant ot porfumou.
tfnnuuujturod by 11. B. Slavan , H-m
ii'roncinco. For Hilo in Omnhn by W.
J. WhltohoiiBo und Kuuunto Ilros. ,
, fcOo.
Tliofo ilovlrlng to make mowj on
unmll ami moalum liucstmcuti In
20 croln , iiro\lilonu nnJ stock HjHwuln-
tlons , cm iln so by operntlm ? on oui
plan. From M y 1,1SS1 , to tlio | ir -
WHEAT tent rtato , on Invoitnuiua of SIO,00
to Jl.OOJ , cmh prodU havn boon
roillioJ anil 1 U to limfltorx
ninoun Ingtoccveril tlmon theorlR-
$50 Innl Inviitmont , still loivln , ; tlio
or Rlnil Idvoitment m Uln , { monoj
or p > j al'to on ilcnmnj BiiUniV > -
STOCKS ry circulars anil htntomont * of ( niul
Wsontfroo Wo wtnt rwponjlblo
ajmiU. who wllrcKirtoncraM | | nnd
Int'oiluco thu i.Un. L benl mn > -
$100 lulsslnim inlil. Adilrcss
llorcliantf , Major O.w
, III.
\No man Suffrage
Tuesday , Oct. 4 , nt 7:45 P.M.
Phoebe , Coras ,
| WI1I dell > cr her celebrated lecture on .
"Tho Woman Without a Country"
Admission , 1O Oonta.
ntBr. Suporintenflent , &c.
AU kinds of job HOrk done.
Old lluUdimjs HcconiintcUd ,
ew building" erected. Plan * nJ ipcclflcatlonf
141G Harnoy St. , bot. 1-1 th and Ifith
W. J30EHL ,
Manufacturer of the
Alto does all kinds of machlnlttt and luck
Ttie bunt In the country ; ( or tlio money
M , A. McNamara ,
No. 214 8 , Fourtoontb 35iM v
Elephant Corrall
( Voithcl Wyoinlutr Coal Yanl. )
Slock Auction , HA'O And Coinmhalon IU1
lay , Ktc , Kanner'if tcnni mailemtc ,
CA\K & HAM 110M ) . 1'roprlu rt
Ilemovvil tu No , 1'8 lloHurJ Htreui , ln-Iwueo
1th lth , dmtilooi wcut of Wdjtcra Kti ' ' | uixr
Union. lMu. )
Ooruor Oth .uud Fnriiam StvooU ,
Iluniilnir Hateruin.tlincnl | I earlier cooli *
. .i ! co lit the city slro of lusln , f bi3S > doptlj n
wuter , Oftitnncl 31 ( oct l'rlct hoasou tltkot
5,00 ; U o hutln , < 1.00 : finale lath * . SAuunU.
r'lua tow c'a , lathlnt ; trunk * * and drtuoliij ; rocuu.
Dext-erL.Tliomas&Bro ,
Pay Taxes , Kout Houses , Etc.
CVU U offlco , looui 8 , OrtlKbtou Illook , Onutu.